Fallsem2013-14 Cp0868 Modqst Ece102 Fee-Mq

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Model Question Paper B.

Tech ECE I Semester Course: ECE102 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Time: Three Hours Answer ALL the Questions 1 2 State Ohms Law. [02 Max.Marks:100

] Illustrate the step-by-step procedure to solve the circuit shown below using nodal [08 analysis method. ]

Find Vs when iC = -2e-t A, in the circuit shown below using the KCL & KVL.

[10 ]

Find the current i(t) and voltage v(t) for the inductor in the circuit shown below.
t= 0 1 U 1 V1 100V 2 R 1 50 1 L1 10uH 2

[10 ]

Consider the circuit shown below in which Vs is a DC source. Assume that the [10 circuit in steady state prior to t = 0. Find the current i(t) and voltage v(t) for the ] inductor in the circuit below.
R1 1k 1 t= 0 1 2

Vs 2

R2 1k

Solve for the current in the circuit shown below. The initial capacitor voltage is [10 VC(0+)=1V.
t= 0 1 2 R 3 5k

2 s in ( 2 0 0 t ) C 1 e -6 F

T i t le < T it le >

7 8

S iz e current D o c u m e n t N u m bfor er R ev Derive expression for RMS value and Average value of the sinusoidal [04 A <D oc> <R ev C ode> D a te : W e d n e s d a y , J u ly 1 4 , 2 0 1 0 Sheet 1 of 1 current waveform ] For the simple R, L and C a.c networks derive the relationship for the current and [06

voltage, draw the V-I relationship in the form of phasor diagram and also show the ] 9 1 0 voltage and current waveforms. Evaluate the following expression using the phasor method: [02

] E(t)= 100 2 cos (314t-30) 200 2 sin(314t-60) A three-phase, 400V source (terminal voltages assumed constant independent of [08 load) supplies a balanced load with an equivalent star impedance of each arm is ] (60+j15) , which is connected through a transmission line of impedance (0.3+j1.0) per line. Compute: (i) Line current; (ii) Load voltage; (iii) Power, Reactive power and VA consumed by the load; (iv) Power and Reactive power loss in the line; (v) Power, Reactive power and VA supplied by the source.

1 1 1

List the properties of an Ideal transformer and illustrate its phasor diagram at no- [04 load. ] a) Explain the following terms with respect to magnetic circuits and derive the [06

2 b 1 3


(i) Mutual inductance ; (ii) coefficient of coupling ] OR With an emphasis on the concept of rotating magnetic field, explain the principle [06

) of 3-phase Induction Motor. ] a) A 15 mH coil is connected in series with another coil. The total inductance is 70 [04 mH. When one of the coils is reversed, the total inductance is 30 mH. Find the self ] inductance of coil, mutual inductance& co-efficient of coupling. OR Why are brushes and commutators necessary for the operation of a DC Machine?

b 1 4 b )


) ] a) Draw the equivalent circuit of a transformer & explain the method of transforming [05 impedances ] OR Find the current passing through the 6 resistor in the following network using [05 Thevenins theorem. ]

1 5

a) Explain the speed torque characteristics of a shunt motor with necessary [05 fundamental relationships of the machine and illustrations. ] OR With an emphasis on the concept of rotating magnetic field, explain the principle of [05 3-phase Induction Motor. ] Using the superposition theorem determine the current passing through 8 resistor [06 in the following network. ]

b ) 1 6

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