Anahuac Comeback: Hurricane Relief Project
Anahuac Comeback: Hurricane Relief Project
Anahuac Comeback: Hurricane Relief Project
Hurricane Relief Project
FUMC Rosenberg
E. Bernard UMC August 1, 2009
Mission Bend UMC
St. John’s UMC
Faith UMC
The Benefits of Joining a Work Crew
Christ Church, Sugar -by Margaret Lawley
Land Internet wisdom may be an oxymoron, but an article online caught my eye. The writer
FUMC Missouri City claimed that people volunteer when they are given the answer to the simple question: “What’s in it for
me?” I would hate for people not to sign up because they can’t think of any personal benefit. So
FUMC Anahuac here’s a list of reasons for leaving Saturday morning routines and coming with us to Anahuac.
Enjoy a gorgeous Saturday morning sunrise and the coolest part of the day. McDonalds will
serve you an Egg McMuffin and hash browns for breakfast. The amazing drive features no traffic on
Work Trip I-10 or Hwy 59, a rare pleasure indeed. TX 61 offers a pastoral setting for quiet reflection dewy
fields and meadows, cows and maybe even an alligator.
Dates Once there, new friends and old gather for a family photograph, fellowship, and a moment
of prayer before the work begins. You’ll enjoy a change of pace from your exercise routine, with a
variety of ways to flex your muscles and elevate your heart rate. Sips and gulps of icy water will
August 15 refresh you. New talents like of carpentry, painting, sheet rock installation build your skill set.
September12 Free lunch is served with air conditioning. There are no movies, shopping, or sports on
TV. There is laughter, and companionship while working together. There is pride in a jobs well
October 17 done. Driving home the ride seems faster, and at night you’ll sleep like a baby.
Now if that isn’t enough remember the words of Jesus. 'I was hungry and you gave me food, I
was thirsty and you gave me something to drink'...Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was
it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink?...'Truly I tell
you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.' Mat-
Visit us at thew 25:35, 37, 40 .
The people we serve need us. Repairing a roof keeps them dry on rainy days. Insulation keeps them warm in winter. Everything we do makes lives better. People get hope from our smiles,
encouragement from our friendship. They feel the love of Christ in our work.
Stop for a break as you exit I-10, use the rest rooms there and pick up water or ice for
the day, get some gas if your tank is low. You’ll drive 30 minutes to Smith Point, and
there are very few places to stop after leaving the interstate highway.
Wear comfortable clothes, shoes, hat. Bring work gloves, sunglasses, bug spray, tools.
Lunch will be served. Bring cooler of bottled water and energizing snacks.
Meet 9 AM sharp at Fire Station - directions above. Call sign up contacts to carpool.
Quitting time: When we are all tired, or when the work is complete. We are usually
home before dark.
Work assignments are often not set until Wednesday before work day. As soon as de-
tails are known they will be posted on the web site Please check the site
or call a sign up contact person before the trip. We often need special tools or equip-
ment that you may be able to bring to help with the projects. Thank you.
Anahuac Comeback Newsletter
JULY WORK CREW REPORT August 1, 2009 Page 3
On July 18, workers from Christ UMC in Sugar Land, Mission Bend UMC an Rosenberg UMC gathered to
work on two houses in Smith Point. The Sugar Land group spent their day working on siding and other projects on
Maria’s house across from the fire station. This was a project started in June, with many of the same workers. Great
progress was made on the little house thanks to these hard workers who came with the tools needed for this impor-
tant job.
Workers from Mission Bend and Rosenberg tackled projects at Jesse’s house several blocks away. The pho-
tograph below the right was taken after lunch and includes most of the volunteers, family members and guests from
Anahuac ISD. Interior sheet rock work was started, and the exterior received two coats of paint. Sue Hawthorne,
Librarian at Anahuac Middle School took the photo and wrote the article below it. This will be printed in an up-
coming issue of the Slate, the newsletter for AISD. Thanks, Sue, for sharing this with us.
