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PREFACE It is related of Lord Byron that when a boy in school he, with his fellows, was required to write a paraphrase of the Biblical account of the miracle of turning water into wine; within a few moments he handed to his teacher this line : "The conscious water saw its God and blushed." Nothing could have been added which would have strengthened or added beauty to the matchless setting. May we not, in humble imitation of that great genius, say of Imperial Valley: Its fruitful soil was caressed by the wasting water of an unregarded river and blossomed in perennial beauty? The magic touch of the life-giving water was not an accident. It followed the most intense and unremitting efforts of big brained, big souled men, who wrought under such difficulties and discouragements as would have daunted smaller men. What heroes they were, and how richly they deserve the crowns today so grudgingly bestowed, but which the future will surely bestow upon them.

And the pioneers who located the first ranches and planted the first crops who can fitly write their heroic annals? Who tell of their privations and sacrifices which resulted in making life within the magic borders of Imperial Valley the priceless heritage of man? Standing today by the grave of that infant civilization which blossomed, amid such hardships, upon a desert, we would fain lift the veil and see the unthought-of transformation which fifty years will bring. Even in infancy, a colossus, a giant, what will the years bring to this wonder land? It deserves a better, wiser, abler historian than any man alive today can be. F. C. Farr.

IN MEMORIAM Scarcely had Judge Finis C. Farr finished his work as editor of this history than death came unheralded to him with apoplexy. He was a man whose character had borne the testimonial of public office alike in Missouri, his native state, and in Imperial County, where he had been a participant in public affairs from the earliest of pioneer days. At the time of his death he was Register of the United States Land Office at El Centro. He was a charter member of the Masonic Lodge at Imperial and an active member of the Imperial County Bar Association, both of which organizations have been quick to spread upon their records testimonials to his ability and his character. In a sense, then, this book, representing practically the last of his many works for the public good, will be a monument to his memory, and in the years to come will be evidence of the high type of men who constituted the pioneers of Imperial Valley, and who undertook to shape its development to the lasting good of humanity.


PART I Chapter I page History of Imperial County I Chapter II Formation of the Colorado Desert 82 Chapter III

Early History of Imperial County 97 Chapter IV Irrigation 154 Chapter V Educational 159 Chapter VI Religious 167 Chapter VII Library Development 177 Chapter VIII Agriculture 184 Chapter IX Horticulture 192 Chapter X Imperial County Farm Bureau 198 Chapter XI Medical History 209 Chapter XII Journalism 219 Chapter XIII Transportation 224 Chapter XIV Banking 227 Chapter XV Chambers of Commerce 233

v i CONTENTS Chapter XVI page Fraternal 238 Chapter XVII Architecture 243 Chapter XVIII Federation of Women's Clubs 246 Chapter XIX Woman's Christian Temperance Union 257 Chapter XX Imperial 264

Chapter XXI " Calexico 269 Chapter XXII Brawley 272 Chapter XXIII Holtville 274 Chapter XXIV El Centro 279 Chapter XXV Seeley 286 Chapter XXVI Calipatria and Niland 287 Chapter XXVII The Mud Volcanoes 291 Chapter XXVIII Live-Stock 293 Chapter XXIX The Northern District of Lower California 296 PART II Biographical 311


CHAPTER I HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY The name California seems to have been derived from a Spanish romance published in 1510. The author there speaks of the "Great Island of California, where a great abundance of gold and precious stones are found." This story attained considerable popularity about the time when the Cortez exploring expedition reached that undiscovered country. It is thought that some of the officers of that party who had read this romance were especially pleased with this name. It was euphonious and descriptive, as they had expected to find an Eldorado in that new region any way, because the early Spanish discoverers had so promised. But at that time this name was applied only to the lower Pacific coast and the adjacent territory. And it is interesting to note here that this San Diego section was on the border line of Mexico, being then a part of that nation. It was not until some years later that the name

California was applied to the upper part of that country, and it gradually extended northward, with no very definite limits. These Spanish Americans divided the whole territory into upper and lower California, as it has since been known. The lower coast was first discovered in 1534 by an expedition sent out by Cortez, who later found the Gulf of California. It was not until some six years later that the mouth of the Colorado River was discovered there. And it was not until 1602 that the Bay of San Diego was located. As a matter of fact the physical geography of a very large portion of this great country was very imperfectly known. Few of the residents were even qualified to make any scientific study of its topography and very little attention was given to the subject, especially that portion lying on the immediate coast between San Diego on the south and Fort Ross on the north, a narrow strip of land forty or fifty miles in width. In fact the entire California region was a very indefinite quantity for many years, and the eastern boundary was not fully located or deter-

2 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY mined. And this condition remained until 1850 when it passed into the ownership of the United States and became one of the states of the Union. But this work is devoted to the southernmost point of the state known as Imperial County, which is the youngest and newest county of the great Pacific Commonwealth, having been formed in 1907 from the eastern portion of San Diego County. This Imperial Valley lies between the coast range of mountains and the Colorado River, a section long known as the Colorado Desert, and for ages considered worthless and irreclaimable. North of this great desert is the eastern extension of the San Bernardino mountain range, dry, barren and worthless. On the west the Coast range rises to a height of from 3000 to 5000 feet, which, on the desert side, is also dry and barren. Through the eastern part of this desert is a range of sand-dunes which extends down across the international boundary line, terminating just below. Between these sand-dunes on the east and the Coast range on the west, there is a vast, level plain which, before its reclamation, was as dry and barren as the hills and sand-dunes themselves. Most of this plain is below sea level, and was originally an extension of the California Gulf. Some sixty miles south of this Mexican boundary line the great Colorado River tumbles finally into the gulf. It is a very muddy stream which has poured into this gulf for untold ages. When the gulf reached the present site of Indio Station, the river poured into it about 150 miles southeast of that place. This gulf was then some 50 miles wide opposite the ancient mouth of the river. Gradually the Colorado formed a bar across the gulf. After a time this bar was raised several feet above highwater mark, and this cut off the upper portion of the gulf from the main body of water and formed an inland sea some 40 miles in width by 125 miles in length. It will be seen, therefore, that the flow of this river for ages has been in both directions, into the gulf and into this inland sea. In this way large masses of sediment were deposited in both

places not only, but a separating bar was raised 35 to 80 feet above sea level, an increase of about 60 miles in width from south to north. Sometime after this the Colorado began to pour its regular flow into the gulf, and only in times of flood, during June and July, was the surplus water sent into the inland sea. Then finally, when the permanent

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 3 flow northward ceased, this inland sea gradually dried up, leaving what is known as the "Salton Basin," a tract 100 miles long and from 20 to 50 miles wide. And this vast area was all below the level of the sea. The bottom was a salt marsh 5 x 25 miles in extent, and 265 feet below the sea, while the surrounding land sloped gradually toward this depression. Here in this sink the Salton Sea was formed in 1891 as a result of the long continued flood of the Colorado stream. It began with heavy rains in February and was afterward augmented by the regular annual flood in June and July, because of the melting snows at the headwaters of the stream in Utah, Wyoming and Colorado. About 150 square miles of this Salton Sea was so level that the water did not exceed 10 feet in depth at any point. All around this sea were a million acres of land below sea level, half of which is arable, irrigable, and especially fertile. In addition to this, there is a vast expanse of country south of the international boundary line which extends to the Gulf of California on the east. Most of this is the most fertile and productive land in the world, and it covers about 800,000 acres. Of this vast tract, 300,000 acres are irrigable. A similar acreage is subject to the annual flood overflow and some 100,000 acres are of little value from other causes. IRRIGATION Here was a golden opportunity to test the value of irrigation on a colossal scale. It was destined to reclaim millions of acres of the most fertile land on the globe, from this vast California section which had been given up as a worthless desert since its first discovery. It took men of courage and indomitable persistence with a full knowledge of all the conditions and obstacles that might present themselves, even to begin this stupendous work. And yet with such a prize, with such glowing possibilities as the reward, history shows that the men for the task usually have been found. Thus it was that in 1856 Dr. Oliver M. Wozencraft of San Bernardino came to the front and applied to Congress for a land grant for himself and his associates if they would reclaim the lands. The application was received with favor, and the Committee on Public Lands reported in favor of the concession. But soon after this the Civil war broke out and threatened to disrupt the Union. There was no time to think of any new projects of this for-

4 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY tuitous nature. The plan was abandoned, and Dr. Wozencraft died at

his home with the pet scheme of his life in abeyance. Then for over thirty years this great project of such transcendent importance to the nation, and especially this California section, lay dormant. This was partly due to the reconstruction period of the national life perhaps, but also because of the fact that no successor to Dr. Wozencraft had been found. But the project was too great to die, and it came to the front again in 1891 with some show of success. Mr. C. R. Rockwood was given charge of all the engineering problems, and he worked successfully for a time. But now the financial and business end of the enterprise was wrecked in the panic of 1893, and that organization was abandoned. But Mr. Rockwood still had faith in the scheme and did not propose to give it up. Thus in 1896, allying himself with a new element, the California Development Company was duly incorporated with a capital stock of $1,250,000. Among these incorporators were the late A. H. Heber, an experienced colonizer, who was chosen president; C. R. Rockwood, chief engineer; Dr. W. T. Heffernan, and W. H. Blaisdell, both of Yuma. These men had an abiding faith in the enterprise and gave material assistance in the early work. Money was promptly raised and extensive surveys were made. And it should be stated here that Dr. Wozencraft originally planned to divert the water from the Colorado, using the channel of the Alamo River as a canal for that purpose. And this plan was now adopted by this company. One hundred thousand acres of land in Lower California, extending from the Colorado on the east to the mountains on the west, were purchased from Sr. G. Andrade, thus securing a right of way through this foreign territory. Then for three years this company was overtaken by new vicissitudes. The work of construction could not proceed for the lack of money. In 1899, however, S. W. Ferguson, of San Francisco, becoming interested in the company, was duly commissioned to finance the project among his friends on the Pacific Coast. As a result of an important interview with Mr. L. M. Holt in San Francisco, he came to Los Angeles and was introduced to Mr. George Chaffey, one of the founders of Etiwanda and Ontario, who had recently returned from Australia, where he had been engaged in building the irrigation system of Mildura on the Murray River. A few days later these three gentlemen visited the

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 5 desert and spent three weeks investigating the advisability of the scheme. Mr. Rockwood, who was then in New York City, was sent for and spent several weeks more with Mr. Chaffey in further investigations. The latter, though much pleased with the enterprise, was not quite satisfied with the terms offered him, and he therefore declined to undertake the work. Mr. Rockwood was about to return to New York and give up the scheme. But Mr. Holt, being still sanguine of success, thought he could formulate a plan that would satisfy all parties interested, and he was thereupon authorized to go ahead. After working some weeks on this proposition, which was finally submitted to Mr. Chaffey, he then consented to undertake the work on this basis. Dr. Heffernan, Mr. Blaisdell and Mr. Rockwood were consulted, and the result was that Mr. Chaffey was fully authorized to begin the work. He was given control of the California Development Company for five

years, and a certain portion of the stock of that company if he succeeded in constructing a successful irrigation system that would put water upon this desert land. About this time the Imperial Land Company, the colonizing agency, was incorporated, of which Mr. Ferguson was made manager, holding one-fifth of the stock of that company. After beginning the work, however, he was not entirely satisfied with his share of the bargain and sought a power of attorney from Mr. Holt that he might vote his onefifth share of the stock of the company and thus gain control of the corporation, which he regarded necessary in order to make his work effective. With this stock of Mr. Holt he expected to secure enough more to give him the control he desired. But Mr .Holt declined this request, and then Mr. Ferguson sought to retaliate by forcing him out of the company. In order to avoid any conflict at this stage of the enterprise, Mr. Holt finally exchanged his stock in the Imperial Land Company for that of the California Development Company. A few months later Mr. Ferguson's management became so undesirable that he was asked to resign. On his refusal to do this he was removed soon afterward, and all his interests in the company passed into other hands. MORE PRELIMINARY TROUBLES Up to this time President Heber of the California Company had not seemed to take any active interest in its affairs. But now this new turn

6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY of affairs brought him to the front, and he took the position of manager to fill the vacancy. Thus in February, 1902, Mr. Heber'and his associates purchased the stock of Mr. Chaffey, who thereupon retired from the company. Mr. Heber then became president and general manager of the California Company, and also of the Imperial Land Company, of which he made E. C. Paulin general manager. Here is, therefore, a pretty full sketch of the men, capital, and various corporations that formed this combination for the reclamation and colonization of this desert land. And it is believed to be the most extensive project of the kind ever made in arid America up to this time. It involved so many problems which could only be solved by the expenditure of a vast sum of money under the direction of the most eminent and competent engineers in the country. And today it is claimed that there is no other place in America where these works can be duplicated, covering such a vast area to be reclaimed and so large a population to be served. The national government is now spending more money on smaller enterprises for the reclamation of much smaller areas, and for the benefit of a much smaller population. It is further claimed that no other place under the Stars and Stripes today has a single irrigation system that will irrigate so large an area and furnish homes for so many people. It is also believed that no other large area in the land can be reclaimed at such small cost per acre, or where the water can be perpetually furnished to settlers at so small a cost per acre-foot, as is now being done by this Imperial Canal system in this wonderful Imperial Valley

over the portion of this worthless Colorado Desert which has been rescued by the hand of man from the vast sand-waste which the great Creator seems to have forgotten to finish. It is now very apparent, however, that He has called in the assistance of men in the reclamation and development of this vast territory, and that they have succeeded beyond all precedent, and under a smiling providence, this great valley is blossoming with an unparalleled degree of fertility and productiveness. Back of all this, of course, is the subject of irrigation, an indispensable prerequisite to the reclamation of arid lands. But for this, nearly half the area of this republic would be of small agricultural value today. In Imperial Valley the system of irrigation in use is the most com-

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 7 plete possible under the existing law of California. For over 25 years the whole question received most careful study by enterprising men in Southern California. As a result the mutual company plan was finally adopted for the ownership and management of the Imperial Canal system as far as that plan could be utilized. The first obstacle that arose was the magnitude of the enterprise. Five hundred thousand acres of land for 100,000 people under one company did not seem entirely feasible. It was therefore decided to restrict the area to 100,000 acres for a single irrigation system. And even this has since been thought too large. With 100 voters to elect a board of directors of a water company, there is a much greater feeling of individual personal responsibility than would be possible if 1000 voters shared in the control. And if this tract was sub-divided into 40-acre holdings, there would be 2500 voters, which might not secure the best results. In this Imperial Valley there are 538,000 acres now under the Imperial Canal system, while still barren land will raise the total to nearly a million. It was therefore decided to divide the Valley into districts, no one to exceed 100,000 irrigable acres ; such districts, as far as possible, to have natural boundary lines. Then it was thought best to have a separate company for each of these districts, all such companies to be organized on a similar basis, in order that the landowner in one company should have the same rights and responsibilities as the owner in each of the other companies. All these companies should have the same name and be designated only by number. Under this plan, Imperial Water Company No. 1 was formed with 100,000 shares of stock to furnish water for 100,000 acres of land in a territory bounded on the west by New River, on the east by the Alamo River, on the south by the Mexican boundary line, and on the north by an arbitrary line running between two rows of sections. While this tract exceeded the limit by some 50,000 acres, only 100,000 were regarded available for successful irrigation. And yet since then the actual irrigable area is found to be much larger, and the disposition of this extra land has since been a problem with the company. Since then other companies of this kind have been formed and now reach 15 in number.

The next obstacle to present itself was the impossibility of all these going to the Colorado River, 60 miles away, to get their water supply. But this was finally overcome by the construction of a canal through

8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY foreign territory, which, of course, added greatly to the cost, and made it almost prohibitory for a small company. But here the California Development Company, which financed the plan for the construction of the canal system, and owned most of the canals through Lower California, agreed to such contracts as were necessary to deliver water to each of these several mutual companies. Under this agreement this parent company was to keep these main canals in repair and deliver the water in bulk, charging a uniform price of 50 cents an acre-foot. That is, 50 cents for enough water to cover an acre of land one foot in depth. This is practically two cents an inch for a 24 hours' flow. This parent company would thus construct a distributing system of canals for the mutual company and receive in payment the entire capital stock of such company. This stock would in turn be sold to settlers and the parent company would get its pay for the construction works and the mutual company would get its distributing system built and paid for in a way that would leave no indebtedness. The landowners would thus own and operate their own distributing system through each of these mutual companies. The water rates would be collected from the settlers in January and July, paying the development company for all the water received during the preceding six months. Such contracts were made for the permanent delivery of water at a fixed price, and all settlers are served alike. In this way each settler pays 50 cents per acre for his water whether he uses it or not. It will be seen that this provision precludes speculators from taking up land and buying water stock for the same and then wait for an advance in price to sell out at a handsome margin without improving the land at all. This wise provision has proven very popular. But for this requirement settlers might have found themselves surrounded with dry, desert lands with no neighbors. Such was the plan at the beginning of development of the Valley, and it ran on for a series of years, but, as stated in a separate article herein, the time came when the people threw aside the private corporation owning the irrigation system and acquired it for themselves through the organization of the Imperial Irrigation District, under the laws of the state. SOME OF THE RESULTS It will be of interest to record here what has really been done under

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 9 this great reclamation project in Imperial County thus far. Actual work upon the system was begun in April, 1900, and the first water was delivered to the fields in June, 1901. In the following July there were about 6000 acres of land put into crops in order to feed the hundreds of teams working on the canal system. In 1902 this acreage of tillage was in-

creased to 25,000, and the next year this was doubled. In 1904 this cultivated area was increased to 150,000 acres. And now something over 250,000 acres of government land has been filed upon and water rights secured for the same. In 1903 the California Development Company built about 600 miles of canals, some of which are 70 feet in depth at the bottom and carry water ten feet deep. The permanent population of the Valley is now about 50,000, and other settlers are coming in rapidly. Of course, as the wonderful possibilities for agricultural development became apparent railway construction was promptly begun, and the iron horse of commercial progress soon appeared upon the scene. The Southern Pacific Company built a branch line of 28 miles from Old Beach to Imperial, soon after extended to Calexico, another 16 miles, and thence on Mexican soil to Yuma, Arizona. On this branch are the thriving towns of Niland, Calipatria, Brawley, Imperial, El Centro, Heber and Calexico. A 12-mile cross line was built from El Centro to Holtville, which is being extended westwardly to San Diego, now reaching the towns of Seeley and Dixieland. Another cross line has recently been constructed westwardly from Calipatria to Westmoreland. This shows that the original projectors of this great reclamation enterprise were not idle dreamers, "as many short-sighted people in that region even had openly declared. This great Colorado River has often been called the Nile of America because of the rich and fertile sediment carried down by its waters, and also because of similarity of climate and water supply. The agricultural development has run in well marked stages, beginning on the new land as each section was developed, with barley, alfalfa following, and then coming by degrees more intensive operations. Barley ranks first among the grains, milo following, with comparatively small production of wheat. But in late years cotton has become the chief crop of the Valley in acreage and value. Fat cattle, sheep and hogs are shipped in great numbers, and the dairy industry has taken second place

IO HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY among California counties. Imperial County leads the world in acreage of cantaloupes, while grapes and asparagus are important early products. But for the slow progress of propagation, dates would long before this have become a most important product. The annual productiveness of Imperial Valley has reached a range of from twenty to forty million dollars a year. The products of this reclaimed land have already been increased in number. One of these new crops is the Egyptian long staple cotton, which gives very profitable crops of fibre and which is most valuable in the textile markets, bringing over 22 cents a pound previous to the recent advance in all varieties of cotton because of the war. Of course, the climate of this Imperial Valley is very warm in summer, from April to October, often reaching 100 in the shade. And yet the air is so exceptionally dry as to permit work even during the hot-

test days without great discomfort. The wet and dry bulb thermometers show a greater variation than in a humid country, being about five degrees in the latter during the summer and about 31 degrees in this valley. SOME EARLY IRRIGATION HISTORY This having been the supreme creative factor in the reclamation of this great desert waste makes it imperative that some specific mention should be made here. But the reader will find this subject treated with scientific detail in subsequent chapters of this work by the most competent authority in the land. And this man once dreamed of writing a romantic history of this wonderful valley. And if space were at command in this volume a thrilling and racy thread of romance could be interwoven in this story-fabric of detail that begins with the discovery of this sandysink of the Colorado Desert, and follows down the years of its development and reclamation until the glowing results of today were reached. But for irrigation there could, of course, have been no Imperial Valley nor any Imperial County to write about. Without entering deeply into the ancient history of irrigation and the date of its origin, it may be said that modern scientists seem to agree that it was in use in very ancient times, and was used in this hemisphere at the dawn of civilization. Early explorers found extensive and successful systems in Mexico, Central America and Peru. Even in our own land are traces of early irrigation projects that had been carried

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY H out along the Colorado, Rio Grande and Gila Rivers. In India some of the most costly and magnificent engineering enterprises of this kind are found today. And most of the foreign countries are operating extensive systems of this kind. Modern reclamation in America in 1890 had nearly four million arid acres to its credit. But these systems were in no way comparable with those used in this Imperial Valley in extent. The reclaimed area in this valley at this time is far greater than was the total in the southern third of California in 1890. In India there are twenty-five million acres of such land, in Egypt about six millions, Italy about three millions, France 400,000, and in the United States about four millions of arid acres. Thus some forty millions of arid acres have been brought under successful cultivation by irrigation. Not, however, until 1902 was the construction of irrigation systems under the control of the Secretary of the Interior begun. This plan has been successfully carried out since then by the Reclamation service, the sole purpose being the transformation of desert lands into attractive and productive farm property. The Colorado Desert was visited at least by military parties in 1846, and geological investigations were made in 1853. It was surveyed by government contractors in 1855 and 1856, and the overland stations were established there in 1858. It was resurveyed in 1880, and finally crossed by the railway soon after. The reclamation project was proposed in 1892, and again in 1902, which finally resulted in the adoption

of the irrigation scheme. Since that time the enterprise has been duly exploited in the public press. This tract in 1846, being still a part of the Mexican territory, was frequently visited by Mexican desperadoes, and General Phil Kearny's famous expedition by the Santa Fe Trail to the coast crossed the Valley. With this expedition was a corps of government engineers who were to make observations and report as to the topography, natural history and geography of the region. The date of this report was November, 1855. It stated that at the ford of the Colorado, where the engineers crossed, the river was 1500 feet wide and flowed at the rate of 1^2 miles per hour, the greatest depth there being four feet. The banks were not over four feet high, and evidences of overflow were found. The water was torpid and hence immense drifts of sand were encountered. A few days later a basin or lake was reached (probably Badger

I2 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Lake, now dry) and this was then about Ya^A mile in extent and too salt for the use of man or beast. Their report of this desert contained this : "Ninety miles from water to water is an immense triangular plain bounded on one side by the Colorado River, on the west by the Cordilleras of California, on the northeast by a chain of mountains running southeast and northwest." This report has a record of many hardships endured by the men under Lieutenant W. H. Morey, who was in charge. They had a sharp engagement with the Mexicans at Los Angeles, where he planted the American flag to stay, however. Another military expedition was sent out in 1853 under Lieutenant Williamson, with Professor William P. Blake as naturalist, who afterward wrote a graphic description of the desert and the result of his geological studies there. He concluded that the physical aspects of the desert were due to flood erosion upon rocks near Palm Springs. He also predicted that potable water could be obtained from artesian wells in that region, which proved true 35 years later, and again by the engineers of the Southern Pacific railway. In 1858 the first overland mail route between St. Louis and San Francisco was established, it being known as the Butterfield Stage Line. This trip took 22 days and was made every two weeks. There were three stage stations on the desert. That same year, however, America had a much more important event to record in that region. This was the discovery of the possibility of reclaiming this Colorado Desert. Dr. Oliver M. Wozencraft, a native of Ohio, who had been educated in Kentucky, was the first man who seriously proposed to bring the waters of the Colorado River into this sink for the purpose of agriculture by irrigation. Like many other men who have conceived great ideas ahead of their time, Dr. Wozencraft was laughed at as an airy dreamer at the time. But he had this project so thoroughly mapped out in his mind that had it not been for the breaking out of the Civil war in i860, the full consummation of his plans would probably have been carried out, or at least begun at that very time. And it is interesting to note here that his original ideas were very similar to those embodied in the final project which were carried out so many years later. But he joined the great gold rush in 1849, being the Indian agent at the time. He was also in-

strumental in securing the railway line from the east to cross this desert. In his diary of that time he describes most graphically his first ex-

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HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 13 cursion to that region in May, 1849, which might well be quoted here in full if space permitted. It was on this trip when he first conceived the idea of reclaiming this great desert. He presented his scheme to the California Legislature, which promptly ceded him all state rights in the construction of his proposed reclamation plan of this desert waste. He next took the matter to Congress, where he received a favorable report from the committee in charge. But then the crash of arms at Fort Sumter prevented any further action at the time. At the close of the war he lost no time in the prosecution of his one absorbing purpose. But during the troubles attendant upon the reconstruction period after the war it was crowded aside from time to time in the maze of national affairs. Thus on the eve of the session in 1887, when another hearing had been promised him, he was suddenly stricken ill and died. In writing of her father's pet project afterward, his daughter said he had lost a fortune and had finally given up his life in the effort to achieve success. And yet some think he was ahead of his time, the precise period for the consummation of his project, even if successfully carried out at that time, might not have proved for the best interests of the region. The railway was not built until 20 years later. And yet Dr. Wozencraft is still credited as being the "father of the Imperial Valley." THE COLORADO ASSERTS ITSELF Among the first travelers on the new railway line was Mr. H. S. Worthington of Kentucky. He, too, saw the great latent possibilities that presented themselves in this valley and he enlisted the interest of financial friends in the matter, and tried to induce eastern capitalists to join in the project. But nothing came of it. Then in 1883 the New Liverpool Salt Company viewed the matter from a wholly different side. They filed on some of this salt land, leased a portion of the railway and went to work scraping the salt in vast layers from many square miles of these salt bottoms, using steam plows and then purifying the product. It was the economic and business end of the proposition as it then presented itself which appealed to this company. And their profits were large until the great Colorado River came down as of yore and protested to such a mercenary perversion of its natural advantages. This flood came in 1905, 1906 and 1907, and the salt company's plant was wiped out completely for all time. Then the great river had its way and left a great


lake sleeping in the sun, which finally absorbed the water and left another great waste. But now the great transformation was close at hand. The Colorado was here flowing nearly fifty feet above the sea, while the floor of the valley, in some places, was 150 feet below the sea. It was thus easy for the engineer to see the possibilities for irrigation of this great sunken valley. The railway crossing this desert made a ready market for all products of the soil. And yet at that time little was known of the marvelous fertility of this salt sediment. But the early settlers were impressed with the combination of favoring conditions. Careful observers and writers of that period began, even in January, 1901, to predict wondrous things for the Valley under proper irrigation. It was seen that the territory was distinctly an agricultural section, and must depend upon that feature alone for success after its reclamation. Government students found five kinds of soil in this basin : dune sand, sand, sandy loam, loam and clay. This material had blown into the desert from the beaches on the west and northwest, and would eventually, in combination with the other soils, form good arable land, they thought. The underlying subsoil had much organic matter, including nitrogen and potash. And yet it was said that less than one per cent of all the land in this basin would prove worthless for high cultivation. But the result was far better than any had hoped for. At Yuma this Colorado water was analyzed and found to carry silt having a fertilizing value of $1.65 to each three-acre foot. Climate, soil and air therefore here formed a combination of necessary factors for productive success in this Imperial Valley. The Secretary of Agriculture at Washington in 1910 said: "We must look to the west, especially the reclaimed west, to add sufficiently to our productive area, and to care for the increased demand which the next few years will show." Here was the Southern Pacific railway, with enormous capital and every facility, controlled by men keenly alive to the importance of the business of this Valley, who knew that the company's interests were closely connected with the development of the Valley. Of course, the early settlers were confronted with the high cost of transportation and living expenses generally. But this was materially offset by cheap poultry, eggs, dairy products, honey and some vegetables. Water for domestic use in the midst of a desert with streams of alkali deposits was, of

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 15 course, a serious problem at first. And yet it was found that during eight months of the year, after proper filtration, this water was potable and even healthful.

Such, then, were some of the economic conditions that prevailed in this Imperial Valley in the summer of 1902 when the district had already become a recognized factor in the scheme of reclamation. The towns of Calexico and Imperial were well organized and the population was increasing. And yet it must be said there was some anxiety regarding the narrow stream of water flowing from the Colorado to the distributing canals of the mutual water companies. Anything that might interfere with the even flow of this water would, of course, endanger the whole enterprise. But the commercial progress of the region during 1902 and 1903 continued rapid and was greatly accelerated by the construction of the branch railway from the Southern Pacific at Old Beach, though only grading had been begun on this contract at first. The company soon took up the work in. earnest and the road was completed early in 1903. This gave the Valley a great boom. In April of that year the total acreage in crops was about 25,000, 6220 in wheat, 14,423 in barley and smaller areas in other grains and alfalfa. Then there were large areas devoted to fruit, melons and other vegetables. These crops would have been much larger in fact but for the inadequate supply of canals owing to financial difficulties. But in the following year this acreage had been increased to 100,000 and the population to about 7000. In 1904 the steam railway line had been extended to Calexico, which was already a thriving trade center. The towns of Brawley and Silsbee were next reached by the canal system, and water companies Nos. 4, 5 and 7 began operations. The town of Imperial grew with marvelous rapidity, a fine hotel and various other business houses being built. About that time the Imperial Land Company became an important factor in the progress and development of this place. But at this stage some defect was discovered in construction at the Hanlon headgate. It was found too small, and the money needed to remedy the evil could not be had at that time. In addition to this, the Department of Agriculture at Washington made an attack upon the soil and they also claimed, through the Reclamation Service officials, that Imperial Valley had really no right to use this Colorado water. But as usual, these matters were temporarily adjusted and overcome for the time, however. But there were vari-

id HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNT? ous other obstacles of a kindred nature that were encountered afterward, due, in part, to an excessive amount of silt that was being thrown into the canal by the Colorado River. There were then about 9000 people in that valley and their crops covered some 150,000 acres. They all wanted water and must have it. But even this was soon remedied, and the clouds that had hung over the years of 1905, 1906 and 1907 all vanished. But it was the begninning of the end of the California Development Company. SOME OF THE RESULTS According to a report made in 1913, there were then about 250,000 reclaimed acres under cultivation in this Imperial Valley. The soil seemed well adapted to the growth of practically every crop that was grown in the United States, with very few exceptions, such as some of the deciduous fruits, which required a period of frost and snow which are never known in this Valley. A leading crop pf late has been the alfalfa plant,

which can be cut from six to nine times each year with an average of one ton to each cutting. It can also be used for forage part of the year and cut later for fodder. It remains green all through the year, although in December and January the cool nights retards the growth. And yet alfalfa is still considered one of the greatest wealth producers in the Valley. As a producer of beef, pork and mutton, it is without an equal. Farmers are reaping enormous profits from their alfalfa fields. In three years a plot of ground rented for some $500 attained a value of $16,000. Good alfalfa land is now worth about $175 per acre and rents for about $15 an acre per year. Among the newer crops, however, in this region is cotton, which is being very successfully grown, and yields a bale per acre. Already there are many cotton gins in operation, and at El Centro and Calexico there are cottonseed-oil mills, which, after extracting the oil, grind the seed into meal. The different varieties of corn do well here, and often two crops are secured in a season, except from the Indian corn. The first crop can be cut down and another crop grown without replanting. Barley is also a sure crop and yields from 18 to 35 sacks per acre. Used as hay for fodder, it yields from two to four tons an acre. Livestock of all kinds is extensively raised throughout the entire Valley. And it is said that here the yearlings attain the size and growth of

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY iy the two-year-old in any other part of the stock-growing sections of the country. This is attributed to the continuous feed of green fodder and the escape of the rigors of winter. Many large cattle companies are already established here. Another most attractive and profitable product in this Valley is the cantaloupe. A leading center of this growing industry is Brawley. Nearly 3000 carloads of this delicious table dessert are annually shipped from this point, and the returns are from $100 to $300 per acre. This product is now being rapidly increased, a larger acreage being devoted to its culture. Oranges and lemons have not been a commercial success, but grapefruit is grown most successfully. The apricot is another very valuable fruit product here, yielding from $500 to $750 per acre in favorable seasons under proper culture. Large returns from the growth of asparagus are also reported. It is shipped in carload lots to New York and Chicago in February and March. One rancher cleared $10,000 from this vegetable alone in 1912, from 45 acres of land. After the shipping season closes it is canned for market. Dates are also a very profitable crop, often yielding 300 pounds per tree, worth from fifty cents to one dollar a pound. Table grapes are also doing well in the Valley, and there are several large vineyards. Muscats, Malagas, Thompson's Seedless and a few Persian sorts are usually grown. They ripen late in June and are thus off the market when other sections begin to ship, thus securing the top price. Such is merely a brief summary of a few of the products of this marvelous Valley where the land valuations have increased from nothing in 1900 to $14,000,000 in 1912, and $20,000,000 to $40,000,000 now. Since 1912, however, the construction of the new High Line Canal east

of the Alamo River has added some 125,000 acres for cultivation. This extends from the Mexican boundary to the Southern Pacific main line tracks. Much of this was part of the government grant to this company. It is therefore apparent that the water supply in this vast area is inexhaustible, and it is furnished to the farmers at very low cost. It further appears that the soil of this Valley is the richest and most fertile to be found in the American Union today. In the east it is very common to denounce the prevalent practice in financial circles of "watering stocks" watering stocks of companies, corporations and securities of every name and nature. The practice has

^ HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY resulted in loss or ruin to millions of victims all over the land. All manner of legal restrictions have been resorted to by legislatures to prevent such frauds. But on the whole success has been very scant and indifferent at best. But here in this great Imperial Valley of California water has really done the whole trick and proved the salvation of thousands. We call it "irrigation" here, as it might also be termed in the east. But in this Valley it has completely transformed a vast desert waste of only a few years ago into a glorious garden of fertility and production where thousands of people are now dwelling in comfort and prosperity. And the end is not yet in sight. IMPERIAL COUNTY This being among the latest productions of this wonderful Valley, reference to it in this record has been deferred to this later chapter. It is, of course, very evident that no such civil division could have been created here until there was a place to put it, or even something to make it from. Then, too, there was no necessity for it, and the settlers were too busy with other things of more importance to their present existence, and did not feel the need of any such local government. It was even doubtful whether there were any political aspirants in the region as yet. This class of idle diplomats is rarely found among the pioneers of undeveloped lands. They come in later after the way of progress has been duly blazed. All this territory had been included in San Diego County from a much earlier period. This great desert region had always been regarded as the most worthless part of that old county. Nobody ever expected that anything good could come out of this vast salt marsh and sandy waste. But in July, 1907, a petition having been received from some of the leading residents of that Valley for a division of the old county and creation of a new county in this Valley, a resolution was finally passed by the San Diego Board of Supervisors calling for an election to pass on this question. The proposed line of division was the section line between ranges eight and nine of the San Bernardino Mountains. The territory embraced in this new county approximated 4000 square miles in extent and then had a population of 20,320.

This election was accordingly held on August 6, 1907. Then, on Aug-

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 19 ust 12, the vote having been almost unanimous for the erection of the new county, its birth was promptly, though not very loudly, announced. There is no special record of any public proclamation or celebration of the event. In fact, these settlers were not given to demonstrations of this character. Meanwhile, however, there had been an active contest for the location of the county seat, especially between the friends of Imperial and El Centro. The result was that the latter, though much younger than Imperial, won the victory by a very small margin of votes. This led to a close contest which for a time came near being taken to the courts for decision. But better counsel prevailed in the end and a board of supervisors was duly elected for the new county. The first session of this local legislature was held in the Valley State Bank building when Mr. F. S. Webster, of the third district, was chosen chairman. And in this place it is significant to record that the very first measure which was adopted by these pioneer officials and settlers here assembled as local lawmakers, was an ordinance prohibiting the sale or distribution of malt or spirituous liquors anywhere in the county except under the most rigorous restrictions. The third ordinance, passed at a subsequent meeting, was a measure prohibiting gambling or betting. This will give some idea of the general character and personal motives of these early settlers from a moral standpoint at least. They were determined to begin right, and they did, for these laws were duly enforced. The first sheriff was Mr. Mobley Meadows, and he secured a temporary courthouse in a part of an old furniture warehouse and real estate office. Two of these rooms were set apart for a jail in which to confine malefactors. It seems that the parent county of San Diego had refused to divide up a proper share of the public moneys to the new county. But these pioneers were not contentious, and after a time a satisfactory settlement of the whole matter was made in an amicable manner. Near the close of 1907 a fine new jail structure had been completed and the county offices were removed to the new building. Two years later a site for a permanent courthouse building was selected west of the Date Canal. But sometime before this the first newspaper in the town was established. The importance and value of a newspaper in the progress and development of any new country, and especially in this Valley county, cannot be overestimated, and this well-edited sheet was

20 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY fully recognized by these intelligent and enterprising people, who have given it proper support. El Centro. The town of El Centro, now the capital of the new county, had antedated the county itself by some two years in its organization. The townsite belonged to Mr. W. F. Holt, and a flag station named Cabarker had been established there by the Southern Pacific

Railway. Mr. Holt sold this site to a Redlands syndicate which exploited it under the name of El Centro, which has been retained ever since. There was a hotel which had been moved over from Imperial, two small residences owned by Dr. Anderson, also moved from Imperial, and a small real estate office on Main Street. Water was received from a lateral ditch leading from the canal west of the town. The construction of the present El Centro hotel was soon begun and also the Holt Opera House. And yet, it must be said, that this shire town of the county then contained only about a dozen permanent settlers. But the abounding faith in the rapid development of that region, which had animated these people from the beginning, actuated them still. And today El Centro has a population of 7500 and a total of building operations in a year of nearly one million dollars. In 1912 the various industrial structures there were valued at $241,900; commercial buildings, $83,300; educational structures, $65,000; residences, churches and hospitals, $16,400; hotels, restaurants, etc., $15,700, a total of over half a million dollars. There were 81 new residences built that year at an average cost of $2000. And the total assessment of the land has increased $10,000,000. All this was accomplished in six years. The Town of Imperial. This was staked out by the Imperial Land Company in the geographical center of the irrigable area in the fall of 1900. Dr. W. T. Heffernan was the pioneer merchant, who built a store there and stocked it with general merchandise. A tent hotel was opened by Millard F. Hudson about the same time, and a house for religious worship for the Christian Church was built in 1901. And here again the printing press took its place in the front rank of public endeavor. It was the Imperial Press, edited by Mr. Henry C. Reid, whose daughter Ruth was the first baby born in the town. The pastor of this first church was the Rev. John C. Hay, whose initial congregation numbered just six persons. Mr. W. F. Holt and Le Roy Holt and his wife were of this number. But the town now began to grow rapidly in size and import-

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 21 ance. The Imperial Land Company opened a new hotel in the summer of 1904. Mr. Reid guided the destinies of the Imperial Press from May until October in 1901, when he was succeeded by Edgar F. Howe. During Mr. Reid's control he published a graphic sketch of the new town as he first saw it in March, 1901. Material had arrived for the erection of the Press building, together with living apartments for the editor and his family. This structure was soon a reality through the efforts of a jolly bunch of friends under the command of W. F. Holt. The printing machinery was in place while the walls and roof were being built around it and even while the first edition of the paper was being put in type. When it is stated that the fixed population of the desert city that first summer was less than a dozen, it will be seen that the editor's neighbors were not very numerous. How he obtained his news, his subscriptions, or his money to pay his office staff does not appear. Calexico. On the border line of the new county, and its sister town of Mexicali, is one of the most prominent towns in the Valley, being tributary to a vast extent of territory in Mexico that is very fertile, having large ranches producing wheat, barley, cotton and similar crops. It owns its water and sewer system, has well-lighted streets, miles of

concrete sidewalks, avenues of fine shade trees, splendid schools and churches. The California Development Company has its offices here. The United States Custom House is here, and there is a large industrial district for handling cotton, gins, oil mills, compress, etc., warehouses and many fine blocks of buildings. Heber is four miles from this point northward and has become one of the largest shipping stations for stock, hay and grain in the Valley. It also ships many carloads of cantaloupes in the season and it has a good hotel. Brawley, nine miles north of Imperial, is the great cantaloupe center of the Valley, some 3000 carloads of this luscious fruit being shipped from here annually. And it is claimed that this place produces more vegetable products than all the other towns in the Valley combined. It is a very progressive town, owns its own water and sewer systems, has a fine public park, several social clubs and churches, cotton gins and a creamery. Among the leading vegetable products are dates, apricots, grapes, peppers, beans and peas. It has the largest cantaloupe packing shed in the west.

22 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Holtville, also an incorporated city, is rated as the gem of the East Side section. It is the only one in the Valley having artesian water. Much public spirit has been shown here, and there are many public improvements with others in prospect. The adjacent territory is mainly devoted to alfalfa, cotton, grain and stock raising, although an extensive acreage is now being planted with the cantaloupe melon. It is claimed that this is the only place in the United States where one can eat breakfast below sea level and sleep above it. The Holton Power Company here supplies the entire Valley with electricity, and the great plant is operated by water power. In addition to the towns briefly mentioned there are Calipatria, Silsby, Dixieland and many other smaller settlements all through the Valley which are ready to blossom into business activity. Vacant houses are unknown in any of these towns today. Such is the record of the men who came into this Valley knowing it was a forbidden desert without a redeeming feature. It must be apparent to anyone that it took a vast amount of courage and persistence to start the development of a ranch of any kind here in those old pioneer days. They had to brave the storms miles from any supplies, and away from all the comforts and advantages of civilization. Even ten years ago there was only a single telephone line to Flowing Wells, forty miles to the railway. Now there are all manner of modern facilities all through the Valley, and the newcomers may go and come at will. But it always takes men of this class, full of courage and determination, to blaze the way of civilization and progress in any new country like that. Those who are made of milder stuff are always ready to follow where they see that success has been already achieved, and in this they are quite willing to share liberally. THE CLIMATE

This is a subject susceptible of a great variety of definitions. It covers many aspects and features not readily embraced in few words. Of these, temperature is only one, though most important perhaps in the average range throughout the year. We often read of this or that place being endowed by Nature with the "finest climate in the world." But she rarely distributes her favor so lavishly in one spot. And such an expression really means very little in the abstract anyway. It gives the average per-



son only a partial notion of the general meteorological conditions that prevail. There are so many elements that enter into the final estimate of climate in any particular place that personal investigation extending over a considerable period of time seems almost imperative. Then, in addition to all this, there is also a wide diversity of opinion in regard to just what constitutes the best climate. Perhaps no two persons would precisely agree upon this fundamental point. And this is as it should be, or the various latitudes of the earth would not all be inhabited. People become adapted to the climatic conditions which prevail in the region where they live. The term "equable" is usually applied in speaking of the most desirable climate enjoyed by human beings. Old geographic writers designated it in this rather indefinite manner when they meant neither too hot nor too cold, too dry nor too wet, but just pleasant most of the time, without any extremes of temperature or any violent atmospheric disturbances. And this is perhaps an ideal condition of the air that most nearly agrees with the average human mind. And yet some people are not entirely satisfied with such uniform conditions. They find it monotonous and prefer changes, though very apt to rebel sharply when these changes become very sudden and drastic. Climate therefore depends primarily upon temperature, of course, but also upon the relative humidity of the atmosphere. And all these things depend upon the location of the place with reference to the equator, not only, but the altitude above the sea. The terms climate and weather, however, should not be used indiscriminately, as there is a distinction between them. Climate is a condition of a place with relation to certain meteorological phenomena, and the term weather has reference to these phenomena themselves. As to the climate of this Imperial Valley, nine months of the year are considered perfect, and without any rival. It is extremely rare that the region is visited by frost. There are no violent storms, and rains are seldom known. But the remaining three months of every year are methodically and admittedly hot. But it is at this very time that the green things growing are improving every shining hour, and making the farmer's heart glad. And yet settlers soon become inured to this heat, and

both men and teams work without much discomfort. It is cool in the shade and the nights are always cool, affording restful sleep, while the



sleeper dreams of his rapidly ripening fruit and their early arrival in the markets to catch the top prices ahead of other competitors in less favorable regions. LOOKING BACK There is so much of interest in the Valley Year Book of 1902 as indicated by Jose Huddleston in her contribution to the history of the following year that the writer takes the liberty of quoting copious excerpts therefrom in this chapter. It shows the contrasting conditions between then and now in this great Valley in a vivid manner. She arrived at Flowing Wells in October, 1901, and she called that the "jumping off place,'' or the end of civilization. Nothing was visible then but glistening sand, a little sagebrush and mesquite. Her little party spent the night under a tent in the desert and without sleep. Next morning at six she took the stage for Imperial, 33 miles away. They finally reached there at four in the afternoon and again stopped under a tent, kept this time by a Chinaman in payment of the rent, wood and water being furnished him by the owners. The land company had a very small office in the town, and Le Roy Holt, now a banker, kept a small grocery store. The Imperial Valley Press was issued from this building every week over a miniature printing office where the printer's family lived. There was also a Christian Church building through the influence of W. F. Holt, and a school building, and these few small structures comprised the town of Imperial at that time. A little patch of sorghum was the only green spot in sight. This had been planted as an experiment by Mr. Patton and was the only touch of color in that great sand waste. Mr. Huddleston opened the first barber shop in October, 1901. Then for the first time, it seems, the men of that Valley began to cut their hair and clip their beards. Soon after this two more tents were struck, and in one of these Mr. Huddleston baked bread with a gasoline stove, three loaves at a time, and 21 loaves a day. As room in this oven could be found he slipped in a pie. Of course, all were delighted with this homemade innovation. Then the writer relates in the following December the Valley was treated to a violent storm of snow, rain and sleet. When the first cow was brought in, tied behind a wagon, a great sensation was created. Mrs. Huddleston was keeping a restaurant, and the owner of the cow stopped there and told her she could have some

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HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 25 fresh milk if she would milk the cow. It was the first milk she had seen in seven months. The main canal was then under construction and she received water through a small branch ditch when it was not choked with sand. In August, 1902, the ice factory began operations there. But in the May previous she had gone to Calexico, which was separated from Mexico by a small ditch ten feet wide. A hotel, blacksmith shop, custom house office and half a dozen tents comprised this first town in the Valley at that time. Then this picturesque writer describes the beauties of the mirages seen in that region in this way, and says that those who have never lived where these wonderful aerial phenomena occur can have no conception of such beauties. "On looking south we have often beheld the mountains turned upside down, one above the other. At other times a full-rigged battleship was seen so plainly that even the port holes were visible. Again we have seen the ocean and watched the breakers sweeping over the sands, and could see the spray from the rolling waves. Toward the east there was an immense castle with beautiful turrets with iron bars at the windows. A little farther north there appeared to be a hole through the mountain which seemed about four feet in diameter, showing beautiful green on the other side. Another time, toward the east, an immense bird seemed to be feeding, a crane perhaps, with a bill about a foot and a half long." "And so, where the winds have met, and the seas were swept aside, We have builded our homes, we have tilled the soil, and we view it all with pride." INDIAN OCCUPATION It must be assumed that long before Columbus turned his Spanish prow toward this western hemisphere it was inhabited by a swarthy race of human beings whom we have been pleased to call Indians. Whence they came or how they originated are questions which have never yet been satisfactorily answered, nor ever will be. Ethnologists and other scientific investigators are still wrestling with these fundamental questions. And they arrive at different conclusions, just as they do as to the precise origin of the Negro race. But when this new western continent was discovered the Indian was found in possession of the lands under widely varying conditions and aspects, depending upon their location and mode of life. These people we have been content to designate as the native

26 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY American race or aborigines. The Jesuit missionaries in this California peninsula divided them into three classes or tribes, the Pericues, Monquis and Cachimies. These tribes were subdivided into various branches, and again into families and rancherias. They were all tall, erect, robust and well formed, as a result of their nomadic life in the open air, together with their wildwood habits. Though not disagreeable in features, they seemed to delight in disfiguring themselves in various ways. Their

complexions were somewhat darker than those found in Mexico, and became almost black as they grew older. Their hair was black and straight, but they had no beards. Their teeth were large, regular, and very white. This native population has been estimated as high as fifty thousand. But it is thought it did not really exceed half that number. A census of fifteen missions taken in 1767 found only about 12,000. In fact it is said that one might travel for days and not see a single Indian. No records have been found to show that they were in any way connected with any other tribe or people. As already remarked, no effort seems to have been made to trace their origin. That they were inhabiting such a desolate country of their own volition is hardly possible, and it has therefore been surmised that they were driven out of some more favored region by more powerful tribes, and then sought refuge among the vast wastes of this peninsula. They seemed devoid of all knowledge or even native intuition. They thought California was the entire world, visited no other people and had no visitors, cared mainly for filling their stomachs and toasting their shins in idleness. Even the native hunting instinct, so common with other Indians, seemed to be dormant in their minds if they had any minds at all. They wandered from place to place aimlessly, sleeping on the bare ground, rarely spending over one night in any one place. They rambled about in search of water, fruit and food of some kind. Only when ill did any of them get any sheltering hut. After their lessons at the mission they would squat on the floor. The men were entirely naked, and the women often wore belts around their waists if they wore anything. When given clothing they would discard it as soon as they got outside. They made sandals of deer skin, and sometimes wore strings of shells and berries in their hair and around their necks. They were armed with bows and arrows and had a few rude stone implements for digging roots. Baskets and cradles were made of tortoise shells. The men carried burdens upon their

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 27 heads, the women upon their backs. They knew nothing about cooking and each cooked for himself. They ate anything and everything roots, fruits, buds, seeds, and flesh of all kinds of animals, deer, wild-cats, mice, rats, bats, lizards, locusts, caterpillars and even snakes, old bones and carrion, so disgusting and filthy were their habits. And yet we are told they were healthy and rarely got sick, but remained strong and vigorous. They could endure hunger longer than the white man, but they were also gluttons and could gorge fuller. Seventeen watermelons and six pounds of unrefined sugar at a sitting was reported. But they made no intoxicating liquors, though on festive occasions they became drunk smoking wild tobacco. They practiced a crude form of polygamy, and their social customs were full of interest to the white man, though disgusting in the extreme. They had no form of religion or government of any kind until the missions were established. They had neither gods nor idols, nor any conception or dread of any hell before the missions were founded. When asked who made the sun, moon, stars, etc., they would answer "aipekeriri," who knows that? There seemed to be no language of their own and very few words for anything they could not see, hear, touch, taste or smell, nor any words to express abstract ideas. In fact their native vocabulary was of the most meager description. Their language and culture went together.

