Feasibility Study Questionnaire
Feasibility Study Questionnaire
Feasibility Study Questionnaire
Proponents: Agunod, Kyneth Jane R. Pulpul, Clarilyn Mae L. Lim, Joanna Marie C. Payot, Kressa Mae S. Taripe, Ivory M.
September 2, 3013
LETTER TO THE RESPONDENT Dear Respondent, We are conducting a feasibility study on the business PISONET. In this regard, we would like to ask your cooperation by answering this questionnaire. This will enable us to gather pertinent information for our study. Your cooperation would be much appreciated. We promise the confidentiality of your identity.
Name (optional) __________________________________________ Year & Course ___________________________________________ Age: ____________ Gender: Female Male
Please indicate your response to the following statements by putting (/) in the circle:
1.) How often do you visit the internet caf? Twice or once a week Thrice a week or more but, not a everyday Everyday
2.) How many hours do you spend inside the internet caf? 1 hour or less More than 1 hour but, not more than 3 hours More than 3 hours
3.) How much do you pay for the hours you consume inside the internet caf? P10.00 or less More than P10.00 but, not more than P30.00 More than P30.00
4.) Your purpose on going to the internet caf (Check as many as you want): Assignment, Research, etc. (School-related) Social Networking Sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Gaming
5.) How many hours do you spend in making assignment, research, etc. (School-related)? 1 hour or less More than 1 hour but, not more than 3 hours More than 3 hours
6.) How many hours do you spend in social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)?
1 hour or less More than 1 hour but, not more than 3 hours More than 3 hours
7.) How many hours do you spend in gaming? 1 hour or less More than 1 hour but, not more than 3 hours More than 3 hours
8.) Have you spent too much time and money in the internet caf? ____ YES _____ NO
9.) Did you think that the time and money you spent in the internet caf have been productive? ____ YES 10.) _____ NO
Do you want to save money in using the computer or internet? ____ YES _____ NO
The objective of this study is to make sure that we provide an affordable and tailored fit service to the respondents. The following statements will confirm the need of such service to the respondents. Please indicate your response to the following statements by putting (/) in the box:
internet that is more affordable. I want it to be accessible. It must be located within the school premises or near the school. It must be user-friendly. The coin machine used in accessing the computer must be easy to use. Instruction or steps to use it is easy to understand. It must be fast and reliable. The internet connection must be up-to-beat. It must protect my files. Latest anti-virus and firewall must be installed. P1.00 per five minutes of computer or internet usage is enough. The limited time will help me focus on the important tasks. I need this type of service as a student. (Especially for quick editing of files. Checking of e-mails, etc.) If this service will be available. Im interested to use it. This type of service is economical. It will help me save money. This type of service will benefit me as a student and others as well.