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Co-Ed Essay

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The mixing of the sexes in education is natural preparation for the mixing which will take place later. It was formerly prevalent in Scotland, is in vogue in the United States of America, and has been adopted in several private and most State-aided schools in this country. The feminine mind gains from association with boys and men, the masculine from association with girls and women. The character develops more rapidly and shyness diminishes. Competition is greater between the sexes than between rivals of the same sex, so that higher standards of achievement are reached. The presence of both sexes together is a wholesome factor in institutions. In all communities where one sex is segregated, e.g., schools, colleges, monasteries, convents, etc., it is more likely that various evils will flourish; women tend to become hysterical, men to acquire unnatural vices, and the whole atmosphere is morbid. In colleges and universities, the presence of women raises the general tone both ethically and academically. Marriages made after co-educational experience are best. If the man and woman have known each other as fellow-students, a surer basis is given for married life than that gained from purely social acquaintance. If they have mov

There are many people, however, who disagree with the above arguments and who feel there are several reasons for keeping secondary age boys and girls a part from each other. The history of marriage does not encourage expectations of much advantage from coeducation. Nor has the growth of co-education in this country caused any increase in the number of successful marriages. Genuine love (as opposed to temporary infatuation) still needs an element of romance, which is destroyed by too much familiarity between the sexes. In nearly all branches of life, women are becoming more and more the colleagues of men or their rivals on equal terms. They are equally competent as teachers, members of committees, administrators, doctors and research workers. In mixed schools, a greater proportion of headships should be thrown open to them; at present, the most that all but

a very few of them have achieved is a kind of assistantship. H it is absurd to think of a woman as head in a school containing boys, it is absurd for a man to be head in one containing girls. Men and women should be placed on the same professional level of conditions and pay.

Same Sex vs. Co-ed schools

There is a long-standing argument on whether young men and young women should be sent to separate, single-sex schools or sent to co-ed schools. It is said that students, especially females, who attend single-sex schools (generally private), are better-adjusted, more confident, and all-around better students. While this argument may hold some validity, it is obvious that students of same-sex schools are maladjusted to the social aspects that are just as important as their regular schoolwork. If both sexes are not taught together, they will not learn to co-exist and cooperate. In a world where women and men not only live together, but also are forced to work together in the workplace an increasing amount as women continue to take a more prominent role outside the home, the ability to successfully work together becomes increasingly important. For a long time, advocates of same-sex schooling have made the argument that young women fare far better when they are placed in an environment where the opposite sex is not present. This is said for many reasons. First, many advocates talk of an idea called the gender gap. Essentially, this says that girls in general tend to be less confident in themselves and therefore cannot speak

To refute one more point, it is said by some that same-sex education allows women to jump classical gender boundaries and study in areas that they would not normally study. In all actuality, this is not because of same-sex schooling, but instead mirrors the progress that women have been making in the last century. Women started to slowly step into the workplace relatively recently in history, and now are proceeding to do so at an even higher rate. More women are now continuing education past high school and getting college degrees. This is not because they went to singlesex schools, because the majority of people do not. This is simply because women are taking action and stepping to new arenas that they have never been allowed to before. While the proponents of all-boys or all-girls education seem to have some valid points, most of them can be disproved quite easily. The idea of the gender gap seems to be an archaic and sexist idea used unfairly by single-sex school advocates to support their own opinion. Confidence can be developed sufficiently in an environment of co-ed education. In fact, a young womans confidence may be shot if she is thrust into a co-ed college or university after years of only studying with other girls. If young women are encouraged to develop confidence in an environment where both sexes are present, they will be prepared to deal with any person that they need to deal with, whether it be in college, the workplace, or beyond. The benefits that studie 160

s show of single-sex schools are the same that seem to be present when comparing public and private schools. Generally, sing

