FEM Piezoelectric
FEM Piezoelectric
FEM Piezoelectric
Vincent PIEFORT & Andr e PREUMONT Active Structures Laboratory, ULB - CP 165/42 Av F.D. Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
(eMail: [email protected], http://www.ulb.ac.be/scmero) ABSTRACT: The design of control systems involving piezoelectric actuators and sensors requires an accurate knowledge of the transfer functions between the inputs and the outputs of the system. These are not easy to determine numerically, particularly for shell structures with embedded distributed actuators and sensors. The situation where they are nearly collocated is particularly critical, because the zeros of the transfer functions are dominated by local effects which can only be accounted for by nite elements. This paper presents a general nite element formulation for piezoelectrically coupled systems. Piezoelectric nite elements were developed based on Mindlin shell elements and integrated in the FE package Samcef. Volume elements have also been derived and integrated. Volume nite element and shell nite element solutions are compared for the bimorph device. A shear actuation device is modelized. The interfacing with a control oriented software environment is discussed and non-trivial applications in noise and vibration control are presented.
The constitutive equations of a linear piezoelectric material read (IEEE std, 1988). {T } = [cE ]{S } [e]T {E } {D} = [e]{S } + [S ]{E } (1) (2)
where {T } = {T11 T22 T33 T23 T13 T12 }T is the stress vector, {S } = {S11 S22 S33 2S23 2S13 2S12 }T the deformation vector, {E } = {E1 E2 E3 } the electric eld, {D} = {D1 D2 D3 } the electric displacement, [c] the elasticity constants matrix, [] the dielectric constants matrix, [e] the piezoelectric coupling coefcients matrix (superscripts E and S indicate values at E and S constant respectively) The dynamic equations of a piezoelectric continuum can be derived from the Hamilton principle, in which the Lagrangian and the virtual work are properly adapted to include the electrical contributions as well as the mechanical ones. The potential energy density of a piezoelectric material includes contributions from the strain energy and from the
where {F } is the external force and is the electric charge. From Equ.(3) and (4), the analogy between electrical and mechanical variables can be deduced (Table 1). Mechanical Force {F } Displ. {u} Stress {T } Strain {S } Electrical Charge Voltage {D} Electric Displ. {E } Electric Field
Table 1: Electromechanical analogy The variational principle governing the piezoelectric materials follows from the substitution of H and W into the Hamilton principle (Allik and Hughes, 1970). 0 =
dS Q
In the nite element formulation, the displacement eld {u} and the electric potential over an element are related to the corresponding node values {ui } and {i } by the mean of the shape functions [Nu ], [N ] {u} = [Nu ]{ui } = [N ]{i } (6) (7)
And therefore, the strain eld {S } and the electric eld {E } are related to the nodal displacements and potential by the shape functions derivatives [Bu ] and [B ] dened by {S } = [D][Nu ]{ui } = [Bu ]{ui } {E } = [N ]{i } = [B ]{i } (8) (9)
where is the gradient operator and [D] is the derivation operator dened such as {S } = [D]{u}. Substituting expressions (6) to (9) into the variational principle (5) yields 2
{ui }T {i }T
[Bu ]T [cE ][Bu ]dV {ui } [B ]T [e]T [Bu ]dV {ui } [Nu ]T {Pb }dV
S1 S2
which must be veried for any arbitrary variation of the displacements {ui } and electrical potentials {i } compatible with the essential boundary conditions. For an element, Equ.(10) can be written under the form [M]{u i } + [Kuu ] {ui } + [Ku ]{i } = {fi } [Ku ] {ui } + [K ]{i } = {gi } with [M] =
(11) (12)
[Nu ]T [Nu ]dV [Bu ]T [cE ][Bu ]dV [Bu ]T [e]T [B ]dV [B ]T [][B ]dV
[Ku ]
respectively the element mass, stiffness, piezoelectric coupling and capacitance matrix and {fi } = {gi } =
(18) (19)
[N ]T Q
the external mechanical force and electric charge. Each element k of the mesh is connected to its neighbouring elements at the global nodes and the displacement is continuous from one element to the next. Based on that formulation, piezoelectric nite elements of type multilayered Mindlin shell (Piefort and Preumont, 2000) and volume have been derived. For shell elements, it is assumed that the electric eld and displacement are uniform across the thickness and aligned on the normal to the mid-plane. The electrical degrees of freedom are the voltages k across the piezoelectric layers; it is assumed that the voltage is 3
constant over each element (this implies that the nite element mesh follows the shape of the electrodes). One electrical degree of freedom of type voltage per piezoelectric layer is dened. The assembly takes into account the equipotentiality condition of the electrodes; this reduces the number of electric variables to the number of electrodes. For volume elements, one additional degree of freedom of type electric potential is dened in each node of the piezoelectric volume element. 2 STATE SPACE MODEL
