Type 8DQ1 Answers for energy. 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 1 14.01.2010 10:47:06 Uhr Le In Lconomic eiciency and high operalional reliabilily are lhe basic characlerislics o our subslalions. 2 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 2 14.01.2010 10:47:08 Uhr We manuaclure lurnkey solulions precisely malching your speciicalions. Leading Worldwide Due to Innovative Technology Our 8D product series of gas-insuated switchgear (CIS) is an extremey successfu product concept. Since its introduction back in 1968, Siemens has instaed more than 17,000 switchbays wordwide in a cimatic zones of the earth. More than 230,000 years of bay operation have been recorded since. Intensive research work and continuous innovative improvement of the prototypes have utimatey ed to today's generation of gas-insuated meta-encap- suated switchgear, a word eader in terms of:
Economic efficiency
High reiabiity
Safe encapsuation
High degree of gas-tightness
Long service ife
Low ife-cyce and maintenance costs Cood accessibiity and ergonomics
High avaiabiity
Safe operation even under extreme environmenta conditions. In 1976, we suppied the first gas-insuated sub- station for a rated votage of 420 kV. A permanent process of improvement has ed to today's 8DQ1, suitabe up to the 420 kV votage range. With the 8DQ1 system, a new generation of gas- insuated switchgear is avaiabe on the market, notabe for its wide range of appication. iciency ralional are lhe lerislics lalions. 3 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 3 14.01.2010 10:47:09 Uhr Flexibility Due to Modular Design A undamenlal ealure o our gas-insulaled swilchgear is lhe high degree o versalilily provided by a modular design. According lo lheir respeclive unclions, lhe compo- nenls are housed eilher individually and| or combined in compressed-gas-lighl enclosures. Wilh a remarkably small variely o aclive and passive modules, il is possible lo meel all cuslomary bus schemes. The 8DQ1 wilh ils single-phase encapsu- laled design minimizes dieleclric and dynamic slresses. The casl-aluminum enclosures ensure a lighlweighl and corrosion-resislanl syslem. The low bay weighl resulls in minor loor- loading. The langes al all inlermodule |oinls are equipped wilh high pressure O-ring seals lo ensure a high gas-lighlness. The con- duclors are linked by coupling conlacls, capable o absorbing movemenls due lo lhermal expansion. Where necessary, lhe |oinls are accessible via openings which are closed wilh gas-lighl and pres- sure-resislanl covers. Sulphur hexaluoride (SF 6 ) is used as lhe insulaling and arc-quenching medium. Any moislure or decomposilion producls are complelely absorbed by slalic illers in lhe gas comparlmenls, which are al- lached lo lhe inside o lhe covers o lhe access openings. SF 6 is complelely sealed in and will nol be consumed. Thus, wilh proper use lhere is no environmenlal danger. 10 4 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 4 14.01.2010 10:47:11 Uhr 1ypica doube busbar feeder 1 SF 6 | air bushing 2 vollage lransormer 3 Oulgoing eeder disconneclor 4 Work-in-progress earlhing swilch 5 8usbar l 6 8usbar disconneclor l 7 8usbar disconneclor ll 8 8usbar ll 9 Work-in-progress earlhing swilch 10 Local conlrol cubicle 11 Make-proo earlhing swilch (high-speed) 12 Currenl lransormer 13 Circuil-breaker inlerrupler unil 14 Slored-energy spring mechanism The modular syslem enables all conceivable cuslomer requiremenls lo be mel wilh |usl a small number o componenls. 5 8 6 7 9 4 11 13 12 3 1 2 11 12 13 14 2 4 3 5 6 1 8 9 7 10 5 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 5 14.01.2010 10:47:14 Uhr GIS Modules Circuil-breaker wilh inlerrupler unil Interru The inl lo lhe keepin high cu chamb lo clea volume 1he cu ln lhe The ar Interru During lales l main c an arc cylinde arc-qu Interru ln lhe and (5 high p sel-bla Circuit-breaker The cenlral elemenl o lhe gas-insulaled swilchgear is lhe circuil-breaker module wilh ils lwo main com- ponenls. lnlerrupler unil and Slored-energy spring mechanism. For air-insulaled swilchgear (AlS) and gas-insulaled swilchgear (ClS), lhe same inlerrupler unils and operaling mechanism are used. The use o lhis plal- orm concepl in a wide range o applicalions has pro- vided us wilh decades o comprehensive experience. The circuil-breaker is suilable or single-pole aulo- reclosure. The 8DQ1 lype circuil-breaker is mounled horizonlally. 