Roundtrip - Enu Scia PDF
Roundtrip - Enu Scia PDF
Roundtrip - Enu Scia PDF
Table of Contents
Scia Engineer .......................................................................................................................... 3 Scia Engineer import .............................................................................................................. 3 Scia Engineer export .............................................................................................................. 3 Scia Engineer update.............................................................................................................. 3 Scia Engineer update dialogue .............................................................................................. 4 Allplan ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Allplan - Importing SCIA ESA data ........................................................................................ 7 Allplan - Update from ESA file ............................................................................................... 8 Allplan - Exporting SCIA ESA data ........................................................................................ 9 Allplan - Save to ESA file........................................................................................................ 9 Allplan - Edit in Modeller ........................................................................................................ 9 Allplan - Calculate ESA......................................................................................................... 10 Esa In ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Esa In import.......................................................................................................................... 11 Esa In export .......................................................................................................................... 11 XML ......................................................................................................................................... 13 XML import............................................................................................................................. 13 XML export ............................................................................................................................. 13 XML file editor ....................................................................................................................... 13 XML update ............................................................................................................................ 14 XML update example ............................................................................................................ 14 Graphic format ...................................................................................................................... 23 Graphic format export .......................................................................................................... 25 Export and import of DXF, DWG and VRML ....................................................................... 26 Export from the graphical window ...................................................................................... 26 Export from the picture gallery ........................................................................................... 27 Export from the Paperspace gallery................................................................................... 27 Import into the graphical window ....................................................................................... 27 Import into the Paperspace gallery .................................................................................... 32 Revit........................................................................................................................................ 37 Revit import ........................................................................................................................... 37 Revit export............................................................................................................................ 37 Revit update ........................................................................................................................... 38 Revit link ................................................................................................................................ 41 IFC interface........................................................................................................................... 59 SDNF Interface ...................................................................................................................... 73 DSTV ....................................................................................................................................... 79 DSTV import........................................................................................................................... 79 DSTV export ........................................................................................................................... 79 Pro Steel ................................................................................................................................. 81 Pro Steel import .................................................................................................................... 81 Pro Steel export ..................................................................................................................... 82 Pro Steel update .................................................................................................................... 84 StepSteel - analysis model ................................................................................................... 87 StepSteel - import of analysis model .................................................................................. 87 StepSteel - export of analysis model .................................................................................. 87 StepSteel - structural model ................................................................................................ 88 StepSteel - import of structural model................................................................................ 89 StepSteel - export of structural model ................................................................................ 89 CEA Pland-4D ........................................................................................................................ 91 Tekla ....................................................................................................................................... 93 Google Earth .......................................................................................................................... 97 Interface with ETABS ............................................................................................................ 99 ECtools ................................................................................................................................. 111
Introduction to roundtrip
Roundtrip what does it mean? In order to explain the term that has slowly but surely domesticated in the vocabulary of engineers, we refer to the White Paper Roundtrip Engineering in Construction - Integrated CAE-CAD solutions for specific market segments by J.P. Rammant, CEO of SCIA International in March 2006. Start of quotation:
Practically every design of a construction is an iterative process of refining, reviewing, changing architectural, engineering or building (fabrication) details. Therefore, a roundtrip solution, where a designer or detailer can start or edit the model at any stage, is closest to reality and will lead to the shortest time between design and fabrication or building. Reverse engineering reconstructs the design model from the CAD geometrical model, again an extra benefit. Roundtrip engineering is being achieved by SCIA through a joint development with Nemetschek of a common interface between two platforms, one for CAE and for CAD. Complex CAE calculations may be executed, hidden to the normal CAD user.
The Scia Engineer (Professional Technology) platform addresses CAE modelling, with a consistent structural and analysis model for steel and concrete building parts & structures. The structural objects are directly linked with corresponding parts within the Allplan platform, using the Nemetschek Object Interface. Steel sections and concrete constructive elements are one-toone compliant. In contrary to a link based on IFC between models of a same domain, here a transfer between a CAE and CAD model is being realized (in both directions). Roundtrip is much more than import / export. Some extra benefits which are being implemented: - the upgrade engine keeps the CAE and CAD model compatible; outside data (e.g. design data) are stored as Blob (Binary Large Objects) properties - labels remain positioned in associated views after changes -refinements and changes are possible in selected parts of a construction; they will be transferred to the other application. ...
- fast modelling techniques in one platform are reflected in the other platform ... SCIA is addressing the functionality of the Allplan platform concerning modelling of steel reinforcement. Also with other CAD modelling systems such as Revit (Autodesk) SCIA is implementing the highest functional link; Revit is providing an API (Programming Interface) that allows partly roundtrip engineering. With Revit Structures SCIA will have a link to the Scia Engineer analysis model. It means that from Revit Structures the input of geometry and loading will be exported directly to SCIA .Scia Engineer. Changes to the structural model can be imported in the structural model of Revit. ... ... ... Roundtrip engineering is drastically improving the design process; it is the most advanced implementation of Building Information Modelling technology. Integrated open general CAE-CAD platforms provide customized solutions without the necessity of dedicated programming. Ease of use and far going automation are key elements of the success. End of quotation. Roundtrip (including the one-way import / export) in SCIA. Scia Engineer Format or Program SCIA .Scia Engineer XML IFC 2x3 Revit Graphic format (excluding DXF, DWG, VRML) DXF, DWG, VRML Esa-PrimaWin Esa In DSTV ProSteel StepSteel (analysis model) StepSteel (structural model) CEA Pland-4D Import yes yes yes yes --yes yes yes yes yes yes yes --Export yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Update (Roundtrip) yes yes yes yes ----------yes -------
In the program itself (Scia Engineer), the functions are distributed over several different menus and tree menus: File > Import, File > Export, File > Update, service Structure > Drawing tools > Import DWG, DXF, VRML97 file, service Tools > XML, service Structure > Import ESA project.
Note: Contrary to imports through other formats, this time the specified file is added to the currently edited project.
Preview window The Preview window is a standard graphical window used throughout Scia Engineer. The window supports standard features of Scia Engineer graphical windows: (i) pop-up menu with a set of zoom, print, save etc. functions, (ii) [Ctrl] + [Shift] + right-click and drag to zoom in and out the drawing, (iii) [Shift] + right-click and drag to move the drawing, (iv) [Ctrl] + right-click and drag to rotate the drawing. The window displays the two merged projects in one view. Moreover, the entity currently selected in the merge window (see below) is highlighted in this window. Property window This window is linked to the Merge window. If a particular entity is selected in the Merge window, then the corresponding properties are shown in the Property window. This is especially useful when the user has to track changes made in the two variants of the project. Merge window This window lists all the entities that somehow do not coincide in the two projects that are being merged. Added, deleted and changed entities are shown here. The user may select which changes are to be accepted and which ones are to be ignored. Individual groups (new, deleted, merged entities) will now be described in more details. New entities Accepting the group By default, the check box at this item is selected (ticked). It means that new entities (as a group) will be accepted in the final merged project. If you deselect this check box, no new entities will be considered by the update function at all.
Scia Engineer
Specifying the colour of the group You may adjust the colour for the new entities. Simply click on the coloured box on the righthand side of the "New entities" line and then select the required colour. Accepting individual items from the group You may select which particular entity (or sub-group) from the "New entities" group should be accepted and which one should be declined. Just mark (tick) or unmark (untick) the appropriate item. Please note that once you put cursor (click) on a specific item, its properties are shown in the middle pane (property window) and the entity itself is highlighted in the preview window. Some items may be "grouped" in sub-groups such as load cases in the picture below. This enables you to decline (if required) the whole subgroup by unmarking the corresponding subgroup check box. Example:
Changes (Merged entities) This part of the merge window lists all the entities that have different properties in the two compared projects. The list always contains the "original" and the "merged" entity. The properties of both are shown in the property window (one by one not together). If you select (tick) a particular listed item, the changes made in the merged (second) project will be accepted. If you do not select (unmark) a particular listed item, the original (the first project) will be preserved. Example:
Note: The Update function can process geometric entities, load cases, loads, supports, hinges, etc.
