hsg94 PDF
hsg94 PDF
hsg94 PDF
Safety in the design and use of gamma and electron irradiation facilities
This is a free-to-download, web-friendly version of HSG94 (Second edition, published 1998). This version has been adapted for online use from HSEs current printed version. You can buy the book at www.hsebooks.co.uk and most good bookshops. ISBN 978 0 7176 1621 3 Price 16.00 This publication is written to assist those concerned with the design and use of gamma and electron beam irradiation plants. It covers principally the requirements of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 19851 (IRR85), and the associated Approved Code of Practice The protection of persons against ionising radiation arising from any work activity.2 These regulations require radiation exposure to be kept as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) and within certain specified dose limits.
HSE Books
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Crown copyright 1993 First published 1993 ISBN 978 0 7176 1621 3 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to: The Office of Public Sector Information, Information Policy Team, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU or e-mail: [email protected] This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive. Following the guidance is not compulsory and you are free to take other action. But if you do follow the guidance you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law. Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance as illustrating good practice.
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Introduction 4 Legal requirements 5 Administrative arrangements 7 Safety assessment 12 Local rules and contingency planning 13 Reviewing assessments and contingency plans 16 Safety assurance 17 Other safety issues 20 Electron beam devices 22 Appendix Probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) 31 References 38
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1 Radioisotopes which emit gamma radiation and high- energy electron beam generators have been used in industry, medicine and research for many years in the UK and throughout the world. Their main application has been in medical product sterilisation, various food treatments, plastics curing and polymerisation, semi-conductor manufacture and gemstone irradiation to bring about colour changes. The radiation safety of these applications is the subject of this guidance.
Radiation hazards
2 Gamma radiation and electron beams interact with materials by causing ionisation in the atoms of which they are composed. This process is harmful to cells in living tissue and may either kill them directly or cause them to mutate (change genetically) in a way that may increase the exposed persons risk of developing cancer later in life. In the case of exposure to very large gamma sources and high-energy electron beam devices, such as those used for sterilisation, cell damage can be so severe that acute effects such as skin burns and radiation sickness occur soon after exposure; this can cause death which, depending on the exposure severity, may occur within a few weeks or even hours of exposure. 3 It is therefore vitally important that irradiators are designed and constructed so that personal exposure does not take place. However, although personal exposure to irradiator sources and generators is harmful, it is nonetheless precisely this ability to kill cells that makes their radiation so effective for largescale sterilisation, particularly of medical products and foodstuffs.
Restriction of exposure
4 The law requires personal access to irradiator sources and generators to be restricted so far as is reasonably practicable (Ionising Radiations Regulations 19851 (IRR85), regulation 6), especially during plant commissioning, operation, adjustment, maintenance, repair and servicing. This control is usually achieved by the use of engineered features such as shielding and by the use of design features such as safety interlocks which prevent human access to irradiation chambers when dangerous radiation levels exist. 5 Experience has shown that gamma and electron beam irradiation facilities can be designed to have shielding sufficient to restrict radiation exposures, of those who work at the facility, to no more than that received by the general public from environmental radiation. 6 Radioactive source irradiator enclosures are categorised as follows: Category Category Category Category I II III IV self-contained, dry source storage irradiator; panoramic, dry source storage irradiator; self-contained, wet source storage irradiator; panoramic, wet source storage irradiator.
Examples of these categories are shown in Figures 1 to 4. 7 Category I and III installations are mainly found in research applications; they tend to be designed to deliver high doses to small items. Industrial applications such as large-scale sterilisation facilities are usually Category II or IV installations.
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8 Category I units are generally housed in a laboratory or other designated room to which only authorised workers have access. Worker access restriction also applies to Category III devices but these tend to be installed in a room or building which has been specifically designed for the purpose.
Irradiator sources
9 The most common radionuclide is Cobalt-60. It has a long half-life (5.27 years) so that source change frequency is minimised; it emits two high-energy gamma photons (1.17 and 1.33MeV) which are highly penetrating. Cobalt in solid form is also insoluble and non-friable. It has a high melting point (1492C) which reduces the risk of contamination if source containment fails, for example during a fire. 10 Caesium-137 has also been used in some installations around the world but has become less popular in recent years because its solubility makes it more difficult to contain for long periods. It also emits a single, lower energy photon (0.66MeV) which means that much larger amounts of radioactivity are needed to produce a dose rate equivalent to that of Cobalt-60.
Legal requirements
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 19745
11 The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSW) is the enabling act under which a number of statutory instruments are made. This section summarises those which are particularly relevant to work with ionising radiation. 12 The HSW Act itself places a number of general duties on employers and employees. Sections 2 and 3 place duties on employers to assure the health and safety of their employees and others, so far as is reasonably practicable. 13 Section 6 places a duty on designers, manufacturers, importers, suppliers, erectors and installers to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, an article used at work is so designed and constructed that it will be safe and without risk to health when it is being set up, used, cleaned or maintained. For articles used in work with ionising radiation, this duty is extended by IRR85, regulation 32(1) to include restriction of exposure of employees and other persons. Information must also be provided about safe article and substance use in workplaces. These duties have particular relevance to irradiation plants because exposure risks associated with the sources or generators they use are significant and can only be effectively controlled by good design, fabrication and competent operation.
