Singer-320k21 Manual Instructiuni
Singer-320k21 Manual Instructiuni
Singer-320k21 Manual Instructiuni
built-in stitch
designs Ioflverlible bed for tubular and flat work
0_ Ih
THE NEW SINGER CONVERTIBLE AUTOMATIC flell Illi, il- lault siti the expeit art, and Iflat lwe Inade SUMJ1 the kroxn and o'd Flarlic it) scimil.' [lit, f,,r more than a celillin. Wall it ou call d', lwailliful ornamental stitelles ! 1'1)i alllazililg tria, hinc ,ill soor straight and t[wri, hv simpk till, w. illow lesels. tLl call it, dcloralive tittliiti,, ill no ritore linic 'I m) Inolc eflolt thall it take, lo do stlaight stitchilon The 320K all of file of built-in 'fildles, \el all of tile \tisttilit of able FASHI(N* Disc,. (Juinge the FASHION ,it the front of the llim llinc and kal have added riot (ore, but numy new stitl lics. Designs at.(. simply colill-olled lo, sill,It- [excl. openitioll b the ii,,c of a combinatron of ou 1.. S(,, :iiti bed The ofa cuned or cylindro at shalw and flal "ork titli equal facilit 'v. The tubular bed is quicklY con1k, a flat bed b adding the Flat Work fa I Ic. 11 The t" o pu'll bution, A release the Flat kXork Table fir renio\al when the tubular bed is requin.d. 'i'al all lw
why you should alwaxs cail your SINGER SEWING CENIRE if your machine ever requires adjustment or repair. WhPIi You call your SINGER SEWING CENTRE you can be sure of obtaining the service of a trained SINGER repair man and can be assured of warranted SINGER* parts when needed! Look for the famous red "S" Trade Mark orn your SI NGER SEWING CENTRE and the ever ready SINOER Service Car.
Wherever you go xou will find expert, dependable SINGER* Service close at hand. SINGER is interested in hdping you keep your SINGER Sewing Machine in top runuiig condition. That is
covering buttons. hemstitching, making belts and buckles, to menation a few. Look in your telephone
The answer to your sewing needs is at your SINGER SEWING C ENTRE. There vou will find a wide choice of sewing necessities and notions, sewing intstruetions and guideance and services for directory under SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY.
It .... k iil,,iil,.,
call li, 11-ed Z1, it 1[iiix, oI it- it tubulill fwil Illaol artich- 'd ' it llatille. S,,t, pages % t,, 107 fio I tililiLir Bed V1 11 . ..... blind 'i'llisle
likililli-i it 1 kel 't loc11 design, ol It-ull Ftr
8. GRADUATEDTENSION withinasingle tuffl. nefidll. thread tension is regulated J(ii d fal)ri(. thread anti] slitching. HIMEsIBLE FEE'D (,it, 1,irkiAtl or kt, k ari- t,t,, alld 1,tl,[,it end, of 'Caills, S1,1,1,01 LENG1,11 cithel o, fa, k I'ith
mvall, of
tlixllliilg art,
tin arlliving
11,,111 Llillg
performane', 12 Ifigh in. I'm (11m k illid 1li. the pick-up Act].] ilrea lt) jilyltjl ill, ffi, M.7KIDLE ('[ill, to plact, niake, ill it
thil 1 iott
111kil els ( liallge
c-pcClilll' 'Itirill art,] a. i m alc be, iikl" Aft, llo iiti,,,11i,, ille horlded ill mclill,
the SIN(J1 1
The SINGER* Electric Motor 1- located at the back of ite mar hine, antd can be Supplied fur operalion oil alternati or-g direct current. Orders must state the c ala10gie 9 irnmlr of the motor, or the voltage, and in tile case of alternating currelt, the nillher of cycles. Before Inserting Electric Plugbe sure that voltage and number of cycles stamped on motor nameplate are within lrange marked om electric meter installed by electric power company. Electrical Connectionsfor Machiine Push 3-pin safety plug A, Fig. ], into 3-pin terminal block at right of machint and (onnl1E plug at oth er end of pord to electric outlet. Speed Controller The speed of machine is regulated by amrrount of pressure om foot contrioll cr or k nee controler.
\Xlien all fitch
leicr 'L
26. it)
tit( fills i, donc,
'llingh t
All amazing iiulliltlt ot' Usetill stit(Ales are lmoduced autonlaticallY 1"lleo Oll taisc. .)late Or nIXIrv Of' tile stitell For the most attractive, of these (1,1111billation liesiigrn; not inore than three lev ers should be used.
'I'ieiitv-foijr additional FASHION Dise, are furnisfied uith the inachinc. Each of these FASHION Flises is interchangeable with the one on the fiont of thi. ma(luinw. With cach flie, a new vaii(,tv Of condlinations can lie produeed, througli tile rise of Orle Or more levers. AtLaclied 1, [lie outside of the machinc is the Blitid stitell (Its(., which is engaged by ifle first lever.
AUTOMATIC STITCHING Five autornalic titch iif,i4,iis are btlilt illti) tit(' machine. Merely lift tbC 11(sigilate(l lever to produce the titeli oldicated oil the lever. '1'he Illaximilin width o`f tie Stilch is achimed mlien bight is set at 5 designs re'tilt frorll setfilo, the bight at than 5. All almost zero SlitiAl length gic eS a Solid ,,tgll, Whil c a 1 )tiger stitch leogth gis('s all open pallern, Twin needle slitchinn, is clone at 3 bight or less. Zigzag l~e A ~ Frr: Se ',ing butoms ReinforTi ng Brunt, a irline ability Cordon, Scale,
law~ Zigzag Point 1)
Multifale Stitch Zigzag F.r: fIeirf,)rcirig Patelling NIct dine Dec'(,rative S,allop--[ver C For: Faced Decorative stichieg
iv Other B/ 0,erlail ....1 Abutted settlers Elastic Seams Ifinding blanket ......
Milld S0 tch - Dise, :I --v For: flell,' VFacings redgito, 5'alre, and foliage econo', all[, Bills AppIving Ikands and lace
additiolull F\SHION ],)i(s are included will, tilil- inaf.Iiiie ll)is(s 1 1 and 11)are bilill it.Ito llif' ltlachilic as levels 1)airs E, respeclively, and produce designs as showil oll page 7.) '11c 211 additional flics produce 111c flesilTi:
Arrombead (5)Dovilillo (6) shell Efige solid Scallop -11.k A A A 1 Three Step (1 8) W^ 910^ ....... ^ 11 .....
M1 'M
lm PM, 1111l M
LIcyer% A and B
levers B and E
Lovers A and C
Levers C andE
Levers A and D
Levers D and E
Lavers A and E
levers A, C and E
Levers a end C
Levers B, C and D
Lovers B and D
Lever, B, D andE
M COMBINATION STITCHES (With Levers and Disc) The f"llowi il, titl ht, are produeed bY lisifill at the exig,lgk 1)is(, and Di-e. 5 il. 0: tillIC (ne or Illore (if tile lever, whiell
L~, A, Disc 5
B od E, Disc 5
Le~ A, a .. d E, Disc 5
lee, A, Disc 6 1... r B, Disc 6
Le~ E, Disc 5
leers A id 0, Disc 5
A o.d E, Disc 5
L.... D, Disc 6
i,d D, Disc 5
A mf E, Dilc 6
COMBINATION STITCHES (With Lovers and Disc) 'I'llc f(II(tsillg slitches art, produced bx tilitig at the engage the bu,ilt.irl FASHION Discs Discs 7. 8,
9 or 10:
lever A.Dim: 7
Love, 8, Diw 7
Lev., C, DIK 7
love, A,Mw 10
and 8, Di. 7
lever, D and E,Ditc 10
COMBINATION STITCHES (With Levers and Disc) The 'fitelle, 31C
tile bullt.m VASIll(N
tie r A,Dic 17
W0 W- vw,""
l~rs A .. d E,Di. 18
Dic 13
1,~ A,D;x 20
1,er E,Dix 15
1.~ A, Di 21
Le... E,Di
B,Dic 21
11,3 COMBINATION STITCHES (With Levers and Disc) lit. ke- in. tho built-m 1,- using in ille and on, ol llic lill), Isill, or m oreof 111( numb, id hom 21 to''0:
fl.,, D,Disc 21
D,Disc 26
Lse, E,Disc 21
A,D;,c 29
le~ 8, D'sc 25
8, Disc 30
te,, A,Di 26
L~ D,Disc 30
foot j
used b)l
an done
l~r C
Disc 7
Disc 8
lee, E
Disc 9
Disc 3
Disc 10
15 TWIN NEEDLE DECORATIVE STITCHING Th,1e following stthsan pi oduiee 4Y IUsing one or more levers and] one 1PA SHi(IIN D isc at tihe saetrime as' liste-I,- lie b)ighit is limited to 3 a4 th fth hng thI is, jet bet warn 25 and 0. The satin stitch foot is uise(I fhd w losed des~igns anAh clllii, and run fing stitcthes are dlone with the general-purpose piesser foot,
A and D
Leve A, Disc 6
LeesA and E
Leve D, Disc 6
B and CLeve
B, D'sc 7
Leves A, C and
Lover D, Disc
Lever E Disc 5
Lever A, Disc 10
D and E, Disc 10
50 badly filmy materials c~p.,.bl. to N^ Silk nd Chiffoo V.iets, Voll., M.0,, Chiff-, 10r, C,, Ar, 5 NIc71 Th,d 10 E',-, d-i 80 10G C,, 50 9 1 5 f. 20 1 5 to 20
Sheer matedols tp.,.b;. to L~, D!-ity, 5,thete Sh.ell, POP.' TOff-f-1, PO,. Silk,, Gost.e Sitk,, Silk 01 SY.thelic T,;.1" 5" V.1ms, 5.ti, Light*isby moteidl, " broy, piq. Popli, P.,c.le, Cef~e, li., W.1 wool J-,,-y, wool ligh.ight suiti95 Gingho, Ch.-ft, F.itte, B"1g.p, C'~ V.1et,
12 to 1 5
1 5 f. 70
60 to .
sp Cj,i Sk
14 or 16
1 5 to 1 8
to C.,dvoy, C,.^ Medium heavy M0f*110111 CO-Palabic GhodIne, Rep, H~ Biting% nd Coutigs Heavy materials t, Scileloffi, Dei, Tickim
H..y Dety M.,, 40 to 60 CO~ Nylo. Thmad 30 to 40 Cotton Th,..d 50 E,,broidey Nyl.. Thre.d 50 MetcK..d
11 O, 1 4
Ihis mac hi e uses a 206x 13 Needle a -ailale iin Sizes 9. 11, 1 k 16 amd 18.
