An Artificial Neural Network Approach For Brain Tumor Detection Using Digital Image Segmentation
An Artificial Neural Network Approach For Brain Tumor Detection Using Digital Image Segmentation
An Artificial Neural Network Approach For Brain Tumor Detection Using Digital Image Segmentation
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected] Volume 2, Issue 5, September October 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
An Artificial Neural Network Approach for Brain Tumor Detection Using Digital Image Segmentation
Kamal Kant Hiran1, Ruchi Doshi2
1 Sikkim Manipal University Head, Deptt of Information Technology
Keywords: Brain tumor, MRI images, Edge detection, segmentation, Artificial Neural Network
A tumor is a mass of tissue that grows out of control of the normal forces that regulates growth (Pal and Pal, 1993). Brain tumors are abnormal and uncontrolled proliferations of cells. An inferior or metastatic brain tumor takes place when cancer cells extend to the brain from a primary cancer in a different component of the body. The computationally efficient method runs orders of magnitude faster than current state of the art techniques giving comparable or improved results. Our quantitative results indicate the benefit of incorporating model aware affinities into the segmentation process for the difficult case of brain tumor. This paper expresses a wellorganized technique for automatic brain tumor segmentation for the removal of tumor tissues from MR images. A well acknowledged segmentation trouble within MRI is the task of category voxels according to their tissue type which take account of White Matter (WM), Grey Matter (GM), Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) and occasionally pathological tissues like tumor etc. A brain tumor is an intracranial mass produced by an uncontrolled growth of cells either normally found in the brain such as neurons, lymphatic tissue, glial cells, blood vessels, pituitary and Volume 2, Issue 5 September October 2013
pineal gland, skull, or spread from cancers primarily located in other organs. There are more than 120 types of brain and central nervous system (CNS) tumors. Today, most medical institutions use the World Health Organization (WHO) classification system to identify brain tumors. The WHO classifies brain tumors by cell origin and how the cells behave, from the least aggressive (benign) to the most aggressive (malignant). There are three common types of tumor: [1] Benign tumor [2] Pre-Malignant tumor [3] Malignant tumor [1] Benign Tumor:- A benign tumor is a tumor is the one that does not expand in an abrupt way; it doesnt affect its neighboring healthy tissues and also does not expand to non-adjacent tissues. Moles are the common example of benign tumors. [2] Pre-Malignant Tumor:- Premalignant Tumor is a precancerous stage, considered as a disease, if not properly treated it may lead to cancer. [3] Malignant Tumor:- Malignancy is the type of tumor that grows worse with the passage of time and ultimately results in the death of a person. Malignant is basically a medical term that describes a severe progressing disease. Malignant tumor is a term which is typically used for the description of cancer. The tumor cell is present within skull and grows within skull is called primary tumor. Malignant brain tumors are primary brain tumors. The tumor presents outside the skull and enter into the skull region called secondary tumor. Metastatic tumors are examples of secondary tumors [4]. The tumor takes up place in the skull and interferes with the normal functioning of the brain. Tumor shifts the brain towards skull and increases the pressure on the brain. Detection of tumor is the first step in the treatment [1].
Figure 1 (a) Normal human brain (b) Brain tumor image Page 227
The image segmentation & edge detection approaches were studied under 5 categories. These are as follows: i. Thresholding approaches ii. Region growing approaches iii. Genetic Algorithm approaches Volume 2, Issue 5 September October 2013
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Input: MR image of human brain. Output: Tumor portion of the image. Step 1:- Read the input grayscale image of brain. Step 2:- Converts input color image in to grayscale image. Step 3:- Resize this image in to 200 200 image matrix. Step 4:- Filters the multidimensional array with the multidimensional filter. Step 5:- Computes a global threshold that can be used to convert an intensity image. Step 6:- Compute watershed segmentation by MAT Lab command watershed. Step 7:-Compute the morphological operation.(imerode, imdilate and strel). Step 8:- Store the size of the step 8 image into var1 and var2. Step 9:-For i=1:1:var1 do For j=1:1:var2 do Page 229
Figure 2 Steps for Brain tumor detection Volume 2, Issue 5 September October 2013
Brain Tumor Segmentation methods are an active research area with increasing interest to improve treatment and diagnosis of patients. The brain tumor detection and classification is successfully implemented by using the image processing tool box in MAT Lab. The graphical user interface of MAT Lab is user friendly. The proposed method may be applied for detecting other cancers like breast cancer etc. Relevance of these approaches is the direct medical application for segmentation and edge detection. We have reviewed the techniques of the MRI image enhancement in terms of tumor pixels detected. We have studied several digital image processing methods and discussed its requirements and properties in brain tumor detection .This paper gives enhanced information about brain tumor detection and segmentation. As diagnosis tumor is a complicated and sensitive task; therefore, accuracy and reliability are always assigned much importance. The marked area is segmented and the assessment of this tool from the radiologist, whom the project is concerned with, is positive and this tool helps them in diagnosis, the treatment procedure and state of the tumor monitoring.
(1) We would like to thank the management who constantly inspired to involve in research work and special thanks to Dr. Kapil Gupta for cordial cooperation and motivation in our work. The authors would like to thank Dr. Rakesh Rathi and Mr.Vinesh Jain for his constructive feedback and assistance during the course of this research. And Special thanks to Dr. M. K. Doshi for their guidance and support. We would also like to thank for the valuable information they provided us and our family members for their love and care. We are very thankful to all those who helped us in collecting data for brain tumors.
Similarity index S > 80% indicates an excellent similarity. Where, FET denotes the Full enhanced tumor; RET the ring-enhanced tumor, NET the enhanced tumor. The false positive volume function (FPVF) represents the error due to the misclassification in class i and the false negative volume function (FNVF) represents the error due to the loss of desired pixels of class i, they are defined as follows: Table 1: Image segmentation results of enhanced tumors and non-enhanced tumor on images.
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(3) Higher value of S, and lower value of FPVF, FNVF gives better segmentation result. The Jaccard index between two volumes is represented as follows, (4)
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She is Life member of various professional bodies like International Association of Engineers (IAENG) Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers (UACEE), International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore.
Kamal Kant Hiran has obtained M.Tech (Gold Medalist) in Info. Communication from Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, India with Honors and B.Engg. in Information Technology from University of Rajasthan, India. He is Life member of various professional bodies like Institution of Engg & Technology (IET), London, UK, International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers (UACEE), International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore. He is Reviewer & member of Editorial Board team in various reputed International Journals like IJSET, IJTEE, IJSTR and IJERT.His research interest includes Digital Image Processing and it applications in biometric security, forensic science, pattern recognition, early detection of breast and tumor cancer.
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