In short here was a nomadic race which seemed to be regarded as the lowest scale of humanity. And if the chief end of life is to eat, drink, sleep and pass a painless existence, the Jesuit father was right in saying they were happy. They perhaps slept more soundly on the ground, under the open sky, than many European potentates under their gorgeous canopies on their downy beds. There were no troubles of any kind, nor any envy, jealousy, slander, or evils common to civilization. "Where ignorance is bliss it's folly to be wise" is the much abused adage that seems to apply here. Perhaps the general characteristics of this native race in Lower California have been referred to in this general article more in detail than was absolutely necessary, although the briefest possible summary only has been presented from the earliest writers on the subject. Here in this Imperial Valley the tribal name of these nomadic denizens of the forest was Cucupah, closely related to the Yumas, though more industrious than the latter. They apparently lived then, as now,

28 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY in the mountains of Mexico and only came to the desert valley at time of tribal wars. Here they left many large water and food jars, in preparation for a siege. All of them lived in this happy-go-lucky way among their savage instincts. Then, after succeeding generations, when Columbus had brought the white men over, it was rumored that this whole country was to be dominated by the white race, that would eventually crowd the Indians into the sea. Thus when the boats of these whites were reported in the Colorado River, upon which the Indians had depended for food and drink, a general massacre was planned by this whole tribe. This was about the year 1800, when Lieutenant Hardy of the British Navy led two expeditions well into this great western part of the continent in search of some river up which he could sail. He ascended the Gulf of California, making his way past many islands, shallows and sandbars with great difficulty and danger, and finally reached the mouth of the sluggish Colorado River. He pushed on to a small lake in which he anchored, and then went further for investigation. But as far as he could see there was nothing but a vast desert of sand, bare and desolate. Further progress being impossible here, he turned back and reported to his superior officers that the Colorado River was not navigable. It should be added here that there has been some question whether or not this English officer was ever really in this river at all, although he called it the Colorado in his report and maps at the time. For a hundred years geographers thought he was mistaken, and yet he may have been right, as the main course of this erratic stream has changed many times since then. But upon this question however depends the fact whether or not he was the first Englishman to look upon this vast Colorado desert. And the point is not a vital one after all ; in any event the great river was well worthy of his best efforts. THE COLORADO

This is one of the longest rivers of the world when its tributaries are included. It begins at the junction of the Grand and Green rivers in the southeastern part of Utah, the whole river being really a continuation of the Colorado in its upper part. Its mileage is about 2000, and the drainage is about 800 miles long, varying in width from 300 to 500 miles, with a total of something like 300,000 square miles. It flows

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 29 through Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Mexico. The lower basin of the river is only slightly below sea level, with some mountain ranges rising 2000 and 6000 feet in the air. The upper part of this basin is from 4000 to 8000 feet above sea level, and it is bordered on the east, west and north by snow-clad mountains. Through this plateau there are deep gorges, transverse valleys and caafions which are dry most of the year. Among these and other tributaries in this district flow the waters that go to make up this sluggish and erratic river, which for untold centuries has carried down the silt and atoms of earth that were destined to transform this great Valley and make it blossom like the rose. Sluggish streams with shallow settling basins, are required to produce this cargo of maturing debris. And here the story of the formation of the Colorado, now reclaimed, and the great Imperial Valley, its daughter, begins. In 1853 government experts made exhaustive investigations of this region. After describing the bordering mountains, their report turns to the desert section, and says that it belongs to the type which physiographers describe as constructional, an area which has been depressed as a result of a crustal movement, as contrasted with valleys due to erosion. Its rock-floor or bottom is below tide even in those parts north of the Gulf where the actual surface is well below the sea. This indicates a subsidence of the earth's crust. A marked fault-line in the mountains show that the Valley simply dropped away at some time or other, either slowly or suddenly. There are therefore topographic characteristics of a faulted-block tilted toward the northeast and plunging into the desert toward the southeast. As the entire basin is occupied by lake silts and alluvium of most recent origin, it is evident that these faultmovements were of a very late period. Everything strongly points therefore to the fact that this desert valley is associated with structures in which faults are prominent. When this valley-floor subsided there must have been a great inrush of the Gulf waters. Scientists agree that at a comparatively recent geological period this section was covered by the waters of the Pacific. It was here that the Colorado found its way in past ages and tumbled its load of silt year after year, forming at last a delta near its mouth which spread in time and buried the original floor of the Gulf under hundreds of feet of mud and alluvium, and finally

3 o HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY cut the Gulf in two by building up the delta dam which separates this Gulf depression from that known as the Salton Sink.

The conclusions arrived at therefore by these government geologists are that this Colorado desert was not a desert at all at first, and only became so when the floor of the basin settled probably iooo feet, became inundated by the gulf, received the salt-laden waters of the Colorado and Gila rivers, with their numerous tributaries, thus forming a delta and lake was into which the water poured for centuries until the surface of the lake was about forty feet above the sea and extended over an area of more than 2100 square miles, and finally receded gradually year after year, shrinking away entirely, leaving a great solid bed of soil, rich alluvium and detritus from 250 to 1000 feet deep. GOVERNMENT ANTAGONISTIC It is strange to record here that apparently from the very inception of this great reclamation enterprise the attitude of the national government seemed antagonistic. At times the work was much retarded from this cause, the operators becoming discouraged, and in some cases fell into discredit in the community. This opposition came, not only from the reclamation service department, but also from other branches of the government from which every assistance had been expected. This was mainly attributed to the dilatory tactics of the officials in sending inexperienced men to undertake work of such large importance. For instance, the soil survey made by the Agricultural Department in 1901 and 1902 resulted in such an unfavorable report that for a time operations were entirely stopped, and the faith in the enterprise became much impaired. The substance of this report was that the alkalies would rise to the surface and destroy all plant life. But the wisdom of that cruel prediction has been amply refuted from that time to this by the marvelous crops produced in the very parts of the Valley where the trouble was expected. And yet at the time the blow was a sad one for the projectors. There was also trouble from the Government Land Department. And this made it necessary that a resurvey of the lands in the Valley should be made. This was authorized by Congress in 1902, and it took seven years to complete it. But even this snarl of red tape was finally untangled.

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 3I But meanwhile the projectors were confronted with an empty treasury once more. Then resource was had to the Southern Pacific Railway Company, which was of course deeply interested in the development of the Valley. At the instigation of Mr. E. H. Harriman, after careful investigation, a loan of $200,000 was secured on certain conditions. But then came a break in the Colorado River in June, 1905, which had been preceded by some water-sewage the past two years, due to some defects in the construction system. But again all these troubles, and many others which followed from periodical floods unprecedented, were successfully met and surmounted, as all others had been. On the far eastern side of Imperial County are 17,000 acres of the finest land in the world which are now watered by the diversion of the Colorado River under the Laguna Dam system. This great dam is nearly a mile long by 240 feet wide, and it raises the water in the river about ten feet. It stands as a monument to the engineering skill of the

government. It will eventually reclaim about 130,000 acres of land. And to this will be added some 100,000 acres from the Imperial Mesa land. This new county, therefore, seems like an empire in itself, being 84 miles long from east to west and 54 miles from north to south, covering about 2,600,000 acres. About one-sixth of this, now known as Imperial Valley, lies in the middle of the county, extending toward the Mexican line toward the north some 40 miles. The Saltan Sea is in the western part of the county, the probable remains of the California Gulf. THE WOMEN And this leads to some special mention of the women in this Valley. Too much honor cannot be awarded them for their most effective services here. A volume might well be devoted to these women for their share in the work of development in this new country. They endured many of the hardships described in this work of achievement and struggle. They followed their husbands and sweethearts into this barren country even before the success of the reclamation operations was assured. They lent not only encouragement but actual and most effective assistance to the men from the very first. And it has been well said that but for these devoted women the reclamation of this Colorado Desert might have been possible, but it would not have been a fact.



Among these early pioneers was Mrs. Le Roy Holt. Mr. Holt, who later became president of several banks in the Valley, came to Imperial early in 1901. In June of that year Mrs. Holt followed her husband. She arrived at Flowing Wells Station on the Southern Pacific, expecting to settle in the Valley. Being the only woman in the stage-coach, she was accorded a seat beside the driver, some ten feet in the air. Reaching the Salton Sea, they found barrels of water left by the freighters, there being not a drop on the entire road between the station and Imperial. A lone mesquite tree, called the "15-mile tree," was there used as a mail-peg upon which to hang the mail sack for the Bothwell Camp on the east side. And yet there is no record showing that this mail was ever robbed. It was an all-day trip, the horses were well-nigh exhausted, and the destination was not reached until five o'clock. The only men in sight on their arrival were Mr. Holt and Mr. Reid, the editor of the Imperial Press, which was the first newspaper issued in the Valley. Of course the newspaper man is always among the pioneers in every bold undertaking or project of this nature. He never gets left. And this was the inspiration which animated his local paper. Water was king and here was its kingdom. Three months later Mrs. Holt paid her second visit to Imperial. This time she came to stay and has been there ever since. The only hotel was of canvas, and there was a little church, a printing-office building, one store-room, and a little 10x12 office for

the Imperial Land Company. A Chinaman at the hotel was the manager, and there was no landlord. The only other woman in sight had just arrived by the stage. She took up some land and moved out at once. Thus the only women in Imperial and for miles around were the wife of the editor, Mrs. Frost and Mrs. Holt. There was then no wire communication with the outside world, and the mail was often many hours behind time. The people occasionally became hungry and found difficulty in keeping warm, as the stovepipe would blow away, when a neighbor would give chase on the Holt pony, fearing it might land in the canal and be lost forever. Mrs. Holt recalls one Sunday when they got no meal at all all day, the dust being so thick they could not eat in the tent-house. The children were kept in bed in case the tent was blown over. On being asked why they stayed in a place like that she answered with much enthusiasm, "Because we loved the days that were not windy

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 33 and dusty, and we loved also the bigness of our surroundings. We never felt lonely nor homesick here; even the stars seemed nearer to us." The Rev. John C. Hay was the pastor of the little Imperial church, which had only six persons in its congregation at this first service and three scholars in the Sunday school. In the evening the hotel Chinaman took part and sang "Onwald, Chlistian Sojers" with great effect. Ruth Reid, the editor's baby, was the first child born there, and Jesse and Tom Holt were the first children who lived in Imperial. Many other eloquent hardships endured by this noble pioneer woman might be cited if space permitted. Editor Reid, who guided the destinies of the Press from May until October, 1901, gave a graphic picture of the Imperial city in the preceding March before the little printing shop was built, during the progress of which the paper was being put in type and made ready for the press. A roster of the place at that time showed a population of one dozen. In those days the people depended entirely upon the "freighter," with his long string of mules, for everything which had to be brought in from the outside. And this freighter was a picturesque character, affording much amusement to the residents. But of course the method of transportation was excessively slow, costly and unsatisfactory. And yet the people were glad to get even this service. They were not then in any position to contrast it with better things. And the fact is, after all, that we enjoy almost everything in this world by contrast. The irrigation water only began to enter the Valley in the summer of 1 90 1, and then by a very small stream. And yet the editor of the Press, which had just begun its career, became so enthusiastic over the event that he used all the big type in stock, and then concluded with this paragraph : "Imagine how pleasant to the eye the green fields, surrounded by a barren waste, will'be to the eye." But everybody was ready to overlook his faulty construction in view of his unbounded enthusiasm. Several crops of sorghum, maze, wheat and barley were raised

that very summer, however, in the region of Cameron and Blue Lake. Experiments were also made with cantaloupes and Egyptian cotton, with such surprising results that the government began to doubt the reports of their own officials. It was apparent that the only requisite was water.



The Imperial Postoffice was opened in May, and the first public school, under Prof. Carr, from Nevada City, was started. The next day after this school opened there were fifty pupils enrolled. Some of these walked five miles every day to reach it. The following spring the Southern California Editorial Association took a trip through this district under the auspices of the Imperial Land Company. This gave a new impetus to the whole section which never died out. Landholders were then assured that the irrigation system under construction would be completed early in 1902. Thus extensive preparations of the soil were made for tillage. But now came the adverse report from the government soil expert, which, though technical and almost unintelligible to the average reader, claimed in effect that because of the large percentage of alkali much of the land would prove worthless for most crops, except on some of the bottom lands below Yuma, where the conditions were different. This, as before remarked in an earlier chapter, was a great setback for the region. Even some of the newspapers made "stories" about the hopeless doom of the much-lauded irrigation project in the Valley. But a few of the more intelligent and conservative editors took a more thoughtful view. One of these called the report an "alka-lie" document. One sententious farmer, when asked about the "white spots" upon his productive acres, said : "Yes, it looks like alkali and tastes like alkali, in fact it is alkali. But on land that has raised a large family, lifted a big mortgage and paid the taxes, it is only frosting on the cake of plenty." He denounced the alkali expert, and said he would be in better employ prying pumpkins off these "alkali" plots. Thus the faith of these settlers never flagged; they kept on planting and raising marvelous crops from their irrigated acres where they had them. Commercial prosperity had come to stay, only awaiting more water. And it was this personal confidence in ultimate success that animated every landholder in the Valley, and this enthusiasm spilled over to the surrounding country. The construction of additional canals went bravely on, and the people began to pour into the Valley as never before. It was, therefore, apparent that in the summer of 1902 this Imperial Valley was no longer a desert. Water was in the ditches, seeds were in the ground, and the entire region was dotted over with homes of industrious and happy people. The old desert was now crossed by an

1714334 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 35 important railway line which skirted the Valley on the northeast with its rails. But up to this time little was really known as to the great fertility of this unfailing land-enriching silt. The Orange Judd Farmer, however, predicted even then that this land in ten years would sell for $600 an acre. The Valley being strictly agricultural territory, in addition to favorable climatic conditions, must have the other requisites of soil fertility and irrigation. The government ''soil report" gave five kinds of soil dune-sand, sand, sandy-loam and clay. This sand, they said, had blown into the desert from the old beaches on the west and northwest, and was caught upon obstructions of various kinds, and held there, gradually accumulating into sand drifts, dunes and hummocks, and this, mixed with the former soil, made a good arable combination. The sandy loam was formed by the coarser sediment of the Colorado River deposits. Underlying this sediment is a clay strata or subsoil which carries considerable organic matter with an abundance of nitrogen and potash. This clay subsoil is found all through the Valley. And this, too, is a product of the Colorado River deposits, though of a finer grade, being heavy, sticky and plastic like that of the Mississippi River delta. As a matter of fact less than one per cent of all the land in this basin has really proven worthless for high cultivation. On the contrary, its fertility exceeds what the most sanguine had hoped for, and it continues to improve in productive capacity year after year, bringing crops of great luxuriance. There is excellent drainage because of the uniform slope of the land. The fountain heads of the Colorado being in the Rocky Mountains, causes a stronger flow in summer from the melting snow, and the Gila and Salt rivers are at flood during January and February, when the Colorado is low. The next important factor in the productive value of this or any other land is a good market. This has been found mainly at Los Angeles, 200 miles away, with its population of 600,000. Here for the past fifteen years the demand has exceeded the supply. In addition to this the completion of the Panama Canal opens up another branch of the market. In the transportation of these Valley products the important railway line, with its vast capital and large facilities, having every interest in the rapid development of the region, is of course an all-important factor in itself. The cost of living, which for the first few years was large, has

36 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY now been greatly lessened, the heavy freight rates having been offset

by the cheap dairy products, eggs, poultry, and increased vegetable supplies. The completion of the Southern Pacific branch from Imperial to Calexico in 1904 proved of great advantage. During part of this time, however, progress continued to be impeded by an insufficient supply of water, although as an association of settlers the supply was freely given, except the annual assessment on water-stock. But of course this did not help out the inadequate supply furnished, which seems to have been due, as usual, to the lack of money on the part of the irrigating contractors to cure certain defects in construction of the Hanlon headgate, but primarily perhaps to the adverse report of the government department of agriculture as to the quality of the soil. The reclamation service of the government had also raised the question whether there was any right to use this Colorado water. All these things had an adverse influence upon capitalists at the time, who again began to lose confidence in the project. But large destinies that are decreed for success are rarely turned aside by small obstacles. New discoveries were made at the Chaffey gate, and some other improvements effected which remedied the trouble for a time. An opening was finally made in the mud-banks of the river four miles below the Hanlon gate into Mexican territory, and this, connected the river directly with the Alamo tunnel. This was done in October, 1904, and the clouds of trouble which had threatened so long dispersed at once. This Colorado River flowed along the rim of the Valley, and from 25 to 200 feet above it. And when the irrigation cut was made it was through 1600 feet of mud-flats such as the river had been forming for centuries. Thus to carry this depression below sea level was in defiance of natural conditions, and there was some question whether the stream would take kindly to the change, or perhaps make a new channel for itself. The opposition to the diversion of this river water for irrigation purposes was bitterly fought by Mr. A. H. Heber through influential friends in Congress at that time. He sought to convince that body of legislators that the Colorado was more useful for irrigation than for navigation purposes. But Congress would not agree to that proposition then. Then he went promptly to President Diaz of Mexico and entered

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 37 into a contract with him in June, 1904, for the development of an irrigation project on the basis of the use of one-half of the water of the canal, if so much was needed, being used on Mexican soil. Engineer Rockwood was placed in charge of this new project. But in February. 1905, before this could be completed, the Colorado got on the rampage with successive floods, the mud-dam at intake No. 3 was swept away, and the dike was carried in the channel down into the Valley. Then various devices were planned and resorted to, but the old stream refused to be conciliated during that whole summer, and there were no available funds in the treasury of the development company. Meanwhile the great river, roaring with wrath, cut deeper and deeper into the soft mud-wall between it and the men who were making frantic efforts to curb it. Piles were sucked out, the island became flooded, and the water

lapped the base of the government levees on the Arizona banks while the engineers looked calmly on. Finally, on August 9 of that year, the stream turned its bed and began pouring into the Valley toward the old lake, from which it had been shut off for ages. About this time, however, the Southern Pacific Company secured control of the California Development Company, and took charge, placing the matter under the direction of Engineer Rockwood, who then introduced his gate plan, which, however, was subsequently greatly changed. But then another great flood in this erratic and defiant river came down in November of that year. And now the settlers began to despair of the human agencies employed to control these vast forces of Nature, as well they might. Rockwood's gate-plan was again resorted to and finally completed in April, 1906, at a cost of $130,000. The mad river had risen from 6000 to 102,000 second feet in three days, and the impotency of man was again apparent. But something had to be done. Then the big railway corporation got busy and ordered this break closed at once at whatever cost. Various gates were built and performed wonders. It is, however, manifestly impossible to follow in detail all these successive floods and the methods used to control them from this time forward. But, strange to say, in spite of all these troubles there was still much industrial prosperity in this Valley. And yet there was much misgiving and some, becoming desperate, sold out and moved away. But a large majority of these indomitable settlers stuck to the enterprise through everything, feeling sure that the great river would

38 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY be fully controlled ultimately. Meanwhile, however, exaggerated and absurd reports were being published in outside papers and magazines. Even the Los Angeles Examiner contained a report that an underground fissure had opened, allowing the waters of the ocean to pour in by a subterranean passage into the Salton Sea, and that the Valley might be engulfed. But these met strong refutation very soon, and the various Valley industries went steadily on as usual, with many new homes building. The Southern Pacific was now in control and the slogan was, "Stop that water." And it was stopped. Just previous to this the great San Francisco earthquake and fire had occurred. President E. H. Harriman, of the railway corporation, had authorized a large appropriation for the entire work of closing this break, although he had just arrived by special train while the ruins of San Francisco were still smoking. He placed Mr. H. T. Cory in charge of the work, and he proved the right man in the place at that time. Without following in detail all the methods used, it is sufficient to say that on November 4 all the waters of the yellow dragon were again confined to their old-time channel on their way to the Gulf of California, and the work had taken only one day over three weeks. ANOTHER FLOOD But now, in spite of the hurry to complete the dam across the break,

another distressing flood broke on December 7, and in 36 hours the entire river was again pouring into the Salton Sea. Two weeks later, at the request of President Roosevelt, Mr. Harriman gave orders to again make the closure, and this was completed in February, 1907. Now once more the old river went peacefully on its way to the ocean. Meanwhile the career of the California Development Company had failed to keep its promises in extending the water-system territory, not supplying the people's needs, and had been extravagant in its use of money. Its patrons had become dissatisfied, and there was some merit in their complaints. This finally culminated in an appeal to the government reclamation service to buy out the company. A proposition was made to organize a "water users' association," with a fund of $12,000,000, agreeing with the government to purchase the property of the development company, place the whole matter under the management



of the reclamation service, and then carry on the business of serving water in this Valley. But the plan did not work smoothly at the outset, owing to difference in opinion as to valuation. But President Heber finally offered to sell out for $3,000,000, and this offer was promptly accepted by the settlers, and congress was wired to that effect. But that body turned down the plan. Then there was more worry all through the Valley, and the development company became an object of distrust from that time forward. In the meantime Mr. Heber died at Goldfield, Nevada. But soon after this a deal was made with the railway company to close the river break for $200,000, which was given as a loan, the company being assigned a majority of the stock of the development company as security. Up to this time the men who had really done things, and made the reclamation of this desert possible, like Engineer Rockwood, who had sacrificed himself and his professional success; Mr. Chaffey, one of California's great builders ; Dr. Heffernan, who lost his fortune, and President Heber, who had devoted all his heroic energies to the cause, struggling through one financial crisis after another, had merged all their interests in this great railway company. Finally in the spring of 1910 Judge Lovett, the new president of the Pacific Board of Directors, decided that the California Development Company must be disposed of at once, so far as the railway corporation was concerned. This meant, of course, that it should be sold at auction to the highest bidder. Up to 1903 these promoters had very little to do with the national government in a direct way, except filing on public land. As a matter of fact, incredible as it may seem, very little was officially known in Washington concerning this glorious enterprise. Government engineers who had visited the Valley reported that the irrigation proposed would cost $10,000,000. Thus no further action was

taken at the time. But in 1903 there seemed to be new interest shown in the reclamation of public lands in the West. This resulted from the work of Theodore Roosevelt, Senator Newlands, of Nevada, and Congressman Mendell, of Wyoming. But, as before stated, as a result of the opposing influence of the reclamation service the plan was defeated. Various reasons for this antagonistic attitude were imputed. Engineer Rockwood advanced the theory that no canal from the Colorado River could be a permanent success unless a diversion dam were con-



structed across the river which would raise the water in order that the water might wash out the silt from the canal. This he thought was the contention of the government engineers at the time. But back of all this there seemed to be a hostile feeling among the officials of the Reclamation Service. Many attacks had been made upon the integrity of the promoters of the development company. It had been predicted that within twenty years dire calamity would befall these settlers in the Valley and that they would be drowned out, their homes and fields forming the bottom of a vast inland sea. Another consulting engineer in the service wrote in a similar vein, warning the people of the ruin impending. In this way the reclamation service showed their animosity toward this project. It was even hinted that the whole survey of 1854 had really been made in a back room of a Yuma saloon. But the discovery of some old sticks of that survey would seem to refute this implication. Be that as it may, however, congress authorized a resurvey of the district in 1902, but this was not completed until six years later, for reasons unknown. Then there were still further complications and delay in getting the matter through the general land office, as well as many technical irregularities. And yet it is believed that while in other parts of the West much government land has been stolen, it is thought that none of this land in the Imperial Valley was dishonestly acquired by those now engaged in the attempt to reclaim it from the desert. Dishonesty rarely thrives in a desert waste. But as this began to grow into a fertile garden men of more technical nature than ethical sensibilities saw rich prizes here. Through some blunders of the land office officials they found many ranches where technical errors had been made. Thus they began many contests to titles held by rightful owners. But few of these were finally sustained, though in some cases they were boldly operated by professional contestors, acting for an organization. But the courts have decided that an innocent purchaser must be protected. Concerning the relations between the United States government and the Imperial Valley, the main point pertains to the full control of this headstrong Colorado. President Roosevelt, in a special message to Congress, January, 1907, said that absolute and permanent relief should be afforded these land owners in this Valley in such a way as to prevent all further trouble from this river. He said that much of this land would be worth from $500 to $1500 per acre, with a total reaching



perhaps $700,000,000, if this could be done. He asked Congress not only to return to the Southern Pacific Company the amount that would be required to close the second crevasse in the dikes at the heading, but also to appropriate sufficient money that the great river might be forever restrained from its erratic wanderings. And he claimed that this could not be done by any mere private enterprise. An international commission was thereupon appointed to study the necessities of the situation. This commission was composed of one member from the United States and the other from Mexico. Subsequently President Taft also asked an appropriation from Congress to control the Colorado, with the right to carry the work into Mexico. This bill, authorizing the President to use one million dollars for that purpose, was promptly rushed through both houses. The claim of the railway corporation for $1,500,000 for this work, after hanging fire for three years, was finally allowed in 1910, though in a reduced form. MORE ABOUT THE COUNTY The purpose has been thus far to record with some detail the chronological history of the development and early progress of the Valley. If the account has been of a rambling nature, the writer will perhaps be pardoned when it is stated that it was deemed best to follow the order observed in previous records of these facts. It will be seen, as stated in a previous chapter, that the actual formation of the county itself was not among the early features of development here. San Diego County had an extended territory. It had been organized as a county in 1850, although the town dated back to 1769. But it remained a very insignificant dot on the map for over fifty years. Of course the reclamation of this lower section, known as the Colorado Desert, was wholly undreamed of at that time and for long years afterward. It was regarded as a worthless region, like many other desert sections of the United States. No one dreamed that people could ever be induced to live amid such desolation, so far from any railway line. But with the opening of the Imperial Valley a wholly different situation presented itself. The intervening distance and lack of transportation was sorely felt by the settlers. They were nearly 300 miles from the county seat, where all public business had to be transacted. The people were then dealing with the government offices, which sometimes seemed almost inacces-

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sible to them practically. Thus they saw the need of some relief. The county officials of course also had this distance to contend with in reaching the residents of the Valley. The superintendent of schools had to drive across the mountains to visit the schools, and then cross the desert to a more distant settlement in the mining region. Thus it appears that except just before an election, when it was deemed necessary to interview these resident voters, the visits of thse San Diego County officials were supremely rare. Then, too, the isolation of the residents from the rest of the world, separated by vast desert wastes and mountain ranges, was in no way conducive to comradeship, save in their own immediate region. New-comers were commonly fused with the pioneers, and there developed what may be called an imperial spirit. This meant pride of section and an ambition to make it a unit in government as well as in purpose. This sentiment grew and soon became a powerful force in the early movement for county division. While the parent county was loathe to part with any part of its territory, the justice of this claim for separate government was too apparent to ignore. Thus, as detailed in a previous chapter, formal action was taken and the new County Imperial was duly launched and placed on the map of California. The bitter struggle for the county seat has already been alluded to. An early act of the new Board of Supervisors created a Horticultural Commission for the suppression and prevention of pests and diseases to plant life. This commission has labored most effectively in the interest of farmers and growers, and the ravages of such pests common to older sections of the country have been kept out of this new county. It may be said also that magazine and other writers of the period have been surprised in not finding the usual features of the "wild and woolly west" in this reclaimed Valley. Nothing of this nature has prevailed here. The section is not favored by idle and dissolute men. There is no record of any gambling hells, drinking-places nor any immoral dance halls as yet, despite the prediction of some that when the Valley became more populous and prosperous there would be loafers on the streets and thieves along the highways. It is pleasant to record, therefore, that up to this time that "high state of modern civilization" has not been reached in this new county. Another factor worthy of mention pertains to the temper and spirit of the settlers themselves. They come here to make their homes, live

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and do business with all the energy they have, bent on the reclamation and cultivation of the soil to the fullest extent. They have little time or patience with incapacity or incompetence. Press, pulpit and public opinion are united in maintaining a high standard of decency and morality. And these influences have discouraged the entrance of undesirable classes. Referring further to some of the various county towns, it may be said that Calexico was at first a camp for the employees of the California Development Company. But it soon increased in size and population, and became important because of its being the port of entry into Mex-

ico by way of the Inter-California Railroad line through Baja to Yuma. The Blue Lake region was settled early by the San Diegans. It is also an important base of supplies. Brawley assumed considerable importance in 1903 and it has grown rapidly since. East of the Alamo River Holtville is the supply basis. The Holton Interurban Line greatly improved the local transportation facilities. But the boom there came when the first artesian well was sunk, the money for the purpose having been raised by those having faith in the scheme, in spite of the ukase of geologists and scientists, who decided that no artesian water existed in the valley. The water-bearing gravel was struck at a depth of a little over 800 feet. This was in 1910, and the find created a big sensation in the vicinity. Not far away a second well was bored some 1100 feet deep. This passed through the sweet water and entered a stratum of sand which carried salt water. The well was filled up to the 800-foot level, where the water was all right. This discovery gave great impetus to these east side districts, where the soil was very fertile, and farmers began cutting up their holdings into small tracts in view of the artesian water possibilities, and there was an active demand for these small farms. Many new wells were bored at once and nearly all proved successful. But just how and to what extent the territory in the Valley is underlain with this fresh-water stream has not been definitely determined, although drilling has been in progress in scattered sections. And yet it is not considered probable that it will be found in many parts of the Valley. But the fact that it was found at all shows that our scientific men are not always right in their deductions. The town of Heber was established at a point where another town had been planned. It has become an important trading point, and an



agricultural institution known as the Heber Collegiate Institute is located there. The town of Imperial was so named for the Valley itself, as it is the geographical center of the county. Calexico is a combination of California and Mexico in name, while the border town of Mexicali received its appellation by a similar method. Holtville was named in honor of Mr. W. F. Holt, its promoter. El Centro is Spanish for the center. Brawley got its name for a friend of Mr. Heber in Chicago. Silsbee, on the shore of Blue Lake, was named by a former land owner there. And this was the prevailing method used in the bestowal of names for most of the smaller towns in the county. There are several smaller places in the Valley, however, without any special names as yet. Within these county bounds are still an Indian reservation and school, six working gold mines and a large part of the mechanical apparatus

belonging to the $4,000,000 government reclamation project. This Yuma Indian reservation contains 16,150 acres, of which 6500 were thrown open to entry under the homestead act of 1910 and immediately taken up. The balance of this land is still in possession of the Yuma Indian tribe, numbering 700 members of all ages and both sexes. This land is equally divided among them. And yet some 350 of them were in revolt against the government and the Indian school in 1895. The Catholic sisters, then in charge of the school, were driven off the reservation and fled to Mexico, where they now live. It is thought that many of these will never return, and thus more of this land will be thrown open for entry. THE LAGUNA DAM AND ITS PURPOSE Much has been said concerning the project of putting the water system under the Laguna Dam at some future time. This is known as the Yuma Project. Twelve miles north of Yuma, on the Colorado, the water falls between two rocky headlands, Laguna on the Arizona side, and Potholes in Imperial County. These rocks are about one mile apart, and the government has built a weir which cost $1,650,000. This is a fixed spillway ten feet from the bed of the channel, and water may be taken from the sluiceways at either end of the weir. The purpose here is to partially settle the water which is taken into the distributing canals, the

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 45 top being skimmed for irrigation purposes, and the silt carried back into the river with the surplus. The total cost of this structure in Imperial County is about $750,000, in addition to the dam itself. Most of this work has been completed. The reasons for the diversion of this water under the river are, first, the only available site for such a structure was at Laguna, and second, that the entrance of the Gila River on the east prevented carrying the water in canals in Arizona to the Yuma lands, which lie below the level of the Gila stream. Many plans have been proposed to put this Valley system under this diversion weir. But there seem to have been insurmountable objections to all of these thus far. And among these is the opposition of the people to any plan placing their water system under the control of the government Reclamation Service because of its antagonistic attitude from the start. The opening of the Yuma Reservation lands to settlement in 1910 added some 173 farms to those already in the county. These average about forty acres each and are proving very productive under the excellent water system provided. These farms pay $65 an acre for water rights under the Laguna project. The Yuma Indian School was built by the United States army in 1848, and it stands on an historic hill. Generals Fremont and Kearney made their headquarters on this hill on many occasions, and for ten years a large garrison was maintained there. It was the scene of many battles with the Indians, and there are still many marks of those conflicts. While these Yuma Indians are now quiet and docile, they do not take kindly to American civilization, as most other aborigines do. There appears to be a discouraging tendency among the tribesmen to return to their native ways after they leave school.

LEADING PROMOTERS AND SOME OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS While the biographical section of this work will be found to include detailed accounts of the life and history of the great pioneers and promoters of this Valley, it is not out of place perhaps to make some general reference to their work in this general article as well. Among these is Mr. W. F. Holt, who is credited with being the most noted man here and has become wealthy through his legitimate promotion of the Valley's interests. His town property holdings at one time were the largest of any single individual in the region. He is a

4 6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY virile and able business man and far-seeing, tireless worker in any good cause that appeals to him, always optimistic and enthusiastic regarding this Valley and its glowing possibilities, ready to infuse new courage into despondent men who may be overcome by adversity. A strict philanthropist, he would give a tramp a pile of wood first and double pay afterward. The needs of this Valley have been uppermost in his mind, and he has spent vast sums of money in its development. A Missouri man, born on a farm there, married his old-time sweetheart, and they have been active partners ever since. He established banks in different parts of the West, but was always in search of some new country where he could help it grow and develop. What a find he was, therefore, to this Valley ! It was in the spring of 1901 when he first looked across the vista of years into a country of many homes and big with possibilities. He thought it might become an empire, and he began at once to boost its interests. His first thought was to build a telephone line to the outside world. After receiving an exclusive franchise for this purpose and a small block of water-stock from the Imperial Land Company he went right ahead stringing his wires. Meanwhile he saw the advantages of a local newspaper, and this was accordingly established on a similar basis. He installed the plant and placed Henry Clay Reid in charge. This was the beginning of the Imperial Press. Being a churchman and in favor of promoting ethics, morality and education, and the higher principles of civic progress, he secured the influence and association of friends and an organization was effected and a small church edifice was built, Mr. Holt paying the salary of the preacher for two years. Meanwhile the land company was in hearty accord with him and agreed to furnish water stock to repay him. He always regarded this move of vast importance to the best interests of the Valley and said it was a start to build here a civilization ahead of the time. One day, riding out on the stage, he heard two thirsty men bemoaning the absence of saloons, saying they would not put a cent into the country until sure that saloons would be permitted. Mr. Holt told them such men were not wanted there at all, nor one cent of their capital. Strange to say, however, that one of these very men has since invested thousands of dollars there and now says that this prohibition of saloons was the best thing the Valley ever did. Mr. Holt was also instrumental in securing the railway from Imperial to the main line on the Southern Pacific, some

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 47 28 or 30 miles. He afterward made large profits from a favorable contract with the California Development Company as a promoter, to which he was justly entitled. He in turn assisted the development company to much ready money at different times, and, in fact, became a sort of national banker for the settlers. This man had implicit faith in the future of this Valley. He believed in the people and the righteousness of human nature in general. He had never been cheated out of a dollar in his life, never brought a lawsuit to collect damages or claims, never foreclosed a mortgage, and yet had been loaning money and selling on credit all his life. Give a man a chance and time to pay and don't crowd him, was his motto. He believed in people. It was in this way that he kept on buying, building, improving and spending money in the Valley. Thus at the opening of 1903 he had increased his capital by over $20,000. After irrigating No. 7 district he saw water running to waste in the Alamo channel and was told it had between 500 and 1000 horsepower of electric energy. Then he formed the Holton Power Company, and a few months afterward men wanted to buy stock in that corporation, but there was none on the market. He purchased townsites and built the Interurban Railway. One of these townsites became El Centro later. He built a business block and the Opera House, costing $50,000, even then when the total population of the town could have been seated in a single passenger coach. People said a lot of mean things about him, some of which were true, too. Many don't like him, but lots of others do. The Holt Power Company is capitalized for a million dollars, owning the electric-light plant in five towns, three other power-plants and five cold-storage houses. And during late years Mr. Holt has begun the construction of a gridiron system of roads which reaches the shipping of every acre of ground in the entire district. Other most important enterprises are being rapidly carried forward, and the land company is now capitalized for over three million dollars. Mr. Holt surely has been a true pioneer and perhaps the greatest of them all in Imperial Valley. The record here given is only a brief summary of his many achievements. Mr. W. E. Wilsie is another of these prominent pioneer settlers who have won marked success. Coming first in 1901, in the following November he laid out the streets of Brawley, which then had only two other residents. In the succeeding winter he farmed 300 acres, and the

4 8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY next summer shipped three carloads of barley and one of wheat, the first ever shipped from the Valley. And it had been cut by a combined reaper and harvester. He afterward became associated with numerous corporations in the Valley in an official capacity, and was also Horticultural Commissioner of the county, winning high favor for his most effective service in that position. He was a director in the first creamery and stock-breeders' association, president of the first cantaloupe association, secretary of the library board, trustee of the Heber Collegiate Institute, and an official in various other corporations. Mr. George Nichols was also among these prominent early pioneers.

He shared in the colonization of newcomers and in all public affairs, especially near Silsbee. He was also a leader in road and school district work. More than ioo persons were brought into the Valley by him, most of them from the old San Diego section. He opened the first real estate office in Imperial. His own ranch was six miles southwest of El Centra, where he now runs a real estate office. He saw the first crop of alfalfa grown in the Valley, near Diamond Lake. Roy McPherrin was among the first lawyers in this section, and he tells some quaint stories of conditions he found on arrival to take a position in the Imperial Mutual Water Company, in connection with which he had a prominent share in the reclamation of the land. W. H. Hartshorn was another leading pioneer. He became manager of the ice-plant erected by the Imperial Land Company, and he kept the price of this much-needed commodity at one cent per pound. He afterward piped the city for water and turned on the first water used in the homes. Then next he established a transfer company, with a specially designed dray for the purpose, with a big bay horse in front of the vehicle that created quite a sensation on the streets. He also shared materially in the colonization work, having an extensive acquaintance on the coastside of San Diego County. He built one of the first private residences in Imperial. Mr. J. H. Holland came from San Jose with a full line of stock and farming implements. After spending some time in building canals and hauling freight from the railroad he stocked his farm and planted alfalfa. For a time the introduction of Bermuda grass into this Valley was regarded as a dangerous accession, and it became known as "devil

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 49 grass." But Mr. D. W. Breckenridge, who entered the Valley soon afterward, found use for it. He sent to Arizona for seed, and on this rich forage he raised the best fatted cattle of the season. And he subsequently had great success with this grass for years in rearing cattle and sheep. It starts growing early in the spring, and the animals seem very fond of it. He claims it has as much nourishment as alfalfa, with no tendency to disease. It also possesses great heat and drouth resisting qualities. This proved a decided innovation, as the grass had been universally condemned by others. He also thwarted successfully several attempts to rob him of his land there on a technicality, in the courts. The first important butcher and meat shop in the region was opened by the Thing Brothers, of Calexico. They bought and killed their own stock, and finally, in 1907, they built a fine business block, the largest in this southern end of the Valley. W. A. Young, another Valley pioneer, drove in from a point near Los Angeles in 1901. Poor and pretty nearly broke he said he was at that, time. His family lived under a "ramada" made of arrowweed shoots thatched on a frame eight feet high. These "ramadas" are familiar objects all through the Valley, few of the ranches being without

them. Their shelter from the sun is superior to anything else. W. C. Raymond, a Canadian, who went to Arizona several years ago and roughed it there until he heard of this Valley in 1903, saddled up and rode into this promised land. Here he camped until finding a suitable location, when he began his work upon improvements at once. But now the old river rushed into his ranch and drove him out, and he finally moved to another, planted 320 acres of barley and alfalfa, and raised hogs with success, cleaning up $7000 in 1909. Then he put in 80 acres of cotton the next year. William Lindsey was one of the great eastside pioneers who arrived in 1902, when the place was still a wilderness. But he also was driven out by the flood. The Colorado was no respecter of persons, but it sometimes seemed the great stream sought to discourage newcomers. But Mr. Lindsey finally overcame this unfriendly greeting and prospered. D. H. Coe rode in on a bicycle in 1901, passed through all the trials and tribulations incident to that period, and now has a ranch of 200 acres six miles northwest of Holtville, and is one of the most enthusiastic boosters of the country. The mercury stood at 117 when he ar-



rived, and his wheel was a great help to him, although he saw not a soul except from a distance at the time. But he rode straight to the spot he wanted and now has some 200 acres planted in alfalfa, barley and cotton, a large herd of stock, and is a purely business rancher. F. E. Van Horn, three miles east of El Centro, was among the first to reach and grow up with the Valley, and his faith in it has never flagged. He started the first school ever held there, walking three miles each way, with books very hard to get, and the methods of teaching very primitive. Among those who became early impressed with the value of cotton as a Valley crop was L. E. Srack, who came from Riverside in 1901. Later he installed plants for the care of the by-products of cotton-oil and cotton-seed meal, which were built in 1910. Among the pioneers there with unconquerable souls, who fought the water floods back and won, was B. F. McDonald. When he saw the flood coming in he said : "We have put this water on the land where we want it ; now we can surely keep it off when we don't want it. Let's try." They did, and won in the end. The waters receded and their ranches and stock were saved because of their vigilant and effective efforts. Being a Louisiana cottonman originally, he knew the game and how to manage it, having 160 acres in cotton. He was enthusiastic over the merits of that staple for that region.

Steve Lyons was of Irish descent. Having been reared on a ranch in Salinas, some of the advantages of city school life and social intercourse with cultured and educated people had left an impress upon his native character. And it is said of him that he possessed the spirit of the Valley in a marked degree. He brought some capital into the new country, and much sound business judgment, all products of hard work and good thinking. The Valley had been only partially developed in 1904 when Steve arrived. The territory west of Calexico was barely scratched, although the ditch system was under construction in the entire west side. Lyons saw that land was to be king and he filed on a half-section at once. But seeing a more profitable field for his activities in the contracting business, he pitched into that with his brothers, and they built over fifty miles of the main ditches and laterals for the California Development Company. Being skilled in the work, they found no difficulty in securing good contracts for grading and ditching. Mean-

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 51 while Steve began developing his own property, and in the fall of 1907, when the new County Imperial was launched, these Lyons boys baled more hay and threshed more grain than any other combination in the district. They operated on a large scale and kept forever going ahead with courage and unshaken nerve, in spite of all threatened river dangers. They bought 565 acres in Mexico, near Calexico, which they purposed to use as a model stock farm or a cotton plantation. Such are some of the characteristics which go to make up the aggressive spirit, and yet conservative business balance in agriculture. It is ability coupled with willingness, good health, mental, moral and physical, and above all an abounding faith in the work in hand. This imparts self-confidence and insures success. Socially, perhaps, no man in the Valley has done more for the promotion of affairs than Phil. W. Brooks, whose ranch is between El Centro and Holtville. His generous hospitality is well known from Yuma to Cuayamaca. He came from a New England agricultural school, at Amherst College, in 1903, possessing enthusiasm and energy and capital. He bought and sold ranches and developed them, and now, near El Centro, he has 80 acres of Thompson's seedless grapes, besides other lands. He is now the general manager of the Britten-Cook Land and Live-stock Company, which is investing hundreds of thousands of doldollars in the hog-raising industry in Imperial Valley. Mr. Brooks has recently resigned the office of receiver of the U. S. Land Office at El Centro. Mr. Brooks has been a powerful factor for good in that community, through his influence in relieving the monotony of frontier life. Dave Williams was among the early pioneers in the realm of sports. He organized, financed and managed the Imperial Valley Wild West shows, which furnished so much entertainment and amusement for thousands in the winter of 1909. He is called the father of the Christ-

mas fiesta idea that made Holtville famous. He is also a public-spirited man who never fails to respond when called upon for assistance in the promotion of the best interests of the district. He takes time to enjoy life as he goes along and tries to help others do the same. And yet he is not a retired capitalist, but only a plain rancher. He came originally from Canada, ranched for some years in Washington, and then heard of this Valley, where he bought a ranch in the spring of 1907. Here he



now has 560 acres in alfalfa and 27 stacks of hay containing some 900 tons. On one of these fertile fields this farmer found a single stalk of alfalfa 7 feet 8^2 inches long. This ranch is five miles from Holtville, on the Highland Boulevard, the finest nine-mile stretch of road in that district. He delights in outdoor sports, and is always ready to "start something" of that nature. He is credited with having added, more than any other man, to the joy of living on that side of the Alamo River. H. J. Messinger of Holtville was a frontiersman, having served as Indian trader, teacher and reservation superintendent. Next he became a member of the territorial legislature, and assisted in the government formation. While in northern Arizona, trading with the Indians, he learned of the Imperial Valley settlement. Gathering a carload of workstock, he reached there in 1903, when the east side was beginning to blossom. He began building ditches and sowing seed, mainly upon leased land. But, prospering in grain raising, he soon entered the grain commission and seed business. In 1904 he finally settled in Holtville, opened a livery and feed business, but also continued his farm work on leased land, although he afterward acquired an extensive acreage and speculated most advantageously. In 1908 he brought to the front what is known as the "high-line country." Mr. William J. Mansfield came into the Valley in 1903, having some capital and business experience. He went to work himself in a new suit of overalls, with his team, on the hummocks, which he bravely subdued. He thinks he spent some $22,000, exclusive of his own work. But it resulted in one of the finest ranches in the district, where he soon became a prominent leader. Later he was selected as the Republican candidate for State Assemblyman from that district, for which he had every qualification, being a farmer, business man and director in various corporations. It is of course unnecessary to add that Mr. Mansfield has been an Imperial Valley booster from the first. Mr. George A. Long was for years called the "cattle king" of the Valley. He fattened more steers than any other man, and built a modern sanitary meat packing house from government plans. He fattened stock at his own expense, and bought 320 acres between the towns of El Centro and Imperial, put it into alfalfa, fenced and divided it into

separate pastures. In addition to this, however, he leased nearly 1000

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 53 acres adjoining, upon which he fattened the Arizona mountain-bred steers, of which he usually had from 1000 to 3000 head in various stages of preparation. Thomas O'Neil, a ranch owner near Imperial now, came from a peaceful town in Pennsylvania with an absorbing desire to fight Indians, but without any idea of the hardships, discomforts and dangers attendant upon that warlike pursuit. He followed the intrepid Custer through the Yellowstone campaign in 1873, and the round-up in the Black Hills the next year which led to the fatal Big Horn fight in 1876. But O'Neil had left the Black Hills and went pioneering on his own account in Phoenix, Arizona, and finally brought up in Imperial Valley in the winter of 1902. Here he leased 64 acres and established a small dairy. He was then a bachelor with only his famous "Snip" pony as a companion, but later he took Mrs. Adams as life partner, and he now laughs as he recalls the place and methods of his courtship, as he smokes his evening pipe of contentment in his comfortable home. Other romantic incidents of this nature might well be cited here if space permitted. And yet the career of Harry Van den Heuvel, who came in from Riverside in 1903, with $25 of borrowed money, seems worthy of mention. Pie went to work for others with a vim that meant success. In 1904 he began to coax his quarter-section of land west of El Centro upon which he had filed into productiveness. His only partner was an old gray mare, and she stood by him from first to last and did most effective service. Finding trouble in securing help to thresh his grain crop, he secured a threshing machine and went at it himself and also worked for his neighbors with it. In this way he re-established his credit, paid all his bills with interest and had a surplus left. The old gray mare at last accounts was feeding in a broad field of alfalfa, pensioned for life. Six hundred of these fertile acres are now under Heuvel's control, and his place is valued at $60,000, free and clear. Between El Centro and Mobile is the "Poole Place," which is noted for its high state of cultivation, with many fine shade trees and a prosperous looking home. Mr. Poole is a typical American farmer who came in November, 1903, with no capital save his personal energy and determination to succeed. With these valuable assets he went to work, put in his crops on 2220 acres, housing his family in a rude shelter for a time until he could build a more permanent home, which now stands



in sharp contrast with the old quarters. Meanwhile he leased 320 additional acres near at hand. While on a short vacation a fire broke out in his house, destroying 60 tons of hay and a much valued young stallion, and considerable other property. But he took this misfortune resignedly, and in the spring of 1910 he erected a fine new dwelling at a cost of $2000. It has been customary in the East in referring to these farmers and rural residents by writers who speak of them as "hayseeds," with long hair and whiskers, unkempt and unsophisticated, and even yet this class is furnishing inspiration to caricaturists and pencil-pushers for comic supplements. But it may be said here that these early pioneers in this Valley were not of that class, if indeed there ever was such a class of people any way as these imaginative writers try to picture. Pioneers with the courage and grit to squat in such a desolate waste as this was before its reclamation are made of wholly different stuff. In order to bring a ranch into a high grade of efficiency and make it yield dividends there must be business sagacity back of all the hard work. Mr. J. H. Blodgett, who filed on a full section of this reclaimed land five miles northwest of Holtville, is a man of this type. He came from Nebraska in the fall of 1904 with small means and lots of energy and ambition. He put in alfalfa, with some grain and other annual crops, and hogs as a side line, and also a few dairy features. And he says he has found this combination profitable and desirable and would not run a ranch without it. But he also planted cotton, of which he had 250 acres in 1910, without even suspecting or anticipating the sharp advance in price of this staple that the war would bring. He has made good in hog-raising, feeding them skimmed milk, alfalfa, corn and barley. This man was the first in the No. 5 district to drill for artesian water, which he struck with a strong flow at a depth of 580 feet. This supply has been piped into his house and farm hydrants. James M. Potts is another example worthy of emulation by anemic youths who stand behind dry-goods counters, or sit upon high office stools wrestling with figures and bemoaning their lack of opportunity to do something worth while at a big salary and be somebody. Mr. Potts was only 21 when he reached the Valley in 1905. But he borrowed $100 cash in some way and took up some land near Holtville. Mixing brains with his labor, he traded, worked for others and tilled his own

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 55 farm, all with success. He brought a carload of horses and mules from the coast, turned them loose in his alfalfa patch for a time, which renewed their youth and vigor in a way that enabled him to sell out at a handsome profit. This experiment was frequently repeated with like results, and the profits were put back into the ranch improvements, where he now has 60 acres of alfalfa and 20 acres of cotton. This shows what industry, persistence and faith will do for a man who is in earnest to succeed. The record does not show that Mr. Potts was a great genius, as the world defines that special gift. But it does show that he made the very best use of his native equipment. Lee Dutcher, who came to the Valley early in 1905, is another man of

this type. And it should be said that the region has been very fortunate in having so many of this class among its early settlers. But for this fact its development and progress would not have been so marked nor so permanent. W. S. Moore, who came from western Pennsylvania in the fall of 1903, with $45 cash and a roll of blankets, struck a job as laborer at once, and kept at it until he could buy a team of horses and a haypress. The following summer he secured 160 acres of land near the present site of El Centre He planted barley and alfalfa, and the next year added some stock. In 1909 he began to call his place a "ranch" like the rest of the "fellers" because he had 150 hogs and 27 cows, and planned to feed them. He then lost a little by a cantaloupe experience which, however, he made up with his hogs and forgot about his melons. His 1910 trial balance showed assets aggregating $35,200. The personal history and achievements of I. J. Harris, who came to the Valley with an invalid wife from Louisiana in 1904, is also interesting. She was suffering from a bronchial affection and came here in search of relief. Instead of taking government land, as most of the settlers did, Mr. Harris bought his land outright, though he came to Imperial without any capital. He went to work by the day, and after a time he saved money enough to buy 80 acres more, this time in the Mesquite Lake section. He is a great believer in the eucalyptus, but he also raised fine crops of alfalfa, barley and grapes. After six years of this Valley life his wife had regained her health. Mr. Harris is one of the best citizens of the Valley. In a public address to college men at an informal luncheon in Im-

5 6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY perial in 1910 President Babcock, of the University of Arizona, advised small farm units of from 15 to 20 acres in this reclaimed section. While this might result in dense population in large central towns, and increased business of all kinds, it would mean also more intensive farm methods. Acting perhaps upon these suggestions, Mr. S. C. Tomkins purchased 40 acres near Holtville, where he plans to make a fortune. He started a small dairy with 30 cows, experimenting with "balanced rations," with mixed feed and hay. And he reports most encouraging results, having already built an alfalfa mill large enough for his own work and for the use of his neighbors. He now claims he can feed one dairy cow on an acre the year through and leave room enough for truck raising, fruit and poultry. All his experiments thus far have been confined to this 40 acres of land. He came from Los Angeles after a long experience in commercial life, and has therefore conducted his ranch on business principles. J. M. Cardiff came from San Bernardino when things in the didn't look very promising. After living in an irrigation many years he looked upon the vagrant Colorado River with able alarm unless it could be permanently controlled. But to cast his lot with the many powerful corporations which Valley country for considerhe concluded he knew had

everything at stake and were taking every chance. He had invested every cent he had in the Valley and never lost faith in it because he was a cheery optimist by nature and training anyway. But he lost his life in an accident in 1907, though his family were left with a comfortable competence, and his sons resumed the work where their father left off, and they have a fine ranch of 320 acres. The hog-raising industry has become popular throughout the Valley because of its unfailing returns year after year. But owing to the high price of pork and its numerous products, and the haste to produce them little attention was at first given to careful breeding in order to secure the best results. But that is a thing of the past. Today Imperial Valley swine are among the best in the country. Among the first to bring in thoroughbreds was Arthur McCollum, who had a ranch near Imperial. He had been a postal clerk in San Jose after twenty years on a farm, where his health failed. He preceded his wife in this Valley by some three weeks, and their combined capital at

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 57 that time was $2.15. And yet he managed to secure a bit of ranch land, some 40 acres, upon which he raised only pedigreed stock, as Ohio Improved Chesters and Poland Chinas, and all under the most perfect sanitary conditions. He dealt only with hog-breeders and not with pork men. Another man of this class is Mr. J. R. Sturgis, who has both the means and the ability to insure success. He has 160 acres not far from Holtville which are mainly devoted to alfalfa, barley and wheat. He experiments with thoroughbred stock, such as Poland China and Berkshire, and he is making a careful study of the whole problem of hograising. He has found that this stock costs about one-third less feed and care, and can be fattened more rapidly than the common stock. He expects to ship a carload of this stock every two months. He also contends that the quality of this pork is always superior, the animals are smoother in appearance, stronger and better nourished. He came into the Valley from Ventura County in 1908. One of the largest breeders in the Valley, however, is Mr. J. M. Prim, who arrived in 1905 from an Illinois farm after considerable experience with hogs there. He leased 320 acres of land in the rich No. 5 district, four miles from Holtville. But just about that time the big river came into the Valley too, and it was a dark outlook for Prim for some months when this unwelcome water was pouring over the hopes and plans of the settlers. But by 1907, when the river break had been closed, Prim was animated with fresh courage, and he even leased some more property. But the next year there was a decided slump in the pork market, and he lost some $10,000 with his pigs. But he kept at it, and in 1910 the buyers were fighting each other, and he sold three carloads for $5000. Having then 3200 hogs, he had to buy 80 more acres of land. Upon this he raised barley and Filipino wheat. This he feeds to his stock by an automatic feeder, with no waste nor any dirt, although the

device is costly in the first instance. Mr. Prim is a systematic man with careful methods, though in some respects he has been called a "plunger." Among his many improvements on that ranch is a large reservoir from which he can irrigate his land if necessary. Mr. A. L. Bliss, a man of reputed wealth, was also an early believer in hogs for this Valley. He came from Illinois, where he had served as

5 8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY secretary, president and superintendent of the Swine Breeders' Association, and a student of the hog industry for some time. On one occasion he had owned a Poland China boar that was valued at $8000. His advent into the Valley was in the fall of 1909. He then had an idea of buying from 40 to 80 acres for certain experiments he had in mind. But he finally bought 640 acres on the northern limits of Holtville, and afterwards invested in 320 more near El Centre For once it seems the advertisements he had read about the Valley fell short of the truth. The surprise was most agreeable and really prolonged the short visit he had intended to a permanent stay. When a young man he taught school, became a trustee and later superintendent of the schools for many years. But now he can afford to go back on the farm and take life easy. SOME OF THE PIONEER BUILDERS While the farmer and the tiller of the soil must be accorded first place in the development and progress of this reclaimed Valley, there are also those in other pursuits who have had very important shares in the work of organization and construction. Some of these men deserve favorable mention in this record of achievement. While it might seem unjust or even invidious perhaps to single out any one man and pile all the honors upon him for what has been done in this line, it must be said by those familiar with the situation and most competent to express an opinion that Mr. H. H. Peterson is entitled to first mention. The various towns of the Valley might have been built without him perhaps, but they certainly were not. And yet he was only a maker of brick and a contractor who furnished the materials and did most of the work of construction. But for him many of these buildings would probably have been of wooden construction and far less substantial either in appearance or durability. He came here in December, 1903, and for three years had a pretty hard time. There had been a small hand brickyard near Imperial for two years, operated by Harbour & Carter. But their output was very small and inferior in quality. The demand always exceeded the supply, however, on account of the scarcity of labor and the attendant expense of the slow methods in use. When Mr. Peterson arrived he took in the situation at a glance and promptly decided that contracting and brick making should be his vocation. He came from Los Angeles, where he obtained large practical experience in the work



he was now about to undertake. He bought out Carter's interest in the firm and joined Mr. Harbour in the business. They molded and burned a kiln of brick at Calexico, where they began to erect a hotel. And they were soon swamped with orders. But they found it easier to sell their brick than to make them with their crude and inadequate appliances. Labor was scarce and the work was hard and unattractive. But in spite of all this they built another yard at Holtville, this time on a larger scale. And yet they had to haul all the water from the Alamo channel in barrels and could only work on part time for lack of men. He also erected buildings in El Centro, Brawley, Holtville, Calexico and Imperial, and for these he made the brick himself. Among the most important of these structures was the High School building in Imperial. He made over ten million brick, and the value of his buildings is said to aggregate $750,000. From the autumn of 1901 to the summer of 1910 his contracts amounted to $100,000 in the town of Imperial alone. But in spite of his prosperity and success he has had to face many troubles, as does every aggressive man who does things. Skilled labor was almost impossible to get and keep, even at the high wages he paid. Then, too, nearly all his materials had to be brought either from Los Angeles or San Francisco. He now owns about 560 acres of land in the Valley, including his vast deposits of sand and gravel on the bank of New River near Imperial which is required for his brick-plant operations. Mr. J. L. Travers is also widely known as a pioneer contractor in the Valley. He was really the first man on the ground. The town of El Centro was then only a spot in the desert. But when the townsite was purchased by the Redlands Syndicate, the firm of Fairchilds & Travers were prominent contractors and builders in that famous citrus region. Thus it was that Travers, accompanied by a trusty foreman, dropped off the train in this desert waste in November, 1906, half a mile north of the El Centro depot. The El Centro Hotel was Travers' first contract there, and everybody regarded the project as a joke. But the work went right ahead. He was next asked to build the Holt Opera House, which was another shock to the settlers, as there were only about ten permanent residents there at the time. Water had to be pumped up from the ditch, and this ditch was a pretty important element in the situation. Long before these two big contracts were completed however, Travers was overwhelmed with many others, and he

60 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY became one of the biggest contractors in that part of the Valley. During four years there his contracts amounted to more than a million dollars. Nearly all the best buildings in the town were designed and constructed by him. Extensive ice and cold storage plants in the various towns were his work. And the main street in El Centro presents all the features of leading thoroughfares in older sections of the country today. Then, when another flood was threatened in 1906, he took his entire force of men and assisted the farmers in building up the levees.