For best stitehinrg results. Ithread sineu1 be se Itc d au ordirng to fabric to be slt6bed. Needle mnust be of correct size for thread to pass freely thrnugh eve of necdle. Select crrect r needle according 'to table on page 16. Be s$ure tlat needle is not blunt or bent. NOTE: Thread breakage is sometimes caused by variatiois in the diameter of thread. Such ireakage is overcome by using the next size larger nteille.LOG l'se like threads for needle and bobbin. Do not use silk on bobbin, and mercerized thread in/ needle. or vice versa. TO SET THE NEEDLE Raise tile needle bar to its highest position aid lIooell ne e1e clamp thumb screv B. Fig. 5. Insert needbl into clamp as far as it will go with flat side to the back and long groove tow ard you. TIhen tighten thuimb sire w B.
*- - S
I3ogrop, e
;Toward i.
UPPER THREADING-SINGLE NEEDLE flase take-up lever 5 to its highest poil.t. 1,6Ce dlrca,) m pool pm wol 1101d 'ith right hand. Lead thread wo 'clf lond, 1 fflon under side, 1),o,11 alld from fight t,, left (r ill froin of Berate
telision disc 2 (CeotT, ",i"g.) disc ,Berate, liars for
hao the 1.01, of the spling 3. L...1,r the sia, k thread t, 1 1, 11(1 fl-om right to left through 1wic ill 1,Yer lil,,,ugli gtlii,- 6 arod 7 on ho.c pltic 1m, guide 8 (.it wooille darnll, From fact lo Ilack through eye d needle 9. about tw, iv,,lies of threal through eve of needle ith ,hich to Earl se.i.g.
9 3 I'ig. 7. Threading Tensim, Fig. 8_
t to' R... A
.1. Bring
1 101fl1.
A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A pn1bi; lt 1C
'g. 3 2, Lwk hg 13 hobbin ill hobbi:l b\1 Place spool of threall on cillier -pool piti.
lifitil L11,11 1)
Dratt thread guid'. f: .It al ill of machinc and 1)as thread domi Licit Irom 1,41 to ri-All F oil bed. Lead thr-t-ad up 11,bobbill and
21 .............. . H Allom letisi(ii F, Fig. 14. to control flow of thicad st, that it wimls on bobbili in u n i foi n l. Im el 1 g if s. Do ii, kt lguide or Hold thread Ishell 1,ili.firl" 1...I'bilk. 15 11afid iliiel 11 xitil ["I t harld, lili) right, fland. 1 ....,,ii Aol) Illotom S to fland alled lion) -1it"ilill" iiitij a,, shoff 11
Lit, ll 1). Reillovt, bollbill and lilt retighterl ci-tm J. Fig. 15.
NOTE: If hobbin (foes not mind loosell sk.lem 5iti,,11 flolds tension bracket F ill ff(,itiotL and move brackei to the fff't ifbobbin mind, oil illf- right: llloxf- bracket to the )ia.k(.t v(illv
if' llobbill millds fliLl) oll the le
A Retightell telision
3. 1101d Cod and contioller pedal a for (wiilg. E'Ild 01' thr(lad tvitlt be lield until it break- off.
Bobbill call be
mhili, machine i
o that thicad Bill tilisitil ill awl plalc 31 ra-p lix d folefingell, at
1 m cac hilell
b c I \1 ce I Ilel 1thumb alld
A I ip, 1k 9 2. Pull 111r,ld jiltl, slol K. under siritig 1, and ill[o An NI m vild l' ,X; Ill-cad lo 1, k% tiller illdle, ol t
Irec floill
This SING ER Class 3201K maclinte comes equipped with five built-in stitch desigtis. ole removable FASHI-ION Disc, a General-purpose Throat Pla te 1733(13, and( a (Genreraikl -purpse Hlinged Presser Foot 105250. Th is throat plate
arid presser. foot have I he same " ide opeloirg to accommodlate tile jugilof thle fnedle. Will] the eq uipmen ist ued bet tthe maih inf aun perf'orm st raight z.-/i~2ag or openl or namne ntal stit ching.
Ct 7996
17g 23)
Gen~reral -purpose Tboa P4 late i, it], gujide 'lilies I'Or scami " idthl ga uged from centre onedehole aid] cross linies for gaugirilg
square (ornlers, Rei2 bl YAIINDis, Fig- 25. SutchJ Levers A, B, C, D, E
24 TO PREPARE FOR SEWING flon S ,,Id biglit leser 1' as shomn ill Fig. 26 Set stit,ii levers in (lomii%ai,(1 positi(jj, is sli(isii in Fig. 27. ZIGZAG STITCHING -Set bight lever a liesil.efl 1 a11k] 5 a, shomn in Fig. 28 zill(l lift Zi.,zag Le er A, as sh(m 11in Fig. 29.
fig 26
ng. 28
Fig 2,
fig. 29
~~~~~ 31
2. IPull up
ill 32. "me and
n~ithi it, as II(IWII il
~~~ig. Fig. 32
lFigs. 30. 31
1 /
Fig. 3u 1.1101( I nd of needle thrad wilt left hand and turn hand wheel towan] ou until needle gues d own an-l up again. and take-up leder retaurup to aocated. its highest point. rhe
LIo both threads back uinder plsreer root oiagonally de feed tpo the right or left t/ Itplilig upon which side of lie dc the material is to be See Fig. 33. vilebe presser foot is lowered the threads willbe irmilv held bet wuen tile feed and tihe presser
FIg. 33
1 1;rillg take-up lcier to it, point. Place Inaterial under presser I'ool. 21 Position needle ill the
flic back
killdcl. tile, foot,
tile right
1,1 es cow
[)civil to start ma chille. 1,11C '11ced depelld', uj),l file Ito,kInt of oil file controller pedal.
37 4, Stoll machine mith take-up lever at its 1 point. 5. Raise foot. draw fabric toward tbe back airs] Id't and sever threads oil thread cutter.
TO GUIDE AND SUPPORT MATERIAL To avail uncycl) leflix)ll length (if slitchiling and seeds. Illv(.r plill tile fliaterial mhen sewing. Never oficrate tliv machme mthout rnaterial under [lie presser foot,
Afiracl, fabric,
Fig. 3,
Float materials require only guiding fur best sewing results, as showli above.
falm c, '11.11 aand 1 pulled sherr, 1,1 theil llatulc light prt, sur,, requirf. .supp(wl 'I'[jj, bait ill ha,k and in ftont ,f 111(. lglt a til, rllzi,,llill,, stuclics and asure, a 1111)(itli ci,n flilrll. as Amull above.
ill the
11,' denot c t he
litlifiloi- od
Zigzlt,, stitching b( I kk("lt 1keed 1 cIw 1 lit,
11et 1 at i1 1co
pel itlkll
[It] .1 1 cd I's
and to faslell
1(,(,cii Ifillit screw R
1 Stlen
$tit, Ii 1 ..)l F iP,'
lexer Q
zitill stil(,llillg, Fig. 12. i klont, Icker Q mA 25) and 0 fi(,,itioll cilld will, the satill slilch F00t Fig,41.
29 G, iC ..liiid) Allile slitellillt,' 011 a scrali of material. set stitch regulatoi lever at 25. thell carefully alld sil)lY1.y furn lilifit ,Lr,,,, R unfil 11re pkicell closely togethel, alfioing rilat rial to feed smoothly and t"kctlf "itil(ut irl.x",Lllalit The exact settini, A the lor atil) slitching lAl xan mith the tex. lure ff the fabric. the anuumi (f bobbin thread and ,itit the operator (Iep(.]'(lillg upon 1%Iit-iliir Aw hollis if)(, fabric firmly or A allil light handling are it for satin stitching. Fo' )t 105251 proside- a for sIi,, stwhing art(] gixes sinooth uniform results. fllolel or t)t-t fabric, give bei mill-11 filAed moh crisp faiin. 1Thr, barkm, r alay (.lost. 1,, the slitchill, lihen "ork i, coinpit,'1fl. Where satin or desigo tii( hill, j, 1, l,, done (11a single thickness l 1, fic gal mellt. it ImAing is essential oil most f bri1c.. 1 rig. 4,3 g, 41 TO START AT GIVEN PLACE IN A DESIGN Sliti 11oil a s 'at) of material until that p,ult in (11l. is readled which i, to be 1 'Wed. RCullol. (la[) frolit under llic foor.
I'lace work under needle, u,,(I hold thread ends, drop presser filol and This proct.dure i, recoullacalled f.,r siall,,1)irig and stil('1)ijllg"itit all FASHION Dises.
30 BIGHT CONTROL ,i111 ZIGZAG AND S'URAIGHT are ,tIAiglit pr, ... r 1 Fig 16, and 'ith et........ plat, 17,-i:lI-Et, [bloal plaw 1(11242, Fig. 15. For traight I aiI,1 ,,it), iIlli"a. 'cl 1,,,,r 'I at Al ibi.... ]eve, S it) Fig. 19, or of 111c ,it,,, i,,1 a I'oft. me.1,el lift'ditch haI, 4, art'] sol mId all til"ll F,,r Z;,."" irt At . ootlid at 1. 2, 3, 1, upo, ([I,If slit, Is poileo, i""-. S ,c et at It, -1,oo ill P ig, 19A.
kV,, 1, for
bri g -0eelik IX;
101 I
ila, X1Mk yll 111( 1 1T ST 1)P S(A(EAX X, ilt,,I 1........... moc biLlit th, notch! digit rotielitene
Ie. 1 until it n.
