Soal Ujian Semester 1 DM
Soal Ujian Semester 1 DM
Soal Ujian Semester 1 DM
The response to injury of non penetrating skin with cell loss has been suggested of one of the hypothesis .. a. Vasoconstriction of local blood vessel in a stretch area producing white line effect b. Vasodilatation of the smallest blood vessel c. Cell loss lead to decrease production of chalone with subsequent increase in mitotic rate d. Cell loss lead to decrease production of chalone with subsequent decrease in mitotic 2. The skin injury which is accessory epithelial structure remain the heating process will produce a. Superficial scar tissue b. Deep scar tissue c. Normal accessory epithelial structure with scar superficial skin d. Normal skin 3. a. Substitution of scar tissue b. Reaction of granules tissue c. Skin contraction d. Skin abration 4. Biochemical event in wound healing is initially .. a. Accumulation of hydroxiproline b. Accumulation of mucopolysaccharide c. Accumulation of laxosamine d. Accumulation of aminoacid 5. The ground substance is mostly produce by. a. Fibroblast b. Mast cell
c. Reticulum fibers d. Erythrocyte cells 6. After the new tissue consist of mature collagen network has been organized, the concentration of hydroxyproline will.. a. Increase b. Slightly decrease c. Return toward normal d. Immediately normal 7. When does the wound tensile strength rise abruptly.. a. If the sutures pull through b. When the fibrin clot is lysis during formation of granule c. After the scar is mature d. At the beginning maturation of the collagen fiber which is reticulin produced 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.Senam osteoporosis termasuk .--> promotif 13.Mika-miki tiap 2 jam utk cegah dekubitus preventif 14.Giving back school to the nurse to prevent low back pain because of their job . preventif 15.Yg bukan merupakan fungsi dan kewajiban kepala instalasi RM .. memeriksa pasien 16.RS kelas B pendidikan masuk ke strata berapa. 3 17.Hrs memiliki berapa jmlh pelayanan .. 8 18.Pada penyakit chirrosis, penyembuhan luka jadi lebih lama karena 19. Liat di foto
20. 21. 22. Program RM di Puskesmas . 23.Program RM di RBM 24.Hari pertama pasien stroke PIS. Terapinya : bed positioning utk cegah komplikasi tirah baring lama 25.Satu minggu kmd apa terapi RM yg diberikan ? .. 26.Factor yg mempengaruhi ROM .. 27.Definisi hard end feel. 28.Langkah pertama untuk history taking . 29.Nyeri di betis stlh jalan beberapa blok. Differential diagnosisnya. a. Parkinson b. Lumbosacral radikulopati c. Myofasial pain in lumbosacral para spinal d. Peripheral vascular disease 30. Peripheral sensation saat pleksus brachialis diketuk dg hasil (+) adalah. a. Allen test b. Schwarte test c. Yergason test d. Tinnel test 31.Diameter terpanjang pada kepala fetal .. 32.Right hemisphere stroke, terjadi deficit komunikasi di 33.Komponen general language assessment. 34.Most sensitive area untuk tes diskriminasi 2 titik . 35.Tes propriosepsi . 36.Pada tes leg pendulous, jika pasien mengalami spastisitas, maka reaksinya. 37.Tonus meningkat, most of ROM, affected side easy move asworth scale 2
38.Assess the deltoid muscle strength. 39.Full ROM but giving way against resistance, MMT .. 40.Test nystagmus.--> caloric test 41.Lesi perifer nystagmus masa laten 2-30 42.Axis anatomical femur dan axis mekanik femur . 43.Tipe gerakan knee joint. 44.Penjelasan ttg ligamen deltoid di ankle . 45.Yg membentuk sendi elbow.--> 3 artikulasi dg 1 kapsul 46. Saat flexi dan extensi elbow, posisi axis berada di . 47.Comfortable walking speed menurut McDonald .--> 80m/menit = 4,8 km/jam 48.Otot2 Pretibial aktif pada gait saat . 49.Dyskinesia mrp gangguan di .. a. Cerebellum b. Ganglia basalis c. Pons d. 50. Postural tremor dg cerebellum lesi disebut 51.Golgi tendon organ sensitive thd . tension 52. Alpha motor neuron menginervasi ekstrafusal 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
