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The document discusses alchemy and medicinal practices according to 'The Holy Guide' and 'Rosie Crucian Guide'. It also references imprisonment and persecution during Cromwell's rule in England.

The document is about alchemical and herbal medicines and practices as described in works like 'The Holy Guide' and 'Rosie Crucian Guide'. It also discusses the author's imprisonment and persecution during Cromwell's rule in England.

The author is dedicating and submitting his work on 'The Holy Guide' to Sir Richard Temple. He is requesting Temple's protection and patronage of the work against potential critics and scorners.







A cunpleat Physician teaching the knowledge of all t hi n g s, P a st, P re sent and yet to Come, tiz, of Pleasure, Iong Life, Health, Youth, Blessedness, Wisdom and Virtue, and to Orre, Change and Remedy all Diseases in both Young and OId.

By John Heyoon, Gent., 6LfroVo.rlo!, of God, and a Seeretary of Nature. a servant

" A n d h e to o h the golten ca2.{ wLlch theg Ead m ade, tt in the F-Ite, and. gnound tt to powdut, and and b'unne:d t tn e w e d L t. u p o n th e glaten, and nade the Chcldnen o( lt' t l a e l a ti n b o $ i t." . Exo. 32, v. 2a.
LONDON by T.!{. Printed at the Globe in al.l B ooksellers and are to be sold near Cannon Street and S h o P s . f 5 8 2 . by Thomas lVtrittlesey and at London-Stone,

Io the truly (by ell



Sr. Rlchrrd fcrplc, Baroaet, rtc.

E:tcrnel, Boaourcd S1r,


rad Etcraal

hrpplnces bc rlebcd,

f do obaerYc cverJr aan laturally to bavc Trsaeures of Gold ald slrver, tycs of tbc rorld; ol laa,

deslrse a Supcrlorlty,

rad to aGc! 6reat ta tbe thln6e for tbc use

ood ladced crcetcd all

tbat hc dgbt

rurc ovcr tben, a.ed eckaorredgc tbercla of God, ead glve hla tbenke hlu: But tLcre ls no lau

thc ellguler

8oodacss ead oualpotcacy

lor hls benefltei .looks eftcr ttllyr roltbcr tley

bonour h1a end prelre othcrrtec rlthout

tbeae thlaga, rpeacla6 bla deya ea5r prcvloue lebour end den6er;

ronld olJoy tbel look tbel

do tlcy

out of thrt

place, rbcrc Ood hrtb treeetbcre,

urcd tbcu upr rho crpecte elao tbat lea abould aeck for tlcu eld to thoec tbet thrt lcck, rtrl

be 6tve thcu: But tLcrc 1e aot ray precc, ead thcrcfore plecc, these

leboure lor e poeecaelon 1a thrt

Rlcbca ere aot forud: ltaclf, lath

For the rey to thls ttae,

ead tbc prece Dlddcn frou 1t bc dlff-

bccn uakaora for e lout

ead 1t k

the groetest part of thc rorld. lcultr ead reboroug to tlnd

But aotrttbeteadtDg

out thla ray ud

pleco; yct tbr plece

ehourd be aou8Dt efter;

But tt

la aot tbe u111 of God to conccel

rltthl4 r6tr


tLoar thrt

erc hle;

tad tbcrcforc rll

ln tll'e

leet r[rll

bofore tbe flarl


cour, rortby:

thcac tLln6a

bc udfcttcd obacuroly, lcet

to thore tbet 66

la bc hheolt to thc ElfgttlJl)

(tbougb fetf the,Il tbcre-

1t tbould bc rrnr fcatcd phcc;

rpokca la r crrtela lot lorc crerc bc rcvceledr

thcrc le aotDllrg covcr"A af.a tlrt rbrll aot bc kaora; .!d

eld lldden

br{ nt e SERVEI|ToF ooD, lltD gEcREnARr otr xATuRE, rc do detho rlll of GoD to tbe lorrd, rLtch re hrvc eleo rrreedlr but roat lca, oltber

pcrforlcd rcr1lc ctc.l thorcof to uke

end publlahcd 1a rhly

ead hglead;

or contera

our EARt{orY oF rBE ;ORLD, ud

rEt{PLE oF ;rsDou

or clac revl'ag thc rplr1t

of Ood, tbcy crpcct thc Propoaals atrlgbt theu rltb rey trecb tbel rrple trceeurcs, rtrt6er, hor rbcre-

tron ua, ruppoalng rG rtll Oold by Artr oD furdah

by thcy rey 1lve polpoualy ead relrc tlrBt ead lctlle ttr1l6e ue Ievo leent tbelr turn Uturcra, rbolc llfc

ln thc tecc of thc rorld,

Oluttone ead Drurilrerde, 1lvc ulcbaatly, dth eeverel otLcr clas; rtt r!1cb


to the bloeecd dll

ol Goi; thcae rcn ebould ftve thet rcrc foolleh

fron tboec TEf, YIROIIS (rbcrcof Lerpar fror thogr ft

dcrrld,cd O1l for thclr

f,Lvr tbet rcrc l.s crpc4lclt egeletfDcc But tlc thrt

rlec) cyery

Lor thet tbc ceec 1a rucb otbcrrtec; rra rbouli lebour for thc trcaeurc lcucb

by tle

of 0od1 ead latcntloaa

Lta ora lnrttcuhr ol tbcre lcllore r{ngtlrer

ead laduatry.


re uaderlte.nd out of tLelr


by thc cer!, ead

Orecc ead Rcvcletlon

of God, rc do etop o[r





1t rcrc

1a cloude, to evold tlc out for oold. na rlth



levl{ nt of tboec r.a, lrdocd rulca 1t core

rbo 1a vr1rr crt

&d bcncc Gelbst re

to peeac, ttrrt

tLcy Drud

hibltc rcfirtc, thrt

ead Sleldcrrr

rlJ'cb totrltbateadlag rlll

le do lot

Ood 1l Dl'r 6ood t1n Drd rcll rr{.tlag, llora

Judgc tbcr for 1t.

But eftcr dl

( thougb ulkaora lrou u.

to tou) erd pcrcclvcd

by yout

bor dlll6catly

to peruac tbc boly 8cr{,pture ud

esck thc truo borlcdgc tbouaeade, eld r16df1e ee rucb ra olt rrlre you dadlull rlAst ol tbc E$tb, It off, cclf:

of Ood: fc Eolonr you S1r Elcherd ebovc tbua tuch to you, lot, but tbrt you kaor

Bnt lB I tokca of our 6ood 1111, tbet lay lbcre la e lloultatn stturtcd la thc

of ue.

or Ccntre of tbc forld,

rbl'ch l.e botb auall

r.ud 6rert. It 1g lu

1r eott, ud

eld elao ebove lcraurG hrrd eld atony. bead, but by thc prorC.dcacc of Ood rblcb tbc

aear rt rrc

t'rv1a1Dlc. rorld rlo l'a lot elreyr

fa lt

hlddea roat erplc trcasurce,

eblc to value. opposcth tlc 6lort

Thl'e rouatel.a Dy cavy of the Dcvll, of God, elC tlc brpplncea of ru,

1r conpereed rbout rltb Bil.rds, rblcb lad tLcroforo rey thlthcr tlc rey ir

cvctlr cruel

Eoeeta end otber nvcDoua rad delgcroue. yct colc, tLc

rel,c tLc rey th5'tbcr botb llfflcult lltberto, could rot bcceuac thc tllc bo rougLt ettcr, le lot

nor fouad out, uc rort\r,

but ror

to bc fosn0 by tLoac thrt rclf

but notrlthrtudfo tll's ronate1a, ead

1lg by .v.rJr rrlrr tou cbr1l

lebour ead oldclVollDs. ilgbt (rbrn lt

to 1n e ccrtel'l

corce) roat lolt


derk, ead rco tlet rey tht lcedt Olrly

toq proper.


by pnycr. lot

upoD tlc rLcre hlraell Iror tlr.

to tbc l{ounteln, follor

but ttk

of ery rel offcr not

tLr rey ltct: to you, ud lhlr tll.aga rttl

your EOLI OUfDE, rbo rlll but you rhll lloultltD

r1I1 rcct

you la tbe rry, you to tlc ft loart

Ouldr rtll rrc rllcnt


et ll1dal6ht, ttrrt tou

rhcn ell rrr tDrt

eld drrL. courtto,

1r lcccrsuy you lcu



tboec thl.aga Eorac aad EpoD

r11I hppen, ctc.l

eld ro fell

beck: Iou nccd ro grord, rcrpoDa, oacly cell


Dor rly

otber bodlly

God rllccrcly tbc flrat

ead hcertlly; tbrt rIII

lbcn you hrvc dtacovcrcd tbc llouatel.a, rppcu, la thl.el e roet vclclcat end ahatter by L,l.oaeaad


eld vcry grcat




ebele tbc llonatalu, tleo

the Bocks 1n plccee; you ebell bc clcouatcrcd Dregola, ald otber tcrrlblc tbbgs, bc rcaolute eld telc

Bceeta, but foer lot hocd tbrt you rctura rlII lt tr lot lot

ely of theac rot, uy for your cv!'l

EOLI GUIDE that brougbt you tDlther, to bcfell but lt tbrt you. lr for tbc trcerure, tftcr

ruffcr tct


1a very Dclr, rltl ovcrtDror flet;

thl'a rlnd rtll

cote ea Eertlqurkc brtb lcft, end

tborc tbhga, tDrt

rLl'cb the rtrd you lall lot tbrt off; rlll

rdce ell

But br turc .brlI ud

tbc EertLqurkc coDautc@

bo!'at peat, DutLIy mc l't: rlall



e tlrc,

RlbDlrh, lftor

dlecovcr tL1l6a,

tbc trctrutc;

Dut er yct you cealot

e1l tlcee Cdr,

ead tGar tbe dry broek, tbcrc ecc the Dey Ster rrtecr end

bc a grcrt

rad you lhrll

tLc drrela6 tlc cLlcfcst



ead you ahrrl pcrfcct


e grort lrc

trceaurc; rrtttln

tLtn6a roct 1a thlr Book.

tbat erc thcrc

of at lergc lotr old,

llhcac rodlclaca

Dctn6 urcd, ra Jrour

curDE rberl Lorltbful,

tcech you, rllt lo16 ltvcd,

rehc trou your6 rbcu Jrou rrc rnd you ehall

rlec ead vlrtuous;

pcrcclvc th{i3! rhlch

no dlacerc tn ely pert of your body, by reeae of tbe teu6ht lE thle Bookr you ebell tl,nd Pcarle of tlet Eccl1cacy,

ceanot be lnrglncd:

Eut do aot you ero6ate

eny th1a6 to tbat

youreelf, rhlch uelly

becruae of our prcaeut porer, but be coateated rltb coulualcatc to you, prelsc cere ttet

tbe EoLr GUrDE rhrll lor thla hle glft, Prlde;

God pcrpetJrou uae

eld Lrvc e rpeclelly but bploy uee tt lt

aot for rorldly coltrery hd rlec lt

la aucb lorke, r-u.denJoy lt

rblch ere ao, es lf you

to tbe rorld;

r16btry, r1fe,

not; Llvc a telperate thc EoLr ctlrDE d.rr

ead berare of erl

ela, otherbe deprlved

foraeke you, eld you rhell

of tble brpplaeaa: For, knor tbla of e trutb, rlet Le rcerle

rboaoever abueetb purcry, end scarce tbua

froa Lls GUTDE,rad rlvee not ercrplarly bcfore l.!, he atreII looae tbl-a bcacflt,

eld icvoutly ely Lope ultl crevla6

tbcre be lcft,

cvsD to rener 1t eftcrrlrdg. partly

Perdoa for ly boldacea, but you uy fedrlerlty:

thark youreelf ;

rou teu6ht re tblr 8tr; tour effectlonatc

lad aor r buably preeent ryecrf,

llrrch l!. e b.



166 r/2

JoDa Ecydoa.

tbs Prcfecc.

lc travcllcd fpecc ol e rlolc trkrlt flor lotGo vltb

lroa Sydnoutb (rbere re bed costtnucd by thc ycer) for IIIfDOf, ead SPAff by thc Soutb Sca, for trolrc ud roltbe; lad had 6ood tlnds roathe epece, ead l'n tbc lcet aad rerc for

ug Ylcturla

the Eeat, tbough roft


for flvc

But tbcn tl,c d,nd slrc

about, a.nd aettlsd or !o lay,

raDy deye, 80 aa rc could rake llttlc t1ace 1a purpose to tura bach. ud 6rcat lllde rll fror


But tbca e6el.a tberc lroae e polat Eeet, rhlch

tbc Soutb, rltb

carrtcd tl'ue

ua up, (for our Vlctuala

tbat re could do) torarde tbc lortb:

Bt rblcb


us, thou6b re bad lade 6ood Bperc ol theu. of the greetcet rlldcrneea re tave ouraelvee for up our heerte

So tDet llndlng ol fatcre loet ud le!,

oureelvcs la the rtdst rltbout

l.a tbc lorld,,

Vlctuala; fet

end prcpared for Dceth.

rc eld llft

volcca to God rbove, rho eheretb Lla roadcrs 1a tbe Dscp; of hl.s lcDcy, that ae 1a thc bc6lnnrsg he dlecovcrcd Dry-Iead' So bc rould aor Ard 1t cane to e hcaalng dl'd

Bcaeechlng hll

tbc Fecc ol ttrc Dcop, rad brougbt fortb dlacover had Deas; that bctorc

to ue, tbat re r16bt not perlch. deJr ebout evenl'ltr ee lt

tbc lrrt

tc gat rlthla tblck

nsl torarde tbc lforthr


Cloude, rhlch

pnt ue 1n eole bope ol Land; Ilorlng

hor thet pert ol tbc Soutb

8ce rea uttcrly tbrt hlthcrto

ukaoral t.rc

rad rtght

Drvc Iaraada eld Coatlacnta, lbcrcfoDc of Lend, ell tr bcnt our cour3c thrt cvcalag: dlacera thet rhlch lsde relllngl Clty; lot frou tc

eot colc to l16bt; tbe eppcerllce

thltlcrt lrd tt lt

rbcre tc frt

ln thc Deraln8 of tbe ncrt ras e rod; flet

day, rc d6bt


to our al6ht rad full And aftcr t!

of Fotlegc,

rhor tbc rore Duk:

hour tad a belf

cEtcrcd !'ato a 6ood Ervca, belut grcet ladeed, but rcll tbc Sca: lld clrc ler rcrc) bulIt,

tbc Port of e falr

tad tbat 6eve e plcaaant rlcl long, tltl

re tblukJ.nt cvcrJr dnuta ead, offercd

to tere ou Laad, te

cloee to tbc lhorcl dlvera of the pcoplc, lorblddlng

to laad: But atrl,ghtrays hrade, (ee lt

r1th Bretone la thclr Ict rltbout

ua to lald; rrs off,

eny crlea or llcrcences, tbcy rade. lbcrcupou ouraclyee, to sa e

but oaly er rerntag bellg lot e llttlc

by etgne tbat

dlecorforted, Durlng rhlch

to rere edvlelag rtth the, there lade fortb lbcrcof

rbat re sbould do. sDaII boat, dtb

about c16bt IrDaoBaln 1t: ot a ycllor

oac of thcn

hed !'l hl.e beld e S!'petatt rtth ttceD,

Caael ttpped et botb cade eny tbor of dletruet Dl.laclf rorcrhat (!oDC-

rbo ca"re rboard our ah1p, rlthout

et e,Il.

lnd rhea bc eer oac of our nurbor prclcat hc drcr fortb tbal e }lttlc

efore thc rcet, ftrt ycllorer lablctt,

Scroule of Perchlcat

our Parcbrcnt,

ead abJ'n1a6 lLhe tbc Lcavce of u{ dcllvercd tn entlcat


but otberrlac r!!.

eoft end flcrlblc)

1t to onr forelost

Ia rhlcb

Scroulc rere rr{.ttca

Bcbrcr, rad 1u enclcat

Orcck, ead tn 6ood Let!'a of thc gchool,

ead 1l Spul'ab, to bc toDc lrol f\rrtlcr Ylctnrl, rrltc llcrcy. thc

tLorc rordg;




DoBGof you; lDd provlde drytr ccrpt trtsb you hevc tetcr, or

thta Coest, rlthla l{rel rbllc,

drtcca tl

61vcn tou.

you reat

or help for your Slck, don fhlr Jrour raatar

or thet lrour rblp nrcdcth bevc tbrt rhtcb

repelr, to

ead you abell

bclongctb tla6e, Ibla

Scroulc ree elgncd rttL but hr4lng dotarerde:

e Stelp of Chcrubha lad Dy thcl ead lcft r Cro.g.

aot rprced,

bclDt dcllvcrcd, rltb us to rccclvc

tbc Offlccr our Alelor.


oaley e Servcat our-


berculroD uoDgat


rr t6rc rucL perplcred.

The dculel of LeadJ'lg, tad beaty eldcp to tlnd tbet B! ara)r, troublcd

ue rucb: Oa tbc otLcr

tbe Pcoplc led Leaguagcra, lnd rcrc ro lull fort ua aot e 1lttle. lnd above all,

of bulraity,

dld cou-

tbe elga of thc Croee to ead es 1t rere a

tbat Inctrulent, ccrtel.l tbat

raa to u8 I 6rcat reJoyclag, Onr Aaerer rle

prcaate of Good. lt tb.!

la thc Spralah toague, rct rltb calls,

for our rblp, rhds

res rell;

Por rc !ad, ntbcr

ea0 coatruy

eay tcrpeats.

For our a1ck, tbcy rcrc tbcy rcrc aot pcmlttcd llvee. Our otber raate rc ltttlc lt rtorc rlgbt of eupply lone Yclvet Dot,

reay, ead, 1n vcrt to Lud,

111 ceec: So tbet lf of thclr

tbey rea la dugcr

aet dora l'a partlculm, l{crchrailzc, olr raata, rblcb lf rltlout lt

eddla6; tDrt rc brd.ole plceacd thel

to dcel forr

bclag chm6ablc to tbc Scrvaatr

unto tLcr.

fe otfcrcd


1a Pletolc

ead e plcce of Cr[gon

to bc prcacntcd to tbc Offtccr:

But tbc took, tlcl


Dor ronld la raotlcr lbout

rcucc bortl tbrcc r.,

look upo! tbcr; rhl'cb nl boura tttcr rcnt


to lcft

ue, eli

rcat beck

for hlr. tbrre

rc hrd Clepetcbcd our Llerlr, eccrcd) ol plece.

crrc torerds

r Pcreoa (ec lt rldc rlccyoe,

E. brd oa of

L1n e Gora d.tL u uccl'bnt

of e hlad of leter thel


trccD Colour, lnrrc; tld

fer rorc gloattc ro rla ead lot ll'a Ert,

ours: Elr uadcr


tee drhtly

bc1a6 1l tbc lon

ol I lnrbrar


eo Duge es thc .|lirrklab Tnrbeaa; the Brha of lt. l,

lad tbc lpcks of bl's Eelr ca.!c dora bclor rcvercld llea rer i.tb bc to bcbold. Xc cue

1a e Eoat, 61ft 1l souc Boat; lad rea flca bc rea

part of lt, lollorcd

four Pcrgoas lore oncly ta thet Boet, rLcreln rcrc

by uotber

Bolc trcaty.

coDc dthJ-a a lll6ht-abot tLet rc ebould ecld lortb rc Drcacatly llca uoaget re to rtey,

of our Shlp, Slgas terG ledc to ue, 8o!e to rcct hh upon thc letcr; rhlch

d1d l'n our Sblp-boat,

or SLlff,

rend1ng tbc pr!.actpal rltb hl.l. lhea to ua

na arve oae, ead lour of our ftubcr

cole d.thJ'n etr yerda of ticlr e^ndaot to epproecb furtbcr; f bcforc drscrlbcdl

Boet, tbey callcd rhlcb rg d1d.

lad tberce loud to

EpoE tLc llea, rtor votcc, rcre;

rtood up, ead rltb lc elercred;

1a Speal'ehr erkcd; Arc ye Chrletlaae? lcerlng tbc lccar lt

bcceusc of tLc Croas rc bed aso! 1a tbe tbc rald pcraotr llft eoftly to hle routh, Ood;) lld tbcl up hl.a Rlght (rE ch 1s u1d; Il

Subecrlptton. hld tlc torarda

rlJ'cb llatcr

Beevca, e.ld drcr lt

6caturc tbcy E8G1 rhcn they tbrlll






of Jrou) by thc llcrtt

of thc srrLour,

thet ye

mc !o Plratca; tlthlr fourty

ror hevc abcd blood, lerfullyl deya paat, you ray beve llccnsc tlet

Dor ualrrtully, to corc to Lead.

lc eetd, lc rere ell tboge tbat tere rlth u Dntrlc of thle ell.

rsedy to tdrc hlr,

Oath, rbcrcupon oae of rcrucd) e trotarle, lrdc

bctat (ra lt thlcb

donc, eaotber of tbc atre Boet, to bll, srtd eloud; W Lord tbrt


hle lord Drd apohoD I llttlc

rould bevc you kaor tlrt hc corretb you dechDc, rot

1t 1e aot of Prtde, or grcatlcea, but for tbat,

eboard your shlp;

rn your alarcr,


you bavc raDJr elck eaonget you, hc res rarned of the Glty, tbet hc ebould heep

by tbc Conacrvatour of Ecalth, e elstance.

lc rcre hls hrublc Scrvants: aad accouatcd for great Buranlty torarde ue, that rblch ras erready

Eoaour, aad alnGular done; But bopcd rell, l{cn, rea lot tbe trotert

thet tbe fature

of tbe elckaase, of our Ald a rhlle rlter caue of


So bc rcturned;

to us eboard our Shtp; boldlag 1D Lle haad a lruJ't

thet Couatry, ltJre e Orcnger but of colour bctrccn Orcn6c-taraeJ e.ud Scerlet, lt accuci) rblcb cest a rost erccllut Odour. Ec uecd 1t (re Ec gave us And elter told r

for a preaervatlve

rgal'nst fnfectlols.

our Oetb; By tbe fale u8, tbrt tbe acrt

of Jceus ead hla llerlte:

dey, by al.r of tbc cloch 1a tbc llonl'ag, tad brought to tbc etrelterr

rhould bc ecnt to, callcd lt)

houae, (so bc

rbcrc re ahould bc eccouodatcd aad for our slck. So be lcft

of thJ.a6s botb lor

our rholc

us; And rben rr offcrod



rorc Pl,etolcte,

Lc lrltlng

aald; Ec rugt not bs trtcc tbrt bc bad telcry lcerncd)

prld tufflchut tbcy carr

for oac Lrbour: ol thc strtc el Oltlccr th tbrt lrrt


(ea f tekc lt)

for h1s scrylce.

Eor (ee r eftcr pa1d.

tbat tekcth Rcrarde, trtcc l{orn1ng terly, rtth tLcrc

to ue thc aeac Off1ccr, to


to ue et tlret

hle Cele, ead told ur; Bc cuc tlrt

coaduet us to tbc Strel8eDs bousc; lld

he Ded prcvcnted thc

bour, bcceuee rc rl,6ht bevc tbc rbole day bctorc ua, for our buelncss. llrat uy lor go rltb (earA be) 1f you rtII follor rlne edvlcc, tbcre ehall ead bor lt

re BoEc fcr of you, end eec tbc placc, for you; lad tbca Jrou rry yc r1l1

bo radc convcalelt

rcad lor your brtng oa Land.

81ch, e,ad tho rcat 13 tbrrked !trrp6cr6,

of your f,uabcr, rblcb

hl.rl eld crl.dr Tbrt tLte clrG rtl.cb be took of desolate God rould rerard. ADd eo elr of us rent eehore rlth

hln: lad rben rG teDG leaded, be rclt eld lrl'd; tlrcc rolc he ras our Scrveat, lld all

bcfore us, rnd turacd to ue, Ec lcd ne tbter tlcre tsre 6etLcred

ead our gulde. tbe ;ay te lcat,

fal-r rtrcete;

pcoplc oa botb eldee, steadl'ag 1n e ror;

but tn so c1v1I a


re 1f 1t brd bccn, aot to loader et ue, but to lelcoue lrta a

uB; Lnd dlvcre of thcn, 18 re peeaed by tben, put thett Ilttle ebroed; rhlcb ls tbelr

Geeture, rhcn tbcy bld eay lclcone. rad rlnc!'oua bousc, bullt our brLck; lrd d.tb of br1ch,

'llbc stre^utsra houec le r fel'r ol eorerLrt iore, e bluer colour tb{r

hrndeoae rlnEo brougbt

!o!e ol 61asa1 60! of e klad of Carbrlck oylcd.


B! tlrst lbrt


e frlr


rbovc rtrlree,

ead thcn eaked ue; atcr? lc elarercd, our elck rnd

lunbcr ol PcraoDs r rere? (e1ck tad rhole)

lad hor rely 27

Ic rcre tn ell terc lcvcntecl.

poteone, rbcrcof

tc dcelred ue to bevc pattelce

e llttlel

to rtey tllt lld

Le celc beck to ue; rhlch rae ebout en bour eftcr; reDc provtdod for ue,

thca Lc lod ug to eqc tbc Chelbere, rhlcb

bctag la aurbcr zro. four of thoee cbubcra, recelve lour of tlc

lhoy Devlag ceet 1t (ee 1t eceuctb) thlt rhlcb reFe bctter tbaa tbc rcet, dght


l{ea of our coEpaEy; rad lod6e tLcn r.rc to lod6e ue. eld furalabed lbc cbeabers clrlrlt.

rlone by theucerves; ard tbe rcst tctc hradaone rad chccrfull


lben bc read ue to a loag oellcry ue aII llador) rood. eloag tbe oae elde, (for

}[ke e porture,

rberc hc ahored

the otber atde res but UaIl end of Ccdar Dore thal

Scvcatcen Celsr vory acat olea, Devlag partltlone lhlch Orllcry aad Celle, betag la ell gOOr (uny

re aeedcd) rere lastltuted Aad be tord us rlthalr, bc rcrovcd tcre rct trol hle cell thrt

as ea rnflmary;

for elck peraoDa. hc dgbt

rs eay our elck rered rell, For rblch

to e cbubcr:

purpoac, tbere


tca spere chalbere,

bceldce tbe aulber re rpelcc and r1ft1a6


TLle donc, be brougbt na back to the parlour,

up bl-e cr.ue e llttlc, courad) rcquirctbr

(ee thcy do rboa tDry 61vc eay Chu6e ot tbet tle cuetoac of tbc r,and (rttcl rc alve you

.r1d to ua: lo ars to kaor, tbet rftcr

thl.e de5r, rad to rorror,

for rcaovtng of your peoplc fror

yout abtpa) tou erG to kcep rtthln


doore for throc deyr. thllh olscr

But lct


not troubrc lcft

tou, Dor co not to toru rcst ead

youreelvce rcetralacd, lou rhrll rrat nothlng,

but rethcr

end thcrc lre

s1r of our pcoplc lc Ood


to ettcad trour for eay buelnrsa you bavc ebroed. rltb rll effcctlon Llad. end repccte, le offcred end rald;

trve Lln thrake,

aurcly ts rrr{ fcetcd ln thls Plstolcte; ao bc lcft rt6bt But hc edlcd, ua. Sooa aftcr

hlu eko

trcaty l,Dd

ead only aatd; lhet? our Dlaacr rl8

lM.ce prldt

acrvcd ln;

rbl'cb raa Better thel

6ood Vlende, both for bread, llcat, l1ae, ctc. Dtct tbtt lle, f have kaora tn Europe. Becr, Clder, ell

r.ny Colleglate

fo bad elso e.ud 6ood; us

drl-lk ol tl'ree aorte,

rholcaolc of the 0rape, aaotbcr drlnlc ol Gre1a, euch ee 1g rltb our l,lul, but lore lede of e frult clcar: lad e ldod of Bcrry ltkc

tbc Pcar Jul'cc,

of tbat Couatry; A roaderful

pleaslng ead rcfrceb-

1n6 DrClh Bestdee, tbcre rcre brougbt ln to ua, great store of thoee Scarlct Orelges, tor our Slck; rhlcb tt lee. Plllg, (tbcy eeld) rcrc l! lLorc rblcb raa gl'vca ua tbcy rlabed before tlccp; dry,

rasured Rcledy tor elckaess tdrc! eleo a Bor ol rnel.l treyr our rlck rhlcb rltcr rbould tdrc,

or lblttab

oac of tbc Ptlla,

Gvcrlr dgbt

(tbey erld) tbrt

rould baeten tbelr of Cerrlagc

tccorrty. end Rcrorlut ud

lbe ncrt

our troublc

of our lca ead qulct, I thougbt

3oode, out of our ablp, rls 6ood to cell our Corpuy

aoacrhrt rettlcd


ead rhcn tbey tGrc eraelblcd, Lct ue knor oureclyle, rad hor

reJ.d nato tbcn; l{y dcar frlendel


1t rteldctb of tDc lleroe



lc rrc llra cert on had

ec iloaee lae,



rbca r rcac ea Dqrtcd la tbe Dcopl lad nor but bctreen Dceth ead Lltc; rnd tbe xcr; It tad rbcthcr lor rc lre

tc rrG on Lead, rr ltr

bcyondr Dotb tbc old lorld, rcc Frope,

rycr rc aball trtb br{,a6

Ood oncly haorcth. : lld lt ruat

1a a kladc of ltlrecle lcae, tht

Drought us Lltbcr uc b.ace.

bc llttlt



1l regerd of our Dcll.vGrelco peat, eld our ne look up to Ood, ead cvcry cote bcre enoa6at a Let us lot brlnt ot

drager preacat, raa reforn Cbrtctla!

ead to couel let

ELe ortr teJra. Pcoplc, full

Bcel'des, te lte

of Plctlrend


tDrt Colf!.e1oa of fecc upoa oursclve, uarorthl.lGa! Connaldrcnt, tLeae re)'le, teEe !o!c bcfore tLea. let

rB to abor our rtcca, Iot

tbere la !or.

tbey bavc by ua vltbln be not, to

(tUougl 1a lorn of Courteelc) for threc dqysl rho knorctb,

Glolatcred rbether lt Ald lf

teate of our rtDDera end coadl.tloue? rr1ree; lf

they tl'ad

tbel bed, to baatch ue etrlgbt thc. rltDrl For tbcec lGD, tbat Da,vc r! cy upor ua.

good, to glve us firrther ettcadaacc, EaJr

they heve 6tren uc lor lfbcrcfore

for Gods love,

rad ee lc

lovs tLe rsalc

of our Soule e.nd Bodlcs, let Ood, ead rey flad

es eo bebrvc ouraeltes, 6trce ln tbc eyea

la tc ray bc et pcecc vltb of thJ'a Pcoplc. tood Adlodtlon, eld G,tbout 61rL!t

Our Coapeny r1'tb oac volce tbaakcd re for ly ead prorlecd elt re to llve Sobcrly ead Clr1llyr 8o re apclt rLat

thc lcaet ud

occeclon ol Offcace. cere, l.n crpectetloa

our tbroe daya Joyfully



rourd bc donr rltb rc led .yory tlcleclvos

ue, rhcn tbcy rcrc


Dur14 rlo



bour Joy of tbc ercndlcnt lnto folc

of our rlch;


crst poor of Ece1:tn6; llbct rcaded so of llgdou. crle to ue ea tbc rcd Croas

lJ'ld,ry ead ao feat, llhc rorror e ler foilcr llur llsr thrt efter

rs Jrou rey reed 1n our lcrplc our threc deya rGro peat,


re hed not scea Dcfore, crothcd ln lrure, hla Turbl! rea rblte, fltl e elell

erYc thrt

on tbe lop. lnr

Ee bad eleo a llppct

of flac LlD.nen. At L1e Gsrrn{ag aDd put hte ana broed. te of le

Le dld bend to ue e rl.ttrcr aaltrted hh frol Lll,

our perte

1l a very rorry re rlourd

aad eubnleelvc scltcnce

ranaer; or

1ook1a6 tLet Dcatb.


of Llfc,

Ec dcelrcd to rpcak rltb

eoEe fer of ur: ?bcrculna dr EG srld; r

of us oaery etaycd, erd tbc rcet avolded tbc rool. ar bt Ofllce Ooveraour of tLle Bouce of Stralgcra, Pr{.eet, ud

ead by Vocatlon

r r.l r cDrlatlen tbcrcforc end chlcfry thid( rr

of tbe order of thc poalc cross; ead you 4t lcrrlcc, tcll both re atrugGra, you, rtrlcb r hath gtvca rct

colc to you to offcr es chrlatteas.

sole tblage r rry to hear.

you G-lr

not bc uartllh8

lba state

you r.lceace to etay ol La.nd, for the lprca 1t not troublc Ler la thla tball

of elr recka: tld tlue,

your 1l your occeslons eek further Ald f do lot

for tbe

polnt la aot prcclae;

doubt, but tyeclf the, ee tay bc Eouec,

bo eblc to obtaln rc ahall Rlclr

lor you, aucb fiutber thtt


elao uadcrstald,

thc Strel8cra For tt

1c et 3h1s tlrc

ead luch rtorchand;

hrtb le!'d up


Rovcauc tbcac 56'000 ycrls: errlvcd rlll la thla pert. lld tbe tlrc

For ro lolg tberctorc trtc


le ltDcc ely Stren6cr yc !o cu.; alell thc stetc you rteJr lrc heve brou6bt, !'a llcrclaaCtze, you hevc ftad, yc rbell rc


you all

you etey:


onc dey tle yo rDell

lcaa for tlet. utcdr ud

Ae for ely llcrcbrrdlzc hrvc lrour return, ls ell cttber olc. lor

be rell

or 1a Oold ead Sllvcrl ely otlcr

For to ue tt

fDd lt

Rcquletg to ukc,

hl'dc 1t not.

yc eball

t111 not lah,e tout rccel'vc.