Allplan Allplan
The exchange of data between Allplan and Scia Engineer can be realised in several ways. First, standard export and import routines can be applied. Second, direct interlink of the two programs can be used. The first approach uses standard Scia Engineer project files. Allplan is capable of both saving the project into this format and reading the project from this format. The second approach leads to very fast connection Scia Engineer is opened directly from within the Allplan environment and the changes made in one program are automatically taken into account in the second program. For example, the following scenario is possible (the aim of this particular example is to give you the idea of what is possible, not to present the most effective style of work, even though it may even the case for certain situations and types of structures): 1. The project is started in Allplan. Some Scia Engineer steel templates are inserted into the model. 2. Scia Engineer is opened and one or two 1D members in the model are modified (moved, changed cross-section, etc.). 3. The model is sent back to Allplan and a new Scia Engineer steel template is added. 4. Scia Engineer is opened again and a part of the model is removed. 5. The model is sent back to Allplan and the model is completed.
Note: The direct communication between the two programs has inevitably some limitations. The user must decide which type of entities will be used: either Allplan architectural elements or Scia Engineer steel templates. If this prerequisite is satisfied, the full roundtrip between the two programs is fully functioning. On the other hand, if both the above-mentioned types are used in one project, the direct and complete exchange of the data between the two programs is not possible.
The following list summarises all Allplan data-exchange functions: Importing SCIA ESA data, Update from ESA file, Exporting SCIA ESA data, Save to ESA file, Edit in Modeller, Calculate ESA.
Import parameters dialogue Colour Use colours from ESA project Colour from Allplan The imported entities are assigned colours as they were adjusted in Scia Engineer. The colours are taken from the settings made in Allplan.
View parameters Use adjustment from ESA project Make adjustment Precise surface special member The view parameters are taken exactly as they were set in Scia Engineer. The user may adjust the view parameters manually during the import procedure. If ON, the outline of cross-sections is drawn with utmost precision.
3D geometry One volume If ON, the whole imported structure is made a single object in Allplan.
Allplan element BIE Macro Structural element If ON, the imported data are stored as Allplan BIE macros. If ON, the the imported data are stored as Allplan structural elements (Konstruktive Fertigteil). The imported data cannot be edited by Scia Engineer editing functions integrated in Allplan. The editing can only be done through standard Allplan functions.
Note: It is not recommended to combine in one project Allplan architectural elements and Scia Engineer steel templates. If both the types are used in one project, the direct and complete exchange of the data
between the two programs is not possible. On the other hand, separate import and export functions are still fully applicable.
Note: It is not recommended to combine in one project Allplan architectural elements and Scia Engineer steel templates. If both the types are used in one project, the direct and complete exchange of the data between the two programs is not possible. On the other hand, separate import and export functions are still fully applicable.
Esa In Esa In
The Esa In format is an original SCIA file format developed for the transfer of data from the historically first SCIA programs into IDA Prima and Esa-PrimaWin. Later, it was used to transfer data from IDA Prima to Esa-PrimaWin. The format can store straight 1D members and simple walls that are rectangular in shape. Scia Engineer supports both import from and export into this format.
Note: More information about the Esa In format can be found in a separate SCIA manual titled Scia Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.
Esa In import
The procedure to import data from Esa In file 1. Start menu function File > Import > Esa In. 2. Browse for the required input file. 3. Finish the import.
Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into it.
Note: More information about the Esa In format can be found in a separate SCIA manual titled Scia Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.
Esa In export
The procedure to export data into Esa In file 1. Start menu function File > Export > Esa In. 2. Specify the required output folder. 3. Type the name of the file. 4. Complete the export.
Note: More information about the Esa In format can be found in a separate SCIA manual titled Scia Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.
Scia Engineer allows for the exchange of data with third-party applications through the popular and powerful XML format. Moreover, XML format can be used to develop tailor-made applications that use Scia Engineer as a "hidden" engine working on the background and performing calculations of company-specific problems.
Note: The aim of this text is to present the principles of XML interface. The full explanation of all features and all capabilities of XML import/export/update would occupy dozens and maybe even hundreds of pages and exceeds the extent and scope of this text. Users who are interested in the application of XML interface in their practice are kindly asked to contact the help-desk of SCIA Company. SCIA specialists will be happy to give concrete piece of advice that could help solve the particular problem of your company.
XML import
The procedure to import data from XML file 1. Start menu function File > Import > XML file. 2. Browse for the required .xml file. 3. Confirm the selection of the file. 4. If required by the import procedure, specify the national standard to be used. 5. Finish the import.
Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into it.
XML export
The procedure to export data into XML file 1. Use the tree menu to start function Tools > XML. 2. XML file editor is opened on the screen. Before it is opened, the program may ask you to select the default XML document template. You may select one or just close the dialogue without choosing anything. If you want to export the whole structure into a XML file, it is convenient to select the default.TDX template. 3. In the XML file editor define the structure of the XML document. 4. Use icon Export on the toolbar to export the created document into a XML file. 5. Close the XML file editor.
Note: Please remember that the order of Scia Engineer entities stored in the exported XML file must guarantee that all the references are made to entities stored earlier in the file. It means, for example, that materials must come before cross-sections, cross-sections and nodes must come before 1D members, load cases must come before load case combinations, etc.
than one document has been created. Opens the XML document manager where you can create new documents or delete the existing ones. It is a standard Scia Engineer database manager. This window shows the contents and structure of the currently edited document. This is analogous to the document tree window. Displays parameters related to currently selected item in the XML file contents window. This is analogous to the document property window. Contains buttons (icons) that perform various actions. The toolbar is identical with the Document window toolbar. There are two control buttons: [New] adds a new item to the XML file contents window. [Close] closes the XML file editor.
property window
icon toolbar
control buttons
action button
There is just one action button it refreshes the preview window of the XML file editor. Displays the currently edited XML file in tableform.
preview window
XML update
The procedure to update the project through XML file 1. Open in Scia Engineer the project to-be-updated. 2. Call function File > Update > XML file. 3. Browse for the file to-be-merged. 4. Confirm the selection of the file. 5. The project in Scia Engineer is updated by the data read from the file.
Note: For more information on the update function read chapter XML update example.
The dimensions of the cross-section are defined through two parameters: Diameter and Thickness.
Both the parameters are of type Cross-section length (Css length) and their initial values are 200 mm and 5 mm.
Now we have to open the XML file editor (tree menu function Tools > XML). There we have to create a new "XML document" containing the table of defined parameters. To do so, we add the table Libraries > Parameters.
The created XML document must be exported into XML file. This can be achieved through function Export (available on the toolbar of the preview window in the XML file editor). The generated XML file (named CantileverParameters.xml) looks like: XML file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> - <project xmlns=""> <def uri="CantileverParameters.xml.def" /> - <container id="{5C62EA11-86D4-11D4-B3AB00104BC3B531}" t="EP_Parameters.EP_Param.1"> - <table id="B4DDEC1E-5869-4B8C-8B4BComment
1A8C07B76699" t="EP_Parameters.EP_Param.1"> - <h> <h0 t="Name" /> <h1 t="UniqueID" /> <h2 t="Type" /> <h3 t="Evaluation" /> <h4 t="Use range" /> <h5 t="Value" /> </h> - <obj id="1" nm="Diameter"> <p0 v="Diameter" /> <p1 v="{FDD9298F-1A51-406B-98878C9302981A47}" /> <p2 v="11" t="Css length" /> <p3 v="0" t="Value" /> <p4 v="0" /> - <p5 t=""> - <h> <h0 t="Real" /> </h> - <row id="0"> <p0 v="0.2" /> </row> </p5> </obj> - <obj id="2" nm="Thicknes"> <p0 v="Thicknes" /> <p1 v="{9E8E662D-4B12-43EE-8A56A33948D079A1}" /> <p2 v="11" t="Css length" /> <p3 v="0" t="Value" /> <p4 v="0" /> - <p5 t=""> - <h> <h0 t="Real" /> </h> - <row id="0"> <p0 v="0.005" /> </row> </p5> </obj> </table> </container> </project>
Parameter Diameter
value = 0.2 m
Parameter Thickness
value = 0.005 m
We will not explain the meaning of every single line of the XML document. The example above demonstrates the structure of the XML file and shows the way the two parameters from our example are stored.
Note: When the export function is invoked, the XML file editor generates in fact two files: XML file and the corresponding definition file (DEF file). For example, if the name of the XML file is MyFile.XML, the name of the definition file is MyFile.xml.DEF. Briefly said, the definition file contains the definition of all the characteristics that are referred to in the XML file.
Manual XML update And now, we may demonstrate the principle of the XML update function. Let us assume that we have a tool that can read and modify the XML file. Using this tool we can change the value of the parameters in the XML file. Let us assume that the value of the Diameter was changed to 0.8 m.