Dr. Elmer E. Patten, who came in 1908, was the first health officer and county physician. He was also a man of much public spirit, and keenly alive to the best interests of the people. A full water supply and good fire protection for the city of Imperial were secured through his efforts in 1909 ; also a public sewer system, a new city hall and a Carnegie library, and a $55,000 high school were all built under his regime. But in this record of personal achievement the business world, as represented by the merchant should not be omitted. Next to the oldest mercantile firm in Imperial is that organized by George Varney, and known as Varney Bros. & Co., who came in 1902. Their stock was small at first, though ample for the needs of that time. They ran the store without much assistance, but sold about $100 worth of goods a day during the first few weeks. The first carload of goods that came over the railway was consigned to them, but it had to be carted four miles from the line owing to the incomplete condition of the road. In 1910 Varney Bros. & Co. had five stores, a floor space of 28,000 feet, 32 employees and stock valued at $85,000. Their annual sales then exceeded $540,000. Since then they have added a large new store in Calexico. They have a capital stock of $200,000, and the annual sales of the chain of stores runs into millions. One of the first engineers in this region was Mr. C. N. Perry, a tireless and most effective worker and a most faithful leader in that all important branch of reclamation. FINANCIAL As has been already learned by the reader of this volume, the financial end of the great project in this Valley has overshadowed every other feature from its very inception. This perhaps is the history of every important enterprise the world over. But in no case has it formed

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 6l so vital a factor in the conduct and development of any scheme as presents itself in the reclamation of this desert. And perhaps in few other instances has there been so much trouble and delay in procuring the needed money to prosecute the work as here. And it may also be said that but for the most successful diplomacy on the part of energetic men at different crucial periods of the work the entire project must have been a failure. Contributing in a large measure to this situation the persistent antagonism of the national government, from whatever cause it may have arisen, must share the blame. At times when the prospect of success seemed brightest this spectre of opposition cast its shadow over the scheme, discouraging the operators not only, but the heroic and faithful settlers themselves, who began to doubt, distrust and even despair of the whole project. But here were men engaged in this vast enterprise who were fearless and undaunted, ready to overcome any obstacle that might confront them. Their unbounded faith in the plan was not merely of a mercenary character. They wanted to succeed at any cost and were content to receive their laurels when the triumph was over. Whether or not they ever did receive their full measure of praise and glory is, however, a question. But the beneficent results of their labors live after them, and will continue to live through future ages when

their names have been forgotten. Among the local bankers now is President F. B. Fuller, of the El Centro National Bank, who came into the Valley from Texas. He first bought a 160-acre ranch near El Centro, and also a residence site upon which he afterward built the first permanent residence in the Valley. He opened his bank in very modest quarters in 1907. Deposits came in rapidly, and the wisdom of his venture was apparent at once. The bank proved a great convenience. Two years later he began the erection of his new building on the site previously selected. This is now one of the most attractive structures on that street. The subject of land titles and boundaries soon became of vital importance. There were many questions as to the validity of titles which arose in different sections, and there seemed to be no recognized authority in the matter. This annoying condition prevailed for six or seven years, and it occasioned much delay in development. People did not really know for a certainty what they were buying or where. At length, however, what became known as the Imperial County Abstract Com-

02 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY pany was organized by the farmers. But this was soon absorbed by the Peoples' Abstract and Title Company of Riverside County. The bounds of every ranch is doubly marked, which was made necessary by the flood and the hasty survey of the government in 1856, when nobody dreamed of any reclamation of this barren Colorado Desert. The settlers obtained some relief, however, in this respect by an act of Congress in 1902 which provided in substance that no bona-fide claim of any actual occupant should be impaired, and eventually the record title should conform to the land actually occupied. A new survey was then made and patents were issued on that basis. Of course in all this tangle of red tape the legal profession saw its opportunity, and were not slow to avail themselves of it. Many of these legal problems were handled in the office of the first district attorney, the late John M. Eshleman, afterward lieutenant-governor, and this officer being engaged elsewhere a portion of the time, this duty fell upon Phil S. Swing, his efficient deputy, and his successor, who did most effective service in this capacity. There being no precedents to guide him among the unique conditions then prevailing, he had to take the initiative in many cases. He came into the Valley in October, 1907, and has held many positions of trust since then. Visitors here will note the cosmopolitan character of the residents in this Valley, and this has been an important factor in its rapid development. Many nations and callings are represented, including men from foreign lands who were skilled in horticulture, arboriculture, and fruit growing. Grape growing has received much attention and the conditions of the soil and climate are found well suited to vineyards. France seems to have contributed materially to the region in this way. Mr. A. Caillard, an experienced fruit grower in semi-arid sections, has labored most successfully in grape culture here. After considerable study he finally located upon an 86-acre plot not far from Holtville,

and planted grapes in an experimental way on a part of his ground, reserving some of the land for barley and alfalfa, thus tiding over the season until his vineyard became fully productive, adding dairy features in the interim. But he soon found that the grape was fully at home here and even more productive than he expected, and now he has devoted the entire plot to vineyard purposes. Many more of these Valley pioneers who began business here at an

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 63 early period of its development might well be mentioned were it not for the fact that the biographical part of this work will doubtless include detailed accounts of their life and work. Among those perial, now him a stock of printing dealing, he early in the mercantile line was W. D. Conser, of Imof Colton, who came from Arizona in 1903, bringing with of goods worth perhaps $2500. A great believer in the use ink and sound business principles with fair and honest soon built up a large trade in the small quarters of his store.

Regarding the most successful vocations in this Valley it is natural to suppose that the experienced farmer coming from the East would be most successful here as a farmer. And yet such has not been the rule. The old standard methods that prevail in the East are not adapted to secure the best results here without considerable modification. This has been somewhat difficult for the Eastern farmer to understand. Because of this he has often failed while any other man who didn't know it all, and was willing to listen to advice, would succeed. In some cases, however, theorists from agricultural colleges, with some practical training, have been quick to catch on in these Valley methods and succeeded. It is a pleasure to record the success of Mr. E. H. Erickson in Brawley in fruit growing. Seeing no reason why all kinds of fruit should not thrive here, he planted in great variety with abundant faith. And already his orchards prove even more productive than he had hoped, and they are visited by people with great interest. But in addition to being an experienced horticulturist he is also in love with the pursuit. Not every man who comes here, however, finds a smooth road to success in any calling. There are notable exceptions, and Mr. C. H. Walton is one of these. Coming here in 1901 as a skilled farmer and hard worker, things seemed to go wrong with him from the first and he had a hard row to hoe for nine years. For a time he worked on the irrigation ditches, and happened to select a poor piece of land in an unfavorable section. Then he changed his ranch and leased a site near El Centro. But he no sooner got things nicely started there when the mad old river drenched him out, and he was forced to sell out to save himself. But his courage did not fail him even then. He bought more land adjoining his first ranch and resolved to begin anew. But the end of his troubles was not yet. Some designing men sought to attack his title to the land and a contest was filed. But despite all these things this man's

64 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY courage proved indomitable. He held on and now has his place well stocked with hogs and many horses. Among the practical modern stock-men is W. L. Manahan, who was a regular cow-puncher early in life, and is yet for that matter, riding with his men, branding, etc. He came from New Mexico in 1903. His place is now devoted to alfalfa and barley, and he has some 2000 hogs among his stock. Being experienced not only in breeding, he also knew the business end of buying and selling. The growth of cotton is on the increase all through the Valley owing to the present high price of that staple. Mr. R. M. Fuller has 130 acres that produce large yields of cotton. This ranch is three miles from El Centro. Nels Jacobson is among the very successful and prosperous stockbreeders in the Valley, owning a fine 720-acre ranch in the Mesquite Lake country. Horses and hogs are his specialties, although he came here from a 14-acre orange grove in the Highlands. Francis Heiney of Brawley is one of the most skilled and practical fruit men in the Valley, having studied the matter in different countries. His ranch contains a great variety of choice fruits not found elsewhere, and all seem to thrive well under his careful management. He has served the county as agricultural commissioner and had a similar position in San Diego County. Scientific men from different sections visit the scene of his operations with peculiar interest. The ranch of D. G. Whiting, near El Centro, is another very attractive spot, with its fine trees and permanent character of the buildings. He brought here the first fine Jersey herd in the entire Valley, having spent much time and money in improving the strain. His dairy interests were also large and important under the improved methods introduced by him. He later turned his attention more particularly to other lines. The healthful conditions prevailing in the Valley have already been referred to, and there are increasing evidences coming in frequently. Mr. Edwin Mead found it salutary and also regained his fortune along with his health. Coming in 1901 without any capital to speak of, he selected 320 acres five miles from Holtville and worked for the water company to pay for it. Some 200 hogs, a herd of beef cattle and a good stock of horses and poultry are now feeding upon his alfalfa pasturage. In the early days of Imperial, Mrs. Mead was a very popular hostess at

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ' 65 the hotel, and she became known far and wide for her genial hospitality. They now own property amounting to $50,000. A model ranch owned by a Los Angeles stock syndicate contains

1 100 acres of highly cultivated ranch land and some 876,000 acres across the Mexican line. More stock is produced there than on any other ranch in Southern California. This Mexican land is found to be marvelously productive. One single arid field of barley has 5000 acres, and another of like area is devoted to alfalfa. Walter Bowker is the manager of this vast tract. The first artesian well in the Valley is credited to Henry Stroven. He found excellent water at 900 feet near Holtville and later, at a depth of 800 feet, where the flow was 100 gallons per minute. The cost was $1100, and considered cheap at that for the results obtained. Mr. Stroven is also an enthusiastic fruit man and has very productive orchards. Joseph Hanson is a prosperous rancher near Imperial, coming here from Alberta, Canada, in 19O2, and securing about 320 acres of land, which is largely devoted to forage crops for hogs, of which he has about 500 head. With him came John Larsen, who settled upon 160 acres of land, upon which he raised barley and hay and was content to await developments. GOOD ROADS It would indeed be very difficult to find a more vital factor in the development and progress of any country anywhere on the face of the earth than good roads. And yet it is only within comparatively recent years that this great republic of ours gave any public recognition of this fact. We could talk and write glibly of the famous ancient Roman roads that were built in the most permanent and enduring manner, which challenged universal admiration the world over. But here in this new country, under this broader and more modern civilization, we were content to leave our public highways in the most deplorable condition, allowing Dame Nature to have full sway. This, of course, made the roads practically impassable at certain seasons of the year unless the track chanced to be over a rocky foundation and impervious to water. The matter of any systematic road improvement was utterly ignored.

66 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY and such temporary repairs as were made at odd intervals when the farmers had nothing else to do were hopelessly ineffective because of the faulty methods employed and the slipshod manner in which they were carried out. Even when the matter began to receive some little attention, as the result of certain laws requiring some annual repairs on the public roads in certain States, the system used in complying with these provisions was of the most defective and pernicious character, often doing more harm than good. The history of road working in those days would now seem almost incredible and incomprehensive in the light of the present absorbing interest that is now shown in the construction and repair of all public highways throughout the country. All this must be credited, first to the advent of the bicycle, and next to the auto cars. If these various inventions and devices had done nothing else for the people their value would have been inestimable. Here in this state of California and throughout the West, perhaps,

modern road improvement began in advance of many of the older states in the East, that were slow to realize the importance of the matter as affecting every economic interest which could be named, being loath to incur the needed expense. Here in this reclaimed valley some attention has been given to the public roads. And yet it is entirely safe to say, though without definite information on the subject however, that there is still much need of more permanent road construction and more effective repairs all through the Valley. The natural conditions in most sections of this new county are such that the maintenance of roads, if properly constructed, should be easy and comparatively inexpensive, there being very slight rainfall and no frost. And yet it is a question whether it is not wise to build more permanently than trust to the ordinary dirt roadway, where the traffic is at all heavy. Some variety of concrete or bituminous materials seems in every way desirable in such cases. And yet it is claimed here that eighty per cent of the taxable property of this new county is owned by non-residents, who really pay inadequate taxes, which leaves an unjust share of this cost of road improvement upon resident owners and tenants. But there must be some way to remedy this evil, and the county officials will doubtless find it. In any event there should be nothing in the way of better roads in this favored land, where the control of water is so completely in the hands of the people. For, after all, the vital point in all road repairs is

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 67 to keep off the water. Having good drainage and a hard surface, the battle is won. The completion of the new State concrete highway from El Centro to the mountain range which fringes the western edge of the Valley, last summer, was a most desirable improvement. This is a sixteen-foot pavement thirty-eight miles long, and includes a single span reinforced concrete bridge across Meyer's Canon that cost $40,000. In order to complete this main roadway system it is now proposed to extend it from Niland to Calexico, and from El Centro to Holtville. For this purpose a bond issue of $225,000 is asked for. The Imperial County Supervisors have promised to raise $161,000 as their share of the expense in connecting the Valley with Los Angeles by a paved highway, south of the Salton Sea, from Brawley to Coachella Valley and Banning. This will be a valuable link in the road system of Southern California, and afford easy access to the great market place of Los Angeles. It will thus appear that the new county proposes to keep abreast of the times in the work of road improvement. COTTON PRODUCTION It is pleasant to record the rapid increase of the white-blossoming acreage of cotton during the last few years. Grown at first in an experimental way, it has now become one of the leading crops in the Valley. Statistics show that there were some 138,000 acres devoted to this important staple last year. The yield is placed at 7000 bales of cotton and 42,000 tons of cotton seed, exclusive of production in Mexico. This brought an average of thirty cents a pound for the cotton in the markets and $55 per ton for the seed. Thus the local growers in this largest irrigated area in the West received nearly $11,000,000 for their cotton

crop alone last year. These enthusiastic cottonmen now propose to devote 150,000 acres to the growth of this great crop the coming year, and incidentally making this Valley the greatest cotton-producing region in the world. This surely is a proud record for an industry that began here only about nine years ago. In its report of cotton production last year the government Department of Agriculture gave the palm to Imperial Valley as leading all other sections in the average yield per acre, it being somewhat over 400 pounds. This was due in part to the absence of all cotton insect pests,

68 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY the irrigation system, continuous sunlight and deep, fertile soil. Nearly one-half of this Valley crop is now grown in Lower California, there being some 65,000 acres in cotton in that region. Not a single specimen of either the boll-weevil or pink boll-worm, which causes so much damage and loss in other cotton-growing sections, has yet been found in this Valley, where every precaution is being taken to prevent their entrance. The superior quality of this Imperial cotton has attracted the attention of experts all over the country because of its fine fiber and cleanliness. Three varieties are grown here the short staple, the Durango medium long staple and the Egyptian cotton. The latter, known as the Pima Egyptian, is being tried during the present year upon 5000 acres of land, with good results, the fiber selling for seventy-two cents per pound last fall. Several special gins for this fine fiber are being erected at Imperial, Seeley and elsewhere ; and the farmers expect a return from this variety of $150 an acre or more. The total cost of production is estimated at $100 per acre, the average yield being about one bale of 500 pounds, which is worth, at present prices, about $360 and the seed about $40. The cost of producing a bale of the short staple cotton being about $55, leaves a net return of $75 under favorable conditions. It is, therefore, apparent that the cotton mill will soon be one of the leading features in the Valley. There are three cottonseed-oil mills in operation in the Valley, where the seed is crushed and the oil extracted. The "upland" cotton, grown so universally in the south Atlantic states, covers a large portion of this Valley acreage, and it has a longer fiber as grown here, bringing about twenty-four cents for the short staple. There are now in this Valley 22 cotton gins, three oil mills and two compressors, representing an investment of over one million dollars. Calexico, the border city of the Valley, is the great cotton center, which really contains the whole story of the growth and prosperity of that city. It now has nine gins and two oil mills, and with its halfmillion acres of irrigable land close at hand in Mexico, it seems destined to rapid and marvelous expansion. Even now some enthusiastic cottonmen in this great cotton center are predicting that the crop of 1918 on the Mexican lands in this Valley will approximate sixty thousand bales.


This subject may not be worth an entire chapter, perhaps, but it will not be inappropriate to group other crops of a kindred nature with this record. It has often been said that California's prosperity began with the "gold craze" of 1849, which is probably true in a general sense. But there was another important event in her early history that came a few years later without any blare of trumpets whatever, creating no stampedes or rushes, built no mushroom cities, nor made men rich in a single night. This was the introduction of the alfalfa plant into the State, which has made thousands of men rich, whole counties prosperous, and converted barren land into fertile acres, which are better and more enduring than gold mines. From its modest advent into the vast list of forage crops in the early fifties it has been steadily growing in favor until today, when it must be credited first place among them all. It is estimated that there are now some 750,000 acres devoted to alfalfa in the State of California alone. It has thus changed the map of that state not only, but also of other states and territories. Broad vistas of purplish green fields are everywhere seen waving amid cloudlet shadows in the sunlit breeze. Brown and worn-out fields of wheat and barley have been converted into these more productive acres, and thousands of men with modern machinery are busily engaged in gathering the crop several times each season. It has even been estimated that this alfalfa crop is valued as one-and-half times greater than the entire output of gold in California. The cured hay is shipped in bales all over the world, and it goes through the canal to the eastern states. Before the present war it was ground into meal and sent to every spot where there was a cow or horse to be fed. Our allies in foreign lands are now feeding their cavalry horses on a secret ration composed of alfalfameal bricks ground with other nutritious ingredients. Dairymen find that it makes rich milk, fine cream and butter, which in this era of high prices turns into a fortune with proper management. It is fed green to dairy cattle, or the stock is turned loose into the waving fields to browse at will. The plant seems to adapt itself to most any climate with mosture and deep soil, though not so well in a wet, clay soil. Irrigation is not absolutely necessary, as it is grown successfully in this

jo HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY and other states in the east without it. The Turkestan species, especially, is found to resist seasons of drouth. The plant grew in northern Africa and Asia Minor centuries ago. And even in the frozen soil of Russia its hardy roots penetrate to a considerable depth. There are now many varieties of this alfalfa plant, of which a western experiment station is trying a list of ioo. As to its precise origin and the date little seems to be definitely known. It is believed to be the deepest-rooted plant in the vegetable kingdom, which accounts for its extreme hardiness and great vigor. These roots often extend many feet below the surface of the soil, thus bringing up valuable plant food, and

hence it is that from four to six crops are gathered in a single season. A peculiar feature of this plant is that attached to its roots are vast masses of nodules, formed by the working of a certain friendly nitrogen-producing microbe, without which it cannot grow, as the plant will not thrive in a virgin field. Either the seed or the soil must be inoculated. Despite its vigor of growth, however, it must be handled with more care than the coarser forage plants or much of its food value is lost. In curing for hay it must be cut at the right time and handled very little in order to secure bright green hay. The Soudan grass is a new forage plant which is found well adapted for silage purposes, that was introduced last year. It is a native of Africa and yields from ten to fifteen tons per acre, being an annual plant which can be cut from three to four times each season. It is usually planted late in August upon old barley land or after the cantaloupe crop has been gathered. The yield is similar to that of alfalfa, producing a vast amount of forage in a short time where another crop must be seeded the same year. Milo maize is among the chief grain crops in the Valley, and it showed an increased yield per acre last year. It is fed to hogs, cattle, sheep and poultry, and the price for this grain was much greater last year than ever before. In response to the call of the nation for greater production, the irrigation area of Imperial County in 1917 produced fodder, fiber and foodstuffs to the value of $32,000,000, which entitles it to second place among the counties of the United States in agricultural endeavor. More than 45,000 acres of new land were prepared and seeded last year, increasing the irrigated acreage on both sides of the line to 408,000. Of this some 80,000 acres are devoted to milo maize



and 60,000 to barley. Most of these products are used at home, the farmers being convinced that a pound of forage put into cattle on the ranch is worth almost as much as two pounds shipped away. The acreage of wheat will be materially increased this year by the planting of 5000 acres, as it has been found that wheat will bear as well as barley and bring better prices in the market, especially under the present war conditions and the great scarcity of this valuable grain for human consumption. The increase of silos of late throughout this region, which are now said to number over forty, has led to a much larger production of forage crops adapted to this purpose, such as sweet sorghum, which often yields 38 tons of silage per acre. This silage is a desirable feed in the production of all dairy products. FRUITS ADAPTED TO THE VALLEY

Sixteen years of experimentation by individuals have taught many lessons, positive and negative, regarding horticultural possibilities. E. F. Howe, who has been writing of the Valley from its beginning long ago, said that the Mediterranean Sea lies between the Valley and the coastal plain. This is Egypt and that is Italy, he declared, and developments seem to have justified his prediction. The orange and lemon trees do not thrive and do not produce satisfactorily. The grapefruit trees do a little better, but are short-lived, though their product is superb. This is the only citrus fruit that thrives. In the adeciduous class of fruits the olive has made a splendid showing, though plantings are light. In deciduous fruits figs and pears have shown ability to resist climatic and soil conditions and to bear finely. The apricot is a good producer of very early fruit, but the trees are sensitive to the effects of irrigation and must be guardedly handled, many trees being lost. Vinous fruits, including Persian and Spanish varieties of grapes, produce largely and in some seasons bring big returns for table use. The climate is not adapted to raisin-making. Varieties of strawberries lately introduced have become big producers and money-makers. Berries have not thus far made a good record. It probably is in the palmaceous fruits that the big future lies, especially with the date. Importations from Arabia and Morocco of the



choicest varieties have started the industry, but the great war has delayed further importations, and propagation proceeds slowly. It will probably be a number of years before the production is standardized, but in the end will come an industry of giant proportions. The cantaloupe melon is probably one of the most profitable crops grown in the Valley, and the acreage is being rapidly increased. There are now over 8000 acres producing these luscious melons every year, which exceeds the Georgia product by over 2000 acres. The fruit ripens earlier here than in any other region of the United States, and the quality is superior. There were 12,800 acres devoted to this melon in the Valley last year, and the crop went to every corner of the country. Under the California State law none but those of the best quality could be sent out ; nothing of an inferior character could be shipped. On a single day in June there were six trainloads of these melons that left Brawley, the great cantaloupe center of the county. Ninety million melons was the estimated product of the Valley last year. In the culture of this fruit systematic and careful selection of seed is the first requi-

site. From the famous "Rocky Ford" strain a new variety has been developed that is regarded of superior quality not only but of greater vigor and productiveness, being also less liable to fungus attacks. It also has better carrying qualities. Some of these melon experts here claim that a cantaloupe should be picked just before it is entirely ripe, not only to secure its arrival in the distant market in the best condition, but also to insure its perfect flavor. They say that many are picked too green, however, in order to reach the early market ahead of other sections, which practice is bitterly denounced by the best growers, who are jealous of their reputation, and has resulted in much damage to the industry, because one such carload often ruins the entire shipment. And yet the fact is that the melon output of this Valley is among its most important annual assets. The season of ripening begins late in May and extends until the middle of July. DAIRY AND POULTRY INDUSTRIES Among the important and profitable interests in the Valley today is that of the dairy. This is closely allied with the vast forage production for which it has become famous in past years. Two years ago a former chief of the dairy division of the United States Department of Agri-

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 73 culture predicted that the State of California was destined to become the greatest dairy state in the Union because of the low cost of butterfat production. And he asserted further that the Imperial Valley presented the greatest possibility of profit of any section of the state, having every opportunity to excel as a money-maker in this business. Even at this time, of the 58 counties this Imperial County supplies half of the butter consumed in Los Angeles, and produces one-tenth of the total butter product of the state. And yet the record would seem to show that this has been done with low-bred cows and a low grade of efficiency, due to improper methods, both of which could easily have been remedied, and have been since to some extent. Farmers have learned that improved methods and more sanitary care brings better prices and larger profits. To this end they have been weeding out their herds, excluding the "boarders" and retaining the best milk producers. They are also securing some thoroughbred stock and selecting cows having the best butter records. Careful tests are being made of the individual members of the herd regarding their producing capacity and general efficiency. Greater attention is also being given to cleanliness in all the various operations of milking and handling the cream and butter, realizing that such sanitary conditions are absolutely necessary to the production of good butter from the time the milk leaves the cow until the golden product is packed for market. No department of farm work requires quite so much care to every detail as the dairy. And no other offers so much chance for careless and unclean methods. Cream and dirt make a filthy combination of the good and bad that is intolerable, not to speak of the danger which may lurk in bacteria. The creamery man cannot entirely eliminate the contaminating ingredients which may have found their way into the cream. Clean utensils is another all-important item. State Inspector Nye, who visited this region, gave some very good

advice along these lines which have been heeded to some extent. Besides emphasizing all these sanitary features, he says cream that is quickly cooled keeps sweet much longer than when the process is gradual. The cream should be kept at a low temperature until ready for the separator. This, of course, is a matter that requires careful management in this climate, where it is necessary to use ice. Clean cream, cold cream and rich cream are the important factors. With proper attention



to all these details it is claimed that butter-fat can be produced cheaper in this Valley than anywhere else. There is little need of barns in this rainless region, unless it be for shelter from the sun at times. And the season lasts for twelve months, with an ample supply of green fodder continually, which usually consists of barley and alfalfa mixed. Of late, however, this ration has been varied with silage in some instances on the theory that a contented cow will eat more and give better and richer milk. Some claim that with proper management it is possible in this Valley to keep two cows per acre, especially if silage is used. Under ordinary conditions, even without silage, they are not keeping one cow per acre. One progressive farmer near El Centro is keeping 35 cows on 20 acres without silage. In 1916 some 8,000,000 pounds of butter were shipped from this Valley, which brought $2,500,000 in the markets. The average yearly product here has been estimated at over seven million pounds. This daiiy industry is conducted largely by men who came into this Valley with very limited capital. A man with $300 in cash, who can pay a month's rent on 40 acres of land, usually makes a handsome surplus in a short time. It is said that the average Valley cow will produce fourfifths of a pound of butter every day, which at present prices nets forty-one cents, or $12.30 a month. This she will do for nine months in the year, making her value for butter alone $110.70. Then the skimmed milk is worth $36 per year, and the calf ought to bring about $25. This brings the cow's total yearly product to $181.70. CHICKENS In this epoch of disturbed civilization and national conflicts, when the food supply of the world for man and beast has become scanty and apparently inadequate, as we have been led to believe, the domestic hen becomes a vital factor to some degree in the economic branch of human existence. This docile and industrious mistress of the barnyard has suddenly been elevated to a degree of aristocratic importance unknown to her before. And yet these facts do not seem to appeal to her animal instincts to any perceptible degree. Her henship seems to pursue the even tenor of her quiet life in the usual manner, as though saying: "I am attending to my accustomed duties at the nest in the usual way; what more do you want?" Meanwhile the products of this creature are

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 75 soaring in price with the speed of an aviator, and the people are calmly doing without omelettes, broiled chicken and other delicacies originating in the poultry yard. And yet this Imperial Valley is doing its share to alleviate matters in the emergency, in spite of the high price of feed required in the hen family. The poultry industry has grown materially here the last few years as the profits have become greater. It is, in fact, one of the quickest and surest means by which a man of small capital can earn a good living. The mild climate, without frost or snow, favors at least two broods of chicks each year. The abundance of succulent green fodder every day in the year, and the fine local market for eggs and young poultry, all these strongly favor the business in this region. With the improved methods now in use the careful breeder now figures upon a net profit of over one dollar per hen each year. During the past fifteen years various plans have been tried in the housing and management of the yards, and the size of separate pens, with the result that now, in most cases, open sheds built perfectly tight at sides and rear, with partitions every ten feet, having an open wire netting front, with roosts against the rear wall, is the most approved plan. The floors are either of wood, cement or dirt. The average cost of housing 500 hens is found to be from $250 to $375. While fanciers and owners keep a variety of breeds, the White Leghorn strain is used almost universally for the best business results. And yet few of these are pure-bred stock, the effort having been to increase the size of both bird and egg. The hatching of eggs is mostly done by large plants devoted to that branch of the business, having capacities from 70,000 to 120,000 eggs at a setting. When a day old the chicks are delivered to the brooder. The male birds are sorted out and fattened for market. The feed "mash" contains many ingredients ground together. In the summer and fall alfalfa and Soudan grass are also used. The theory is that a hen well supplied with nitrogenous food should lay eggs. In some of the hen-houses a powerful nitrogenous lamp is placed at every roost, with an alarm clock attachment, which is set to switch on the light at 3 a. m. Then her henship is expected to get busy, eat her breakfast and jump on the nest. While this may seem theoretical and imaginary to many, it is claimed here that the gain in e gg production from a goodly flock of hens at the winter season, when

76 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY eggs are high, is about twenty per cent under this early light scheme. In this way one thousand well-bred hens, carefully managed and properly fed, is said to insure the owner a return of at least $3000 a year. The Valley has also acquired a reputation for fine turkeys, which have become famous throughout the West. The absence of cold rains and wet weather, among the greatest evils in turkey-raising, greatly favors the business. And it is now claimed that some 40,000 turkeys are shipped out of the Valley every year.

THE WOMEN OF THE VALLEY While something has already been said, in an earlier chapter of this work, concerning the pioneer women of this reclaimed desert, there is very much more that might and should be said, even in this general article. They were not what the world calls "society women" who came here with their husbands, or somebody else's husband, or sweetheart, in quest of new fields for display or adventure. Nor did they include maidens, young or old, or even attractive widows in search of new conquests in the field of matrimony. No, there's no record of any of these classes having ventured into this desolation during its early development. And if they came in later their arrival caused no ripple that was not engulfed in the more substantial social affairs that have been created and fostered by other women of a different class. Most of these are country born and bred, with an ancestry of sturdy farmers of which they have been proud to boast. They were strangers to "pink teas, tangoes and bridge parties" ; simply plain women with big, noble souls, ready for any honorable and worthy task that was set before them. They came to this undeveloped Valley with the full purpose of doing their share in its reclamation and conversion into a region of prosperous farmers and happy homes. And they knew what was involved in that bold proposition. But they were women of undaunted courage and persistence. This was due not alone to their nature but also to their country breeding and training on the farm, the best place in the world for any woman to be born and reared. And yet after a time they realized that some form of social life even there was in every way desirable. The ascetic life is unreal and unsatisfying to the average human being. There must be contact or association with others to bring out



the best there is in any individual. Nor is it necessary to flock to the cities and villages in order to secure these opportunities, despite the erroneous impression to that effect which prevails. There is ample chance for these advantages in rural sections like this great Valley if the women themselves are so inclined. And this has been the history of this region from the beginning of its settlement. There has been a spirit of symapthetic hospitality among these noble women, and a unity of purpose that has animated so-called society circles. City friends visit here with real enjoyment and pleasure. Numerous social clubs and associations of various kinds have been organized in different parts of the Valley, and their meetings have often been held in the school and church buildings. But there is no purpose here to speak in detail, nor even to mention the names of the leading women promoters of these organizations. The mere fact of their exist-

ence shows that the uncouth features so often attributed to the life of rural communities do not exist here. The salutary influence of these associations extends to the home life and the field industries as well as in the public life. The girl who learned to perform the duties of a farmer's wife working at her mother's side on the farm, finding pleasure in that duty, is the ideal wife for a practical farmer every time. And this wholesome fact is fully confirmed right here m numerous instances. The strife and turmoil of a populous city is gloriously avoided in this joyous cadence of Nature, who always lives next door. "Don't ever sell the old farm ; it is the dearest place in all the world," writes a college lad to his mother at home. And even now in these days there is a distinct trend back to the farm all over the country with young and old. Social gatherings, concerts, lectures and other forms of community interest are growing in favor among these busy and prosperous people. The progressive element in Calexico has in some respects led in these organized social features. The Women's Improvement Club, which was formed in 1908, has been instrumental in that vicinity, establishing a reading-room and public library. There is also a City Park Commission, which has charge of the public and school grounds. And the new Dorcas Society has many practical features of dispensing charity. Then for the past three years the mothers and teachers of the public schools have

7 8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY banded together in a Parent-Teachers' Association, which discusses questions pertaining to child welfare in general. THE CHILDREN And this leads directly to some mention of the children who inhabit this Valley. What about these men and women of the future, who are here training for the duties and activities which the coming years will bring? How are they being fitted for the wondrous achievement for which their parents don't yet even dream nor form any conception? The work of development and progress here is sure to go on. The momentum of the past must impel the work of the future and lead to still greater efforts and grander results than those which are being recorded here. Their greater facilities for education must lead to a broader outlook upon the affairs of life, and their training and experience in this Valley will open their eyes to new possibilities in this favored region as they grow older, many of which cannot be foreseen yet by those in the arena of endeavor at the present day. Are these children being properly fitted to carry on the work which their pioneer parents have marked out for them here? Surely their tasks must prove easier than fell to the lot of their fathers and mothers. And yet it may call for some qualifications of a different character, as new conditions arise. The schools of the Valley are progressive and well conducted. The teachers have been selected for their educational fitness not only, but

with some regard as to their native equipment and tact for the control of the young minds committed to their charge, no two of them alike. The requisite qualifications for a successful teacher of any child are manifold and of vast importance, not always fully realized by district officials. The old notion that most any young lady with a fair school education, who wanted some easy position where she could earn a decent living in a dignified way, was fitted for a school teacher has been fraught with danger in the past, and has now been almost entirely abandoned. But there is a joyous bunch of youngsters here who seem to enjoy life in full measure. They have heard the story of reclamation, with its hardships endured by their parents in the earlier years. Some of these children never saw any snow and don't understand what it is. Nor could

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 79 they enjoy coasting down an icy hill, as they live on a level plain; nor any skating, for there is never any ice here, nor even anything to make snowballs of. But any observant visitor to these school grounds will find no lack of active sports on the baseball plot or the links, where the merry music of juvenile laughter rings out upon the balmy air. And their evenings at home when the day's work is done are spent in music and indoor games, discussion of current events or jolly converse. The absence of saloons and other contaminating features so prevalent in other communities greatly lessens the temptation to evil and wrongdoing. Thus it is very obvious that this Valley presents an ideal atmosphere for youthful life to a degree not often found in other regions. And it is pleasant to record also the fact that the civil governments in the cities and towns of this new county seem to be in full harmony with the best interests of the young. A remarkable feature of the region is that in this community of 50,000 people no native of the county has yet, in 1918, reached the age of graduation from the high school. IN CONCLUSION And now, after all that has been said concerning the general features of this newest county in the State of California, what is the conclusion of the reader? Undeveloped even yet? Yes, there will be no dispute about that; the fact is freely admitted, even by the most enthusiastic dweller in the Valley. But this man will ask you to consider what has been done in the few years that have intervened between the great desert waste and the fertile garden of today. He is optimistic about this, and he has a right to boast over it and throw up his hat. But the work of complete reclamation has only been begun. But there is a momentous energy of purpose that gathers force as the work proceeds. New possibilities are discovered every day, and new ways to develop them are continually suggesting themselves. The control of the great Colorado River is now more complete perhaps than ever before. And yet this will always remain the paramount problem here upon which all other features must depend. The construction of a series of huge reservoirs is now under contemplation, and Congress will be asked to call a convention of all parties interested in the near future. Some six or seven of these great reservoirs are pro-

posed at a total cost of $15,000,000 per acre- foot, one of these alone to

80 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY impound 8,000,000 acre-feet of water, or three times as large as any other reservoir in the United States. The estimated cost of these vast storage basins is $50,000,000. From four to five million acres of rich land, now barren, or only partially productive, could thus be irrigated. And it is significant to state that of this estimated cost it is claimed that the land now under cultivation in this Imperial Valley alone produced this year enough to defray the entire cost of this reservoir system. This plan would also make possible a vast power development west of the Rocky Mountains. And it is further urged that this vast storage of water would be sufficient to irrigate all the irrigable land below the Grand Canon in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California and New Mexico, leaving a vast surplus for Mexico. Whether or not this great project will be carried out remains to be seen, of course. The full control and conservation of this Colorado water is regarded as second only in importance to the Panama Canal. If the plan now under consideration goes through it will take at least from eight to ten years for its consummation, according to the government engineers. But unfortunately there is a vast deal of official red tape between this and even the beginning of the work. The region of country drained by this wonderful river and its tributaries is about 8000 miles long and from 300 to 500 miles wide, and it comprises 244,000 square miles. This river has been likened unto the Nile, and is often called the "Nile of America" because of the similar aspects presented. The climate in each case is much the same, while similar deposits of fertilizing silt are brought down. But these features have already been referred to in some detail in previous chapters. And yet it should be said in this connection that this subject of reclamation of arid lands in the United States is beginning to attract more attention by reason of the prevailing food scarcity, which leads foreseeing men to cast about for some new source of supply. Only a few days ago David Lubin, a California delegate to the International Institute of Agriculture, made the assertion that the reclamation for cattle raising on the lands of the eleven arid states of the Union was the key to the food problem. And he proposed in his report to Congress that measures should be taken at once by the government to carry out the plan. Continuing, he said that the cattle of Europe were being rapidly eaten up, and the cattle supply of the world was diminish-

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 8l ing under the unprecedented demand of the war for hides and meat. He did not propose this national reclamation scheme for the war merely, but for all time in the best interests of the nation. His proposition includes the leading of small streams from the mountains over these arid lands, and also the boring of many artesian wells.

Be this at it may, however, it has become very apparent that the normal food supply of the nation has become inadequate, and every reasonable effort should be made to increase it. Not that we are obliged to feed the foreign nations which are now engaged in bitter conflict, but for our own protection and welfare as the population increases, both from natural cauees and the arrival of immigrants after the war. In any conservative aspect therefore that presents itself there seems great promise of a grand future for this Valley in the years to come. "Come and see!" is the invitation we extend in closing this article. And this invitation is re-echoed from every corner of this new county. The pioneer stage of development has passed, and the period of aggressive activity has arrived. Modern methods and facilities are everywhere apparent, and there is a hearty welcome awaiting every newcomer. "Come and see !"

CHAPTER II FORMATION OF THE COLORADO DESERT Long ago, before the memory of man, but comparatively recent from a geological standpoint, in what is known as the middle tertiary period, the waters of the Gulf of California reached up as far as the slopes of Mounts San Jacinto and San Bernardino, taking in all of the region now known as the Imperial Valley, Salton Basin and Coachella Valley, an area of over 3000 square miles ; the whole of the present delta into which emptied the erratic and unreliable Colorado River the real heroine of the romance of the desert for without the Colorado the waters of the sea would still bathe the foot of the mountains. Although deprived of a part of its glory by a misnaming of the upper branches, the Colorado is one of the long rivers of the world, being about 2000 miles in length, including the Green River, which unites with the Grand to form the Colorado, the Green being really a continuation of the Colorado itself. The river drains a region of about' 300,000 square miles, the southwestern part of Wyoming, west Colorado, east Utah, Nevada and new and old Mexico. Most of the land is extremely dry, with an average rainfall of only 8J/2 inches, the river being supplied chiefly from the melting snow of the mountainous parts of Wyoming, Utah and Colorado. The Colorado Valley is distinctly divided into two sections. The greater part of the lower third is but little above the level of the sea, some parts in fact being more than 200 feet below the sea level, but here and there occasional mountain ranges rise to a height of from 2000 to 6000 feet. Its northern boundary is an almost vertical wall of cliffs, often thousands of feet high. The tableland which forms the rest of the valley is from four to eight thousand feet above the sea, and is surrounded on all sides but the south by snow-capped mountains, some of which are 14,000 feet high. The whole upper part of the Colorado Basin is cut by innumerable gorges of inaccessible depths, caused by the river and its

FORMATION OF COLORADO DESERT 83 branches. They are dry, however, except during the rainy season and when the snow melts on the mountains. The erosion by the Colorado and its tributaries has played a leading part in making the geography of the country. All of the silt, broken and powdered rocks, vegetation and other rubbish eroded by a river is held in suspension while the river is moving rapidly ; it is only when it spreads out, becoming shallow and sluggish, that its burden is deposited along the banks and on the bottom. The Colorado reached no such point until it emptied into the Gulf of California, known at various times as the "Sea of Cortez," the "Sea of California" and the "Vermillion Sea," the latter name originating from the red color imparted by the sediment-laden river, which has been called "The Nile of America." That the valley was originally an arm of the gulf is shown by the shell incrustations and reefs of oyster shells. That the level of the country was raised by volcanic uplifts as some contend seems to be disproved by the fact that the water lines are all unbroken and do not show any evidence of any convulsions of Nature. Hence the theory that the formation of the valley was caused by the silt of the Colorado spreading over the bottom of the gulf, thus displacing the water, seems the right one. Little by little the silt was deposited, and little by little the sea retreated, until what had been the sea became low marshy land, with the river meandering through banks of its own creating. But with the melting of the mountain snow the sluggish, sleepy river, basking lazily in the sun, became a veritable demon of savage irresponsibility, going wherever it would and leaving its burden. At such times it broke all bounds set by previous deposits. During one such flood such a vast amount of debris was deposited that an area in front of its mouth was covered by silt which rose higher than the normal height of the river, so that when the flood subsided a great dam was formed which shut off the northern portion of the gulf (now the Imperial, Salton and Coachella valleys). The channel connecting the two portions must have become more and more shallow until it filled up so that the tide no longer flowed in and out, thus forming a lake the southern boundaries of which were the silt and mud from the Colorado. Prof. Blake's theory, formed from his investigations when with the Williamson expedition, is that at first this lake was kept fresh by channels from the river, but these filling up shut off the supply, and being

8 4 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY shut away from the sea also, a rapid process of evaporation took place under the hot rays of the sun and the dry winds, and in the course of a few years the lake dried up. Wharton James on the contrary contends that as the shut-off portion of the gulf contained salt water, that it evaporated by natural processes, and was filled with fresh water by the overflow from the Colorado breaking over channel and dam and forming the ancient Alamo River through which part of the Colorado flowed into the basin and created a fresh-water lake, which it continued to

supply as the years passed, keeping as a lake for a time what had been first an arm of the gulf, then a dry basin hundreds of feet below the sea level, then a lake, then dry land again, but how often this region alternated between being lake and dry land no one knows. It is assumed the Indians occupied the basin while dry, which will explain their tradition that after they had lived there many years they were driven out by the floods. This may have happened many times before another flood epoch came and built a new dam across the Alamo channel, which closed the fresh water supply, and the Salton Sea again dried up until it was filled by accident in 1905 through a miscalculation of the Southern California Improvement Company's constructing engineer as to what might be expected of the Colorado River, giving the modern world the opportunity to see Nature at work. But while the cut made by the Southern California Improvement Company was responsible for the divergence of the river primarily, scientists believe from the behavior of the river since that it would have happened from natural causes shortly, anyway. But what was of no particular moment in prehistoric times became a calamity when the basin was occupied by railroads, farms, orchards and homes. Hence at the present time all the ingenuity of man is being brought to bear upon the problem of curbing the riotous Colorado and making it return to its former channel. The land formed by the deposit from the river was exceedingly rich, but unfortunately, except for flood waters, extremely dry, the annual rainfall, as before stated, averaged only about % l / 2 inches, and it presented all the aspects of a desert land. The Colorado Desert, which is the local name given by Prof. Blake in 1853 to tnat portion of the great Sonorian Desert which lies between Parker, Arizona, and Picacho, California, a long, narrow strip of country containing not less than 500,000 acres of alluvial soil, needing only

FORMATION OF COLORADO DESERT 85 water to make it fertile. The temperature registers as low as 17 degrees, and occasionally in summer as high as 125 degrees. In the cool of the morning the air is very stimulating and invigorating, but the heat of the afternoon is intense and exhausting. The rainy season is from December to February, but sometimes there are showers in the heart of summer. EARLY EXPEDITIONS The region around the Gulf of California and the Colorado Valley was visited by many of the earlier adventurers who in the interest of Spain were seeking places of colonization and conquest, and incidentally some of the vast wealth supposed to be possessed by the original owners of the soil. In 1539 Cortez sent an expedition, consisting of three vessels, up the waters of the gulf, which at that time was supposed to be a long strait leading to the North Sea, and Lower California was supposed to be an island. Ulloa was the leader of the expedition, and when he found his way barred by the deposits of a huge river, and alarmed by the rushing wa-

ter of the "Bore," he returned without exploring it. In 1540 Alargon was sent up the Gulf by Mendoza, the Spanish Viceroy, to explore, and later joined the land expedition under Coronado, who started overland about the same time. They were looking for the seven cities of Cibola, which were believed to possess fabulous wealth. Marcos, a Franciscan monk, inspired by the tales he heard from the Indians about these cities, started to investigate, and sent Estaban, a negro, ahead to reconnoiter. The latter, however, was captured and killed at the first Pueblo village, and Marcos, in terror of his life, fled with only a distant glimpse of the coveted cities. This did not prevent his giving Coronado, then governor of New Gallicia, a glowing account of their beauty and vast wealth, drawing on a lively imagination for what he lacked in actual experience and knowledge. Coronado lost no time in taking Marcos to Mexico, where Mendoza organized the two expeditions to hunt up these wonderful towns and appropriate their possessions. AlarQon left his vessel at the mouth of the river and traveled upward for about sixteen miles. He discovered several harbors not seen by Ulloa, and also discovered that the natives were ignorant of most of the names supposedly characteristic of the region, that Marcos had given,

86 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY and it began to dawn upon him that the good father was a romancer of considerable skill and fluency. However, the natives themselves told marvelous tales of things to be seen inland, but no news of Coronado, so Alarcon returned to his vessel. A little later he again ascended the river about 85 leagues, according to his estimate, but probably much less when we consider the winding course of the river. He left letters for Diaz at the foot of a large cross, and Diaz, who came by land to the spot, claimed the distance to be about 15 leagues. Diaz and his men are supposed to be the first white men to walk on the Colorado Desert. After reading Alargon's letter, Diaz followed the course of the river for nearly a week, then crossed over on rafts, owing to the hostility of the natives, undoubtedly the Yumas, who even now consider the white man a trespasser. They consented to help Diaz cross the river, thinking this would give them an opportunity to separate the party and then destroy them. Diaz, however, was sufficiently alert to meet them on their own ground ; becoming suspicious, one of the Indians was subjected to torture until he admitted the plot. In the engagement which followed Diaz by his superior weapons was able to drive the Indians back into the mountains, but four days wandering in the desert was enough for him and he was glad to leave further exploration to others. In 1604 Juan de Onate went from San Juan de los Caballeros, a small town near the present location of Santa Fe, toward the west. He crossed New Mexico and left his autograph chiseled on a rock called El Moro. He went up the Colorado to tidewater and returned in April, 1605. He was the last known white man to visit the region until the missions were established. All the early maps represent California as an island, and the Gulf of Mexico as a strait extending nearly to 50 degrees north latitude, and Sir Francis Drake named it New Albion, supposing it to be an island

separate from the Spanish New World ; this error was perpetuated in the English maps as late as 1721, although Father Kino and his associates show by his map of about 1700 that they understood California was a peninsula and that the Colorado River was responsible for the land formed at the head of the gulf. According to one historian, Father Consag, or Sontag, made the first survey of the gulf in 1746. He passed up the western side of the gulf in small boats and reached the mouth of the Colorado, the land around which, he said, was low

FORMATION OF COLORADO DESERT 87 and swampy, red in color, and so soft that his men could not stand on it. After the Franciscans had established five missions in Upper California, or "Alta California," as it was called to distinguish it from the Peninsula, it was found to be a long and tedious trip between them and the Sonora missions the way they had to go (i. e., by way of the gulf and up the Peninsula), and the missionaries of Northern Sonora made several attempts to reach them by crossing the Colorado River, particularly Francisco Garces and the Jesuit Father Kino, who were very persevering in their efforts, and Garces finally succeeded in crossing the river and penetrating the desert for some distance, but without any results worth mentioning. . At this time there were no white men in California except at the missions, and the whole region was one of desolation. The first Christian to make the trip across the desert was Sebastian, an Indian who had run away from the San Gabriel mission with his parents and wife, and crossed over to the Presidio of Tubac, about forty miles south of what is now Tucson, Arizona. He had roamed far into the eastern part of the desert to avoid being captured by soldiers and returned as a deserter. His family all died either from hardships or were killed by hostile Indians. It is certain Sebastian crossed the desert to Yuma where he was taken by natives to the Pima and Papago country and there met Captain Juan Bautista de Anza, who was a very gallant officer, at that time commandant of the Presidio of Tubac, and who had long been anxious to have a part in the colonization of California. Bucareli, the viceroy, was finally induced to give him a license to explore the country from Tubac to the California missions, and find a convenient and practical route for travelers to and from the missions. He started in January, 1774, with Sebastian for guide and Padres Garces and Font as his spiritual guides, and an escort of 34 men, 140 horses and 65 cattle. Reaching the river, de Anza made friends with Palma, chief of the Yuma Indians, who went with him across the river and as far as a lagoon to the southwest, a body of water left by the last Colorado overflow. After Palma returned, De Anza wandered for six days in a region devoid of water and grass, and so desolate and barren that he returned to Palma for help. It is not known positively where he was during those six days, but if the lagoon to the southwest of Yuma was below the Mexican line there is reason to believe he was in what is now

88 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY known as the Imperial Valley. Palma proved amenable to persuasion,

and giving De Anza directions as to the proper path from one water hole to another, followed with the baggage, horses and cattle, and they thus had very little difficulty in making their way over the sand hills and into the Salton Basin, until they reached the San Gorgonio pass (which they called Puerto de San Carlo), over the Santa Ana River to San Gabriel. De Anza then went on to Monterey and sent Padre Garces back to the Colorado River to await his return. He stayed in Monterey three days and then returned, following Garces' trail. This journey of a thousand miles over untrod desert being successful, a second one was taken over the same route in 1775. This consisted of 240 people and over a thousand horses, mules, sheep, etc., and they went from Tubac to San Francisco. They evidently experienced unusual weather, for De Anza's diary tells of continued storms of rain, hail and snow, accompanied by extremely low temperature. However, while many were sick, none died, although many were women ; and eight desert-born infants raised their number to 248. The route which these two expeditions covered was used for a number of years. In 1780 Garces established two mission pueblos at Yuma, but Palma's influence was not enough to overcome the antagonism the Yumas always had for the traveler, and in June, 1781, Riviera, who had been governor of both Upper and Lower California, stopped at Yuma with a party of colonists he was taking to Los Angeles. He crossed the Colorado, and after sending his party on across the desert, camped on the east bank with twelve men. On Tuesday, July 17th, the Indians attacked the two Pueblos and Riviera and his soldiers and killed fortysix of them, including Riviera. The massacre was discovered by Ensign Limon, who had escorted the settlers to San Gabriel. He was on his way back with nine men, when some desert natives told him of the outbreak. He left two men in charge of his animals and went forward to investigate ; there the charred ruins of the buildings and the dead bodies lying about told their own story. While he was reconnoitering he was himself attacked, and he and eight men wounded. Starting to return to San Gabriel, he found the men he had left with the horses also killed. He with difficulty made his way back to San Gabriel with his bad news. In an attempt to punish the Yumas two forces were sent out at different times, one from Sonora and one from California, but as their efforts

FORMATION OF COLORADO DESERT 89 were but half-hearted, all they succeeded in doing was to further embitter the Yumas against the white man without particularly impressing them with his authority and power. As a result there was a practical abandonment of the new route, although it was occasionally used. In 1782 Don Pedro Fages made the first trip from the Colorado to San Diego. In 1783 an attempt was made to follow the same route, but the party only went as far as the mountains and returned. The route was too difficult and few ever used it until the United States army of the west under Kearny came through in 1847, after which it became the southern route for the gold seekers.

