Sustainable and Advanced MAterials for Road InfraStructure WP 14: HPFRCC (High Performance Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites) for rehabilitation Deliverable D25b
Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
Document number:
Version: 4
Date: 23.05.2006
Reviewed: E. Brhwiler Verified: P. Lestuzzi Validated: G. Tilly Approved by SAMARIS Management Group:
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
The premature deterioration of reinforced concrete structures is a heavy burden for society. In order to manage structures effectively and to reduce this burden to the minimum, the number and extent of interventions have to be kept to the lowest possible level. The extremely low permeability of Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC) associated with their outstanding mechanical properties make them especially suitable to locally "harden" reinforced concrete structures in critical zones subjected to an aggressive environment and to significant mechanical stresses. Composite UHPFRC-concrete structures promise a long-term durability which helps avoid multiple interventions on structures during their service life. UHPFRC materials can be applied on new structures, or on existing ones for rehabilitation, as thin watertight overlays in replacement of waterproofing membranes, as reinforcement layers combined with reinforcement bars, or as prefabricated elements such as kerbs. This document gives an overview of the conceptual approach, and provides basic guidance in view of the application of UHPFRC for the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures.
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
FOREWORD AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................................................................. V EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................. VII 1 2 3 MOTIVATION .............................................................................................................. 15 UHPFRC MATERIALS ............................................................................................... 17 COMPOSITE STRUCTURES .................................................................................... 19
3.1 3.2 Background ......................................................................................................................19 Suitability of UHPFRC for rehabilitation .....................................................................21
APPENDIX 1 STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR OF COMPOSITE MEMBERS UNDER RESTRAINED SHRINKAGE...................................................................... 39 APPENDIX 2 - UNIAXIAL TENSILE TEST...................................................................... 43 APPENDIX 3 AIR PERMEABILIY TESTS..................................................................... 45 APPENDIX 4 UHPFRC MATERIALS GENERAL ..................................................... 47 APPENDIX 5 UHPFRC RECIPES - EXAMPLES .......................................................... 51 APPENDIX 6 MATERIAL SUPPLIERS (UHPFRC) (CH) ............................................ 55 APPENDIX 7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CONCRETE MIXER USED FOR THE FIRST APPLICATION ................................................... 57
APPENDIX 8 - PRECAUTIONS FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE OF CEMTECMULTISCALE ....................................................................................................59 APPENDIX 9 - BATCHING SEQUENCE OF CEMTECMULTISCALE..............................61
The support of the road administration of the Swiss Canton Wallis for the first application of UHPFRC is gratefully acknowledged. Finally, Dr. Pierre Rossi of LCPC-France, inventor of CEMTECmultiscale and worldwide known expert of Fibre Reinforced Concretes, proposed the original UHPFRC recipes used in this study and the concepts for their tailoring to the specific applications of rehabilitation.
D25b Guidelines for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
Highway structures are constantly subjected to physico-chemical phenomena that can result in their deterioration and subsequent reduction in their reliability to perform adequately. Among all exposure cases, those where a direct contact with liquid water containing aggressive chemical substances is involved are the most severe. (exposure classes XD2 - direct contact, or XD3 splash zone). Over the last 10 years, considerable efforts to improve the deformational behaviour of cementitious materials by incorporating fibres have led to the emergence of Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC) characterized by a very low water/binder ratio and high fibre content. These new building materials provide the structural engineer with an unique combination of excellent rheological properties in the fresh state, extremely low permeability, high strength and tensile strain hardening in the range of the yield strain of construction steel (up to 0.2 %). UHPFRC are very well suited to locally "harden" reinforced concrete structures in critical zones subjected to an aggressive environment and to significant mechanical stresses. A comprehensive series of tests in the laboratory on composite UHPFRC-concrete structural members have successfully validated this concept for various geometries, and boundary conditions, with various degrees of restraint, with or without reinforcement bars in the UHPFRC layer, Habel (2004), SAMARIS D18a (2005), SAMARIS D18b (2005), and the outstanding protective properties towards ingress of aggressive substances of the UHPFRC CEMTECmultiscale were confirmed both in the laboratory and on site. A first application of this concept has been successfully realised and the required properties of the UHPFRC were achieved with standard equipments, and verified in-situ. The construction costs of the proposed technique were not significantly higher than more traditional solutions, and the duration of the construction works and closing of traffic lanes could be largely reduced, to the greatest satisfaction of the bridge owner SAMARIS D22 (2005). This report gives practical and conceptual recommendations for the application of UHPFRC for the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures. It is not intended as a prenormative document but rather as a practical tool to help engineers and owners be able to answer following questions: Are UHPFRC adapted for my case ? What can I expect from UHPFRC ? How do UHPFRC compare with other materials ? How to classify my structure in terms of degree of restraint ? Which level of UHPFRC performance is needed for my case ? How can I take UHPFRC into consideration for design ? How to verify the properties of UHPFRC ? How to produce and process UHPFRC cast on site ?
D25b Guidelines for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
Concept of application
An "everlasting winter coat" of UHPFRC is applied on the bridge superstructure, only were it is needed, in zones of severe environmental (XD2, XD3,) and mechanical loads. Critical steps of the construction process such as application of waterproofing membranes or compaction by vibration can be prevented, and the associated sources of errors avoided. The construction process becomes then simpler, quicker, and more robust, with an optimal use of composite construction.
This new construction technique is specially well-suited for bridges but might also be implemented for galleries, tunnels, retaining walls (exposure classes XA2, XA3), or even parking, following the same approach. The waterproofing capabilities of the UHPFRC exempt from applying a waterproofing membrane. Thus, the bituminous concrete can be applied after only 8 days of moist curing of the UHPFRC. This constitutes a very significant time saving with respect to the drying period of up to 3 weeks necessary prior to the application of a waterproofing membrane on a usual mortar or concrete. Further, the thickness of the bituminous concrete layer can be limited to the absolute necessary for the traffic loads. It is unnecessary to increase its thickness to apply weight on the waterproofing membrane to prevent the formation of air pockets.
