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Cambridge Guide To English Usage

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The Cambridge Guide to

English Usage
Macquarie University
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Cambridge University Press 2004
This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without
the written permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2004
Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge
Typeface Nimrod (The Monotype Corporation) 7.25/9 pt. System L

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 0 521 62181 X hardback
Preface vii
Overview of Contents and How to Access Them x
Ato Z Entries 1592
Appendix I International Phonetic Alphabet Symbols for
English Sounds 593
Appendix II Geological Eras 594
Appendix III Perpetual Calendar 19012008 595
Appendix IV International System of Units (SI Units) 596
Appendix V Interconversion Tables for Metric and
Imperial Measures 597
Appendix VI Selected Proofreading Marks 598
Appendix VII Formats and Styles for Letters, Memos and
E-mail 600
Appendix VIII Layout for Envelopes 602
Appendix IX Currencies of the World 603
Bibliography 604
This is a symbol in search of a name. English-speakers
call @ the at sign, which will do while it serves as
the universal symbol of an e-mail address. Its shape is
also used along with other emoticons to represent
expressions of the human face (see emoticons). But
its resemblance to animals emerges through ad hoc
names in other languages. In Danish, its seen as the
elephants trunk, and in Chinese as little mouse.
Russian has it as little dog, Swedish as cats foot,
and Dutch as monkeys tail. The best consensus is
for snail, which provides a name for @ in French,
Italian, Hebrew and Korean.

On quoting e-mail addresses, see under URL.

a or an
Which should it be?
a hotel or an hotel
a heroic effort or an heroic effort
a RAF training course or an RAF training
a $8 ticket or an $8 ticket
A single rule resolves all such queries: a is used before
words beginning with a consonant, and an before
those beginning with a vowel. This is
straightforwardly applied in a doctor, a receptionist
and an astronaut, an engineer. But note that the rule
depends on the sound not the spelling. We write a
union, a unique gift and a once-in-a-lifetime experience
because the words following the article actually begin
with a consonant sound (the y sound in the rst two
cases, and the w sound in the third). The same
principle makes it an hour, an honor, and an honest
man. The word following the indenite article begins
with a vowel sound.
When writing abbreviations, the choice between a
or an again depends on the pronunciation of the rst
letter. So a US Marine and a Unesco project are quite
regular, as are an MP and an HB pencil. Any
abbreviation beginning with F, L, H, M, N, R, S or X
takes an, because of the way those letters are
pronounced. The effect is exploited in advertising for
a brand of beer, where the use of A(rather than AN)
shows how to pronounce the ambiguous brandname:
Preceded by A, the brandname must be read as four
ex not as exexexex. It nudges readers away fromthe
unprintable or socially unacceptable interpretation of
the word, while no doubt capitalizing on it.
Similar principles hold for writing sums of money.
Pronounce them and they select a for a 12 shirt and
an for an $80m. loan, taking the cue from the number
(which is said rst) rather than the currency symbol
(which is written rst).
Despite all that, certain words beginning with h are
made exceptions by some writers and speakers. They
would preface hotel and heroic with an rather than a,
despite pronouncing the h at the start of those words.
Other polysyllabic words beginning with hwill be
given the same treatment, especially if their rst
syllable is unstressed. In both American and British
English the words historic, historical and historian are
the most frequent of these exceptional cases, but the
tendency goes further in Britain, by the evidence of
matching databases (LOB and Brown corpora).
They show that British writers use an to preface
adjectives such as habitual, hereditary, heroic,
horric, hypothetical, hysterical (and their adverbs)
as well as the noun hotel. There are far fewer
examples in the American data, and the only
distinctive case is herb, which is commonly
pronounced without hin the US (though not in the
UK or elsewhere). The King James bible (1611) records
the use of an with other monosyllabic words, as in an
host and an house, though they are supposed to go
with h-less pronunciations, formerly much more
Over the centuries hhas been an uncertain quantity
at the beginnings of words in many European
languages. Most words beginning with h lost it as they
passed from Latin into French and Italian. The Latin
word hora meaning hour became French heure
(pronounced err, with no hsound) and also the
Italian ora, without an heven in the spelling. English
retains an hin the spelling of hour but not in the
pronunciation. The process also shows up in the
contrasting pronunciations of heir (an early English
loan from French) and hereditary (a Renaissance
borrowing direct from Latin), which embody the same
Latin stem. Spelling pronunciation has revived the h
in some French loanwords like heritage and historian
(those well used in English writing); while others such
as hour, heir, hono(u)r are h-less, in keeping with
French pronunciation. Classical loanwords (apart
from honorary, honorarium, honoric) have settled on
pronunciations with the hsounded; and they
complement the many basic Anglo-Saxon words such
as here, how, him and hair, home, honey in which his
pronounced. (See further under h.)
Nowadays the silent hpersists in only a handful of
French loanwords (heir, honest, hono(u)r, hour and
their derivatives), and these need to be preceded by
an. The hof other loans like heroic, historical and
hypothesis may have been silent or varied in earlier
times, leaving uncertainty as to whether an was
required or not. But their pronunciation is no longer
variable and provides no phonetic justication for an.
Its use with them is a stylistic nicety, lending
historical nuances to discourse in which tradition
dies hard.

For the grammar of a and an, see articles.

For the presence/absence of a/an in (1) journalistic

introductions, see journalism and journalese; and
in (2) titles of books, periodicals, plays etc., see under
The a- prexed to ordinary English adjectives and
adverbs comes from two different sources. In a few
cases such as afresh, akin and anew, it represents the
Old English preposition of, and so anew was once of
new. In many more cases it was the Old English
preposition on, as in:
aback ablaze abroad aoat afoot
aglow ahead ajar alive around
ashore aside asleep astray
Thus ashore was literally on shore.
In each set the two elements of the prepositional
phrase have long since merged into one. But the past
still shows through in the fact that as adjectives they
are used only after the noun they qualify, either
postpositively as in the way ahead or predicatively, i.e.
as the complement of a verb, as in Route 66 is ahead.
(See further under adjectives, section 1.) The
adverbial functions of these words are also evident in
collocations such as taken aback, go astray and get
ahold of (see further at ahold). Others such as around
are now both adverbs and prepositions.
Note the apparently similar apart, which consists of
French elements ( ` a part) rather than English ones. Its
parity with aside is examined at aside (from).
These are two forms of a negative prex derived from
Greek. In English its meaning is usually privative, i.e.
without or lacking. It appears as the rst
component in some academic and technical words,
such as:
achromatic analgesic
apathy, apathetic anarchy, anarchic
aphasia, aphasic anhydrous
atheism, atheist anorexia
As the two lists show, the forman- occurs before
vowels and h, and a- before all other consonants. In
most cases the prex combines with Greek stems
which do not exist independently in English. In just a
few, such as amoral, asexual, atypical, the a- combines
with a Latin stem that is also an ordinary English
word. In the case of amoral, the prex makes the vital
difference between amoral (lacking in moral values)
and immoral (contrary to moral values, where im- is
a negative).

For more about negative prexes, see de-, in-/im-,

non- and un-. See also dis-, and other privative afxes
such as -free and -less.
This sufx is really several sufxes. They come into
English with loanwords from other languages,
including Italian, Spanish, Latin and Greek, and may
represent either singular or plural. In gondola
(Italian), siesta (Spanish), formula (Latin) and dogma
(Greek), the -a is a singular ending, whereas in
bacteria (Latin) and criteria (Greek), it represents the
Loanwords ending in singular -a are not to be taken
for granted because their plurals may or may not go
according to a foreign pattern, as discussed in the rst
section below. Loanwords which come with a plural -a
ending pose other grammatical questions, to be dealt
with in the second section.
1 Words with the singular -a mostly make their
plurals in the usual English way, by adding an s. This
is true for all the Italian and Spanish words, and many
of the Latin ones. So gondola becomes gondolas, siesta
becomes siestas, and aroma becomes aromas. The
numerous Latin names for plants, for example
mimosa, ponderosa, protea, sequoia, all take English
plurals. However, Latin loanwords which are strongly
associated with an academic eld usually have Latin
plurals as well, thus formulae along with formulas,
retinae and retinas etc. So plurals with -ae prevail in
writing intended for scientists and scholars
everywhere, though the forms ending in -as are also
available and used in nonspecialized writing and
The major dictionaries differ over which words can
take English plurals. Websters Third (1986) indicates
an English plural for all the words listed below
either explicitly, as rst or second alternative, or by
the lack of reference to the plural (this being the
dictionary convention for regular inections). The
Oxford Dictionary (1989) allows either Latin or
English plurals for those set in italics below, but Latin
only plurals for those set in roman. Note also that
while the Oxford presents the Latin plurals as
ligatures, Websters sets them as digraphs (see further
under ae/e).
abscissa am(o)eba antenna aorta
aura caesura cicada cornea
echidna bula formula hydra
lacuna lamina larva mora
nebula nova patella penumbra
persona piscina placenta pupa
retina stoa tibia trachea
ulna urethra vagina vertebra
An English plural is natural enough for those
latinisms which are both common words and
technical terms (e.g. aura, cicada, cornea, retina). For
some (e.g. aorta, urethra), the occasions on which a
plural might be needed are not very many, and, when
it is, an ad hoc English plural is all the more likely.
Note that for antenna, patella and persona, the two
plurals are used in different elds (see under those
headings). For the plural of alumna, see alumni.
Greek loanwords with singular -a can also have two
plural forms. They bring with them their Greek plural
sufx -ta, though they soon acquire English plurals
with s as well. The Greek -ta plurals survive in
scholarly, religious or scientic writing, while in
other contexts the English s plurals are dominant.
Compare the traumas of everyday life with the
traumata which are the concerns of medicine and
psychology. Other loanwords which use both English
and Greek plurals are:
dogma lemma magma schema stigma
For both dogma and stigma, the Greek plural is
strongly associated with Catholic orthodoxy (see
stigma). The Greek plural of miasma (miasmata)
seems to have lapsed in C21 English (see miasma).
2 Words with plural -a from Latin are often collective
in meaning, for example bacteria, data and media.
Theres no need to pluralize them, nor do we often
need their singular forms, though they do exist:
bacterium, datum etc. (For more information, see
-um.) The grammatical status of words like media
(whether to construe them as singular or plural) is
still unsettled. Those who know Latin are inclined to
insist on plural agreement, on the grounds that data
and media (not to mention candelabra) are plural.
Yet the argument depends on Latin rather than
English grammar; and is undermined by other cases
such as agenda and stamina, which are also Latin
plurals but now always used with singular verbs in
English. The issues of singular/plural agreement are
further discussed under collective nouns and
agreement section 1; and at individual entries for
candelabra, data and media.

