This document summarizes chemical, biological, radiological, and decontamination equipment for CBR defense. It includes:
1) Chemical detection equipment such as the M8A1 detector and CAM monitor.
2) Biological detection equipment like the ANPDR-1 for radiation detection.
3) Protective equipment including the ASPIR integrated suit and M40 mask.
4) Decontamination equipment such as the M11 and M12A1 decontamination apparatuses, and DS2 and STB solutions.
5) Guidelines for immediate, operational, and thorough decontamination in response to a CBR attack.
This document summarizes chemical, biological, radiological, and decontamination equipment for CBR defense. It includes:
1) Chemical detection equipment such as the M8A1 detector and CAM monitor.
2) Biological detection equipment like the ANPDR-1 for radiation detection.
3) Protective equipment including the ASPIR integrated suit and M40 mask.
4) Decontamination equipment such as the M11 and M12A1 decontamination apparatuses, and DS2 and STB solutions.
5) Guidelines for immediate, operational, and thorough decontamination in response to a CBR attack.
This document summarizes chemical, biological, radiological, and decontamination equipment for CBR defense. It includes:
1) Chemical detection equipment such as the M8A1 detector and CAM monitor.
2) Biological detection equipment like the ANPDR-1 for radiation detection.
3) Protective equipment including the ASPIR integrated suit and M40 mask.
4) Decontamination equipment such as the M11 and M12A1 decontamination apparatuses, and DS2 and STB solutions.
5) Guidelines for immediate, operational, and thorough decontamination in response to a CBR attack.
This document summarizes chemical, biological, radiological, and decontamination equipment for CBR defense. It includes:
1) Chemical detection equipment such as the M8A1 detector and CAM monitor.
2) Biological detection equipment like the ANPDR-1 for radiation detection.
3) Protective equipment including the ASPIR integrated suit and M40 mask.
4) Decontamination equipment such as the M11 and M12A1 decontamination apparatuses, and DS2 and STB solutions.
5) Guidelines for immediate, operational, and thorough decontamination in response to a CBR attack.
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1. Chemical Detection Equipment