At TONIATIC S111AMING, requIrc, fit,, salt,, ,)ace, z.... 1 for zigzag Iil"ilittg, 13, c D,E or all, J lic added FASHION ;I.Y to, lit additi,1)11 ' of leer nay , (11,t,,1 to product, In unlimited variety 'It (.Able bination titchs.
31 INTERMEDIATE BIGHT REIGULATOR S`*EW I , If 711. 11 a. springstop for a desired ininimunt 1igit This spring-st,,p cart bc passed aver to zer(, bigit These stops Fle., ,a to (perate the bigitt lever niaiiiiallv ber.cen i,,1 F.oitilifil ithout continual refeteri, to the it" 1,ile searing F'or example- TO linlit zigzig stitching [,,,teen .111 1 -fan, t 1 ht lever at WAX Mt NI BIG i E STOP SCREW X, they, tiglttn T,. m naliallum ition '1-, 't bi-fit ],,,e, ., that ar,'). v is at "1", flo.sell INTERSIE'DIATE BIGHT REGULATOR StMEW7 LI aid nioxf. it IF,or dofi until you feel the Eumb cagaged, thell lighten "re. U. 11,: faght lever 1 r10" seF to linut the maxifflam bight at --4` and the (ther lanit, tich it, -1- and '3" or --2` art,] -3- can he obtained in tbe slrje alanner, see, Fig. 51. Wher, free m,),tynent If in,, logitt lever i, desired 1)etlet'rl totro and a gill billd, 11 shotild lie ni,ed don as fir a., it if) In, anti then liglltellel. S,,,,v X is ,,d t,' 1i it the maxialum fight. CAR TION: When 1'nrnal [,bat,, 161212 a, SIrwitill V'e-e, IT 'W are 1,gilt, 1,.,er T nit[.( 1... ... 1 at 0, needle mnst he' at ecalral lai r,
"a,][[, fb, tent vil.k,. any zigzag elitoli, nefolhi jansilion nI, stitch lever adjustivient. whilt. necille is in material.
v U
v U
W Fig, st)
BIG111,1, LE1 Ell 1. Fig A, Ille A o' Alitit'l' SCALF. i mrkel --W, l,' Ead) lime "O' and -5, the 'd liat, Wrn 111, to a 1"""inillill of IMAH' INDRATOR. krr,,, li is tlit. ..irk t,. ,,hich [ht i11Ow bight 'cale i ZE1M %I nolwatc, "tri.,g fin strifight IIIIAVI,
1,11 fill11, fTylan a 1111)-11
t i'm 1,
S i, t,' till. fight, a' Ill.' ill Fig, 54l .,,,1 a Ill, 1,iiht i,
k ... g,d 11 o I'. ' L-,"
- - - tile Birdie a.hg, L. th. 1,ft and right ,,_, 1....... ill Fig. 53A.
1q..W ICIL11.
"di, right, a,
(,X,. Al.... 1,
TIT, ill
Fig. 54A.
Raisc 1 11* (.111, 1AL Of fli)ri(l 1HfOrt. ci)ttglgitlg 110sitiOlls Of hight etkiltr(>1. alld ,til(ii ll,glrs.
needle posiGoll
out of matelial.
Set slitell Imers ill --down,' position. Reimoe knurled nut Y. Grasp edge- of FASHION Dic Z and ofT shall. it
pin A2 engage, at it)( B2. Replace frill 1 and ti"lil(ri To avoid FAS1110\ Dise mui be lield ill position firrvil., set bi-lit and sil-CII ll.tlil)l's sem i IItz,. 'All 1... sitioll levers to deplocced It, for regular
Knudd Aw
Fig. f),
-'ll lo f al 1
to br 'lled. I'lle Abettor] m Lice ol lliniz and pd. il;!x(1 ill, 1,3osk, nal, orlace ol ziliti the deep jok-d 'ulface o 1 0w delo-ate and broken Airline of laoil require a
on arnount
a Inc-ure
,'t l
A2. Fig. 5-, liii"IEI] trill tilllt'i( nlost' I'"il 1111(ler pif-ser f.... t mthout Aippillg and sithtoll feed maiks, Toset a A2 until ilic labric paAly and the calit Airs 'afried (Aids], b the fool and [lit, fecd. labric, 1ike t(l"l. chclulle, Wquill. licavier I ]g, Thumb 8, Lighi fight rou
g~~~~~~~~~~ 4-
_/ h~~
P or lit('liillg. ilic oil 110`1111 still thicad, 11111-t b, cliough to pull 1, of material and make a firin -tio b,
The tension oil needle thread can be tested silly whell presser fool is down. The nurnerals -0- io 'Y' on dial B2 indicate difl'(,reit of tension that call be 'I'll, 11wher the norriber the greater the Th clitimbers 1 not denote size of thread. XX hen ha, becii correctly sel for aser, age llow nurnber at irelicatoi line C2. 'flis sciting n mus, be (InAly regained should the 1clisioll be alteled for special mA or change ill ol, thicad. Fig. 59
In the titibalan(,vd tesions of Fig. 59. ibe needle thread lie, straight along top side of material, caused lo; too heavy' tenlsionl onl needic. thiread.
In the unbalanced tensions of Fig. 60. thel bobbin thread lies Straiiht along under side of'L.t.~rd<ira fmafterial. baYcdi tool light Icnlsior, on1 edloe thread.
'llie tension nil thicad is rclnlite(l bX ilic laiger scram 11(aict tile contre of the terlsiofi spring, as Aiowil it, Fig. 61. x licti i'lill,,titlg bobbill thicad a -light turn A Ille i all thal is Iweded to Inake a fine aIiii-ltiI,lit, [)(Abaft. 111C still llilgt of telisjoil frorll er( 1o il list xi In 11 XI] X, it fl ill Im 1 f te 1I rxL I 1 la 1i 1I rt Im To ill(,rea e ttil-if)kl. ~ r to the 1wh' 'Fo decrease over to the left.
39 BOBBIN THREAD TENSION (continued) Willd bobbill mith a 51) vard spool of fine silk thread.
lhicad and
that k,iglit
1k1 in
cask, xsitli a bobbin of 50 \aid, of finc silk M11 callc the case to Aide when beld Iisl)(tiixIefl 1)\ th( 1lo-cad, Sce Fi 9. 63. col fbet tensloll, flowloval (1 11mc111c111 should be very slow. l,,[
Fig. 6,3
satill Stitching NEEDLE THREAD TENSION Aw111.1 bc kicked mith frill basis and th ' Iiilt should 1, (,t at l 1,_bown ill Fig. 66.
Sitill stitelliog all(l (lid, closed titchill,, require a lighter ncedle thread tension 1 tlIM1 for straiglit litching or open design stitching,
Fg, 66
At -0tellsiow
Wide satin stitching reflilire the lilditest S~ jog tension. Set the tension dial so the indicator ]isle is between 0 and e i as in Fig. 64. thele Alould 1, a very slight pull oil tlicre 11 a ininfinum
For narrower satill stitching. Aightly 111ore 10,11sioll nray be tie(l. Set the dial between 2 nil 1. 'ho', n ill Fig. 65.
C,,hyl Aria
rig 6,-,
SHOULD IT BECOME NECESSARY TO REMOVE AND DISASSEMBLE NEEDLE THREAD TENSION Illri theill, wit E2 1,, th,' 1,ft tntil -0- m iilll G2 m It .... .... L2. T.' ,Adroit, pie F2 it thlexil, I...t E2 G2, pm,, wdni. 11'n 1"ig 69. Do not thmith i,,t Ied r. ..... . it, FIlrt, Imm 'I'ld N2, o,c stod N2
TO REASSEMBLE AND REPLACE NEEDLE THREAD TENSION kLike sure that N 2, tile llic pr, R2 i, in pit e m part, (I,, ti,, tkjl N2 ae M2 it[, ifi, m snid "ill, J2 th I it dear, tl,,, fir r (bait) ,i iin ,,Field , t. G2,,i 'I I"] th 2 1'-r 02 1 I,("[, 1i,,i n: Ind m [he It,,,, --- ,-, 1......1, I. 111,,rtiIg jils) F2 i ,Iit ,, ;,,, 'I Ill,, G 2. 1....... lu,' E2 n, 1,,ft ... iii 4) 1t11 G2 t i... 1,2, 02 P2 02 p,'ll t,. b-1 lI thwad at 0 if iii le, ' Jigfit [I,,]] m tile kh','.d 1,1 lliA Iltere i, a! ...... l ,iti, the tuming E2 ti, 0,, fidit, lim. 'thme a till] Tance ''t tk,11,Iill, itfi 'd Ibumb 'n't, If for a minit ....TI ill dol 4,2 ti ga,, tilt F2 i,, k"t ir"T" dial, and 4...... 11,1)
tfi,k flat dic tit. Tfin rflae the 12 , ,1 side ....t, Ill t,,] ailli plu, and nilIll lizrI It U'll, then K2 it. if,,, ii,,t h ailj 'A lhi, ,Drill,-, tr.,i.lli,,g the b,,c. half ,f th,' Pbl,' tgIl, M11 E2 G2 H F2, J2 K2 L2
reset Pot in 1 ... e if liles at left of pr,'].... Setting, '['fits rrselling "ill lind ....e lcs tersien at --0-1 Repeat hts proces it Ftt if 11 1 j it iill u m desired terlsion iS ilita ned. 1'n the 1hrnal fiicrili,,1 ,itf, machme, ib, M1 fe.nt 1 the Idal, t,' 1111, f.... B3 and "!,] a, it, Fig.70k. hol dr'. if,,, plat, to if,, [,ft.
If there is no tensi.(,it at prCS, M dial G2 and ,fet lon F2 ,,, Air in oric al holes at right of pr,' ion, ,Acting,, 'Ling tili, I'lroce', until a 'light linnifilum telisi("i is 1he on thread take-lit, lpring 02 and str,,k. of illis'Slrici Alcluld be just ,,fficiont to lake p slack of it edle t read lintil int .f needle reahe, fabric in its descent.