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22 In general, transport regulations set out packaging, labelling and documentation requirements for radioactive material consignment. These duties are mainly the consignors; however consignees, carriers and drivers also need to be aware of regulatory requirements and the responsibilities they may have so that compliance deficiencies can be recognised. There are also specific training requirements which must be met by drivers of vehicles used to transport radioactive materials; these are set out in the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (Driver Training) Regulations 1996. HSE has responsibility for the enforcement of these Regulations.10 23 The Regulations also require consignors to possess a certificate of approval, for the type of container they plan to use, before they ship a radioactive source for the first time. For shipments originating outside the UK, the DETR must be provided with a copy of the appropriate certificate of approval. In certain cases prior notification of the competent authority may be required whenever a radioactive material is moved offsite. 24 Consignors have the primary responsibility for ensuring the safety of shipments but carriers also have responsibilities, for transit safety and for implementing contingency plans in the event of accidents. For consignments shipped from overseas, the shipping agent will usually become the consignor from the port of entry and should ensure, among other things, that the carrier can transport the consignment safely and is prepared to respond to transit incidents. 25 At some stage in the delivery of a consignment of radioactive material there will be a transfer of responsibility from the consignor to the consignee. There may also be a transfer from one mode of transport to another which is not entirely within the control of the consignor (eg for imported shipments). In such circumstances, co-operation between employers to ensure the smooth working of these transfers and to maintain the chain of responsibility at all stages is necessary and is a requirement of regulation 4 of the IRR85.
Administrative arrangements
26 Employers must notify their local HSE office of their intention to start work with ionising radiations (IRR85 regulation 5 and Schedule 4) at least 28 days before they do so. Office addresses are in local telephone directories. This is the employers responsibility and does not fall to the local authority or any other agency that is notified.
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28 For many irradiation plants, it is possible to make a case for not appointing a RPA on the grounds that instantaneous dose rates are well below 7.5Sv.h-1 and that personal access during normal source or generator exposure is physically impossible (excluding source change operations), thereby obviating the need to designate a controlled area. However, the radiological hazards presented by most irradiation plants are such that, when certain things go wrong, the potential for life-threatening exposure can be very great indeed. Failure to have appointed a RPA to give advice during and in anticipation of such eventualities would therefore amount to a failure to have done everything reasonably practicable to ensure the safety of people in the workplace. It is therefore good practice to make RPA appointments for all irradiation plants but especially those in Categories II and IV and for source changing operations. 29 As with notification of work with ionising radiation, HSE must be given 28 days notice of RPA appointments. However, because of the need to consider in detail all aspects of the safety of the facility, it is advisable to make these appointments as early as possible in planning and construction work. 30 The RPA should be suitably experienced and qualified to give advice on the radiation safety of irradiators. In particular the RPA should have: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) a thorough knowledge of the ionising radiation hazards associated with irradiation plants, so that advice on effective risk assessment and identification of control measures can be given, and an understanding of the control and interlocking techniques available to address such hazards; general knowledge of the industrial irradiation industry, including the market it operates in and its typical working practices, so that the working practices of the employer who appoints the RPA can be assessed within their proper context and so that meaningful advice on radiation safety matters can be given; a detailed working knowledge of occupational health and safety law relating to irradiators, to include all relevant statutory provisions, approved codes of practice and guidance documents; the ability to give advice on how to meet legal requirements and adopt good radiation safety practice; and skills in communication so that radiation safety issues can be conveyed to all levels of management.
31 IRR85 ACOP, paragraphs 68 to 76 give more information about RPA appointment2 and the matters on which employers should seek advice. Chief among these is the employers need to obtain advice on training and information provision to staff when a new irradiation facility is being planned.
32 Staff should receive training and instruction which enables them to conduct their work in accordance with the Regulations (IRR85, regulation 12). The following topics should be included in training programmes: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) radiation hazards and health effects; radiation protection techniques, eg shielding, distance and time; how to use radiation measuring equipment, eg dose rate meters, installed alarms and electronic personal dosemeters; plant safety control systems, their purpose and operation; safe working practices for the plant; and emergency arrangements.
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33 It is good practice to give refresher training annually and whenever staff changes occur. The RPA should be consulted on how best to set up and run training programmes for employees. It is also good practice to involve appointed safety representatives and, where appropriate, any established safety committee in the development and operation of training schemes. 34 The manufacturer or supplier of the plant should be consulted when training programmes are being developed and especially when training of staff takes place during plant commissioning . 35 Prior to commissioning, plant managers will need extensive training in all aspects of the plants operation so that appropriate systems of work can be established. The RPA, manufacturer or supplier of the plant will have important roles in this.
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39 Many employers decide that their personal dosimetry needs are such that worker safety assurance is improved if they decide to classify their workers and, as a general rule, this should always happen where significant radiation exposure is a real possibility. For example, employers who do their own maintenance or source changing should classify their workers. 40 There are some circumstances where designation of classified persons is good practice even though it remains unlikely that personal exposures will exceed three-tenths of the relevant dose limit. For example, it would be bad practice to use written systems of work in place of worker classification for employees who routinely enter irradiator chambers throughout their working day. The RPA should always be consulted about the appropriateness of worker classification in particular work circumstances. 41 When workers are classified, the employer has additional responsibilities. These include arranging pre-employment medical examination, medical surveillance (IRR85 regulation 16), regular dose assessment and arrangements for keeping dose records (IRR85 regulation 13). The employer must arrange for an approved dosimetry service (ADS) and an appointed doctor to provide these services. It is also important that the employer ensures that dosemeters are properly worn by employees and that they are returned promptly to the ADS as required.
Area designations
42 Areas where significant personal exposure risks exist must be identified so that entry to those which can cause personal exposure above three-tenths of any dose limit can be restricted by physical demarcation and the use of barriers (IRR85, regulation 8). Such locations are required to be designated as Controlled Areas and must be described in local rules. 43 Areas where personal exposures cannot exceed three-tenths but can exceed one-tenth of any dose limit must be designated as Supervised Areas and must also be described in local rules. 44 Irradiaton plants seldom have work areas that, in the normal course of events, need to be designated as Controlled Areas. This is because their design includes safety-interlocked exposure controls which make personal access to the source or generator at dose rates in excess of 7.5Sv.h-1 an event which cannot normally occur (IRR85 regulation 8). However, significant personal exposure risks may arise in the event of a plant fault or from lapses in systems of work and so it is good practice to designate irradiation chambers as Controlled Areas (IRR85 regulation 8(3)). Notwithstanding these considerations, Controlled Areas should always be set up during maintenance and source changing procedures.