3 4 5 6 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 7 9. Charging gear 10. Char ging shal 11. Poller lever 12. Damper (or closing) 13. Operaling shal 14. Damper (or opening) 15. Trip coil OPLN 16. Drive mechanism housing 17. Opening spring 1. Trip coil CLOSL 2. Cam plale 3. Corner gear 4. Connecling rod 5. Connecling rod or closing spring 6. Connecling rod or opening spring 7. Closing spring 8. Lmergency hand crank Stored-energy spring mechanism Slale-o-lhe-arl produclion lechniques allow using compacl housing. Since lhe closing and opening springs are housed in lhe operaling mechanism, lhe slruclure is compacl and slurdy. This design resulls in a small number o moving parls. The use o roller bearings and lhe mainle- nance-ree spring mechanism are a prerequisile or decades o reliable operalion. Proven design princi- ples, such as vibralion-isolaled lalches and load-ree isolalion o lhe charging mechanism, are relained. The advanlages o lhe slored-energy spring mechanism. One principle or raled vollages rom 72.5 up lo 550 kv High reliabilily due lo low operaling energy Simple principle o operalion Swilching slale conlrollable al all limes Low-mainlenance, economical wilh a long service lie Low environmenlal impacl. 6 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 6 14.01.2010 10:47:14 Uhr 8reaking. Arcing conlacl opened Interrupter unit The inlerrupler unil used in lhe circuil-breaker or arc-quenching operales according lo lhe sel-blasl principle. This principle requires only low operaling energy lhus keeping lhe mechanical slresses on lhe whole circuil-breaker lo a mini mum. To break high currenls, energy o lhe eleclrical arc is used lo increase pressure in a sel-blasl chamber. Al lhe zero currenl, lhe pressurized gas, led by lhe nozzle, is blown on lhe arc lo clear il. Lower inlensily currenls are blown, lhanks lo lhe compression o a puer volume, which lhrows SF 6 on lhe eleclrical arc. 1he current path ln lhe closed posilion, lhe operaling currenl lows lhrough lhe main conlacl (1). The arcing conlacls (2, 4) are plugged in parallel lo lhe main conlacls. Interruption of operating current During lhe breaking operalion, lhe main conlacl (1) opens and lhe currenl commu- lales lo lhe arcing conlacls (2, 4), which are slill closed. This avoids erosion o lhe main conlacl. As lhe breaking operalion conlinues, lhe arcing conlacl opens and an arc orms belween lhe conlacls (2) and (4). Al lhe same lime, lhe conlacl cylinder compresses lhe SF 6 gas localed in lhe puer volume (7). The compressed arc-quenching gas lows inlo lhe sel-blasl volume (6) and exlinguishes lhe arc. Interruption of faut current ln lhe case o large shorl-circuil currenls, lhe gas belween lhe arcing conlacls (4) and (5) is healed by lhe arc energy and is driven inlo lhe sel-blasl volume (6) wilh high pressure. When lhe currenl passes lhrough zero, lhe gas lows back rom lhe sel-blasl volume (6) and quenches lhe arc. hgear com- laled nd plal- as pro- ience. ulo- Arc-quenching principe 1 Main conlacl 2 Fixed arcing conlacl 3 lnsulaling nozzle 4 Moving arcing conlacl 5 Moving conlacl 6 Sel-blasl volume 7 Puer volume 8reaker in On posilion 8reaking. Main conlacl opened 8reaker in O posilion 2 3 4 5 6 7 ing g m, g e- e or rinci- d-ree ned. 1 7 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 7 14.01.2010 10:47:16 Uhr Disconnecting switches Disconnecling swilches assure a dieleclri- cally sae gap belween bolh conlacls or secure isolalion o syslem areas wilh di- erenl polenlial, e.g. busbar disconnecl - ing swilches isolaling a whole eeder rom lhe busbar. Casl-resin bushings keep lhe conlacl syslem in place, and lhe pressurized gas serves as lhe isolaling medium belween live parls and lhe melal housing. The module is available wilh up lo lwo earlhing swilches and lhe neces- sary conneclors or dierenl lypes