O T Public - Plea

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Dear Fellow CMKM Diamonds Shareholders,

My name is Steve Walker. Some know me by Oldepro on the internet. I bought my first shares in January 2003. I have followed this saga daily, since that fateful day. Funny (peculiar, not ha ha), when I bought those first shares, I thought "it's a coin flip, 50% it's a scam, 50% it's the chance of a lifetime." Ten years later, after thousands of hours of digging and researching, my conclusion is the same. Flip a coin. This roller coaster ride has cost me dearly. I lost so much precious time with my family. My two boys, at the time were 18 and 13. I am getting emotional right now, as I think of all the times I put off going to the park and having a "throw" with my 13 year old. I missed football and baseball games of both boys, because I "had to be in Paltalk tonight. Family outings with my extended family (including my late sister and mother , also shareholders). Dinner conversations, so dominated by CMKM, my oldest son finally would angrily decry, "NO MORE CMKX!!!" He returned home for his 29th birthday last week and still feels exactly the same way. And then there is my wife Carol. In my younger years, I yearned for a lasting relationship. I prayed daily, "Father, send me an angel". As always, He delivered in spades. In August, we celebrated 30 years together. Disinterested in CMKM at first, she joined the legions. She has been my rock. I am now starting to cry, as I write this. For many, it's one spouse loves, while the other hates CMKM. I cannot image how had that has been on all concerned. I'm sure many of our 70,000 shareholders (Donald Stoecklien SEC Hearing), have MUCH more heartbreaking stories to tell. Divorce, separation, alienation of friends and family, co workers, emotional and physical tolls have fallen on us because we believe. And sadly most of all, death has taken many shareholders. However, I take full responsibility for my actions. It was my choice and I made it. What I don't take responsibility for are the lies and deceptions others have thrown into the mix. And that is the reason for this plea, it is 9/19/2013 almost 10 years. TO FLUSH OUT THE TRUTH, ACTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN. A PLAN HAS BEEN FORMED A month ago, I contacted Mr. Thomas Gates, retired Special Agent FBI Los Angeles. During our first conversation he said he had some interest, because some of the names I mentioned had come up in his some past investigations, including the Inslaw/Octopus/Promis software case. He agreed to do some pro bono work to determine whether he felt it was worth pursuing an investigation. He told me his rates were $200 an hour plus expenses. In our second conversation, he mentioned there were 3 names associated with CMKM, that had surfaced in his prior investigations. He declined to reveal the names. With some prodding on my part. he confirmed Robert Maheu was one of the names. After this conversation, I contacted Dave Vangunten (vngntn1) one of the few pre Casavant shareholders. Dave is an incredible researcher and is in my opinion, the most knowledgeable, when it comes to early history and everything under the surface that followed. Through the years, Dave and I have shared much information, as we continued our individual investigations. I asked Dave to help me with this. He readily agreed. I consider him a friend and he has never let me down.

Yesterday, we had a 90 minute 3 way call with Mr. Gates. It was interesting, to say the least. Mr. Gates, in years past, has had "many conversations (none related to CMKM) with Mr. Robert Maheu. One for 2 hours, shortly before his death." He is confident Mr. Peter Maheu will take his call. Mr. Gates remains in contact with various current employees of the FBI , DOJ and other government agencies. Unknown to me, the Inslaw/Octopus/Promis investigation remains open. Dave and I presented as much information as we could, especially the early machinations of the merger 10/2002 and the corporate actions taken in Dec 2002 and Jan 2003. We talked at length about Chancery Corporate Services Limited and the Tinto trust and the Dungavel/Duval trust. The 16% non dilution clause accorded to both trust and how money could have been funneled offshore. We talked about the false volume numbers which hid the true volume of CMKX, because of the use of a 32 bit vs 64 bit system. We talked about the SEC and DOJ trials. We discussed CMKM returning to trading. And more. Mr. Gates has agreed to investigate CMKM and his initial investigation will focus on:

Phase I IS IT SIMPLY A SCAM Although we have not contacted the company on this project, we expect they will support this with comment & donation as this will help move the company forward in their current strategy. We think this plan moves things ahead for everyone.

Phase II Has money been placed in a trust or trusts and where is it? Was naked short money hidden offshore and by who and where? He feels it will take a full two weeks of his time and require a trip to Nevada to meet with all DOJ attorneys working the CMKM case and Los Angeles to meet with the SEC. Mr Gates agreed to a retainer of $10,000 for his services. This is roughly 1/2 his normal rate, due to his interest in how this mess relates to some of his past cases. At the conclusion of phase 1 and 2, a full report would be made and based on his findings, we would then decide whether further investigation would be prudent. We will all be able to determine the possibility of a contingency action in phase III

Phase III IF we arrive here, we will have an idea of how much per share can be collected. At this time, we will comeback with a new unique proposal to wrap this up. At this point, TG ASSOCIATES would have everything needed to proceed. He has advised us this phase could get expensive, depending on how we decide as a group to move forward and what experts need to be retained. REPEAT, we would only proceed, if tangible evidence exist that money has been located. We also feel we have some alternative methods for funding, that will be presented, IF we reach this point. At first glance, some may think 2 weeks is impossible. I am confident he can do the job. Look at his resume. He may be the only person with the CONTACTS to pull this off. I'm sure many conversations will take place 'over coffee'. One thing he mentioned yesterday is on the surface this looks like a scam, but it also looks like whoever is behind this, is pulling a major stall and they will do anything and everything they can to stall, until they are ready. Sound familiar?