Note: Later we will show how exactly this can be done. For the time being, let us take it for granted that the tool changed the XML file and modified parameter Diameter.
Let us go back to Scia Engineer where our original project is still open. Call function File > Update > XML file and browse for our modified file. The program updates the data of the project (in our example - the values of the parameters) and we can see the result on the screen. The tube has increased its diameter four times.
Automatic XML update Now, let us return to the idea of an external tool that is capable of modifying the XML file. Probably every engineering office uses a kind of spreadsheet processor such as MS EXCEL. Taking into account the fact that the Microsofts product is probably the most widespread tool available in the market, we will use it in our example. List of operations carried out by the EXCEL application The EXCEL "application" will do the following operations: A. it will take our input of the diameter and thickness of the cross-section, B. it will generate the appropriate XML file, C. it will open the Scia Engineer project with the cantilever in question, D. it will update the cross-section using the values from the generated XML file, E. it will perform the calculation, F. it will generate output document containing the calculated deformation of the cantilever, G. it will import this document into the EXCEL sheet, H. it will show the vertical displacement of the free end of the cantilever directly in the EXCEL sheet. Note: The EXCEL application could naturally display also other results. In the interests of brevity, clarity, and comprehension, we will deal in our example just this single result value. We will prepare a VBA script (run from a XLS sheet) that will perform all the described operations. Scia Engineer as a calculation engine will be running "somewhere" on the background. The user wont even spot it on the screen and will be able to think that the EXCEL sheet itself does everything. To start with, we have to pre-prepare something in Scia Engineer. First, we have to generate the .XML "template" file and the corresponding .DEF file. This was already done earlier in our example and we can simply take the produced .XML file. Unless we decide to use different folder (different then Scia Engineer project folder) for our EXCEL application, we do not have to bother about the .DEF file. It will be in the right place by default.
Second, we have to create a document in our Scia Engineer project. The document must contain the table with calculated nodal displacements. The project must be then saved.
Let us now start MS EXCEL, create a new document and define two sheets. Let us name them "Table" and "XML". The first one (Table) will be our "User interface", i.e. it will be the sheet that will be used by the user. The other one (XML) will be used as an auxiliary sheet to hold the contents of the XML file we have to generate (Please note that there are other possibilities (in terms of programming techniques) to store the contents of the XML-file-to-be-generated that may prove more efficient in terms of speed for large projects with large XML files. Our example is quite a simple one and we may afford to store the data in the sheet). Design the "Table" sheet as in the figure:
You can see that the sheet takes two values as input (the blue cells B17 and B18) and displays one value as output (the yellow cell B25). The sheet contains a simple illustrative picture (scanned from Scia Engineer) and a button that starts all the operations listed above. The second sheet holds the contents of the XML file that is needed for the XML update functionality of Scia Engineer.
The XML content is in the second column (B). The first column (A) is almost(!) empty. It just contains letters "d" and "t" in rows where the values of the diameter and thickness are stored. This arrangement was selected with regard to the algorithm programmed in our sample VBA script. The simplest way to fill in this "XML" sheet is to open the exported CantileverParameters.xml file in a simple text editor, remove all blank lines and copy+paste it to the second column of the "XML" sheet. The blank lines have been removed to allow for a very simple VBA script.
Now we have to define the procedure that is triggered by clicking the button [Recalculate] from the "Table" sheet. The procedure may look like: Private Sub Recalculate_Click() ' Open XML file for writing Dim fs, f Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.CreateTextFile("E:\SCIA\EsaData\CantileverParameters.xml", True) ' we assume that the data are stored in folder E:\SCIA\EsaData ' Generate XML file using the two input values Dim SomethingToWrite As Boolean SomethingToWrite = True Dim mystring As String Dim i As Integer i = 1 Do mystring = Worksheets("XML").Cells(i, 2).Value If mystring <> "" Then If Worksheets("XML").Cells(i, 1).Value = "d" Then ' this line stores the value of the diameter mystring = " <p0 v=""" & Str(Worksheets("Table").Cells(17, 2).Value / 1000) & """/>" End If If Worksheets("XML").Cells(i, 1).Value = "t" Then ' this line stores the value of the thickness mystring = " <p0 v=""" & Str(Worksheets("Table").Cells(18, 2).Value / 1000) & """/>" End If f.WriteLine (mystring) i = i + 1 Else SomethingToWrite = False End If Loop While SomethingToWrite = True f.Close ' Invoke the update of the project + ' Run the calculation + ' Export the document into XLS file Shell ("D:\ESA\Esa_XML.exe LIN E:\SCIA\EsaData\Cantilever.esa E:\EsaData\SCIA\CantileverParameters.xml /tHTML /oE:\SCIA\EsaData\CantileverParameters.xls") 'Assumptions: ' Scia Engineer installed in folder D:\ESA ' project file stored in fodler E:\SCIA\EsaData ' XML file generated to folder E:\SCIA\EsaData ' Note: ' File Esa_XML.exe is an integral part of Scia Engineer installation ' Parameters of "SHELL" command ' D:\ESA\Esa_XML.exe = location of Esa_XML.exe ' LIN = linear calculation ' E:\SCIA\EsaData\Cantilever.esa = original project file ' E:\EsaData\SCIA\CantileverParameters.xml = XML file for the update function ' /tHTML /oE:\SCIA\EsaData\CantileverParameters.xls = export the document stored inside the project file as HTML file with location and name E:\SCIA\EsaData\CantileverParameters.xls Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:15"))
' wait in order to guarantee that Scia Engineer completes the calculation before the control of the operation is returned to the VBA script ' Read result into XLS sheet + ' Insert the result value into the appropriate cell of the "Table" sheet Dim myresult As Variant Workbooks.Open Filename:="E:\SCIA\EsaData\CantileverParameters.xls" myresult = Sheets("CantileverParameters").Cells(8, 5).Value ' Cell (8,5) of the "document file" contains the required vertical displacement ' to find out this, you have to open the generated XLS file manually (only once) and note down the cell coordinates Workbooks("CantileverParameters.xls").Close Worksheets("Table").Cells(25, 2).Value = myresult End Sub Now we can start playing with the EXCEL application. Just type the two input parameters, click button [Recalculate] and (after a few seconds) you can see the vertical displacement shown in the "Deflection" cell.
Note: Please, consider this chapter to be only a brief introduction to the XML update and contact SCIA support team for more information and/or guidance.
Windows Meta File (W-M-F) A graphic file format used by Microsoft to transfer graphics between Windows applications. Both bitmap and vector graphics are supported by WMF. A variation on WMF is and extended version known as EMF.
3D DWG AutoCAD R14, 2000 3D DWG AutoCAD R11 2006 2D DWG AutoCAD R14, 2000 3D DXF AutoCAD R14, 2000 3D DXF AutoCAD R11 2006 2D DXF AutoCAD R14, 2000
Please note that only versions R14 and 2000 are supported. DXF (e.g. AutoCAD) format.
Please note that only versions R14 and 2000 are supported.
Import For special graphical formats DXF, DWG, VRML also the import procedure is supported in Scia Engineer. This is described in separate topics. VRML This format represents a powerful tool enabling the users to publish virtual objects via VRML and also import them into Scia Engineer. Vast number of CAD software applications support the export of VRML files (AllPlan, AutoCAD, CEA Systems, etc.). The import of VRML files is done the same way as for DXF and DWG files. For example, the imported data can be used as a 3D grid or as a background. They are not taken into account for the analysis. The virtual objects can be used: for the visualization architectural elements sent from 3rd parties, as a drawing tool snapping functionality, for pro-active viewing of changes and consequences due to optimisation or structural adaptations (e.g. deformations), for visualization of the analysed structure in its environment, for the visualization of piping generated by Plant design applications, etc. The virtual objects can afterwards be exported again to VRML format file for 3D publishing of the structure including the results of analysis. Examples:
Graphical format
4) Adjust the properties (see below) and confirm with [OK]. Export properties File properties Name Text code page Advanced Scale Structure surface always group name Pathname of the exported file. Windows ANSI or Eastern Europe coding can be adjusted. group name Scale for text and graphical symbols that will be in the exported drawing. If ON, the individual members will be exported including the surface.
Graphical format
as 3D solid
Note: 2D DXF and 2D DWG export does not support option Structure surface always as 3D solid, which is quite understandable.