Geometries of application
For the example of UHPFRC layers applied on bridge deck slabs, following geometries of application can be proposed, Habel (2004): (1) Cross section (P) with a thin UHPFRC layer is designed for protection purposes. The tensile reinforcement in the existing concrete is situated near the interface between the two concretes. Such cross-sections are obtained when the tensile reinforcement of the existing RC structure (As,ct) is not or only slightly deteriorated and the load carrying capacity is sufficient. (2) Cross section (PR) represents the case when additional tensile reinforcement is placed into the UHPFRC layer to replace and/or to complement the existing strongly deteriorated reinforcement bars. This configuration provides both an improved protection function and an increase in load carrying capacity. (3) Cross section (R) is designed primarily to increase significantly the load carrying resistance of the structural element. The cross-section consists of the original reinforced concrete section which is complemented by the reinforced UHPFRC layer which can be seen as an externally bonded additional reinforcement. Also, the UHPFRC provides the protection function for the structural element which is beneficial to durability of the element.
When UHPFRC and reinforcement bars are combined, the stiffness and the load-carrying capacity of the member are significantly increased, even for a new reinforced UHPFRC layer of 5 cm. Optimum combinations of reinforcement bars (quantity and strength) and UHPFRC layer thickness can be designed in order to provide an efficient and safe reinforcement of structural members, with compact cross sections Habel (2004). With this respect, a new layer of 5 cm thickness appears to be a good and economical compromise in association with reinforcement bars. The thickness of the UHPFRC layer to be applied also depends on the roughness of the surface to be overlaid. A minimum roughness of 0.5 cm with a wavelength of 1 to 1.5 cm appears to be sufficient to provide a monolithic behaviour of the composite members. On another hand 1.5 cm is the minimum cover necessary to provide a sufficient protective function with an objective of over 100 years durability, for the underlying structure or reinforcement bars embedded in the UHPFRC layer. Further, depending on the diameter of the rebars embedded in the UHPFRC this cover should be sufficient to avoid bond cracks. A minimum cover equal to the rebar diameter is recommended with this respect. Finally, if active cracks are present in the concrete substrate, a minimum UHPFRC thickness of 3 cm should be applied, to provide a sufficient structural hardening behaviour.
D25b Guidelines for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
Classification of applications
Two basic types of applications of UHPFRC for the rehabilitation of existing structures can be distinguished: Prefabrication of new elements such as kerbs Cast-in place UHPFRC In both cases, the most important load cases at serviceability shall be: eigenstresses induced by restrained shrinkage and fatigue under traffic loads. The following table summarizes the classes of requirements as function of the degree of restraint with respect to restrained shrinkage deformations, and severity of traffic loads (number of vehicles per day). Classes of mechanical loading for UHPFRC in composite structures Class A B C D E F G H Application Prefabrication Cast-in-place Cast-in-place Cast-in place Cast-in place Cast in-place Cast-in place Cast-in place Degree of Restraint [] 0 0.4 to 0.6 moderate 0.4 to 0.6 moderate 0.75 high 0.75 high 0.8 to 0.9 very high 0.8 to 0.9 very high 0.8 to 0.9 very high Traffic load None Moderate High Moderate High None Moderate High Example Precast kerb elements Overlay on deck slab of boxgirder bridge Overlay on deck slab of boxgirder bridge Overlay on multiple beam bridge Overlay on multiple beam bridge Cast-in place kerbs Overlay on multiple beam bridge Overlay on multiple beam bridge
Following the experiences gathered during the project in laboratory tests, numerical simulations and practical applications on site, requirements for the quality of UHPFRC in composite structures are proposed in the following table. In all cases, the basic requirements are: outstanding protective function (determined on the basis of air permeability tests for instance as described in Appendix 3), no localized macrocracks, and minimum fibre dosage of 1.5 % vol. (for steel fibres). These requirements are based on experiences with a single type of UHPFRC (CEMTECmultiscale with a pure Portland cement and high quantity of steel fibres with a moderate aspect ratio of 50). Further research will be needed to extend this table to other types of UHPFRC with different kinds of binders and fibrous mixes. Requirements for UHPFRC in composite highway structures Class A B C D E* F** G H* Tensile strength ft [MPa] 8 to 10 11 11 14 14 14 14 14 Strain hardening peak [] No limits 1 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 2 Shrinkage at 3 month [] No limits 0.6 max. 0.6 max. 0.6 max. 0.6 max. 0.6 max. 0.6 max. 0.6 max. Workability Self-compacting - fluid Self-levelling Self-compacting Tolerance to slope Self-compacting Tolerance to slope Self-compacting Tolerance to slope Self-compacting Tolerance to slope Self-compacting - fluid Self-levelling Self-compacting Tolerance to slope Self-compacting Tolerance to slope
Notes: All mechanical properties are average values at 28 days. Tensile strength is the maximum value of the stress obtained in an unnotched uniaxial tensile test such as described in Appendix 2 Strain hardening is the total deformation at the peak stress under uniaxial tension, determined as the average value on a measurement basis of 3 times the width of the specimen, as described in Appendix 2
D25b Guidelines for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
Determination of mechanical properties on specimens cast according to the direction of casting in application.
Additional requirements: *For high traffic loads, in classes E and H, partial fibrous reinforcement by high-bond profiled fibres (non straight-smooth) is recommended. **For casting of plain kerb elements on site, class F, the thermo mechanical effects at early age can play a significant role depending on the thickness of the element. In classes A, E and F, the kerb must be designed with reinforcement bars and proper connection to the superstructure of the bridge to support the accidental actions in case of vehicles accidents (shocks). In those cases, suitable mixes and geometries of application must be studied and validated by preliminary laboratory tests and/or numerical simulations.
