Oracle Database

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Oracle Database 

(commonly referred to as Oracle DBMS or simply as Oracle) is

a multi-model database management system produced and marketed by Oracle
It is a database commonly used for running online transaction processing (OLTP), data
warehousing (DW) and mixed (OLTP & DW) database workloads. Oracle Database is
available by several service providers on-prem, on-cloud, or as hybrid cloud installation.
It may be run on third party servers as well as on Oracle hardware (Exadata on-prem,
on Oracle Cloud or at Cloud at Customer)

Oracle Database features

Oracle Database allows you to quickly and safely store and retrieve data. Here are the
integration benefits of the Oracle Database:

 Oracle Database is cross-platform. It can run on various hardware across

operating systems including Windows Server, Unix, and various distributions of
 Oracle Database has its networking stack that allows application from a different
platform to communicate with the Oracle Database smoothly. For example,
applications running on Windows can connect to the Oracle Database running on
 ACID-compliant – Oracle is ACID-compliant Database that helps maintain data
integrity and reliability.
 Commitment to open technologies – Oracle is one of the first Database that
supported GNU/Linux in the late 1990s before GNU/Linux become a commerce
product. It has been supporting this open platform since then.

Oracle Database has several structural features that make it popular:

 Logical data structure – Oracle uses the logical data structure to store data so
that you can interact with the database without knowing where the data is stored
 Partitioning – is a high-performance feature that allows you to divide a large table
into different pieces and store each piece across storage devices.
 Memory caching – the memory caching architecture allows you to scale up a
very large database that still can perform at a high speed.
 Data Dictionary is a set of internal tables and views that support administer
Oracle Database more effectively.
 Backup and recovery – ensure the integrity of the data in case of system failure.
Oracle includes a powerful tool called Recovery Manager (RMAN) – allows DBA
to perform cold, hot, and incremental database backups and point-in-time
 Clustering – Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) – Oracle enables high
availability that enables the system is up and running without interruption of
services in case one or more server in a cluster fails.
Oracle Database Editions

Oracle provides three main editions of Oracle Databases as follows:

1) Enterprise Edition (EE) is the common and expensive edition of the Oracle Database.
It has the following characteristics:

 No maximum number of CPUs

 No limits on memory or database size
 Include premium features that are not available in other editions.

2) Standard Edition (SE) is a limited edition of the Enterprise Edition that has the
following characteristics:

 Limited to four or fewer CPUs

 No limit on memory or database size
 Include many features, but no as many as EE

3) Expression Edition (XE) is a free-to-use version of the Oracle Database that is

available on both Windows and GNU/Linux platforms. These are the features of Oracle
Database XE 18c:

 Limited to 2 CPUs
 Can use the maximum of 2GB of RAM, and has 12GB of user data.
 Very limited features
 Oracle Lite: It is designed for mobile devices.
 Personal Edition: It's comparable to the Enterprise Edition but without the
Oracle Real Application Clusters feature.

The Oracle Corporation

Oracle Corporation is the largest software company to develop and markets computer
software applications for business. The company is best known for its Oracle database
products and, more recently, cloud products and services. Its relational database was
the first to support SQL, which has since become the industry standard.

Oracle database is one of the most trusted and widely used relational database
engines. The biggest rival of Oracle database is Microsoft's SQL Server.

History of Oracle

Oracle Corporation was founded by Lawrence Ellison (Larry Ellison), Bob Miner,
Ed Oates, and Bruce Scott in August 1977. They have a lot of experience in building
database programs for several companies and builds their first project (a special
database program) for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Oracle was named after
"Project Oracle," a project for one of their clients named Central Intelligence Agency,
and the company that created Oracle was called Systems Development Labs (SDL).
Systems Development Labs was renamed Relational Software Inc. (RSI) in 1978 to
expand their market for the new database. They had again changed the name of the
company from RSI to Oracle Systems Corporation in 1982.

The first commercially available RDBMS named Oracle V2 (Version 2) was built using
PDP-11 assembler language (SQL-based RDBMS). Although they already developed a
commercial RDBMS in 1977, it wasn't available for purchase until 1979, when Oracle
version 2 was released.

In 1983, Oracle database portable version named "Oracle version 3" was released. This
version was written in the C programming language. It was the first relational database
that can run in mainframes, minicomputers, PCs, or any hardware with a C compiler. It
also supports SQL queries and transactions execution.

