DSC ICC Bylaw April 2012 PDF
DSC ICC Bylaw April 2012 PDF
DSC ICC Bylaw April 2012 PDF
This document contains ICC Bylaws, Funding Policies, and Rules of Order. Last updated April 2012.
ARTICLE I: Name ARTICLE II: Purpose ARTICLE III: Chartering Clubs and Student Organizations ARTICLE IV: Inter Club Council Operations ARTICLE V: Amendments
ARTICLE I. NAME - The name of this organization shall be known as the Inter Club
Council. Section A. The Inter Club Council shall be comprised of: 1. The Club Council. 2. One representative from all DSU Clubs and Student Organizations.
ARTICLE II. PURPOSE - The purpose of the Inter Club Council is to:
Section A. Promote collaborative efforts amongst campus clubs and organizations. Section B. Allocate funds to clubs and organizations during the general assembly meetings. Section C. Coordinate and share information about campus club and organization activities.
c. No club at DSU is allowed to use the name of any national fraternity or sorority in their club name. Likewise, clubs are not permitted to use the Greek alphabet in their club name. 4. Honor Societies: a. National honor societies are sanctioned by Dixie State University. b. The honor society must comply with all DSU clubs rules and regulations, and in addition must be sponsored by an academic department within Dixie State University. c. Greek letters may be used in the name of academic honor societies. Section B. Conduct 1. Violation a. All clubs will abide by the Code of Conduct of Dixie State University, DSUSA Constitution, Student Handbook and Club Bylaws. b. A club will not conduct activities that interfere with or disrupt the educational activities of Dixie State University. c. The Director of Student Involvement and Leadership and Dean of Students must approve all traveling and campus-wide activities for clubs. d. A club will be held responsible for the actions of its members during club activities. e. Members participating in violation of DSUSA regulations will be subject to individual disciplinary action. Participation is defined as voting in favor of prohibited conduct, encouraging such conduct, joining in the preparation for such conduct, or actual involvement in the activity. The Inter Club Council will only be a recommending body to the Dean of Students when dealing with individual actions. f. In the event of alleged misconduct or violation, a club may appeal its case to a committee made up of the Vice President of Clubs, Academic Vice President, Student Body President, Director of Student Involvement and Leadership and Dean of Students. g. If a club charter is terminated, it is ineligible to re-charter for the remainder of the academic year. Formal written approval must be received from the ICC Council before the club may be re-established on campus. h. Clubs must have, at minimum, four chaperones at all campus wide activities. 2. Judicial Process - Any misconduct may result in the following disciplinary actions decided upon by a 2/3 majority vote of the Inter Club Council, Director of Student Involvement, and the Dean of Students. a. Dismissal of club i. A club will be dismissed if probation is violated, or if there are any legal infractions. ii. If a club is dismissed they are eligible to apply for the next academic year. b. Probation i. Probation will consist of at least one semester and may last up to two at the most.