Note: See also Saving the picture into an external file. Export of FE mesh to AutoCAD as 3D-face It is possible to export the generated finite element mesh as 3D-face to both DWG and DXF file. To do so, the mesh must be displayed in Scia Engineer . There is no other action required. If the FE mesh is displayed in the graphical window at the moment the export to DWG/DXF is started, the mesh is automatically exported as a separate layer called "3D-FACE". By default, this layer is hidden. In order to see it in AutoCAD, the layer must be switched ON manually.
Note: The export from Paperpace gallery is limited to 2D DWG and 2D DXF format.
5. Adjust the required parameters in dialogue and perform the import itself see below. Layers This list box contains the layers that were defined in the original DWG/DXF file. Only selected layers are shown in the preview window of the Import dialogue. Entity types This list contains available entity types. Only selected types are shown in the preview window of the Import dialogue. Selection mode Lines The drawing is read as lines. The lines may be assigned to particular layers. On pressing the "Import" button, the property dialogue is opened and you may specify the required parameters.
Graphical format
The drawing is read as 1D members. On pressing the "Import" button, the property dialogue is opened and you may specify the required parameters.
The drawing is read as slabs. On pressing the "Import" button, the property dialogue is opened and you may specify the required parameters.
The drawing is read as solid objects that are displayed together with the analysed structure but are neglected during the calculation.
Note: When slabs are to be imported, it is required that the closed polygon was created already in the file that will be imported.
Scale The scale for the import. It may be necessary when the drawing is not in SI units. The item provides for the transformation from "imaginary" units of the DWG/DXF file and metres (used in Scia Engineer as the basic unit).
Note: If the scale is set to 1 (one), Scia Engineer assumes the data to be stored in metres.
Insertion point The user can define the insertion point: Centre The centre of the model in the imported file is selected as the insertion point (where the cursor is) and by this point the user can place the imported model into the graphical window. The "centre" is the centre of a bounding rectangle circumscribed around the imported model. Original The original insertion point of the imported model is selected as the insertion point (where the cursor is) and by this point the user can place the imported model into the graphical window. Origin in 0,0,0 The origin of the coordinate system of the imported file is placed into the origin (0,0,0) of the coordinate system in Scia Engineer. Sizes This is an informative item, which shows the dimensions calculated from the input scale.
Graphical format
Tools (Connect curves, Connect solids, Solids smoothing) These tools allow the user to slightly "modify" the DWG/DXF file before it is imported into Scia Engineer. Connect curves This tool connects individual lines from the imported file to a polyline. This may be useful to reduce the total number of lines in the imported model. It may also simplify the manipulation with the imported model. The procedure: 1. Select Connect curves. 2. Click [Start]. 3. Select the lines to be connected together. 4. Press [Run]. 5. Repeat as many times as required. 6. Click [End] Connect solids This tool connects individual solids from the imported file. Similarly to connecting of lines (above) it can reduce the total number of solids in the imported model and simplify the manipulation with the imported model. The procedure: 1. Select Connect solids. 2. Click [Start]. 3. Select the solids to be connected together. 4. Press [Run]. 5. Repeat as many times as required. 6. Click [End] Solids smoothing This tool allows the user to "improve" the imported solid by smoothing the surface, which means reducing the number of edges. This is especially useful if the imported solid was not modelled in an ideal way and contains redundant edges that are not important for the description of the proper shape of the solid. The procedure: 1. Select Solids smoothing. 2. Click [Start]. 3. Select the part of the imported solid that is to be smoothened. Alternatively, use the window selection to select everything (click in the top left corner of the preview window and drag the mouse to the bottom right corner, then release the button). 4. Press [Run] and specify the smoothness parameter: 0 = the minimum possible number of edges will be used to represent the shape of the imported solid (in some situations it may degrade the shape - e,g, a cube may get rounded corners). 60 = all the edges in the imported model will be preserved. Usually, a few (trial and error) rounds are necessary to find the best value for a particular model - there is no general rule to say which value is the best. 5. Repeat as many times as required. 6. Click [End] Number of vertexes on polyline substituting imported spline Some CAD applications use a definition of a spline curve that is different from the one used in Scia Engineer. Such splines are imported as polylines. This parameter specifies the number of vertexes on the substituting polyline. Preview window The view in the preview can be adjusted using the standard Scia Engineer mouse+key controls (shifted, rotated, zoomed in/out). Three check boxes are related to the preview window: OpenGL in preview window
If ON, the parts of the model hidden behind other parts of the model are not drawn. Of OFF, the visibility is not considered and everything is displayed (which means faster response but may cause in some confusions). OpenGL selection If ON, the cursor selects the "visible" (the top most) part of the model (if two entities re located over each other). If OFF, the standard selection mode is active. Show all objects Some objects from the DWG/DXF that has no equivalent in Scia Engineer (e.g. text) cannot be imported to Scia Engineer. This objects are not shown in the Preview window. If you want to see them, select this option.
Note: Sometimes it may be convenient to import the drawing as lines and only later (i.e. in Scia Engineer graphical environment) transform the lines to 1D members using function Drawing a member in mode Select line ( ).
Import selected / Import all This button start the import itself. Either entities selected in the Preview window or All entities from the Preview window are imported as lines or 1D members or slabs (depending on the adjustment of other import parameters). When the button is pressed, the property dialogue for lines or 1D members or slabs (depending on the adjustment of other import parameters) is opened on the screen and you may set the required properties.
Graphical format
4. Two file types are available: a. AutoCAD R12, R13, R14, 2000 (*.dxf) b. AutoCAD R12, R13, R14, 2000 (*.dwg) 2. Select the file and open it. 3. Import properties dialogue is opened on the screen.
5. Adjust the required properties (see below) and confirm. 6. Use the mouse to position the picture and the left mouse button to drag the size of the picture on the drawing. Procedure to insert a picture from VRML file 1. Open the Paperspace gallery. 2. Open or create a drawing. 3. Start function Insert picture > Insert picture from VRML file. 4. Select the file and open it. 5. Use the mouse to position the picture and the left mouse button to drag the size of the picture on the drawing. Layers This list box contains the layers that were defined in the original DWG/DXF file. Only selected layers are shown in the preview window of the Import dialogue. Entity types This list contains available entity types. Only selected types are shown in the preview window of the Import dialogue.
Line styles This window contains all the line styles that are used in the imported file. Style This box offer the styles of a line that can be used in the program. They can be assigned to individual line types from the original file. Default line thickness Lines in DWG/DXF files may have either specific thickness or default thickness. In order to avoid using unknown thickness lines, the import dialogue enables you to define the numerical value for the default thickness. Optimize scene If ON, the lines with the same properties are joined together and drawn at the same time. Text scale Specifies the scale of the text. Preview, view direction The view in the preview can be adjusted using the standard Scia Engineer mouse+key controls (shifted, rotated, zoomed in/out). Importing a drawing This function imports the DWG/DXF file as a drawing, i.e. it is added to the current drawing as a new part of it. The "size" of the imported drawing can be defined through parameter Scale. Procedure to insert a drawing from DWG or DXF file 1. Open the Paperspace gallery. 2. Open or create a drawing. 3. Start function Insert picture > Insert drawing from DWG or DXF file. 4. Two file types are available: a. AutoCAD R12, R13, R14, 2000 (*.dxf) b. AutoCAD R12, R13, R14, 2000 (*.dwg) 2. Select the file and open it. 3. Import properties dialogue is opened on the screen.
Graphical format
5. Adjust the required properties (see below) and confirm. 6. Use the mouse to position the imported drawing to the current drawing. Layers This list box contains the layers that were defined in the original DWG/DXF file. Only selected layers are shown in the preview window of the Import dialogue. Entity types This list contains available entity types. Only selected types are shown in the preview window of the Import dialogue. Line styles This window contains all the line styles that are used in the imported file. Style This box offer the styles of a line that can be used in the program. They can be assigned to individual line types from the original file. Default line thickness Lines in DWG/DXF files may have either specific thickness or default thickness. In order to avoid using unknown thickness lines, the import dialogue enables you to define the numerical value for the default thickness.
Transformation Insertion point The imported drawing can be placed to a specified place in the current drawing (e.g. bottom left corner, centre, etc.). The meaning of individual options is clear from the name of the option.
Note: When option By mouse two points is selected, the input box Scale is hidden. The two points define the size of the imported drawing and the Scale parameter becomes redundant.
Scale Specifies the scale for the imported drawing. Text scale Specifies the scale of the text. Preview, view direction The view in the preview can be adjusted using the standard Scia Engineer mouse+key controls (shifted, rotated, zoomed in/out).