To adjust tension oil thread take-up syring 02. remove tension 'li",,2ge ce, f Spring from glow ,wn stiall. spring, and fla,e ill end ill le le,", which produces Correct tension. th, To regulate strolo. of thread take-up spring 02 screw Q2 Fig. 69, and linn the thre',d take-up spring regul ll tor 112, Fig. 69 ontil stroke is then tights, screw Q2. 1 TO CHANGE `ti,h o THE THROAT PLATE I'lir')at
f-ig insrt th, 1, i, oild ..... pido.. A -1..... . as ft,, a, it llial if,, it, th,
1, 21 OW, ill, the th, pim, und'-r [lie edg, n Fbit. 71(th. l,'),h the ,ill llin it pin, B3 oel doy, piat,' B3 C3
7PA. W1,1... in
Th .....
a806xi Twin Needle in ng o tile needl1e indicate (8) and si, of thenedl (14).
Follow procedure, described for setti irg single needle (see. page 17).
CAUTION-Before stitching with Twin Neec. dies he sure the needle position lever is set at central as shown in Fig. 26, page 24 and that the machine is operated at a bight not exceeding 3. Set hight limit screw X, Fig. so, page 31 to lock the bight lever at the point desired but not to exceed 3.
plalte 17i3303.:1 lind eieslte en pr Pose press~er foti 105250 tsr thel satin stlteb to it 10.5251 must hr, uAed.len' y
loid "ibile sir tight
itte'ltinlg. scallopinig *,,t ru-ti stitelh desigti. 5 arert more ieffriiveh dlone, ',hit, the genra-rj,* rswr~l too, 'al. injur to [St' tite irtiper- tilttat [late it les feet iglid vpn M blu 4 or break
Fig. 71. Inser.,ng Twin Needles, Into
UPPER THREADING-TWIN NEEDLES Place a ])(i)l 011 elell Of tile tw15 'P(Yxl Pirls.
Thread each pc)jIlt with belle thread at a tillic ill the wile manner as for illglfl lleedle threading with of the It-ikioll. Pass one thread between the ".or and centre tension discs and the "cond thread between the cent" and front tension discs. T1117C111 01C (.ye Of needle fr(M front to back. iililt 11'd (,r", or billd caell Start Lo tw with thread, in the sanw sir as mhen stitkllil",' will' Single 4 3 3
10 9 5 F1
Sirnipd decorative stitchinlg is effective whtlm ised Ito proiduce a .design of straight or diagonial lilies of sliteli ing. The two threads, carriei ))v the twin itcedlet interlock wit t single bobbipi thread and whenl the teniolns are in creasedI t, l abric bet wee a the linles of slti[citing is raised. When stile)inag paale liJs pacng ' sh ould be -such that foot does 'tot ridle over a prtitou edyrow, unless when usin g a spca trtucking foot (seForni K6071I) with parali ci clearance grooves iii its -ole p~roviidet for tile air tulks previouslY seWn. Square corniers are made by ttrliuig twice whilel the needles are out of the fabric. Stitch unftil the inside necedle has reached he corner. Raise presser foot when needles are ouit of the fabric. Make a one-eighthl turn of the fabric, allowing the inside needle to enter for thle second lime into thle corner sfltitci penetration. TIurn hand wheel unt il the needles go clown andi uip again anti] rise ouxt of the fabric.
MIake thec second eigh1th turn of the fabric. Allow tihe in'side needle to un-for tile third tinme initt thie corner stitc enertin Col ftiuc to) stitch in ait rasight hoc),. Wiuc dewig is Completed draw t ilreakii to, liep iiii1l Ad kanti~ Select thread) ota size, alrrlat or ileitzsu oif Ileedit' being usd s Avci iat, a thread appropria te ft r the fa brie. Tic Fa IpicTre. I Needle anti Stitc 1c(ii Lutith Charnt onl Page 16 is a helpful guide.
SEWING SUGGESTIONS Brealcingof needles rnight be caused by. 1. W reng size f needic for thread an(] material see page 16 2. Wrong throat Idat, or presser foot for the type of ,eork being Ale, 3. Wro Ofe,,'r Setting if necille position 1,.ver anti or --bight ,q, Pages 2t :to, 31 and 32. 4. pulling of Iiatei.1 -hen slitelong-sce page 27. 51 ....sely laSt,nd foot or fittings.
6, Wrong class of -see page 16.
2. 3. 4.
floblon thread tension too tight12. Bent Boblon. Damaged Bobbin Case,.
see Pages 36 tO
Skippin'. of stitches might, be caused by.' 1. ofbent. needs,, --,,cc pages 17, and 43. 2 Wrong Needle setting blunt or 3' Needle ton small for thread -See Page 16.
1 Damaged presser foot. 5, Damaged throat plate.
Looped stitching might be caused by: 1. Wrong threading-set, Pages 18 and 44.
9 Tensions set incorrectly- see pages 36 to 42. 3 Needle too fine for thread used. Improper presser foot. Cathering or Purh-cring of
Needle blunt 111 Act. 17 and 91. Needle set in .... rrectly see pages Houglictield hols in throat plate. Wrong wrangenent of threads Boot' starting to ,,,y see page 2.1. 9, Needle thretol tension too light 10. Dmaged 11-ing, book
'he,r 111it(iii;il, and thwad 3lioprop,r 1......t foA Imachine runs heavily, after t.t ...
dh, h,'
PROTECTION AGAINST RUST DAMAGE your (,"illg niathoo. 5,a. [olilt to "laftilig.stall(lar(l and trealment it receive, Ithen ill uto.and lts perforin.
bill, 41tiriti,
.3i("I' 1' ailfl Illread lo'l(l Illoi accelerate filt flarnage llighh1f 11.11 poli-fled flandling 111'1 alld11111otlivi[,arts. The extent of 1-tit flarnage stould depelld upoll the 1c111,111 of tino. tilt, Inaelling, Exltlilitl(.(1 in idle slora(l ill an kinkentilated allic or toorn.
suddell (frops ill temperature aill niciitiilt 'Allich it' wit loote(lial by l filir, oI (,ii \x)iild riit in Ioi.a,,t..
Ploper 'forage Call, tho[ough 1,rtiIi-(,itaiiiiig to renooe all Inoil,' 111, lint dillf fills, lo, smabbill, of, all llo, exposed part, mit 1 a Ifill-free Llulil, saturated mili SINGER (,if. Sec. Fig. 5A lot. the awas mhilii should be cleaned and ( oilled titl) a protective coat of oil.
gig. 75 .1
Rm,,, fl,e plate tt(l throat plat, and, ha'], ,,,er Abate earl 1 ...nd heeL dut and lint 'all brusb. X XI 11ON: [),I .... Aliens
52 T2
oiling 11 11114I 'It Al tI '11 ,7, -18 and 74. Fig, o. bront 1 i shonwig Oiling Point,'
49 lRernrve feec plate 52. Fig. 76 by taking olit thumb s~ler T2 and slipping plate upl anid off secrw at U~2. Oil the pDoi its indicated in Fig. 78 anid then repalace( plate S2.
~~~~a drop of oil to race of bobbinl Case holder as shown ill Fig. 79.
50 wul
111, hm,
I0 tur) light 1i reacb oxti dioClinc rlln ad1110tu1il swiitclh X2, Fig. 81, to right lTo extiiiguislr tril sw-itch to left.
fig. 81. SINGER Light
Fig. 82. RrmotringLOK and RFplaing the,
Z2 9
Grasp light socket so that thumb extends over switch X2. Then press shade with thumb at Y2 to release shade from two catches and slide it
UNLOCKS Fig, 83. Lrockine or Un/Aoking BRul, Pin
halfway out of shade holder A3. Then press bulb in to socket and at same time turn bulb over from machinie as far as it *-ill goo to unlock pin Z2 (see Fig. 83). WV ithdraw the bunl). To Insert a NYetw Bulb Press bulb into socket and turn it over toward machine until pin Z2 enters notch in socket (see Fig. 83). Return shade to its normial position as shown in Fig. 81.
Fig.81 In.rrg
Thdit in Socket
eling lo Ille
Viceffle, either oil its upward or downward stroke. Strai,llt Stitching Pre,"er Foot is scall's, f(II(Iklcell kell le I It ilw like ed-c of a lapped scaril, 111I, fold J a
1at or
placing all
oil a
VOke or X
bag. R( Straight stitching is accomplished With all stitch levers it) a downward position aild with like hight set at zero as show,, ill Figs. 8.1 and 86. (:(,lltrill Ill-edle 1)4X'iti(Oll ifor -ti mflill v, bell til, long, except ill 111(1 Llillisklll situatioll it i, 1h1 lo alter till, 1,,cati(tl Of [be 11Cedle in to [lie centre it ' tile loot. The Straight _Stitellitig '1'hroitt I'Late and Straight Stitching Presser FWA (sCC page 30) it(' designed to all fabrics but espeeially delicate, soft tabries sheers, crepe arld all fabrics where the
all for such s,(rk. iC, al To Umk Bight (:(,iitrol I'or Straight Stilebilig-Wilt"itriiglitstit('ilillg' 'Cl ticedle ti(ol faster S at central bight lever T a[ 1)oi zero and set inaxinltlfll bight stop sirem X as showil it) Fig. 85. I'lien bring tile illICI. IlIC(Iiall. bight regulator screw t, upuard or I, do mmard lititil volt feel the Ilmell em, Lle(L 1,est Sliteh. 11 i a good practice to tet a srap of labrit. stilvilillg a _,alliielit lo deterrilille (lie colk-ectiless of fell. ioll lell-th of titIll aild 'I'lle Threa(L Needle alld Stil(A1 Lelir"111 Chart Kit pagC 16, il a IllefIll to tlic thread and 'titch for a ide vat icly of' fabrik h.