ii. When a club is placed on probation they can no longer participate in any merit money activity or any other college sponsored activities during the restricted semester. iii. At the end of the probation period a club must (1) submit a written appeal and (2) appear before the Club Council for reinstatement. iv. When a club is placed on probation, all club officers involved in the infraction will no longer be allowed to hold a leadership position in any club presidency at Dixie State University. Club members involved in the infraction will be unable to continue their membership in said club. c. Minor Club Infractions - Small club infractions may result in any of the following penalties: i. Assigned additional service projects. ii. Loss of club budget up to $350.00 of merit money earned the previous semester. iii Loss of specific privilegesi.e. Club Rush. iv. Any club that has committed a violation and/or been fined, will only be eligible to receive the $150.00 club budget for the following semester. Section C. Membership 1. Membership in a club will be limited to currently enrolled students. Faculty, staff, and community members may attend club meetings but cannot be counted in the membership. 2. Membership will extend to such persons without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, and/or any other acts of unlawful discrimination. 3. Members must be in good standing at DSU according to the DSUSA Constitution. 4. All participants at any club function will abide by the DSU code of conduct. 5. A guest of a club cannot assume the role of member. Section D. Responsibilities of Club Presidents 1. It is the responsibility for the acting club president to attend all ICC meetings as determined by the Inter Club Council. 2. Advisors are required to attend the advisor ICC Luncheon each semester. 3. Any on campus club activity must be approved through the Club council. 4. Any inter club activities held off-campus must have permission previously granted by the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership and DSU security. 5. Clubs must complete and submit activity approval guides two weeks in advance to any proposed activities or the activity will not be approved and cannot be held. 6. It is the responsibility of the club presidents to submit a list of all club members at the beginning of each semester. 7. Club presidents must be enrolled in at least 9 Dixie State University credits. Section E. Club Functions
1. Only DSUSA will sponsor campus wide activities and dances. 2. Clubs must have an active presidency and advisor. 3. Clubs must have an active Orgsync account with ten members, constitution, presidency and a profile picture. 4. Clubs must go to at least one merit money activity i.e. Club Rush, ICC meeting, Freshman day, etc. 5. After 2 semesters of inactivity (clubs dont meet the criteria listed above) ICC will reabsorb the money that is in the account and the account balance will be zero. After which, the club can re-charter and receive the $150 for starting a new club. Section F. Responsibilities of Advisors- Every club must have an on-campus advisor. 1. An advisor must be a current member of the faculty and/or staff at Dixie State University. 2. When more than one advisor is named, one must be designated as the principal advisor to whom primary responsibility is assigned. 3. All advisors will be approved by the ICC Vice President and the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership. 4. In some circumstances an off-campus advisor may be approved for a club. Any off-campus advisor must pass a review with the Director of Student Involvement and Dean of Students. This advisor must work in coordination with an on-campus advisor in providing support for the club. e. The advisor must be present at all overnights and out-of-state trips. It is against university policy to conduct an activity without the advisor present. If it is discovered that an advisor is not in attendance at a club function, DSU reserves the right to terminate the activity and may take disciplinary action. 5. The Director of Student Involvement must approve pro-temp Advisors, who may assume functions of the advisor when unable to attend club functions. 6. Advisors provide assistance in filling out club forms and making sure all indemnity agreements are signed and turned in. 7. The advisor is required to attend the first Club meeting of each term with their club president.
2. A Club Pro Tempore will be chosen by the Student Body President and the Vice President of Clubs to serve on the Student Council both semesters. 3. The Inter-Club Council will meet on a weekly basis during fall and spring semesters. Weekly meetings may be canceled with the consent of a simple majority vote of the council along with the approval of the Vice President of Clubs and Organizations. 4. The Club Council shall familiarize themselves with all procedures of the Council including but not limited to: The DSUSA Constitution, ICC Bylaws, Roberts Rules of Order, and any other governing applications herein adopted. 5. Actively seek opinions and ideas from the members of their constituency regarding any DSUSA issues brought before the Club Council, or which the students want considered at DSUSA Club Council Meetings. 6. Maintain a binder/file with valuable information for future representatives including but not limited to: list of clubs and contact information for each club president and advisor, any proposed bills for clubs, passed or failed, and any additional information about each of their clubs. 7. Meet twice each semester with the DSUSA Vice President of Clubs to review and evaluate progress within the Representatives respective constituents. 8. Attend all DSUSA leadership conferences, and retreats. If unable to attend contact the DSUSA Vice President of clubs to make prior arrangements. 