Monitoring radiation
45 Employers must ensure that levels of radiation in and around the Controlled and Supervised Areas they designate are properly assessed so that the effectiveness of exposure restriction controls can be monitored (IRR85 regulation 24). The equipment used to do this monitoring must be suitable for measuring the type of radiation at the plant and it must be properly calibrated and maintained by a qualified person. For example, employers need to consider the maximum dose rate which monitoring equipment might reasonably encounter, so that it can be tested up to, or beyond, such dose rates.
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46 Advice on monitoring equipment provision, maintenance and testing is given in booklet HSG49.12 47 It is good practice to provide a small radioactive test source at the entrance to irradiator chambers so that the operation of hand-held monitors can be checked before entry. However, care must be taken to ensure that the test source is not in such a position that it continues to give a reading on the monitor when an entry is made; over time this could lead to complacency about the meaning of such readings and a dangerous situation could then be overlooked. It is also essential that hand-held monitors used for this purpose are capable of giving meaningful dose rate indications when sources are exposed or generators switched on; many hand-held monitors fail to indicate any dose rate when exposed to the very large radiation fields present in irradiator chambers, and so it is important to select equipment which will be suitable.
Critical examinations
48 The dose restriction and safety features of a new irradiator plant must be critically examined under the supervision of an RPA (IRR85 regulation 32(2)) appointed by either the plant installer or the employer who will operate it. This should be done before the plant is brought into service. 49 The examination should involve a full radiation survey around the exposure cell or chamber so that any radiation leaks are identified. The data obtained in the survey should be filed so that future survey data, required by IRR85 regulation 24, can be properly assessed. The IRR85 ACOP2 deals with these requirements in more detail. 50 The critical examination should confirm the following key points: (a) that safety interlocks and warning devices operate properly; and (b) that there is adequate source or generator shielding. 51 Hand-over documentation should also be prepared by the manufacturer/ supplier in consultation with the RPA. This should deal with all aspects of the irradiators use and maintenance and should contain the information the plantoperating employer needs to comply with the law.
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Safety assessment
What the law requires
52 All employers have a general duty under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 199213 to carry out a risk assessment of their work activities so that the measures needed to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on them by or under relevant statutory provisions can be identified. 53 For work with ionising radiation, this assessment needs to identify the things the employer must do to meet the requirements of IRR85, in particular regulations 6 and 27. The assessment should also deal with the hazard assessment requirements of regulation 25. Guidance on the matters which need to be addressed can be found in Part I and Part II, section 6 of the IRR85 ACOP.2 54 The overriding objective of the assessment should be identification of what needs to be done to restrict, so far as is reasonably practicable, personal exposure to radiation in normal operation and following reasonably foreseeable incidents. 55 Special hazard assessments required under IRR85 regulation 26 are not normally necessary for irradiators because most meet either of the following requirements: (a) (b) the quantity of radioactive material does not exceed that shown in IRR85, schedule 2, column 6 (for Cobalt-60 the limit is 2 x 1012 Bq); or the sealed source complies with the specification requirements set out in IRR85, schedule 9.
56 Employers should consult their RPA and the irradiator manufacturer/supplier about the need for special hazard assessments. 57 The following paragraphs give guidance on what it is good practice to include in an irradiator safety assessment.
General principles
58 Irradiator safety assessment is a complex task and employers should always consult their RPA for advice. RPA consultation is particularly important for assessments made under IRR85 regulation 25. 59 In the case of Category II and IV irradiators, employers (especially suppliers, manufacturers and installers) should also consider their need to consult a specialist in safety-critical control systems in order to ensure that their assessment covers all aspects of irradiator operation. In this regard, it is good practice to use risk analysis techniques such as probabilistic safety analysis (PSA). An example of these techniques is given in the Appendix. 60 Safety assessment findings should be recorded and kept up-to-date.
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62 Human factors such as operator error, deliberate acts to undermine safety systems and responses by people to incidents also need to be considered. Most irradiator incidents which have been reported world-wide have been caused, at least in part, by human factors and so it is vitally important that these issues are properly addressed. 63 Assessment needs should be discussed by managers and operators together with safety representatives and any established safety committee. This will ensure that safety-critical points about the plants design and the way in which people actually operate it are not overlooked. Discussion will also enable effective systems of work to be established. 64 Initially, all operational contingencies, however unlikely or bizarre, should be included in safety assessments. This is the best way of ensuring that nothing is missed. Once the risks associated with a contingency have been established, decisions about the need do anything about it can be made.
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68 It is extremely important that local rules fully describe correct cell entry procedures as a step-by-step list. In particular, the list should cover the operators need to use a hand-held radiation meter or personal indicating dosemeter, capable of giving audible warnings, whenever the irradiator/chamber is entered; it is good practice to issue personnel with both types of instrument. Such provision is cheap, simple to implement and has been shown to save lives. It ensures that operators are warned of any radiation inside an irradiation chamber, such as might arise if safety interlocks and source return or generator exposure termination mechanisms completely fail.