D25b Guidelines for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
Highway structures are constantly subjected to physico-chemical phenomena that can result in their deterioration and subsequent reduction in their reliability to perform adequately. Among all exposure cases, those where a direct contact with liquid water containing aggressive chemical substances is involved are the most severe. In the very frequent case of deteriorations by chloride induced corrosion (exposure classes XD2 - direct contact, or XD3 splash zone), both the initiation time and the corrosion rate of reinforcement bars are mostly dependent on the availability of liquid water.
Figure 1:
Exposure classes in highway structures and zones of most severe exposure (outlined).
The premature deterioration of reinforced concrete structures is a heavy burden for our society. In order to manage structures effectively and to reduce this burden to the minimum, the number and extent of interventions have to be kept to the lowest possible level, with only preventative maintenance. However, too often, rehabilitations fail and it is needed to repair the repairs. Further, usual reinforced concretes or mortars hardly can withstand exposure classes XD2 or XD3 for long periods of time. Over the last 10 years, considerable efforts to improve the deformational behaviour of cementitious materials by incorporating fibres have led to the emergence of Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC) characterized by a very low water/binder ratio and high fibre content. These new building materials provide the structural engineer with an unique combination of: (1) excellent rheological properties in the fresh state, (2) extremely low permeability, (3) high strength and tensile strain hardening in the range of the yield strain of construction steel (up to 0.2 %).
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
UHPFRC are very well suited to locally "harden" reinforced concrete structures in critical zones subjected to an aggressive environment and to significant mechanical stresses, Brwhiler et al. (2004), (2005). Composite UHPFRC-concrete structures promise a long-term durability which helps avoid multiple interventions on structures during their service life. UHPFRC materials can be applied on new structures, or on existing ones for rehabilitation, as thin watertight overlays in replacement of waterproofing membranes, as reinforcement layers combined with reinforcement bars, or as prefabricated elements such as kerbs. However, the cost of these materials imposes use only where they are worth it and to take the maximum benefit of their outstanding mechanical properties with an optimum level of loading at service state. Further, UHPFRC are rather a family of materials with a wide range of performances and compositions, than a single material. It is thus important to be able to distinguish between various materials and have the background for taking sound decisions. A comprehensive series of tests in the laboratory on composite UHPFRC-concrete structural members have successfully validated this concept for various geometries, and boundary conditions, with various degrees of restraint, with or without reinforcement bars in the UHPFRC layer, Habel (2004), SAMARIS D18a (2005), SAMARIS D18b (2005), and the outstanding protective properties towards ingress of aggressive substances of the UHPFRC CEMTECmultiscale were confirmed both in the laboratory and on site. A first application of this concept has been successfully realised and the required properties of the UHPFRC were achieved with standard equipments, and verified in-situ. The construction costs of the proposed technique were not significantly higher than more traditional solutions, and the duration of the construction works and closing of traffic lanes could be largely reduced, to the greatest satisfaction of the bridge owner SAMARIS D22 (2005). This report gives practical and conceptual recommendations for the application of UHPFRC for the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures. It is not intended as a prenormative document but rather as a practical tool to help engineers and owners be able to answer following questions: Are UHPFRC adapted for my case? What can I expect from UHPFRC? How do UHPFRC compare with other materials? How to classify my structure in terms of degree of restraint? Which level of UHPFRC performance is needed for my case? How can I take UHPFRC into consideration for design? How to verify the properties of UHPFRC? How to produce and process UHPFRC cast on site?
This document is based on the experiences gathered during the European project SAMARIS, more specifically during the laboratory tests and the execution of the first application of the UHPFRC CEMTECmultiscale for the rehabilitation of the bridge over river Morges, Wallis, Switzerland, SAMARIS D22 (2005). Detailed information and examples of design of composite UHPFRC-concrete bridge deck slabs with or without reinforcement bars can be found in Habel (2004).
UHPFRC are characterised by an ultra-compact matrix with an extremely low permeability, Roux et al. (1995), and by a high tensile strength (above 10 MPa) and tensile strainhardening. They are part of the group of HPFRCC as described in Figure 2, after Habel (2004). The very low water/binder ratio of UHPFRC (0.130 to 0.160) prevent the complete hydration of a major part of the cement and gives the material a significant hydrophilic behaviour and a self healing capacity for microcracks, Charron et al (2005). In the fresh state, despite their very low water/binder ratio, UHPFRC can be tailored to be self-compacting and tolerate slopes.
Figure 2:
Various types of UHPFRC exist with different kinds of fibre mixes. With only one type of fibres, a compromise has to be found between the tensile behaviour pre and post peak, with limited strain hardening, Rossi (2000). On the contrary, the combination of multiple types of fibres with different length, Rossi et al. (2002), Parant (2003), creates a multi-level reinforcement that induces significant tensile strain hardening (up to 0.2 %), and multiple cracking under tension. In the context of the project SAMARIS, the UHPFRC family CEMTECmultiscale, developed at LCPC, Rossi et al. (2002), Boulay et al. (2003) was used and optimised for rehabilitation applications. Figure 3a illustrates the tensile behaviour of an UHPFRC (mix CM23, see Appendix 4) used in this study, in the strain hardening range. The magnitude of strain hardening of UHPFRC, such as CEMTECmultiscale (1 to 2 ), falls into the range of the yield strain of construction steel. This property opens up very promising domains of combination of UHPFRC with reinforcement bars with high yield strength (700 MPa or above). Compared to usual Steel Fibre Reinforced Concretes (SFRC), UHPFRC exhibit a significant tensile strain hardening behaviour (points 1 to 2) and a much higher tensile strength, Figure 3b. Their mechanical behaviour in tension can be considered in structural applications.
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
The modulus of elasticity of UHPFRC is 30 % higher than usual concretes but their tensile strength is 3 to 4 times higher.
