Abstract V1
Abstract V1
Abstract V1
pen "all #$t to %e&elop a 'eneral p$rpose DLMS("osem #ase% Generic Ena#ler a#le to pro&i%e AMR f$nctionality relate% to Smart )tilities an% Smart Gri%* DLMS-GE ill #e #ase% on +,--ARE an% P,-PPP* ,t ill implement all ser&ices relate% to Terni.s Trial #$t also some a%%itional feat$res common in Smart Gri% infrastr$ct$res* /asic are: ,NTEGRA0,!NE "!N TR,AL ES,STENTE /ASAT! S) +,--ARE E "1E ALTR! 2 "1E "!NTAT!R, 1ANN!2 "!ME ARR,3AN! AL "ENTR! 2 D!3E STA ,L "ENTR! 2 "!ME S, ,NTER+A"",A "!N ,L S- DEL PR!GETT! ES,STENTE 2 The system re4$ires a lar'e amo$nt of %ata, from the A$tomatic Meter Rea%in' 5AMR6, that has to #e processe% in near-real-time i ,l pro'etto &$ole 'estire anche il mar7et: 4$in%i 4$esto ri'$ar%a i contatori 2 cioe #iso'na pere&e%ere l.in&io ai meter %i n$o&e tariffe 2 o altre in%ica8ioni 2 9 coin&olto il DLMS "osem opp$re esso 9 mono %ire8ionale2 DM: "ons$mtion Meterin' L.a8ione %el GE %e&e essere solo $p ho anche %o n 2 %e&ono essere %$e o pi$ GE %i&ersi 2 R,)S! : in or%er to: i6 '$arantee re-$se of the sol$tion an% ii6 #e later inte'rate% an% e;ten%e% in other trials
d)ms 3ser %ss&ciati&n E453676 gas water heat /8C53 * W9540 IEC :2;7: e)ectricit. metering
8he D MS!C"SEM s1eci,icati&n is ,-)). descri'ed in the D MS 3% c&)&-red '&&ks: the <)-e '&&k descri'es the C"SEM meter &'(ect m&de) and the &'(ect identi,icati&n s.stem the 9reen '&&k descri'es the %rchitect-re and Pr&t&c&)s the =e))&w '&&k treats a)) the 2-esti&ns c&ncerning c&n,&rmance testing the White '&&k c&ntains the g)&ssar. &, terms 8he '&&ks are a+ai)a')e ,&r a)) mem'ers &, the D MS 3% ,ree &, charge. E>cer1ts &, the '&&ks are 1-')ic). a+ai)a')e.
What are the 'ene,its &, D MS!C"SEM# 8he main 'ene,it &, D MS!C"SEM is that it 'rings inter&1era'i)it.. <r&ad). s1eaking* inter&1era'i)it. means that an. meter data management s.stem can ta)k t& an. meter* inde1endent). &, the man-,act-rer* the t.1e* the energ. t.1e meas-red and the c&mm-nicati&n media. 8his a)s& ass-mes* that &n '&th sides a c&m1ati')e set &, ,eat-res are c&rrect). im1)emented. "n the inter,ace m&de) )e+e)* the essentia) e)ements ass-ring inter&1era'i)it. are: the standardised inter,ace c)asses and data t.1es? the &'(ect identi,icati&n s.stem* 1r&+iding a standard identi,ier ,&r each and e+er. &'(ect? the 1&ssi'i)it. t& retrie+e the res&-rces a+ai)a')e in the metering e2-i1ment '. reading the C"SEM ass&ciati&n &'(ects. "n the C"SEM a11)icati&n )a.er )e+e)* inter&1era'i)it. is ens-red '. the 1&ssi'i)it. t& neg&tiate the 1r&t&c&) c&nte>t* the a-thenticati&n mechanism and the ser+ice set a+ai)a')e ,&r accessing attri'-tes and meth&ds. 8he a+ai)a'i)it. &, c&n,&rmance testing* a ,irst in metering 1r&t&c&)s* great). im1r&+es the 1r&'a'i)it. &, inter&1era'i)it. '. +eri,.ing the c&rrectness &, the im1)ementati&n &n the inter,ace and the 1r&t&c&) stack )e+e)s.
D MS!C"SEM de,ines an inter,ace m&de)* +a)id ,&r a)) kind &, energ. t.1es* )ike e)ectricit.* gas* water* heat etc. Each inter,ace &'(ect has a -ni2-e standard identi,ier* identi,.ing the data &n the dis1)a. and &+er the c&mm-nicati&n )ine. 8his m&de) is c&m1)ete). inde1endent ,r&m the 1r&t&c&) )a.ers -sed ,&r trans1&rting the data. It s-11&rts inn&+ati&n and ,-t-re e+&)-ti&n '. a))&wing man-,act-rer s1eci,ic instances* attri'-tes* meth&ds* and the 1&ssi'i)it. t& add new inter,ace c)asses and +ersi&ns with&-t changing the ser+ices t& access the &'(ects* th-s maintaining inter&1era'i)it.. 8he inter,ace c)ass de,initi&ns standardise a n-m'er &, wide). -sed meter ,-ncti&na)it.* )ike demand registrati&n* tari,, and acti+it. sched-)ing* hand)ing
time s.nchr&nisati&n and 1&wer ,ai)-res* 1&wer 2-a)it. metering t& name (-st a ,ew. 3nam'ig-&-s inter1retati&n &, data is ens-red '. de,ining the data t.1es t& 'e -sed ,&r the attri'-tes* and!&r '. re2-iring t& send this t.1e in,&rmati&n with the data. D MS!C"SEM 1r&+ides c&ntr&))ed and sec-re access '. +ari&-s 1arties acting &n the )i'era)ised energ. markets t& se)ected 1&rti&ns &, the in,&rmati&n a+ai)a')e in the metering e2-i1ment. %s the inter,ace m&de) is c&m1)ete). inde1endent ,r&m the c&mm-nicati&n media* a wide ch&ice &, media can 'e -sed* with&-t e+er changing the m&de) and the data management a11)icati&n &, the data c&))ecting s.stem. Whi)e t&da. seria) inter,aces are s-11&rted* -sing D MS!C"SEM &+er the Internet is a)read. 1)anned. 3n)ike with &)der 1r&t&c&)s* where $ ,&r e>am1)e in the case &, -sing IEC :55;6 $ a s1eci,ic de+ice dri+er in the data c&))ecti&n s.stem was necessar. ,&r e+er. new metering e2-i1ment* D MS!C"SEM ,aci)itates t& '-i)d generic dri+ers* a')e t& c&mm-nicate +ari&-s meter t.1es ,r&m di,,erent man-,act-rers. D MS!C"SEM has 'een se)ected '. '&th the e)ectricit. and the water!gas!heat metering c&mm-nit. as the standard &, ch&ice* which is 1artic-)ar). ,a+&-ra')e ,&r m-)ti$energ. 1r&+iders gaining gr&-nd. 8his -ni2-e c&m'inati&n &, ,eat-res* n&t a+ai)a')e in an. &ther metering 1r&t&c&)s kn&wn 1resent).* s-11&rts the '-siness 1r&cesses &, the +ari&-s stakeh&)ders &n the )i'era)ised markets* s-11&rt inn&+ati&n and c&m1etiti&n* and drastica)). red-ce s.stem )i,e c.c)e c&sts.