Finally I want to address the "major stall". Think who benefits and why? Why for over 8 years have we been promised daily, weekly, monthly money is being released? Why does the SEC/DOJ claim $70 million was stolen and the company says $250 million? Below I am going to post some links to show why I feel we are nowhere close to conclusion on this and the stall may last many more years. For these reasons alone, I believe we should retain Mr. Gates. DOJ Criminal Trial http://www.justice.gov/usao/nv/programs_caseupdate_cmkm.html October trial has been postponed and the new date is 4/29/14. There are still 3 fugitives. If they all turned themselves in today, a minimum of 1 years and most probably 2-5 years, due to discovery and preparation by fugitives attorneys. Return to trading https://www.otciq.com/otciq/ajax/showFinancialReportById.pdf?id=73996 "Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the CEO or other officer of the Company must certify under oath and penalties of perjury that the shareholder list complies with all regulations. At this time, this cannot be done until the US DOJ-Attorney General, Las Vegas, NV has a criminal trial in 2012 against those who allegedly have broken the law and their names and shares are deleted from the shareholder list." CMKM same player, same problem Wells Fargo http://www.cmkmdiamondsinc.com/ Naked Short http://www.cmkmdiamondsinc.com/documents/ltr-to-SK-re-NS-2005.pdf http://capwiz.com/politicsol/bio/userletter/?letter_id=8626030571&content_dir=politicsol Even if Wells Fargo is settled, see above. BMCS has settled their case, but can't distribute the money. Some links on Mr. Gates: Please read pgs 338, 347, 351, http://www.ark-roundtable.com/images/TLC0Chptrs17.pdf The Octopus Exposed "based on information received from FBI agent Thomas Gates who clearly was a man of strong integrity and moral courage." Please read page 3- http://articles.latimes.com/1993-03-21/news/mn-13734_1_false-arrest

Dave and I are unable to pay the $10,000. We are setting up Operation Truth. We are going to contribute to the fund and make ourselves and all our research fully available to Mr. Gates, during his investigation. Between us, we feel we have any information he will require background wise and can furnish it to him, at almost a moments notice. We plea to our fellow shareholders to help us fund our efforts. No amount is too small and any amount over $10,000 will go to further investigation, if needed. The only reason for the investigation to go beyond two weeks, would be if there is tangible evidence money has been located and further investigation or legal action will be need to free the money for shareholders. If he is quickly convinced it was a scam and no further investigation is needed (and a nominal amount money is still remaining), we have decided to donate the balance to the charity. There will be a spot on the registration form for you to choose (vote) your charity. The donation will go to the charity with the most votes. If a large amount is remaining, refunds would be made (minus credit card/PayPal fees) to any contribution over $99 on a pro rata basis. I'm sure many of you will feel, oh no, not again. I understand your feelings. But some of you know me and I have always said "all I want is the truth". I'm sure many others do too and I believe this man can get us the truth. Even though you may not want to contribute, you may know other shareholders we cannot reach, who may be interested. If you know other shareholders, friends, co workers family members, anyone who may be interested, Please forward this to them and let them make their own decision. Please!!! In closing, thank you Dave for volunteering you time and efforts. To join our effort or if you questions or concerns, please contact me at [email protected] All donations will be sent directly to Mr. Gates. Once you have contributed, you will receive reports of updates on the investigations and accounting of the retainer from Mr. Gates, through this email address. As we are "on the clock" and to allow Mr. Gates to focus on his investigation, Please do not contact his office. We will be happy to respond to any questions or concerns sent to the email address. We cannot proceed without your help. We understand many are unable to join us due to financial constraints. We also understand other efforts have been made in the past. But we are thoroughly convinced we have found the right man to get the job done. Mr. Gates has said to me on more than one occasion, "this is personal for me" due to his past experiences. But for him "this is also business". I fully understand that and pray you do, as well. So please, if you do not join, please forward this to as many shareholders you know, Please let them decide for themselves, if they want to participate and find the truth. If you have any suggestions on how we can reach other shareholders or want to volunteer to help in any way, please contact us. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

1_Email us at [email protected]
____Provide Participant Name / s


2_Make sure YOUR contacts are aware __Have them contact us separately (important ) At the above email

United we stand. Thank you,

Dave and Steve

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