Figure 3: Tensile behaviour of UHPFRC (CEMTECmultiscale), a) strain hardening range, b) softening behaviour and comparison with other materials The fractured surface of a UHPFRC specimen after a tensile test shows numerous steel fibres, pulled out from the matrix, Figure 4. The work of fracture of these numerous microreinforcements explains the extremely high specific fracture energy of UHPFRC (up to 30000 J/m2 compared to 200 J/m2 for normal concrete). A significant part of this fracture energy is dissipated in volume, during the strain hardening phase, in the form of finely distributed, multiple cracks.
Figure 4:
3.1 Background
The successful rehabilitation of existing structures is a major challenge for civil engineers. When existing concrete needs to be replaced, a new composite structure formed of the new material cast on the existing substrate will result from the intervention, as shown on Figure 5.
Figure 5:
Composite concrete-concrete members - replacement of existing concrete, adapted after Bernard (2000).
Both the protective function and the mechanical performance of the composite system have to be guaranteed over the planned service life. More or less pronounced tensile eigenstresses due to restrained shrinkage deformations at early age and long term are induced in a new layer applied on an existing one, Bernard (2000). These eigenstresses constitute a net loss of the performance in terms of potential tensile capacity. On another hand, restrained shrinkage almost never occurs under full restraint in structures. Both the deformability of the structure and the creep of the materials (new and substrate) contribute to significantly decrease the induced stresses. It is thus very important to investigate the mechanical compatibility of a new material in terms of structural consequences: eigenstresses compared to the tensile strength, and the evolution of these two parameters as a function of time.
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
A simple parameter that summarizes this interaction of material and structural properties is the so-called degree of restraint. Stresses due to restrained movements can principally be computed by the product of three factors according to the following equation: Stress = stiffness free strain degree of restraint Consequently, all three factors are equally important. The stiffness is dependent on modulus of elasticity but also on creep or relaxation. The free strain is the strain that a completely free member would develop due to thermal or moisture changes, shrinkage, or any other internal or external source causing volumetric change of the member material. The degree of restraint defines the conditions of restraint as the ratio between the actual stress real taking into consideration the effective stiffness of the composite structure and the stress full that would occur in a totally restrained composite structure:
real full
Restraints can be associated to all degrees of freedom of a structure. For a composite beam, 2 degrees of freedom can me mobilized, one axial, one flexural. Many structural engineers are not aware of the fact that complete bond between overlay and substrate does not necessarily cause complete restraint in the repaired concrete structure. The reason is that the stiffness of the remaining part of the old structure is not infinite. The striving of the overlay to contract is only partly prohibited by the remaining part of the old structure. The absence of a complete restraint leads to substantial stress reductions. Combined with creep these reductions will limit the maximum tensile stress below the tensile strength and, hence, explain the absence of shrinkage cracking. One must emphasize that two parameters have also a major an influence on the degree of restraint of a new layer: Time: the mechanical properties of a new layer change rapidly with time at early age. As a consequence, the degree of restraint is always high at early age Reinforcement bars if the reinforcement ratio is high. The degree of restraint can be calculated for any structure from its geometrical characteristics and elastic material properties (modulus of elasticity). Simplified diagrams are available for simple geometries such as composite slabs with constant height. A detailed procedure for the calculation of the degree of restraint is given in Appendix 1.
The ultimate shrinkage of UHPFRC is not higher than that of usual concretes (in the range of 600 m/m = 0.6 at 6 month). The driving force for this shrinkage is however different. In UHPFRC, with a very low water/binder ratio, drying shrinkage is negligible after 8 days of moist curing. The main source of deformations in UHPFRC is autogenous shrinkage, instead of drying processes in usual concretes. Strain hardening UHPFRC turn out to be an excellent compromise of density, high tensile strength and significant deformation capability, perfectly suited for combination with normal concretes, in existing or new structures.
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
4.1 General
An "everlasting winter coat" of UHPFRC is applied on the bridge superstructure, only were it is needed, in zones of severe environmental (XD2, XD3,) and mechanical loads. Critical steps of the construction process such as application of waterproofing membranes or compaction by vibration can be prevented, and the associated sources of errors avoided. The construction process becomes then simpler, quicker, and more robust, with an optimal use of composite construction.
Figure 6:
This new construction technique is specially well-suited for bridges but might also be implemented for galleries, tunnels, retaining walls, (exposure classes XA2, XA3), or even parking, following the same approach. The waterproofing capabilities of the UHPFRC exempt from applying a waterproofing membrane. Thus, the bituminous concrete can be applied after only 8 days of moist curing of the UHPFRC. This constitutes a very significant time saving with respect to the drying period of up to 3 weeks necessary prior to the application of a waterproofing membrane on an usual mortar or concrete. Further, the thickness of the bituminous concrete layer can be limited to the absolute necessary for the traffic loads. It is unnecessary to increase its thickness to apply weight on the waterproofing membrane to prevent the formation of air pockets.
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
Figure 7:
Geometries of UHPFRC-concrete elements for bridge deck slabs, after Habel (2004).
When UHPFRC and reinforcement bars are combined, the stiffness and the load-carrying capacity of the member are significantly increased, even for a new reinforced UHPFRC layer of 5 cm. Optimum combinations of reinforcement bars (quantity and strength) and UHPFRC layer thickness can be designed in order to provide an efficient and safe reinforcement of structural members, with compact cross sections Habel (2004). With this respect, a new layer of 5 cm thickness appears to be a good and economical compromise in association with reinforcement bars. The thickness of the UHPFRC layer to be applied also depends on the roughness of the surface to be overlaid. A minimum roughness of 0.5 cm with a wavelength of 1 to 1.5 cm appears to be sufficient to provide a monolithic behaviour of the composite members. On another hand 1.5 cm is the minimum cover necessary to provide a sufficient protective function with an objective of over 100 years durability, for the underlying structure or reinforcement bars embedded in the UHPFRC layer. Further, depending on the diameter of the
rebars embedded in the UHPFRC this cover should be sufficient to avoid bond cracks. A minimum cover equal to the rebar diameter is recommended with this respect. Finally, if active cracks are present in the concrete substrate, a minimum UHPFRC thickness of 3 cm should be applied, to provide a sufficient structural hardening behaviour.
