UML Part1

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Basma Hussien


1 Introduction

2 What is UML?

3 UML Diagrams

4 Class Diagram

5 Use Case Diagram

What is Modeling?

• Modeling consists of building an abstraction of

• Abstractions are simplifications because:
✓They ignore irrelevant details
✓They only represent the relevant details.

• What is relevant or irrelevant depends on the

purpose of the model.

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Example: map

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Example: street map (2)

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Why model software?

• Software is getting increasingly more complex

✓ Windows XP > 40 millions lines of code.
✓ A single programmer cannot manage this amount of code
in its entirety.

• Code is not easily understandable by developers who did

not write it.

• We need simpler representations for complex systems

✓ Modeling is a mean for dealing with complexity.

• Modeling is the only way to visualize the design and check

it against requirements before one starts to code.
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Systems, Models and Views

• A system is an organized set of communicating parts

• A model is an abstraction describing a subset of a system
• A view depicts selected aspects of a model

• System: Aircraft
• Models: Flight simulator, scale model
• Views: All blueprints, electrical wiring, fuel system

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Modeling Notation

Fuel System Flight simulator

Model 2

View 1
View 2

Model 1 View 3
Scale Model Blueprints

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Concepts and Phenomena

• Phenomenon
✓ An object in the world of a domain as you perceive it
✓ Example: The lecture you are attending
✓ Example: You!!
• Concept
✓ Describes the properties of phenomena that are common.
✓ Example: Lectures on software engineering
✓ Example: Trainee
• Concept is a 3-tuple:
✓ Name (To distinguish it from other concepts)
✓ Purpose (Properties that determine if a phenomenon is a member of a
✓ Members (The set of phenomena which are part of the concept)

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Concepts and Phenomena in OO
Name Purpose Members

Clock A device that


• Abstraction
✓ Classification of phenomena into concepts
• Modeling
✓ Development of abstractions to answer specific questions about
a set of phenomena while ignoring irrelevant details.

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• Q. If you want to make systems that deal with real

world problems, how do you get your hands around
real world complexities?

• Ans. The key is to organize the design process in a way that clients,
analysts, programmers and others involved in system development
can understand and agree on.

• UML is a key in providing this organization.

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What is UML?

• UML (Unified Modeling Language)

✓ Modeling(visual) language not a method for modeling and
communicating about systems through the use of diagrams
and supporting text.
✓ An emerging standard for modeling object-oriented
• Supported by several CASE tools
✓ ArgoUML (Open Source)
✓ Rational ROSE (IBM)
✓ TogetherJ (Borland)
✓ Visio (Microsoft)
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What is UML? (Cont’)

• UML is by far the most exciting thing to happen to the

software industry in recent years as every other
engineering discipline has a standard method of

✓ Electronic engineers have schematic diagrams

✓ Architects and mechanical engineers have blueprints and
mechanical diagrams
✓The software industry now has UML!

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Is UML process dependent?

The UML is a process-independent notation

system - that is, there is no dependency on a
particular development process, like Agile
Programming or the Unified Process, both of
which may be used effectively with
the UML.
Historical Background

• 1970 – Object-oriented modeling languages began to


• 1996 – Release of UML 0.9 by by Grady Booch, Jim

Rumbaugh of Rational Software Corporation, Ivar
Jacobson of Objectory company.

• 1996 – Release of UML 1.0 by Digital Equipment, HP,

ILogix,IntelliCorp, IBM, ICON, MCI, Microsoft, Oracle,
Rational, TI and Unisys.

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Historical Background (Cont’)
• 1997 – Release of UML 1.1 by IBM, ObjecTime, Platinum,
Ptech, Taskon, Reich and Softeam

• After the first release a task force was formed to improve the
language, which released several minor revisions, 1.3, 1.4,
and 1.5

• 2001 – Work on UML 2.0 specifications.

• 2007 - Although UML 2.1 was never released as a formal

specification, versions 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 appeared in 2007,
followed by UML 2.2 in February 2009.
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Historical Background (Cont’)

• 2010 – UML 2.3 was formally released in May 2010.

• 2011 – UML 2.4.1 was formally released in August 2011.

• 2012 – UML 2.5 was released in October 2012 as an "In

progress" version and was officially released in June 2015.

• 2017 – Formal version 2.5.1 was adopted in December 2017.

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Benefits of UML

• Software systems are professionally designed and

documented before they are coded so that all
stakeholders know exactly what they are getting, in

• UML design enables you to check your system

against user requirements even before start coding,
this reduces software development costs by
eliminating re-work in all areas of the life cycle.

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Benefits of UML (Cont’)

• Since system design comes first, UML enables re-

usable code to be easily identified and coded with
the highest efficiency, thus reducing software
development costs.