The first English-speaking man to look upon the Colorado Desert was probably Lieutenant Hardy of the British Royal Navy, who led an expedition sent out' by England in 1800 hoping to find a river ascending from the Gulf of California far into the interior of the gre*at northwest navigable for a sufficient distance to make it a commercial highway into the interior. The river he discovered, however, was a narrow, shallow and sluggish stream, and with much difficulty he succeeded in passing the sand bars and low islands in the mouth, and finally entered a small lake. Not understanding the conditions he found, he landed and climbed a butte several hundred feet high which was washed by the waters of the lake to investigate. To the far north as far as the eye could reach stretched a barren and sun-blistered desert. The river of which he had expected such great things, was spread out over immense marshes. In his report he stated that the Colorado was not navigable. He manifestly was not in the channel which until 1906 was known as the Colorado River, but in one which ran from Volcano Lake to the gulf and which has since been known as Hardy's Colorado, or sometimes the Hardy River. Geographers have believed all these years that Hardy overlooked the entrance to the real Colorado, but since that erratic stream has deserted its bed, and is flowing across the marshes into Rio Paradones, thence into Volcano Lake and out to the gulf by way of the Hardy, they are inclined to believe it was doing the same at the time of Hardy's expedition, as he could hardly have helped seeing the channel it had occupied for years. In 1807 Johnathan Trumbull, a native of Connecticut, but known in California as Juan Jose Warner, took an expedition to Santa Fe, and soon after with Jackson, Waldo and Young, left for California. They



crossed the Colorado below the Gila, and thence across the desert to San Diego via San Luis Rey. Warner engaged in various mercantile ventures in Los Angeles, and having become a naturalized Mexican citizen, was given a grant of land covering a ranch which still bears his name, to which he moved in 1844 with his family, remaining thirteen years, when they were driven off by an Indian uprising. About this time the American statesmen were awakening to the commercial value of the west and to try to save it for the United States. Mexico now being independent was the nominal owner of the Spanish possessions in the southwest, but was too far away to hold a very tight rein. It was clear to any thinker that some stronger government would soon appropriate them. Both France and Great Britain were known to be just awaiting an excuse. Senator Benton of Missouri, the gateway of the west, from the reports of the possibilities of the country beyond, was most anxious to obtain it for his own country. However, his foresight was not shared by his colleagues who debated the matter in Con-

gress with arguments which in the light of succeeding events seem to us very laughable. Petty politics also interfered. Finally, through Benton's efforts, John C. Fremont, a young engineer, was put in charge of an expedition whose secret intent was the occupation of the west by the United States. But even when he was ready to start petty politics interfered, and his wife, who was a daughter of Senator Benton (Jessie), intercepted and withheld the order, delaying them until the expedition was beyond reach, rather than see the fruit of her father's and husband's work lost by political filibustering. We probably owe it to her that California is one of the United States instead of a French or English colony, as Fremont was accidentally turned into California and his reports roused the whole country. In 1846 the Americans in Southern California, which was then part of the Mexican possessions, urged the government to send troops to protect them from the insults and depredations of an organized gang of Mexican bandits. Fort Leavenworth was the nearest fort to the coast, and the route between was little used and full of hardships, but as complaints and petitions were becoming more frequent, in June an order was issued to send a column of cavalry under Colonel Philip Kearny to their relief, with directions to proceed by the shortest route to San Diego. The war department asked that officers from the engi-

FORMATION OF COLORADO DESERT 91 neering department be sent along to take observations. Lieutenant Emory and two assistants were appointed for this end of the expedition. They followed the old trail between the mouth of the Gila and San Diego. Some captured Mexicans informed them the waters of the lake some 30 or 40 miles away were too salty to use, but because other information did not tally with this statement they disbelieved it, and continued on their way. They found it even worse than the Mexican had said, and searching parties were sent out to locate a running stream which they said they had found a league west. Lieutenant Emory's reports were complete and detailed he speaks, for instance, of reaching "an immense level of clay hard and smooth as a bowling green," which it is quite likely was the present site of the City of Imperial. He also noted the shells in the desert, and Captain A. A. Johnson, who was with him, was probably the first to realize that the desert was the bed of a departed body of water, for he wrote : "At a not distant day this place which is now a dry desert was a permanent lake." They make no mention of the fact that the desert was below the sea level, which is a surprising oversight considering the completeness of their notes. Kearny's party reached San Diego early in 1847 and engaged with the Mexicans there and later at Los Angeles, where the American flag was planted to stay. Kearny's party was followed by another; a company of Mormons expelled from Nauvoo, Illinois, were formed into a company consisting of 500 men of all ages, under Captain St. George Cook, known as the "Mormon Battalion." After many and extreme hardships, and hampered by a wagon train, for which they were obliged to hew the rocks to make a path wide enough to let them through the canyon at San Felipe, they reached Los Angeles.

The Mexican war resulted in the seizure of California and New Mexico and the purchase of Arizona. The treaties of Guadeloupe Hidalgo and the Gadsen Purchase stipulated that the boundary line between Mexico and the United States should be jointly explored and run, and in 1850 to 1853 John Russell Bartlett and assistants did the work for the United States and the route they followed was from San Diego to Yuma by way of San Pasqual (Warner's ranch) and San Felipe, thence by Cameron Lake to the Colorado River. Some time before gold was discovered in California a General Ander-

9 2 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY son of Tennessee went from Tucson to California, and on reaching the Colorado built a ferry boat to transport his party and equipment. Afterward he gave this boat to the Yuma Indians with a certificate by which they held possession as long as they would ferry Americans across the river at the rate of one dollar per man, one for his horse or mule and one for his pack, but would forfeit it when they failed to keep this rate. The Indians were faithful to this contract and for some time operated the ferry at the lower crossing, some four or five miles below Yuma. But with the rush of adventurers to the gold fields the white men looked with covetous eye on a business they knew would prove a gold mine itself, and this caused the first trouble with the Indians. Dr. Lincoln, said to be a relative of President Lincoln, seeing the possibilities of the ferry run by an American and not wishing to interfere with the Indians, established one at the junction of the Gila and Colorado. It proved very profitable, and he had a number of men working for him. One of them, a man named Glanton, quickly acquired a dominating influence in the business. Until his advent there had been no conflict between the Indians and Dr. Lincoln, but Glanton determined to drive the Indians out of business, and is said to have destroyed the Indians' boat and murdered a white man working for them. This treatment infuriated the natives, who never had been very friendly to the whites, and it resulted in the murder of the white men at the ferry and the determination on the part of the Indians to kill every American they met. As a large party of immigrants was expected shortly, Governor Burnett, for their protection and the punishment of the Yumas, ordered the sheriff of San Diego to enroll 20 men, and the sheriff of Los Angeles 40, to be placed under the command of General Bean of the State militia and proceed at once to the scene of the trouble. General Bean placed the command in the hands of General Moorhead, but the expedition did no good whatever, but sent in a tremendous expense account, so in the following November Fort Yuma was established for the protection of that part of the country, and Major Heintzel was put in command. Under his authority a party left San Diego in May, 1850, fully equipped to build and run boats at Lincoln's ferry. After a few years of successful operation, the ferry line was sold to Diego Yeager, who made a fortune out of it before the building of the Southern Pacific Railway, after which it ceased to be so profitable.



Another expedition of military engineers, sent out to investigate possible railroad routes to the coast, passed over the desert in 1853 under Lieutenant R. S. Williamson, and Professor William Blake was appointed geologist of the party. His reports are both complete and very interesting. In 1855 Congress appropriated money to buy camels for transportation purposes across the desert, it being necessary in some way to reduce the time, labor and discomfort of desert travel : and two different herds were purchased, one in 1856 and another in 1857. In some respects they were very satisfactory ; but a camel needs to be handled by men who understand it, and when the officers who did were transferred and the new men in charge neither understood nor cared to learn, complications ensued which resulted in the abandonment of the camel scheme, and the sale of the animals, save a few which escaped to the desert. OLD STAGE ROUTES As a preliminary to the building of the railroads, various stage lines were run. One called the San Antonio and San Diego. Semi-monthly stages ran for about a year. Then the historic Butterfield Stage Coach Line was started. It ran semi-weekly, and had a six years' contract with the government for carrying mails, at $600,000 per year. The route lay between St. Louis and San Francisco, and was covered in from twenty to twenty-two days, although it is said to have made the trip in sixteen upon occasion. There were three stations upon this line, at Coyote Springs, Indian Wells, and at the east side chain of sand hills. The mail service of the Butterfield stage was not the first that California had. As early as the time when Benjamin Franklin was appointed postmaster general for the colonies, there were monthly mail trips between Monterey in Upper California, and Loreto, at the end of Lower California. They even had a franking system in full force, which was seemingly as much abused in those days as in our own. The California mail system was not only four hundred miles longer than the Continental one on the eastern coast, but it made better time, which is a surprise to those of us who are in the habit of considering California and its institutions as new and rather undeveloped.



Northern California had a number of stage routes beside the Butterfield the first in Southern California was Gregory's Great Atlantic and Pacific Express. It brought the eastern mail down from San Francisco. The first overland stage by a southern route started from San Antonio, Texas, and followed the extreme southern route through New Mexico and Arizona to California. Owing to Indian outrages this route was abandoned. The Butterfield route was the largest and best organized of all the stage routes, but it suffered so much loss through the Civil war that it was abandoned. The last stage company was Wells Fargo & Company, which was established in 1868. The same year that the Butterfield stage line was established, Dr. Oliver Wozencraft began to agitate the question of bringing the waters of the Colorado River into the Salton Sink for irrigation purposes. Many people less informed on the subject of irrigation than he regarded him as a dreamer, but nevertheless his project might have gone through but for the breaking out of the Civil war. In 1859 a bill was passed by the California State Legislature which ceded to Dr. Wozencraft and associates about 1600 square miles of desert land in consideration of a water supply being introduced. The reclamation must begin in two years and be finished in ten, and as fast as it was introduced the government was to issue patents for the land reclaimed ; the title to be granted when all conditions were filled. But the Civil war stopped proceedings. After the war, Dr. Wozencraft again endeavored to bring the matter up, but died suddenly in Washington just as it was about to come up for another hearing. He sacrificed his entire property to this project of reclamation. In 1 881 to 1884 the tracks of the Southern Pacific were laid following the main survey of the government in 1853. Those who complain of the fatigue and dust of the trip across the desert in the comfortable Pullman of today should read the diaries of those pioneers of western progress and learn what discomfort in traveling really is. The completion of the Southern Pacific Railroad closed the first part of the story of the Colorado Desert. In 1883 the New Liverpool Salt Company filed on some land and leased more from the Southern Pacific and began to recover the layers of salt which covered the bottom of the Salton Basin now the Salton Sea. They scraped the salt in heaps with steam plows and then purified

FORMATION OF COLORADO DESERT 95 it. This company made a great deal of money until the overflow which in 1906 destroyed the whole plant. EARLY SETTLERS IN THE VALLEY P. J. Storms was one of the first permanent settlers in the Valley ; he came just after the annual overflow of the river and saw the land covered with grass, and thousands of head of stock grazing. In the valley were Andy Elliott, Tom McKane, Fred Webb, Nat Willard, Bruce Casebier, Bert McKane, Wash Lawrence, Arthur Ewens,

Thomas Silsbee and Charles Hook. The Valley then had one voting precinct with ten voters on the list : P. J. Storms, Arthur Ewens, A. J. Elliott, Fred Hall, William Huitt, W. Wilkins, Thomas Silsbee, A. N. Jones, William Harris and Peter Larson. It was still part of San Diego County and they were 140 miles by stage and 300 miles by rail from the county seat, and as a result the election supplies did not arrive for the first election until it was over. In October, 1900, the Imperial Land Company started the towns of Imperial, Brawley, Calexico, Heber and Silsbee. Imperial was located in the center of the irrigable district, and was intended to be the chief city of Imperial Valley, Calexico on the international line, Silsbee to the southwest, Brawley north, and Heber to the south ; afterward Holtville and El Centro were added to the list. The first store in Imperial was for general merchandise and was built and stocked by Dr. Heffernan, and Millard Hudson erected a tent hotel. The next year was built the Christian Church and a printing office. They were the only wooden buildings in the Imperial Valley until late in 1901. As the accommodations improved the stream of land seekers increased. W. F. Holt built a telephone line from Imperial to Flowing Well telegraph station. The Imperial Press, Henry Reed, editor, was the first paper. The first child born was a son of Tom Beach, superintendent of construction of the canals. Most of the necessaries used by the settlers in the early days was brought in by the freighter with a long string of mules, but the mule is being displaced by the automobile and traction engine, and one of the picturesque effects of the country is fast disappearing. In May of that year (1891) a postoffice was given to Imperial with Dr. Heffernan as postmaster, and in the fall a public school was organ-

96 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ized by Professor J. E. Carr from Nevada City. This school was to serve for the entire district and was located in the center of the population, which was about 10 miles south of Imperial City on the bank of the main canal. The night before the school was to open Professor Carr took two men and drove to the location in a wagon and set up a tent, and next to it they built the school house of arrow weed, with eight supporting poles and the next day this sheltered 50 pupils, many of whom later walked five miles every day. In the following spring the district was divided and permanent buildings erected. In April, 1902, the Imperial Land Company invited the Southern California Editorial Association to make an excursion to the Imperial Valley, and they were so well treated that they felt very friendly to the Valley and the publicity they gave to the work of development brought a great many settlers. In 1902 the government put out "Circular No. 9," a so-called soil expert's report on the soil of the Valley which had been eagerly watched for both by the settlers and prospective settlers. He proved conclusively, to his own satisfaction, that the land was too full of alkali to grow anything. It did not leave the settlers a ray of hope. Many newspapers gave

publicity to the pamphlet and featured it. One editor, Isaac Frazier of the Oceanside Blade, treated the thing as a joke and with some others refused to take the government expert seriously. There is no doubt but the report did a great deal of damage to the community, beside injuring the credit of the California Development Company. Dissensions arising in the company itself, the Chaffeys withdrew from the enterprise. Time has disproved the report of the government's inexperienced expert, and the settlers have gone on raising all sorts of things that were said to be impossible. In 1902 the first Farmers Institute was held in the new brick block of the Imperial Land Company. In August they gave a big watermelon festival where 250 people feasted. In fact the year 1902 witnessed the birth of many business enterprises and a rapid growth of construction and settlement. Water was turned into the main canal in March, 1902.

CHAPTER III EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY BY C. R. ROCKWOOD (written in 1909) Early in 1892, while located at North Yakima, Washington, I received a letter from one John C. Beatty, writing from Denver, sending to me a prospectus and plans of what was called the Arizona & Sonora Land & Irrigation Company. They proposed to take water from the Colorado River and carry it on to a tract of a million and a half acres in Sonora, which they claimed to own. The board of directors of the company consisted of several of the leading financial men of Colorado, and Mr. Beatty's desire was that I should make them a proposition whereby I would become the chief engineer of that project and undertake the construction of its proposed canals. After a correspondence extending over a period of four or five months, I finally met Mr. Beatty at Denver in August, 1892, and entered there into an agreement with this company, and in September of that year came to Yuma in order to outline and take charge of the project of their company. In Denver I met Mr. Samuel Ferguson, who afterward became connected with me in the promotion of the California Development 'Company and who was at that time the general manager of the Kern County Land Company. Mr. Ferguson had written to me previously, asking me to become the chief engineer of the Kern County Land Company, situated at Bakersfield, California, and he met me in Denver in order to outline their project to me before I might close with Mr. Beatty. As the Kern County canal system was partially completed, I decided to undertake the new project rather than the rebuilding of an old house, with the result that I came to Yuma in September of the year 1892 and undertook surveys to determine the feasibility of the Arizona & Sonora Land & Irrigation Company's proposition. After projecting these surveys I decided that the irrigation of the Sonora land at the time was en-

g8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY tirely unfeasible and reported to my people that, in my opinion, they would lose any money they might spend on the project. In the meantime, however, while these surveys were in progress I had taken a team and made a trip into that portion of the Colorado Desert which is now known as the Imperial Valley. We knew that during the flood of the Colorado River in the year 1891 the overflow had found its way into this territory. Mr. Hawgood, at the time the resident engineer of the Southern Pacific Company at Los Angeles, had for his company made a study of this overflow and from the data at his command had compiled a map of the territory. This map, as well as the government surveys of 1854 and 1856, showed that not only was there in all probability a large area of fertile land in the valley, but that these lands lay below the Colorado River and could be irrigated from it. Many years before this, Dr.Wozencraft of San Bernardino had attempted to get the government to bring water into the Colorado Desert, and I believe that General Fremont also attempted to get the government to turn the water into what is known now as Salton Sea, not for the purpose of irrigation, but for the purpose of creating a large inland lake in the hope that it would ameliorate the severe climatic conditions that obtained in this territory. The result of my investigations at this time was such as to lead me to believe that, without doubt, one of the most meritorious irrigation projects in the country would be bringing together the land of the Colorado Desert and the water of the Colorado River. In the preliminary report made to the Denver corporation early in the year 1893, I urged them to undertake the surveys which might be necessary in order to prove or disprove my belief, and I was authorized to run preliminary lines in order to determine the levels, the possible acreage of available lands and, approximately, the cost of construction. They were so well assured from the nature of my preliminary report that the Colorado Desert project was a meritorious one that they immediately took steps to change the name of their company from the Arizona & Sonora Land & Irrigation Company to that of the Colorado River Irrigation Company, and assured me that if my report, after making the necessary surveys, was sufficiently favorable, they had back of them a fund of two million dollars to carry out the project. I undertook then during the winter of 1892-1893 very careful sur-

EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 99 veys, starting from a proposed heading about twelve miles above Yuma, at a point called the Pot Holes, situated about one mile below the Laguna dam of the reclamation service; the surveys extended from this point into the Colorado Desert and around to the Southern Pacific Railroad in the neighborhood of Flowing Well. It was necessary for the canal to enter Mexico. All of the lands in Mexico were owned by General Guillermo Andrade, although the

Blythe estate claimed to own one-half of the Andrade lands. Beatty, unfortunately for him, consulted his personal friend, General W. H. H. Hart, who was at that time attorney general for the State of California, as well as attorney for the Blythes. Hart showed so little faith in Andrade's ability to deliver title that Beatty, instead of attempting to placate Andrade and obtain his co-operation, succeeded in antagonizing him and was afterward unable to enter into any agreement that would permit his company to build in Mexico. In the panic of 1893 most of the directors of the Colorado River Irrigation Company were so crippled financially that they were unable to carry out this project, notwithstanding the fact that my surveys and reports developed a much more favorable proposition than my preliminary report even had anticipated. Unfortunately, Mr. Beatty, who was the promoter and manager of this enterprise, was of the Colonel Sellers type of man and his ideas were not always practical. Beatty, however, not discouraged, went to New York in that year and attempted to secure the funds required for construction. He eliminated from his board of directors the Denver people, substituting very strong New York men. Among his original New York board was John Straitton, the multimillionaire president of the Straitton & Storm Cigar Company, manufacturers of the Owl cigar ; F. K. Hains, superintendent of the Manhattan Elevated Railway Companies ; Thomas L. James, postmaster general under Cleveland's administration, and several other men of equal prominence, but whose names I forget. Those men were mostly dummy directors, receiving in addition to the stock bonus for use of their names, so much for every time they attended a directors' meeting, and Beatty succeeded in obtaining very little aid financially from them. He had interested, though, a cousin, James H. Beatty, of Canada, from whom he obtained a great- deal of financial assistance. James H. Beatty, I believe, put in over fifty thou-

ioo HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY sand dollars at this time, but in the next year, 1894, he not only withdrew his support, but entered suit against John C. Beatty in order to prevent him from selling any more stock in the Colorado River Irrigation Company. As an illustration of the character of John C. Beatty, in March, 1894, he came from New York to Los Angeles. At that time I had not been paid for my services to the company ; on the contrary, while a sufficient amount of money had usually been forthcoming to pay the monthly bills, when I disbanded the engineering forces in June, 1893, I was obliged to pay part of the men from my own funds, and at the time of Mr. Beatty's visit to Los Angeles in 1894, I had not succeeded in getting a refund of this money. Consequently, I told Mr. Beatty that as other creditors had not been paid that I proposed to bring suit quietly in order to gain legal possession of all the surveys and engineering equipment in order that it might not be scattered among various creditors and its value rendered largely nil. I told Beatty it would be useless for him to defend it and that I would give them six months if I obtained possession of the property in which to redeem it. He agreed to this and

left Los Angeles for the City of Mexico to obtain, as he said, the 1 right from the Mexican government to carry his proposed canal through Lower California in spite of the opposition of General Andrade. Mr. Beatty, at this time, was practically broke, as I judged from the fact that notwithstanding he had on a new suit and looked as if he had come from a tailor's shop. I unfortunately accompanied him as far as Yuma on this trip, and when, after getting his supper at the station, he put his foot on the car step, he turned to me and said : "By the way, Rockwood, I believe I am a little short of cash. I will get plenty in El Paso. Let me have ten dollars until I get there when I will return it." I did this and I have never seen the ten dollars since, although Mr. Beatty did succeed in raising $100 in El Paso by getting a stranger to cash a sight draft on the Colorado River Irrigation Company of New York for that amount. At that time, the Colorado Irrigation Company did not have a dollar in its treasury, nor did it have a treasurer. After Beatty got his hundred dollars he went to Mexico. There, notwithstanding the fact that he spoke the language fluently, and had many acquaintances in the city, he fell into financial depths to such an extent that he was unable to pull himself out and get away from the country until his son Herbert, a

EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY IOI young man then in his twenty-first year, sent him $250 from Providence, Rhode Island, and told his father to get back to Providence as soon as possible as they could raise all the money they required there. The $250 which Herbert sent to his father in Mexico was half of $500 which he succeeded in borrowing from a man by the name of Green, living in Providence, Rhode Island. This man Green, Beatty had met at Chicago during the world's fair the previous year, and having at that time discussed the possibilities of the Colorado River project with him, had gone to Providence to see if he could obtain any funds from him. Beatty returned from Mexico to Providence in July, 1894. I went east from California in the same month, and having interested myself with General Andrade and believing that it would be impossible for Beatty to carry out any scheme of irrigation, I went to Scotland in September of that year in order to see a syndicate of Glasgow and Edinburgh men who held an option from Andrade on all of his lands in Lower California. My desire was to see if I could not induce these men to raise the necessary capital to carry out the project and to join the Lower California lands with those north of the line and finance the whole thing as a complete project, but very much to my disgust I found that these Scotch people were all interested in the coal trade ; that coal had taken a tremendous slump in a few months previous, and that these men were so financially stricken that they could do nothing ; they would not, however, agree to give up their option except at a very high figure. Consequently, I was obliged to wait until the expiration of this option, which was to take place on the 15th day of May, 1905. I returned from Europe in October, 1894, and found a letter waiting me at my hotel in New York from John C. Beatty urging me to visit him in Providence, Rhode Island, before I returned to California. I decided to do so and went to Providence. Mr. Beatty, who, you will re-

member, was broke in Mexico City in July of the same year, met me at the train and insisted that I should go to his house instead of a hotel, and I accepted his invitation. He took me to one of the suburbs of Providence, the old village of Pawtuxet, and to a beautiful old colonial house situated in ten acres of ground sloping down to Naragansett Bay. The property, which I can readily believe had originally cost over $50,000, had been repainted, replumbed, green houses rebuilt, solid marble

102 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY washstands with silver trimmings put in every bedroom, and two new bathrooms had been built. I looked at Beatty in astonishment. The only explanation he would give me was that he had come to the conclusion that in order to raise money in Providence it was necessary to be one of the people and not a carpet-bagger, and for that reason he had purchased this place from the noted evangelist, Rev. B. Fay Mills. I discovered afterward that the only money that the Rev. B. Fay Mills had received from Mr. Beatty was the sum of $500, payable on account of purchase, the remainder to be paid after Mr. Beatty had examined the records, but unfortunately Mr. Mills had given Beatty possession. The $500 which he paid Mills had been borrowed from this same Nathaniel Green. Of all the bills, plumbers', carpenters', painters', bills for furniture and dishes, I was told that not one had been paid, and that Beatty had succeeded in paying the workmen in notes so it was impossible for them to get a lien on any of the property. Beatty had a thousand dollar piano in the house on which he had paid nothing. One of his daughters, who was a fine musician, played for me in the evening. I noticed that she had but a few sheets of music and I afterwards discovered that all of her music was in her trunks and that the trunks of the entire family were then being held in the Murray Hill Hotel in New York for non-payment of bills. When I landed in Providence in October, 1894, at Beatty's request, he first took me out to his house where I remained over night and the next morning he took me to his offices down town. His offices were, at that time, in the finest building in the town ;'he took me to the topi floor of the building, where I found he had a suite of six magnificent rooms most beautifully furnished ; he had four stenographers employed and, wonderful to say, he had his showcases and tables filled with oranges, lemons, bananas, figs, apricots, all products of the Colorado Desert, which, at that time, was producing nothing but a few horned toads and once in a while a coyote. He also had in Providence six agents at work who were rapidly bringing in the coin, because it was afterward discovered in a suit brought against Beatty and his company that he had obtained from the people of Providence between his coming there in the latter end of July and this time, which was about the middle of October, something over $35,000, in cash; notwithstanding the fact that his cousin, James H.


Beatty, had succeeded in getting an injunction preventing him from selling any of the stock of the Colorado River Irrigation Company. Beatty had obeyed this injunction, but, under a technicality, had immediately turned around and sold his own private stock in the company ; consequently, the money, instead of being property of the company, was his own property and was evidently devoted to his personal uses. Beatty desired me to remain in Providence in order to help him finance his scheme. He assured me that he had men in tow who, if everything could be shown up to them to be all right, would put up all of the money that was necessary to carry the enterprise through, but I refused to join Beatty in his proposition unless he would put the enterprise in what I considered an honest business shape, which was to throw out his entire basis of capitalization. His Colorado River Irrigation Company was capitalized for seven and a half millions, which was based at $5.00 an acre upon one and a half million acres of land wholly in Sonora, which lands were not worth two cents an acre and never could be made worth any more, and which had no more connection with the enterprise of the Colorado Irrigation Company than if they had been situated in Alaska ; but if Beatty were to abandon these lands as a basis of his capitalization, he would have no reason or excuse for holding the control of the stock of the company consequently he refused absolutely to consider the reorganization and a decrease in the capitalization of the company. I declined then to have anything whatever to do with him and came to California. After I had notified Mr. Beatty in March, 1894, that I should bring suit to secure myself against other creditors, as well as to secure the company, I brought suit both in Los Angeles and in Yuma, Arizona, as the property was at that time partially in Arizona and partially in Los Angeles, and succeeded by means of the suit, in obtaining legal possession of all the personal properties. Later, I believe it was in the winter of 1895, Mr. Beatty, who had not yet given up his attempts and his hopes to carry out the Colorado River enterprise, attempted to buy back from me the properties which I had acquired under the judgment and offered me water rights in the Colorado Desert on the basis of $10 an acre for the entire amount of my judgment. When I pointed out to him that I already owned water rights covering at least 600,000 acres, that all that was necessary for me to do



to make these rights good was to construct canals and take water to the land, Mr. Beatty became generous and offered to reduce his price of $10 for water rights to $5, but this offer I declined. Coming to California in October, I went to Bakersfield to call upon Mr. Ferguson, who, as I have stated, was the manager of the Kern

County Land Company, and who had carried through large projects. He had been connected with the Southern Pacific Railway Company in various land enterprises, and has spent much time in Europe in connection with the enterprise of the Kern County Land Company, and I believed him to be best constituted by his experience and ability to assist me in the work of raising funds for the development of the Colorado Desert enterprise should the time arrive when I could take that work up. I believed that that time would come as soon as the option held by the Glasgow people had expired on the Andrade lands. I had, at this time, very little faith in my own ability as a financier or promoter. All of the years of my life up to this time had been spent in the interest of the two or three corporations by whom I had been employed in technical engineering work. I had not come in contact with the business world nor with business men and I felt that it was necessary for me to join with myself some man who had, in experience, that which I lacked. I succeeded in interesting Mr. Ferguson so that when the Glasgow option expired on the Andrade lands on the 15th of May, 1895, I immediately secured from General Andrade on the payment of $5000 another option for myself and associates covering the lands or a portion of the lands in Lower California. Mr. Ferguson then severed his connection with the Kern County Land Company and joined me in the promotion of the new enterprise. The five thousand dollars mentioned which I paid Andrade at this time was furnished by my friend, Dr. W. T. Heffernan, who had told me some time previous during the Beatty regime, that he believed in the enterprise and would like to invest money in it. I told the doctor, without explaining fully my ideas of John C. Beatty, to keep his money in his pocket until I told him to bring it forth, which he did. At this time I had decided that as the Denver corporation with its promised millions was not back of me, and that the proposition would require very much less money and consequently would be easier to finance if the water, instead of being taken out at the Pot Holes, should be

EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 105 taken from the Colorado River on the property of Hall Hanlon, immediately above the international line between Mexico and the United States. After acquiring the Andrade option, negotiations were opened with Hanlon for the purchase of his 318 acres of sand hills and rocks ; but very much to our chagrin we found that Mr. Hanlon realized fully that he held the key to the situation and that instead of being able to purchase his property for possibly two thousand dollars, which was far in excess of its value for agricultural purposes, that he had fixed the price at $20,000, and to this price we finally had to accede and paid him $2000 on account. This $2000 was also furnished by Dr. W. T. Heffernan, without whose financial assistance at this time, and for several years afterward, it would have been utterly impossible for me to have carried on the work of promotion. To Dr. Heffernan, his steadfast friendship for me personally, and to his faith in the ultimate outcome of the enterprise, I believe is largely due the success which afterwards accompanied our efforts, and to him is very largely due the credit of bringing the water into Imperial Valley.

I presumed, of course, that Mr. Ferguson would be able to secure all the funds that would be required in very short time. In fact, he told me so, and I presume, like many others, I am inclined to take a man at the estimate which he puts upon himself until something proves different. I had made of him an equal partner, he putting in nothing, although I had put in some two years' labor and considerable money, togethef with all the engineering surveys and equipment, etc., representing the expenditure of over $35,000. Unfortunately, he failed in his efforts to secure funds, and I soon found that while personally to me he was a very delightful friend and companion, that his connections with me were a source of weakness instead of strength. As, for instance, in the summer of 1894, I had several long talks with Mr. A. G. Hubbard of Redlands regarding the enterprise. Mr. Hubbard became greatly interested and promised me that as soon as the weather cooled in the latter part of September or October, he would make a trip with me over the desert, together with an engineer of his own selection, and that if the estimate of his engineer did not more than twice exceed my estimate, as to the amount of money that would be required, that he would finance the enterprise. At the time he told me that there would be but one reason that might prevent him

10 6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY from doing so, and that was he might be obliged to take up the Bear Valley enterprise ; that while his investment in the Bear Valley enterprise was not of such a magnitude but what he might lose it without crippling himself, that his pride was wrapped up in its success. Afterward, I think in August of that year, Mr. Hubbard met me in Los Angeles and said that he had decided to take up the Bear Valley proposition and would be obliged to drop the Colorado Desert project. Had Mr. Hubbard at that time been entirely frank with me, the history of the enterprise would in all probability be a very different one from what it is today, for while he did take up the Bear Valley enterprise, a year later he confided to one of my associates, Mr. H. W. Blaisdell, and afterward to myself, that the real reason for his dropping the enterprise was less on account of his connection with the Bear Valley proposition than for the reason that I had associated myself with Mr. S. W. Ferguson and had made him the manager, and from his knowledge of Mr. Ferguson's management of the Kern County Land Company, he decided that he did not care to be connected with him. In answer to my question as to why he did not tell me this at the time in order to allow me to remove Mr. Ferguson, he said that his only reason was that he had plenty of money himself and he did not see why he should get mixed up in a quarrel. In June, 1895, Mr. Ferguson went to New York to see some financial men there regarding the project, but succeeded in accomplishing nothing and returned to California in July or August. It was about this time that Mr. A. H. Heber, who was the Chicago agent of the Kern County Land Company, under Mr. Ferguson, came to California and Mr. Ferguson introduced him to me as a man who might be able to materially assist us in securing funds to carry on this

work as well as in handling the land and obtaining colonists in the future, but no connection was made with him then. Afterward, in November, 1895, both Mr. Ferguson and I went to Chicago, and after remaining there for a few days, Mr. Ferguson went to New York, while I remained in Chicago to get out the first prospectus maps which were being printed for us by Rand-MacNally. While in Chicago on this trip, I made Mr. Heber's office my headquarters, and becoming better acquainted with him and his business methods, he impressed me more favorably than in my first interview

EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 107 with him in the spring, and after I went on to New York in December and found that Mr. Ferguson was not succeeding as I had hoped in securing funds, we decided to have Mr. Heber join us. Heber's connection then with the enterprise dates from the time that he came to New York to join Ferguson and myself in the month of December, 1895. We made our office in New York with Herbert Van Valkenburg, who was one of the old stockholders and directors of John C. Beatty's Colorado River Irrigation Company, and a scion of a very wealthy and prominent New York family of bankers and merchants. We employed as our attorney in New York Mr. E. S. Rapallo, a brother-in-law of Mr. Van Valkenburg, and who was at that time, and is now (1909) attorney for the Manhattan Life Insurance Company, one of the attorneys for the United States Trust Company, and one of the attorneys for the Manhattan Elevated Railway Company. To Mr. Rapallo we submitted all our papers, even our advertising matter, in order that we might be assured that we were proceeding on strictly legal lines. Neither Mr. Ferguson nor Mr. Heber succeeded in securing funds or assurances as rapidly as we had hoped. We decided, nevertheless, to proceed with the organization of the company and that its name should be the California Development Company. We perfected the organization of the company on the 26th day of April, 1896. At the time of the organization of the company, I was not in New York. I had been obliged to return to California and from California I had gone to the City of Mexico to obtain from the Mexican government certain concessions which were necessary, and the company was organized during my absence, Mr. Heber being made president. Neither Mr. Ferguson nor Mr. James H. Beatty, who at that time was an equal partner with Ferguson and myself, was made a director of the company, nor was I, for the reason that all the properties which we had acquired were in the possession of the three of us, and these properties were afterward sold to the company, we taking out in payment therefor a portion of its capital stock, which stock was afterward sold or divided among our associates. After this transaction had taken place both Mr. Ferguson and myself went upon the board of directors, I becoming its vice-president, which position in the company I held until the year 1899, when I became the president of the company, until the contract with George Chaffey was entered into in the year 1900 whereby he be-

108 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY came president of the company, and I its vice-president again, but that I will speak of again in the future. While I was in the City of Mexico in April, 1896, I received word from Mr. Heber that he had succeeded in interesting the Mennonite Church of Kansas in the project, and that he would arrange to meet me with a committee of the Mennonites to go over the lands on my return from Mexico. I came from Mexico on my return trip in May, 1896, and at Yuma met Mr. Heber and three members of the church headed by the Rev. David Goerz of Newton, Kansas. These gentlemen I took for a trip from Yuma through Lower California, then returning to Yuma shipped a team from there to Flowing Well, from which point we drove out across the Alamo to very near the present site of the town of Imperial. These men were very greatly impressed with the country and we hoped for material aid from them, but succeeded in obtaining, I think, not exceeding $2000, and the colonists we expected to get from that source were not forthcoming, very much to our disappointment. Mr. Heber and I returned east to Chicago in the month of July. Previous to my going east this time I had some talk with Mr. H. W. Blaisdell of Yuma, Arizona, who had been a successful mining man and at that time was largely interested in development work in and around Yuma and who had, as well, an influential connection in Boston. The result of my talk with Mr. Blaisdell was an agreement whereby he was to undertake to secure funds for us in Boston during the summer. He met me in New York and my agreement with him was confirmed by my associates there and Mr. Blaisdell went on to Boston. Neither Mr. Ferguson nor Mr. Heber nor I succeeded in raising any considerable amount of money during the summer. Mr. Blaisdell had gotten in touch in Boston with capital and I knew from my talks with him that he could put in if necessary a few thousand of ready cash to keep the machinery moving, but at this time Mr. Ferguson not only had not raised any money whatever, but had succeeded by his expense account in largely depleting our treasury, and neither Mr. Heber nor I were willing to see at that time any more money go into the treasury until a different arrangement could be made with him. He, however, had his interest in the stock of the company and it was necessary to find some purchaser for his interest before he could be successfully eliminated. I found this purchaser in Mr. Blaisdell, who succeeded in raising

EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 109 the funds necessary to buy out Mr. Ferguson's interest under a proposal which I made to Ferguson. This was done in September, 1896, after which we put Mr. Heber in as the general manager as well as president of the company, and Mr. Blaisdell came upon the board of directors. Mr. Blaisdell was at this time negotiating with Mr. H. W. Forbes, who had been for several years the president of the Bell Telephone Company, and was reputed to be worth fifteen millions. Mr. Forbes was very much enthused over the project as outlined, but he was a man well

along in years and desired the enterprise not so much for himself as for his two sons who had just left college and desired to come west'. The result of the negotiations with Mr. Forbes was that he agreed to put up the required capital for the development of the enterprise, providing that the report of the engineer he should send to make an examination was entirely satisfactory. The specific agreement at that time was that if the report of his engineer disputed any of the material statements in our prospectus, which had been written by myself, that we would pay the cost of the report ; otherwise Mr. Forbes was to pay for the report. When these negotiations were concluded, I was in California, where I had been obliged to come in order to make a new contract, if possible, with General Andrade, for the reason that we were unable to make the payment to the general in accordance with the old contract, and I desired to make a new contract before the old one should become void by the expiration of the time limit. This I finally, after some trouble, succeeded in doing. The general was loath to enter into another agreement as a year and a half had now elapsed since the time that he had given me the first option and he was beginning to doubt the success of my efforts. I, however, did succeed finally in making a contract which reduced our option from 350,000 acres of land to the 100,000 acres afterward purchased by the company. While in California, I received a telegram from Mr. Blaisdell that Mr. George W. Anderson of Denver, the engineer selected by Mr. Forbes to examine the project, would meet me at Yuma on a certain date. I met Mr. Anderson at Yuma, in October, 1896, and went with him over the territory and over all our plans and profiles. He then returned to Denverwhile I proceeded to the City of Mexico to put up a few fences there that were somewhat broken down, and returned from the

HO HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY City of Mexico direct course, as I knew the that all that I would arrangements with Mr. work on the desert. to New York in November, 1896, expecting, of enthusiasm of Mr. Anderson over the project, have to do would be to go to Boston, perfect the Forbes, and then return to active construction

When I reached Boston Mr. Anderson's report was there and was all that could have been hoped for ; in fact, his report was more glowing than the statements made in our prospectus ; but while Mr. Forbes paid for the report in accordance with the contract and afterward turned it over to us to be used as we might see fit, he did not take up the enterprise ; the reason that he gave was the state of his health, while I knew that the real reason of his desiring to go into the enterprise in the first place was for the benefit of his sons. I doubted somewhat this statement, but never received proof that the statement given by him was not entirely correct until his death four months afterward, when I was told by one of his most intimate friends that the real reason why Forbes did not take up the enterprise was that at the time he sent Mr. Anderson to make his examination he also wrote a letter to a close personal friend of his in San Diego regarding the possibilities of development in the

Colorado Desert, and received word in reply that the project was wild and utterly unfeasible ; that the country was so hot that no white man could possibly live in it ; that the lands were absolutely barren, consisting of nothing but sand and alkali ; and that any man who was foolish enough to put a dollar into that enterprise would surely lose it. I attempted to find out the name of Mr. Forbes' San Diego correspondent. I have been trying all these years to find out the name of that man, but so far have failed. I still have hopes to meet him. We were all, of course, very greatly disappointed by this failure. Mr. Blaisdell remained there during the winter, but had to leave in order to take up his Yuma work in the spring. I remained most of that time in Boston, Mr. Heber being in New York ; in fact I remained in Boston until August of the year 1897. During the summer of that year I spent the months of June and July in one of the Boston hospitals with the typhoid fever, but on my recovery I decided to make a trip to Europe in order to see if I could interest capital there. On the trip I had letters of introduction to various financial men of London, Scotland and Switzerland. I particularly desired to interest a

EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY III firm of brokers in Glasgow who had been instrumental in furnishing funds for two irrigation enterprises in the northwest, but in as much as these enterprises had failed from the point of view of the foreign investor, I found that to interview them on the subject was like shaking a red flag before a bull and that nothing could be accomplished. I then visited the home of a banker in the interior of Scotland, to whom I had personal letters from Mr. D. I. Russell, but on leaving the train at his town and inquiring for his residence, was shocked to learn that he had been found dead that morning, drowned in a little stream that flowed behind his house. I then returned to London expecting to leave at once for Basle, Switzerland, to take up negotiations with a gentleman there who had succeeded in financing two American enterprises of a similar nature, and from whom I have received letters previously that led me to hope that the money necessary for the development of our enterprises could be found there. In reply to a telegram to ascertain if he could meet me on a certain date, I received word that he had died two weeks previously. I had in London met a firm of brokers who had years previously been somewhat connected with Mr. Heber in some of his operations in Kansas, and to whom Mr. Heber had given me letters of introduction. These gentlemen became so much interested in the proposition that, although I decided for several reasons to return to America, I left them working on it. Afterwards we received communications from them that led both Mr. Heber and myself to believe that the money could be secured through this source, but in the meantime I had opened negotiations for the funds required with Silas B. Dutcher, president of the Hamilton Trust Company, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Dutcher made a very careful examination of the enterprise extending over several weeks. It was passed upon by his attorneys and engineers and finally, on the 14th of February, 1898, Mr. Dutcher said to me: "Everything is all right, Mr. Rockwood. I have talked the matter over since obtaining the re-

ports of our attorneys and engineers with the controlling directors of the trust company, who agree with me that it will be advisable for us to advance you the money, and, under the agreement outlined between us, we will put up the funds. It will be necessary, however, that our board shall formally agree to this, and this final formality will be gone through at our board meeting on Friday."

112 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY At this time our treasury was empty, both Mr. Heber and myself had exhausted our private funds and we were exceedingly economical in our table, but I was so rejoiced at the decision of Dutcher, and, believing without doubt that our financial troubles were over for the present, that I went back to New York and invited Heber out to a square meal, on which I think I spent at least one dollar. The next morning, however, we were confronted by glaring headlines that the Maine had been sunk the night previous in Havana harbor. I went over immediately to see Mr. Dutcher in order to ascertain what effect this might have upon our negotiations and found, as supposed, that the deal was off. On account of the period of depression which then followed it was absolutely impossible to interest any large financial men in the enterprise, and it was with exceeding difficulty that we got together sufficient funds to keep up our payment to Gen. Andrade and to keep our office doors open. We did, however, succeed in doing this, and later, in the summer of this year, we found it had again become necessary to make a new contract with Gen. Andrade for the reason that the old one was about to expire, and, as usual, I was deputized to obtain the new agreement, but before getting this agreement, it was deemed necessary for me to make a trip to the City of Mexico, and I left New York immediately before the beginning of war with Spain on the steamer Yucatan for Vera Cruz by way of Havana. As we were expecting war to be declared every day, people were loath to leave New York for Havana, and I remember there were only two other passengers on the steamer from New York, one of whom was interested in Havana, the other was going to the City of Mexico. We reached and left Havana, however, without mishap, although when we arrived there we were forbidden to land. All the Americans had left with the exception of Consul Gen. Lee, who, I believe, left the city three days afterward. It was on this trip to the City of Mexico that I found it necessary to organize the Sociedad de Terrenos y Irrigacion de la Baja California, now generally known to the people of the Imperial Valley as the Mexican company. The prevailing idea among the people is that this Mexican company was organized by the California Development Company as an inner ring for some ulterior purposes that might make the legal position of the California Development Company stronger as against any actions in the courts of the United States. As a matter of fact, this



company was organized for the purpose of holding title to the lands in Lower California which had been purchased from Gen. Andrade by those interested in the California Development Company. T had attempted for two years with the help of Gen. Andrade and our attorneys in Mexico to obtain the right from the Mexican government for the California Development Company to hold these titles, but the decision of the Mexican officials and courts were finally against us, and it was on the advice of our attorneys in the City of Mexico that it would be absolutely necessary to hold title to these lands in a Mexican company that the Mexican company was formed. After perfecting this organization, I went from the City of Mexico to Los Angeles in order to take up with Gen. Andrade the question of a new contract, but found that I was up against a stone wall ; the general positively refused not only to grant my extension on the old contract, but refused as well to enter into a new one unless I should advance to him a sum of money which was absolutely beyond my power to produce. I attempted to argue with the general that he was working against his own interests, but it seemed he had lost entire confidence in the ability of myself and associates to carry through the enterprise and seemed to be absolutely fixed in his determination to grant no further concessions. As I knew, however, that our ability to carry through the enterprise depended upon my ability to obtain possession of the Mexican lands and through them the right of way, I insisted that Gen. Andrade should make a new deal with me, and it became largely a question of will power, as the general remained fixed in his determination to grant no further concessions. I believe it took me about ninety days to obtain the new contract that meant the continuation of the life of the enterprise, during which time I went to Gen. Andrade's office or to his hotel every day, until I verily believe he was forced to give me what I asked in order to get rid of me ; at any rate he has so stated since, but was gracious enough long before his death to tell me that it was exceedingly fortunate for him that I was so persistent. Having made the new arrangement with Andrade, I returned to New York, and, the correspondence from Tyndall & Monk, of London, the brokers to whom I previously referred, being of a nature which led Mr. Heber and myself to believe that these gentlemen were going to be able to furnish us with the funds, I immediately took steamer for London.

U 4 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY This, I believe, was in September, 1898. After seeing the brokers in London and being assured by them that they would be able to furnish the money under certain conditions, I wired Mr. Heber to come on to London, and on his arrival we proceeded to draw up the form of bond and trust deed which, under the English procedure, required a very long time and was also exceedingly expensive. Having, however, gotten the work well under way, Mr. Heber returned to New York in November of that year and I followed in December in order to perfect certain

details in California that were necessary for the assurance of the proposed English investors. We supposed that everything was assured, but for some reason that I have never as yet been able to ascertain, that deal fell through, and in such a manner that we knew it was utterly useless to attempt to obtain any further assistance from the firm of Tyndall & Monk ; consequently our efforts were again devoted toward the obtaining of funds in America. We were now in the spring of 1899, our funds were exhausted and we hardly knew which way to turn. I was born in Michigan and had several wealthy and influential acquaintances in Detroit and its neighborhood, and Heber and I thought it best that I should visit Detroit and see what might be done there toward obtaining funds, but at this time we had no money with which to pay my traveling expenses until Mr. Heber solved the problem by raising $125 on his personal jewelry and gave me $100 of it with which to make the trip. In the troubles that arose between Mr. Heber and myself afterward this act has never been forgotten, and one of the greatest regrets of my life is that the ties of friendship with one capable of such self-sacrificing generosity should be strained and broken. In Detroit I succeeded in obtaining funds to the amount of a few hundred only, sufficient only to keep up our living expenses and to keep our office rent in New York paid. Mr. Heber, at this time, met in New York a friend from Chicago who had advanced him some money, and had succeeded in inducing Heber to return with him to Chicago on the belief that money might be obtained there to carry out the enterprise ; so Heber left New York for Chicago in the month of June, 1899, calling upon me in Detroit on his way through. His Chicago efforts, however, were not immediately sue-



cessful, and just at this time I received a telegram from Ford & Company, bankers of Boston, asking me if I would go to Porto Rico to report upon a sugar proposition which they owned there. They had decided to build a system of irrigation for their plantations and desired my report upon the feasibility of the plans of their engineer. They wired me that if I would go they would wire me money to come on to Boston and talk the matter over with them. As I was practically broke at the time, I immediately agreed to go, and received in reply sufficient funds to make the trip from Detroit to Boston. I proceeded immediately to Boston and made my financial arrangements with Ford & Company, who advanced me, in addition to my

steamer transportation, a check for $250. I was loath to accept the check in lieu of cash (although I didn't say so to them) as it was after banking hours in Boston and I could not get the check cashed until I had reached New York, at which point I was to take steamer, and I doubted very much whether I would have sufficient money to pay my expenses through. I did, however, succeed in reaching New York that night, but was obliged to wait my breakfast the next morning until I could get Ford & Company's check cashed. I left this same day for Porto Rico by steamer, and after spending a couple of weeks on the plantation of Ford & Company, who, by the way, were the financial agents for the United States Government in the island, I left the plantations, which were on the southern side of the island, for the city of San Juan on the northern side in order to take the steamer again for New York. On my way across the island I decided to remain a couple of days in the town of Cayay to examine into a water proposition in that neighborhood that might be of interest to my Boston clients. It was there, on the night of August 7, 1899, that I experienced my first and only West Indian hurricane, which probably many people of this country still remember. In the small hotel where I was stopping my sleeping room was immediately off of the main living room. I was awakened about three o'clock in the morning by the rocking of the house and by the sound of weeping women and children in the outer room. Hurriedly dressing, I went to the outer room, and upon making inquiries as to the cause of the trouble, I found that I was in the beginning of what afterward proved to be the most disastrous hurricane that had visited the islands for a period of over two hundred

n6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY years. The wind lasted from about three in the morning until two in the afternoon, at the end of which time the mountains surrounding the town, which the day previous had been a scene of beauty, covered with the vegetation and flowers of the tropics, were as brown as our California hills in summer, and in Cayay, a town of 1200 inhabitants, but six buildings were left standing and but 800 people were left alive. On the island during the storm over 6000 were killed, the bodies of about half of whom were never recovered, having been swept out to sea or buried in the debris brought down by the mountain torrents. I was not injured by the storm, but during my efforts two days afterwards to reach San Juan, my clothing was practically destroyed, so that I reached New York looking more like a tramp than a prosperous promoter of an irrigation enterprise. On my arrival in New York, I found that Mr. Heber was still in Chicago and that our New York office was being used by Mr. S. W. Ferguson, who had come to New York again on interests not connected with the California Development Company, but it seems that he had been discussing the possibilities of our enterprise with a New York man to whom he introduced me. This scheme looked so favorable that I made another arrangement with Mr. Ferguson whereby he again became associated with the enterprise, although merely as an agent and not in a manner that allowed him in any way to control its future. Nothing came of the Ferguson negotiations in New York, but hav-

ing received a communication from Mr. Heber that he was in close touch with capital in Chicago and advising me to come on to Chicago to help him with his negotiations there, I suggested that Mr. Ferguson instead of myself should go on to Chicago, as I believed that Ferguson could possibly render Heber equally as good assistance as I, and Ferguson desired to return West to California anyway, while at the time I had opened negotiations with another financial concern in New York and the outlook was such that I deemed it inadvisable to leave. Mr. Ferguson then went to Chicago, but nothing came of these negotiations, and he proceeded to California. It was soon after this that Mr. Heber gave up his work with us, resigning as president of the California Development Company, to which position I was then elected. In the meantime I received a letter from Mr. Ferguson, who was then in San Francisco, telling me that he had had a long conversation

EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 117 with Mr. L. M. Holt might be interested guson desired to go quested me to draft and that Holt believed' that George Chaffey in the California Development Company. Mr. Ferto Los Angeles and see Mr. Chaffey, and also rea proposition that he might make to Chaffey.