The other subsequent versions are:

o In 1984, Oracle 4 was released that supports Transactions [Commit/Rollback],

export/import utilities, and the report writer.
o In 1985, Oracle 5 was released, which provides support for Client-Server
Architecture. This new feature has the capability to connect the client's software
to a database server through a network.
o In 1989, Oracle 6 added support for PL/SQL language. It also comes with new
features such as OLTP high-speed systems, hot backup capability, and row-level
o In 1992, Oracle 7 was released. This version comes in the market as a result of
four years of hard work and two years of customer testing. It added some
exciting features and capabilities in the area of security, administration,
development, and performance.
o In 1997, Oracle 8 was released. This version comes with the support of
ORDBMS that was designed to work with Oracle's network computer (NC). It
also added support for Java, HTML, and OLTP.
o In 1998, Oracle 8i was released. Here 'I' stands for Internet. It was the first
database version that added support for Web technologies such as Java and
o In 2001, Oracle 9i was released with 400 new features such as XML, RAC (Real
Application Clusters), etc. These features reduce database size and provide high
availability & enhanced performance.
o In 2003, Oracle 10g was released with grid computing technology means grid. It
was the first version that supports 64-bit LINUX OS.
o In 2006, Oracle 11g was released. This version comes with new features such as
Oracle Database Replay, Transaction Management using Log Miner, Virtual
Column Partitioning, Case sensitive passwords, Online Patching, Parallel
Backups on the same file using RMAN, and many others.
o In July 2014, Oracle 12C was released with Cloud support.
o In Feb 2018, Oracle 18 C was released. This version was the world's first
autonomous database.

Importance of Oracle

It is one of the oldest database management companies in the world. It has always
focused on enterprise needs and kept up with the newest technological developments.
As a result, its products are constantly updated with new features. For example, the
most recent Oracle database, 19C, is also available on Oracle Cloud. Oracle allows
users to select from various database editions to meet their specific demands with a
cost-effective solution.

Oracle Database Features

Oracle database manages data with the help of an open, complete, and integrated
approach. The following are features that complete the demand for powerful database
Availability: It is never offline or out of service that means supported 24*7 availability of
the database. It provides high availability of databases because of the Oracle Data
Guard functionality. This functionality allows using of the secondary database as a copy
of the primary database during any failure. As a result, all normal processes such as
backups and partial failures do not interrupt the database from being used.

Security: Oracle has a mechanism for controlling and accessing the database to

prevent unauthorized access. It provides high security because of the Oracle Advanced
Security features. It offers two solutions to protect databases that are TDE (Transparent
Data Encryption) and Data Redaction. TDE supports data encryption both at the source
and after export. Redaction is performed at the application level. Oracle has some other
security features like Oracle Database Vault that regulates user privileges and Oracle
Label Security.

Scalability: It provides features like RAC (Real Application Cluster) and Portability,
which makes an Oracle database scalable based on usage. In a clustered environment,
it includes capabilities such as rolling instance migrations, performing upgrades,
maintaining application continuity, quality of service management, etc.

Performance: Oracle provides performance optimization tools such as Oracle

Advanced Compression, Oracle Database In-Memory, Oracle Real Application Testing,
and Oracle Times Ten Application-Tier Database Cache. Their main objective is to
improve system performance to the highest possible level.

Analytics: Oracle has the following solutions in the field of analytics:

o OLAP (Oracle Analytic Processing): It is an implementation of Oracle for doing
complicated analytical calculations on business data.
o Oracle Advanced Analytics: It is a technical combination of Oracle R Enterprise
and Oracle Data Mining that assists customers in determining predictive
business models through data and text mining, as well as statistical data

Management: Oracle Multitenant is a database management tool that combines a

single container database with many pluggable databases in a consolidated design.

Benefits of Oracle Database

The following are the main advantages of an Oracle database:

Performance: Oracle has procedures and principles that help us to get high levels of
database performance. We can increase query execution time and operations with the
use of performance optimization techniques in its database. This technique helps to
retrieve and alter data faster.

Portability: The Oracle database can be ported on all different platforms than any of its
competitors. We can use this database on around 20 networking protocols as well as
over 100 hardware platforms. This database makes it simple to write an Oracle
application by making changes to the OS and hardware in a secure manner.

Backup and Recovery: It is always better to take a proper backup of your entire oracle
online backup and recovery. The Oracle database makes it easy to accomplish
recovery quickly by using the. RMAN (Recovery Manager) functionality. It can recover
or restore database files during downtime or outages. It can be used for online backups,
archived backups, and continuous archiving. We can also use SQL* PLUS for recovery,
which is known as user-managed recovery.

PL/SQL: One of the greatest benefits of using the Oracle database is to support

PL/SQL extension for procedural programming.

Multiple Database: Oracle database allows several database instances management

on a single server. It provides an instance caging approach for managing CPU
allocations on a server hosting database instances. The database resource
management and instance caging can work together to manage services across
multiple instances.

Flashback Technology: This advantage comes with the recent Oracle version. It

allows us to recover those data that are incorrectly deleted or lost by human errors like
accidental deletion of valuable data, deleting the wrong data, or dropping the table.
Disadvantages of Oracle Database

The following are the disadvantages of the Oracle database:

Complexity: Oracle is not recommended to use when the users are not technically
savvy and have limited technical skills required to deal with the Oracle Database. It is
also not advised to use if the company is looking for a database with limited functionality
and easy to use.

Cost: The price of Oracle products is very high in comparison to other databases.

Therefore users are more likely to choose other less expensive options such as MS
SQL Server, MySQL, etc.

Difficult to manage: Oracle databases are often much more complex and difficult in
terms of the management of certain activities.

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