• UML enables logic 'holes' to be spotted in design

drawings so that software will behave as expected.

• UML diagrams assist in providing efficient training

to new members of the development team member.
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Benefits of UML (Cont’)

• UML enables ease of maintenance by providing

more effective visual representations of the
system. Consequently, maintenance costs are

• UML improve clarity of communication with both

internal and external stakeholders as it documents
the system much more efficiently.

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Software characteristics

• A software system has three characteristics:

✓ Static: The static characteristic of a system is essentially
the structural aspect of the system. The static characteristics
define what parts the system is made up of.
✓ Dynamic: The behavioral features of a system; for
example, the ways a system behaves in response to certain
events or actions are the dynamic characteristics of a
✓ Implementation: The implementation characteristic of a
system is an entirely new feature that describes the
different elements required for deploying a system.
UML Diagram Classification
Static Dynamic Implementation

• Class diagram • Use Case diagram

• • Deployment
Package diagram • Activity diagram diagram
• Object diagram • Sequence diagram • Timing diagram
• Component • State diagram
diagram • Communication
• Composite • Collaboration
Structure diagram diagram
• Profile diagram • Interaction Overview

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• A class represent a concept ….?!!

• A class encapsulates state (attributes) and behavior
(operations). Concept
-Float salary Attributes
+int getAge()
+Price getSalary()
Signature Operations
• Each attribute has a type.
• Each attribute has a Access Specifier.(+,-,#)
• Each operation has a signature.
• Each operation has a Access Specifier.(+,-,#)
• The class name is the only mandatory information.
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Class representation

• Class is represented with a rectangular box divided into compartments.

• The first compartment holds the name of the class, the second holds
attributes, and the third is used for operations.

• You can hide any compartment of the class if that increases the readability
of your diagram.

• You may add compartments to a class to show additional information,

such as exceptions or events.

• UML suggests that the class name:

✓ Start with a capital letter
✓ Be centered in the top compartment
✓ Be written in a boldface font
✓ Be written in italics if the class is abstract. 31
Class Diagram (cont.)

• Can be simple primitive types (integers, floating-point numbers, etc.) or
relationships to other, complex objects.
• Can be shown using two different notations: inlined or relationships
between classes
• Notation is available to show such things as multiplicity, uniqueness, and
• There is no semantic difference between inlined attributes and attributes
by relationship; it's simply a matter of how much detail you want to
• Static attributes are represented by underlining their specification.

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Class Diagram (cont.)

Inlined Attributes:
• Lists a class's attributes right in rectangle notation
• It uses the following notation:
visibility / name : type multiplicity = default {property strings and constraints}
{+|-|#} [lower..upper]

if balance < 0


- balance : float
- / Overdrawn : bool
+ transactions : Transactiton [*] {ordered}

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Class Diagram (cont.)
Attributes by Relationship:
• Results in a larger class diagram, but it can provide greater detail for
complex attribute types
• Conveys exactly how the attribute is contained within a class

1 - numCylinders: int
- engine - horsePower: float
+ manufacturer : string

- automatic

Car {xor}

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Class Diagram (cont.)

• Features of classes that specify how to invoke a particular behavior.

• Placed in a separate compartment with the following syntax:

visibility name ( parameters ) : return-type { constraints }

+ GetSize() : Rectangle
+ SetSize(name : string) : void
+ GetComponents() : Component [0..*]
# Paint() : void

• Operation Constraints:
{Preconditions – Postconditions - Body conditions - Query operations - Exceptions}

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salary = 500.20

• An Object represents a phenomenon….??!!!

• The name of an instance is underlined and can contain the

class of the instance.

• The attributes are represented with their values.


Department Employee
* * + salary:float
Enumeration getEmployees()
float getSalary(emp)

• Associations denote relationships between classes.

• The multiplicity of an association end denotes how
many objects the source object can legitimately

1-to-1 and 1-to-many Associations

1 Has-capital 1

One-to-one association

* x: Integer
y: Integer

One-to-many association
From Problem Statement To Object Model

Problem Statement: A stock exchange lists many companies.

Each company is uniquely identified by a ticker symbol

Class Diagram:

StockExchange * * Company
+ tickerSymbol: int

From Problem Statement to Code
Problem Statement: A stock exchange lists many companies.
Each company is uniquely identified by a ticker symbol

StockExchange * * Company
Lists + tickerSymbol: int

C# Code
public class StockExchange
private List<Company> m_Company = new List<Company>();
public class Company
public int m_tickerSymbol;
private List<StockExchange> m_StockExchange = new List<StockExchange>();

• An aggregation is a special case of
association denoting a “consists
of” hierarchy.
• The aggregate is the parent class, Paper
the components are the children
• A solid diamond denotes
composition, a strong form of Rectangle
aggregation denoting a “Contain”
• Note: Rectangle contain Object
from Point * Point

Inheritance relationship
• Inheritance simplifies the model by eliminating
• The children classes inherit the attributes and
operations of the parent class.
• The inheritance denote Kind-Of relationship


Sport vehicle Transportation

How do you find classes?

