CDP Proposal Kavaratti

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ProposalforpreparingaCityDevelopmentPlan forKavarattiIsland,Lakshadweep
Under the Government of Indias Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) with a mandate of creating efficient, equitable and responsive cities, the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) are eligible for grant assistance for selected reforms. The objective behind this is to improve infrastructure along with longterm sustenance of the ULBs. Cities have to prepare a City Development Plan to be eligible for such assistance in accordance with the citizens desires and priorities. A City Development Plan (CDP) is both a perspective and a vision for the future development of a city,andfocuseson: Developmentofeconomicandsocialinfrastructure Strategiesthatdealspecificallywithissuesaffectingtheurbanpoor Strengthening of municipal governments and their financial accounting and budgeting systemsandprocedures Creationofstructuresforbringinginaccountabilityandtransparency

The CDP of Kavaratti, the Capital City Island of Lakshadweep, will cater to strengthening the role of the island as the administrative headquarters of the Union Territory and draw a road map for the islandsdesiredfutureinanenvironmentallyresponsiblemanner.TheCDPwillanswerthefollowing questionsforKavaratti Wherearewenow?Assessmentofcurrentscenario Wheredowewanttogo?Visionforthefuture WhatdoweneedtoaddressonaprioritybasisfortheIsland?Evaluationandprioritization Whatinterventionsdowemakeinordertoattainthevision?Strategiesandprogrammes



Lakshadweep is the smallest Union Territory (UT) of India and the only coral island chain. The archipelagoconsistsof 36 islands, 12 atolls,3reefs and 5 submergedbanks. Theislands have a total areaof32sq.kmsandthelagoonsenclosedbytheatollscoveranareaof4200 sq.kms.Itsterritorial waters extend to 20,000 sq.kms and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to 4,00,000 sq.kms. Only 10 of these islands namely, Agatti, Amini, Andrott, Bitra, Chetlat, Kadmat, Kalpeni, Kavaratti, Kiltan and Minicoy are inhabited. Kavaratti is the Administrative Headquarters of the Union Territory. The islandsarerestrictedareaandpermitfromtheAdministrationisrequiredtovisittheislands. |1

CityDevelopmentPlanforKavaratti,LakshadweepProposal The islands are located 220 to 440 kms off the Kerala coast between 8 and 12 North Latitudes and 71 and 74 East Longitudes. The islands are connected to mainland by passenger ships and flights operated from Kochi. The airport is in Agatti and facilities exist for helicopter transfer to Kavaratti Island. Locationmap



Kavaratti,,6 km in length and 1.5 km at its widest point. The island lies on a northsouth axis, bounded by Amini inthenorth,Suheliinthesouth,AndorthinthenortheastandKalpeniinthesoutheast. It is a census town with population of 10,113 (Male55%; Female45%). Kavaratti has an average literacy rate of 78%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 83%, and female literacyis72%.TheislandhasthesecondlargestpopulationafterAmini.


CityDevelopmentPlanforKavaratti,LakshadweepProposal There is a shallow lagoon on the west side of the island with coral growth, encircled by a beach consistingofmainlycarbonatesands.TheshorelengthofKavarattiis14.72km. Thereare52mosquesscatteredallovertheisland,whicharearchitecturallysuperiortothosefound onotherislands,UjraMosquebeingthemostfamousofthemall. The island has a road network consisting of three main concrete roads, running on the western and eastern edges along the length of the island. The central road covers only a part of the island. Apart from these, there are a number of kutcha roads covering the settlement areas. Coconut plantation coverstheentireisland. Kavarattirankssecond(nexttoKilten)intermsofareaunderdevelopment(builtuparea)andtenth among the eleven islands for area under open space. Future development of the island needs to be deeply rooted in sustainable practices to ensure longterm benefits to the island since there is alreadytremendouspressureontheexistingresources.
SatelliteImageofKavarattishowingthelagoononthewestsideoftheisland Source:GoogleEarth2010



Given the unique nature of the Lakshadweep Islands and the fragile ecosystems present there, the CityDevelopmentPlanwillberootedinEcologicallySensitiveUrbanPlanningprinciples.Landcover changesbyhumansaretheprimaryeffectofthehumanbeingonthenaturalsystemsanditdirectly affects the ability of the land to provide us with resources essential for life. An ecological approach tolanduseplanningisnotonlyimportantbutalsoessentialtomaintainthelongtermsustainability oftheecosystembenefits,servicesandresources.