Couatcaaace to feIl, I ruet telI

by tbc lurcr

Oncly tble

tou tDrt tlen,

loae of you ruat go I ltllc end e half) lc eaercrcd,

ebove e.fulo, frol eftcr tbe rella

or Euan (tbrt ol tbe Clty,

le rlth rlthout



re had looked a rllle

oDe Bpo! elotb.D,

eir{ rt'a6 thl.e gracrhat to aey: free

lous ead parclt-llkc

uaate; lbat

re could not tcll

For rc ranted rords to cr;rreaa out thanks; And hlr loblc Otfcre lclt Ea e plcture rlnce us nothlat to eak. ft rccled

to ua, tbet rc Dad before tcre a

of our Sr,lvatlon

1n Eravcn: For re tht

ln the Jere of Dcetb, tsrc but Goleolatlone. to obcy lt,

aor brougbt !'ato r place rbere FoD the Couandleat thougb lt furtlcr res lrpoedble EDoB tbla hld upoD but Lrppy

re louad aotblng

us, re rould aot tell

our Beerte ebould be caflercd Eoly Oround. Is addodt tlrt

to tred

our foaguce ebould tlret forgctl rlthcr

clcave to Lte Revereud

the Boole of our lloutber ere re rbould Peraon, or thle bceougbt Llar rbole tratlon,

ln our Preycra.

le eleo rost hulbly by e Juet

to ecccpt ol uE ta L1e tnrc




ra cvcr IGD oD certb rorG borraden; laylag

eld proecltln8, Ec aeld, Ec ras re.a our Brotherly frou us,

botL our PcraoDB, rad ert re hrd, et hle tcet. e Prl'cgt, loyc, ead lookod for e Prtceta rcrerd; rttch

ead tle

good of our soule eld Dodlee.

so he rcat

aot rttbout coafugcd rltL tcrc

teere of tcldcrneee 1u hls eyee; ald left Joy ead kladaeee, a of lagels, corforter raylng eloa6et

ue ereo That re ead


sone hto us rlth d,ld eppeer to a6 drr fyr

prcrclt p e c tcd .

rhlcb re tbought aot of, luch lese er-

|lhc acrt rgaln, to rlalt

day ebout lO of tbe Clock, the Oovernour cane to us Salutatloa, eald fanlllarly; llat be ras cone

eld efter

ue; Aad called

for a Cbelr, and sat hln dora; Aad re lort, or elee

belag 6oDe ten of ue, (tbe reet rcte of the leater 3o! ebroad) eat doru rltb tbus. lc ol tbla hll. Aad rhel

re tere aet, he begal lu Arabla (for tbat Dy lcane of

felaad of Ape.uuaoD Chrtetle lauguage) Lavc thls,

ao tbcy call our Solltary

1t ta tbelr Sltuattoa,

end of tbe Iare of Sccrecy, rLlcb re have

for our llrevolere, rcll

rad our rarG 1dr{s3l9a of Straagers, rc kaor rnd ere oureelvee uaknounr le flttest to aak questlons,

roet part of tbe BebJ'table forld, kaoretb leaet,

Tbercfors becauac be thrt lt la lor tslso!,

for thc EntcrtalDlent thaa tbrt be rould I rak you.

of tbe t1ae, that ye lc elsrered: lbat re hunblJr

eak re queatloae, thelked hll, tbrt

61vc ua lcave eo to do: .l,ad tbet re that tbere re6 !o rorldly

concelycd by thc teeto re had alrea(y,



oa Eertbr loto


to De kaora tDea tbe statc (rc H1d) glacc thtt

of tbrt frou

brppy LrDd. the rcvcral tcct

But r,bovc ell bde

te rorc tct tbrt

of thc forld,

ead hopcd eeaurcdly,

rc tbourd botb parte

oac dat 1n tbr Elngdon of Ecavca (for rc dealrcd

thet re tere

Cbrlatlels) ud

to haor (1n reapect tbat lrtld

raa to rclotc, rberc our ead

eo dlrl.ded Dy veet 1a{ nnkpora Scael lror ot Eartb) rbo ree tbe apoatlc ft

thc Lud, of tbrt

Sevlour ralted


hor 1t rag coEvcrtcd to thc Frlth? be took grcat coatentleat For |.t cboreth tht ehall gladly, ud 1n thls

appeared la lls

face, that place;

qucatlon tn the flrst

you ltret brLcf1y,

scck the Klugdou of Ecavea; lad f your deread.


.lbout trcaty

yeat6 after

tbc Aeccnelon of our Savlour, 1t

cme to paas, tbat there tee aeeD by the pcoplc of Da.lcar (e Clty trpoD the Eaeteru Coeet of our Ielaad) ree cloudy ead cah) 6reet PlIIer Itndcrr rLrlag of Llght; aa l.t rlght rlthJ.n f,lght, (tbe f,1Abt the Sea, e

bc loae rLle lato

f,ot aharp but 1a fon

of e Colurae or Cy-

fron tLe Sce, a 6reat rry up torerda Eeaycn; ud ras .ecD r ler6c Groee of Llgbt, roro brlgbt ead

oa tD,o top of lt roaplcndcat e epectecle, tlel

tbe bo{y of tLe P1l1er.

Upon rtrlch ao rtrelge

tbe peoplc of tbc Clty gatbered rlpace togethcr upo! tld go eft* put tbcreelvce rarvelloue lato rlght. r anrnbcr But rhel tbcy

tbc SeDis to ronder; ol rnell

Boete, to 6o Dcucr

to thla (ebout)

3Lo Borta rere core rlthla louad tlcuaclvcs ell

6O terde of the Ptller,

bouad, end could Go lo fartbcr;

yet eo ee




mve to go ebout, but rlgbt arl It re 1n e Tbeetcr, ro lc1l out, tbat

aot epproecb D.lror. bcloldtlg tLle Llgbt

So re

es tlc u

Boets rtoot S!'ga.


thero rea 1n oac of tbe


oae of tbe rlec

l,lca of tbe Soclcty of tbc Bostc Crucleas, lc tbc vcry Eyc of thle rlcted, ead

rLoec Eougc or College (ry 6ood Brcttrcn) Khgdon, rLo LerlDt r rh1lc ettcatlvcly

ead dcvoutly


thl.a Plllar

ead Croas, fcll

dora ulroD bl'e fece; atrd up Lla baads

tbca bc ralecd lhaelf

upol hla h^nece, r.nd 1tft1n6

to Ecavcnl rade hla prayers 1a thla rlnnlr Iprd God of Eeevcn ead Dartb; thou hest voucheafcd of thy Oracc, to tboae of our Order, to taor tby rorke of Crcetlon end the Sccreta of thel; Abd to dlrcern (aa fer ea epperte1netb to lorke of lfature, I do

tbs Gcncretl.on of t{ca) Betreca l{lreclea, rorks ol Artr rDd hpoetures, ald tcstltle rad Illuslona

of all


bcrc acklorledge

beforc tbta people, thrt ll-a6er,

tbc thlag rG Dor ece beforc our eyoa, 1a t\y l.nd for eg rucb u l{|'recles erc thhe

eld e truc lllracJ'e. lcvcD rorkeet

rc lcera 1l our Bookg tbrt erd crccllent Dd,


Dut to r Dlrtle or! hre,

( for the Lara of feture

end tbou crceedcst

thcu aot bnt npo! 6rcet treat Slgn; rbJ'cb uE.

ceuec) fe rost hnlbly

beececb tbce, to proeper thla

Ald to tl'vc ua tbe Iatcrpretatlol tlou Coest la aole part rccretly llea rre tn, he bad rade hle Praycr, roveeblc,

ead ues of 1t la llcrcy; prodaer

by ecadJ.ag1t nlto

he preecatly

fouad the Boet he rcreJ'acd etill

ead uabound; rherees all

tbe rcat






for la lsaureDce of Lcrve to epproecb, ba ead rltb ellcacc, rorcd toterda tbc

crurcd tbc Boet to bc eoftly, Plller.

But orc bc cere acar 1t,

tbc Plller

rad Crose of Ll6bt lato a flrleacnt

Drokc up, e^ndceet lteelf ol rely th{rg end lot Sters; lcft rot

eDroad, ts 1t rere,

rLtcb eleo vealebed rooD efter,

ead tbero ras no-

to bc !6cn but e elall et all rltb reter,

Ark or Cbcrt of Ccderr dry, alau. Lnd 1n thc Forc6re.D Brencb of ell rcvctrlce

tbougb lt

old of l't rblch PeIl;

ras torarde

bJ-u, 6rer e anrll

Aad rbcn thc Roale Cruclen Dad takea 1t rlth opcned of lteelf, Botb rrlttsn

l^lto hl's Boatl lt

aad tberc teDe fould 1a 1t lu tlnc Perchlcnt, ead rreppcd Booka

r Book eld a Letter; la Sladoae of Ll-!eD.

The Book contalaed ell

tbc Caloalcall

of thc Old aad f,er Teeta^aeat, lccordln6 re haor rell lteclf; lot lor rbat thc Cburchee rlth

a6 you Drve tbcu; (For lad tbe Apocalpyee rl1.cb rere Aad

you tecelve;)

Lud lorG otber Books of tbe fer lcatalent, rrlttea, lt

at tbat the tbc Lctter,

rere aevcrtbeleea 1l tbc Book.

rae ln tbeec tords. of.foaue Chrlet,

f Joha, e Scrtent of tbe Elgbeet, ead lportle taa rlrDcd tlat by ea Aagel, thrt thle trk

eppcared to rc la r vletoa to tbc flooda of tbe Sce.

of Glory, fbcrcfore ordeln

f eLould, connlt

I do tostlfl'c tlla lrk

ead dcclere

uato tbat pcople rberc Ood ahall tDrt

to sotrc to Leld,

1tr tbc aarc dey, 1e core uato tbca ead fror tbe


ead Pcecc, rad good 1111, frou the Father,



lbcrc tbc Lcttr, oatlce tlre,


rlro rrou6ht

lu botb thcec rrltllger I grcet lllraclc, dft

tE ro11 tlc

Eool,l te of tbc lpet thet

Confomc to tlet Ior

1a tbc Orlgl.ael

ol lfonguee.

tbcrc bchg

1a thJ.a LJrd, Ecbrera, Pcrala.oe; eld fldleaa, ovcrt oae reed npo! tD,e book ead tbc Lrttcr, ln Lla on ha6ultc. lld

bcsldca tbc ra 1l tbcy Lerrd ras frol Evaat-


Led, Dccn rrlttcn ravcd fror latcr) cllsre

tbus rae tllc


(ea tbc Rclel'ar of tLc Old torlC tbrougb the lpetollcall eld l8raculoue

by en Ark,

of Salat John. hl.n frou uE.

And bcrc be peueed, ead e l{csecnger ctle, So tlle ree rll tbet paaaed tl that Cou-

rad callcd fcreace.

Tbr aert latcly beforc, aftcr

day tbc Oovcrnour calc e6e1a to ua, l.uedeld crcueed DJ.laelf, fron ue touerbat rpend tlrc rltb eeylng: I'hat tbc dr'y but nor hc rlll


be ras cellcd rld


rake ue uende, ud

ua, 1l re bcld bla Colpaay rc hcld, lt prstr ao rtreeead fears

GonfGreDce egtecable.

lc eagrcred, tbtt

eble plceslng

to uer la re for6ot

both dllgcrs

to cone, tor tbc tlrc D,our rpeat rlth bbself a llttle l1l,

rc b,eerd h1r epcat; lDd ttrat re tbonght en rea rortb ycers of our loncr ILlc. Ec borcd

to ue1 t.nd rfter oD Jrour 1nrt.

re rere act a6a1n be cald; lcll, Oar of our nulbcra rel.d eltcr re rDc ro lcee d,calroug re dght prcsutc too frr. could lcuce a

tbc Queetloaa uc Ilttle to klor,

Drusc; |lbet tLcrc thc.e fcerfull

taa l lletter

to eekl lcest

But clcouraged by Lle rere Eurealty

Sorerde ue, (tDrt


thlDk outaelvca .tral6cra, rc rould, teke tle hh, lf

bc1l6 h1g vorcd ead profcaccd Scrvelta) Eulbly bcarcchlng

Eerd5'Dcas to prcpouad 1t:

bc thought 1t not flt tbough Le rcJcctcd 1t. rhlcb he fonerly

to br eeerered, that hc rould parIc ae1d,, fc rcll thle obacrvcd tbose rbcrc

don 1t,

D1a rords, re lor

cpeke, tbat

heppy lalaad, toet

etood, ree haon rhlch

to fcr,

rad yot kler

of tbe Ifatloae tbey had tbc

ol tbe lorld;

re fould to bc true,


Leaguages ol Europe, end kacr rucl yot rc 1a Dlropc, aad travlgatloae fuklllg or Oltlee (rctrlthetandla8

of our etate end buetreaa; And rll the rcnotc Dlecoverlee,

of thl.e laet

Lgc) Dcvrt beard eay of the least Tb5.e re fouad rondcrful atrange;

of thl's felald.

For tbet eII


hrvc Enter-kaorledge

oae of e.nother, elthcr cole to tben:

by Voyagc tato

Forcl6a Perts, lato

or by Straagers thrt

And tbougb tbe Treva1lcr kaor lore

e Forelgn Gountry, doth counonly atayetb et bone caa by rclatloa to rake a ruturl kaorledge,

by tbc cye, thea bc that Irt

of tbe Traveller;

botb raya euttlce

1n rore dc6ree, oa both perts. bcard tcll of aay Shlp of tbelrs,

But for thla Ieland, tbrt

to leyor

hrd becn aeon to errl,ve thc Ergt or fcet Indlee, thrt bad lade

upoD u5r alore of Europe; f,o lor

of clthcr

nor yct of ely Ehl'p of eny otber part of the forld retura lld tt tron tbcl. yct tbo }lervel rcrted .rld.) aot ln tD,le: lor

tbe Sltuatloa


(ea bla Lorisblp caucc lt.

ta thc Sccret Coacleve of auch e veet tbcy ahould hevc Lnorled6e of

Sca dght

Eut thcn tbat




Booke, Affrlrs

of thoec tbrt tcll

lyc rucb e dleteacc rht to rrre ol Dlrlnc of; For

fron tlcll that lt

1t ree a tLlng

re could lot

aecred to ua a condltloa

rad proprlcty


eld Bchge,

to bc Dlddca ead uaeeca to otbcra, lt

ead yct to bave apcccb tbc GovcrDour to eek pudon ee lf re

otbcre oPcDr tad ee tn r l16ht to tbcs. 6rvc e 6retloua for thla sdlc


ead aet.d; !!hrt le d1C reII rekrd: lor thrt lt tbrt

Qucetlon rc lor

hportcd, sclt

tbougbt tDl's Le!d, of tbe ll.r lato rll

e Leld of Haglclans, porta,



to br{.n6 tbel DcrE ead lntelllgence by us ell, 1n ell poaalble that re

of otLer Countrlesl Lulblcacasr klcr tlcrc but yrt

1t rae tlarercd rltb

e CouatcBaneo trhtn6 fbrt re tGre tpt felaad,


bc rpakc lt raa aolerbat

but rerrlIy, Supcrneturel

cnough to thl.nk, but yet rether kaor truly,

1u tblg

ee Aagellcal,

than llaglcal..

Dut to lct

hte Lordrblp

rbat 1t rea tht 1t ree lot uy

rade ue tclder eucL colcclt,

ead doubtful

to esk thl'e Qucstt'oal

but bccauae re rcEetbered, bc bad epeecb, thrt !o thle tbl.a Lead bed lara of

6l'vcn a toucb 1a tr1e lorocr Sccrecy toucblng lad tlcrclorc pertlculers ttreagcre. I ahrll

Le eel'd lrou rGleuber 1t ert6bt: tcaerve BoEe but tbere

1l tbrt tbat lt

ary to you, I lust

1a aot Larful

for re to reveal;

1111 bc clou6L lcft llos crcitblc,

to 61ve you eatletacttoa. rhl'ch perlrpa you r11I acarce thlDk

aDall uldcrata.od tbrt

that ebout three thouseld Jrrera a6or or aolcrDet lore, of thc rorld (epoctally lor rcnotc voye6cg) laa

tLe tevagatlol


gr.rtcr Lnor lot ttaDe: lbctbcr lut

tDel rt

tbJ'e hy.

Do aot tbhk rlth




hor rucb lt I Llor lt lt rell;

lc lacrcegcd

you rlth!'a

tbeec elrscore nor:

rDd yct f Bay, grretcr crelplc

tben, tlra

ree, that tle

ol tbe Ark, tDat aavcd thc rcnDclu6er tltc tcn confldcacc to

of rcD fror

tbc Ualvcrsrl

edvcature upo! tbc htcre; |lbc Phocal.clele,

Or rht

1t res: Eut ruch 1e tbe Trutt. Elcets, feet. les llke-

ead epcclally thclr

tbe Tyr{,rne, bed 6rcat Colony, rhlch le furtbcr

5o Lrd the CartbeglDlala Iorerd rlec

tbc East tbc ellpphg elao,

of E6ypt, end of Paleetlaa


rad tDe grcat &er1ce,

rbl'ch bave aor rhlps. |!hla felaad, had thea thle,

but Julke,

ead Ceaocre, rbouaded thca 1n taII

(es eppcareth by faltbfull tlftccn

Rcglatere ot tDosc thee)

hundred atroag Shlps, of 6reat coateDt. Jrou sparlag llelory,

Of ell

tLerc 1a rltb Icdge tbcreof. At tbet

or DoDe; But re have large kaor-




ras klorD aad frequcnted by tle


and Vcsaels of ell to lnae)

the aetloua before nared; (And ee lt rea of otbcr Countr{.ee, tht tbel: As Pertlela, fatlona ud

coactb rrre

tbey lad reaJr thee tht cr.!e rltb

lo Sal.lere,

Cbaldeeae, Egyptleas

rad GrcclaDe. hltber:

So ee alnoet all

of l{16bt tad Faae reeorted llttlc Trlbee rltb us,

Of rLoE re brvc rote Stlrps,

et thfu da5l. lad for our otD ahlpe, they reat suDdry Voyrgcs, la rcll to your rtrclgbte, rhlch you cell the Ptllara of Eorcules, Scae; le to Paguiu,

es to otber parte l-a the Pcrelan aad Mcdltsnlne



1a tlc






upoD tbc Orlcntal

Scea, ea ftr .lt ttc

ea to tLc Bordcra of the Eaat lertery. Blro the, ead el ege tfter, or toDel tl'c Ilhebltalte end dletbe DeeccadTclplc, lrlouata, (rb.lcb t6 ao

of tbc BoIy LaDd dld flourlah. crlptlonr

For tbougb tbe larratlol you, thet

rbl.cb ls lade bJr e greet liea rltb

cnte of lcptuae plaated there; Peleccl

ald of tbc llegal.flcent

Clty ead E111; Sce ry Roelc Cruclea fnfalllblc streare of 6oodly f,av16eble rlvcre, rad Tclple;) tLe laallold ralt

Cbalne cavlrolcd

tbe ErtG Slte,

tad tbc ecverel

De6rees of Aaccnt, rhcreby ael dl.d clhb tt bed Deca e 8ce1a Cecll' De all

up to tbe aalc, es lf ead Febulous: Yct so tLat of rere


lucb 1a true,

tbat tbc eald Country of Judca, es rell

Pcnr tbea called dsbty

Goya, ee tbat of thca aalcd Ttralbcl,

ead proud Klngdone, ln Arne, SLlppl.ngr eld RlcDee: So n16hty, (or at Iceat rltttn tbe epace of ten yearar) They of Tyrelbel tbcy

ee at ole the

both rade tro great e4ledl.tloas: to tbe llcdltcrrue trpon tbls

throu6b Judea tbe South Sea

Sca; end tbey ol Ooya tlrough

our lala.ud: And, for the forrer

of tbese, rhJ'ch rae lnto

Drroper the ae.le Author elon6at rrlatlon lorldr tork. tlc frol I[b.

you, (ea 1t acereth, ) hrA lore Scc the Earloay ol tbe to the 1t tere eld Reelst[r there

hla Ecate, lbor bc rccltctht

Ir lhe Prcfacc rhlch lndecd ls e.s lntroductlon such r tLln6 tbrt tbere rae. But rlctbcr

For eaeurcdly ucleat lthcdene

hed the glory of tbc Rcpnhc, But cclte1a tt

r^acc of tboso Forcea, f cen eey rothlng:



calc Deck, tltbcr

SL1P, or llear frol


Yoyegc. hrd bcttcr

Xctthcr lortuact

IrC tbc otbcr Yoytge of thoec of Ooye uPon u.r 1l tbcy bad aot rct ol tbla lretb felend, rltb hedce

of 6reet clcnency.

loF tbc f,l'ng tllce rcll thc rattcr eld cltoyled frou

(bJr lenc Phroetoa rbo ree releed I rlac llelr rad e grcrt lerrler;

thrcc f,rorlat Drldlctl

to lffc;)

botb Ll'r ore rtrength, ro, lr Lc cnt off tery, thclr

ead tbrt

of ble fcrl'ca; lrol tLclr



botb tbelr

ead thslr

Cerp rrltb e 6rcatel

Potcr tbaD tbclrst

botb by Sca end lend: t"nd corpcllcd rltLout hllaelt rtrtkl'16 orlt tlth etrokc: thelr llld eltcr

tben to rcudcr tboleclvca tbry tere et hl'e rotllcyr coutcatta6

Oatbr 3bat tley tbca tn eafety'

abould !o rorc boer Arle But the D1v1uc Rcvcn6e For d.tbla rat uttcrly lcse loet

e6atnat hh,

dl;1laacd tfter

ovcrtook not lout

tborc proud caterprLaca.

tbrtr tbc epace of one Euadrcd ycara, thc frhad end dcetroyed: (lor tbN.t rbolc Xot bt a 6reat Eerth-qneke, Sract la llttIe

ea Jrour rea aeJ'tht

eubJcct to Eertb-qnekce) Eut by brvl.n6r et tbla to pour dora tDet tbe

e pgtlculer irVr

Dc1ngc or Inu^ndatlon; thoac Couatrlca Blvcra, lad ter groeter l{ourtalnar

ter 6rcatcr thr!


ea5r pert

of thc Old lorld.

But 1t 1a trucr fourty fcctr

!r.!G IruadatloD frol tbe tronad;

taa aot deepr Eot plat go thtt, eltbouth

l'a roet placcst

1t dcstroyed rra ead bceat of the food cacepcd. looda' bltbcr

gcacrally, Bil.r{e rleo

yot eotc fer rlld


IcDe savcd by llylag

to tbc Llgh Trece ud ln uny

For ee for !lce, rlthough

they bad Bulldlage



tbra tlc rDerror,

Dcpth of tbc retrre, bed e loat

yct tbrt


tbougb lt

rcre thrt

coattaueacc; for rrat

rhcrcby tbcy of tDc vellc, of food, ead otbcr tbe thln populatlon

rcrc rot drorned pcrlrhcd

CS 8lt lo

thlaga BcGof Alcrlca,

so ea rervalle

you aot rt

aor et tbe nrdcDeaa rad l6notr.Ecc of tbe pcoplc; eceouat your lnhabltente of lrcrlce thu

tor you tuet torugcr For

la l you!6 pcoprc; thc rcet

e tbouea^Edyeere, et tbc lcaat tlat tLls rhlcb tberc rae ao rucb the, Pertlculer laundetlou.

of thc rorrd:


tbc unlvemar

Elood, rad

For the poor Rclaeat of Bulaae Sccd, Proplcd tbe Conntry rgala elorly, ead eavegc pcople, (ltot fully of thc Eertb) to thelr

renelacd la thelr ead ltttlc;

llouatalne, tld

by llttlc

bclag rlrplc

111,e xoeb ead b1a sone rhlch tbcy rorc lot Poetcrlty;

raa thc cblcf lrta,

eblc to lcevc Lcttcrs, llkcrlse

eld clvlrlty,

Aud brrrag

1a thelr



beca uaed, (h cloatb

reepect of tbe crtrcal rltb

cold of tboee Regtoner) to Beere, ead great Ealry rftcr tbey ce! dorn there,


thc Shlaa of Tlgcre, llca

Ooete, tDrt

tbcy Levc tn tbose perta;

1lrto tbe Yarlcy, erd kacr Do leug thc cnatol tley ctrc

aad, fouad tbc latorerebrc of ll6btcr e,ppuell;

heats rhJ'c! rrc

tbcy rcro forcsd to bcgln et tDla dey. oncly tLrt so rltb

of 6ola6 adrrd,

rhlch coatlauctb

tehc 6rcet prldc up tc ttc by tl1r

ead dc116bt 1n tbe fcathcrr tbc retcra

of Blrde,

hlgb orouada, rhllc rrln rlth lccldeat rlol, of ell

stood bclor.


ol tlrc, otlere,

rc loat our tnff;tc

thc lrcrtca.Bgr

ta rc6ard tbcy ley learcat


to ne, rc Lrd roat corlcDcc. lt le roat rrrt fj6tr thrt


lor tbc otbcr lnrtr follorlag, rcvoluttoa ttr

of the forrd, lt rcre

la tLc rte!


1l mepcct of lere, Itd

or by e neturel

of tlrcr ) fevl6etloa voyr6ca, (thc ea conrd berdry so tbcn, to rerc

overyrberc gmetly

dccey; erd rpcclelly, ead eucb vcracrl lcft ud


by tbc nrc of Gelllca,

brooh tLc occe.l, ) rere eltogctbcr tht rell put of ratcrcourrG,


rhlcb courd bc frol

other retloaa,

to uar tou sec hor tt

beth rong etncc ccaacd; Erccpt lt of tour8.

by aore mte lccllcat,

ea tblc

But nor of the Ccaaetlon ol thet otbcr put rllcl rlgbt bc by our eeyhg to otD,er letloncl

of oatercourac, f luet ylcld you

.orG otbcr cs.llEor For f cealot eey, (lf our Sll'pplngr for trruber, Strengtb,

f sball

eay truly, ) but ud all



thlags tbat rpperteJ.n to iav16etlon, tbcreforG by ltself; r\y re rhould dt

le ee grcat aB cvr: Aad aor 61ve tou r"D accou.nt to

at hone, r rbell

Aad to rlll

drar Deercr, to 6tve you aetl.efactlou,

yonr prl.nclprl

Qucetloa. 1n tlle of rll Ielend, ebout dltcen buadrcd JrGarEe6o,

l[bcrc relgred

r f,1lgr rhoec rGrort

otbere rc rogt edore; fot Supcratltlously, though e rortal rra: Els Derc raa Drgeniue

but ea e 41v1ne lartrureat, Thcodldrctuer eld re catccr e rerge lcertr

tou ralr rcad thle rt hh es tbe rlr-glvcr

lerge 1l our rdca of tbe hr: of onr retlon. rhle Elng bed to relce conelderatlou,


for good; eld ree rbory bclt Ee tbercfore tekh6 lrto

L1s El.agdol end pcoplc happy.





aubrteltlvc of ttc

tDle hDd rea to u1lte1a Forrl8ncr; bctag l5r@0

ltrclf llllca plrt 1a thcrcof ;

rlthout clrcult lli tct

ely r1d (et eII) eld of nrc rlao


of So1I, 1a thc grcrtcat couatry dgbt

tlndlng oa lotk,

the rlJ.pDlDt of tLls

phltlfully frol Port to

both by flablag by erlllng erc uldcr

eld by trenaportetloas l'ato tolc arrll

Portr hr

rDd llkcrlrc lror ue, ud

Ielaade that erc not of th!.a Strte: cetatc, Aad

tbc Crora eld Irre


l'ato rcrort,

thc bappy aDd tlourlsblag rlght

rhcreln to

thJ.a Leld tbcn rae, tbc roree, reetcd

ao aa lt

Dc e thouaeld raJre altered

but .carcc e4r oae rey to tbc better; ead Xerolcell rstch htelttoas,

tbougb notblag

to Lle loblc

but oaly ee ter ea to thet, rblcb res

Eruraa lored.gbt 1l hJ'e tlrc tuadarcatal Problbltloaa, ttle


to gtvc pcrpctulty

ao bappylly hre ol thle

cstabllshcd. Iln6don,

'llhcrcforc uoDgat

ble other ald

he dld ordalae tbe Intcrdlcte of Stra.ntera; of Arerlca) ft rltbout rhlch et tbat


rc bevc toucllng the celartty

(tbougb 1t ree efter

rea frcquent; la truer tbe

Doubtlag, llke hr, llr{rsg ler,

end coul'rturc tbc edr{eslon

of lltancrg. of rtrangcrs

Llceaac r ls 1D uae.

er uclcat Bnt tLcrc lt Elcrelt

1l tbe ll^lgdon of CDlaal end yct contlnurd Reed our Book callod Pollcy

t'e e poor thlng: Pblloeopbyr

Tbe hldarental

of llon1

Oovcrarent ead Lrre f.nd hrtb loollah aatloa. But our

redc thcr a curloua !'gnoreltr Lar-gl'vcr


redc Lls Lar of elotbcr otc.


Bcad our Book cellcd ell polats

tbc fdca of tbc l,rl,

For flrett

bc hatb ptelervcd


of buredty, of rtren6cra

la trh{a6 Ordcr, rDd rrh1n6 Drovtsloa itatreaecdr rbcrcof you hvc teatcd.

for the rcllcf lt rhl'cb Sprcch Ec lcat ou.

(aa rcegoa ree) rc r11 rolc TDrt Etag elro rad thl.ddrE tbelr d,lla; gt1ll.

up, rnd Dorcd ourtslyca. to Joh


buaealty rad pol1cy togctber; berc e' lnd al.a-

1t Luudty, trd egelaat pollcye

to detr,lne rtreagcre thrt tbey ebould rctun,

soycr tbclr ordo{nr thrt rB rrlt ctay, tlc tie rt


of tDl'a etetc, thrt

hc took th5.g courae: Ec dl'd cbould be pcrntttcd to Le.ud,

of thc atrangcra, all tluca

rJ'gbt dcpert ea rould;

but a6 Da.Dyes rould fron

ebould brve vcry gpod conditloas, lbcrcla be aar rofar,

end rcaae to llvc,


tbet aor 1n to .eay r6ea slnce not of oac all'p thrt cysr returned, thrt cboee to


re beve rclory

rad but of thlrteea return

pcrsole only, et eeyeral tlueer

tn our Bottons.

tbat tboee fcr rey have reported ebroad, tDhkt lbateoever tbey bave srldr Ior could

I Laor Dot. bc trkcn

But tou rust

rbere tbcy cue,

but for e Drcan.

for our lrevelllng eltogctbcr aot 1n eborctb,

froa bence 1lto to rcetraln Chbr. tlet lt;

parts ebroed, otrr hr

6l'ver tbought ftt Gtc.

rcrd our Idca of GoverueDt,

8o t.e tt rhlch

tror tho Chl'aeee Br11 rhcrc tbcy rtll, tbetr

or cl!;

Ler of kceplng out atreagersr 1a r Lar of Pualeaal'ultle, Bnt tlts rcatnlat of ourar brtb oaly one Erccptloat by conuualcatlor opca lt

rad fcer. rhlcl 1lt

1a edi.nblc; vl.tb etraagcrsr

prcservang the good rhl.cb couetb rad tbe hurtr: Aad I ulII

to tou.

lad bcrc I eLall lccD e lltt1e

to 416reee but you rl1l


by end by f,lld 3bet uoDt:


pcrthent. ectr



uldcrtteld, Elat,

(ry dcar frlcader) brtb

tbc creellcat lt

of tlrt

oac eboyc ell

tbe prchcrllcace, or Soclrty, louadrtlon, Lelthorac rorka, tLlch

rea tbc Erectlon eld lnatttutloa Tbc lclplc

of ea Order,

rc cell

of thc Roslc Crose; The aobleat lnd tbe of the

(et rc tLlDkr ) tDrt of thle Elagdol. It

Gvor raa upoD the cuth; 1a iedlcetcd to thc ttudy bcerctb

eld Crceturce

of Ood. ea lf

Sorc thhk


tbe Forudcrs

Drre e l5.ttlc


1t ebould be F.E.R.C. hl'a house. 8o ea f tah,c lt la fenoua rlth of hl'a lorka, to bc you, rLlcb ol

But tbc Rccords lt, deaorl.lrtc

ra 1t lc epokea.

of tLe f, ol thc Erbrcra rbtch to ue: For re heyc soDe puta larely

eld no rtrea6cr rltb 1ll Llle eclf

you brve loet;

tbat Roal,c Cructea ll rhlcb

be rrote

tb{n6a 1net, preeent or to cole; Aad of ell ead lotloa. to Syrbollrc, '!hJ'a raksth re tbhkl rttb

thl.age that have bJ'n-

tbat our k1ug tlndlng

l'a la.qt tLlngs, lroere beforc hl.l) .lld I u

tbet f,l'ug of tbe Ecbrera vltb tbc 81tle of

(rbl'cb Llved !a!y tDJ.e Forudsttoa. for tlrt I flad

boloursd Lh

the rethcr

lnduccd to bc of thls


1a uclrat

Rccords, th1c Order or Soclety ol the celhd tbe EoIy trouee, lld eolcttrcs the

Roalc Croes la eolctl.rca

Gollcdge of tbe Str drye lorka? Erccllelt tLe lorldr bc hstltuttrg of tblage, Elag hrd lceracd eld ell tht (rlererlth tlet fror

lhereby I e.r eetlatlcd, tLe Xcbrera, 1r, rlthl.a tlr tlet

thet our

Cod brd crcatcd


deygi Ard tbcrcfore

bouac, tor thc fludl'ag out of tbc tnrc Xeturc Ood rl'gbt bevc thc rorc Olory t'a 3bc rorkraaahlp


ol tlcl, rlgo tbrt

tad rcl

tLc rorc


1a tbe urc of thcrr)

efC 61ve 1t Dutporc; tato tbla out

rccond Dtlro lrd

Eut aor to coue to our prctcnt to elI hJ'a pcoplcl

lLca tLe ll,lg ery pert, Ordlnencc: ol tl!'a rlt'Lcr Fcllora, tlet |!ht



ree lot crct

nnder hl'e Crora, bc had aevertbclcce tlclve tcrrs tberc ebould be rst to lcvcral fortb,

f,1l6doa, ol tleac

tro ehlps eppolntcd 8hlpe,

yoye6cs; Tbat ln of thrcc of tbe

there rbould Dc e deaton

or Brcethren of tbe boly bouse; rhoee crread rer ooly to aad Statc of thoee Couatrlce, ol thc SclcDcos, Arts; Ald rlthrll to brhg TDat tbc to

61ve ua f,.lorlcdge of thc lffelrca rblcL tley

rerc deatgned; Ald capcclelly e.ld Ilvcntloaa of eII

l{luufectrrcrl ulto

the rorld;

usr Bookar Iletrurolts

eld Pettcrne,

1l evcry hhd:

ablpa elter rotura; l{l'eeton. Vlctuala, 3or tlc

tbcy brd leadcd tbc Bnetbrea of tbc Boalc Croec ebould tLc Bretbcrn R.C. abould .try otbcrrlae frou6ht, abroad ttII tb-E rlth ths aer rtore of

Aad tlet

lbcee eblpa ere rot errd 6ood queatlty buyt$

of Troasurc to rcreJ.n rlth e^adrcrartta6

thc Brethrcn,

ol rucb thinter lor

of ruch porloD. es thcy Yul6ar rort of

cDould, thl'Dk tlt. llerllcra tbrt Dlc

for rc to tcll

you hor tlc

erc coltrl'acd

troa bc1l6 ilecovcrsd

et lead; lad bor tbcy tbcueelvce uldcr the

nuat bc put to sDore for ray the, ol othcr Xatloler erd rtlt


ead to rbet phcea

tbeec voyateB have bcel

dcsl6ncd: dsalona, do lt;

plecee of Bcudczvoua erc appolated for tbe aer clrennetlDcca of the pnctlquc, I rey aot te

ead the llke 1e tt


luch to your desl.rc.

