Oracle Primer
Oracle Primer
Oracle Primer
Oracle Primer
After you double-click on installation le, and then click-next, click-next, click-next a few dozen times, youve managed to install Oracle. Congratulations! How the heck do we use it? One approach is to use the Oracle provided GUI tools (such as the oracles website thingie). Another approach (which as advanced users you should be using) is to use the command line. Why is command line better long term? Well, it can be scripted, and you can easily pipe data into and out of commands. Most data warehouse applications of databases value automation and simplicity above one-time use user-friendliness.
Recently (a few years ago), Oracle releasd a free Express Edition, which is primarily targetted towards students, developers, and anyone else interested in learning how to use Oracle. It has strict limits on how big the database can be, how many CPUs can be used, and how much RAM Oracle is allowed, etc. Most of these limitations eliminate the Express Edition (XE) from production use within any serious operation. It does however make it a perfect vihicle for learning Oracle (ie: its a free download!). After installing OracleXE, the server binds to your local IP, ie:, port 1521 (the default), and has a service name of XE. The TNS entry (ie: sort of like a URL) for it is: XE = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = (PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE NAME = XE))) Note that you can add this to the tnsnames.ora le (search for it under Oracle home folder), or you can use TNS entry directly when connecting. For example, to login into Oracle from command line you might run: sqlplus "system/manager@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = (PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE NAME = XE)))" Note that you cannot have spaces in the TNS part. For Java database tools, this means a JDBC URL of: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST= (PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE NAME = XE))) Again, no spaces in the URL. The JDBC driver is oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver, and is found in ojdbc14.jar le, which is somewhere in oracle installation folder (or online). The system user account (ie: oracles admin account) gets a password during installation (during those click-next, click-next steps).
Instaling Oracle (regular edition) is just as easy as installing the Express Edition. Slight dierences usually revolve around Oracle requiring a static IP address to bind to. This can 1
be a major hassle if you have DHCP client on your computer (ie: get a new IP everytime you reboot). An easy solution for Windows (Unix folks can gure this one out themselves), is to add a dummy loopback network adapter. You can google installing a loopback adapter for exact instructions, but the gist for Windows XP goes something like this: go to control panel to add hardware; yes, the hardware is already connected, then pick a new hardware device, install manually, pick a network adapters category, then pick Microsoft Loopback Adapter. Click ok, etc. This shouldve added another LAN connection in your Network Connections (device name will have Microsoft Loopback in it). Right click it, and congure that adapter to have a non-routable IP, such as, etc. Thats it.
Default Password
On older Oracle installers, the user didnt specify the system (ie: admin) account password. The default password is manager. You are highly encouraged to change it.
Playing with Oracle as the system user is stupid. Things will go wrong! For various safety and security reasons, its a very good idea to create a low priviledge database account to use.
To add a user, simply use the create user command: create user phreak identied by abc123 default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp; Here, weve added the phreak user to our database, with password abc123, using users tablespace (where data is stored), etc. In order for the user to login, they must be granted connect and resource roles: grant connect, resource to phreak; Note that some tutorials also grant create session, which is technically already included in the connect role (ie: you shouldnt need to explicitly grant create session).
To change password, just do: alter user phreak identied by abc123; User can also always type: password in sqlplus to do this interactively.
Expire current users password to force user to change password next time they login: alter user phreak password expire;
Removing Users
Tablespaces (place where data is stored) can have a quota. To setup no-quota (ie: unlimited) space allowance: alter user phreak quota unlimited on users; This sets up unlimited quota for user phreak on users tablespace. To specify a limit, just replace the unlimited keyword with some value: alter user phreak quota 20M on users; 4.2.6 Lock/Unlock Accounts
Locking an account means the user cannot login, etc. alter user phreak account lock; or alter user phreak account unlock; 4.2.7 scott/tiger Account
The scott/tiger (username: scott, password: tiger) account is considered a test account, and unless youre in a very unsecure environment, it is recommended that you unlock it (it allows automated scripts to connect to the database and determine whether its up or down, or do anonymous queries; like asking the database to provide a timestamp, etc.)
Useful Permissions
Depending on the users, some should be able to create tables, procedures, etc. (or even just select certain tables): grant grant grant grant grant create create create create create table to phreak; view to phreak; procedure to phreak; sequence to phreak; trigger to phreak; 3
Obviously you can also grant specic permissions for dierent database objects (tables, views, etc.): grant select on blah to phreak; will let user phreak select data from table (or view) blah.
A tablespace is where all the data is stored. There are a few default ones (users, temp, etc.), but you can create new ones via: create tablespace corpdata datale /oradata/CDB/data01.dbf size 20M autoextend on next 10M maxsize 50M This creates a tablespace named corpdata, which will be stored in /oradata/CDB/data01.dbf le, will start with size 20Mb, go up by 10Mb (as database grows), and nish o at 50Mb.
There are a bunch of session level parameters that you can modify. Below are some that seem useful:
Recent versions of Oracle appear to have a recyclebin feature. Essentially dropping tables doesnt actually drop them, but renames them (and hides the new name in recyclebin). The space is eventually automaticaly cleaned up, but only when you start to run out of it. You can really drop a table by purging the recyclebin once in a while: purge recyclebin; Or you can turn it o for the whole session right after you login: alter session set recyclebin=o
Date Format
Oracle seems to have this weird date format, DD-MON-YY, so August 29th, 1997, for example, would be 29-AUG-97. This may be something you enjoy, but it seems the YYYYMMDD format is much easier to deal with programmatically (ie: inside a program). That same date would be 19970829. You can tell Oracle that youd like to use this date format, by altering the session: alter session set nls date format=YYYYMMDD;