About a year previous, in conversation with Mr. N. W. Stowell, of Los Angeles, he informed me that the Chaffeys (whom many people of the State had known in connection with irrigation development around Ontario, and who had been for several years in similar work in Australia), were about to return to California, and that if I could interest the Chaffeys in the Colorado Desert enterprise they would be able to swing the financial end of the affair, even though they might not have sufficient ready coin themselves. On a succeeding trip to California after this conversation with Mr. Stowell, I believe it was in the month of May, 1899, I met Mr. George Chaffey and discussed very carefully with him the plans of the enterprise, but didn't approach him for financial assistance, as at that time we believed that we were going to obtain all the funds necessary through the agency of Tyndall & Monk, of London. Having then already discussed the project with Mr. Chaffey, I believed that it would be advisable for Mr. Ferguson to see him, and so wrote. He went to Los Angeles and as a result of his interview wrote me at New York, stating that negotiations were progressing very favorably and that on certain conditions Chaffey had agreed to come in, but refused to go any farther until he had talked over matters with me. On receipt of this letter I decided to come to California, and did so in December, 1899, an d accompanied Mr. Chaffey on a trip to the Hanlon Heading, below Yuma, and over a portion of the Lower California end of the enterprise, but during the trip could see very plainly that Mr. Chaffey was not at all satisfied with the possibilities of the enterprise, due to the apparent belief in his mind that it would be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to get settlers with sufficient rapidity to make the concern a

financial success. The only promise that I could obtain from Chaffey was that if we could devise a scheme whereby he could receive the assurance that 50,000 acres of the desert land would be taken by bona fide settlers, that he would furnish the money necessary to carry the water from the Colorado River to these lands. I returned to San Francisco and discussed

n8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY with Mr. Ferguson afterward carried pany which should acreage under the and San Francisco attorneys the plan which was out, namely, the formation of a colonization comundertake to find settlers to take up the desired Desert Land Act.

At my solicitation Mr. Ferguson returned to Los Angeles to work out the details of this plan with Mr. L. M. Holt and Chaffey, while I returned to New York to resume again my negotiations there with the financial concern with which I had been dealing for some time. I left with a promise to Ferguson and other associates that I would return to California whenever the plans which were outlined gave reasonable assurance of success. In March, 1900, I received a wire jointly by Ferguson, Blaisdell and Heffernan, requesting me to return at once to California, and stating that George Chaffey was now sufficiently assured so that he was willing to take up the work. Upon receiving this wire, as I had again about lost hope in my New York negotiations, I arranged at once to close our New York office and return to California. Upon reaching Los Angeles, I found that Chaffey had drawn a contract that he was willing to enter into, exceedingly short, promising but little, and one that would tie me and the company to him. I was loath to enter into this contract but I was at the end of my rope; all negotiations had failed elsewhere; all of my own funds as well as that of several of my personal friends were tied up in the enterprise ; I had not sufficient money in sight to keep up the fight elsewhere, and as a forlorn hope and in the belief that it would at least start something moving whether I ever got anything out of it for myself or not, I agreed to the Chaffey contract and signed it as president of the California Development Company in April, 1900. In March of this year the Imperial Land Company had been formed for the purpose of undertaking the colonization of the lands. It was necessary to handle the colonization end of the enterprise either as a department of the California Development Company or through a new organization to be formed for that purpose. Four-fifths of the stock of the California Development Company had been used for various purposes, the other one-fifth of the stock, together with a portion of the stock that had already passed to the then present stockholders, was necessarily to be tied up in the contract with the Charley's; consequently there was no stock in the California Development Company with


which to satisfy Mr. Ferguson and the new blood that would be required to handle the land and colonization end of the enterprise. Mr. Chaffey at that time desired to have nothing to do with the land and colonization end, consequently it seemed best, in order to provide means and capital for the handling of the land, to organize an entirely separate company. The Imperial Land Company was then organized and afterward entered into a contract with the California Development Company whereby it was to make all the necessary land surveys, do all of the advertising, incur all of the expenses of colonization, and was to receive in remuneration a certain percentage of the gross sales to be derived from the sale of all water stock in the United States or lands in Mexico. It was agreed between the two companies that the Imperial Land Company should also be allowed to acquire and own the townsites in the Valley, and that the work of the California Development Company should then be confined to furnishing water. We decided, at that time, after mature deliberation and consultation with our attorneys, upon the plan which we afterward followed, namely, that of the organization of mutual water companies to which the California Development Company would wholesale water at a given price. We believed that for any one company to undertake to distribute water to the individual users over such an area would be unfeasible. In the first inception of the scheme it was proposed to divide the entire country into water districts, although the final plan of the mutual water companies was not worked out until the spring of 1900. After the signing of the Chaffey contract in April, 1900, we were then ready to begin the field operations, but it was necessary for me to return to New York in May of that year to hold the annual meeting of the California Development Company. Previous to this trip, however, I engaged the services of Mr. C. N. Perry, who had been with me on my work in the Yakima country in 1890, and who had accompanied me to Yuma when I came there in September, 1892, and who had been with me and had been largely instrumental in developing the surveys and plans during the years of 1892 and 1893, after which time Mr. Perry had remained in Los Angeles in the office of the county surveyor and city engineer, but at my solicitation left that employ in order to take up again the work in the Colorado Desert, which name we had decided to change to Imperial Valley.

I2 o HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Mr. Perry began his work at Flowing Well in the middle of April, 1900, running a line from that point south with the hope of finding sufficient government corners of the survey of 1854-1856 to allow him to retrace the old government lines. He was unable at this time to find any authentic corners north of the fourth parallel, but found nearly all of the corners of what is called the Brunt Survey, south of the fourth parallel, which survey was made in the year 1880. Brunt, in his notes, showed certain connections made with the surveys of 1856 on the fourth parallel, and upon the reasonable assumption that the sworn statement of Brunt was true, Mr. Perry projected the lines to the north of the

fourth parallel, using as a basis the field notes for the townships north together with the Brunt stakes found on the south. He soon discovered, however, that something was wrong, just what he was unable to tell. I, in the meantime, was in New York, but Mr. Ferguson being on the ground authorized and ordered him to proceed with the survey as then outlined, with the assurance that if anything was wrong that a Congressional Act would afterward be obtained to make it right. On my return from New York in June I had no time to devote to attempting to straighten out the surveys of the Valley, as it was necessary for someone to proceed at once to the City of Mexico to obtain concessions that would allow us to commence construction in Mexico. As I was the only one connected with the company that had any acquaintance in Mexico, and so far had handled the Mexican business, I was the one naturally deputized to undertake that work, and proceeded at once to the City of Mexico, returning to California in October of that year, and in the following month, November, came to the Valley, camping at Cameron Lake, and commenced the engineering surveys upon which the present system of distribution is based, and also began in December, 1900, with Mr. Thomas Beach, as superintendent, the great work of construction of the Imperial Canal system. The only water in the Valley at that time was at Blue Lake, Cameron Lake and at the Calf Holes in New River, northwest of the townsite of Imperial. The few teams we had were camped at Cameron Lake and, for a while, they went from Cameron Lake, a distance of three miles, to their work ; afterward we had to haul water to the outfits in the field, until finally the waters at Cameron Lake became so low and so thick with fish and mud that it was impossible for stock or man to use it.

EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY I2 i Fortunately, however, some depressions and holes, farther south, in Mexico, had been filled up by rains, and we were able to obtain sufficient water for stock uses from these holes. Under the agreement entered into with Mr. George Chaffey, he personally was under no obligation to build the canals in the State of California. Under his contract he was only to bring water from the Colorado River through to the International Line, at a point east of Calexico. Imperial Water Company Number i had been formed, settlers were coming in in large numbers, and the Imperial Land Company, under Mr. Ferguson's management, in connection with the Mutual Water Company, was to find all of the funds necessary for the construction of the distributary system. Outside funds, however, were not forthcoming. The process of lifting ourselves by our bootstraps was not entirely successful. We were selling water stock on the basis of $8.75 a share, payable $1.00 down, the remainder $1.00 per year, and this $1.00 had to go to the Imperial Land Company to pay for its actual expenses in advertising and the expenses it was necessarily put to in bringing the people into the Valley, consequently there was nothing left for construction. Mr. Chaffey had, however, advanced some money for this purpose and, at my earnest solicitation, a new agreement was entered into whereby the responsibilities for the construction of the distributary

system was taken from the Imperial Land Company and placed upon the California Development Company. The work that we were doing at that time in colonization was very large. I doubt if it has ever been equaled under any irrigation project, but with insufficient funds for construction in sight, every share of water stock sold increased our financial difficulties, as it necessitated the placing of water upon lands within a given period of time, and with no money in sight to do the work. This condition of affairs obtained through the first four years of struggle of the California Development Company. Every means possible was tried, from time to time, to bring in funds. Water stocks were sold at a ridiculously low figure in wholesale lots to those who made large profits therefrom. The majority of people believe that these profits went to the California Development Company, but to my own knowledge no stockholder in the California Development Company has ever received one dollar in dividends, and every

122 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY dollar received by the California Development Company from the sale of water stocks has gone directly into the construction of the canal system, and yet, due to the fact that we were improperly financed and were obliged continuously to make tremendous sacrifices in order to obtain funds, the funds obtained were never sufficient to carry on the work and to keep up with the contracts entered into for the delivery of water. I had, in the month of May, 1900, just previous to my trip to New York, gained information the truth of which I could not doubt, that led me to believe that friction was sure to arise between Mr. Ferguson and myself, and also led me to doubt as to whether the management of the affairs of the Imperial Land Company under him could be successful, and if unsuccessful, I knew that the California Development Company could not succeed. At my solicitation then, Mr. Heber met me in Chicago on my way East and I attempted to induce him to give up his work in Wyoming with Mr. Emerson and again join us in the work of development of what we had now named the Imperial Valley. This, however, Mr. Heber declined to do at the time, stating that he was making money with Emerson, and that he would lose financially by making a change. Later in the year, however, in November, 1900, Mr. Heber made a visit to the coast, and as his affairs in Wyoming were then in a condition so that he could leave them, he decided to again become actively interested in the development of the Valley, but didn't at that time become connected with the management. He, however, succeeded in bringing some Eastern money in, which materially assisted us, and, in the spring of 1901 he joined us actively and permanently in the work, becoming a little later the second vice-president of the California Development Company and the general manager of the Imperial Land Company in place of Mr. Ferguson. In June, 1901, the Chaff eys obtained possession of 2500 shares of the stock of the California Development Company, and as soon as they obtained possession of this stock they refused to go ahead with the work

under the old contract and demanded that a new contract should be made that would give to them the control of the company's stock. We refused to accede to this and they then outlined a scheme of a holding company into which the control of the stock should be placed. This we also refused, but demanded that they go ahead under their original con-



tract. These negotiations extended over several months of time, in fact during the entire summer of 1901. In September of that year, my personal relations with the Chaffeys having become somewhat strained, I broke off negotiations with them and left for the State of Washington to look after certain property interests I had there, returning to Los Angeles in the latter end of October. When I left I had given my power of attorney to Mr. E. A. Meserve of Los Angeles granting to him the power to sign my name to any document or contract that might be entered into with the Chaffeys, providing only that Messrs. Heber, Blaisdell and Heffernan should be a unit in their desire that such a contract should be made. On my return, to my consternation and chagrin I found that the Delta Investment Company had been formed ; that under the contract entered into between the Delta Investment Company and the California Development Company, the Delta Investment Company had been appointed the financial agent of the California Development Company, with power to buy its bonds at 50 cents on the dollar, with power to buy in all of its mortgages at 50 cents on the dollar ; that the assets of the Delta Investment Company consisted solely and only of stock in the California Development Company contributed by the Chaffeys and Heber, and the stock of the Imperial Land Company, that through these holdings the Delta Investment Company controlled the California Development Company, and that the Chaffeys, controlling the Delta Investment Company, absolutely controlled the California Development Company; that the Delta Investment Company had also succeeded in my absence, by simply exchanging stocks, in buying up practically all of the stock of the Imperial Land Company. As soon as I looked over the contract, I called together Messrs. Heber, Blaisdell and Heffernan to find out why such a contract had been entered into, and ascertained that neither Blaisdell nor Heffernan had paid any particular attention to a study of the contract ; they hadn't seen where it would land them ; they had not been very actively interested in the business end of the California Development Company, but had left their interests largely in the hands of Mr. Heber and myself, and that in my absence they had acceded to Mr. Heber's request that they should sign this agreement ; they had believed it was for the best interest of the company. Mr. Heber so believed, and stated to me at the time that he had drawn the plan of the Delta In-



vestment Company and that he believed that it would work out all right. I wasn't satisfied, however, and as the after history, which was very rapidly enacted, showed, my predictions in regard to the Delta Investment Company were correct. My feelings toward the Chaffeys was at this time of a nature that would hardly permit me to return to the Valley in active charge of the construction even had Mr. Chaffey so desired, which evidently he did not, as he himself took the title of chief engineer and made his headquarters at Calexico during the winter of 1901 and 1902, and assumed direct charge of construction. Money was immediately forthcoming for construction purposes, but money through the Delta Investment Company cost the California Development Company $2.00 for every dollar that it obtained, and I soon saw the end unless something was done. I did not enter into negotiations with the Chaffeys at that time, but, using Mr. Heber as an intermediary, I notified the Chaffeys that unless things were put in a different shape immediately that the whole matter would be thrown into the courts, although I foresaw that this would necessarily stop the work of development in the Valley. But I had not only the interest of the settlers of the Valley to look out for, but I considered even as a prior and superior lien upon my efforts the interest of the stockholders who had invested their money in the California Development Company through me. The final result of this action was that negotiations were opened with the Chaffeys for the purchase of their interests in the company, resulting in the elimination of the Chaffeys from the management of the company in February, 1902. Before this purchase was consummated, however, and the management of affairs turned back to its original owners, the Chaffeys, who were in control of the California Development Company and in control of the board of the Delta Investment Company, passed certain resolutions and made certain transfers that took from the California Development Company all of its bonds and a very large portion of its notes and mortgages, and in order to carry through the purchase we not only paid over to the Chaffeys, in addition to all of the securities of the company which they had taken, the sum of $25,000 in cash, raised not by the company but by individual stockholders in the company, and in addition we gave them our note for $100,000, secured by a majority of stock in the California Development Company.

EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 125 We started out then, about the first of March, 1902, with our bonds all gone, our mortgages largely depleted, not a dollar in the treasury, and invidually so deeply in debt to the Chaffeys that it was exceedingly doubtful whether we would ever be able to pull out.

We, however, took over the management of the enterprise and in order to provide funds for construction we succeeded in borrowing $25,000 from the First National Bank of Los Angeles, and I again took charge of construction. In the deal made with the Chaffeys and the Delta Investment Company, at this time, their personal interest in the stock of the California Development Company and of the Imperial Land Company was purchased by Heber, Blaisdell, Heffernan and Rockwood, of the old guard, and by Messrs. F. C. Paulin, J. W. Oakley and H. C. Oakley, who had been very active as outside agents under the Imperial Land Company, and who at this time became directly interested with us as owners of one-half of the stock of the Imperial Land Company, and of a smaller percentage of the stock of the California Development Company. Mr. Paulin became the manager of the Imperial Land Company, Mr. Heber being its president as well as president of the California Development Company. As I said in a previous paragraph, under the agreement entered into by the Imperial Land Company and the California Development Company, the Imperial Land Company was to have the townsites in the Valley, the California Development Company restricting its activities to furnishing water to the lands. It may be of interest to know something regarding the townsites and why they came to be placed in the locations which they now occupy. On my return from the City of Mexico in October, 1900, I found that the then manager of the Imperial Land Company, Mr. S. W. Ferguson, had selected for the site of what we intended to be the central town of the Valley, the lands now occupied by the town of Imperial. It had been decided before that this town, when laid out, should be given the name of Imperial, corresponding to the name that we had given to the Valley. Personally, I objected very seriously to the location that had been selected for two reasons, first, that the character of the soil was of such nature that it would be difficult to produce the flowers and shrubbery which residents of the Valley would naturally desire to put

126 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY about their homes ; second, I knew that any branch road reaching Imperial from the main line of the Southern Pacific track would necessarily pass for several miles north of the town through a country that for years would remain undeveloped. I refer here especially to the rough and salt lands between Imperial and Brawley. I knew that in as much as all strangers coming into the Valley would pass over this land that the impression must be a bad one, and for these two reasons I urged that as not more than twenty lots had been sold at that time in the pro^ posed new townsite, that it should be moved to a location which would have placed it one and a half miles north of what is now the town of El Centro. Had this been done at the time the opportunity would never have existed for a competitive town in the neighborhood of Imperial. The railroad would have been thrown farther to the east, coming through the highly cultivated area in the Mesquite Bottom, and the factional strifes and difficulties which have arisen through the establish-

ment of El Centro would never have existed, and instead of two fighting communities in the center of the Valley today, we would probably have a town of between three and four thousand people that would now be recognized by the outside world as one of the coming cities of California, and the bitterness engendered by the establishment of El Centro would have been obviated. The town of Silsbee was selected on account of its location on the shore of Blue Lake, which previous to the overflow of the Colorado River gave the opportunity for the establishment of a very beautiful town and resort in the Valley. The town was given its name from the original owner of the lands, Thomas Silsbee. Calexico, which derives its name from a combination of California and Mexico, simply happened. The engineering headquarters of the company were first established at Cameron Lake, but I decided for permanent quarters to erect the company buildings at the international line on the east bank of the New River. When the buildings were established at this point we knew that we would build a town on the line, but its exact location was not fully determined upon. Mr. Chaffey laid off the town of Calexico at the point where it is now established in the fall of 1901, and placed the property on the market, but it was soon withdrawn from sale for the reason that the Southern Pacific Railroad, in building the branch through the Valley, desired to run straight south



from Imperial to a point near the international line, from which point they would swing eastward toward Yuma. The railroad would have been so built and the town of Calexico would then have been located to the west of New River and about two miles west of its present location but for the fact that it would have thrown a portion of the townsite on a school section which was held by a lady living in Los Angeles who refused to listen to what we believed to be a fair offer for her property, and as we were unable to obtain the lands necessary for our uses we got the Southern Pacific to run the road from Imperial straight to the present location of Calexico. The townsite of Brawley was not, in the first place, controlled by the Imperial Land Company. The Imperial Water Company No. 4 had been organized and the major portion of its stock sold in a block to J. H. Braly, a banker of Los Angeles, who had undertaken the colonization of this tract of land. In the agreement with him he was to have the right to locate a townsite within the tract. Afterward, before the town was started, the properties owned by Mr. Braly were re-purchased by the Imperial Land Company and the Oakley-Paulin Company, and the town was laid out on its present location. Mr. Heber desired to name the town Braly in honor of Mr. J. H. Braly, but as the latter refused to have his name used in connection with the town, it was named Brawley, in

honor of a friend of Mr. Heber's in Chicago. The townsite of Holtville was selected by Mr. W. F. Holt and laid out by him under an agreement between himself and the Imperial Land Company. The history of El Centro is so recent in the minds of the people that it is not necessary to refer to it here except to say that these lands were originally selected as a townsite by Mr. W. F. Holt, and he gave at that time to the town the name of Carbarker. The Imperial Land Company, realizing that the establishment of a town at this point would not only injure its property in Imperial, but would also injure the investment of the many people who had already purchased property at that point, made a contract with Mr. Holt whereby it agreed to buy from him the lands on which Carbarker was located, and the townsite of Holtville as well. The Imperial Land Company, after paying many thousands of dollars on this contract, found that it was unable to carry out its contract on account of the depression due to the agitations in the year

I2 8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 1904-05, and it made a new contract with Mr. Holt whereby it agreed to turn back to him the townsite of Holtville and the lands on which Carbarker had been located on condition that the establishing of a town at the latter point should be abandoned. The townsite of Heber was named in honor of Mr. A. H. Heber. Water was turned into the No. 1 main canal for irrigation in March, 1902, and we succeeded in obtaining some funds so that the work on construction continued actively during that season, but, confronted as we were with the tremendous load of the Chaffeys, the fact that our bonds had been removed without sufficient consideration being placed in the treasury to allow rapid construction, we were very greatly hampered through all of the years 1902 and 1903, and it was impossible to obtain sufficient money to keep up the work of construction rapidly enough to meet the demands for water, notwithstanding the fact that we were willing to, and did, sacrifice our securities and our water stock in order to obtain funds to meet the pressing needs. We had a great deal of trouble with the wooden head gate which had been built by Mr. Chaffey at Hanlon's, the floor of which, unfortunately, had been left several feet above the bottom grade line of the canal as originally planned by me. When this gate was built by Mr. Chaffey, it wasn't considered as a permanent gate but as a temporary expedient placed there to control the entrance of water into the canal during the summer of 1901, and it was Mr. Chaff ey's intention to replace this by a permanent structure as soon as time and finances would permit. This gate was well and substantially built, and had its floor been placed five feet lower, the probabilities are that it could be used safely today for the control of all water at present required in the Valley. Due to the fact that the floor was left above grade, we found it necessary, in the falls of 1902, 1903 and 1904, to cut a by-pass around ! the gate to the river, and it was through this by-pass then, during these

three years, that water was obtained at low water for the irrigation of the Valley. It was our desire at all times, after taking over the enterprise from the Chaffeys, to construct a permanent gate on the site where it was afterward built in the winter of 1905-1906, but we were unable to obtain the large amount required and were forced, through lack of funds, to the expedient of leaving this open channel around the gate to be



closed on the approach of the summer flood. The channel was successfully closed against the approaching summer flood in the summers of 1902, 1903 and 1904. In the winter of 1903-1904 there was a very serious shortage of water in the Valley, due to the fact that the main canal, built by Mr. Chaffey, had not been constructed to its required depth, and with the machinery and funds at hand we were unable to increase the water supply fast enough to keep up with the demands of the Valley, and the water in the river fell exceedingly low in the spring of 1904, and made it impossible for us to obtain sufficient water through the main canal for the uses of the people, with the result that considerable damage was done. The actual amount of damage, however, was but a very small proportion of the damage claims, as is evidenced by the fact that while these claims, amounting to over $500,000, were settled every one of them out of court in the year 1905 by a payment of less than $35,000, paid entirely in water and water stocks, and I believe that every claim was fairly settled. These claims, however, had been very greatly exaggerated, due possibly to the natural antagonism of any people living under a large water system toward the company controlling their source of supply ; due, also, to the fact that since the passage of the Reclamation Act in June, 1902, and the starting of the Yuma project later by the reclamation service, the people of the Valley had gotten into their heads the belief that if the California Development Company could be removed, that the reclamation service could be gotten to take up the work ; that the entire enterprise would then be backed by the government with unlimited funds at its command and that the people would be obliged to pay to the government but a small portion of the moneys that they were obliged to pay to the California Development Company, and that they would eventually through that means achieve the very laudable desire of owning their own system. Undoubtedly the engineers of the reclamation service, who had made several trips, individually and as a body, into the Valley, desired to foment this belief, as it had been their intention from the formation of the reclamation service to bring water into the Imperial Valley. It was necessary for the reclamation service, in order to obtain absolute control of the waters of the Colorado River, to do away with this

great prior appropriator, the California Development Company, whose



work, if carried through to success, would cover, in one body, more than half of the irrigable land on the Colorado watershed. That it was the intention of the reclamation service to bring water into the Valley as early as December, 1902, is evidenced by the sworn testimony of Mr. J. B. Lippincott, supervising engineer, U. S. R. S., given in the case of the Colorado Delta Canal Company vs. the United States Government, which is a matter of court record. The reclamation service had contemplated the construction of a series of high-impounding dams on the Colorado River, but through soundings, finding no bed rock, they were obliged to abandon this project, but finally, during the year 1903, outlined the plan of the Yuma project and the Laguna Dam. The engineers of the reclamation service advanced the theory that no canal from the Colorado River could be a permanent success except that a diversion dam across the river be constructed which would raise the water and would allow them by means of the sluicing head that it would give, to wash out the silt that would drop in the canal. Not only then would the continuance in successful operation of the Imperial Canal disprove their theory that a dam was necessary and thereby question the necessity of the expenditure of the amount of money that the Laguna Dam would cost. But the cost of the Laguna Dam was to be so great that it would put too great a burden on the farmers unless they could gain possession of the Imperial enterprise, and by so doing carry the Imperial Canal to the Laguna Dam, and thereby make the farmers of the Imperial Valley pay the major portion of the cost of that work. The reclamation service then, in this year of trouble, 1904, advised the people of the Imperial Valley that if they desired the government to come in, it would be necessary for them to form a water users' association, and through it make the necessary petitions to the government. It would also be necessary in some way to get possession of the plant of the California Development Company or to ignore them. In order to ignore them, if possible, surveys were projected by the reclamation service with the idea of keeping the canal entirely in the United States, but it was found, according to their estimates, that to do so would cost at least twelve million dollars more than to follow the route of the Imperial Canal through Mexico ; that, consequently, it was not feasible. It was at this time, in the summer of 1904, harassed by lack of


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funds, by damage claims piling up against us for failure to deliver water, by suits being threatened in every direction, by statements emanat-

ing through the reclamation service, that we had no right to take water from the Colorado River on account of its being a navigable stream, that we decided that if the reclamation service desired to enter the Valley that^we would sell to it all of our rights and interests, provided that we could obtain an amount that we considered commensurate with the value of the proposition. Mr. Heber, as the president and financial agent of the company, went to Washington in order to undertake these negotiations and the engineers of the reclamation service went over the entire plant of the California Development Company in order to estimate its value. Mr. Heber and the reclamation service, however, were far apart in their ideas of value, inasmuch as the reclamation service believed that the only, remuneration that should be received by the stockholders of the California Development Company was the amount that would be required to duplicate this system. They were unwilling to take into consideration that in this, as in every new enterprise, the securities of the enterprise must be sold at a very great reduction below par ; that in the building of such an enterprise the original cost must be far in excess of what it would be when the project is partially completed. They were unwilling to allow any consideration for the rights and franchises which we had obtained. They were unwilling to allow anything for the Alamo Channel, which had been purchased by us and used as a canal and which had saved at least one million dollars in the construction of the system. It is possible that ,we might, at that time, however, have gotten together on some basis of settlement with the reclamation service, but that, unfortunately, the relations between Mr. Heber and the service became so strained that it was impossible to carry on negotiations and the whole deal was declared off by the reclamation service arriving at the conclusion that no law existed whereby they would be able to carry water through, Mexico ; at any rate, this is the reason given for breaking off negotiations. Not only was our work greatly retarded and handicapped by the attitude of the reclamation service, which made the people of the Valley antagonistic to us, destroying our credit with the banks of Southern California and in the larger financial markets of the United States, but other departments of the government as well, from the very inception



of the enterprise, instead of rendering us the assistance which we had every reason to expect we would receive from the government, retarded our progress and at times made it nearly impossible to carry through our work. I do not claim that this has been intentional on the part of any department of the government, with the exception of the reclamation service,; but that it has been due to the dilatory tactics of the government or to the fact that it has sent inexperienced men to undertake work of very great importance; but no matter what the reason may be, the effect upon the welfare of the Imperial Valley and the welfare of the California Development Company has been very disastrous.

I refer in this especially to two things : first, to soil surveys made by the agricultural department in the winter of 1901-1902. The field work preceding this report was made by a young man by the name of Garnett Holmes. Mr. Means, his superior officer, came to me in Los Angeles in the summer of 1901, and stated that he desired to send a man to the Valley in the fall of the year to make a study of the soils and report upon the same ; and requested my co-operation, which I very readily gave, as I believed that such a report from the government would materially assist us in our work in the Valley. But as many of the early settlers know, the issuance of the report for the time entirely stopped immigration into the Valley and very nearly bankrupted the California Development Company, as it, by destroying the faith of investors in the Valley, destroyed for the time being the credit of the company. The report gave the impression that the larger portion of the Valley was unfit for cultivation, and particularly warned the people who were intending to settle here to be exceedingly careful in their selection of land, and expressed a very serious doubt as to the ultimate future of the Valley, due to the belief of the writer that the alkalies would rise to the surface and would destroy all plant life. Mr. Holmes made statements that in certain lands, near the townsite of Imperial, barley would not germinate due to the alkali. On this same land large crops have been produced every year since, and, fortunately, people have finally forgotten the report or have lost faith in the accuracy and knowledge of the government investigators ; but at the time the blow to us was a very serious one. Also, in our work we have been constantly hampered by the attitude of the land department, although it is my belief from personal intercourse with the officials in Washington that the desire of the depart-

EARLY HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY I33 ment is to straighten out the surveys as soon as compatible with the red tape of the government, and not unjustly burden our people. I referred before in this article to the basis that we assumed for the surveys projected to the north of the fourth parallel and the reason for taking as that basis the Brunt surveys to the south of that parallel. It was not until these surveys had been projected far to the north and work had begun on the retracing of the lines to the east of the Alamo River that we discovered wherein lay the real trouble with the surveys, by finding one of the old monuments of the survey of 1854, the finding of which showed wherein the Imperial land survey was wrong. Upon discovering wherein lay the error in the land company's survey, we immediately put several parties in the field searching for the old monuments of the surveys of '54 and '56, but in an area of thirty townships we found but five of the old corners that could be sworn to as authentic. These corners, separated as they were over such a large area, showed' that very great errors existed in the original survey ; for instance, between the third and fourth parallels, a distance, according to the government surveys, of twenty-four miles, we found the actual distance to be approximately twenty-five and a quarter miles ; that is, the government had made an error of a mile and a quarter in running a distance of twenty-four miles north and south. East and west across the Valley in a distance of thirty miles the error was relatively the same, or approximately two miles. It was manifestly impossible to trace the old

lines and to reset the old corners, and it became necessary to either get the government to make a resurvey or else obtain an act of Congress adopting the surveys of the Imperial Land Company. Could the latter policy have been carried through, it would have done away with many of the difficulties and troubles that have existed since, but we found that that was impossible. Mr. Heber and I went to Washington in June, 1902, taking with us all of our maps showing all of the surveys that had been projected by the Imperial Land Company, so that we might place before the land department the exact condition of affairs in the Valley. We were informed by the commissioner of the general land office that no precedent existed, and that there was no law by which they could make a new survey without a special act of Congress. Although it was very late in the session and Congress was to adjourn in July, we succeeded in having the act passed during that session which authorized



the resurvey of the lands in the Imperial Valley. The act was passed in July, 1902 ; it is now the month of April, 1909, and the work of the government to straighten out the surveys covering less than twenty townships of land is not yet completed. Except for the cumbersome machinery and red tape of the government, there is probably no reason why these surveys should not have all been completed during the year 1904. Had this been done, the story of the Imperial Valley today would probably be very different from what it is now, as the people would have gotten their titles and, having their titles, they would have been able to obtain sufficient funds for the development of the lands where now they find it impossible to obtain money ; consequently, the work of development is necessarily greatly retarded. It was early in the year 1905 that negotiations for the purchase of the property by the reclamation service were ended and we were then confronted with an empty treasury, the hostility of the people in the Valley, and much work that it was necessary to do for the safety and permanency of the system, and to fulfill our agreement with the various companies in the Valley. The banks absolutely refused to extend us any further credit and were clamoring for the repayment of moneys already loaned, and it seemed to us at this time that there was but one logical source from which we could hope to obtain sufficient funds to carry on the work, and this source must necessarily be one which was equally interested with ourselves in the development of the territory, namely, the Southern Pacific Railroad. Mr. Heber returning at this time from Washington, the question was taken up and discussed with him and he approached the subject of a loan to Mr. J. K. Krutschnitt, director and manager of operation of the Harriman lines, but was turned down by him. He afterward, however,

succeeded in obtaining an interview with Mr. Harriman, and at Mr. Harriman's request, Krutschnitt authorized the officials of the road in San Francisco to take the matter up for investigation and report to him. After investigating they offered to loan us the $200,000, for which we had asked, on condition that two-thirds of the stock of the company should be placed in trust to secure to them the voting control and management of the company until the loan had been repaid. Mr. Heber refused to agree to this proposition except it be agreed that he would be



retained in the management ; but the Southern Pacific positively refused to advance the money unless Mr. Heber should retire from the management. Notwithstanding the friction that had arisen on business and personal matters between Mr. Heber and myself, I had great faith in his ability as an executive, and in his ability to handle the land and colonization of the Valley; but I also believed, as did my other associates with the exception of Mr. Heber, that unless money could be obtained quickly from some source the company would soon be thrown into bankruptcy. Consequently, Mr. Blaisdell, Dr. Heffernan and myself went to San Francisco in April, 1905, and in an interview with Messrs. Calvin, Hood and Herrin of the Southern Pacific, succeeded in getting them to agree to lend to the California Development Company $200,000, on condition that we should succeed, at the annual meeting of the company to be held in Jersey City early in June, in placing on the board three men to be named by them, one of whom should be selected as the president and general manager of the company ; also precedent to the loan, that we were to place in the hands of a trustee to be named by the Southern Pacific 6300 shares of the capital stock out of a total of 12,500. Mr. Heber was not at the time informed of these negotiations. He left for Jersey City in May in order to hold the annual meeting in June, and I went east during the same month. The result of the annual meeting was that we succeeded in doing that which we had undertaken to do, and as a final result the management of the company was turned over to the Southern Pacific on the 20th day of June. The Southern Pacific officials named as their representatives on the California Development's board, Mr. Epes Randolph, Mr. George A. Parkyns, and Mr. R. H. Ingram, and the members of the board named by the California Development Company were under the contract made satisfactory to the Southern Pacific. It was the desire of Messrs. Blaisdell, Heffernan and myself that Mr. Epes Randolph, in whose integrity and ability we had the utmost confidence, should become the president of the company, and as this seemed to be satisfactory to the San Francisco officials, he was so selected.

It was not at the time stipulated that I should be retained as an officer of the company. In fact, on account of the serious difficulties that had arisen between Mr. Heber and myself, I doubted very much wheth-

I3 6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY er it was good policy for the company to retain me actively in the management of its affairs. This whole question was broached to Mr. Randolph and he was left with entire freedom to decide as he might see fit. He decided, however, that as neither he nor any of the Southern Pacific officials knew anything in regard to the affairs of the California Development Company, that it would be necessary to retain me in the position that I afterward filled, namely, that of assistant general manager. In June, 1905, the break in the Colorado River was a source of great alarm, not only with the people in the Valley, but was becoming so to ourselves. As I have already stated, there was a serious shortage of water "in the Valley in the winter season of 1903-04. There had been some trouble with the silting of the first four miles of the main canal below the Chaffey gate, due to the fact that it had not as yet been excavated to a sufficient depth ; and also that Mr. Chaffey, instead of building the canal on the alignment originally planned by me, had followed excavation of a few yards of material in the tortuous channel of an old slough which left in the canal many sharp bends that not only retarded the velocity of the water, but caused, at times, serious erosion of the banks and a consequent deposit of sediment. With the machinery at our command and which we could purchase with the money controlled by us, we had been unable up to this time to straighten and deepen this section of the canal as I had intended, and I evolved the theory that by putting in a waste gate about eight miles below the head gate, from which point we could waste water into the Paredones River and from this into Volcano Lake, that we could carry through the upper portion of the canal during the flood season of 1904 a sufficient volume of water to deepen and scour out by its own action this upper portion of the canal. This waste way was constructed and the flood waters were allowed to run freely through the upper portion of the canal during the summer season of 1904. The first action of the heavy volume of water coming through the canal was as I had expected. From investigations and measurements frequently made, some two feet of the bottom was taken out, and I believed, then, that we were absolutely safe for our Valley supply during the following season ; but I had counted without my host, and my theory was disproven a little later in the flood season, as when the river reached its flood heights, instead of



scouring the bottom of the canal as I had expected, the heavy sand waves which are carried along the bottom of the river in extreme flood periods, were carried into the canal and deposited within the first four miles below the gate. As soon as the summer flood dropped and I discovered this condition of affairs, and that instead of the bottom being lowered, it was approximately one foot above that of the year previous, we adopted the only means at our command to attempt to deepen the canal. Knowing the character of the material to be removed, we knew that with the dredging tools that we had it would be impossible to dredge out this four miles of canal in sufficient time for the uses of the Valley, providing the water in the river should drop as low as it had the previous year. The dredgers were brought back, however, and put at work ; but the result proved as I had anticipated, that it would take practically all winter to dredge the canals ; that is, it would take all winter to provide new machinery, even if we had the money ; and in hopes, then, that it might possibly prove effective, I employed the steamer Cochan, and, placing a heavy drag behind it, ran it up and down the canal in hopes that by stirring up the bottom there would be sufficient velocity in the canal itself to move the silt deposits on below the four mile stretch to a point where I knew the water had sufficient velocity to keep the silt moving. A month's work, however, with the steamer proved that the work being done by it was inadequate. We were confronted then with the proposition of doing one of two things, either cutting a new heading from the canal to the river below the silted four miles section of the canal, or else allowing the Valley to pass through another winter with an insufficient water supply. The latter proposition we could not face for the reason that the people of the Imperial Valley had an absolute right to demand that water should be furnished them, and it was questionable in our minds as to whether we would be able to keep out of bankruptcy if we were to be confronted by another period of shortage in this coming season of 1904-1905. The cutting of the lower intake, after mature deliberation and upon the insistence of several of the leading men of the Valley, was decided upon. We hesitated about making this cut, not so much because we believed we were incurring danger of the river's breaking through, as from the fact that we had been unable to obtain the consent of the Government of Mexico to make it, and we believed that we were jeopardiz-

I3 8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ing our Mexican rights should the cut be made without the consent of the government. On a telegraphic communication, however, from our attorney in the City of Mexico to go ahead and make the cut, we did so under the presumption that he had obtained the necessary permit from the Mexican authorities. It was some time after this, in fact after the cut was made to the river, before we discovered that he had been unable to obtain the formal permit, but had simply obtained the promise of certain officials that we would not be interfered with providing that plans were at once submitted for the necessary controlling structures to be placed in this heading.

This lower intake was constructed not, as is generally supposed, because there was a greater grade from the river through to the main canal at this point. The grade through the cut and the grade of the main canal above the cut were approximately the same, but the cut was made at this point for the reason that the main canal below the point where the lower intake joined it was approximately four feet deeper than the main canal through the four miles above this junction to the Chaffey gate, consequently giving us greater water capacity. In cutting from the main canal to the river at this point, we had to dredge a distance of 3300 feet only, through easy material to remove, while an attempt to dredge out the main canal above would have required the dredging of four miles of very difficult material. We began the cut the latter end of September and completed it in about three weeks. As soon as the cut was decided upon, elaborate plans for a controlling gate were immediately started and when completed early in November were immediately forwarded to the City of Mexico for approval of the engineers of the Mexican government, without whose approval we had no authority or right to construct the gate. Notwithstanding the insistence of our attorney in the City of Mexico and various telegraphic communications insisting upon this approval being hurried, we were unable to obtain it until twelve months afterward, namely, the month of December, 1905. In the meantime serious trouble had begun. We have since been accused of gross negligence and criminal carelessness in making this cut, but I doubt as to whether anyone should be accused of negligence or carelessness in failing to foresee that which had never happened before. We had before us, at the time, the history of the river as shown by the



daily rod readings kept at Yuma for a period of twenty-seven years. In the twenty-seven years there had been but three winter floods. In no year of the twenty-seven had there been two winter floods. It was not probable, then, in the winter of 1905, that there would be any winter flood to enlarge the cut made by us and without doubt, as it seemed to us, we would be able to close the cut before the approach of the summer flood by the same means that we had used in closing the cut for three successive years around the Chaffey gate at the head of the canal. During this year of 1905, however, we had more than one winter flood. The first heavy flood came, I believe, about the first of February, but did not enlarge the lower intake ; on the contrary it caused such a silt deposit in the lower intake that I found it necessary, after the flood had passed, to put the dredge* through in order to deepen the channel sufficiently to allow enough water to come into the Valley for the use of the people.

This was followed shortly by another heavy flood that did not erode the banks of the intake but, on the contrary, the same as first, caused a deposit of silt and a necessary dredging. We were not alarmed by these floods, as it was still very early in the season. No damage had been done by them and we still believed that there would be no difficulty whatever in closing the intake before the approach of the summer flood, which was the only one we feared. However, the first two floods were followed by a third, coming some time in March, and this was sufficient notice to us that we were up against a very unusual season, something unknown in the history of the river as far back as we were able to reach ; and, as it was now approaching the season of the year when we might reasonably expect the river surface to remain at an elevation that would allow sufficient water for the uses of the Valley to be gotten through the upper intake, we decided to close the lower. Work was immediately begun upon a dam similar to the ones heretofore successfully used in closing the cut around the Chaffey gate. The dam was very nearly completed, when a fourth flood coming down the river swept it out. Work was immediately begun on another dam which was swept away by the fifth flood coming down during this winter season. About this time I left for the east, and, at the earnest solicitation of Imperial Water Company No. 1, which agreed to advance $5000 for



the effort, a third attempt to close the break was made under the directions of Mr. C. N. Perry and the superintendent of Imperial Water Company No. i, Mr. Thomas Beach. On my return from the east, on the 17th of June, I found them heroically attempting to stop the break with the water so high in the Colorado that all of the banks and surrounding lands were flooded, and I immediately stopped the work as we realized fully that nothing could be done until after the summer flood had passed. At this time the lower intake had been enlarged from a width of about sixty feet, as originally cut with the dredger, to a width of possibly 150 feet, and it did not then seem probable that the Colorado River would turn its entire flow through the cut, but as the waters of the river began to fall the banks of the intake began to cave and run into the canal ; the banks of the canal below the intake fell in and, as known by most of the residents of the Valley, the entire river began running through the canal and into the Salton Sea in the month of August of this year of 1905. After stopping the work of Messrs. Perry and Beach in June of that year, it was decided that nothing further should be done until the summer flood had passed. When that flood had receded and we found that

the entire river was coming through into the Salton Sea, the question as to how to turn the river became, perhaps, as serious a one from an engineering point of view, as had ever before confronted any engineer upon the American continent. Immediately opposite the heading of the lower intake an island lay in the Colorado River about a half mile long and a quarter of a mile wide, being merely a sand bar upon which there had accumulated a growth of cottonwood and arrow weed, and in the month of July, while still a very large portion of the water was flowing through the east channel along the Arizona shore, I conceived the idea that possibly we might, by driving a line of piling from the upper end of this island to the Lower California shore and weaving in between the piling barbed wire and brush, create a sand bar that would gradually force all of the water into the east channel, after which we could throw in a permanent dam across the lower intake. Under the supervision of George Sexsmith, our dredger foreman, and E. H. Gaines, the present county surveyor of Imperial County, both of whom had been with us for years



and made good, this jetty was started from the upper end of the island and directed toward the California shore at a point about 3000 feet above the island. I hardly expected this plan to be a success, but there was a possibility of its succeeding, and it was the only means that could be adopted that might turn the water from the Salton Sea quickly enough to prevent the necessity of moving the Southern Pacific tracks ; and also, if successful, it was the most economical means of turning the river. We succeeded in building a bar throughout the length of about 2800 feet, but there was left an opening, approximately 125 feet long, through which the rush of water was too great to control. This work was abandoned about the first of August. The one plan that I had advised, that I felt surely would succeed, was to construct a gate of sufficient size to carry the entire low water flow of the river, believing that when the water was turned through this gate we could, by closing the gates, raise the water to an elevation that would throw it down its original channel. This plan was fully discussed with Mr. Randolph and with our consulting engineer, Mr. James D. Schuyler, as well as with engineers of the Southern Pacific, who fully agreed as to the feasibility of that plan, and who expressed their belief that no other plan gave as great assurance of success. Mr. H. T. Cory, who was at that time Mr. Randolph's assistant and confidential man at Tucson, was sent from Tucson to examine into my plans and to report to Mr. Randolph upon their feasibility. At Mr. Cory's suggestion, an engineer from San Francisco was brought down to go over the works. Both Mr. Cory and his friend agreed upon the feasibility of the gate plan. Every one interested agreeing, I then, on rush orders, got together all material necessary for the construction of this gate, the floor

of which was to be of concrete on a pile foundation with a wooden superstructure, and it was my expectation to have the entire structure completed by the middle of November, 1905. If I remember correctly, the first material for this structure left Los Angeles on the 7th day of August, 1905. It had been my intention originally to construct the gate in a channel to be built by the dredge west of the intake, but the soil proving of a quicksand formation and saturated with water, I found it difficult to make this excavation, and after working a few days I abandoned that idea and decided to construct a by-pass immediately east of the intake

I 4 2 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY channel through which I would force the water of the river and would then build a gate in the intake itself. The intake at this point was about 300 feet in width, no more than we would require for rapid and successful construction of the work. The dredger was immediately put to work upon the by-pass and this material was so easily moved that the dredger found no difficulty whatever in making the short cut of about 700 feet that was required, and as soon as the cut was made a large portion of the water in the intake began naturally to pass through ; and work was begun upon the first dam required to force all of the water through the by-pass, it being the intention that when this dam was completed and all of the water was going through the by-pass to throw in another dam about 250 feet below the first in order to inclose that portion of the intake to be used as a site for the gate ; the second dam being built in still water, would have required only two or three days' work with the dredger, as it would have been simply an earthen bank thrown up by that machine. It was at this time that I decided that it would be necessary for me to either put some one at the river to take absolute charge of the construction of the gate and the closing of the river, or else it would be necessary to put some one in the Los Angeles office to handle the business affairs of the company, as I found that I was spending fully onethird of my time on the train between Los Angeles and Yuma and that the strain was becoming too great and that either work required my presence all the time. I met Mr. Randolph about the middle of September and discussed the question with him and he fully agreed with me that I could not fill both positions, and also agreed with me that it would be easier to find some one capable of completing the gate in accordance with the plans outlined, than it would be to find some one to take charge of the business end of affairs of the company, as no one but Mr. Heber and myself knew fully in regard to all contracts that had been entered into. Mr. Randolph asked me who I had in mind for the river work and upon my replying that I had not decided, he suggested that Mr. F. S. Edinger would be the right man if we could get him. 1 did not know Mr. Edinger intimately, but had known him for several years as the superintendent of bridges for the Southern Pacific Railroad. He had built the bridge at Yuma and I believed him to be a man of integrity and of great ability, and I concurred with Mr. Randolph in



the wisdom of placing Mr. Edinger in charge of the work at the river, providing his services could be obtained. He had left the employ of the Southern Pacific about three months previously and was then interested with the contracting firm of Shattuck & Desmond of Los Angeles and San Francisco, with headquarters at San Francisco. I had to leave the following day for San Francisco in order to pass upon the plans for the concrete head gate which were being gotten out by our consulting engineer, Mr. James D. Schuyler. In San Francisco I attempted to find Mr. Edinger, but learned that he was in Arizona. On my return to Los Angeles, I found a letter from Mr. Randolph stating that he had met Mr. Edinger in Tucson and had arranged with him to take entire charge of the work at the river for the construction of the gate in accordance with my plans ; he requested me to go to Yuma with Mr. Edinger and turn the entire work over to him. Mr. Edinger had left for San Francisco, but returned in three or four days, when I accompanied him to the river, discussed with him the entire gate plans, went with him over the ground and turned at the time the entire work over to him. He expressed himself as entirely satisfied with the plans of this gate and as believing that the gate could be put in place much easier than I had anticipated, but agreed with me that if I was erring it was on the side of safety, and that the work would go ahead as outlined by me. He said that it would be necessary for him to return to San Francisco at once in order to obtain some additional pumping machinery, which we decided we would require, and also to get several of his old men whom he thought would be of very material assistance to him in carrying through the new work rapidly. He went to San Francisco and was to return in a week. He did not return for two weeks, and when he did return passed through Los Angeles without notifying me. He went to the river, and at this time we were having what we ordinarily expect about the first of October, a slight rise in the river of two or three feet. This rise I had been expecting and hoping for, as I believed it would enlarge the by-pass and would, without the aid of the dam, throw a larger amount of the river water through the by-pass. Mr. Edinger, according to statements made to me, remained on the work at this time but a few minutes, when he returned to Yuma and took the first train for Tucson to see Mr. Randolph, to whom he said



that neither he nor any other man could build that gate and put it in place and that he would not undertake it. He had plans for the construction of a dam across the west channel from the head of the island direct to the Lower California shore, a distance of about 600 feet, by means of which he said he would be able to turn the water down the east channel. He claimed that he could do this work in much quicker time than the gate could be put in, even if the gate could be built at all, which he denied. Mr. Randolph, who had great faith in Mr. Edinger's experience and ability, agreed to this change of plan without consultation with me, and authorized Mr. Edinger to remove all material from the gate site, and to proceed at once with the construction of what was afterward known as the Edinger Dam. This was on a Thursday that Mr. Edinger went to Tucson. On Friday they started to move all material to the site of the Edinger Dam, and I knew nothing at all of this change of plan until the following Monday, when I was notified by Mr. Randolph in Los Angeles of what he had done. The dam met with several mishaps ; Edinger was very much longer in its construction than he had estimated. One of the foundation mats had broken, and though it was held in place, I did not believe, nor did other engineers believe who examined the work, that it would be a success. On the 29th day of November, Edinger had succeeded in raising the water thirty-five inches by means of the dam and had some water going down the east channel. In order to have turned all the water down the east channel, it would have been necessary to have raised the water to a height of between eight and ten feet, and it is exceedingly doubtful if the structure would have stood the pressure, but that is merely a matter of surmise. On the 29th of November a very heavy flood came down the river and the entire structure was washed away and the work was abandoned. Whether or not the first gate planned would have been completed before the flood of November 29th, is a matter of conjecture. No man can tell positively, but, judging from the tremendous work evolved in the construction of the second gate, which would not have been incurred in the construction of the first, and judging, too, from the rapidity with which the second gate was put in place, it is my opinion and the opinion of others who were able to judge, that the first gate would have been in place before the flood came down ; and that gate, with its concrete



floor, would have stood the pressure that would have been placed upon it, in which case the river would have been turned in November, 1905, and at a cost that would not have exceeded $125,000.