Revit Revit
The Scia Engineer finite element analysis allows for (through the structural CAD model) a direct analysis of plates, walls, frames and any kind of mixed structures of Autodesk Revit Structure 2010. What can be exported and imported? Geometry (Revit builds an architectural/structural model and converts it into an analysis model) - Plates, walls, shells, 1D members, columns, bracings. Supports (Revit footings are converted into rigid supports in Scia Engineer) Loads (Revit inputs loads in Load Cases - these are converted into free loads in Scia Engineer). Combinations (combinations are possible but can be ignored in the export to Scia Engineer) What are the installation requirements? The link works as a Revits plug-in, so you must have Revit installed - with or without Scia Engineer. Scia Engineer user who have also Revit can make modifications in Revit and update them in Scia Engineer or vice versa. How does it work? Revit creates the model and it can be exported to Scia Engineer through function Tools > External Tools > Send model to Scia Engineer. There are two possible approaches. 1. Through a direct export to Scia Engineer. Scia Engineer is opened and the structure is visualized. The structure can be sent to Revit again, changed there and again updated to Scia Engineer, and over and over again. 2. Through a simple export to a file. Scia Engineer checks the geometry, generates the FE mesh and performs the analysis. The structure can also be optimized and modified and then updated in Revit: 1. Function Update from Scia Engineer can be invoked: the structure in Revit is updated with the new dimensions. 2. After updating the user saves the model to a Revit file and that file is read into Revit. Changes can be traced in Revit: modifications or added members are highlighted; deletions are listed. For further info read chapters: Revit import, Revit export, Revit update.
Revit import
The procedure to import data from Revit file 1. Start menu function File > Import > Revit file. 2. Browse for the required .r2s file. 3. Confirm the selection of the file. 4. If required by the import procedure, specify the national standard to be used. 5. Finish the import.
Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into it.
Revit export
The procedure to export data into Revit file 1. Start menu function File > Export > Revit file. 2. Specify the required output folder. 3. Type the name of the file. 4. Complete the export.
Revit update
The procedure to update the project through Revit file 1. Open in Scia Engineer the project to-be-updated. 2. Call function File > Update > Revit file. 3. Browse for the file to-be-merged. 4. Confirm the selection of the file. 5. The project in Scia Engineer is updated by the data read from the file. Sample roundtrip procedure Step 1: Autodesk Revit Structure A 3D model is prepared in Autodesk Revit Structure:
Then it is exported to Scia Engineer by the Revit Structure 3 or 4 plug-in, designed by SCIA:
Either the complete model or only a selected part can be exported. Revit combinations can be exported or ignored. If the latter is the case, new combinations must be defined in Scia Engineer. The export can be done directly to Scia Engineer, on condition that Scia Engineer is installed on the same computer. The plug-in opens Scia Engineer both applications will be open. Modifications done in Scia Engineer can be then sent to Revit. When Revit function Update from Scia Engineer is called, the model is accepted in Revit and changes to the model can be traced in Revit Structure. The export can also be done to an external file. This file with extension *.r2s can be sent to the construction partner. This partner is able to open the mode in Scia Engineer and save it again to the file with the same extension. Mapping tables must be defined by the user to link the Revit Structure cross-section list to the Scia Engineer cross-section library. The same must be done for the materials defined in Revit Structure and for the Revit cross-sections and material families. After this primary export, new modifications made in Revit can be re-sent to Scia Engineer. Step 2: Scia Engineer - finite elements analysis software The model received from Revit Structure can be checked and corrected automatically for analytical anomalies and, if required, modified in Scia Engineer for further analysis. The received model can contain: Columns, beams Plates Holes Walls Curved slabs Loads & load cases Supports The structural model is automatically converted into an analysis model
At any time, the Scia Engineer Structural model can be reviewed in order to help with visual checks.
After the consistency of the structure is checked, the structure can be meshed and analysed and the results in the frame elements, plates and shells can be evaluated.
Step 3: Autodesk Revit Structure After the analysis and optimisation the model is sent (and updated) back to Autodesk Revit Structure
Revit link
The Revit link is a tool which allows transferring the Revit project to the Scia Engineer. The link is implemented to the Revit structure applications (as a plug-in). It is displayed in the tab Addins. There are buttons and dialogues which provide link between Revit and Scia Engineer.
The supported versions are up to the Revit structure 2012.The setup can be found on the installation DVD of Scia Engineer or on the secured download web site for Scia users. The file format which is used between Revit and Scia Engineer is R2S (Revit to Scia). Installation and the setup of the Revit link
This tool will start the download web site for the Revit link. It is
If there are more Revit structure versions on the computer user have to choose the one for the plug-in.
The Revit link options The Revit link is installed to the Revit structure tab named Add-ins.
There are several functions which affect what can be transferred to the Scia Engineer. These functions can be found in the Options dialogue.
The Revit link exports structural 1D members and 2D members with openings. The supports can be exported as a Foundation blocks or Standard supports. The Revit link exports the whole or the selected part of the structure from the Revit project.
If the Scia Engineer is not launched automatically then there are two possibilities: 1) The Export tool will ask for the path where the R2S file will be saved (option Prompt for file to YES). 2) R2S is saved automatically to the default folder. User is not disturbed at all (option Prompt for file to NO). The R2S file can be imported to the Scia Engineer via the standard import tool.
Preferred tables
This dialogue defines which predefined tables should be used. There are mapping tables based on national codes and also user defined table in the list.
The top tables in the list have the higher priority. The mapping is done preferably by them. The checkbox can deactivate table for mapping. The buttons Up and Down is used for moving the selected table in the list.
Mapping rules
Source and target rules The mapping rules can be used when mapping by tables is not sufficient anymore: 1) There are too many items for mapping 2) There is no sufficient table and the mapping has to be done manually some specific project or a national code. It is used when the combobox is set to Use If not found or Use mapping rules only.
The mapping rule requires mapping item to item. Each rule defines the name in the Revit (Source table) and the name for the Scia Engineer (Target table). This is not based on libraries from the Revit or the Scia Engineer but on exact naming. The example with the L section: The source and the target table
The star symbol can be used to map the section as a particular family in the Scia Engineer. This can define the section which is not in the Revit actual model but should be adapted later in the Scia engineer.
Revit family mapping The Revit family mapping dialog specifies the mapping of the section types to the Revit family names.
Revit family path The Revit family path dialogue allows user to define the path of another Revit family which is saved on his computer.
This is a dialog which shows the whole database of mapping. These tables are based on the libraries taken from the Revit and Scia Engineer.
User table is clearly user defined. The new mapping rule can be added by the dialogue button Add. User selects the section name in the Revit and the corresponding name in the Scia Engineer.
If the user table contains rules with the higher priority then it must be moved in the list to the top. This table will be used in advance for exporting.
Exporting the structure from Revit to Scia Engineer The model in the Revit structure has to be saved before it is exported to the Scia Engineer. The export button is in the Add-ins tab and in the Options dialogue. Both start exporting the structure from the Revit structure to the Scia Engineer.
The dialogue displayed during export shows the number of items which were exported and their status. The information about the whole process is displayed in the log part. The exporting status is also displayed on the progress bar.
The log can be saved to the text-file when the export is finished.
Scia Engineer is opened automatically if it is set in the option dialogue. Newly exported structure is displayed in the model window.
Import the structure from Scia Engineer to Revit The import button is in the Add-ins tab and also in the Options dialogue. Both start importing the structure from the Scia Engineer to the Revit structure.
The Revit link is mainly developed for exporting the data from the Revit structure to the Scia Engineer. Only some smaller changes made in the Scia Engineer can be imported back to the Revit. This functionality has its limitations. The Revit API doesnt allow deleting item in the Revit when it is imported for the Scia Engineer. It is possible only to modify what is already exported. The possible modifications are clearly described in the next four examples.
The result: The Revit cross section is modified after the import.
The result: The Revit structure adds one more column after the import.
The result: The Revit structure creates new opening in the wall after the import.
The result: The Revit structure creates new column after the import. When something is not exported This can be caused by a several reasons.
Not exported items can be selected and showed by the tool Filter.
There is information why the item was not exported. Checkbox displays only objects with a bad geometry. Show button selects and zoom the item in the Revit model window.