For Greek loanwords with a plural -a, such as

automata, criteria, ganglia, phenomena, see -on.
a fortiori
This elliptical phrase, borrowed from Latin, means
roughly by way of something stronger. Far from
being an oblique reference to fetching the whisky, its
used in formal discussion to mean with yet stronger
reason and to introduce a second point which the
speaker or writer feels will clinch the argument.
Compare a priori.
In contemporary English this versatile French tag is
deployed on many of the frontiers of taste, apart from
haute cuisine. It is still exploited on ` a la carte menus
that offer you taste-tempting dishes ` a la duchesse or ` a
lindienne; and in countercuisine, it can be found in
fast foods ` a la McDonalds. But beyond the restaurant
business, ` a la can refer to a distinctive style in almost
any domain, and the reference point is usually ad hoc,
as in makeup [used] to amuse, ` a la Mick Jagger, or an
oversight committee ` a la New York in the 1970s. As in
those examples, the construction often turns on the
proper names of persons or places, titles and
institutions. It creates reference points in lm ` a la
Casablanca and ction ` a la Portnoys
Complaint not to mention health management:
whether to quarantine people with AIDS ` a la TB.
Increasingly ` a la is found with common nouns as
well, as in law ` a la modem, and seats covered with vinyl
` a la taxicab, among the examples from CCAE.
A la is a clipped form of the French ` a la mode (de),
which explains the feminine form of the article (la). In
English it works as a xed phrase, rather like a
compound preposition, and theres no suggestion of
adapting its grammatical gender from ` a la to au when
the following name is masculine (see the Mick Jagger
example above).
The grave accent is still often printed on ` a la in
English, especially British English, though it is by no
means a recent borrowing (rst recorded in 1589). No
doubt its use is often prompted by a taste for the exotic;
and the accent and the fact that the phrase still tends
to be italicized help to emphasize its foreignness.
The Oxford Dictionary (1989) updates the entry on ` a la
without registering the accentless form, whereas it
appears as an alternative in Websters Third (1986).
la carte
This is one of the many French expressions borrowed
into English to cover gastronomic needs. Literally it
means according to the card. At restaurants it gives
you the freedom to choose from individually priced
dishes and the obligation to pay whatever the bill
amounts to. The ` a la carte system contrasts with
what has traditionally been known as table dh ote,
literally the hosts table. This implies partaking of
whatever menu the restaurant has decided on, for a
set price. The phrase goes back to earlier centuries,
when the only public dining place for travelers was at
the hosts/landlords table. But table dh ote is what
most of us partake of when traveling as tourist-class
passengers on aircraft. In restaurants more
transparent phrases are used to show when the menu
and its price are predetermined: xed price menu (in
the UK and US), or prix xe (in France and
francophone Canada). In Italy its menu turistico.
Though dictionaries such as New Oxford (1998) and
Merriam-Webster (2000) continue to list ` a la carte and
table dh ote with their French accents, they are
commonly seen without them in the English-speaking
a posteriori
Borrowed from Latin, this phrase means by a later
effect or instance. It refers to arguments which
reason from the effect to the cause, or those which
work from a specic instance back to a generalization.
A posteriori arguments are concerned with using
empirical observations and induction as the basis of
reasoning. They contrast with a priori arguments, on
which see next entry.
a priori
This phrase, borrowed from Latin, means from the
prior [assumption]. It identies an argument which
reasons from cause to a presumed effect, or which
works deductively from a general principle to the
specic case. Because such reasoning relies on theory
or presumption rather than empirical observation, an
a priori argument is often judged negatively. It seems
to make assertions before analyzing the evidence.
Compare a posteriori.
What if theres more than one of them? Technical uses
of this word in classical architecture have no doubt
helped to preserve its Latin plural abaci. This is the
only plural recognized in the Oxford Dictionary (1989),
and the one given priority in Websters Third (1986).
But Websters also recognizes the English plural
abacuses, which comes naturally when abacus the
word refers to the low-tech, nger-powered calculator.
See further under -us.
These are the standardized short forms of names or
titles, and of certain common words and phrases. The
term covers (i) abbreviated words such as cont. and
no., i.e. ones which are cut short or contracted in the
middle; and (ii) abbreviated phrases such as AIDS,
RSI, formed out of the rst letters of words in a
phrase. Both groups can be further divided (see under
contractions section 1 for abbreviations v.
contractions; and under acronyms for the distinction
between acronyms and initialisms). The punctuation
given to each group varies according to American and
British style, and within them, as discussed below in
section 2. However, theres a consensus that most
types of symbol should be left unpunctuated (see
section 1 below).
Abbreviations of all kinds are now accepted in
many kinds of functional and informative writing, as
neat and clear representations of the full name or title.
Certain abbreviations such as EFT or ftp are in fact
better known than their full forms (electronic funds
transfer, le transfer protocol ). The idea that they are
unacceptable in formal writing seems to derive from
writing in the humanities, where they are less often
needed. Abbreviations may indeed look strange in
the text of a novel or short story. Yet who can imagine a
letter which does not carry abbreviations somewhere
in referring to people and places? Business and
technical reports could hardly do without them.
Provided they are not obscure to the reader,
abbreviations communicate more with fewer letters.
Writers have only to ensure that the abbreviations
they use are too well known to need any introduction,
or that they are introduced and explained on their
rst appearance. Once the reader knows that in a
particular document CBC equals the Childrens Book
Council or the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation or
the Carpet Bowls Club, as the case may be, the short
form can be used from then on.
1 Abbreviations which are never punctuated. Certain
special categories of symbol never appear with a
stop/period, anywhere in the world. They include:
symbols for SI units: kg, ml etc. (See SI units.)
compass points: N, NE, SW etc.
chemical symbols: Mn, Ni etc.
symbols for currencies: GB, A$ etc. (See
Appendix ix.)
One other group of abbreviations which never take
stops are acronyms like laser, scuba (i.e. those which
are pronounced like words and written in lower case:
see acronyms).
2 Abbreviations which may or may not be punctuated,
according to regional editorial practice (all other
groups of abbreviations, of titles, institutions,
placename elements and ordinary words and
phrases). The various practices and their applications
are illustrated below, followed by a discussion of each:
a) using stops with any kind of abbreviation
(= traditional American style)
G.A.T.T. U.K. Mr. Rev. mgr. incl. a.s.a.p.
b) using stops with abbreviations but not
contractions (= traditional British style)
G.A.T.T. U.K. Mr Rev. mgr incl. a.s.a.p.
c) using stops for short forms with any lower case
letters in them
i) GATT UK Mr. Rev. mgr. incl. a.s.a.p.
(all abbreviations)
ii) GATT UK Mr Rev. mgr incl. a.s.a.p.
(excluding contractions)
d) using stops for short forms consisting entirely of
lower case letters:
GATT UK Mr Rev mgr. incl. a.s.a.p.
*Option (a) is the easiest to implement, and has been
the traditional practice in the US, though the Chicago
Manual (1993) noted its erosion amid the worldwide
trend to use less punctuation. Familiar abbreviations
can be left unstopped because the reader needs no
reminder that they are shortened words or phrases.
*Option (b) turns on the distinction between
abbreviations and contractions, and gives
punctuation to the rst group but not the second. In
theory a contraction like mgr (manager) is not a
true abbreviation, but a telescoped word with its
rst and last letters intact. Compare incl. which is
clearly a clipped form of including, and in which the
stop marks where it has been abbreviated. This
distinction developed in C20 British style (see
contractions, section 1) but has never been fully
standardized (Ritter 2002), and is varied in particular
elds (e.g. law) and by publishing houses. It never was
part of American style. Canadian editors note the
distinction, though they call contractions
suspensions, in keeping with French editorial
practice. However, the consistency of the traditional
American style is appreciated when the two types of
abbreviation are juxtaposed (Editing Canadian
English, 2000). In New Zealand and Australia, the
government Style Manuals (1997, 2002) have
maintained the distinction, though the majority of
Australian editors, writers and English teachers
surveyed through Style Council in the 1990s (Peters,
1993c) begged to differ.
A particular conundrum for those who observe the
distinction is what to do with pluralized
abbreviations. Should the plural of vol. be vols, vols. or
vol.s? Because the plural abbreviation preserves the
nal letter, theres an argument for treating it as a
contraction and abandoning the stop, although it
seems odd to have different punctuation for the
singular and plural: vol. and vols respectively. The
stopped alternatives are themselves anomalous. In
vol.s the plural inection is separated by a stop from
the word it should be bound to; and in vols. the stop no
longer marks the point at which the word has been
clipped. Vols. is in fact the British choice (Butchers
Copy-editing, 1992, and Ritter, 2002) as well as the
American, generally speaking. However, the Chicago
Manual (1993) embeds the curiosity that Protestant
scholars use Pss. for Psalms, where its Pss for their
Catholic counterparts in the New American Bible.
*Option (c) According to this option, stops are
dispensed with for abbreviations which consist of full
capitals, but retained for those with just an initial
capital, or consisting entirely of lower case. This is in
line with style trends in many parts of the
English-speaking world. Capitalized acronyms and
initialisms like OPEC, UNICEF, BBC are normally left
unstopped, as indeed they appear in the Oxford
Dictionary for Writers and Editors (1981), and are now
explicitly endorsed in the Chicago Manual (2003). This
was the preferred practice of freelance editors in
Canada (Editing Canadian English, 1987), and those
surveyed in Australia via Style Council in 1992.
Stopless acronyms/initialisms are normal in the
world of computing, witness ASCII, CD-ROM etc.
Standardized abbreviations for nation-states such as
NZ, SA, USA usually appear without stops these days.
They do contrast, however, with other national
abbreviations such as Can., Germ. and Mex., which
are still to be punctuated, according to both British
and American references. Within the US, the
two-letter abbreviations used in revised zip codes are
standardized without periods, whether they consist of
one or two words. Compare NY and WY (New York /
Wyoming); RI and WI (Rhode Island / Wisconsin).
Despite this growing consensus on leaving stops out of
capitalized acronyms and abbreviations, the
distinction between abbreviations and contractions
still divides British and American style on
lower-cased short forms. Hence suboption (ii)
involving contractions, which is British-preferred;
and (i) the more fully regularized suboption, which
accords with American traditional practice.
*Option (d) builds on the trend described in (c). It
takes its cue from the presence/absence of an initial
capital letter, and applies stops only to those that
begin with a lower case letter. The option brings
abbreviations such as Can into line with USA, and
able and able to
makes no attempt to distinguish between contractions
and abbreviations in lower case. This gives it more
appeal in America than Britain, because it would
require stops to be put back in contractions such as
mgr, which the British are accustomed to seeing in
stopless form. For Americans it goes furthest in the
direction of reducing the fussiness of word
punctuation mentioned by the Chicago Manual (1993)
and is easily applied by printers and publishing
A fth option, to use no stops in any kind of
abbreviation, is not commonly seen on the printed
page, but appears increasingly in digital style on the
internet. It is easiest of all to implement, and would
resolve the anomalies created by distinguishing
contractions fromabbreviations (options b, c (ii)). It
would also break down the invisible barrier between
abbreviations and symbols (section 1 above). Leaving
all abbreviations unstopped is sometimes said to be a
recipe for confusion between lower case abbreviations
and ordinary words. Yet there are very few which
could be mistaken. Those which are identical, such as
am, g and no are normally accompanied by numbers:
10 am, g 13, no 2, and theres no doubt as to what they
are. The idea of leaving abbreviations totally without
stops may seem too radical for the moment, but it
would streamline the anomalies and divergences
outlined in this entry.
International English selection: The third option
(c (i)) for punctuating abbreviations using
periods/full stops for abbreviations containing
one or more lower case letters recommends
itself as a reasonable compromise between
American and British style. It is in keeping with
the worldwide trend to reduce punctuation,
without any commitment to different punctuation
for contractions and abbreviations, and the
anomalies that it creates. (That distinction is
embedded in option c(ii), for those who wish to
maintain it.)
3 Stopped abbreviations at the end of a sentence.
When an abbreviation with a stop/period is the last
word in a sentence, no further stop needs to be added:
Remember to acknowledge all contributors the
producer, director, screenplay writer, cameramen
In such cases, the stronger punctuation mark (the
period / full stop that marks the end-of-sentence)
covers for the lesser stop marking the abbreviation.
This is in keeping with the normal convention (see
multiple punctuation). By the same token, it masks
the editorial decision as to whether the abbreviation
should be stopped or not which readers sometimes
need to know. When necessary, its best to remake the
sentence so as to bring the abbreviation in from the
end. This was done in discussing examples such as vol
and vols in section (b) above.

For the use of stops with the initials of a persons

name, see under names.