On the 15th day of December, 1905, I was authorized to go ahead again with the construction of what has been known as the Rockwood Gate. The heavy flood of November 29th had enlarged the intake from a width of 300 feet to a width of approximately 600 feet. It had taken out the island between the by-pass and the intake, and as we could not hope for the completion of the new gate before April, 1906, by which time we might possibly have high water in the river, it seemed an unsafe proposition to attempt to build the gate in the old channel. After looking over the ground, then, I decided to build the new gate directly in the main canal and to carry the water around the gate by means of a new canal to be built. The first gate was planned for a width of 120 feet and to carry a maximum of nine thousand cubic feet per second, which was the estimated amount of water that might be in the river in the month of November, 1905, at which time I had expected to have the gate completed. The Yuma records show that the amount of water flowing in the river previous to the flood of November 29th could have been successfully carried through a gate of the width planned. As the new gate could not be completed until the spring of 1906, I decided that it would have to be built larger than previously planned in order to carry the larger amount of water that might be expected in the river at that time ; consequently, it was planned with a width of 200 feet. The dimensions of the new gate, including its wooden aprons, was to be over all 240 feet by 10 feet. Instead of having a clear cut channel to work in, as we had for the first gate, the entire space had to be enclosed in a coffer-dam, and the excavation made from the interior of this enclosure. The work involved was such that the time required, as well as the expense, was fully twice as great as required for the construction of the first gate. Mr. Randolph, while giving his permission to go ahead with this construction, expressed doubt of our ability to put the floor of the gate down to the elevation that I expected to reach. I succeeded in placing the floor one foot below the elevation proposed in the original plan and the gate, except for its rock aprons, which were never built, was completed on the 18th day of April, 1906, practically within the time I had

I4 6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY estimated, although at a very much greater cost. But we had had high water in the river since about the first of March, and at this time some 22,000 cubic feet per second were passing down the channel ; and, while I believe that the gate might successfully carry 15,000 feet, it seemed foolish to place a test upon it, at this time, against a rising river, as it was exceedingly doubtful if we would be able to construct a dam across the 600 feet of channel with the means at our disposal before the sunn mer flood should be upon us ; consequently, we decided to stop the work until after the summer flood of 1906 should have passed. I had found, at this time, that it was impossible for me to manage the affairs of the company in accordance with my ideas, and unless I could do so, I believed that it was best for the stockholders of the company that I should resign as assistant general manager, which I did the latter part of April, 1906. Mr. H. T. Cory was then made general manager

and I became the consulting engineer. After the summer flood had passed Mr. Cory moved his headquarters to the river and took complete charge of the work. At this time, due to the summer flood of 1906, the intake had again been enlarged from 600 feet to approximately 2600 feet, and the work of filling was of such a magnitude that we decided it would be impossible to accomplish it in the time at our disposal except by means of a branch road to be built a distance of seven miles from the Southern Pacific main line across the intake, on the site of the proposed dam. The construction of this line, which was immediately begun, gave us the opportunity to throw a spur track in front of the gate and assure its safety, as it would permit rock to be dumped either on the gate or in front of it in case serious erosion should occur ; but the spur was not built until too late. The rock aprons that I had intended to build above and below the gate had not been put in, which omission allowed whirlpools to start in front of the gate which dug a hole below the sheet piling. The spur was then completed as rapidly as possible in order to bring in rock to fill the hole, but when the first trainload of rock started across the spur on the morning of October nth, a part of the trestle gave way and the train was thrown from the track, and at three o'clock in the afternoon the gate rose and went out. I was not on the ground at the time, having resigned as consulting engineer in October. Previous to this, however, this gate, which had been planned to carry



12,000 cubic feet of water per second on an even flow, had been carrying for a period of nearly two weeks far in excess of the amount, and, due to the drift which had been allowed to accumulate in front of it, this water, instead of going through smoothly, was going through with an overpour exceeding four feet in height. Whether the structure would have stood the strain had this spur been completed in time and had the rock aprons shown in my original plans been built, no man can tell, but it is my belief and that of other experienced engineers who examined it, that it would have stood and would have done the work for which it was planned, and would have been there today. After the Rockwood Gate, so-called, went out. I understand that Mr. Randolph decided to throw a mat and brush dam across the river channel below the intake of the concrete gate, which was built under my direction the winter before, and to force all the water through it. He was dissuaded, as I have been told, from this plan by Thomas Hind, who had been previously in charge of the work at the river under my directions, and who was, at the time of the going out of the Rockwood Gate,

foreman under H. T. Cory in charge of the river work. Hind said he could close the river and force the water back into the old channel by main force, providing they could furnish him with rock fast enough. They decided upon adopting this plan, which, at the time, was in all probability the only one that could have been adopted that would have succeeded in quick enough time to prevent the necessity of again moving the Southern Pacific tracks to the high grade level which they had been building at an elevation of 100 feet below sea level around the Salton Sea. Mr. Randolph succeeded in getting the Southern Pacific to agree to this plan of procedure which necessitated, practically, the turning over of the entire trackage facilities of the Southern Pacific to this work. Quarries from all over the country were brought into requisition and passenger trains were ordered to give way to the rock trains that would be required ; and what is probably one of the most gigantic works ever done by man in an equal length of time was then inaugurated, and the work of filling the channel began. Most of the cars used were of the pattern called battleships, carrying fifty cubic yards of rock, and the trains were so handled that for several days, or until the fill was above the dan-

148 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ger point, one car of rock was dumped on the average of every five minutes, night and day. This plan was successful. The Hind Dam was completed and the water turned down its old channel toward the Gulf of California on the 4th of November, 1908. The river did not stay long turned, however. A few weeks after the closure had been made, a flood came down the river which broke under the earth levees which had been constructed from the Hind Dam down the river for the purpose of preventing an overflow from entering the channel below the dam. The floods which had occurred during the year 1905- 1906 had caused a deep deposit of silt upon the lands below the dam. This silt deposit was filled with cracks, and when the Hind Dam was completed, the water at first raised above the natural ground surface and lay against the levee to a depth of from four to eight inches in the neighborhood of where the second break occurred. Even this slight pressure of water found its way beneath the levee in many different places, and a large gang of men was required to prevent it from breaking ; but nothing was done to make it safe, and when the next flood came down the river in December, 1906, it broke under the levee and again the water turned down to the Salton Sea. This second break was closed in the same manner as the first had been, on the nth day of February, 1907. After repairing the second break the levees were rebuilt and extended farther down the river and, in my opinion, they will now stand any pressure that may come against them, and I believe that the people of the Imperial Valley are now entirely safe from the probability of destruction due to future floods in the Colorado River, and that these floods may not occur, not because it is

impossible that the flood waters of the Colorado should again find their way to the Salton Sea, but as the river has been twice turned, it can be turned again by the same means should it ever become necessary to do so. The people of the Imperial Valley have naturally expected great things of the management of the Southern Pacific, believing that an enterprise backed by all its millions and its natural interest in the development of the traffic would at once surge ahead ; that all necessary work to put the entire enterprise in a safe and satisfactory condition for the distribution of water would be done, and that the work would be rapid-



ly carried on to cover the entire acreage available for irrigation within the Valley. Two years have now passed since the final closure was made, and on the 20th day of next June four years will have passed since the Southern Pacific assumed absolute charge of the management of the affairs of the California Development Company, and yet, during that time, I doubt if sixty miles of new canals and ditches have been built, and I, doubt if to exceed 5000 more people are now in the Valley than were here on the 20th day of June, 1905. The old company, hampered as it was by lack of funds and the erroneous beliefs of the world regarding the possibilities of this region, began its work of construction at the Colorado River in September, 1900. It brought the first little trickle of water down through what is now known as the Boundary Ditch at Calexico on the 21st day of June, 1901. It was not able to turn water into its main canal for irrigation until March, 1902. Practically then the history of development in the hands of the old management, dates from the time when we turned over the management to the Southern Pacific on the 20th day of June, 1905; a period of four years. During that time, in spite of all that we had during the early period to overcome, we built nearly 800 miles of canals; we sold water rights covering approximately 210,000 acres of land, and we brought into the Valley not less than 15,000 people. It must be remembered though that nearly two years of the Southern Pacific control was spent in turning the floods that threatened to destroy all, that it has been hampered by many adverse court decisions against the California Development Company, and it is a question as to whether any financial men placed in the same position that they are would have done more than they have, except that a different administration might have before this cleared the ground for future action and might have effected a reorganization which must undoubtedly be ac-

complished before the great work can again go ahead smoothly. Court decisions have been rendered which would naturally make the Southern Pacific, or any financial institution in its place, hesitate before spending more money in the Valley for the benefit of others. The decision of the United States Federal Court gave to the Liverpool Salt Company in a suit which it brought against the California Development Company for destroying its works a judgment of $450,000. The South-

150 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ern Pacific does not, naturally, care to pay this judgment. Some of the people of the Imperial Valley combined and assigned to one Jones innumerable claims for damages, some real, some fictitious, all exaggerated, but aggregating in the total amount some $470,000. The Southern Pacific cannot be responsible for that damage, nor does it care to create additional wealth, additional assets, for the California Development Company that might be taken to pay those damage claims should Jones succeed in obtaining a judgment against the company. I understand that plans had been drawn and consent had been given for the expenditure of a large amount of money for the construction of permanent gates in the main canal, above Sharps, when a decision rendered by the Federal Court in Los Angeles cast doubt upon the legality of the contracts entered into between the mutual companies and the California Development Company, and also threw a serious doubt upon the value of all water stocks and upon the value of future investments that might be made by the Southern Pacific in the canal system. Following this decision then they ordered all work stopped and notified the present management of the California Development Company that it must depend entirely upon its resources obtained from water rentals or from the sale of such water stocks as people might see fit to buy. (The decision referred to above was reversed by Judge Welborn in February, 1900. Ed.). If these water rentals would be sufficient to they have not been all pany, like the old, is were paid promptly it is doubtful if they operate successfully the system, but I understand paid and the present management of the comhampered in its work by inadequate funds.

A new chapter has now been opened in the affairs of the Valley and in the affairs of the California Development Company by a suit brought on the 9th day of January, 1909, against the company by the Southern Pacific for, approximately, $1,400,000, the company suing on promissory notes given to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and by the Southern Pacific management of the California Development Company. We may hope, however, that instead of this suit further complicating the situation and retarding development indefinitely, that it may prove an advantage to all concerned by clearing the ground and leaving it clean for future growth.


Fight on for C. D. Control. A Late Letter from Mr. Rockwood Los Angeles, Cal., May 12, 1909. To the people of Imperial Valley: It is with regret that I announce to you that on Saturday, May 8, 1909, Mr. W. F. Herrin, the head of the legal department of the Southern Pacific, acting for that company, decided not to accept the proposition recently made by the stockholders of the California Development Company, whereby we agreed to sell to the Southern Pacific Company all of the stock of the C. D. Co., for $250,000, being $20 per share, or one-fifth of its par value. The price at which we offered the stock equals only about $1 per acre for the lands now under water stock and 25 cents per acre for the total irrigable area of the Valley. The revenues from water rentals for this year, 1909, will equal the total amount that we have asked the Southern Pacific Company to pay us for our equity in this great enterprise, that was with your help and theirs created by us, an enterprise that, though still in its infancy, too young as yet to even dream the story of its future greatness, increased the revenues of the great Southern Pacific Company during the year 1908 by nearly two and one-half million dollars. They will undoubtedly deny these figures and I cannot prove them, but my information came directly from a high official of the company, whose name I will not give as such information is not for us common people, and I do not wish to embarrass my friend by subjecting him to reprimand from the higher ups. The little we have asked them to pay us out of their much is, we believe, far below the sum that we are justly entitled to for our part in building up this Imperial empire of the southwest. A year ago we made a proposition to the Southern Pacific Company to settle our differences. They refused it. We have made others since, all of which have been ignored, and they never made to us a counter proposition, unless that we pay back to them all of the money they have squandered in mismanaging our affairs, with interest, be considered a proposition. This sum, which includes freight at $12 a ton, $18 per cubic yard, on much of the rock that was used in closing the break, amounts, according to their statement, to approximately $4,000,000, and unless we are prepared to pay them this sum they have decided that we who have created for



them a revenue of $2,500,000 per year, are entitled to no consideration from them. This is of interest to you, of vital interest, and for that reason I am taking you into my confidence and telling you these things that mean

the retarding of the development of our great Valley unless we, the stockholders and owners of the California Development Company, who conceived and planned this enterprise and put into it our all, give up that all to satisfy the rapacity of the Southern Pacific Company. When we offered them the stock at $20 per share we offered them nearly all. We offered it because we are weak as compared with their great strength, and because we hoped that if we gave them title to the property that they would use their great power and resources to develop it. I am informed that the attorneys for the Southern Pacific in Los Angeles and San Francisco advised settlement on this basis, that this was also the desire of Messrs. Cory and Doran, the Southern Pacific managers of the California Development Company, but Mr. Espes Randolph and Mr. W. F. Herrin control, and they decided against it, and instructed the Los Angeles attorney to begin marshaling their legal hosts against us. The fight is on. I am sorry for your sakes as well as my own, but I think there are but few of you who can in your hearts expect or ask us to do more than we have. Personally I have given sixteen years out of the middle of my life in turning the Colorado Desert into the Imperial Valley. I have succeeded, not alone to be sure. Without the help of the brains and money of my associates I could have done nothing. Without the help of the Southern Pacific in time to save all our efforts might have been fruitless, but that they did save no more entitles them to say to us, the stockholders, give us all in payment, than it does to say to you, give us the farm we saved for you. I try not to be egotistical, but when I now ride through our fields of waving grain and look miles across broad acres of alfalfa, dotted here and there with comfortable homes, and the evidence of a prosperous people, and think of that day, more than sixteen years back, when, without a wagon track or trail to guide me, I first crossed the then uninhabitated solitude, I know that I have accomplished that which is given to but few to do, and while my reward is mostly in doing that which I undertook to do, still I believe that in my work I have honestly earned



in that visible evidence of success, money, a competency. But I do not expect it now out of my work in the Valley unless I can acquire it in the future through the same opportunities that have been given to you. Personally I own 712 shares of California Development Company stock. At the price it was offered to the Southern Pacific Company I would have received $16,240, not a very magnificent money reward to be sure; but even this they refused, and now to get it or anything I must fight through the long, tedious process of the courts. In the fight I, we, want and hope to receive the sympathy and moral support of the

Valley people. The time must come when you, the people, will own the great water system on which you are so entirely dependent, and now that your land titles are being adjusted the time may be not far away when you can offer a security that would permit you to purchase. Hope then, for your own sakes, if not for ours, that we may win, for undoubtedly the price we will ask of you will be but a small part of the demands of the Southern Pacific Company. I believe that in this fight we are legally and morally right, and that the courts of our land will not oblige us, or you, to return to the Southern Pacific Company the millions unnecessarily spent, and spent in any case not for our protection but for their own, and I believe we will win, and if we do, you do. Requesting then your patience and your continued good-will, I remain, Yours sincerely, C. R. Rockwood.

CHAPTER IV IRRIGATION BY EDGAR F. HOWE When Congressman Roberts of Pennsylvania had traversed the desert to enter Imperial Valley, he said : "The one incomprehensible fact with me is that you people came here. Now that you are here and have brought about this marvelous development, I can well understand why you stay here. But how did it happen that you came out into this Valley when it was such a forbidding desert as I have seen in coming here? that is the mystery." Congressman Roberts did not realize that there is in America a nomadic race of beings, always pressing toward the frontier and carving empires to endure for the ages. Here in Imperial Valley, last of the American frontiers, they saw their opportunity, and we may believe that as they settled down near the river to make new habitation they but duplicated the processes of the ancient Assyrians and Egyptians, throwing off the nomadic instinct for the time being and adding to the processes of the ancients the skill of the moderns. It was no accident that brought forth Imperial Valley from the desolation of the Colorado Desert. There is no alchemy and no mysticism in the methods whereby the desert is reclaimed. Everywhere in modern husbandry the scientist is analyzing the soil and determining the element that is lacking for highest productivity, and he has discovered that in arid lands the one missing element is moisture. That supplied, the plant food that has been accumulating through the ages brings forth crops to astonish those unacquainted with the desert.

Early in the 40's General Kearny's expedition crossed Southern Arizona, noted the great success of the Pima Indians in the Salt River valley growing cotton and other cultures, thence came on through what was to become the famous Imperial Valley. A decade later they were followed by soldiers of the United States, and so early as that time the possibility of reclaiming the desert by



bringing water from the Colorado River was reported on by army officers. A little later Dr. Wozencraft of San Bernardino became interested in bringing this about, and did his utmost to get Congress to make an appropriation to this end, but when it seemed that he might succeed, the Civil War came on, and for years nothing could be done in regard to reclamation works. After the war he again tried to secure government aid for the work, but was unsuccessful. During the 70's individuals became interested in a project to bring about the work as a private enterprise, but nothing came of those efforts, covering a series of years. The California Development Company finally was formed, composed of C. R. Rockwood, A. H. Heber, Dr. W. T. Heffernan and others. These were men of moderate means, but all they possessed was put into the work of making surveys and hunting for bigger capital to carry on the work. A number of years went by without accomplishment until the spring of 1900, when George Chaffey, as general manager, began the great work of building which was to be conducted during the fourteen months in which he headed the enterprise. Mr. Chaffey was a Canadian civil and mechanical engineer, and more than twenty years before he had been connected with the development work at Riverside, and thence had gone to found the colonies of Ontario and Etiwanda, Southern California. Following his success in Southern California he had gone to Australia to take charge of great government irrigation works, and these works being completed, he had just returned to this country when he became interested in the Imperial enterprise, of which he was made the head. He began his task with adverse financial conditions. Not only had all the stock of the company passed to private hands, but the company had considerable floating obligations and had sold water rights for 35,000 acres of land. Its only assets consisted of a camp equipment and an interest in a surveying outfit. As he built canals the holders of water rights located them along the canals, thus making it difficult to finance additional works. Adding to the difficulties, the United States Agricultural Department

bureau of soils sent here a young and inexperienced man to report on the soils of the Valley, and the report he made was so unjustly adverse that banks which had co-operated to a degree withdrew their support.

156 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY In spite of these obstacles, in fourteen months Mr. Chaffey dug 700 miles of canal, and colonists having come to the Valley in large numbers, mainly from irrigated sections of California and Arizona, the section was given an impetus that nothing could stop. Building in this way it was inevitable that the works should be constructed with a view to cheapness rather than endurance, and the colonists have paid a heavy penalty for this, though greater stability is being wrought out by the people for themselves in these later days, and the irrigation works will in time take rank with the best the world knows. The supreme evil that came upon the Valley as a result of the cheap construction came through conducting the irrigation canal through Mexico. Abutting on the international line as it does, a chain of sand hills lies between Imperial Valley and the Colorado River and extends a short distance below the line into Mexico. From an engineering point of view it was the logical thing to do to conduct the canal around the chain of hills. But insomuch as that vested the control of the canal in a foreign country, it was a most serious obstacle to the development of the full resources of the American lands, it being necessary to make great concessions to Mexico. It would be much better if the writing of this historical sketch could be delayed a few months, for then, in all probability, the triumph of the colonists over this obstacle could be recounted. As these words are written there is a delegation in Washington conferring with the representatives of the Interior Department, and there is assurance that arrangements will be perfected whereby a canal wholly within the United States will be constructed and the irrigation of the half million acres now in Imperial irrigation district, and nearly as much additional land outside the present boundaries of the district, will be divorced from the six hundred thousand irrigable acres in Mexico. In late years a new line of organization has been followed, which has placed the irrigation system in the hands of the residents of the Valley. The financial difficulties of the California Development Company and its closely affiliated Mexican company (the stock of the latter owned by the former and maintained as a method of control of the canal in Mexico) eventually led to a receivership, and the Southern Pacific Rail-



road Company having advanced the company a sum of money, the railroad company became the controlling factor. The people of the Valley in 191 1 organized an irrigation district under the laws of California, and for three millions of dollars purchased the irrigation system, assuming the obligation of the original company in its contract with the Republic of Mexico to give to the Mexican lands one half of all water brought through that country, providing those lands require that quantity of water. The district also maintains a Mexican corporation, the function of which is the same as that of its predecessor. In the original organization the Development Company was a parent company, having contracts with a series of mutual water companies for the delivery of water at 50 cents an acre foot, the farmers holding stock in these companies on the basis of one share (usually) to the acre. Each of these mutual companies serves the water used in a well defined section of the Valley. In forming the district this organization was continued, the district serving the mutual companies and not the individual farmers and continuing the former charge. The mutual companies levy assessments from time to time to cover the maintenance of their distributing canals and their office expenses, and charge the farmers at the rate of 50 cents a second foot for actual water deliveries. The irrigation district has as its revenue the water rentals from the mutual companies and levies taxes to make up the deficit, these taxes applying on all real estate in cities and country, exclusive of improvements. In many respects there is in this irrigation project a suggestion of that on the lower Nile. The Colorado River draws its great volume of water from a drainage area that reaches almost to the Canadian line and which includes the whole western slope of the Rocky Mountains. Scant summer rain in arid America and the melting snows of the mountains give to the river great variability in volume of discharge, which rises and falls with almost clock-work regularity. The maximum discharge comes about June 20 each year, and the annual outpour of the river is about sixteen million acre feet. With present development there is a good margin of safety above the minimum flow, but at the rate development is proceeding along the river, it is evident to all that something in the form of storage must be devised in years not far distant.

I5 8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Taken as a whole, the farmers use an average of a trifle over three acre feet per acre a year, the maximum demand being in June, July and August, but time undoubtedly will bring about considerable change in this respect. The use of water runs so extensively to summer maximum now because of the great acreage of cotton grown, but the tendency already manifest toward fall and spring garden crops leads to the belief that cotton in the years to come will occupy a smaller percentage of the

total area, and the more intensive culture of fall, winter and spring crops, and the more extensive planting of fruits, particularly grapes and dates, will lead to a more equitable distribution of water service throughout the year.


CHAPTER V EDUCATIONAL BY A. P. SHIBLEY On September 8, 1901, Mr. J. E. Carr opened the first school in Imperial Valley under a ramada, roofed with arrow-weeds and that roof supported by eight poles, not far from the present city of Calexico. He enrolled fifty boys and girls, many of whom came trudging across the desert for four and five miles. In the fall of 1903 John W. Shenk, now a judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles, opened another school in the newly organized Calexico School District. His school house was a tent about fourteen feet by twenty feet. It had a board floor, canvas top, sides and ends. The sides and ends were drawn outward and upward and attached to mesquite poles during school hours, except during windy weather. This school was located just south of the canal levee and west of the main traveled road at the bridge across the main canal just north of Calexico. This school opened with nearly fifteen pupils and increased to twenty before the close of the session in the following May. Judge Shenk says: "The pupils came on burros, on horseback and on foot from habitations not as a rule visible from the school house. Two or three ranch tents in the distance and the California Development Company's building and water tank at the international boundary line were the only signs of civilization apparent to the eye. The pupils were earnest and eager, with but an occasional infraction of the arbitrary rules prescribed by the schoolmaster. Corporal punishment was seldom resorted to and when used it was, of course, with the full approval of the parents obtained after the incident was closed." During the same year Mr. L. E. Cooley was the teacher of the school in the Van Horn community, somewhat west of the present town of Heber. This school of Mr. Cooley's was frequently spoken of as a "rag knowledge box" a name fully indicative of the kind of structure in which the school was taught.

l6o HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY These three schools were all that Imperial Valley afforded up to the close of the school year 1902-1903. But from this time on the population increased rapidly and just as rapidly were the facilities for the education of the pioneer children provided. During the summer of 1907 the County of Imperial was formed from the eastern part of San Diego County. The first teacher of the Imperial Valley became the first county superintendent of schools. Under his supervision the following school districts opened and maintained schools during the school year of 1907- 1908: Adair, Alamo. Brawley, Calexico, Central, Colorado, Eastside, El Centro, Elder, Eucalyptus, Heber, Holtville, Imperial, Jasper, Picacho, Silsbee and Sunset Springs. The Spruce School District had been previously formed, but maintained no school that year and the Old Beach School District was suspended and somewhat later ceased to exist. The Imperial Valley Union High School at Imperial was the only high school in the county during this first year of the county's existence. The elementary schools enrolled one thousand sixty-seven boys and girls and employed thirty-eight teachers. The high school enrolled forty-eight pupils, who were taught by three teachers. The elementary schools were maintained at an expense of $22,201.06 for maintenance and an expense of $9,129.96 for sites, buildings and furniture, and the high school at an expense of $4,782.93 with but $200 spent for building purposes. The total amount of elementary school property was estimated to be worth $51,965 and the high school property was valued at $7,555, making a total valuation of all school property of $59,520. During the administration of Superintendent J. E. Carr the schools showed a remarkable growth in every respect, including the number of schools, enrollments, valuations of school property, number of teachers employed and efficiency of education generally. In January of 191 1, Superintendent Carr was succeeded by Superintendent Lewis E. Cooley, another of the triumvirate of pioneer Imperial Valley teachers. At the time Superintendent Cooley began his work in the county office Imperial Valley had come to "blossom as the rose,"' agriculturally and educationally. Thirty- four elementary school districts were employing sixty-three teachers and had an enrollment of seventeen hundred ninety pupils. There were five union high schools,

EDUCATIONAL 161 employing twenty-six teachers, and with an enrollment of two hundred thirty-eight pupils. The educational foundation had been laid and the superstructure started. But big and worth while work was yet to be

done. For four years Superintendent Cooley gave of himself liberally and well in the handling of the mighty tasks that fell to his lot. He was then succeeded by the writer in January, 191 5. Figures are not yet available for the year 1917-1918, but the annual report of the year 1916-1917 shows a remarkable growth when compared with those of the first year of the county's history. Imperial County now has fifty elementary school districts and last year employed one hundred sixty-seven teachers, with an enrollment of four thousand one pupils. She spent $167,848 for maintenance of them and $58,372 for buildings, sites and equipment. She has five union high schools and last year employed fifty-eight teachers, with eight hundred thirty-six young men and women enrolled. She had one evening high school that enrolled five hundred men and women for study in branches mainly applicable to their own needs in daily life. She expended for maintenance $118,709 and $112,588 for extensions of union high school plants. The elementary schools owned school plants valued at $593,004 and the union high school plants valued at $611,321. Most of these schools are located on tracts of land varying in size from three to eight acres in area. Careful attention has been given to the construction of the buildings and equipment to make them modern and well adapted to the educational needs of those whom they are designed to serve. Most of these schools have either an auditorium or two or more rooms with accordion doors between, making these rooms convertible into an auditorium. Practically all of them are adorned with trees, vines and shrubs. In some cases groves have been set out with the idea of making picnic grounds, as well as to serve the usual needs of the schools. On the whole the school districts are large. It is the hope that these districts may be kept large, thus obviating the necessity for the muchheralded consolidations of schools that such great lengths have been gone to obtain in the eastern and middle western states. It is not unusual to see ten to fifteen horses and often several burros hitched about one of our schools, oftentimes in sheds that have been erected

162 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY for their protection. The writer has seen as many as twenty-seven horses and burros about one school ; all of them had carried or drawn precious burdens to a rural temple of learning. In a few of the elementary school districts transportation is provided at public expense. Doubtless the next few years will see a considerable expansion of the transportation facilities of school children. Transportation of high school pupils is now carried on by each of the five union high school districts; all of them own automobiles of their own; most of them pay certain individuals for transportation of themselves and some of the pupils from neighboring families, and some pupils are transported by contract. In a few instances pupils are trans-

ported from homes fifteen miles distant from the high school. Thus are the homes kept intact, the pupils enabled to retain the benefits and pleasures of home life and home environments. Imperial County is seeking the best in courses of study for both the elementary and high schools. Essentials are striven for and nonessentials eliminated as far as possible. Our schools attempt to securely fasten the worth while parts of the formal subjects. In addition, we are stressing the teaching of agriculture, nature study and school and home gardening, and a strong beginning has been made in Agricultural Club work. Nor are our schools neglecting the newer subjects demanded of the schools. All of our high schools and many of the elementary schools have well taught courses in drawing, art, manual training, home economics, music including, in some cases, both vocal and instrumental and from time to time other desirable and needed courses are given. An article prepared by Principal W. T. Randall of the Central Union High School will give an idea of the real breadth of our high school courses and the courses in the other four union high schools are similar. "The school provides instruction in the following lines : English, four years, with an extra year in commercial English and another in journalism ; history, four years, with a year in civics and economics and debate ; the foreign languages are Latin and Spanish ; in mathematics, a year's work in practical business arithmetic and four years in the higher and advanced subjects; music includes chorus, glee club, orchestra, piano, sight singing, harmony, and history ; the sciences, involving full laboratory practice and interwoven with the practical affairs of

EDUCATIONAL 163 life, are agriculture (together with a competition club), botany, chemistry and a year of qualitative analysis, physics, physiology, hygiene and zoology. The vocational subjects meet the needs of two classes of students : those who elect these subjects in an academic course, and those who are studying them for immediate use in business. The commercial subjects are bookkeeping and stenography, with their arithmetic, English, law, geography, history, penmanship and typewriting. Drawing is both free-hand and mechanical. Household arts at present are confined to cooking and sewing. Shop work as yet extends only to some of the simplest forms of carpentry, cabinet work, a little forge work and automobile repairing. Some excellent practice in the use of a library is given by the efficient teacher of that subject, who has at her service the collections also of the city and of the county. An exceedingly homelike cafeteria is provided." Each of the five large towns of the Imperial Valley are maintaining well equipped and well taught kindergartens. Thus it will be seen that Imperial County is caring for its children in an educational way from the kindergartens through the four years of high school and beginnings have been made in junior college work. We expect in a short time to put the ambitious boys and girls within

two years of obtaining a bachelor's degree without the breaking of home ties and the large expense of four years at college. FORT YUMA INDIAN SCHOOL BY L. L. ODLE Fort Yuma Indian School and Agency is located on a prominence in Imperial County, California, just across the Colorado River from Yuma, Arizona. In the early days it was used by the soldiers as a fort which was abandoned between 1878 and 1880, at which time it was taken possession of by the Catholic Sisters and a school established for the Yuma Indians. In the year 1895 the United States Government took possession and it was made a boarding school. At this time the Indians were very superstitious and it was difficult for them to see the advantage of the school training. There was some trouble in getting the children in school, but they are beginning to open their eyes and the majority of the parents are anxious and willing for their children to be in school.

^4 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY The pupils are brought in at the age of five years and are kept at the school until they complete the primary work. They are also trained along the industrial as well as the academic lines. The girls are given special training in housekeeping, laundering, cooking, etc., while the boys are given dairying, gardening, carpentry, etc. After completing the primary work they are transferred to nonreservation schools, namely, Sherman Institute, Riverside, California, and Phoenix Industrial School, Phoenix, Arizona, these being the nearest industrial schools, and are given further industrial training where better results are obtained through association with pupils of other tribes. The Yumas are clannish, cling to their own language, and progress is slow when they remain in the boarding school after completing the primary work. Much improvement has been made to the buildings the last two years and the construction of new screen porches has added sufficient room for pupils to sleep in the open air throughout the year. The school farm containing 160 acres is located about one mile north of the school and is under cultivation. The income has been very noticeable the last six months and the garden has kept the school tables well supplied with fresh vegetables, pumpkins, etc. A great success has been made on the farm. The pupils are very fond of it and it is in great demand in the surrounding community. It is predicted that this school will produce the molasses used in most of the schools in the service after another year. The Yuma Indian Reservation lies to the north and west of the school. This contains 8000 acres of irrigable land under the Yuma Project. The soil is the best, with an abundance of water for irrigation and domestic purposes.

Five years ago the Reservation was a wild wilderness of desolation. The Yuma Indians were considered the poorest in California. The government had done little for them. The tribe, now numbering 833, of whom 779 are full bloods, lived by raising pumpkins, watermelons, wheat and corn on the overflow lands of the Colorado River. Sanitary conditions were very bad and the death rate far exceeded the birth rate. In January, 1916, the entire Reservation was flooded, the Indians losing everything.

EDUCATIONAL 165 By Act of Congress March 3, 191 1, 8,000 acres were allotted, a share of 10 acres to each Indian, and to place these lands in cultivation about $100 per acre must be expended in labor. After the lands are grubbed, cleared and leveled for irrigation their equal cannot be found in this country, if in the world. As an illustration: alfalfa is cut from seven to ten times, yielding from three-quarters to three tons per acre at each cutting. Alfalfa seed is a very valuable crop, yielding from four to eight hundred pounds of seed to the acre which sells from 18 to 35 cents per pound. Two crops of seed can be made with two cuttings of alfalfa, the second crop of seed yielding from one to three hundred pounds per acre. Four cuttings of hay can be made with one crop of seed. Cotton raising has also been very successful, yielding an average of three-fourths to one bale per acre for long staple and one and onehalf to two and one-half for short staple. Milo maze averages two tons per acre. Under the climatic conditions anything can be grown except products that require a damp or the extreme cold climate. The Yuma Indian is considered the best laborer among the Indians and he is on the road to prosperity, which is best shown in the following statistics: Lands irrigable 8,000 acres Land cultivated by Indians, March 1, 1918 1,600 acres Land value $200 per acre Crop values for 1917 $62,075.00 Earnings, employed by others $31,555.00 About two-thirds of the reservation is leased to whites under the improvement plan and about 4,400 acres of this is in cultivation. Every effort is being put forth to get this land cleared and in crops and at the close of 1918 all lands will be in cultivation with the production more than doubled. It will be one of the richest and most productive reservations for its size in the United States and a credit to the Service. Health conditions have greatly improved in the last four or five years with much credit due the Physician, Nurse, and Field Matron.

The following record will be interesting in this connection :



1911 17 53 36 1912 14 30 16 1913 22 28 6 Increase 1914 26 25

I 1915 28 14 14 1916 39 13 26 1917 38 18 20

Owing to climatic conditions and the location of the Fort Yuma School and Reservation it would be an ideal place for a sanatorium. It is predicted that in the near future the boarding school will be abandoned, day schools established on the reservation, and a government sanatorium established where afflicted Indians from all parts of the United States can be accommodated and nursed back to health.

CHAPTER VI RELIGIOUS THE M. E. CHURCH OF IMPERIAL In September of the year 1901, Rev. J. S. Kline was appointed to Im-

perial as a supply. This is the first time that Imperial appears in the minutes. He did some preaching at Blue Lake and Calexico during the year. The following year no one was appointed to the charge, though the Rev. Kline continued to preach occasionally. In March, 1903, Rev. H. C. Mullen of the St. Louis Conference was transferred to the Southern California Conference, and was appointed to the Imperial work by Bishop John W. Hamilton. Rev. Mullen arrived on the field the 16th day of April, and preached his first sermon in the Valley the following Sunday, April 19th, at Blue Lake schoolhouse to an audience of about twenty-five. The first service held in Imperial occurred on the evening of the following Sunday, the 26th, in the hall over the Imperial Land Company's office, when an audience of about thirty were present. The class at Imperial was organized during the latter part of June, 1903, with 21 members. At Blue Lake an organization was effected during the month of July, 1903, with a membership of 13. On Sunday morning, May 10, H. C. Mullen preached on the eastside at the home of Mr. J. S. Bridenstine to a congregation of about 20. He was the first person to preach in that section, having held services there some seven months before any other preacher had entered the field. The class on the eastside was organized on December 13, 1903, and completed on January 10, 1904. The number of charter members was 14. In July, 1903, the fifth Sunday, H. C. Mullen preached to an audience of 30 in Brawley, the services being held in an adobe building used at that time as a rooming house. He continued preaching services at this place as opportunity offered until January, 1904, when Rev. Thos. Stamp of Oregon came to take charge of the work. He remained but

168 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY six weeks, the critical condition of Mrs. Stamp's health brought him here, and she survived only a short time after their arrival. H. C. Mullen continued to care for the Brawley work after Rev. Stamp's departure. A class of 22 charter members was organized on Sunday, April 4, 1904. The services were held in the Cady-Lee Hall. The second week in May following, Rev. Andrew McAllen of the Missouri Conference, who had been transferred to the Southern California Conference, took charge of this point. The following pastors have served since those mentioned in the preceding lines: Stephen Stanton Myrick, October, 1905, to October, 1906; Charles Wentworth, October, 1906, to October, 1907; Mott Mitchell, October, 1907, to October, 1909; Frank Lucas, October, 1909, to October, 1910; R. I. McKee, October, 1910, to October, 1912; O. M. Andrews, October, 1912, to October, 1913; Robert E. Wright, October, 1913, to October, 1916; Quintin P. Royer, October, 1916, to THE FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, CALEXICO, CAL. The seed from which sprang the First Methodist Episcopal Church

of Calexico, Cal., was early part of the year month, and preached in time on the main canal

first planted by Rev. H. C. Mullen, who in the 1903 came from the city of Imperial, once a Calexico schoolhouse, which was located at that north of the city.

Methodism entered the city of Calexico proper when in the summer of 1903 Rev. McAllen was sent into the Valley, equipped with a tent, to begin the work of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. A lot was donated by the Imperial Investment Company on the corner of Heffernan and Third streets, and here Rev. McAllen erected his tent on Saturday and prepared to preach his first sermon on the following day, but a wind storm arose and blew down the tent that night, and so the first services were held on the Sabbath in the office of the California Development Company. During the week following the tent was re-erected and Methodism was installed on the site which has been her home ever since. A Sunday school of about 20 members was at once organized, with Mr. E. S. McCullom as superintendent. This child of the church has since grown to be a strong, sturdy youth, with a membership of about 300.

RELIGIOUS 169 The church was formerly organized in August of 1903, with E. S. McCullom and wife, Mrs. A. N. Rankin, James and Mrs. Bragg, Lorena and Floyd Bragg as the seven charter members. Thus, after many difficulties, it became, by several months, the first church to be organized in the city of Calexico. In the fall of 1905 Rev. O. C. Laizure became the pastor of this sturdy young church. It was during his pastorate that the Epworth League and Ladies' Aid Society were organized. It was also in the latter part of 1905 when the task of building a permanent church building was begun, but, owing to the first break in the Colorado River, work on the building was suspended for about nine months. In the fall of 1906, Rev. Wm. M. Harkness came to be the pastor of the church, work was again begun on the building and the church was completed and dedicated about the first of June, 1907. From that time the growth of the church has been rapid and is now carrying on work in all the various departments of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In addition to those named above, the following pastors have served this church for from one to three years each : Rev. Oliver Saylor, G. E. Twomley, W. W. Hull, J. N. Gostner, C. A. Norcross, A. E. Schultz and Albert Ore, the present pastor. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH, BRAWLEY The first services of the Episcopal Church in Brawley were held in October, 1910, by the Rev. Edgar M. Rogers of Imperial, the pioneer Episcopal clergyman in the Imperial Valley. A meeting of interested women, held at the home of Mrs. Arthur P. Higgins on All Saints' Day, November 1, 1910, resulted in the formation of All Saints' Guild. And soon the name of All Saints' was decided upon as that of the con-

gregation. The Rev. Mr. Rogers was a man of keen business sagacity, and under his leadership the splendid site at the junction of South Imperial Avenue and the Plaza was acquired. Meantime services were held at the Presbyterian Church. The first officers were: Warden, Mr. Nelson T. Shaw, and treasurer, Mrs. Arthur P. Higgins. For a few months in the spring of 191 1 the Rev. Mr. Rogers was assisted by the Rev. Edwin B. Mott. The former resigned, however, on May 1, and was succeeded by the Rev. Lawrence M. Idleman. In November he presented the first class for confirmation to the Right Rev.



Joseph H. Johnson, D. D., S. T. D., Bishop of Los Angeles. This service was held at the Presbyterian Church. At the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Idleman the first of the year he was followed by the Rev. Frederick W. Pratt. During his incumbency the present structure, a portable chapel, was erected. The first services were held in it by the Rev. Mr. Pratt, April 4, 1912. He, however, was compelled to leave the Valley because of ill health, and late in the year was succeeded by the Rev. Henry Wood. About this time an organ was purchased and paid for by the efforts of the members of All Saints' Guild. On October 1, 1913, the Rev. Herbert V. Harris assumed charge of All Saints', holding services also at St. Matthias', Imperial. With the growth of the work at Brawley he relinquished the latter about the middle of 1914. The following spring the chapel was enlarged and a vested choir inaugurated. The Rev. Mr. Harris resigned in May, 191 5, to go to Trinity Church, Orange. For several months in the fall of that year services were conducted by Mr. Carl E. Arfwedson and Mr. J. A. Harris, lay-readers. From December of that year, however, till the next summer All Saints' was in charge of the Rev. Randolph Leigh. Since October 1, 1916, the services have been provided by the Rev. C. Rankin Barnes, with residence at El Centro. The officers of All Saints' for 1918 are: Lay-reader, Mr. J. A. Harris; warden, Mr. C. A. Terwilliger; clerk, Dr. A. N. Morgan; and treasurer, Mr. J. A. Harris. The present officers of All Saints' Guild are: President, Mrs. James L. Allen; vice-president, Mrs. O. B. Dunham ; secretary, Mrs. W. F. Beal ; treasurer, Mrs. Daniel Gaines. st. Paul's episcopal church, el centro After Imperial, El Centro was the second town in the Imperial Valley to have regular services of the Episcopal Church. The early records

have, however, been lost, presumably in the fire described below. The first services were held by the Rev. Edgar M. Rogers, the pioneer Episcopal clergyman in the Valley, who made his headquarters at Imperial. Tradition has it that the first service was held in the Oregon Hotel. Under the initiative of the Rev. Mr. Rogers, a meeting was held at the home of Mrs. W. E. Morton, February 23, 1910, which resulted in

RELIGIOUS 171 the organization of St. Paul's Guild. The first officers were : President, Mrs. A. W. Swanson ; vice-president, Mrs. Norma Richardson ; secretary, Mrs. M. Emma Pearson; treasurer, Mrs. W. E. Morton. And from that time to the present St. Paul's Guild has continued a great power in the life of the congregation. It was largely by their efforts that the original church lots were purchased. The Rev. Mr. Rogers resigned May 1, 191 1, being immediately succeeded by the Rev. Lawrence M. Idleman, who remained till Christmas of that year. During the early part of 1912 St. Paul's was under the direction of the Rev. Frederick W. Pratt. It was at this time that a portable chapel was erected at the southwest corner of Fifth and Orange. On the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Pratt, he was succeeded by the Rev. William Cochran, who remained in charge for about a year and a half. On December 1, 1914, he was succeeded by the Rev. Timon E. Owens, who lived at Imperial and was in charge of the two congregations till June 1 of the following year. During the season 1915-16 the clergyman in charge was the Rev. Randolph Leigh, but as his residence was at Brawley, most of the services were conducted by Mr. Charles E. Addis, lay-reader. All Saints' Altar Guild was organized about this time. Like that of San Francisco, the history of St. Paul's Church has two chapters, before and after the fire. For on the night of August 8, 1916, the little portable chapel burned to the ground. At first the congregation were heartily discouraged, but decided that the crisis only served as an incentive to rebuilding in a more permanent way. The bishop named the Rev. C. Rankin Barnes as priest-in-charge from October 1. For four months from that date services were held at Mulligan's Funeral Chapel while plans were being drawn for the new church. The architect was Mr. Samuel B. Zimmer. Ground was broken December 1, and the new edifice at Fifth and Orange rushed to completion. An attractive building, on simple lines, it represents an expenditure of $4000. The new St. Paul's, as it is called, was dedicated by the priest-in-charge February 11, 1917. It has a long hall paralleling one side, which is used for the Sunday School, guild meetings and social gatherings. The officers of St. Paul's for 1918 are : Lay-reader, Mr. Carl E. Arf-



wedson ; warden, Mr. Samuel B. Zimmer; clerk, Mr. R. M. Linekin; treasurer, Mr. J. G. Cadman. The officers of St. Paul's Guild are : President, Mrs. M. W. Conkling; vice-president, Mrs. George H. Hayward; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Alfred C. Aitken. st. mark's episcopal church, holtville There is a small group of Episcopalians in Holtville organized as St. Mark's Mission. Organization was first effected in 1910, under the direction of the Rev. Edgar M. Rogers, an able pioneer. Lots were purchased, one of them being occupied by what is now called "the old schoolhouse." One room of this was converted into a chapel. The congregation has been cared for by different clergy living at El Centro or Imperial. After the departure of the Rev. Mr. Rogers these were the Rev. Messrs. Lawrence M. Idleman, Frederick W. Pratt, and William Cochran. During the administration of the last a small rectory was erected. During the period 1914-16 the church was without services, due to a shortage of clergy. Since October 1 occasional services have been provided by the Rev. C. Rankin Barnes of El Centro. ST. MATTHIAS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IMPERIAL May 18, 1908, the Right Reverend Joseph H. Johnson, D. D., S. T. D., Bishop of Los Angeles, visited Imperial to confer with local Episcopalians. He made a similar visit about a year later, but regular services were not initiated till February 13, 1910, on the arrival of the Rev. Edgar M. Rogers, the pioneer Episcopal clergyman of the Imperial Valley. For a month the Sunday services were held in the Water Company hall. This was the initial work of the Episcopal Church in the Valley. Organization was soon effected, Dr. E. E. Patten being the first warden and Mr. Charles J. Jenney the first clerk. For a year services of the Imperial Episcopal Church, as it was called, were held at the Imperial Business College. During this period there was a flourishing Woman's Guild, which aided greatly in the work of accumulating funds for a permanent church building. As a result of a united effort an artistic building of brick and concrete was erected at the cost of $2700. The architect was Mr. Samuel B. Zimmer, now of El Centro. It was used for the first time February 24, 191 1. The date was St. Matthias' Day,

RELIGIOUS 173 and the church has since then always borne the name of the "Thirteenth Apostle."

Soon after this the Rev. Mr. Rogers resigned to go to the state of Washington. His successor, the Rev. Lawrence M. Idleman, remained only from May 1 till Christmas. During 191 2 the Rev. Frederick W. Pratt was in charge of St. Matthias' until compelled to resign on account of ill-health. During the first half of 1913 the Rev. Henry Wood was in charge. At this time the church was freed from debt, and was consecrated by Bishop Johnson on February 23, the eve of St. Matthias' Day. On October 1, 1913, the Rev. Herbert V. Harris assumed charge of the work, and during his incumbency the little rectory was built. He was also in charge of All Saints' Church, Brawley, and after the middle of 1914 was given charge of that work only. Late in that year the Rev. Timon E. Owens was appointed to St. Matthias', but only remained for six months. From December, 1915, till June 1, 1916, St. Matthias' was under the care of the Rev. Randolph Leigh of Brawley. Since October 1, 1916, the services have been provided by the Rev. C. Rankin Barnes, with residence at El Centro. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRAWLEY The religious effort which developed into the present church organization was a weekly preaching service and prayer meeting established by Rev. T. L. Taylor in the Masonic Hall, in Brawley, in the month of April, 1908. Rev. Taylor, who had removed from San Pedro, California, in December, 1907, sought to begin a Baptist work immediately on his arrival, but the Methodists and Presbyterians were occupying the Masonic Hall, the only available place in town in which to conduct services. The following April, however, the Methodist folk moved into their newly finished church house, thus making room for the Baptist services in the hall. Services were continued in Masonic Hall for a while, then in Rev. Taylor's home, and later in the public school building. When the Baptists began to plan for a church organization they were told by some that the town already had more churches than it could support. But Baptists are rather persistent, and went ahead and organized a regular Baptist Church, January 10, 1909, with ten charter



members, as follows : Rev. T. L. Taylor, Ethel Perryman, Lena Taylor, W. J. Taylor, Curt Holland, Lee T. Holland, Mrs. S. E. Wheelan, P. W. Ward, Minnie McKeehn, and Lackey Darnell. Rev. T. L. Taylor was chosen as pastor and Curt Holland as church clerk. Plans for a church home were put on foot. One lot was purchased and another was given by the Brawley Building Loan and Improvement Company, and the present structure was built on these lots in the sum-

mer of 1910. The work of construction was placed under a foreman. Part of the labor was donated by members of the church. In November of the same year the house was dedicated with a debt of about $1250. The Home Mission Society was appealed to, which responded with a donation of $500 and a loan of $500. The debt of $750 thus left on the house has been paid a little each year, the last installment of which was raised October 28 of this year. It gives the church great joy to come to the ninth anniversary with no debt and with a small balance in the treasury. Since the organization of the church five pastors have served. Rev. T. L. Taylor had the honor of being the first, and served the church for three years and five months, resigning June 10, 1912. In the interim Rev. Amos Robinson and Mr. Frederick Rapson supplied the pulpit. October 13, 1912, Rev. Carl Bassett, a licentiate of Calvary Baptist Church, Los Angeles, was called to be pastor and ordained by the church. Rev. Bassett served the congregation about a year and resigned. The church then called Rev. John Boyd, who served as pastor from September 6 to June or July, 1914. Rev. A. F. Wallis next took charge of the church in September following Rev. Boyd's resignation, and continued till November, 1916. The church was then without a pastor until March, when the present incumbent, D. W. Beberly, took charge as supply pastor during the Ilermiston meetings, and was regularly chosen April 4, 1917. The church has been prosperous as could be expected in a transient district in which constructive work on the ranches and in business is the watch-word. It has had its ups and downs, but more ups than downs. Under Rev. Taylor it increased to fifty odd members; the membership also increased materially under Rev. Bassett. The rest of the ministers contributed their part toward the church's growth. The pres-

RELIGIOUS 175 ent membership is 104. And now since we are out of debt, and since we are getting our departments into a better organized and modernized shape, we are looking forward to a period of genuine prosperity and permanent, intelligent advancement along all lines of the highest type of church growth. The average attendance of the Sunday School is sixty-five. The B. Y. P. U. and Woman's Missionary Circle are successfully doing good work. Since Mr. Beverly took charge forty odd members have joined the church. FREE METHODIST CHURCH OF BRAWLEY The Free Methodist Church of Brawley was organized by District Elder David McLeod in 1912, with eleven charter members, as follows: C. H. Ruth, Grace Ruth, Levina Bailey, Electa Robb, E. M. Robb, Carrie Robb, W. N. Jones, Clara Jones, Rachel Lyall, Wm. Nixon, J. P. Heil. In 191 3 a nice, well-furnished church with two lots, on the corner of Imperial and D streets, was purchased from the Nazarene

Church. D. D. Dodge served as pastor in 1912 and D. A. Heck in 1913, and S. W. Stone in 1914. F. A. Ames, the present pastor, is closing his third year and has seen the membership grow from eight full members and two probationers to seventeen full members and fourteen probationers. While S. W. Stone was pastor a parsonage was built. There is an active Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, with Mrs. Grace Ruth as president. A flourishing Sunday School is doing good work with forty members. The church property is free from debt. The pastor has a Sunday afternoon appointment in the schoolhouse at Westmoreland, and a regular Sunday evening street meeting is held in Brawley, which is largely attended. SACRED HEART CHURCH, BRAWLEY Brawley, previous to December 13, 1908, offered no church to the small Catholic population. On December 13, 1908, a modest wooden structure witnessed the first services. Mass was celebrated by Rev. F. Bewelbach, who then made his residence in El Centro. January 18, 1910, Father Bewelbach took up his residence at Brawley. After zealous labors and co-operation of his good people, he was able to erect the beautiful edifice which now stands as a memorial to his zeal. The new

I7 6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY church was completed and dedicated by the late Rt. Rev. Thos. J. Conaty, D. D., bishop of Monterey and Los Angeles, in the latter part of 1912. Father Bewelbach's desire now was to erect a schoolhouse where the Catholic children could be educated in their religion and receive the mental equipment necessary for their success in life. This cherished hope was realized in the latter part of 191 5, when the beautiful school building now standing adjacent to the church was dedicated and opened to the children. The Sacred Heart Church and school are the pride and boast of not only the Catholic people, but also of the nonCatholics who contributed so generously to the undertaking. Father Bewelbach resigned his pastoral office July 15, 1917, and was succeeded by Rev. J. A. Martin, the present incumbent. The parish is growing in leaps and bounds. Its school facilities, under the able direction of the sisters of St. Joseph, of Eureka, California, are extended to and enjoyed by non-Catholic children as well as Catholics.

CHAPTER VII LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT BY MRS. THOMAS B. BEEMAN, COUNTY LIBRARIAN In the early days of Imperial Valley one would think that books would have little part in the busy and strenuous days of the pioneer, but we find as early as 1905, a great desire for the companionship of books manifested itself and the small settlement in El Centro made application to the state library for one of their traveling libraries. This was sent shortly and placed in the first business building erected in El Centro, a hardware store which also housed the postoffke.

