College of Engineering & Technology, Bikaner: Advance Java (J2EE)

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A Report On Advance Java (J2EE) Summer Vacation Training

College of Engineering & Technology, Bikaner

Submitted for the partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Engineering Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted By:VIVEK DARYANI, 10ECTCS129 2013, Computer Science

Sunita Choudhary Head of Department Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Govt. College of Engineering & Technology, Bikaner

(An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of Rajasthan)

I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Government College of Engineering and Technology, Bikaner for every support and opportunities provided time to time. I am highly indebted to Acme Embedded Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bikaner for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & Mr. Manish Shandilya (Director of Acmeet Group) for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities. Submitted to: Sunita Choudhary Head of Department Department of Computer Science & Engineering Submitted by: Vivek Daryani 10ECTCS129

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To develop a project in any language means to combine all the features of the language, in a well-planned, systematic way so as to develop and application after an analysis of requirement, so that it will be commercially helpful. In terms of its ultimate objectives it gives an experience of realistic application. The aim of this project is too realistic, efficient, by using programming in Java. The project was aimed to achieve full fledge user friendliness. We have tried a lot to achieve all the characteristics of good software.

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Acme Embedded Technologies Pvt. Ltd. - A Website & Software Development Company in INDIA which offers website design, web solutions business and also quality web design. Our main focus is to satisfy their clients with high quality services. We are expert in all types of projects from large IT projects to web based projects to internet pluses. Our clientele gain great web services and web solution within the time and at reasonable rates. Our high quality services help our customers to achieve their tactical targets very soon.

Services of the company Custom Web Programming (J2EE, PHP, ASP.NET) Website Design (Web, Graphics, Logo) Web Hosting Software Development Training (C , C++ , Java , Advance Java , PHP/MySQL , , , Salesforce , Oracle , OCJP etc.)

For more visit-


S No. 1. Abstract About JAVA Characteristics of JAVA JAVA Swing JDBC Introduction to JDBC JDBC Architecture Database connectivity JDBC Drivers JDBC Connections Close Connections JSP(JAVA Server Pages) Introduction to JSP JSP Server Servlets Vs. JSP Objective of Project Meaning of Project Introduction to Project Project description SRS(software requirement analysis) System Design Data Flow Diagrams Entity Relationship Diagrams Software Testing Snapshots System Specification Contents
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LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a software application to maintain the record related to Book Purchase, Book Search, Catalogue, Book Issue, Book Returns, Fine Collection, and all necessary requirements for the Library to manage day to day operations.

The software Library Management System has four main modules. Insertion to Database Module User friendly input screen. Extracting from Database module Attractive Output Screen. Report Generation module borrowed book list & Available book list. Search Facility system search for books and members.


Chapter 1
About JAVA
The entire component has been developed using Java technology. Java has been chosen as the platform because of its feature rich nature. The Java Platform provides robust end-to-end solutions for networked applications as well as a trusted standard for embedded applications. So Java was a natural choice for development process.

Characteristics of Java
Object Oriented:
Java is object oriented to the truest sense of the word. Everything in Java is represented as objects. Variables and methods both are encapsulated in objects. Java is the purest object-oriented language.

Java is a very robust language owing to the following features. Excellent exception handling facilities. Memory management relief for the user. User does not have to worry about allocation and de-allocation of memory. Strict compile-time and runtime checks for data types.

Portable and Architecture-neutral (Platform Independent):

Java is portable and platform independent so much that they satisfy write once; run anywhere, anytime, forever. This feature is implemented in the following ways: Compiler generates machine independent byte-code instructions which can be run on any machine supporting Java Virtual Machine. Size of primitive data type is machine independent. Programs can do many things simultaneously using different threads. Provides a solution for multiprocess synchronization. Allows the creation of networked and interactive programs. Open access to remote objects by the use of RMI (Remote Method Invocation). Brings a level of abstraction to client/server programming.



Security is achieved by confining a java program to the java execution environment and not allowing access to other parts of the user computer.

