Minor Training Report
Minor Training Report
Minor Training Report
1. An Introduction to BHEL, Bhopal
BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LMITED ,a" "et up in Bhopal in Au-u"t, 1./0, ,ith a &ie, to reach "el' "u''icienc( in indu"trial product" and po,er e1uip2ent". Thi" plan ,a" "etup in collaboration ,ith 34S AE5, +.$. 3ore plant" ,ere "etup at Tiruchi, H(derabad ,ith C6echo"lo&a7ian and So&iet +nion a""i"tance in 3a( 1./0, *ec. 1.0/, and 5an. 1.08 re"pecti&el(. Toda( B.H.E.L. ha" beco2e the lar-e"t en-ineerin- plant e2plo(in- o&er 9/::: e2plo(ee". It" head1uarter i" located at Ne, *elhi.
BHEL i" the lar-e"t en-ineerin- and 2anu'acturin- enterpri"e in India in the ener-(;related4in'ra"tructure "ector, toda(. BHEL,a" e"tabli"hed 2ore than
9: (ear" a-o, u"herin- in the indi-enou" Hea&( Electrical E1uip2ent indu"tr( in India ; a drea2 that ha" been 2ore than reali6ed ,ith a ,ell; reco-ni6ed trac7 record o' per'or2ance. The co2pan( ha" been earninpro'it" continuou"l( "ince 1.81;82 and pa(in- di&idend" "ince 1.80;88.
The hi-h le&el o' 1ualit( < reliabilit( o' it" product" i" due to the e2pha"i" on de"i-n, en-ineerin- and 2anu'acturin- to international "tandard" b( ac1uirinand adaptin- "o2e o' the be"t technolo-ie" 'ro2 leadinco2panie" in the ,orld, to-ether ,ith technolo-ie" de&eloped in it" o,n )<* centre".
BHEL ha"= In"talled e1uip2ent 'or o&er 1,::,::: 3W o' po,er -eneration; 'or +tilitie", Capti&e and Indu"trial u"er".
e1uip2ent operatin- in Tran"2i""ion < *i"tribution net,or7 up to 9:: 7% >AC < *C?
Supplied o&er 2/,::: 3otor" ,ith *ri&e Control S("te2 to o,er pro@ect", etroche2ical", )e'inerie", Steel, Alu2inu2, !ertili6er, Ce2ent plant", etc.
Supplied Traction electric" and AC4*C loco" to po,er o&er 12,::: 72" )ail,a( net,or7.
Supplied o&er one 2illion %al&e" to o,er lant" and other Indu"trie".
BHELA" operation" are or-ani"ed around three bu"ine"" "ector", na2el( o,er, Indu"tr( ; includin- Tran"2i""ion, Tran"portation and )ene,able Ener-( ; and O&er"ea" Bu"ine"". Thi" enable" BHEL to ha&e a "tron- cu"to2er orientation, to be "en"iti&e to hi" need" and re"pond 1uic7l( to the chan-e" in the 2ar7et.
BHELA" &i"ion i" to beco2e a ,orld;cla"" en-ineerin- enterpri"e, co22itted to enhancin- "ta7eholder &alue. The co2pan( i" "tri&in- to -i&e "hape to it" a"piration" and 'ul'ill the eBpectation" o' the countr( to beco2e a -lobal pla(er.
The -reate"t "tren-th o' BHEL i" it" hi-hl( "7illed and co22itted 9/,/:/ e2plo(ee". E&er( e2plo(ee i" -i&en an e1ual opportunit( to de&elop hi2"el' and -ro, in hi" career. Continuou" trainin- and retrainin-, career plannin-, a po"iti&e ,or7 culture and participati&e "t(le o' 2ana-e2ent all the"e ha&e en-endered de&elop2ent o' a co22itted and 2oti&ated ,or7'orce "ettinne, bench2ar7" in ter2" o' producti&it(, 1ualit( and re"pon"i&ene"".