The idea behind modelling structures embedding piezoelectric actuators and sensors using nite elements is indeed to gather the necessary informations to design a good control strategy. It is therefore necessary to interface the structural analysis software (nite element package) with a control design software. } The assembled system of equations can be complemented with a damping term [C ]{U to obtain the full equation of dynamics and the sensor equation: } + [C ]{U } {0} = [M]{U +[KU U ]{U } + [KU ]{} {G} = [KU ] {U } + [K ]{} (20) (21)
where {U } represents the mechanical dof, {} the electric potential dof, [M] the inertial matrix, [C ] the damping matrix, [KU U ] the mechanical stiffness matrix, [KU ] = [KU ]T the electromechanical coupling matrix and [K ] the electric capacitance matrix. Voltage actuation and charge sensing are considered. Actuation is done by imposing a voltage {} on the actuators and sensing by imposing a zero voltage ({} = {0}) and measuring the electric charges {G} appearing on the sensors. Using a truncated modal decomposition (n decoupled modes) {U } = [Z ]{x(t)}, where [Z ] represents the n modal shapes and {x(t)} the n modal amplitudes, Equ.(20) and (21) become
{0} = [M][Z ]{x } + [C ][Z ]{x } + [KU U ][Z ]{x} + [KU ]{} (o) {G } = [KU ][Z ]{x} + [K ]{}
(22) (23)
and left-multiplying Equ.(22) by [Z ]T using the orthogonality properties of the mode shapes. [Z ]T [M] [Z ] = diag(k ) 2 [Z ]T [K ] [Z ] = diag(k k ) and a classical damping [Z ]T [C ][Z ] = diag(2k k k ) 4 (26) (24) (25)
the dynamic equations of the system in the state space representation nally read: x x {G } = = 0 I 2 2 KU Z
(o) T
x x x x
0 (i) Z T KU
{ }
(27) (28)
[DHF ] {}
where the modal shapes [Z ], the modal frequencies [] = diag(k ), the modal masses (o) [] = diag(k ), the modal electric charge on the sensor [KU ][Z ], and the modal electric (i) charge on the actuators, transposed (by reciprocity) [Z ]T [KU ] , representing the participation factor of the actuators to each mode, are obtained from a dynamic nite element analysis. [ ] = diag(k ) are the modal classical damping ratios of the considered structure and [DHF ] is the static contribution of the high frequency modes (Preumont, 1997; Loix, 1998; Loix et al., 1998); Its elements are given by Dlm = dlm
T (KU Zk )l (Zk KU )m 2 k=1 k k n (o) (i)
where dlm is the charge appearing on the lth sensor when a unit voltage is applied on the mth actuator and is obtained from a static nite element analysis. Such a state space representation is easily implemented in a control oriented software allowing the designer to extract the various transfer functions and use the control design tools. 3 3.1 APPLICATIONS Bimorph beam
The piezoelectric bimorph pointer (Fig.1) is a beam made of two uniaxial piezoelectric layers with opposite polarities stacked together to obtain a bending actuator/sensor. This device can be used for micro-actuation or strain sensing.
Figure 1: Bimorph pointer When an external voltage is applied accross the thickness, the induced strain generates moments that bend the bimorph beam. 5
Conversely, the piezoelectric bimorph beam can also be used for sensing: a tip deection of 10 mm is imposed and the output voltage accross the thickness is calculated (voltage between electrodes, the circuit being left open). The considered sensor electrodes conguration consists in ve identical pairs of electrodes distributed along the length (Fig.2).
Figure 2: Bimorph sensor The result given by a 50 volume elements mesh is compared to the 5 shell elements mesh result on Fig.3.
Shear actuator
The use of the shear mode of piezoelectric materials has been investigated in (Benjeddou et al., 1998). The proposed architecture consists in a sandwiched beam for which part of the core has been replaced by piezoelectric material. The proposed conguration is such that, this time, the d15 coupling coefcient dictates the design. The electric eld is applied perpendicularly to the poling direction, inducing a transverse shear strain. A nite element solution using sandwich beam has been proposed by Benjeddou et al. and compared to analytical results. The bender of Fig.4 is considered.
Figure 4: Shear bender It consists in a cantilever beam 100 mm long formed of a 2 mm rigid foam core sandwiched by two 8 mm thick aluminium skins. The core is partially replaced by PZT piezoceramics to form an actuator of length a at a distance dc from the clamp. A 20 V voltage is applied between top and bottom surfaces of the piezoelectric layer. The material properties are summarized in table 2.
