Potsdam Police Department Sept. 27, 2013
Potsdam Police Department Sept. 27, 2013
Potsdam Police Department Sept. 27, 2013
Authorized By: Sgt. Ames Date: 9/27/13
21 09/27/2013 10:51am
Returnable in Potsdam Village Court on 10/11/2013 at 08:30am. The above listed suspect was issued a traffic ticket for failing to yield the right of way while entering the roadway on Market Street. The incident resulted in a property damage accident. Alexander T. Belanger Lanesborough Speed in Zone 52 in a 30 Clarkson Avenue Returnable in Potsdam Village Court on 10/11/2013 at 08:30am. The above listed suspect was issued a speeding ticket when an officer observed him traveling at a high rate of speed on Clarkson Avenue Kyle E. Simon Brasher Falls Aggravated Unlicensed Operation 3rd Illegal U-Turn Elm Street Returnable in Potsdam Village Court on 10/11/2013 at 08:30am. Patrol observed the listed suspect complete an illegal U-turn on Elm Street. A traffic stop was initiated and further investigation revealed that the suspect had a suspended drivers license. The suspect was issued tickets for the listed charges and was released. State NY Age: Date: Time: 19 09/27/2013 05:20pm State MA Age: Date: Time: 20 09/27/2013 01:09pm
Returnable in Potsdam Village Court on 10/11/2013 at 08:30am Officer observed a vehicle fail to yield for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, the above subject was identified as the operator and was issued a ticket for the above charge. James A. Lamarco Ballston Spa Unnecessary Noise Yelling Market Street Returnable in Potsdam Village Court on 10/11/2013 at 09:30am Above subject was observed on Market Street creating unnecessary noise by yelling, ticket issued for the above charge. State NY Age: Date: Time: 22 09/27/2013 11:57 PM
0143 Patrol observed trash cans and trash in the street on Pierrepont Avenue. Patrol removed cans and trash from street. 0155 Patrol observed subject in possession of stolen property. Property returned to owner. Owner declined to press charges. 0216 0353 1217 1240 1245 1313 1628 Patrol observed subject attempting to damage property. Owner declined to press charges. Subjects observed in possession of floral pots belonging to a local business. Undamaged property returned to business. Traffic stop on Clarkson Avenue, verbal warning issued. Traffic stop on Clarkson Avenue, verbal warning issued. Traffic stop on Clarkson Avenue, verbal warning issued. PVRS dispatched to a location in Norfolk. Patrols responded to a property damage accident on Clarkson Avenue.