For the use of the stop/period in Latin

abbreviations, see under that heading.
abide and abode
At the turn of the millennium, neither of these is
much used. The verb abide appeared quite often in
the King James bible, translating an array of Hebrew
and Greek verbs meaning dwell, stay, continue,
remain and endure senses which linger in the
Victorian hymn Abide with me, often sung at
funeral services. Otherwise it survives mostly in the
phrase abide by (a decision), and in the slightly
colloquial idiom cant/cannot abide or couldnt abide
[something or someone]. The participle abiding
serves as adjective in combination with certain
abstract ideals, for example an abiding concern, his
abiding faith in humanity; and in the compound
law-abiding. Yet shrinking usage overall leaves people
unsure about the past tense. Is it the regular abided or
abode, which was used consistently in the King
James bible? The evidence of British and American
dictionaries and corpora is that abided is preferred.
As a noun, abode is mostly restricted to legal phrases
such as no xed abode and right of abode. Other uses,
including the clich e my humble abode, and freely
formed expressions such as the abode of my forebears,
have an archaic ring to them.
This ending marks the conversion of adjectives with
-able into abstract nouns, as when respectable becomes
respectability. Adjectives with -ible are converted by
the same process, so exible becomes exibility. The
ending is not a simple sufx but a composite of:
the conversion of -ble to a stressed syllable -bil and
the addition of the sufx -ity. (See further under
This grammatical case operates in Latin and some
other languages, but not English. It marks a noun as
having the meaning by, with, or from attached to it.
For some Latin nouns, the ablative ending is -o, and
so ipso facto means by that fact. (See further under
The ablative absolute is a grammatical construction
found in Latin which allows a phrase (all inected in
the ablative) to stand apart from the syntax of the
clause or sentence in which it appears. The Latin tag
deo volente (God willing) is used in the same way in
contemporary English.
able and able to
The use of (be) able to as a semi-auxiliary verb dates
from C15, though it is not equally used in the US and
the UK. The British make more of it, in the ratio of 3:2
according to the evidence of comparable C20 databases
(LOB and Brown). It reects the greater British use
of modals and modalized verb phrases generally (see
modality, and auxiliary verbs).
In both varieties of English, able to takes animate
subjects much more often than inanimate ones, as in:
Thompson was able to smell a bargain a continent
As in that example, able to normally combines with
an active verb (see further under voice). This was the
pattern in hundreds of corpus examples, the only
counter example with a passive verb being the chapel
was still able to be used (from LOB). Able to seems to
insist on being construed with animate, active
participants, as if it still draws on the energy of the
adjective able, expressed in an able politician and
able-bodied citizens. Able appears much less often as
an adjective than as an auxiliary verb in both British
and American data: in the ratio of 1:11 in LOB and 1:12
in the Brown corpus. It occurs mostly in nonction
genres of writing, perhaps because the approval
expressed in it seems detached rather than engaged
with the subject.
Which of these endings to use is a challenge even for
the successful speller. They sound the same, and the
choice between them often seems arbitrary. In fact the
choice is usually xed by the words origins.
Unabridged British and American dictionaries
Oxford (1989) and Websters Third (1986) do allow that
certain words may be spelled either way in
contemporary English, although they diverge on
which have the option, and only a handful of words
are given alternative spellings in both:
collapsable/collapsible collectable/collectible
condensable/condensible ignitable/ignitible
Those apart, the following are independently credited
with alternative spellings by Oxford and Websters,
marked O and W accordingly:
avertable/avertible (O)
confusable/confusible (O)
connectable/connectible (O)
contractable/contractible (O)
deductable/deductible (O)
detectable/detectible (O)
diffusable/diffusible (O)
discernable/discernible (W)
expressable/expressible (W)
extendable/extendible (W)
extractable/extractible (W)
impressable/impressible (W)
perfectable/perfectible (W)
suggestable/suggestible (O)
transfusable/transfusible (W)
Others such as digestable/digestible and
resistable/resistible could probably be added to that
list, but for the fact that Oxford presently marks their
-able spellings as cutting out in C19.
The -able sufx is the more widely used of the two
in English at large, partly because it combines with
any Anglo-Saxon or French verb (believable,
enjoyable), as well as neo-Latin ones, as in retractable
or contactable. Fresh formations based on neo-Latin
can provide alternatives to the well-established loan
from Latin, as with contractable/contractible, where
the rst (in the sense able to be contracted) is a
modern word, whereas the second able to contract
goes back to C16. Yet the opposite tendency is also to
be found: Oxford Dictionary citations show that some
start life with -able, as did deductable and detectable,
and later acquired neo-Latin spellings with -ible. The
forces of analogy compete with regular wordforming
principles among these words, and because they are
readily coined on the spur of the moment, the
dictionary records are necessarily incomplete. Any
word of this type not yet listed in the dictionary can
legitimately be spelled -able, if its based on a current
English verb stem, simple or compound, e.g.
gazumpable, upgradable. In fact the stem is often a
useful clue for spelling the established words.
Compare dispensable (whose stem is the same as the
verb dispense) with comprehensible, for which there is
no English verb comprehens-. Most words with -ible
embody Latin stems with no independent verb role in
English. (This is also true of a very few -able words
such as educable and navigable, derived from the
Latin rst conjugation, but with enough relatives in
English such as education, navigation, to secure their
spelling.) The -ible words often lack close relatives,
and the rationale for the spelling is not obvious unless
you know Latin conjugations. The table below lists the
most important -ible words, though where there are
both positive and negative forms (e.g credible as well
as incredible), it gives just one of them.
accessible adducible admissible
audible combustible compatible
contemptible credible deducible
divisible edible eligible
feasible exible incomprehensible
incontrovertible incorrigible incorruptible
indefensible indelible indestructible
infallible intelligible invincible
irascible irrepressible irresistible
legible negligible ostensible
perceptible permissible persuasible
plausible possible reducible
reprehensible responsible submersible
susceptible tangible terrible
transmissible visible
The stems of -ible words come straight from Latin
paradigms and are not normally usable as English
verbs (access and ex are exceptions in so far as they
now serve as verbs). Most -ible words express rather
abstract senses, unlike those ending in -able, which
typically build in the active sense of the verb: compare
defensible and defendable. Note also that words ending
in -ible take the negative prex in- (as in indefensible),
whereas those with -able and based on English verbs
are usually negated with un- (e.g. undefendable). See
further under in-/un-.

For the choice between drivable and driveable,

likable and likeable etc., see -eable or -able.
See under disabled and disability.
abolition or abolishment
Though both terms are current, the Latin-derived
abolition holds sway in British as well as American
English. In the UK abolition is effectively the only
term, in data from the BNC, whereas abolishment
plays a minor part in the US, appearing in the ratio of
about 1:17, in data from CCAE. We might expect more
of abolishment, which is just as old (dating from C16)
and has more direct connections with the verb
abolish. Yet legal and institutional uses of abolition
give it strong social and political connotations, in the
discontinuance of slavery and the death penalty. The
productivity of the word is also reected in derivatives
such as abolitionist.
Aboriginal and Aborigine
Since around 1800 the termaboriginal has been used
as a generic reference to native peoples encountered
by colonialists in (for them) remoter parts of the
world. The capitalized formAboriginal still serves as
a collective reference to indigenous groups within the
population, especially in Australia, but also in
Canada, where it complements the use of First
People / First Nation. In the US the general term is
Native American or American Indian, and Indian is
used by the peoples themselves. Use of the term
Amerindian for the North American Indian is mostly
conned to linguistics and anthropology. In South
Africa the indigenous people are referred to as black
South Africans. No collective name is needed in New
Zealand for the Maori, because they are ethnically
In current English, the noun aborigine is
particularly associated with Australia, but always
capitalized as Aborigine/Aborigines. Its status
vis- ` a-vis using Aboriginal as a noun has been much
debated on diplomatic and linguistic grounds.
Aborigine was believed by some to be more pejorative
than Aboriginal (though this view is not shared by
the people themselves). Others argued that Aborigine
was an illegitimate backformation fromAborigines,
though few would now call it a linguistic crime (see
backformation). Neither argument carries weight in
terms of common usage. Australian sources on the
internet return almost three times as many instances
of Aborigines as of Aboriginals (Google 2002).
Successive Australian government Style Manuals
have swung from one paradigm to another (Peters
1995), and the sixth edition (2002) proposes
Aboriginal(s) for the noun (singular and plural) as
well as the adjective. So Aborigine(s) is currently
ruled out of ofcial documents, though other
publications such as newspapers, magazines and
monographs make free use of it.
For indigenous people themselves, generic terms
are unsatisfactory whenever a more specic name can
be found. Those preferred for particular regions of
Australia are listed in the government Style Manual
(2002), and for the First Nations of Canada in Editing
Canadian English (2000). The names of federally
recognized Native American tribes are listed on the
internet at www.healing-arts.org/tribes.htm.

For the use of Black, see under that heading.

about, about to, and not about to
The uidity of its meaning makes about a word to
watch. But as adverb/preposition, and as a
semi-auxiliary in be about to, its uses are more
generally accepted and more international than is
sometimes thought.
About as preposition and/or adverb has several
meanings which are widely used and current in both
the US and the UK:
1) close to/approximately in time, as in come (at)
about ten oclock. The approximation is handy
whether the writer is unsure of the time, or prefers
not to put too ne a point on it (see vague words).
Though often presented as the British counterpart to
American use of around, the construction is just as
familiar in the US, according to Websters English
Usage (1989). See further at around.
2) close by, in the vicinity (but not visible):
George is about. Could you hold on? The adverbial
use is conversational in tone, though it also appears in
everyday writing, as in seeing who is about. This is
sometimes said to be strictly for the British, because
Americans prefer around. But the US preference is
not so strong as to exclude about, by the evidence of
the Brown corpus.
3) concerning or concerned with, as in the letter is
about reconciliation (preposition); thats what its
about (adverb). The preposition has always been
standard usage, and the adverb is freely used in a
variety of everyday prose in British and American
databases. The emphatic form thats what X is all
about is also alive and well, despite the view of
Websters English Usage (1989) that it was on the
decline. There are hundreds of examples in data from
CCAE and the BNC. Most involve impersonal subjects,
as in thats what art / life / free enterprise is all about.
But in American data there are a few examples with a
personal subject, as in thats what this candidate is all
about and we know what we are all about.
The most important use of about is in the
collocation be about to, used as a semi-auxiliary verb
to express future events or intentions (see auxiliary
verbs section 3). Its shades of meaning vary with the
grammar of the subject (rst, second or third person):
compare Im about to go home (said with intent) and
The judge was about to pronounce the sentence (future
event). But the negative counterpart not about to
seems to have developed its own strong sense of
determination, irrespective of person. Intention and
resolve are both expressed in Im not about to stop you
and Fox was not about to risk waiting for her inside her
room (these examples from the BNC, showing its use
in British English). The idiomnot about to seems to
have originated in the American South and South
Midland, and it was being used in nationwide
publications by the 1960s, and even by two American
presidents (Truman and Johnson). Its potential
ambiguity attracted the attention of usage
commentators including Bernstein, writing in The
New York Times (1968/9), but theres no hard evidence
of confusion with ordinary uses of the semi-auxiliary.
Not about to probably has some rhetorical value in
its negative understatement. See under gures of
about face or about turn
See under U-turn.
abridgement or abridgment
The Oxford Dictionary (1989) prefers the regular
abridgement, and in British English its way out in
front of abridgment, by 34:1 in data from the BNC. In
American English the difference is less marked.
Websters Third (1986) gives priority to abridgment,
yet its only slightly ahead of abridgement in data
from CCAE. See further under -ment.
International English selection: The spelling
abridgement recommends itself for the purposes
of international English, given its regularity and
substantial use in American English as well as
The Oxford Dictionary (1989) gives only abscissae as
the plural of this word, in keeping with its use in
formal mathematical contexts. Compare Websters
Third (1986), where the absence of plural
specications implies that the regular English plural
is to be expected. See further under -a section 1.
A new prepositional role for this word has emerged
from American legal usage since the 1940s. In
examples like Absent any other facts, there arises an
implied contract (from Websters English Usage, 1989),
it works like a Latin ablative absolute construction
absente (quo) in the absence of (which). (See further
under ablative.) It provides a convenient hedge for a
conclusion, and, not so surprisingly, has begun to
appear in US academic and argumentative writing
outside the law itself. Theres scant evidence of it in
British English.
This uncompromising word has been put to various
grammatical purposes, in reference to (1) adjectives,
(2) pronouns, (3) verbs, (4) clauses. In essence it means
that the word concerned stands alone in the sentence,
without the usual grammatical connections to the
phrase, clause or sentence being expressed. Some of
the applications outlined below belong to traditional
grammar, but collectively they show how freely the
term has been applied. Overuse of the termabsolute
would explain why there are alternatives, also noted
1 Absolute adjectives. The termabsolute is usually
applied to parts of adjectives which by their grammar
or meaning are not involved in comparison. Many
grammarians use it to refer to the uninected form of
any adjective, e.g. bright, as opposed to brighter,
brightest. (See further under adjectives, section 2).
An alternative older name for this part of the adjective
paradigm is the positive form.
The phrase absolute adjective is applied by usage
commentators, e.g. Websters English Usage (1989), to
adjectives whose meaning doesnt permit comparison.
They are also called uncomparable adjectives, by
Garner (1998) and others. Either way the quality they
refer to either is or is not, and there are no grades in
between. They resist being modied by words such as
rather and very, for the same reason. But the phrase
absolute adjective, as applied to unique and others,
suggests that they have only one meaning (see unique
for its several meanings). The fact that a word may
have both comparable and noncomparable senses
seems to be overlooked. The lists of supposed absolute
adjectives varies considerably from one authority to
the next itself a sign of the fuzziness of the category.
Most include complete and unique, but there the
similarities end. Among those sometimes included
countless eternal fatal rst
impossible innite last paramount
perfect permanent previous simultaneous
supreme total ultimate universal
Many of these are commonly modied by words such
as almost or nearly, which Fowler (1926) allowed even
for unique. You can posit approximations to an
absolute state, if not gradations of it. That apart,
comprehensive dictionaries show that such adjectives
have both nongradable and gradable senses. The
gradable sense is clearly being used in a more
complete account of events than ever before. So the
notion of absoluteness needs to be attached to the
sense, not the whole word. If the term absolute
adjective has any value, it would be to refer to dening
adjectives (see under adjectives):
auxiliary classic horizontal ivory
second-hand steel
With their categorial meanings, they cannot be
compared. Fowler also used absolute to refer to
adjectives that serve as the head of a noun phrase: as
in the underprivileged, the young. In these generic
phrases the adjective behaves like a noun, in that it
can be pre- or post-modied: the very young, the young
at heart (Comprehensive Grammar, 1985). They are
otherwise relatively xed, always prefaced by the, and
construed in the plural.
Absolute comparatives are expressions in which a
comparative form of an adjective appears, but no real
comparison is made. In fact comparisons are often
implicit: they were explicit in only 25% of the
examples in the Survey of English Usage, according to
the Comprehensive Grammar (1985). But there could
be no comparison at all in conventional or
institutionalized expressions such as: my better half,
the ner things of life, Greater London, higher
education, the younger generation. We never imagine a
starting point for them in my good half, high
education etc., so they are absolute comparatives.
This is not of course the case with the familiar
advertising line: BRAND XXX WASHES WHITER
which invites consumers to conjure up the
comparatively murky linen produced by an unnamed
competitor, while avoiding any claims for libel.
Absolute superlatives embody the superlative form
of an adjective without any specic comparison. Like
absolute comparatives they are often conventional
expressions, and often involve best as in: best practice,
best seller, all the best, put your best foot forward.
Others are worst-case scenario, worst enemy; do ones
darndest; on/from the highest authority. Freely formed
examples like the kindest person, the loveliest day
involve a kind of hyperbole (see under that heading).
2 Absolute pronouns. This is the term used by some
grammarians (Huddleston, 1984) for possessive
pronouns which stand as independent nouns, such as:
hers, ours, yours, theirs. The Comprehensive Grammar
(1985) calls them independent pronouns. See further
under possessive pronouns.
3 Absolute verbs are those not complemented by the
usual object or adjunct, as in They ate. (See further
under verb phrase section 3.) This use of absolute is
also at least as old as Fowler (1926), and appears in
some older dictionaries.
4 Absolute constructions or clauses are
grammatically independent phrases or nonnite
clauses, not integrated with the sentence in which
they appear. Some are so conventional as to pass
unnoticed, e.g. that being so, all things considered.
Others created ad hoc by the writer may be censured
as dangling participles or unattached phrases: see
further under dangling participles.
abstract nouns
These words carry broad, generalized meanings that
are not tied to the specic instance or a tangible,
concrete item. The essential abstract noun is the name
for an intangible such as honesty, justice or knowledge,
though modern grammarians recognize many other
kinds of words which refer to abstractions or to
imputed entities such as energy, luck and research.
Many abstract nouns are constructs of the language
itself, built up out of other, more specic words. Thus
abstractions such as formality, graciousness,
prevention and severance are generated out of
descriptive adjectives such as formal, gracious, and
action verbs such as prevent, sever. Even ordinary and
familiar words can take on abstract meanings in
analytical writing. Think of eld and grain. We
usually imagine them in concrete terms, but in
expressions like eld of study and grain of truth, they
accents and diacritics
become detached and abstract. Broad cover terms
such as article, creature and vehicle are also abstract
until applied to a particular object. A vehicle may thus
take shape as a car, tram, bus, truck, bicycle or
perhaps even a skateboard or wheelbarrow. (For more
on the distinction between abstract and concrete
nouns, see nouns.)
Abstract nouns are a useful means of building
ideas. They help writers to extend their arguments
and develop theories. They can encapsulate
remarkable insights, and summarize diffuse material
under manageable headings. The downside is their
too frequent appearance in academic and
bureaucratic clich es. In his classic Complete Plain
Words (1962), Gowers talks of the lure of the abstract
[word] for British civil servants, and of the need to
choos[e] the precise word. Most American students
are familiar with the injunction of their freshman
composition textbooks to prefer the concrete to the
abstract, although the prevalence of the opposite in
professional writing has been noted by researchers
such as Lanham (1974) and Couture (1986). Computer
software is able to identify some of the abstract
language in a text, i.e. words ending in -tion, -ness, -ity,
-ance, -ancy, -ence and -ency and other characteristic
sufxes. It cannot identify ordinary words used in
abstract senses, let alone decide whether they are
appropriate for the subject. Abstract words are not
necessarily reprehensible, but their cumulative effect
on the weary reader needs to be factored in.