o ad- |acenl modules. Disconnecling swilches can be buill as separale gas comparlmenls by lhemselves wilh lheir own moniloring or be combined wilh surrounding mod- ules. Earthing switches Larlhing swilches (e.g. work-in-progress earlhing swilches or busbar earlhing swilches) are used or properly connecl- ing de-energized live parls o lhe high- vollage syslem lo lhe ground. On lhe oulgoing side o lhe eeders a make-proo version (high-speed) is requenlly used lo eliminale risk lo lhe ClS syslem, e.g. i lhe opposile side was nol swilched o properly. ln lhe insulaled design lhey are used or measuring purposes and or lesling proleclion relays. ln 8DQ1 swilchgear, lhe earlhing swilches are o a pin-lype design. They are preer- ably used in con|unclion wilh disconnec- lors, bul can also be supplied as separale modules wilh lheir own housing. Wilh lhe pin-lype earlhing swilch, lhe earlhing pin al earlh polenlial is pushed inlo lhe maling conlacl. Make-proo earlhing swilches are equipped wilh a slored-energy spring mechanism. The spring can be recharged eilher wilh a molor or manually in an emergency. Common features of disconnecting and earthing switches The lhree poles o a bay are coupled mechanically. All lhree poles are commonly operaled by one molor mechanism. Auxiliary swilches and ON|OFF indicalors are riclion-locked. ldenlical molor operaling mechanisms are used or disconnecling and earlhing swilches. Manual emergency operalion is inlegraled. Lnclosures can be illed wilh inspeclion windows on requesl. High-speed earlhing swilches are single-pole operaled. Instr 8olh c are use purpos Curren The cu single- localed breake al any The hi primar second lhe spe require Diere in lhe connec lighl b The pr serves The en high re compa Pin-lype earlhing swilch Disconnecling swilch 8 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 8 14.01.2010 10:47:16 Uhr ng eraled nisms e Instrument transformers 8olh currenl and vollage lransormers are used or measuring and proleclion purposes. Current transformer The currenl lransormers are o lhe single-phase induclive lype and preerably localed on lhe oulgoing side o lhe circuil- breaker. They can, however, be localed al any poinl wilhin lhe bay or subslalion. The high-vollage conduclor orms lhe primary winding. The cores wilh lhe secondary windings are designed or lhe speciic pro|ecl lo comply wilh lhe requiremenls or accuracy, raling, elc. Dierenl ralios can be achieved via laps in lhe secondary winding. Secondary conneclions are rouled lhrough a gas- lighl bushing plale lo a lerminal box. The pressurized SF 6 gas in lhe module serves as lhe primary insulalion. The encapsulaled design provides very high reliabilily in lerms o eleclromagnelic compalibilily (LMC). Votage transformer Lach single-phase induclive vollage lrans ormer is encapsulaled in ils own housing, orming a separale gas-lighl module. Lach vollage lransormer consisls o lhe ollowing main componenls. The primary winding One or more secondary windings (orming one coil) An iron core. The pressurized gas inside lhe enclosure logelher wilh lhe ilm insulalion provides insulalion againsl high vollage. The high- vollage conneclion lo lhe swilchgear is eslablished by means o lhe primary con- duclor, which is supporled by a gas-lighl bushing. The secondary conneclions are rouled via a gas-lighl bushing plale lo lhe lerminal box. Surge arrester l required, encapsulaled surge arreslers can be direclly connecled. Their purpose is lo limil any overvollages. Their aclive parls consisl o melal-oxide resislors wilh a slrongly non-linear cur- renl|vollage characlerislic. The arresler is generally lange-|oinled lo lhe swilchgear via a gas-lighl bushing. ln lhe lank o lhe arresler module, lhere is an inspeclion hole, lhrough which lhe inlernal conduc- lor can be inspecled. Al lhe bollom lhere are lhe conneclions or gas moniloring, arresler lesling and an operalion counler. Currenl lransormer vollage lransormer Surge arresler 9 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 9 14.01.2010 10:47:16 Uhr Exte These and o poinls circuil 1ermination modues The lerminalion modules connecl lhe bays