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RR CM 0003 We CSIR Centre for Es Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation c-mMMACS Active Vibration Control of Composite Sandwich Beams with Distributed Piezoelectric Extension - Bending and Shear Actuators S RAJA*, G PRATHAP**, P K SINHAT** * Structures Division, NAL, Bangalore 560 017, India ** C-MMACS, Bangalore 560 037, India *** Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Kharagpur 721302, India Research Report CM 0003 September 2000 Bangalore 560 037, India Active Vibration Control of Composite Sandwich Beams with Distributed Piezoelectric Extension — Bending and Shear Actuators S. Raja, G. Prathapt, P.K. Sinhat + Structures Division, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore —560017, India. + Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur ~ 721302, India, t Center for Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, Bangalore —560037, India, Abstract: The quasistatic equations of piezoelectricity are employed to derive a finite element formulation capable of modeling two different kinds of piezoelastically-induced actuation in an adaptive composite sandwich beam. The piezoelastic constants d3, and d,s couple with transverse electric field to develop extension-bending and shear-induced actuation, respectively. The constitutive relations are modified such that the transverse electric field can be coupled with both. longitudinal and shear strains. A field consistent two noded beam element is proposed based on the state variables defined at the core midplane of a smart sandwich beam. The present study shows that the shear actuators induce distributed forces/moments in the sandwich beam in contrast to the extension-bending actuators, which develop only concentrated forces/moments. A control scheme is developed based on LQR/IMSC method. The modal gain of each mode is computed and used to estimate the active stiffness and the active damping introduced by both actuation mechanisms. A dynamic response study is carried out to assess the performance of each type of actuation in reducing the disturbance due to a sinusoidal force. The shear actuator is found mote efficient in actively controlling the vibration than the extension-bending actuator. Introduction Piezoelectric materials have tremendous potential in vibration control applications as distributed sensors and actuators, which can be either surface bonded or embedded into composite structures. The inherent behavior of piezoelectric materials is to develop elastic strain when subject to electric field (actuation) and collect electric charges in response to mechanical forces (sensing). Despite the fact that an orthorhombic crystal class has 5 piezoelectric constants, only dy; has been extensively employed in the distributed actuation so far both in analytical simulation and as well as in experimental studies. Piezoelectric constant dz brings the coupling between the transverse electric field E; to the longitudinal strain €1, and forms the basis for extension-bending actuation. This type of actuator either develops extension or compression depending on the polarity of the applied electric field, which can be ultimately converted into bending mechanism to counteract the disturbing forces due to vibration or in static shape control application [1,2,3]. Many researchers had studied these coupled structure-actuator-sensor interactions and developed both analytical and numerical models to realize the so-called smart or adaptive structures. A review study was carried out recently in this area and reported by Benjeddou [4]. On the other hand, the piezoelectric constant dis couples axial electric field E; with shear strain 713 to develop shear-induced actuation. Interestingly, if we modify the constitutive relations such that the transverse electric field E; can be coupled with both longitudinal and shear strains, then it is possible to model both actuation mechanisms in a unified way. This implies that the direction of