ACAA - M8, M256A1, CAM, M21, M8, M9, ACADA - M22, ICAM Chemical Agent Automatic Alarm - M8A1 is a nerve agent alar! T"e s#ste $%nsists %& t"e M'(A1 )ete$t%r, as an# as &ive M'2 alar *nits an) vari%*s +%,er s*++lies! Chemical Agent Detector Kit - M256A1 C"ei$al Agent Dete$ti%n -it is )esigne) t% )ete$t an) i)enti&# .l%%) /AC 0 C-1, .lister /2, 2N, 2D, C3, 41, an) nerve /5 0 6 series1 agents an) $%nsists %& a $arr#ing $ase, 12 sa+ler-)ete$t%rs, instr*$ti%n $ar)s, an) M8 +a+er! Chemical Agent Monitor - CAM is *se) t% l%$ate $%ntainati%n, s+e$i&i$all# nerve an) .lister agents! It is a .atter# %+erate), +%rta.le +%int %nit%ring s#ste! It $ann%t realisti$all# assess t"e va+%r "a7ar) %ver an area &r% %ne +%int! It ,eig"s 8!6 +%*n)s! Chemical Agent Detector Paper - M8 is $"ei$all# treate), )#e i+regnate) +a+er! It )ete$ts li8*i) 5 an) 6 /nerve1, an) 2 /.lister1 C9 agents! It )%es n%t )ete$t va+%rs %r agents in ,ater! E:+%s*re t% li8*i) inse$ti$i)es, anti&ree7e an) +etr%le* +r%)*$ts a# $a*se &alse rea)ings! Chemical Agent Detector Paper - M9 )ete$t%r +a+er )ete$ts t"e +resen$e %& li8*i) $"ei$al agents /nerve 0 .lister1, .*t )%es n%t i)enti&# t"e s+e$i&i$ agent %r its t#+e! M9 +a+er rea$ts t% C9 agents .# t*rning a re))is" $%l%r! T"e +a+er $an .e atta$"e) ,it" an a)"esive .a$;! Automatic Chemical Agent Detection Alarm ACADA-M22 T"e M22 is an a)van$e), +%int-sa+ling, $"ei$al agent alar s#ste! It )ete$ts stan)ar) nerve an) vesi$ant agents! Improve Chemical Agent Monitor - ICAM erges t,% i+r%veents t% t"e CAM! T"ese i+r%veents are a %)*lar )esign an) an *+)ate) ele$tr%ni$s .%ar)! T"e %)*lar )esign signi&i$antl# re)*$es re+air tie! 2. !aiological Detection Equipment AN<=DR 2>, AN<=DR '(, C=-95, DT 6?, IM 1'(, A"#PD!-2$ =r%vi)es ra)i%a$tivit# )ete$ti%n in t"e l%,er ranges! Designe) t% )ete$t .eta an) eas*re an) )ete$t gaa n*$lear ra)iati%n! Als% *se) t% %nit%r l%, level ra)iati%n $%ntainati%n %n +ers%nnel, s*++lies, an) e8*i+ent! A"#PD!-%& =r%vi)es )ete$ti%n %& ra)i%a$tivit# in t"e "ig" range! It is )esigne) t% )ete$t .eta ra)iati%n an) eas*re an) )ete$t gaa n*$lear ra)iati%n! @se) in s*rve#s! &. Protection Equipment AS4IST, MC@<2=, BDB, C=B, 6l%ve Set, 65B<B5B, C=FC, M2?A1 C SC=E 'oint (ervice )ight*eight Integrate (uit + '()I(, - T"e AS4IST +r%gra is a &%*r servi$e e&&%rt t% &iel) a $%%n $"ei$al +r%te$tive ense.le in$l*)ing a s*it, gl%ves, an) .%%ts! =r%gra %.De$tives in$l*)e re)*$e) "eat stress, $%+ati.ilit# ,it" all inter&a$ing e8*i+ent, l%nger ,ear, an) ,as"a.ilit#! Protective Ma-. + MC/#2P as; +r%te$ts against CB agents, ra)i%a$tive &all%*t +arti$les, an) .attle&iel) $%ntainants! It "as a sili$%ne &a$e +ie$e, %ne-+ie$e lens s#ste, v%i$eitter, )rin; t*.e, $lear an) tinte) inserts an) stan)ar) t"rea) &ilter $anister! 