For further discussion of related issues, see

gobbledygook and nominal.
An abstract is a distinctively structured summary,
used especially in academic contexts. See under
academia, academe and academy
The rst of these words is both the most ancient in
form and the most popular now, at the start of C21.
Academia (Akademeia) was the name of the Athenian
garden associated with the legendary Greek hero
Akademos (in medieval times called Academe).
Platos school of philosophy took its name from the
garden, hence later references to Platos Academy.
The use of academe to mean place of learning is
rst recorded in Shakespeares Loves Labours Lost,
where it appears in the singular as well as plural
(alongside books) as the source of the true
Promethean re. Fowler (1926) took Shakespeare to
task for using academe in reference to an institution
rather than a person, and would have liked even less
its extended use to refer to the whole academic
community and environment. Merriam-Webster (2000)
embraces all these senses, whereas only the
institutional ones appear in New Oxford (1998),
Canadian Oxford (1998) and the Australian Macquarie
(1997). In American and British usage, academe most
commonly appears in sets like arts, academe and the
professions. Otherwise it provides the context for
many a work of ction apart from Mary McCarthys
novel The Groves of Academe (1952), and Mark Steins
play (c. 1980) of the same name. The phrase groves of
academe now has more than a whiff of clich e about it,
but at least it can be varied. Large databases such as
the BNC and CCAE show a range of alternatives: halls
of academe (hybridized with halls of [higher]
learning), realms of academe, world of academe, ivory
towers in academe, and even the ghetto of academe.
Fowlers criticism of using academe in the sense
academic world could perhaps have prompted the
rise of academia as an alternative term since World
War II. In fact academia outnumbers academe by 4:1
in both the BNC and CCAE, and it collocates in much
the same way with halls, ivory towers, cloisters,
and groves itself. Like academe, it appears in sets
like labor, business and academia to designate a
sphere of activity and inuence. No doubt its more
transparent form (ending in the abstract sufx -ia)
gives it an advantage over its competitor, which lacks
formal analogues in English. (See further under -ia.)
The phrase the academy is very occasionally found
as a synonym for academia and academe, but its
usage is mostly worlds apart and has been much
broader than either, especially in C19 and earlier C20.
In the UK, academy served as the common term for
an alternative type of school to the classically oriented
grammar school; and in North America it was used in
reference to private schools. Its now more familiar as
the key word in the names of various specialized
institutes of the performing arts the Royal Academy
of Dramatic Art, Franz Liszt Academy of Music as
well as visual arts and sciences. In the US, the word
academy is built into the names of defense force
training centres such as the West Point Academy, not
to mention the metropolitan Police Academy,
immortalized through movies. The American
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences lends its
name to the Academy Awards, and winners there
enjoy professional esteem comparable to that of the
Academy exhibitor among the British art
establishment. These various institutions give a
specialized meaning to academy that distinguishes it
fromacademe and academia, yet it now lacks
generic usages enough to guarantee it a long future.

For the Acad emie Francaise and other language

academies, see language academy.
accents and diacritics
In speech, an accent is a general style of
pronunciation which strikes the listener as different,
as in a foreign accent, an Irish accent. It may involve
the stress patterns of words as well as the way sounds
are pronounced. The accents of written language
mostly relate to individual sounds. When
superimposed on a particular letter of the alphabet,
accents show that the pronunciation differs in some
way from the unmarked letters. The English spelling
system does without accents, except for the
occasional foreign word (see below). Many other
languages make systematic use of accents to indicate
aspects of sound, stress and pitch. The technical term
for accent marks is diacritics.
The most familar accents are those of European
languages, such as the French acute and the German
umlaut which mark particular vowels, and the
Spanish tilde and the Slavonic h a cek, used with
particular consonants. Less well-known ones are the
small circle used over uin Czech, and over a in
Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, and the slash used
with l in Polish and with o in Danish and Norwegian.
(See further at individual entries on acute, cedilla,
circumex, dieresis, grave, h a cek, tilde, umlaut.)
Accents are also used to mark the strongly stressed
syllables of some words of Italian, Spanish and Irish.
acceptance or acceptation
Some Asian languages written in the Roman alphabet,
such as Vietnamese, have accents to show the
different tones or pitch that go with a particular word:
rising, falling, level etc. The use of accents shows the
limitations of the alphabet for writing the sounds of
diverse modern languages. (See further under
Foreign accents/diacritics in English Accents may be
included in the English spelling of loanwords,
depending on whether the word is a common noun or
proper name, and the context of communication.
a) Loanwords which become English common
nouns tend to lose their accents in the course of time,
witness French loans such as crepe, debut, elite, facade,
and role. Their disappearance is helped by the fact
that English typewriters and wordprocessors rarely
have accents in their repertoire, neither does the
internet. In fact theres no reason for accents to be
retained in words such as role or elite, where the vowel
letters themselves match the pronunciation. The
accents would mostly be missed by francophones and
those for whom it adds cachet or a hint of
sophistication. In Websters Third (1986) the
unaccented form of all those words is given priority,
whereas the opposite holds true for the Oxford
Dictionary (1989). This difference probably correlates
with divergent regional trends, as well as the fact that
the original Oxford (18841928) was much more
inclined to mark loanwords as not naturalized, with
accents shown to correlate with their perceived
foreignness. Though the foreign symbol has been
removed from many of these loanwords in the second
edition (1989), the accents remain and accentless
alternatives are not yet recognized. Copy-editing (1992)
suggests that if accents are to be marked, all those
belonging to the word should be there, e.g. prot eg e,
r esum e. The more functional approach is to use
whatever accents are essential to distinguish
loanwords from their English homographs. Hence
resum e with one accent to contrast with resume. (See
further under resum e.) Even so, the context may
provide all thats needed to identify them as noun and
verb respectively, just as it does for expos e and expose.
Only the rst could appear in an expos e of corruption
and the second in the will to expose corruption. The
difference between pique and piqu e is embedded in
their particular collocations: a t of pique v. a pique
table cloth. When both are adjectives, readers may
depend more on the accent to distinguish their
attributive use, as in a amboyant lam e suit and a
lame duck. The accent is more crucial when the
homographs work in the same grammatical slot.
b) Well-known foreign names with accents/
diacritics generally lose them when reproduced in
English. Thus Dvorak is usually written without the
h a cek, Zurich without the umlaut, and Montreal
without its acute. In some contexts of
communication, however, retaining such accents
assumes some strategic and diplomatic importance.
This would be so for British or American authors
writing for EU readerships; or for anglophone
Canadians when writing French-Canadian names and
titles into public documents, such as Sept-