Bot thur ton tco,


relatela lor

e lrnce,

lot lor

for oold,


or JGrera; lor of retter; To brve Ll8bt

tor slll,

for splcea,

ely otber couodlty rLtcb rae Llgbt:

But oaly tor (f rey) of tbe be

Ood.a tlret orortb


of err Partg of tDe rorld. rad so tcre re eII.

lad rbca he hed aald tLur,

ras rllelt; to bcu

For t'ldecd rc rero r1l eetoalrbed, told. rad be pcrcclvtag, aot rcad5r, ln 6reat

ao etna8e rl1ll4


.o probrbry

that rc rcrc courtlsle

to rey eorcrbrt,

but Ded lt

took ue offr

ead deeceaded to rsk ue qucetlona of our eld ln the cnd coacluded, tDet re ou6ht to do

voyr8e ald fortu!Er relrr to ttlalc rlth lld


rh^et ttne of rtey re rould denand for be lould pro-

of tbc rtats; cut tueh the

Dedc ue not to eceat oureelvce;

la re dcelrcd.

rhercupo[ rc e1l roec up, ead prcnk{it of Dl.a Tlppet, But rhea lt Dut he rould not

acntcd ouraelves to hles tlg enffcr

uar eld ao took Lla lceye.

cauc olcc eloaget to etran6cre

our pcopler that ttre State uacd to olfer tbat rould rtay;


re hed rorts enou8b to 6et ely of our llea to look fror go1n6 preaentlt to tbc Govern-

to our thlp;

eld to kecp tLel

ourr to crave condlttone. t!-ll rc d6ht ls rgrcc rbat

But rlth

aucb edoe re reetrrl.aed thcn,

coutae to tele. reclrrg tLcre ta8 Do dnrrter Joyfullyr to1a6 ebroed, aad adJeccnt, rltbln lot and

took ouraclvca Pcrdltlon;

Dot for frecrcD, Aad, l1vcd roet tn tbe clty

of our uttor

rcelng rbat raa to be accl, our Tcddcr; Ald obtalalng of tle reaacet Quallty;

rad phccs dtb taly


of tLc Cltyr

et rhoac baada re fouad auch Luualtyr


lucb r fro.dor tbclr

eld dcelro,

to teke ttre^lgcD8, r! lt all



boeorcr ra rta

caougb to rrhe ua for6ct ead contlauelly ead rclatton:

tbat rea dear rl,tb ruy tL1a6e,

to us, 1n our ora Couatrlca; rlght rortby h ol Obecrvrtlou thc forld rort\y

re rct

ls ladeed, lf

thcre be Coultry.

r l{l.rror

to bold rcEE c!rc8, lt

1s thrt

Oac day thcrc rcre tcrulty, ard aa tley

tro of orr Corpaay Dlddca to loaat of tbc fracell lt; e roat laturel, PLoue, aad Revcrqad Ooodlees.

cuatore lt Thle la tlc

1r, rLorlng lrlDer

tbat netloa to be corpouldcd of eII ft

of lt.

1a 6rantcd to eay llan, that ehall togetber, !'a doue rhou tbey to eee thlrty eld ell

DoraoDa, deacended of h1e body, rltyc to rehe tble Feast, rhlch

ebove three ycara old,

et the coet of the State. call

.|lbe Fatbcr of the fretcrnlty,

tbc R.C. tro deye before tbe Pcaet, teketh to h5.l tbree of to choae; lnd le essletcd eleo by tbe ead

eucb frlenda ee be llketb Goveraour of the Clty,

or placc rhere the feeat le cclebrated; of both Seres, lr

ell' the Perroas of tbe ferily bln.

ourloaed to ettend

fhcgc tro daye the Rogle Cnrctea dtteth tbe good ectate of tbc Freterdty. bctreca llbcrcr

1l coneultatlon, tbere tf tbere be


aa5r dlacord or rulte pourdcd ead rppersed.

rDy of tbe Fretcra!'ty, 1f aly of tbc fellly Rcllefr

tbcy ero conbc dJ'streaeed

or dccayed, ordcr la tekcn for thclr to ILvc. lfbere, lf

rDd corpeteat reaae Couraee, 1r gl'vcn

elV bc eubJcct to tl.cer or ta.hc tll So Llkcr1ee dlrcctloa

tbcy rre roprovcd eld Ccaaurcd,.

toucbla6 llerrLe8ee, rad the Couracs of llfc,

rhlch e.lJr ol thea






otbcr t!,c l1tc

ordsre eld livtccs. by lla tley

Thc publlc

0ovsrnour eealrtcth, lutborlty, llaobcycd; thcy glvcr

to tle

rnd to put 1a Drccutloa, lf

tb,c Dccrcca Ordera of thc tlraan, thougb tblt

ttrould be

ecldole acedeth; euch rcyarsDce rnd obedlcace lhe !1rau dotb elgo thca cycr l1l;

to tbc ordcr of lfeturc.

closc oEG ra.D fron eronget bl'r Soaa, to l1vc 1n houae rltb llo 1g callcd, cy6r eftcr tbc Soa of tbc Ytne.

'l!hc reaaon 1111 couaeth.

bcrcaftet fortb efter


Oa thc Feeat day, tbc Fether or Tlrea! lato

D1v1.aeScrvlce, roon btL la thc dddle

e lar6e Boou, rherc tbe Feeet 1e l6al'ast

celcbrated; tlc rallr

aa balf prco et tbc uppcr cad.

of the BalI-pr,GOe 1g e Cbalr pleced for hJ.n, Ovcr tbe Chalr te a Stete, lade el Ivle eonerbat rblter tbea ours, la trcea eld

e Table erd Cerpet bclore 1t.

Bouad or Ovell e^nd1t ta of lrlc; I[kc elI rllk tbe leat ll.ater.

of e 811ver Aepe, but lore ch1a1n6; For lt tbc Stetc !'a curlouely rrought

xLtb sllvcr

of dl'vcre Coloure,

broydlng or bladllg

!'a tbc fvtc;

lred 1a

cver of tbc rork

of eone of thc lhu6btera a tllc let of allt eftcr

of tbe fm{ Jy; ead ralled e.lC allvcr. tt But tb. eub-

oycr at tbe topr rlth ctalcc of lt,

tc true Ivtc;


1s telen doral th.

H-crrds ol tbe Fa.d1y, erc dealroua to hrve roDG Lcef or Spr.Lt to Leop. Ibe llreaa coaretb tortb rLtb dl hla Ocueratlo! Lll; oD Lllage, tbcrc

tbe Dlrlce before DJ'r, end the lcralee bc r rotbcr, !r e Trlvcrae


ead lt

lron rhoee body tbc rhole trl,lcege ta dcecendcd, tbere pleccd la e loft ebove, oa tbc rl6ht hend of thc Cbalr,


d.tb e Drtrlo 0otd eld blucl 1a core fortb,

Door, tad e carvcd rlndor lhcre rLc elttetb,

of 0laas; lnded

rttb tbe tLraaa

but la not reGD. ltca

hc rlttetb

dora 1a thc Ghalr; rDd etl

tbe Llnage

plece tlcraelvee return

agel'aet tbc rall,

botb at hls back, eld upon the ycam, vltbout d,lflerence Roon belag after

ol tDc Be1l-peccr 1a order of tbelr feet.

of 8er, ead ataad upon tbelr r raJre full of corpaty,

lbea be 1a eet, tle

but rcIl

kept aad rltbout


aoDe pauso, tbere colletb etal (rhlcb

1n lrou tDe locer

ead of the Roou, e Tarelde of Lln ahlal'ng

1g as luch ta an Eerald;) one carrletb

A.Ddon elther a acrorle

tro young Lads; Ihereof ycl)'or Pucblcat:

of thctr

Aad the otber e Clueter ol Grepce of Gold, rlth fbe Eerald, and Ghl'ldrcn1 lD clothed rltb 6reeD Satln; But thc Ecralde lleltle le atreaned

a loag Foot or Stalke. raltlee rlth ol Sea-ratcr

Ooldr and batb a Trel'ne. hcllartlons, trketh couetb

Thea thc Eerald rtth

three curtealee, ADd

or retbcr tlere flret

up es far es tbe Eelf-pace;

tato hle Eaad the Scrorle. Gtlte of bolour,

Thla Scrorle 1e the

EUgs Clarter, Drcrptloast tcralty; rell tLla fld


of Rcveaue ald !a.Ey Prflledges, 6re^lted to the Fatber of thc llato Sucb l! onG, Our

eld poluta lt

1e evcr etlled ud

ead dlrectcd,

belovcd frlend Grec.


lhJ'ch 1e a tltle

propct onlJr to but tor Chartcr,

For tLey eay, the f,lng la Dcbtor to !o !rD, ol b1s eubJecta. Tbe ScaI ect to tls rrr6e


1t B.c. ead tLc E[a6s lrage 1rboaeed or uouldcd tn oord; ala thougb ruch Cbutcra bc crpc4ltcd of Courcc, end es of R16ht; yct tbey




Dy ilecmtloD thla

tccotdlng Cbrrtqr

to tlc

trruber rrd !t64[ty rcedctb doudl


tbe lretrralty.

tbc Eenld

ead rLllc

1t 1a reed, thc letber

or Roalc crucha

etendeth up, rupportcd by Tlca tbe Bcreld rouatctb lla Beads; ead rltb ln tDclr tLe tDat

tro of hle eolar eubh ea be cbooeeth. tr1lf-peGor ead dcllvcrctb

tDo CDerter llto by dl

tDorc 1e el lccleretloa, rDlcb la tlue trkctb ltlto

tbet erc prc8eat, pcople of lperlr.


ructr, treppy ere tlc tle

Thcn the Ee4l6 of orapes,

Lle baad fror

othcr cbllde,

the cluatcr

rtrlch la of oold; botb the eterke rad the grepe. 11'e dr{atlIy 6rcatcr haralrcd;

But the orepca be tbe guar trce!-

and 1f tbe ralee of tbc Eoly relald rlelelled tDen tlcy Purple, tte rlth e ll.ttlc llto


thc Onpca lrc tbe fclalcs,

sct oa tbe top; Il 1aL yellorr rttb


e crcselt

on thc top.

Tbe Grapa lre

ta runber

ea !r!Jr ea tbcre ere Dcgceadcnte of tbe hrteralty. c.ruetcrr rcltly tlo Ecreld dcl:lverctb lt alao to tle Soa tDrt

Thle Goldea rho prccboecn

Roalc crucha, Lc Dei foncrly


ovcr to tlet Llr;

to be 1r Bouae rlth us16te

rho bcercth lt

bcforc hla Fetbcr ra l! cyGr efter; eld 1s tbcre-

of Eonour, rbca bc 6octL tl

lnDltc aftcr ud

Epotr cerlcd rbe son of tLc Yhc. tetlcr rgala lld or Roelo Cnrctea rctlrctb; to Dlucrr ilcrc Lc eltteth

thla aftcr

Ccrctoay caded, tbe eole tlac coacth fortb

elolc r1tb Lll,

uadcr thc Stete, a8 bcfore; of rhet degrce or dlgnlty Ec 1g rervcd oDly utto H,a ell

rone ol Dte dcaceadrats clt


crcept bc beppcn to bc of tbc Eoly Eougc. cLtldrea, aucb ra erc ltelc; rbo perfortc

by hl'a on


larrtco ll'rr lleblcl dth

of tlc


upoD the klec; thc reD.

ead tbc toroa odt tlc brlf

etrad, ebout Drcc, hrth

h'rag or tlc


tbc Door bclor

eldce for tlc

Oboetc tDet trc ead torerds legtcth vrrlcd

blddca; lbo erc rcrvcd (rhtch ead

6rcet eld colcly fcerte

ordcre; dtb

thc cad of Dhacr

1D ttrc arcetrat el blf) oi llr


lcycD ebovr e.n lour

tberc 1r u tbrt

E rD .ur6r

eccordl.n6 to thc favcltloa poeelc) but tbe end lfoeh, e^ndAbra_ end tbc leat ree

corpoectb lt; (elrrya) fomcr

( for tDcy brvc rrccllcrt thc prel'aca of ldau,

Subtect of 1t tal herr rLercol tlc lor fethcr tlc tle

tro pcopred tbc rorld, Goacrudlut

of thc frltbfutl.

cver dth

e tbeakaglvtng

xetlvlty of ell

of our Sevl.our Jcaue chrlat, erc orry bhescd. DLracr bclrt Lhaelf

1n rhorc B1rtb tle donc, tbc B, Cruclea eloac hto torth e placc

Blrtha rctuncth

r6e1a; lld

Levtag rtttdrern preycre, ell

rhere be rrkctl ther to 61ve tlc

aore pr{.vrtc

hc coletb

tbr tErd

BloestD8 rltb

Dl'a descendeata, rho gtrad ebout

lln ea et tLc f1ret. lber bc cellcd ttrel tortL by onc ead by oac, ''by o..", ee bc pleeccth, thou8b acldore tbe Order of l6c bc lavertcd. Tbe pereoa tbrt d,on bcfore tlc La cellcd cbalr, (Tlc Teblc belng bctore rcnoysd.) Lacclcth Lta b.!d, upoa Lta

erd the Fetbcr leycth

hced or hcr Lcadt ead 61vcth tbc blceetnte tlc 1t; Eoly lcleld, lbc ru

1l tleee rorde: son ot thg Fether arlth

(or Oau6bter of tLc Eoly felald) tLou hrat breetb ud Frtbcr, tle rlfc,

by rtol

rpcahetb thc rord; of pcecr rad ptl8rlnge

lbc Blcee1tr6 of tbc Evcrleatln6 tho Eoly Dove, bc upoa tbce,

the prhcc

eed rrlre

daya of tly


tood elC reny. 13 tlcrc bc lot ll. bc uy


Lc reltt

to rvcry oac of tlel; H*lt




of Lle goaa of rrlncat Le crllctb for tbcl

e.ld vrrtur,

(eo trcy leylng ye |Ie rrthrll of ea cer Turbra, Lla

ebovr tror)

egala, eld ml'tl, sona, tt la rclr lld

oycr tbclr


tbcy ateadlr6; ud


61vc ood tbc prefue, to sltlcr rllch of thcl

DQrlcverc to tbc cld.

dcrlvrrctb of rlcat, or Eet. lolar

e Jcrcl,

redc la tbc ttgure

tbcy oYor rlter

do rcer ta tLc lront

of thclr

Thle doue, tDey feII thclr l.irrer,

to Hurlc eld deaccs, aad otbcr Rccrcatday. lhlt le the full


for thc rcet of tlc

ord,cr of tbet Frert By thrt rtrlght t[e, dr

of thc Roetc Grola. or lcyclr daya rcre lpcnt, rltb r l{ercbrlt of ttrt I ras fr,lloa tato raa


C1ty, rhoec ferc

trlcbolca lelford, Cl.rcurclacd: eroaget tbcr, tLe bctter tbe Jrrs lld

aad ble !e!;

Ssde Joha Borkcr; Ee ras a Jcr ead of Jere yct rclal'alag lhlcb thct lay fron

For they brve BoEe fcr Strlpa rbor tbey lerYc to tbelr

ora rclltloa:

do, bcceuae tbcy arc of r fer dlffcrlrg tor rbcrear


Ll otbcr parte.

tbey hrto thc Xarc of Chrlat; the PcoPlc eroa6st rbou

brvc e accrct lrbred

Relcour etelnet

tbey ltvc; Ittrlbutcc, tbla

lbeec (contrerl,rlee) eld love tbe tatlon

61vc uato our Savlour rray llgh of Chreseloda ertrerely. Sure1y

ran of rbou I rpcelr, rould Ald tlgt

svcr eehnorlcdge tbat Ghrlat raa ttlr I lr!: lnd be rould tell

bora e YlrtXn;

hc ree lol|t

bor God rado bt1 Ruler of tbe serephers rblch 6u1rd bla rhrone; rcad tbe Bamoay of tbc rorld. lnd they cell hlr dro thc rllt'ca


ret El'lEPFr rad tbc Erhh rhlcb ler thoirgh tlcy

of tbe lrcaaleh, ead reay otbcr hlgb f,e.uce; to Lle Drvhc Halcaty, yct tley ere

bc tafcrtor


tbe len6ua6e of otbcr Jcle.

aad for tbe Gouatry of apeda,

tbe Eoly rshld

or cheeaaloata, for 1t re onc pracc thla laa rourd lt; Bclag deelroua by tradltloa tDrt uoDggt rere llacb_

reke ro cad of colleadlag tlc rlcra thcre to hevc lt


the pcoplc thcreof

of the 8cncrattone ora!; l1b.

of lbrebar,

by eaother roD, rboa they carl

ald that lloaee by r accret cabala, rcad The rcnple of ttledon 4 ordaraed tbe l"ars of Bensaren rLlcb they Dor uae; eDd tbat

rLen tbe l{csalah abould core, aad e1t la Lle Tbroue at Elcrulalca, tbc f,h6 ol Chaeaeloalel abould e1t et Lle fcet, But yct aettlng rhcrees other f,1'ngs aslde tlc Jerlsh

abould kccp e great dletaace.

Drealer tbc rea raa a rlse !eD, aad lcaracd, ead erccllently

ead of great porlcy, A.uoa6et tbe

BesD la tbe Lare ead cuatons of that trat1ou. oae day, I told bla, I rae ruch affectcd rlth

otber dlacourees, Rcletton tle I !ad,

tron soDo of the Coapaly, of thelr

cugtole la holdlng

Eeaet ol tbc llaternlty: rbereln leturc

For tbet (re thougLt) I bad DcvGr beard 41d ao nucb prealde. And bocause copuletlonr I

of a Solcultyr

Prope6atloa of fr-{Ilcs dcetrcd

proceedctb frou the luptle1

to Laor of hJ.l, rbat Lere end cuetone tbey hed concernlag tbcy Lcpt l{arrI.rge rell; ADd rbetbcr tbcy

Iterr.l,egc; lDd rbctbcr t.1.c t1'cd to oac rllei eld rucb es rltb of Plnrallty

Dor tbat rbcre Popuhtloa

1c co rucb eltcctedt Pcnlaaton

theu lt

rccled to ber tbcre 1g couody

ol t1vea.

To thla be eeld; Iou beve Rcagon for to






ol tlc


ol tbc lerllJr. tbt erc pertekcre efter, you tbc fror tII

Lud l^liccd

lc hrvr $rerlcaccr lotetl

tbet tboac lerlll,rr Oo flourlrh

ol tbc blcred.l6 ol tbt 1a el rrtreordhry rLet f llor.

tad prorDot cy.t ead I rlll tcll


But Lcer to tot, tht

tou tlell

uldcrgtead, re tll.

tbcrc le not ulicr ro tlcc

Eoeveu, PollutloDl

!o chrlt

e lett'oa, ft

of Aperl'e; for

ot toubccg.

le tle Ylrgb

of tbc lorli.

f rcrclbcr eloagat

I brvc rced l-n ole of your Ltropcel Iorr tbrt daglred to ree thc Splrlt foul u61y LEtDlopc.

Booka, of ea boly Ecn5't of Fornlcetloa, But 1t Dc lrd

eld tbcre appearcd detlrcd to eee

to Ltr

e l:lttlc

tbc Sp1rlt

of Chrstt'tlc

of tbe Eoly falend, ol r felr bceutlftl

1t rould Cherubll.

hevc rppcarcd For tbcro le tbea tbe cbe,ste tbere er Do

to ll'n l^n tDc llheacae aothlrgt uoaget llortal

DeD lorG felr f,ror tbereforc,

ead eddreblo thrt rltb thcl

ll1lde of tlle 8tore,


ro dlssolnte

Eourcer lo curtllrlrr lctcetettoa) tG hvc

ror elytbJ'ns of thet klnd. ptnlt lor terrlegc Gotr-

fey tLcy roadcr (dtL rucl tlh6e. .|!bcy ny

et tou 1l Europc, rhlcb out of oftlcc: lld arturel

put rrrrtrgc

1.a ordalacd e mrcd5r lor ruler?ul cuplrcclcc lud droat tcn tlet llfc, rLol lGcletb m I Splrtt rgrcoeblc lDi lotr


to nrr{.$o to thelr cornrpt rltb

But rbca lcn hrvc lt rlllr terr1e6c la

e nroiJ7 torc crpulaed. rerrls

tbcrctorc but cbuc

thmo uc ntbcr

tou scoD lltlalte ead lrpurc lo regyr d'451c letct

r llbcrtlle rrny tDrt

tba! tlc

bc yorhed la rerrC.ege; |ld eld atrcagth ol tlelr



Jreer:s1a peet.

|1d rtrca tbey


lo rerryr rou6lt


1r rerrtegc ot Portlol, of feruc;

to tlcr,

but r vort berglll rl'tb




or Eogutrtloa, thc leltLtull trcltbcr

forc dceil.rc (rlroet ruloa of ael poaad.blc, thet Strclgth, eg cDtete ea

lrilffcrrlt) ead rlfcr tloac ttrt thrt

eld lot

fupltel 1a lt

rea tlrct ceat rtry cetccr

hatltntcd? ao beaely,


eo ruch of tlclr

rhould grcatly llcl lt lor lo.

chlldrelr durh6

(bc1n6 of thc latc la tlc tolcratcd


Eo l:llerltc

llerrtege tre

cea tuch elcldcd,

ought to bo 1l tboee tll'nge Dut tbcy rerel.r dleeolutc rt1ll placcal ]lolr tbr!

only for reccselty? llbc heuatlng

r vcrlr effront

to rerrlage.

of tloee lrhcd

ot DGaort to Curtlrela, 1l Betchclors; ln lleretrlcloue l{errtegc e iull

arc lo ror pul-

la trrrlcd

lad thc dcpravcd cuetoa Brbractrcate, tLlag, (rhcre et.n

of cbeagc e.ld tbc dcll6ht la turecd l'lto hpoeltlon, lrtr) ukcth

end e hlad of

or Tu. H.Ie;

They bcar you dcfead tbcae th1a6e, ea doac to As edvoutrlee, Dcflourtrg of Vlrglae, uaaatural

evold grcatcr Iuet, ud

eld tbc l{hs: tlcy caLI lt

Eut tbcy aey, thJ's 1e I prcpoateloua llgdon; otfcr, rbo to lryc Dl'e gurete fror ebuai,ng,



ll'a drugbtcre: for thrt

lay they cry ftttllr, tbc cuc

thet tbcrc le llttlc do rtlll rcnah

gelrcd la tDiei

rl.cce eld eppctltce r furnrcc,

ead rbound; uderful tlc f]'uca e,ltogctbcr,

luate bctn6 llt,c lt

tbet 1f Jrou rtop 1t uy yoatt tad

r11I qucacb; BEt lt loyc, tlcy

you tlvc

1t d,LI

rgco uc

la lor rraeillnc lot lta eo frlthfull tberc;

hrve Do touctr of ltr lrtudrhlPa ln the

yct tlcrG rorld

eld l'nvLoletc

e6el'a, l!

ead to rpeak gclcrally,

(ea I !.1d bctorel)


I hrvr rot rcrd ol uy tlclr nruel lli !ry1l6

ruch Checlaty 1n eay pcoplr,

et tbclee: cuaot rclf


1ar Tbrt rboaocvcr 1a urcbtrtc, Rcvcrcncc ol I ltre of ell y1.ce.

Drvctcucc la, lcrt


tbcy rey, 'llhrt tlc Brldle

to rc1:[61oar tbs chlcteet tl1rs tlc

lad rlcn

hc had eald rllltu6 tt dcacont,

aood Jcr lnuecd e lltt1c;


I fer lorc yct tll'lhl'rt

to bcer lh tbt crld rpo! lla

rpeel, oa, tbrD to rpcel, ty rclf; lnuec of rpcccb, I rould f tlould lot

bc eltogcthcr fldor


oDlt tLus; ltrt

eey to hh,

ee tlc

of Serepte

ral'd to ELlea, tDrt that

Le rea core to brhg

to renory our aLnr; ead rlr grcetcr thaa tbe

f conlees tbc Rl'gbtcoufncea of lquedr .l,t rhlcb

PlgltcousDcaa of Suropc. rent Iars on h t!J,e rlElGro

tpeccb he bored hl'a bead, ead Del5r rlae ead ercellcat They heve ordalaed

ltrcy brve elro Thcy ellor or contractr rlthout

touchlag llerrtege.

ao Polygrd. ultll

tbat Dole do latenm1r flrat fltcrrvl'cr.

e rontb bc paet frou tbelr

llerrtegc lt

coaeent of Perenta tbcy do aot For tbe chlldren ebove e tllrd part

reh,e vold,

but they rulf uc rot

l'a thc hherl.toure: eddttcd to l'rlcrlt,

of rucb llarrtagea

ol tbcl-r Parente lrtrorltracc. llln, ol e Prl'acd corroD, rcaltb, bcfore tlcy lor coatnct,

I levc rced ln r Eook ol one of your rbcre tLo llerrLcd couplc ltr pct-

rl'ttcd., d!.rlltc: Pedllar lolane llora,

to lee oac eaothcr Xelscd. TDlr thcy efter co

tbcy thtlk

1t a Sconc to 61vc a rcfuaall ll'dden dcfectr


Eut bcceuae of rely

1l rcu ud cvery

bodLcs, tbey Drvc r roae clrtl e couple of Poola, (rblch

raJr: For tbcy brvc lcer lda! ud

tbcy crll

Evca Poolar )


tbetc lt

ls pcnJ,ttcd

to olc of tbc lrlcade to rcc thcr

of tlc

lhl, betlc

ead eaotber fekcd. lccncd

ol tbc Ftcnda lrd

of tbe lolear


ee to tsDc tLue tn coafcronco, thcre cerc ouc tLrt 1a e rlch Enhcr tbat epeke dtb perdon lc,

to be r reagelgerr

the Jcr: ftrerefor I lt GoE!Joyfull

upoD hc turncd to rc, eldcd rtr:/ ea lt 1a heetc.

e.nd aeld lou r11l Tbe aert rordag

he cerc to rc rte1ar

acclcdr aeld; lhcrc

le rord cole to tle

Ooveraour of the

Clty thrt

oae of tbe Fatbers of the Tcrplc of the Roste Croaa or bc hcrc thl'a day Scven-n16bt: le hrve leeD loDo E1a coualag la la Stetc; But thc cauee ot

Eoly Louae, rlll

of tDcr thJ'a dozea Jrraro. of b1e corlag 1s cecret. a good rtaaela6, ras rost

I rJ.ll provlde you, ead your fcllors, f tbedrcd hl.a ald told ht'n f

to aoe !,1a htry.

gl'ad of the Dsrse

Tbe day bclag cote bc rade hl'a cntry.

Ec ree I rrD of d.ddlc

atature ead 16r conely of pereon, aad bad l{cn. Be ras cloatbcd 1l a Robe of tlne El.e Elder 6encDt ras gl-rt rtth r gf'rdlc of Ee

ea Aapect es 1f he plttled black Clotb, of crccllent rltb rLlte

rlde alcevee, ead e Cape. llacl, doru to tLe foot, or Tlppct

tLc eerc; rDd e thdon

of the aa-le ebout hl's acck.

Lad 6lovce tbat tGre curlourr Pcacb-colourcd Velvct. Xat rae ll'ke e Eohct, bclor l't creccntly:

e^udret dtb

Stoaea; eld thoce of Ele

Ele ncck ree bare to the ebouldere. or SpenJ'ah lloatcra;

rnd hle Locks curled Ele Beald rag cut l[6btcr. fttb Ee

lbcy rcre of colour brorn.

rouadl rad of the eere colour rlth rae cerrled

hle be1r, eorelbat rbcelar

ln e rl,cb Cbar{,ott rltbout;


tro horaee et ottber eld tro ell Footlcl


r.Lcbly tnppcd ln tbc llkc

1n bluc Yrlvrt tttlrc. nvc lbr ttrt

fbroydercd, Cbertot rae tbr Forc-cDd

oa cech rldc

of Ccder gllt

ald edoraod rltb


bed Peacle of Seppbl'rcl Bct 1l bordcra ol Oold; l^ud tbe blndct-cud tLc ltkc ol Ecrelde of tbc Pcru colonr. 1n tbc llldet; r1tr6e Dlrpleycd. llhcre ree tlao ald oa tbe|lop e 8oa of bcforc, l

gord,t Radlut uell d.tb

uDoB tlc'l!op,

Chorub of 0old r1tb

lhc Chrrl'ot rae covered ett-

cloth of Golt tleeucd upon Blue. youtt rcD, ell ol rhlte rlth 1a rhltc Sllt; thc

Ec led beforc b1l fl.fty


Satel looee coete to tle

l{ld Let;

ead Stocklnta ol blue Vrlvet; 8et-berda. Llacl

rnd eboee of blue Yelvct;

rDd Bata

Plulcg of dlvcre eoloura, tbc Cbertot,

eet round l{kc


bclore ion

reat tro l,lea baro-bcadedr lu r.ld eboea of bluc Yclvct; gteff 1l^ke a


to tbe foot,61rt,

lho cerrd.ed ttrc onc r Croalcr, Sbccp-hook: lcltbcr tls Pestorel gtrtf

tbe otber a Pastorel

ol tbor of llctel, of Ccdrr. re lt ell

but the croeler

ol Palr-rood, bcfore,

Eor8e-llcl bc bad DoDe, aeltbcr recrcd to evold ell tbc Offlccre turult

ror Dchhd hle Chulot: bcD1nd hle Gbrrlot, Corpargra of tlc crccllcat Cltt. rert

ead trouble of tbe

ud, Prlaclpale

Er eet elouc uDo! curhloaar |ld

of r h!'ad ol

Pluab, bluc; rlhc

uldcr hl'c foot curlous Cerlcte of Stlk but fu flncr. Ec hcld up

of dl'ver! coloura, lla berc bDd,

tbo Pcrelu, eg blcatlag rcll kcpt;

m bc lcntr

tbe pcopler Dut 1a etlcace. So ttet tbcrc tr! tlu lcYcr eay tlc pcoplc stood.

tbe rtmet lnt

leg loldcrtll'ly rr! eteld

led tlclr

1l bcttcr



lbr tDclr u

rtrdore tl tlcy


rcrc lot


but cvcryo!.

rtood ta thc Jrr la rc8ard

hed bccr pleccd.

tLoa tbc ehor rer pert,

m1d to rc;

r rtrll trc

rot bc rbrc to ettcad you ea r ronrd, clty h.tb lbrec leycd upo! le, drya rftcr

of rorc clrr8e of tLle erd erld; roelc trll

for tbc catertalalnt

EoeLc Cnrchu.

thc rlol cerc to rc e6e1a1

rc erc hrppy rcr; rotlcr

for tbc Father ol tbc Tcrprc of the of your bc1a6 here, ud couaadcd re to

croea terctD Jrour tbrt

be rl'll colfcrercc

1dr{ ! ell rltb

your corprDlr to hl'a ptcaGDce, r^nd yc ehall cLooee: And lld lt bcceuse ta tbc

brvc prlr1,tc tor thlc hc rrerctb Forcloon. lollore rlcLly Stets. cloth donc, tLlcly btb

orc of you, tht day rftcr

eppolatcd tbc rcrt


to tlvc 19 crlc

you hla bloealag, rt

bc batb rppolrtcd

our dey, ead borc, erd r res cborcn by ry Acce6ae. lc fourd htn tu e falr rltbout Chelber,

for ttc


trugedr ead carpeted ruder foot, Ec rae rct of Statr eeyc thrt ttttrcd b

aly dcgreea to tbe

upoa e lor Tbronc rtcbly

edorocd, eld a rlcb hbroydcrcd. Ee ras Eard one, that re

oycr h1g boed, of brue setla

Le had tro Pegea ol bonour, or oltbcr lhlte.