Class A B C D E F G H
Application Prefabrication Cast-in-place Cast-in-place Cast-in place Cast-in place Cast in-place Cast-in place Cast-in place
Degree of Restraint [] 0 0.4 to 0.6 moderate 0.4 to 0.6 moderate 0.75 high 0.75 high 0.8 to 0.9 very high 0.8 to 0.9 very high 0.8 to 0.9 very high
Traffic load None Moderate High Moderate High None Moderate High
Example Precast kerb elements Overlay on deck slab of boxgirder bridge Overlay on deck slab of boxgirder bridge Overlay on multiple beam bridge Overlay on multiple beam bridge Cast-in place kerbs Overlay on multiple beam bridge Overlay on multiple beam bridge
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
4.4 Requirements
Following the experiences gathered during the project in laboratory tests, numerical simulations and practical applications on site, requirements for the quality of UHPFRC in composite structures are proposed in Table 2. In all cases, the basic requirements are: outstanding protective function (determined on the basis of air permeability tests for instance as described in Appendix 3), no localized macrocracks, and minimum fibre dosage of 1.5 % vol. (for steel fibres). These requirements are based on experiences with a single type of UHPFRC (CEMTECmultiscale with a pure Portland cement and high quantity of steel fibres with a moderate aspect ratio of 50). Further research will be needed to extend this table to other types of UHPFRC with different kinds of binders and fibrous mixes. Table 2: Class A B C D E* F** G H* Requirements for UHPFRC in composite highway structures Tensile strength ft [MPa] 8 to 10 11 11 14 14 14 14 14 Strain hardening peak [] No limits 1 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 2 Shrinkage at 3 month [] No limits 0.6 max. 0.6 max. 0.6 max. 0.6 max. 0.6 max. 0.6 max. 0.6 max. Workability Self-compacting - fluid Self-levelling Self-compacting Tolerance to slope Self-compacting Tolerance to slope Self-compacting Tolerance to slope Self-compacting Tolerance to slope Self-compacting - fluid Self-levelling Self-compacting Tolerance to slope Self-compacting Tolerance to slope
Notes: All mechanical properties are average values at 28 days. Tensile strength is the maximum value of the stress obtained in an unnotched uniaxial tensile test such as described in Appendix 2 Strain hardening is the total deformation at the peak stress under uniaxial tension, determined as the average value on a measurement basis of 3 times the width of the specimen, as described in Appendix 2 Determination of mechanical properties on specimens cast according to the direction of casting in application. Additional requirements: *For high traffic loads, in classes E and H, partial fibrous reinforcement by high-bond profiled fibres (non straight-smooth) is recommended. **For casting of plain kerb elements on site, class F, the thermo mechanical effects at early age can play a significant role depending on the thickness of the element. In classes A, E and F, the kerb must be designed with reinforcement bars and proper connection to the superstructure of the bridge to support the accidental actions in case of vehicles accidents (shocks). In those cases, suitable mixes and geometries of application must be studied and validated by preliminary laboratory tests and/or numerical simulations.
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
AFGC/SETRA. 2002. Btons Fibrs Ultra Hautes Performances, Recommandations provisoires, dites par Association Franaise de Gnie Civil et Service Technique des Routes et des Autoroutes, ref. SETRA: F0211. Bernard, O. 2000. Comportement long terme des lments de structure forms de btons d'ges diffrents, Doctoral Thesis, No. 2283, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, (in French). Boulay C. & Arca, A. & Tailhan, J. L. & Rossi P. & Sananes J. 2003. Comportement mcanique d'un nouveau composite cimentaire crouissage positif. II : Caractrisation du comportement en traction uniaxiale, Bulletin des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chausses, 243: 19-30, LCPC, France, (in French). Brhwiler, E. & Denari, E & Habel, K. 2005a. Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete for advanced rehabilitation of bridges. Proceedings Fib symposium "Keep Concrete Attractive", Budapest, Hungary, 23 to 25 may 2005, Eds G.L. Balasz & A. Borosnyoi, 951-956. Brhwiler, E. & Denari, E. & Putallaz, J.C. 2005b. Instandsetzung einer Betonbrcke mit ultrahochleistungsfhigem Faserfeinkornbeton (UHLFB), Beton-und Stahlbetonbau, Volume 100, Issue 9, pp. 822-827. (In German). Brhwiler, E. & Habel, K. & Denari, E. 2004. Advanced reinforced concrete for the improvement of bridges, Second International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS04), Kyoto, Japan. Charron, J.P. & Denari, E. & Brhwiler, E. 2004. Permeability of UHPFRC under high stresses. Proceedings, RILEM Symposium, Advances in Concrete Through Science and Engineering, CD-ROM, Chicago, USA. Denari E. 2005. Structural rehabilitations with Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC), Keynote lecture, in Proceedings International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR 2005), 21-23, November 2005, Cape Town, South Africa, Eds.: M. Alexander, H.-D. Beushausen, F. Dehn, P. Moyo, Taylor & Francis, London (book with extended summaries and CD-ROM with full papers). Denari E & Habel K. & Brhwiler E. 2003. Structural behaviour of hybrid elements with Advanced Cementitious Materials (HPFRCC). Proceedings HPFRCC-4, 4th international Workshop on High Performance Fibre Reinforced Cement Composites, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Denari, E. & Habel, K. & Charron, J.P. & Wuest, J. & Kamen, A. & Brhwiler, E. 2004. Ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete for rehabilitation. Proceedings International RILEM Workshop on Bonded Concrete Over-lays, June 7-8, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden, edited by Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute (CBI). Denari, E., J. Silfwerbrand J., Beushausen. 2004. Structural behaviour , Chapter 5 of State of the Art Report, RILEM TC 193-RLS".