• The customer enters the store to buy a toy. It has

to be a toy that his daughter likes and it must
cost less than 50 Euro. He tries a videogame,
which uses a data glove and a head-mounted
display. He likes it. An assistant helps him. The
suitability of the game depends on the age of the
child. His daughter is only 3 years old. The
assistant recommends another type of toy, namely a
boardgame. The customer buy the game and leaves
the store

Example: Flow of events

• The customer enters the store to buy a toy.

• It has to be a toy that his daughter likes and it must cost less
than 50 Euro.
• He tries a videogame, which uses a data glove and a head-
mounted display. He likes it.
• An assistant helps him.
• The suitability of the game depends on the age of the child.
His daughter is only 3 years old.
• The assistant recommends another type of toy, namely the
board game "Monopoly".

Generation of a class diagram
Customer from flow of events
enter() customer enters the store
The customer
buy() to buy a toy
toy. It has to be a
toy that his daughter likes
store and it must cost less than 50
age Euro.
Euro He tries a videogame,
which uses a data glove and a
suitable head-mounted display. He likes
it. An assistant helps him.
toy The suitability of the game
price depends on the age
age of the
child. His daughter is only 3
years old. The assistant
type of
recommends another type of
videogame boardgame
toy, namely a boardgame.
toy boardgame The
customer buy the game and
leaves the store 45
Mapping parts of speech to object model

Part of speech Model component Example

Proper noun object Jim Smith
Improper noun class Toy, doll
Doing verb method Buy, recommend
being verb inheritance is-a (kind-of)
having verb Aggregation, has an
modal verb constraint must be
adjective attribute 3 years old
transitive verb method enter
intransitive verb method (event) depends on
Who uses class diagrams?

a. Main Purpose of Class diagrams is to describe the

static properties of a system.
b. The customer and end users are often not
interested in class diagrams. They usually focus
more on system functionality.
c. The developer uses class diagrams during
the development of a system, that is, during
analysis, system design, object design and
ERD & Class Diagram

❖Is Entity Relationship Diagram a UML diagram?

▪ Both are similar…

▪ But, A Class diagram is a UML diagram.
An ERD, on the other hand, is NOT a UML
diagram, it is a diagram for data modeling
(attributes and relationships).
Use Case Diagrams

• A way to capture system functionality and requirements.

• It consists of:
✓ Use cases
✓ Actors
✓ Subjects
Use Case Modeling: Core Elements
Use Case Modeling: Core Elements Cont.’
Use Case Diagram
The use case model is the set of all use cases. It is a complete
description of the functionality of the system and its

✓ Actors represent roles, that

is, a type of user of the
✓ Use cases represent a
sequence of interaction for a
PurchaseTicket Passenger
type of functionality

Use Case diagram used during requirements elicitation to

represent external behavior
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• An actor models an external entity which

communicates with the system:
✓ User
✓ External system
• An actor has a unique name and an optional
Passenger • Examples:
✓ Passenger: A person in the train
✓ GPS satellite: Provides the system with GPS

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Use Case

• A use case represents a class of functionality

provided by the system as an event flow.

A use case consists of:

✓ Unique name
✓ Participating actors
PurchaseTicket ✓ Entry conditions
✓ Flow of events
✓ Exit conditions
✓ Special requirements

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Use Case Definition: Example

Name: Purchase ticket

Participating actor: Passenger
Entry condition:
▪ Passenger standing in front of ticket distributor.
▪ Passenger has sufficient money to purchase ticket.
Exit condition:
▪ Passenger has ticket.
Event flow:
1. Passenger selects the number of zones to be traveled.
2. Distributor displays the amount due.
3. Passenger inserts money, of at least the amount due.
4. Distributor returns change.
5. Distributor issues ticket. What about
Exceptional cases?
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The <<extends>> Relationship

• <<extends>> relationships represent

exceptional or seldom invoked cases.
Passenger • The exceptional event flows are factored out
off the main event flow for clarity.
• The direction of an <<extends>> relationship
is to the extended use case



OutOfOrder NoChange

Exceptional flows use

Cancel cases can extend more
than one use case.
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The <<includes>> Relationship
• <<includes>> relationship represents behavior
that is factored out of the use case.

• <<includes>> behavior is factored
PurchaseMultiCard out for reuse, not because it is an
PurchaseSingleTicket <<includes>>

<<includes>> • The direction of an <<includes>>

relationship is to the using use case
(unlike <<extends>> relationships).
<<extends>> <<extends>>

NoChange Cancel
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