Brep Brep (=boundary representation) means that an entity is described with vertexes (points) which are connected with lines to create a volume. These ones are imported like general volumes (solids) to Scia Engineer. In this case it is possible to use an option for automatic recognition of members. This function tries to convert the general volumes to beams, columns, walls or slabs. CSG CSG (= constructive solid geometry) allows Booleans operations (union, difference and intersection) between solids.
Clipping Clipping means that entity is defined as SweptSolid with a cut-out by plane or other way.
AdvancedSweptSolid This representation defines the geometry by means of diameter and centre line. The entity profile is always a circle. SectionedSpine This representation allows defining of two or more different profiles for a beam or a column.
MappedRepresentation Allows using of one defined geometry for more entities. Beam and column profiles After the import beams and columns have one of the following profile types (cross-section): cross-section from the Profile Library - if the same name is found in Scia Engineer database, cross-section from Geometric shapes - if the profile is defined by parameters in the IFC file, a general cross-section.
What is possible to import and which way flat walls and slabs with openings and a constant thickness flat walls and slab with recesses and a constant thickness circular arc walls without openings and recesses (with openings and recesses only in the structural shape) slabs with circular arc edges 1D members with openings shells, curved 1D members, beams with a haunch and arbitrary beams only as general volumes steel connection parts as plates and bolts in the current version only as general volumes concrete reinforcing bars as free bars if the geometry is described in IFC file IFC predefined attributes for beams, columns, members, walls and slabs
What is possible to export and which way flat walls and slabs with openings flat walls and slabs with subregions where the subregions are defined as recesses circular arc walls and slabs with circular arc edges 1D members with openings shells and curved 1D members only with boundary representation 2D members with cut-outs only with boundary representation or without cut-outs parameters with their values which are defined as an attribute of 1D or 2D members as member property IFC predefined attributes for beams, columns, members, walls and slabs beams with a haunch and arbitrary beams with SectionedSpine or boundary representation steel connections as plates and bolts concrete reinforcement of 1D members and free bars as reinforcing bars concrete reinforcement of 2D members as reinforcing mesh
storeys as building storeys circular and rectangular 2D line grids and 3D rectangular line grid as more 2D line grids colour of entity by layer
Import Procedure 1. Open Scia Engineer. 2. Run File > Import > IFC 2x3.
3. Select an IFC file in dialog Open and confirm with [Open] button. 4. Choose the way which a model should be imported. Confirm with [OK] button to complete the import.
Options: Import as members It means all members defined with SweptSolid representation will be imported like Scia Engineer native members (both 1D and 2D members). Import as general All members will be imported as general volumes. Import analysis shape Only member shape will be imported without clipping on members. solids only
Run member recognizer This option runs a member recognizer which will try to convert brep members (general solids) to Scia Engineer native members. Import stories as layers If an IFC file contains some building storeys and the option is ON then each storey is a separate layer in Scia Engineer. The layer name is the same as the storey name. Material table If material names in the IFC file are not in accordance with code names it is necessary to define a material conversion table. If no table exists default materials are assigned. Button [Choose file] allows for the selection of the file with the material table. Modifications can be made through button [Edit]. The file has *.con file extension and it is a plain-text file, for example: [materials] ; Concrete1=C12/15 Concrete2=C25/30 The first name is name of material in the IFC file and the second one is the code name of material used in Scia Engineer. It is necessary to respect all characters. National The code in which the imported project will be open must always be selected. code
6. A dialog with the import report is displayed. To finish the import press the [OK] button. To save the import report press the [Save as...] button.
7. In order to creating a proper analysis model it is necessary to use Connect and Align functions.
Update Procedure 1. Open Scia Engineer project which has been updated.
3. Select the IFC file which is to update the project and confirm with [Open] button. 4. Choose the way which the model should be imported. Confirm with the [OK] button.
Import analysis shape only Run member recognizer Import stories as layers Material table National code
6. A dialog with the import-report is displayed. To finish the import press [OK] button. To save the import-report press [Save as...] button.
7. The import is finished and comparison of the two projects (the original one and changed one) is launched. The procedure is similar to ESA-ESA Update.
Note: Though Update function helps to save your time, it is necessary to respect some disadvantages of IFC, such as: - the IFC format describes only member surfaces. That means if you have the structure connected and aligned after update it will be detected like changes. - All member nodes are generated during the import, i.e. during update the nodes are in groups Deleted entities and New entities.
3. Write a name of IFC file in dialog Save As and confirm with [Save] button. 4. Choose the way which the model should be exported. Confirm with [OK].
Options: SweptSolid All members that can be exported as a profile (area) extruded along an axis and cross-sections that can be described with parameters will be written this way to the IFC file.
SweptSolid, not using parametric profiles The same as previous option except cross-sections. All cross-sections are exported as general profile.
Brep All members are exported with boundary representation, i.e. no profiles are defined, etc. Use SectionedSpine representation If ON, all beams with a haunch and arbitrary beams are exported by means of the SectionedSpine representation. If OFF, all beams and columns are exported with prismatic profiles.
5. A dialog with the export-progress is displayed. 6. A dialog with the export-report is displayed. To finish the export press [OK] button. To save the export report press [Save as...] button.
Project data which are loaded from the SDNF file: Name is Project Id Part is Structure Id Description is Client Id Author is "Engineering Firm Id" Date is correctly loaded from *.sdn file
Profiles if the same name of profile is found in Scia profile database or if a user conversion table is defined Material if the same name of material is found in Scia material database or if a user conversion table is defined Member properties: cardinal points are correctly set as Member System At property eccentricity ez,ey is read from file correct position and orientation of begin and end node of member
Add data Supports/hinges Supports and hinges are automatically generated from the defined releases in the file. The conversion is based on certain rules and not always the result is as what the user expects. Procedure: 1. Run File > Import > SDNF file
2. Choose .sdn file and confirm dialog Open. The version of SDNF is recognized by a record inside the file. 3. Choose a code
4. Import dialog is displayed. It is possible to select user defined tables for profile and material conversion. At the bottom of dialog there is a check box Import only structure. If ON, only 1D members with properties will be imported. If OFF the releases defined in the file will be taken in account.
5. After the import a report is shown summarising how many entities were imported.
6. A project is opened. Export Project data Project data which will be saved to the file: Name is Project Id Part is Structure Id Description is Client Id Author is "Engineering Firm Id" Date is correctly written to *.sdn file
1D members Member types column is exported as column type beam is exported as beam others types are exported as brace
Profile names and material names are written to the file. No conversion table is possible for export
alpha of cross-section and/or LCS rotation eccentricity ez,ey is written as cross-section offsets correct position and orientation of begin and end node of member
Add data Supports/hinges - both is exported as member releases to the file Procedure: 1. Run File > Export > SDNF file
2. Define a file name and confirm dialog Save as. 3. Export dialog is displayed. The user can choose the version of SDNF format and confirm with [OK].
Scia Engineer allows for both import and export of files in DSTV format. The interface is based on the format according to: Schnittstellenkonvention Statik-CAD, Kln : Deutscher Stahlbau-Verband, 1993
Note: Only steel frame structures (i.e. structures composed of 1D members) can be imported/exported through DSTV format.
Note: More information about the DSTV format can be found in a separate SCIA manual titled Scia Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.
DSTV import
The import is based on the file with extension SC2. Parts *B00, *B01, *B02, *B03 and *B04 of this file are read into Scia Engineer. The contents of the .SC2 file (origin : analysis) Part *B00 *B01 *B02 *B03 *B04 Description General information (units, delimiters, etc.) Topology of 1D members Nodal co-ordinates Names of cross-sections Properties of 1D members
Note: More information about the DSTV format can be found in a separate SCIA manual titled Scia Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.
The procedure to import data from DSTV file 1. Start menu function File > Import > DSTV. 2. Browse for the required .SC2 file. 3. Finish the import.
Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into it.
DSTV export
Scia Engineer generates files with extension SC1, SC2, SC3. The contents of .SC1 file (origin : CAD) Part *A01 Description Assembly definition
The contents of .SC2 file (origin : analysis) Part *B00 *B01 *B02 *B03 *B04 Description General information (units, delimiters, etc.) Topology of 1D members Nodal co-ordinates Names of cross-sections Properties of 1D members
The cross-section names written in this file can be the original Scia Engineer names or the corresponding DSTV names. In order to have the DSTV names in the output file, you have to select the option "Use DSTV name conversion for section name". A dialogue with this option appears on the screen during the export procedure. The contents of .SC3 file (origin : analysis) Part *C01 Description Assembly definition
Note: More information about the DSTV format can be found in a separate SCIA manual titled Scia Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.