o lhe gas-insulaled swilchgear, e.g. lo lhe ollowing. Overhead lines Transormer or reaclor Cables They orm lhe lransilion belween lhe ClS wilh SF 6 gas insulalion and olher high-vollage syslems wilh dierenl insulaling media. Cabe termination This module acls as a link belween lhe melal-enclosed gas-insulaled swilchgear and lhe high-vollage cable. All lypes o slandard high-vollage cables can be connecled. The inspeclion hole also provides lhe connecling lange or lhe high-vollage cable-lesling sel. During high-vollage cable lesling, lhe primary conduclor belween lhe cable sealing end and lhe swilchgear can be removed. SF 6 /air termination The SF 6 |air lerminalion module enables lhe conneclion o lhe gas-insulaled swilchgear lo air-insulaled componenls or overhead lines. This lerminalion is a combinalion o an angle-lype module and an oul door|SF 6 bushing. The lenglh, shape-orm and creepage dislance o lhe ouldoor|SF 6 bushing can be adapled lo various requiremenls regarding insulalion coor dinalion, minimum clearance or degree o pollulion. 1ransformer tube-termination The lransormer lerminalion module enables a direcl lube conneclion rom lhe ClS lo an oil-insulaled lransormer or reaclor. For lhis purpose, lhe lransormer bushing musl be oil-lighl, gas-lighl and pressure- resislanl. Temperalure-relaled move- menls o lhe swilchgear and lhe lrans- ormer as well as lhe sellling o ounda- lions are absorbed by expansion |oinls in lhe lube conneclion. Cable lerminalion SF 6 |air lerminalion Transormer lube-lerminalion 10 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 10 14.01.2010 10:47:17 Uhr Extension and anguar modues These modules are used or conneclions wilhin a bay and or rouling lo lhe requesled cuslomer inlerace poinls. Their shape and number depends on lhe circuil and lhe layoul o lhe bay. usbar The busbar modules o ad|acenl bays are connecled wilh expansion |oinls which absorb conslruclional lolerances and lemperalure-relaled movemenls in longiludinal as well as lransverse direclion lo lhe busbar. Axially guided sliding conlacls belween lhe conduclors compensale lemperalure-relaled expan- sions in conduclor lenglh. A seclionalizer (lo increase lhe availabilily o lhe swilchgear) can be illed wilhoul any addilional measures. e om mer ushing ssure- e- ans- nda- nls Angular module 8usbar Lxlension module 11 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 11 14.01.2010 10:47:17 Uhr Control and Monitoring Reliable and Flexible Control and Protection System Densily monilors Proven switchgear contro Pobusl eleclrical componenls are used lo conlrol and monilor circuil-breakers as well as olher swilchgear componenls. All elemenls necessary or lhe conlrol and moniloring o circuil- breaker, discon necling and earlhing swilches are incor poraled in lhe respeclive conlrol unil. The operaling mechanisms are pre-lesled al lhe aclory lo reduce commissioning lime lo a minimum and lo avoid any ailures on-sile. Cas monitoring Cas-lighl insulaling parlilions subdivide each swilchgear bay inlo separale gas comparlmenls (e.g. circuil-breakers wilh currenl lransormer, disconnecling swilches, vollage lransormers, surge arreslers and lerminalion modules). The gas comparlmenls are conslanlly monilored by densily monilors providing alarm and blocking signals via conlacls. Reiabe and fexibe contro and protection system Local conlrol is easily accessible in lhe separalely inslalled local conlrol cubicle. As an oplion, lhe eeder proleclion can also be included in lhe same cubicle. The local conlrol cubicle is normally placed opposile lhe swilchgear, bul in slallalions in a nearby separale conlrol room are also cuslomary. Screened con lrol cables are used or lhe conneclions belween lhe local conlrol cubicle and lhe high-vollage equipmenl. Coded plug conneclors are used lo cul lhe cosls o inslallalion and mini- mize lhe risk o cabling ailures. On requesl, we can supply our high-voll age swilchgear wilh any o lhe commonly available digilal conlrol and proleclion syslems. Slandard inleraces in lhe local conlrol allow lhe conneclion o Convenlional conlrol syslems wilh proleclive inlerlocking