Mrs. J. Stanley Brown, the wife of the owner of the building, became the custodian of the traveling library. Each month a new library of fifty books came from the state library and the old books were returned. In 1907 the library was moved to the book and stationery store of Albert Durham. This store was in the room now occupied by J. L. Travers. The old jail on Fifth street, which was opposite the Holt Opera House, provided the next home for the books. Later on as business increased in El Centro, the library was again homeless, and an appeal was made to its first benefactress, Mrs. Brown, located at 663 Olive Street, to take charge again, which she did. At this time, Phil D. Swing took the initial steps to procure a Carnegie Library building. During the time of this procedure the books were moved to the back room of Mr. Durham's present place of business on Sixth Street. Miss Merle Whitescarver became the custodian and the library business was carried on here until the completion of the Carnegie building. HISTORY OF IMPERIAL LIBRARY BY MRS. W. A. EDGAR AND JESSIE HOYT HATCH, LIBRARIAN In the early days in Imperial Valley, when most of the homes were tents very limited in space, the question of where our men and boys

HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY would spend their spare time and evenings, was finally solved by a few earnest women banded together in the work of the W. C. T. U. lUeir names ought to certainly go down in the history of these early begin"'"iSremost in this early activity appears the names of Mrs. W. A Edgar, as secretary of the library, and associated with her in raising funds for its support is the name of Mrs. S. M. Bixby; Mrs. M P. Grove, who gave a musicale and realized therefrom $19.10 ; Mrs. Chaplin Mrs. Tout and many others who have passed from these early scenes of pioneer days The reading room opened in October, 1906, under the auspices of the W C T U. Rev. W. H. Wales donated a large number of volumes as a start toward a library. A small room was rented from W G Mugf ord, one of the old pioneers who has now gone to his final rest The room stood about where the Imperial Pharmacy now stands. Within a year the little room became so well patronized that it was necessary to move into a more commodious location. A social was given to which the price of admission was a book, or the price of a book and that added considerably to the list of reading matter. Requests for subscriptions to newspapers and magazines were generously responded to by the publishers. The running expenses were met by popular subscription. Mrs. Tout, the wife of the pastor of the Christian Church at that time, and who has passed beyond, was a very energetic worker for the little reading room which was put under the charge of Mrs. S. M. Bixby. Mrs D D. Lawrence was the first salaried custodian of the reading room It was not long until the requirements grew beyond the possibilities of the little reading room, and through the efforts of those interested in this primitive library, the board of city trustees was persuaded to apply to Andrew Carnegie for a fund for a library building. This

request was complied with early in the year of 1908, and about a year later Mr. Carnegie placed $10,000 at the disposal of the library board. This was the first library established in the Imperial Valley. The subscription library, supplemented by a collection of traveling library books from the state library, continued to supply our fast growing populace with good literature until it merged into the Carnegie Public Library, and was formally opened to the public April 3, 1909. The library continued in rented quarters until the completion of a

LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT 179 Carnegie Library building when it was formally opened in December, 1910. The grounds planted to trees, shrubs and flowers are well cared for and present an inviting feature. As the library is an integral part of education the co-operation of schools and library is made a special feature of classes from the high schools which are instructed in the use and arrangement of books. The story hour for the children, the Audubon Club for the older ones, the child's study club for the mothers, are all under the direction of Mrs. Hatch, who has brought the library to its present and efficient condition. ESTABLISHING THE COUNTY LIBRARY BY MRS. THOMAS B. BEEMAN In February, 1912, the supervisors established the County Library with headquarters at the county seat, El Centro, in the Public Library. Imperial County was the sixteenth county library to be established in the state. Miss Anne Madison (now Mrs. Thomas B. Beeman) was appointed County Librarian. No funds were available until the following September, but the State Library made a loan of 885 books, to give us a start. Permission was granted by the library board of the El Centro Public Library to loan us some of their books, so some of the state library books were placed on the shelves of the public library and some of their books sent with the rest of the state books to three established branch libraries : Brawley, Calexico and Holtville. In Brawley, on April 15, 1912, a branch was established on Main Street in a small store just below the bungalow hotel, Miss Frances Clippinger being appointed custodian. Book cases and the necessary furniture were donated by the people of the town. The club women donated a book case, full of books, which contained many books by standard authors. A reception was given in the evening and speeches were delivered by well known people of Brawley and El Centro, and by the County Librarian, who explained the whole system of the county free library. This branch was moved from one place to another until 1914, when it was moved to the beautiful new quarters in the new city hall. The Brawley Women's Club donated $100.00 worth of furniture, and the city fathers furnished the rest room adjoining the library.

l8o HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY At Holtville about one dozen books were found in the old city hall building which were remnants of a small library they had had. On May 27th 1912, a branch was established in the old city hall with Mrs. Ida Robinson in charge. A reception similar to that held in Brawley was given and in 1918 this branch was moved to pleasant and commodious quarters in the new city hall. In the county library service the object is to reach everyone in the county to extend' this free book service. The schools needed this service so the law provided for the schools a plan whereby they could receive the free service of the books by turning over their books and library fund yearly. In 1912 three schools took advantage of this plan. Today in 191 8, out of the fifty school districts all but five are affiliated with the County Library. In 1913 more than fifteen other places had been provided with books, these being placed in stores, postoffices, drug stores, schools and homes. At Imperial Junction (which is now Niland) a unique branch was established in February, 191 3. Finding no available quarters, a box car standing on a side track which was used for a postoffice provided the location for our branch there. The branch proved very popular in a year's time and larger quarters were secured and the branch was moved to a store which had been erected in the meantime. In 1918 it still has a branch at the store for the adults and one at the school for the children. Alamo school library, which was located in the school house, had to find new quarters on account of the crowded condition of the schools. The very enterprising young custodian in charge enlisted the interest of everyone living within a radius of fifteen miles, and as a result, a portable one-room building fitted up with book shelves and attractive interior, was purchased by these people and placed on the school grounds. It has become one of the most thriving of our branches. A school library at Bard, situated on the Colorado river, has to have its books ferried across the river. The horse and wagon carrying the books drive right onto the ferry and are ferried across. Great care has been exercised in the purchase of books so as to get the books which the people demand in good authentic editions and by the best authorities, and at the same time as economically as possible. The aim is not to buy every book a person may ask for, but to build up

LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT j8i the library so that it will be a well-balanced library on different subjects. For the more expensive books and particularly books called for occasionally, requests are made to the state library to supply such books. Specialties are made on some subjects, for instance: everything practical on agriculture is bought. Books on California are freely bought. Everything on Imperial County which is printed from a newspaper to a book is preserved. The library, like any other business, has to be advertised. For this purpose the newspapers have been used

freely. A booth was established at the County Fair. Talks were given by the County Librarian at schools and clubs, and many window displays have been shown. Custodians' meetings are held at least once a year at headquarters. At these meetings library work in all its phases is discussed. Six months training courses have been given by the county library to provide trained assistants for the work. In 1916 the county library moved its headquarters from the public library to the Wilson grammar school building on West Main street. In 1917 this building became crowded and new quarters were provided in the high school building, where the county library is now located. New service is called for at all times. The county farm, which cares for the sick people, has its collection of books. Surveying parties working for the government sent word they wanted some books about ten miles out on the desert. Books were sent them. The soldiers on our border, at Calexico, have been provided with small branch libraries at their camps. The clubs of the valley are all provided with material for their various programs and entertainments. Students taking correspondence courses from the University of California are given individual book service and furnished with the books they need to aid them in their special subjects. The high schools belonging to the debating league have been supplied with plenty of material for each subject debated. Since the war a very active part has been taken by the county library in teaching conservation of food. Window displays on saving of meat, sugar, oils and fats, gardens, etc., have been given with gratifying results. No books go to waste. Even though they are too worn to rebind, these worn out books are sent to the county jail and county hospital.

lg2 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY The county library serves as a big school for all the people whether they are in school or have graduated with high honors. Total volumes in the County Library January 30, 1917, were 15,092; number of branch libraries in the county number 58 ; number of schools affiliated with the County Library number 44; first start of El Centro Public Library, February 21, 1907; ordinance passed establishing free Public Library June 29, 1909; total cost of building, $11,349-26 ($10,00000 gift from Carnegie) ; appropriation from taxes first year, $3,000 00 ( 1917-1918, $5,500.00) ; number of volumes in library first year, 703- March 1918, 7,717; circulation first year, 700 volumes; circulation' 1917-1918, 40,363 ; cardholders first year, 91 ; cardholders March, 1918 4271; first board of trustees: W. C. Whitescarver, Phil D. Swing Mrs. J. Stanley Brown, John Norton, Dan V. Noland; present board' J J. Simmons, president; A. W. Swanson, secretary; B. Salomon, Franklin Reading, Chas. L. Childers; first librarian, Miss Merle Whitescarver ; present librarian, Miss Agnes F. Ferris.

CALEXICO LIBRARY BY MRS. BESSIE H. WOFFOKD On June 3, 1908, a number of ladies met to organize a club, one purpose of which was to open a reading and rest room. Through the medium of various entertainments and the untiring efforts of the various club members who were called on frequently to devote time, material, and labor, an adobe building, formerly a noted pool hall and blind pig, was secured at a nominal rental, and here was established a reading and rest room which are well patronized. The first year, through the efforts of one woman, the subscription for seventeen magazines was secured. The Imperial Valley Improvement Company presented four comfortable rocking chairs to the reading room. Up to 191 1 the reading and rest rooms were maintained entirely by the Woman's Improvement Club. In 191 1 Mr. Whalen, the new superintendent of the Los Angeles division of the Southern Pacific railway, became interested in the reading room as a place for his men in leisure hours, and through his influence the Southern Pacific practically donated'the use of the building, furnished ice and water, all of which expenses were formerly borne by the Woman's Club.

LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT ^3 In 1912 the Calexico library became a part of the state and county library, and the librarian was paid by the county, another burden being removed from the shoulders of the financial committee of the club women. THE CALEXICO CARNEGIE LIBRARY Application for a gift from the Carnegie Corporation was made in February, 191 5, and a promise of $10,000 was received that spring. Plans were made for a $10,000 library building, but proceedings were halted through the inability of Calexico to furnish a site as required by the Carnegie Corporation. With the acqusition of Rockwood Plaza as a park and civic center this difficulty was removed, and in February, 1917, the City of Calexico dedicated a library site in the northwest corner of the south half of Rockwood Plaza. A new obstacle now appeared in the fact that construction costs had soared to such an extent since the approval of the original plans that it was impossible to count on constructing the building they called for with less than $15,000. An effort was then made to secure an increase in appropriation, which the extraordinary growth of Calexico appeared to justify. The Carnegie Corporation, however, saw fit to deny a further sum, and it became necessary to draw entirely new plans for a building about three-fourths the size of the one originally contemplated. In due time the new plans were approved, and on November 5, 191 7, bids were opened for the construction work. The lowest total sum, omitting certain features, which the library board felt justified in making, was $12,337.61. It was decided to pay the excess amount from the library fund of the City of Calexico which had been accumulating since 1915. Permission to do this was obtained from the Carnegie Corporation, and contracts were let. The general contract was practically concluded on February 20,

1918, but to date a few other items remain uncompleted, and considerable of the furniture has not arrived, due to freight congestion in the east. The building is a two-story affair, with the lower story half in basement, and is of a semi-Spanish Mission style of architecture. It is constructed of hollow tile, the exterior being finished in white plaster, and the roof of red clay tile. The main floor plan is patterned quite closely after certain requirements of the Carnegie Corporation, and has adults' and children's reading rooms separated by the librarian's booth.

CHAPTER VIII AGRICULTURE BY WALTER E. PACKARD The spectacular incidents connected with the reclamation of the desert and with the subduing of the turbulent Colorado have given Imperial Valley a charm of romance that is hard to equal. A history of agriculture under such conditions must be a story of human interest as well as a statistical record of development, for the tabulation of crop values and crop increases, or a simple study of varieties and yields would neglect the record of human endeavor which has overcome obstacles well nigh insurmountable. The spirit of the pioneer who traveled across the wind-blown wastes to build homes and schools in the board and canvas shanties of the pre-railroad days is the real force that has made possible the remarkable development in Imperial Valley agriculture. The rich natural resources in climate, soil and water furnished the necessary raw material for the fashioning of most productive farms by the pioneers. The farming was at first rather crude, but in fifteen years the production has gone from nothing to an annual output of over twenty million dollars' worth of farm products. On account of the roughness of some of the lighter soils the harder clay soils were the first to be farmed, and many discouragements were encountered during the early days. As the valley settled up the rougher areas were leveled and put into crop, so that now over four hundred thousand acres are under cultivation. The barley and grain sorghums of the early days, although still of importance, do not command the same relative place with other crops. There is no agricultural area in the world where the climatic conditions are more extreme than in Imperial Valley. Located below sea level, with a record of humidity below that of the Nile Valley, with an annual rainfall varying from two to three inches, and with temperatures as high as are recorded in any agricultural area, Imperial Valley at least presents conditions that are unusual. The early spring and long growing


season make specialization possible. Imperial Valley has become famous for its production of out-of-season crops, such as cantaloupes, earlytable grapes or lettuce, for the crops of high value and unusual interest such as dates and cotton, and for the large yields of field crops made possible by the long growing season. The low humidity, fewer cloudy days, the greater intensity of sunlight, and the higher temperatures associated with the lack of rainfall in this arid belt, produces an environment widely different from the conditions in the rainfall sections of the South or Middle West, or in the semi-arid sections of California. The following table gives a general comparison between the meterological conditions in Imperial Valley and other sections: TEMPERATURE AND RAINFALL RECORDS B ' if el I s s 1 S-2 | .IS. .go, ea || .ia sl 08 S|.gE SB s!s .S.S S.S ZS SShShSh S2 S2 22 Calexico 10 o 121 18 61.6 9.3 .64 3.58 Merced 36 173 120 16 53.2 23.7 4.2 10.3 Phoenix, Ariz 10 1068 119 17 69 Cairo, Egypt 10 100 112 31 67 Greenville, Miss 38 397 105 5 64 66.6 32.32 48.01 Savannah, Georgia .... 58 65 105 8 65.5 73.3 33.5 40.42 Irrigation has had a slight effect on the relative humidity of the Valley, and it is probable that as the irrigated area extends the humidity may continue to rise slightly, enough perhaps to allow sensitive crops to grow which at present do not find congenial conditions in Imperial Valley. This increased humidity, due to irrigation, has proved to be entirely local, however, as the amount of evaporation from the irrigated area has not been sufficient to affect the climatic conditions in the general locality. A study of the change of humidity from the desert to the central portion of the Valley shows a decided difference, a rather abrupt change occurring on the line between the desert and the irrigated area. The humidity immediately about the plants in the field is often high on account of the rapid evaporation from the irrigated land and on account of the rapid transportation of moisture from the leaves.


The distinct advantages offered by the climate in Imperial Valley are the earliness and the long growing season. These were soon capitalized by the settlers, who developed early truck which soon surpassed the records from other States. Imperial Valley became known as the cantaloupe paradise of the country, and over five thousand cars were shipped from the Valley in 1917. Other truck was developed and is rapidly gaining ground. Live-stock of course became an important part of the Valley's industries, for the long season for pasture and the large yields of forage to be secured offered very favorable conditions for cattle, hogs and dairy stock. The extreme heat and intense sunlight during the early summer months were too severe for certain sensitive plants such as the avocado or the mango, and trials of these and other similar fruit failed, although these same conditions have proved congenial to the date, which bids fair to be one of the important outputs in the near future. The development of agriculture in any country is more or less governed by the soil conditions found in the particular localities, and Imperial Valley is not an exception to the rule. The soils are rich from the standpoint of mineral plant food elements, and if properly handled are very productive. The types vary from the heavy clay, which is exceedingly fine and hard to work, to the loosest sands, which are porous and contain little organic matter. The kind of crop grown is determined largely by the type of soil. The truck and fruit planting are located on the sands and sandy loams, while the grains, both barley and wheat in winter and milo or corn in the summer, on the clay loams and clays. All of the soils are deficient in organic matters, as would be expected, and alfalfa is therefore used almost universally as a humus producer. Land that has been in alfalfa for years is worth far more than raw land for truck, cotton or fruit, and is, of course, in great demand. The addition of organic matter, especially through the growing of alfalfa, proved not only important, but necessary in the early history of the Valley. Much confusion occurred during the early days on account of the reported presence of excessive alkali salts. History has proved that these salts do exist in excessive quantities in certain portions of the Valley, while as a whole the agricultural area is comparatively free from excessive quantities for ordinary field crops. A discussion of agriculture in Imperial Valley would not be complete

AGRICULTURE 187 without a word regarding the water for irrigation. There is no stream in America which carries more silt per unit volume than does the muddy Colorado. The silt is both a valuable fertilizer in the fields and a menace in the ditches. Although the silts carried by the canals carry more fertility than is removed from the soil by cropping, the annual cost to the irrigation district is approximately half a million dollars. The Arizona experiment station has figured that the silt carried by the river would annually build a barrier sixty feet high over an area a mile square if deposited in one place. In addition to being valuable as a fertilizer this silt has prevented the rapid rise of water table so common in other sections, by filling up the soil pores and thus preventing too rapid

penetration. The silt at the same time has made many of the harder clay soils more mellow by the deposit of sandy material on the soil surface. The plentiful supply of water in the river has not always been available during the late summer or early fall, on account of the lack of a proper diversion works in the river. Water is, of course, the life of the country, and large losses have occurred through diversion troubles. The fact that there is plenty of water in the river for use at any time during the year is a tremendous asset, as is fully realized. No experimental data existed to help the farmers of Imperial Valley in meeting the new problems which constantly arose. Farmers' institutes were held during the early days, and these meetings were well attended. This gave way to more local meetings in school-houses as occasion arose. These local meetings have grown into the Farm Bureau, which now has a membership of about seven hundred. In order to study the effects of local climatic conditions on crop growth and to secure reliable information regarding varieties best suited to the section, the State Legislature provided funds for the establishment of an agriculture experiment station farm of forty acres located at Meloland. This station is still in operation and is working on some of the fundamental problems of the region. Several reports have been printed as a result of the work carried on at the experiment farm covering variety trials, soils and irrigation work, insect control and cultural requirements. Imperial Valley was settled in a large part by those who did not have a large amount of capital. Most of the early settlers were dependent upon early returns from the land, or upon work furnished on neighbor-

X 88 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ing farms or by the California Development Company. This fact, together with a lack of knowledge regarding crop adaptability, prevented a large planting of fruit, which required time before returns would be forthcoming. The Valley was therefore almost entirely devoted to grain and alfalfa. Barley and wheat were the winter crops and grain sorghums and alfalfa were the summer crops. Alfalfa was usually planted as soon as the land was properly leveled, barley being grown on land as the first crop after leveling. The early farming methods were not the best. It was not uncommon for a farmer to broadcast barley on newly leveled land, disc it in and irrigate it up, harvest the crop and rely for three or four years on a volunteer crop by discing and irrigating in the fall without further planting. Results from these careless methods did not do justice to the agricultural possibilities of the Valley, but produced a profit on the small investment. An early attack of rust prevented the extension of the wheat acreage, so that barley was the main and practically the only winter crop grown during the early days. Barley was disced into the alfalfa during the fall and produced a good winter pasture at a time when the alfalfa grew slowly, besides making a valuable combination crop in the spring. This practice is still followed and with good results. The acreage in barley is diminishing as the acreage in other crops increases. Large areas of the harder soils are still devoted to barley. Bar-

ley is still a valuable crop on diversified ranches where a small lot is planted in the ordinary rotation to furnish grain or hay for the stock. The farm binder is becoming more common and the old time combine is gradually losing its place. As stated above, alfalfa usually followed barley as the second crop following leveling. Alfalfa is the foundation of Imperial Valley agriculture, for it not only is one of the universal crops, a crop which pays well, but is the basis of nearly all rotation schemes. Bermuda grass is perhaps its greatest enemy, but when plowed up every four or five years the Bermuda can be effectively controlled and the regular crop production maintained. Alfalfa is cut from five to nine times in Imperial V alley and produces from three to ten tons per acre per year. Taking good and bad land together, the average yield has been about four to four and a half tons per acre. The yields vary of course with the type and soil and the treat-

AGRICULTURE 189 ment given. The sandy loams have proven to be the best soil for alfalfa as for most other crops. In addition to the hay crop alfalfa furnishes a valuable winter pasture. Thousands of head of stock are brought in each winter to fatten on the hay stored up from summer cuttings. The winter pasture is usually sold in connection with the hay, the cattle feeding on the pasture and being fed hay at the same time. Most of the alfalfa in the Valley is pastured at some time of the year. On dairy and hog ranches the fields are pastured constantly, a system of rotation of field giving the alfalfa a time to recover between pasturings. During the early days alfalfa was planted in contour checks where the land was at all rough, but this has been changed so that nearly all of the fields are irrigated by the straight border method. The borders are usually forty to sixty feet wide and from an eighth to a half mile long. During the winter the alfalfa is watered infrequently, but during the growing period water is applied from one to three times a cutting. On hard soil two irrigations are usually required, while on sandy soil one irrigation will usually produce a crop. Grain sorghums have become established as the summer grain crop. Milo predominates, although some Egyptian corn, feterita and kaffir corn is raised. The grain sorghums furnish a satisfactory substitute for Indian corn and are easily and cheaply harvested and are therefore very satisfactory under Imperial conditions. Most of the grain sorghum is fed in the Valley, although some is shipped out to be sold as chicken feed. The stalks are usually pastured off by cattle, sheep or hogs. The stalks make a cheap feed for young growing stock. The grain sorghums are planted from April to the last of July. Spring planting will mature a crop in July, which allows for an additional volunteer crop. From half to two tons are secured per acre from the fall crop. The advisability of attempting to secure two crops in a season has not been universally accepted as good agriculture. Cotton is one of the later additions to the list of important crops in

the Valley. Although cotton was planted experimentally as early as 1902, no commercial plantings were made until 1909, when three hundred acres were planted and a cotton gin established. Since that time the cotton acreage has increased rapidly. In 1910, 1400 acres were planted to cotton; in 191 1, 14,000 acres; and in 1917 approximately 70,000 acres, producing 35,000 bales. Oil mills and cotton mills have been con-



structed to care for the crop. Cotton has been especially valuable on the Mexican side of the line on account of the favorable labor conditions where Chinese could be imported and where Mexican labor was available, and also because the cattle business which formally flourished in the delta region became rather hazardous on the account of the unsettled conditions of the country. A large number of varieties have been tried out and have proven satisfactory. Short cotton has always predominated in spite of a strong endeavor on the part of those interested in the future of the industry to establish a variety of superior quality. The admixture of seed resulting from the unregulated plantings of various varieties has resulted in a decided deterioration in the cotton grown. There is no cotton seed in the Valley in any quantity which is pure from the variety standpoint. Egyptian cotton is now receiving much favor on the part of many of the cotton growers on account of the high prices, the abnormal demand and because of the proven fact that Egyptian cotton will stand a water shortage with less damage than other varieties now grown in the Valley. The Durango cotton, which made a strong bid for supremacy, ranks second to the short cotton in importance at the present time. Cotton has proved to be a valuable addition to the crops in the Valley. It fits in well with the general crop rotation. The labor load comes during the late spring at the time of thinning and during the fall and winter at the time of picking. Some difficulty has been experienced in securing labor, but this difficulty has not proved so serious as at first anticipated. Cotton is well adapted to the small farm, and it is probable that the labor difficulty will be finally overcome by planting Egyptian cotton on small farms, where the labor of the family can be utilized in the harvest season. The early spring has, of course, developed an important truck industry. The development of the cantaloupe industry has been phenomenal. At present over five thousand cars are shipped from this Valley annually. These are shipped to all the important cities of the United States and have given the Valley considerable publicity. The early lettuce is just assuming proportions. Lettuce is shipped in iced crates as far as Boston. Winter cabbage, onions, asparagus and peas are shipped in car-load lots and are rapidly becoming a larger factor in the farming interests of the Valley.



The agriculture of Imperial Valley is based on sound foundation. The live-stock industry, including dairy, depends upon alfalfa, corn and barley, and these crops will always remain as important crops. Cotton will no doubt survive with the present extension of Egyptian cotton, and early truck will continue to increase in volume on account of the distinct advantages in earliness.

CHAPTER IX HORTICULTURE BY F. W. WAITE In discussing the development of Imperial County's horticultural interests, we must take into consideration the fact that in 1900 the population was nothing, consequently there was nothing produced. In 1917 the population was fifty thousand, with a production of commodities valued at thirty-three million dollars (about the same amount as the assessed valuation). This production consisted mostly of alfalfa, barley, corn, cotton and cattle, not forgetting that these four hundred thousand acres had to be reclaimed from a desert waste ; all this having been done in seventeen years, there was very little time to devote to the planting of fruit trees. Since the year 1912 and including the year 1917, the following fruit and other trees have been brought into the county, according to the records of this office: 1528 almond, 4622 apple, 16,748 apricot, 130,998 berry, 68 cherry, 4702 fig, 2088 grape, 2190 lemon, 22,207 olive, 40,295 orange, 9983 peach, 8499 pear, 1485 plum, 270 prune, and 625,247 ornamental. A few imported date palms and many thousand date seeds have been planted. This gives an idea as to the principal kinds of fruit now growing in the country, at the same time many trees have been grown in the Valley which will increase the number considerably. During the past years nearly every kind of fruit and nuts grown have been planted here, and it is possible to raise at least enough of them for family use, with the exception of the cherry and walnut. On account of the extremely long hot season, fruit ripens very early, going on the market the first of the season with no competition, the producers thereby receiving very attractive returns. Grapes are one of the best and leading fruits of the Valley, the early varieties Persians begin ripening the first of June, followed closely by the Thompson seedless, then the Malagas, which continue through the shipping season to about the last of July. Many other varieties do well here that have not been successfully grown in other sections of the State. Experiments are



being made with many other varieties and there are some now very promising that may take the place of the present commercial varieties. There are one thousand and ten acres of old bearing vines and several hundred acres of new plantings. About one hundred and eighty cars of the fruit crop are shipped east each year and bring fancy prices. It is possible to raise three crops each season. Grapefruit has proven to be the best of the citrus fruits, young trees three years old have the size of trees in other localities twice their age and yield considerable fruit. There have been more grapefruit trees planted in this county than any other variety, as will be noted by the above record. The largest orchard of grapefruit consists of sixty acres. The long hot summer does wonders for the quality of this fruit. To give an uninterested person's opinion, I will quote from an expert of the United States Department of Agriculture, who says, "The fruit which you sent me have fine quality, very juicy and sweet, the flesh is tender and there is little rag, the rind is thin, and as a whole I should say .that the fruit is of a superior and pleasing quality." Very little sugar is needed in eating Imperial Valley grapefruit. Lemons do very well, growing a very juicy fruit, with thin skin and full of acid. Many varieties of oranges have been tried out, the seedlings produce the best quality of fruit ; however, the Washington navels ripen the first of November and should be picked as soon as ripe for best results. There are many olive trees planted in different sections of the Valley, the largest orchard consists of forty acres. Of the deciduous fruit the apricot is in the lead. The early varieties ripen by April the twentieth, and shipments continue until the last of May. Newcastle and Royal are the principal varieties. It is almost unbelievable how fast apricot trees grow in this Valley. With good care a year old tree is the size of a tree three years old in other districts. Nearly all varieties of peaches have been tried and the Chinese and southern varieties have proven to be the most profitable, however peaches are not considered commercially. Pears are being tried out on quite a large scale, one orchard consists of sixty acres and is reported as successful. This is a natural country for the fig, which produces large, firm quality fruit.



Many people predict that the date industry in Imperial Valley will develop into one of great importance. Due to the fact that it is impossible to obtain imported date offshoots, as there is an embargo on account of the war, it is slow to establish the business by planting seeds, although many promising fruits have been obtained in that way. At the present time there are several promising gardens here, and the fruit is as fine as that raised in Algeria, Arabia or any of the Sahara countries. It is possible to utilize many thousand acres of land not suited for agricultural crops for the growing of dates. Our commercial berry is the strawberry, and they do well, producing a fine fruit and netting the grower a handsome profit. Last season six cars were shipped and it is estimated for 1918 that there will be fourteen carloads. This county is noted for its rapid increase in developments along all lines of production. Much could be said for the cantaloupe of this Valley, as this county produces more cantaloupes than any one State in the Union. All the markets of the country know of the Imperial Valley cantaloupe. In 1917 there were thirteen thousand acres planted and over five thousand carloads shipped. The melons are marketed through a marketing bureau conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture bureau of markets. Planting season begins January 1, under cover, and the shipping season begins about the middle of May. Asparagus is one of the products of this Valley est returns to the owners of any of the present about the fifth of February and continues for a in the season it is not uncommon to receive one cents a pound in the East. that brings the greatcrops. The season opens couple of months. Early dollar and twenty-five

INSECTS AND OTHER PESTS ATTACKING IMPERIAL VALLEY FRUIT TREES Well selected, strong vigorous root stock, properly planted, irrigated and cared for, will reduce the possible infestation, with few exceptions, to a minimum. Insects in many instances do their work where there has been neglect on the part of the caretaker. Many kinds of insects are listed by entomologists, preying on each kind of fruit trees, all the way from a few up to seventy-seven different insects which attack certain kinds of fruit trees. One might hesitate about going into the fruit business on account of the vast number of in-

HORTICULTURE 195 sects that are seemingly waiting to destroy the trees, but when understood and applied, perhaps one treatment will control the situation against all comers.

So far the damage done by insects and other pests on the apricots is limited. The most serious, some seasons, are the linnets and sparrows eating the buds as they begin to swell early in the spring; these pests are rather difficult to control. Thrips do some damage, but are not of so very much importance to the early varieties. One serious condition exists which does a lot of damage, and that is when there are quantities enough of alkali and lack of drainage, this causes the leaves and twigs to die back and finally the tree succumbs. This condition would be serious for all trees. Crown gall has made its appearance as it always does when trees of this kind are planted. The remedy is to plant trees known to be free from infestation. There is a small spider which does some damage to the date which can be controlled by the use of sulphur. Figs are quite free from destructive insects, birds and bees excepted. Soil conditions and humidity play considerable part in getting large quantities of first quality fruit as in date culture, but not to great extent. The insect that does the most damage, and not of very great importance to grapes in the Valley, is the grape leaf hopper. To prevent the introduction of Phylloxera, a quarantine is placed against all sections north of the Tehachapi Mountains, not allowing grape vines or cuttings to enter this county from infested districts. The insects that prey upon the grapefruit will be the same that attack the entire citrus family. The scale insects that are costing many thousands of dollars annually to control in the citrus belts are not yet established in this Valley, yet we take the stand that where the host plant lives the insects are likely to live also. While I will admit that some of the scale insects that are very serious in the coast region do not exist in our Valley, due to the long seasons of hot weather, there are other scale insects that will thrive in this climate as is already the condition in San Joaquin Valley, to the extent that crops of oranges have been lost on account of this scale insect, there are also other valleys in the State. I refer to the Coccus citricola scale, which was first given the name of gray scale. It is absolutely



necessary that strict inspection of all citrus nursery stock as well as citrus fruit be maintained. To much care can not be taken to keep out these scale insects. To reduce the risk as much as possible all citrus nursery stock must be defoliated and rosin washed ; where the mealy bugs are known to exist the trees should not only have the above treat-

ment, but should be shipped with bare roots, or not allowed to enter the county. AN ACT RELATING TO THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF HORTICULTURE The State of California has enacted laws for the protection of horticultural and agricultural interests, providing for the establishing of horticultural commissioners to enforce the laws. Sec. 2322A: "It shall be the duty of the county horticultural commissioner in each county, whenever he shall deem it necessary to cause an inspection to be made of any premises, orchards or nurseries or trees, plants, vegetables, vines or fruits, or any fruit-packing house, storeroom, salesroom or any other place or article in his jurisdiction, and if found infected or infested with infectious diseases, scale insects or coddling moth or other insects or animal pests injurious to fruits, plants, vegetables, trees or vines or with their eggs or larva, or if there is found growing thereon the Russian thistle or saltwort, Johnson grass or other noxious weeds, or red rice, water grasses or other weeds or grasses detrimental to rice culture, he shall in writing notify the owner or owners, or person or persons in charge, or in possession of the said places, or orchards or nurseries, or trees or plants, vegetables, vines or rice fields or fields adjacent to rice fields, or canals or ditches used for the purpose of conveying water to rice fields for the irrigation thereof, or fruit, or article as aforesaid, that the same are infected or infested with said diseases, insects, animals, or other pests or any of them, or their eggs or larvae, or that the Russian thistle or saltwort, Johnson grass or other noxious weeds, or red rice, water grasses or other weeds or grasses detrimental to rice culture is growing thereon, and requires such person or persons to eradicate or destroy or to control to the satisfaction of the county horticultural commissioner." Sec. 2322F : "Any person, persons, firm or corporation who shall receive, bring or cause to be brought into any county or locality of the State of California from another county or locality within said State



any nursery stock, trees, shrubs, plants, vines, cuttings, grass, scions, buds, or fruit pits, or fruit or vegetables, or seed for the purpose of planting or propagating the same, or any or all such shipments of nursery stock, shrubs, trees, plants, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, buds or fruit pits, or fruit or vegetables, or seed or containers thereof or other orchard appliances which the county horticultural commissioner or the State commissioner of horticulture may consider liable to be infested or infected with dangerous insect pests or plant diseases or noxious weed seeds, and which if so infested or infected would constitute a dangerous menace to the orchards, farms and gardens of the county or State, shall immediately after the arrival thereof notify the county commissioner of horticulture, his deputy or nearest inspector of the county

in which such nursery stock, or fruit or vegetable or seed are received of their arrival, and hold the same without unnecessarily moving or placing such articles where they may be harmful for immediate inspection by such county commissioner of horticulture, his deputy, inspector, or deputy quarantine officer or guardian." Sec. 2322J : "Any person, persons, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or by both fine and imprisonment."



President, Mike Liebert Vice-President, W. R. Lienau Treasurer, Frank Vander Poel Secretary, A. E. Madison

Centers Verde, Mesquite Lake, Calipatria, Acacia, Westmoreland, Meloland, Seeley, McCabe, Magnolia, Eastside, South Fern, Mt. Signal, La Verne,

Directors A. H. Jacob H. H. J. M. Smithson, Lorang, Clark. Grafton,

C. F. Boarts, O. L. James, D. F. Harbison, Frank Vander Poel B. D. Irvine, Wm. M. Abrams, W. R. Lienau, Grover Lofftus, H. F. Barton,

Farm Adviser, C. E. Sullivan Asst. Farm Adviser, J. E. Hertel Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Delia J. Morris Farm Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Miss Home Dept. Chairmen A. H. Smithson W. H. Kirby May Beattie Frank M. Ballou L. O. Bannister Walter Wilkinson Wm. M. Moores Frank M. Moore B. D. Irvine F. M. Wright Mildred Boyd Stuart Swink Elsie Angel

"When tillage begins other arts follow ; the farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization," the truth of which is exemplified in no greater degree than in the Imperial Valley that desert empire which by peaceful though ruthless conquest was wrested by the Colorado River from the mountain and valley soils of neighboring States now known as Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. For unknown periods of time that river has been busy in the process of erosion of rich earths, their transportation as silt, and finally



depositing them on the bed of an inland sea, probably at one time a part of the Gulf of California. After carefully spreading this vast tableland over an area of approximately a million acres from coast mountains to Yuma sand hills and from Mexico northward half a hundred miles, the Colorado wandered away to other fields, leaving a parched, unfruitful waste. And then came the engineer and promoter and led back this lifegiving stream, through canals and ditches, to convert this desert terrain into fertile fields, where "earth is here so kind that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest." Then came the pioneer farmers, tradesmen, laborers, merchants, professional and scientific men ; railroads were built, villages gj ew to towns and cities ; production of crops increased until at the end of the first decade of the organization of the county, over $40,000,000 had been produced, and the population had grown to over 40,000. The cities organized commercial clubs and chambers of commerce to promote the civic, industrial and social welfare of the urban population and, later, in response to a general demand for an organization representing and furthering the interests of the rural and agricultural citizens of Imperial Valley, a mass meeting was called to take place at Brawley, on December 18, 1915, whither over a thousand people journeyed from all parts of the county to take part in the formation of the Imperial County Farm Bureau. THE FARM BUREAU OBJECTS AND PURPOSES The Farm Bureau has a unique place in the life especially of an agricultural community, possessing the characteristics of a rural chamber of commerce, a society for educational and social purposes, and a clearing house for the invaluable agricultural experiments carried on by the U. S. Department of Agriculture throughout the nation ; by the colleges of agriculture and experiment stations, not only in California, but in all the other States of the Union, the results of which are available in bulletin form. (Hundreds of these bulletins are on file for free distribution at Farm Bureau Office, El Centro).

200 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY The Farm Bureau is county wide in its scope, embracing within one central organization fourteen local associations called "farm centers." Farm Centers. Each farm center is a distinct and independent unit, with a president, vice-president and secretary, and with headquarters usually at the district schoolhouse, where one regular monthly meeting is held each month, with a program consisting of talks by the farm adviser or his assistant, the home demonstration agent, by experts and specialists from the University of California, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, experiment stations, and by educational and other public officials. To further enliven the meeting, music, motion pictures or

other entertainment features are given, often followed by a social time and refreshments. In fact the farm center contributes to the welfare of the rural community as no other single agency has been able to do. Besides the regular monthly meetings, special meetings are called for special purposes, notably Red Cross work, demonstrations in food conservation, good roads, and other matters of local interest. Organization. The presidents of these fourteen farm centers also act in the capacity of director of the central organization, the County Farm Bureau. President, vice-president, secretary and treasurer are elected at the annual meeting and serve one year. Meetings are held once each month, or oftener on call of the president. Besides these officers, there is a staff of farm adviser, assistant farm adviser and home demonstration agent. Farm Adviser. The farm adviser is usually a graduate of an agricultural college with a practical experience in farming, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is one of the busiest men in the county, inasmuch as his hours run from early morning until past midnight fourteen days of each month. Night meetings are held in fourteen different centers, and to these the farm adviser travels to give talks on various subjects, ranging from disease control of dairy cattle, such as hog cholera, blackleg and tuberculosis, roup in poultry, etc., through subjects such as silage crops, silos, pig club work, home gardens, cotton culture and varieties, soils, drainage, grasshopper control, contagious abortion in cattle, lungworms, etc. Various specialists from the university accompany him on these trips and give lectures on many of the above-named subjects. During the day the farm adviser is busy with calls from all parts of the Valley for soil examinations, help in treating sick hogs, cattle, chickens,

IMPERIAL COUNTY FARM BUREAU 201 advice in planting various crops, in drainage, in construction of silos, etc. His Ford is seen shooting here and there like a comet with a long tail of dust to various parts of the Valley. State Leader of Farm Advisers. The farm adviser movement is carried on under the leadership of State Leader of Farm Advisers B. H. Crocheron, and Assistant State Leader Professor W. E. Packard. Annually and sometimes oftener conferences are called of all the advisers in the State, together with delegates from each of the farm bureaus in the State for a conference, which results in unifying the movement. Cow-Testing Department. A cow-testing association, the largest in the world, was organized, with over 4000 cows, with four testers at work, to aid by scientific means the dairyman in ridding his herd of unprofitable cows. Testing is for butterfat and milk production, and the following will show the results aimed at : Cow No. 1 produced in one year 560.4 pounds of butterfat, with an income from the butterfat, the skim milk and calf, of $227.25, less a labor and feed cost of $63.60, showing a profit of $163.25 ; Cow No. 2, the poorest, produced in one year 70 pounds of butterfat, with an income from butterfat, skim milk and calf, of only $31.63, less a labor and feed cost of $54.50, showing a net loss of $22.87. Both were good looking cows, but adding the profit of Cow No. 1, and the loss of Cow No. 2, showed a difference of $186-

.52. The value of testing is readily apparent. In order to arouse interest in testing, cows producing over 45 pounds butterfat per month are listed in the Farm Bureau Monthly each month, with name of owner. Farm Home Department and Home Demonstrator. This department was organized for the purpose of offering to farm women opportunities for successfully meeting war emergencies, and also to improve farm home conditions in the coming years by means of trained home demonstration agents. In each of the fourteen farm centers a farm home committee was organized among the women members, and a chairman elected. These fourteen chairmen also serve in the capacity of directors on the county-wide organization of the farm home department. While it is a department of the farm bureau, this organization of women is practically independent of the main organization, taking on the character of a rural women's club. Under the leadership of the home demonstrator the principal work is food conservation, demonstrations in canning, planning home gardens, kitchen efficiency, sanitation and kindred

202 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY subjects. The home demonstrator also attends the night meetings at the fourteen different centers and gives lectures on the subjects above mentioned. The work promises to be one of the most important undertaken. ACTIVITIES The accomplishment of the farm bureau during its short life of less than two years cover a wide field, as follows : 1. Grasshopper Campaign. One of the first works undertaken was the grasshopper campaign, with the result that over 16,000 acres were successfully "treated" with poison and ridden of these destructive pests. The financial saving ran into thousands of dollars. 2. Agricultural Clubs for boys and girls have been organized in the Valley with excellent results. Besides agricultural contests, raising corn, etc., pig clubs for both boys and girls have been organized, there being five such organizations now in the Valley. These pig Clubs are a contest in producing the greatest increase in weight at the least cost of labor and feed. The contestants are largely guided by scientific data on feeding as well as experience of hog growers. The data from the university on pig feeding cover experiments with feeding pigs on various rations to eight different lots of pigs, as follows: Barley; barley and alfalfa pasture ; barley and pasture with self feeder ; barley, tankage and pasture ; barley and cut alfalfa ; barley shorts and pasture ; barley, cocoanut meal and pasture ; milo, maize and tankage in self feeder and pasture. Results showed that greatest profits came from the lot fed on lastnamed rations, viz., milo, maize, tankage in self feeder and pasture, with a profit of $7.03, an average feed cost of 6 cents, with amount of 4.1 pounds feed per each pound gain. The poorest profit came from lot fed on barley alone, with a profit of only $1.42, an average feed cost of 8.1 cents, with amount of 6 pounds feed per each pound gain. At the end of the contest, which covers a period of 105 days, prizes are awarded to the winners, consisting of : First, trip to Eastern cities on tour with winners of agricultural clubs ; second, trips to University Farm at

Davis. 3. Disease Control. In conjunction with the University of California and the Federal Government, hog cholera is being successfully combated through vaccination with anti-hog-cholera serum and virus furnished by the university. The Federal Government also sends down

IMPERIAL COUNTY FARM BUREAU 203 here frequently an expert on cholera, who gives personal demonstrations in vaccination, and lectures on prevention by proper sanitary measures, etc., at farm center meetings. Bovine tuberculosis, contagious abortion in cattle, blackleg, are treated in the most approved manner. 4. Landscape Gardening. In no place in the world is the need of beautification by tree and shrub planting greater than in the Imperial Valley. The University of California, through its extension work, has sent experts to work with the farm bureau to work out plans of landscaping the school grounds, several of which are already under way. 5. Cost Records. In co-operation with the University, also, farmers are being encouraged to keep records of costs and profits, in order to eliminate unprofitable farming. An expert bookkeeping specialist is to visit the Valley soon, starting each farmer who has applied for the course in bookkeeping, and at the end of the year will help him close the books and take off a balance sheet of profit and loss and point out the "leaks" if any. 6. Publicity. A monthly publication, The Farm Bureau Monthly, is published each month and mailed to all farm bureau members. This contains many articles concerning the fundamental problems of the farmers in the Valley, notices of meetings, personal items, progress of contests in feeding pigs, progress of cow-testing, with butterfat scores of high cows, and special articles by experts on timely subjects. 7. Livestock Fair. A successful county fair, under the able management of A. M. Nelson, former secretary, was put on with the co-operation of the El Centro Chamber of Commerce. A fine showing of registered hogs, cattle, horses, poultry and turkeys, was made and prizes awarded to winners. The fair was an unqualified success and bids fair to become a permanent institution with permanent fair grounds. 8. Irrigation Problems. An uninterrupted supply of water for both irrigation and domestic use is absolutely necessary for the prosperity and even the life of the people of the Valley. The only source of supply is through diversion canals of over 80 miles in length from the Colorado River. For years the people of the Valley have unaided been attempting to solve the problem of an adequate water supply during low water periods in summer. As early as October 2, 1916, the farm bureau passed a resolution to the effect that the magnitude of the irrigation works and flood protec-

204 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY tion was such that it became imperative to enlist government assistance, and further that the Secretary of the Interior and the University of California be requested to make an immediate co-operative investigation and an early report on the quickest and most effective means of securing these results of providing the Valley with an adequate and permanent water supply. A committee, consisting of Walter E. Packard, Phil Brooks and A. M. Nelson, went to El Paso to meet members of the reclamation service, at their invitation, to confer on request for cooperative investigation of the irrigation situation. Director A. P. Davis, of the reclamation service, with other reclamation officials had visited the Valley on invitation, had made inspections, met with directors of the irrigation district, and that now the reclamation service was engaged in making preliminary investigations. In the latter part of March, 1917, a report was received from the board of engineers, consisting of Dr. Elwood Mead, D. C. Henry and Joseph Jacobs, outlining their findings, and asking for recommendations of the directors of the farm bureau. The recommendations made by the farm bureau were as follows : First, abandon Colorado River as navigable stream ; second, to arrange treaty with Mexico so as to bring main canals and protective works wholly within United States ; third, national control of works and provision for a fair division of cost of construction and maintenance of canals, protective works and storage dams between Mexican and Imperial lands, based on area served ; fifth, government control of flood protection, assuming cost of same on same basis as work included in rivers and harbors appropriations; sixth, construction by government of storage works on basis of repayment of cost by lands benefited ; seventh, construction of high-line canal to irrigate lands above present area on basis of repayment of costs by lands benefited; eighth, unified control of Colorado River and tributaries by commission composed of Federal and state government officials of States through which the Colorado and tributaries flow; ninth, the securing through government action of a water supply for the main canal from Laguna Dam ; tenth, the appropriation of $50,000 for preliminary surveys and study of plans above outlined. 9. Farm Loan Associations. The farm bureau was active in bringing about the formation of five farm loan associations, with more than 100 prospective borrowers. This means cheaper money for the farmer,



probably five and a half per cent. Over half a million dollars has been applied for to be used in buying stock, making various improvements, purchase of land, as well as taking up old mortgages. 10. Pima Cotton Seed. In co-operation with Long Staple Cotton Ex-

change, over 150,000 pounds of government inspected pima cotton seed, a new variety of Egyptian a long staple cotton of superior quality was distributed among the farmers of the Valley. Over 8000 acres will be planted. 11. Better Silage Crops. Seeds of several new varieties of sorghums were brought in and distributed as demonstrations to the farmers, with the result that the amazing yield of over 46 tons to the acre was produced in one instance. This was Honey Sorghum. Other plots yielded 36.6 tons, 31 tons, 45 tons, 36.4 tons, with an average of 39 tons. This, compared with former yields, considered satisfactory, of from 9 to 15 tons of milo, Indian corn, or feterita, is significant of a greatly increased feed yield, and will result in thousands of dollars gain in the dairy industry. 12. Land Colonisation. The farm bureau by plans of Dr. Elwood Mead having for their large tracts of lands in the State, these State supervision and re-sold to settlers resolution endorsed purpose the purchase of lands to be subdivided under on long-time payments.

13. Annual Assembly. Each year an annual agricultural convention is arranged by the farm bureau, to which are invited to speak on the program speakers from the University of California, experiment stations, State and county officials, and specialists in various lines of agriculture and commerce. Three such assemblies have been held during the past three years, at Brawley, at Imperial and at Holtville. The event is now looked upon as a regular county institution. 14. Milo Selection. A campaign for saving selected milo seed was started, with the result that many tons of superior seed are available for this year's planting. 15. Associations. As a result of activities of the farm bureau, through publicity, assemblies and other meetings, several associations have resulted, notably The Milk Producers' Association, Cotton Men's Association, Hog Growers' Association, Bee Men's Association, marketing associations, cow-testing associations, and others still in process of formation.

206 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 16. Labor Bureau. As a result of a canvass put through by the farm bureau in co-operation with the State and county councils of defense, the acute labor shortage was attempted to be relieved by the creation by the county board of supervisors of a county labor bureau. 17. Gopher Control. With the co-operation of the University of California, a campaign to exterminate the destructive gophers from the Valley started. An expert was sent here, who made a two-weeks' tour of the Valley, giving lectures to center meetings and demonstrations to farmers, and especially to the officials of the irrigation companies. The gophers caused thousands of dollars worth of damage each year, not only to crops, but in the way of starting road-flooding from irrigation ditches.

18. Miscellaneous. Many minor activities, such as the distribution of thousands of State, Federal and experiment station bulletins on every branch of agriculture, home economics, horticulture, live-stock industries, etc. Other work is undertaken, such as the aiding of the Red Cross, Liberty loans, etc., through the centers. HISTORY IN BRIEF The Imperial County Farm Bureau had its inception at the first annual agricultural assembly at Brawley, on December 18, 1915, which was called together by W. E. Wills, of Brawley ; Walter E. Packard, of the Meloland experiment station; and A. M. Nelson, of El Centro, all of whom were instrumental in making the first agricultural assembly the great success it achieved. Preliminary plans were laid at that time, the completion of which was accomplished at a later meeting at the Barbara Worth, El Centro, on March 4, 1916, where the duly elected presidents of ten different farm centers met with Mr. Wills, Mr. Packard and Mr. Nelson. The centers and their representatives were as follows : Verde, James N. Cook; Mt. Signal, Grover Lofftus ; Eastside, S. E. Robinson ; Meloland, Phil Brooks ; Eucalyptus, J. T. Pitts ; Seeley, Wm. Moores; Magnolia, C. E. Phegley; Westmoreland, C. F. Boarts; Mesquite Lake, Jake Lorang ; South Fern, W. R. Lienau ; Heber, Geo. Meyers. After plans were outlined by B. H. Crocheron of the University of California, State leader of farm advisers, a temporary organization was effected, and on March 11, 1916, the following officers were elected :

IMPERIAL COUNTY FARM BUREAU 207 Officers: R. E. Wills, president; S. E. Robinson, vice-president; A. M. Nelson, secretary; C. F. Boarts, treasurer, and later, R. E. Wills and Walter E. Packard were elected directors-at-large. President. The office of president was held by R. E. Wills for one year, when, at the annual elections, Walter E. Packard was elected, holding office until June 25, when he resigned to accept the position as assistant State leader of farm advisers at the University of California. Mr. Grover Lofftus was then elected president, and served until he resigned to take up his residence in Los Angeles. At the annual election in February, Mike Liebert, director-at-large, was elected president. Vice-president. This office was held first by S. E. Robinson and continued in office for two years, and was followed by W. R. Lienau, who was elected at the annual election in February, 1918. Secretary. A. M. Nelson was elected secretary and held the office until he resigned in September, 191 7, to join the Liberty boys at Camp Lewis, and on that date A. E. Madison was made secretary. Treasurer. C. F. Boarts was elected treasurer and held office for over two years, and then, at the annual meeting in February, 1918, asked that another treasurer be elected, with the result that Frank Vander Poel was chosen. Farm Adviser. Paul I. Dougherty, of the University of California

and University Agricultural College at Berkeley and Davis, was called in July, 191 5, and served in that capacity with earnestness, zeal and effectiveness until October, 191 7, when he joined the Liberty boys at Camp Lewis. C. E. Sullivan, also of the University of California, was appointed, and later J. P. Hertel, of the University of Wisconsin, was appointed an assistant farm adviser. Home Demonstration Agent. Upon the completion of the organization of the farm home department in March, 1918, a home demonstrator was sent down by the University of California Mrs. Delia J. Morris, formerly domestic science teacher in El Centro and graduate of Ames College, Iowa. Farm Home Department. Directors of the farm home department are as follows: Mrs. Frank M. Ballou, Acacia center; Mrs. A. H. Smithson, Verde; Mrs. W. H. Kirby, Mesquite Lake; Mrs. Walter Wilkinson, Meloland; Miss May Beattie, Calipatria; Mrs. L. O. Bannister, Westmoreland ; Mrs. B. D. Irvine, Magnolia ; Mrs. Wm. M.

208 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Moores, Seeley ; Mrs. Frank M. Moore, McCabe; Mrs. Stuart Swink, Mt. Signal ; Mrs. F. M. Wright, Eastside ; Miss Mildred Boyd, South Fern ; Miss Elsie Angel, La Verne. Additional centers were added from time to time, including Calipatria, with H. H. Clark as director; La Verne, H. F. Barton, director; Acacia, J. M. Grafton, director.