0attle Dre-- 1vergarment - 0D1 is a $a%*&lage, e:+en)a.le, t,%-+ie$e %vergarent! It +r%te$ts &%r 2' "%*rs against $"ei$al agent va+%rs, li8*i) )r%+lets, .i%l%gi$al agents, an) ra)i%a$tive +arti$les! Ma: ,ear tie is (? )a#s in an *n$%ntainate) envir%nent! Chemical Protective 1vergarment + CP1 is a %live )ra., e:+en)a.le, t,%-+ie$e %vergarent! It +r%te$ts &%r 6 "%*rs against $"ei$al agent va+%rs, li8*i) )r%+lets, .i%l%gi$al agents, an) ra)i%a$tive +arti$les! Ma: ,ear tie is (? )a#s %r 1?? "%*rs in an *n$%ntainate) envir%nent! Chemical Protective 2love (et - 6l%ve Set $%nsists %& an %*ter .*t#l r* gl%ve an) an inner $%tt%n insert! 2reen#0lac. 3in4l 1ver5oot - 65B<B5B is a +lain %live )ra. vin#l green %vers"%e ,it" elasti$ &asteners! It +r%te$ts against CBR agents, rain, *), %r sn%,! T"e B5B is ver# siilar e:$e+t it is .la$; ,it" enlarge) ta.s %n ea$" elasti$ &astener! Chemical Protective 6oot*ear Cover - CP6C are i+erea.le an) "ave *ns*++%rte) .*t#l r* s%les an) *++ers! T,% variati%ns are &iel)e)E %ne ,it" a single "eel &la+ an) t"e %t"er ,it" t"e ne,er &is"tail )%*.le) "eel &la+! (impli7ie Collective Protection Equipment - M28A1 - (CPE $%nsists %& an e:+an)a.le liner, .l%,er<%t%r asse.l#, +r%te$tive entran$e, s*++%rt ;it, an) e:tra liners! It is lig"t,eig"t an) %.ile all%,ing &%r t"e $%nversi%n %& e:isting str*$t*res int% +r%te$te) $%an) an) $%ntr%l $enters! %. Decontamination Equipment M1(, M11, M291 < M295 C D-, M1> C 4DS, M12A1, DS2, 2T2, STB Porta5le Decontamination Apparatu- - M1& is *se) t% )e$%ntainate ve"i$les an) $re, serve) ,ea+%ns larger t"an ! 5? $! It is a.%*t t"e si7e %& a 5-gall%n gas%line $an an) $%es +re-&ille) ,it" 1' liters %& DS2! De$%n $a+a.ilit# is 12?? s8*are &eet! Porta5le Decontamination Apparatu- - M11 )e$%ntainates sall areas t"at +ers%nnel *st t%*$"! It is a steel $%ntainer ,it" an al*in* s+ra#-"ea) asse.l# an) a nitr%gen gas $#lin)er t"at +r%vi)es +ress*re! ItFs &ille) ,it" 1-1<( 8*arts %& DS2, en%*g" t% $%ver 1(5 s8*are &eet! (.in # Equipment Decontamination Kit- - M291 - (DK an) M299 Decon .it: Eqpt is *se) &%r s;in an) e8*i+ent )e$%ntainati%n! It is n%n-t%:i$, eliinating t"e nee) &%r inert trainers! T"e M295 is a larger versi%n in a itten &%r &%r )e$%n %& in)ivi)*al e8*i+ent! 1 CBR DEFENSE SMART CARD )ight*eight Decontamination (4-tem - M1> - 4DS is +%rta.le, lig"t,eig"t, an) $%nsists %& a $%.ine) +*+ an) "eater *nit, 15?? gall%n $%lla+si.le r*..eri7e) tan;, an) +ers%nal s"%,er *nit! Po*er Driven Decontamination Apparatu- M12A1 is +%,er )riven an) in$l*)es a +*+ *nit, "eater *nit, 5??