59. 60. 61.Denver screening test meliputi.. fine motor, gross motor, speech/language, personal social 62.Normal body weight of baby 12 bulan :3 x berat bayi lahir 63.Local factor that promote poor wound healing is. a. Iskemic b. Vaskulitis c. Malnutrisi d. Kronik ulkus 64.Selular kinetic in normal skin turn over time of stratum corneum is a. 10 jam b. 10 hari c. 7 hari d. 14 hari 65.Correct state for supplementary motor area is. a. Project subproximal muscle b. Has a role in bimanual coordination c. Project through reticulospinal tract d. Involved in the planning and execute motor command 66.Cerebellar output for hemisphere region is. a. Control of axial muscles and movement progress b. Control of distal muscles and movement progress c. Movement planning, timing, and limitation d. Control of balance and posture. 67.Some factor that influence strength, power and endurance .. a. Length of muscle: longer muscles has more tension
b. Position of muscle to the fulcrum : longer distance to insertion give more force c. d. 68.Exercise to increase strength, power and endurance can be done in several method 69.Which location is the highest human temperature : a. Head b. Foot
c. Body d. Neck 70.Alteration in body temperature . 71.Which tract is responsible for of fine motor .. a. Lateral b. Vestibular c. Anterior corticospinal d. Reticulospinal 72.Which tract is responsible for modulation of sensory transmission . a. Lateral corticospinal tract b. Rubrospinal tract c. Reticulospinal tract d. Vestibulospinal tract 73.Extended ADL 74.Basic ADL 75.Process skill of AMPS . a. Postural control b. Mobility
c. Adaptive capability d. Coordination 76.Combined ADL and IADL . a. Barthel index b. AMPS c. FIM x d. FAI
77.Self care evaluation of children is a. FIM b. FAI c. WEEFIM d. AMPS 78.Maksimal score total barthel index.. 100 79.Barthel index max score: a. feeding 5 x
80.When talking about science of motion, what is meant by the geometry of motion without regard of forces? a. Kinetic b. Kinesthesia c. Kinesiology d. Kinematic x
81.In relation to ergonomics, which statement is most appropriate? a. Ergonomic is the study of postural problem
b. Ergonomic is the study of human behavior in connection to their anatomy c. Ergonomic is the human behavior related to their occupation x d. Ergonomic is the study of occupational stress 82.Which statement is correct in describing the sagital axis of human body a. The axis which is perpendicular to the ground b. The axis which is passes horizontally trough the body c. The axis which is perpendicular to the ground d. The axis which passes vertically through the body 83.When asking a person to carry something in the right way, what should we educate : a. Kinesiology b. Ergonomic c. Leverage d. Forces 84.When managing problems connected to ergonomic we have to work in a multidisciplinary team which part is specifically the field of rehabilitation medicine a. Physical environment b. Work physiology c. Work station design d. Human behavior 85.Static work includes the following fact a. Prolonged extension of muscles b. Rhythmic contraction of muscles c. Prolonged contraction of muscles x x x x
d. Alternating of contraction and relaxation 86.The most appropriate word in describing static word is
a. Uncontrolled posture b. Constrained position c. Corrected posture d. Powerful posture 87.In the leverage system of the human arm, the effort is produced by. a. The contracting muscle b. The movement of the arm c. The range of motion of the shoulder d. The shape of the joint x x
ESSAY 1. What is the definition of medical rehabilitation services? 2. What are the definition of: a. Impairment b. Disability c. Handicap According WHO 1980 3. What is the other name of a person which has functional limitation? 4. What are the definition of: a. Impairment b. Activity c. Participation According WHO 1997 AKTIVITAS : PELAKSANAAN SUATU PEKERJAAN /AKSI OLEH SESEORANG. PARTISIPASI : KETERLIBATAN DLM SUATU SITUASI KEHIDUPAN. KETERBATASAN AKTIVITAS: MASALAH YANG DIHADAPI SESEORANG DLM MELAKSANAKAN TUGAS.