2011NoCOUG - HistOPA 2
2011NoCOUG - HistOPA 2
2011NoCOUG - HistOPA 2
But remember that his presentation was created to be delivered by Craig and in a conference presentation situation. That is, it was not created to be read like a book. Here are options to get more information and enhance your career: If you have questions about the presentations, feel free to email Craig at [email protected]. If you want to read Craigs Oracle Performance Firefighting Book, it is available in both PDF and print format at OraPub.com. If you would like to join one of Craigs Oracle performance courses, we invite you to browse our training web-site at Training.OraPub.com. He teaches multiple times each year a locations around the world! We hope you enjoyed Craigs presentation! All the best in your Oracle performance endeavors! The OraPub Team.
2011 OraPub, Inc. - Craig Shallahamer make this presentation on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at the NoCOUG 100th meeting in Silicon Vallley area.