DErAnGeMeNtS Final

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ACTING OUT As a defense mechanism, when an inner conflict (most often, frustration) translates into aggression.

It involves acting with little or no insight or reflection and in order to attract attention and disrupt other people's cozy lives. Throwing things, yelling, breaking others possessions, anything to get your way or to get attention. If your unhappy, then you are going to shear the feeling. PSYCHOPATH Psychopaths regard other people as objects to be manipulated, instruments of gratification and utility. They have no discernible conscience, are devoid of empathy and find it difficult to perceive other people's nonverbal cues, needs, emotions, and preferences (automatically fail on all empathy rolls). He often rationalizes his behavior showing an utter absence of remorse for hurting or defrauding others. They view the world - and people in it as "all good" or "all evil". The psychopath fails to comply with social norms and do not honor their undertakings, obligations, contracts, and responsibilities. They are vindictive, remorseless, ruthless, driven, dangerous, aggressive, violent, irritable, and, sometimes, prone to magical thinking (believing themselves to be immune to the consequences of their own actions). FLASHBACKS This person has been exposed to a life altering traumatic event such as; kidnapping, serious accidents such as car or train wrecks, natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes, violent attacks such as a mugging, rape, or torture, being held captive, or witnessing something that involved anothers death. That person's immediate response was intense fear, helplessness, or extreme horror. After experiencing this painful event they have persistent frightening thoughts and memories of their ordeal and feel emotionally numb, especially with people they were once close to. Later on the traumatic event is persistently re-experienced in a flashback in at least one of the following ways: recurrent images, thoughts, dreams, illusions/hallucinations, or a sense of reliving the experience. A flashback may make the person lose touch with reality and reenact the event for a period of seconds or hours or, very rarely, days. A person having a flashback, which can come in the form of images, sounds, smells, or feelings, usually believes that the traumatic event is happening all over again. Reminders of the traumatic event can trigger one of these flashbacks. Many will try avoidance of stimuli that arouse recollections of the trauma and will have difficulty sleeping, irritability, poor concentration, hyper vigilance, exaggerated startle response, and motor restlessness. ANOREXIA People with this Derangement are obsessed with their body type and remaining slim. It can be a terribly debilitating for people with this Derangement and they believe that they can gain weight by drinking or eating even the smallest amounts of food. They will attempt to be very picky when feeding, feeding less often, and bringing themselves to the edge of starvation.

AGORAPHOBIA Agoraphobia literally means "fear of open spaces," but the translation is misleading. Agoraphobia manifests as an extreme aversion to places that the person fears he will panic in. Some situations include being outside the home alone; being in a crowd or standing in a line; being on a bridge; and traveling in a bus, train, or automobile. Sometimes the derangement is attached to a few locations, but general agoraphobics avoid situations in which escape is difficult (an airplane at 30,000 feet), or embarrassing (making a speech). Agoraphobics don't volunteer for situations that they fear might cause anxiety. Unless supernaturally compelled, sometimes they must succeed on a Willpower roll to leave their safe haven or to enter a situation from which escape will be difficult or embarrassing. If the character fails any Willpower roll during a scene that takes place in such a situation, the character enters an unreasonable panic attack in witch they will try to flee and may become violent. DEREISTIC THINKING This disorder is characterized by the presence of bizarre delusions. A belief, idea, or conviction firmly held despite abundant information to the contrary. Delusions typically are beliefs of something occurring in a person's life which is not out of the realm of possibility. It could be a belief that external, objective events carry hidden or coded messages or that one is the subject of discussion by total strangers. The person may believe their significant other is cheating on them, that someone close to them is about to die, they have lost all their personal possessions, a friend is really a government agent, etc. AMNESIA The Character does not know who he or she is and does not remember his or her past. He may not remember much of anything including names, faces, or even a situation that happened just a few minutes ago. Whenever a Character with this Derangement is put in a situation where they must try to remember something important, they must win a static Mental challenge (determined by storyteller) to remember exactly what happened or the Derangement makes them forget who they are, where they are from and what they were supposed to be doing at that time. Failure to win the test can also earn a forgetful negative trait for the rest of the day. INSOMNIA Your character has trouble getting the required amount of sleep, and not just occasionally. It happens more often than not, and leaves her feeling tired, irritable and unable to concentrate. Any time the character is engaged in a stressful situation (Storyteller discretion), roll Resolve + Composure. Failure means that your character is unable to sleep properly. Each day thereafter is considered stressful and requires a similar roll until the character succeeds and gets a full nights or days rest. Sleep deprivation can cause problems with perception and focusing. The character can have so much trouble resting that her body may begin to failing them. Drowsing off at poor times or in stressful moments.

DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR You believe that you possess titles, status, or rank that you do not have and issue orders accordingly. You may also have the conviction that you are omnipotent, possessed of occult powers, or a historic figure. Your new persona is often someone people can trust and is an efficient, stalwart, or a historical figure. Perhaps you think you are an angel, a knight from times of old or the high king of the mole people (for historical example: General Patton, Florence Nightingale, or Bruce Lee). You are so fixated on this belief that nothing can change your mind. No one believes the Character when they introduce themselves as the persona as it is often too grand and too historic a personality. This Derangement stems from the feeling of complete hopelessness and despair. ALCOHOL/DRUG DEPENDENCE The Character, when under stress, has an overwhelming need to drown his troubles away with alcohol or drugs. When under stress, a simple test with the Storyteller is made to see if the overwhelming need is activated. If activated, the Character must seek too do drugs or drink his or her troubles away. Depending on the mood of the Character of the time, one of two things may be the end result of the intoxication. If the Character is a "Happy Drunk/High", the character becomes witless and lethargic. If the Character is an "Angry Drunk/Speed freak", the character becomes shortsighted and obnoxious. As with any dependency, a cretin amount of resistance will accrue over time. Characters get between a +2 +4 on resistance rolls vs, their chosen vice. GENDER IDENTITY DISORDER A person with this disorder has a strong and persistent cross-gender identification. They could desire to be the other sex, have a need to pass his or herself off as the opposite sex, have a desire to live or be treated as the opposite sex, or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of their sex. This Derangement often leads to hormone injections, cross-gender dressing, surgery and other procedures to physically alter sexual characteristics. Most cannot handle the continual confrontation with themselves that they are the wrong gender. UNENDING VENGEANCE Character with this Derangement will always find a way to avenge any slight against him or her. You cannot rest as long as a major sin against you has not been punished or refunded in kind. The manner in which the Character takes out their vengeance is up to the player. A player with this Derangement often goes far and out of their way to make their vengeance known to the world. The player will often not kill the offender for their actions or words, but will destroy everything the offender holds dear to them. Plotting can take months, years, or even decades and will typically never end until the offender is publicly and physically destroyed. INTELLECTUALIZATION You protect yourself from the outside world by feeling nothing. No love, anger, sadness, or fear. Emotions are for the weak and illogical. People with intellectualization surround themselves in a world of logic and intellectual vigor where emotions have no place. However, so much bottled up emotion will eventually burst.

HYSTERIA A person with hysteria is unable to control their emotions, suffering from extreme and severe mood swings. The pure intensity of their expression tends to label them as the quintessential drama queens. They are theatrical, their emotions exaggerated, their gestures sweeping, disproportional, and inappropriate. They are easily suggestible and over-reactive. As a result, Violent fits and tantrums sometimes accompany these mood swings. Their attention seeking fits of behavior are marked by discomfort when they are not the center of attention. This can be socially awkward, and people often find them embarrassing, annoying, or outright repulsive. MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER Trauma can split a person's mind into several other personalities that can cope with the situations at hand. Whenever you encounter stress, you may suddenly exchange one personality for the other. Your current personality is usually unaware of the others. An "abused" person might develop a stronger tough-as-nails persona or even a raving murderous lunatic. Each personality can be drastically different (i.e. different profession, different names) or they could quite similar (i.e. same name, drastically different outlook.) . Sometimes your merits and skills may only be available to certain personality. REGRESSION In times of stress, you revert to a child-like state. Regressives are notable for poor sense of cause and effect, flawed interpretations of morality, and a general tendency to avoid confrontation. This is not a "cute" personality that comes out, it is absolutely terrifying! As a scared little 6 year old mentality has access to abilities of a full grown adult, beyond their understanding, and with no sense of morality. Afterwards your character blocks out the memory of the event that caused this derangement. They might remember that something happened, and is potentially open to discovering what, but cannot call up the memories herself. ANTISOCIAL AVOIDANT You are very shy or reclusive, avoiding any human contact, if possible. You have extreme social anxiety. You have a hypersensitivity to criticism, real or imagined and avoid interpersonal contact because they dread rejection, embarrassment, disagreement, and disapproval. You feel inadequate, avoid social situations, and seek isolation. You fear rejection can exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations to rationalize avoiding them. ZEALOTRY Your character has decided that his spiritual, philosophical, or supernatural beliefs are so important than everyone should share them. He proselytizes to everyone he meets, given only a few minutes of conversation. He might ask people if they have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior, or he might simply warn people of the coming apocalypse and that they must choose a side. He might snap pictures of agents of the government conspiracy and warn other people to stay away from them. He might occasionally curse while looking at sky, as though expecting the aliens to arrive any moment.

BODY IMAGE OBSESSION This disorder is characterized by an overwhelming belief that there is something physically wrong with you, whether it be you're too fat, too thin, your nose is too pointy, your lips are too big...or any and many combinations of these things. You are completely obsessed with physical appearances. You must always pathetically try to look your best no matter what, performing a daily ritual for getting ready that may take hours. But no matter what you do, it is never good enough. You will often take extreme measures, sometimes medically to correct perceived wrongs in your physical form. The character may take measures such as cutting off their nose, removing an eye, shaving their head, tattooing every inch of their skin or even disguising themselves in order to ensure their appearance change. This derangement may also extend to others, where you may be tempted to groom and dress your friends. MEGALOMANIA Power is what drives the megalomaniac. You imagine that you are far better and greater than you actually are. Whenever a important task is going unfilled, a certain skill or ability is needed, or a contest is proposed, you will try to convince everyone around you that you are the smartest, wisest, fastest, handsomest, and most powerful person available and the best for the job. You will take resentment to suggestions of the contrary, and demand the right to lead, perform, compete, etc. After all it is your station in life! You strive towards increasing your power and wealth, by any means necessary. There are only two classes of people in your world: those who are weak and those with power, namely you! Should your self-illusions be clearly contradicted, you may fly into uncontrolled rage and anger. ANTISOCIAL AGGRESSIVE You are very socially domineering and aggressive. You have a lack of compassion and simply cannot care about any being other than yourself. You always place your own wants and needs above those of others. You find that you are unwilling to accept, acknowledge, or even identify with the feelings of others. Possibly facing continuous feelings of envy towards the success or dumb luck of others. Most people develop this dysfunction to some degree after a traumatic experience where something near and deer to them is lost or destroyed. Resulting in the why should I give a fuck? attitude. NAUSEA You find food disgusting. Though you physically crave it, it has become unpalatable. Feeding is difficult, especially if the food has a strong taste or texture. Some strong smelling food like seafood or grilled meat may force you to vomit. You go long periods without eating until you are half starved and then only consume small amounts of whatever you can stomach. CATATONIA During times of stress, you will withdraw from reality, completely. You will sit staring and immobile, not reacting to any outside stimuli. You can be led around, fed, hurt, etc. but will do nothing personally. If you are continually provoked and irritated for response, you fly into a fit of violence, rage or worse.

COMPULSIVE LYING You have a compulsive need to obscure the truth. The lies that you spout are simple, like what you ate for breakfast. Or outrageous lies, like you danced with the queen of France last Tuesday. While you are inclined toward subtle lies at all times, this derangement is truly activated by stress. Forcing you to be completely unable to communicate a fact, nor can you allow one to be uncovered. CONFUSION Something triggers a profound sense of befuddlement in you. The trigger can be stress, a certain color, a buzz word, but whatever it is, it causes you to become horribly uncertain about your nature, identity, and current events. This will last for a few minutes. CREATURE COMPLEX You have the delusion that you are not a person (or class of supernatural), and are actually some other strange form of creature or monster. Although you are able to move and speak normally, you must explain your actions to others in relationship to the new thing you have become. Bill fires a gun at someone-Oh, Im sorry, you see the Zarblonians have the ability to spit projectiles out of their hands. You see, we use it as a form of attack. DELUSIONAL IDENTITY Your entire identity is fabricated, moreover, you believe it to be utterly real. At some point in time, you reverted to a persona which you trusted to handle a situation and it never let go. This personality is always someone famed, a celebrity, historic or fictional, and the deranged character believes all accomplishments made by that individual are theirs. You devote energy toward explaining and proving the claim, and may become violent if too stalwartly contradicted. DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER You do not like to be alone. You may focus on one individual or anyone who will let you follow them around, but you believe that you need other people in order to survive. You are extremely indecisive and may need to be told what to wear, when to eat, when to sleep and whom to associate with. This is usually brought on by excessive fear of abandonment. FUGUE You experience "blackouts" and loss of memory. When subjected to stress, youll begin a specific, rigid set of behaviors to remove the stressful symptoms. You have no separate personality, but are on a form of "autopilot" similar to sleepwalking. However, wile on autopilot you can be very dangerous to others if provoked. Remember that you will do anything to remove yourself from a situation, and too many times you may awaken to find blood on your hands. oh no, what did I do this time, were am I? Not again, NOT AGAIN!!

HALLUCINATIONS You see, hear, and sense things that do not exist. Normally it is simple things anyone could ignore, like flying toasters or a talking shoe. But, the more exiting or stressful the situation, the more vivid and encompassing the hallucinations are. Threatening creatures, haunting voices, sudden mutations, manifestations of objects or new powers, companions long dead or gone, are just some of the things that you may perceive. HISTRONICS You crave the spotlight and you must always be the center of attention. You seek attention and praise, you exaggerate and distort your accomplishments, and you may be choosy about your friends since you believe that not just anyone is worthy of your attention. You may try to affect extreme but shallow emotions or behave and dress to provoke positive attention. You are hypersensitive to the opinions of others and you might become sullen or leave in a huff if you believe that someone has upstaged you. HYPOCHONDRIA You have noticed that you become severely ill at times, especially when you face stress. The afflictions are all in your head of course, but you perceive them to be perfectly real. These can be stomach or headaches, a cold or loud cough, itchy hives, or horrible mutant genetically engineered viruses you contracted from the 7-11 toilet paper, that enfeeble you utterly. INFATUATION You are perversely fixated on some other individual, completely enamored with him or her, because of something he or she did for you. You seek all kinds of attention, gifts, and affection from this character. You try to prevent others from getting the positive affections of your love object. As long as this devotion is unrequited, the obsession remains. If your target begins to indulge you, you get bored and find another being to fancy. KLEPTOMANIA You have an ardent desire to steal. An uncontrollable urge to take things that are not yours. This derangement may become active whenever a new person enters the scene with a fancy item, whenever you enter a store with small merchandise, when visiting someones house or if an item becomes the focus of attention by more than three people. This character steals mainly for the feeling of pleasure, gratification, or relief at the time of committing the theft. MASOCHISM You like to injure yourself physically, and get involved with dangerous or abusive situations and people. Not only do you enjoy the sight of your own blood, you revel in the pain. This person closely associates pain with pleasure, and has problems functioning when wounded because of the pleasure it brings to them. They are only fulfilled when they are suffering so may feel ashamed to feel pleasure without the pain they need.

MELANCHOLY If your character fails an important skill roll, fails to accomplish some personal goal, or fails to accomplish something major in life, he may sink deep into fitful depressions, showing little interest in the world. You always view the world as a gray pointless waste. However, you still reluctantly loaf around with others, because the thought of being alone is like dieing a slow death. Actively being melancholy is a severe fit of sorrow and gloom. You may try to over explain your pessimistic views by pointing out negatives and subconsciously bring everyone else down with you. MEMORY LAPSES This derangement isn't like amnesia, no memories have been permanently blocked off - it's that you tend to lose random portions of your memory at inopportune times. The memories fade in and out, and can return as quickly as within a few minutes, or they might not come back for a few days. At least once per scene, you will forget something relevant for a time. This might be as simple as forgetting where you left your keys (which can be a real problem when you're locked out), or as complicated as forgetting an entire Ability - and even the knowledge that you once had that skill. ("Why are you looking at me like that? I've never touched a gun before in my life.") OBSESSION The obsession is some sort of perverse ambition or risky preference toward some activity or fetish. You constantly devote your energy and time, only to truly indulge in secret. If the obsession is acceptable or normal, it ceases to satisfy your hunger and you must make it wrong in some way. It is always a strange passion and must be at odds somehow with what is expected of you- based on your station, title, religion, est. When you are thwarted in your obsession, or it is discovered, you may take violent measures to hide your secret. OBSESSIVE/COMPULSIVE DISORDER The trauma, guilt or inner conflict that causes this derangement forces you to focus nearly all of your attention and energy onto a single repetitive behavior or action. Obsession relates to your desire to control your environment, keeping clean, keeping an area quiet and peaceful, or keeping undesirable individuals from an area, for example. A compulsion is an action or set of actions that you are driven to perform to soothe your anxieties: for example, placing objects in an exact order, or performing an exact action in a precise, ritualistic fashion that is never allowed to change. These actions should be decided when the derangement is taken. PHANTASMIA Your state of mind is that sometimes you believe that everything going on is only in your head. Nothing is real, and everything you interact with is a fantasy in which you have yet to awaken from. This amounts to vague, lethargic, and irresponsible behavior, the belief that nothing matters because nothing is real, and can last from minuets to hours. This derangement is usually triggered by moments of illogic, astonishment, or when something strange occurs.

PARANOIA "They" are always near, plotting and spying. They could be ancient telepathic manipulations of elder beings, secret government agencies, or other unknown supernaturals. They have the ability to watch you and are ultimately dedicated toward your destruction. You are constantly aware of strange forces at work against you and your comrades that are beyond your understanding. When facing an adversary, you become convinced that that person is after you. You make all sorts of insane preparations to protect yourself from your enemies, You are mistrustful beyond reason when it comes to the things that are out there, but doubt that in the end, anything can truly protect you. PERFECTION You are hung up with perfection. Everything must be perfect, and you expend much energy to maintain your idea of correctness. When things become hopelessly faultridden, flawed, and messy, you run yourself ragged trying to set it right. If you are the cause of this chaos, even indirectly, you may lose yourself to confusion and depression, until you can make it right again. This mainly is focused on you possessions and actions, but sometimes focuses on the faults of others. POWER OBJECT FIXATION You have invested much of your self-confidence in an external object, to the point where you believe you cannot function properly without its presence. Such a derangement is often linked to some past trauma in which the object in question played a major role although not always in the obvious way. You lose two dice from all your dice pools if somehow separated from your object of focus. It is hard to hide this fixation from careful observers; in times of stress, you must make a Willpower roll to avoid cradling the object to your torso, rubbing it obsessively or otherwise physically comforting yourself with its presence. SEPARATION ANXIETY There is a certain person whom you believe that you cannot live without. When you are forced to be separated from this person for more than a few minutes, you become nervous and extremely worried to the point where you can concentrate on nothing else but being reunited with the person of your obsession. If that person should die or become lost forever, the character becomes psychotically dangerous and obsessive until they can avenge or replace their true love. TEMPORAL DYSMORPHIA You are confused about the order of events. Things that are planned for tomorrow may be thought of as things that already happened. Needless to say, this derangement makes it very difficult to schedule and even present events are bewildering. It also manifests itself as a permanent state of dj-vu, where events that are occurring in the present, often register as memories, and can be very confusing to those around you.

NECRO SOCIAL DISORDER You are friends with the dead bodies. You keep a small collection of dead people or corpses that you socialize with in private. You dont believe them to be alive and you know that they cant hear you. But in private you still sit and talk to them, name them, play one-sided games, even date and perform necrophilia. You dont mind the smell, your friends are just quiet, and thats all. Thi s can be a common derangement among morticians and morgue doctors. SERIAL KILLER Some people just need killing. You dont know them and they dont know you. But you believe that they need to die. You choose your victims carefully; you could be attracted to them, they could remind you of your father, they could be a race of inferior peons, or retched criminals. Your are not a sloppy killer or committing crimes of passion. You ritualistically and methodically track them down and murder them with precision for your own pleasure and enjoyment. You tend to do this based on a cretin pattern in both the victim and the style of the actual kill. The more you do this. The more it becomes a problem. SECRETE CUTTING You must be punished. You suffer depression from selfmisperceived faults, shortcomings, failures, a sense of worthlessness, and guilt. Every time you fail at something the pain is too much. It is easier to harm yourself than to face your emotions. You feel compelled to cause levels of bashing damage to yourself every time you fail at something important. You are not a masochist, its just "well-deserved" punishment. SADISM You enjoy inflicting pain on others. You will go to grate lengths to hurt dire enemies, complete strangers, and even your own friends and family. In fact, you cannot have a normal relationship with someone without inflicting a certain amount of pain on them. You may work in a profession that you can truly express yourself with pain. Sadists normally can be found in jobs like an abusive cop or prison guard. You could be a doctor that doesnt use anesthetic or an animal trainer that enjoys using the whip a little too much. Whatever the outlet, you must find a way to hurt others on a regular basis. Many times this behavior results from an abusive household. Possibly your parents beat you many times before and after childhood and this is your way of coping with it. However, some just developed a taste for inflicting pain on others later in life. It becomes a sick from of unbalanced pleasure that slowly becomes addictive. SUGGESTIBILITY You believe everything you hear, and you work yourself into absolutely accepting things that cross your mind as true. Nothing illogical or out of the ordinary is too weird to be untrue. At times, you are forced to accept that something is a lie. When this happens, you may turn to violence or go to extremes to prove that it can be true.

