Paper B
Paper B
Paper B
2. Spinal nerves
a. Are formed in the intervertebral foramina
b. Distribution to the lower limb is through ventral rami
c. Supply the muscles and skin of posterior trunk through rami
d. Have dorsal and ventral rami with peripheral ganglion on the dorsal
e. All of above
3. Epimysium covers
a. Each muscle fibers
b. A bundle of muscle fibers
c. Whole of muscles
d. Tendons of muscles
e. Ligaments of joints
4. Low back pain has been now labelled as one of the public health problems because?
a. It is not considered as a disease but a constellation of symptoms
b. It is the leading cause of activity limitation and workdays lost per annum around the globe
c. It affects middle and old age people
d. It is more common in daily wage workers
e. It leads to multiple risk factors
7. The strongest fibres of the ‘deltoid’ ligament in the ankle run from the tibial malleolus to
a. medial tubercle of the talus
b. the neck of the talus
c. the sustenaculum tali
d. the navicular bone
e. the medial cuneiform
8. The point at which an impulse is transmitted form one neuron to another is called
a. Dendrite
b. Glial cell
c. Nerve center
d. Synapse
e. Terminal plate
9. Regarding Joints all of the below statement are true except
a. In syndesmosis 2 bones are united by interosseous ligament
b. Symphyses is secondary cartilaginous joint
c. Synovial joints are partially movable joints
d. The joint between the tooth and its bony socket is called gomphosis
12. The muscle which provides the most control of hip joint movement during the act of sitting is
a. Semitendinosis
b. semimembranosis
c. gluteus maximus
d. gluteus medius
e. iliacus
15. In skeletal muscle which of the following events occur before the depolarization of the T-tubules in the mechanism
of excitation contraction coupling?
a. Depolarization of sarcolemmal membrane
b. Opening of the Ca++ release channels on the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
c. Uptake of Ca++ into the SR by Ca++ ATPase
d. Binding of ca++ to troponin C
e. Binding of Actin and Myosin
21. In skeletal muscle which of the following events occur before the depolarization of the T-tubules in the mechanism
of excitation contraction coupling?
a. Opening of the Ca++ release channels on the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
b. Uptake of Ca++ into the SR by Ca++ ATPase
c. Depolarization of sarcolemmal membrane
d. Binding of ca++ to troponin
e. Binding of Actin and Myosin
22. The resting potential of a myelinated nerve fiber is primarily dependent on the concentration gradient of which of
the following ions?
a. Ca+
b. Cl–
c. HCO3–
d. K+
e. Na+
24. Mineral required for Polymerization of the pancreatic hormone, insulin is?
a. Copper
b. Chromium
c. Coblat
d. Zinc
e. Calcium
25. The normal range of ionized calcium in plasma is?
a. 2-4 mg/dl
b. 2-4 mEq/L
c. 4-5 mEq/L
d. 7-11 mg/dl
e. 4-5 mg/dl
28. An adult male patient was undergoing an abdominal surgery in the operation theatre under general anesthesia.
The anesthetist administered him an injection of vecuronium (skeletal muscle relaxant) to
optimize the surgery. This drug relaxes skeletal muscle by blocking which of the receptors at the neuromuscular
a. Alpha-adrenergic
b. Beta-adrenergic
c. Muscurinic
d. Ryanodine
e. Nicotinic
29. Regarding the adductor canal
a. it contains the nerve to vastus intermedialis
b. contents leave by piercing adductor longus
c. the femoral artery is always between the saphenous nerve and femoral vein in the thigh
d. below the adductor hiatus, the canal is occupied by the saphenous nerve of the descending genicular nerve
e. at the adductor hiatus, the femoral vein is medial to the artery
31. When energy reserves in a muscle are exhausted and Lactic acid is increased, the condition is called?
a. Tetanus
b. Treppe
c. Fatigue
d. An oxygen debt
e. Spasm
32. When energy reserves in a muscle are exhausted and Lactic acid is increased, the condition is called?
a. Tetanus
b. Treppe
c. Fatigue
d. An oxygen debt
e. Spasm
33. Which of the following nerves is closely related to the spiral groove of humerus bone?
a. Median nerve
b. Musculocutanous nerve
c. Axillary
d. Ulnar
e. Radial
34. 42 years old lady has increasing muscle weakness and diagnosed as a case of mysthenia gravis. She is treated with
acetylcholine esterase inhibitor neostigmine and reports improved muscle strength soon after starting treatment.
The most probable cause of this improvement may be
a. Decrease uptake of choline by presynaptic neurons
b. Increased number of nicotinic receptors at neuromuscular junction
c. Increased acetylcholine synthesis at nerve terminals
d. Decreased acetylcholine break down at neuromuscular junction
e. Increased frequency of action potentials in nerves
35. In the adult, the lower end of spinal cord lies at the level of lower border of the body of the
a. Second lumber vertebra
b. Third lumber vertebra
c. Fourth lumber vertebra
d. First lumber vertebra
e. Fifth lumber vertebra
41. In Poliomyelitis
a. All nerve fiber to a muscle are destroyed
b. There is decrease in fine control of moment
c. There is a formation of micromotor units
d. A and C
e. A,B,C
42. Ach-estrase inactivating activity is possessed by
a. Neostigmine
b. Physostigmine
c. Diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP)
d. A and B
e. All of above
56. Tuberculous osteomyelitis occurs most commonly in bones of the extremities, including the small bones of the
hands and feet including
a. Knee
b. Hip
c. Lung
d. Kidney
e. None of above
a. It is usually genetic.
b. It leads to weak bones.
c. It leads to skeletal deformity.
d. It is prevented by vitamin D.
e. It is prevented by sunlight.
58. A 5 years old boy sees an insects an runaway, the post ganglionic fibre of his activated nervous system will release
the neuro – transmitter
b. Dopamine
c. Glutamate
d. Norepinephrine
e. None of Above
a. Gluteus maximus
b. Gluteus medius
c. Gluteus minimus
d. All of the above
e. None of the above