9. Assist in the training of newly elected Club representatives by: 10. Meeting personally with the newly appointed representative at least twice following the elections, with the first meeting held no later than two weeks after the elections. This shall consist of the following but not limited to: A review of job responsibilities, and a sharing of ideas and viewpoints. 11. Each Representative shall complete two (2) Club Council work hours of service on a weekly basis. 12. Representatives shall meet monthly with their respective club constituents. Section B. ICC Responsibilities- The purposes and function of the Inter Club Council 1. The Inter Club Council is an organization made up of Representatives with constituents from each of the registered clubs on campus. It is a place for student leaders to meet, work together, and to share knowledge. Its primary mission is to: a. Promote collaborative efforts amongst campus clubs and organizations. b. Allocate funds to clubs and organizations during the general assembly meetings. c. Coordinate and share information about campus club and organization activities. Section C. Qualifications, Duties, and Responsibilities of Club Council Representatives 1. Any student seeking an office within the ICC must meet the following criteria: a. All candidates shall be currently enrolled full-time students (12+ credits) at DSU. b. All candidates shall possess a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
c. Vice President of Clubs and the Student Council Club Representative must have a total of 24 DSU credits to have a position on the ICC (Credits can be completed during the spring or summer semesters prior to the year that the office will be held.) d. All other Club Representatives must be current students (12 credits) with at least, or currently completing, 24 DSU credits. 2. Throughout the term of office, all Club Representative must be currently enrolled in, and successfully complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester and maintain a minimum semester grade point average of 2.75, summer term excepting. a. A failing (F) or Incomplete (I) grade will not be considered successfully completed. 3. Represent the Clubs, with emphasis on those within their respective constituency by: a. Regularly communicating with members of their constituency; b. Actively working to increase the students awareness of the activities, duties, responsibilities, and functions of the ICC and DSUSA student government. c. Actively seeking opinions and ideas from the members of their constituency regarding legislation and issues involving the council. d. Maintaining a file with valuable information for future representatives including: i. Copies of legislation and its current status (passed/failed) ii. Lists of important and influential faculty members iii. Lists of campus contacts for various activities iv. Including a synopsis of each legislative act for any sum of money including the budget of said legislation, notes of events, student attendance, future advice, and a copy of said legislation. e. Serve as the homecoming parade committee and any other committee as appointed by the ICC Vice President. f. Representatives are allowed one unexcused absence and no more than two absences to retain their position. g. If unable to attend, the representative must inform the ICC Vice President. h. Attend all required DSUSA leadership conferences and retreats. If unable to attend, arrangements must be made prior to the event with the ICC Vice President. i. Assist in the training of newly appointed Representatives by: i. Newly elected representatives will shadow current delegates at two of the remaining ICC meetings. ii. Each Representative must also meet personally with the Representative-elect from the respective constituency category at least once following elections prior to the Representative-elects inauguration. This will consist of a review of job responsibilities and sharing of ideas and viewpoints.
iii. Provide the new Representative with written documentation including: A listing of all faculty advisors and club president contact information within the Representatives respective category, any recommendations, and future legislation ideas. j. Representatives will: i. Attend at least one activity a semester for each club they represent. ii. Meet monthly with their consistencies. iii. Attend any other club events, recruitment events, service projects, and any other events designated by the ICC Vice President.
ARTICLE I. Merit Money System ARTICLE II. Additional Funding ARTICLE III. Funding ARTICLE IV. Additional Funding Policies ARTICLE V. Funding Procedures ARTICLE VI. Applying For Second Tier Funding ARTICLE VII. Receiving/ Spending Funds
b. Qualified academic-based clubs and organizations may apply for funding from Academic Development account only after they have received funding from the traditional ICC account. c. Funding from the Academic Development Account shall only fund an academic-based club or organizations travel to a competition or conference. d. In order to qualify for funding from the Academic Development Account, academic-based clubs and organizations must meet all of the follow criteria: i. Club/organization must be a chartered branch of a national/international organization. ii. Club/organization must have competed to attend, or compete at, event they are seeking Academic Development funding for. iii. Club/organization must demonstrate campus involvement by receiving 75% of merit money for the semester prior to application. iv. Club/organization must have all Orgsync account information updated to meet the standards set forth by the current ICC prior to applying. e. Upon return, the club/organization must write a summary of how the additional funding impacted their experience. f. Any funding in the Academic Development Account that is not used shall roll over for the following semester.