Iles and
Mus ee de Nouveau Brunswick. Note also that
accents are used on capital letters in Canadian
French, though not regularly in Metropolitan French.
For further details, see Editing Canadian English
acceptance or acceptation
At the start of C21, these two are scarcely
interchangeable as the noun counterpart to the verb
accept. The latinate acceptation could once be used to
mean a state of being accepted or acceptable, but the
last trace of it was around 1800, by which time the
French-style acceptance had replaced it for all
practical purposes. Just one application remains for
acceptation: to refer to the interpretation or
understanding of a word which is the focus of
academic or legal discussion. American data from
CCAE provides a single example in which a court
found that by common acceptation, the description
[white pine] has acquired a secondary meaning as
rmly anchored as the rst. On that one showing,
and the two British instances in BNC, acceptation is
close to extinction.
accessory or accessary
Accessory is now the all-purpose spelling for most
contexts. Accessary used to be reserved for legal
discourse, when talking about a person as the
accessary to a crime or an accessary after the fact. But
accessory is now used in those expressions too, as
evidenced by data from very large corpora (BNC,
CCAE). They contained no examples of accessary
apart from a very dubious British example, in which
the word was anked by three misspelled words.
Dictionaries which continue to present accessary as
an alternative spelling are presumably justifying it
from specialized legal documents, which perpetuate
archaic writing conventions. Meanwhile the spelling
accessory has always been preferred for the extra
item(s) that go with any complex outt, whether it is a
set of clothes, a car or a computer.
accidentally or accidently
The second and shorter spelling is not as obsolete as
the Oxford Dictionary (1989) claims. Databases show
its currency, with a score of British examples in the
BNC and almost 100 American ones in CCAE. These
numbers suggest that accidently is somewhat
commoner in American English, and its relative
frequency vis- ` a-vis accidentally conrms it: about
1:15 in American data, whereas its 1:28 in the British
data. Accidently is sometimes regarded as a spelling
mistake or malformation, but its pedigree is obscured
by the fact that accident was once an adjective, from
which it could be derived quite regularly. Common
pronunciation of the word (with stress on the rst
syllable) also supports the shorter form. This is not to
say we should prefer it to accidentally: rather that it
cannot be dismissed as a solecism.
Note that the associated noun is acclamation. See
accommodation, accomodation and
Accommodation, and the related verb accommodate,
may well qualify as the most widely misspelled words
in otherwise standard writing of the late C20. Yet
accomodate was not uncommon in earlier centuries,
as the Oxford Dictionary (1989) shows. Celebrated
authors such as Defoe, Cowper and Jane Austen used
it. The insistence on two ms thus seems to have rmed
up during the last 100 years. It is unquestionably in
line with the etymology of the word (its root is the
same as for commodity and commodious). But unless
you know Latin, the reason for the two ms isnt
obvious. One pair of doubled consonants (the cs) seems
enough for some writers as if a kind of dissimilation
sets in. (See dissimilate or dissimulate.)
Accomodation is still relatively rare in edited
prose, however commonly seen in signs and
advertisements. British data from the BNC has
accommodation outnumbering accomodation by
almost 100:1, and in American data from CCAE the
ratio is still close to 70:1. Neither Websters Third
(1986) nor the Oxford Dictionary presents the single-m
spellings as alternatives, though they allow
consonant-reduced spellings of other words such as
guer(r)illa and millen(n)ium, despite their etymology.
The management of double and single consonants is a
vexed issue for various groups of English words (see
single for double).
Until recently, American English was distinctive in
using the plural accommodations in reference to
temporary lodgings or arrangements for lodgings,
whereas British English preferred the singular. But
the BNC provides evidence of accommodations being
used now in the UK as well in advertisements for
oceanfront accommodations, as well as more abstract
discussions describing how each party is prepared to
make substantial accommodations to the other. Overall
there are 45 instances in the BNC, as opposed to
thousands in CCAE, but enough to show that the
plural form is being recommissioned in Britain. The
Oxford Dictionary shows earlier British citations up
to about 1800.
accompanist or accompanyist
Accompanyist seems to have dropped out of favor,
though still heard from time to time. Both spellings
were evidenced in C19, and the Oxford Dictionary
(1989), while preferring accompanist, actually had
more citations (3:1) for accompanyist. Websters
Third (1986) also presents the two spellings, putting
accompanist rst. But theres no recent evidence for
accompanyist in either BNC or CCAE or anything
to suggest that accompanyist is a US alternative, as
suggested by some dictionaries.
This is a grammatical name for the case of the direct
object of a verb. In The judge addressed the jury,
jury is the direct object, and could therefore be said to
be accusative. The term is regularly used in
analyzing languages like German and Latin, because
they have different forms for the direct and the
indirect object (the latter is called the dative).
In English both direct and indirect objects have the
same form, whether they are nouns or pronouns.
The judge addressed the jury / them(direct object)
The judge gave the jury / them his advice (indirect
Because the words jury/them are the same for both
roles, the termobjective case is often used in English
to cover both accusative and dative.

For more about grammatical case, see cases and


For the so-called unaccusative, see ergative and

middle voice.
This is an acronym for the Australian Corpus of
English, a database of late C20 written Australian
English, from which evidence has been drawn for
entries in this book. For the composition of the
corpus, see under English language databases.
These endings have a spurious likeness, although they
need never be confused. The words ending in -aceous
are not everyday words except for the gardener or
botanist. How recently did you see herbaceous or
rosaceous, for example? Farinaceous comes closer to
home in discussions of food or diet, yet all such words
originate as scientic creations, referring to
particular classes of plants.
By contrast, the words ending in -acious are
unspecialized and used in many contexts. For
audacious capacious loquacious pugnacious
vivacious voracious
Note that the -ac- in these words is actually part of the
stem or root of the word (e.g. audac-), to which -ious
has been added. For more about words formed in this
way, see -ious.
acknowledgement or acknowledgment
Acknowledgment is given priority in both Websters
Third (1986) and the Oxford Dictionary (1989), perhaps
because of its use by publishers in the front matter
of books. Yet acknowledgement gets plenty of use
in both the US and the UK. In American data
from CCAE, the two are almost equally matched,
while British evidence from the BNC has
acknowledgement strongly preferred, by more than
5:1. The spellling which retains the e in the middle is
more regular in terms of the larger conventions of
English spelling (see -e). For other words ending in
-dg(e)ment, see under -ment.
International English selection: Since
acknowledgement is well established in both
American and British English, and the more
regular spelling, its the one to prefer in
international communication.

For the location of acknowledgements at the front of

a book, see preface.
This Greek element, meaning either top or end,
brings both kinds of meaning into English in
loanwords. In words like acrophobia and acropolis
(including the Acropolis in Athens) it means a high
position. In others, like acronym and acrostic, it
means the tip or extremity of the words involved.
The acrobat is literally one who walks on tiptoe.
An acronym is the word formed out of the initial letter
or letters of a particular set of words. Thus an
acronym, like an abbreviation, carries the meaning of
a complex title or phrase:
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
active verbs
UNICEF (United Nations International Childrens
Emergency Fund)
WHO (World Health Organization)
Acronyms like these are written without stops, and
may metamorphose further into words by shedding
their capital letters, except for the rst one. Thus
NATO can also be written as Nato, and UNICEF as
Unicef. When acronyms become common nouns, they
are written entirely in lower case. For
laser (light amplication by stimulated emission
of radiation)
radar (radio detection and ranging)
scuba (self-contained underwater breathing
snag (sensitive new-age guy)
Not all acronyms are nouns. The adjective posh is
believed to have begun as an acronym, standing for
port outward, starboard home unquestionably the
choicer side of the ship, if you were a colonial
journeying between Britain and India, and wanted to
avoid the tropical sun. Another is the adverb AWOL
(still usually capitalized) which in military parlance
is absent without ofcial leave, but used much more
widely in the phrase gone AWOL, to cover an
unexplained absence.
The desire to create acronyms which are both
pronounceable and meaningful has exercised many
an action group, such as:
ASH (Action on Smoking and Health)
CARS (Committee on Alcohol and Road Safety)
LIFE (Lay Institute for Evangelism)
MADD (Mothers against Drunk Driving)
SWAP (Students Work Abroad Program)
Strategically chosen acronyms can also provide a
useful mnemonic, as in the SWOT analysis of business
operations, under the headings of strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats.
Acronyms and initialisms. All the acronyms
discussed so far comprise strings of letters which
combine to form syllables, and can be pronounced as
ordinary words. This is not, however, possible with
abbreviations like BBC or GNP, which have to be
pronounced letter by letter. Technically they are
initialisms rather than acronyms, although
the term is not widely known. (The term
alphabetism is still less common.) Yet initialism began
as a nonce word just before 1900, according to the
original Oxford Dictionary (18841928). Though absent
from the 1976 Supplement HN, it eventually made a
full entry in the second edition (1989). Still it remains
a technical term for professional editors and
lexicographers, and hardly leaves any trace in large
general databases. There are no occurrences of it in
CCAE, and only one (in the plural) in the BNC. Data
from both corpora show that initialisms such as CBT
(computer-based training) and FMFFV (full motion /
full frame video) are simply called acronyms. The
distinction is in any case awed, because (1) an
abbreviation can embody both types, as does
MSDOS; and (2) the same abbreviation can be
pronounced in two ways. Think for example of AKA
(also known as) and UFO (unidentied ying
object), which are two-syllabled acronyms for
some speakers, and three-syllabled initialisms for
others. Initialisms generally keep their capital letters,
even when they correspond to strings of lower case
active verbs
The term active is applied by grammarians to a verb
whose action is performed by its own grammatical
subject. A classical illustration is the statement: I
came, I saw, I conquered.
Active verbs contrast with passive verbs, where
the subject is acted upon by the verbs action. There
are three passive verbs in the historical punishment
for high treason He was hanged, drawn and
quartered although only the rst one is fully
expressed with a subject and a part of the verb be (see
passive verbs).
In written documents, active verbs are vital
because they express action directly as an event,
rather than making it a passive process. They are the
natural way to keep a narrative moving vigorously
along, and many books on good style recommend their
use to ensure vigorous prose. Other things to avoid are
discussed under gobbledygook, and impersonal
acuity or acuteness
The adjective acute has for centuries had two abstract
nouns: the latinate acuity being rst recorded in 1543,
and the home-grown English acuteness in 1646.
Acuity is much more frequent than acuteness by a
factor of 4:1 in American English (CCAE) and 5:1 in
British data from the BNC. Despite unequal shares of
usage, they coexist through some specialization in
their uses. The corpus data has acuity typically
referring to sharpness of vision, while acuteness is
associated with poignancy of feeling, suffering and
the symptoms of disease. Yet the BNC also shows some
overlap, in that either may refer to sharpness of
intellect and observation, where the minds eye and
the seeing eye coincide.
acute accents
The meaning of this mark depends on the language
being written. In some European languages it marks a
special vowel quality, as in French where its used for
a tense e (one pronounced with the tongue higher than
for other kinds of e). In Czech and Hungarian the
acute accent can be associated with any of the ve
vowels. Compare Polish, where it goes with the vowel
o, and several consonants: c, n, s and z.
Other languages deploy the acute accent to mark
prosodic aspects of words. In Greek and Spanish
writing, acute accents are placed over vowels to show
that the syllables they occur in are stressed. Spanish
homophones are sometimes distinguished this way:
thus si (if ) and si (yes). In Vietnamese writing, the
acute accent represents a rising pitch for the syllable
Double acute accents are used in Hungarian on o
and u, making different sounds from the same letters
marked with umlauts. See further under umlaut.
ad or advert
In the snappy world of advertising, abbreviated forms
of the key word are indispensable, though they made
their rst showing in print some decades before the
industry took off. The Oxford Dictionarys record
begins in Victorian England, with two citations from
mid-C19, and one from 1902 whose author nds it a
loathly little word, yet such was its popularity in the
1920s that admen themselves campaigned against it,
ad hoc, ad-hoc and adhoc
fearing that it robbed their enterprise of dignity
(Menckens Supplement to The American Language,
1945). With only two letters, ad is an abnormally brief
word for embodying content (see further under
words), and British dictionaries including the Oxford
label it colloquial. American dictionaries such as
Websters Third (1986) leave it unlabeled, and
American corpus evidence conrms that its
stylistically versatile, appearing in eight different
categories of ction and nonction in the Brown
corpus, and in newspapers as well as monographs in
the more recent CCAE. Reviewing its status, Websters
English Usage (1989) concludes that it is acceptable to
a large majority of Americans. It also occurs freely in
contemporary British English, with over 750 instances
(singular and plural) in the BNC, found in many kinds
of publication, and connected with various British
institutions including Sainsburys and Yorkshire TV.
Other signs that ad is established are the increasing
range of compounds based on it. Adman originated in
the rst decade of C20, but CCAE contains many
others, usually spaced, such as ad agency, ad
campaign, ad revenues and want-ads. Note that in all
but the last example, ad means advertising rather
than advertisement, though not all dictionaries
recognize this.
Advert also originated in C19 (rst recorded in
1860), but did not gain popularity until the 1950s.
Large databases conrm that its little used outside
Britain. Though the BNC contains more than 800
examples (singular and plural) in BNC data, the tally
from CCAE could be counted on the ngers of one
hand. Its appearances in BNC texts mostly the more
interactive kinds of discourse show that its still
colloquial, as noted in the Oxford Dictionary.
Advert as an abbreviation of advertisement keeps
its distance from the identical latinate verb advert
meaning draw attention, which appears less than 10
times in the BNC, and only in rather formal style.
Both ad and advert are occasionally punctuated
like abbreviations ad., advert. and there are
examples among the Oxford Dictionary citations,
though they are not proposed as secondary forms. For
most writers ad and advert are established short
forms, like exam or gym, and theres no need to mark
them as abbreviations of advertisement or
advertising. See further under clipping.

For the choice between advertisement and

advertizement, see further under that heading.
AD or A.D.
This abbreviation stands for the Latin anno domini,
meaning in the year of the Lord. It represents a date
calculated within the calendar devised centuries ago
by the Christian church, which is still the standard for
the western world. In the Christian calendar, all years
are dated as being either before the presumed year of
Christs birth (BC), or after it (AD).
According to a long-established principle of style,
noted in Burcheld (1996) and the Chicago Manual
(2003), AD should be written before the number in a
date, as in AD 405, and BC after the number: 55 BC. Yet
theres increasing evidence that it aint necessarily
so. Websters English Usage (1989) presents counter
examples alongside conventional ones; and Websters
Style Manual (1985) had earlier observed that, despite
the convention, many writers and editors place AD
after the date (as in 405 AD). It observed that this
makes AD dates consistent with BC dates and both
then have the same order as when spoken. Database
evidence from CCAE as well as the BNC conrms the
trend in both the US and the UK, though its closer to
being an equal alternative in the American data. The
Cambridge International Dictionary (1995) allows both
The developing practice of placing ADafter the year
reference is supported by the now regular habit of
having it follow the word century, as in the fth century
AD. This was the only location for it in many
examples from the BNC and CCAE, and its accepted
even by usage authorities who object to placing AD
after the year. Once again it reects the order in which
the phrase is said, but it was once objected to on the
grounds that the word anno (year) came awkwardly
after century. Those who read AD in its original
Latin terms are however increasingly rare. For most
it simply means in the Christian era, and has a
purely conventional signicance, as the Chicago
Manual (1993) put it. Most scholars and scholarly
editors, it says, have long since withdrawn their
The punctuation and typesetting of AD raise a few
further questions. The font is usually roman rather
than italic, in keeping with the bold feature style of
this entry, rather than the italics used in examples.
With full typesetting resources it can appear in small
capitals (see small caps), but in wordprocessed text
and on the internet it typically appears in full caps.
The use/non-use of stops in AD is a matter of regional
and/or individual policy for capitalized abbreviations
(see abbreviations). American authorities cited in
this entry tend to use periods/stops (A.D.) and the
British ones not. They are united in leaving no space
between the letters of the abbreviation, but setting
space between it and the year.