and conlrol panels Digilal conlrol and proleclion syslems wilh user-riendly bay conlrollers and slalion aulomalion wilh PC work slalions (HMl) lnlelligenl, ully nelworked digilal conlrol and proleclion syslems wilh addilional moniloring and remole diagnoslic unclions. Thanks lo lhe exlensive range o Siemens conlrol and proleclion syslems, we can oer you a wide range o cuslomized con cepls rom a single source. Tra Co 1ransp To aci inslalla are spl wilh e Peslric usually whole lransp are lak proces All ship dielecl case o device menls shipme are lo prolec covers All goo duralio in line slorage norma supplie in suila 12 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 12 14.01.2010 10:47:18 Uhr rol Transport, Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance packing laking inlo accounl any lem- porary slorage lhal may be necessary. Instaation and erection The delivery o lhe bays in |usl a ew, easy-lo-handle lransporl unils reduces lhe lime and eorl needed or on-sile inslallalion. The conlrol unil o lhe circuil-breaker is pre-assembled on lhe supporling rame al lhe aclory. Delailed inslallalion inslruc lions and lhe use o relalively ew special lools allow easy and rapid inslallalion o lhe swilchgear. ll can even be eecled by your own per son- nel under lhe supervision o an experienced su pervisor rom Siemens. Our lraining acililies are al your disposal. Commissioning Aler complelion o lhe assembly work on sile, all swilching devices and eleclrical circuils or conlrolling and moniloring are lesled lo ensure proper eleclrical and mechanical unclion o lhe whole syslem. All langes are double-checked or lighl- ness especially lhose illed on sile. Commissioning work on lhe primary 1ransport To acililale easy lransporl and on-sile inslallalion, our swilch gear assemblies are splil inlo oplimized shipping unils wilh emphasis on ease o handling. Peslriclions on lransporl dimen sions usually do nol allow lransporling a whole bay in one unil. The means o lransporl, roules and on-sile handling are laken inlo consideralion in lhe process. All shipping unils are mechani cally and dieleclrically lesled beore delivery. ln lhe case o modules which conlain swilching devices, all operaling-mechanism allach- menls are presel al lhe aclory prior lo shipmenl. All langes where lhe modules are lo be |oined lo olher equipmenl are prolecled and sealed wilh lransporl covers. All goods are packed according lo means, duralion and roule o lransporl as well as in line wilh condilions and duralion o slorage. Shipmenls wilhin Lurope are normally done by road. Swilchgears supplied lo overseas counlries are sealed in suilable shipping unils wilh seaworlhy seclion ends wilh lhe high- vollage lesl lo veriy lhal all inslallalion work, including lhe work done inside lhe enclosure, has been done correclly. All lesls are perormed in accordance wilh lLC slandards, and lhe resulls are documenled in lhe inal lesl reporls. Maintenance Our SF 6 -insulaled swilchgear inslal- lalions are designed and manuaclured lo provide an oplimum balance in design, manu acluring, operalion and main- lenance. Due lo lhe lighlly-sealed enclosure, a minimum o mainlenance is needed and lhe ClS-syslem can even be regarded as mainlenance-ree under normal operaling condilions. Sub|ecl lo environmenlal condilions visual inspeclions are recommended. A visual inspeclion is carried oul bay by bay wilhoul any need or oulages or lhe opening o gas comparlmenls. A ma|or inspeclion is nol recommended beore 25 years o operalion. 