10 SC Bio Evolution
10 SC Bio Evolution
10 SC Bio Evolution
Characters of parents get copied in children. Skin colour, hair colour, height, appearance, etc. in
children resemble either of parents or grandparents. This phenomenon is known as heredity.
Chromosomes contain genes, which work like a recording device recording all the genetic codes of
an individual and transferring them to the next generation.
As half of the chromosomes come from paternal side and rest half from maternal side, so the
offspring will have a mix of characters from both parents. This mixing up of characters creates
slight variation in the genetic makeup of the offspring. These variations accumulate over hundreds
of years giving rise to a altogether new species.
Interpretation of Results: In the first generation all the seeds were wrinkled. The 'wrinkled' character
was dominant, while the 'smooth character was dormant. Both characters were present in the genotype
or genetic makeup. In the next generation 25% of seeds were pure wrinkled with 'wrinkled' genotype,
25% seeds were pure smooth with 'smooth' genotype and 50% of seeds were wrinkled with
'wrinkled+smooth' genotype. This shows how sometimes children of tall father can be of average
height as the 'tall' character becomes dormant in that generation.
Sex Determination
This issue answers the question how it is possible that the newborn is a male or female. In some
animals, like crocodile, the temperature at which an egg hatches determines the sex of a
newborn. In human it depends on the last pair of chromosomes. As you know human have 23
pairs of chromosomes. 22 pairs are alike and the 23rd pair can be of similar or dissimilar
chromosomes. In females both chromosomes of the 23rd pair consists of X type, while in male the
23rd pair is made up of XY chrmosomes. Following diagram shows what happens when a zygote is
Male Female
Child Female Female Male Male
It is clear by above diagram that when two gametes with X chromosome make zygote the
offspring will be female. When one gamete with X chromosome fertilizes another gamete with Y
chromosome to make zygote the offspring will be male.
Life started on earth as simple unicellular organisms. These organisms through evolution over
millions of years created hugely diverse life forms which we see today. In fact variations
accumulating over a period of time created a new species and the process continued and will be
continued in years to come.
Proofs of Evolution: