Hypnosis Unit Uk: 2011-2012 Entry Provisional
Hypnosis Unit Uk: 2011-2012 Entry Provisional
Hypnosis Unit Uk: 2011-2012 Entry Provisional
In Association with the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, University College London www.hypnosisunituk.com Applied Hypnosis Clinical Hypnosis Paediatric Hypnosis Hypnosis Applied to Dentistry Hypnosis Applied to Medicine Hypnosis Applied to Palliative Care Hypnosis Applied to Speech Therapy Hypnosis Applied to Research Hypnosis and the Arts
Approved by the British Psychological Society Learning Centre for the purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Course Approval
HUUK courses fulfil the following CPD criteria frequently specified by professional bodies: 1. They have concise educational aims and objectives 2. They have clear anticipated outcomes 3. They have quality control (i.e. students are given the opportunity to evaluate the delivery and content of each module). 4. Students are given proof of attendance / participation (a course certificate stating hours attended). Students also receive feedback on written assignments and clinical competence; and receive proof of attendance for supervision hours completed. Attendance certificates will be given to students at each teaching block to facilitate CPD record keeping. HUUK courses are taught within the ethical guidelines of the International Society of Hypnosis. Students accepted on these courses undertake to abide by these guidelines in their application of hypnosis. HUUK courses are approved by the British Psychological Society Learning Centre for the purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). HUUK courses are taught in Association with UCL Division of Psychology & Language Sciences and Eastman CPD All qualifications are awarded solely and exclusively by HUUK
This booklet contains information for applicants for the Hypnosis Unit UK programme of training in professional clinical hypnosis. Applicants are asked to read carefully the contents of this document in order to satisfy themselves that: (i) they are eligible for entry to one of these programmes (ii) there are modules on the relevant programme that fulfil their own requirements and expectations (iii) they have sufficient relevant clinical work in their own professional practices to satisfy the programme requirements (iv) they are able to complete the necessary coursework and supervision for the modules that they select (v) they are willing to abide by the rules and ethical guidelines presented in this document. In particular, applicants are reminded that the purpose of these programmes is to enable students to apply hypnosis within the limits of their existing qualifications. Programme Directors: Professor David Oakley PhD, FRSM, FBPsS Dr Val Walters CPsychol, DPsych, MSc (App Hyp UCL), FRSM If you have any questions or require further information please contact us: Telephone: 0560 237 7504 E-mail: Ms Kate Murfin, Course Administrator: [email protected] www.hypnosisunituk.com Address: Hypnosis Unit UK Division of Psychology and Language Sciences UCL 26 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AP
BACKGROUND TO HYPNOSIS UNIT UK Academic, Experimental and Clinical Hypnosis Academics, medics, dentists and mental health professionals have shown growing interest in hypnosis as a research tool, an adjunct to clinical practice, and as an important psychological phenomenon in its own right. This interest is demonstrated, in part, by the increasing numbers of researchers seeking to collaborate in studies in which hypnosis is used as a tool to examine various psychological processes and human conditions. Of particular relevance to those interested in clinical hypnosis are controlled clinical trials, clinical reports, reviews and meta-analyses that have enabled us to draw the following conclusions: (i) Hypnosis may be a useful adjunctive procedure in behavioural treatments of conditions associated with stress, anxiety and unhelpful habits. (ii) Hypnosis may facilitate schematic change in cases where unresolved issues from the past underlie the presenting problem. (iii) Hypnosis is a useful procedure in the management of common medical conditions, such as asthma, migraine and tension headaches, hypertension, gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). (iv) Hypnosis is an effective tool to manage both chronic and acute pain. (v) Hypnosis is a useful procedure in helping patients cope with uncomfortable medical procedures which may cause pain, discomfort and anxiety. These include injections, some surgical interventions, chemotherapy in cancer treatment, fertility treatment and dental procedures. Hypnosis can also play a useful role in obstetrics. Other applications include the use of hypnosis in enhancing athletic, creative and academic performance. There are a number of books on clinical and experimental hypnosis, written and edited by experts in the field, as well as a number of well established hypnosis journals. Increasing numbers of articles on clinical and experimental hypnosis have also been published in more general medical and psychological journals. Hypnosis is becoming more widely applied both within the National Health Service and in private practice, by general practitioners, medical specialists, nurses, mental health professionals, dentists, clinical, educational, occupational and sports psychologists, speech therapists and others.
THE EVOLUTION OF HYPNOSIS STUDIES AT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON To meet the need for a well-structured, rigorous programme of training in hypnosis, a Diploma / MSc in Clinical Hypnosis was established in 1990 in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Sheffield. In 1993 a similar programme was founded by Professor David Oakley at University College London (UCL), offering a Diploma / MSc in Clinical Hypnosis or Applied Hypnosis. In 2000 the courses at Sheffield were discontinued. In 2001 a Diploma in Hypnosis Applied to Dentistry was introduced by the UCL Department of Psychology in collaboration with the Eastman Dental Institute. 2004 saw the introduction of modular programmes to Certificate, Diploma and MSc level at UCL under the direction of Professor Oakley and Dr Walters, in Clinical and Applied Hypnosis, Hypnosis Applied to Medicine, Hypnosis Applied to Dentistry, Hypnosis Applied to Research and modular Certificate in Stress Management. HYPNOSIS UNIT UK Hypnosis Unit UK courses are taught in association with both the Division of Psychology and Speech Sciences UCL and Eastman CPD and replaced the UCL Hypnosis Unit courses as from October 2007. HUUK (an independent organisation) remains under the directorship of Professor David Oakley and Dr Val Walters. Courses closely follow the former UCL Hypnosis Unit programme continuing to provide similar high quality training for professionals underpinned by a strong academic base. In order to maintain our standards of training it is our policy not to enrol excessively large groups of students. The courses continue to be taught at UCL by the same staff. All qualifications are awarded solely and exclusively by HUUK. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME The aim is: to enable students to become effective, well-informed practitioners in the application of hypnosis. The objectives are to enable students to: have a thorough rational and scientific understanding of the nature of hypnosis and its applications in psychological treatment, medicine, dentistry and other areas in which hypnosis has a valid use. have the necessary knowledge and practical skills to apply hypnosis competently in those areas which fall within the scope of their professional work. have knowledge of a conceptual model which will be fundamental to the practitioners understanding and use of hypnosis.
STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAMMES Introductory / taster Course: This one day introductory course is a taster day for professionals who are interested in finding out more about hypnosis either for general interest or with a view to applying for a place on our Certificate or Diploma programme. It can also be used as an orientation course for those feeling unconfident about starting on our Certificate / Diploma programme (this may be particularly relevant to professionals who have not attended academic courses for a number of years). It should be noted that this day is not a pre requisite for those Professionals who are certain they wish to apply for the Certificate / Diploma programme. It is also important to note that professionals should not wait until attending the introductory course before applying for the Certificate / Diploma if they are certain they wish to apply for the complete programme. It is our policy not to teach excessively large groups; places are therefore limited. Certificate / Diploma programmes These consist of modules normally attended at weekends (see below). Students select modules relevant to their professional interests. Students who attend sufficient modules and submit the required coursework may be considered for the following: Hypnosis Unit UK Foundation Certificate in Applied Hypnosis: This training provides students with sufficient knowledge and basic skills to begin to use hypnosis professionally. Students opting for this programme are likely to intend to continue with the Certificate and /or Diploma Programme at a later stage. Students attend F1, F2 and F3 modules and complete coursework and supervision as specified later in this prospectus. NB: Students opting for the Certificate in Hypnosis Applied to Research take S5 instead of F3. 48 taught hours plus supervision, written assignments and private reading. Hypnosis Unit UK Certificate: This training provides students with sufficient skills and knowledge to work with some expertise in a particular area. Certificates will state the focus of training, e.g. Certificate in Hypnosis Applied to Pain Management or Certificate in Hypnosis Applied to Palliative Care etc., according to the specialist modules selected. Students opting for this programme wish to focus on using hypnosis in a circumscribed area, relating their training to a particular professional interest / purpose. Students attend F1, F2, F3 and one specialist two-day module, or two oneday modules, which relate to the focus of study and complete coursework and supervision as specified later in this prospectus. 60 taught hours plus supervision, written assignments and private reading.