76 Contingency plans should specifically deal with the following points: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) How to recognise operational problems, raise the alarm and make initial responses to an emergency. For example, information about warning signals which indicate that a problem has, or may have, arisen needs to be provided. The immediate actions necessary to secure the safety of workers and other persons, eg area evacuation, incident appraisal and management notification. The need for calm appraisal of the situation so that an incidents severity and nature can be determined. So often the wrong decisions are made in the early stages of an incident because people jump to conclusions about what has happened. Those who will have to manage an incident will need to know how to get information about the plants status and what to look for. They will also need to be skilled at de-briefing workers who were eye-witnesses to initial events so that the true nature of the problem can be established. The plan should contain detailed information about normal radiological conditions around the plant so that an incidents nature and severity can be established quickly. Once the nature of an incident has been established, the plan will then need to provide information about the measures necessary to bring the situation under control or to stop it getting any worse. Radiological monitoring will be important at this stage of contingency plan operation as will the need to set up personnel exclusion zones and warning notices. Workers involved in dealing with an emergency are people under pressure and so the contingency plan should provide them with information about the remedial action necessary for each accident scenario in a clear and succinct way. This will ensure that there can be no confusion about what remedial action is required. Remember too that an incident not dealt with in the contingency plan is always a possibility, so make sure that the plan has something to say about the sort of remedial action to take when a totally unforeseen incident occurs. Make sure that all responsible persons such as the RPA and RPS and external contact addresses and telephone numbers are included in the plan and that they are kept up-to-date. Sources of advice and assistance should also be listed, for example the regulatory and emergency authorities. It is good management practice for the employer to appoint a single person to carry out the task of informing the authorities and/or answering enquiries from the press and public. This will ensure that information about the emergency is dealt with consistently. Make sure that the plan gives information about where to find equipment such as source transport containers, additional monitoring equipment and special tools. Contingency plan rehearsals should include checks for the availability of this emergency equipment. Incident control is about prevention as well as mitigation. Contingency plans therefore need to include information on how all events and remedial actions should be logged. This information is important to the ongoing management of an incident and to follow-up enquiries made to identify what needs to be done to avoid future similar occurrences.
Incident prevention
80 Incident prevention depends on a number of factors, the most significant of which are: (a) (b) (c) (d) safety-related control system performance, eg irradiator entry interlocks; staff training and competence; the effectiveness of inspection regimes in highlighting incipient faults; and effective preventative maintenance.
81 It is good practice to keep records of near-miss events so that the circumstances which led to them can be avoided. Operational records also assist in the analysis of plant performance and help to reveal trends which could lead to an incident. When records of plant performance or safety indicate that changes to operational procedures or plant design are needed, the employer should ensure that both the hazard assessment and contingency plan are updated accordingly. 82 Examples of incidents which should be recorded and which would require immediate investigation are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) stuck source problems involving its failure to return to the storage location; fires and explosions inside irradiator chambers; source frame damage; failure of source hoist cables or transit mechanisms; irradiation chamber access problems; radioactively contaminated product; spurious alarms and interlock actuation; contamination outside the cell; radiation damage of electrical insulation within the irradiation chamber; in the case of wet source store irradiators, storage pool liner or pipework damage; abnormal storage pool water loss; storage pool water chemistry changes and radioactive contamination of storage pool water.
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Safety assurance
83 Irradiator manufacturers and suppliers should provide comprehensive information about safety systems fitted to their equipment. Employers will need this information in order to operate the irradiator safely. IRR85 ACOP, Part II, section 6 gives information on the sort of control systems which should be installed. 84 To achieve safe operation, complex devices such as irradiators use safety-related control systems (SRCS). To work effectively, an SRCS should be both functionally and, where practicable, physically independent from other irradiator control systems. This ensures that, when an incident occurs, the SRCS remains effective. 85 An SRCS needs to have two features: it should make it impossible for a person to gain access to the irradiator source or generator when in the exposed position or switched on, and it should be fault tolerant. 86 Engineered exposure control is achieved by interlocking source and generator exposure mechanisms with the points of entry to the exposure chamber so that they remain locked while the source/generator is exposed or switched on. For example, this can be achieved by having a mechanical device at irradiator entrance doors or lids which directly disables the source or generator exposure mechanism. Interlocking can also be achieved by an electrical logic system which makes decisions about irradiator status from the inputs received from control devices such as source rack position detectors, door closure detectors and in-cell radiation detectors. Principles for design and selection of interlocking devices are described in safety standard BS EN 1088.16 87 Electrical techniques are more flexible than mechanical designs and are often preferred by designers and manufacturers nowadays. But they can be more difficult to make fail-safe than mechanical safety interlocks. With the advent of software-driven programmable controllers, particularly in relation to Category II and IV irradiators, the issue of fault tolerance and mitigation in the SRCS has become vitally important to overall safety assurance. 88 A complete discussion of SRCS design and implementation is beyond the scope of this guidance. More information on this topic is available in HSE guidance on programmable electronic systems (PES).17 89 Irradiator safety assurance depends on the use of one or all of the following design principles: (a) (b) Inherent safety (fail-safety and fault tolerance) Here, individual components within a SRCS are designed to have no safetycritical consequences when they fail. The simplest example of this principle is electrical design which ensures that failures in relays and devices such as door closure detection switches do not cause hazardous conditions in themselves or render the SCRS incapable of detecting a hazardous condition in the irradiator system(s) it is designed to protect. Redundancy and diversity When risk assessment indicates that failure of a component within a SRCS has unavoidable safety-critical consequences, designers have to consider ways of providing a backup component which has a similar function. SRCSs which have such backup systems are said to have redundancy. Ideally, backup devices should operate quite differently from the primary system they are designed to protect, a design approach referred to as diversity.