For more about the writing of dates, see BC or BCE

and dating systems.
ad hoc, ad-hoc and adhoc
In Latin this phrase meant to this and by extension
for this matter. We use it in expressions like ad hoc
committee, i.e. one set up for a specic and limited
purpose, alongside the regular committee. In this
precise context ad(-)hoc is neutral in meaning. In
wider use it has come to mean impromptu, and,
more negatively, lacking in forethought or
circumspection. Decisions made ad hoc often seem
arbitrary. These shifts in meaning, and the range of
English derivatives (see below), show how thoroughly
ad(-)hoc has been assimilated.
Ad hoc is still usually set with space, whether used
as an attributive adjective, as in ad hoc measures, or
predicatively (or adverbially) as in Everything is very
ad hoc (see adjectives section 1). In American data
from CCAE, the spaced form (ad hoc) outnumbers
ad-hoc by more than 7:1, in keeping with the general
American practice of avoiding hyphens (see under
that heading). The difference is even greater in BNC
data (closer to 15:1), though this may have more to do
with British preference for preserving the identity of
the Latin phrase. The BNC also provides a score of
examples of adhoc (set solid). This form has yet to be
recognized in either New Oxford (1998) or
Merriam-Webster (2000), but its the natural trend
when the word is almost always an adjective rather
than adverb, as the databases show. The fact that it has
ad hominem
several derivatives is further evidence of its ongoing
The nouns derived fromad(-)hoc pose issues of
spelling, illustrated in the alternative forms
adhoc(k)ing, adhocism / ad hocism, adhoc(k)ery and
even ad-hoc-ness, all registered in the Oxford
Dictionary (1989). The Addenda of Websters Third
(1986) adds adhocracy, a word which could be applied
in many domains where adhoc(k)ery seems to rule. It
conforms neatly to English spelling, and doesnt
require any extra letter or hyphen to make it look like
a real word. The Oxford variants ad hocism and ad
hoc-ery show the persistent use of space to identify the
Latin elements, though they highlight etymology at
the expense of current meaning, and ignore the
problems of sufxation (see further under -c/-ck- and
-e). At any rate, consensus has yet to be achieved on
how to spell these words, leaving writers free to select
or construct the form which communicates best.
ad hominem
This phrase, borrowed from Latin, is part of the
longer expression argumentum ad hominem
argument directed at the individual. It refers to
diversionary tactics used in legal pleading and
political rhetoric, either an appeal to the self-interest
of the listener(s), or a personal attack on the
opposition (the mudslinging of low-level
parliamentary debate). Either way it diverts attention
from the real issues, and jeopardizes proper debate
and discussion. It suggests that the speaker is unable
or unwilling to answer the points raised by the other
side. (See further under argument.)

See also ad personam.

ad infinitum
In Latin this phrase meant to innity and was used
literally in medieval scholasticism in theological and
mathematical argument. But in modern usage ad
innitumis always a rhetorical exaggeration
applied to a process which seems to go drearily on and
ad lib, ad-lib or adlib
In shortened form, this is the late Latin phrase ad
libitum, meaning at ones pleasure, or as you
please. Musicians have known it for centuries as a
directive to do as they like with the musical score:
modify the tempo, add a few grace notes, omit a few
bars of repetition. Only in C20 was the word extended
to other kinds of performance (particularly acting and
public speaking), in which the speaker may
extemporize beyond the script. Often it implies a
complete absence of scripting. These more general
uses of the phrase have turned it into a colloquial
verb, as in having to ad-lib his way through a weather
Both the New Oxford Dictionary (1998) and
Merriam-Webster (2000) have the verb written as
ad-lib, the last consonant of which is doubled when
sufxes are added, as in ad-libbed, ad-libbing and
ad-libber. The dictionaries propose the hyphened
formad-lib for the noun (an original ad-lib) and
adjective (his ad-lib masterpiece) as well, though New
Oxford uses ad lib when illustrating the rather rare
adverb. Yet data from the BNC show a mix of ad-lib
and ad lib for verb, noun and adjective in edited texts,
and ad lib interchanging with adlib in broadcasting
autocues (e.g. Harriet adlib), where its grammar is
indeterminate. Data from CCAE have ad lib as often
as ad-lib for noun, verb and adjective, in line with the
greater reluctance of Americans to use a hyphen
when spaced forms will do (see under hyphens). But
ad(-)lib evidently varies in both the US and UK
which goes with the free-wheeling nature of the
process it refers to.
ad personam
This Latin phrase (literally to the person) has had
two kinds of use in late C20 English:
to describe appointments which are made to suit
the individual candidate, rather than by general
as a nonsexist variant of ad hominem, on the
mistaken assumptions that (a) the latter means at
the man (male) rather than at the human
individual; and (b) Latin persona can be used like
person in English (see under -person and
persona). Just what equal opportunity it provides
for is unclear.
Neither usage is widespread. The second, noted by
Bliss (1966), seems to predate afrmative action of the
1980s, while the rst makes its appearance in New
Oxford (1998). Theres no sign of either in
Merriam-Webster (2000).
ad rem
This Latin phrase means literally to the matter. It is
used to identify arguments which stick to the point at
issue, and do not resort to diversionary tactics or
argumentative tricks. (See further under argument
and fallacies.)
See under aphorism.
adaptation or adaption
These are both abstract nouns based on the verb
adapt. Adaptation is older by far with an antecedent
in late Latin, whereas adaption appears rst in C18,
apparently formed on the analogy of adoption.
Adaption has never been as popular as adaptation,
to judge by the way its cross-referenced to the longer
word in both Websters Third (1986) and the Oxford
Dictionary (1989). In contemporary databases of
British and American English, adaption is much less
common than adaptation, in the ratio of about 1:20 in
BNC and 1:40 in CCAE. What use it has in American
English is typically in references to a literary work
being adapted for another medium such as television
or lm. But occasionally it refers to the adapting of
computer software for different platforms, of
industries to changing market forces, and of humans
to extreme stress. The last is the sole example in
CCAE to support the indication of the Random House
Dictionary (1987) that adaption belongs to sociology.
Clearly the word is in wider use than its editors or
Fowler (1926) were aware. Adaption is thus a viable
alternative to adaptation, and goes almost anywhere
the verb adapt itself can go.
adapter or adaptor
Some -er/-or pairs complement each other, one being
used for the person and the other for the instrument
adjacent, adjoining and adjunct
(as with conveyer/conveyor). But this is not so for
adapter/adaptor, which are interchangeable in
database evidence from both the US and the UK. The
chief difference is that adapter is much more frequent
than adaptor in American English, occurring more
than four times as often in CCAE; whereas in British
English the situtation is reversed with adaptor
occurring nearly four times as often as adapter in the
BNC. In both databases, the words were used much
more often in relation to mechanical, electrical or
electronic devices than to people who adapt something
such as a literary work. But the human sense was
spelled as both adapter and adaptor, and there were
instances of both co-adapter and co-adaptor in CCAE.

For other kinds of complementation between -er/-or

words, see under that heading.
For the plural of this word, see under -um.
addition or additive
Additives are of course additions, but additions are
not necessarily additives. Additive has the much
more restricted meaning of something added in a
chemical process, as in photography, or in the
processing of foods. But if youre extending your house
or family, it will be an addition, not an additive.
In the last fty years, the wording of addresses in
letters and on envelopes has become increasingly
streamlined. Current practice is to use minimal
punctuation, and abbreviations for titles, generic
elements of street names, and state or province codes.
Zip codes / post codes are used in most
English-speaking countries, placed after the name of
the state in the US and Australia, after the city in the
UK, and after the province in Canada. In European
addresses the post code precedes the name of the city.
Examples of each are set out in Appendixes VII and

For the conventions of e-mail and internet

addresses, see URL.
adherence or adhesion
These abstract words are both related to the verb
adhere, meaning stick to. They differ in that
adhesion usually refers to the physical gluing or
bonding of one substance to another, while adherence
means a less tangible connection, such as the
commitment to a religion, philosophy, code of
behavior or international agreement. Yet theres some
crossover between them, which is acknowledged in
American and British dictionaries, and evidenced in
the corpora.
The physical bonding expressed in adhesion can be
chemical (as of household paint sticking to a surface),
biochemical (as when bacteria attach themselves to
cells) or mechanical (as of the grip of a tyre on the
road or a shoe on the ground). In American English
there is a further specialized legal use of the term in
contract of adhesion (one which is attached to a job
and cannot be negotiated by the employee). Among
the crossover examples from CCAE, adhesion was
also used in a few references to Christian afliation
(both conformist and nonconformist) and to political
policy, in adhesion to free trade. These latter areas are
the broad domain of adherence, which expresses
many kinds of religious afliation (Christian and
non-Christian), as well as political and social
commitments (to Keynesian economics, the Berne
copyright convention and the new corporate
mentality). Some applications were closer to home, as
in adherence to a low-fat diet, or to a dress code of
suits, ties and jackets for legislators. Again there were
a few crossover examples in both CCAE and BNC
where adherence (rather than adhesion) was used to
express chemical and biochemical bonding. The
interplay between the two words shows that they are
not quite as specialized in their applications as is
sometimes said, although adhesion remains the one
to which more technical senses are attached.
Adherence still can be applied more freely, in many
human and social situations. This helps to explain
why it is much more common than adhesion,
although the margin is greater in the US than the UK,
judging by their relative frequency in data from CCAE
and the BNC.
In several European languages, speakers seem to
invoke the divinity when taking leave of each other.
Adieu (French) and adios (Spanish) both mean
literally to God; and the English goodbye, originally
God be with you, spells it out a little more. Goodbye
is now totally secularized, an all-purpose farewell,
whereas adieu retains a certain divine melancholy, a
sense of the signicance of the parting that it marks.
Contemporary English uses of adieu illustrated in the
BNC are mostly to be found in literary ction, in
direct address (Gentlemen, adieu), and in narrative
comment, usually collocated with the verb bid in the
sense declare (see further at bid). When used in
nonctional contexts, bidding adieu attaches historic
moment to historical departures, as when bidding
adieu to Soviet troops is coupled with working out
new treaties of good neighbourliness with the Soviet
Adieu appears only very rarely in the plural,
leaving some doubt as to whether it should then be the
English adieus or French adieux. The major
dictionaries endorse the rst rather than the second:
Websters Third (1986) does so explicitly, and the
Oxford Dictionary (1989) implicitly, by the absence of
plural specication. However the -x plural is still
available for those who wish to emphasize the foreign
origins of adieu, and its needed of course in titles
such as Les Adieux, given to one of Beethovens
adjacent, adjoining and adjunct
The rst two words imply closeness in space, and both
may indicate objects or areas juxtaposed to each other:
The company suffered a serious setback when re
gutted much of the adjacent warehouse.
The area ranges from full sun beyond the herb bed
to deep shade adjoining the house.
Adjoining normally implies contiguity, though the
common boundary often has to be deduced from
context, and may be no more than a right-angle
connection, as in an alley adjoining the main road, and
houses in adjoining streets. The sense of contiguity in
adjoining probably stems from its visible connections
with the word join; whereas the etymology of
adjacent (lying near) is obscure to most. Adjacent
doesnt require things to be hard up against each
other, though they may be, as in adjacent angles or the
adjacent organs of anatomical descriptions. More
often, adjacent seems to be used when the relative
closeness of two objects is not so important, or not
known. Consider its use in BNC examples such as
research with grant-maintained and other adjacent
schools, which leaves it open as to how many schools
in a given district are covered by the study.
Adjacent is also used to refer to the position of an
item immediately preceding or following in a
sequence (Websters Third, 1986), and the relationship
begins to be a matter of time rather than space. Add
this to its already wider range of applications, and its
no surprise to nd that adjacent occurs more than
twice as often as adjoining in both American and
British English, from the evidence of CCAE and the
Adjunct is a good deal more abstract than either
adjacent or adjoining, and quite rare as an adjective.
Its uses are ofcial, as in adjunct professor, meaning
one appointed by special (non-tenured) attachment to
an institution.