BHEL i" the lar-e"t en-ineerin- and 2anu'acturin- enterpri"e in India in the ener-( related4in'ra"tructure "ector toda(. BHEL ,a" e"tabli"hed 2ore than 9/ (ear" a-o ,hen it" 'ir"t plant ,a" "et up in Bhopal u"herin- in the indi-enou" Hea&( Electrical E1uip2ent indu"tr( in India, a drea2 that ha" been 2ore than reali6ed ,ith a ,ell;reco-ni6ed trac7 record o' per'or2ance. The Co2pan(C" inherent 'inancial "tren-th" can be "een 'ro2 it" net ,orth, *ebt E1uit( ratio and ca"h "urplu". The Co2pan(C" ca"h "urplu"
"tood o&er )" #D,//,D:0 crore ca"h "urplu" a" on #1"t 3arch 2:1:. The *ebt E1uit( ratio o' the Co2pan( i" at :E.
BHEL cater" to core "ector o' Indian econo2( &i6. o,er Feneration and Tran"2i""ion, Indu"tr(, Tran"portation, Teleco22unication, )ene,al ener-( de'en"e etc. The ,ide net,or7 o' BHEL A", 19 2anu'acturin- di&i"ion", 9 o,er "ector re-ional center", D "er&ice center" ,1D re-ional o''ice and a lar-e nu2ber" o' pro@ect "ite" "pread all o&er India and abroad enable the co2pan( to pro2ptl( "er&e it" cu"to2er and pro&ide the2 ,ith "uitable product", "("te2 and "er&ice" at co2petiti&e price".
BHEL ha" alread( attained ISO .::: and all the 2a@or unit"4di&i"ion" o' BHEL ha&e been up-raded to the late"t ISO;.::1= 2::: &er"ion 1ualit( "tandard certi'ication 'or 1ualit( 2ana-e2ent. All the 2a@or unit"4di&i"ion" o' BHEL ha&e been a,arded ISO;19::1 certi'ication 'or en&iron2ental 2ana-e2ent "("te2" and OHSAS;1D::1 certi'ication 'or
occupational health and "a'et( 2ana-e2ent "("te2". POWER SECTOR: Generation: o,er "ector co2pri"e" o' ther2al, nuclear and h(dro po,er plant bu"ine"". Toda( BHEL "upplied "et" account 'or nearl( 098# 3W or 0DE o' the total in"talled capacit( o' ..190 3W in co2pan( a" a-ain"t nil in 1.0.;8:. TRANSMISSION: BHEL al"o pro&ide" a ,ide ran-e o' tran"2i""ion product" and "("te2" o' upto 9:: $% cla"". The"e include hi-h &olta-e po,er and di"tributed tran"'or2er , capacitor, in"ulator etc. 'or econo2ic tran"2i""ion o' bul7 po,er o&er lon- di"tance" Hi-h &olta-e *irect Current >H%*C? "(" te2" are "upplied.
INDUSTRY SECTOR: BHEL i" a 2a@or contributor o' e1uip2ent and "("te2" to indu"trie" li7e ce2ent, 'ertili6er", re'iner(, petroche2ical", etc.
TRANSPORTATION: 3o"t o' the train" operated b( the India )ail,a(" includin- 3etro in $ol7ata are e1uipped ,ith BHELC" traction control e1uip2ent.
TELECOMMUNICATION: BHEL al"o cater" to the teleco22unication "ector b( ,a( o' "2all, 2ediu2 and lar-e ",itchin- "("te2".
RENEWABLE ENERGY: Technolo-ie" that can be o''ered b( BHEL 'or it" eBploitin- non; con&entional and rene,able "ource" o' ener-( include= ,ind;electric -enerator, "olar po,er ba"ed ,ater pu2p", li-htin- and heatin- "("te2".
INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS: BHEL ha" o&er the (ear", e"tabli"hed it" re'erence in o&er 0: countrie" ,orld,ide, ran-in- 'ro2 the +SA to Ne, Gealand in the 'ar ea"t.
TECHNOLOGICAL UPGRADATION AND RESEARCH " DEVELOPMENT: To re2ain co2petiti&e and 2eet cu"to2er"A eBpectation", BHEL la(" -reat e2pha"i" on the continuou" up-radation o' product" and related technolo-ie", and de&elop2ent o' ne, product". BHELA" co22it2ent to ad&ance2ent o' technolo-( i" re'lected in it" in&ol&e2ent in the de&elop2ent o' 'uturi"tic technolo-ie" li7e 'uel cell" and "uperconductin-enerator".