-gall%n tan; *nit, an) +ers%nal s"%,er *nit! Decontamination (olution - D(2 is e&&e$tive against all ;n%,n $"ei$al an) .i%l%gi$al agents e:$e+t .a$terial s+%res! It is iss*e) in 1-1<( 8*art $ans /M111, 1'-liter $%ntainers /M1(1, an) 5-gall%n $%ntainers! It is als% e:treel# $%rr%sive! Calcium ;4pochlorite - ;,; is a )e$%ntainant t"at is *se) %nl# ,"en STB is n%t availa.le! It is e&&e$tive against le,isite, 5 agents, an) all .i%l%gi$al aterials in$l*)ing .a$terial s+%res! 2T2 ignites %n $%nta$t ,it" li8*i) *star) agent %r DS2! (,0 - (uper ,ropical 0leach STB is e&&e$tive against le,isite, 5 0 6 agents, an) .i%l%gi$al agents! It ignites %n $%nta$t ,it" li8*i) *star) agent %r DS2! 9. DEC1" )E3E)( Ie)iate, B+erati%nal, T"r%*g" Immeiate econ St%+s agents &r% +enetrating! Ie)iate )e$%ntainati%n $%nsists %& s;in )e$%n, +ers%nnel an) in)ivi)*al e8*i+ent ,i+e )%,n, an) %+erat%rFs s+ra# )%,n! a! (.in econ is an in)ivi)*al tas; an) s"%*l) start .e&%re 1 in*te +asses a&ter t"e en) %& t"e $"ei$al atta$;! @se eit"er t"e M258A1 %r M291 s;in )e$%n ;it &%r t"is tas;! Per-onal *ipe o*n an operator<- -pra4 o*n are $%lle$tive $re, tas;sE .egin t"ese tas;s ,it"in 15 in*tes a&ter t"e en) %& a $"ei$al atta$;! /11 =ers%nal ,i+e )%,n re%ves %r ne*trali7es $%ntainati%n &r% t"e "%%), as;, gl%ves, an) +ers%nal ,ea+%n! /21 @se t"e s;in )e$%n ;it t% $%n)*$t +ers%nal ,i+e )%,n &%r $"ei$al<.i%l%gi$al $%ntainati%n! /(1 F%r ra)i%l%gi$al $%ntainati%n, ,i+e it %&& ,it" a $l%t", %r .r*s" %r s"a;e it a,a#! /'1 B+erat%rFs s+ra# )%,n re%ves %r ne*trali7es $%ntainati%n &r% t"e s*r&a$es %& aD%r e8*i+ent /i!e!, $re,-serve) ,ea+%ns1 t"at %+erat%rs &re8*entl# t%*$" t% +er&%r t"eir issi%n! /a1 @se t"e M1( )e$%n a++arat*s /DA=1 &%r $"ei$al %r .i%l%gi$al $%ntainati%n! /.1 F%r ra)i%l%gi$al $%ntainati%n, .r*s" %r s$ra+e a,a# t"e $%ntainati%n an) &l*s" t"e s*r&a$e ,it" ,ater! 1perational Decon B&&ers +%ssi.le te+%rar# relie& &r% MB== ', an) it liits li8*i) agent s+rea)E t"is all%,s t"e &%r$e t% &ig"t l%nger an) s*stain its issi%n ,"ile $%ntainate)! C%nsists %& MB== gear e:$"ange an) ve"i$le ,as" )%,n /s*++%rte) .# t"e .attali%n +%,ere) )e$%n e8*i+ent $re,1! Begin t"ese tas;s ,it"in 6 "%*rs a&ter t"e en) %& a $"ei$al atta$;! 