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
EN 206 . 2000. Euronorm, Concrete - Performance, production, placing and compliance crite-
SAMARIS D22. 2005. Full scale application of UHPFRC for the rehabilitation of bridges from the lab to the field. in European project 5th FWP / SAMARIS Sustainable and Advanced MAterials for Road Infrastructures WP 14: HPFRCC, Silfwerbrand, J., 1997. Concrete Overlays. Report No. 10, 3rd Edition, Chair of Structural Mechanics and Engineering, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 65 pp. (In Swedish). Silfwerbrand, J., 1987. Effects of Differential Shrinkage, Creep and Properties of the Contact Surface on the Strength of Composite Concrete Slabs of Old and New Concrete. Bulletin No. 147, Dept. of Structural Mechanics and Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 131 pp. (In Swedish). Silfwerbrand, J. 1996. Differential Shrinkage in Normal and High Strength Concrete Overlays. Nordic Concrete Research, No. 2/1996, pp. 55-68. Torrent, R. 1992. A two-chamber vacuum cell for measuring the coefficient of permeability to air of the concrete cover on site. Materials and Structures 25: pp. 358-365. Torrent, R. & Frenzer, G. 1995. Studie ber Methoden zur Messung und Beurteilung der Kennwerte des berdeckungsbetons auf der Baustelle. Report OFROU 516, Office Fdral des Routes, Zrich: VSS (in German). Znidaric, A. & Denari, E. & Richardson, M. & Woodward, R. 2004. SAMARIS Project: Advanced Materials for the Rehabilitation of Highway Structures in Europe. In Proceedings Second International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS04), Kyoto, Japan.
D25b Guidance for the use of UHPFRC for rehabilitation of concrete highway structures
List of Figures
Figure 1: Exposure classes in highway structures and zones of most severe exposure (outlined). ................................................................................................................ 15 Figure 2: Classification of cementitious composites, after Habel (2004). .............................. 17 Figure 3: Tensile behaviour of UHPFRC (CEMTECmultiscale), a) strain hardening range, b) softening behaviour and comparison with other materials....................... 18 Figure 4: Fractured surface of a tensile specimen in UHPFRC, Photo A. Herzog. ................ 18 Figure 5: Composite concrete-concrete members - replacement of existing concrete, adapted after Bernard (2000). .................................................................................. 19 Figure 6: General concept of application of UHPFRC. .......................................................... 23 Figure 7: Geometries of UHPFRC-concrete elements for bridge deck slabs, after Habel (2004). ........................................................................................................... 24 Figure 8: Eigenstresses in a statically determinate composite member, combination of axial (N ) and flexural (M,2) release effects, adapted from Bernard (2000)....................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 9: Restraint between axial and flexural effects as a function of =hnew/(hold+hnew) a), and n=hnew/hold b), after Denari et al. [5]. ........................... 40 Figure 10: Degree of restraint as a function of relative thickness and relative stiffness, after Silfwerbrand (1986) and Bernard (2000)......................................... 41 Figure 11: Unnotched tensile test on dog-bone specimens, Denari et al. (2006).................... 43 Figure 12: Torrent air permeability tester. .............................................................................. 45 Figure 13: Air permeability measurements on a UHPFRC overlay cast on site and results....................................................................................................................... 46 Figure 14: UHPFRC matrix: components and dosages .......................................................... 47 Figure 15: UHPFRC fibrous mix: components and dosages .................................................. 48 Figure 16: Comparative uniaxial tensile behaviour of UHPFRC (two recipes) and reinforcement bars ................................................................................................... 49
List of Tables
Table 1: Classes of mechanical loading for UHPFRC in composite structures .................... 25 Table 2: Requirements for UHPFRC in composite highway structures ................................ 26 Table 3: Composition of material CM0 ................................................................................. 51 Table 4: Composition of material CM22 ............................................................................... 52 Table 5: Composition of material CM23 ............................................................................... 53
Figure 8:
Eigenstresses in a statically determinate composite member, combination of axial (N ) and flexural (M,2) release effects, adapted from Bernard (2000).
The degree of restraint is calculated under the following hypotheses: linear-elastic material behaviour, Poissons ratio =0, cross-section of the new layer is a rectangle, the cross-section of the substrate can be of any shape, plane sections remain plain (hypothesis of Bernoulli), perfect bond between new layer and substrate. The principle of the analysis consists in determining the tensile force Nt that is necessary to compensate the unrestrained shrinkage deformation free in the new layer. The tensile force is balanced in the composite member by a compressive force Nc and a bending moment Mc acting at the centre of gravity (cog) of the composite section. The stress state in the composite element is determined by the superposition of the resulting effects of Nt,, Nc and Mc on the composite cross section. The degree of restraint is defined as "1" minus the axial release minus the flexural release, equation (2), to clearly associate the notion of degree of restraint to the effect of release of the stresses for each degree of freedom available. 39
N =
M =
ma m a +1
Anew (cog new cog ) [ m ( hold cog )] N t (cog new cog ) = 2 2 W full [ I old + Aold ( cog cog old ) + m ( I new + Anew ( cog new cog ) )]
(3) (4)
cog =
S old + m S new Centre of gravity (cog) of the composite section Aold + m Anew
The graphical representation of equations (2) to (4) is shown on Figure 9 for m=1.43 (Enew= 50 000 MPa UHPFRC and Eold=35 000 MPa concrete substrate) and rectangular sections of similar width for the old and new layers (bold=bnew) . Two representations are shown, one a), with the ratio of the layer thicknesses n, and the other b) with the ratio between the thickness of the new layer and the total thickness of the composite section as x-axis. In each diagram, two cases are illustrated: (1) axial and flexural release: finite axial and flexural stiffness of the composite system, (2) no flexural release: finite axial stiffness and infinite flexural stiffness of the composite system.
