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"Varuna" means "Water". It balances the water element in the body. Sequence: 1.

Touch the fore part of the smallest finger to the fore part of thumb.

Benefits: Regular practice of this mudra balances water element in body. This mudra enhances physical beauty. It decreases dryness in skin and body. It is beneficial in controlling coughs, colds, asthma, paralysis, vibration, sinuses, and low blood pressure.

Gyan Mudra: "Gyan" means "knowledge". It is the gesture of knowledge. This mudra is considered to bestow intelligence and wisdom. Hence the name. How & When: The most important and most known Spiritual Mudra is Gyan Mudra. Even a layman is well versed with this hand gesture adopted by even Gods and Gurus like Buddha, Christ, Guru Nanak Dev ji, and Swami Mahavirji etc. There are many variations of this Mudra as will be discussed later in this part.

To perform this Mudra one joins the tip of the index finger with the tip of the thumb of the same hand, keeping the rest of the three fingers straight. The hand is then kept on the knee facing up with elbows straight and body seated in Sukhasan, Padmasan, and Vajrasan or may be on chair with straight back. One can keep this Mudra for as long as comfortable and possible. One can perform this Mudra as any point of time. There are no diet restrictions for this Mudra. One should preferably perform this Mudra while meditating to get maximum benefit out of it. Mornings and evenings are supposed to be the best time for it. Benefits: 1.Bestows intelligence and wisdom. 2.Purifies the mind of the practitioner. 3.Cures many mental ailments. 4.Gives a feeling of joy. 5.Cures intoxication and addictive habits. 6.It helps boosting the cell activity in grey matter of brain. 7.It helps in meditation and naturally calms down the breath. 8.It brings peace within and lets one connect with self. 9.It brings the realization of rising beyond Trigunas.

"Surya" means "sun". Sun is the source of energy. Virtue of its energy is present in all living beings. Surya mudra attracts energy of the Sun. Sequence: 1.Touch the third (ring) finger to the pad of thumb. 2.Press the thumb gently over this third (ring) finger. 3.Keep the other fingers aloof.

Benefits: This mudra decreases Earth element in body. It cures mental heaviness. It also reduces body fat. The mudra is good for weight loss.

"Vaayu" means "Air". This mudra helps balance the air element in the body Sequence: 1.Fold the index finger (fore finger) on the pad of thumb. 2.Press the forefinger gently on the pad. 3.Keep the other fingers aloof.

Benefits: Helps in all nervous ailments. Helpful in pains and aches. Specific mudra for patients of Cerebral Palsy and Parkinson's ailment.

Poorna Gyan Mudra: This is the mudra of Lord Buddha. It clears the aura in the subtle astral body. How & When: The hand position is the same as Gyan Mudra for this Spiritual Mudra, except for the position of hands. The right hand is kept close to the chest with palm facing forward in Gyan Mudra and the left hand which is also in Gyan Mudra is kept on the left knee with palm facing up. The best time for this Mudra is during meditation. Sequence: 1.Sit cross-legged. 2.Keep both hands in Gyan Mudra Posture. 3.Now keep right hand near chest region. 4.Keep left hand near knee region. Benefits: This mudra improves memory to a great extent. It soothes irritable temperaments. It causes electrical changes in the electromagnetic activity of the brain leading to increased clarity and understanding. It relaxes the nervous system and calms the irritable temperaments The Mudra bestows intelligence and wisdom. This Mudra was generally performed by Seers and Yogis as the time of giving blessings to the disciples and students. This Mudra also adds to the Aura and Prana of the practitioner.

Apan Vayu Mudra The Sanjeevani of Heart What is Mudra mudra is a hand gesture which regulates flow of energy and static currents of the body. It helps to get rid of the bodys uneasiness. mudras can bring miraculous mental, spiritual and physical changes and improvements in our body. They help in quickly balancing the elements of the body. mudras need no prior preparation. They can be done (mostly but with exceptions) at anytime, anywhere and virtually under any circumstances. mudras are like literal remote control switches bringing quick and effective changes in veins, tendons, glands and sense organs. They help in bringing about permanent changes. Apan Vayu Mudra also known as Mritsanjeevani Mudra. Method of Apan Vayu Mudra The tip of the middle finger and ring finger touches the tip of the thumb, while the index finger touches the base of thumb and the little finger stretched out. Time Duration: Practice this mudra as many times as you can. Heart patients and blood pressure patients can practice the mudra atleast 3 times a day for 15 minutes to see best results.

