Roll Crusher 1 Single
Roll Crusher 1 Single
Roll Crusher 1 Single
T H E F I E L D S O F A P P L I C AT I O N Single roll crushers are used for grain size reduction for products ranging from soft to medium-hard.
T H E F E E D M AT E R I A L S Coal, coke, salt, slag, marl, chalk, chemical and similar products.
Single roll crusher with V-belt drive, type 2311, size 2311/06-05, featured with crushing ledges.
T H E M O D E O F O P E R AT I O N The single roll crusher reduces the feeding material in a wedge-shaped crushing area by means of pressure and shearing stress. The crushing body is formed by a rotating roll and an adjustable and spring-mounted crushing plate located on the opposite side. The distance between the base of the crushing plate and the tips of the roll crushers teeth forms the adjustable gap width, which can be varied depending on the required final grain size. Any wear and tear which may occur can be adjusted via the crushing plate. Depending on the feeding material and the required final grain, the roll crusher is equipped with either teeth or ledges. The crushing plate is equipped with a replaceable comb plate.
THE SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS The crushing roll is firmly fixed onto the base frame of the machine. The crushing rings, shells or ledges, made of a special casting, are mounted up or bolted on the body of the roll of welded construction. The crusher shaft, made of high-grade steel, is arranged on amply dimensioned spherical roller bearings. The bearing housings are protected against dust and dirt by means of lubricated labyrinths. To adjust the gap width, the crushing plate is set by using thread spindles. The spring elements provide initial tension for the crushing force and serve simultaneously as overload protection. The machine can either be powered hydraulically, by belt drive or by a slip-on gear motor.
T H E A D VA N TA G E S high and constant capacity low susceptibility to breakdowns long lifetime easy replacement of wear and spare parts wide range of application high crushing grade with a minimum of fine grains
T H E S C O P E O F A P P L I C AT I O N Capacity: Feeding size: Final grain size: up to 400 m 3/h up to approx. 800 mm 15 -150 mm depending on the feed material and its size up to 1 : 6 up to 200 kW