ARTICLE II. ADDITIONAL FUNDING - All Clubs and Organizations are eligible to
petition for additional funding. To do so, they must create a bill with the assistance of their ICC representative. Bills will then be brought before the Club Council by midterm and will be debated. The fees allotted will then be determined by the Club Council. Section A. A club petitioning the Club Council for additional funding must ensure their bill is presented at least two club council meetings (2 weeks) prior to the event in which the funding is needed. This allows for a mandatory week of investigation committee consisting of two club representatives. Section B. Special circumstances will be taken into consideration. Such circumstances only include events that the club could not possibly have had any prior knowledge about said activity. Section C. Additional Club council meetings may be called to accommodate, and call for a vote. Section D. The following criteria should be presented in the written bill to the Club Council. 1. Completed Purchase Order Request Form. 2. A budget breakdown. Including the total amount of the event, how much money the club is putting forth (i.e. fundraisers, club dues, corporate sponsorships, etc.) and the amount requested from the council. 3. If a club cannot have a budget breakdown then the most the ICC will fund is $600 per student for international travel and $400 per student for domestic travel 4. Presentation at the council and the submission of the activity approval form must be submitted two weeks prior to the event date.
5. The proposal will be reviewed by the Club Council, debated and voted upon. In order for a bill to pass, it must have a 2/3 majority vote.
c. Shuttle Services- 50% of cost at a maximum of $60 one way or $105 per round trip. d Personal Vehicle- 50% of land travel cost at a maximum of 900 miles round trip from the DSU St. George campus. Reimbursement rate to equal the DSU fleet services per diem rate for the current school year. 4. Registration: a. Individual - 50% of cost at a maximum of $100. b. Group registration - 50% of cost at a maximum of $100 per person. Section E. ICC will only fund up to seven days.
2. A budget breakdown. Including the total amount of the event, how much money the club is putting forth (i.e. fundraisers, club dues, corporate sponsorships, etc.) and the amount requested from the Club Council. 3. Presentation at the Club Council and the submission of the activity approval form must be submitted two weeks prior to the event date. Section B. The proposal will be reviewed by the Club Council, debated and voted upon. In order for a bill to pass, it must have a 2/3 majority vote.
2. Amendments to the ICC agenda will be approved by 2/3 vote of Club Council. 3. Meetings will be held on Tuesday at 3:00 pm and shall be conducted by Roberts Rules of Order. 4. Club Council shall meet weekly and ICC shall meet twice a month with all the club presidents. 5. Representatives must raise their hand and be recognized by the Chair in order to ask questions of a speaker or another member of the Club Council. The chair will use his/her discretion to give or deny the privilege to speak. 6. Any time yielded for any purpose; during opponent and proponent time for point of information, or to another member of Club Council; shall be counted off the speakers time. 7. After the introduction of a bill or resolution, the Chair shall circle and post the said bill/resolution for the period of at least one week for investigation and assign an investigation committee. 8. Investigation of bills is the responsibility of those appointed and will follow, as appropriate, the guidelines published by the VP of Clubs. 9. Once the said bill/resolution has been circled and posted, the Chair shall refer the said bill/resolution to at least one investigation committee, each consisting of at least two Representatives none of which shall be the sponsor of the bill/resolution; however, a co-sponsor may be included on said committee. 10. Upon request of the Chair, following the period of circling and posting, the Administrative Assistant shall read the short title of the bill/resolution. The investigation committee shall then have two minutes to present their reports. 12. Upon completion of the investigation committees report, successive speeches shall be alternated proponent, opponent, etc. and shall be limited to two minutes. A speaker must yield the unused portion of his/her time. If not so yielded, it shall be considered an implied yield to the Chair. 13. Debate on any bill/resolution shall be limited to sixteen minutes, except in cases wherein debate is extended. At the conclusion of debate, the resolution shall be called to question. 14. All subsidiary motions will be open for debate and the debate shall be limited to one minute proponent and one minute opponent. 15. Any time a bill/resolution is changed more than 10% of the original note (to be determined by line count), the amendment must be submitted in writing and a vote will be called to post the note for one week investigative time. 16. The sponsors will attach the proper budget information in the bill and contact information shall be attached to the bill. 17. All votes on bills, resolutions, bylaws, and constitution changes will be taken as a roll call vote and recorded. 18. Each week, every Representative will be given time during committee report session to present on the status of each of their club constituents.