Figure 5: FE mesh
As a rst test case, the core is totally replaced by the piezoactuator (there is no rigid foam). The mesh is shown on Fig. 5 and the static deformation on Fig.6. The comparison with the FE and analytical results from (Benjeddou et al., 1998) shows a good agreement. 7
Figure 7: FE mesh
As a second case, an actuator of length a = 10 mm replace part of the core. Its position is set to vary between 10 mm and 90 mm. The mesh is shown on Fig. 7 and resulting deformations for different locations of the actuator are shown on Fig.8.
Aluminium 2690 Y 70.3 0.345 Foam 2690 Y 70.3 0.345 PZT-5H 7730 126 79.5 84.1 [c] 0 0 0 1.503 [] 0 0 0 [e] 0 6.5 kg/m3 GPa
kg/m3 GPa
kg/m3 79.5 84.1 126 84.1 84.1 126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.503 0 0 1.3 0 0 0 0 6.5 23.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23.3 0 0 0 23.0 0 0 23.0 0
0 0 17 0 17 0 0 0 0
At low frequency, there is a strong correlation between the sound power radiated by a bafed plate and its volume velocity. The ASAC panel (Active Structural Acoustical Control) (Gardonio et al., 1999) is a volume velocity control device based on the same principle as the QWSIS sensor (Quadratically Weighted Strain Integration Sensor) (Rex and Elliott, 1992) for both actuation and sensing. It consists in a clamped plate of aluminium covered on both side with piezoelectric PVDF lm. It exhibits a pair of colocated quadratically shaped actuator/sensor.
It consists in a clamped 1 mm thick plate of aluminium (420 mm320 mm) covered on both side with 0.5 mm thick piezoelectric PVDF lm (400 mm300 mm). The electrodes of both layers are milled in a quadratic shape. This electrodes shaping provides an inherent spatial integration giving an input load equivalent to a uniform pressure and an output signal proportional to the volume velocity.
Aluminium 71 (GPa) 0.3 2800 (kg/m3 ) PVDF 2.7 (GPa) 0.29 1800 (kg/m3 ) 1.8 1011 (Cb/N) 0.3 1011 (Cb/N) 2600
Y Y d31 d32 r
For the actual laboratory model (ISVR) the actuation and sensing layers electrodes present 24 strips. The material properties are summarized in table 3. The direction of smaller piezoelectric coupling coefcient (d32 ) is perpendicular to the strips. The experimental setup is sketched on g.9. The nite element mesh used is shown on g.10.
Figure 11: Open loop transfer functions The foreseen explanation for the rather poor controllability of the actual experimental setup compared to the expectations was that the top and bottom layers were not perfectly aligned and therefore did not form a colocated actuator/sensor pair. The nite element simulations have shown that this lack of controllability is actually due to local membrane effects (Piefort and Henrioulle, 2000), neglected in the rst analytical models together with the static contribution of the non-modelized high frequency modes. The in-plane movement of the plate (not xed in the actual experiment) results in a stronger inuence of the membrane component and, therefore, in a stronger in-plane mechanical coupling between actuator and sensor. This induces an important feedthrough term in the transfer function. The results of the FE simulation are shown on Fig.11; they show a very good agreement with the experiments. This test case illustrates the situation of shell structures with embedded piezoelectric actuators and sensors where they are nearly collocated. It stresses the importance of membrane components on the zeros of the transfer function. These local effects can easily be accounted for by the developped modelling tools based on nite elements. 10
Figure 12: FE mesh As the piezoelectric coupling characteristics of the considered PVDF and the electrodes shape are highly unidirectional, the idea raised of using sensor strips perpendicular to the actuator strips. The control device would then exhibit a cross-ply actuator/sensor architecture and the in-plane feedthrough term would be greatly reduced. The FE-based tools allow to modelize such architectures quite easily and to extract the corresponding transfer functions to verify if this alternative is any better.
