Stable Isotopes
Stable Isotopes
Stable Isotopes
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Isotopes are atoms of same element having different numbers of neutrons leading to
differing atomic masses. With the exception of C, general geological processes do not
affect separation of the isotopes used in absolute dating. But certain elements of
low atomic no. tend to show very systematic variations in isotope ratios in very
ordinary geological processes like weathering, crystallization, diagenesis,
authigenesis etc. By precise measurements of isotope ratios, inferences can be
drawn about the conditions and reactions that created such changes.
Element Isotopes
Oxygen O, 17O and 18O (17O least abundant)
Hydrogen H & 2H (D), 3H (T radio ctive)
Carbon C, 13C and 14C (radio active)
32 33
Sulfur S, S, 34S and 36S (only 32 &34 studied)
As such numbers are small and hence hard to visualize, another scheme of
symbolism is used to describe isotope separation i.e.,
heavy or 18O can assume a +ve or ve value meaning the sample is rich in
heavy isotope or enriched in light isotope respectively.
Various isotope standards are used for reporting light stable-isotopic compositions.
The d values of each of t he st andards have been defined as 0 . D and 18O values are
normally reported relative to the SMOW standard (Standard Mean Ocean Water; Craig,
1961) or the equivalent VSMOW (Vienna-SMOW) standard. 13C values are reported
relative to either the PDB (Pee Dee Belemnite) or the equivalent VPDB (Vienna-PDB)
standard. 18O values of low-temperature carbonates are also commonly reported
relative to PDB or VPDB.
Salinity showed a positive correlation with isotope values of sea water and
hence offered an insight into the question of origin of CBW in oceans. Past
oceanic temperatures have been estimated by the isotope composition of
carbonate, silica and phosphate. It suggests that climatic temp had declined
from 70o C at 3.4 Ga to present values and were between 34-20 oC in Paleozoic
continental temps. More over isotopic composition of meteoric water came in
handy to examine the nature and origin of geothermal water and brine.
Waters of different origins may be involved in the formation of ores and wall
rock alteration and hence a complex picture of isotope composition is the
result. S type granites are enriched in 18 O than the I-types granites.
Temp and type of water determine the isotopic composition of O and H in clay
minerals. So equations can be devised to show the D and 18O relationship
with clay species and meteoric water, and hence the climate at he tie of their
formation. Isotopic composition can be also used to discriminate the supergene
(high temp) and hypogene (low temp) cays in ore deposits.
Marine carbonates have +ve 18O values from +20 permil to +30 permil relative
to SMOW. 18O values of cherts and carbonates decrease with increasing age of
3.5Ga. This nature is variously explained as below: 1. isotopic re-equilibration
with meteoric water, 2) a decrease in temp of ocean water from archaean to
present. 3, an increase in 18O values since archaean.
Carbon (Z=6)
Basis of all life on earth and one of the most abundant element in the universe
Fractionation by inorganic exchange reactions and by photosynthesis of green
plants. Carbonates enriched in 13C while plants and animals are enriched in 12C
indicating the derivation from biogenic matter. CO2 levels in the atmosphere
have gone up by 10% and along with 12C due to burning of fossil fuels in the
last century. Reduced C in sedimentary rocks of PC age are rich in 13C
indicating a biogenic origin.
Isotopes are fractionated in the system CO2 (gas) - carbonate ions aqueous
CaCO3 (solid) so that calcite is enriched in 13C by 10 permil at 20 deg C
relative to CO2 gas. 13C values are closer to zero relative to PDB and also do
not vary appreciably by age. Carbonates of lacustrine derivation are slightly
enriched in 12C due to derivation of C from decaying plant debri of soil.
Dist ribut ed in all t he eart h s spheres including biosphere and occurs in reduced
(in metallic deposits and sulfide ore bodies associated with igneous,
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks) , native (salt domes) and oxidized states
(in ocean and evaporites). S has four stable isotopes, viz., 32S (=95.02%), 33S
(=0.75), 34S (=4.21%) and 36S (= 0.02%) and isotopic composition is defined as
Due to role of bacteria, in modern environments H2S and sulfide minerals are
variously enriched in 32S. 34S values of petroleum range between -8 to +32
permil and appear to be enriched in 32S by about 15% in comparison with
marine sulfate at the time of formation petroleum. 34S values in sulfur of coal
are nearly constant which is considered to be due to variability of marine
sulfate and its constancy in fresh water.
Bacterial sulfate reduction became important only from 2.5Ga, after
photosynthetic sulfur reducing bacteria emerged and increased sulfate
reduction oceanic waters. Grenville (Ontario) evaporates strongly suggest
activity of sulfate reduction bacteria in ocean during 1000-1300 Ma an in
similar rocks of Zimbabwe.
Suggested reading
Calvin, M., and A. A. Benson. 1948. The path of carbon in photosynthesis. Science
v.107 pp.476-80.
Coleman, David, and Brian Fry. 1991. Carbon Isotope Techniques. Academic
Press/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York.
De Niro, M. J., and S. Epstein. 1978. Influence of diet on the distribution of carbon
isotopes in animals. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta v.42 pp.495-506.
De Niro, Michael J. 1987. Stable Isotopy and Archaeology. American Scientist v.75
Ehleringer, J. R. and P.W. Rundel. 1989. Stable Isotopes: History, Units, and
Instrumentation. In Rundel, P. W., J. R. Ehleringer and K. A. Nagy, eds. Stable
Isotopes in Ecological Research. Springer Verlag, New York.
Hall, R. L. 1967. Those late corn dates: Isotopic fractionation as a source of error in
carbon-14 dates. Mich. Archaeol. v.13 pp.171-79.
Hatch, M. D. and C. R. Slack. 1970. The C4 carboxylic acid pathway of photosynthesis.
pp.35-106. In Reinhold L and Liwschitz Y, eds., Progress in Phytochemistry. Wiley-
lnterscience, New York.
Hatch, M. D., and C. R. Slack. 1966. Photosynthesis by sugarcane leaves. A new
carboxylation reaction and the pathway of sugar formation. Biochem. J. v.101 pp.103-
Hayes, J. M. 1982. Fractionation et. al.: An introduction to isotopic measurements
and terminology. Spectra v.8 pp.3-8.
Rounick, J. S. and M. J. Winterbourn. 1986. Stable carbon isotopes and carbon flow in
ecosystems. BioScience v.36 pp.171-176.
Rundel, P. W., J. R. Ehleringer and K. A. Nagy (eds.) 1989. Stable Isotopes in
Ecological Research. Springer Verlag, New York.
Smith, B. N. and S. Epstein. 1971. Two categories of 13C/12C ratios for higher plants.
Plant Physiol. v.47 pp.380-384.
van der Merwe, Nikolaas J. 1982. Carbon isotopes, Photosynthesis, and Archaeology.
American Scientist, Nov-Dec 1982, 596-606.
van der Merwe, N. J., and J. C. Vogel. 1978. 13C content of human collagen as a
measure of prehistoric diet in Woodland North America. Nature v.276 pp.815-16.
van der Merwe, Nikolaas J. 1982. Carbon isotopes, photosynthesis, and archaeology.
American Scientist v.70 pp.596-605.
Vogel, J. C. 1978b. Isotopic assessment of the dietary habits of ungulates. South Afr.
J. Sci. v.74 pp.298-301.
Vogel, J. C. and N. J. van der Merwe. 1977. Isotopic evidence for early maize
cultivation in New York State. Am. Antiquity v.42 pp.238-42.
Zelitch, I. 1971. Photosynthesis, Photorespiration, and Plant Productivity. Academic
Press, New York.