1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Enew= 50'000 Mpa Eold = 35'000 Mpa m=Enew/Eold=1.43 et bold = bnew
0.20 0.40 1.00
degree of restraint : 1-N-M Axial and flexural release
0.80 degree of restraint : 1-N No flexural release degree of restraint : 1-N-M Axial and flexural release 0.60
0.00 0
0.6 0.8 1
Figure 9: Restraint between axial and flexural effects as a function of a) n=hnew/hold and b) =hnew/(hold+hnew), after Denari et al. [5]. The range of most cases encountered in practice corresponds to the domain shown on Figure 9a with parameter n on the x-axis. For the chosen set of parameters, the degree of restraint with axial and flexural release varies in a significant way for values of n smaller than 0.3. For values of n larger than 0.3, the overall degree of restraint is almost constant equal to 0.4-0.5.
Silfwerbrand (1997) generalized this observation to different combinations of materials, as shown on Figure 10.
1 degr d'entrave [] 0.8
m = Enew/Eold
m = 0.1 m = 0.25
m = 0.5 m= 1
m= 2 m= 8 m= 4
Figure 10: Degree of restraint as a function of relative thickness and relative stiffness, after Silfwerbrand (1986) and Bernard (2000).
In statically indetermined structures, the degree of restraint is increased as the corresponding degree of freedom is progressively limited. If flexural release of stresses is impossible, the release factor M becomes 0, as illustrated on Figure 9 (case "no flexural release"). The same applies for axial release. However, the complete restraint of axial forces is seldom encountered in practice. Creep has a beneficial effect on the developed stresses due to differential shrinkage. For UHPFRC, a global creep coefficient of 0.8 at long term is mentioned in the litterature, AFGC (2002). At early age (7 first days after casting), the creep is in the order of magnitude of the half of the autogenous shrinkage. It is thus a good estimation to consider an overall creep coefficient of 0.8 for UHPFRC or a creep deformation equal to the half of the imposed shrinkage for simple calculations such as illustrated by the following example.
Case e) Axial release only, with creep l = 0.75*50000*(0.6-0.3)/1000=11.3 MPa. The maximum normal stress diminishes from 30 to 6.7 or 11.3 MPa. This calculation is however very rough and does not consider the fact that viscoelasticity is significantly higher at early ages, when a large part of the autogenous shrinkage occurs. Finer estimates with comprehensive time-dependent viscoelastic models show that the eigenstresses induced in UHPFRC overlays at long term are approximately 30 % smaller than the values estimated by this simple calculation.
Figure 11: Unnotched tensile test on dog-bone specimens, Denari et al. (2006), units: mm.
The surface of the specimens is coated with lime to highlight fine cracks. Multiple cracking is to be observed on the specimens, in the tensile hardening domain and correlated with the readings of the Omega gauges distributed over the length of the specimen. More specifically, the distributed character of the deformations and crack has to be characterized in the strain hardening domain. The test is run in a servo controlled hydraulic testing machine with a speed of displacement of 0.02 mm/minute in the hardening domain and 0.2 mm /minute in the softening domain. It is recommended to perform at least 5 tests, at 28 days to characterize both the tensile strength and the tensile hardening behaviour of the material.
Figure 13 shows the permeability classes and a comparison of the air permeabilities of UHPFRC and two types of concretes. The UHPFRC cast in the laboratory and on site (SAMARIS D22 (2005) exhibit excellent protective properties with a very low permeability. Following recommendations can be made for the application of the air permeability tests to UHPFRC: Target value of air permeability after Torrent at 7 days: 0.005 10-16 m2 for 75 % fractiles, for outstanding protective function. Minimum number of measurements on different locations on same element: 6
Figure 13: Air permeability measurements on a UHPFRC overlay cast on site and results
Various types of UHPFRC exist with different kinds of fibre mixes. With only one type of fibres, a compromise has to be found between the tensile behaviour pre and post peak, with limited strain hardening. On the contrary, the combination of multiple types of fibres with different length, Rossi et al. (2002), Parant (2003), creates a multilevel reinforcement that induces significant tensile strain hardening (up to 0.2 %), and multiple cracking under tension. The fibrous reinforcement necessary to obtain a strain hardening response in uniaxial tension can be compared to the necessary minimum reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures, to control cracking. The reinforcement of the ultra compact matrices was provided either by a single type of fibres (lf=10 mm, aspect ratio: 50) with a dosage of 457 kg/m3, or by a mix of micro (steel wool 1 mm length) and macrofibres (lf=10 mm, aspect ratio: 50) with a total dosage of 706 kg/m3 (9% vol.).
For the laboratory tests, two different types of UHPFRC were used: mix CM0 (monofibrous reinforcement) and mix CM22 (bi-fibrous reinforcement). Recipe CM0 is reinforced with a single type of 10 mm long steel fibres with an aspect ratio of 50. It has a water/binder ratio of 0.140, 1041 kg/m3 cement, a fluid consistency (slumpflow = 700 mm) and is self-compacting and self-levelling. Recipe CM22 (1410 kg/m3 cement, Water/Binder ratio of 0.131) had been optimized in the laboratory for its tolerance to a slope of 2.5 %, and used for laboratory tests on structural members. As expected, the size effect on the volume of the batches from laboratory (40 litres) to production plant (300 litres) increased the workability for a similar composition. Thus, this recipe optimized in the lab, on small batches turned out to be too fluid for tolerating a slope when produced in larger batches (>200 litres). It was used A new recipe, less fluid, CM23, was designed and produced in the prefabrication plant, with a lower Water/Binder ratio of 0.125 and 1434 kg/m3 cement, and tested to guarantee a tolerance to a slope of 2.2 %. This material was used for the prefabricated downstream kerb and for the watertight overlays on the bridge deck of the first application. The uniaxial tensile behaviour (average curves at 28 days, determined on unnotched dog-bone specimens) of the two recipes CM0 and CM23 of the UHPFRC used during the project (CEMTECmultiscale) is presented on Figure 16, showing the range of possible tensile strength and strain hardening responses.
