Production Planning and Control Syllabus
Production Planning and Control Syllabus
Production Planning and Control Syllabus
LTPC 3003
OBJECTIVE: To understand the various components and functions of production planning and control such as work study, product planning, process planning, production scheduling, Inventory Control. To know the recent trends like manufacturing requirement Planning (MRP II) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Objectives and benefits of planning and control-Functions of production control-Types of production-job- batch and continuous-Product development and design-Marketing aspect Functional aspects-Operational aspect-Durability and dependability aspect aesthetic aspect. Profit consideration-Standardization, Simplification & specialization- Break even analysisEconomics of a new design. UNIT II WORK STUDY 9 Method study, basic procedure-Selection-Recording of process - Critical analysis, Development - Implementation - Micro motion and memo motion study work measurement - Techniques of work measurement - Time study - Production study - Work sampling - Synthesis from standard data - Predetermined motion time standards. UNIT III PRODUCT PLANNING AND PROCESS PLANNING 9 Product planning-Extending the original product information-Value analysis-Problems in lack of product planning-Process planning and routing-Pre requisite information needed for process planning-Steps in process planning-Quantity determination in batch production-Machine capacity, balancing-Analysis of process capabilities in a multiproduct system. UNIT IV PRODUCTION SCHEDULING 9 Production Control Systems-Loading and scheduling-Master Scheduling Scheduling rulesGantt charts-Perpetual loading-Basic scheduling problems - Line of balance Flow production scheduling-Batch production scheduling-Product sequencing Production Control systemsPeriodic batch control-Material requirement planning kanban Dispatching-Progress reporting and expediting-Manufacturing lead time-Techniques for aligning completion times and due dates. UNIT V INVENTORY CONTROL AND RECENT TRENDS IN PPC 9 Inventory control-Purpose of holding stock-Effect of demand on inventories-Ordering procedures. Two bin system -Ordering cycle system-Determination of Economic order quantity and economic lot size-ABC analysis-Recorder procedure-Introduction to computer integrated production planning systems-elements of JUST IN TIME SYSTEMS-Fundamentals of MRP II and ERP. TEXT BOOK: TOTAL: 45 PERIODS 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management, S. Chand and Company, First edition, 2000. 2. James.B.Dilworth,Operations management Design, Planning and Control for manufacturing and services Mcgraw Hill International edition1992. REFERENCES: 1. Samson Eilon, Elements of production planning and control, Universal Book Corpn.1984 2. Elwood S.Buffa, and Rakesh K.Sarin, Modern Production / Operations Management, 8th Ed. John Wiley and Sons, 2000. 3. Kanishka Bedi, Production and Operations management, Oxford university press, 2nd Edition 2007. 4. Melynk, Denzler, Operations management A value driven approach Irwin Mcgrawhill. 5. Norman Gaither, G. Frazier, operations management Thomson learning 9th edition
IE, 2007 6. K.C.Jain & L.N. Aggarwal, Production Planning Control and Industrial Management, Khanna Publishers, 1990. 7. S.N.Chary, Theory and Problems in Production & Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 1995. 8. Upendra Kachru, Production and operations management Text and cases Excel books 1st edition 2007.