El.! sadcr Oerneata rcre the llkc but ln ttoed of lJ'a Gon, tlnc breck,

aer hl.r rolr l1r hh.

ln tbc Cberlot;

bc brd oa

e l{ert1c rltb

e Cepcr of tbc terc

feehJ-oncd ebout et our tlrat

Ibcn rc cerc b,

la to rere ttu6ht,

rc bored lor

lltre.ucc; lortb

.ltd rbcn lG rcm -.Elorcdr ud

colc Dcer Lle Chelr, 1a porturc

hc atood up, toldlag eld rG cyerJr lbet doae,

Dfu brld

of blceelng;

oro of ue rtoopcd dota rad klrecd

the Ecr of hla ltplnto


tLr rcet


ead I rcrrlncd. oeutrd tc to rlt

lbrl don

bo rerlrd bccldc Llr,

tbc Pegca forth eld rprl,c to rc

ol tbc Boor, ud tl|r8 h tlc

9Pr.r 35 1on6Uc. tlvc tbec tlc gmetcat Jrrel I

Ood Dlcee tbee, ry Soa, f dII hvr: lor I d.11 1rpert of thc trnc rtete uto tbcc,

for tlc

lovc ol Ood ead t{cn, I Eoa, to uhc Lccp tll.a ordcr. Sccoadly, fhlrdly, ere l8!you

Brl'etlon Ilor Elret

Stetc of thc Boelo Crots. of tbc f,oly Eouac, f dll

tbc truc I rl.ll

ect fortb

unto tou tLs rad of our louldrttoa. re brvc lor our forh,a. rbercto rtgbta our tcllota rblcL

tbc prcperattong the rcvcrel 16lcd.

ead t'astrulente


eld firactlonr

Lud lourtLltr

tbc OrCllr^Dc.B ud

lc obeeryc.

thc cld of our Fosadetlon 1r tLc f,rorledgc llotlols of fhl'ntr; lld tLe ralu8tag

of Ceuese, ead Sccret

of thc bouads of f,l'agdoas to

thc offccttag

of e1l lbl'nge 1nsslblo. ead flrtnucata uc tbcee. lc Drvc lerge eld 561000 lcst: ead l{ouatrlne: eld tbc iepth For the

Tbr Prcparetlola

dcep Cevcr of gcvcrel deptbg; lbc dccpcst erc rulk, lld aote of tbcr uc dJ'ggcd ud redc uldrr

6rcet EIIIa

8o tlrt

1l tou rcchon togctbcr

tbc dcptle of ttrc Elllr

of tbc Cevl, tbcy elc (aore ol tbu) rc tbd, f1et, Ecau, tbrt tbe dcptL of e ElIl, raro lbl'ry; tlc Both Dclott

tbovc .eY!E rJ.lcs dccp. tad tbc dcptb of e Cevc frol 1l{k3r fror tD,e Sul ud tlc lprrr

1s tlc

EcaYcaa Rc6lonet ead

eld tror

opca Al.r.

tbcec Grvce re caII Ilduretlonr

ead rs uae tbcl

for tll


Rrtrlgcrettonr for tbc llltatlon

Coaecrvatlong of Eodleo.

lc ssc thcr lllorlsc


of lrturel


eld tbc produclag elao of ler eld rrterlrla rblch


llctele, rray for

by corlnaltlons tclt3.

re ure, ead rey tbercfors (thlcb rrlr .c.t rtrea8cr)

lc nac thcr elao rolcthce,

curclng of ronc Dceceaca, ud trcnlts tLrt cbooec to llve ludced llve

for proloagatloa tbcre rcll

of llfc,

1n aole thlnge


of eII

Dcceasary, ud tlhge;

vory 1oa6; By rhor elgo re lcern taDy

Bred our Tcrp1c of llador. la aevcral sartDs, rbcre re put {lvcrae Ctaents,

lc brve Eurlalc

ee tbc Chlnese do tbelr Yarlety,

Bercclle-ue, but re bave tbeu 1a 6rcatcr flne. lc heve eleo grcat varletles

e.od aone of tber lore

of corpoats,

ead eo1le, for tbc rek1n6 of thc certb frultfull. tbe blgheet about half a alle la helght; aet upon blgh l{ouatalae: So tbat tbe vau-

le heve Elgh torere; rad gone of then ltkcrlee trte dles of tbe 8111 rlth at leaet.

tbe Torer, ls ln tbe blgbest of then three tbe upper Bcgloa, lccountlag la r dddle Regtoa.

Aad tbeae plecee re call

the A1'r betreen tbc hlgbeet placee, ead tbe lorer, lc uac theae Torera, eccordlag to tbelr uetloaa, tor lasolatlon, Rcfrlgeratloa, as llnder

ecveral Eet6bta, rad S1tGonservetlou; lld tor tbe

Vler of dlvere lletcoror tbe llcry of tcrrlts, llotcora lleo. rbon re rtalt

Ba1a1 8aolr Etl'lr

rad role of

Aad upon tbeur 1a aore placcer are Dte1l1ags aouethee, rad laetruct rbat to obecrve.

Bcad our Eenony ol tbc lorld, lc bave 6rcat Lakca, botb Srlt for tbc tteb ead forl. etd freab; rbereof re baYe uee of toro ratura]

lc uae tbeu aleo tor burlde

bodlrs: l1r, lor ro flad e dlffcrcBcc ttrc Eertb, 1n tLh6e burted 1a eertb, tr or la


ead th1a6a burtcd 1a tbe tetor. treeb rater galt.

hrvc erco 11d otber

Pooler of rhlch by lrt

foEo do stnllc tnto

out of Selts;

do turu frcab latcr

te have elao !o!c Rocks h

t'be rtdst rDcrcln rlac

of tbr sca; rad lorr 1r rcqulrcd rtrceua Englles dlvcrs tbc l1r

Beya EpoD thc aborc for solc rorLe, le bavc llkc-

eld yrpour ol thc gca, rhlcb rcrvc


ead cetaracta for rurtlprylag t{otlona.

ua for rrDy llottone: of rlnda to aet

lad llkcrlae elco on gob6

ead htorclng

fc lave eleo e aurber of Arttflcal la lnltetlon r:lol, of tbe letural gtcor,


ald fouatahce


gourfoe end Eetha, ee tlactcd

upon VltArd


Bresa, Lcad, lltre, tells for lnfuelor

ead otbcr lolcrale. of lely tblngs,

egaln re bave rlttre retere Blalaer take tbc vlrtuc eld uongst behgl

rhere tbe

qulckcr ead bcttcr,

thaa h rblch

vesacla, or the retcr of

ther rc hrve a latcr, re do to tt, le Jrou rbarl

re carl


by tlet of Ltfe;

tede ycDJr 8ovcre16a tor hceltb, read la tble Book. ead rrlng of

eld proloagattol

fe brvc eleo grcet rad rpeclous lourca, dcnoaetratc lletcora, Aa 8lor, Er1l,

rhcre ro lultetr

Rel'l, .orc erttftctel

bodleet rad not of reter,

tDuadcre, ltgbtnil6a;

aleo 8cacretlone

of bodlcg la e1r, ee frogal lc Levc aleo ccrtell rtcrc rc quallty

Xlles eld dlvere otbers. rhlch re call cheabera of Ecalth, tor tle cure


the r1r r,e rc tbldr eld pteseryrtloal

tood end propcr of Ecelth.

of dlvcre Altceees,


lc rrvr



eld lergc bodt fror

Betba, of elrcrer ercfectloa: rttel



thc roctoraDg of rua tlrr1l6 ud

eld otlrre perte, ell

tor tbs contbr vory Julcc

ol 1t ta Stna8th ol thc body.

of sllrla,


fc Drvc elao lergc Irnoay breutyr ud ol th lorldr

rad verloue Orcberda; scc the f,ltttlo ead Oerdcle, rbcrcll

to tbe

rc do not to ruch napect Trcca, ele !et,

ee vuloty

ol 8rorud rad 8o11, propcr tor dtvcrlc

Ecrbs: Aad lote vcty rpaeloua, rhcrc rrcca aad Bonlcs rc rake dlvcra klada of dr.t*,e, re prectlcc llkcrlae ell

rlereof ra tlcec

beatdce thc Ylnryards. of Grelth6, ead 1n-



ta ro11 of rlld lld rc ulcc

trcea, (by frt)

ea fnrJ't trcce, ln tbc ltl or letcr tban by tbctr

rhlch producctb

ragr otfccta.

Orcberda, ead Gerthe! tbclr ratural Scaaoaa; courae aDd

deasr lrcee ead Florera to coEe cerllcr, eld to colo up ead beer roDG apeedlly tlcy tlelr colourr ea tlcy Oo. lrult lc rrhc

tber eleo by Art grcetcr rad arecter, fror tbelr

rucb ther laturci teetc,


eld of ttflertag Ald raly


ead tl6urer


of thct re !o order

bccorc of rcd1clul

ugc. d1vera plelta to ukc rlec by rlrturce rcr Plelta, turo llrto of dlftelo-

fc leve elao lolna Eertb rlthout cr{.ng fron tler. ls hrve elao prrkrl blrde; rhlcb rc ulG lot

to trl,c

Scrds: lad ll.kcdac


tbc Ynlgu;

eld to rel'c orc tree

or Plelt

eld clclorurc! oaly for vtrr

of ell


of bceata, ead but llkerlac tor

or r$e!crc,


lleacctlonr, bc rrou6lt rctr;

erd trlels, np,oa tlr bo{l llfc

tbet tLcrcby re rrJr tekc llght ol lrl. 1l thcr, lbcrcla rc fLad relt

rhrt 3tjents

uy cff-

er coDtlnuhg

thongh dJ'vcre prrtrl

rhlcb you ol gone polrona,

eccouat vltall tbrt.ccr

bc lnrlrhedr

end te"kca fortL;

Rceutcltrtla6 lc try erao dl

dred 1l eppcerracc; rnd thc rrlc. EpoD tlcr, rt rcll

ead otber rcdlclDos By ert llkcrlec

of Chyrurtcry or tellcr tlclr

ee Pbyrlck.

rc rrkc rlee drarf

tbcr 6rcetcr tbcr eld atry tbclr

tbea tLc!'r kl'ad la; h lrkc tbcu abape,

ead, coatrerlr loro fnrltftll


eed bcartng tbel Ocncratlvc. tltrrlo lc lleo

kl'ad tr;

end conttary

bancn end lot ect1r1ty, etl'ola rlly

re lakc thcr dlffer

1a colour,

flad lernl

to rekc conrlrturoe

ead copul-

of dl.vcra kladel l!

rLlcb hrve produccd raly 19.

acr ktade, ead I eulber of tbercof Ilke bcaeta,

tben not berc!,

tbc 6oacral oplnlo!

fo trle

klnda of Scrpcnte, rorEa, fIlee, .ore ere edverced (tl or blrds, by clucc, rhrt ud cffccta)

flahca, of putrcfactloa, to bc pcrfect crcrturca, trclther

brve Scrca, eld do propegatc.

do re thls

but rc Llor

bcforcbead, ol rLet rettcr

ead coulrturc,

kl'ad, of thorc croaturca r1I1 D1!c. lc Deve eleo putlculer Poolsr lbcre rc rakc trlela rpoD tlabce,

la te have ae1d beforc of Deegte, eld blrde. lc hrvc elao plecce for brccd rad gclerettoa lons erd ll;lcr rhl.cb uc of rpcclel ol tboae klnda of tou your

uec; rucb la arc rltb

Stlh rorra,

ead Bcce. LoId you 1on6 dtb rccounttrt of our brcr-bouaee,

I 1111 lot


brbhoueca, eld rcetlr

eld kltcbcaa, rtrc

rhcrc erc redc clvrre cffccta. llace

dr1lxe, rr lryc

brcede of orepca, and

end of epcclal

tad drtrhe of otlcr ol drturea lbo rltb

Ju!.cce, of frultr, rlDrl,

ol grelae, end frulte lld lolc

rad of roote,

holeyr lrtcrr

drycd, rad dccocted:

of thc tcere or ronadhg erc of ecrcnl lc hevc drlakc

of trces; rtca, rlao

of the pulp of cease. to tbc rgc or leet lcvcrel of

lad tbcrc drhke fourty rootar t.lta.

brcrcd dtL flcabce,

Ecrba, eld rbere-

eld Splcce; he

rl.tb rcvcrel

ead rhltc-lerta;

of rore ol tLe DrlEks erc aucb ra they ere la cffect botb: So tbrt tlcr, rlth dlvcre, capcclelly

neat aad drhk

1n egc, lo deelrc to l!.vc vltb Ard rbore ell 1lto re atr{.ve tbc body,


ot Eo reet, of crtreen all-bltlag, thla

or Brced. pertsl

to hevc drllks eld yct rltbout

to lealauetc

aherpueee, or trettl'ng; rltb

laaouucb la roDe e llttlc Btayr lc havc

of tbcn, put upon thc beck of your Eead, dlI, prse tbrougb to thc paln, rad yet taete dld elao tetrer ht: otbcr.

to tbc loutb.

rhlch rc rlpea 1n thet fasLLon, ea tlcy hdecd ercellclt Drhk: lld

beconc aourlsbuao Do Iea

8o tDat tbcy ue

reay rlll

Eneada re heve of reveral rad ftabl

Orelns, Boota eld f,craels:

ead eore of lleehl

dr{.cd rltb

dlvere k1lde of Lcavcala6s, rove eppctltc; cone do rbo

ead tcasonlaga: So tbet eole do trtrceoly nourlsb llvc ao 16 dJ'vcre do ltve 8o ter rcate,

of then, rltbout

eay other rcet,

vGrt long.

re hrvc aorc of thcn ao bcetea, aad eII corupthg, la I reak rs e

rede tclder, L6t

eld lortlflcd,

yct uttbout

of tbe Stouck

r11I turu then lnto

tood GXyIua; ea rcll



hret ronld rcet ead drlnkr,

otbcrrlrc rblch tlrt

prcptrcd. tetca by rcn,

lc levc aotc rceta rlao, carblc tDu to lrlrtag

r^ud bredrr eftcr

lad rore otbcr,

uaed rekc the vcry fhab tbelr atrcngtb

of tcas bodlce

rcneJ,bly rorc brrd eld tougb, ud tbcl otherrlec lt rould bc.

fer rorc 6rcat

lo hrvc Dl,apcnaatorlca, ceally rorc ttrlnkr tl

or rbope of l|ld,lclaee:


Jrou rry Crceturee,

rc hevc tucb vrrtcty

of Pleata ead ltvt4


you brve 1a Europc, (for

re k^uor rhet you heve) tbe giouuet llkerlee bc la eo

prcer Drugar ead ragrcdlcnta rucl thc 8rcetcr Uerlcty.

of tfcdlclace, lc beve thcl


of dlverae a6ra, rc brvc lot only

lad long ferocltatlone. elr lelly reucr of f,lqulrtte

Ald for thetr d,lstllret1one,


end reparatloas,

ead rapcc-

by geatlc heetr Pcrcolatloaa but aleo crect

tbrough dlverec Stralaere, rhcreby

yer eld lubstuccer tbcy lacorporatc lc hevc elro etulfe

lorne of cotpoettlone, rhplca.

ahost, dlvcre

es tbey tetc artural llccbedcel lrte, rhlcb ellke,

you hevc aot, Tleaucs; iaraty

end rorks

rade by thel;

ea prpcra, lueturc;


of featLera of rondertur lad ehopa llkcrlecr ur. rtoltat

crcclrcnt lre lor trotD

Dyes, ead rrrJr otbers: rot brougbt !.nto nrl6ar you ruet Laor, ttrrt lato of

as rcII

for rucb l!

ue, ea lor loreclted

thosc thet are.

tLe thhga

leay of theu ur tbcy dld flor flol

uee throughout th.e re hevc of

Ehgdon; But yet, lf tlor

our hvcntlon,

eJ-eo for Petcraa eld Prlaclplca. lc brvo rlao firrlacce of great dlvcreltlca, eld tbrt tocp 6rcat


Dlvcralty lld d1d,

of bcata: Elerce eld Qulck; etroa8 ead coaettat; blorae qulte dry, llolet, eld thc rlkc.


But ebovc rll bodtca hcata,

rc hrvc hcate 1l lrltetloa thlt ud

of tbe Suae end bcevelly ead (ee lt tcre)

pass dlvera lnequrllttea, returner

Orbe, Pro6rcaeee Bceldcs re beve

rbereby rc produss 1dr{ iebls

cf fccte.

heete of dtragei ald of bcllLce ead lara of tbslr

ol l1v1a6 Crcetureel end up aolst;

bloods, ead bodlee eld of Eryes aad bcrbe, Itycd Inatruncats

of l:lre unqulncbcdr ead aucb l[ke. Lcat only by I'tot1on. ud Aad furthcr,

alco rh1ch 6caerete

placee lor etroag lasolatlons; rhlcb by lrturc, or Art, yelld

e6al.n, placee ulder thc certb,


lbc dlverg hcate rc uBG, ee tbc aaturc of tbc opcretloa, requlrctb. rberc re rake dcuonatretloas end out of tblngs aeyeral but ol

rhJ'cD,re latend,

fe havc elao perspcctlve-houaea, of eII llghte, ead redlattoas:

Aad of ell'coloura

ulcoloumd coloura:

ead treaepareut,

rc clD reproseDt unto you ell

f,ot la Bela-bore (ee 1t 1e 1n Ocle, aad Prlancsr) abtlc. le reepect elao ell rultlpllcetloag


of ll6htt ea to dlacera dcluelons

rDJ'ch rc cerry to 6reat dLetalccs, nall polnts eld lllee. Aleo ell

lad reke ao rbup, coloretloss

of LLght, eIl

eld drceltr

ol tLe alght ltr tlgurcs, of Shedor; rc tlad orlgllelly

]degaltudce, l,totloae, coloure: aleo dlverse r.$ra fr.or tlvcrs yet ulklora lc pro-

ALI dcnonetratloae

to you, of produclng l16bt,


cure tca^Daof acela6 obJccte efar off plecce: erd rcprcacDt tbhga ltar

ea ln tbe beeyca, eld rcnotc e^ld tllata r ter

ra r fe,r off;



ee tor.rr



dl'atelcce. ud

lc hrve elro h

bclpe for tbc Drvo elao 6laaece eld tl'rttlctly;

e1gDt, ter ebovc Spccttclrg ud rcele to rce ttrrll

Oheaee 1r ulc. Dodler, fllca

ead rl.lute


ea thc rhepoa e^ld colour of errll 1l Oora rblch Blooie, Erlore, rot ceuot otbcrrlrc

e.nd rona, obacrvrtlon ul,c ertlflcel rlro

Orelae eld flars 1a Urtac eld Bell-borat rll rralcr of

bc !ccl, lr


to bc rccDr ebout llgbt.

eld clrclcs

lc roprcaclt

Rcf,Icctlolrl ob!ccta.


end rultlpltcrtlona

of ylaud

Deala ol

lc brvc dao bceutyl

prccloua etoacg of ell Crlrrtele

hlnde, leaJr of tbcr of Oroat ead 6laaeca of dlvers erd othcr rat-

el0 to tou naklorD: erol6at tlcr lore


h1rde; ttd crl.ala, loeecla, stor.e

of l{ctels


bealdcs tboae of rblcb eld hperfect of prodl8lous rlaerrlsr vlrtue: lld

you rekc Oleas.

AIeo e aurbcr of Llkcrtae botb lrtural eld load-

rhlcb you have Dot. ottrr Drre etolcer

erd utlf,lcal. dooaetretc (roe{ roulde, fllcrltc dth bclb, ell

le levc eleo Souad-houacgr rberc rc prectlac touads, trd tbclr eclcretlon. rhlcl

lc Leve Benodqe of qulrtcr ol lluei.c

tbr Benony of thc lorl01) eld baeer

you Drvc lotr DLvers hgtruronts tb6

H.rds of .ou!Ca. !o!c crsctcr

to you Elhlorn,

qly tou Davo; togcthcr Sce ly book of lc reprcrent elall

eld r1'age thet ere delaty Llb. t1r cheptcr

ead arcct; thc ptb.

Ororeacy eld fclc.lct; rouadr ee grcrt re rele ilverac

erd dccp; It'hcrlae lrcubltlgg

6reat eouadar Etrrurtt of Sou.udar rhlch

ead ebarp; ln tbctr

eld larblhga




ortlrc. or lrt

lo rcprcrcat by rLlcb



rosaOe ead Lcttcre; 1n E6ypt, bclpet

rced ry Cebbrh

tlorce rborcd ro .aDy d.6lce rad blrde.

end tLc volcce ead rotcg rLtcb dlvort

ol bneta

fc bevr certrla

sct to tbc rar do furthcr ggjrn8a ead ertlflcel toeshg lore tt: lld

tbc hcerd'ng 6rcatly.

lc Lrvc elao

Ecchoa, .o!c thrt

thc volcc tr^nJr tlncet

ead ea t,t rcrc tb! 1t cgc,

6:tvc bach thc votcc lorer rcaderln6


end loLc dcoper; yta lolc or ertlculer

tbc volce dJ.ffcrtrg tLcy r.cety,

ln thc lottcra

roua0r fron tbet

lc brvc elso lca!6

to cOnvcy Soulds 1n Trulke r.Dd

plpce l'n atreage llncar lc brvc eleo pcrfiuc of teate. luelle, te rult!.ply

eld dlateacca. housre; rhcrerlth alrlla rblcb lrlr re lotlc rleo prectlccs le frltetc tben llkerlae,

rccE atralge.

retrlng all


to brcetbe out of otber lllrturce dJ'vcre ldietloae ttatc. of taatc

tbose tbt eo tlet

glvc tbel.

tc trkc

thet v!11 iecclve

eaJr rele

lnd la thle Tcrple of rberc re lekc Itllket

tbe Boadc Croae re contel.n tlao rll rtcot-rrcrtgr dry ud h rolat;

r Coafltrue-Eou3e

rDd dlvorac ploaaent flaca, verlcty thrn you havl.


ead Sellete,

fer 6rcatcr

le trvs atruleate

elso fgil^lc-houlo8, tor dl rorte llotloae

rbcrc rrc ltDcltered Eaglncs lad lnTlcre rc lnltrte end pmctlee lluaketet tbcn

of rotlone. tht!

to rehc Srtltcr

r.!y tou hrver cltLcr

out of toul

or tNr Eagtac thrt lorc ceatly, thcl

you tever rad to leke tlenr rlrll torcc, by rhcela,

eld rulttply

eld rttb gtroagcr

rad otbcr rorlr8: Aad your. lr:ct rrcecdlng

to rrkr

ead rorc

v1.oleat, thrl

youl 6rortcst tnatrurcnts lllrturor ud Craone, ead Ereltleka. of hr, rad fgtlrs tc rcprcecnt of tll Ehrls: elao Ordl.nance lld tlkcrlec aer

ead Corpoeltloaa llso

of Oua-porder, t1ld-f1rc rlrc-rorke,

Durnlag 1a later, Eor ead


Rced ry book of tcrcarce,

l{oaee dld eo uDy l{lncroe, ELfJeb cellcd rld ual. dora tlrc

rroahur rede tbc gul ttead etlll, ver{,cty,

lron Boevca; of ell of blrda:

botb tor plcaeure

rc hltete la tbe Alr:

eleo trlghta

rc levc loDG degrccs fe heve ahlpe end

of fryrag

Read thc Ferlller


boats for gotnt uadcr latcr, 61r&lcs ead cupp,orters. llkc rotlols of retun: of ltvlag

eld brookln8 of scee; aleo arlunlng curlouc crocks, ead otber

re beve dlvcre

l^ad rote pcrpetuar t{otlola. crcaturesr br rragca of lca,

tc lttetc beeata, blrde,

rrao rottoae llabcer rotlone,

ead SerpcDts. atrerge

fe beve elao a great nurber of otbcr varloue flncaeee eld subtllty. prlrace, rhers rre rcpresented rll

for Equallty,

lc have erao r l{atlnetlcar laetrunelter re reII

of Gcoletry,

ee AetroDory, Geonaacy, ead Teleans, tede.

vLzi eatroaolracy

end gcgEatcJr crqulectly

3e bave el,eo houcea of dccclte arl uuer of feata of Ju6l[ng, r.Ed tbel'r falhclce. levc .o ruJr

ol tbe ecnace, rbere rc repreeent rrpoaturce, aad

Felac lpperetlonr,

lllualolc tbat rtlol, rould

Aad aurcly you 1111 cae1ly bellcve, lrturel, rhlcb hduce 1dr{ jre

re tlrt

tDl'age truly

could 1n e rorld

of prttlculers

dccclve tbe acaace, lf

dlagrrlee tboee thlagar

end lebour to rrkc tbcr

acGE rorc r1r-



But rc do hrtc rll rcverelly ead llhcar or srcllla6; torbldden tbrt lt

trporturca to ell

eld lyce:

rleonucb ee rc bave uadcr pr!.D ol lgnoltay tork or Thlng rbhored ell effcctetloa

our brcrtbrcn,

thcy do not abor eny lrturel

but only puro ee 1t 1r; e.od rrthout

Ol rtrrrgCDE6r

llhesc ere (ry Son) tbc Rlcbea of the Roslc Crucleas; read our Tcuple of lledon. For the eeverel caployrente and Offlcee trelve tbat aall lnto forelga Couatrles, of our fellors, fe have

under tbs l{aues of otber

Xatloae, but our ecal 1e R.C. end re rect upo! tbe day altogetber, (for our or! re coDccal;) Ibo brlag us tbc books, and Abatracto, and of all other parts. Theee re call. nercbaats

Pattems of crperhents o f 1 1 6 b t.

Ie bave three tbet Collect Booke. fhesc rc call

tbe erperlnents

rbJ'cb are 1n eJ.l

dcpredatoErsr the expertrcnts of all l{

Ue bave tbree tbat Gollect

Arta; Aad elso of Llbera1 Sclencee; eld eleo of Prectlcce rLlch are not brou6bt hto lrta. Ihcec rc call l{ystcry lfcn. ruch ae tbcueelves tblnk

le hevc tbree tbat try ncr experheata, good. these rc call Ploncera or tllaere.

lc bavc three tbet drer tbc Erperlnente of tbe foruer tltlea, ead Tablea, to 61ve tbe better llgbt

four lnto of

for tbe drarla6 coupllcrs.

obeervatlone ead erl'oas out of tbel.

lbcse re call

lc havc three that bend tbeuaelves, looklag l.nto tl,e crperlnents


of thotr


ead ceat ebout hor to drer out of thcn tb1l6s for raac l1fe, ead f,rorledge, ea rcll for rorke, dlvtnetlons, Tbcse

of uac eld prectlec la for etrelge

dcloaatretloae clcer

ol ceugca, !ol!B

of returel of Eoitea,

eld tbc cesle ud rc cell

dtecovery, of the prrta

Dorcry lsD gt bclefactors. dlverac rectln6e eld consults of our thole aulber, lc hlyc ttrrcc of e hlgbcr Tbcee re caII

Tbca eftcr

to coaaldcr of tbc foracr tbat tekc clrcr

lebours eld collcctloas, to dlrcct lcr

out of thetr


116btr tore penrtretln8 Le.lpa.

lnto leture

tben thc foner.

lc brve tbrcc otbcra thrt eld rcport Laetlyr tbcn.

do crecute tbe Erperlnents floculatore.

ao dlrected,

These re cell

rc bave threc tbat relae tbe forrer greatcr observatloas, artole

Dlecoverlea by erlbcse

perLacater lato re cell

ald ephorlsus.


of Xaturc. thhk, fovlces eld lppreatlcee, tbat of tbc ead ett-

le hrvc elao, ra you luet the ruccegclon of tbc forrcr Boelc Grose lo aot fe1l; crdntsr ren eld rolGDo

crploycd !cD, ol our fratcralty

Bcsldea, grcat annbcr of ecrvalta Aad thls re do tleo:

le bave Goueultetlone,

rblch of tbe fnvcutloas rhall be publlabed,

ead E4lcrtcncee,

rhl.cb te havc dlacovered, ea Oath of Secrccy, to kecp eccret: Tbou6b erd aore not.

ead rhlcb lot:

And tehe eIl llt

lor tbe concearlng ol thoac rhlch re tbtdr .orc of thoae rc do rcvcel Roed our Tclplo of Erdou: lonctlnee

to tha Statc,


tlor our ordllraccr oellrrlcs

eld Rltca:

lc havc tro yrry


end fel'r rc

1a tbc rorprce of tbc Borlc crors; eld auplee of tll

rr onr of tlcrc torr

plecc lnttcna collcnt ctlnl lleo

re^naer of tlc

rerc rad crprla-

lavcrtlolr: Iavcntoura.

fa tbc otbcr tc plece thr gtetucs of ell

Tbcre rc heve thc Stetuca of thc lcet-Iadlre: of Sllpe; tDd thc lo* tbt raa tbc frycltour of llucl.c: !!Dc lavcatour of Obacrvetlola of lorke tn

tbc Irveatlon

of OrilleDc.r of lctterer

eld of Gulpordcr: thc hvcntour

Ihc lavcltour

of Prhtlng:

Thc laventour

ol AatroDoEy, Aetrolaacy, rctal: tbc lnvcltour of !llc: OcouaDcy: The lnveatour

of Gleea: lbc lavcatour [hc hvcntour

of Stlk of tbc forls:

Thc hvcltour

of Cora eld brced: lbc !'avcntour traCltloa, tbra you heyc. lorka; Dlacrlptloue

of Sngere: lad ell fhcr trve rc llvcrec

tD,ceGr by lorc lnvcntoura eecal lt


of our ora, of crccllcat rere too lont to relc

rhlcD alncc you hevc tot

ol thcn; lad bcsldce, ln tbe r16bt Uadarstaldlag of tLoac Dracrlptloae, you rlgbt e Strtuc D.rard. ceeily err. For upon very 1lvcltlol ud 6lvc l1l e ll.bcral of ylluc, rc crcct

to tbr lavcatour, lbcac Stetura lrc,

rad bosaoureblc ead Touch-

!o!e of bngar lpcclal

forG of llerblc,

etoac; loue of Cedar eld otbor ol lron, aoro of Sllvorr

roode $r1lt

rad edorncd, lotc lldG.

!o! of Goldr tclceretlcelly rblcb

lc hrvs ccrte1n Eyrna ead Servlcesr ead fheaks to Ood, for bl'e rervellous 1rplorh6 ud h18 eld ead blcerhgr of thel lnto

re eey de1lyr of lcud Aad Fona ol Preycrat of our hbourst


for tle


thc turaln6

good ead holy Usca.



rc trrvc Clrculta es lt

or V1r1tr of dlvcm coulctb r! to prea, rr 6ood.

prlnclpel do pnblleb lnd rr

Cltles ruch

of tLc f,1a6dol; rhcrc, lcrar clarc proiltebrc artnral


ro thlrk

do rreo dcof Lurtfull Colcte,


of Dcecaaca, Ple6uce, grana ErrtLlurkee,

crctturcer Tcrpceturc thcrcuponr ol tbcr. lni



grcet fnurdetlons,

of tbc fcatl

ead dlvcra

rDet thc peoplc tbell

othcr th1e6a; lrrd rc 6tvc Couaeel do, tor tbc prcvratton eld Rcledy

rLea bc hrd srld ud


Ec deelrcd, re to glvc b11 ra eccognt of ly youtl, that be rtght rcport 1t

ol ry rlfcr to tlc farlly *'all balrr



ol thc Rorlc Croge.

I rea dl-eccndcd frol tdl

r aoble etature,

of londoa 1n h6leld lbba, lt

belag bora of r corpreet

but 1n GverJr part proportloarble, ra Jrou lce ln tbc Efft6tee: I rae bora: lld

of e drrk,, flrrca tbeec rl6urce of



et tbc thc

L o '. d 5 6

fle1drn A',. Nct. '.