Absence of pointers provides memory related security as encroachment of memory is avoided Proper measures for prevention of viral infection and malicious intent.

Dynamic and Extensible:

Facilitates linking in of new classes, objects and methods. Supports native methods (methods written in other languages like C, C++). Programs carry with them a substantial amount of runtime type information that is used to verify and resolve accesses to objects at run-time.

High Performance:
Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers are used to convert byte-code into native machine code resulting in very high performance. These JIT compilers can be used on a real time, piece by piece demand basis to perform on-the-fly compilation of byte-code into native-code.

Compilation and Interpretation:

Java programs are implemented as a two-stage system. Compilation: Source code to byte-code and not machine instructions. Interpretation: Byte-code to machine code (for any system that supports using JVM) Thus cross-platform programs can be written.


JAVA Swing
Swing IntroductionSwing library is an official Java GUI toolkit released by Sun Microsystems. It is used to create Graphical user interfaces with Java.

The main characteristics of the Swing toolkit

platform independent customizable extensible configurable lightweight

Swing Components:
Basic Controls: JButton JCheckBox JComboBox JList JMenu JRadioButton JSlider JSpinner JTextField JPasswordField Interactive Displays of Highly Formatted Information: JColorChooser JEditorPane JFileChooser JTable JTextArea JTree Uneditable Information Displays: JLabel JProgressBar JSeparator JToolTip

Top-Level Containers: JApplet JDialog JFrame General-Purpose Containers: JPanel JScrollPane JSplitPane JTabbedPane JToolBar Special-Purpose Containers: JInternalFrame JLayeredPane Root pane

Execution of a Swing File:

Save File : Compile it javac Run File : java SwingDemo


Introduction JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. The Java JDBC API enables Java applications to connect to relational databases via a standard API, so your Java applications become independent (almost) of the database the application uses. Using JDBC you can send SQL, PL/SQL statements to almost any relational database. JDBC is a Java API for executing SQL statements and supports basic SQL functionality.

The JDBC API consists of the following core parts:

JDBC Drivers Connections Statements Result Sets

The JDBC library includes APIs for each of the tasks commonly associated with database usage: Making a connection to a database Creating SQL statements Executing that SQL queries in the database Viewing & Modifying the resulting records

JDBC ArchitectureThe JDBC API supports both two-tier and three-tier processing models for database access.

Two-tier Architecture for Data Access.

In the two-tier model, a Java application talks directly to the data source. This requires a JDBC driver that can communicate with the particular data source being accessed. A user's commands are delivered to the database or other data source, and the results of those statements are sent back to the user. The data source may be located on another machine to which the user is connected via a network. This is referred to as a client/server configuration, with the user's machine as the client, and the machine housing the data source as the server. The network can be an intranet, which, for example, connects employees within a corporation, or it can be the Internet.

In the three-tier model, commands are sent to a "middle tier" of services, which then sends the commands to the data source. The data source processes the commands and sends the results back to the middle tier, which then sends them to the user. MIS directors find the three-tier model very attractive because the middle tier makes it possible to maintain control over access and the kinds of updates that can be made to corporate data. Another advantage is that it simplifies the deployment of applications. Finally, in many cases, the three-tier architecture can provide performance advantages.

Three-tier Architecture for Data Access.

Until recently, the middle tier has often been written in languages such as C or C++, which offer fast performance. However, with the introduction of optimizing compilers that translate Java byte code into efficient machine-specific code and technologies such as Enterprise JavaBeans, the Java platform is fast becoming the standard platform for middle-tier development. This is a big plus, making it possible to take advantage of Java's robustness, multithreading, and security features. With enterprises increasingly using the Java programming language for writing server code, the JDBC API is being used more and more in the middle tier of a three-tier architecture. Some of the features that make JDBC a server technology are its support for connection pooling, distributed transactions, and disconnected row sets. The JDBC API is also what allows access to a data source from a Java middle tier.