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An SRCS which unlocks irradiation chamber entrance doors only when in-cell radiation detectors signal the absence of significant dose rates and when either a source return to store or, in the case of generators, a power off signal has been received, has both diversity and redundancy. This design principle is widely adopted in Category II and IV irradiators but often the fail-safety of the controller that processes the signals from safety devices such as in-cell detectors is overlooked in risk analysis. Irradiator designers need to pay particular attention to this issue if they are to build plant with the necessary level of safety integrity Safety Standard IEC 6150818 gives information about safety integrity and defines it as the probability of a safety related system satisfactorily performing the required safety functions under all the stated conditions within a stated period of time. Redundancy and diversity do not just apply to engineered features; administrative arrangements can also be involved. For example, a system of work which requires workers to have a radiation monitor with them when they enter an irradiation cell will provide protection when engineered systems fail. However, remember that administrative arrangements are less reliable than engineered controls; they should never be used as the primary means of safety assurance. Safety integrity (safety function reliability) This approach is seldom used in the design and construction of irradiators mainly because methods (a) and (b) are more cost-effective. Safety assurance by the use of high-safety integrity components in the SRCS requires three things: quality-assured design and fabrication to an acceptable level of safety performance, quality-assured in-service maintenance, and extensive data on component failure mode probabilities so that operational life can be determined. The problem with the safety integrity approach is that there has to be a consensus on acceptable levels of failure probability and so far as public opinion is concerned, this is not always easy to establish. The aviation industry is a good example of these principles in operation. Here, when redundancy cannot be used, quality-assured safety integrity is used instead. For example, aircraft engines can be replicated to provide redundancy but the turbine blades in each, which if they fail could endanger the whole aircraft, have to be guaranteed to operate at an acceptable level of safety integrity.
90 The following examples illustrate the ways in which these three safety assurance principles are applied specifically to the design and operation of irradiators: (a) Inherent safety Irradiators cannot be designed to be wholly inherently safe; redundancy and safety integrity are also necessary to the overall safety assurance of any particular design. However, where practicable the inherent safety approach is the preferred option. The following are some examples of SRCS components being used in this way: Door closure switches designed and installed so that when they fail, following return spring failure or poor electrical connection for example, the source or generator exposure mechanism remains disabled. In-cell radiation detectors fitted with priming sources so that a detectable output signal is always produced. This technique enables the control circuit to detect immediately any failure in the detectors sensitivity to radiation.
(i) (ii)
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(iii) Making use of gravity in source exposure mechanism design so that when the mechanism fails, the source falls back to the storage position automatically. (b) Redundancy Making use of a number of control devices, each operating in a different way, to interlock source or generator exposure mechanisms with irradiation chamber personal access points is good irradiator design practice. Interlocking can be achieved by mechanical and/or electrical means and may involve a controller that is software programmable. Examples of control devices include door closure switches and electromechanical locks, in-cell radiation detectors, source position detectors and search and lock-up devices. IRR85, ACOP Part II section 6 gives more information on the types of devices which are typically needed. (c) Safety integrity Source encapsulation performance, throughout its life in the irradiator, is critical to overall plant safety integrity assurance. Sources are designed to meet stringent international containment standards so that, in normal use, they do not leak radioactivity. This is achieved by double encapsulation of the radioactive material and rigorous quality assurance checks during manufacture. Irradiation sources are also designed to meet stringent leakage requirements during foreseeable accidents such as fire. Safety critical system components such as in-cell gamma radiation detectors and interlock devices are normally designed to have very high safety integrity throughout their design life. It is therefore important that the design life of such components is established by plant designers and manufacturers and made known to those who will have responsibility for their maintenance. This enables replacement schedules for time-expired components to be established so that overall plant safety integrity can be assured. 91 It is good practice to discontinue irradiator operations whenever a redundant safety system fails. Redundancy is not about providing back-up systems which allow an irradiator to continue to be operated during a fault but rather it is about operating the plant to a guaranteed level of safety assurance. 92 Detailed advice on all of the above matters, particularly on electrical control systems, is contained in BS EN 60204-1.19
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95 Mitigation involves the use of redundancy in the function affected by a fault so that it continues to be provided; programmable controller and software replication are examples of this technique. Prevention involves the use of hazard analysis to determine the specification, design, testing and maintenance needed to ensure that software and hardware performance meet a specified level of safety integrity. 96 A combination of these two approaches is needed in order to build programmable devices which have a high level of overall safety integrity. 97 Programmable controllers should not be able to be re-programmed by anyone other than the manufacturer or a suitably trained maintenance engineer. It is particularly important that operators are fully trained in how to use the systems installed at the plant at which they work. The manufacturer must fully inform the user of the significance of any changes made to programmable controllers, for example changes made following maintenance and repair work. 98 Most systems allow interlocks to be disabled so that some types of maintenance can be completed and so that emergencies can be dealt with, but such actions should be very strictly supervised and preferably subject to a permit-to-work system. Interlock disablement should also be under dual key control. Further information on programmable controllers is available in HSE guidance Programmable electronic systems in safety-related applications.17
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102 Employers need to consult their supplier about the specification of their sources and obtain the necessary certificates of conformity with relevant source manufacturing standards. Suppliers are required under section 6 of the HSW Act to make this information available to their customers. The information the employer obtains from the supplier should include the following: (a) (b) that the sources and their encapsulation meet the requirements of IRR85, Schedule 9; and that adequate leak testing has been carried out prior to shipment of the sources.