Hypnosis Unit UK Diploma: This training enables students to become confident effective, well-informed practitioners in the application of hypnosis more broadly to the profession within which they work. The title of the Diploma will state professional area in which it has been gained e.g. Diploma in Hypnosis Applied to Dentistry. Students attend F1, F2, F3 and a total of 6 more days training selected from one or two day specialist modules and complete coursework and supervision as specified later in this prospectus. Students will have the flexibility to design a programme of study that meets their professional needs. 84 taught hours plus supervision, written assignments and private reading. DATES AND TIMES OF TEACHING BLOCKS Certificate / Diploma teaching has been provisionally allocated at the following times: 7-9 October 2011 25-26 February 2012 4-6 November 2011 31 March - 1 April 2012 7-8 January 2012 28-29 April 2012 3-5 February 2012 One-day Introductory course: 28 April 2012 Please note that whilst these dates are unlikely to change, they have yet to be finally confirmed. While every attempt will be made to present the teaching on the dates shown the organisers retain the right to vary them in response to changing circumstances. Attendance will be between 10.00 am - 5.00 pm. COURSE ACADEMIC ADVISOR Professor Graham Wagstaff, of the University of Liverpool (former UCL Hypnosis Unit external examiner).
TEACHING STAFF Core teachers: Professor David Oakley is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at University College London, Honorary Professor at Cardiff University, a chartered clinical psychologist, and Co-Director of Hypnosis Unit UK. Formerly Co-Director Hypnosis Unit, UCL. Dr Val Walters, Honorary Lecturer, Psychology Department, UCL, chartered Counselling Psychologist and Co-Director of Hypnosis Unit UK. Formerly CoDirector Hypnosis Unit, UCL. Dr Mat Whalley, Clinical Psychologist, Principal Tutor, Hypnosis Unit UK; neuroimaging research in pain and PTSD. Specialist tutors: Dr Mark Barrington, Consultant Clinical Psychologist in Palliative Care, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Dr Sarah Booth, Macmillan Consultant and Lead Clinician in Palliative Medicine at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Associate Lecturer at Cambridge University; Hon Sen Lecturer at King's College, London. Dr Eamonn Coveney, Consultant General Surgeon, West Suffolk Hospital. Dr Mike Gow, General Dental Practitioner in Private Practice, Glasgow, Scotland. Dr Christina Liossi, Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology, Research Director, MSc Health Psychology, University of Southampton, Well Child Pain Research Centre. Mrs Brooke Quinteros, Principal Speech and Language Therapist, Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, West Sussex. Dr Kate Rigby, Principle Research Clinical Psychologist, Great Ormond Street Hospital. Dr Matthew Spencer Brown, General Dental Practitioner in Private Practice, London. COURSE ADMINISTRATORS Kate Murfin Inci Ayhan
CPD COURSES Specialists will be offering a variety of topics on the use of hypnosis in clinical and experimental contexts as CPD courses. These courses provide Hypnosis UK students and former UCL Hypnosis Studies students with opportunities for further study. The Certificate and Diploma modules can also be attended as revision / further study for CPD purposes. CPD courses for 2011-12 will be published on our website www.hypnosisunituk.com. Recent and current contributors to our CPD programme include the following: Dr Quinton Deeley, Consultant Psychiatrist & Senior Lecturer in Social Behaviour and Neurodevelopment, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London. Professor David Hargreaves, Professor of Education and Froebel Research Fellow at Roehampton University; Fellow of the British Psychological Society. Dr Kate Rigby, Principle Research Clinical Psychologist, Great Ormond Street Hospital. Dr Mat Whalley, Clinical Psychologist, Principal Tutor, Hypnosis Unit UK; neuroimaging research in pain and PTSD. ELIGIBILITY FOR THE PROGRAMMES Applications are considered from those who are members of recognised therapeutic and other recognised professions or academic researchers in areas in which hypnosis has a legitimate application. Applicants should possess qualifications in medicine, dentistry or psychology, or other qualifications as deemed appropriate. Applicants should be aware that the programme teaches hypnosis as an adjunctive procedure and is not hypnotherapy training. For example, if you are trained solely as a dentist, completion of a certificate or diploma programme