Darts ale
kum. 11c List titl-et, t, f(kil still hill (1 a aild parallel 1,, 1111.hbl. resulting ill a
TORSO OR SHAPED DARTS TOrs, and shaped ]art- are strorigei arill rijo, c flexibl,
Nvllcli stitched kitl) a shalloss zil,,zi,,. sittell tbe floult,
fur a distaliCe (It Ille able[) litli'lli.aiglil slitching. zigZag fenire pollwil, 1,1,1, mol trader Foot (:,astral Needle Poition 11.1 to 1 Bight 25) Slilef, for Zigz,.g a ... 112 Stit,h fo, straigit Le CONTOUR DARTS IN INTERFACINGS Contour ]arts in interfacings provide pernia, nent shaping without bulk mben (kit, lapped and zigzag stitched along raw 1Ages as i.xi Fig. 89. 'I ic dait is ofien cut amay edges d lnith
lm il.'n'
0 j
Fig, 90. Cont,,.r Imrt o'll, Allotted Edg,
54 ZIGZAG SEAMING Afler (,ariis hale beell and filted, rilark (aillille of, 'Caill oll 1)"tl Section, of rail[) liand 1)zltitig. illat (-alllsalli L mleme, [i(it ovel. "itil 'caill lines matchillg aild hand baste. Inalki:,, Satill Stit,1, 10.5251 i, u kA 11f'(,11(, ,kjlliflt (1 lzltf inotil that ruil, through scam lalk. Cut away exces cam ul) bl Ititt'llill4 011 11(111 1,111ht am1 minlig silles, lising curved embroidery 111-0,r L.,
Plate Jild Sittel, 1 ),,i 105251 oind Needle ' PwIlt Abosi: 2-) Siffi Ii
hg, 9h
gr igr
_. ,
i. r
r~sii ri.:i~i .........
Place a thread through Ihe eye at the froit of the foot and
_ i It).251_
2 Blight
AXhove 25 Stitch Lever A For a dainty hairline seam in sheeers that is also frayproof. folhlow shaped seam lim s ith a ile cording stitch,
f or rip-proof seams in lingerie, first straight stitch fitted seam on wrong side and press both edges to one side.
Use: 0 Bight 15 Stitch for Straight Stitching
On right side of ga rmen tI topssitch witb a fine zig-zag r ir* i searn and seam thickness. s1e: General-purpose Thioat i'Iate and General-purpose .ji I ~~~1re~~ser Foot tentral Needle Position
2, Stight1 lAcer A for Zig-zaig Stitching. stitch allow~ing needle to enter alternately chanrij
* 9 -. . r .
56 INVISIBLE SEAM FOR HORSEHAIR OR NET BANDINGS 1 l otPlate and p ps Use: Ctue Gen'ii~al -purpose Presser Foot ,n tral Needle Po sit iond Ci I> Bight 25 Stitc Lever A
Guide braid10orbanding
HEAVY DUTY REVERSIBLE SEAM br a I 'late and PesrFoot I. se:Gnrlprnr Gentrcal Needle Position 2 Bight Abovle 12 Stitch Lever A interlocked For heavy duty. straninproof scam, us double edge of' orlie midtter raw seam, zigzagged onI hot I sid es. Turny two nterlock ecio joining of cedget section. and turn up raw~ and across raw egsand zigzag arorn5 onle seaim on1 righit side douibly other srafin on wrong side. produCing a double fell aring ` henl strain agalinst elasticity reinforced, midih
1,ig C
Seams ill fabrics thal stretch oi bias scains ill firm fabric are often stayed 5,ith searn tape for durability. Poslition
scani tape mith edge exactly, on seam line. If scain is eerie , shape searn tape [)V steaming at the ironing hoard. lland te if necessary. S'litch with fill(. zigzag stitching. Press seam open, after clipping (ill curve.
Tilt. earns id all interlining ale always overlapped to aoif bulk in a garment. Cart, must be taken to ti,e 1111, fill[ ciiii all(t%%atiee. slitell in the (it' the Ovellap mith filliltil)lt stitch ziI,,Z;Ig. Trini width front searn Thil (Detailing is thirable, flexible and free of ljulk, Use: General-purpose Throat Hate ant] Press,r Foot Central Needle Position 5 Bight 12 Stitch Lever It
Ttlill [ANk
loc A, Gelw1A P111poc Foot and rpatelial o That swililil]4 to the light. picl, c, Inatelial Xac 11v al f-dge, 1 po,, I'Lite alld Presser Foot G-nual Positom 2 Bolit 15 Stil, 11 A TO FINISH SEAMS IN TRICOT OR SHEERS S[cp 1. Slitch sealn itil short strai"l)t tiltililig liilig Stili"'ilt Stitching Thloat Stitcilillg Presser root. Support noncrial mhen Stitching as described oil page 27, Step 2. Finish earr, edges tf9Mher with stitchillg 1 with the Blind Slitch Disc No. 3. Trim serial close it) lit-liillg. '1'[lis firtish prevelli, and provides a fine smooth edge. 'I'llroat Pble and M cser 1 oot Cenital Needle po'ition 1 r 2 Ito-dil 2.7) slilell Blind Stilii Di., \o. 3
Fig, 1(m)
ly , 1(1,
Se,.. in Tri, o?
TO OVEREDGE SEAMS slipport tile girtii,rit and aft,r lon'. -1och Illade itli bulk mhen bind a, a a durable finiAl if fii is 1, 1, yfllilltaili(,(] the Iflilld swill Di,( is durable alld frel, of
'When - ain edge, art, firessed lilev alC 1 c: G-rllial 1 ,r 5 Bi-All 25 Siii, h Blind Stil( h Di-f N,. 111alg, Z11)11 Ples-er Fool
... Bttw,
-st hight at approximawk, 3 or ,, that ticedle, on its right "ii.g, enter, Flinc ol right hdc. titAt. Needic should enwr cael, hol,' AX inne'. lo PomF stitelo set bight at 0 ..... 1 take 3 titliet it, left 1... l,' ,I hotton. TO SEW ON BUTTONS WITH THREAD SHANK Follo. ttis outlined and in addition, hold pin or needle between bole, in to stin lies alld thread sliank. A long thread ,h.tik retili,, ,tieii do,, end M s,,,ivig machiric needle is used in 1,1Zoe 01 a pin, Tighten needle thread tension if stitches appear to be Tg 106 Seamg ...r Butt...F, uill,
BAR TACKS AND SIDE STITCHING MARKING THE MATERIAL M,,,k the and 1,-ngth,,f or Inarking ' halk. 'I'lle leri e'th of (tie Lontollhole ill 1,0 the ,ttir)k spae plos 1, Ch for b., length o! spio, the F.eIiig tlb,(,igll lliAi tbe bution passe, x' 11 the iilli plu,' [lie thi, th, buttorl.
SETTING THE MACHINE 1 n,: Le,,, A left Needle (Sce cage 32) General-purpose, Throat Mate Butwahol, Foot (See Fig. 10117, p~. 63) Slitd. 1,,,gth 25) 2 Bight for Side Stitching bi,,djt rgulatir creS) (See page 31) 4 Bight for Bar Tacks (Use maxi ....... i hight Aor, screw X) iSce pitg 31) N01'E: Blight 21, for md, tit, h,- and 5 for far tak, mak, Fbr, w-i,,llt Bill the T,m lit, Ii length and ori , lotible fold of th, ,atiic fabri, . ilo, IrwInde joiterf,,,i,,g if this h,i, b"ll
C.:ir D-
STITCHING PROCEDURE F P6,c RcAl,' alignmg markm,g ,f b,3ttonlt"je, ,it], p,,mt ,f ttltil,1 ...1f,1,,(ft. Turn 1,3, t.'ard V'm ,,, thal fleedicenters faim, al pint A. SIDE and litell if' erld of marking. 1(.jli..g licedle ill fat,,i, at point B. PIV01ANG: Wii,, filt tond using x, a pnot, wrn ,,rk, I.,,.e, f ....L a ...1 t,,kc stitch bighl settimp- thus tri,,ging needle 1, C, fare lic,,lle ill fabil,' HAR 'I'i%(:K: Adju,'( fight Imer t,, 4 mid bfk, llf, 1,s tila,' st,, stitciC5 stop at pint D, twedle ill fallm., RI.rit hight if, 2 and (omplcle uork t,, E, ailtj,.ximatkly i. front c,A ol 'I'll, end marking ,i11 prior ill ],,,er edge ,f ,pellifg it, bull ....h, c 1 BAR 'I'ACK: 1mc bight to 1 and duplicat, tck previously, .Aisle. ending itli ncedle in ,.rk fit EY,,itit F,
Coitt'll or buittonhle(1
thiread thirough eyvelet inl fronit oif buttonhole foot. as showi ill Fig. 107 aid proceed as for rei'-tiar butt oihbt es a.rstr, ce oil pages 61, 62 arid at the left. F.
FI NISHJING: To secure st hn.set bighit lever at 0 anid take thr-ee stitchies. Remove moik arid drax. thre ad to Underside. fastell and trim. With sharp) embroidery scissors cot opening fksr t he button.
P ig,
2 <Q f v~
Vro/ XCi!,i'
Blind Stitched hems arc appropriatle ir curtains, draperies, linens and fabric ifurnish digs. fold, press and baste hemn keeping basting stit ches at Icast i, from tipper fold of hern. Hg tbe bulk of the work hack l'Place hemr against feed. tirin in a soft fold. Position needle into folded edge ol the hem near this soft fold. Thbe Blind Stitch Disc produces four stitchi 1,. the straight stitches separated bY a single sideward ll ll shouldipierce the soft fold. re-uhThe sideward Slit left. i .............. itg in a Blind Stitchted hem. The highlt is regulated at 2 or 3. on the weight and( texture of th fabric. ./depeuing
X :i
>I TIO'lN): 1 is
fien's in skirts, dresses (1. xtra width at the top of t IIl IIen' who h fI be cO IIsidcIed, Wher, the garment is lared or eircular, thcre is more fullnes, ill the hem thall Ill straight eut I'llis fullness must be controlled before tlic fievil is fillished. if a sillooth llern is if) rest;lt After the length of the garment i, marked, pin an(] baste
ith si I k t hread onil-, I u a i ler inch fro in Breast, of hern. Press,
Cut hern to
fullness by placing a line of straiglit stitching onequarter inch from top edge of fiern and draw hobbin thread,
to shrink excess fullness. Basic and stiteli seam lape along this quarter inch control thread. fland baste through eciltre lit' searn tape in preparation for Blind Stitehiti,,,. Position hern against feed uith inside of garment rolled to the left to form a soft fold at basting ling.. Blind Stitell hern
with the marlone equipped as follows: 1 Se: Gelo-l al-pul pose 'I hroal Plate alld Central if) Lf-it Needle 1 to 3 Bight
fi, 11 1
its, S.....