Ancillary equipment
103 All equipment not supplied by the manufacturer or supplier of the irradiator but which forms part of an installation, for example conveyors, compressors and hoists, should be safe to use Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSW)20 and Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER).21 Employers will need to ensure that risk assessment of this equipment is not overlooked at the time of irradiator installation and commissioning. 104 Lifting equipment safety should also not be neglected. Fork-lift trucks and machinery such as conveyors must comply with relevant regulations and codes of practice22,23,24,25 and must be regularly tested. Local rules should include systems of work and training requirements for those who work with such equipment. 105 Some CategoryII and IV irradiation plant use a wire rope to lift the source frame from its storage position to the operating (exposed) position; this will need to be periodically inspected and tested just like any other lifting equipment. 106 Toxic materials and solvents must be stored safely and care should be taken to ensure that no substances are introduced into the irradiation chamber which might chemically degrade under irradiation to produce unexpected toxic or flammable by-products.26 Irradiator operators should know at all times what is being irradiated so that chemical degradation risks can be assessed and provision made for their control. 107 At wet source store irradiators, the maintenance of storage pond water purity is vitally important because impurities can cause long-term degradation of source encapsulation. Employers should set up regular water quality checks so that the effectiveness of water purification and treatment can be checked. 108 Large-scale irradiators require forced ventilation to remove gases such as ozone produced when air and the product are irradiated. Other noxious gases such as nitrogen oxides may be liberated too. Irradiator manufacturers and suppliers normally incorporate a ventilation system into their designs but employers will usually have the responsibility for managing the discharge of these gases to the environment. They should make sure that discharge points are located so that there is no possibility of gas being drawn back into the workplace. 109 Ozone is subject to a maximum exposure limit (MEL) under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994.26 Employers who operate irradiators will need to make sure that irradiator chamber entry delay times are long enough to allow the ventilation system to reduce ozone levels to below this limit. Since ozone generation depends upon source or generator size, entry delay times should be modified whenever changes to either are made.
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110 Irradiation causes heating which can lead to fire. Category II and IV irradiators should therefore have a fire detection system installed within the irradiation chamber. This should work on either heat or smoke detection. Fire containment is seldom a problem because the shielding needed in irradiators usually provides effective containment. But if a fire starts when a source is in the exposed position, failure of source return mechanisms may occur and the source itself may be damaged. It is therefore good practice to consider the use of an automatic fire extinguishing system. Where it is inappropriate to use water as the extinguishant, the use of a gaseous system should be considered. 111 To minimise accidents in production environments, workplace cleanliness and tidiness are essential. For work with ionising radiation, good workplace house keeping is all the more important. Employers who operate irradiators should strive to promote a disciplined attitude to the work environment.
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117 To help maintenance engineers and to provide data for ongoing safety assessment, plant operation should be continuously monitored. This enables incidents to be effectively recorded when they occur (see Appendix). 118 Diagnostic equipment should be located at the control panel so that fault finding can be completed by maintenance staff without disabling the main accelerator or bypassing safety interlocks. 119 Irradiation areas which personnel can enter should have highly visible and appropriately labelled emergency beam shut-off switches which are part of the SRCS. Electron beam actuation should be under key control by appropriately authorised and trained operators. Local rules should list the persons so authorised and describe the procedures to be adopted in the event of control key loss. 120 At large irradiators, control circuits for vacuum systems, magnets, DC power to linear accelerator modulators and RF systems etc, are designed to work independently from one another. Each of these auxiliary systems may have its own interlocks and warning devices which may not necessarily form part of the irradiators overall SRCS. It is therefore important to make clear to operators and especially to maintenance staff, exactly which systems are safety critical. This will ensure that inadvertent and irresponsible safety interlock disablement never occurs. 121 Flashing or rotating warning lights should be provided in all radiation or exclusion areas as well as at the entrances to these areas. These lights should operate automatically, not only when radiation is being produced, but also when the machine controls are set ready to produce radiation. Pre-exposure and exposure warnings should be clearly labelled with signs explaining their significance. Warning systems should also be interlocked with the beam power supply so that it is not possible to run the device with a defective warning light. 122 Irradiators should be fitted with audible and visible warnings which activate whenever radiation levels in areas to which there is personal access increase unexpectedly. In most circumstances these warnings would be produced as soon as any change in background radiation is detected. Warning devices should be interlocked with beam power supplies so that irradiation cannot occur when they are operative. 123 Radiation detectors used in warning systems should be suitable for measurement of the radiation produced by the electron beam device; many devices produce pulsed radiation which might be difficult to measure with conventional equipment. Radiation detectors should also be sensitive to both the electron beam (ie high energy electrons) and X-rays produced by its interaction with the product undergoing irradiation. 124 All electrical circuits and wiring should be carried out in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations28 and associated Memorandum of Guidance.29 125 Like gamma irradiators, electron beam devices produce breakdown products which may be noxious or toxic. Electron beam generators themselves may contain hazardous chemicals. For example ancillary equipment, such as high-voltage accelerators, may contain toxic insulating gases such as sulphur-hexafluoride. Storage, transfer, disposal and any maintenance work involving materials such as these will need careful assessment if safety is to be maintained. The irradiator manufacturer or supplier should be consulted about any potentially hazardous materials it may contain so that the requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 199426 can be met.
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126 Gases, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide, can be hazardous to personnel if work areas are not well ventilated. Complex gases released following product decomposition and high-voltage arcing in the irradiation area may also be a problem. As with gamma irradiators, ozone and nitrogen oxides production in irradiated air require special attention. 127 Effective control of chemical hazards usually requires the use of forced ventilation within the irradiation area and sometimes in other work areas. During commissioning, measurements should be made of the concentrations of toxic and noxious gases in and around the irradiation chamber. This enables ventilation needs to be determined. Measurements of irradiation chamber clearance times are also needed so that delay times on interlocks can be determined. 128 As with gamma irradiators, electron beam devices are a fire risk; however, there are three phenomena peculiar to their operation which increase this risk: (a) (b) (c) Thermal heating effects - electron beams are highly collimated, intense energy sources capable of producing enormous power densities in target materials Electron beams have no inherent temperature and so target temperatures are only constrained by their thermal conductivity. For low conductivity materials, ignition temperatures may be reached in just a few seconds; it is therefore important to keep the product moving through the beam. To control this fire risk, product conveyors should be safety interlocked with electron beam power supplies. Electron beam irradiators should have contingency plans which deal explicitly with fire risks (see paragraph 110) . Radiation catalysis - a number of chemical reactions can be initiated by irradiation and, if sufficiently exothermic, may give rise to fire or explosion. Electrical effects of irradiation - electron beam irradiation causes the product to become electrically charged with an attendant risk of arcing if grounding pathways are not controlled.