CityDevelopmentPlanforKavaratti,LakshadweepProposal Effective conservation and management of natural resources requires integrating knowledge of ecological systems with an understanding of the cultural, social and economic characteristics of people who live and work in ecological landscapes.Thus, both the land and its people play an equal roleindeterminingthefutureofanyurbanorruralarea. The policies, strategies, programmes and projects identified in the CDP will be viewed through an ecologicallensandgroundedinSmartGrowthpractices. WeproposetoemployEcologicalGuidelinesforLandUsePlanning

EcologicalGuidelinesforLandUse Examinetheimpactsoflocaldecisionsinaregionalcontext Planforlongtermchangeandunexpectedevents Preserverarelandscapeelements,criticalhabitatsandassociatedspecies Avoidlandusesthatdeletenaturalresourcesoverabroadarea Retailcontiguousorconnectedareasthatcontaincriticalhabitat Minimizetheintroductionandspreadofnonnativespecies Avoidorcompensateforeffectsofdevelopmentonecologicalprinciples Implement land use and management practices that are compatible with the natural potentialofthearea

One of the most important tools in planning today is effective public participation and it becomes increasingly critical in the case of ecologically sensitive areas. Participation is instrumental in raising awareness and understanding of the importance of ecological factors. Indeed, while plans and their implementation can improve sensitivity to ecological systems, the behaviour of citizens in using the urban environment is likely to have a greater effect. Thus, participation in planningto improve sensitivitytoecologicalfactorsandtochangehumaninteractionpatternsisanessentialdimension of the planning process. The process becomes one of mutual education where planners and the peoplelearnfromeachothertoensurelongtermsustainabilityoftheirenvironment.



City Development Plan for Kavaratti is a multistage exercise involving the following stages as prescribedbytheJNNURMguidelines: StageI:IslandAssessment Aim: Tomakearealisticassessmentofwheretheislandis,directionofitsprogresssofar anditsstrengthsandweaknesses. Indepth analysis of existing situationdemographic, economic, financial, infrastructure, physical, environmental and institutional aspects. Analysis of key |4

CityDevelopmentPlanforKavaratti,LakshadweepProposal issues, constraints, and subsequent SWOT analysis; unmet demand/gap in services StageII:DevelopmentofPerspectiveandVisionfortheIsland Using the results of Stage I with consultations with key stakeholders, civil society, develop a shared vision for the islands development. A collective, consensus drivenvisionansweringWheredowewanttogo?


Activities: Workshops,charrettes,meetings,stakeholderconsultations StageIII:FormulationofStrategiesforDevelopment Devise strategies for development for each sector based on the vision and future development perspectives. Evaluation and prioritization of strategies and translationintoprojectsandprogrammes


Activities: Stakeholder consultations to prioritize strategies, programmes and projects, data analysis StageIII:CityInvestmentPlanandFinancingStrategy Preparation of a City Investment Plan (CIP), identification of types and sources of financing for priority projects and reforms; an aggregate investment plan considering alternative sources of financing the vision, accompanying strategies andprogrammes


Activities: Estimating levels of investments and financing options, consultation with officials onresourcesavailable



Surveys and Studies to be conducted(secondary data to be made available by the UT Administration): 1. TopographicalSurvey(tobeprovidedbytheUTadministration) 2. Demographic Characteristic Study Population growth, composition of growth (natural increase,inmigration,jurisdictional change)densitypatterns,sexratio,socialcomposition, householdsize,literacyrate,povertylevels,numberofslumsandBPLpopulation,etc. 3. EconomicBasekeyindustriesandtheemploymentprofile 4. Municipal Financial and Accounting Profile: sources of municipal revenue, trends, capital expenditure, assets and liabilities including outstanding debt, budgetary and accounting practices,taxcollectionsystems 5. Water Supply Network including layouts, coverage, service details, user charges, collection systems,watersources,treatment,etc. 6. Electric Supply Network including layouts, coverage, service details, user charges, collectionsystems 7. Sewerage and Sanitation Network including coverage, typology of sewers, treatment, futureplans |5