The logic How this works? Our body is made up of five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space) represented by our five fingers: Our thumb represents fire Index finger is for air Middle finger stands for space Ring finger symbolizes the mother earth And lastly little finger is represented by water Synchronization of these five elements helps in the functioning of the internal glands of our body parts. An amazing energy gets triggered by this mudra if practiced regularly.

We do four things while doing Apan Vayu Mudra 1. With the folding of index finger, the air element is reduced which immediately relieves the pain in the heart. While touching the tips of thumb, middle finger and ring finger, fire (heat), space and earth elements are increased. 2. The impurity in the blood is removed with the increase of heat element; 3. The increased space element helps in the supply of more oxygen to arteries of the heart and 4. The increased earth element helps in strengthening the muscles of the heart. So with a very simple manipulation of our fingers we act on four areas at a time to prevent ourselves from the heart attack. This mudra is an antidote to heart attack and acts like a saviour in case of heart attack, if practiced by the person experiencing the attack. This mudra acts as a very effective emergency treatment. The patient can easily be transported to a hospital, without causing any damage to heart.

Other Benefits : It relieves angina immediately. It normalizes blood pressure and thus helps in both high and low blood pressure, as it stimulates the circulatory system. In case of palpitations or weak pulse, this mudra will normalize the pulse rate immediately. It also reduces nervousness, as it calms the nervous system. It helps in relieving acidity, gas formation, eructation, belching, and strengthens the digestive system. It solves all diseases of the intestines, colic, colitis, etc. People suffering from osteoarthritis and pain in knees can do this mudra for 10 minutes before climbing upstairs; they will feel relieved of pain. By soothing the nervous system, it cures insomnia. The Mudra relieves toothache also; and cures hiccough. It removes all negative emotions from the mind, and all negative pressure of the body. It is helpful in arthritis also

The Apaan mudra is an extremely important and useful mudra that first detoxifies (and, therefore, purifies) the body and then energizes it. Method : Apaan mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb, the middle finger and the ring finger. Effects: Apaan mudra is a combination of the Aakaash-vardhak (Aakaash) and the Prithvi-vardhak (Prithvi) mudras. Apart from an increase of elements space and earth, Apaan mudra brings about an increase of Vaata and Kapha humors and, therefore, a decrease of Pitta humor. Benefits of The Apaan mudra: Anuria (absence/obstruction of urine) Constipation, flatulence (gas), piles Absence of sweat Delayed delivery of a child Burning in the body/body-parts Ailments caused by a deficiency of element.

Kashyapa Mudra mudra for balance and protection against negative energies Kashyapa Mudra symbolizes tortoise, union of masculine and feminine and Sage Kashyapa . Like tortoise it creates a seal against negative energies. Use it when you find yourself in conflict situation or when among the group of negative people. You can hold this mudra when visiting places having dark past. Like union of masculine and feminine, this mudra helps in creating balance and grounding. Make a fist and keep the tip of thumb between the pad of middle and ring finger as indicated. Sit comfortably with palms facing upwards. Breathe deeply and relax your torso. You can do this mudra when needed for 5 to 15 minutes. Affirmation: I am protected and experiencing bliss.

Mahasirs Mudra for relieving headache and tension I know most of you guys need this.. Companies have made a fortune by selling medicines for headache. Headache is a common problem affecting one or the other you know. The cause of headache is accumulation of energy and charge in the head. Headache is common among the people having digestive problems (Constipation, Flatulence). Being glued to monitors, television, mobile devices for long accumulates tension in neck and eyes creating a trigger of headache. Change in weather and run down condition like sinusitis / allergic reaction also causes headache.

Mahasirs mudra balances energy in the head and relieves headache and tension. Mahasirs mudra decongests the frontal sinuses. Just join tips of thumb, index and middle finger. The tip of the ring finger will rest at the root of the thumb. The little finger remains extended. Practice this mudra for 5-6 minutes with both the hands and see the magic.

How to do the Yoga Mudra for Headaches: Mahasirs Mudra 1. Place your ring finger into the fold of the thumb. 2.Touch the tips of your thumb, index and middle finger. 3.Keep the little finger straight. 4.Do this with both hands. 5. Hold it as long as necessary.

Surya Mudra for reducing excess fat and lowering bad cholesterol Surya or Sun signifies fiery energy. Surya mudra increases fire element in the body. This mudra decreases earth element in the body. Surya mudra helps in cutting the fat and lowering bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoproteins). Combine practice of Surya mudra in your fat loss program regime and you can expect remarkable results. Surya mudra is beneficial for eyes. It is excellent for people with high Kapha constituition (heavy, slow, laid back attitude, excess mucous). The mudra helps Kapha type by increasing alertness and mobility. The mudra is helpful for people who have intolerance to cold and encounter frequent shivering. Do as required for 10-15 minutes. This mudra is formed by placing the tip of the ring finger on the base of the thumb and applying mild pressure of the thumb on the finger. Caution: People with Pitta Constitution (strong metabolism, hot temper, ulcers, oily skin, acne) should never practice Surya mudra.