9%r;s .est ,it" +lat%%n-si7e) *nits! 9"enever it is ne$essar# t% )e$%ntainate a $%+an# %r t"e .attali%n all at %n$e, t"e CBC *st s+a$e %veents t% t"e )e$%ntainati%n site a+art, t% +revent a $%n$entrati%n %& ve"i$les in %ne +la$e! ,horough Decon @se) t% re)*$e %r eliinate t"e nee) &%r in)ivi)*al +r%te$tive $l%t"ing! T"%r%*g" )e$%n is $arrie) %*t t% re)*$e $%ntainati%n %n +ers%nnel, e8*i+ent<aterial, an)<%r ,%r;ing areas t% t"e l%,est +%ssi.le level /negligi.le ris;1! T"is +erits t"e re)*$ti%n %r re%val %& in)ivi)*al +r%te$tive e8*i+ent an) aintains %+erati%ns ,it" t"e least )egra)ati%n! T"ere are t,% t"%r%*g" )e$%n te$"ni8*es t"at Sea.ees *seG 1! Detaile) tr%%+ )e$%n /DTD1 /as METT-T all%,s1 2! Detaile) e8*i+ent )e$%n /DED1 /as METT-T all%,s1 =. (/!3E> an MA!KI"2 M2'9 Mar;ing ;it Mar;ing Re8*ireents, =%int, R%*te, Area M2%9 Kit /$%ntains1 BIB C Bl*e .a$;gr%*n)<Re) letters C2EM- Hell%, Ba$;gr%*n)<Re) letters ATBM C 9"ite .a$;gr%*n)<Bla$; letters Mar;ing ta+e Mar;ing Sta;es Cra#%n /t"r%, a,a# an) *se $"ina ar;er1 !equirement-! @nless %t"er,ise instr*$te), *se %nl# t"e M2'9 ar;ing ;it! As a ini*, ,rite %n t"e signs t"e &%ll%,ing in&%rati%nG /11 DT6 %& s*rve# /21 T#+e %& agent )ete$te) /$"ei$al<.i%l%gi$al %nl#1, %r I@N-I i& *n;n%,n! /(1 Ra)iati%n )%se rate /n*$lear %nl#1! =la$e signs a++r%:iatel# 1?? eters a+art, %r $l%ser, i& %ne $ann%t see a)Da$ent signs &r% t"e $*rrent +%siti%n! 4a# #ell%, ta+e a$r%ss an# r%a), trail %r %t"er aven*e %& a++r%a$" int% a $%ntainate) area an) ar; t"e ta+e ,it" an NBC ,arning sign! Point (urve4 C S+e$i&i$ +%int %r +%ints! C%n)*$te) %*nte) %r *n%*nte)! !oute (urve4 - S+e$i&i$ r%*te! C%n)*$te) %*nte) %r *n%*nte)! Area (urve4 C Detaile) tie $%ns*ing s*rve#! Best $%n)*$te) %*nte)! J C"e$;+%ints in s*rve# 2 Area Survey Route survey CBR DEFENSE SMART CARD >. (I? ,>PE( 16 C;EMICA) A2E",( Nerve Agents, Blister Agents, Bl%%) Agents, C"%;ing Agents, 5%iting Agents, Tear Agents C;EMICA) A2E",(G /NBT A44-INC4@SI5E1 NBN=ERSISTENT A6ENTS - SI6NIFICANT DB9N9IND 5A=BR 2AKARD - 4IMITED 6RB@ND CBNTAMINATIBN - 6RB@ND B@RST M@NITIBNS /BFF-TAR6ET ATTAC-S1 - =RIMARH @SEG TB CA@SE CAS@A4TIES 0 DE6RADE CA=ABI4ITIES NAME =RBTECT DETECTIBN FIRST AID NER5E A6ENTS 6-NER5E MB== ' M256, M8A1, CAM, BDBR, M8<M9 =A=ER NAA- B4BBD A6ENTS AC 0 C- MAS- BN4H M256, BDBR NBNE C2B-IN6 A6ENTS =2BS6ENE< DI=2BS6ENE MAS- BN4H BDBR NBNE =ERSISTENT A6ENTS - SI6NIFICANT 6RB@ND CBNTAMINATIBN - 4IMITED DB9N9IND 5A=BR 2AKARD - AIR B@RST M@NITIBNS - =RIMARH @SEG TB DENH TERRAIN AND S2A=E T2E BATT4EFIE4D NAME =RBTECT DETECTIBN FIRST AID NER5E A6ENTS 5-NER5E MB== ' M256, M8A1, CAM, BDBR, M8<M9 =A=ER NAA- B4ISTER A6ENTS M@STARD 