will not enable you to treat conditions (e.g. IBS) that are not addressed in your dental training. All applicants will normally possess a first degree and have professional liability insurance against litigation concerning the work in which they will use hypnosis. As a condition of acceptance onto the programme all students must agree to abide by the Ethical Guidelines (see later). The following list gives guidance about which programme you should apply for, but if in doubt please contact us before submitting your application. Introductory / taster course: All professionals working in areas in which hypnosis has a valid application. Certificate / Diploma in Applied Hypnosis: Suitably qualified professionals who have a valid use of hypnosis in their field but who do not fit in to the other categories. Certificate / Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis: Mental health professionals.
Certificate / Diploma in Paediatric Hypnosis: Psychologists, medics and dental professionals. Certificate / Diploma in Dental Hypnosis: Dentists, dental therapists. Certificate / Diploma in Medical Hypnosis: Medics such as GPs, hospital consultants, nurses. Certificate / Diploma in Hypnosis Applied to Palliative Care: Medics such as GPs, hospital consultants, nurses; psychologists and other suitably qualified mental health professionals. Certificate / Diploma in Hypnosis Applied to Speech Therapy: Speech and Language Therapists and other health professionals working with those affected by speech and language difficulties. Certificate in Hypnosis Applied to Research: Scientists / researchers with an interest in using hypnosis as a research tool. Foundation Certificate in Hypnosis Applied to the Arts: Performers & teachers of the performing arts, with an interest in using hypnosis to reduce performance anxiety and to enhance performance. It is not possible to be granted APL in connection with any of the above for training undertaken with any other organisation. FEES We have frozen our fees for the second year in view of the recession. Tuition fees can be paid for complete programmes or on a module by module basis, as listed below: INTRODUCTORY COURSE 1 day COMPLETE PROGRAMMES Foundation Certificate (8 days) Certificate (10 days) Diploma (14 days) Total Fee 120.00 1560.00 1950.00 2730.00
MODULES (when paid on a module by module basis) Foundation (F) Modules (3 days) 585.00 Specialist (S) Modules (2 days) 390.00 Specialist (S) Modules (1 day) 195.00 Students initially enrolling on the Foundation Certificate or Certificate programme, but who decide to progress, pay for further modules as required. Please note: a) A deposit of 100 is required with each application form (unless payment is made in full).
b) This deposit is non-returnable should the application be withdrawn for whatever reason but is returned on payment of the last module that the student attends. Should a student withdraw after paying in full, a refund of the total fee will be made minus 100.00 to cover administration costs. c) It is possible to pay separately for individual modules in which case payment for each module MUST be received ONE MONTH PRIOR to the commencement of the module to which it relates. d) Students whose fees are to be paid by a funding body / sponsor must initially pay the fee direct to Hypnosis Unit UK and obtain a refund from the funding body. Supervision fees Group supervisions are timetabled to take place during the specialist modules. The fee for these is included in the module fee. However, the tuition fees do not include the clinical supervisors fees for the required number of additional sessions (see pages 17-18 for the numbers of hours required for each level of training). All supervisors approved by the course organisers have agreed to offer supervision to Hypnosis Unit UK students at no more than 40.00 per hour. Students can request extra sessions with the supervisor but supervisions additional to the course requirement may be charged at a higher rate. TEACHING MATERIALS Teaching material will be sent to students as pdf files. Students will be required to bring the teaching materials to the teaching weekends. Students can request hard copies at a cost of 30.00 per module (this fee covers copying and administrative costs) providing 2 weeks notice is given. STUDENT CONTACT The majority of communication with students will be by email. Thus it is ESSENTIAL that all students have an email address, are conversant with using email and check their email regularly. VENUE The teaching on the programme will be based at University College London, 26 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AP.
CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS The application process begins as soon as this prospectus is posted on the web. Applicants are advised to return their application forms as soon as possible because early applications may be given preference should modules be oversubscribed. The course was fully subscribed in 2010-11 and spaces are limited. The selection process will be carried out by the directors via scrutiny of application forms and references. It is expected that a number of applicants will be interviewed by telephone.
ETHICAL GUIDELINES FOR STUDENTS UNDERTAKING TRAINING WITH HYPNOSIS UNIT UK These guidelines are based on the Code of Ethics of the International Society of Hypnosis. Guideline 1 A student shall always place first the welfare of the client or the experimental subject when using hypnosis or hypnotic techniques in clinical practice, other applied situations or in experimentation. (a) The standards of professional relationships which guide the physician, dentist, psychologist, or other defined professional worker, within the appropriate professional or scientific field, shall prevail in his or her use of all hypnotic techniques. (b) Proper safeguards shall be maintained whenever a client or subject is exposed to unusual stress or other form of risk. If stress or risk is involved, the person or subject should be informed and give consent. Estimation of risk is a difficult matter, and when in doubt the practitioner should consult with professional colleagues. Guideline 2 Hypnosis is considered an adjuvant to other forms of scientific, clinical and some non-clinical professional endeavours, so that competence in hypnotic techniques alone is not acceptable as a basis for professional service or research. (a) In view of the dependence of hypnotic practice upon other qualifications, registration as a student on the programme requires proper standing in the recognised national organisations, appropriate to the field of competence not represented by hypnosis. That is, a medical doctor is expected to belong to the appropriate medical association, a dentist to the appropriate dental association, a psychologist to the appropriate psychological associations, and so on. (b) Item 2a requires acceptance of the ethical and scientific standards of a responsible professional organisation. Guideline 3 Students shall limit their use of hypnosis to the area of competence as defined by the professional standards of their field. Guideline 4 Hypnosis should not be used as a form of entertainment. No student shall offer services for the purposes of public entertainment or collaborate with any person or agency engaged in public entertainment. Guideline 5 A student shall not support the practice of hypnosis by laypersons. (a) A lay person is defined here as one who is not a member in good standing of a therapeutic or scientific profession; that is, he or she is not a physician, dentist, psychologist, or member of another recognised therapeutic or 10
scientific profession with credentials in addition to competence as a hypnotic practitioner. (b) A student shall not give courses involving the teaching of hypnotic techniques to lay individuals who lack training in a relevant science or profession. Lectures informing lay individuals about hypnosis are of course admissible providing they do not include demonstrations or didactic material involving the induction of hypnosis. (d) Consultations with lay representatives of the press or other media of communication are permitted to minimise distortions or misrepresentations of hypnosis. INTRODUCTORY COURSE Taught Days 1 Course title Introductory Course (IC): 28 April (Sat) 2012 An introduction to the nature of hypnosis / self-hypnosis and the measurement of hypnotic susceptibility An overview of the range of applications of hypnosis An introduction to the experience of hypnosis An introduction to the use of self-hypnosis in stress management An introduction to the use of hypnosis with children By the end of this taster day participants will have an awareness of the possible applications of hypnosis in their own profession. They will have experienced a very basic hypnotic anxiety control technique that can be used for themselves and, where appropriate, with patients / clients. Staff teaching this course will be available to discuss the use of hypnosis in the participants particluar profession, and to adviise on module choices, should the participant wish to apply for the HUUK Certificate or Diploma programme. NB: Attendance on the Introductory Course is NOT a requirement for studying on our Certificate and Diploma courses (see page 7). MODULE OPTIONS Each programme consists of compulsory core modules (F1, F2 and F3) and a list of specialist modules from which the students select. 1. Foundation modules Teaching will take place between 10.00 am and 5.00 pm. During these compulsory modules a conceptual model is introduced that is central to all subsequent teaching on the course. 11 Eligibility All students