BHELA" in&e"t2ent in )<* i" a2on-"t the lar-e"t in the corporate "ector in India. *urin- the (ear 2:1:;11, BHEL in&e"ted )".1:,:/: 3illion on )<* e''ort"; 21E hi-her than the pre&iou" (ear.
HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT: BHELA" Hu2an )e"ource *e&elop2ent In"titute >H)*I? ha" "7ill" in the area" o' 3ana-e2ent trainin-, )e"earch, Con"ultanc(, Or-ani6ational *e&elop2ent and 3anpo,er lannin-. O&er the (ear", the in"titute ha" ac1uired pro'icienc( in i2partin- trainin- to pro'e""ional" in the 'ield o' Strate-ic 2ana-e2ent, Contract 2ana-e2ent, 3ar7etin- 2ana-e2ent, ro@ect 2ana-e2ent, Hu2an )e"ource 2ana-e2ent, Acti&it( ba"ed co"tin-, er'or2ance 2ana-e2ent, E2otional Intelli-ence, %alue" Laborator(, Hu2an;proce"" Laborator(, Leader"hip *e&elop2ent, Tea2 Buildin-, Trainer *e&elop2ent, and other 'unctional and beha&ioral area" o' 2ana-e2ent.
A ,ater turbine i" a rotar( en-ine that ta7e" ener-( 'ro2 2o&in,ater. Water turbine" ,ere de&eloped in the 1.th centur( and ,ere ,idel( u"ed 'or indu"trial po,er prior to electrical -rid". No, the( are 2o"tl( u"ed 'or electric po,er -eneration. The( harne"" a clean and rene,able ener-( "ource. History Water wheels have been used for thousands of years for industrial power. Their main shortcoming is size, which limits the flow rate and head that can be harnessed. The migration from water wheels to modern turbines took about one hundred years. Development occurred during the Industrial revolution, using scientific principles and methods. They also made extensive use of new materials and manufacturing methods developed at the time. Theory of operation lowing water is directed on to the blades of a turbine runner, creating a force on the blades. !ince the runner is spinning, the force acts through a distance "force acting through a distance is the definition of work#. In this way, energy is transferred from the water flow to the turbine Water turbines are divided into two groups$ reaction turbines and impulse turbines. The precise shape of water turbine blades is a function of the supply pressure of water, and the type of impeller selected.
Reaction turbines
%eaction turbines are acted on by water, which changes pressure as it moves through the turbine and gives up its energy. They must be encased to contain the water pressure "or suction#, or they must be fully submerged in the water flow. &ewton's third law describes the transfer of energy for reaction turbines. (ost water turbines in use are reaction turbines and are used in low ")*+m,-. ft.# and medium "*+/*++m,-.0-.1 ft.# head applications. In reaction turbine pressure drop occurs in both fixed and moving blades.
Impulse turbines
Impulse turbines change the velocity of a water 2et. The 2et pushes on the turbine's curved blades which changes the direction of the flow. The resulting change in momentum "impulse# causes a force on the turbine blades. !ince the turbine is spinning, the force acts through a distance "work# and the diverted water flow is left with diminished energy. 3rior to hitting the turbine blades, the water's pressure "potential energy# is converted to kinetic energy by a nozzle and focused on the turbine. &o pressure change occurs at the turbine blades, and the turbine doesn't re4uire housing for operation. &ewton's second law describes the transfer of energy for impulse turbines. Impulse turbines are most often used in very high "5*++m,-.1 ft.# head applications
Introduction:The 3elton wheel is an impulse turbine which is among the most efficient types of water turbines. It was invented by 6ester 7llan 3elton in the 8.9+s. The 3elton wheel extracts energy from the impulse "momentum# of moving water, as opposed to its weight like traditional overshot water wheel. 7lthough many variations of impulse turbines existed prior to 3elton's design, they were less efficient than 3elton's design$ the water leaving these wheels typically still had high speed, and carried away much of the energy. 3elton's paddle geometry was designed so that when the rim runs at : the speed of the water 2et, the water leaves the wheel with very little speed, extracting almost all of its energy, and allowing for a very efficient turbine. Function: The water flows along the tangent to the path of the runner. &ozzles direct forceful streams of water against a series of spoon/shaped buckets mounted around the edge of a wheel. 7s water flows into the bucket, the direction of the water velocity changes to follow the contour of the bucket. When the water/2et contacts the bucket, the water exerts pressure on the bucket and the water is decelerated as it does a ;</ turn; and flows out the other side of the bucket at low velocity. In the process, the water's momentum is transferred to the turbine. This ;impulse; does work on the