0 4E9ISITE MB== ' M256, CAM, BDBR, M8<M9 =A=ER NBNE =2BS6ENE B3IME MB==' M256, CAM, M8<M9 =A=ER NBNE 8. M1PP level- are a- 7ollo*-G MB== B5ER6ARMENTS B5ERBBBTS MAS- 64B5ES NAA-1 ? Carrie) Carrie) Carrie) Carrie) Carrie)LL 1 9%rnL Carrie) Carrie) Carrie) Carrie)LL 2 9%rnL 9%rn Carrie) Carrie) Carrie)LL ( 9%rnL 9%rn 9%rnL Carrie) Carrie)LL ' 9%rnL 9%rn 9%rn 9%rn Carrie)LL L 9%rn %+en %r $l%se) .ase) %n t"e te+erat*re! LL NAA-1 ;its st%re) insi)e as; $arrier! MB== levels )% n%t ta;e int% $%nsi)erati%n an# +r%te$ti%n %t"er t"an t"e +r%te$tive e8*i+ent ,%rn .# t"e in)ivi)*al! At a ini*, *nits )e+l%# in MB== level ?! I& t"e intelligen$e sit*ati%n in)i$ates a li;el# *se %& $"ei$al ,ea+%ns, s%l)iers s"%*l) .e in MB== 2 .e&%re t"e &irst *se %& $"ei$al agents! M1PP )E3E) 8@ N% anti$i+ate) t"reat M1PP )E3E) 1@ T"e %++%sing &%r$e +%ssesses CBR ,ar&are agents an) )eliver# s#stes, t"e t"reat %& *se is inial M1PP )E3E) 2@! E+l%#ent %& CBR ,ea+%ns is $%nsi)ere) +r%.a.le! In)i$at%rs ,%*l) .eG CBR *niti%ns )e+l%#e) t% &iel) st%rage sites! Ene# tr%%+s ,earing %r $arr#ing +r%te$tive e8*i+ent! CBR re$%n eleents %.serve) ,it" $%nventi%nal re$%n *nits! CBR )e$%n eleents %ve) &%r,ar)! M1PP )E3E) & @ CBR ,ea+%ns "ave alrea)# .een e+l%#e) in t"e t"eater an) atta$; is $%nsi)ere) +r%.a.le in t"e ie)iate &*t*re! In)i$at%rs areG CBR atta$; in +r%gress .*t n%t in area %& %+erati%n! CBR ,arnings<signals t% ene# tr%%+s! CBR *niti%ns )elivere) t% &iring *nits ,it"in range %& &rien)l# &%r$es! M%veent %& s*r&a$e-t%-s*r&a$e issiles t% a la*n$" site! M1PP )E3E) % @ CBR atta$; is iinent 9. Chemical#5iological De7en-e Proceure- Be&%re, D*ring, A&ter Action- 5e7ore chemical#5iological attac.@ Deterine a++r%+riate MB== levels! C%ver t"e rati%ns an) ,ater s*++lies t% +revent $%ntainati%n! =la$e t%%ls an) e8*i+ent int% +lasti$ .ags %r $%ver t"e ,it" a +%n$"%! Action- uring a chemical#5iological attac.G 6% t% MB== I5! Ta;e C%ver! 6ive t"e a++r%+riate alar! C%ntin*e t"e issi%n! Action- a7ter a chemical#5iological attac. /,it"in t"e &irst "%*r1G Treat an) )e$%ntainate $as*alties ie)iatel#! Re$eive an) s*.it /,it"in ( in*tes1 initial NBC1 $"ei$al re+%rts /*sing &las" +re$e)en$e1! Dete$ti%n teas ,ill )eterine t"e t#+e an) e:tent %& $%ntainati%n an) ar; as re8*ire)! Re+%rt l%$ati%n %& $%ntainati%n t% "ig"er 2M! C%n)*$t ie)iate )e$%ntainati%n, i& ne$essar#! Re8*est res*++l# %& ne$essar# CBR e8*i+ent! A&ter a $"ei$al atta$;, +ers%nnel ,ill n%t *nas; *ntil a*t"%ri7e) t% )% s% .