171t"r a ,q, o,Dte, 162? l c 1r.4f l .a.

| ^rr'


tLla Irplle

1g elao tbc cDerectcr Encreltler

of ry ocdur :





f hd

thc aoell Por eld Rlckete very forrrg. lacend,eat to CoaJunctloa, quertlle of Saturn: I les et Terdeblck 1n larend therc f learacd,

l{alar ead Sol to tle rlcL-ehlre tleeD Ecrcl

r!,ere ry tlotbca rea bonr

ead ao eerefirlr tht r hd

rere tbey to keep re to tbe book ead fron de'ger, hoac. For

oEe purposery to ettcad re et acbool aad rt Percate rcrc

lad,eed rt rc to lcrrt

botb of tbea boaourebry dcacendcd; tbey put to onc l{r. Ooorge Ltaacre tbe Letln tbe l{laleter

tbe Intla-tonguc ooltoa;

of tbe Goepel rt lcctlyr

of !14 r lcened for orford.

eld Greckr pr-

eld tbsn raa tltted

But tbe rere bcgan, end thet dce16i1; lad

tbc Ssa cuc rhcrcet

to tbc body of srturn plcaeed to rtlle llercury,

ead truatratcd

Jrou llc

lG a aoblc-uaturcd

grcct Gcatlcnaa, etroag, eld by

rou ace ry f,etlv1ty:

Ycnue ead seturn er.


tbcrr olrlr


Dregola hced eld llere,

r Judgc ry brberlonr ruetcrc:


of v16f love tboee

eld lcklorlcd6c

ty Converartloa of ry Llccr rotloas; thc lny lr

fa ry lcvotloa erl

to ure tLe clvlrtty outlerd dovotloa: eld rclslble f follorcd


eld bead, rltb clptcra

rLtcb uy

or proaotc 1nv1a1ble

of tbc f,1r6 to Edgc-011l: rad coueaded vloretcd uJr r..a, etc. t!!r rel lor dcfeccd the Dut fron

e troop of Eorac; but lcyor rcrctJr took hll rly rent e lcr eay !r! ol srlnt or llertyr:

r revcr rllled hh;

rlllfully, dcvl.dc ryaell


eld dlaencd

f d1d lcvcr or tra

reD rpoD tbe dlffcreDce 3or aot egrcrln6 deyr I rlould rar of, thrt

of optatoa;

eD6ry rrtb

h1a Jud6e- re ln tht dleeeat ryaclf:

frou rblcb

pcrbapa; rltbla

f. acver rcgerded rhat Retl.61on lnd yct thcre ls no

dJ.d, not queetloa dDG.

Cburcb 1n thc rorldr rbooe Artlcleer r6raon, rhercof ead er lt

rboae oyory part ao aquaree lato ny Conscleace, ead Cuetone aeeD ao coaooueat unto to ly lnrtlcular dcvotlon, ae tble

Gonstltutloa; rere lrelcd

f hold ty bellef,

tbe CburcL e3 r:.6laad1 to rhoec Peltb 1lr e double Obllgetlon, eubscrlbe rbat-

f e.r r rtorD euDJeet; rad tbercforc ruto bcr lrt!'clesr

eld oadcevour to obecrve hcr Conetltutlone: bd{fferentr'I obscrve eccordlng to

.oeycr 1e beyoad, ts lnllts tlc rulea

ol ty pr{.vate rcaaon, or thc burour ald, feehloa of ny acltbcr thetr be11cr1a6 tb1a, bccauae Luther afflrled bccauac Calyln brtb dlevouchcd 1t: erc lot tcncd solilere, ao lcltbcr of Rellglon lt, or tbet

devotlon; ileprovLlg

tror es ell

d1e la tLc ler, torl al'l

cea f properly llartyra. ADd I

thogc thet


1l rettcre




rrc lot

uty tycolf:

.ttratr yrt

tbrt frol

1n e Dobrc rey foer tho fecc tlc rorel duty I orc to thc thrt I tcrdcr uato

ol Dcetl loas tbr! Couudrcnt

of Godr rad tbc rrturel of ry Earcncc ud


thc eorecrvatloa

be1a6, I rould

not prr.l.ah upon of

e Cercrony, polltlquc tDrt utrecteblc rt rettcre

polata or lndlffcrcacy: lE aot to Dor et tlclr lot rrl{ lcat

Bor la ry Dollcf


obatecloa ot coadve tbe lcaves

rDereltr tbcre trc eld fcnelt of rI1,


tbercforo 1r rlrdonr

not only elvaI, ouraclres

but Eel;l6toue ectlone, to tbe llenca 1r bonal.ato aaotbcr: I be-

r1'tDout rbJ-cb, to coult

cl'de, erd I fcar, hold ra r Chuptol oy.r ry oncllcs, ry bcet l{edltatlolg coatcug 1t, lor

but to DmB through oac flrc rltb ud prldc tlc rpollce

ald lropLlre

of ry vlctory yct ln

cel rlth do oftca


crbrece thJ's !llc,

dcalre dcetb: f boaour eay Data thst thl'g rekee fn ny

cel I l'ovc aay tbet ta efrel'd of 1t; tf,et 1111 follor brehftrll: tluc

re leturelly fl6ure

lovc r roldlcr

lil.r CeptdD.

you re.y ace I u


yot you relr road ly f trevcllcd, tato Spaln, to the I

q+rrltlcg Itely,

1a ry countoDllcGr eld lrabte,

About tlc


tbe Arccndeat rea tbca dlractcd of llcrcury, rad Qnertlle

!r1ae of the lloon, Scrtllc etudl.ed PEloeophy ctc. Gonvcrgatlonl ead tdt ltcr

of Vraua.

tLle lreetlgc, htb

ead ly Tclplc

of lledou,

ot Trevcl

aot bccn able to effroat

or orrr,t ilrcovcred

rGl yct I hrvc onc pert of thc rodeety rbl'ch f havc eeldoue 1l erotbcr, thrt te (to rpcek trnly) ft f er lot ro aucb ad

efreJ'd of Dcrtb ea eebancd thcrcof:

1a tbe vcrlz dle6rrce



ol our trtlrcrr tteld

tbrt rlnld

t'n r rorclt eld rtert

c..! .o tlrfl6urc tt nr; tlo

E. ttrrt bceeta ell at'

our brlovsd, trlrldr of tbc tttld ellcglracc rct leth tbt

blrdg ud for6ctttn6

botorc 1r e leturel

foar obrycd u,

bc61r to prcy EpoD Eao lhla dlapotcd erd lcft rlrrcll ro r11ItD6

vcry tbougbt tn a rtorn to bc tnllorcd lapltlcd, ead lolc

up 1a tbc ebrec rtthout lei reld, ronderLng Queatul

ol ntcra; .t.!r rutetue or cl!

I hrd pcrl.ebed, u!!ccn, loctnrca of rorelltyr

tcere ol pltyr ebrllo!

trot tht

I el ethered of tbc uetouy tlc pupll la tay pett eller're

of ry 1nrta, of uc, or !y ulroa tc, rbercby

lccuac aaturc Llfe cdl

for pleylnt

ora vltlour I rl'gbt rot

for contrectlag ry eclf

eay tbeucfull

e corplcet

bodJ'cd ra.n frcc hcleth: L rr{,t rrly

fron ell


louad, ead I th!!k lorld,

Ood la pcrfcct

ry Eanoay of thc rcvolutlone of rbea ead

rhca tboy rcrc rll

et d,lecord, aad Hr

Rtn6dore, h1rcroure, thl'r brgta

Ore.nd S1galour8, ead Popes: f rre treaty but lc thLoke f Drve outllvcd ryaelf,

book ree tlnl'ahcd,

to rcery of tbc Sua, elthougb I hevc rhrkce belds rltb cra li've rcll f rculd rot

ths 8ua nor eppllce klor rll

to e llrl'nc l'e vaalty, td.ce, rad yct

of llrra;

dclLgbt ud

I tt1Dk Do re! tor rJr on tlc rlautre pert

oDcc, brt bc tbrt llvr oyor rt

could L[vr

houra peet,

or bcgla egell but for

of rI

detrsr rot tlcl

becauee f Drvc llvcd et rt dceth f rcal

tLcr rcll,

fcer f rhoBld ll'vc of the lorldr


to tete e total e^nd

rot crr!.ng tor tbc burdea of e folbetonc

Dld.tapb, Do! !o rucb er tbc bere rcrory rbere, but la the ual.vcrael Rcglater

ol ry Eer to Dc found eay Cod tDet rltb

of Ood, I thllk


toy r toatloa


r rrg Dcvol etreld of SDool or ropbet,

of Ecllr ctc.


lcyeD tror


et ttrc dcecrl.ptlol tbc porlcy

bcceusc r ladcrateld oa bcrvcn r rrlt not

of e Pulplt,

ead f1r ry coatclpletloaa lrloreta thclrs

lDo Rod.c Cnrclels tor ly on

Infalllblc Dut lor

1a four booka, ead ttu{y tDrt rtudy lot f rrlt

lekc oalyl

for thcraelvca; thc fdca of thc la tte f,lage

ead 1l tbe l"ar f Dcgaa to bc e perfrct Ltr ctc. for tbc Deasflt !o Dan thrt For rgnorlDce


of ry fr{.cadr erd precttce raore rorc thu te nrde, uactv1l, ryaerf,

Bcnch; r .rw Laor la!e.

Dut plty

tbcn thst

a"ad rllr for tbclr

ebuse rDJr !a! hprudeat ett-

la ;c rcc 1l Beyl:l,ffer clptai rot.Jr, thcytl ttrt

rbo ere oftcn hlltcd ead frlght

torgc e lerreat tbey rry t&e lt

r fcllor

to fltag

eray bla St.

up; thc Derll re.

tbet dld but buffct

Paulr prays rethlaka Do!r rea t pr{.aclplor lonr

et ahrrp rlth rllcb

lo do ao lnJnrJr Dor take yeera e.ud trpatleat but ly lorc rattled effectycara I

to ly foraer

eectcd to colte5'n caough ol rorelltyr Drve fallca es lnJuryr

eld CDrtrtle.n colstltutloa lold tbcrc la lo eucb tDll ra tcvcD6cr ud rtll

upon acyeDor meolutloas. ud lf

thcre bc, tberc la no of ea ry r

eucb bJury hJury.

lo guch rGytgc ee tbc coatclpt to rrltc


be tboec tDet 1111 vcaturc lcvcr


coctrl^ncr lbcn r er dead, thrt

durgt el.Eret tc rben ellve: et |lully tbrt for pral'slng Lc edvclturea

rer Clccro 1a eDuaed by Gerden, lLo 1r ergry llr ora deugbtcr: eld orlguue 1a eo hpudcnt,

to forge e poaltl.on retlvlty:

of tbe bcaveae, ead celle

l't Corncllua l6r1p1nte lha, rad broecb

ead tLey aeyr lgrlppa

raa bora to bcllcvc



fu not tllg for tlul Ele lettvLty flgurc

3o rr{,tc

auch llce, ttld:

eld rhor ruch I bchlvc blr. no rra

rcrsoD! Llorr tt:

I could lcvcr

Dut Dy e felec

tLua tbcy tcudellrc to Jupltcr,


tbcy rekc corbugt rad 1l Quutllc

ead tbc llooa la Oppoa-

1t1ou to Ll.l eld 8o1: fbc Dregoae trJ'l tbcy d,11 beve Setun lrn4ersr ead litre dlaaltcr

tbcy plece upoB tLc ttcendcnt; of tbc l{ooa, 3o elCalfy of l{ercurt, l1e

bela6 1n Sortllc

of tbc llooa, eld llrlac

ead 1n

Oppoeltlon fron Aaglea, eld tbe Arceldeat cv1ly boheld by both of tbeu; epeclalty by Setura; lndeed tbey have lade bln e toble poraoB, by th5'a ftgure.

IGRIPPA e begc lcllor


lrd tuctr

ro tlcy ud

!r:r ulc rc; tbc CDenctcr

But Dcboll tbc Scbcte ot ry fetlrtty ot ry 9p1r{.t, lapbHblcrcltlerthrfcrephh-

|'n Gco-


proJcctcd lrtrologcr,

Dy e lorraed Gcorelccr,


for tbc bolour ol DLrths Dor lct Judgc ry Gcdturer recttfled

eay tbe Elgures by Acc-

Pblloeopber, ctc.

ere ri.gbt eccordh6 ldcate, ead vcr{,flcd

to tbc Erect the by tbc effecte

of ty blrtbl of Dlrectlone.

lor 1n tbe rldst d1rcctl rcr tbrt eloagrt

of e'II ry cldcayouref

therc 1r bst oac tbou6ht thrt ryaclf,

ty tcqu1rcd parta ruet pcrLsb rlth ry dcerlt r rer

Dor caD bc lcgrcycd

bclovcd ald Lonourcd hlcada; oD Gotcclvc fty

I do eot fell

outr or coateun

for el Eronr,

e dlffcroDc.

la Opl'don ahould 1f lt rcet rlth of Cherlty of

dlvl,da el effectloa: llrcrcct 1r rll fothhg ud

For e rodcat rcproof or dllputcr toth rot 1lfrhgc

pcecceblc latnrer 8o tucl

tbe lerr


ttrcrc 1l of Ptrdonr For tDen r.lto! Ilkc

to rucb therc tt ry EouDd Lllly

to tbc pu4roec;

epelds rccat:

oe ceJle out rloud,

erd rakee tbe roode cccbo uPoD r telrc


Erpectr.t r rLltr

P0oLrE to Joll Eil'tch lunt rt$trd



but horter, tl1

.roycrl rtolllboy, eld lollor to tlc t1clr trhc


ta tlclr

Couploe elotLcr

3erc llrat tle

lbca tbc l{ld-beevca reg dl.rcctcd elothcr book ead cntltled 0ovcrlrcat 1t,

of Elcleats the,

lloonr I r1t

Tbe t\adercntal ctc. lttcr tLle

of PDllo.opbyr r ha


eld thc rlre, tlere

reat rlrfortulca,

rad yct r tLlrk lcac tbrD Dhaclf, I courd loce aa ln bc quartcred tlto

1e lo rea that apprathet ao aoarly ead rlth

Lerdr trle ora rlecr{.ca epprobeads e.nothcre. fcr 6rotrsr loualy dtb rc tllrkr,

rad no ral rlthout

e teer,

pctcce: iet

cal r rrcp ae3-

e true 1naelon, to ece ths lcrclleae thc Elnga roat loyar

Rebels ln hglald

forgc e, dobts rgellet put tbcn 1a tlc 1a prlalolr tlree

subJecter pulpoacry to to be destroycd


or otbcr Eouacg of EoII, by tle

eld rtervcd,

or Lllled

Eccpere, ead tben tro or perarede tbe Croraer rt ls e rlaery, aeturc of

Pool old ronen rs rely



elc tbe pcoplc to Dcrlcre, berbarour pert of boledty or cldeevout lr elrcrdy to rulttpry

the rcn dlcd of Goleuaptloaa. to edd uato ely effltctcd la rly rr!


e 1nrs1on, rLoee deglc

rbovc LLe petlcrcc:

lhua rer tbe grer.tcet effllctloa of hlr tc. frlcads

Jobr ead thorc obl:lquc rrpoctulrtloaa thu tbc don-r16Lt of Srtura, uA lt blors of tbe Dcvll, ud

a dcepcr lrJury

Tbe Aeccndeat to thc of tbc ttooa

Quertlle cuc aert;

pert of Fortunc to tbc Scrtllc I bd lovcd a Lqy

1e truc,

l'n Dcvoneblrc, but

rben f tcr{,outly Ilctcdr

perurcd ry fetlv1ty, rcyer rceolvc

f fouad the rcvcatb Xouse effto rarry; for bchold f el a lttr,

rad tLcrcfon


eld I heor rot ud rlrl

Lor: f rae .o ltDolrortlolsd

ead bevc toretllag of r rr!! r!.fc;

l.a re, !c cate, aad

br eftcr

re; eld bcre le tbc rlrery

fu'trkn thla lld

eld tbca alccpa todey tbrt

hr rey do ro egela tororror,

brccde Dleeeeeer rhlcb brtngs Dcatb, For erl dI tborc crerturea lato rc bcbold, tro but tlo oD rorc rctotcly

flcgb le 6nee.

Bcrb! of tbc fleld cen!'tLcd 1a our gclvcs:

ilScatcd tc lrt

llceh tn tlcn,

dcvoursrc aot oary of rcu, but e Porl.tlve trutb;

but of oureclvce, for elr thJ.a frale tLte uaa

rnd thet aot tn of flceb, rhl'cb

ea lrrc8oryr rc bclold,

cerc ln et our rcuthe;

rc look upon, hatb bccn end rbat ere rc? fron daeth to I1fe

upoa our trcacLcre: I could bc coatcnt

r^od re Davc dcvoured ourcelvee, tDet re dght rltbout re1ae cech othcr

rr BOSfE CRUCIAXS dor ctc. ta;r tay to pcrpetuatc Coltlonr conl'ta

CouJuncttone, or that tberc rere thle trlvlel ead vela ray of eet e rlecual lore deJect

tbe rorld

rltbout ft

as Dr. Brora calla lt: rll b1e Llfe;

ls thc foollebcet thrt rfll

Dor l.a tberc alytLiag

Lla cold lratJ'nrtlonr dtted: Lrd ry Stue

tbea to constder rhat aa odd cnor fevourcd re, f dght

bc batb GoD-

Lave becn bappy ln that of

ercct Scr: tbea I coaelder tLe lovc of Pereate, tbe effectlone l1vce eld GLlldten, tnrth, Dctrccl bLrrcll tbrt or colstaDcy; ead tbcy ere ell for flrat, durb, rltbout


tbcrc 1s a atroag boud, of effectloa thc Soa betakee ead tbe ronb blceclag

ue ead our Percnta; yct hor cae1ly dlgrolvsd: to r loler, forgotthg }!'s llotbcr 1a e l1fc, ehell beer Lla frate: leayes tbc level

bero Ll'u, la tbet tbrt Ctrlldrea,

Ibl.e toral lt

hl.r rltb

hls eflcctlon

beld before, ead


dlke rctloaa lndr erotbt e}lycr


hle bod to l1r

Ireuc ead Plcturc thcy trorlnt

of poatcrlty, up 1a t.u3

rhcrc lffdoalrc hle


lo rtcedgr reaalon: tberrclvca

or rpplylag bcttcr ud

to e tollD,

tet'c I larful MD

rey to love tet bc burled

tben tbnrclvee.

Tbue I pcrcclyc lreuc. tbrt

bcbold hle tnyc f rerelbcr

1a hlr rlro

tad reay tekc pleaaure ttrl'e Qurrtllc of Setura lnCROHIEX.L, rtro 88

to bc rucb foola.

prtaoncd te et r llceeragcrc houle, rellct'oualy

tor contcndlag vltb

coareadcd r ebould bc kcpt closc 1a hnbetb-boueer ud

lndecd I rae tro yeere; ty pcraoa be fcared, offcnded, hlr, bccausc eloa6at .a!Jr thla6a,

ly toaguc ead pen rucb

f ee!'d parttculetllr

I dry Le rould dl.e, rad be dycd: It ell Dl.s llfc,

l-a vcry truc OLMR oppoecd lc

eld rade ry Fethet pry Scventeca huadred pounde for

hle Ldbertlr: Bcaldeer tbcy atolc uader prctence of aequcatcrtag b1u, tro thoueaad pounds la Jere1e, Pletc, eervlats eufler upon euepltton etc. ud yot tbc f,lngc uobleet thrt carrlce e felrer

of; A plot all 1a relI,

pretcace to pcrerade tbe nrdcr rlta hlr lot,

rbcn tbe f,lag ead rytclft I do

bcet frLcnde ere ebuacd: but rhy ahould f troublc bellevc re, lt

1r aot hopee of e plece, or a au! of roDey, or r f rbell pceccabl,Jr caJoy ly frlead, .Grve


tbet I look for;

God, bonour ry f,llt

ead love tbc Btebope, ead fcr rcn haor rho I e^u. tbc Do6s ere r raa rad a

ea I do up,oa tbe Bcar-6erdenr I look upoD FRAXCE elleya bceet? qurneleore; rad rbrt 1r tbc dlffercnce leerncd aad rlac; betrlrt

!!bc olc la ycrtuouc,

the othcr 1l r1,cL, for hc atudlcs

proud ead fooXleb; yct lndccd tbe flrst

1e roat rlcb,


1on6 tlfrl lot I lror

brpplncae, bcaltb, rotc rllt

youth ud


ctc. ead olJoye lt: euddoaly e lul-

bc rpectrtora

of thlc

rude Rebblcr otc. ead thcrc ud lrc

dycs ra .EcrJr to Rcaroa, Vlrtuc tltude

rnd ReIL6Ion;

of tbcacr r lulGroua plecc of rondcr;

thl'a I obacrvc rhea Crcrturcs of

tbcy ere tekcn esuadcrr fron rG!, erd the reepccteblc Ood; but coafuacd togctLcr, rekc I Holstcr lole

proCl6loua tben eay It la no brcech o!

Bcaet 1e ln tbc lDorcr (ee Doctor Brouae celtb). charlty to call

thcae Foola, te obtecte of contcapt ead leughter; tbe ROSIE CRUCIAI|S brve eflordcd and a polnt of our frltb tbea, aet dovu to bellcyo Eor

ead l't ls tbe ctylc

by SOIOHAI| 1a boly Scrlpturc, Iclthcr rort 1n tbc !a!c

of rultltude

do I oaly lacludc

tbe bare rnd nlnor

of pcoplca; thcre 1a e rabbLe cve! eroagat thc Oentry, e aort tbe aere rbcel ea tbcee; fortunca do eouc-

of Plcbl'aa bcads, rbose feacy loyes rltb ren la tbc rare lcvcl rDat 6dfd tolllce. tbclr rlth

Hccbaalcka, tbougb thclr end tbelr


puraes corpouad for thelr

But ea 1a accouut three or four rea togctber coEG bclor tbcn: So aclther

ebort 1a eccount of otr ren plecod by bhself ue a troop of thcae 1.6loralt Pcnoa,

Doredoee of tbet true eatccl ead value bclor tbslr

rs rrlJr e forlorn fcct;

rbocc coad,ltlon dotb plecc tbcl rltbout eaotbcr, Ecrafdryt raotbcr e neturel ftlcd

rnd tbcrc ls e ioblllty le re.lhed rltb


rLercby oD re! eccordlat perta: prectlcc

bctorc hl'ut

to tbc quallty

of hle deecrtr rad prchednencc of hle good of tbeec thear tbus lt eld thc Byeaa ol preeent e.nd pr{.nltlve

tbou6b tbc corruptlon rlccl enothcr ray;

ras la tbc flret


Conoaroeltbl lnlLcfuer ettcr Llberty thrt


1r yct 1a tbc latcgdty gcttctL

ead credlc

of roll


t111 coFnptlon rllch rlecr

6rould nadcr dralrct, coatcu,

lebourlng herlag


cycry tool

to ereaa ead Lcap up rLcbce, ead tbcy e rlccnec thcn tbc tloon ree dl'rcctcd to tDe 0ppaltlou of gol,

or Faeulty to thc Quar-

to do or purcDrac eaythla8: ttlc of sol, eld tlo ll.c.

r ree by tbc



of Sefcty coulttcd

to pr-laon, eld ry booka burat: that sbould olly too ell nea,

yct r lould crll

aot cntcrtaln for ell

e baae dcelgal or el ectlon tbe Rlcbea 1n hghDd;

re Ylllela,

rDd for tlie tro uas,

to r lovc ead bonour !y ora soul, fO' to crbrace lyeelf, ud d.tb e H,eadly

eld bave rctbhkg 1t lthc

!y coBversrtloa

the gnae rltb

Agpcct to do 6ood eld bad. bad, ead tbe roret beat, tDet 1a, rhlre tbere

l{cthlnke tlcy

therc ls ao ua

arc kept rltbla

thc clrcre

of those qua[tlea,

rbercla Juatlcc,

te good: Tbc rctbod r rhourd uge la dlrtr{.butlrc obecrvc 1a Couutatlonl rhcreby bcconllg rubcrogete 1a thet cqutl corro! ead keep e Geolctrtcel to otbers, Pr{nclplc,

r often lu botb, ead


r becoae ulJuat

to ryeclf,

Do uato otbere eg thou rouldest to Htlafle ud thr buger couend of dlepoee of

bc dolc uato tLe eelf ; yet r glvc lo llre ry Brotbcr, eodr thls rc to tlle but to tultLll 6cnerel

eld eccolprLeb the rtll teapcr ol rlac,

eld ladlffcroat

dotb acgly

noblc rtrtuc

eroa6et these rtlllona

of rlccc

f do la^bcrtt cacuy to

ead bold lron ldrr. Gher:Ltyr tbc llrst

I Drvc oecapcd olc, eld ftthcr rla,

ead tbet

I rortal

aot onfy of rea, but of tbc Dcvtr,



e rl,cc rloae rot thet

Duc 1e corprcbcadcd la e lloaoeylhblc, rltt e rorldi thrrc

but 1l

1te letnrc coldlttol rcputri lcDr rid

cl.rcurecrl.bcd cel harily tbrt ulto

I hevr ctcepc{ 1t 1a r pctty ecqul'dtloac ead

evold tt: edvelcc ud rltrc:

pmloctlona ao lcatbcr


tbc concrlte

of othcr

lnd thl'r

la tbc obacrvat!.oa of ny Ilfc, lad rbcn I brd ldd thLa,

I cel lovc ead forttvcr hc rtood uD rad f klcolcd bcad, rld rhlch crldr

.ycD ly llrntel.

dora, eld bc leld

Dl'e rL6bt hrad upon rt

Ood blcae tbce ry Soa, ead Ood blcse tbcac Relattoae,

re havc rade: f gtve thee lcevc to publlah tben for the good lor re er here ta Gods boeonc, e lud rrlkDola.

of otLcr f,atloas: lai lor ro hc lclt le.

Erv1n6 rsel6ncd a velue of ebout 2OOO1.1a 6old fellore: lor thcy tl'vc grcet lergeesce rhere

e bouaty to re aad ly

tLcy core upon ell


Joba Eeydon.



ry louao Irclr


Splttlcllclds lert lpr{.l


door to tbc Bcd Llolt tbe }rd. 1662.


!o tlr


Ocltlcren, It rrl,ttcn 1e tDought tood to let you kaor l{r. Joba Eeydoa hath Tbe Tcrplc of ftatbey

.a$l' Bookar v1.a lbr Eenoay of tbc lorld, Crom;

dor, lbc Eoly OulCc, ead lbc lleclua trc to bc rced togcthor;

belag of rfflalty,

but 1l hl.c Prcfacc end othcr placeal epcalt'tag lyeterloue Trutbe, hc le aot be1l6 oae of e rlth a uoet

of tbe Pcraon of f,eturer ead bcr occult

uaderetood, aa rppcarB by tle En16ht of tbe lobater, BeDblc, rbo oppoge r.ud oppreso thla cleloroua helpld R!'beldry; report, f,oblc Phlloaopber rbrt u

but bebold rlth

rdrl reble patlcncc

our Autbor hcard thle eld rhel oae told

ead aaerered tbua, Eeautontiloreuleaon, Lllly be1u6 e Labourer or Dltcbere rnd efterrards brought up rltb gcead-

hlu (of l!'lllan

9oa, bora et Dlgcrortb

ln Ll.cceatcrehlrcl

by onc Pel5rne Saylor ln thc Stread) Xor he bad ebuaed Lh rlous rords, replyed, I rould aot trced upoa r loru, lpe, let tbe Aere pr3acr

tbc Eln6 of

Srcdens rycopbeltlck ft

ecela ln ROI{Eaad othcr parts of Italy rrly

hls booka ar hlgbly ead cnlncnt for

cateeled by vrry tbelr rk{ft

pcrsola of boaour and rortbr tDeae rlth

tn tbcsc etudlec;

CerCl'aal Urelnua, tbe l{ar-

quGaa Dcffucntcs,

the Dukc ol Lorra5'al tbc Prlncc of Coldle, aad a llhorea Bcvell, eld oac Cardlaal Aatoalo

Col.oael of Sprnrrb Cevrllcrocl, by larc, hevc becn lorrard

of tbelr

otD accord to put rore holour d.tb touo

upoa our lutbor

tbea he ln rodcety r11I oua; tbc foncrr




rad Jrru!'tet, tdtb, but tll

Drrc cndceyoured to coavert Ltr 1n ve1a,

to thc

Borel Cetbollck

Thc ftrect

of Coloacl tbolea Rcvellfa


to l{r. Johl Ecydoa.

SI R , o tc, I boecccb you rccclvo, tour cuhent otc. lor frol a Peraou rbo auch boaoure

Lceraln8 and Eua'{ tyr aad rould eagerly cnbrace a! euple testhoay of tbe estcen I bave for you, tle Earnony of

occegloa to 6lvc you loat ctc.

r hed tour rdsa of tbe Lar e.nd Govcruneat, ctc, but e frlead

tLe lorldr {ycd; rcnts

ln ROME Drth borrorcd, tbcu fron re, ead elnce I havc oDcG your Fuadanental E"lcGovenneat ead Lars, rblcb alone, tekca ln to leke up the yalue,

eo I fcer ry Eooka ere loet: of l{orel PLlloaopby, pollcy,

elthou6h youl otLer Leboure rerc lot

rey oqulr you d.tb tbe begt dessrvcre 1n pDlrosophy: r ras bcre advcrtl'red gf r'Jr otlcr plcces ra you rrtt, ctc. slr, r rleb erl proepcrlty dttelce to tout deccrvlnge, ead bulbly tbenk you for tbc falr ad-

you beve 61vca re to tbc ecquelataace e.ud frlea{rh{p J/oura, ctc. preaervel

of Hr. Tbeee lB I

Joba Ordbury; bo pleeeed to raad Lte Dooka rtth la lolorlrle of your lpvrs

ead ErleudeLlpe r ehall aad bclleve,

tcadcrneaa due to tblngs ao eatluble; Dorct et your plceeurc

g1r, you bevc

to counaad youra, etc. Tbo. Bcvcll.


!!bc lest ctc.



ce.ue to b1u, rac aeat frol h1a to have retuncd ,. hll,

Coloael Revell,

burbly latreathg

l. thc Eernony of rra.a CrolD. 4.

tbc lorld.

2. lhc Telplc of fledon.

The llec

lhe rtodueutal eld Lara. orcellcnt l.

Elenenta of Horer Phlloeophy, Pollcy,

Oovernneut lad tbose

9. Tbe fdce of ttre Lar, Govern^neat ead Tyranay. Plecca of thc Lcerncd llatbcaetlctal Teblca. l{r. Joll t.

Oadbury, ylz. !!hc Doctrlae ,.


2. Caaleetle Lcgrtue.

ol latlvttles.

4. Ilature Prod16loruu, funclus Astrolo6lcue. 6. Tbe f,atlvlty

Tbe Elng of Sredcas iatlrlty.

of Klng Charles.

7. lad tbe Drrnplcs of latlvttlea. Thc tlrst Letter raa drted lrou tledrl'd the alatb ol AprLI ) 7662'-

th,e gecond rea deted tbe fourth fron Elorenza, thc fourtb elrtb fron Bil.e16nalo, rlth

of llarch fron Pozaolo, tbc tblrd frou Ancona, tbe

frou Veaetta, tbe ttfth

6rcat reepecta aad bonourable ealutatlone end Spala. tbc rorae, but aad

frou tbe Lcerlcd of tloac parta of fhly The Leertrcd bcyoad Sea llhe rucb the bcttcr

theec Books lcver

(beeeusc thou8b every fglleb they do.)

Bcedcr of Lllly

l{other SLlptoa uadereteld tbcn not, lld aor lct

ua epeak e rord or tro conccral'at our Author end hls J.n etl'Ie, etc.

Booka, riJ.cb 1a raay plecca you !a!r percelve to dllfcr Our lutbor r1t .oro of tboae edrlreDlc tbc fers crperlslccd

Trutbe rhcn be

rro y.rJr youD6, GycD bcforc lollorcd Leatly, the lrly

begau 1a Ea6land; rnd eftcrrarde hc obtalncd greet honour. for tbc

of thc E!.at, ln rLlcb lorkr

be mvl.ged hl'g fl'ret

eld edded aely tlla8e


lrtorpmtll8 iortc

ol teturc,

ud of rel:


produclag of 6rcet

ead rervcrroua

for tLc bclcflt

lad er tLo gna tlDe tDc clonrla by blab looda by d6ht,,ltl rltb rlorldgc, ltght; eld

dryr eld thc llool tho tope of tlc .o our lutbor thcy ceat dlrt but rhhcr rhlrc? rature, rrrlghtcls rt rh tlc

lGlda of clorlcr to tLla

tor Dla hbour: lld 1r lot thle

Lc uloa ro rplcca,

uDo! tlcrl

e goodly l6c of proprc tbc of

I true Scrve.ut sccrctery 1e rot

of ood eld thc tgrrtcrtce

epprcbeaded by our dulr senoa-reycrl, Theec rlth Gourtlcre, lc ed.leg rt thclr sorc otbcr fold toola,

or Jcra 1a eld rors plttltul

the Jrglllt8-bor l1le tltrga cellcd

curac our lutbor tbc hpudcnt

boceuae tbey cenuot of yela-glor{.oua tlcy lrd bcca

underetend hh. lurourat tmlaed

eannltt ee tt

ead bclolde arol8at apcr.


ead Ruta,

But to closc elll prcacrlbce

bc lovcs trla couatrlnen, tlcdl'clace for bc

cvGl tbc rudeetr ud trc curc of tbclr co$ecte oovcrucat I rrfcr tLc crrorr

refe e^adeffectual

Eodlee, ead 61vca r,ere fl,t

to bc obrcrvcd;

of our Lars, tcecbetb thc bctt

Foncs of

1l Gburcb eld 8tete,

el Jrou ary rcrd 1a hlg Book, ead eo

you to tLca.



lo Lle Ertccrcd




Ecydoa, on bla EoIy Ouldc,

end othcr bl'e Lcerncd fadurtrloue I"rboure, rlrcady hbllebcd.

