Antenna IQ Test

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Antenna IQ Test

1. An antenna has a diameter of 10. What is the far-field distance for this antenna, in
(a) 20
(b) 100
(c) 10
(d) 200

2. How does the far-field amplitude vary with distance from an antenna?
(a) increases as r
(b) constant with r
(c) decreases as 1/r
(d) decreases as 1/r

3. What is the difference between gain and directivity?
(a) gain is always larger
(b) directivity is always larger
(c) gain includes the effect of losses
(d) directivity includes the effect of losses

4. What is the directivity of a half-wave dipole?
(a) 0 dBi
(b) 2.2 dBd
(c) 1.6 dBi
(d) 2.2 dBi

5. A particular antenna radiates a uniform (constant) pattern in the upper hemisphere,
with no radiation in the lower hemisphere. What is the directivity?
(a) 0 dB
(b) 2 dB
(c) 0.5 dB
(d) 3 dB

6. An pencil-beam antenna has a beamwidth of 3. What is the directivity?
(a) 40 dB
(b) 36 dB
(c) 30 dB
(d) 0 dB

7. Radiation from a particular antenna is propagating along the x-axis, and is polarized in
the y-direction. What is the direction of the magnetic field vector?
(a) along x-axis
(b) along y-axis
(c) along z-axis
(d) cannot determine

8. What is the polarization mismatch, in dB, between an incident wave polarized along
the x-axis, and a circularly polarized receive antenna?
(a) -(infinite) dB
(b) 0 dB
(c) 3 dB
(d) 2 dB

9. An antenna has an effective aperture area of 0.5 m
. If an incident wave has a power
density of 3 mW/m
, what is the received power?
(a) 1.5 mW
(b) 0.75 mW
(c) 6.0 mW
(d) 0.3 mW

10. What is the approximate input impedance of a half-wave dipole antenna?
(a) 72 +j 42
(b) 36 +j 21
(c) 100 +j 0
(d) 50

11. A short dipole antenna has a loss resistance of 0.5 , and a radiation resistance of
0.5. What is the efficiency of the dipole?
(a) 10%
(b) 50%
(c) 100%
(d) 200%

12. What is the input impedance of a quarter-wave monopole?
(a) 50
(b) 75
(c) 36 +j 21
(d) 72 +j 42

13. Consider a horizontal dipole mounted /4 above a horizontal ground plane. What
expression represents the H-plane pattern, assuming is measured from the normal axis
of the ground plane?
(a) sin
(b) constant
(c) sin

(d) cos

14. What is the maximum allowable spacing for a uniform linear broadside array if
grating lobes are to be avoided?
(a) /10
(b) /2
(d) 3/2

15. What is the directivity of a 20 element linear broadside array of isotropic elements
having /2 spacing?
(a) 10 dB
(b) 13 dB
(c) 16 dB
(d) 20 dB

16. A particular linear array of isotropic sources has a directivity of 10 dB. If the
isotropic sources are replaced with elements having a directivity of 6 dB, what is the new
directivity of the array?
(a) 16 dB
(b) 4 dB
(c) 10 dB
(d) more than 10 dB

17. What is the sidelobe level of a 28 element linear array of dipoles over a ground plane,
having a uniform amplitude distribution and half-wave spacing?
(a) 23 dB
(b) 13 dB
(c) 10 dB
(d) 0 dB

18. A square aperture antenna has a tapered amplitude distribution. If the aperture is 2
long on a side, and its aperture efficiency is 50%, what is the directivity of the antenna?
(a) 6 dB
(b) 10 dB
(c) 14 dB
(d) 15 dB

19. Consider an H-plane sectoral horn antenna. For a given aperture size, how should the
length of the horn be chosen to maximize the gain?
(a) let the length equal the aperture width
(b) minimize the horn length
(c) maximize the horn length
(d) it does not matter

20. A rectangular microstrip antenna lies in the x-y plane, with its resonant dimension
along the y-axis. What coordinate plane defines the E-plane of the antenna?
(a) the x-y plane
(b) the x-z plane
(c) the y-z plane
(d) the constant- plane

21. Two microstrip antennas operating at the same frequency are fabricated on two
different substrates, with different dielectric constants. Which one has the larger
(a) the one with the lower dielectric constant
(b) the one with the higher dielectric constant
(c) they have the same directivity
(d) not enough information to decide

22. A particular probe-fed microstrip antenna has a measured input impedance of 200 .
How should the feed probe be moved to match the antenna to 50 ?
(a) move the probe closer to the edge
(b) move the probe closer to the center of the patch
(c) move the probe to the other side of the patch
(d) change the size of the patch

23. A square planar microstrip array consists of 44 elements, with /2 spacing. What is
the approximate directivity of the array?
(a) 10 dB
(b) 12 dB
(c) 13 dB
(d) 15 dB

24. How does the resonant frequency of a microstrip antenna vary with changes in the
element length and the substrate dielectric constant?
(a) decreases with length, decreases with dielectric constant
(b) decreases with length, increases with dielectric constant
(c) increases with length, decreases with square root of dielectric constant
(d) decreases with length, decreases with square root of dielectric constant

25. A large phased array antenna has a gain of 30 dB for a broadside beam. What would
you expect the gain to be when the beam is scanned to 60 from broadside?
(a) 30 dB
(b) 27 dB
(c) 15 dB
(d) 0 dB

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