051 Health and Safety Good Housekeeping 1
051 Health and Safety Good Housekeeping 1
051 Health and Safety Good Housekeeping 1
Unit Content
Legislative duties
a. The purpose of a Health and Safety Policy.
b. The relevance of the Health and Safety Executive.
c. The relevance of an initial induction to Health and Safety
requirements at your workplace.
d. General employee responsibilities under the HASAWA and the
consequences of non-compliance.
e. General employer responsibilities under the HASAWA and the
consequences of non-compliance.
f. The limits of authority with regard to Heath and Safety within a
personal job role.
g. Workplace procedure to be followed to report Health and Safety
Personal responsibilities
a. The purpose of workplace polices and procedures on:
i. the use of safe working methods and equipment
ii. the safe use of hazardous substances
iii. smoking, eating , drinking and drugs
iv. emergency procedures
v. personal appearance.
b. The importance of personal appearance in the control of health
and safety.