Landscape Design: Supplementary Planning Guidance No.12

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Supplementary Planning Guidance No.12

Existing trees to be retained

400Nr Crocus flavus 'Dutch Yellow' 400Nr Colchicum autumnale


70Nr Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo' 40Nr Choisya ternata 40Nr Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Limelight' 60Nr Lonicera pileata 'Loughgall Evergreen' plus 100Nr Tulipa 'Golden Apeldoorn'

1Nr Sorbus aucuparia 'Cardinal Royal' 20-75cm 20Nr Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus' 30Nr Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus' 50Nr Mahonia 'Charity' 30Nr Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' 100Nr Lonicera pileata 'Loughgall Evergreen' plus 125Nr Tulipa 'Golden Apeldoorn'

Class Nr Trees 1 2 1 2 2

Plant Name Acer saccharinum Alnus cordata Juglans regia Quercus palustris Sorbus aucuparia 'Cardinal Royal'

Plant Size 40-45cm 25-30cm 40-45cm 40-45cm 25-30cm


Final Version

Landscape Design

Supplementary Planning Guidance No.12

Contents Page
Introduction ntroduction 1.1 Aims of the Guidance------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.2 The definition of landscape ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.3 The importance of landscape---------------------------------------------------------------------------1 LANDSCAPE DESIGN: General Considerations 2.0 Site planning -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2.1 Existing features and vegetation ------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2.2 Topography -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2.3 Allowing for growth--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2.4 Surface drainage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2.5 Planning the works on site ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Detailed Considerations 3.0 Materials----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 3.1 Hard landscape -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 3.2 Changes in level-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 3.3 Soft landscape ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 3.4 Planting in areas where damage is likely --------------------------------------------------------------4 3.5 Protection of planting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 3.6 Planting for instant impact-------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 3.7 Growing conditions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 3.8 Programming of planting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Maintenance and Management 4.0 Clarification of responsibilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------6 4.1 Maintenance-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 4.2 Management-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Appendices 1. Initial checklist for use with Outline Planning Applications ------------------------------------------7 2. Detailed checklist for use with Full Planning Applications -------------------------------------------8 3. Guidance on related Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 4. Contact list --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Final Version

This guidance is non-statutory planning guidance and is supplementary to the Croydon Unitary Development Plan (UDP), which sets out the councils policies and proposals for the use of the land in the Borough. The UDP was adopted on 30 January 1997. The Second Deposit Draft Replacement Plan (the Croydon Plan) was published on 30 October 2002. This SPG supplements both the Urban Design Policies (UD2, 10, 11, 13, SP1, 2 ,3 ), Urban Conservation and Archaeology (SP4), Environmental Improvement (SP5), Open Land and Recreation (SP6, 7, 8), Nature Conservation (SP9), Environmental Protection (SP11-15) and Planning Obligations

1.1 The aim of this Supplementary Planning Guidance: The main aim of this guidance is to promote higher standards in landscape design in planning applications submitted to the London Borough of Croydon. The guidance can also be applied to schemes that do not require planning permission. The SPG advises on aspects to consider when planning a development or designing an improvement scheme. It is not intended to be a short course in landscape design and on some schemes it may be advisable to employ a qualified landscape architect. The main design aspects and practicalities of hard and soft landscape elements that should be considered when producing landscape proposals are listed in the following three sections. Checklists of items to include in landscape proposals submitted as part of a planning application are detailed in Appendices 1 and 2. 1.2 The definition of landscape: In this guidance hard landscape refers to paving, walls, railings, fences, retaining structures and street furniture such as lighting, seats, bollards, adverts and signs. The soft landscape includes trees, plants, grass, water and earth modelling. Hard and soft landscape should be considered together and as an integral part of any proposal to create or improve external spaces. The importance of landscape: A well conceived landscape can help integrate a development into an area, make a positive contribution to the street scene and add to the market value of the site. The character of the place can be significantly affected by the quality of the landscape and the way it is maintained. Sensitively designed landscape can enrich and reinforce existing wildlife habitats and improve the ecological value of sites and their surroundings. (Refer to SPG5-Nature Conservation Strategy, Aim5 )


Landscape should not be relied upon to mask design weaknesses in other aspects of a scheme.

Final Version

Landscape Design: General Considerations

2.0 Site planning: A successful and lasting landscape scheme is more likely to be achieved when landscape is considered at the earliest stage of site planning. Landscape should always be planned in conjunction with the positioning of any buildings within and adjacent to the site, rather than as a means of filling in the gaps left over. Consideration should be given to the form and use of the space when planning the site and the design should take into account all aspects of safety. The vehicular and pedestrian access to and circulation within the site, including the routes taken to bin stores and parking areas, should be incorporated in the design at an early stage. 2.1 Existing features and vegetation: Incorporating existing healthy vegetation, screening shrubs, natural habitats or features within landscape proposals will give schemes an instant maturity and assist their integration into the local area.