polarization should be parallel to transverse electric ficld for extension-bending actuation and perpendicular, for shear actuation. Benjeddou et al. [5,6] proposed a finite element model with shear-induced actuation, involving only mechanical degrees of freedom te analyze the adaptive deam structures. The strain fields were expressed in terms of the state variables defined at the midplane of both faces. Reduced integration scheme was adopted for shear energy term to eliminate shear-locking present in their earlier model [5}. Koconis et al. [7] investigated the use of piezoelectric patches in smart sandwich structures for shape control application and proposed Ritz based analytical solutions. However, the reported studies in the area of shear actuation have not considered the electric field as state variable, which actually makes the piezoelectric modeling more efficient in the finite element formulation; giving actuator and sensor voltages directly. In addition, modeling both actuation mechanisms in finite element formulation of smart composite sandwich structures ueeds further investigation to evaluate their efficiency in vibration control application, ‘Therefore in the present study, a sandwich beam is considered which has a laminated core with ‘top and bottom faces made of composite laminae. One multifunctional Jamina is assumed in each sub laminate and it behaves as either elastic material or piezoelectric material depending on the type of actuation. For extension-bending actuation, an elastic core is sandwiched between two transversely polarized, embedded or bonded piezoelectric layers; whereas for shear actuation an axially polarized, segmented or full-lenpth piezoelectric core is sandwiched between two composite face laminates. The displacement field variables are defined at the midplane of the core and the displacement field equations of the face laminate are expressed using these field variables. However, the scalar electric potential is separately defined for each segment so that each behaves as piezoelastic. The faces of the sandwich beam are modeled based ox classical beam theory, thus the transverse shear deformation is neglected; while a first order shear deformation theory is used for the core. The proposed beam element is made shear-locking free using the field consistency paradigm [8]. Governing Equations Constitutive Equations fo}=[clis}-[alte} (Actuator) @ )-EP ef) (Sens00 ® Differential Equations 65, +f, =pi, (Equations of Motion) @) Dy =o (Equations of Electrostatics) @ Field Equations ey -t fey +a,) (Kinematics) 6 E, =~; (Electric Field to Potential) © Generalized Weak Formulation The virtual work done on a pizoelastic body, if behaves as an actuator is given by foi +4j- pti pu j av =0. fa) v Using the divergence theorem, and with the help of natural boundary condition o, n, = fy , where n, is the outer normal, Eq. (7) may be written as Jooijou; +4 Bey av [Cy bu;ddv + fit, Buds. (8) v v * The virtual work done on a piszoelastic body, if behaves as a sensor is given by fC 24.86 dav =0. ® Using the divergence theorem, and with the help of natural boundary condition D, »,=4, Eq. ©) may be written as Ji 59,ddv = [iqaanes (19) ¥ 8 The generalized weak form of coupled piezoelastic problem is derived from Eq. (8), Eq. (10), and using the constitutive relations, for the composite sandwich beam as ZL fasuOy™ pO GO} goo pTpeO fo j + 500 yT fa) BO} EOP? a]? fe} iste,b y? = 6EO)T (OE jay — [469] ge, yar fesul5™ (Fhe + fal 54 as =0 . ve ss” s® ay where {u} is a displacement vector, ¢ is a scalar electric potential, and q is the surface charge per unit area. Finite Element Formulation Displacement Field Equations and Kinematic Relations ‘The displacements are defined at the midpiane of the core, and the displacements of the face laminate are expressed in terms of the midplane displacements uy, 0,, Ww, wz. Fig. 1 shows typical cross sectional details of a sandwich composite beam. Fig. 1 Composite Sandwich Beam Configuration. Face Laminate (ty. uy (%,2,1)=u9(x,t) +4; By (x,t)—Zy me (9 w(x, z,th=wo (x,t) . du a ow . Strain components: £12 = a ee nd =f sb =z, — (2a) Ow, Face Laminate (b): up (x, 2,1) =u9 (x,t) ~dp Oy (x,t) Zp x ad w(X,2,t)= Wa Gxt) . . au &. aw. Strain componenis: e™, = ody ob =-Zp se (1%) Core Laminate (c): 0, (%,2,t)= 89 (%t) + ZB, (x,t) w(x, zt) = w9 (x,t) Strain components: 2@ So jebe— zoe and 7‘, 29. te (120) Note that in the above equations, m ~ membrane, gb ~ global bending, Ib ~ focal bending, and s - transverse shear, Electric Field Equations In the present formulation three sub-laminates are considered, namely core, top and bottom faces. One multifunctional layer is modeled in each laminate and it can be located anywhere in the laminate thickness direction. The multifunctional lamina is relatively thin, therefore a linear variation of electrical potential across its thickness is assumed. The total electric potential in the k" active layer of the face laminate is Zz, hi 4 (5,2) =h4(0)+ kD gc00, i=tb. (3a) ae - a ) kA Here $= =H is the mean potential and $,, =4," ~ 6,7 is the differeace of potential. The electric potential in the k” active layer of core laminate is given by Zhe 9.5.2 fips fal (3b) he) Subsequently, the two electric fields taken in the constitutive relations are, a Boi, mp On Eg =- (pd ty iit, & oo 10) % Eu=-—p ache isthe. (13e) a ao -1) Constitutive Relations ‘The stress — strain relationship is established with the assumption that the lamina is elastically orthotropic and piezoelectricaily orthorhombic. As discussed earlier, the constitutive relations are modified to make the transverse electric field couple with both longitudinal and transverse shear strains. This requires that the axial electric field E;,, which interacts with transverse shear strain, needs to be transferred to the transverse direction (1 -> 3 coordinate change), Therefore, two constitutive models are employed in the finite clement formulation, one for extension-bending actuation and another for shear actustion, Lamina Coustitutive Relations for Extension ~ Bending Actuation The lamina properties with respect to material axes are defined as follows: my) Qa Qe 9 ao 8 9 0 = Qres: | (81: Sni | Q Qn o o 8 9 9 = Que |]E2 Te 6 0 Qu 0 0 9 ~Qspa6 9 Yas Tipe 0 0 Qs 9 -Qmis 0 0 |)te a4) th 6 0 0 4 Q& oO 0 O lye D, 9 0 GO Qs 9 Qpen 0 6 E D, 6 0 Qe, 9 0 0 Qoen a E, Ds} [Qe Qu 9 o 9 9 9 Qos JLB: Where CC CyC. CyC QC y AEB, Qu, = Cy ~ BQ = Cn SB; Qu = Cag Oss = Css Css ¢. 3 Cod Cad Qee Cog Qos day Ss Qaasa dsp “TEs Qens = aes Qos diss Cy Ca . : duds Qos = Kui Qogz = Ka} Qoen =H +E 3a ‘The constitutive relationship in the X-Y-Z coordinate system can be obtained as follows: fe}. =[]&},. where [GE EF[el[r], T is the transformation matrix. Using the standard static condensation procedure, the above constitutive relations are reduced for the present sandwich beam as he (Ce 1 Dif" 0 es Oey 0 le, Ws De} [Onn 9 6 Obes LE Here, PE denotes piezoelectric and DE is dielectric. Lamina Constitutive Relations for Shear Actuation Since the axial electric field is transformed into transverse direction, the elastic constants are also modified accordingly. The lamina properties with respect to material axes are defined as follows: Sy) [Qn Qs 9 9 0 ~Qres 0 oO Vfen Sn} | Qs Qn 9 9 OO -Qmn 9 Oo [en Te 0 0 Q& 0 0 0 0 0 Ys tml] @ 8 9 Q, & 9 6 Qras |) Yrs te o 0 © 0 & 9 Qn 9 [tn Di] |Qren Qe 9 9 © Qven 0 1B Dy | © 9 8 9 Qn 9 Qo 0B, Dy Lo 9 8 Qs 9 0 Qoen UE: Where (16) Cyc Cyt Qu Cy ~“A=B, Qn = Cs 28 BQ =Cy~ C, 5 Qu =Car Qss =C553 mM Cyd Cyd, eg = Coo Oras = day ~~ ES Opera = dan “ES rune = dans Qrers = Eis: a i dads Qoen =X us Quer =K25 Qoen Ke + AL And the transformed constitutive relations are reduced for the present sandwich beam as x) [Gi 0 en 0 Wee Sel] 9 BS 0 Gis lta an D.