129 At beam energies above 6 MeV some target materials, and indeed plant ancillary equipment within the irradiation chamber, can be made radioactive. The RPA should be consulted about this before any high-energy electron beam device is commissioned. Radioisotopes produced in this way are no different from radioactive materials bought for use in the workplace; they need to be controlled and disposed of responsibly and in accordance with the law (IRR85 and RSA 1993).
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Figure 1 Self-contained, dry source storage irradiator The sealed source is located in a dry container constructed of solid materials. The source is shielded at all times and personal access to the source is physically impossible. This configuration is also applicable to some electron beam irradiators.
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Control panel
The sealed source is contained in a dry container constructed of solid materials and is fully shielded when not in use. It is exposed within a room which is kept inaccessible during use by an entry control system.
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Source holder
Source array
Figure 3 Self-contained, wet source storage irradiator The sealed source is contained in a water-filled storage pool; the source is shielded at all times and personal access to it and to the volume undergoing irradiation is physically prevented.
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Product conveyor
Control panel
2m concrete shielding
The sealed source is contained in a water-filled storage pool and is fully shielded when not in use. It can be exposed within a room to which human access is prevented by an entry system.
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Shielding pool
Guide cable
Hoist cable
Obscillator cabinet
Scan horn
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Concrete shield
Access labyrinth
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Product conveyor
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(f) (g)
Physical barriers - items which prevent access to irradiation chambers, such as doors, roof plugs, product conveyors, access barriers and mechanical locks. Administrative procedures - written instructions on irradiator use and associated safety requirements (local rules). These instructions identify persons responsible for actions in the event of an incident or accident and describe the procedures to be followed in such situations.
PSA structure
4 The following steps are a guide to carrying out a PSA. Step 1 Prepare a written description of plant functions, safety features and operational procedures. Step 2 Identify and list all possible events which may create a disturbance to plant operation so that those with a safety consequence can be identified (safety critical events). Make this list as complete as possible. External initiators which could affect the plant should be examined as well as those arising at the plant itself, eg fire and explosion. Step 3 For each safety-critical event, identify the safety functions which are provided to prevent its occurrence or mitigate its consequences. Step 4 Identify the ways in which the safety functions at step 3 can fail. These failure modes are the events identified in the event sequence model. Fault tree modelling is the most frequently used technique for this task, but other methods are available. 5 Type of events - the identification of accident initiating events is best done by an engineering evaluation based on the operational history of similar plants. These data can be appropriately modified to relate to the particular plant under consideration. The plant supplier should be able to supply this information. 6 Grouping of events - events should be grouped so that those which would contribute to a particular type of incident can be identified. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the types and grouping of possible initiating events for both Radiation Exposure and Radioactive Contamination pathways. Tables 1 and 2 give information on possible failure modes relating to the events described in these figures. Events can be additionally grouped according to three operating modes: (a) normal operation; (b) source handling; and (c) abnormal operation (accident or incident). 7 Human failure - experience has shown that the most serious incidents are caused by personnel behaving irrationally or in a manner contrary to prescribed procedures. The most common problem is plant operation with some or all safety interlocks defeated or removed; this is usually done to make systems of work less onerous. It is essential therefore to examine closely the interlock system insofar as it relates to the actions required of the operator and the extent to which he/she can interfere with its operation. Safety features are usually built into the plant but often they can all too easily be disabled and dismantled by determined individuals. Safetyrelated control systems should be designed around the practical needs of those who operate the plant so that incentives to interfere with them are minimised. 8 Normal operating procedures - normal plant operation analysis should be carried out so that those features which could easily be bypassed by the operator can be improved. The analysis should also identify accident initiators associated with operator negligence or error.
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9 Non-routine operating procedures - analysis of maintenance and source load/ unload activities require careful attention because they are usually performed without normal safety systems being fully operational. It should be possible to design alternative safety systems which become operational at such times so that these tasks can be performed safely. 10 PSA report content - the report needs to be comprehensive but should only include information relevant to safety assurance decision-making. An introduction, outlining the technique used in preparing the report, should be included to assist first-time users who may not be specialists in PSA. 11 All of the above material is covered in much greater depth in the full IAEA report.30
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Table 1 Failure modes leading to radiation exposure (event numbers refer to Figure 7) Event Possible failure mode 1 Interlock failure Control failure Power system failure Mechanical failure Environmental effect on source hoist Caused by mechanical interference Improper source installation Mechanical failure of source frame Failure of source hoist control Person enters of via product gates Person hides in cell Inadequate check of cell before lock-up Interlock failure allows undetected entry Water treatment system failure Make-up water system failure Pool liner failure Water level detector malfunction Piping leakage Person falls into pool Failure of radiation detection system (including hand-held monitor) Interlock malfunction Control malfunction Source frame jammed in transit Interlock malfunction Control malfunction Event Possible failure mode 7 Electromagentic interference Radiation damage Lack of preventative maintenance Unauthorised control modification Failure of fault indicators (heat detectors etc) Loss of power Operator ignores alarms Barrier doors compromised Unauthorised control modification Transport container damage due to natural causes Container damage due to transport incident Intentional disassembly of package (eg plug removed) Crane failure Lifting attachment failure Sling failure Container plug falls out or is removed outside pool Earthquake damage causing loss of shielding Impact from large object Flood Hurricane Impact by aircraft Fire or explosion caused by product in cell Fire or explosion outside plant Defective shielding material New apertures added without proper checks Instrument malfunction Procedures not followed
