GLC - "El Hombre, Sin Nombre"
GLC - "El Hombre, Sin Nombre"
GLC - "El Hombre, Sin Nombre"
Spain 1812 (ish). A road winds across a river, through a sleepy village and past a church on a hill. Guerrillas infest the area which is a vital supply route for both the rench and the Allies. !hey are usually for the allies but so"eti"es they fight both of the #big war# protagonists. $e have four scenarios% &l 'o"bre, Sin (o"bre ) !he Guerrilla leader is hiding, whoever finds hi" (or her) will win ) search the li*ely hiding places. +onscripts ) A group of rench +onscripts is escorting a Gun to the front... +avalry , ) rench -ragoons and .ritish 'ussars are scouting the area... !he Gun , ) A rench gun guards the river crossing, !he road is needed for vital supplies. !here "ay be a roving band of deserters out for pillage, a naval officer loo*ing for supplies, an aide)de)ca"p on a special "ission, i"poverished rifle officers loo*ing for glory, or /ust civilians getting in the way.
Captain Captain Whistlepenny Cabbel of the (RN) 95th
Guerrillas 1
Guerrillas 2
Conscripts Dragoons
Voltigeur 1
Cacadores Voltigeur 2
Random Event
Random Event
Fine Wine !
Any s3uad within 0 of a rando"ly chosen building will enter it without orders and procure a fine rioca. 0eader "ust roll 4 (then 5,6..) for each "an to bring the" under control. Any that i"bibe for two turns are )1 on +. Any i"bibing for 6 turns pass out and are re"oved.
Shooting d6 + Combat Factor + Shooting Factor 0ight cover ; )1 'eavy cover ; )2 Ai"ed ; )1 target +o"bat = allen target ; )1 unless short iring "ounted ; )1 ((o shooting into '2') Shooting Factors 7us*et 0 >2 <ifle 0 >2 +arbine 7 >1 9istol S >1 @ther S >2 >1 >2 A )1 )1 A >1 ) ) )
Morale oot +harged by 7ounted 0oss of 0eader lag +aptured Green troops see instant death within 10 S3uad reduced to 5AF D @B ; @B 2 @B ; lee 1 @B ; 2C lee A @* ; destroyed (Steadfast ; >1, 0eader in 0:0@S ; >1)