CityDevelopmentPlanforKavaratti,LakshadweepProposal 8. Solid Waste Management system including waste generation and composition details, collection,transportation,disposal,treatment(ifany). 9. Traffic and Transportation Survey including present road network, traffic characteristics, publictransportation,vehiculargrowthrate,policies 10. BoatingActivitySurveyincludingtype,function,policies,issues,etc. 11. StreetLightingSurvey 12. EnvironmentalAspectStudyincludingairandnoisepollutionlevels,ecologicalimpacts 13. Land use and land ownership map with land availability analysis (developed and undevelopedland) 14. SocialInfrastructureProfileincludinghealthandeducationalinstitutions 15. HousingSurveytype,density,distribution,demandandsupply,housingschemes 16. InstitutionalandOrganizationalProfiling 17. TourismSurveyincludingtouristtraffic,infrastructureinventory,tourismpotentialanalysis 18. HeritageStudywiththeaimofarrivingataHeritageconservationplan Given the unique nature of the islands, we propose two more studies (not mandated by JNNURM) butareessentialforplanningforsuchanecologicallysensitiveenvironment 1. Ecological Study of the Island including critical habitat identification and implications for planninganddevelopment 2. SocioCultural Study involving a documentation of the cultural practices and how the peopleinteractwiththeirenvironment


Theproposedteamwouldconsistofthefollowing: 1) Team Leader an Architect Urban Planner with experience of working on city scale planning projectswithanunderstandingoftheCDPprocess 2) UrbanPlanner(2) 3) EnvironmentPlanner 4) BiodiversityandEcologyExpert 5) LandscapePlannerandArchitect 6) MarineHydrologist 7) MunicipalFinanceandAccountingExpert 8) PHEConsultant 9) EnergyExpert 10) SupportStudioandAdministration



TheteamwillworktowardspreparationoftheCDPinthefollowingstages: Stage1:IslandAssessmentReport |6

CityDevelopmentPlanforKavaratti,LakshadweepProposal Stage2:DevelopmentofVisionandDevelopmentStratgies Stage3:DraftCDP Stage4:FinalCDP

These stages will be accompanied by visits to the islands by selected experts, stakeholder consultations and meetings, charrettes and workshops. The proposed Work Schedule is given in Chart1


CityDevelopmentPlanforKavaratti,LakshadweepProposal Chart1:ProposedWorkSchedule




Breakupoffee:PreparationofCDPforKavaratti Island,Lakshadweep 1 Technicalteamdedicated Amount(Rs.) 897,500 500000 158,750 300000 1,856,250

2 Specialistconsultants 4 Reportsanddocumentationcosts 6 Administrativecosts. Totalfeeexcludingservicetax:

Scheduleof Payment S.No. Services 1 IslandAssessment Report 2 Vision&Strategy Report 3 DraftCDP 4 FinalCDP 1 No 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07


Todate (weeks)


Feeto Date

6 4 6 4

6 10 16 20

20% 15% 30% 35%

20% 35% 65% 100%

Breakupoffee:PreparationofCDPforKavaratti,Lakshadweep Technicalteam dedicated Position Rate/ Staff TotalCost mandays* Mandays 12,500 20.00 Teamleader 250,000 4,500 40.00 UrbanPlanner 180,000 3,500 40.00 UrbanPlannerII 140,000 7,500 15.00 Biodiversity& 112,500 EcologyExpert 12,500 5.00 MarineHydrologist 62,500 Senior 4,500 10.00 MarineHydrologist 45,000 Junior 12,500 5.00 Transportation 62,500 Expert |9

CityDevelopmentPlanforKavaratti,LakshadweepProposal 1.08 Architect/ LandscapePlanner TotalforSubhead1 2 Specialist consultants Consultancyfield 2.01 Environment Planner 2.02 EnergyExpert 2.03 Craft&Culture Expert 2.04 MunicipalFinance& Accountingexpert 2.05 PHEExpert TotalforSubhead2 3 Reportsand Documentation costs Reporttype 3.01 IslandAssessment Report 3.02 Visionandstrategy report 3.03 DraftCDP 3.04 FinalCDP 3.05 Videorecordingand transcribingof stakeholders meetings 3.06 Miscellaneous reports:Brochures, handouts,CDs, Postersfor stakeholders meetings Totalfor documentation 4 Administrative No. subject 4.01 Researchandstudio timeforpreparation ofdrawings budget 20,000 Fee(RS.) 100000 100000 50000 100000 150000 500000 4,500 10.00 45,000 897,500

Quantityin No's 15 15 20 20

Rate(Rs.) 1,500


22,500 750 11,250 2,000 40,000 2,000 40,000

budget 25,000

158,750 Amount(Rs.) 2000 200000

No's 100



CityDevelopmentPlanforKavaratti,LakshadweepProposal 4.02 AdministrationCosts &miscellaneous expenses Totalforsubhead4 Totalfeeexcluding servicetax: 1 100000 100000

300000 1,856,250

Note: 1. ThearrangementsoftravelandboardinglodgingtotheIslandshallbemadebythe clients. 2. ServicetaxshallbeextraaspercurrentnotifiedrateoftheGovt.



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