Parker Family Reunion 2012 - All One Family: Connecting With Other Branches of The Parker Tree
Parker Family Reunion 2012 - All One Family: Connecting With Other Branches of The Parker Tree
Parker Family Reunion 2012 - All One Family: Connecting With Other Branches of The Parker Tree
There was a lot of excitement to finally meet family from all over the Parker Tree, many who had been working together doing family research, but had never met in Jerry Parker, Bob Smith, and Greg Parker at the Parker Family Reunion person. This Reunion differed from all other Parker Reunions held in the past, because it brought together such an accomplished group of Parker researchers with a singular goal: Identify the proper Parker family tree branch that leads to the right forebears. There has been a controversy within the Parker family that the Parker roots grow back through Ireland instead of through Massachusetts, according to early records and long-held family beliefs. Although Greg Parker had met each other. These avid Ireland-Theory researchers represent three different branches of the Parker family tree: Joshua Parker (Jerry), Caleb Parker (Bob), and a distant cousin, Greg Parker whose great grandfather is Thomas Bryant Parker born in 1797. Its not yet known where Greg fits into the Parker Family Tree, although all three are definitely related through their DNA.
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While we are living in the present, we must celebrate life every day, knowing that we are becoming history with every work, every action, every deed.
Mattie Stepanek
IN THIS ISSUE Parker Family Records Family of Faith Edith May Wilbanks Parker Family Artists Photos of Joshua? Joshuas grave marker Martin Parker Clues in Genealogy research Reunion Starts Early Memory book 4 6 7 7 9 9 11 13 14 14
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One of the things that really helped me connect with the past was when my Grandma Suzie (Suzanne Hansen) showed me photos belonging to one of my ancestors. They helped me relate so much more to the fact that they were people who had lived and had feelings that I share, Jaycee said. She then went on to give all in attendance a challenge to discover and share with their children and grandchildren, inspiring the generations to come to appreciate their roots. Jerry Parker was the first to present a class on Saturday, September 8th. He gave us insights into the lives of Joshua and Drusilla Parker that he had discovered while writing their chronology. His chronology or compilation of events and dates were taken from source documents and the discoveries and facts that many family members have shared over the years. Jerry put them all in one place. There are many things Jerry Parker that impressed me as I compiled the book, Jerry said. But these four items had a high impact on me:
Jaycee Jensen
The publication compiled by Jerry Parker, Family of Faith and Courage: Joshua and Drusilla Hartley Parker A Chronology is available on the Parker Family Dropbox, in the Parker filesJoshua folder or by requesting an electronic 1. The importance and value of friends. David copy from Jerry. E-email him at [email protected]. Rogers, another carpenter (chair-maker) who lived A printed copy is also available for $15 including postage. close to Joshua on Varick St. in New York City in 1837, This is a living document, Jerry stated, there will be adinvited Joshua to a meeting to hear the LDS missionar- ditional editions made as more information is discovered. ies after David and his family were baptized before
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I next looked at Albany County, New York deeds and saw that the Joshua Parker from Pittstown eventually sold his farm and bought property in Lancingburgh, NY (a Sometime around 2005 my research Troy, NY suburb) and several other on Joshua Parker (Drusilla) turned toinvestment properties in the city of Troy Robert Smith, Parkerwards his elusive father, presumably itself. However, this Joshuas wife was he was also named Joshua Parker. He Family Research Specialist named Mary (in both deeds). Is she a secwas probably born sometime around ond wife? In our family the youngest child born to Joshua, the 1750s or even earlier. To assist in the search for married to Sarah, was also named Mary this great grand parent, I began gathering informaJoshua (the less taxed Parker) was not seen again in Albany tion on all of his siblings, (Daniel, Talmage, Susan, or Rensselaer counties after 1803. (We know our Joshua and Mary). If I were able to find records on, or better married Sarah Rogers in NYC in 1802). However, the still a living descendant of any of them, it could be Joshua Parker (the more heavily taxed one) and Daniel very helpful in the overall research on my Parker were both still found in Troy until 1814. Joshua (the G...Grandfather Joshua that married Susan Rogers. more heavily taxed one) then sold all his property and After reading The Revolutionary War in the Hackenagain disappeared from the Troy area of NY. I never found sack Valley by Adrian Leiby, a book about how the him again, however Daniel relocated across the Hudson war affected the residents in Northern NJ and by exRiver and was owner of a shipyard near the Eire Canal entension the lower Hudson Valley (Cortlandt Manor trance. He lived there until he died in 1867. area), I developed a theory about my oldest Joshua And this was only the beginning of the adventure. I preParker. He and his young family had possibly moved pared a 61 page booklet on Daniels family and the chart to escape from the war zone of the Cortlandt Manor, below showing Daniel and his eight children. Both are in Westchester County area, during the early years of available in the Parker Files folder in the Dropbox. American Revolution. They possibly traveled up the Hudson River, to a small village in upstate New York called Pittstown. Pittstown was, and still is, a rural farming area about fourteen miles east of Troy, NY. The theory was based on the fact that none of my known Joshua Parker family could be found in the first US Census in Westchester County, where he was born. In fact, I was unable to find the Parker family in either the 1790 or 1800 censuses, however, searching all the US censuses from every state available, I was able to find just one Joshua Parker Family that could match my known family. This Pittstown family was almost a perfect match, in age, and quantity of children. I only half-believed in the theory at first. But the more I looked at this family the better it seemed to fit. I expected that the next document I researched or found would be the one to disprove my theory completely. However, instead of disproving it, each new document or find, only strengthened the theory.