11(,llis ill heavy coatings are, smooth]%, Relics the fullness is removed, by Cutting a"av marry,%, at regular intervals to allow the bern to conform emictly to the Shape of' the garment. The cut should not extend beyond orle ivies iron] the lower fall of the Intent. Garments Inert, this treatment is used are usually lined and the lining is carried to one inch from the edge. Bring cut edges together and stitch with multiple Slitch, Zig-zag Dise. Should the fabric be loosely isoven an underlay. of thin lawn may be used as a lay on the underside. fg 1 se: Vool
:k' 111 1a 1 N ( 'f, 11e P, it i
Throat Plate and Zipier Ifight 25 Shick from [of, edge of llem. will) zipper Foot B i te] lo right (,I lleedle. plate fien) 11,,Ailisi feels and turn 1,1trEii,,iii (o forill a Al roll A Lasting line a, ill Fig. 112. palge (5. 1 Throat Plate Zipper Foot 101 127 ((t al light d Nee'lle Aightly Jelt of C'entre Bight Ith 1 Stitch Dils, No, l
The 'd the lit-ill i, fillisil,d by overed-, 1 t` with Blind Stitch Dise N,) 3 5 an(] 1 2.5 on W19C 59. fland baso. It,,n t( CZAI. Incrof threc, ghth, inch
*Siadoiw h lris un hIutl fol 1Able iiutd4 t, listp t,,, !_,rganie or ile lincol. an Mr df r s. or apronu, of
skt -
Sl l l
i x
laste hem to full depth of design, corners ntitred where necessary. Mark design on right
sheer, crisp fabrics.
l'ig. 1
ppkqr S
to ... in
side. Draw filler cord through opening in front of Satin Stitch Foot and follow design with fine. closely spaced zigzag stitching. When applique is complete, cut away surplus edge from wrong side close to stitching. See Fig. 136 for threading of cord. Note that cord is carried from the first thread
guile doew betwee .i centre and
guide and then throughi the opening in the front of the Satin Stitch Foot.
Use: Throat Thlerol-purp>we
I late
J4 _ {.
i~~~~~~~~~LVer A
Ist. ruth
V,4o, md,
lse wi(l, lace daillg vith a flefinitp floral design, and haste into desired, oil right side of fabric,, Fir,,t follow upper lilies of motif nearest edge,, covering tiller cord with tiny stitches along lilies of' motif, and Continuing in an tivil)rokel c,,fltitti3us line. Then choose a s,ctooi of the motif nearest edge and fully (111hile 11 8 Sepal all- Inotl ' repeating at evenly spaced in c vals for feligth et the lace. iiialj%" lenlove eut surplus hice close o stitches of' Corded onthries and, fim wrong side, of garment cut axa.v surplus satill along edge close to lilies of Cording.
,l ha,'
P"'. 11"
Ro,, I'd',
Bight stio ll L,,,r A Q,, If, Blind Edg,, Maro, variations of tile soft sCallop n1JY be obtained by if,,, ir, usinc different selfings and thre.,1, The automatic stitch demise lend further e.riati.... and interest to shell herre. The shell herns illustraicil are stitched ith Bli ...1Stoch Di,,c at i hight arld 25 'fitch (Fig. 21 aod it]) ltItilIe Slit, 1) It at 5 JAeht mA 2-, gig, %
"l'Po tmf~~
binlding as
lXl anl it
1 wear, aproins anid h-Iis Colourful triml is Attractive wh'len applied thidijrens, ravel and for that tits keam for finishi praictical a is It furnishings. (altric moaking bound s-ns ill accommodate biothi straight and sxahnn ll he oal nieedile hole of the ~~~ /1/ titchingil
Pr-oddco ur rcia! bias is inserted fronm the right into the otdeslot in the hintler scroll, Cut the binding diagunally to formi a lonrg point. 1Inserd inito the Slot aned pull through the sc-roll the pointed ends; until the evenly foldedl edges are Under the needle.
Uase: General-purpose Throat Plate and Binder Straight St itchI tir Lever A Zigzag Stit ch 0 Bight to, $ Bight 21 1(1 to IS stitch Length S to 12 Stitch Length Central Needle Positiont Central Needle Position
BIAS BOUND EDGES ADJUSTMENT AND OPERATION OF BENDER 'I'lle edge to he bound is guided inlo the centre (of tilt, Scroll. Stitching is positiolied (ti)se to tile edge ', ( the bifiding bx i(ljkitii)g the s(,rtl pi)ltii)tj Id'th, attachillent. Loosell the adjusting, screw and [rolve tile Scildl to the ri'ght to bring t6e stitching closer to the binding align'. and to the left for a wider adjustruent. Care should he taken to ce that tile screw is well tighterjed alter making air adjustment ' Ne,ler [lull [Ilk, binding as ii fecd, through the scroll. Allow the attachment 1( do ill(. work, nicrely the edge to be bound well into the centre of the scroll as you stitel). Fig. AdjuSting (Id,lfmd,
SELF-FABRIC BINDING Self-labric, bias binding should he cut 1V16, Wide 1111 the true bias. Insert the unfolded hiridit g directly ilito the two folds at the evid of the scrol; and draw it back under the ncedle- As the bividirig f)as,,e, through the scroll the ra" edges are (urned in. Use cither tiiii,,lit or zigzag stit(,ilillc k(ijljst till, tion .,f, the scroll, 1)fitill" I'lle that the needle enters the double fold of, the hiliding oil hoth sides (,f tile ll ork.
19'A Ag--,
ste 1,
BINDING CURVED EDGES Curved call be butilld as a, Irzii-,llt edges, bill require Aigliffi different fabm handling. Inside curves ale a, alloy all, ted ifito the bindei. If the labric is boft and a if) scret, ll, reinfoice the edge with a sinAc row of
ffic -11
Outside ( tine- still to lead away from tile centre slot of tile scroll and Aotuld be guided ,, that a lull seats isidth rs taken at the needle point Dlt riot attempt it, pull or straighten fabric into ilic full leti,,tll of 1llf. S, roll. clastic and durable flat finish for cuilled witell frsing a straight 'litell a Wider ol the binder required ifian is binding a straight edge.
lig 12-
...... d
BOUNDSEAMS 1,kso Deals (.(]gem Illay be bourld i,, form a durable scam that is usefill ill articles. such as xtiIii(,tis or Aip-4m g of fabric or plasto . 'I'lle k-aill edgi, aft, filst joined ith stlaight stilchillf,' (1,rong 11 1011,1111,1 1 th, scain alloiait((. trimmed it) a scani 1, ' foel Own inserted into the scroll ul the and bollild as a sill-le
713 NET a0UND SEAMS fabro,, that li-av chilly like rliifT,ii, etc- nia, h.', 'wn erg., bound ,Iii nylon o 1, Cut ,iet moo stfifis a halfie, 1,wiic and insert, into outsolc slot of hiroler. 'c: N'-edle, Ksitom Bight 2 12 to 2,5 Stit,h Lerealli he'er 'I Fee'] edge, ioto billder iii, iglit 'ol, if Thi,, filliAl ill impure alwint falvitig Ailing hulk. DECORATIVE BOUND EDGES slit,h length, fight ,,,1 ne.11 positjoil and stitis , e:,,ilv ,s se: Throat Plit e Cf-alral '.\,,,,Ale Pomtion S:i:ii Leogil, AI,,)(. 25 S i h Pattern (Sclect deire(l 'lise) Bilelf, Bight 3 to 5
Binding, a" gien Interest lit, lled ill,
fig. 129. Yet 11n ebet uith ,,gztg Stoch tit, hilog. tlo, iif" reguLne
Central Ncedle 1) Bight Zil)l)('1. Elt 161 12 '1'( C(Acr (ord. lit bia, '1111l doof' tile -caln allowance filus r, :,ri, adjusi F,ot sit left of iteldif,' fold bias l,\er '(,Id. 1)l)itil)ll ,,Joc, 1, blit nol inlo it. tind Ilmer the foot. Slit(h. guiding, tilt, edge of Ill, foot llext to thi. 1jul it, m.1 clowd 111c loot agaillt it. Machinc Irate (o)ril if, right -id(' ot gil-niiiit usnig Zillier Foot a(ijttic.1 to indil of ncedle. Apply facing and 1,oitil)ii under needle, iitli facing next to feed aril Alarmist flext to foot, so thal 1)atil)", mitell mill be in view Stitch, this time the foot against tilt, wording and inaking stitches lco, eyi the basting and the cording. Before turning mork, blend scarn, by cutting a~. seam allowances, the hw to 's' attic the 1garment 1 and' facill,
facing and (Age, lend 'ul miffi .... rded alld addifion to lit(
to tlilol",1
'fit,, Yylwr- loot i, t,,r itiakili-, alld fiis 111ally clflibli( atioll in Filial 11c111,
~~'w W~~rr~~~
When the Scallop Disc is in use, the needle moves to fo ina seallop v hile the fabric moves in a straight line luntder the presser foot. The depth of the scallop is conby the bight setting. A Sbight produces a scallop
than 5 produces a correspondingly narrower scallop. The length of scallop varies with the stitch length. A 12 stitch and a 5 bight produre a scallop approximately 1'SK in length, a 25 stitch and 5 bight give approximately a hV scallop, while a stitch length above 25
in Pro..r.
prod~ices a scallop of
I -e: General-purpi. Sc l
spare for cutting wien the seam edges are trimmed and
turned to form the finished, faced scallop edgx,. Scalloped edges are used extensively on blouses, dresses an l onl cdhildren 's wear.
Stitch in the same wav as when making a straight seam. The garment section will pass straigilt umler the presser foot w hile the needle follows a scallop pattern.
Trim seam allowance to less than point between scallops.