Shakti Mudra for inducing sleep and relieving menstrual discomfort Shakti Mudra is good for inducing sleep. Over a period of time, it helps people suffering from chronic insomnia. Shakti mudra releases the tension in pelvic region. It counteracts spasms in the intestines and helps females during menstrual discomfort. To do Shakti mudra, join ring fingers and little fingers as indicated. The index and middle fingers will fold loosely over the thumb. The thumb will be bent inside the palm Sitting on bed, close your eyes and do Shakti mudra for 10-12 minutes. Slowly, feel the physical and mental tension melting away. Slide and lie down.

Thoppu Karanam - Super brain Yoga The mental and physical health benefits of the ancient Hindu practice of Thopukarranams Thopukkaranams (in Tamil) and Sanskrit Dvau-bhuja-karnam were traditionally performed by Hindus in front of the deity of Lord Ganesha, as part of the worship ritual. This practice involved crossing the arms in the front of the chest, and holding the right ear lobe with the left hand and the left ear lobe with the right hand, and performing a series of squats in front of Lord Ganesha, in the temple or the puja room at home. It was also widely used in Hindu schools, especially in the old times, as form of punishment for a erring child. The misbehaving child, or one who has neglected to do his or her homework, would be asked by the teacher to stand in the corner and do series of Thopukkaranams. Super Brain Yoga - Now, the western scientists have found that this practice stimulates the brain, and increases and improves intelligence, reduces behavioral problems in children, and minimizes the risks of age-related Alzheimer's disease and Dementia. Refer to The theft of yoga - By Dr. Aseem Shukla - Hindu American Foundation Now, the western scientists have found that this practice stimulates the brain, and increases and improves intelligence, reduces behavioral problems in children, and minimizes the risks of age-related Alzheimer's disease and Dementia. The scientific findings were reported in the CBS news in the US , and can be watched at youtube. Most of our Indian/Hindu kids have done (and still continue to do) this exercise (or prayer) before Lord Ganesha (especially in our younger days -- just before important occasions or final exams). If an American does the same thing, we say "It is Super Brain Yoga". (source: The mental and physical health benefits of the ancient Hindu practice of Thopukarranams ).

Increasing Brain Function and Neural Activity With Powerful Ancient Hand Gestures The first variant of Pushan Mudra activates the digestion and elimination. The variant depicted here activates the energy in the pelvic region (root chakra) and directs it upwards. Pushan mudra improves the concentration, memory and overall mood. The body is energized. It is scientifically validated that Pushan Mudra has a positive effect on brain with marked increase in neural activity. Right Hand: Join the tips of ring and little finger with thumb (Prana Mudra). Left Hand: Join the tips of middle and ring finger with thumb (Apana Mudra The mudra can be practiced for 5 minutes, three to four times in a day. Affirmation: I have clear goals, clear priorities and sense of satisfaction. Unleash the energy reserve and activate brain function with this variant of Pushan Mudra The first variant of Pushan Mudra activates the digestion and elimination. The variant depicted here activates the energy in the pelvic region (root chakra) and directs it upwards. Pushan mudra improves the concentration, memory and overall mood. The body is energized. It is scientifically validated that Pushan Mudra has a positive effect on brain with marked increase in neural activity. Right Hand: Join the tips of ring and little finger with thumb (Prana Mudra). Left Hand: Join the tips of middle and ring finger with thumb (Apana Mudra) The mudra can be practiced for 5 minutes, three to four times in a day. Affirmation: I have clear goals, clear priorities and sense of satisfaction.

Kilakamudra Activate the Endocrine System, Pineal and Pituitary Glands and Resolve Issues Around Sexuality and Intimacy Kilakamudra Description: Kilakamudra II is often used to indicate the energy of intimacy and has effects related to the endocrine system and the sexual organs, which are intricately related. This mudra is often used in the system of Japanese Tantric Buddhism. Technique: Cross the wrists with the hands back to back. Hook the little fingers with the tips pointing upwards. Join the thumb, index, and middle finger on each hand. Extend the ring fingers upward at about a 45-degree angle. Application: In a comfortable seated position, hold the mudra in front of the heart a comfortable distance from the body. Relax the throat, chest, and belly. Breathe naturally and hold for 5 to 45 minutes. Benefits: Tonifies the Water Element in the body. Improves the function of the kidneys, bladder and sexual glands. Rejuvenates and stimulates the proper functioning of the endocrine system, which is intricately linked to the third eye and the pituitary and pineal glands. Fosters a sense of emotional safety and comfort around intimacy and sexuality.