[) he 0 Obes 0 |B, Dri £0 Ores 9 Qhen LE, Stress Resultants of the Piezoelectric Composite Sandwich Beam in the present finite element analysis, the sandwich model proposed by Koconis et al. [7] is employed. The stress resultants are calculated separately for the face laminates, and the core by integrating the stresses in each layer through the laminate thickness. The shear strain of the core is related to the shear strain of the sandwich using the small displacement approximation. The cross section moment is split into two parts, the global moment due to the shear rotation 6, and the local moment due to the transverse displacement w. Face Laminate: [em Ny Ag +tdjAgp Bp 0 Apg > “ tdiAn d?4g +d)Bg 0 0 *y her i=t,b ae ue Be 44Be Dg 0 Byg| |*s ai, bo ° 0 0 Oo hk Ei Core laminate: eS Ne Ay Blo 0 07 |" ue Be De 2 9 0 | |*S 09) MS 0 000 0 n Qi, 0 0 0 Ag Ag | |= where Arg Ae = 3" bo te hy); BysBy 22 bs at ato Peas DeLee ~hi.,), E-clastic, PE—piezoclectric. After estimating the core shear stress resultant Q,,, the shear stress resultant of the entire sandwich section is determined, following Koconis et al. [7], as: a= Qy, eo Finite Element Formulation The finite element formulation is done based on the following assumptions: Face laminate is thin and behaves as Euler-Bemoulli beam. Core is thick, laminated, and characterized by a first order shear deformation theory. For the extension-bending actuation, the poling is assumed parallel to the transverse electric field and poling should be perpendicular for the shear actuation. The transverse displacement is assumed to be constant throughout the thickness. The shear rotation of the core is transferred as a global curvature to the face laminates. A two noded sandwich beam element is developed with four mechanical and three electrical degrees of freedom per node, Accordingly, the generalized displacements 9,0, and the electric potentials $1; , dh . $1¢ are C° interpolated over an element as 1 (x,t) = Yugi (t) NEG), int ; Qia} 8,&0=) 8, ONTO), a 2 oy @O= > on NEG, j=t,b,c; where V2 are linear interpolation functions. at Since the face laminate is modeled using classical beam theory, C’ interpolation is done for w, . Sw oi 2 wo => [wai Nj Gd+ i isl ONC), (2ib) where N,,N, are Hermite cubic interpolation functions. Substituting Eq. (21) in the field equations and transforming into the global coordinate system yields, a 7 LOL yurleP ia, where ibe and G}=tag By wo dwg 2x)". 8 @2) al 2 5 oe Ebr ortiahya;, where @)=Gi Fe Fe). ial Note that here [J] is a Jacobian matrix and B, and B, are shape function derivative matrices in local coordinates. Using the Eq. (22), together with the material constitutive equations, a stationary value of the energy equation (11) can be sought, which result in: Tami 1KQiw +1KGigy - eOj=0 i=t,b,c Lak Cam KE ep -EP)-0 where i=t.b,c 3) where mQi=fePie Papas: Ke a= fey eel ya : KO) = [BPI EO BP plas s am fee re Orme) sper: Oy xf . - . a FNP OM piss 5 [KL oct hy k-1 Here @ is a specified voltage and (C],[d],[k], are the material constitutive matrices and = isthe mass property matrix. Modal Control Model (Linear Quadratic Regulator based on Independent Modal Space Control Appreach) The second order dynamic equation of piezoelectric sandwich beam with feedback control can be given in nodal form as follows: (M148) + [D] {x} +1K 1} =[B, {6}, 4) where M,D,X are the system matrices of (nxn)size and B, =K,,, is of size(nxa), where a is number of actuators, {x} is (x1) nodal displacement vector and {,} consists of nodal feedback voltages. , The sensor output can be related to the nodal state vector (x, }" as {B= (C03; = 1C 18, @5) Ca.C, =KyK,, are of (sr7) size, where s is number of sensors. Finally, the linear output feedback contro! law is $.}=-TR OIG), 26) where F,,F, are displacement and velocity gains, respectively. Uncoupled Control Analysis By arzanging the open-loop Eigen vectors of the modeled modes, the modal matrix [} can be formed. [9] =[9, 9, The nodal coordinate x is related to modal coordinate qu through modal matrix as. {x}=[Oltqa} - . 