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Table 2 Failure modes leading to radioactive contamination (event numbers refer to Figure 8) Event Possible failure mode 1 Transport container contaminated at loading Undetected damage contents Source damaged at installation in plant Loss of control of container during handling Container contaminated by foreign radioactive material in transit. Other radioactive material present in area and uncontrolled Weld failure - releasing contamination Capsule body failure Weld failure or capsule body failure due to: (a) water not treated (b) unauthorised chemical added to water Improper weld Defective capsule material Product carrier impacts on source Conveyor system impacts on source Event Possible failure mode 7 Source hoist mechanism interferes with source frame - out of control due to mechanical malfunction Extreme damage to container due to natural hazard or collision, improper securing of container, intentional damage to container, terrorism or war Loss of control of container during handling Damage to source during installation Undetected source damage Undetected container contamination As result of destruction of cell by violent action Due to contamination inside container cavity at intitial loading Due to leaking source - in water treatment area via pipework from contaminated pool Contamination transferred to people from any of the previous causes
9 10
3 4
11 12 13
5 6
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1 Ionising Radiations Regulations 1985 SI 1333/1985 HMSO ISBN0 11 057333 1, and the IRR 1985 Approved Code of Practice COP23 HSEBooks 1988 ISBN0 11 883978 0 2 The protection of persons against ionising radiation arising from any work activity L58 HSE Books 1994 ISBN 0 7176 0508 6, and Dose limitation restriction of exposure: additional guidance on regulation 6 of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1985 Approved Code of Practice Part 4 L7 HSE 1991 ISBN 0 11 885605 7 3 Radiation safety for operators of gamma irradiation plants UK Panel on Gamma and Electron Irradiation and HSE 1989 4 Radiation safety of gamma and electron irradiation facilities (Safety Series No 107) International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna 1992 ISBN92 0 101692 1 5 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 chapter 37 HMSO ISBN0 10 543774 3 6 Food (Control of Irradiation)Regulations 1990 SI 1990/2490 HMSO ISBN0 11 005687 6 7 Radioactive Substances Act 1993 chapter 12 HMSO ISBN0 1054 1293 7 8 Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material ST-1 International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna 1996 9 Radioactive Material (Road Transport)(Great Britain)Regulations 1996 SI 1996/1350 HMSO1996 ISBN0 11 05472 X 10 The carriage of dangerous goods explained: Guidance for operators, drivers and others involved in the carriage of dangerous goods Part 4 HSG162 HSEBooks 1996 ISBN0 7176 1251 1 11 Specification for sealed radioactive sources (Appendix D leak testing methods) BS 5288: 1976 12 The examination and testing of portable radiation instruments for external radiations HSG49 HSEBooks 1990 ISBN0 11 885507 7 13 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 Approved Code of Practice L21 HSEBooks 1992 ISBN0 7176 0412 8 14 Safety representatives and safety committees (The Brown Book)3rd edition Approved Code of Practice and Guidance on the Regulations L87 HSEBooks 1996 ISBN0 7176 1220 1 15 A guide to the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees)Regulations 1996 L95 HSEBooks 1996 ISBN0 7176 1234 1 16 Safety of machinery interlocking devices associated with guards - principles for design and selection BS EN 1088:1996
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17 Programmable electronic systems in safety-related applications: an introductory guide HSEBooks 1987 ISBN0 7176 1278 3, and PES general technical guidelines HSEBooks 1987 ISBN0 7176 0545 0. NB This will be augmented with IEC 61508 18 International Electrical Committee (IEC) 61508:forthcoming Functional safety of electrical/electronic programmable safety-related systems 19 Safety of machinery electrical equipment of machines Part 1 General requirements BSEN60204-1:1993 20 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 Approved Code of Practice L21 HSEBooks 1992 ISBN0 7176 0412 8 21 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992 Guidance on the Regulations L22 HSEBooks 1992 ISBN0 7176 0414 4 22 Safe use of wire rope slings for general lifting purposes BS 6210: 1983 23 Code of Practice for the safe use of cranes BS 5744: 1979 (partially replaced by BS 7121: Part 1: 1989 & Part 2: 1991) 24 Code of Practice for stationary air compressors BS 6244: 1982 25 Specification for fusion welded steel air receivers BS 5169: 1992 26 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994 General COSHHApproved Code of Practice HSEBooks 1997 ISBN0 7176 1308 9 27 Radiation protection design guidelines for 0.1-100 MeV particle accelerator facilities National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement, Washington (NCRPReport No 51) 1977 ISBN0 91 339233 2 28 The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 SI1989/635 HMSO ISBN0 11 096635 X 29 Memorandum of Guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 HSR25 HSEBooks 1989 ISBN0 11 883963 2 30 Probabilistic safety assessment for large industrial irradiators International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna 1990 IAEA-CS-93H 601
Additional reading
Henderson J and Davidson GI Safety and the year 2000 Research Report HSEBooks 1998 ISBN 0 7176 1491 3 The future availability of the publications listed in this guidance cannot be guaranteed.
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Further information
For information about health and safety ring HSEs Infoline Tel: 0845 345 0055 Fax: 0845 408 9566 Textphone: 0845 408 9577 e-mail: [email protected] or write to HSE Information Services, Caerphilly Business Park, Caerphilly CF83 3GG. HSE priced and free publications can be viewed online or ordered from www.hse.gov.uk or contact HSE Books, PO Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA Tel: 01787 881165 Fax: 01787 313995. HSE priced publications are also available from bookshops. British Standards can be obtained in PDF or hard copy formats from the BSI online shop: www.bsigroup.com/Shop or by contacting BSI Customer Services for hard copies only Tel: 020 8996 9001 e-mail: [email protected]. The Stationery Office publications are available from The Stationery Office, PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN Tel: 0870 600 5522 Fax: 0870 600 5533 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.tso.co.uk (They are also available from bookshops.) Statutory Instruments can be viewed free of charge at www.opsi.gov.uk.
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