Kuberamudra Balance the hemispheres of the brain, clears sinuses, improves sense of smell and sharpness of vision, creates abundance and clarity of vision in life kuberamudra Description: Kuberamudra II is a single-hand gesture, originating in the Hindu tradition. Kuberamudra is used to invoke the energy of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Buddhist tradition and is commonly seen as a mudra for abundance and wealth. Technique: Join the tips of the index, middle and thumb fingers while curling the ring and little fingers into the palm. Application: In a comfortable seated position, form the mudra with each hand while resting the hands with palms up in your lap. Breathe naturally with a soft belly. Bring your focus to those things you would like to attract more of into your life. You can imagine the mudra as a magnet, helping attract and manifest your dreams and desires into reality. Practice for 5-45 minutes. Benefits: Balances the left and right nostrils and clears the frontal sinuses. Improves sense of smell, sharpens inner vision and the ability to see ones purpose and path in life. Helps to create abundance, especially if the desire to do so is virtuous and takes into account the beneficence of all beings.

Kurmamudra Activate the bodys self-healing power, balance the immune system, activates and balances the heart chakra, tonifies the kidneys Kurmamudra Description: Kurmamudra II is a joint-hand gesture. Ii originated in the yoga tradition and is part of the Gayatri Mudra series, which is one of 24 contained therein. The mudra forms a triangular relationship between the water, air and fire elements and serves to powerfully harmonize the ojas (vitality), tejas (physical strength), and prana (life force). Technique: Turn the left palm up, folding the middle, ring, and little fingers into the palm. Extend the thumb and index finger. turn the right palm down, folding the middle and ring fingers into the palm. Extend the thumb, index, and little finger. Rest the right hand on the top left. Join the right index with the left thumb, and the right little finger with the left index. The right thumb rests against the base of the left thumb, near the wrist. Application: In a comfortable seated position, hold the mudra in front of your solar plexus (just below the sternum). Soften your belly, chest and shoulders. Settle into a relaxed stillness. Practice for 5-45 minutes. Benefits: Activates the self-healing power of the body, activates and balances the immune system (simultaneously reduces the negative effects of hypo- and hyper-immunity), assists in healing of all major diseases, especially cancer. Harmonizes the heart chakra and helps balances the relationship between the heart and the kidneys.

* Please Note: While doing Mudras the free fingers have to be kept straight. The 10 Hand posture are explained individually below. 1. Gyan Mudra or the Mudra of Knowledge Method: Touch the tip of the thumb and the tip of the index or 1st finger together.The other 3 fingers have to be kept straight as shown in the picture. Benefits: A. It helps in meditation and concentration and reduces negativity of the mind. B. It improves memory and with regular practice students can improve grades and intelligence. C. It aids in alleviating headache, insomnia and hypertension and reduces anger. Note: For better results do Prana Mudra after this Mudra

2. Vayu Mudra or Mudra of Air In this Mudra, the tip of the index or 1st finger is touched to the base of the thumb and the thumb comes over the finger with a slight pressure of the thumb being exerted. Rest of the fingers remain straight as in the picture. Benefits: A. By the practice of this mudra, all vayu ,that is, air related affections, like Arthritis,Gout, Sciatica,Knee pain,and Gas are relieved. It especially benefits in neck pain and spinal pain.

3. Shoonya Mudra or The Mudra of Emptiness The tip of the middle finger is put at the base of the thumb and the thumb comes over the finger with slight pressure of the thumb being exerted on the finger as shown in the picture. The other 3 fingers are kept straight. Benefits: A. Regular practice of this Mudra helps in reducing ear pain and watering from the ears. B. If this Mudra is done for 1 hour daily it can benefit in hardness of hearing . C.The bones become strong and is beneficial in heart disease . D. It strengthens gums and is helpful in throat problems and thyroid disease. Precautions: This hand posture should never be done while eating or walking.

4. Prithvi Mudra or the Mudra of Earth In this Mudra the tips of the thumb and the ring finger are touched together as in the picture. Rest of the fingers are kept straight. Benefits: A. Regular practice of this Mudra, is helpful in body weakness, thinness and also obesity B. It improves the functioning of the digestive system and reduces the defiency of vitamins. C. It gives energy and lustre to the body.