Foundation Modules Taught Days 3 Module title F1: Foundation One 7-9 October 2011 (Fri, Sat & Sun) A model of hypnosis The nature of hypnosis / self-hypnosis Measurement of hypnosis / use of measurement scales Preparing the client Use of scripts / induction and deepening Hypnotic relaxation techniques (The Special Place) The experience of hypnosis Misconceptions about hypnosis The nature of suggestibility F2: Foundation Two 4-6 November 2011 (Fri, Sat & Sun) Reliving / future rehearsal techniques Safe remembering techniques and ego state techniques Hypnosis and forensic issues / memory retrieval issues Basic techniques with children and families Basic techniques for pain management History and theories of hypnosis Ideomotor signals An overview of dissociative and Hidden Observer techniques F3: Hypnosis in stress and anxiety management 7-8 January 2012 (Sat & Sun) Hypnotic anxiety control techniques The use of hypnotic future rehearsal to consolidate coping strategies Protocol for stress / anxiety management training, using hypnosis as an adjunct to CBT Hypnosis in performance anxiety and performance enhancement Hypnosis and immune functioning Hypnosis for stuttering Eligibility All students
All students
All students
(with the exception of those taking the Foundation Certificate in Hypnosis Applied to Research, who substitute this with S5)
2. Specialist modules Students also select from a list of specialist modules which address a number of clinical problems relating to psychological therapy, dentistry and medicine. Specialist modules for the Certificate programme Students select one two-day specialist module or a combination of two oneday modules to a total of 2 days. Choice of modules must be guided by: a) the students profession b) the particular interests of the student within their profession. 12
Specialist modules for the Diploma programme Students select two-day and one-day clinical modules to a total of 6 days. NB: If a module is listed as a two-day module both days must be attended. Choice of modules must be guided by: a) the students profession b) the particular interests of the student within their profession. Summary of course structure Foundation Certificate Certificate programme Diploma programme Certificate in Hypnosis Applied to Research Certificate in Hypnosis and the Arts F1 + F2 + F3 F1 + F2 + F3 + 2 days specialist modules F1 + F2 + F3 + 6 days specialist modules* F1 + F2 + S5 + SR** F1 +F2 + F3, S2a and S2b***
Notes: *i.e. 4 more days specialist modules than the Certificate programme ** Certificate in Hypnosis Applied to Research: This module requires 12 hours of supervised research (SR) in addition to the 20 hours research practice (and 4 hours supervision) required for the HUUK certificate programmes. *** Hypnosis and the Arts: F3 includes a specialist component for those working in the arts. Students on this programme are reminded that attendance on S1a and S1b does not qualify an arts specialist without a clinical qualification to treat clients for psychosomatic problems. It is included in the Arts Programme to enable graduates of this programme to teach those working in the Arts self-hypnosis techniques to help manage stress-related symptoms that affect performance. The list of modules below indicates the specialist modules available. Some of the modules are restricted to particular professionals. Students should ensure that they select the appropriate modules / programme. The following eligibility codes used in the tables that follow: P: Psychologists, Psychiatrists and other suitably qualified mental health professionals D: Dentists, dental therapists and suitably qualified dental nurses / dental hygienists M: Medical doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths and other suitably qualified medical professionals. R: Researchers A: Those working in the Arts S: Speech therapists 13