Figure 16: Comparative uniaxial tensile behaviour of UHPFRC (two recipes) and reinforcement bars
The UHPFRC recipes used in this study belong to the family CEMTECmultiscale developed by Dr. P. Rossi LCPC Paris [5], and modified at MCS-EPFL for the application to rehabilitation. CEMTECmultiscale recipes are covered by the French patent applications #FR2806403 and #FR2806404 (both published on 9th September 2001) and by the PCT patent application WO0168548 (published on 9th September 2001). Other kinds of UHPFRC are of course available on the market or in laboratories, with more or less pronounced strain hardening behaviour. On another hand, basic requirements for the properties of UHPFRC applied to rehabilitation are known at this stage. It is certain that in a near future, optimized UHPFRC will emerge able to provide the necessary protective and mechanical performances with lower costs. One must also emphasize that UHPFRC applied in thin layers of 2 to 5 cm in composite UHPFRC-concrete constructions are already a competitive solution in terms of costs (see report SAMARIS D22 (2005)). In terms of prices per m3, UHPFRC are clearly much more expensive than normal concretes (10 to 15 times). However, for the rehabilitation application the price per m2 is a much more relevant indicator. In this case, the construction costs of a solution with a thin UHPFRC layer and no waterproofing membrane are equivalent to those of a traditional solution with repair mortar and waterproofing membrane. Further, the UHPFRC solution provides a much longer durability and helps minimize the amount of interventions on the structure during its service life, even beyond 100 years.
Component Powders Cement Microsilica (SF) (Fine sand + quartz) Added water Steel fibres 10/0.2 mm Admixture Superplasticiser Dry extract 30 % Water 70 % Total water Air Total
Fibres [%]
Mass [kg/m3]
Volume [l/m3]
187 20
Table 3: Composition of material CM0 Note: The UHPFRC recipes used in this study belong to the family CEMTECmultiscale developed by Dr. P. Rossi LCPC Paris, and modified at MCS-EPFL for the application to rehabilitation. CEMTECmultiscale an recipes are covered by the French patent applications #FR2806403 and #FR2806404 (both published on 9th September 2001) and by the PCT patent application WO0168548 (published on 9th September 2001).
Component Powders Cement Microsilica (SF) (Fine sand + quartz) Added water Steel wool 1 Steel fibres 10 mm Admixture Superplasticiser Dry extract 30 % Water 70 % Total water Air Total
Fibres [%]
Mass [kg/m3]
Volume [l/m3]
32.6 233 20
Table 4: Composition of material CM22 Note: The UHPFRC recipes used in this study belong to the family CEMTECmultiscale developed by Dr. P. Rossi LCPC Paris, and modified at MCS-EPFL for the application to rehabilitation. CEMTECmultiscale an recipes are covered by the French patent applications #FR2806403 and #FR2806404 (both published on 9th September 2001) and by the PCT patent application WO0168548 (published on 9th September 2001).
1 The detailed composition of the fibrous mix is patent protected and is available upon request, with a license of exploitation.
Component Powders Cement Microsilica (SF) (Fine sand + quartz) Added water Steel wool 2 Steel fibres 10 mm Admixture Superplasticiser Dry extract 30 % Water 70 % Total water Air Total
Fibres [%]
Mass [kg/m3]
Volume [l/m3]
222 20.0
Note: The UHPFRC recipes used in this study belong to the family CEMTECmultiscale developed by Dr. P. Rossi LCPC Paris, and modified at MCS-EPFL for the application to rehabilitation. CEMTECmultiscale an recipes are covered by the French patent applications #FR2806403 and #FR2806404 (both published on 9th September 2001) and by the PCT patent application WO0168548 (published on 9th September 2001).
2 The detailed composition of the fibrous mix is patent protected and is available upon request, with a license of exploitation.
SEPR, B.P. 40, F-84131 Le Pontet Cedex, France Mr Detalle Tel.: +33 4 90 32 70 17 Fax. : +33 4 90 32 71 47 [email protected]
Gilbert Gauthier SA, Case Postale 139, CH- 1225 Chne-Bourg/Genve, Switzerland Mr. Richard Tel.: +41 22 348 08 45 Fax. : +41 22 348 73 25
Steel fibres
Redaelli tecna, Zona Ind. Localita Pascarola, I-80023 Caivano (Napoli, Italy) Mr Mignosi Tel.: +39 - 081 88 94 246 Fax. : :+39 -081 83 49 333 [email protected]
Steel wool
Crushed steel wool . ref. FbGV2 Gervois, 1, rue Boucher de Perthes, F80580 Pont-Remy, France, Code LALACD.BR Mr. Riquiez Tel.: +33 3 22 27 11 22 Fax. : +33 3 22 27 14 27 [email protected]
Difutec SA, chemin St-Hubert 1950 Sion, Switzerland Mr. Joye Tel.: +41 27 322 58 84 Fax. : +41 27 322 58 86 [email protected]
37, CH-
Mixer type: Teka THZ 750 pan mixer (
Teka THZ 750 Fllmenge Mischer Fllmenge Zuschlagstoffe Festbetonaussto pro Spiel Antriebsleistung Mischer Drehzahl Rotor Leergewicht Standardmischer Fllung Beschickerkbel Aufzug 60 Antriebsleistung Beschicker mehrlagige Seiltrommel einlagige Seiltrommel Geschwindigkeit Beschickerkbel Leergewicht Beschicker m/Sek 0,4 Kg 1000 KW 5,5 KW 7,5 Kg 1100 Kg 2500 UpM 29 KW 22 Kg 1200 m 0,5 Liter 750
Note: the first batch, in the dry mixer, always shows a stiffer consistency than subsequent batches with the same UHPFRC.