02 Kks
02 Kks
02 Kks
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DESCRIPTION Auxiliary system components, such as the fuel gas emergency stop valve, are identified by a KKS number. KKS numbers are used on P&ID diagrams, measuring point lists, electrical load lists and system descriptions, etc. Individual gas turbine parts such as blades and vanes and auxiliary system component parts, such as O-rings in a valve, do not have KKS numbers. KKS numbers are also referred to as tag numbers. If the same component is used in different locations or applications, each one will have its own KKS number. KKS numbers should be used for technical questions. It clearly identifies the location and function of the specific component. KKS numbers are not used to order spare parts!
Structure of the KKS System The KKS number consists of a sequence of letters and numbers. Each letter/number provides a piece of information about the identification of that specific piece of equipment. Figure 1 shows a typical KKS number. Figure 2 provides a general description of the meaning of each character or groups of characters.
1 2 M B P 1 3 A A 0 0 1 -S 0 1
Figure 1. Sample KKS Number
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1 A
2 N
13 A A NN AA
0 01 NNN
-S -A
01 NN
T y p ic a l K K S N u m b e r N = N u m b e r, A = C h a r a c t e r C o m p o n e n t S e r ia l N o . C o m p o n e n t I d e n t if i c a t i o n C o d e E q u i p m e n t R e d u n d a n c y ( O p t i o n a l) E q u ip m e n t S e r ia l N o . E q u i p m e n t I d e n t i f ic a t i o n C o d e S y s t e m A r e a S e r ia l N o . S y s t e m I d e n t i f ic a t i o n C o d e U n it C o d e P la n t C o d e
Figure 2. KKS Characters Plant/Unit Code The first two characters designate the plant name or identifier and the unit identifier for that plant. For example, in the KKS number shown in Figure 1 (12MBP13AA001 S01), the 12 is the plant/unit code. It designates that this item is from Generating Plant #1, Turbine #2. Table 1 lists the common plant/unit codes for multi-unit, simple and combined cycle gas turbine plants. Table 1. Common Plant/Unit Codes for Gas Turbine Plants
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System Identification Code The system identification code consists of three letters, MBP in the example shown in Figure 1. These letters identify the power plant system. The first letter (M) indicates the Main Group that the item is associated with. Some of the common main groups used in gas turbine power plants include: Mxx - Main Machine Set Exx - Conventional fuel supply and residual disposal Lxx - Steam, Water, Gas Cycles The second letter (B) indicates the type of the main group or type of main machine set for the M example. Some of the common types of main machine sets used in gas turbine power plants include: MAx Steam Turbine Main Machine Set MBx Gas Turbine Main Machine Set MKx Generator Main Machine Set The third letter (P) indicates the system or major section of the type of main machine set. In the example KKS number shown in Figure 1, the P of the MBP indicates that the system is Fuel Supply System (gaseous). The system identification portion of the example KKS number indicates that this item is associated with the Fuel Gas System of a Gas Turbine Main Machine Set. Some of the other common types of systems or major sections used in gas turbine power plants (the third letter designators) are included in Table 2.
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System Area Serial Number The system area serial number consists of two numbers, 13 in the example shown in Figure 1. These two numbers identify the location of the component in the flow path of the system. Generally, the numbers increase in the direction of flow. For example, the system area serial number for the pilot gas control valve 23, (12MBP23AA001) is higher than the system area serial number for the emergency stop valve 13, (12MBP13AA001). The pilot gas control valve is physically located downstream of the emergency stop valve in the system flow path.
Equipment Identification Code The equipment identification code consists of two letters, AA in the example shown in Figure 1. These two letters identify the function of the component. In the example 12MBP13AA001, the letters AA identify the component as a valve including actuator. Table 3 lists the common Equipment Identification Codes used in gas turbine plants.
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Equipment Serial Number The equipment serial number consists of the three numbers, 001 in the example shown in Figure 1.
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These three numbers, sometimes called sequence numbers, identify the function of the equipment dependent on the type of equipment. Table 4 lists the common Equipment Serial Numbers for the different types of equipment for gas turbines. Table 4. Equipment Unit Serial Number
SERIAL NUMBER PIPES 001-190 191-199 201-299 301-399 401-499 501-599 601-699 VALVES 001-100 101-190 191-200 301-399 401-499 501-599 601-699 INSTRUMENTS 001-099 101-199 201-299 301-399 401-499 501-599 601-699 701-899 901-999 DESCRIPTION Main Pipes Suction and Pressure Relief on Safety Valves Not Used Pressure Lines for Measurement Drain Pipes Vent Pipes Pipes for Extraction Points (For Sample Tests) & for Metering Equipment Check / Stop Valves (Manual/Remote Operated) in Main Process Stream Self Contained Control Valves and Remote Operated Modulating Valves Safety Valves and Pressure Relief Valves Isolation Valves for Measuring Devices Drain Valves Vent Valves Valves at Extraction Points (For Sample Tests) & for Metering Equipment Measuring Instruments with Binary Output Signal Measuring Instruments with Analog Output Signal PCC Rack Mounted Modules (Except Bentley Nevada Vibration Modules Not Assigned Test Connections (No Instruments) Local Indicators Not Assigned Reserved Not Assigned
Component Identification Code and Serial Number The most common component identification code used on process and instrumentation diagrams consists of a dash (-) and a letter. The component serial number consists of two numbers. The component identification code and serial number in the example shown in Figure 1 is -S01. The dash (-) indicates that the component is an electrical component. The letter indicates the type of electrical component. Table 5 lists the most commonly used component identification codes for electrical components.
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