Main components of JDBCDriver Manager: Manages a list of database drivers. Matches connection requests from
the java application with the proper database driver using communication sub protocol. The first driver that recognizes a certain sub protocol under JDBC will be used to establish a database Connection.

Driver: The database communications link, handling all communication with the database.
Normally, once the driver is loaded, the developer need not call it explicitly.

Connection: Interface with all methods for contacting a database. The connection object
represents communication context, i.e., all communication with database is through connection object only.

Statement: Encapsulates an SQL statement which is passed to the database to be parsed,

compiled, planned and executed.

Result Set: The Result Set represents set of rows retrieved due to query execution.

JDBC driversThe JDBC API defines the Java interfaces and classes that programmers use to connect to databases and send queries. A JDBC driver implements these interfaces and classes for a particular DBMS vendor. A Java program that uses the JDBC API loads the specified driver for a particular DBMS before it actually connects to a database. The JDBC DriverManager class then sends all JDBC API calls to the loaded driver.

The four types of JDBC drivers are: JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver, also called Type 1.
Translates JDBC API calls into Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) calls that are then passed to the ODBC driver. The ODBC binary code must be loaded on every client computer that uses this type of driver.

Native-API, partly Java driver, also called Type 2.

Converts JDBC API calls into DBMS-specific client API calls. Like the bridge driver, this type of driver requires that some binary code be loaded on each client computer.

JDBC-Net, also called Type 3.

Sends JDBC API calls to a middle-tier net server that translates the calls into the DBMS-specific network protocol. The translated calls are then sent to a particular DBMS.

Native-protocol, pure Java driver, also called Type 4.

Converts JDBC API calls directly into the DBMS-specific network protocol without a middle tier. This allows the client applications to connect directly to the database server.

Java Database Connectivity StepsBefore we create a java jdbc connection to the database, we must first import the java.sql package. import java.sql.*; The star ( * ) indicates that all of the classes in the package java.sql are to be imported.

1. Loading a database driver:

In this step of the jdbc connection process, we load the driver class by calling Class.forName() with the Driver class name as an argument. Once loaded, the Driver class creates an instance of itself. A client can connect to Database Server through JDBC Driver. Since most of the Database servers support ODBC driver therefore JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver is commonly used. The return type of the Class.forName (String ClassName) method is Class. Class is a class in java.lang package. try { Class.forName(sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver); //Or any other driver } catch(ClassNotFoundException e){ System.out.println( Unable to load the driver class! ); }

2. Creating a jdbc Connection:

The JDBC DriverManager class defines objects which can connect Java applications to a JDBC driver. DriverManager is considered the backbone of JDBC architecture. DriverManager class manages the JDBC drivers that are installed on the system. Its getConnection() method is used to establish a connection to a database. A jdbc Connection represents a session/connection with a specific database. Within the context of a Connection, SQL, PL/SQL statements are executed and results are returned. An application can have one or more connections with a single database, or it can have many connections with different databases. A Connection object provides metadata i.e. information about the database, tables, and fields. It also contains methods to deal with transactions. try{ Connection cn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:dsn");

} catch( SQLException e ){ System.out.println( Couldnt get connection! ); }

3. Creating a jdbc Statement object :

Once a connection is obtained we can interact with the database. Connection interface defines methods for interacting with the database via the established connection. To execute SQL statements, you need to instantiate a Statement object from your connection object by using the createStatement() method. Statement statement = cn.createStatement(); A statement object is used to send and execute SQL statements to a database. Three kinds of Statements

4. Executing a SQL statement with the Statement object, and returning a jdbc
resultSet. Statement interface defines methods that are used to interact with database via the execution of SQL statements. The Statement class has three methods for executing statements: executeQuery(), executeUpdate(), and execute(). For a SELECT statement, the method to use is executeQuery . For statements that create or modify tables, the method to use is executeUpdate. Statements that create a table, alter a table, or drop a table are all examples of DDL statements and are executed with the method executeUpdate. execute() executes an SQL statement that is written as String object. ResultSet provides access to a table of data generated by executing a Statement. The table rows are retrieved in sequence. A ResultSet maintains a cursor pointing to its current row of data. The next() method is used to successively step through the rows of the tabular results. ResultSetMetaData Interface holds information on the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet. It is constructed from the Connection object.