2) Then, the dynamic and control equations are decoupled using the orthogonality relations of normal modes. Thus, the modal model is obtained in its final form as follows: ©], where ®, is of size (ux1), i=1,2,..r controlled mod es. fa + 2G0q, +074, =b,4,, where, b, =[MZIO]"(B,]. ea) And the modal output matrix is, s=1C Hanh GHC Mab @%) where (Cq]=1Cq land (C,1=1C, I}. ‘Then, the madai state-space equations for the i” mode are, {oi} =TA cs HG Bad 0}, Bu} Coe as G0) where {9,,}is the modal state vector,={qu0 (6; das iy and the modal state vector i Gnx Contains modal displacement q,,,, and modal velocity q,,; . ‘The block-diagonal matrix 4,, is of size (2 x 2), and the modal control input matrix 3,, is of size (2 x a), the modal output matrix Cus contains i® column of €,,C, for each mode [10]. a ja = baa), Ca IC) TD) gD ‘The modal damping parameter ¢; is calculated using the Raleigh's damping parameters c, 6 , atBa} Go an . In the present paper, the active vibration control problem is solved in the infinite time domain, therefore constant gain is the optimum solution. In MATLAB, the in-built function Jar (Ayq, Baus, Ht,) solves the continuous — time, linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem and the associated Riccati equation. The optimal feedback gain matrix is determined such that the feedback control law (Eq.26) minimizes the performance index (Eq.33), subject to the constraint (Eq.30). The performance index is defined as (32) I= f(T, % Fmd +GIRi dade. 63 0 where Q, is the state penalty matrix and 2, is the control penalty matrix of ** mode. Active Modal Damping and Active Modal Stiffness The modal control force of the i mode is proportional to the i“ mode modal displacement, and modal velocity. {a} =- Full 4g) K gn Oj} ami ~[Feil Rog) 1K gu (iba G4) where F,,F,, are the diagonal gain matrices corresponding to displacement and velocity. The control forces are applied as feedback charges in the piezoelectric actuators and the control energy is transformed into active damping and active stiffness due to the presence of converse piezoelectric coupling effect. Some times, the active stiffhess effect can change the dynamic characteristics of the structure, which are undesirable. Therefore, the controller can be designed such that the active stiffness effect is minimized. The active modal stiffness is, Ky =f) Kyl Kyl Falk yl Kio). G3) The active modal damping is, Dy =O) Ka lK yl Ra lKa MK y HO. (36) ddeatization and Modeling of Extension-Bending and Shear Actuators ‘The functions of the piezoelectric actuators need to be simulated properly in the control model. It is observed that the extension-bending actuators develop axial forces in response to the applied electrical loading. Therefore, the bending moments can be simulated from these axial forces with a proper polarity selection for the actuators. However, it is found that in the case of shear actuation, the actuator develops shear forces, induce distributed moment in the sandwich beam. Fig. 2 shows the actuator modeling of both actuation types in the finite element analysis. Me; By (i, -1) a Me BLD I> ote Extension — Bending Actuator Shear Actuator Fig. 2 Actuator Modeling in FE model Numerical Studies Static Characteristics The accuracy of the developed beam element to model the coupled behavior of piezoelectric sandwich beam structures is analyzed first. For the shear actuation, an axially polarized PZT-5H_ core is sandwiched between the aluminum layers and for the extension-bending model, two transversely polarized PZT-5H patches are surface bonded on to an aluminum substrate. The material data is taken as in the reference [5]. The dimensions of the sandwich beams are given in Fig. 3, with length 100 mm. To evaluate the piezoelastically developed displacement +10 V is applied to the surface bonded actuators and 201" is applied to the piezoelectric core. Deflections are estimated with actuators having full beam length to validate the present element capability to mode! beth actuation mechanisms. The estimated transverse displacements are compared well with those reported by Benjeddou et al. [5] and depicted in Fig.4. In the second part, the piezoelectric sandwich beams are studied to see how the sensors respond to the mechanical deformations. A tip shear