Jesse and his family have suffered very difficult times over the past year. Before Ike, Jesse’s brother was killed in an
accident at work on the fishing boat. His body was not recovered. Jesse’s leg was broken in several places when he
fell from a ladder at work, and then Ike ruined the family’s house. A new baby was born recently, healthy except
for some broken bones. In spite of all these hardships, Jesse’s faith and optimism have never failed. He is a
friendly, smiling man, who made our workers feel comfortable and very welcome.
Jesse and Maria Sanchez, shown above on the far right with their children Jose and Christian, will soon be moving back into their home, thanks to
volunteers from the Rosenberg area.
Each month, volunteers, headed by Margaret Lawley of Rosenberg United Methodist Church (UMC), work on Ike-damaged homes in Smith Point.
Mrs. Lawley is pictured in the front row on the right, next to the Sanchez family. AISD Supt. Linda Kay Barnhart, who helped serve lunch to the
workers July 18, is pictured next to Mrs. Lawley, holding baby Pedro.
The workers above represent Mission Bend UMC and Rosenberg UMC. Other volunteers from Sugar Land UMC were working on another home
in the community.
Would the volunteer who photographed the July Work Crew at the fire station please sent it
via email to [email protected] so we can put it in the September newsletter. Thank you.
Anahuac Comeback Newsletter
THANK YOU! August, 2009 Page 4
Hardly a week goes by without donations coming in for Anahuac Comeback. Thank you for responding so
generously. To Turnkey Painting Contractors, for offering to provide paint for the homes we are restoring, to
those of you who come with donations of mattresses, tools, and building materials, and to those who continue
to support our work with contributions of money, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
The United Methodist Men of Rosenberg UMC asked for information about our Mission and the work remain-
ing to be done. After a presentation at their July meeting, they gave a check for ministry, and then individuals
came forth to offer help. The August work team will enjoy a barbequed wild hog compliments of Mr. Band
who has caught and roasted about 1,500 hogs over several years. Mr. Bailey is giving a mattress and box
springs to our effort, and plans to deliver these to Smith Point himself. Lou and Ellie Cummings signed up
and came on our last work trip. Other men promised to join work crew in coming months. Thanks,
Rosenberg UMM!
I couldn’t turn down one donation of clothing last month. The garments were so gorgeous and in such good
condition that they have been consigned for sale. The money we earn will help buy building supplies.
East Bernard UMC Children gave $200 during Vacation Bible School in July. They wanted to help with our
new refrigerator project for Smith Point Families. Their donation will install an ice maker in one of the new
appliances and buy popsicle molds to make summer treats. Thanks children!
Need a SPEAKER? We can provide speakers for your meetings, worship services, and other events. Several
Comeback Volunteers have made presentations in worship services, meetings like Rosenberg United Methodist Men,
and church missions committee meetings,. Every time we find that people are interested in our work and eager to help
in various ways. We have some slide presentations to share, tales to tell, and humorous anecdotes. Talks are tailored for
each occasion. If you have an opportunity for us to share our mission, our plans, and our faith, please contact Margaret
Lawley to make arrangements.
ROOFING NEED The little Catholic Church in Smith Point is being repaired by a group of volunteers from the Episcopal
Church. They are supplying labor and most of the materials. We have been asked if we can buy the roofing materials. Since Ike the
congregation has been meeting at the First Station - they want to go back to their sanctuary. Can you help with this special need?
Comeback T-shirts were made for Summer work crew volunteers, and we will be giving shirts to
those who come on the August trip. If you have not received a shirt, please let us know. We have adult large
and extra large sizes available. If you need another size, we’ll put you on a list to be sure you get a shirt next
Share your Comeback Story in next month’s newsletter. Write a few words or a story about your
experience with Anahuac Comeback, email it to [email protected]. Your shared stories and
faith help us feel like family and encourage others to join in.
Anahuac Comeback is a ministry of First United Methodist Church of Rosenberg, TX, Reverend John Black, Senior Pastor.
For more information access our site: or email Margaret Lawley at [email protected]