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Greg Parker
Greg later mentioned to me, My grandfather Joseph Faulkner Parker shook the hand of President Joseph Smith near the doors of the Nauvoo Temple when he was about 3 years old. One of his sisters was born in Nauvoo, Illinois, and his mother moved her children via wagon train to SLC in 1850 after her husband died in Council Bluffs. It was then I started wondering, Since living in such a close proximity, did Joshua and Drusilla know this other Parker family and their common ancestors?
Byron Nelson Parker family members, we started getting a whole new perspective about other branches in our Parker family tree as we witnessed the tree growing much wider.
He then went on to talk about his lineage and how it goes back to Ireland. Joseph Faulkners father was Thomas Bryant Parker, born Oct 1, 1797 in Grayson County Virginia married Martha Ann Nelson on 25 Oct 1835 in Palmyra, Marion County, Missouri and then he died on 27 July 1850 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. His father was William Parker who was born 10 April 1748 in Ballyhay, Cork County, Northern Ireland. He immigrated to America and died in Surry County, North Carolina.
Joseph served in the Utah Indian War, and was awarded a medal as a commendation at the 9th Annual Encampment, Sons and Daughters of the Indian War Veterans and Pioneers of Utah. Joseph then moved to Joseph, Sevier County, Utah settling there as a farmer. His wife died 6 Jan, 1908, and Joseph later died and was buried there as well. For more information and more in-depth details on this line go to the Parker family files in the Dropbox where Greg has uploaded the information.
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age he served in the church organization. There are no writings from his youth that share his thoughts and feelings about his religious intentions or hopes for the future. The first realization that there were Parkers who took their faith seriously enough to serve a mission for the Church were brought to light when Melanie Dewsnup wrote a story about John Thomas Parker that was published in Parker Press, in the Spring 2007 issue.
Joshua also remained steadfast through many trials by Although Fredrick A JOSHUA PARKERS SON AND GRANDSONS fire, adversity, and persecuParker, Joshuas son did Joseph, Lorenzo, Don Parker (Back L to R) tions that came to Joshua Fredrick A, Jr., Fredrick A, Sr., John Thomas (Front L to R) not serve a mission, five and his fellow Mormons. It [Photo Courtesy Of Melanie Dewsnup] of Fredricks sons did: was Joshuas and Drusilla's Lorenzo R Parker, Joseph A. Parker, Don Carlos character and deep conviction that supported them Parker, Fredrick A Parker, Jr. and John Thomas through their travels on the long, dusty trails that Parker. eventually led to the Salt Lake Valley, a place of safely where they could worship according to the dictates of In Parley Parkers family, Jesse Vernon Parker, their hearts. Parleys 8th son was called to serve a mission in HolWhile this nation was founded on the basis of religious freedom, the Mormons did not experience much of it. They even had troubles in the Salt Lake Valley before the Church ceased the practice of polygamy. Thats when Utah was allowed to be admitted into the Union as the 45th state. (1896) As we connect with different parts of Joshuas and Drusillas posterity we discover that not all of their children, as grown adults, shared the same religious convictions of their parents. Some did, others were lukewarm, some not at all. Their 12th child, my own great grandfather, Daniel Parker, did not serve a mission, although at a young
land in 1912 until 1914. Also Orin (Melvin) Parker was called to serve a mission in the Southern States mission in 1927. From Mary Melissa and Joseph Summerhays family, a very large family of 15, all lived to adulthood, and all their sons served missions for the Church. Cal and William ended up serving two missions. Wed love to hear about any others that might have served Missions. They will be added to Parkers of Faith Mormon Missionaries in the Family that when completed will be uploaded in the Parker Family Dropbox. We desire everyone to have access.