Blend this narrow seam hb clipping small wedges at regular intervals. When the scallop is turned, the
seamed scallop edge will have a smooth even cenliour.
ktitarti, variation i given simple mon.. gr,yn 'diell ,a, -,r more J.1111f, 'Iti, -tith att,rf,' are Select a finmogram rom the eaiii tralifer deiIalIA aldilable cr vour purpose. sk,t, h ',,, to
"it), I rwe r
,be3l o....
bi n right iIc
ol loateriaL ('
Th, ....gram. on thi, page are suggenive J the wide ra.p. and ,,Deny -Inch an
F2 cw
UI'-: Dalrlinig and EmInroidery Throat Plair No. 161238 D )arning and lEifmbroidlery F oo No. 161236 Darning andI Embroidery lloop No. 1612 0 or ( oiv/ itiortal E11broidery floops ( entli-al Needle losiition 3.5 Bight 0 Stitch Le-er A Script stitch is most eflfetive for marking baby blankets, childrellrs vear, household linens, lingeri- or accessories. After tracing or marking lettering on right side of fabric. place iu cmltnicry hoops with right side up. (See page 88 fin assemlling hoops.) Place work un1er needle, lower the presser ibar. position the nerdle and f.oloM the outline cur, check selling of( needle, decrease tension and use c(risp
Shadow monograms have a dinerisi onal appeal accotiipIisplc-Ied with thread.s of d ifferenlt colours or shades and with twin needles. Proceed as for script stiteh. Limit bight to 3 or les and ue se a needle thread tension slightly lighter than for script stitch. Stitch more slowly when crossing one line ot - ti ng over another. Where lines cross, stitch' the first fii ti less lenIC andI allow the second line of stitching Io be mnore prominient. Move eml)roidery hoops in formirig letters s thiat most of the motion is away from you. Move loops with the stroke of the, needle, taking care not to bend or deflect needles. Shadow monogramis are equally appropriate for linens and wearing apparel. Ng
Mtiogtrnm l .o,,.
12 'ig,
Fig. 15,3
M APPLIQUE to (lull crepc to create lit-alit Mid ulterest lo, C(I1tra-t in teNture. Pinil 1abri, s are sometimes applied it, plaill fabrics in children's clothes. play or linen'. for rnotif and llorkler prints illi'y be applicl to plain fabri( of' Huffill Wxture, When large inotif iltsi,,,lis are used in applique. the lilies or of tile are fit,(ltitlith accented lo, continuing tile stilchill., arou lid thesc Sections to oul iiiIiiil,,s de-w il (lie In 111bric lur 1 1 padded to furillel tions are 11-(',itlklitiv ,1xcellt the and lo give it a limensi( nal flualit.y. Shados, on Awei fabric- i all unpolLint variation of plaill applique and i on page 0, . fifter wlav on inariv type, of appalel Fabros of liketextures. lts "ell as fal)ii(. and mea(s, W'fl Oftell used ill appliqueing. Vor exaniplc. ill liogeric, lustrous atin is appliqued le design portion. of [lie lx'sil-11 are (,fit colltrast 11,1ilig double and h
Bold nwitogranis of, kvllflstiig fahTICS ],sly 15e applied to bedspreads. I'liiliktt covers oi Wittier flit'lliltiiig, for Ilit. horuc.
Fig. I ,. C hild' A
Irai TpI~j,,l
A closely spaced satin stitch is usually used for applique making it unnecessary to turn raw edges to underside. The width of the satin stitch may be varied to accommodate the weave. Fine fabrics are appliqued with a narrow satin stitch. while coarse fabrics require a wide satin stitch. In many cases the design is stitched to the garment with a satin stitch and1 the edges are trimme.d away later. An alternate procedure is often used where the design is stitched to the fabric with a short
straight stitch the raw edge s trimmed. and the satin stitch used to complete the mitline, resulting in a smooth, lustrous edge. A triai sample is always mrade to determine the method most appropriate for the particular work being dow since appliqule is appropriate onl such a diversity of fabrics. Cay motifs from evervday lift are spirited and smart for resort wear, play clothes or furnishiigs in children's rooms or recreation rooms.
B Fork Arni-straddles tieedle. clamp. C -Adjusting Serew -- rcguilattes fullness of gatherst. D) Projection -engages slots in ad~juisting lever. E---Adjustinug Le~ver- sets Ruffier for gath-' c or pleats. F Adjusting Finger regulates dlepth or size ot pleats. G -Separator and Scain Cu I ithe- sepiarates rmille -trip from fabric and facing guides seam edges evenly. Ruffling Blad, --the upper, blue steel 11 blade ~ith~ teeth. j Separator Blade- ii wer blue blade keeps Ruflling Blade Teeth separate irom Let it. Iced Doi Te
each iworkilng day i in sure- smooth operati on and to prevent rurt and wear. oii at eachi poin ittI dicated In AmilYoil dr oil. Opterate illNto in Fig. 1511. then t s rutillv 1"iii a pict-e of1 5taiA material until litre i- lie oil on parts that tome jibt contact 'titl ilie work. To Attach the unifier, false needle to its highest point, loosen presser foot thumb screw and at tacit ru fler in plac~e of presser foot. at same time placing fork arm B asIrtide needi I ~clamp. See that necedle enters ccitrec of need 1e hole in ruffler.
83 To Adjust Ruffier for Gathering, swing adju,Aing finger F' frorn needle. Raise a(ijlitlrlg lcirl. E aud moxe it until projeclion 1) (,an be entered in slot marked 1.111. Insert material ,, be ruffled between two blue blades and under separator guide following the line marked 2 in Fig. 1.19. Draw material Aightly back of needle, lower presser bar and sc. For fits(. gathering. lurn adi ustin,' set W C up"ard to shortel) slioke. Iset rni[(,11ill(f,r a short stuch. V,r full glittering. torn adjusting screw C 1, Set the machine. for a longer stitch.
R 2 1, In,Ra171,1
To Make a Ruffle and Sew It to a Gartnent in One Oi)erlttiort. insert material to be ruffled between two blue blades and under separator guide. Place material to which ruffle is to be attached under sc arator blade and under separator guide. Irrocced the same as for plain gathering,
Ruffir and
It in On,
To AdJust Ituffier for Illeating, raise adpisting hncl E arld Imov it Illitil projection 1) can lk, en(cred ill Aot marked "6 '. The 1uffiel will Ilwa plcit (,Ale(. even 0 Stitches. To pleat once mety 12 hake projectioll 1) cylinder slot --121' ill tijiitivig Imer E. Insert Illatelial to lo, plealed two blue blades
and under the separator grille., To illi-rease mdth of' pleal, Illove adjusting
finger F back to"ard ncedle all(] turn adjusting s,,." (,' To make a smaller plcat. airs] ittljkltilig C, U okard. 'I'lle dinalice le. lell-th of stitell.
stag. 11,1,
("reap Pb.,,Img
gxitli Ruffl,'
make the pace Ilic. groups of plcat-, iaio, adjusting, ](,(,r E and move it uri;il projection 1) can be entered ill 'lliall slot ill, i(zitel 1)s st,r on ailitming ]eve[ E. The ruffler will thell stop plcAing and plaill stit(l)ill,,, will bc
profiection 11 Whert desired pace is itade, '12---. ,(-tInscri inatcrial in cither of' slot --6- or to be plealid between two blue blailes and undim separator guide.
MENDING A RENT OR TEAR Household linens, sheets, tf,e]5 and pillo. cases ...ended on the SINGER Autnnatic Sitig-Ne,,lle by holding air underlay of straight or bias labric tire tear and Iil,,[,itig "ith ille .,tit,h zigzag over tire ter bringing the ales d the tear n,'o.thr red forcing hems The eid r, re ;level .,ldcl Strength by ising Shorter slilch lermth, Ume: plate and Ple,.,,r F,)m Central Needle .S flight
2,7) to almost 0 slach
Stitch Zilazag Lever B MENDING TROUSER POCKET Regulate machine in the same, ay as for mending , tear, and stitch po,,ket together LIke needle in titeli very close to the else )it its right stroke, reinforcing 'the edge and cl,,siiig the seam at tire same time. 'ig Tell,
GIRDLE REPAIRS Zigzag stitching is well Awaited for rise on garments of an elastic nature that require firm, flexible stitching The multiple stitch zigzag, as "ll as the plain zi9zag, V` appropriate for such repain- The stitch 1,ulath arid bight are regu. ]ate according to the need, A needle Athtly larger ill lnze than Eig, 11, 1, R'p'not.g a Gmil, is used or regular sinching is sornetimes necessary to a(coininoAate the layers of fabric arid clas re. A1wre bothr lengthhise arid erlSswie chisticitv is i1il millilIc litch zigzaggifig is best sinted,
2 1}ight 12 Sit, i IA' ti1 A St ret,ci elastic while stitching to provide the degree of eqii edin the garment. If a waistband, fit elastic ful nss tottnS gIe.kcruSUat for snugWesi 55 n1 the fi v idual andi join ends of elastic. IDivide b)oth elastic anti garmexil into quarters and pin at as tic liiweu est. pollts to dimension of garment while stitching, With i. i II lse inter vals. St reth withI raw edge of garm int zigzag two rows, following the cords in the line in elastic of lotp edge ro f stitch inrg. elastic. liTrn awva v raw edge of garment near top ric REPLACING BLANKET BINDING Thet multiple -titelh zigzag i~an excellent stitch for applying
.at~~~~a p
dhurable finni-hi hioewotin Iinding. tlBAde new bindinig 1etUrely in p)lacc, SIitch.i usinig the GnrlproeTra itd 5 bight, 12 to 25 stitch ant.] s.e F ... I at and /i~-tzig I exer B. Invcrase pressure, adjust.~ M Multiple Sfitc thtt e thijekness of the blanket. nwiii to, a.ttil e
decorative anti
DARNING ,tockings, cliiidr,ii-, l.,iii)rigg.Atis, and knit wear of all kinds xs well as liousochold linens can be cons.eniciiti darned on Machine 320K. The area near the W0111 section iiiiit be held taut in the ciiibrc)idcr\, boops, furnislied with the machine, or in (oiixciitiijllil embroidery, hoop,,, Use: Darning arid Embnaders Foot 161230 Daming and Eniir,) Throat Plate 161238 1)ajriiii,,, arid Embroidery flool, 1612,1n r Corivelitional 11,Jole, Ceritral Needle Position 0 BiAlt
G C3 Dariling atid Embroiders Vold to 1,1 ("S(,r hill mnll thumb rt,, E3 s,, elicit F3 is tli under lee-er bar. lifter, 11g D3 is licit alld 1 le neollf, baby, 1111ough centre of hole in f.... 1, a ill Fig.
w.d LWA,,ik,, Thwi Pla llemove presser blot. then remve throal plate as nistructed mi page 1f2. Kwe Darnim, air,] Enilroiolt,[x Throat Plate in posilit'll m netchole as shomi m Fig. 167 o that C3 is uridemeath the e(lge i)1' Ille 1),tl and the pins enter (fie holes 113 in ifie plaw, E3
Em/ .....