turbine. or maximum power and efficiency, the turbine system is designed such that the water/2et velocity is twice the velocity of the bucket. 7 very small percentage of the water's original kinetic energy will still remain in the water$ however, this allows the bucket to be emptied at the same rate it is filled, "see conservation of mass#, thus allowing the water flow to continue uninterrupted. =ften two buckets are mounted side/by/side, thus splitting the water 2et in half "see photo#. This balances the side/load forces on the wheel, and helps to ensure smooth, efficient momentum transfer of the fluid 2et to the turbine wheel. >ecause water and most li4uids are nearly incompressible, almost all of the available energy is extracted in the first stage of the hydraulic turbine. Therefore, 3elton wheels have only one turbine stage, unlike gas turbines that operate with compressible fluid. Applications: 3elton wheels are the preferred turbine for hydro/power, when the available water source has relatively high hydraulic head at low flow rates. 3elton wheels are made in all sizes. There exist multi/ton 3elton wheels mounted on vertical oil pad bearings in hydroelectric plants. The largest units can be up to ?++ megawatts. The smallest 3elton wheels are only a few inches across, and can be used to tap power from mountain streams having flows of a few gallons per minute. !ome of these systems utilize household plumbing fixtures for water delivery. These small units are recommended for use with thirty meters or more of head, in order to generate significant power levels. Depending on water flow and design, 3elton wheels operate best with heads from 8@ meters to 8,.++ meters, although there is no theoretical limit. The 3elton wheel is most efficient in high head applications "see the ;Design %ules; section#. Thus, more power can be extracted from a water source with high/pressure and low/flow than from a source with low/pressure and high/flow, even though the two flows theoretically contain the same power. 7lso a comparable amount of pipe material is re4uired for each of the two sources, one re4uiring a long thin pipe, and the other a short wide pipe.
Pelton Turbine
Large Pelton Turbine Project *+R+H, .H+R+*+TH/ 'HU1H+ T,L+R, 2H+2H+ M+L+!+ P/1+R+3 Rating (No.xmw 2 - 115 2-)0 %-)% 1-&0 3-%0 2-%3 3-50 Hea! (m %&0 %%0 %35 &25 ))( %)0 102& "pee! (rpm Runner #ia. (mm
rancis turbines are the most common water turbine in use today. They operate in a head range of ten meters to six hundred and fifty meters and are primarily used for electrical power production. The power output ranges from 8+ to 9@+(W, mini/ hydro excluded. %unner diameters are between 8 and 8+ meters. The speed range of the turbine is from .* to 8+++ rpm. (edium size and larger rancis turbines are most often arranged with a vertical shaft. Aertical shaft may also be used for small size turbines, but normally they have horizontal shaft. Theory of operation The rancis turbine is a reaction turbine, which means that the working fluid changes pressure as it moves through the turbine, giving up its energy. 7 casement is needed to contain the water flow. The turbine is located between the high/ pressure water source and the low/pressure water exit, usually at the base of a dam. The inlet is spiral shaped. Buide vanes direct the water tangentially to the turbine wheel, known as a runner. This radial flow acts on the runner's vanes, causing the runner to spin. The guide vanes "or wicket gate# may be ad2ustable to allow efficient turbine operation for a range of water flow conditions. 7s the water moves through the runner, itCs spinning radius decreases, further acting on the runner. or an analogy, imagine swinging a ball on a string around in a circle$ if the string is pulled short, the ball spins faster due to the conservation of angular momentum. This property, in addition to the water's pressure, helps rancis and other inward/flow turbines harness water energy efficiently. 7t the exit, water acts on cup/shaped runner features, leaving with no swirl and very little kinetic or potential energy. The turbine's exit tube is shaped to help decelerate the water flow and recover the pressure. Application rancis turbines may be designed for a wide range of heads and flows. This, along with their high efficiency, has made them the most widely used turbine in the world. rancis type units cover a head range from ?+ meters to 9++ meters, and their output power varies from 2ust a few kilowatts up to one gigawatt. 6arge rancis turbines are individually designed for each site to operate at the highest possible efficiency, typically over -+D.