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90 Years Young
Edith Wilbanks is still a beauty at almost 90. She is the daughter of Drusilla Parker and John Wilbur Beauvais Edith was born on July 18, 1922, married, and raised a wonderful family. She became a widow in 1998 and has made the best of life. She loves music and played the piano by ear most of her life. Shes always has Edith May Wilbanks been a talented artist and also enjoys drawing. In the 1980s she took up oil painting, and tole painting and greatly enjoyed it. Edith made the trip to Salt Lake City for the Parker Reunion. With her sweet personality, contagious laugh and beautiful smile, she won the hearts of all cousins. She has memories of those by-gone days and of her Parker grandparents. Grandpa Parker (Charles Henry) was a portly person and not very tall. And Grandma Parker (Ida Zackrisson) was a very nice lady. Grandma Ida loved children and was always there for us. She also taught all us kids Swedish but none of us retained it. She was a strong person and always busy. Working on braided rugs, knitted, embroidered, and kept the house spotless. She was a Mormon but loved her coffee and on occasion, a sip of wine and beer. Shed make bread for several friends that would bring in extra money to help out. She did her baking in a wood burning stove and also made Swedish Bread. We called it Cawka bread. [Note: Swedish Christmas bread is called Kaka] She would give it to us kids, hot with fresh butter and current jam, then send us out to play. Grandma had long wavy hair that Drusilla May Parker was salt and pepper color. She curled her little band on her forehead with rag curlers. Even though they had trials, they enjoyed life.
Alice, Charles Henry, Drusilla, Ida, Sylvia (Front left to right) Leo, Charles Leroy (Roy), Theo (Back)
Recently another artist n the Parker family have been discovered, Frank Erickson Jr., he is descending from the Charles Henry Parker family (above). This grandson of Charles Henry was born Dec. 29, 1922, in Salt Lake City to Frank W. Erickson and Sylvia Parker Erickson.
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teaching in public schools, and that was when he created the Phranque's Gallery of Fine Art, which he and his wife Gloria opened in Holladay, Utah. Frank was the instructor of many of the finest artists in
ors red, yellow, blue, and white on his pallet. I was thrilled to discover there are several other artists in Charles Henrys family. Well spotlight them in an upcoming newsletter.
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Joshua ?
I heard from Keith Parker that his younger sister Elaine had a photo of Joshua or his father. I contacted her and she sent me the photo. (below left) She explained, My Father, Don Carlos Parker, gave this picture to me when I was a teenager to put in my Book of Remembrance. I don't know who had the original copy or where they obtained their copy. I imagine it came from his Father, Fredrick A. Parkers files. I received the pictures (all of 1x1) of my three generation line. Grandfather, Fredrick A. Parker and wife Mary Thomas, Great Grandfather, Joshua Parker(1809) and wife Drusilla D. Hartley. Great Great Grandfather Joshua Parker (no wife picture). I never thought much about the picture (Left hand side) until the questions started to come up about who and what was our true Parker line. Upon reviewing the picture,
By Suzanne Hansen
we know it couldn't be Joshuas father, if it was a photo, as photography wasn't widely available until about the early 1860s. It looks more like a print from a charcoal, which it could be. Both men resemble each otherwhite hair and beards, but Joshua b.1809 (Below right) only had one eye. If not a likeness of Joshua b.1778, that is Joshua 1809s father, perhaps it could be a brothersame style of clothing, white hair, white beard, maybe in his 50s. We do have photos of Caleb and Benjamin and it isn't them. Perhaps this could be an older brother (Moses or Aaron)? Keith said, It is definitely a Parker. My Father, who died in 1973, resembles the picture. It would be interesting to see if anyone can identify who this truly is? Contact us at Parker Press if youve seen this picture before or if you recognize him.