Figure 13: Open loop transfer functions The mesh used is represented on Fig.12; the sensor electrode forms a right angle with the actuator electrode. The comparison of the transfer functions between the voltage applied 11
to the actuator layer and the charge measured on the sensor layer for the parallel and cross-ply architectures are represented on Fig.13. The open loop transfer function of the cross-ply architecture system shows a bigger distance between poles and zeros. A better controllability can therefore be expected (See Preumont, 1997). 3.4 Noise radiation sensor: ALC
Figure 14: Principle of the volume displacement sensor A noise radiation sensor consisting of an array of independent piezoelectric patches connected to an adaptive linear combiner was proposed (Preumont et al., 1999). The coefcients of the linear combiner are adapted in such a way that the mean-square error between the reconstructed volume displacement (or velocity) and either numerical or experimental data is minimized. More precisely, this sound radiation sensor consists of an array of piezoelectric patches located at the nodes of a rectangular mesh; the electric charges Qi induced on the various patches by the plate vibration are the independent inputs of a multiple input adaptive linear combiner (Fig.14). This strategy can be used for reconstructing the volume displacement of a bafed plate with arbitrary boundary conditions. If the piezoelectric patches are connected to current ampliers instead of charge ampliers, the output signal becomes the volume velocity instead of the volume displacement. The laboratory demonstration model shown on Fig.15 consists in a simply supported glass plate (54 cm 124 cm, 4 mm thick) covered with an array of 4 by 8 piezoelectric patches 12
Table 4: Material properties (PZT - 13.75 mm 25 mm, 0.25 mm thick). The materials properties are summarized in Table 4. We used the opportunity given by the scanner laser interferometer to measure the velocity of an array of points over the window to deduce the volume velocity. The excitation used was provided by two shakers actuating the window directly. The nite element mesh used for the numerical analysis is represented on g.16. The 30 rst vibration modes were taken into account for the dynamic analysis. Figure 17 shows the comparison between the transfer functions between the excitation of Shaker #1 (in the center of the window) and, respectively, sensors 7, 14 and the volume velocity obtained by nite element analysis and experimentally.
Fatigue damage is one of the most frequent form of failure of metallic structures. With the increasing demand for high performance structures, the fatigue damage has become more and more important, in particular for metallic structures subjected to complex multiaxial 14
Figure 18: Piezoelectric elements location and rst vibration modes The active damping can be considered as a solution to reduce the vibrations level and at the same time, reduce the weight and increase the fatigue lifetime of such structures. Simulation tools allowing the designer to include directly piezoelectric actuators and sensors in a nite-element model have been developed as well as a multiaxial random fatigue matlab toolbox (Pitoiset et al., 1998; Pitoiset and Preumont, 2000) allowing the direct assessment of the fatigue lifetime of a structure from a spectral analysis. The quantication of the damage reduction that can be achieved thanks to an active damping can then be performed very easily, directly from a modal and a spectral analysis with nite-elements. This has been done on a simple example: A simply supported rectangular steel plate (15.24 cm30.48 cm0.813 mm) is considered. It is subjected to a band limited white noise random pressure eld with perfect spatial coherence; Its PSD (Power Spectral Density) is the following: pp ( ) = 400 Pa2 /rad/s between 0 Hz and 1000 Hz. The rst three vibration modes are within the bandwidth of excitation. A piezoelectric actuator and a piezoelectric sensor (PZT 15.24 cm30.48 mm0.2 mm) are bonded to the surface as shown on g.18. The multiaxial random fatigue matlab toolbox was used after a FE spectral analysis to evaluate the fatigue damage ratio (per second) over the plate. The state space form of the system is built under MATLAB directly from the results of a FE modal analysis. A controller is designed using MATLAB functionalities, in this case: a PPF tuned on the rst mode (Positive Position Feedback). The new modal damping ratios and eigen frequencies can be used in the multiaxial random fatigue matlab toolbox to evaluate the fatigue damage ratio over the controlled plate. The comparison between damage maps for the plate without and with active damping is shown on g.19.
Figure 19: Damage map (Von Mises) with and without control (Log Scale) 4 CONCLUSIONS
A nite element formulation for an electromechanically coupled piezoelectric structure starting from the constitutive equations has been presented. General multilayered piezoelectric shell elements have been succesfully developed and integrated into the commercial nite element package Samcef. Volume elements have also been implemented. A method to extract a state space model of a piezoelectric input/output system from the modal nite element analysis of the structure has been presented. Applications of the developped tools in structure embedded actuation and sensing and in vibration and vibroacoustic control have been described and show that good performances can be achieved. The importance of the in-plane components in the open loop transfer functions has been stressed. An application consisting in the design of an active damping system to increase the fatigue lifetime of a metallic structure submitted to random vibrations and illustrates some possibilities of the developped tools.
This study has been supported by a research grant from the R egion Wallonne, Direction G en erale des Technologies, de la Recherche et de lEnergie; The support of the IUAP-4/24 on Intelligent Mechatronic Systems (Belgian programme on Interuniversity Poles of Attraction initiated by the Belgian State, Prime Ministers Ofce, Science Policy Programming) is also acknowledged. The technical assistance of Samtech s.a. is deeply appreciated.
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