July 2009 1
July 2009 1
July 2009 1
July, 2009
8:30am-Praise Team
9:00am-Choir Rehearsal
9:30am-Sunday School
6:30am-Grits and God’s
6:00pm-Prayer Meeting
and Fellowship Supper
Special Guests in
July 5 – “Loose Stone”
singing group
In Our Prayers
Rock & Inez Bair, Grits and Deacon of the
Chivilette Bozard,
Susan Griffin, Iris Nell God’s Word Month
Hall, Ann Hawkins,
Sharon Heddle, Eloise
Men, Set your alarms and join the
others for breakfast and Bible This month’s deacon is Ron Hanks.
Holman, Evelyn Hood,
study, prayer and more! Ron and Beverly have been members
Mary Hungerpiller, at First Baptist Church since August
Mildred Shuler, Sue 11, 2002. He is employed at The
Joyner, D.W. Regional Medical Center in
McEachern, Hazel Orangeburg.
Shuler, Ruth S. Shuler, Ron has served as a deacon in his
Helen Stoudenmire, church in Virginia and he has served
Horace Jackson, Lynn on our finance committee here in
Swindell, Louise Elloree. His easy going nature is
Ulmer, Grace F. coupled to a heart for people. His
opportunities to serve are his
Zeigler, Theresa
Wiederhold, Grace G.
Wednesday Mornings at 6:30 am Please feel free to call on Ron at
Zeigler any time should you have a need at
Clark’s Pond House
(803) 707‐9150.
Loaves of Love
Inside Page 3
The next Loaves of Love will be on July 18th. We
would really like for you to help. The preparations
• Youth start at 8:30am and the delivery starts at
• Children approximately 11:00 am. I promise that you will
• Loaves of Love receive a blessing from this. Call Sue Joyner if you
• Prayer Ministry need further information at 897-1010.
• Golden Age Club Next Date: July 18, 2009 8:30AM
We are taking July and School Supplies Drive
August off to regroup
and re-vamp our Before we turn around it will be time for school again. There are several very
program. We would needy areas that will require school supplies especially in our present economy.
just like to take this We want to offer supplies to our needy school children here in Elloree through
opportunity to thank the school systems. West Virginia, our on-going mission, will need school
all of you for your supplies, as well. To do this we need you help!!
support you have given
this program. Your
prayers were a great When you are shopping, please pick up supplies and bring them to the church.
blessing. Those of you Any supplies will be great. If you drop them off, I will store them in a safe
who came and place. If you would like to give a donation, please give it to Karen Heddle and
greeted, or provided mark it for school supplies.
refreshments, or
encouraged these of us
teaching meant the Partial list of supplies, but feel free to improvise:
world. God blessed Notebook paper (wide rule and college rule)
this outreach. Many of Spiral or bound notebooks
our students Pencils, pens, erasers
memorized Bible
verses and learned
praise songs. We Glue (stick or bottle)
enrolled twenty-one Small pads for assignments
with an average of Pencil pouches
then to twelve each Crayons
Sunday night. Please
Calculators, rulers, protractors, compasses
pray for this program
as we evaluate and Construction paper, three ring or pocket folders
continue in the fall. If Book bag
you would like to teach Lunch Box or bag or even brown lunch bags
or help please let us
know. We will deliver these supplies in August. The trip to West Virginia will be a
back to school kick-off with a cook-out for the adults, too. We need to help the
Peytona Church. I will publish the date as soon as possible. I cannot thank you
enough for your help with this.
Theresa Wiederhold