# t"e CBC! Be&%re t"e Iall $learI $an .e given, +er&%r t"e &%ll%,ing +r%$e)*resG With a (M256) kit present: /11 At least t,% /21 ;its are *se) t% )eterine i& agents are +resent in t"e area! I& t,% /21 )i&&erent rea)ings are &%*n) *se a t"ir) ;it! /21 A&ter )eterining n% $"ei$al agent is +resent, sele$t t,% /21 %r t"ree /(1 +ers%nnel %& )i&&erent si7es t% *nas; &%r &ive in*tes! A&ter &ive in*tes t"e sele$te) +ers%nnel ,ill reas; an) are %.serve) &%r ten in*tes in a s"a)# area! /(1 I& n% s#+t%s a++ear it is sa&e t% ass*e t"e reaining +ers%nnel a# *nas;! 2%,ever, t"e# *st reain alert &%r t"e a++earan$e %& $"ei$al agent s#+t%s! Aith out a BM29=C .it@ /11 Sele$t t,% /21 %r t"ree /(1 +ers%nnel %& )i&&erent si7es! 2ave t"e ta;e a )ee+ .reat", "%l) it, ;ee+ t"eir e#es %+en an) .rea; t"e seal %n t"eir as; &%r 15 se$%n)s! T"e# t"en $lear an) seal t"e as; an) are %.serve) &%r ten in*tes! /21 A&ter t"e ten in*tes, "ave t"ese sae +ers%nnel .rea; t"e seal %n t"eir as; an) ta;e t,% %r t"ree .reat"s %& air an) reseal t"eir as;! B.serve t"ese +ers%nnel &%r an%t"er ten in*tes! /(1 A&ter t"is ten-in*te +eri%) i& n% s#+t%s a++ear, t"e sae +ers%nnel *nas; &%r &ive in*tes! A&ter t"e &ive in*tes, t"e# ,ill reas; an) are %.serve) &%r an%t"er ten in*tes! I& n% s#+t%s 3 CBR DEFENSE SMART CARD %$$*r it is sa&e t% ass*e t"at all %t"er +ers%nnel a# *nas;! 2%,ever, all +ers%nnel *st reain alert &%r t"e a++earan$e %& $"ei$al agent s#+t%s! 11. "uclear De7en-e Proceure-@ Action- 5e7ore a nuclear -tri.e@ /11 9arn all an) an# *nit ,it"in t"e atta$; area! /21 I& tie +erits, i+r%ve )e&ensive +%siti%ns t% +r%vi)e a:i* +r%te$ti%n! /(1 =la$e &%%) an) ,ater s*++lies in )ee+, $%vere) "%les! i& tie +erits! I& tie )%es n%t +erit, +la$e a tar+ $%ver %ver &%%) an) ,ater! /'1 C%n)*$t ra)i%l%gi$al %nit%ring %+erati%ns IA9 FM (-(, C"a+ter (! /51 C%ver an) )is$%nne$t $%*ni$ati%ns e8*i+ent an) )is$%nne$t t"e &r% antennas, t% +r%te$t &r% Ele$tr%agneti$ =*lse /EM=1! /61 Se$*re all e8*i+ent /i!e! ele$tr%ni$ e8*i+ent, a%, ,ater, et$!1! Action- uring a nuclear -tri.e@ /11 Ta;e n% %re t"an %ne ste+ t% see; $%ver! /21 Dr%+ t% t"e gr%*n) ,it" "ea) &a$ing t"e .last an) &eet t%get"er, "an)s an) ,ea+%ns *n)er t"e .%)#, an) e#es $l%se)! /(1 Reain )%,n *ntil t"e .last ,ave "as +asse) t"e se$%n) tie an) )e.ris "as st%++e) &alling! /'1 C%*nt t"e &las" t% .ang tie *sing a $%*nt %& %ne t"%*san), t,% %ne t"%*san), et$! Action- a7ter a nuclear attac.@ /11 Reesta.lis" $%*ni$ati%ns ,it" "ig"er "ea)8*arters an) s*.