HW 2
HW 2
HW 2
A diffracted x-ray beam is observed from the (220) planes of iron at a 2 angle of 99.1o when x-rays of 0.15418 nm wavelength are used. Show that the lattice parameter of the iron is 0.2865 nm (Askeland, 3-50). Copper has an fcc structure and an atomic radius of 0.128 nm with an atomic weight of 63.5 g/mol. a. Calculate its density in gm/cc? b. Draw a neat sketch of a unit cell with axes appropriately shown, depict the planes and directions: (100), (110) and (111); [110] and [111]. c. Calculate the planar density [per cm2] of atoms on the above planes? d. Calculate the linear density [per cm] of atoms along these directions? What is the angle between the planes (011) and (001) in a cubic crystal? a. What are the crystal structures of UC and UO2 [draw a neat sketch of a unit cell and show the ionic positions] and what are the advantages of UO2 over UC as a nuclear fuel? b. In UO2, what are the coordination numbers of U and O ions? c. Given that the ionic radii of U and O to be 0.97 and 1.32 respectively, calculate the lattice constant of UO2. Draw a neat sketch of a unit cell of Fe (bcc) and depict a close packed plane and close packed direction [i.e. the densest plane and direction] showing clearly the choice of coordinates. a. What are the Miller indices of the specific plane and direction you chose? b. Calculate the planar and linear atomic densities for the plane and direction above? a. Compute and compare the linear densities of the [110] and [111] directions for BCC. b. Calculate and compare the planar densities of the (100) and (111) planes for FCC. a. Show that the ideal c/a ratio for hcp crystals is 1.633? b. Give 6 examples of metals with hcp structure and what are their c/a ratios. For BCC iron, compute (a) the interplanar spacing, and (b) the diffraction angle for the (220) set of planes. [lattice parameter for iron is 0.2866 nm; assume that monochromatic radiation with a wavelength of 0.1790 nm is used and the order of reflection is 1]. On a neat sketch of a hcp crystal, show the following (clearly depict the axes): (a) Prism plane ( 10 1 0 ) and a close packed direction in that plane what are the Miller Indices of the direction chosen and what is the interatomic distance. (b) Pyramidal plane ( 11 22 ) and a close packed direction in that plane what are the Miller Indices of the direction chosen. (c) A basal plane and close packed direction in that plane what are the Miller Indices of the plane and direction chosen.
3. 4.
6. 7. 8.
Prof. K. L. Murty
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