The procedure to export data into DSTV file 1. Start menu function File > Export > DSTV. 2. Specify the required output folder. 3. Type the name of the file (i.e. the base name without extension). 4. Confirm the input. 5. During the export procedure a dialogue opens on the screen. 6. Decide whether to "Use DSTV name conversion for section name" or not. 7. Complete the export.
structure is smaller than the value specified here, the program tries to "merge" the points into one. If the distance of two points is greater then the value specified here, the two points are treated as separate points and the connection algorithm does not try to "merge" them. Display report If ON, the program issues a report about the import. This button performs in fact two actions: (i) it starts the connection algorithm which connects the 1D members, so that the result of the import is a correct FEM analysis model, (ii) it refreshes the image in the graphical window of the dialogue. Import This button imports the data into the main environment of Scia Engineer. Note: If the option Auto-connect members is ON and the button [Refresh image] has not been clicked yet, the button [Import] is disabled. The reason is that the user should review in the graphical window the result of the connection algorithm, so that he/she may get the chance not to accept it. Cancel This button enables the user to abandon the current action. This disabled item has no meaning in the current version.
Refresh image
CAD model
Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into it.
The analysis model is the shape idealised for the needs of FEM analysis. It is an ideal axial model of the structure.
On the other hand, the structural model (shown in fact in the first picture) shows the real position and connection of individual structural members. Consequently, the "axial" representation of such model is different from the idealised FEM model.
The difference (and also problem during the import into calculation programs) is that the 1D members and columns do not intersect each other. This problem must be sorted out (somehow) after the import of the structural model into a FEM-analysis program.
Deleted members
Analogous to the above. If ON, the members deleted from the merged file are deleted from the current project. If OFF, any deletions made in the ProSteel file are ignored.
Changed geometry
If ON, all the changes of geometry are taken into account. If OFF, the changes of geometry are ignored. The geometry remains as it is in the currently open project.
Changed cross-section
If ON, any changes of cross-sections are taken into account. If OFF, the changes of cross-sections are ignored. The cross-sections remain as they are in the currently open project.
Added connections
Analogous to above but this time related to connections. Analogous to above but this time related to connections. Analogous to above but this time related to connections.
Deleted connections
Changed connections
Other controls Display report If ON, a report is generated about the update operation. This button performs the update (taking into account the adjustments made in group Update). This button operation. cancels the whole update
Button [Update]
Button [Cancel]
Graphical window It displays the structure to-be-updated and shows the found changes. The changes are displayed in colour. Each type of change uses a specific colour that is indicated in the group Update of the dialogue. The window supports standard features of Scia Engineer graphical windows: (i) pop-up menu with a set of zoom, print, save etc. functions, (ii) [Ctrl] + [Shift] + right-click and drag to zoom in and out the drawing, (iii) [Shift] + right-click and drag to move the drawing, (iv) [Ctrl] + right-click and drag to rotate the drawing.
Note: The behaviour of the update-function may differ in some details from the description given here as the interface is still under development on both sides, i.e. Scia Engineer and ProSteel.
Note: Only steel frame structures (i.e. structures composed of 1D members) can be imported/exported through StepSteel format.
Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into it.
Note: More information about the StepSteel format can be found in a separate SCIA manual titled Scia Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.
Available implementation levels Implementation level Reading structure 'Statische Einlesen' Writing structure 'Statische Schreiben' analysis Struktur analysis Struktur Entity group General data Analysis data I General data Analysis data I General data Analysis data I Analysis data II Writing analysis 'Statik Schreiben' General data Analysis data I Analysis data II Writing design 'Entwurf Schreiben' General data Design data 3(OUT) 2(OUT) Two options available for export: with and without results. 2(IN) Not available for export 1(OUT) Abbreviation 1(IN) Note Not available for export
Note: More information about the StepSteel format can be found in a separate SCIA manual titled Scia Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.
Section names The cross-section shape is recognised from the name of the cross-section. The user may adjust a few parameters that influence the applied conversion of cross-section names. Use DSTV conversion for section names Use mapping table as conversion for section names If ON, the DSTV convention is used for crosssection names. If ON, the mapping table is used to convert the names of cross-sections.
Note: Only steel frame structures (i.e. structures composed of 1D members) can be imported/exported through StepSteel format.
Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into it.
Note: More information about the StepSteel format can be found in a separate SCIA manual titled Scia Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.
Note: More information about the StepSteel format can be found in a separate SCIA manual titled Scia Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.
Tekla Tekla
Note: This import/export capability is not directly related to Scia Engineer functionality. Nevertheless, it can prove useful to Scia Engineer users. Please, consider this chapter to be only a brief introduction and contact SCIA support team for more information and/or guidance.
Note: The interface works with Tekla Structures versions 15 and 16.
If IFC format is not a solution for you to export to and from Tekla Structures, you can use the STEP Steel format. Alternatively, export can be made through Tekla Structure API link. STEP Steel format Tekla to Scia Engineer 1. Export a project by StepSteel export option in Tekla Structures to e.g. "Tekla_output.stp". 2. Open "Tekla_output.stp", and replace the text 'FILE_SCHEMA(('DATA_SECTION_SCHEMA_3_99'))' with 'FILE_SCHEMA(('PSS_2000_04'))' in the header, then save it again. 3. Now import this output-stp ("Tekla_output.stp'" into Scia Engineer. 4. Make necessary modifications, analyses, checks, etc. 5. Export the structure into StepSteel CAD format (not levels 1-3), e.g. to "output01.stp" (see chapter StepSteel - export of structural model). 6. Change the header back: So now replace 'FILE_SCHEMA(('PSS_2000_04'))' with 'FILE_SCHEMA(('DATA_SECTION_SCHEMA_3_99'))'. 7. Then save it as "output01e.stp". Scia Engineer to Tekla 1. In Scia Engineer you have to generate a new STP-File (e.g."Esa_output.stp'". Choose the option: Stepsteel export CAD (not levels 1-3) (see chapter StepSteel - export of structural model). 2. Open "Esa_output.stp", and replace the text 'FILE_SCHEMA(('PSS_2000_04'))' with 'FILE_SCHEMA(('DATA_SECTION_SCHEMA_3_99'))' in the header, then save it again. 3. Now import this output-stp ("Esa_output.stp'" into Tekla Structures. Tekla Structure API link The link is based on Tekla Structure API supports the export of: - Geometry of straight beams and columns (beginning- and end-nodes) - Materials using the mapping database - Cross-sections due to mapping database or geometrical profiles (except twin profiles) - Eccentricity, ey,ez - Member system-lines - welded cross-section, - hinges. General procedure 1. Call File > Export > Tekla file. 2. File with .s2t extension is created. 3. Then it is needed to run Tekla plugin Scia2Tekla.exe. 4. Load .s2t file, material and cross-section mapping database - otherwise the default profile (rectangle 10x10) is used. 5. Press button Load Data into Tekla Structures. 6. In Tekla Structures the project is imported.
Note: Tekla Structure has to be running before the step 5 is done. Export dialogue
Menu File - New opens a new dialogue Scia2Tekla plugin without any settings (clears previous settings) - Open opens a dialogue for to select an existing *.sts (Scia to Tekla settings) file. - Save saves the user settings in the dialogue to *.sts (Scia to Tekla settings) file. - Save as saves the user settings in the dialogue to *.sts (Scia to Tekla settings) file. - Close closes the plugin dialogue . Dialogue items File from Scia Engineer It loads s2t file which should be imported to Tekla Structure. Name of new project in Tekla It is possible to define a name of Tekla model. Scia Engineer model Either the Analysis or the Structural model can be selected for export. Material mapping database It loads XML file which contains conversion table for materials Cross section mapping database It loads XML file which contains conversion table for profiles [Load data into Tekla Structures] It runs an import of defined file to Tekla Structures [Edit material database] It runs a dialogue for defining and editing of conversion table for materials
[Edit CSS database] It runs a dialogue for defining and editing of conversion table for cross-sections [Close] It closes the dialogue.
At the bottom of dialogue is a window where a log is written. Above this window it is possible to choose what kind of information should be displayed. On the right side it is possible to define a text file to which the log will be saved. Mapping database editor
Mapping databases are stored in XML. The mapping database contains information about versions of Tekla structures for which it was tested. Two working modes are available: Administator (SCIA emploee) and User: - Administrator can create the master database, - User can create only "user database".