Database ConnectionsSimple four steps for create database connection: Import JDBC Packages: Add import statements in Java program to import required classes in your Java code. import java.sql.* ; // for standard JDBC programs Register JDBC Driver: This step causes the JVM to load the desired driver implementation into memory so it can fulfill your JDBC requests.

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Database URL Formulation: This is to create a properly formatted address that points to the database to which you wish to connect. Create Connection Object: Finally, code a call to the DriverManager object's getConnection( ) method to establish actual database connection.

Closing JDBC connections:

At the end of your JDBC program, it is required explicitly close all the connections to the database to end each database session. However, if you forget, Java's garbage collector will close the connection when it cleans up stale objects. Relying on garbage collection, especially in database programming, is very poor programming practice. You should make a habit of always closing the connection with the close() method associated with connection object. To ensure that a connection is closed, you could provide a finally block in your code. A finally block always executes, regardless if an exception occurs or not. To close above opened connection you should call close() method as follows: conn.close();

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JAVA Server Pages(JSP)
JSP Introduction
JSP stands for JavaServer Pages. JSP is a part of Java technology which allows Web Developers rapidly to create wide ranges of Web Applications such as e-commerce, banking and corporate intranet applications. JSP is one of the most powerful, easy-to-use and fundamental technology for Java web developers.

JSP server
If you do not have a JSP capable web-server or application server, the first step is to download one. There are many such servers available, most of which can be downloaded for free evaluation and/or development. Some of them are: Blazix from Desiderata Software TomCat from Apache WebLogic from BEA Systems WebSphere from IBM

JSP Advantages
Separate the business logic and presentation: The logic to generate dynamic elements or content is implemented and encapsulated by using JavaBeans components. The user interface (UI) is created by using special JSP tags. This allows developers and web designers to maintain the JSP pages easily. Write Once, Run Anywhere: as a part of Java technology, JPS allows developers to developer JSP pages and deploy them in a variety of platforms, across the web servers without rewriting or changes. Dynamic elements or content produced in JSP can be served in different formats: With JSP you can write web application for web browser serving HTML format. You can even produce WML format to serve hand-held device browsers. There is no limitation of content format which JSP provides. Take advantages of Servlet API: JSP technically is a high-level abstraction of Java Servlets. It is now easier to get anything you've done with Servlet by using JSP. Beside that you can also reuse all of your Servlets you've developed so far in the new JSP.

Servlet v/s JSP

Servlets execute on the server and intercept browser requests, acting as a sort of middle Layer between Clients and other applications. In doing so, Servlets tend to mix the dynamic content into the static part to generate HTML.
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JSPs on the other hand, separate static and dynamic content separating presentation and logic in a web application. Whereas servlets force you to mix the code with the static content, JSP's can use beans with a specified scope to separate the code out, or tag extensions.

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Objectives of Project
Meaning of ProjectThe meaning of project is to give physical existence to the variation brain ideas and thoughts. Project is a great source to develop technical skills in the Technical student. During the programming of the project student goes through different problems and experience. A student gets a change to climb on the roof of practical knowledge to economize to go at the fields. A very important aim of this world PROJECT consist of seven alphabets each of them has separate meaning. P for Planning Planning is good an impressive half work is done. R for RELAIABLE SOURCE Practice and theoretical material and able guidance and assistance is achieved from different sources to promote the function of planned area. O for OVERALL EXPENSES Overall expenses to provide final design to any project is also considerable. Their expenses are analyzed for each concepts and method of working on the computer. J for JOINT EFFORTS Joint efforts are much necessary for programming and result of any project. Many times some problems as books etc., are solved for external sources. E for ECONOMIC TIME FEASIBILITY It is important that the planned scheme is how much economic time feasible. It is must to analyze estimate for completion of the project. C for CONSTRUCTION After analyzing the project work is done to give logical existence of planned scheme. T for TESTING Testing of program is done before submitting the project after resting the gadget is ok for use.