2.2 Topography : Level information should be gathered early in the planning process. Sloping ground can pose problems for site development but it can also provide opportunities to create landscape interest through the use of earth modelling, retaining walls, steps and ramps. 2.3 Allowing for growth: Ensure that sufficient space is provided for any proposed and/or existing trees or shrubs to grow fully and freely without the need for pruning. Accessibility for the maintenance of landscape elements should be considered at the design stage. ( Refer to section 4.0-4.2) Surface drainage: The opportunity to incorporate sustainable drainage measures should be explored wherever possible to accommodate surface water run off from buildings and hard landscape areas. Planning of the works on site: The site should be planned in such a way as to ensure that any items to be retained such as vegetation, walls, gates, lighting, along with underground services, will be protected during construction works.



Final Version

Detailed considerations
3.0 Materials selection: The selection of types and details of hard and soft landscape materials should be influenced by the character and location of the site. Security issues and the likelihood of vandalism should be taken into account along with the proposed maintenance regime, (refer to section 4.0-4.2). Materials made from recycled matter or from other sustainable sources should always be considered. Hard landscape: Consideration should be given to the specification of robust and sustainable materials that reflect the local character of the area and the use for which they are intended. Art in the form of sculpture, walls, railings, gates, murals, mosaics, etc. can enhance the appeal of a space and should be planned as an integral part of the landscape design.



Changes in level: Where changes in level are proposed steps and ramps should be designed and materials chosen to satisfy the requirements of people with impaired mobility. ( Refer to SPG.10 Design For Accessibility ) Soft landscape: The type and spacing of proposed planting will vary depending on the design functions of the planting (e.g. screening, instant impact, framing a view, colour, smell etc.). The context, location and consideration of biodiversity should also influence the selection of plants. Species thriving locally could be taken as a clue to those more likely to survive.


Final Version


Planting in areas where damage is likely: Small (standard) trees may be suitable in private gardens, but for public areas, trees should be planted at larger sizes (14-16cm girth upwards) to reduce their vulnerability to the snapping of their trunks or other acts of vandalism.

Standard 8-10cm girth

Heavy Standard, 12-14cm girth

Extra Heavy Standard, 14-16cm girth

Advanced Nursery Stock, 16-20cm girth

Semi Mature 20cm min. girth

3.5m min.

3.5m min,



Girth is stem circumference measured 1m above ground B.S. 3936-1;1992



Protection of planting: Where planting is vulnerable to pedestrian and/or vehicular damage, railings, fencing or other forms of barriers should be considered to provide protection.


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Planting for instant impact: An increase in the size specified for trees and shrubs along with closer planting distances will create a more instant effect. (Refer to section 4.0-4.2).


Growing conditions: Plants need to be given enough space, both above and below ground to establish and perform their intended function. The creation of narrow and tapered planting beds that have insufficient soil, food and moisture to support healthy plant growth should be avoided. Planting requires good quality topsoil and where this needs to be imported, should comply with B.S. 3882.

Recommended topsoil depths: 150mm for grass areas 400mm for shrub and whip areas 600mm x 600mm x 600mm minimum pits for standard trees 1000mm x 100mm x 800mm minimum pits for semi-mature trees
There should be adequate preparation of the subsoil prior to the topsoil being placed. Topsoil may be enriched with soil improvers and composted materials, but the use of non-sustainable resources such as peat should be avoided. 3.8 Programming of planting: Planting should be generally carried out between October and March, when less watering will be required and plants are more likely to establish.

Final Version

Maintenance and Management

4.0 Clarification of responsibilities: Any quantity of landscape will require a continuing commitment. If responsibility for future ownership and maintenance is unclear, it is unrealistic to propose large expanses of landscape. Maintenance: The standard of aftercare is a key consideration in determining the types and respective proportions of any landscape elements used. The maintenance programme should consider the regimes required to keep the hard landscape in a good and safe condition. These should include processes to keep paving, walls etc. free of chewing gum and graffiti. Maintenance should be appropriate for the type of planting and habitat which is being created and the desired appearance. Inappropriate maintenance at the wrong time of year can seriously damage or kill planting. Where trees and shrubs are planted at larger sizes more care is needed, especially watering, in the initial stages of maintenance. The larger size planting, however could help suppress weed growth. A mulch of composted or shredded bark, when laid on well watered planting beds and regularly topped up to a depth of 75mm will reduce the number of follow-up visits required for weeding and watering in the first year of planting. 4.2 Management: Long term care should be considered and management plans prepared to take into account the growth and life expectancy of the planting, including possible replanting, the wear and tear on the hard landscape elements and replacements in the future. This is particularly important where the responsibility will rest with a different party after the works are complete. The management plan should be understood by the recipients prior to the handing over of responsibility.