The export of your structure to Google Earth can be done in two steps. 1. The model of the structure must be exported to IFC format (see chapter IFC export). 2. The IFC file must be converted into .KML format. This format can be then opened in Google Earth. Tip: A free tool IfcStoreyView can be used to make the conversion from .IFC to .KML format.
What is better in Scia Engineer? It knows: Curved beams. Curved walls. Lots of possibility to create shells. Better displaying of structure. Different types of results. More possibilities of reinforcement of concrete structures. More possibilities of checks (steel, concrete,..). Steel connections etc. More type of supports line, surface,.. Variable load on slabs. Free loads. Variable thickness of 2D and subregions. Haunches and arbitrary beams.
e2k file The exchange of data between ETABS and Scia Engineer is done through the e2k file. This type of file can be created and also read-back in a standard version of ETABS. Scia Engineer offers the possibility to import and export this type of file in its standard File > Import and File > Export menu. Import This chapter explains what data are read during the import of e2k file. At the end of the chapter you will find the procedure how to make the import of e2k file to Scia Engineer. Project data
Name Name is filled in with the Model Name defined in e2k file. Author Author is filled in with the Company Name defined in e2k file. Description In Description there is the Etabs version which the e2k file was exported from.
Units Units are calculated in accordance with Scia Engineer units and the entire structure is imported in basic units (kN/m). Nodes Names of nodes are generated during the import. Beams and columns Beams are imported as 1D members with the type set to beam. Columns are imported as 1D members with the type set to column. Braces are imported as 1D members with the type set to beam. Line members with none profile are imported as 1D members with very a small cross-section and they are inserted to a special layer named NullBeam which is marked as CAD only. That means it is not taken in account during calculations. Properties: member system, type, cross-section.
Cross-sections Cross-section conversion table (a default one is distributed with Scia Engineer and users can create their own by means of tools distributed with Tekla-plugin). Geometric profiles (rectangular and circular shapes). If a profile is defined as auto-select section in ETABS, the first one from the auto-select section list is taken in account as the profile of the member during the import. Walls and slabs Walls are imported as 2D members with the type set to wall. Slabs, decks and planks are imported as 2D members with the type set to slab. Ramps are imported as 2D members with the type set to slab. Area members with a none profile are imported as very thin 2D members that are inserted to a special layer named NullSlab and marked as CAD only. They are not taken in account during calculations. Openings. Properties: thickness, material, type. Materials User defines a conversion table during the import. A dialog for the defining of material conversion appears on the screen during the import:
On the left side there is a list of all materials defined in the imported e2k file. On the right side there will be a list of Scia Engineer materials which user assigns to each one from the ETABS file. Click button [Define equivalent materials]. A new dialog with a list of Scia Engineer materials for selected code is displayed.
At the top part of the dialog there is a combo box where you can choose a type of material, such as steel or concrete, or all materials. Select which one you want to work with and confirm with [OK]. If all materials are defined a button [OK] is available in the Equivalent material dialog and the user can continue with the import. Supports
ETABS has got only point supports and these can be imported to Scia Engineer. Each restraint (Fx, Fy, Fx, Mx, My, Mz) is imported correctly as rigid or free. Springs or flexible supports are not supported. Hinges
Beam releases in ETABS are imported as hinges to Scia Engineer. In many cases it will be necessary to edit these hinges in Scia Engineer because their philosophy in Scia Engineer is different from the definition of releases in ETABS. Hinges on 2D member edges are not supported. Loads
Point load in point Forces Fx, Fy, Fz, and moments Mx, My, Mz in global and local coordination systems are supported. They are imported as native Scia Engineer forces in node.
Point (repeating) loads on beam Both forces and moments in global or local coordination systems are supported. Repeated loads are imported as several separate point forces on beam. It is not possible to import them as native Scia Engineer repeated forces.
Line loads on beam Both forces and moments with a uniform or a trapezoid distribution in global or local coordination systems are supported. Load with the trapezoidal distribution is imported as several line loads. Each part of trapezoidal load is an independent load in Scia Engineer.
Surface load on slab ETABS has got only a constant surface load which is supported for import to Scia Engineer.
Temperature Point temperature load is not imported because Scia Engineer has no point temperature implemented. Line temperature load is imported only on 1D members. Surface temperature load is imported only on 2D members.
Loads (except temperature) on line beam with a none profile are imported as free point or line loads with selection select. In the selection there is only the closest member. Loads (except temperature) on area with none profile are imported as free surface loads with selection select. Only the closest member is in the selection. Load cases All static linear load cases are imported with their name, action type and load type to Scia Engineer.
Load combination All linear combinations are imported with their lists of load cases.
3. Select the required e2k file for import. 4. Confirm with [Open]. 5. Dialog Codes in project appears. 6. Select a code and confirm with button [Close].
7. The Import from ETABS dialog is opened. The ETABS version where e2k file was exported from is shown here. The user can choose the required user-defined cross-section mapping table or to keep the default one which is distributed with Scia Engineer.
8. Press button [Import]. 9. The dialog for material conversion defining is displayed. 10. Define the materials and confirm with [OK]. 11. The import is in progress. A big structure can take some time to import. 12. The log is shown.
Export Storeys and line grid If storeys are defined in Scia Engineer project then they are exported to e2k files. It is important to have defined each member in the only strorey. If any member is in no storey or in two or more stroreys the member will be assigned to basic one or to the lower one. A basic line grid is generated during an export. No line grid from Scia Engineer is exported to e2k file.
Note: The export of storeys is supported from Scia Engineer 2011
Units A structure is always exported in basic units (kN/m). Materials Each material is correctly written to an exported file. Cross-sections For export of cross-sections the default (or user) conversion table is used. It is the same table which is used for import. 1D members Straight For export only straight members without haunches, arbitrary shapes, openings, etc are supported. Polyline members are exported as several members. Member properties as angle, profile, material, member system and member type are taken in account. Columns and beams are exported as column and beams, others types are exported as brace to e2k file. Curved No curved members are supported for export. All curved members are exported as straight. 2D members Flat Only flat members with straight edges and openings and constant thickness and without subregions are supported. Member properties as material and member type are taken in account. Member types for export are only wall and slab. If a flat member has got a curved edge, the edge is exported by means of straight lines. Shells Shells are not supported for export. They can be exported only as flat members to e2k file. Supports Point in node For export there are supported only point supports in nodes with rigid or free restrains. If a support with a flexible stiffness is defined it is exported as free. Others Point supports on a beam or an internal node, line supports on beam or 2D member edge and surface supports are not supported for export and nothing will be exported to e2k file.
Hinges Hinges on beams are exported as beam releases to e2k file. Hinges on 2D member edge are not supported.
Point forces Fx, Fy, Fz, and moments Mx, My, Mz in a node in global and local coordination system are supported for export to e2k file. Point force in an internal node is not supported.
Point on beam Both forces and moments in global or local coordination system are supported. Repeated ones are exported as several point forces on beam.
Line on beam Both forces and moments with uniform or trapezoidal distributions in global or local coordination system are supported for export. Line on edge Line forces on 2D member edge are not supported.
Surface Only uniformly distributed surface load is supported for export to Scia Engineer.
Temperature Only constant thermal loads on 2D members and 1D members are supported. If the thermal load is defined as variable it is exported to e2k file as constant load with top delta z+.
Load cases All load cases are exported to e2k file with their action type and load type.
Load combination All linear load combinations are exported to e2k file with a list of load case.
2. Dialog [Save as] is opened. 3. Define the name of the exported e2k file. 4. Confirm with [Save]. 5. Export dialog is opened. It is possible to choose a supported version of ETABS where e2k file should be exported to. he user can choose a user cross-section mapping table or keep the default one which is distributed with Scia Engineer.
ECtools ECtools
ECtools is a design software for Reinforced Concrete and Unreinforced Masonry Structures that aims to facilitate the practicing structural engineer or the design office in the correct application of the several clauses of Eurocodes 2, 6 and 8. It utilises the analysis results of SCIA Engineer and can be used in the following cases: * Seismic design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings * Checking/Reviewing the Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings * Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting of existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings * Seismic design of Composite buildings with Concrete Cores (The cores) * Seismic design of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings * Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting of existing Unreinforced Masonry Buildings The procedure to export the project to ECtools 1) Run function: Plugins > ECtools > ECtools. 2) Type the name of the file and confirm with OK. 3) The file (a XML file with corresponding definition (DEF) file) is created.