13 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 13 14.01.2010 10:47:20 Uhr 1 1/2 5 5 0 0 Quality Assurance The m all cus also in buildin and m Ty Doubl Switchgear 1ype 8DQ1 Paled vollage up lo 420 kv Paled requency 50|60 Hz Paled power requency wilhsland vollage (1 min) 650 kv Paled lighlning impulse wilhsland vollage (1.2 | 50 s) 1425 kv Paled swilching impulse wilhsland vollage (250 | 2500 s) 1050 kv Paled normal currenl busbar Paled normal currenl eeder up lo up lo 5000 A 5000 A Paled shorl-breaking currenl 50 kA Paled peak wilhsland currenl 135 kA Paled shorl-lime wilhsland currenl 50 kA Leakage rale per year and gas comparlmenl s 0.5 8ay widlh 2050 mm Heighl, deplh See lypical bay arrangemenls Driving mechanism o circuil-breaker slored-energy spring Operaling sequence O0.3 s CO3 minCO CO15 sCO Paled supply vollage 60 lo 250 v DC Lxpecled lielime > 50 years Ambienl lemperalure range 25 C lo +55 C Slandards lLC |lLLL Olher dala on requesl Technical Data A consislenl qualily managemenl syslem supporled by our employees makes sure lhal we produce high-qualily gas-insu- laled swilchgears. The syslem was cerli- ied in 1991 in accordance wilh LN lSO 9001. The qualily manage menl syslem is process-orienled and sub|ecl lo conlin- uous im provemenl. Cerliicalion accor- ding lo LN lSO 9001.2000 was passed in 2000. As early as 2000 lhe environmen- lal proleclion syslem according lo LN lSO 14001 was implemenled as an addilion lo lhe exisling qualily managemenl syslem and successully cerliied. One o lhe undamenlal mileslones in devel- oping lesling compelence was lhe cerli- icalion o lhe lesl labs according lo lSO|lLC 17025 (previously LN 45001) in 1992. From lhal poinl on, lhey have been considered independenl. The qualily managemenl and environ- menlal proleclion syslems cover every single process in our producls' lie-cycles, rom markeling lo aler-sales service. Pegular managemenl reviews and inlernal audils o all processes based on lhe con- sislenl documenlalion o all processes relevanl lo qualily and environmenlal proleclion ensure lhal lhe syslem is eicienl and up-lo-dale al all limes and lhal appropriale measures are laken lo conlinuously improve il. The qualily o our swilchgear consequenlly meels even lhe highesl requiremenls. ln addilion lo consislenl qualily managemenl and envi- ronmen lal proleclion, lhe special clean rooms sel up in lhe produclion work- shops are an imporlanl conlribulion lo- wards lhe high qualily o our gas-insu- laled swilch gear. Comprehensive manuacluring inspec- lions and rouline lesling o indi vidual componenls, sub-assemblies and mo- dules all ensure reliable operalion o lhe overall producl. Mechanical rouline and high-vollage lesls o lhe complele bay or complele shipping unils veriy lhal lhe manuaclured qualily complies wilh lhe slandards. Suilable packing provides or lhe swilch gear's sae arrival al ils deslina- lion. 5 1 0 0 14 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 14 14.01.2010 10:47:20 Uhr 1 1/2 circuit-breaker arrangement 15600 5 5 0 0 The modular syslem nol only allows all cuslomary circuil arrangemenls bul also individual solulions or speciic building dimensions, syslem exlensions and much more. Typical Bay Arrangements Double busbar arrangement 5 3 0 0 Bus coupling arrangement 5300 ses al
and lo y o even on lo d envi- clean rk- lo- su- ec- ual o- o lhe and bay or lhe h lhe s or eslina- 6900 5 1 0 0 15 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 15 14.01.2010 10:47:21 Uhr For Further Information Pease send me information on the foowing topics: Cas-insulaled swilchgear producl range HlS-CD-POM HlS Highly lnlegraled Swilchgear up lo 145 kv Cas-insulaled swilchgear up lo 145 kvv Cas-insulaled swilchgear up lo 245 kv HlS Highly lnlegraled Swilchgear up lo 550 kv Conlainer-lype swilchgear Furlher copies o lhis brochure Name|Company Slreel Poslal code|Cily|Counlry Phone | Fax L-mail For more inormalion, please conlacl. Works Address Siemens Lld. Siemens Lld. Lnergy Seclor - Power Transmission Division High vollage Subslalions LT HS - ClS, Plol 6A, Seclor 18 Curgaon, lndia Tel.. +91 124 2846000 Tel.. +91 240 2554008 | 4700 Fax. +91 124 2846061 www.siemens.com/energy
Cas lnsulaled Swilchgear Works Lnergy Seclor - Power Transmission Division L-76, Walu| MlDC Aurangabad - 431 136 Fax. +91 240 2554007
Phone: + 49 91 31/7-3 46 60 Fax: + 49 91 31/7-3 46 62 L-mail. h-gis.pldsiemens.com www.hv-subslalions.com The inormalion in lhis documenl conlains general descriplions o lhe lechnical oplions available, which do nol always have lo be presenl in individual cases. The required ealures should lhereore be speciied in each individual case al lhe lime o closing lhe conlracl. 2779_RZ_8DQ1_WS_en.indd 16 14.01.2010 10:47:06 Uhr