Ecaoraed Eu8culurl l{oat Serep!.lcall I lhc Artra Orcat Arcbcrt bcst,

Feroue rbove erlt

a prlaco,

1a pbyalqueet


sbooth6 rldc;



tbc ULtte

1l tby Eoly, (toot, thet Pe{ne beve lcaratd Bnook? I:hy Oulde dlrects PDyelceas For Cleaaalng phyelqucs

Oood Codl (etren6e


But la thclr tLe Ready talr Elppocretcs, Albertue. oreve oenerd, TlorJ'laaon, Ervc rll

Grooked, Labours dld Deetroy Our lopcc,

orcet Gelcn, ead scaertua, Rhcaodeaa, pgrcclaue,


ead rlgealouc


Dced culpcpcr,

rad Llvlng

Done relr,

But elt of Ood; ao roadcr,


d.ct Road, tbourat

cbelkcd out,

|!hou Dcer Scrvalt lld tlcrcfore ttle


tbcy Yary lrol


Orcat lfaturee

(Xlghborn) Sccrctery!

v EI


tbou eloao, hrst rhet tt 1a:

teu8ht tbe rey to blt aa: t!1a tlou eJone, thet


rTle thou, heet Rakcd frultful tor rore: lad la arebla thy colrcctlag

Egypt orc For lledlclnce;

lad Italy


to d,o us good, takca

pndcrouB Pr{tg. rLla hevlag doner 1t cr.ltlqucs rlll lot bor go t\y Grcet Lcaralng,

rt rball llyrtcrl,ce, gbrtl leke tLcl lurG ruto

r anavJe,lg

to roto tben arrrery proye:.l^ad thle Eeaay of tby gubrtucr

thc llae




bc l6aoreat

of thy Pente^rve. But holdt lbere rn r? sure tbou hret set a apcrr on lc, cause r

caatt preJ'ecr tby dolage reII: Rcleesc rcr Oood Eugenlusl erd the Cronc, but tby Lcerlcd Poeter Do lorcr rl'th Follor Spbndld Ota, ley cleh Beyee: bc tcech.s you roet .urc; Lct ray ralc tDc touad; uato the Beycel rTl's Ecydoa eDl.aae elone SbrII atead o! Do brores,

hla onldor

l!D1s be, tust Cure. lor bc dlrccte f,oblc, the lelgrotDc, Stroag. OId, ud foulg, !o llvc Rlcb, Erppy,


Johr oadbury, SfApC enpeTaL @


!o thc Rcrder ol tlc



ry rucb boaourod lH.cld tbc Author !ir. ,Ioha Ecydoa.

a r'abyrlatbr Decdrrten r1nd llay do rtmnt rtandhga Itra uke

doth lccd e crer

to f;l.ld rbe lnrsegc

out, ead e


bcyoad tDc Yulgara tcac!,

ADd ln tbclr


a breacb. rlcl rcn of prc8naat parte, Study, fnvcat, e.nd



rere lrta, bor thcy puzzle thoac that lladeretud tbca lot;

Q3 nrknota eccrcte, fbclr lcera tbclr

llore, Sutors thcn tLey leck ro drlve thcn forrard,

Are put to lfol-prua; or to brl,l6 tbcr

back. rges)In e]'1 the Sclcnces rerc countcd

Eor raay Lcerncd lea (14 foner Segcs?

aad yct erG scarcery uaderatood by rcn, rDo dally rad orrc e6e1ll Sole car rccouat tl1rr6a peetl of thlags that arc to Go!e. 9one study preerurer rould fole rould felnc r!.ve loat, ead prcecat

rced thcu orre,

!oDe, Aad eoae rould kaor

soac tbst

erc ord, egr1a be youag; rad rork, to purchaae rcelth, !!hrt ten gata

TLte llea doth toyle, a1ckaeae atu$rlng

lor h1s beelth;


lLle .vcry iolc tley Sbccr brtry Ior

rel ua

rouli dotl

hrppy bc, rhrt creyc;

rledon bevo: arr erc et loae,


la coatrat,

But oacb rea reate a o.ldc,

lhcn to dlrcct


do rtcp eelde. tLtc 1a tbue, Onr tutbor ur out t6r1B; rho lc plceetdr to h1. for to coaftdc, ra tbeee Dlecoverlee, brtb took prtn !o rced ue la, ead

Eerete hl.e Eoly Oul'de. Prey rbet crD rors tuprove tbc cornoarealtb, the rey to EealtL? Tbc Pued,or la rade e ccrteln prtae of youtb. fhat roadcr 1a lt Tbc Eoly Guldet lf he go aelde Tbe path, rhlch xtlt not teke trutb, aa aaclcat uaa aay dye ta hls rheu tbe ctacovery of

Reptln Scr{,pt. 9 Juale 1662.

JoLn Booker,




& rcrc Rcaetla Fre-

trlbue, r.E.R. c. IfVAloT6l0y t

Dcclcelee ln tuuultuoao hoc Scculo Apoetolls pecttlcls, Selutcl re Ccntro


Quac ra6!r aut ultra



& trectae llarls,

Tenaeque flncs,


ostl caplt; cepltur: orala hectenua Quae Doaas potqlt, aota

l{ena lpaa teldel Jen pr.l'lru

cet flbl; dlace qu1a denun alea; r8aoscaa tir Qur proplua baeret DiI tlbt, &

Acccde, Lcctor, Trelqulrlnea al.t tu


procul. frlvoler rut casgl Loga, Quares per rlDoa fortd

loa hlc scholenu plua tcptca Lc6tt, ut forlc crepct,

plcno prodcat,

Rlree lrttfcr

veaaeq; relcea



sed aeacte Pcrul pondera, & aeasus 6nves; lpaa cul firlt lllgcnde Betlor & vlndlcl ruo adstltlt;

Quele, perarl


Pauduatur olaea ldrcblare

gtr{. turc i lrlrecq; rugata.ahe vcrtcs, Trochrcle, cuacl; Rotee; Qna coacttctur lrte, quo




tuaEua & coaatet rlb1,


11 Fcaeatrel poctorl

lpteaact vcet1gle, oreclrceq;

lpae llorue, laaplceret


Elc ecrDo Lcvl.e Affcctuua

aeDaug Llleee;

vldeo qulbua icbeatur

erle bleadull

Cuptdlnce, Qulbueq; atlnurla fuoe Produat rcccaaua; lpee aec tlror la foro vellt habenae frectere, & populoa cuptt aptlc Llgatos ncd.bus latet; Eae iorlt artcs qulaquls urgeaat rrae 6ravea. Elc DoloDes, & voluptates


Jur61 f1bl. Elc lrcbluedce 1tlcl.s surgere fategltr quetl't; Frcllc rctbeel Faclaorla ebdJ.te; Oculoaq; Luce tl'aft rrt capar; .rusro: Dlvlaur cst opue l\ulrer cralr: Prod,auu albroelr luosl |[u neatle ornlc, at Tuee dolrblt potens Aahct Qula tlbl. dcdl't Dcus Eacc lltucrl facculls long'e cructa, qu1 reltl laperat; Coneultor audax, & Pro& feras geatee cletr rdqi rotru ecdlbua l{uldun publlcus ttgat ped,en, slquando rG6Da rachJ'nJ.epol-

Eac leudc rolus hulc, oateadre.


CoII. Dt,Oton.


'l!o b,lg llgcal'our



Joh^n Ecydoa, on trlr Booh Intttlcd Tbc EoIy Ouldl.

lhc laclcrt ud




rhc Brechraae, gybllra,

OJrurorophlate ttrt occurt arte bebcrdasb, ead rekc !o uly rraclee, do


but tresh By retrll rondr e.nd lay lor Pcd.lcrB 60: lonr Blcber lfcrcheldlgc foc. ruat rltb hle l{uuel of Erereata, oelen ol buroure

doth rekc tler TLo 8te6ar1tc call Ia ell thglr


ot your ler Art,



lekee tbslr


old, caues to .urt. Yul6ar Pbyalcleas d,o accd hcllbore: lLen Borl'c Cruclea Porcr cea rovtvc ?De dced, eld kccp old lcn h youtb el:lYe, f,rd tou lot ell tbe rorld cellcd your rork lhc Eoly OuJ.dc, It roul,d, hevc puzzlcd carnot look for rore Patlcats, tben rucb rhJ.cb

beslde 1t dtb e farc ro llt Ald tdecqultc to rbatre

|!o bevc Brbt1rcd c o l t e { r sd l n 1 t; thouli lt

bc etylcd

tbc hclyclolnedy

Of Curloua Artel

or tcracd

a ll5rstcry


ra toltor

or bo l'cd,

tlc yrtlcu llc

Rcduccd uto urh

ea Ducllrldloa, of pllroaopby,

or .r I tbe Ec'ec llc


ln e gra*yr

eld tbunh


ol Elero6rypLtcka ao rcvcarcdr rDd rlkc tb,r apoeerlpec


or tle



or rrl


rhlcL rcn rtlll

e ronder cell; or tLc tryle cell tt lcae, rlgbt hevc rcrr e6rccd; iet rea lave qucatroned Gherte of ell sclcaccer Aad bc ttet Duca tt cuaot

lhc Book ead rltlc 1f uato ttctr lbcy Cned

aLould havc put your lrttclc,

but tror The arlc

of Eory Dolr

darc dl.arllor. rbca so ruch lcanrng bc Trcucgl'at. lld lf ttre Rlght Bcvcrcad of Lcvlcr lrlbe Do Earlor lt, r cenaot ioth la olc erlat Bcydoa, not Eernca, aDelr

Dut gubecrlbc.



Frtead ead Scrvrat.

'l!ho. lY6c.


lo tbc roet Erccllcat ead llrycr llr.


Joha Ecydon,

upon tbc EoIy Orddc.


tou (edr{rcd lrte,

Ecydon) rborc 6reet perte sLlac ebovc cDvJr,

ead tLc corlo! rou lla

to aagerlr fll6lte

rac supcr'!.or r,,16bte, (e apark of thc flrat


rhoac Erglc

llrede aot vltb

Dertbr rad groeaDo6!, but do IrrBB to thc prrre Ecaveos,

& ra}'c tour Ood your 6laas, Ia rbol Jrou .ce r11 forrer toyc ead llvc; dcalgn corplcat, ald lct aot tLta nrde ead ro do 61vc lhcrc tlre dJ.lcovcrlce,

Lor thhga

Procccd to reke your 6reet rorld 0h lct our hopee defeat. lc but by tLle

tbe darnlng 116ht lbJ'cb ttreaus

upoD re tbrou6b

your threc plltd Peaa to tbe Eaet of truth, etrte, rbcn ae6c SLrpllctty, ead rlfe Drcrr ln hle bret, rnd he rtlrr r rey eec (n16bt llaae flrat falr

rbc Dove er.d, srr]Pcatr rlaoccat 1a Peredl,ac; Thcrc frou tDe Trcc of klorledtc lor lldcL thl,s lutbora brols, tlres

hle best bought, fe pluck e

to cuccecilB6

Pers rbrll



thJ'e toet



Orcet Ecyioae (rreetb; J. t.


I Chydcd Dlctlonary, or t la Erpleaettoa of tbe hard

. rorde ead tcrne of lrt rblcb arc ugcd la Tbe Eoly Ouldc.

Acquld,tlo, Arlcer tlc e tl6urc


Albua, lro

f!.gurcs of Ocolaacy, f tbet


of aetroreacy,

ead they er6 luee


f,etore of tbc l{cdlclnce,

end you ebarr thcn ln Order; t, Setura, {

thcrc behg trccd 19 Etgurca of Aatronaacy, r*,

Jupltcr, df"t",

O sor, Q v"noe, p Hercnry, )

ru" iloon, or

Luna, U r.otoa, If oculnt, $ Caacer,dl, t cor?Qvtteor:*= ttbrarftl gcorplo'h ,*gJitery, f C.p".corn, Xlg Aquarlus, necca, Aad I
16r (Cercer, Tr{.etltla, Fortuaa HeJor, Portuaa lllnor, Pucr, Puella, ConJuactlo, Rubeua, Lcttltla, Populus, rte) lral6rratlon cl'lver, lnto eld lt of Georancy. lc r or Conodlag l{etale rlth Qulckbeaten Caput Dnacoal.el Cauda llracon5'a,

1e done tbua; take aay lrletal crcept lroa, Porder, r1rt rltb

lcayce, ot vcry erall

about cl6Lt parts of

Qulckedlver (rhlch tbrt

lay tbc bettcr

be doae, 1t both bc beated ttret) l{aee, evaporate tbe Qulckallver 1n tbe botton aa I thla calx.

tbey ney becoDe ole ualforn tad Hetal dll

oYer thc flrcr

be lcft


lqua 1a the lrter. lrtce eld lquulua lrleelo, r16ns 1l Artrotllcy. ead Albue flgurca of Ooota.acy.

Acquleltlo, latrouency hnorledgc.

1a Eceyenly kaorledge, ead oconancy le Eartbly

carclnatlon able; tehcsr attonr ceput rDd lt


e reductn6

alytblat tro



aad leklng



ray be dole ln

raJrg, by ftrlng,

by reduclag

by reverberatlng, !\rnlgatlonr Drecoaie,

by comoeloa,

by Auar8anatloal


ot yaporatloa, Geuda Dnconls,

Celeatatloa conJunctlo,

or etntltlcatlon. aad carcer tlgures of

Oconancy. clrcuretloar 1t sbalr le rben any llquor farl dorn, le ao praced la up ald cigested falr dl6estJ,oa, dora, tbat

r:lge up eld

aad rlac

aad eo for

do coatlnuallyt use for

aad tD.ercby becone lore the roat part

and lature,

re trae a pcl:Lcan. of the 6roae fccee reys, frou of any

clar{.flcatloa, decoctloD etl Et6r or Jrdee;

1e tbe acparatelag end 1t le

doae three

by the rLlte

by dl6eet1on, le lurur la

by fllteratlor. Potablc. of eay llquld tLlag to a thlcker

Core rll,

cor,guletlonr gubstalco

the rcducln8

by cvaporatht 1a tbc

tbc hunldlty. frcquent tbetractlon of aay llquor poured



oft-thcs rtlol.

on tbe fccea fron rbeace lt Ceaccr ead CeprleotD, flguree

ras dletlllcd, ln AatroEllcy.

by d1at111-

Coagea1etlon, le rbeD eay llquor ta efterrarde by aettlng lato

belug decocted to tbc belgbt, r trans-

eay cold place turned luto

percat eubatence Ilkr

uuto Ice. of bod,lea by comoelvc thlaga.

Corroaloa, la tbc Celclntnt Curc tb,e grcat

ls tbe Peatarva.


Dccantatloa, by lacllaetloa. Dcll,qulu,

la the pourla6 off eay llquor

rhlch bath a ect1lng,

the dJ.eeolvllt

of a bard body lato

e llquorl

ae aalt,

or the porder of aay calclaed aetter,

etc, 18 I lo1at,

cold place.

Dcacensloa, 1a rbea tbe eseenttal Julce dlasolved frou the retter to be dJ.stlllad doth dcscendl or fall the frotb dorward. tbat floate on the

Deapuetatloul le tbe trlr{ag ofl top rltb e spooD or featber,

or by percoletlon. of the hurld pert of thla6e a vapourr rDd tbea takca; but bor lore

Dletllletlon, by vtrtuo

le tbe ertrectlDg

of beat, belag tlret

reeolved lnto

coadcaaed egala by co1d. pertlcularly, f rball

thue 1t le 6enerally ahor. or raturatloa


D!6eat1oa, 1a e coacoctlag, ea caele eld 6catle beat.

of crude tblage by


Druorutl0n, eddltlon

ta thc tunla6

0f boilce ,oto

e uquor

by tbc

of ronc hnrlttty. or Durclflcatloa; 1e ctthcr tbc reehlog off tle

D'ulcorettoa, rert frol

ra3r rattcr tbc eelt

tbat ree cerchcd


ur.tb ,arD rater, dulclftcd: or lt te

la rhlcb rrectdag

le dleaolved, !utu,

ead trc uttcr

of thlnga rlth

or boacyr or ayrup.


1g tLe rlelng

of ray rettcr

ta renner of fule,


vapour, by v1rtuc of heat. Eveporetl0n, Eraltatloa, 6reater purlty. la the crtractla6 0f enJr rlquor by tbc bead, or by or Erbalatl0a, 1s tbe vapourtlg rralr of aay nolsture. to a

le rbea aay rattcr

doth by dl6eettoa attaln


Ertrectlon, rettcr

1a tbc drerlag llquor,


of ea caaclcc fron e corporear of vlac; the feccs renala ln

by eole flt

ea cplrlt

thc botton.


Dcneatatlonl *r{'rled, ud

1a rben eay tb1a6 la reaolved lato


aad ts

rtpeaed: rbether 1t bc doac by eay forlolt or by dlgeatloa ody.

eddcd to lt,



f,elor I flgurc

of Ocorucy. of ely ll.q'id rettcr lrol 1te

rLltretlon, fccca by ukla6 oa r rtttlc DLrrtloar tLe llmr

la tbc ceperettol 1t rru tLrougl

e brorn prpcr redc lrkc or througb af,rcds. eplrltner

e tuaacr,

brs of roolcn cloth, 1s ttc rly rek14 eray,

of eay vorettrc rhetber

body cldure rcltcratcd g.r1n6 tllag

erd rot

1t be doae by oftcn rddla8 of lorc

tustuletlone, to tt. Fort"pl

or ruDlhetloae,

or by tlc

lll.aor e It 6ure of Oconaacy. 1r tlc cercldlg tlc of boe1c8 by thc aerc elrrp eplrlts,

l\rlgetl'oar rLctlcr

vc6ctebrc or dleral,

Dodce betag lerd oyer tbs nouth lte.

of thc yceael rherclr Oetial,

tLe abup eplrlta

A Dlgure of Aetronncy.


Euroctrtlon, e4rthlng.

or rml6at1on1

1e e aprhktlDt

of rolrture



Irblbltettonr . 1r put upoa 1t. Jupltcr,

1r rben ely dry Dorly drl.ahs ln ely rolaturc


I ploet

of AttrolrlcJr.


rrgm6letlonr tlrt lt r11l lirr

1l rhcn eay dry boqy Drth tsuk t of !o lorcr ta r drtloa lrals of e dry eld rolet of tbcn. of e hud rrttcr 1lto

ta ro ruch tolature

rlcorporatloa, fo r!

body to8ctbcr,

to lekc e^u ualfoD!

rnfirrlon, vl'rtnc tlcrcol

la tbc puttlag

tt quor, for the

to bc Ertrectcd. la thr dl8cetlng of tbta8e 1o thc gua.



Lcvl6et1oa, porder. Lotltla,

la tbc rcducln8

of rny berd rattcr


e loet


of Geonraey. ft'gurca of AatrortDGlo oD 1ak{ ag e^ny tLln6 tluld. of tbe orlflcca of veeeela,

Lco eld Llbre Ltquettoa, Lutattoar tbt lt ao rrpour

1e r reltlag ta clthcr

thc atopphg

paaac out,

or tbs coettng of ely ycgsel to prcecrve

frou bmrh{n6 ta tbc ftrc.


llerer llcrcury, ltrccntloa, lleturettoar

eld thc llool,


of aetrorlrct.

le tlc

eerc re D(geetloa. of r aubeteacc ttrrt 1e lueture aad

1a thc rreltlng

crude, to bc rlpcned ud




1e uy




for tbc ortrectlag

tbc c!B-

.DCC ol ely tllag.


Prcclpltat1oa, olther by tlc

1a rbcu bodlce corroded, by corroalvc of tbe eplr1.ta rclrln

eplrl,te, or


ln the botton,

by pourl'ag ronctDhg queltlty ol raterl

upotr the rp!'r{.ta, do tall

lB o1I of Tartu,

or a 6ood

to tbe Dottol. of GeoraDcy.

Pncr, Puclla

& Populua, tlgurcs 1n Agtrorllcto

Placea a tl8urc Purtflcatl'onl rbctDcr lt

le a acparatlon of any Llquor frol 31ltret1ol,



bc donc Dy clerttlcatlon, 1g the reeolutlon Lcat.

or dlgcatlon.

Putrofactlon, by e rrturel.

of e rJ'rt body tnto 1t eelf,




1l e.a ebaolute,

purs rad rcll ealral,

dl6eetcd lcdl.ct-ne, or rl.ncral.

drera lron rn;r eubetencc, elther



Bubcua, e fl$ue

of Gooleacy.


lcctltLcetlon, ot of tla rplrlta bt r rcltcntod

tr cltbcr lror

tbc drerln8 of tht llrtn or tbc cHrtrtlol

lrou tbc aplrlte, of uy tlquor

tbc flctl,


Rcverberetloa, 1e tbc rcduclag of bodlce lato r cerr; by e rcflcct|'ag tlue.


8aturn, troraley. Solutlonl

Sol, Scorplo,

and 8e61ttary,

Ple.uete ead al6ne l.n Ae-

1a e ttcrolvlDg

or rtteauatlng

of bodlce.

Stretltlcatlon, retal by courec. Sublhatlon, upper part of tlc Eubtllletloa, e flle porder.

ls e atrerlag

of couod1a6 porder oa pletce ol

1a e^n olcvetln6r

or ralehg

of tbe rattcr lnrder.

to tbe

veeael by ray ol e eubttl 1s the turalng

of e body l.ato e Llquorr

or lato



e tlgure

of Agtrolrlclr. la tbs cbelgl'ag ol r tDlug l.n substalco' colour

Trelslutatton, qurll.ty,



Ycnua, Y1r6o, tlgune Yoletllc,

of lrtrolaacy. flyetb thc flre.

1e thet thlch

Rulee to be conaldcred ta Roele Cruclea Hedlclaea.

l. llekc cholce of e flt thet 1t lay ncltbcr plecc la your bouee for the fiunacc, ao

Llnder aay tblate

Dor be la [an6cD of tbe felllng for e forctng tr\raace,

of eny thtng lnto 1t that rball lt

Iye over 1t:

r11I be bcst to set 1t ln a chluay, bcceuse a etroag heat la ead tary tlnes there ere uaed brande rhlch rtll enoke,

uecd to lt, ead tbe tlre of thlags t hrnecc, cerrlcd

behg great tbe drr'6er tbereof na3r be prevented, aad ead veaenate quallty bclnt itatlllcd to eucb

of e laltgae

the fuae or vrpour, tbs chhaey

1f tbe gleea ahould breek lay be othcrrlae rIIl fly ebout tbe tooE

up lnto


to tby prcJudlce. 2. Ia eII klnde of Dtstlllatlona too full; ro[der for 1f you dlgtlll thlngs, tbe veagels are aot to be flllcd tbey r11I rutr ovor; lf other bc


tbe onc part rllt

be burat before tbe otbcr lnrt




rorkcd upoa; but f111 tbe fourth prrt of eplrtte ftll tbe vceael belf

of coppcr vcsgcls; eud fuII.

la rcctl.fylns

Lct tboee thlngs rhlch ere fletuleot, llke, ee rleo tboac tb1n6e rblcb do raally quaatltyr rad be dl'atl.llcd

16 tax, boll

roorD, ud


up, es boney, be rltb

put 1a e llaecr thc eddltton

1a greater yeeecll,

of relt,

8r'ad, or eucb I1kc. 4'

There be souc t!,lngs rhlcb requlre a etrong flre, beve I car tlat be dcetroycd.
,. fou luet bave l carc that tbe lute ultb rhlcb

yet you auet aature

thc be not too veheneat for tcar tbclr

vcagele are clored, eepcclally

do aot 61ve vent and alter rben e atron6 flre la

tbe uture

of tbe Ltquor,

to b uged.

6. Acl,d Llquore bave thla tooe fortb tbc eplrl.t flrst, pccullar property, tbat the lcakcr part

lad tbc etroDgor laat, tbcn tbe flegue.

but 1n fernented aad Llquors

6oetb flret,

If tbe Llquor retaln belp lt e certah EpJrrrua, or eaetcb of the flre, r thss Gloec etopt, ead tlea end ao by putth6

tbou elrll

1t lnto

crpoelag 1t to tbe bcat of tbc Sun, rDd lot 6lass tbat etald the tlery l'rprceslon lay erhale,

opculng the tbc 6lase

or clac lct

ta e cold ro!'at place.


fbcn you Dut trtcr thasear lnto r .ccthlag Balacu!, tbcrotn tbcr lrc of

ret 1t bc hotr or orlr

thou rlrt

eDdrutsr tbe brc*aD6

tbc alees.

Ibcn thou tdrcet PotG lt au cartbD or 6lees veascl fron tbc flre, crnot to thc cold el'r too auddealy for fcer tt lo. fl tbou rouldet ltr thlt beve e Balacua es lot tbe heat of the rater ee egbeer put eend ot aatlay bc thererltb kcpt ln,

rbould brcek.

duat luto

rad lede lotc

htenae. ll.


you rould lake r heat rltb

horee-dua6r thc nenner le tbfu;

y12.. rakc e bore 1l tbe grouad, thcn lay oae courae of borae-duat e toot thlckr alotber l1le thea l courae of ungleked llue brlf a foot thlck, tbea

ol duag, aa before;

tbea ret your ycascl, end ley rouad lt Dress 1t dora verJr herd; you tatcr, !ore. eld rbca lt ccaeetb

ead borae-dung rlrt tt


uuat eprtaklc to bc lot,

every otber day rttb out eld put h 12.

t!,ca takc lt


thet alrays

eead or eebes luat

be rell


for othcr- e corl

or atoae tbereln

rey brcdr Jrour ghle. 15.

Tbe tlrc

for putrcfectl'on

of thh6e

1c verloua; lese tltc

for lf

tbc tblag 1f

to bc putrcflcd

bc vc6etablea r.Dd 6ree!,

tc requlred,


dryr I loa6cr; thet thlaga ert



thc lolgcct

of tll.

lbus rucb aote, tbcl la fe1r.

looDcr putrcflcd I lr.

ln cloudy rrethcr


tbou touldet

kecp vcgetablea frceh ud

green rll

tbc ycar,

gatber tbeu l'n e dry deyr ead put tben lato you ruet rtop cloec, eld eet la e cold phce: reltb GleuDerua, Lcep frcah e rbolc Jrcer. 15. Do not crpcct to crtract

ra certbea vceeel, rhlch ead tbcy rlll, la

tbe csaelce ol ray vc6etable unlcss by eftcr dl'stlllatlon: for lt you teke

naklng uee ol the fecce lcft

thoae fecaa, ea for cranplc of r ncttle, ead stmJ'a lt 1u lt vlII eld eet lt ln tbc froat,

ead rrke e decoctlon tbercof, 1t rlll be congcaled ald rltb tbelr prlcklea,

rppcer e thoucead leevca of lettlee

rhl'cb rbca tbe dccoctloa le agaln reeolved by bcet, vaalsb rray, rLlcl ehore tbat tbe csecnce of tbc vcgcteblcs ltce ta tbc salt

t h c r e of. 16. fn ell your opcrattoae, dlllgcatly fror obaervc tle thcu; lor proccaacs rblcb e saall your

you reed, ead yaty lot rlateke or aeglect

e llttlc


epolla tbe rbolc opcratlon,

ead lrustrates


r ?.
lrt rot et flret rrperlucatr of 6reet coat, or 6rcet dlfflcultyt for 1t rfU bc e great dlacouregcncat to thee, lad tbou r1l1 bc

very ept to dateke.

lo l

,i' )
16. rf eay rould cnter upoD tDc prectlce rppry Lhaelf lrauel h to eorc crpert lrtlat of cbydetrlc, lct blu

for to bo tnatructcd

1a thc lcara loDe


of tb1u6e; for Dy tble teera he rlll

tro roatbel

tbra lc cea by hle prectlac

eld rtudy 1D aeycn yrars, rblcb clee

ea elao evold rucb Prlns end eoetl ead rcdcea lucb tlne ol acccaelty !c rlll loge. 19. hter poaelblllty aot upon rly of uture, opcratloa, rllcb unls66 lt

be coaeletent



tbcrcfore rell.

thou tust

eadeayout ea uuch

ea poeetblc lay bc to ulieretald 20. Do aot latcrpret ell

thla6e thou readeet rccordla6

to t1e llt-

erel acD.e; lor Phlloaopbore rhel they rrotc eat for tbe nrl6er to klor,

eny thlu6 too excellthat tbe

crprcaaed 1t eatgtatlcelry, 1t.

Sons of Art only rlgbt

undergtud 21.

rn rll

tby operetlons propose e good cnd to thy ecrf, rrpcrhcat thrt tlou ahrrt dlacovcr,

aa lot to eay

to uco rrJr orccllcat

111 cad, but for good. 22. underetud, bcgln eay thlnt rclr ptry rbetbcr tou ehall proapcr or aot; flaC ell beforc you t'a

to Godl rad you ahall uato you,

you dcslre

tLc Sccond book, rede phl'a


LEADrne ?EE 'tAr


ro ?EE tonDEB 0F TEE

teaching tlre knowledge of allthings, Past, Present and yet to Cone, Diz, of Pleasure, Long l.,ife, Bealth, Youth, Blessedness, Wisdqn and Virtue, and to Cure, Change and Remedy all Diseases in both Yorng and OId.

A cmpleat


By John Heyclon, Gent . , 6tf oVorr. o! , a servant of God, and a Secretary of Nature.

a ael ani nti o[ i t.".

" A n d h e to o b the golten CaL$ wh+ ch ttteg had m ade, a n d b u n n e d L t i n th e Flte, and gnwnd tt to,powdut, and t t t e w e d L t u p o n th e Uaten, and nade the Chttdnen o$ lt-

Exo. 32, v. 20.


Printed by T.It!. and are to be sold by Ttlouas tftrittlesey and at at the Globe in Caruron Street near london-Stone' all Booksellers and Shops. 1582.


!bo loly tlc Onldc, rey to



rhJ'cb 1a udc


ALLrErrfssPAsr, PREsEm, olAoYpS

afD to @t{E.

By Jotr Ecydoaocrt. (tlOypy

A rcrvret of God ead Secrctary of f,eture.

lbuc tevc I dcclercd ruto you thc deccent of thc tccrct Dorcr ol leturc fle Eenoly lroa OOD, aycD to thlr Eooh, l. Eertb. Da6c 9.

of thc forld,

Chrp. l.

Prlatcd by T.ll. tor thc Autbor, 166?.

Llb. t. CLr p. l.

Of Ood, lrt

ead feturc.


Of Ood, of llea, ol Crcr,turcas 2. .f 5. Frllty: thrt rorkctb 4. Eepplacae rbrt? elI thlnga: 5. A

prttcrn! rplrlt It6bta:


?. Platoa Crora: E. The grouada of Optnlole: lO. Inagce of Beavca: 12.

f,aorled6e: t. ll.