Introduction Coeducation Coeducation had been pleading to the educators ' not simply to go on educational grounds but on sexual grounds too . They have an opinion that the separation of young men and women led to an excessive concern with sex , while the combined education of the sexes formed a more normal and improved educational atmosphere . Elizabeth Cady Stanton argued "If the sexes were educated together , we should have the healthy , moral and intellectual stimulus of sex ever quickening and refining all the faculties , without the undue excitement of senses that results from novelty in the present system of isolation " Coeducation , in this respect , is an intellectual liberation and sexual well-being (Leach , 1980 . This paper highlights the value of coeducation in society and provides hot debate on coeducation in educational institutions . In my opinion , coeducation should be continued to provide ample opportunities for learning and knowing about both girls and boys . Coeducation provides women to be more similar to their brothers . In the view of promoters , this was a praiseworthy aim in a society that had long reserved its richest prizes for males , but opponent said it was a restrictive goal as well it overlooked the concerns , the insights , and the ambitions born of women 's differing experiences . Recently it was observed that the education system which offers teaching of boys and girls together have been in trend in the United States and appeared to have found favor with every classes of the community (JAMA , 2007 . The main ground which influenced the spread of coeducation is to

obtain monetary profit from joint classes and the need to secure equality for women in industrial , professional , and political activities . If we review historically , in the late 17th century , there were number of instances of coeducation found in Scotland and in the American Colonies , but there was no common trend until the vast increase of public education between 1830 and 1845 in the developing W United States (Tyack , 1987 . Coeducation in the past has been brought about by the useful beliefs of feminism which simply rejects the important differences between men and women . In the past there were strong supporter of coeducation . Since 1960 almost every formerly single-sex college has become coeducational . Regardless of the conflict of Harvard and Yale , coeducation had become the major form of higher education in this country by the end of the nineteenth century and at present more than 95 percent of all college women are joined in coeducational institutions (Newcomer , 1959 . These statistics highlighted that coeducation left a great impact on society and by educating male and female jointly , better social structure can be developed . The rapid development of higher education in the 1960s and the defeat of such remaining stronghold of male individuality as Harvard , Princeton , and Yale to the increasing popularity of coeducation provided women with unparalleled opportunities (Andrew 1980 . Many educators and officials at the University also began to believe that admissions unfairness based on sexual category could not stand up in the court of law...


Co-education or Single-sex education Rate my essay

Nowadays, more and more people have noticed the phenomena that girls have been overtaking boys. The proportion of boys going to colleges is becoming smaller and smaller. Girls have been seeing doing better in different levels of the school. Therefore, a question being raised by the public is that between co-education and single-sex education, which will benefit our children more? As a teacher and parent, I strongly believe that the latter is a good choice. Gender-based classes can improve our childrens academic achievement through proper approaches suitable for their learning styles, foster better behaviors through promotion

of role models and encourage them to explore who they truly are.

As everyone acknowledges that each person has his own learning style, the learning style between boys and girls is not an exception, they are every different due to their physical and metal development. The development of boys reading ability is slower than girls. Boys tend to be more active than girls. When boys know the answer they cant wait to shout it out, in stead of girls would rather just understand and know the reason. The uneven development attributes to their different learning styles. For the better achievement, separating girls and boys to adapt approaches that fit their learning styles is the best way we can do. For example, in my grade one classroom, it seems like a disaster for boys to sit down to read, even the story they loved to listen. To girls, reading is such a relax thing to do. Both sides cant have what they need the most, because I have to stay in the middle to look after each side obtain some but not too much. On the other hand, single-sex class using proper methods can provide what the student need most, and help them to achieve their potential.

Furthermore, in single-sex classes, girls will have female teachers and boys own male teachers s for their core courses. To students, teachers are more than just teach their knowledge; they are role models of students. When I was in high school, many girls were shied away from physics, they were held back by the social expectations that girls are not good at science. But, my physics teacher was a female. Her successful career and classes had greatly encouraged me to pursue the higher education. The impact of role models in students life can never be under stated. The single-sex class can promote and reinforce this impact. Through their teachers, the students can know better what they are expecting to do and who they want to be. The better behaviors will be shaped by observing their role models having same gender.

When students become teenagers, they care more about their images than their test scores. In co- education classrooms girls worry that they are not going to be invited to the right parties if they speak up too much. Boys try to draw attention from opposite gender even things are stupid. While in single-sex classes, the situation is far more simple. Students dont have to pay too much attention about if they are popular, boys can play flute without worrying being called geeks. And girls can be clever as they want. They can explore who they want to be freely.

In a nut shell, single-sex education has advantages that co-education cant reach. Single-sex class provides better circumstance that teachers can tailor their teaching to suit students learning styles, improve students academic performance and develop conductive skills and personalities.

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