My mother seemed concerned that I know where they all were, I watched as they both had such a feeling of love and respect for each grave, and Dad took a trimmer to complete the finishing touches. Flowers were placed with thick wire to
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sandstone base Although by 1945 the wood markers were already gone and only the bases remained. The bases had grooves running down the middle about 1" wide and 18" long where the wood had been set in the stone. I have memories of going up the old wooden stairs to my grandmothers attic, and looking around. The floor was 1 by 2 flat boards and there was nothing up there except an old trunk. I was curious and went over to it and popped open the lid and there was all kind of photos and papers inside I didnt have an appreciation for what was in that truck like I would have now. But that memory still holds great fondness for me. When my grandmother died. Roy (Charles Leroy Parker) and Drusilla (Drusilla May Craddock) had passed away so it was up to aunt Alice (Alice Morris) to take care of things and she seemed to have no regard for old pictures or papers. She rushed through things and threw the trunk and its contents away before I got there. They were gone, but the impression stuck in my head all these years. Through the years I had always thought that I would like to put a new headstone on Joshua and Drusilla grave and was pleased when I heard that it had finally been done. Many of Joshuas and Drusillas descendants had similar thoughts about honoring them by making sure that a new headstone or some kind of a marker was placed on the graves. But for many years nothing was done. Then around 1994 one of Parleys descendants, Hugh Parker who was the son of Melvin Parker traveled from Rexburg Idaho where he was living to visit the Salt Lake City Cemetery and noticed there were no headstones for Joshua and Drusilla Parker. His strong desire to make sure they had one, finally made it happen.
When I asked him how that came about Hugh said, Well I was up in the Sawtooth mountains which is in a range of mountains in the Idaho wilderness near Meadow Lake, and was enjoying all the beauty I was surrounded by. My eyes caught view of a large oblong white like boulder and the thought came that I would like that for my headstone someday. So I hauled it home. It sat on my
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by Robert Smith
those streets is perpendicular to Old Highway 15 It was marked Cemetery Road. We followed that road and ended up at Holden Cemetery. This cemetery is well-maintained, plenty of manicured green grass and the gravestones, as can be seen in the photo below, were in great shape.
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Martin Parker
Robins in the cemetery he asked if I had checked the old pioneer cemetery. Pioneer cemetery? I asked. Yes, I have a complete listing in the back room, he said, as he disappeared behind a curtain covering a doorway in the back wall of the store. About a minute later he returned with a notebook. In in was exactly what I was looking for. He gave us directions and a copy of a map of the Pioneer Cemetery. We did find the old Pioneer Cemetery. For all the details on the Scipio stop and the Pioneer Cemetery we visited complete with photos and a copy of the Pioneer Cemetery map, go to the Parker Files in the Dropbox. (By the time you read this, all the Martin Parker Followup story should be uploaded there.) We finally hit the road heading east on I-70 towards Colorado and our next genealogy stop. Ouray, Colorado. The next day we were in Ouray. We went to the courthouse (for deeds), the town hall (for marriages), and the Ouray Library. For those not familiar with Ouray, it is a
She had never heard the story, but said that a former mayor of Holden was in the front office that very morning and she went to get him. I introduced myself but he too had never heard the story. Then he asked me if I had been to the Post Office? Post office? I said in an inquisitive tone. Well, that is where the cemetery records are kept, he stated. They are in the Post Offices safe.
Ouray Colorado
mining town in Colorado that Mary Agnes Leonora [Robins] (Parker) (Eaton) Burke ended up in after she and her son, Joseph Sinclair Eaton left John Eaton in New Mexico. Martins complete story is already in the Dropbox in the Parker Files folder. Look for the updated Ouray complete with more photos.
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By Melanie Dewsnup
the birth certificate, even if the father was not present to confirm this. But after the 1874 Births and Death Registration Act, fathers had to be present at registration for their name to appear. 4. Informant Dont forget to check who registered the birth, as certificates include additional information about thema potential extra branch of your family tree. 5. Married Names The mothers maiden name is usually given, but in some cases mothers had been married before, and so their former and current married names will also be listed.
traveled long distances, visited the cemetery, they saw a completed stone, giving them a deep sense of connection with our Parker heritage. I remember the quote by an unknown author "Like
branches on a tree, our lives may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."
Robert Smith mentioned after viewing the gave that the cemetery looked much different than he imagined. He was glad he able to see it in person. On behalf of all of Joshua and Drusilla's descendants, we thank Hugh Parker for his vision and tremendous efforts to restore the grave site of our pioneer forebears. This brings to mind another quote: Gone But Not Forgotten.
Robert & June, Michael & Suzanne Viewing The New Grave Stone Of Joshua And Drusilla Parker In Salt Lake Cemetery
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By Robert Smith
By Suzanne Hansen
If you ordered a memory book and didnt receive it or would like to know more information about the book please contact, Suzanne Hansen. A PDF copy of the Parker Reunion Photo Memory Book will soon be available to all. Look for it in the Parker Family Dropbox in the folder Parker Files titled: Parker Reunion Photo Memory Book 2012
Suzanne Hansen, Editor 2397 Palmetto Drive Taylorsville, Utah 84129 [email protected]
Parker Press