81ag1c dadel

lleeeengera rad la6ele:

Dr8rcce of brpptDcs!:

15. Of tbrec delt6[te.

Ood tc our boly Oulde, tbcrcfore ead rattcrg ol Leanlag, 1t flrst

la tll


apeccbee rea

ol ell

bqhovetb e rlre ls;

to egree upoD tbc tbln6

lD held, rbet lt lt

.tld rbet la tbc

bouade (or Dc31a1t1ons) of tbc al!e;

eceaetb verJr aecdfirl to rbor flrst,

1a thl'e dlecourae of tbc Boslc Cruclra l{cdlclace, tLcl'r rhlch nttcr, rc rlll 1l feturc aad Alt, tbclr

tlDnGr of, eII rrke ual'featr be-

bcrc ceaolcelly

eld ordcrly

cruae 1t 1r I tucb ta doubt eld ta queetloa eloa6 the Lcerned. E ea tbrt uae to bchold eld tbe reaeoa aad arturc pcrcelvc by tbc outrerd ebape ead J.arerd (or ltrtne of

thJ.agal re5r ceetly tltta of ua, thrt

ualt'kc ead lnaelng r11 otbcr rlAbte hc rae redc for eonc aoteblc


cnd eld Dutpoaa

Llb. l.


rbovc tLc rcst, lrl outnrd

ead .o Dot for plcelnrer rblcb thcy cell


or .loutb yct lor uy

of lccdotbm


Rl'chee; lor

lrttorer tberctore utl


otLcr rlgbta

votd of rlt

ead reeeoE r..k ol thrt

eed follor; bls cad

l rrn ought Dot to reke ely' ualcrs Le thl.ak lt



rceron for thr l|eatrr ud loreer; for rbrt

(rad bcttcr othu lnttcn

rorlrura) ud

to hun

of thc Scrvelt

oad bevc re to follor? tb8!

troae et t11; lt la rlthout

Dcceuae ro tra tLe rorld, Inhabltaatr, lry

tbc bctt !rou, end

Croeturce l'a the rorld; uont tbe Blcgecd lllads, aelther

or tbe letberal

ebovc ead rlth-

out el'l;

yet brve rc touad tt,

lor tbey bc our fcllor-scrf,1at. BayB thcre nothlag our eycs; aot dc-

veata eld eubJecta nnder one Ahlghtt 2. lhercfore Hrtcal'us lbcodldectua

but Ood, r^nd bJ's bepphces to be aougbt end act bcforr rltb lopc to overtdce ead reacb lt, !o rucb thereof,

tbat rcrc !e,r.e6E; but ritb

s!.re to ettalD rlll ruffcr: 2.

es the proportlon

betrecn Ll.l end us

Or 1t tbc ualeeeureable !o colpefleoar

ead bouudleae, or laflal.te tt


Do6a of Ood ldrl t,

rere bcstr yea ead by tbe tt!!-

plc ol l{r. Tho. Xeydonr to rekc tbc bouade of our Drpplncee 1n Loat Llfcl Eoalth ead loutb, so rucb of tbe ScrrLce of God, ra our rbole f,o1d aad Cury; of @dr ell nor lf rcrc rcllr re ller that dlvlnc ee elnoat for tbe rccord of lcro not so

porcr eld neture rl11 Pettcras end oncly glft ell otbcr tnrtb,

Aad tLlc


1r crae of llfe rrlttear

and reancrrl ud thrt


thle Eook raa chlefly eld recclvcd

Dy the rl'taers

boly ;r1t,

to De klora rad proved: If

t l , b . |.


eld fer off



Durlrolcr rblch of Art, returc,

1l eplnlatod Bmron,

ee you

lcs to rua tlrougb ud Phyetck. ). lLercforc

tbc rldgt


aLtbeace botb 1l thle eld ell upo! b1a ora dcvlcce, (crpcclelly

otbcr rettcre, lr lorc

oelea gJr

brdlde ovcnuch obJcctr rlellteacc

not coleldcrhg ltoave, nrtcd

thet l ll!

e Jroult rea) rry lllnrr

Dut rc heve trrtcralty, ln the couaeclr,

of the Roelc-Cruclea Scraptlcrl

ead heve bceldca e clngle Phlloeopbcra Peltervel

tudgcncat eld reauar crpcrlence of tDe eplrlta

e doubrc portloa,

, oV&tlioyJt4j
bca{.dcr dld aot contclt rlth rlpc r1tal



, rrr otber
but rca cnducd

ua, bccauee thcy rerc Bo torc

ead perbepe rouad Judgercat 1a thc courec of klad tror r ruet rook aa lcer ee r caa to !y or! ead rcaeoa). toutb, Rlcbcs,

(or ieture

end Phyalcki

Judgelentr tlat and, ao lct

1t bc etlll

aquared Dy the rulc of tnrth Ecartb,

ua rctura

to our purposc, roa6 r.lte,

llad,on ead rlrtue, lrks Eo6ar rlraya kaor ao bcttcr 4. lo rbol

ere not to be fouad erolt 6recdtrr eftcr auch tbhge

thoac lea tbat llve ae bcaate dorlrc, ead

tbea tllaga

euaptcloua to 8r1le. hepplneae ead plcaeure of heevca uoDt unto Pocta ttlDk rerk; you? io; rc!;

Ibca to tLad tblg rore lt

beet to traver? eln atlll

becauae ra

they tehc tbelr tou try

et e vdac

the pcoplcs lrktlt,

ecc by llr.

Joba clcevelende ff a rl!

Poera; lor r d.ll bc rlcL,

aot drar of rltb

tbe dre6s (rbea be cdtb) I COnteatcd dnd, p,opular eppleuac.

erd hrvr hl'a hrelth,

eld boaour, lct

D,lr aot care to bc e ood, aor tor 1e fer fron r Dlrtnr

llLls vala end rorl&ly'contclt

L1b. l.




reod rr to to tlo


or lo.r.r

houfc. ol pbtr ot,, tbct. lrerdag; coatcat to rct

m tbcy bc telatcd ol rrucre or tl

eld ulloudcd tlcy dor lot

1a otlrr

.o la rettcr

do ro11 to plecc thelr outrud tbh6a, Do Dor

la Lonourr pleeeurc, tt la good ll,fr eloac,

eucb llhc

rad vl.rtuc. Terthra, thrt lpollonlue, Pbroatca, or bclor,

5. Bceldca thc'oa of Ecncc, eud othcre: la ae thet rettcr It 1r ry tlougltr, thrt

rDJ.cb 1e trforloul tlerc brhg

rhl'cb 1e eupcrtour of dI

or tbovs,

oac udvcrerl end

ead fon

thl.nga, dlftcrcnccd 6rcet ryatcry

oaly by tccldcnte,

partlculult the lntcrtour one thbg, rrougbt ee ell crcatcd

by tbrt

of rerofactlon

rad coadcneet1oa, thc rl'nclce ot

el0 ruperlourr ud

to rork ead eccorplllb

to rbor tbc grcat vulety aplrlt tbat rorhctb ell

ead dl'vcralty thluge,

of opcrettona

by tbet thlnga ell

ln eU tb1n6s; and of oae God, hrrlag

rGro frol

Olc, by thc rcdletlol bc61aa1lgl rblch eo ell

thl.agg 1n tle

1g tbe of ell thl.lgs rprnrg ead took 1t sclt ber

thi.nga, aad tbc rladon of DJ'e htbcr; tbelr Or{,glnl fror thle oac thtngr rcl.gbt ud

by adoptloal rcaaurc;

or rd,ttht

eccordJ'aglyl ottl bougo, 6. aetural

1l auber,

for rl'edor bulldetb

Pleto eld Pytbagonar tblagar rad Dlrhc rgc!

for tbelr

retcD,Icse urdcreteadln6



tn 6ood ordsr of Ltfc thc bcrtr

eld urrrlcra, rad follorcd frd.cb rc beve or tht rhlcb

beve bccn theee ru:r 1a ell tll'aga;

bcat rcceptcd rlth ln tbla

tbcreforc tell

tl'gh potat of rellcrsr of thl's oac thbge

toucbed, re d.Il

you tbe frther

Llb. l. of rl rotbcr lgclt, tLtrrof, eld ell tbc opcnttole epplllr tboreol tlr tlcrof, 1r

lo urotb t'lrtotd tb frulc rll ttc 8llll, ud ud tlr

or tblcl tbo !ur.r

plecc of e


1r thc l()oii

erd Lrr ptprr


of Lcet eld rolaturc,

of tbc SUtplUR eld }|ERCURI lot but upou tbc ftcc ltr of

of rtflltDS; tlc retcre;

tor tbc sPrRrr of OoD rovctb tlc rertL, tbo rladr tht or drl,

1a cerrl.rd h


er tlc tlrt


tn thc che!.ll fble

tyc tbc rupcrtour

th!-nge to tbcl

erc bclor.

ls tbc hthcr tbc rocret

or1.6l.le1r rad Fouatalac of ell erd dreculoua ead colplcet. tbtn6a doac 1n tbc lor let us lee

porfcctloar rorld, rbrt

eld of ell

rboac forcc t'a tbca pcrfcct

opln!'oaa otbcre holdr ead hor lGlr

thcy cotc to IEDODIDACTUS

bla r{.gbt IIDC of trutb. ?. lcllc !o bc6ln dtb PI"ATO, tbc rpr1n6 of tll.e Phlloeophy, b1a !lcd-

ead Eapplncss; bc dlaputca 1a PEfLATnUST ra lccro eg f could out ol ao lugc end tcettcred e apcccb, te aotDht but Plcl.tnetb aot

6rthcrs laurc (lcst lot

ead Ecelth 1a e llcdlclnc. you rLould rervcll) rttb

Ald yct tbl.r ll!

the bcrd ol (tbougb tbcy rGrc thclr 6erdeas, tbe 6etca

thc brotbcre

ol thet dtb

foul oplnloa1 but ratrrcd rprtaga)

ea IULLY rdtl,

otber lca! ln eII

to ect opc! ell

of tbc fcacce, rad to lct

tbat colca; rltbout

Dut oncly et e fet narall 6r1ef lntcrleced, la EEI,LTE,

ror loogar to recclvo cleaae dellght end Dy lrllc tISmX dcllgbt 1a coloure,

coaecat ald aoac alelle

ead VfRfUE. he Brlth 1l TEltfUSr tlrt ttUSTfCEAID EOLIilESS, togcthcr thoge tro plec.a !*ye

Ald rgela rttb

fISDOl,t, reh,c ua Llkc unto GOD; to lct

Ll'b. l.

tor Dlrr

eld to col. to lcrlc qultc

to Pytbr6onas rltt otbcra,


tbcDa l!.


rortf rorllly

of tcn, rcli lrtrortro

olc dllDomd eld raottcr bdgcr mvcrell rlrtuc) lor tlet rLlcb


erc cellcd ud


beat to l1vc tloac,

to rrrh

erc celled

PH,loeopbcrs; rl.rtuc

eo bc ta hJ'a booh rppolate (f tcen tdor1a6, ead ao l-dlc


for tbc *lrct r!'tb outrard



ead 61ftg of body eli .td

fortuae: bctore

thc rcrt otberl


of thc Dcet tbla6a; voucbed torard

tbJ.r lc ecttcth

for rapy tcalora

the cnd of b1a book; Dut lcadcth tbe aale

cepcclally, 11fc. E.

bcceuec God, rlon rc ought to follor,

?beac be tLc bset 6rounde ol EapplDGas eld PleeBuro tbat cvcr or Pbyalcea hatb saJ.d et eay the; ( for lcver r' oDe tDe'four-

ray Pblloaophcr hrtb qulte bullt tcd Eplcure nlr IrsrsoDr rhol ldle .ocl

1t up;) ]'ct ur aee bor they be aquarcd: rf egel.l be Juatly

rGprovod, ald rcckoucd r,6 rD llplous


aly heavcaly thoughta touchcd tor brh61D6 ta ea rul1at thc rorld, nor rcgerdlng & for tlc 1t; Eor caa ARISltrOT. out of

Oodr ncltber rrol8fully

eccuaed of hplety,

aare brrlabed

thc ACADEI{Ir 1t there tor not other proof r5al'net DJ.r (rben De saltb) la thrt Itfc placer Ood lcedeth fa lt no otber tlel thla bcboldrnt & eld garbg

of hlc?

aot ea 1&le, lad, ea lt ead catrragcd foa, ead thrt frol

rerc, all

I covctous I:lfe outrard ectloa epplted

turaed beck uDon ltaelft rnd dlrocted l!!a to othcre?

1n btc orlt, rltb

ead all

othcr llaetcr

undcreteagtga; rer.

thca to cncouatcr hb tbe beet llfc,

ll'e rortby

PLASO, t'f tbrt tah,c thc forld?

or tbc llfe

of Ood, rhy 41d Ood

Ee llvcd

co bcforer

l'f thet hrd bccn thc bcet l[fc;

Llb. l.

but bccrurc

!a rea good, hl lould burtc 1a uklngr r!

brvc ot.Lcn





boforc Lc rer lrdccd

rad la tct rc rccho! 1t,

1a tbr rcrld; thrt le to ctrc to tbc llrerd dth

rad yct

1t 1l ro burtaoalr

end troublc, dccd of e

but ea outrard ru.tlg rlad

dccd rad ectloar

clcea contrery

olcly rt f,l.e ora good cstrtc

ht.e uledol &

Ilorlcdge. 9. hrt lf he dcny all thlat ee 1ta llkc hc rlllr to lacrcaee tbe cvldeacc

heap of rl'a, he greata Do bcglnn5'ng; thca rhet cea be 6rcatcr tbea tle ora rrltlage, oDc qulte tLrartllg rnothcr,

ra croas ea lay bc;

for 1n raotbcr

plece he conee r6ela,

ead eelth,

tbet cvGry rea batb ro of

rucb Lapplncea ro bc batb lledoa God hhaclf, caa bc lore rlo l.a tbcrefore

aad Vlrtuc,

oyer by tbe rltacee

bappy, e^udnot for outrard

toods; rhat loul ud


rpokca, e.ud rorc croBa to tbc forucr, hc ttcldstb

0odlcee oplalol?

DrJr eee tbe force of trutb; to forc-itell

r6e1n eccord-

1lg to thc boevcaly I'teetcr, tbrt acr eort, ot Stete:

tbc plecc fron tbc rorrad to rrtrege effel'ra

good rca ou6ht to tekc offlce tce further, 1f tbey refurs

ulnn thcll

(IBICE fF TEEI BE IISE, TEEI ffLL, 1f tblg rlsc uaa

Ztlfo) QUOTB hath rtrtue

TEAT TEgf llAI RIcEtrLI BE COI,IPEII.ED;tbca; tn poreoaelon, u Do doubt bc hetll

bc ruat la to aee by la

h1e ouD coafrsslon,

uae 1t; ead the eele rcraoD ls of Ood hllacll but PLf,$O by nerer thlalsr

tbl.a grcat G1ty ol tLc lorld; loerl'y thrt elllcd ead kdt

tboec tro ao


ec bo drre openly dent bepplneee to tad etead truadcr.

Coron-rcelth tO.


thcy bc dl.elldred

?Lcn rc see, tbrt

ta thc Jud6enclt of thcrc tro great PEII0-

SOPBERS ead PBISICAI|S, rbere tbcy be beet edv1.eed, ead la deed ead tnrtlt IEE DMITE Pl'TTERlfOF EAPPIIIESS,rh1cb re ought to strtve rore, lor Do lcae thea tbet rortby untor 1g ao

couplo of IfSDOll AtfD YIRTUEkDlt

il0 tlb. l.


1n thrt

Dold of fcllorsLlp, rbr!

rt5'ch ut


be Dutcd


Thrt SOIOIfAil dcelrcd, rbet bc rould Ge l. !evc,

Ood grvc h!'n hJ'a cholctr

ead bed h1n erh rced l. I(lage

rad Dc rould 61vc 1t hJ'r; rs you rry

Ec aa1d, IORD OM







Ou thc contreryr !aty, of aII, rhosc rholc

aad cxperlcuce batb rltaeeeed even 1l our days, tbat e1r raa to be rlcb la thls rorldr bave bcen deprlved

ead lorced to ecek thclr

bread tn e atrange lead; to Dry others ell the rleer; they tbat erallor tbc Lord ehall

do yet for ought I kaorr lf dora r{,chcc' ud

tbcy be lot

aot by r16ht1 rbell bcllleer


tbea up egala;

ceet tben out of thelr ll.

JOB 20:15. end

But you raJr aaJr, re beve rcared our Eepplneeer loag llfe eld tade lt r felr eld good.IJrrork; but rore f1t

Sra1tb eloft, drell:lag crll

for tbc

of tboac clcaa ead alngle dnds thercfore

(or splrlt.)

rbovcr rblch thct

llcsecngera (or lngele)

le laa bere belor 1.n tbcse end therefore


Dodlca, aa re are lclrcc

rble to look up uato lt:

ltl Ll.b.l.

PTIEAOORAS 1n btr bodlly uy eld outrard

boohr rltb

tood rdvlcc,

ottca r.cclvctL (tbou6ht lt 1r of lfuaicl:)

la cDoutb of aot to bc rad ro pllru,

gooda, to bclp tb,c rrttcr, tbc lnetrurent

otLcr crurc of Joy, tbel

rc fec, auctb 12. ctc. Llvely rhlchl Eeeltbr

hlc acrveate end bclpcra. tbat thle ebovc tct) tull rad Llgh pttcb of hpplD.BB,

radeed r 6rut, lcrltltc

(I rcea tbrt rplrtte;

1r trcc eld cealc to frcc end rlthout outrerd lclae ead bclps,

but to ur lrporatDlc,

ncvgrtboleaa, ncedful

aball aot bc couated rs eDy part of tbe frene ot up the rbole, up to 1t. but, aa 1t tere, looac ead ban6-

to lrke

by atepe ead etelre lt. Thcn, lf


tbegc bc ao ueedful ae tbey be, 1t rerc of rucb nccd

to ley tbcl rcst lf too uayr r rry

dora, ead kccp Juct accouat, rhlcb tboee PFISITIAJ|S do aot, for one, EapprrEss, otc. rlghtr la f1lel lafcct ebould bert; ead lrrre 1f r6a1a, tbe rcet; er

thcrc bc tro tbc ldle


tear of PI^ATO EIS FIRST TEREEDELIGETS, e.ltbougb tbcy bc not hurttlthout lorc rorda, tbc Juet sutrc 1r tbue: To obtaln la eblc to tekc ead lo1d, ead tben rtore tbe body

ful of thcraelree:

ro rucb Eapplaeae, stc. bed' leed be tlrlt tur thla6r rllllag

t8 our leture eld obedleat,

of outrard accdbut for

to bs at LrDd ead medy; rbca lt

tbeec .yoDy ua


tDe bo{yr tDat 1a obotlcat,

1e IoiG LIVED, EEaLTEFUL,rOIIIfc, re reSr be

ct-nlRr rrD TEI,IPERATE; rhea erl hppy, lf rc vltr; 1f ely rant,

theec herpe frock to6ethcr, lc rbrrl

do tbet rc Grrr ra you ebell

Loar bcreafter. Ibca lct ourDEr thrt ua rareball corprree tbeee thlaga et laet ln ordcrr t1d tbe EOLI lor1a6 couple

Eapplncse to e Eaally,

rake thrt

Llb. l.


eld VfRIIIE' rs I'lAtr eld IIFE' Chlldlel,


EETDSol tbc Xourcbold, rnd Rlcbce ll Slryeata. rlll

tbe llvc Thcac beget

Dxrpcr lyca ol tbc bo(y llLc t6a1nr 1f tbc cLlcf otbor

of tbe bourc r11l to bcautltLc


thcn to rerry,

tro bond-chll,drcnr

the eele houee, EOt{OltR ead PLEASURE ln no rlac eldr ruflcr lt, lcat tle

but thr rtae end 6ood Eouacbolder, rllt bourc be troublcd rlght rltb lorc tbcu rry

bc rulcd; tollor,


truc ead aot rcgard EELElt, tbca

Eonour ead Pleeaur 1111 pcrforce

yct Lc rhall

tbeu, nor bc dndcd rad oftc! to: uae thclr

torard,e tbeu, ee tboae greve rcD rere torards sryln8r elthou6f

tbey be ruch kl'nd oDGB, yet let

end ua lollor

our ray to EEII,TE ead bapplncae, rtc.


oF TgE toRLD, tEC.


ObJectlons caat rga1nat tLe Roelc Grucead the trutb rede

len llcdJ.clnea lnerercd, rul. fest.

CEAP. 2.


Tbe rey to llsdoa;

2. Eorlca lcdl'cl.lcs;

J. Rulesi 4. Poeslbilltlcc


9. Faul.tleae etu{lee;

6. lpprovcd rcaBoaai ?. Oplaloas; 10. Iolderous rorke; ll. lleenea;

8. llhc etop-ehlp; 9. Sccrct truthe; 12. Alcbcny; lr. feulti lJ. Illvlac

Of tbc recret blagt ead rotloa trutbs;

of God; 14. Of lfetures

15. llaae d^adi 17. Of tbc ll.fc of God; lE. Droace; 20. Dleecattoa; tbe Euporoura folly,

Raglng Counaclli

t9. Stla6lcae

Llb. l.

ob tht lato

to hDrr tbet bcelth

ead hrpptaces,

rc rrlr rbcD re rlrr,


tbc rey rbcrc ead bor ell

lcn rry be blsaeed: rbcrcln

I eu qutte

bcrcatcd of ell rcllr retber

hclpe fron thc ORECIAf,S, ta tea oyet ept to apeak & tH.Dh to io & perfor! rould heve lcft eay thl'ng (tbou6b couatancy & r6reere1t, BLESSEDilESS te reII f rust fly ee other 6ood thh6s EGYpT,a


la tLclr


ln thc Poter ead reecb of ell pcoplc eo fu paaeln6 dI

rea ud

for elde lnto

otbcr tatlone,

rs 1t 1e bctter

end nearer to

Oodr to rork aad to do greet rolderoua tbcr. 2. For 1t 1a dellvered

th1u6s tbaa to behold aud look upon

to Ancteat and true Rocord tbet oae BERMES A glft 1a kaor-

KfI{G AlfD LAI-GIYER of thet Couatry; t leD of rare end dlylae lcdgc rbove all tbat eyGt tere,

found out lledJ'claes ablc to brlng aII rea tbea bch.hd h1n 1n rr"Lt1ng to bla sort, closely

to hcalth & 1on6 l:l.fe, ctc. pcoplc; & thrt

rad left

tbey tere after et laet,

bln, a loag tlne by the rlaer

rrougbt rad ueedl uatll rtca abe flourlabed

thcy crept ebroad end atole lnto ARABIAT aad tbere got tbe nane lhlcb CAELESTIS, Ar.ficus VITAE, pAIt-

1l Arnce end Lcarulag,

they Dor corDoDly keepeth of EILIUS $LIs


SAIUS yfTAEr SAIGUIS VfTAET AItRUllPOTABILE;aad tadeed all erc radc of prepared gold, ctc, dlgnlfted tlcy ralaer (for thrt Ior

fron thence ln tbe aatc aecret ald

1e tbe roat of thca, ee becouee Eo dcep eecrets f,etloDa; nor ead then end rleer cor-

beve traveled

and sprcad theneclvee oyer all theurclvcs

opcallg a.nd dlecoverlng


to r fer of tbc bettcr

ltl Irlb. l.


lhcn tlll

te rcela

to obteln bbrecdleea, drcer ud but ea lt

rLlcb I rcea to trlr, 1t lt lcre tnp

eld rlt'bell rt

to PtroYc tt

ro plcraent

brppy telc, 1t I treturel,

tLc corloD provcrb gOctb of 1t; a D,vLac dccdr fcucG

Ecrolca1r ead ray rorde, ao


to Do rcechcd or retcD,cd rlth rtory, ttrlaga oftca ead rueble

f vor thcr I truc ead ccrtrln dolc te oftcne but thet f lr lafltr

doac, rad egela to bc

I 6nat,

to bcer to gmet e burdcl, ead to tbc bope

tbc dcalre tbat lf

I Levo both to dcfcnd thc Truth froa alender, love lt, lekea 1t l16!t ead oeay: aad egaln, et uy the,

do 6ood to thcl upbold,s rcl tbtt

f cDeace to stulblc lead thetr

or frlut

tbeee rlll bear rltb

ee 6eat1y eld rtll:l.Dtly tls fe]-l sf rlrfortule.

head to atey lG, or at lceet

Tben lor tbc coElon or rllder feturer tblager rea; or relt


rh5'cb clthcr

for leck of good or trttcb et

of 6ood llenaere, use to rrangle rbout torda,

I cerc not; ead bccruee I klor rea EERCULES eblc,

tLen not, I lnae tbel a6 uDkDom lany-bcadcd

for lcltbcr

re tbcV aayr to ratch rltb

EIDRA, nor yct rlth 4. lot

the AIKE AfD CROOKED CRAB. rrlr rerr tt bcst to ect forrarde?

llbca 3o tura ry rpccch,, rLlcb tbc rettcrl

r{.ght eld atr{,6ht, tLc 1nea1blllty

f,o; bccauec there le eucb crylag out our l{odl.clae proulrctb; cauee rb.lcl


ol tbc aood rork rhlcb

ead tbet Arkc tor Lrth hltbcrto

Judgcneat of tbc latter tlJ.e D{.vlnc lrt

hrth beca tl,c chlef


frou tbe at.gDt of good end learacd beforc I cole to tbc polut 1t of thosc as by forrard

rcD; I tekc lt rclfr rllectst

tbe bcgt ray of dellvery,

to fetch ebout e llttlc,

ead thea ebor the poealbllty

eld tbe ray to rork tber by otbcr ol rerkcr eltbougb lt be not ao natural,

rclD.E, aa rell la nrcbl'ag


I I5 Llb. l. to rovc tbc lceat tbcn tt &a11 t6ro. ud lcek Put; tht yet I hccp tt rl6ht ut1f1celly, of eII ud to put by


tood ordsr of lrt:


r tct of tle elbclt,

t1gbt tll'aga hld

ege1nat thl.r blcesed Sclcnccr bccaueet grouada of certalnty; end role ol seerch or feleer ead

tbcy be 6atbcrcd but by 6ueae, beeldes ell

yct tbcy brve eo rbolly tbc bcttcr rnd rotlcr

Doeseeard tbe Gorloa pcoplcr lclr eort l!'kcrlge r tbrt vltLout clst uy

futtbcr lor

bcarlng of tbc rettcr, coadclaed tt; 3!6e6 yleld,

they hevc atnlgbt-tay

1t off

for rbea ea oDcc aleep beth teken tbe eort of tbe bodyr tbe end can do aotblnt; eo lf troat bellef get ouce poseeaslon

of tbe aoul, retao1 1a leld

to reat,

ead eeuot

EoYe egalar bcforc tbet

ruat bc looaened; put to fllgbt 5. Elrat, say they, tlace ecattercd. there bc seea ln all plecee and tlneer ao end

D.Dy hrudrcde rltb

great palas, heed end cunalagl to rtudy thle Artr nor tf tbey ;ore true end faultleesr tbc nrkl

put tbe Rccelpte 1n prectlce: othcre lrc, of tbelr lceat,


aore ehould appear to Llt ead to llve

rtrd to 6atbcr tbc frults len roet nlacrablc; or et

travcll bocauae lt

as tbcy do, of ell

la ao enclcnt en lrt, rrltlng,

1t rould havc bcen rccordcd tn bouad

rote publlek or prlvetc

bcstdcs tDelr otur rhlch be lt yct 1t 1g uasufllcteat

1'ltb Dcver ro dccp oatbe (eg 1t le)

Deaa la 5. proplc, tbelr olD Glgr ctpablc

pnoof end rlt-

Thcee be tbc togt rbercrltb

Dee6o!6r ead beat lpproved thla exchaaglat rtry;



they usc to bettcr they be, end eaelc

lcqucnccs for

but rark

Lor LLgbt ead rcek tLe ecte elil tbe rrltlnge

to bc rlpcd

hor could coBC lnto lboee falet

desds of theac R,C. Phl'loaopbcre ead ticcorda of len (to begln

& Phyelclale rlth thcn)


il6 Llb. l.


rboec cotpeay tbry

brvc tycr


eld rhcD tbclr .oll

or! RGcotdf,

1l tbcy cbracc to ll6ht Ilrbcd to tbo rorldr

of eay thlag tbet re! tot of rorldlln6e; truat, rtlll

ebroed, rad publlke roet prc-

ta 1s tbe llfc trlcnd

but lcft

cloua Jcrcla

rrato fote

of mcrct to kccp tt

rhlch uttbla

taa coulted ee a tbc Douaa ead atock ruldD6 tbet no end ds-

8oa edoptcdr upon coadltloa of EERI{ES, fror cYcnorcr raryeJ'll callcd

tbc cyre eld huda Stere, h

of thc rorld, ead ltma6ere, nce uato tbc rorld,

lt.kc tlc

e contrery l1ke tort

tbougb tDcy bc botb,

croesed by the rorld,

raadercrs (or Plencta, ) rhca hdeed ead truth

they goc bcttcr. & rltaese, lt

tror rhca tbcy decn crcdlt 1a e 81gD tlrt rel6htr rberrby clther tlcy thclr

to be to tbc.rsD6 rcport otD rcports & rltacas

le of llgbt

ead }Lttle

tudge of otbers;

or clec,

tbet tbclr

tbou6hts ere

veln ald pbaatartlcalr eld ovcr-recalo6 of rblcb rort lt

puffed up, I roen rl,tb tlrt

ner kl'nd of aelf-lovc

rl'adou, to set up thelaelveel falls

aad puII dorn Autborltles; th,ey atrlve

out roat conronly ln people, that rblle they nra bcedlont

to evot.d tbe lrkc rtvcr ol lrplcty;

of aupcratltlon,

uDrrarea dorn tbe to

for 1f rucb a rlde brcach ead entry ley be ruffcrcd of tbe lrltera,

bc rrdc !.ato tbe credJ.t ead eutborlty of Aatl,qulty eld llglt of llcroryr rorld;

rblch arc the llfa roon la

6rcet derkncee end coafueton rlII yoa, end go fer fortb et lcagth,

Gorc ta ead oyr-Gr8t tlc rou6lt rball tl be bcllcvcd tbe reln

aad Judgcd truc thet la aot eccn; tbet cvca tbcy lendr ehall aot great e eea; e thlag aot olely (111 be to re, 13 I qDert( aot ee rbolc Rcllgloat

rbJ'sb drsll

load eaC cLlldl.eb I ttlDk) rlckcd

uoD6 lcD, but rleo

ead godloas rloaget stalde

ur Cbrtetleler


lB 6. AUCUStfIlfE aalth,

upoD thet grould.

L 1 b . |. ?. llcrcforG, lrrd tcn, 1t te rust Dccds bclelvc foollgh ead ualearled, Rrcorda, Icrr rB lf tltboutb tbcy tcrc tlcy lrd tbou6l thcy bc r8 tbolG rDd 6rcrt ceuac

loBctlEee Lrlnlceer to ller

ee IEilOCRATES; but c8pectrlly, eld to epeak tote

or lcee tbea thc trutb;

rho cen la connon rGeloD lor he 1a tbe abnc

rofuae tbc rolcu

oaths of Bo tood, rad r1rc ead lcaracd ten? tt rclf ; he tlrt lhrt le rlec, to tvold

tood for tbo love of Ylrtsc of lylrgr tbat drlft

1111 epcek tbc trutb: prrt

aDeII I eey Of EttcEtYIUS IBEODIDACt-US cue tad prectlcc,

durat la ttlca & etudlrar

OUt fO CI{TEER trAl'tE, rhosc rbolc

nor ta aotbtug clec but to flnd ead aet dora tbe trutb? & clcer of ell rueplclon, 1f 1t tay, be thou6b thogc oatbs h

But e1l 1g rcll end protestatloas

to havc lpruD6 fron bheelf,

rad othera elperleaccd

tbcae uadcnlable trutbe,

of rore good r11l ald dealre to pcrarade tbc the^a rrougbt out of fcar or flattery, eltber rblch

lovere of fledoa and Ylrtue, ray cestly

Dc Judged 1a aucb rDl la rDe all or f,ff,GS tbat accded Dot, ee lt

tbea FAI,SEPROTEC!0R tbelr aB tbat thcy, eycs

that cared rotr that lre

1r clcer tn all thcrcforc

ero COI{VERSAIIT 1a theee kl.nde of studlce. .o bold rltb lrer

ruch !e! ell

our 6rould of roaaon to deay, ud grcatly

dcny et1ll

cololr llhc

1l ly oplnlonr

to bo loohed uato; henda openly, tt cloacly xttb

for altbou6!

IERICES,pull .ort

Dot dot! Rcllgl.oa rttl thrt uadcrdlc

yct tbcy erc ol rroD6

raotbcr Il


our DeD tvold

euch pleJ'a uatruthgr

ee rlgbt

be reprovcd by colaoD leBae aad XXI|O-

11{ dr{ly


ae rhcn AIEHGORAScald tnor ras bleck, ead fulI of Lllla ead cittee; Clr.