NB: Those professionals who have a valid use of hypnosis but who do not fit in to the categories (e.g. some working in educational settings) above should propose which specialist module they wish to attend. This choice must be appropriate to the profession of the candidate. The course directors are available for advice on this. Specialist Modules Teaching will take place between 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. NB: Please note that graduates of the UCL Diploma course are able to attend these modules for CPD purposes as revision / further study. Taught days 1 Module title and topics covered: S1a: Fundamentals of hypnosis for psychosomatic problems 4 February 2012 (Sat) Principles for designing hypnotic interventions Hypnotic suggestion and the mind - body link The use of imagery in the treatment of psychosomatic problems Hypnosis in the management of symptoms Working with groups S1b: Hypnosis for stress symptoms and gastric disorders 5 February 2012 (Sun) (students opting for S2b two MUST also attend S2a) a) Hypnotic techniques for common symptoms of stress: insomnia headache asthma skin problems hypertension b) Hypnosis for gastric disorders: IBS treatment protocols of gastric disorders Hypnosis as an adjunct to CBT for symptom control S2: Hypnosis as an adjunct to anaesthesia in surgical settings 3 February 2012 (Fri) The use of hypnosis as an adjunct to anaesthesia in surgery Hypnosis as the sole form of anaesthesia in surgery Eligibility P, M, A
P, M, A
D, M, P, R
S3: Hypnosis in the treatment of common dental D problems 4-5 February 2012 (Sat & Sun) Hypnosis for bleeding and salivation control Hypnosis in the treatment of apthous ulcers and bruxism Gagging and the use of hypnosis in desensitisation, denture intolerance Psychological theory of phobia acquisition / hypnosis in the treatment of dental anxiety / phobia and needle phobia S3a: Paediatric Hypnosis 4-5 February 2012 (Sat & Sun) Issues relating to using hypnotic techniques with children, teenagers & families in paediatric settings The use of self-hypnosis techniques in paediatric settings Hypnotic techniques to manage pain, anxiety and phobias Special considerations in using hypnotic techniques in managing both acute and chronic conditions S4: Hypnosis in palliative care 25-26 February 2012 (Sat & Sun) Hypnotic techniques: For long-term conditions / chronic illness To augment symptom control e.g. nausea and breathlessness To help patients cope with psychosocial stress of illness To manage treatment S5: Hypnosis as a research tool 25-26 February 2012 (Sat & Sun) Intrinsic and instrumental hypnosis research designs Trance vs suggestion in hypnosis research Hypnosis in neuroimaging settings Screening participants for hypnotic susceptibility Creating scripts and experimental protocols tailored to the researchers own interests Designing and conducting a pilot project S6: Hypnosis for phobias 31 March 2012 (Sat) Hypnosis in the treatment of phobias The use of hypnosis as an adjunct to systematic desensitisation Psychological theory of phobia acquisition and treatment P, M, D
P, M
P, M
S7: Hypnosis in habit control 1 April 2012 (Sun) Hypnosis for:Smoking cessation and weight control Thumb sucking, hair pulling and in the treatment of nail biting Consolidation of healthy habits S8: Hypnosis in chronic and acute pain management (adults and children) 28 April 2012 (Sat) Hypnosis in managing uncomfortable medical procedures Hypnosis in accident and emergency setting Rationale for selection of appropriate hypnotic techniques Hypnosis and the Melzack and Wall Gate Theory of pain The use of hypnosis to control pain in oncology settings S9: Hypnosis and Speech Therapy 28-29 April 2012 (Sat & Sun) Hypnotic techniques to improve communication skills & safer swallowing management The reduction of anxiety associated with speech & swallowing disorders Enhancing self-esteem and self-confidence in communication & swallowing disorders The use of metaphor in speech and language therapy S10: Hypnosis, pain management and sedation in dental settings 31 March 2012 (Sat) The use of nitrous oxide with hypnosis The use of intravenous sedation with hypnosis This module is taught in a dental surgery S11: Hypnosis for PTSD and Depression 29 April 2012 (Sun) The treatment of PTSD using hypnotic imaginal exposure, safe remembering and ego state techniques Using hypnosis in resolution of trauma Managing PTSD symptoms using hypnotic techniques False memory issues Hypnosis as an adjunct to a phased treatment programme Hypnosis in activity scheduling, future orientation and motivation Hypnosis to facilitate changes in attributional style
P, D, M
P, D, M, R
P, S