5. Prana Mudra or the Mudra of Life In this Mudra the tips of the thumb,ring finger and the little finger are touched together while keeping the other 2 fingers straight. Benefits: A. It awakens the dormant power of prana gives energy,health . It is beneficial in diseases of the eye and improves eyesight, raises body resistance to disease, reduces deficiency of vitamins, removes tiredness. B.During fasting it reduces hunger pangs and thirst. C.In insomnia, doing this hand posture, along with Gyan Mudra, helps in bringing on sleep.

6. Apan Mudra or the Mudra of Digestion This mudra is made by joining the tips of the thumb, the middle finger and the ring finger keeping the other fingers straight. Benefits: A. Toxins are removed from the body and the body becomes pure. It also relieves constipation, piles, diseases caused by vayu or air, is helpful in diabetes, stoppage of urine,kidney defects and dental problems. B. It is beneficial in stomach and heart diseases and brings out perspiration. Please Note: It increases the flow of urine.

7. Apan Vayu Mudra or the Mudra of Heart. This Mudra is a combination of Vayu Mudra and Apan Mudra. The tips of the thumbs,the middle finger and the ring finger touch each other while the index finger touches the base of the thumbwith a slight pressure. The little finger remains straight. Benefits: IT gives the benefit of Apan Mudra and Vayu Mudra as explained earlier. A. It is helpful in Heart and Vayu diseases and gives health. People with a weak heart should do it daily. It is very beneficial to people who have just had a heart attack. B. It removes gas from the stomach,aids in asthma,headache and high blood pressure. C. If it is done 5 to 7 minutes before climbing stairs,it aids in easy climbing.

8. Surya Mudra or Mudra of the Sun This Mudra is done by touching the tip of the ring finger to the base of the thumb and exerting pressure on the finger with the thumb as in the picture. Benefits: A. It balances the body,reduces body weight and obesity. It increases body heat and helps in digestion. B.It reduces hypertension and cholesterol and builds strength. C.It is beneficial in diabetes and liver defects.

Precautions: Weak persons should not do this hand posture and DO NOT do this hand posture for a long time in hot weather.

9. Varun Mudra or Mudra of Water This Mudra is made by touching the tips of the thumb and the little finger. Benefits A. It reduces dryness of the skin and improves skin lustre and softness. B It is useful in Skin diseases ,acne and blood defects . It improves facial beauty. Precautions :Persons suffering from Asthma and respiratory problems should do this Mudra for a short duration only.

10. Ling Mudra or the Mudra of Heat Cloes the fist as in the picture.Keep the left hand thumb straight and the rest of the fingers clasped as shown in the picture. Benefits A. This mudra increases heat in the body and can cause sweating even in winter if done for a long time. B. It helps in cold, coryza, asthma, cough, sinus problems and low blood pressure. C. It dries phlegm. Precautions : When doing this Mudra please increase intake of water, fruit, fruit juices,clarified butter (Ghee) and milk. DO NOT do this hand posture for a long duration.

# Concluding Remarks : These are the 10 Hast Mudras which if done regularly, for the prescribed duration and following the outlined precautions will be extremely beneficial to one's health.

Simply put, Hand Posture is the yogic posturing of the fingers of the hands in various ways. In yoga, apart from yog asanas, that is , yogic exercises, and pranayama, that is, yogic breathing exercises, Hast Mudras or Hand Postures have an important role to play. In Fact, Hast Mudra or Hand Posture Is A Complete Science By Itself. The whole universe is made up of 5 elements, that is, fire, air, space, earth and water and likewise a human body is composed of these 5 elements.The fingers of the hand represent these 5 elements individually. The thumb represents fire, the 1st finger represents air, the middle finger represents space, the ring finger represents earth and the little finger represents water. If these 5 elements are in harmony with one another in the body we are healthy. Imbalance in these 5 elements leads to disease.The balanced elements cause the body's systems to function optimally. The Hand postures (I'll refer to them as simply Mudras now on) start acting immediately.An interesting point to note here is that the Mudras of one hand cause improvement in the body's opposite side, that is, the Mudras of the left hand cause improvement in the right side of the body and viceversa. These Mudras can be done while walking, sitting or standing. If sitting, we can sit in any position be it Padmasana, Vajrasana or Sukhasana. These Mudras should be done everyday beginning with 10 minutes a day to 30 to 45 minutes for full effect.This time duration can be evenly split in 2 or 3 sessions. The Mudras should be done on empty stomach.

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