PEAIES tLe lilooa la lahabltedr of oldr rl.tb aoDc of letc

tad 1a cltlee

eloag the Stera (Slr

EctCoa Beron & ltr. Astrologers,

Johl Ecydoa, eld, Hr. .Ioba Oadburyr) tut

I aperk not tgalaet

Llb. l.

but egrJ'Bft ruch tlrttrrtg rtlly OftI brpcl tbcl foollah rolc!,


tht'Drvc pcoplcr rteadg tbrt

6ehcd boldr

tlclr ttrt

.rtrt!. tlr rertbl utly

eloagrt tho rte

& lgaorelt 1a tbc rorld,

X)VEIBLE tl1a6 l[ra, rlth rbercrlth l1I

etlllr ttcu

end tucb lllc you brd l.raon

ovcr-rreroed; OREECE

to uec pertly

rords ud

thougbta er lron do: trorr eltbougL I na oplalon rltb

pcrarrded robllLty: rel'ate1nl turned all lnto

to bc of tbc lrlc

tLorc that bold the certbs 1l. ry loroer oPhloa; for tbcy sbrn66 lcakacaa

but bclng colvtlbcd, tbat

f rcllnquleb

by e Ecavealy llcdl'clne lato tll

tbey bvc

6reet ead roaderfirl Ylcc lato Vlrtuer


Oold, FoIIy !.ato ll'adoar ronad Ecaltlr

Lont L,lfe,


aad lgc lnto


rad Youtb r6a1a; Eor cea you dlepFove thal? rbcn dl'd you ecc tbe conteery? you 8uroly haor tLc letrue grcat Lnorled6c; of tbe dceds ead cffccte; thrt lor thcy rcqulre yon dlal:lkc 14, tbclr

bot thc dola6 cluee rork.rcal Dor ceD llagl'ne frt

I{EDICI;ES you DcvGr !lr,

rbat lt

tar rucb leae coacelve but troPe ead clae bor could go ftll of

tbc REISON, SIREilOTE& IAIURE ol lt; bluader la tbe derk, l1he bllnd-folded

you tcc lotblag, rea et rI1 tblnga;

tbcse crchaa6ca baye cacrped, & beca bl'd froa your la e rorld gl hl-nds of Ghri6sa? I lcaD, you .oo grcet ead eddrablc eo tehc thete Dcceurc lrou fte tbet la' ralcg tou pclcclvc cltldlsb not tle to bclleve tbea oftca) lrturel lought



tou do rot eoc tber, ead thet tthge

but you d,o not truly

crua. eld rcaeon of tbert uaaccnr ead couat rll laluleae ead

yo: *

roadroue rbJ'cb rrc not eolloa kl'nd of pcople, of letc thrt

elong you; ruch l:llre thrt rblch ndc

en6 ellly

dlecoYcrcdr coultrye


rondcrs of tel5r rrttcra,

1n otbcr

erc ordlanry

ead couoa,

1n ao rucb et (to tahe oac for r11) thcy couli

aot concctvc hor tro aen

llg IJ.b. l.


could by lcttct


o!. rDothGt, uDIclE e rplr1t eld tell cut lato

tete rDrpt

EIt ltr thc lnpcr

to lehe rGpott, Ouldc & lrtr

tbc aere; but 1f you ead tbct tbe dcpth end lrturc rblcb trc collon ot tbe end datly

could olcc Dy tLlr 6roet eld rarvclloue rrorrt tou;

rorh,e of hlnd ead chlll,

tbcar you rould

bc rcadSr end reay by conperlaoa to recclve by rcgort tborolly, to you. Lct le aralce your

e,hoet e.aythia6 ulaeelr rltr e llttlc;

ead brouglt

tou atc drllyr

but lot

hor the llooa by bcr Strber, aahee tbc

PrtbJ rltb

the eplrlt

of tD.e rater lt

drara tbe Oceaa efter

cbbe eld florlage


le llkertee

cornouly kaoral that tbe IOAF

sloltE rx TEE RooF oF HASoHET Ers cEuRcE, DRAWS Up EIS lRotf S0lrB IROU rEE GROUtrDr AXD EOLDSIT EAXGIilG flf IEE I,IIDDI,EfAY; LLke ee tbe dlere OERl,l,AlfY, found tbelr l.a the loralag; toole rbtcL tbey bad lctt la eucb e Vault, 1n


rblcb ns

accouated for a dracle,

before guch tlae es fbat ebould

tbe caurer bt tbe ckUIluI, I .e!r roto of thls tbereol

tae lcGD eld declered uato tbcn. thcrc

Stonc? 1t le aot udraora tbet

are rbole rocke

la IXDfA, et tbc Ceatlc of tbe ADAlil,AXT, crccted by JIIL. CAES. pa36 by lordcn rltb tron u.uto tlel: & lrct re eee tbet

drarJ,ng eLlpe tbrt tDls rtshty

Stoaer l.n prcscDcG of tbc Dlelold, r.ud caa do roth1ag.

tbe E[ng of Stonee, le

put out of oftlcc, 6. Stay-flrb 9. crLI

To colc ebroad, lt clervbg

betb beeu oftcn lccD et Sca, tbat tbe llttlc beth rtopt bcr full corrsr ead craft, ead tle

to tbc fore-ahlp,

f eLould lor

paae oycr to thrt

otbcr cldc of rklll

to rlad r&ay grrat rork of tbat

eld ronderoua rorke tbcrc done ead perforucd;



lrTBIX fTi

thcec thrce couroD featt

Ll'b. l.

bvcatlolf drlDtt

of lltlgulty, Drrlcca rould of rel8 euffcr rlt

tbr OUIf, CARD, rad PRflffIfG, ead crua1l6; lt thlg lct rbort

ead .uJr eld neror

otLcr epcccb


r.ay luch out-r1d1n6sr togethcr:

thcec fcr rcrve to erahe

four eld cell

yout rlte

you ace thesc tl1n6e I cay, end ere oaly Judgetb

Dcvll rovcd; but 1t you had aever fccE thcu, but bcerd tbc rtortcs rcportcdl ro rcll rbet rould you beve tbougbt ead erl'd? aad bcceuee Do !a! of Lhaelf ra of elothcr;

tuppoac e ple!'a eld harulcaa pcople, tbe bet1u1.n6 drelt 1n a CAVEuader-

rucb es tboec l.adla.ue rere, grouadr lct lt

bad fror

bc tbe Ccntcr lf rcatr

you rlll,

ead et thc laat oDG !e! rore tbc llgbt: tad by lon6

r1ee tba! tle

hed by stcelth

crcpt out lnto

3ravel & trefflck leturc of tDhgg


our pcoplc had lecD ud

lcerned tLc courae of bole,

rbl'cb I bave rcbcarsed uato you, ead tben rcturnlag

bad euddenly stert rad lcaracd: llret,

up ead bcgun to rccou.ut tbc roadere rL.lcb be had eecn that Da bad found tDe certh haaglnt 1! dddle rort a br16ht eld 6oodly covcr colpaselng dtb lltl,nl.te ltgbtg of thc the

a5.rel ald l^a lllre eue;

afar off

thl'e covcr bcaet eld aprlnkled olo (to bc rhort)



rad erolg tbc rcatl rltlout ell touchlatr

of e foot 1l btgneee to hlg algbtt to bc percelvedr to

or othcr reaDa or tnatrulenta eftcr

bold end pull contlnuelly,

Dtr6e Leape ol ratcr rould tbey lot of lnlcctloD

bcr, er cbc paaeed up and dora up tbctr hrnde, ead begtn to unaers? for-

shout eld llft rlth

ruepcct tbc un lO.

atrangc aad trevcllLng rerc done, aad all

Eut rdnr t, rhcn tbe lole6 tbcr

huebt, be lcut

rerd. & told

of rucb e Cburcb ud

Veult rt tb other thl'lgel crn.ot be othcrdec, elrc eloac,

ae rellt ualeaa ead of

erd roro etrea6c tbel Lcavy tbbgs flcr

thc eertb ( for tbrt

up egal'ast iaturc)

haaged |'a tle

ta l
L1b. l.

rucb hllla, ultbout tlc

tbet r!

tbc Suaac trtcaa ot rcaD! vlelble; ot e llttlc flrb,

drere eflpe out of tbclr furtbcrtoro, ltke balf


el5r rtrclgtb d&t

1l Lr h1d ebrord


e foot loa6, eblc to rbet

etey the rela

couraG of a rLlp uadcr eell: rordel

d,o you not tblnk rltb

.our coatcneacoe eld rcvlllag drlvc rltb lot bl'r out of thclr dcatrc to rcfon

end rcproecbce,

tLey rould balt ead rea burala6 couatry, rould

colpeaSr? but 1f tlc

good ead prlnfrI

thc catatc of tble rude ead dcforlcd tllcl

bc rteycd eo, but epytDg a calrcr

durat co.c 1a prcaencc, ead he bad aade ae fceroff

atep fortl

boforc theu a6ala, aud eay, tbat by hle travcl h6laea tlrcd

rucb r raD6 aa f epeak of ; aucb rarllke nrlt ee tbulder, ead as burtlul

ea abould felI rt e fort,

rs r cl!o!

a dlc


xttb a kl.rd of rr1t1n6 rhereby four rea dgbt as four tbousead of the coElon Clcrke;

record es lucb 1a eucb a Cardr rbere-

tbe eene ttrc rltb

a Couatry-Dan tbat Deve1:aer tbe Seer sball tbe courae tbereof

e1t ln tbe botton of a rltbout ateeln6;

Sbl'pr end 4trect Ie 1t lot

tbroughout thc rorld for a couaclcr,

ll.k,c tbey rould epprchead bh

ead adJudge hla I eppeel plty end

to punlablcut?

tbea put tbe ceae you atood by ard ser tbc lattcrr rould you not tLlDL tbc Tnvellcr rortb

to your orn Glpsrl,clcel prdre, tl.

end tbc pcoplc of rcforletlou? IeIl, lct us rcturn to our purpoac; tbcre 1g e f,etlon of lroura) ea yours

rlae len drcllln8 1e tLcn tlclra

ln a ro11 re rucb lore blcsaed (tlea

of tbo Dcaerta, thet 1a, ee tbey btde uader grouadr ead ro tbeae reD labebltc tbc cdgc rad tbc rblch you

you upon thc facc of tbe roof: rklrt of Ecaven; tbcy delly

sce end rork DeDy rondroua thl'agel

Deycr Bar lor

lade, beceuee tou Devr rouated ro to coae enoB8 tber;

122 Llb. l.

lf l1lc

ely @o chrlce

to llto

rtaJr frol & ul,e

tou to thorc bcevcaly plrces, the llkc teporte,

& eftcr

crPerlcDccr to rcturn you glvc:

tou 6lvc hlu tbe rlrc but 1f God rould 61re


(corperc tbe rcet)

f ray Do torc;

you lcavc rad Potcr to eecrnd thoec Llgb pleccal thoughte lad atudlce, 1nc lccrcte lrtr you dgbt qulckly,

I rcaa to thoac bcavenly ead dlv-

Dy of dcep clusrsr aot only bcllcve

eld couparlaloa of onc to raotbcr, the El!c,

tbe blceeer

but eleo lcara end pcrforl 12.

ead cure ell

tbc dlgeaaed.

Eut tbcy 1111 not be r1d eot but follor

es fest egaln eaotbcr leel to rear araJr tbelr tor tbe

tay: llvee

tbat lhercae !o laDy bavc bcear and are dally 1n ILCEEMI, & to flnd aothJ'ag tb.t to rltl uattrcly

good,1a, but coatrery

noat Dutr Ioat llfer folly

ead uaordlnary deatbl alckacss end egc for anokc for 6olden l,lcdl'clacs, ead bed ead sad coadltlona for good

bealtb eld youtb, ead elrays and vcry Deer aa oftea, (lor by bolllng

lor rladour

ead b.oaeet naturee; etullr roaly,

tbcneclvca 1oa6 la euch dcccltful. they crny aost col-

aa tLougb they rsrc burnt to the pota bottor, for cyer eftcr, .^E ulaavoury aneck thcreof;)

l't la plel.n elga the chuge tbcy glve

trade 1a velnr uato na; lct

falee ead dcccltful;

th1e 1a thc thtrd 1t.

us ece bor to bcar rad rltbstand

lbe nost r1'ae ead grcat tbey knor God uede nancnJoycd, or

PEIIOSOPBERS, r.nd ROSIE CRUCIAN PEISICANS, albelt k1ad, lor tbc beppy llfe

eboveoald, ead tbat 1t ras at flret ead tbat by corruptloa

clee 1t hrd bccn ladc ta ve1l, ll'r recrct rppolntacat)

of 111 custone (by nay

our klnd 1a 6roru out of h1nd, end tbcrcfore end no latcnt tct of teture;

bc rcetorcde bccauac 1t l'a e dalcedlag, unlarful


gevc tben occegloa to aeck thc reledy) strl6bt

they tbought 1t of God,

to teacb tbeee l{cd.lclaes, tct

egal.aat ths rlII

Llb. l.



abould bc rcstotcd; rtorc

for thrt

bc rtcred

on purpoae to lrvc 1a luch rort


Sood rDA brdr rDd tLcl, lcet lt dr

of botb togothcr,

lE tc rce

rerc elLke, ud

rad 1a oae etete of Drpplacaa, thc 6rcat ead eo thc goclety Ilke ead Couoa-rcaltb .orrt ttr1v1n6 rrtkcr ud oae

vG'1,ety of buelleea llong


lcn ebould be cleea tal,ca rrry: ell tbllt! eII ue

ee tbc f,lrrt

lccda (rbemof tllcrd

rrdc eld eprnag) terG all rad qulct, rltbout

to eaotlcrr

abould bc ctl.ll

aucceerlon, for to

cbenge ead verlcty

ta tbe rorldr

ead eo there ehould bc ao rorld; of the rorld, be relt

Godr rhen be ceet lJ'e alnd upoa tbe Dulldlag reke a beautlfirl of euch e Bulldcr, ald goodly rork, end therefore rhora,

aeet for tbc Poler, e etlrrlag lo dellgbt

Iladon and Plcaeutc becauee or rt1ll ua

e.ud cheageeblc rork, teken 1a one cyer llhc

tberc r16bt bc ao cuul'ng tLlng; rray, l). but ltgbt ead follor. lhereforer flgbtlng

for epecd, 1s sver best la gucb a 6rouad: lct

by thc crerplc,

eld ae 1t rcre by tbe eccrct bleet & ascd

ead rotl-oa ol Oodr eltcr tbcr for tbe the,

our lea Led tonad tbeae rcator{.tlves,

& to leevc tbeu ea bccolea 6ood ron, to poeterlty, to ley tbcn up eafc 1l e ttroag carlc Caetle, es ahould

th,cy took thl'e rey of coulgel tt rerc la tbc rLlcb dl

tbc broed gatca eld conon 1cev1a6 oac only l1ttlc tDrt tbe Dest lort, blcaecdleee; f;lrctl


bc fert fclced lrcc,

aDut up e.nd berrcdr rlth rlgLt e rhdlnt-rerkr

beck door opcn, forcpelna, ead provld-

by rltr

eorc l'ato tbc rppolated tlslr l{are aad glot

tbe rest etead back ta lor


le thle:

tbcy hl.d tlclcclvcs be frcc lror

ead uatroddea plecce, PROTECTORS, & ctc.

to the ond they dght

tbc porcr of thclr

tbc cyca of the rlcked rorld; tDrt tLcy rrlt

Llb. |.

booke tltb drlk ud

tuch r tuy rullcB



fcaccd rlrl-llr

I tcea, of llkce

to ovcrcrat & rccrct



eDd slya prctrncc!

rtd&Lca tbet ttrc

drera out of tbe rldet lrpoaslblc tbc rettcr. 14. borcrlag lad tlcrcfore oYor trln

of decp klorlcdgc ead rell

l'ad eccrct lcarnln6,

for eay but tbc rlee

61vcn, to approacb or co6e Deer

1t 1ar tbet tbcn tbc 6odlcee rld t8alnet

ualcarucd lea, to Deadle

ead Lonourl prcsulc


tbeee rorda, soft

rbca tbc thl'age ehould, rathn ea apccchr capcclelly readagl tbruet

be hra&Icd (tor

nothtng la

ead 6eltle

so tbroughly tcnpercd) tad yet ell tbcn lf (ae thetr tbese tlagcrs our

bosldos tbe recret rrJr6 end pbeataslca ltcb) rulcs eld dee

up 1l decp kaorlcdgc: & tet oa rorh es feet

tbcy prectlcc

ae faet (ae thcy ruat neede do) tbcy aay thcy lollored aad put our rork lu practlcc,

aad preccptsr

eld fonld tbea falee, es dark nrlcs

that tere es lf of eboothg fallcl rletcd lnto

e cunrin6 Archcr ead ErutaEra hed dcllvcred

rad Duntln6 uato b1e CooDtry-acn, eld thcac by cbence had tbe bands of elotbcr bla drlft rlld ead uateugbt ltatloa, rblch slnply to cboot putpoae,

by rlate.kin6

end rcedag,

hrd rede tbcn llou6ba

1ar eld 6orcd tbclr crted out ead blalcd rrrlr

Orea to tbclr tbc lrtr

6erel rad tloa rl'oalng of tbclr eld Luathtr

of rlootlng thcl:

& rongbt to blor

& rbure the ren tblt end tl,cnl

tau6bt and ell

rould not a rlae Judgc hold end that do uae to rlac

doea Dotb tlcec ud

otbcr bucle-bodlca, to bc ecnt lato thetr

dl'g ln othcr rcla rbercforc


orn trede ead buatbc reet elonc thlnh tbey

llees, lor

tbey rcro rade ead feebloaed? eld to lct

tbc t{tbt

oracre? ead for thogc of EERI{ES bourc, do lot sue, ead rccover tbelr orD ln oper court,

reke clal'r,

eg otDcra use (tbat

Llb . l.


rlaJr 1a rucb e r!.ched torldr but 1a thc rccret f,cltbcr rort,

to loee lead, rhlcb fallcth


ead tll



out rltbla

thc cotpaag

ol your rcproof. oerlcet uPo! tlc

rould t heve you follor tbat elbctt

too bardr 1ad bc eo

aort rclaoD,

our tea hed cluac to blde thelr ead cffect tbcrcof

rorke end prectlccr edveacln6 tbclaelvce, llrcd llkc tlc

VGt tbcy rould lavc rbern thc frult

ee otbcra do, to loaour end plceaurc, of tbe rorld, of ell

rad aot bere


1n rucb !Ga! p116ht and rrctcbcdaeae; acea greateat: lf f llet

lor tLet le the llgbtcat to rlfle Jour thrt b the rolls

otbcr, though lt

of eacleat Rccords, I could eaally l.n tbls

flad and aher beralese and

eltbougb tbc roat Pett of pcoplo llvc rblch

aefe csteter

r told you, yct sole egatl rrc f,laga, ead uea of (aae yct I thllk by renhder, aad uot by purcheae, 6o to

6roat plecc ead dl6alty !o;)

but I lovc not tble klad of rcaaonlng; lct ead as I rcnclbcr,

tben tbet tburst,

the fountala, Blcbee lrc

tbat ln thc bouscbold of R. CRUCIAX bccaure tbcy be,

redc but Scrvelts,

& not tlaatora L Rulcra,

for thc loet ao llbcrty

Dartr unruly ead ubltloue;

atd lor that cauac they bave tbelr bettera,

graated tbcn, but ere cnJoyad to ecrvc lorly !o tbrt

ead to look no furtbcr; of the llrer tbclr

Lt out teD rerc bappf, or at lcaet lovcra !'n tbelr orn ecrrlce, upoa f kaor


ought to be hployed

tbet 1sr to rln rlr0oa aot rlrt rtar bhat tley etrea6cra,

end Vlrtue,

end Eot eeat out to ralt rb1cl,

f,ononr rad Plcesutc;

ea thcy be strangcra, hlsh tblaga do) to tbc Do toro then

ead ,ren6eDouaetraagcra, of hvy, rhlch

fylng opeD (aa elr tbcy rlll

eo roet coaloaly

aot be nrlod, e8a1aet tbcl

got thcr,

rad tbcn rcbelllag

rblcL erc tbclr

Iorde ead Rulcrs;

do overthrot

rn hrppy letatc.

t26 Llb. t.

15. !o lorc trugbt

lbcrcforcr tlel rlrdon



la 1t 1f our re! dld th1r, lor rDy rore tben ell lt rlac

rbn they dld


lca bave sver becauee

rad follorsd?

thlak'lag ead celllng

ea bcevculy I1fe,

1t euaderg thc bcayenly dad

fron tbe cartbly

body; aot (as PLItrY rrltca

of EERI{EIICUS) by ecndlng tbc rere out of thc body to getbcr aad brtag hole !Gts, dtrtlc but by e^ahlgh coltcrpt of oerthly tettere, rad fly1n6 up to

thoughte, Dot rltb

tbe goldcn fcathcro of EURIPfDES,but rlth

tbc bcevenly rlnga of PLATO. 15. rbolc !a!, .lad tbcrelore thle aale dl.vllt len lakes tbat rl'ad aloae tbe uato Ll'n, but

tbc bo{y of a tblag thet la hte, eld bclongtnt

uato hl.r, that 1s tbc body; ead, ea I ray tcru thcn, hls lanr nea. And tLle epoll tLlng alco BIAS bcfore b1n, dl-d ac rcll bavlng leeyc, he took lot perfora, rhco at tbe rlth hJ.a, aDd

of tbe Clty,

hl.s carrlegc ell

tnarcred rlth hlu, 17.

to tbe chock of b1a frlends,

tbat he carrled

h1e ora tblats

rhlch raa aothlag but e ueked body. IRISF0TLE ls of the eale dnd rltb PU[T0, rs rppeare aotably dora raly souad reaaoua

1n hle lart rhy tll-a ll'fc bcceuec lt

Eook ol ldenaers, rbere he batb h1d

1e beat, ead eo by rlec ren, 1e rnd ou6ht to be taken; ratt!.. hc, thc roet qulct ell tbJ'age lccdful llfe, end fullcst of true de-


1t6b.t, aad rltb lot!1a6; llfe I;lte.

bcst reetored;

for ladecd 1t raatetb

for rlet?

la r rlad 1g dlvlnc

ln respcct of e bodyt eo le the rad rorldly to lcad our

of lt,

rLlch la thet rc apcah of, 1n rcgard of e clvll 1f our dada ere oureelycsr tt rcrc rcct

Ald rtrlDr

ora lilta

bcfore rtraagcra;

but laet of el1r bccauee God, our oaly patterut f rl'6ht bc vory lergcr lf f llet to

Ioadetb ao other l1fc

but tbls.

' t2? Llb. l.

.eck rbout rad ttaYerse tbl'a ratt.r:

but hcre ta raough to abor tbe lt res 1n tbclr cholcc to cluae I could brlng

PurPoat eld rcaeon our lea of ECIPT hrd; thle klad ol llfe tlel rbtch tbc rorld

ro Cespleetb: but bor tf rld

1n bereeved of all

cholce rad freerlllr not tbat

drlvea by force of loutba, tbe liud thhk of to

lcccaslty trour 1a eIl

to do tbc aelc? rould tLle levlab

atop thc rldcet tbat

coupray? let

ue kaor flrat,

raa bclng cons lron tbat Ltgb Clty of Ecaveu, deelrcth llve ead lf etlll tbrt beevealy llfe,

of beraelf

that 1e tbe blesacd l1fe ebove deecrlbed; 1t 1a, 1a the relght rad

thcre bc eay let,

ae tbere 1s llkery

8rloa8De8e of our bod.yl oYt-relghlag to ell thls tbelr ora luddy rattere,

our utnds dora to the grouad, and tbey bave got and

tben tbat our reD, after

6olden Stoncr ao feaous ln tbe rorld, tays rua to thelr lt; rbereforc

do aot, ae thcy thlnk, but flret ead chlefly

rould dor stralgbt 611d tbelr

Coffers; aftcr

bodlce rltb


by tbat ni6hty,


a.ud teuperate l{edLclne, tbcy bave ecoured out of eI1 6roeaDe6a aad d1stelpcr ol the bod5 tbe oaly lcte to uaderstaadlag and good leaDers, la largc, ead ehoet

re aball beer bercafterr et Lcr tlret lt rerer frccdol;

rad tD.ereby lcave tbe d.nde tt

atc, ead ao tbey togetber layLag eslde, aad, aa oerthly rettera, ruat retura to thelr orB

ceetlag dora ell etala; ao far,

forrer tlll

llfe aufler:

f tcea, ea tbe coadltloa

aai stete of lan

ead ro put caae you filad your orn derk end durky tye-Iltbt, cvcry fou1, vela ald rorldly but tblrk feacVr Jot you luat ahrp .nd clsar e.nd to evoj.d not

.o aoo! trken rltb tudgc tlesc

Lcavcaly reu thereby, understeadlag ceelly

tbe rort

r16Lt of tbclr

eble to ree tbc blcrl'ab

thc CaIl ol couoD IoYe.

Llb. l.


Ihcrcforcl outht

to cloec up tb,ls poht thlt thcy kaol,

et leat,


tD5'a brppy craft let

ol EERl,lESrlor tlc

rey bc truc aad lonoureblc;

couon ead ualcarned of rly turtber lf

eort atay tbetr

Judgcncat, ead lceve tbe trtal end tbere lu edrlee,

alfttag ell


uato thc rtae ead learncd,


tLey bave DoDo of tbeneelyee, dsht of roue,

lcara better

bctore tle

for tbc feult

they tura to ely ragtng couaeclr r.rd bcnd

cdgc of Autborlty 19.

egalaat all. 6ood Arte, ao 1a tb1e, bccause Lt ls

I greutr tbat ar 1n ell

the secrctest;

tbere be sone droaes crept 1n erong the fr!'eads: rhat tbeu, by EERIIIES, or rDy ol blg a^ndBouse of EERMES, but out and kaoro blgacse ln

ae thcy ere of eaotbcr k5.nd; or Devcr begottcl 8oD8r ao Do reasoD they ahould eleadcr the lare bear thc burdea of tbelr ovn feulta; tbelr

ray be rortcd by thctr

frou tbc holy stlaged and proflteble

Becr flrst, llgbtl.y

lords end bra66sr ead then (ae folloreth by tbelr thlrdlyr rant' etlnglese by tbclr

by tbe courae of ktnd) defcace of learnlng; aad

rad uuerued reehaeea la all elotb ead ldleacaa;

for altbougb tbey DcyGr leave atlrAGUf,T, tbcy palnfully 1e frultlese do uotblag,

yet aa SEilECAraltb,


becaute all

tbey do !'a to no purpo6s, all dlgccrnlng

ead uaprofttable. ran upon all,

Eut DfOCLESIIF leckcd tbla


end raebly

end burat the Book, ruch llke

that part of LYCURGUS, rho for tbe druakcalot becu better to bavc

loaa of tbe peoplc, cut dorn the Vtnes; hrd lt brought tbe eprlna of ratcr tLrt lade tood vtth

Dcerer, aad to bave brl&Lea,

ae PLI'TO ealtb,

tbe eober? rltb better edri.ce havc tclpcrcd ud tbc heat

Evea ao the Enperour rl6ht of AI,CEEMY rlth tbc coollng

Card of Dlacrettoa,

radc !'t an Art larfu.l.I

l29 L1b. l.

lor e lull

Durbcr oulyr

ead rlth Prlacce,



to bs pnctl!.d,

rblch brrl

bcce r CoulaGl rortby



to lct

tbr Lopc of ro 6rcet bopee, bc lt DryGr

e Tmearrrc to lor r enall ro greet,

loaar aor Jtct upoD ulccrtela tlhgr to rl'tr tror lct

to lore e ccrtal'a 6rcrt eld ordorly ell

tbe ltfc

ead 6oode of

bla Subtccte rcII togctbcr, to hlor


ua Jola Art rad lfeturc

thlaga 1netl prcecatr ead to coaci thet Loat Llfc, cnJoycdi tor efter thle lctbodlcally couplcat

Gtc. rey bc rlth

thc rors plcreurc

BOLI GUfDE, f,aorlcdgc, Eapplnoae, Loa6 Ltlc pleaacs Ecalth;

tbe reet r1I1 be lrperfcct:

tbcn laorlcdge


Eaorledgc; Ecaltb colforta louth;

lon6 Ldfc: Iouth

R1cLee rcJolcc f;lad rll

Iouth crbraccs Utedou end Vlrtnet

Gtc. rl1ch you ahall

1l order.


fo lbc fruly loblc by ell T1tlce,

S1r Relpb llccuea, Ber onct, tc.



ead rtcraal bc rlrhcd.


Thc Roed.e Cructeae tbet rc ought to lebour aot frou

bave r very ercellsut ta aothlag rorc

oplal'on llfc, by rhlcb

(Moat hoaored S1r) tben tbat te cole re dcncercet rer-

1a tbls


tbe Ercellcncy oa tbe dlvl.ue

of the dnd, traturc: lcet

to God, end to put

at eny tlae frallty

our alad

l'ag d,ull by vel'n ldlcncss; bodyr rnd vlcee dour by tbc Iberclore rlndfull

cbould decltne

to thc

of our cartbly

of tbe flcsh.

So re eboul.d lose lt, of porversc Lusts. thrt lt

ae 1t rerG caet

dark prcclplces rc ougbt

ao to order

our dad,

by lt



of 1te orn dl'gnJ.ty rad crcellcacy, rortby of lt rclf: pcrforr

ahould alraye

both thlnk, of dlvlae

do, ead opcrats Sclcacc doth olly

But tho kaorlcdge tbla buslcd bI r letc for ln ur,

ead very porcrfully of ltr l{aJeatyr

rhea re by Studlcs, laqu-

tbc rclsnbreacs do cvery 1r1t1oa, lrcb-typc ead lfaturcl thrt nc6lect, lolcnt

bclng elrays tLlagar


contcnpletc thc


ead dlltgeat

tad by el1 Llleclll

degreca of the Creeturce frou Dh tbe rccret

receadJ'Dg cvGD to thc Tbcory of Art tboee ront often

to drer


rccordlng truatlng

to the doctrlnc only to letural

of tbc EOLY OUIDE, rLtch eld rorldly thlage, rre


to Dc coaloutdcd dccclvcd by rvll

by ilvcm rplr1tr.


end talhclear

eld Ycry oft

to bs

But tbc nnderetr.Ddbg eld rcadereth OUfDE, ltc. end togetber eld dl lrt 1t dlvlac; drlvctb

of tbc EOLI CUIDE purgctb 6lvcth lnfelllble



tron erDoutat

porcr to our ROSIE CRITCIAI{ of eLL cr1l Splrltst good An6elat

fer tbc dccclta & obrtaclce

eubJccte tDcr to our couudsi

5rcrr 1t corPelle rlz.

tLc lnrerc

of thc rorLd u.ato our aervlce,

!!hc vertue of onr

belng drara fron tbc IRCE-IIPE hlnaelf: Dcceaaarlly obey us, ead all

To rhou rbcn le aeccnd, all tlsr


tbc Qulre of Eeaven do follol aad lurortal

Sccta6 tLcrefore(Loarncd 6tvta Vour rhJ,cb rcclug

S1r) you bave e Dlrtne

eoul' e rell tbt

the toodaces ol tbc Dtrl'ue Prortdenccr bave 1n sucb Eti'rtr

dltpoaod tatc,

uld tbe bouaty of laturc


by t1c acutcaees of tour underatandlng & pcrfectaeas eblc to v1cr, acarcb, coltclplete, Tbcatrc dl.ftlcul.t of f,aturall tllags,

of acleear you are

dlaccrn ead plerce tbrougb tbe pleaaaat bouec of tbe Ecavcue, tnd loat

tbe gubllnc

lnssegcs of Dd'vtac tbtn6e. aD ao

I betn6 borud to you Dy thc baDd of theec your 6rcat vlrtuca lar I dcbtor, op11lore, as to couualcats rltbout hvy

tbe true eccount of all cepeclelly tbelr rlth

thcse Rulct,

rLtcL rc havc rcad & Icaracdl grcateet

precloua l{cdlctacs & tbclr thclr gltt of bcallDtr

ttc. accrete of tbe PAIIfAXVAT ead ca1nc1ty.

rccordlag lor rltb

to our colplerlon

Ie prcaeat tbsrcforc rLtcb pr{ls lc brve pcrfectea botb of rlnd

to youl e eolpleate dlllgent

rork tu the EOLT GIIIDET

caBe, ead Yery 6rcet labour aad bc rude ead uapolLebed 1a

elil body: ead tbou6! lt ;let 1t la truly

reepcct of rordsr

cleborate 11 respcct of ratter:



f dcatrc


oae leyour,


you rould rot


thc grecc

of el Oratloal

or tbe Elcteacy

of Spcccb tn thle

EooL, rhlcD rc rrotc for thc dcetb of our end othere, rbo rere

Ion6 rLncc rad rcvLacd 1a our deys ol rourn1a6, follor-Prleoner rpltclully tbruat JOEXEEUIT, Doctor of Dlrtnlty, lnto Geo1c rltb ue, ead ttay


nurdcred by the

fJrreat CROHIELL,bccaulc they lovcd our Soveralga Lord tho EII|G. Aad rc erpcctcd to cuffer for our Loyelty to El'a Secrcd l{aleety Gtc.

tbc EIilG; but our Detatea raasoucd our Llves,

A6a1ar lc brve cboec tbe lcss Ele6rncy of Speccb, ebuadaace of natter luccecdJ.n6 la tbe plece thereof; Sophlrtcrs but aeetnt rltbout cepeclally doubt, ranJr acofflag

r1I1 coneptre ega1ast re, to GOD, e.nd fully

of tboae rbo boaet tber rttb DMI|III; LDd

eclvea to be ellycd


thc ecct of ael'f effectors, flrcd to tbe lloatlcc-ptece, bllndncas)

tbat r1I1 (unlese aole Judl-cloua Patron be ee the bea.aaof the Sun to correct not olly dlegorge thelr tbelr but

tercJr peet1'a6 dtb

cDylr 1a rords,

Judge ead condcra to the I[re rlgbtly rttb uaderetood eay thlag

the tb!'aga, cyeB bcfore

tbey bave read or

of tben, becauee tbeee I,IEDICII{ES egree aot dth tbelr EoB. Aad aleo by


Bodlea, nor rucb srect Florers eparkc of hetrcd,

Dcaeol of thet I'o1llg

loag glnce coacelvcd egalnet ne for ry tbe Dcar

rad rervlcceblc

cadeavoura to LeIp tbc Boyal. Party to rcetore coatrla1ag tlc toura, tt sclf uadcr the Acbcso llbercforc, by rc to the rerlta lt

trIIfG, eld yct lcuce 81r, lc Vlrtur, firther ead lor eubdt reie

Ru1ce recrlbed

of Jrour to your

to your ceDaurc, ead coucld


tDrt 1l thc baee eld perfldloug

SopLlstcre rould dclane tt you rould by the pcreplcacy

by the 6toaa ledross of tbelr

eDyy eud oaIlce,

lf i

et tout


& eendourol


bepplLy protcct

ead icfold

Lt ud rc.

fou,r rogt lunble Scrvant lni ' truc Eoaourcr, JOEI ESTDOIV"

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