SUPERVISION Group supervisions are timetabled to take place during the specialist modules Students are required to complete additional individual supervisions (see pages 17-18) by supervisors approved by the course organisers. These additional sessions can take place in small groups if appropriate. See earlier for information about payment of supervision. See below for information regarding supervision requirements for the Certificate and Diploma programmes. ASSESSMENT Assessment includes a practical work log, a supervisors report, supervision diary and case studies. The deadline of the portfolio of written work is July 31st 2012. We are mindful of the pressure of our students professional commitments and therefore we provide a final deadline date, approximately 6 months later for students who need extra time. Students are asked to provide course tutors with their individual submission plan. 1. Foundation Certificate Programme Three Foundation Modules (Attendance: 8 days) Portfolio: One 3,000 word Theory / Practice /Experience (TPE) Log Book One 3,000 word Case Report At least 3 hours clinical supervision (i.e. additional to group supervision completed as part of the specialist module) of 15 hours clinical work. 2. Certificate Programme Three Foundation Modules PLUS 1 two-day Specialist Modules (or two one-day Specialist Modules). (Attendance: 10 days) Portfolio: One 3,000 word Theory / Practice /Experience (TPE) Log Book Two 3,000 word Case Reports (one based on F3 and one based on the students chosen Specialist Module) At least 4 hours clinical supervision (i.e. additional to group supervision completed as part of the specialist module) of 20 hours clinical work. 3. Diploma Programmes Three Foundation Modules PLUS
Three two-day Specialist Modules (or any other combination up to a total of 6 days (i.e. a total of 4 more training days than certificate programme). (Attendance: 14 days) Portfolio: One 3,000 word Theory / Practice /Experience (TPE) Log Book Three 3,000 word Case Reports (one based on F3 and two based on the students chosen Specialist Modules) At least 6 hours clinical supervision (i.e. additional to group supervision completed as part of the specialist module) of 45 hours clinical work. SUBMISSION OF COURSEWORK Portfolios for all levels of awards are presented for moderation in September 2012. Members of the moderation team are Professor Graham Wagstaff, Professor David Oakley and Dr Val Walters. Students should be conversant with the necessary skills to be able to save their coursework on their computers as pdf files and to send these as email attachments to Hypnosis Unit UKs email address. On successful completion of the portfolio the student will receive a statement of competence signed by the course directors and moderators, and a certificate indicating the level of training (Certificate or Diploma). For students completing at Diploma level those showing exceptional ability may be awarded a distinction. Students should complete their coursework as soon as possible following the module to which it relates and submit the complete portfolio by July 31st 2012. Students unable to meet this deadline can submit work in February 2013. Please note that all taught components of the Foundation Certificate, Certificate and Diploma programmes must be attended within the academic year in which they are commenced (2011-12) - the maximum length of time for completion of the coursework and supervision requirement is two academic years. Our external moderators report following examination of work submitted in 2010 included comments that highlighted the importance of students handing in work in time to receive markers feedback. The information given in this booklet is as far as possible accurate at the date of publication. The programmes of study and the module options available within the programmes are those which Hypnosis Unit UK Ltd expects to provide in the year to which the booklet relates. However, Hypnosis Unit UK Ltd reserves the right, before the student commences study for any particular module(s) within a programme described in this booklet, to discontinue teaching the specified module(s); in such a case the student will be in respect of the said module(s) without any liability for fees or transfer as a student to such other programme (if any) as may be offered by Hypnosis UK Ltd and for which the student may be qualified. Hypnosis Unit UK Ltd also reserves the right at any time to amend the contents of any module or a subject forming part of any module and to substitute any other subject forming part of any module. January 2011 18