load is applied to obtain the same deflection as in the case of actuation. The beams are modeled with 5 elements and each element is assumed to be an electrode. It is observed that ail the 5 shear sensors developed the same voltage due to a constant cross sectional rotation along the beam’s length, om the other hand the exteusion-bending sensors predicted varying trend as expected (Fig.5). Therefore, the sensor location is not a significant parameter in the shear-actuated beams. This is an interesting feature, which can be found useful in the present active vibration control studies. Further analysis is carried out with segmented (10 elements are used and only one element is actuated) piezoelectric actuator to investigate the effect of its position (X,) on the converse piezoelectric effect. The efficiency of the extension-bending actuators is found maximum if located near the fixed end and is drastically reduced near the free end. Shear Actuation Extension — Bending Actuation PZT-3H (1 mm) AL (16 mm) AL (8mm) PZT-SH (2 mm) Fig. 3 Sandwich Active / Sensory Beams However, the shear actuator behaves in a better way along the beam’s length (Fig.6). This makes the shear actuator more efficient in controlling the vibration modes. G.0xto — Shear Actualion (Present) 4 W Benjedkiou ete (5) soxi0 + ~Bdension Bening Actuation (Freserd) a A Benjeckbu eta [5] = aod ra i 20x10" a . 20x10" ua , 4 © 1.00" a 00 02 004 06 008 a0 Length of the Sandaich Bearn (M) _ Fig. 4 Actuator Characteristics of Sandwich Beam 002 0.04 008 0.68 ato Length of the Sandaich Beam (My Fig. 5 Sensor Characteristics of Sandwich Beam i — Sheer Actustor 2010")... Baension-Bendrg Achustor . £ 0.00 ace 004 008 0.08 0.10 ‘Actuator Position X, (a) Fig. 6 Effect of Actuator Position on Displacement (w) 00 05 10 18 20 26 30 36 40 45 “Thickness Ratio (t=4/2) Fig, 7 Effect of Core thickness and Face Thickness on Shear Actuation Finally, the effect of core thickness to face thickness (', =, //,) is studied on the converse piezoelectric effect, This is done by first taking the face laminate thickness constant and for various core thickness, the tip displacement is evaluated in response to 20V. Subsequent analysis is carried out keeping the core thickness constant and changing the thickness of the face laminate. The resuits show that the shear actuation is more efficient for thin core and also for thin face laminate (See Fig. 7). For simplicity, symmetric faces are assumed in all the analyses. Active Vibration Control and Modal Response Analysis ‘The efficiency of shear and extension-bending actuators in controlling the vibration is studied on the smart composite sandwich beams using LQR/IMSC. Fig. 8 shows the configuration of the ‘beams and in Table 1 the free vibration frequencies are presented. For the shear actuation, foam is introduced as a core along with PZT to simulate an equivalent sandwich model, It is observed that the higher mode frequencies are reduced significantly. Therefore, for the purpose of comparison, only first three modes are taken in the vibration control analysis to evaluate the performance of the actuators. Since the proposed finite element model is derived based on the sub-laminate concept, the piezoelectric layer can be included anywhere in the face laminate i.e., bonded or embedded. The proposed control scheme is then adopted to estimate the active modal damping introduced by shear as well as extension-bending actuators for cach mode and presented in Table 2. The control gains are obtained taking R,=500, and Rj, Rs=1000 for both actuation mechanisms. Shear Actiation Extension ~— Bending Actuation CFRP (0.25 mm) CERP (0.25 mm) Polyester Ply (0.36 mm) PZT- PIC 151(0.2 mm) PET -PIC 151 (0.4 mm) Polyester Pty (0.18 mm) & Ie” hf t & & Length = 180 mm Width = 40 mm Material Properties: CERP: E = 65 GPa, G = 30.06 GPa, v=0.081, p= 1770 Kgim’, PZT (PIC 151): E= 60 GPa, G = 23.08 GPa, v = 0.3, p= 7800 Kg/m’, dsr 12.6 Céen’, dhs = 13.38 Cin’, x1, xis 18.5e-9 Fem, Polyester Ply: E= 3.15 GPa, G= 1.17 GPa, v = 0.344, p= 1380 Kg/m’, Foam: E = 35.3 MPa, G = 12.76 MPa, p= 32 Kg/m’, Fig, 8 Composite Sandwich Active / Sensory Beams Extension-Bending Extension-Bending Shear Actuation Actuation Model Actuation Model | Model (present FEM) i (present FEM) 10el_ 20el. | 10d. 20 el. 2 211,60 3 545.60 | 596.23 $88.19 | 518.59 $13.81 | 1219.2 ‘Table 1 Free Vibration Frequencies of Composite Sandwich Beams Subsequently a modal response study is carried out on the open-loop system with 1% damping using Newmark time integration approach and a comparison is made with the close-loop system. From the control analyses, it is found (from Figs. 9, 10 and 11) that the shear actuator is more efficient in controlling alf the three elastic modes compare to the extension-bending actuators. ‘This is due to the reason that 9, is directly coupled with electric potential in shear actuation. Shear Actuation Extension — Bending Actuation Frequency (H2) Table 2 Control Performance of Distributed Piezoelectric Actuators 15x10" 10x10" Modul Displecoment Time (Seo) Fig, 9 (a) First Mode Control by Extension-Bending Actuators 1.axto* B Santo a = oe a 2 saxtc* ~4.oxt0* eo oz on os os 10 Time ec} . Fig. 9 (b) First Mode Control by Shear Actuator Modal Displacement a bow Roe 8 ae & 0.00 0.02 0.04 006 oa 0.10 Tima (Sec) Fig. 10(a) Second Mode Control by Extension- Bending Actuators Modat Dieptacement aco 0.02 a4 0.06 0.08 ato Time (Sea) Fig. 10(b) Second Mode Control by Shear Actuator 2.0x10° 2 a Modal Displacement e & Aoxia* Fig, 11(b) Third Mode Control by Shear Actuator 2.9%10° 18x10" % toxt0* : § 5.0x107 3 g oo a & 8.010” 5 = s0x10% -1.5xt0* 2.0010" 9.00 0.02 0.04 9.06 0.08 0.40 Time (Sec) Fig. 11(a) Thied Mode Control by Extension-Bending Actuators Conclusions A two noded adaptive finite beam element is derived to model two different kinds of piezoelectrically generated actuation in a smart sandwich beam. Two constitutive models are incorporated so that the transverse electric field couples with longitudinal and shear strain fields. Sub laminate concept is used in the finite element analysis with one active layer in each laminate. Linear electric potential variation is considered along the thickness of each active layer. Since the core laminate is modeled as a Timoshenko beam, the element is made field consistent to avoid shear locking. The static analyses are carried out to validate the present finite element model and also to evaluate the behavior of the extension-bending actuators and the shear acmator Tho results show that the actuator thickness and its position play an important role in deciding the performance. It is seen that, the extension-bending actuators produce more transverse deflection. than the shear actuator. However, a moderately thin shear actuator is found to be more efficient and also the face laminate thickness has a significant effect on the efficiency of the shear actuator. Extension-bending actuator is found more efficient near fixed end for cantilever condition, however the shear actuator is moderately efficient throughout the length. The modal control studies are performed using the present finite element mode! on sandwich and laminated beams employing both actuation mechanisms using LQR/IMSC approach. Interesting results are obtained where it is found that the shear actuator performs better in controlling the first three modes than the extension-bending actuators. Therefore based on the present analytical study it is understood that the shear actuator has promising features, which can be significant in the vibration control applications, References 1. Bhattacharya, P., Suhail, A. and Sinha, P.K., “Analysis of Smart Laminated Shells and A Deflection Control Strategy with Optimal Voltage,” to appear in Joumal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2. Bhattacharya, P., Suhail, A., and Sinha, P.K., “Shape Control of Smart Laminated Plates and Shells: A Finite Element Analysis Approach, ” ICTACEM 98, December 1-5, 1998, 3. 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