Final Version

Appendix 1 Initial Checklist for use with Outline Planning Applications

To be used by Development Control officers when assessing applications
tick if supplied


North point Site boundary Background history, current land use: Areas of site covered by any planning legislation, including Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Conservation Areas, Local Areas of Special Character, Sites of Major Nature Conservation Interest, Tree Preservation Orders, Hedgerows Regulations 1997 and Contaminated Land Regulations 2000.


Existing Features (show what is to be retained/removed): 4) 5) 6) 7) Buildings and features (including walls, steps and boundary details Trees species and location- size, height and spread, condition Large shrubs, hedgerows- species, location Levels

Proposed Features 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Ground modelling Areas of hard and soft landscape Means of access Indicative lists of hard materials and plant species to be used Boundary treatment if known Location and species of proposed tree planting

Final Version

Appendix 2 Detailed Checklist for use with Full Planning Applications

To be used by Development Control officers when assessing applications.
1) 2) The information as listed in Outline Requirements nos. 1) to 15) A design statement (as required by U.D.P, policy UD1, in accordance with PPG1): must include details of the landscape proposals adopted in the proposal. Sustainability statements will be required for larger scale developments. Sections through the site indicating relationship of proposed scheme, including boundary treatments, to adjacent properties. Proposed levels including levels on adjacent sites, roads, paving as required. Drainage proposals. Detailed plan of underground services. Proposed ground preparation including soil ameliorants, additives, mulches and topsoil depths for trees, shrubs and grass, in compliance with B.S 5551, and 3882 Proposals to deal with land contamination issues and pernicious e.g. Japanese Knotweed, (listed in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981). weeds
tick if supplied


4) 5) 6) 7)


SITE WORKS AND PROTECTION OF FEATURES AND VEGETATION:9) Protection of existing vegetation/ trees during construction works. 10) Location of spoil heaps, any topsoil storage and site huts etc., during construction works.

HARD LANDSCAPE DETAILS: A PLAN AT 1:100, OR 1:200 INDICATING THE FOLLOWING:11a) Paving, boundary treatments fences, railings, walls, and gates. Street furniture- seats, tree grills, guards, bollards, cycle stands, lighting, public art, and signs. Surveillance equipment. 11b) Types, location, surface finish, colours, sizes, heights and manufacturer of the hard landscape items.

PLANTING DETAILS: A DETAILED PLANTING PLAN AT 1:100 OR 1:200 SCALE INDICATING THE FOLLOWING:12a) Trees, whips, shrubs, herbaceous species, areas of grass and wild flowers, bulb planting. 12b) Species- botanical (Latin) name, numbers and location, size at planting, height/pot size, girth of trees, areas of grass mix percentages, and spacing or planting distance. Planting in compliance with BS 3936.

MANAGEMENT PLANS AND MAINTENANCE PROPOSALS:13 Details of proposals for initial maintenance and +5 years, +10 years

Final Version

Appendix 3 Guidance on Related Issues

Residential Alterations (Parking in front gardens, refuse storage) LightingLighting(Light strategy, pollution, security, adverts) Nature Conservation Strategy Residential Conversions (Amentity space, access and car parking) Advertisement Hoardings and Other Advertisements SPG No. 3 SPG No. 4 SPG No. 5 SPG No. 7 SPG No. 8

Designing For Accessibility SPG. No. 10 (Entrances, steps, ramps, street furniture, car parking) Central Croydon /Vision 2020 SPG No. 11 (Guidance on design within Croydons town centre)

Appendix 4 Contact List

Council Contacts
Planning & Transportation Department London Borough of Croydon Taberner House Park Lane Croydon CR9 1JT Tel: 020 8686 4433 Website: Email: corp [email protected] Urban Design TeamTeamLandscape Architects Tel: 020 8686 4433 x62197 Development Services and Management Systems DivisionDivisionTree Preservation Orders North Area Tel: 020 8760 5403 x62048 South Area Tel: 020 8760 5404 x64966 In personpersonThe Planning and Building Control Desk One Stop Reception Area Ground floor of Taberner House 8.45am-4.45pm Mon-Fri

Other Contacts
Landscape Institute Directory of registered landscape architects Tel. 020 7350 5200 fax. 0207350 5201 Email: [email protected] Arboricultural AssociationAssociation Directory of consultants and contractors Tel: 01794 368717 Fax: 01794 368978 Email: [email protected]

British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI) Tel: 0247669 0333 Email: [email protected]

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