In addition to electrical production, they may also be used for pumped storage, where a reservoir is filled by the turbine "acting as a pump# during low power demand, and then reversed and used to generate power during peak demand. BHEL Bhopal manufacturing details and running projects:$rancis Turbine Unit Rating(MW) Head(m) Runner iameter(mm) !o. o" Unit# Large $rancis Turbines 5~300 30~&00 1000 ~ (500 $rder# 'ommi##ioned 100 12( 122%1 MW )115 MW
Hea! (m 320
"pee! (rpm
3(30 300 %550 1&&.( 3)50 300 5&50 115.% 30(2 3(5
The $aplan turbine i" a propeller;t(pe ,ater turbine ,hich ha" ad@u"table blade". It ,a" de&eloped in 1.1# b( the Au"trian pro'e""or %i7tor $aplan, ,ho co2bined auto2aticall( ad@u"ted propeller blade" ,ith auto2aticall( ad@u"ted ,ic7et -ate" to achie&e e''icienc( o&er a ,ide ran-e o' 'lo, and ,ater le&el. The Eaplan turbine was an evolution of the rancis turbine. Its invention allowed efficient power production in low/head applications that was not possible with rancis turbines. The head ranges from 8+/9+ meters and the output from @ to 8?+ (W. %unner diameters are between ? and . meters. The range of the turbine is from 9- to 1?- rpm. Eaplan turbines are now widely used throughout the world in high/flow, low/head power production. Theory of operation The Eaplan turbine is an inward flow reaction turbine, which means that the working fluid changes pressure as it moves through the turbine and gives up its energy. The design combines radial and axial features. The inlet is a scroll/shaped tube that wraps around the turbine's wicket gate. Water is directed tangentially through the wicket gate and spirals on to a propeller shaped runner, causing it to spin.
The outlet is a specially shaped draft tube that helps decelerate the water and recover kinetic energy. The turbine does not need to be at the lowest point of water flow as long as the draft tube remains full of water. 7 higher turbine location, however, increases the suction that is imparted on the turbine blades by the draft tube. The resulting pressure drop may lead to cavitation. Aariable geometry of the wicket gate and turbine blades allows efficient operation for a range of flow conditions. Eaplan turbine efficiencies are typically over -+D, but may be lower in very low head applications. Furrent areas of research include F D driven efficiency improvements and new designs that raise survival rates of fish passing through. >ecause the propeller blades are rotated by high/pressure hydraulic oil, a critical element of Eaplan design is to maintain a positive seal to prevent emission of oil into the waterway. Discharge of oil into rivers is not permitted. Applications Eaplan turbines are widely used throughout the world for electrical power production. They cover the lowest head hydro sites and are especially suited for high flow conditions. Inexpensive micro turbines on the Eaplan turbine model are manufactured for individual power production with as little as two feet of head. 6arge Eaplan turbines are individually designed for each site to operate at the highest possible efficiency, typically over -+D. They are very expensive to design, manufacture and install, but operate for decades. Variations The Eaplan turbine is the most widely used of the propeller/type turbines, but several other variations existG ropeller tur!ines have non/ad2ustable propeller vanes. They are used in where the range of head is not large. Fommercial products exist for producing several hundred watts from only a few feet of head. 6arger propeller turbines produce more
than 8++ (W. 7t the 6a Brande/8 generating station in northern Huebec, 8? propeller turbines generate 8*I. (W J8K. Bul! or Tu!ular tur!ines are designed into the water delivery tube. 7 large bulb is centered in the water pipe which holds the generator, wicket gate and runner. Tubular turbines are a fully axial design, whereas Eaplan turbines have a radial wicket gate. BHEL Bhopal manufacturing details and running projects:)aplan Turbine Unit Rating(m8) Head(m) Runner iameter(mm) !o. o" Unit# 2 ~150 10~)0 1200~)500 $rder# 'ommi##ioned 0( (2 22%3 MW 15(0 MW
Rating (No.xmw 5 - 50 % - (5 3 - 33 3 - 50 3 - %0
"pee! (rpm