Introduction to projectLibrary Management contains all the details regarding a library. The project created by using Java. The main components used are: JAVA as language SQL Connectivity

The project will have two panels i.e. student panel and admin panel. In student panel there will be all information regarding a student belonging to particular institute for example book records- issued books, submitted books, students semester etc. while in admin panel admin will have info regarding library like books detail, book records.
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Project DescriptionLIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a software application to maintain the record related to Book issue, book submitted, book records etc.


A library database needs to store information pertaining to its users (customers), its workers, the physical locations of its branches, and the media stored in those locations. We have decided to limit the media to two types: books and member.

1. Maintains data about the books of the library.25


The main objective of the application is to automate the existing system of manually maintain the records of the Book Issue, Book Return from the student, Stock Maintenance, catalogue and Book Search to be computerized. So the Book Issue, Return, Searching will be faster.

This application can be used by any Library to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the stock and Book Issues.

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Product Features:
There is one users who will be using this product: Librarian who will be acting as the administrator

The features that are available to the Librarian are. A librarian can issue a book to the student Can view the different categories of books available in the Library. Can view the List of books available in each category Can take the book returned from students Add books and their information of the books to the database Can check the report of the issued Books. Can Make entry of waiting student for a Books.

Further there are two section in this product: STUDENT PANEL MANAGEMENT PANEL

Here STUDENT PANEL contains: Add new Student Delete Student Edit Student Record Issue Book Submit Book And Student Detail showing details of student including Book issued and submitted on the name of that student

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Here MANAGEMENT PANEL contains: Add new Book Edit Book Detail Book query Waiting Entry Delete Complete Record of Students(if they are Passing out from School/college)

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Product Skelton:

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Input design is the process of converting user-oriented input to a computer based format. Input design is a part of overall system design, which requires very careful attention.Often the collection of input data is the most expensive part of the system. The main objectives of the input design are 1. Produce cost effective method of input 2. Achieve highest possible level of accuracy 3. Ensure that the input is acceptable to and understood by the staff.

Input Data:
The goal of designing input data is to make enter easy, logical and free from errors as possible. The entering data entry operators need to know the allocated space for each field; field sequence and which must match with that in the source document. The format in which the data fields are entered should be given in the input form .Here data entry is online; it makes use of processor that accepts commands and data from the operator through a keyboard. The input required is analyzed by the processor. It is then accepted or rejected. Input stages include the following processes Data Recording Data Transcription Data Conversion Data Verification
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Data Control Data Transmission Data Correction

One of the aims of the system analyst must be to select data capture method and devices, which reduce the number of stages so as to reduce both the changes of errors and the cost .Input types, can be characterized as. External Internal Operational Computerized Interactive

Input files can exist in document form before being input to the computer. Input design is rather complex since it involves procedures for capturing data as well as inputting it to the computer.


Outputs from computer systems are required primarily to communicate the results of processing to users. They are also used to provide a permanent copy of these result for latter consultation .Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the users. Designing computer output should proceed in an organized well through out the manner. The right output must be available for the people who find the system easy to use.

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The outputs have been defined during the logical design stage. If not, they should defined at the beginning of the output designing terms of types of output connect, format, response etc, Various types of outputs are External outputs Internal outputs Operational outputs Interactive outputs Turn around outputs

All screens are informative and interactive in such a way that the user can full fill his requirements through asking queries.