For grammatical uses of the noun adjunct, see

Often thought of as descriptive words, adjectives
just as often serve to dene or to evaluate something:
a big room a windowless room an awful room
The same adjective may describe and evaluate
something, as in a poky room. Writers can of course
use more than one adjective in the same string, to
create a multifaceted image. Wine labels and wine
commentaries are a rich source of them:
intense cool-climate fruit and smoky oak aromas
very lively, ne, dry palate with a inty edge and a
long nish
a medium-bodied cabernet-style wine, matured in
small French casks
Both simple and compound adjectives can go before
the key noun, but the more elaborately phrased
descriptors (matured in... etc.) need to go after it (in
postposition). Theoretically theres no limit to the
number of adjectives you can pile up in front of a
noun only the risk of losing the reader with too
many. As those wine descriptions show, a set of three
or four is plenty, especially if some of them are
compound adjectives (on which see section 3 below).
Adjectives appear in a conventional order, the
evaluative ones coming rst, before the descriptive
ones, which always precede the denitive ones. This
explains the sequences in smoky oak aromas and
small French casks. Note also that the adjective
modied by very comes rst in the string, as in very
lively, ne, dry palate. The same holds for any
gradable or comparable adjectives (see section 2
below). Last and next to the noun are the denitive or
categorial adjectives, such as French, which are
nongradable. A further point to note is that denitive
adjectives are often nouns conscripted for adjectival
service, like oak in smoky oak aromas. (On
punctuating sets of adjectives, see comma, section 3.)
1 Attributive and predicative adjectives. When
adjectives precede the nouns they qualify, as in the
examples above, they are said to be attributive. But
many also occur independently after a verb,
particularly if they are evaluative or descriptive.
Compare for example small casks with The casks were
small. In cases like the latter, adjectives are said to be
predicative, because they form part of the predicate of
the clause, complementing the verb and its subject
(see further under predicate). Attributive and
predicative uses yield different meanings in some
cases: compare an ill omen with She was ill.
Some adjectives resist being used in predicative
roles. Those such as utter, mere (and others when used
as emphasizers e.g. a rm friend, the real hero, sheer
arrogance) can only occur as attributive adjectives.
The same is true of many which serve to dene or
categorize a noun (like meeting in the example
meeting room), which could not be used predicatively
in the same sense, if at all. Other adjectives are
restricted to the predicative role, including those on
the adjective/adverb boundary, such as:
aboard abroad aground ajar awry
We never say the ajar door, only The door was ajar.
Whether ajar counts as an adjective or an adverb in
that exemplary sentence is a conundrum, to be tested
by syntactic criteria like those of the Comprehensive
Grammar (1985). (See further under a- and copular
2 Comparison of adjectives. The adjective system
allows us to compare one thing with another, and to
grade them on the same adjectival quality. There are
however two systems of comparison, involving (a)
sufxes or (b) more and most. Their application
depends largely on how many syllables the adjective
consists of.
*Adjectives of one syllable are usually compared by
means of the sufxes -er and -est, as in:
ne wine (absolute)
ner wine (comparative)
the nest wine (superlative)
The different forms of the adjective absolute (or
positive), the comparative and the superlative make
the regular degrees of comparison for most everyday
English adjectives. Good and bad are the major
exceptions with their irregular paradigms good,
better, best and bad, worse, worst. Other exceptions are
adjectives like crushed and worn, which have verb
(past participle) sufxes embedded in them, and
whose degrees of comparison are formed
periphrastically, i.e. with the help of more/most. Idiom
occasionally dictates an irregular form for a
one-syllabled adjective, as in the phrase a more just
*Adjectives consisting of three or more syllables
almost always form their degrees of comparison
periphrastically, i.e. by means of adjectival phrases
formed with more and most:
an expensive wine
a more expensive wine
the most expensive wine
Exceptions among three-syllabled adjectives are
those formed with un-, such as unhappy and
unhealthy, whose comparatives and superlatives are
as they would be without the prex: unhappier,
*Adjectives with two syllables are less predictable in
their forms of comparison than those shorter or
longer. Many can be compared either way, such as:
gentle lovely
gentler / more gentle lovelier / more lovely
gentlest / most gentle loveliest / most lovely
The inected forms are neat for attributive use,
whereas phrasal comparisons are of course bulkier
admission or admittance
and lend themselves to predicative use, especially for
emphasis. Other factors such as the need to use
matching forms of comparison for paired adjectives,
as in the most simple and straightforward solution,
have been found to explain some of the variation
(Leech and Culpeper, 1997).
One large group of adjectives those formed with
-y is more regular than the rest, using sufxes for
the comparative/superlative sufxes almost always.
The following are a token of the many:
angry easy empty funny happy
healthy heavy lofty merry noisy
pretty speedy tidy wealthy weighty
Ad hoc adjectives formed with -y are compared the
same regular way:
craggy craggier craggiest
dishy dishier dishiest
foxy foxier foxiest
Compare adjectives ending in -ly, which are quite
variable. Researchers have found that early always
used sufxes for comparison, whereas likely was
almost always compared with more/most. Others in
the -ly group such as costly, deadly, friendly, lively,
lonely, lovely can go either way. Some adjectives such
as costly, deadly, friendly prefer the inected form for
the superlative, but use periphrasis for the
comparative: more costly, costliest (Peters, 2000). Both
patterns of comparison have been found with
adjectives ending in -le (feeble, humble, noble, simple
etc.), though they are more often inected; and the
same is true of those ending in -ow (mellow, narrow,
shallow). Those ending in -er (bitter, eager, proper,
sober etc.) tend the other way, making their
comparisons with more/most. Adjectives with a
derivational sufx, such as -ful (hopeful), -less
(graceless), -ive (active), -ous ( famous) are always
compared phrasally, as are those formed with -ed
(excited ) or -ing (boring). But two-syllabled adjectives
formed with the negative prex un- (unfair, unt,
unwise) are compared by means of inections, just
like their positive counterparts. Beyond all those
groups, there are individual adjectives which go their
own sweet way: quiet is almost always inected;
common, cruel, handsome, minute, polite, remote
appear in both inected and phrasal comparisons.
Regional studies of the two types of comparison
show that American English is slightly more inclined
than British to use phrasal comparison with -ly
adjectives (Lindquist, 1998). Some have thought that
writers would be more inclined to use phrasal
comparison than speakers, though research
associated with the Longman Grammar (1999) showed
the opposite: that the frequency of inected
adjectives was higher in all forms of writing (ction,
journalism, academic) than in conversation. Despite
these tendencies, writers have some freedom of choice
when comparing many everyday two-syllabled
adjectives, to be exercised in the service of style,
rhythm and rhetoric. The only caveat is to avoid using
inections as well as periphrasis in quick succession,
as in the most unkindest cut of all (Julius Caesar,
iii:2). Double superlatives like this were acceptable in
Tudor English, but not nowadays.
*Uncomparable adjectives. Many kinds of adjective
dont support any degrees of comparison the quality
they refer to cannot be graded. A denitive adjective
like French (in French cask) either is or is not true.
(More French than the French turns it ad hoc into a
gradable adjective.) Other adjectives which cannot be
compared are those which refer to an absolute state,
such as rst, double, last and dead. Uncomparable
adjectives like those are sometimes referred to as
absolute adjectives (see absolute section 1).
3 Compound adjectives consist of two or more parts,
and may or may not include an adjective. They are the
staple of journalese, as in the war-torn Middle East or
power-hungry executives, but are also used creatively
by advertisers, and by authors and poets for artistic
purposes. For more about the structure of compound
adjectives, see compounds, and hyphens section 2c.