88 DARNING-Continued
To atiach Hoop J3. F119. 161) to inwhinc, remove solid ri:19 113 hom plit ring J3 and in-cit t ill K3 ill holc 1-3 ill bed of' to be over split ;ill,,, J3 that h(Ac (o be repatied is J3 1',g l(A. 4ttz hing Hoop
solid ring 113 over the material and press it domn firmly cell thp split ring to clanip material tacit between the H3 rings. Raise foot litter G3. Fig. 161i and needle bar and hoops with M11Crial L11111111 the darriiiil, fool. a, shom n ill Fig. 17 1. I is, Ling
hoops hack wardl and( forward across hole, tlie lines of stitching ciosei~y spaced will producel a short sitch while rapid mo:vlemernt will produce, a long stitch. For knit and iricot fabrics a longer stitch is best, because it is softer when the gaitrment is worn. A short ~~~~~stitch is best for cottonis and household linens, because it approximates the weave of the fabric and is strong enough to withstand many lain derings.
Reinfrer ovnng1 positioning necedle oult-ide of hole, lover thle presser b)ar to erngage Ipinsion d arid run reinforcing stitehe> 14i fromrn~ completely around olct', miovirig Itoems with iiothi hands. lb ils rein forcemenet iitax 1e omnitted fhr firm abiswhenever it seemts to be desirable.
Afterlrni' removme thle darn1ing arid em-. friryfoot and emlbroidery Loop. Replace ftc tlh nu I plate aiid preISse foo t for ordiilarv sewitg arid rake thle presser bar filfer to ill hlighes-t po~litiori.
91 S lee ves I Itat caj rs it, (Is r diagona I taiiis a reproperly "licii the underarm scarvis dre suilched and pressed prior to the -litching of the diapmal derail oler ific tubakil bell,
,'R 1
u fr a re at t a(led as illustlated.
Stitching at the waistlinei oif a garment isavrnlsd witd great Pr facility over the tubular bnd. Often a st vied garmlent &alis for a slot ted seam!, a weltt eamn or a' top stitched seamr at the, waistline which must be completed after [lhe bodice and skirt sections are joined.. All such stitchi ng, are easily dlone over the tubular bed.
a j
w it S1l td I
ri f, it ng a z iI.1wr it) a t 1rt,ss 1,1ac ke i , l Iic fit l a I i' rt I, wt, c, 'll \e it ifi l fl y a, with [at,,
bed. Ilf, Aight cac.
99 Fiat jelled seams in 1pvjamas, slacks, blue jenjodhpur>, trousers, snowsuits, leggings. and tie li ke are in ore Lccessib -ict u the tubulia~r bed extends inside the shaped sect io provtiding greater visibhi]it\x for stitching
j i.j21 U"
Repairs and mendinc- A garments sm h a ilio, inviffioned fin llic precoluil., page are
with the 320K Mak lim...
ark 100 111,11 ......
.9 11
Household se- lag. cushionis, slip covers, lamp shades and all articles of cylviilrical shape are coivelliently and accurately stitched on thie 320K
Machine. A popular method of assembling sectiors frlr a slip cover attaches the welting to the shaped section. with the zipper foot. The shaped section is then pinned to its adjacent section and stitched from the outside through the welting and the seam allowarice of the newly joined section, The cording rolls over this outside stitching making it hardly discernible.
'~~~~~.x ~ -
Especially itiittl)lt. for iiiiiiiiiirv llic extends inside the (r,,wtt or Imitn
arid place,
ofa hal
Alapillg of Ificse
Trie brim and crown sections may be joined with ma-chine stitching following hand basting to properly shape and distribute the ease. This joining is always covered with detail of trimintiig or handing on the outside and a head. size ribbon on the inside.
6; ~
TY10107 If h Tubular Bled Feature i n ,fic 67. li8. 80 & 8i ....... . .......... A~pl'ue (itt .AppliqUe ler, c...C...r..........p... ,Lirrl Applujoe Aahdilsw heta ............ 6-1 Au! ecu'KAt eltg ,.. .- 5 g designs, Automiatic sitihini~ 30-32 Bight contro ,,....,.. 70i nder. Bi 71 Adjustment and operatiork of, 70 Threading, Bindfing ,86 ... ....... Binding b~lanlket7 72 Bin ding, curved edges 1 Bindinig velvets and shecer metalli,c 71 ..... Bi ding iuth self fabric .. 0 &71 .. Bound edges, bias .... ,........ 73 with automatic stitch designs. Bound edAges, .72 Bound ".tseams 13 ...Beundt seams. net .... 64-67 ... Bliind St itshied andl decorative hens. 22 ... Bobbin icthreading and replacing . Bobbin of imeA, . ........ draamg 38 & 39 .. Bfold>, tiireadt ret's ion, regultat inrg.. ... . .... 20 & 21 in.iting .,,...,... Bob ,79 desg ius, Border 1 71) &-71 Bloon edges, bias 3S Bound edges, decorative. ......
ouitooles. rmak ing ... lb Bu~ttons. sesing on,,,. sto ede Changing the throat ;slate Circular h~en- .,.,,,.... . .I, ...... Conhrnation stitches.,, Contour darts in iuterfacittgs .... Controller, tpeed ..... co'adcrd Corded edges with fabric Cording Seams . ...Curved edges, hiiidi rig. . Cliaiiging FASH 1ON Dis,, Dri.
01-63 6
13 42 (A &
8... .95 Darnin Decorative stitchiung with twinl needles.,.. tV X. to .... Deinadmofs. 782 ... . )besings and mobbnti res 2 ......... obntra taigu F~Es 71)& 71 aksbound edges... 7 .. Cornded edges. . . .... . 72 ,, Curved edge., landinag. Scalloped edges ... Elastic waistbands ..... Electrical information. . Embroidered litce. or Vienna asork . 8.....6a ... 6$ 1.6
FASHION Discs, changing Features of 320K Machinme .. Feed., reversing direction ,,.,,. Fitted darts ....... .... Gathered or puckered stitching Cathering with ruttler . Ceneralli urpose Stitching I(imp buttonh oles Gird .e repairs .uiding and supporting materi;
. ... .. .6
28 57 83 23 63 85 27 S 56 67 66 64.67 65 57 56 3
Mending a tear or rent . Mending trouser pocket . . Metallics (slicer) an J elvets, binding Moograms .
Motifs and designs.
76 & 77
73 ag
Motors and
]airine i aean in sheers .. flea y duty reversible seam .. llens Applique shadow hem ., ..... Blended circular hems Blind Stitlhed and decorative hems Blind Stitched finished with seanm tape Shell stitched hems .60 Interflaing, og tstour dart Invisible .ram for all-over lace e Invisible seam for horeehair or net banlings Lace. nvisible seam s..
Left needle po lin...32
Names of parts .. 50 Nee le breakage.t6 Needle, fabric, thread and stitch length chart . 16 Needle position control 32 IN eedle. setting in needle clamp 17 &43 Needle thread tension 36.37 & 40 Needle threading . 6. 18 & 44 Needles and thread 17 Net bond seas 73 Oiling the machine Open seams, overcasting Ov.e.. ging seams . 48 & 49 58 5) 52 2 4 24 & 25 . 4 & 35 63 . 26 as
.. . . ..
28 & 29 Sl
Overlapped seani for interlining .57 Plain seio I leati witn n rufifer lIi [airing to sew resr re on Iresser foot, regulating . RB ied buttonlolee. Rcmoving the work. . Repanioig a ginlie
Right ni lilte
Starting to sew
. .
Satin stitt Ilong
.. pure
47 2 8 29 & 40
levers. ~~~~~~~~~~Stitch
& >9 6
.87 Stocking darner hingg. titc n replacing. 11 &; P2 assemilY, reIin 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ensiori reltvig a 30.110 lesotregulating. and needles.17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thread 6 and stitch length chart.. dh}e( b~;eue
55 ems, firhe 56 luv revrsbl sctains ~~~ ~~~~eams. 54 & 56 Ins , ,ble 3 Net bound s7 ns 8 Os srtis~t opien stans ~9 Os ri dpi seamsl 0; tMalpped seams...7 Rip proW seririrs .ea .n .... Silaved /~ig rag eiiins 17 & 43 Settil,,~ ,,Belle, the
lle s
36-40O Threading bobbin ease.2 18 & 44 Threading the needle ..... Throat plate, changing.42 53 T ,rso or shaped da rts. ... 14 & I ... T;'in needle decorative 5t itchirg .4. Tsrn needles. setlinig ~.,,.45 ~~~~~~~~~~I val needle stitching '.* 44 Twin needles, threading . ... 18 & 44 U pper threading. idn . . . . .. 7 e rm tlis
69 4tthe. 29
. .
SI NGER se rvice...3.V3 Skipped Speed Controller. Starting ait a given place in'a design.
& 21 .5
TO ALL WHOM AT MAY CONCERN: The improper placing or renewal of the Trade Mark SINGER or any other of the Trade Marks of The Singer Manufacturing Company (all of which are duly Registered Trade Marks) on any machine that has been repaired, rebuilt, reconditioned, or altered in any way whatsoever outside a SINGER factory or an authorised SINGER agency is forbidden.
Pritd i ia rti