The general theme behind a database is to handle information as an integrated whole.A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly and effectively. After designing input and output, the analyst must concentrate on database design or how data should be organized around user requirements. The general objective is to make information access, easy quick, inexpensive and flexible for other users. During database design the following

Objectives are concerned: Controlled Redundancy Data independence Accurate and integrating
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More information at low cost Recovery from failure Privacy and security


DFDs show the flow of data from external entities into the system, showed how the data moved from one process to another, as well as its logical storage. A DFD shows what kinds of data will be input to and output from the system, where the data will come from and go to, and where the data will be stored. It does not show information about the timing of processes, or information about whether processes will operate in sequence or in parallel (which is shown on a flowchart).

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An entity-relationship diagram is a data modelling technique that creates a graphical representation of the entities, and the relationships between entities, within an information system. It is clear that the physical objects from the previous section the member, books, library correspond to entities in the Entity-Relationship model, and the operations to be done those entities holds, checkouts, and so on correspond to relationships. However, a good design will minimize redundancy and attempt to store all the required information in as small a space as possible.

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Is the menu bar displayed in the appropriate contested some system related features included either in menus or tools? Do pull Down menu operation and Tool-bars work properly? Are all menu function and pull down sub function properly listed ?; Is it possible to invoke each menu function using a logical assumptions that if all parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved .? In adequate testing or non-testing will leads to errors that may appear few months later. This create two problem 1. Time delay between the cause and appearance of the problem. 2. The effect of the system errors on files and records within the system The purpose of the system testing is to consider all the likely variations to which it will be suggested and push the systems to limits. The testing process focuses on the logical intervals of the software ensuring that all statements have been tested and on functional interval is conducting tests to uncover errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with the required results. Program level testing, modules level testing integrated and carried out.

Unit Testing:
Unit testing was conducted to verify the functional performance of each modular component of the software. Unit testing focuses on the smallest unit of software design i.e. the module. White-box testing were heavily employed for unit testing.

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Unit testing focuses on testing a unit of the code. Integration testing is the next level of testing. This level of testing focuses on testing the integration of units of code or components. The Library Management System was tested as a whole. There are two major type of testing they are 1) White Box Testing. 2) Black Box Testing.

White Box Testing:

White box sometimes called Glass box testing is a test case design uses the control structure of the procedural design to drive test case. Using white box testing methods, the following tests were made on the system A) All independent paths within a module have been exercised once. In our system, ensuring that case was selected and executed checked all case structures. The bugs that were prevailing in some part of the code where fixed b) All logical decisions were checked for the truth and falsity of the values.

Black box Testing:

4 Black box testing focuses on the functional requirements of the software. This is black box testing enables the software engineering to derive a set of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program. Black box testing is not an alternative to white box testing rather it is complementary approach that is likely to uncover a different class of errors that white box methods like.. 1) Interface errors
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2) Performance in data structure 3) Performance errors 4) Initializing and termination errors

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Snap Shots
1. Main Panel:

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2. Log In Panel:

3. Error in Log in:

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4. Two Main Panels:

5. Student Panel:

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6. Management Panel:

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System Specification-

Hardware Specification
Processor Clock Speed System Bus RAM HDD : : : : : Intel Core i3 2.40 GHz 64-bit 4 GB 500 GB

Software Specification
OS Front End Mid End Back End Time : : : : : MS WINDOWS 7 Ultimate JAVA JAVA MS acess 45 days (Approx)

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Human resource required (minimum): Project leader Programmer Testing Machine required Skill set : : : : : one one one one PC/Laptop Team members should have basic Knowledge of JAVA, applets and ms-acess.

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The project library management is completed, satisfying the required design specifications. This software provides a user-friendly interface. This software is developed with modular approach. Thus the software has fulfilled all the objectives identified and is able to replace the existing system. The constraints are met and overcome successfully. The system is designed as like it was decided in the design phase. This software has a userfriendly screen that enables the user to use without any inconvenience. The software provides facility admin to login . This software provides the facility to keep all records up to date . All modules in the software have been tested with valid data and invalid data and everything work successfully. Hence the software has proved to work efficiently.

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Google Search Engine Wikipedia

Black Book of Java The Complete Reference J2EE by Keogh

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