For the grammar of adjectival phrases and clauses,

see phrases and clauses section 4.
adjoining or adjacent
See adjacent.
Grammarians use this term in two different ways:
for a particular set of adverbs: see adverbs,
section 1
for the adverbial component(s) of a clause: see
predicate, section 1
administer or administrate
These come from French and Latin respectively, and
as often the rst has many more roles than the second.
Dictionaries tend to cross-reference administrate to
administer as if it could be freely substituted for it,
yet administrate can scarcely take as its object
things such as justice, punishment, medicine, poison, a
blow, an oath or the sacrament, all of which collocate
with administer. Administer has a distinctive
intransitive use with to (once disputed, now
dictionary-endorsed) which is found in examples such
as administering to the sick, and this administrate
cannot cover. The chief uses of administrate are close
to the nouns administration and administrator, in the
intransitive sense of act as administrator or
transitively manage the administration of (usually
a corporate structure or institution). Neither is
common in British English, judging by the dearth of
examples in the BNC, but theres a sprinkling of them
in American data from CCAE. Intransitive and
transitive uses are almost equally represented (the
latter involving objects such as department,
estate, the act, private lands). Administrate
clearly has a role to play, one that is distinct from
admission or admittance
Though similar in age, these two abstract nouns for
the verb admit have very unequal shares of the
linguistic market. The latinate admission dominates
the scene by about 40:1, according to BNC data.
Admission scoops up the verb senses of confessing
something or letting it slip, as in an admission of guilt
or by his own admission, and admittance is only
rarely found in such senses. Either word can be used
when its a matter of entering or being allowed to
enter (a controlled public place such as a stadium or
exhibition), although admission is much more
common, and the one built into compounds such as
admission price. Hospitals institutionalize it in their
nomenclature, ADMISSIONS being the section where
patients are admitted for care. While admission
invites entry, admittance is associated with denying
adopted or adoptive
it, in the conventional sign NO ADMITTANCE. The
sign addresses those not authorized to enter a given
area because of potential dangers or privacy not
those who work there, who would not be denied access
by it. In a more upfront way admission can also be
associated with exclusive kinds of entry, for example
membership of professional groups, as in admission to
the board of solicitors, or admission to the Bar. These
ofcial uses of admission may nevertheless suggest
that the word is to be avoided when the access route is
less formal, hence BNC examples such as admittance
to Paradise and admittance to the afterlife (no
admissions board to control access there!).
Unexpected uses of admittance may amount to no
more than the fact that it seems closer to the verb
admit than admission does, and comes naturally
when thinking of the verbal process. The most
distinctive application of admittance is as a technical
term in electronics, where it complements
conductance, impedance and resistance in the structure
of electrical systems.
adopted or adoptive
Usage books often present these as reciprocal
adjectives, the rst representing the perspective of the
adopter, the second that of the adoptee. So adopted is
the word to expect from parents referring to the child
they have taken in, and adoptive is the childs word to
describe the parents he or she has acquired in this
way. This distinction is perhaps a reex of the Oxford
Dictionarys (1989) note that adopted is used
especially of the child. Yet its denition of adoptive
allows either perspective: an adoptive son, father
etc. and does not make the two words complementary.
Whatever its basis, the traditional distinction
appears to be crumbling says Burcheld (1996); and
the BNC presents both regular and divergent
examples, the latter including adopted parent, and
adopted family, as well as adoptive children and
even an adoptive pup in a veterinary report. In fact
the selection of adopted or adoptive is immaterial
because the following noun (child or parent)
indicates the perspective.
advance, advanced and advancement
Subtle changes have taken place in the grammar and
spelling of advance since it rst appeared in C13
English. Its original form avaunce reects its French
origins, but in Tudor times it was remodeled as
advance, in accordance with Latin spelling
conventions, although it has no exact Latin ancestor.
Originally a verb, by 1680 it was also used as a noun,
as in the enemys advance, and attributively, as in
advance guard.
The uses of advance as adjective and noun contrast
with their grammatical counterparts advanced and
advancement. Advance as adjective indicates
priority in time and/or space, as in advance notice;
whereas advanced implies being well down the track
in terms of achievement or sophistication, as in an
advanced student or advanced thinking. The two
cannot substitute for each other. Compare the noun
advance with advancement, where dictionaries
suggest theres some common ground in referring to
progress in a particular eld of endeavor. Yet advance
can hardly replace the other word in the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, not
because it is an established title but because
advancement is an abstract concept, whereas any
advance is specic and down-to-earth. The
advancement of civilization would connote the
heightening of cultural mores, whereas the advance of
civilization could be a comment on the use of mobile
phones in the Himalayas. The more abstract
properties of advancement make it a useful
euphemism for getting ahead in ones career or
profession, where advance is no substitute. Yet there
are many more applications of advance for which
advancement is unsuitable, and the rst outnumbers
the second by more than 9:1 in British English and 4:1
in American English, in comparable databases (LOB
and Brown corpora).
adventurous or adventuresome
See venturous.
Adverbs are the most varied class of English words,
with a variety of syntactic roles. Some modify verbs,
as the name adverb suggests. But many have other
roles in sentences which are beginning to be
recognized by individual names. The terms used to
identify them below are those of the Comprehensive
Grammar (1985).
1 Types of adverb. Adverbs which detail the
circumstances of the verb are these days often called
adjuncts, to indicate that they connect with the core of
the clause without being part of it. Other types of
adverb are subjuncts, which typically modify other
adverbs or adjectives; disjuncts, which modify whole
clauses or sentences; and conjuncts, which forge a
semantic link between a sentence and the one before
*adjuncts add detail to whatever action the verb
itself describes. They may specify the time or place of
the action, the manner in which it took place, or its
(time) tonight tomorrow soon
(place) abroad downtown indoors
(manner) well quickly energetically
(extent) largely partly thoroughly
*subjuncts moderate the force of various kinds of
word. Many such as really, relatively, too, very, modify
adjectives and other adverbs, as in very
strong/strongly. Some such as almost, quite, rather can
modify verbs as well. Subjuncts of both kinds have the
effect of either softening or intensifying the words
they modify, hence the two major groups:
(downtoners) fairly rather somewhat
(intensiers) extremely most so
Expletives like bloody are powerful intensiers of
other adjectives, as in: a bloody good book (see further
under intensiers). A special subgroup of restrictive
subjuncts serve to spotlight others and to narrow the
focus of the sentence. They include adverbs such as
especially, even, only.
*disjuncts affect the interpretation of the whole
clause or sentence, either as judgements of the
likelihood of something happening (maybe, possibly,
probably, surely); or as expressions of attitude towards
the event ( fortunately, mercifully, regrettably,
worryingly). They stand outside the core grammar of
advertisement or advertizement
the sentence, and can be moved around within it:
Fortunately the letter got there in time.
The letter fortunately got there in time.
The letter got there in time fortunately.
Disjuncts, like subjuncts, can be used for emphasis,
and have a signicant interpersonal role to play in a
writing style: see under interpersonal.
*conjuncts are adverbs which play a cohesive role
between separate sentences, or clauses. They include
words like also, however, therefore, and thus express
logical relationships such as addition, contrast and
causation. (See further under conjunctions.)
The same adverb can of course be used in more than
way. Thus mostly can be an adjunct or a subjunct,
depending on whether it quanties the extent of
something, or simply serves to emphasize it. Too is an
attitudinal subjunct in too hot and a conjunct in Im
coming too. Yet can be an adjunct of time as in not yet
here, and a contrastive conjunct, as in small yet tasty
apricots. More controversially, hopefully is these days
a disjunct as well as an adjunct (see hopefully).
Note also that not, the negative adverb, is treated
separately from other adverbs in modern English
grammars. This is because of its afnity with negative
words of other kinds, such as determiners and
pronouns (neither, no, none). Not has wide-ranging
powers within sentences, to modify a word (verb,
adjective or another adverb), a phrase, or a whole
clause. (See further under not and negatives.)
2 Adverbial structure and form. From all the examples
above, its clear that adverbs do not necessarily end in
-ly. (See further under -ly and zero adverbs.) Many
like soon and well consist of a single morpheme. There
are also compound adverbs, for example downtown
and indoors. (See further under compounds, and
hyphens section 2b.) Many adverbs are phrases:
straight away to the bottom
in no way a little bit
without a care in the world
Adverbial ideas can be expressed through several
kinds of clause. See clauses section 4c.
3 Comparison of adverbs. Like many adjectives,
adverbs allow degrees of comparison. Those
consisting of one syllable, e.g. fast, hard, soon, make
their comparative and superlative forms with
inections inthe same wayas adjectives: sooner, soonest
etc. Adverbs formed with -ly enlist the help of more
and most, as in more energetically, most energetically.
4 Position of adverbs in sentences. Many adverbs
can appear at various points in a sentence, as noted
above (section 1) for disjuncts. Adjuncts can also
appear early, late or in the middle of a sentence:
Yesterday trading hit an all-time low.
Trading yesterday hit an all-time low.
Trading hit an all-time low yesterday.
Conjuncts are relatively mobile also. (Compare that
last sentence with the one above the set of examples,
and see further under also.) There are few
restrictions on conjuncts such as however, despite
notions to the contrary (see however). The position of
adverbs can be used to alter the emphasis of a
statement, and to control the focus. (See further under
information focus.)
A very small group of adverbs (hardly, never,
scarcely) require inversion of the normal word order
when used at the beginning of a sentence. See under
adverse or averse
These words express different kinds of negative
orientation: adverse relates to external
circumstances, while averse gets inside the
With such adverse judgements on his case, he was
still averse to reconsidering the action.
Adverse is commonly applied to legal or ofcial
conditions that are hostile, or to threatening natural
forces, as in adverse weather conditions or an adverse
reaction to a drug. Averse expresses strong
disinclination, though the idiom not averse to is used
lightly or ironically, as in not averse to a little whisky.
While adverse is mostly used attributively, averse is
almost always predicative (see adjectives section 1).
Grammar thus tends to keep them apart but not
entirely. In both the UK and the US, theres evidence of
adverse being used predicatively, and when the
subject is personal there may be some doubt about the
writers intention. See for example:
Courts have not been adverse to developing the
common law.
Purity campaigners were not adverse to drawing
on science to validate morality.
The use of not seems to neutralize the difference
between the two words, although the rst example is
probably still within the legal pale. The second clearly
shows the use of adverse where you might expect
averse except that it lacks the element of
understatement which goes with not averse to (see
under gures of speech). The ratio of not adverse to
to not averse to is about 1:3 in American data from
CCAE. This conrms the rapprochement of the two
idioms noted by Websters Dictionary of Usage (1989),
though it has yet to be registered by Merriam-Webster
(2000). New Oxford (1998) notes this use of not adverse
to as an error, and usage data from the BNC makes it
less common in British English as a substitute for not
averse to, appearing in the ratio of about 1:11.
Despite some convergence between adverse and
averse in common usage, they contrast sharply in
botanical descriptions. Leaves adverse to the stem
turn towards it, while those averse to it turn away.
These are the literal senses of the two words in Latin,
but lost to contemporary English.
advertisement or advertizement
The rst spelling advertisement is given preference
in dictionaries everywhere, including North America.
This is as it should be, because theres no evidence of
advertizement in data from either CCAE or the BNC.
Perhaps its currency depends on signs and unedited
texts which are not included in those databases. The
fact that advertizement gets dictionary recognition
everywhere is curious, based perhaps on the preferred
American pronunciation which according to Websters
Third (1986) stresses the third (rather than the second)
syllable. It may also represent the assumption that the
-ise spelling would naturally give way to -ize in the US
(see further under -ize/-ise). But the two instances of
the verb advertize in CCAE are totally eclipsed by
over 1100 instances of advertise.
International English selection: The dearth of
evidence for the spelling advertizement (or even
advertize) makes the -ise forms preferable
anywhere in the world.
adviser or advisor
adviser or advisor
Both these spellings are in current use, though
adviser is the dominant spelling in both the US and
the UK. The ratio in American data from CCAE is 20:1
and in British data from the BNC its 6:1. Curiously,
advisor is sometimes said to be the American
spelling. The Oxford Dictionary (1989) notes the
frequency of the -or spelling in the titles of persons
who give advice especially in the US, and this
quasi-ofcial usage has no doubt helped to make
people aware of it. Yet the Oxford lists advisor only as
a variant of adviser, with no independent headword
even for cross-referencing. The spelling adviser is
consistent with the majority of agent words formed in
English (see -er/-or), and it goes back to C17,
according to Oxford citations, whereas advisor is rst
recorded just before 1900. Whether it is simply a
respelling of adviser or a backformation from
advisory is a matter of debate. But whatever its past,
advisor is registered alongside adviser in major
British, American, Canadian and Australian
In words like anaemic and orthopaedic the ae spellings
present the classical Latin digraph ae, which became
a ligature () or just e in medieval times. The ligature
is still used in the Oxford Dictionary (1989), but the
digraph appears in abridged and smaller versions,
notably the 1993 edition of the Shorter Oxford and New
Oxford (1998). Other British dictionaries such as those
of Chambers, Collins and Longman, have always used
the ae digraph, either because of Fowlers (1926)
support for it, or the lack of typographic options. But
American dictionaries like Websters Third (1986)
make use of simple e spellings in most such words, e.g.
anemic, hemorrhage, orthopedic, instead of the
ligature or digraph. The e spellings are standard in
American English, except for (a)esthetic and
arch(a)eology, where they are in the minority (in data
from CCAE the digraphic spellings prevailed by more
than 5:1). Canadians too use e rather than ae
spellings, according to the Canadian Oxford (1998).
In British English, theres increasing variability in
spelling the largish set of classical loanwords
including ae/e:
(a)eon (a)esthetic (a)etiology
an(a)emia an(a)esthetic arch(a)eology
arch(a)eopterix c(a)esura di(a)eresis
encyclop(a)edia f(a)eces gyn(a)ecology
h(a)ematite h(a)emoglobin h(a)emophilia
h(a)emorrhage h(a)emorrhoids leuk(a)emia
medi(a)eval orthop(a)edic p(a)ediatric
p(a)edophile pal(a)eography pal(a)eolithic
prim(a)eval septic(a)emia tox(a)emia
Some of the most familiar ae words appear quite
commonly now with just e even in the UK. Data from
the BNC conrms it for words such as medi(a)eval and
encyclop(a)edia, and to a lesser extent for
pal(a)eolithic, leuk(a)emia and orthop(a)edic. They
constitute a scale, from words where e spellings are in
the majority or close to it, to those linked up with
medical or other kinds of technical usage, where
specialists tend to preserve the ae (Peters, 2001a). The
19982001 Langscape survey showed that at least 25%
of British respondents would use e spellings in
archeology, leukemia, paleolithic, septicemia. These
words and others such as orthopedic, pedophile were
endorsed by 2950% of respondents from Australia,
where ae spellings have prevailed in the past. More
remarkable still was the higher endorsement by
second-language users of English, in Europe as well as
Asia. Their support for e spellings was almost without
exception higher than the British; and a majority of
Continental respondents (often 70%+) voted for e
spellings, except for aesthetic and anaesthetic where
they stood at 48% and 50% respectively.
Apart from usage data, there are linguistic
arguments in favor of the e forms. The ae digraph is
awkward as a vowel sequence with no roots in
common English spelling. It makes the ligature bulk
too large, and sits strangely alongside other vowels in
words like diaeresis, palaeolithic and others with the
pal(a)eo- prex. In words like septic(a)emia, the use of
ae runs counter to the more general spelling principle
that c followed by an a, o or u carries a k
sound. (See further under -ce/-ge.)
The use of ae is sometimes defended on grounds of
etymology: that it helps readers to recognize the
meanings of the classical loanwords. But ae is not so
etymological, when its a Latin transcription of the
Greek diphthong ai. The Greek root paid- meaning
child is the one at stake in encyclop(a)edia and
orthop(a)edic, as well as p(a)ediatrics and
p(a)edophilia. Millions of readers without Greek
recognize these words as wholes, not through the
syllable in which paid- is embedded. We no longer
look for the ae in pedagogue, pedagogy and pederast;
and p(a)edophile and p(a)edophilia may be expected to
go the same way. In nonspecialist usage,
p(a)ediatrician could also join the group, though its
protected by doctors in some parts of the world (see
pediatrician or paediatrician). The specialists
tendency to preserve ae in those words goes hand in
hand with their greater use of ae plurals (rather than
-as ones) for Latin words ending in -a (see -a section 1).
They therefore deal more frequently with words
embodying the digraph, and its distribution is more
signicant for them. Yet specialists looking to a wider
readership outside the UK, e.g. on the internet, might
take note of the various terms in this entry where the
a of the ae digraph is bracketed, as a reminder that in
linguistic terms it is unnecessary. Much of the world
works without the ae digraph.
International English selection: Spellings with e
rather than the ae digraph are to be preferred on
linguistic grounds as well as their wider
distribution, throughout North America and
increasingly in Continental Europe, Australia
and elsewhere. In the UK it would streamline the
currently uneven situation, whereby some words
are already being spelled with e, and others
vacillating over going that way.
Final notes on ae/e
1 For use of the ae in Latin plurals, see -a section 1.
2 The ae digraph still substitutes for the ligature in
classical proper names such as Aeneas, Caesar, as
well as Anglo-Saxon ones such as Aelfric and
3 The ae at the beginning of words like aerial and
aerobic is never reduced to e. In words like those it
is part of the combining element aer(o)- (air),
where a and e are separate syllables. See aer(o)-.

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