Equipment Maintenance Management Policies & Scopes
Equipment Maintenance Management Policies & Scopes
Equipment Maintenance Management Policies & Scopes
Equipment Maintenance Management of ERCC is working with the aim to facilitate and support the wide spread Road Construction & Maintenance operations of the Corporation throughout the country. The goal of Equipment Maintenance Management is to ensure maximum availability of equipment / plant at the lowest possible cost per hour.
Thus the principal objectives of a maintenance organization can be defined as: 1. To extend the usefulness of assets until the respective economic life 2. To ensure the optimum availability of installed equipment for production (or service) and obtain the maximum possible return on investment 3. To ensure operational readiness at all times of all equipment required for emergency use 4. To ensure the safety of all personnel using the facilities 5. To maintain a high level of engineering practice performance of work handled by the department
Attaining these ends necessitates: 1. Provision of an adequately & skilled staff 2. A sound maintenance scheme or program. 3. The Maintenance of adequate current requirements consistent with the current requirement 4. Continuous investigation into the cause and remedies for the emergency breakdowns 5. Keeping abreast of industrial practice, technology, new methods, equipment materials
1. To ensure the maximum availability of safe and serviceable equipment at a lowest possible cost, thus reducing the capital investment needed for providing effective and efficient equipment service.
2. To keep the maximum economic service life of the equipment, thus minimizing the capital replacement cost.
ERCCs maintenance policy is: 1. ERCC will maintain all of its & other external agencies plants, facilities and equipment in a safe manner, optimizing operations and cost performance, consistent with government requirements and community relations. 2. Preventive Maintenance of all equipment owned by the Corporation will be the regular activity within all Maintenance Teams & Workshops in the Corporation.
1.4.1 General Equipment Maintenance Scope of ERCC Generally the scope of ERCC maintenance is considered as capital-intensive maintenance activities organization in which the maintenance thrust is to minimize construction equipment down time and improve the overall safety, quality, and productivity of the operation. Thus, all types of equipment maintenance activities for equipment owned by the Corporation & other external agencies, except those maintenance activities that require high precision measurement, testing and major reconditions when in-house resources are not available, are carried out by the department. Therefore, the scope of equipment maintenance activities can be summarized as: 1. Maintenance of all equipment owned by the Corporation & other external agencies 2. Keeping of historical records of all equipment maintenance activities
3. Planning order of supplies (spare parts, lubricant, detergent, fuels and chemicals) and all work shop facilities and tools 4. Draft and revise policies to equipment maintenance 5. Recommend on Equipment replacement and purchase
Maintenance organizations of ERCC, i.e, Central Equipment Maintenance Team, Road Construction & Maintenance Repair Shops will have their own clearly identified repair tasks to be carried out on major
components of equipment & plants. This will enable the organizations to be structured and assign technicians accordingly. The maintenance scope of the project workshops, mainly in road construction project workshops, will be limited to routine services, adjustments in place, replacement of parts authorized to be stocked by the project warehouse. Major repair activities like component over haul, modifications and rebuilding of components are mainly assigned to the Central Equipment Maintenance Team in Addis Ababa & somehow in Road Maintenance Repair Workshops. Therefore, the specific repair scopes, but not limited to, of these Maintenance Teams of the Corporation are stated later on the manual.