LOOSENING BEHAVIOR Trying to rid oneself of gnawing feelings of fear or anger by the repeated passing of feces or urine into inappropriate places. The person is aware that there is no real connection between their fears/anger and the defecating/urinating that they are repeatedly compelled to do. They may find their urges distressing or unpleasant but resisting the urge results in mounting anxiety from which only the act of defecating or urinating provides the much needed relief. TOURETTE'S SYNDROME Contrary to popular belief, tourettes does not mean you spontaneously blurt out a string of uncontrollable filthy language. Though this may happen, this is not the extent of the disorder. You have developed one or more simple motor tics, which are abrupt, sudden, and brief movements, occurring in single and isolated fashion. Examples of simple motor tics include an eye blink, a shoulder shrug, head jerk, dart of the eyes, or twitch of the nose. Tics occur as an involuntary movement or as a response to an urge to perform the movement, which transiently relieves the sensation

PHOBIA: Your character is scared of a particular type of person, place or thing (see Phobia chart). When that trigger is encountered, a reflexive Resolve + Composure roll must be made successfully or your character suffers a bout of fear. Your character moves away from the object of her phobia. If she must be near it, she can tolerate being no closer than her Speed in yards. If it approaches her, she must move away at least her Speed in distance in her next action. She cannot easily target the trigger with close combat or ranged attacks. Such attacks suffer a -5 penalty as your character shakes just looking at it. If space or circumstances dont allow her to maintain her distance, she freezes until she finds an opening by which to escape or becomes hysterical or violent to here surroundings. . FETISHISM: Your character formulates an irrational, pleasurable association with an object or situation. A Character with this Derangement is prone to sexual deviations or perversions that might include intense sexually arousing fantasies, behavior, or sexual urges that may be focused on unusual objects, activities, or situations (See the Fetishism chart). Sometimes these sexual urges manifest during inappropriate times depending of how much they deny themselves sexual fulfillment.

FETISHISM CHART Pedophilia: Coprophilia: Exhibitionism: Hemophilia: Hypoxyphilia: Kleptophilia: Klismaphilia: Sexual Masochism: Necrophilia: sex with feces Puppetophilia: the need to sexually expose one's self to others Sexual Sadism: sexually excited at the sight of blood the lack of oxygen to the brain during sexual stimulation (strangling) sex with objects that you have stolen Scatologia: Transvestitism: Urohphilia: sex with children sex with puppets the need to humiliate or hurt others for sexual stimulation sex with or concerning obscene phone calls the need to dress in women's clothes for sexual stimulation sex with or involving urine secretly seeking out others to watch them having sex sex with animals (also known as Bestiality)

sexually stimulated by enemas Voyeurism: the need to humiliate or hurt one's self for sexual stimulation Zoophilia: sex with corpses PHOBIA CHART fear of washing and bathing. fear of the dark fear of heights fear of breathing fear of leaving safe places fear of needles or pointed objects fear of men fear of people and society fear of fire fear of failure fear of being dirty fear of microbes Fear of being ugly or fear of ugly people fear of mirrors fear of money and wealth. fear of clowns fear of computers fear of demons and related subjects fear of objects on the right of the body fear of knowledge Erytophobia: Geliophobia: Hagiophobia: Hemophobia: Hydrophobia: Labophobia: Mythophobia: Necrophobia: Pedophobia: Philophobia: Somniphobia: Straurophobia: Technophobia: Wiccaphobia: Zoophobia:

Ablutophobia: Nyctrophobia Acrophobia: Aerophobia: Agoraphobia: Aichmophobia: Androphobia: Anthrophobia: Arsonphobia: Atychiphobia: Automysophobia: Bacillophobia: Cacophobia: Catoptrophobia: Chrometophobia: Coulrophobia: Cyberphobia: Demonphobia: Dextrophobia: Epistemophobia:

fear of the color red fear of laughter fear of saints and holy things. fear of blood fear of water fear of speaking fear of myths, stories, or false statements fear of death and dead things fear of children fear of being loved or being in love fear of sleep fear of crosses fear of technology fear of witchcraft and magic fear of animals fear of being touched


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