7 butterfly valve is a valve which can be used for isolating or regulating flow. The closing mechanism takes the form of a disk. =peration is similar to that of a ball valve, which allows for 4uick shut off. >utterfly valves are generally favored because they are lower in cost to other valve designs as well as being lighter in weight, meaning less support is re4uired. The disc is positioned in the center of the pipe, passing through the disc is a rod connected to an actuator on the outside of the valve. %otating the actuator turns the disc either parallel or perpendicular to the flow. <nlike a ball valve, the disc is always present within the flow, therefore a pressure drop is always induced in the flow, regardless of valve position. 7 butterfly valve is from a family of valves called 4uarter/turn valves. The ;butterfly; is a metal disc mounted on a rod. When the valve is closed, the disc is turned so that it completely blocks off the passageway. When the valve is fully open, the disc is rotated a 4uarter turn so that it allows an almost unrestricted passage of the fluid. The valve may also be opened incrementally to throttle flow. There are different kinds of butterfly valves, each adapted for different pressures and different usage. The resilient butterfly valve, which uses the flexibility of rubber, has the lowest pressure rating. The high performance butterfly valve, used in slightly higher/pressure systems, features a slight offset in the way the disc is
positioned, which increases the valve's sealing ability and decreases its tendency to wear. The valve best suited for high/pressure systems is the triple offset butterfly valve, which makes use of a metal seat,Jclarification neededK and is therefore able to withstand a greater amount of pressure. "tructure >utterfly valves are valves with a circular body and a rotary motion disk closure member which is pivotally supported by its stem. 7 butterfly valve can appear in various styles, including eccentric and high/performance valves. These are normally a type of valve that uses a flat plate to control the flow of water. 7s well as this, butterfly valves are used on firefighting apparatus and typically are used on larger lines, such as front and rear suction ports and tank to pump lines. 7 butterfly valve is also a type of flow control device, used to make a fluid start or stop flowing through a section of pipe. The valve is similar in operation to a ball valve. %otating the handle turns the plate either parallel or perpendicular to the flow of water, shutting off the flow. It is a very well/known and well used design. BHEL Bhopal manufacturing details and running projects:(utter,l- +al.e T-pe "i/e (mm Hea!(m
'on9entional .ingle .eal Latti:e oor ouble .eal Latti:e oo Parallel ;a:e oor 8it< ;lo8 6uide.
Large (utter,l- +al.es 0ax. Hea! (m %0.( L4!. R+!5,T .+6+R .R,.+,L+M 5000 5300 10) L+TT,'4 210 L+TT,'4 #oor T-pe (rpm
Project 2+L,M4L+
(%LL +%L+E
9? Handle >Le&er? /? Ste2 7 ball valve is a valve with a spherical disc, the part of the valve which controls the flow through it. The sphere has a hole, or port, through the middle so that when the port is in line with both ends of the valve, flow will occur. When the valve is closed, the hole is perpendicular to the ends of the valve, and flow is blocked. The handle or lever will be inline with the port position letting you ;see; the valve's position. The ball valve, along with the butterfly valve and plug valve, are part of the family of quarter turn valves. >all valves are durable and usually work to achieve perfect shutoff even after years of disuse. They are therefore an excellent choice for shutoff applications "and are often preferred to globe valves and gate valves for this purpose#. They do not offer
the fine control that may be necessary in throttling applications but are sometimes used for this purpose. >all valves are used extensively in industrial applications because they are very versatile, supporting pressures up to 8+++ bars and temperatures up to ?++LF. !izes typically range from +.@ cm to *+ cm. They are easy to repair and operate. The body of ball valves may be made of metal, plastic or metal with a ceramic center. The ball is often chrome plated to make it more durable. 7 ball/check valve is a type of check valve with a ball without a hole for a disc, and is not covered in this article.
T-pe "i/e (mm Pi#ton T=7e .eal i#: T=7e .eal 500~%000 Hea!(m 200~1200