%r)inate *nits! C%lle$t initial NBC1 re+%rts /*n)er a F4AS2 +ri%rit#1! /21 C%lle$t an) re+%rt %+erati%nal stat*s %& e8*i+ent an) a$$%*nta.ilit# $%+an#<.attali%n +ers%nnel t"r%*g" t"e $"ain %& $%an)! /(1 C%lle$t an) re+%rt NBC1 &%ll%,-%n re+%rts /*n)er an IMMEDIATE +re$e)en$e1! /'1 CBR ra)i%l%gi$al %nit%ring +ers%nnel ,ill $%n)*$t ra)iati%n %nit%ring! /a1 Begin $%ntin*%*s %nit%ring! /.1 Re+%rt in$reases in ra)iati%n ever# &i&teen in*tes %r as re8*ire)! /$1 Re+%rt ,"en ra)iati%n .egins t% )e$rease! /51 @+%n t"e $%n$l*si%n %& &all%*tG /a1 De$%ntainate $l%t"ing an) e8*i+ent! /.1 De$%ntainate seale) rati%ns .# ,as"ing an) s$r* ,it" s%a+# ,ater +ri%r t% %+ening! Rati%ns ,ill .e %nit%re) *sing an AN<=DR 2> ra)ia$ set! NBTEG Rati%ns %& ,ater t"at "ave a rea)ing "ig"er t"an t"e .a$;gr%*n) rea)ing 9I44 NBT BE CBNS@MED! Rati%ns t"at ,ere %+ene) +ri%r t% t"e atta$; als% 9I44 NBT BE CBNS@MED! /$1 M%nit%r "ig"er $%an) net &%r &*rt"er re+%rts an) in&%rati%n %n t"e atta$;! 12. Alarm-@ 5%$al, M8A1 3ocal alarmG F%r $"ei$al %r .i%l%gi$al atta$; is I6ASI %r IS=RAHI! F%r t"e arrival %& &all%*t is IFA44B@TI! M8A1 automatic chemical agent alarm-G /11 =la$e M8A1 alars 15? eters *+,in) %& +%siti%ns! 9"en e+l%#ing *lti+le alars &%r %ne +%siti%n, aintain a ini* )istan$e %& (?? eters .et,een ea$" alar! /21 I& #%* "ear %r see t"e alar #%* give a v%$al alar! /(1 Ra+i), $%ntin*%*s .eating %& etal %n etal! /'1 6-se$ .last %& &%g<.%at "%rn! Detaile ,roop Decon BD,DC ,hree )ine-
CC4 C C%ntainati%n C%ntr%l 4ine 4C4 C 4i8*i) C%ntr%l 4ine 5C4 C 5a+%r C%ntr%l 4ine EI2;, (,A,I1"( 1! In)ivi)*al 6ear De$%n 2! B%%ts an) Mas;<2%%) De$%n (! Bvergarents Re%val '! B%%ts Re%val 5! M%nit%r 6! Mas; Re%val >! Mas; De$%n 8! Reiss*e =%int Entr4 Control Point DTD Stati%n ,ill .e$%e t"e entr# $%ntr%l +%int )*ring CBR %+erati%ns! 0a-ic Ai (tation 2an)les ,al;ing ,%*n)e) %nl#! Detaile Equipment Decon 1ne )ine T"e N2%t 4ineO 6ive (tation- 1! =riar# 9as" 2! DS2 A++li$ati%n (! C%nta$t Tie < Interi%r )e$%n '! Rinse 5! C"e$; Pre-Decon (ite Tar+s, Nets, Dirt, an) 6r%ss $%ntainati%n re%val %$$*rs "ere! A--em5l4 Area 4 CBR DEFENSE SMART CARD CC4 4C4 5C4 5 w R TRASH PIT R W SUFFEL PIT 3 parts inert 2 parts ST! S T "AS# $E%&' RE(ISSUE P&I'T STATION 1 STATION 2 STATION 3 STATION 4 STATION 5 STATION 6 STATION 7 STATION 8
) e a r
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, i r e - t i o n Was0 Rinse )+oves . /as1 523+ea-0 %+ot0in4 re/ova+ i* s0owers are avai+a3+e5 Firs t ai, "6A1 or "257 1it *or -onstant vapor /onitorin4 Loa,3earin4 4ear ,e-on