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CHAPTER XI MEDICAL HISTORY BY DR. F. W. PETERSON The first doctors coming to the Valley had no easy time of it in the pursuit of their profession. There were often long journeys to take out over the trackless desert, and it was necessary to make these on horseback, for few roads were such that one could pass over them with a buggy. As the ditches or canals were cut through there were seldom any bridges put across and the traveler was compelled to ford the streams. There were no hospitals or any buildings that in any way would answer the purpose of these. There were very few houses in the towns and none in the country. What surgical work had to be done was quite often done out in the open. A number of amputations were performed with nothing but a mesquite tree to keep off the sun's rays. The few settlers that were here were usually pretty well scattered, necessitating long journeys for the

doctor. The summer heat, in those earlier years, was intense. There was little or no verdure to break the blinding glare of the sun, and it was not unusual for the thermometer to rise to 128 or 130 degrees Fahrenheit during the middle of the day. But owing to the dryness of the atmosphere there were few or no prostrations. There was comparatively little sickness in those days. The most of the men who came into the Valley were young and able-bodied and a large percentage of them had no families, or if they had, had left them behind, back in civilization, so that the proportion of women and children in the Valley was small. Brave souls there were though who refused to be left behind, who wanted to have a part in the developing of the country and refused to be daunted by the hardships of the desert life, and others soon followed, inspired by their example. Thus the Valley homes were established and the doctor became a necessity. This, perhaps, explains the fact that the first doctors, or most of

2IO HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY them, did not come with any definite idea of establishing themselves in the practice of medicine. Dr. W. S. Heffernan, who was probably the first doctor to enter the Valley, came in 1900, not to practice medicine, but as secretary of the then newly organized California Development Company. Incidentally, he looked after considerable work professionally and along this line he covered the greater part of the Valley and often made trips far into Mexico. At one time he left Calexico at midnight on horseback and rode all night and the greater part of the morning, arriving at his destination near Black Butte mountains, at ten o'clock. He holds the distinction of having officiated at the birth of the first white child in the Valley in October, 1900. Dr. Heffernan first took up his stay in Imperial, which consisted of a few tent houses and a number of tents. Later he removed to Calexico, where he spent a number of years, in fact until the dissolution of the development company. So much of his time, however, was spent in Los Angeles and elsewhere in the interest of the company that he could hardly be said to have had a permanent residence at Calexico at any time. In 1901, Dr. F. P. Blake came to Imperial. It is said that his first office was in a tent, under a mesquite tree. Later he put up a small wooden building, two doors north of the Imperial Hotel. This consisted of but two tiny rooms, but they were ample for his bachelor needs. His equipment was exceedingly unpretentious, but it was considered ample in those days. His practice covered the greater part of the Valley. He was for years the only doctor there. He had no horse or buggy and went out in the country only as the parties came in with their own conveyances and brought him out. He was for three years the only doctor in the Valley who devoted his whole time to his practice. He left the Valley about 1907, and for a number of years was absent from his usual haunts, but has now for several years been located in Calipatria. Dr. Blake had been in Imperial a year when Dr. T. R. Griffith, coming from Boston, drifted into the town. He had come in quest of health and he pitched his tent under another mesquite tree, not far distant

from the one under which Dr. Blake was domiciled. This for a while was practically the entire medical fraternity of the Valley, all lodged under two Imperial mesquites. Dr. Griffith stayed in Imperial a year and then moved down near what is now known as Heber, on a ranch. He took no active part in the management of the ranch and did very

MEDICAL HISTORY 21 1 little in the way of practicing medicine. After a year's stay here he felt sufficiently recuperated to take up the practice of his profession and, moving to Celexico, which had begun to develop into a small town, he opened up an office in a small tent house on Imperial Avenue. The house is still in existence, though later moved over onto First Street. Possessing a gifted mind, Dr. Griffith, nevertheless, had little or no inclination toward practicing medicine. The varied assortment of anomalous characters, both Mexican and white, possessed a peculiar fascination for him. He was seldom at his office, which bore all the marks of neglect, but could be found out mingling with people of the place. Naturally a linguist, he readily acquired a fair knowledge of the Spanish, and within a year was speaking this language fluently, with a studied Castilian accent. Knowing the place as we do, knowing the man, we cannot wonder at his attachment to it. The first doctor of the town with a love for pioneering, though not with an adaptability for it, he found here the breath of pioneering on everything and everybody. There was the spirit to do and to dare ; to undertake without hesitation the apparently impossible. There were also the unsuccessful ones, the derelicts in life, the downand-outer, a motley assortment of humanity which had come from all parts of the country to this new land of promise with the last lingering hope that here they might redeem themselves. Some made good and others again sank to still lower depths of degradation, poverty and crime. But to the doctor student of humanity, to the lover of the strange and anomalous in character and in life, they formed a most interesting group. There, too, were the officials of the California Development Company, their clerks and attendants, comfortably housed in several large adobe buildings, which lent to the community a touch of gentility that would otherwise be lacking and helped to intensify the contrasts. There, too, was the life across the line, a town composed almost entirely of adobe buildings and practically wholly Mexican. Here were stores and drinking booths. Here was the gay, careless life of the land of mafiana. Here of an evening could be heard the Spanish guitar, often accompanied by a more or less strident voice, sometimes distinctively plaintive, sounding clear and distinct through the still night air. A town it was, more distinctively Mexican than it has ever been since. The

212 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Colorado washed it away, with only a touch of the corruption which later has become the whole life of the community.

Such was the life of the border when Dr. Griffith came to Calexico in 1904, and such it was when in the fall of 1905 he sold his few office belongings to the writer and left for Riverside, where he has been in active practice ever since. There had been some high water in the New River during the summer of 1905, which had washed away the approaches to the bridge, thus interrupting traffic to the country lying west of town. A foot bridge was constructed across the river, but this was washed away during one of the winter floods, and thereafter all communication with the country west of the town was by boats. Some enterprising white fellow would build a boat and charge a person from fifty cents to a dollar to ferry him across. Hardly would he have earned enough money to cover the cost of the boat before some sudden rise in the river during the night would carry the boat down stream, and it invariably fell into the hands of some Cocopah Indian, who dwelt down stream and on the farther side. Thus the Indians soon came to have a monopoly in the ferry business. There were then a rather large number of them who lived west of the river. There are still a few living there, but most of them have succumbed to the ravages of tuberculosis and venereal diseases. The Indians used these boats to good advantage. If the ferry business was a little dull and they were a little short of funds in their community settlement, one of their number would suddenly get sick and another one would come across for the doctor. The trip across the river was always free to the doctor, but the patient, of course, had no money to pay him, and he was therefore under the necessity of having to pay for his ride back to town. This method of money making had, of course, its limitations. It was the writer's good fortune to spend that memorable year of floods in the Valley's border town. The place then suffered most from the break. Many and varied, indeed, were the experiences. It was a time that tried men. Many a brave soul did he see finally give up in despair and leave the Valley, never to return. Many had put their all in here and went out penniless. Practicing medicine during those times had its trying experiences. It was difficult and at times almost impossible to get around over the country. A saddle horse could cover all the dry land,



however rough, but he could not cross the river. It was necessary there to resort to boats, and then the difficulty of finding any conveyance on the other side was nearly always present. It was at times necessary to walk a number of miles. The river was not always safe to cross. There were times when the ferryman absolutely refused to go out into the swift and swirling stream, and the writer was compelled to take the boat alone and trust to his college practice with the oars to bring him safely across.

This was a year of confusion and of changes. People were compelled to change their plans to co-ordinate with the whims of the New River. Part of Calexico was washed away and practically all of Mexicali went down the stream. It was a period of transition, too, though we knew it not at the time, for the new towns that sprang up on both sides of the line were different. The old towns as well as the old life were things of the past. In Brawley, for years after the establishment of the town, the only doctor was Dr. J. A. Miller. He was, perhaps, more of a preacher than a doctor, and thus ministered both to the religious and medical wants of the new-born community. He claimed to hold a medical diploma from a Canadian school, though he never secured a California license. He was in many ways a rather whimsical fellow. On one occasion he appeared at Imperial to attend some Methodist conference, his tall, lank figure crowned with a high silk hat the only silk hat, as far as known, that has ever had the hardihood to venture into Imperial Valley. On another occasion during the flood, when a cable had been extended across the river and a carriage run back and forth on this some thirty feet above the water, he was asked to cross in it to see some sick person on the other side. He entered the carriage with some hesitation and remarked that he doubted whether it would hold him. He was assured that it had carried a horse across. "That is no guarantee that it will hold me," he replied, and intimated that his fee ought to be one commensurate with the apprehension he experienced in riding in the carriage. As Brawley grew in size and as the area of settlements increased about it, the Imperial doctors were called in more and more to look after the sick of that section, for it was not until 1907 that a regularity

214 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY licensed physician came to Brawley. Dr. A. P. Cook was the first doctor to locate in Brawley. He remained there for three years until his death in 1910. Dr. F. J. Bold had come to Imperial in the summer of 1904, and had put up what for that time was considered a rather pretentious residence and office on Imperial Avenue, adjoining Dr. Blake's. Unlike the other doctors then in the Valley, he was young and healthy and carried with him an abundance of enthusiasm. It was not long before his practice extended to every part of the Valley. He had two or three saddle horses and changed mounts whenever the one he had been riding was tired. He could pick his way through the desert at all hours of the night, and there were in those days long stretches of desert between the various settlers. He had the happy faculty when through with a case and started on his way home to doze off in the saddle and leave it to the horse to get him home. On one occasion he went to sleep on his way out and awoke at 4 o'clock in the morning in some rancher's back yard, and for the life of him could not tell where he was. He was compelled to wake up the people to inquire his way. Like Dr. Griffith, he enjoyed pioneering, but unlike him he enjoyed it because of the unique experi-

ences it gave him and not because of the strange characters it brought him in contact with. He enjoyed a varied and extensive practice and did considerable surgery too. Indeed it is surprising how much he accomplished along surgical lines considering his limited facilities and the complete absence of hospitals or anything that at all approached them in accommodations, and all with uniform success. He considered the Valley the garden spot of the earth and declared it his intention to make this his permanent home. The tragic death of his sister, who had been his constant companion and invaluable assistant, together with other troubles, dampened his ardor, and he sold his home and practice; to Dr. G. M. Bumgarner in the summer of 1906 and went to Whittier where he has been located ever since. During his two years stay in the Valley he was constantly striving to give to the practice of medicine that dignity and importance to which it was justly entitled, and which it could hardly be said to have possessed hitherto. His efforts were tireless to eliminate the quack and the charlatan and the unlicensed practitioner, of whom a number were finding their way into the Valley at that time.



Holtville was established in 1903, and at its very beginning Dr. Greenleaf located there. He had enjoyed a lucrative practice in Chicago and later at Redlands, but his health had failed him at both places, and he came to Holtville hoping the desert air would give him renewed strength. He was the only doctor east of the Alamo for a number of years. He was never able, however, to give proper attention to his practice on account of his health, and in 1908 Dr. Brooks took up the practice of medicine there, having his office in the Alamo Hotel. It was not long after this that Dr. Greenleaf died. By his death the Valley lost the last of its pioneer doctors for pioneering, at least as far as the practice of medicine was concerned, could hardly be said to extend beyond the closing of the Colorado River break, in the summer of 1906. After this a new era of prosperity opened for the Valley. A rapid influx of settlers to the Valley, the organization of the county, the establishment of roads and bridges were rapid steps in the phenomenal development of the country. With the growth in the number of settlers there was a corresponding increase in the number of doctors. In 1906 there were only four doctors in the Valley, only two of whom were really in active practice. Two years later there were eleven. Four years later that number was doubled. At the present time there are in the neighborhood of forty, with at least thirty-three in active practice. The first hospital in the Valley was a small one in Imperial, established by Dr. E. E. Patten in 1907, soon after he came to the Valley. It was simply a small rooming house converted into a hospital. Dr. Patten was at that time county health officer and he found it necessary to have some establishment in which to house his county patients, as well

as the more serious of his private ones. The place was well filled most of the time and remarkably well managed considering the limited facilities. A poorly managed gasoline stove, however, made a rapid end of the doctor's hospital. Brief though its existence had been it served to show the imperative need for the Valley of something along that line, and in the spring of 1908, Dr. Virgil McCombs began the construction of a hospital in El Centro. A one-story structure was completed that spring. By the following spring, however, it had proved its entire inadequacy to meet the growing demands, and the doctor began the erection of an additional story, which was completed by the fall of that year. Soon after the destruction of the Imperial hospital, Dr. Patten

216 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY established another hospital in the southern part of the town and put it under the management of Miss Haymer. This hospital flourished for several years, but proved in the end an unprofitable venture. It was therefore closed and the equipment sold to the El Centro hospital. In March, 191 1, Dr. McCombs sold his hospital in El Centro to the Sisters of Mercy of San Diego. They continued the management of it under the name of St. Thomas Hotel until March, 1918, when they transferred it to Mr. H. G. Thomas. It has, on account of its central location and larger size, remained during its entire existence the leading hospital of the Valley. At Calexico the Jordan Hospital was established in 1912. It has remained constantly under the management of Mrs. Jordan. While not a large building, it is pleasantly situated and fairly commodious. At Brawley the Sisters of Mercy established a small hospital in 1910, but soon after they took over the management of the El Centro Hospital they discontinued it, finding it impossible to keep up both. There is, however, and has been for some years, a small and wellmanaged hospital at this place, as also at Imperial. At Holtville, Dr. D. A. Stevens has been maintaining a small hospital for several years. There was no attempt made in the first years of the Valley's history on the part of the doctors to get together. There were not enough doctors to form any organization, but in the latter part of 1908 a county society was formed, comprising the following doctors : Dr. A. P. Cook of Brawley, Dr. E. E. Patten and Dr. Geo. Bumgarner of Imperial, Dr. Brooks of Holtville, Dr. Henry Richter of Calexico, and Drs. Virgil McCombs and F. W. Peterson of El Centro. Dr. Patten was chosen president and Dr. Peterson secretary of the newly formed society. A number of pleasant and profitable meetings were held at the hospital at El Centro during the year. The following year the organization still seemed to have sufficient life to justify an election of new officers, and Dr. McCombs was chosen president and Dr. Richter secretary. The society, however, was more nearly moribund at the time than was supposed. It never rallied sufficiently for another meeting. For the next six or seven years no effort was made to reorganize the county society. But an attempt was made by Dr. J. C. King of Banning, in 1914, to incorporate the Imperial county doctors in the Riverside County Medical Society. The plan was partly successful. A number of



the Valley doctors joined. By 1916 this number had been reduced to three, and Dr. King then conceived the plan of organizing an Imperial County medical society. It was largely through Dr. King's untiring efforts that the organization became a reality and the society emerged full fledged and with unbounded enthusiasm in April, 1916. Dr. L. R. Moore of Imperial was chosen president and Dr. L. C. House of El Centro secretary. It had at the time of its organization a membership of fifteen, comprising doctors from every town in the Valley. During its first year a number of lively and profitable meetings were held. In April, 1917, election of officers was again in order, and Dr. Eugene Le Baron of Brawley was chosen president, with Dr. F. A. Burger of El Centro as vice-president. Dr. L. C. House was re-elected secretary. It is said that the second year of an organization is always the most trying. If it weathers the storm during this period its chances for a long lease of life are good. The history of the second Imperial County medical society has proven no exception to this rule. With the opening of the second year the enthusiasm that had characterized it during the first year began to wane. Though the year is practically at a close there have been no meetings of the organization ; no getting together of the members which is so essential to mutual stimulation and inspiration. There is evident need at present of some regenerating influence, some invigorating leaven thrown into it to vitalize it for its third year's activities. The climate of the Valley has, in general, been decidedly healthful. In the earlier days it was peculiarly so for tuberculosis patients. Many who came here with the disease in an advanced stage recovered completely. Of late years the climate could hardly be said to be favorable for this class of patients. The increased humidity which is an inevitable result of the increased cultivation and irrigation renders the summer heat much more unbearable. This increased humidity also gives rise to a larger proportion of heat prostrations. There were few, if any, of these before 1905. Of other pulmonary diseases there were at first scarcely any, but these have all been steadily on the increase. Especially is this true of pneumonia. From being almost unheard of in the pioneer days it has come to be quite prevalent during the winter and spring months, and carrying with a rather high mortality even for that disease.

2i8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Scarlet fever and measles were almost unknown before 1906. Since then there have been scattered cases of the former practically every

year and a number of epidemics of the latter. There had been no cases of measles in the southern part of the Valley for three years or more when the constable at Calexico, in the latter part of 1906, in taking some prisoners out to San Diego, was exposed to the disease. He was not aware, however, that he had come in contact with it, so when a week or two later he became sick, with many of the symptoms of the grippe, he decided that he was in for a siege of influenza. His friends came to see him and sympathize with him in his distress. The sympathizing was continued into the next two or three months and several hundred took part. A fairly general immunity was thus established and no further epidemic occurred for the next two or three years. Much complaint was heard in earlier years about the low altitude and consequent heart trouble. Personally this is largely, if not entirely, imagination on the part of the individual affected, for there have been a number of cases of people who found it impossible to live at Calexico, which is about sea level, on account of the low altitude, who found, nevertheless, that their hearts worked in perfect shape at sea level on the coast. Typhoid fever has been in evidence in the Valley since the first settlers arrived. This is, undoubtedly, due almost wholly to the unsanitary condition that prevails almost constantly along the ditches across the line. The water is in most cases already polluted before it crosses the line into American territory. This, of course, is something over which the health authorities of the county have no control. They may guard ever so zealously the water supply within our own borders, but if indiscriminate pollution is permitted to go on unchecked south of the line, the danger will ever be with us. This should be one of the strongest reasons for eliminating at the earliest possible moment the necessity for securing our water supply from foreign soil, for the health of a community should be of paramount solicitude. Happily this defect in our water supply now bids fair to be remedied at a no distant date.


CHAPTER XII JOURNALISM Press, Standard and Zanjero. The need for publicity was felt at the very beginning of the development of Imperial Valley. L. M. Holt, who in pioneer days, as publisher and editor of the Riverside Press, had forty years ago gained State-wide recognition as the chief newspaper authority on the irrigation and horticultural resources of Southern California, was publicity agent for the Imperial Land Company and the California Development Company. It was he who had interested George Chaffey, the builder of the irrigation system, in the Valley, and Mr. Holt was also instrumental in interesting Edgar F. Howe, who had come to Southern California in 1884, and had witnessed from a newspaperman's viewpoint the development of practically all Southern Cali-

fornia from semi-desert. As the years had piled up on Mr. Holt and he had become less active in newspaper work, the especial field he had held in the newspaper field had in large part passed to Mr. Howe. In 1890 he had founded the Redlands Facts, the first daily newspaper in that town, and thence he had gone to Los Angeles, where he had gained recognition as the principal writer on irrigation, horticulture and the oil industry. He was in 1900 the industrial editor of the Los Angeles Herald when, in October, Mr. Holt induced him to inspect the first work on the great irrigation system, less than a half mile of canal then having been dug. From the site of the proposed heading on the Colorado River Mr. Howe came to the Valley, being driven by George McCauley, as about the first passenger of that pioneer stage driver, from the main line of the railroad to Blue Lake, near the projected town of Silsbee, and back. On that drive of ninety miles, which led over the town-sites of Brawley, Imperial and El Centro, only two persons were seen, Engineer D. L. Russell and an assistant, who were making the first survey. Because of his experience in watching the developments of other parts of Southern California, Mr. Howe believed he could see in this

220 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY development work a movement of vast potential benefit to the country, and articles from his pen following the visit to the Valley were published with illustrations in the New York Tribune, New York Times, Scientific American, Philadelphia Press and other leading publications of the East, as well as in the Los Angeles Herald, undoubtedly giving to the Valley colonization its first great impetus. So beneficial had his work proven that the Imperial Land Company was anxious that he should become identified with the development work. The following May the Imperial Valley Press was founded at Imperial by the Imperial Land Company with H. C. Reed as editor, but in October, 1901, one year from his former trip, Mr. Howe assumed the editorship. Those pioneer newspaper days were trying ones because there was little to do and there were none of the conveniences of life. The stage came to town three times a week, and a census showed population of 158 persons in what is now Imperial County in the spring of 1902. The following summer, without ice, electricity, fresh meat, vegetables, eggs, milk or butter, life was barely worth living, but it was under these conditions that the foundations were laid for the newspaper as well as all the other institutions of the Valley. After a year of this privation, Mr. Howe thought he had had enough of pioneer life, and he left the Valley, but by April of the next year 1903 he was induced to return, this time as owner of the newspaper, which he purchased and published for a little more than a year, selling to Charles Gardner. The new town of El Centro had been founded in 1905, and early in

that year Mr. Gardner sold the Press to W. F. Holt, who moved it to El Centro, where it passed successively under the editorial management of F. G. Havens and D. D. Pellett. Before leaving Imperial the Press had a competitor in the Imperial Standard, started by a stock company with H. C. Reed and later David De Witt Lawrence as editors. This publication was bought in June, 1905, by Mr. Howe, who came to the Valley for the third time, accompanied by his two sons, Armiger W. and Clinton F., who were associated with him during the second stage of pioneer newspaper work, that of publishing the first daily newspaper. This publication was started while the Colorado River was pour-

JOURNALISM 221 ing its whole volume into Salton Sea, and Mr. Howe says that to this day he has never been able to decide whether the venture was a matter of inspiration or of imbecility. Then came the struggle over county division, Mr. Howe being the spokesman for Imperial. Mr. Holt sought a strong editorial force for the Imperial Valley Press as an offset to him, and interested Captain Allen Kelley, Louis Havermale and W. L. Hayden in that paper. Captain Kelly had been city editor of the New York Evening Sun and of the Los Angeles Times, and editorial writer for the Philadelphia North American, Boston Globe and San Francisco Examiner. Mr. Havermale was one of the best detail reporters in Los Angeles and Mr. Hayden was a clever business manager. It was a strong aggregation, but it was an overload for the weekly to carry, and after the bitterness of the county seat election had passed, Messrs. Howe, in May, 191 1, bought the Press from W. F. Holt and consolidated with it the Imperial Daily Standard, continuing the paper as a daily under the name of the Imperial Valley Press until September, 1916. Messrs. Howe had had the experience in Imperial of many pioneers in the newspaper business of a hard struggle with little recompense. When they purchased the Press they added considerably to their indebtedness. Their business in El Centro grew with great rapidity, forcing heavy purchases of equipment, with added obligations. The earthquake of June, 191 5, wrecked their plant and brought about a loss of business which proved fatal to their enterprise, and they lost the newspaper in September, 1916. But 400 farmers in mass meeting called on Mr. Howe to re-enter the field, pledging their support, and many of them volunteered financial aid, with the result that within thirty days there was issued the first number of The Zanjero, a weekly paper, but with the intention, avowed from the first, of eventually issuing daily. The Calexico Chronicle was founded August 12, 1904. It's first home was in a tent house at a point near the Southern Pacific depot. The early days of the paper were the usual early days of a pioneer newspaper much work and little remuneration for its owner. For several years it had a number of owners, and for a while essayed to be a daily paper,

even when Calexico was only a town of something like 500 people. During those early days of daily newspapering it was the frequent

222 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY boast of its publisher that it was the only daily newspaper in the world in a town with so few people in it, which was about all there was to boast about. In July, 1912, the Chronicle became the property of the present owner, Bert Perrin, who, early the next year, took Ray E. Oliver as a partner, which partnership continued until November, 1917, when Bert Perrin again became the sole owner. Beginning in 1913 the great struggle of the Chronicle has been to keep pace with the rapid growth of the town. In 1914 the Chronicle once more began publication as a daily, with Associated Press news service. The El Centro Progress was established in its present location on Main Street, El Centro, February 3, 1912. First a weekly. In October of the same year it was changed to a morning daily, and as such made its way swiftly to the present place it occupies. Mr. and Mrs. Otis B. Tout were first engaged in publishing the Calexico Chronicle, Mr. Tout having taken charge of that newspaper in 1907. They sold the business in 1912 to Bert Perrin and purchased the remains of the Daily Free Lance plant in EI Centro, on which the present business was founded. The Free Lance was established in 1908 by A. D. Medhurst. It ran a precarious existence for three years and was finally discontinued on account of financial difficulties. Mr. and Mrs. Tout, both practical printers, have had the assistance of Mrs. Tout's brothers, both in the mechanical department and the management. O. W. Berneker is advertising manager, W. A. Berneker is foreman of the composing room, E. A. Berneker is Intertype machinist-operator, and A. E. Berneker is in the mailing and stereotyping department. This "family affair" has become quite successful as shown by the patronage accorded the Progress since its establishment. The records show a steady increase in every year's business, 1917 outdistancing all the others by a wide margin. The business is a co-partnership with Mr. and Mrs. Tout sole owners. The policy of the Progress has been independent, the editor believing that the selection of the best in all matters is better than blind partisanship in any. That this policy has been approved by a large constituency is attested by the fact that the Progress lays undisputed claim to the largest circulation of any newspaper in the county. The paper makes it a point to boost every worthy cause and to flay every unworthy propo-



ganda that raises its head. Imperial Valley has had seven special, illustrated editions during the twelve years' work of the publishers of the Progress, and much of the broadcast information that the world has regarding Imperial Valley can be credited to these efforts. The Progress is the only morning newspaper in the Valley, and is a member of the Associated Press.

CHAPTER XIII TRANSPORTATION SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES The main line of the Los Angeles division of the Southern Pacific from just north of Bertram to the Colorado River at Yuma, for a distance of about ninety miles, was first operated in the spring of 1877. From the present station of Niland (originally known as Old Beach and then later called Imperial Junction), a branch line runs south to Calexico on the international boundary line for a distance of 41 miles, first operated to Imperial in the spring of 1903, and thence to Calexico in the summer of 1904. The above branch line thence continues easterly through the northern portion of Lower California and returns to Imperial County at Cantu, thence northerly for a distance of 2.6 miles to a connection with the first above-mentioned main line at Araz Junction. From El Centro a branch line runs west to New River at Seeley for a distance of 8.3 miles to a connection with the San Diego and Arizona Railway. From Calipatria a branch line runs west and thence south for a distance of 12.6 miles to Westmorland, first operated June, 1917. From Colorado, a station from Yuma, a branch line river, for a distance of ment's Laguna Dam, first on the main line, across the Colorado River runs northeasterly, generally following said 12.2 miles to Potholes, at the site of the governoperated April, 1908.

From a connection with the Southern Pacific Company's branch line at Seeley the San Diego and Arizona Railway Company's main line extends westerly for a distance of 27 miles to a point on Imperial County boundary line about a mile west of Silica. From a connection with the Southern Pacific Company's branch line at El Centro the Holton Interurban Railway Company's electric line extends easterly for a distance of about 11 miles to Holtville.

TRANSPORTATION 225 SAN DIEGO AND ARIZONA RAILWAY The San Diego and Arizona Railway Company was incorporated December 15, 1906, for the purpose of constructing a transcontinental railroad from San Diego, California, eastward through Imperial Valley, the intention being to connect with the Southern Pacific system at New River, a distance of about one hundred forty miles. On account of numerous difficulties encountered, which were unforeseen and unavoidable, the construction work has been slow. However, the work is now progressing at a rate which indicates that within the near future Imperial Valley will be connected by a short-line haul with another deep-water port, and which will naturally open up additional markets. In carrying out the purpose for which the company was incorporated, the railroad was planned and is being constructed for transcontinental business. The roadbed and structures are built for heavy traffic, and the curves and grades are the lightest possible through the mountainous country traversed, the summit (3650 feet elevation) being reached from San Diego with a maximum grade of 1.4 per cent. Terminal facilities have been provided on the same basis, the company owning over sixty acres in the San Diego shop site, 50 acres in freight yards and terminals, and have secured the right from State and city to sixty acres on the bay front for wharves; three hundred and twenty acres were secured for helper station, shops, etc., in Imperial Valley, near the "west side main canal." In addition to the advantages offered for transportation of freight the line will prove attractive to the tourist. The scenery over the mountains and through the Carriso Canon is varied and attractive. Entering Mexico through a tunnel just west of Campo, the line runs for fortyfour miles through a foreign country ever interesting to the tourist, crossing into the United States again at Tijuana, which place is visited annually by thousands of tourists. The longest tunnel on the line 2600 feet is encountered in the Carriso Canon. The company has recently purchased the San Diego and South Eastern Railroad, with some 85 miles of roadway, traversing the rich farming valleys surrounding San Diego, which will be a feeder for the transcontinental line.

22(5 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY HOLTON INTER-URBAN RAILWAY COMPANY The Holton Inter-Urban Railway Company was incorporated, along with the other utilities of the Valley, by W. F. Holt in December, 1903, with a capital stock of $200,000.00. The road connects El Centro with Holtville (a distance of about eleven miles) and is of standard gauge construction. The company carries both freight and passenger traffic and has recently put in service gas motor cars for carrying passengers,

which have a special wheel attachment (the invention of W. F. Holt) permitting the cars to run either on the railroad track or on the public streets and highways. This innovation in railroad service is not only a novelty, but is a practical convenience to the public, which is showing its appreciation by very liberal patronage. The invention has created wide-spread interest throughout the country, and this method of transportation will no doubt be extended to the large railroad systems, particularly in connection with inter-urban traffic. The general offices of the Holton Inter-Urban Railway Company are also located at Riverside, under the same management as the other companies.

CHAPTER XIV BANKING First National Bank of Imperial was organized in 1901 with a capital stock of $25,000 by LeRoy Holt, W. F. Holt, George Chaffey and A. H. Heber. The bank was then located where the Imperial Valley Hardware store is now located. Holt Brothers operated a store in the building at that time. The bank remained in that location for a period of two years and in 1903 moved into one of the first brick buildings in Imperial, one door south of its present location. In 1907 the capital stock was increased to $50,000 and in 1908 moved into its present location. The bank owns the building next door as well as its present quarters. The officers are : President, LeRoy Holt ; vice president, N. A. Mackey; cashier, O. K. Thomas; assistant cashiers, C. W. Hinderks and C. S. Hill. The total resources of the bank are $725,000 and total deposits are $550,000. All of the men identified with the bank are recognized as far-sighted, keen and discriminating business men and the bank has enjoyed a steady and rapid growth. The Farmers and Merchants Bank of Imperial was formerly organized as the Imperial City Bank in 1907. The following persons were named as directors in the original articles of incorporation: Geo. A. Parkyns, J. R. Stevenson, R. H. Benton and W. D. Garey. Mr. Byron H. Cook was made secretary of the bank and became its first cashier. To these the following members were added as directors for the ensuing year: F. C. Paulin, A. J. Waters and Geo. J. Dennis, all of Los Angeles, California. The authorized capital of the bank was $50,000, but it operated from the date of its incorporation until January I, 1918, with a paid up capital of $25,000. In January, 1910, the controlling interest of the bank was purchased by L. J. Thomas. Several of the former stockholders retiring, the stock was placed largely in the vicinity of Imperial. The name of the bank was changed to Farmers and Merchants Bank of Imperial, with commercial and savings depart-

228 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY merits. At the time of the purchase of the institution the deposits were $32,000; loans and discounts $31,000. Under the new management the bank continued to grow until it became necessary to increase its capital stock. On January 1, 1918, Frank Wilkin, formerly of Lenox, Iowa, subscribed the balance of the capital stock and succeeded to the

presidency. The current statement of the bank shows deposits $315,500, loans and discounts $235,000, and the affairs of the institution are in splendid condition. It has always been the policy of the institution to recognize first the claims of local demands, and it has steadfastly refused to purchase bonds or outside securities, waiving this policy only in behalf of Liberty Bonds. Imperial Valley Bank of Brawley. Since its organization in 1903 this bank has had a steady growth. It transacts a general commercial and savings banking business, in accordance with the laws governing banks in this state. The bank was originally started in an adobe building and was known as the First Bank of Brawley. F. S. Miller was president and Wm. T. Dam cashier. Mr. Miller served in this capacity for one year, when F. C. Paulin of Los Angeles was made president. The following year W. F. Holt secured controlling interest and was made president. The name of the bank was changed to Imperial County Bank and Mr. Holt served as president for three years. Disposing of his stock, W. T. Dunn was made president in 1905 and has served in that capacity since. The bank started with a capital stock of $25,000 and in 1912 the capital stock was increased to $50,000, and in 1917 it was again increased to $100,000. The present officers of the Imperial Valley Bank are : President, Wm. T. Dunn ; vice president, W. H. Best ; cashier, M. G. Doud; assistant cashiers, Roy Stilgenbauer and H. J. Ingram. In 191 5 the bank was enlarged and remodeled at an expense of $20,000. The bank's business has been conducted in a creditable and up-to-date manner, all modern methods and appliances being used, and it has given patrons the service that is now looked for by the progressive business man. The interior of the bank is finished in rich Circassian walnut and the interior effect is seldom seen outside the larger cities. First National Bank of Brawley. Among the solid, conservative and reliable moneyed institutions of Imperial County is the First



National Bank of Brawley. The bank was organized in 1907 with a capital stock of $25,000 and a surplus of $25,000. In 1915 the capital stock was increased to $50,000 and surplus $10,000. In 1917 the capital stock was again increased to $70,000 and surplus $30,000. The original officers of the bank were: President, W. T. Dunn; vice president, R. E. Wills; cashier, F. F. Parmerlee. The present officers of the bank are : President, W. T. Dunn ; vice president, R. E. Wills ; cashier, R. L. Angell; assistant cashiers, R. Clayton Lee, Frank Ford, and Edwin A. Wells. The bank started in the Oakley Block, a mercantile building, corner of Sixth and Main Streets, and in 1914 the bank purchased the entire building and takes in the three stores facing Main Street and erected an extension on Sixth Street which is occupied by four offices. The bank was remodeled in 1917 and modern and up-to-date fixtures and vault were installed, costing $20,000. The bank has been progres-

sive from the start and keenly interested in the upbuilding of Brawley and community. American State Bank of Brawley was incorporated June 18, 1914, with a capital stock of $50,000; surplus and profits, $7,500. The bank has enjoyed a steady growth. The original officers were: President, F. S. Lack ; vice president, P. P. Hovley ; cashier, William Smith. The bank opened a branch bank at Calipatria on November 10, 1914, and has had a steady growth coincident with the growth and development of that town. The present officers of the bank are: President, P. P. Hovley ; vice president, F. S. Lack ; cashier, G. H. Williams ; the directors are J. S. Nickerson, George Nowlin, Dewey Carey, J. L. Taecker, Harry Withrow and Ray Griswold. Both banks transact commercial and savings business in all respects in accordance with the laws governing such banks. The interiors of both banks are roomy and well ventilated. First National Bank of Holtville was organized in 1904 with a capital stock of $25,000 and was later increased to $50,000. The original officers were LeRoy Holt, president, and R. G. Webster, cashier. The present officers of the First National Bank of Holtville are: LeRoy Holt, president; M. C. Blanchard, vice president, and E. L. Carson, cashier. This bank is the oldest in Holtville and has enjoyed a



steady growth, and is known as being among the leading financial institutions of Imperial County, there being an efficient corps of assistants and a strong board of directors. The Holtville Bank was organized in December, 1910, with a capital stock of $25,000. The first officers of the bank were: President, M. L. Hazzard; vice president, Porter N. Ferguson; cashier, O. N. Shaw. The present officers of the bank are: President, O. N. Shaw; vice president, R. W. Hoover; cashier, S. E. Shaw. The bank started in its present location and moved to its own handsome structure in April, 1918, to the corner of Holt and Fifth Streets in the Alamo building. The bank installed their present fixtures in the new location which are modern and up-to-date. The bank is one of the reliable and conservative banks of the county and has enjoyed a steady growth since it opened its doors. It has one of the newest and most modern vaults and safe deposit equipments in the Valley. The bank owns the entire building, and at present sub-leases to the drug store, telephone exchange, hotel and dining room. The International Bank of Calexico was organized in October, 1916, with a capital stock of $25,000. The original officers were Frank D. Hevener, president ; J. F. Steintorf , vice president ; Paul B. Steintorf, cashier. The present officers are Frank D. Hevener, president ; D.

R. Hevener, vice president, and Samuel E. Rottman, cashier. The assets of the bank as per last call of the State Banking Department were $271,000. Its remarkable growth in such a short period is another evidence of the rapid strides the City of Calexico is making. First National Bank of Calexico. The forming of the First National Bank of Calexico was first conceived by John F. Giles and J. M. Edmunds, who applied for a charter in January, 1910. The organization was perfected and charter granted for $25,000 capital stock and doors opened for business March 14, 1910, on the corner of Paulin and Second Streets with the following officers in charge : Sidney McHarg, president ; Edward Dool, vice president ; J. A. Morrison, cashier ; J. M. Edmunds, assistant cashier. The bank enjoyed prosperous business from the start. On the first of November, 1913, Mr. D. A. Leonard of



the First National Bank of El Centro, associated himself with the institution and in January, 1914, was elected cashier and J. M. Edmunds president. The following May the deposits had grown to over $250,000, and it was found advisable to increase the capital stock to $50,000. The bank continued to grow by leaps and bounds, and in January, 1916, the deposits had passed the half-million mark. It was then found necessary to again increase the capital stock to $100,000 to enable the bank to accommodate the volume of business and take care of its clients. It became evident that the bank was fast out-growing its present quarters and the management proceeded to negotiate for space in the Anderson block on the corner of Second and Rockwood, where it enjoys the distinction of occupying the finest banking quarters of any town of the size of Calexico in Southern California. In January, 1918, the bank had total resources of a million and a half. El Centro National Bank was organized and opened for business March 9, 1909, with F. B. Fuller president, W. T. Bill vice-president, and F. W. Wilson cashier. The capital stock is $30,000. The present officers of the bank are: President, F. B. Fuller; vice-president, W. T. Bill ; cashier, T. L. Doherty. The building is 50 x 75 feet. The interior is arranged so as to secure the best working conditions, being roomy and well ventilated, and the vault is of the most modern type. The bank has been very progressive from the start and is numbered among the solid, conservative and most thoroughly reliable moneyed institutions of Imperial County. The bank owns its own building and is unexcelled for its equipment and banking facilities. First National Bank of El Centro was organized May 10, 1909, with a capital stock of $50,000. In 191 5 the capital stock was increased to $100,000. The original officers of the bank were : President, Le Roy Holt; vice-president, True Vencell; cashier, J. V. Wachtel, Jr. The present officers of the bank are : President, Le Roy Holt ; vice-presi-

dent, Franklin J. Cole; cashier, A. H. Keller; assistant cashiers, F. J. Gianola, Ira L. Hobdy and R. L.Tilton. A consistent and steady growth has been maintained until, at the present time, it ranks among the foremost of the financial institutions of the Valley. The interior of the bank is finished in mahogany, and every method and appliance is being used



such as are seen in the larger cities. The fire-proof vault, which is of the most modern type, is equipped with a time lock. The Security Savings Bank of El Centro was organized June i, 1912, with a capital stock of $25,000. Directors: LeRoy Holt, Geo. E. Kennedy, Phil. D. Swing, J. V. Wachtel, Jr., Virgil McCombs, W. H. Brooks, B. F. McDonald, E. J. M. Hale, W. T. Bill. November 4, 1916, the name was changed to Security Commercial & Savings Bank. J. K. Hermon, president; J. Stewart Ross, vice-president; O. G. Home, cashier. The three officers, O. Luckett and J. L. Travers, composed the board of directors. January 1, 191 8, the capital stock was increased to $50,000 $10,000 surplus earned, $2200 undivided profit. First National Bank of Calipatria. The growth of this bank has been most remarkable. Under able management it was organized in 1915 with a capital stock of $25,000; surplus, $25,000. The bank occupies a good location in the town of Calipatria, in a stately building, and owns its new home. Every appliance and convenience known to modern banking for the purpose of safeguarding the funds and valuables of its patrons have been installed. The officers of the bank are : President, Wm. T. Dunn; vice-president, V. R. Sterling; cashier, M. Ferguson. The deposits of this institution have grown from $60,000 to $250,000 from October, 1917, to March, 1918. The interior of the bank is finished in silver-finished oak, which gives a very pleasing effect. First National Bank of Heber was organized and started business on April 2, 1914. The officers of the bank were : Frank Beers, president ; George Varney, vice-president ; B. C. Beers, cashier. The capital stock is $25,000. The present officers are: President, A. W. Beed; vice-president, G. E. Brock; cashier, W. A. Harlan. Deposits, $140,000; undivided profits, $8000.


gauged citizens who possess that fine inherent quality of constructiveness which takes a delight in creating something good and worth while, and of such are successful chambers of commerce composed. Someone has said that "dreamers are the saviors of the world." The author mightly aptly have added "and the builders as well." For every progressive man is more or less of a dreamer. He has visions of greater and better things to come, and these "visions" are nothing more or less than constructive dreams. Frequently he is called impractical and no doubt rightly so at times, still many an impractical dream has turned out to be a wonderful reality. Particularly has this been true in this fertile Valley, where our bounteous crops and prosperous cities are ever-present monuments to the men who dared to dream of an agricultural empire rising from the forbidding sands of the desert. The story of the wonderful transformation which has taken place here in less than two decades has been fascinatingly described elsewhere in this volume, and the writer has no desire to attempt a reiteration, but so closely has the work of our chambers of commerce been identified with this transformation that a reference now and then may be pardonable. To recite in detail the history of the various commercial bodies of the Valley would be to chronicle the history of the Valley itself. From the time the first cluster of tent houses on the site of the Valley's oldest city began to take on an appearance of village dignity up to the present day the development of this great delta region of the Colorado has been the thought uppermost in the minds of the men who have given so extravagantly of their time in carrying on the work of the chambers of commerce to the end that there might be created here, not only cities



and thriving rural districts to be proud of today, but that there might be handed down to posterity an empire built on the endurable foundation of unblemished social worthiness. The career of a chamber of commerce in a small town is always one of extremes of fortune. Either the chamber is vigorous, with a balance in the bank, or it is in the dumps and exists in name only, depending on how recently the process of rejuvenation has been applied, but once letan organization be formed and it never entirely dies. True the signs of life may at times be difficult of detection, but let a matter come up which is vital to the interests of the community and the resurrection will be prompt and effective. The reason why a commercial organization never entirely dies is that it is the only instrumentality through which a community can express its opinion without laying itself open to the criticism of favoring some special interest. And so it has been in Imperial Valley. Our organizations have prospered and become quiescent, functioned enthusiastically for a time and passed into somnolence, but have never

died, and be it said in all their varied careers, never took a backward step. So, no matter how soon the enthusiasm of the get-together banquet wained, the community was the gainer. This state of affairs is bound to exist until the time comes when the little city outgrows its village clothes and becomes sufficiently large and important to support a paid secretary and maintain a creditable headquarters. It takes money to make the mare go, and this is especially true as respects chambers of commerce. On account of the peculiar topography of the country and what would appear to be an unusually favorable arrangement in location of the Valley towns, several attempts have been made to organize on a firm foundation an Imperial Valley Chamber of Commerce, having as its directors a member selected by the respective local chambers and for its object the effective co-operation and co-ordination of all Valley interests. At first glance this would appear easy of accomplishment and, without argument, the thing to be desired as a practical proposition. However, it is unworkable, as has been demonstrated, by the failure of more than one earnest attempt at that kind of co-operation. The plan is impracticable chiefly for the reason that Imperial Valley towns, in common with all rapidly growing western cities, have an intense and pardonable pride in themselves and, inasmuch as the main office of a



Valley chamber can be located at but one place, the situation has always proven a source of extreme humiliation to the unfavored communities, regardless of the fact that the office should be located in the spot most likely to produce the best results for all. The original Imperial Valley Chamber of Commerce, beset though it was with difficulties insuperable, did a valuable work for the Valley, as have its numerous successors, all now passed into the realm of good things that could not live. Many of the ablest men of the county were, at one time or another, earnest and enthusiastic workers in the Valley chamber, and the chamber in its day played a big part in shaping the destinies of our incomparable Valley, thereby justifying its creation by the test of good works. The Imperial Valley Chamber of Commerce was finally absorbed by the office of the county development agent, an office created by the county board of supervisors and supported by taxation. The first county development agent was Arthur M. Nelson, who led the first contingent of Liberty boys to Camp Lewis, American Lake, Washington, where he is at the present time. Nelson made an efficient publicity agent, and his going was a decided loss to the Valley. Since his departure the development agent's office has remained unfilled. Coming now to the chamber of commerce situation as it exists at the present time, the spring of the year 1918, we find practically all of the Valley towns with active organizations. The great war in which the United States is engaged has brought serious responsibilities to all com-

mercial organizations undreamed of in times of peace, and the chambers of commerce in Imperial Valley have responded patriotically to the call. The chambers of commerce of America, taken collectively, are the national stabilizers, and it can be said that each individual chamber acts as such for its respective community ; certainly this is true with the Valley chambers. The directorates are composed of level-headed men, who, when something comes up vital to the welfare of the community, whether that something originates in the national capital at Washington or with the local board of city trustees, consider the matter intelligently and then act with the full knowledge that they are expressing the sentiment of the people affected. The desires or opinions of individuals expressed separately have, as a rule, but little force; express them through the local chamber of commerce and quick action usually results.

236 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Due to the fact that the great irrigation canals which furnish the allimportant water to our ranchers, reach Imperial County by dropping down into Lower California, Mexico, together with the fact that the Colorado River, the source of that water, constitutes the boundary line between California and Arizona, has made it necessary that this section secure official recognition at Washington more frequently than any other section of the State, and in securing this recognition our chambers of commerce have rendered invaluable assistance. Not only have their co-operation been sought at Washington, but they have been called upon only recently to take a stand in regard to certain undesirable conditions which had been created affecting the moral welfare of the Valley. The response was immediate and effective, and the saving to the people resulting therefrom was great indeed, viewed either from a moral or financial standpoint. Remove the chamber of commerce from the community and you strangle the tap-root of progress. While, as has been stated, the chambers of the Valley are functioning to the best of their ability, only one so far has reached that stage of opulence permitting the luxury of a secretary who spends his entire time in the conduct of the chamber's affairs. El Centro being the largest of the Valley towns, and the railroad center of the Valley, finally, two years ago, emerged from the stage of spasmodic reorganizations of her chamber of commerce and decided to establish an organization with stability and dignity enough to be a credit to the Valley's metropolis. Accordingly several of the business and professional men of the city who had made a success in their various lines, took the matter up, spent their time and money in raising a sufficient fund to guarantee at least one year of existence, elected progressive citizens, with Mr. A. L. Richmond as president, to direct the affairs of the chamber, engaged Mr. Don C. Bitler, a newspaper man, as secretary, and launched forth to "do things" for El Centro. For the first time in the history of any Imperial Valley city the end of the year saw the chamber financially a "going concern," which was the source of great satisfaction to the men who had given so liberally of their time in directing its affairs, and, best of all, the chamber had become recognized by all, except a few alleged business men with cobwebs on their merchandise, as an indispensable asset to the community. At the end of the first year Mr. Richmond retired as president and Mr. F. B. Fuller, president of the El



Centro National Bank and a pioneer of El Centro, was elected to take his place. Soon after this Mr. Bitler resigned as secretary, returning to the newspaper field, and Wayne Compton, who had had charge of Imperial Valley's interests at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition held in San Francisco in 191 5, and the commercial publicity for all of Southern California at the Panama-California International Exposition at San Diego in 1916, was offered the commercial secretaryship. He accepted the offer and still holds the position. At the expiration of Mr. Fuller's term as president, so faithful had he been to the interests of the chamber that he was unanimously chosen to succeed himself over his very earnest protest, and so the El Centro Chamber of Commerce enters auspiciously upon its third year of vigorous activity. Because of its location, El Centro (Spanish for "The Center") is naturally the clearinghouse for business in Imperial Valley, and it naturally follows that, while the chamber of commerce, strictly speaking, is an El Centro institution and supported by El Centro money, it is the fountain head for Valley information. Faithfully and regularly its eleven directors meet every Thursday night, and the amount of important business handled at these meetings is a revelation to anyone who has never sat through a meeting. Space does not permit a recitation of the big things this organization has done and is doing for El Centro and the Valley. The El Centro Chamber of Commerce has already become recognized as one of the most active and important in the West, and its usefulness has just begun. With the rapid development of the Valley and consequent growth of El Centro, accelerated as it will be by the coming of another railroad, now building, will in the next decade take its place among the leading organizations of its kind in America.


There is no more rational or potential expression or indication of the permanency and enduring growth in the commercial, industrial and social sides of a community than is to be found in the establishment of Masonic organizations and their subsequent expansion. One of the unanswerable arguments in favor of the high order of social advancement in the Imperial Valley is to be found in the strength and character of

its Masonic bodies. And incontrovertible is the fact that no community elsewhere can boast of a cleaner, higher or prouder type of citizenship than is now to be found within the ranks of Freemasonry in the Imperial Valley. As in the past, the experience of the Masons of the Valley has differed little, if in any degree, from that of other communities in respect of the trials and tribulations of primary organization. Here, as elsewhere, "ups and downs" have been enough to make the stoutest heart quail before repeated failures and disappointments. But, true to the spirit of Masonry, its past history and traditions through the centuries since its birth, it has fought its way slowly and steadily and surely to the front and over the top, until today its votaries are legion and component parts of the brain and brawn, the bone and sinew of the land and the salt of the earth. Masonry in the Imperial Valley numbers the leading citizens, business men, professional men, and men in every walk of life whose characters are above reproach and who are numbered among those who "builded better than they knew." And it is not saying too much to make the assertion that Masonry has taken a marvelous hold upon the hearts of its people in the Imperial Valley, and is growing splendidly in a highly intelligent and systematic fashion. This applies to the symbolic lodges and the Eastern Star primarily and fundamentally, where Masonry plants its standard and sets its foundation stones in adamant as solid



and immovable as the eternal Rock of Ages. The membership of the five symbolic lodges and the five Eastern Star chapters of the Valley is one to be proud of in any community on earth. There is no better evidence of the presence of high social standards than the existence of these bodies, and no surer evidence of advancing prosperity than their rapid growth. And this applies with equal force and effect to every part of California, where Masonry is growing by leaps and bounds and numbering among its disciples the best that society has to give. And this is good, viewed in the light of the quiet, unobtrusive, unostentatious but none the less God-given work of charity accomplished by Freemasonry among the nations of the earth since time began, and especially since the birth of the present awful world-war, the most terrible holocaust of carnage the world has ever seen, where the human family is receiving its fearsome baptism of blood and to what end ? Masonry is filling its allotted niche in this world of exclamation and interrogation points for the dispensation of charity to stricken hearts and suffering humanity, the alleviation of distress among men and women. Mason or profane, and the coming of a world peace, "when

war shall be known no more," and "when the reign of our blessed Emanuel, the Prince of Peace, the great Captain of our salvation shall become universal and eternal." No one who knows will begrudge to Masonry the exalted position it has attained among the nations of the earth as the greatest charitable organization the world has ever known. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS In Imperial Valley, the vast inland empire with its untold millions of commercial wealth, where cotton is king and the mighty Colorado River is diverted into irrigation ditches, Pythianism wended its way soon after the pioneer had demonstrated the vast richness of its soil. In Pythianism this large expanse of country is officially known as the 34th Convention District of the Domain of California. Pythianism invaded Imperial County in 1906, thus making it possible for the foundation of the "lowest down lodges on earth." Imperial Lodge No. 36 was instituted in the city of Imperial on September 39th of that year. There were 20 charter members and the largest number



ever reached was 22 members. After a brief struggle it surrendered its charter to the Grand Lodge in June of 1910, though it had not reported to that body since December of 1907. In the spring of 191 1 another attempt was made to plant the banner of Pythianism, but this time in the city of Brawley. Through the untiring efforts of E. A. Morris, a member of Fort Bragg Lodge No. 24, a lodge was finally instituted in Brawley on June 15, 1911, with 23 charter members. Brawley Lodge No. 292 today is one of the most active lodges in the Valley, though not the largest, having only a membership of about 100. Holtville Lodge No. 301 at Holtville was organized through the efforts of J. H. Whistler, a member of Helmet Lodge No. 25, and was instituted April 1, 191 2. The lodge is the smallest one in the Valley, only having a membership of 47. The organization of El Centro Lodge No. 315, located at El Centro, was brought about mainly through the efforts of J. Stanley Brown, who at that time held membership in Redlands Lodge No. 186. J. Stanley Brown is now spoken of as the "Father of 315." On November 26, 1913, this lodge was instituted with a charter membership of 123. The lodge has progressed until today it has nearly 200 members. Officers: Chancellor Commander, J. H. House; vice-chancellor, A. L. Lackey; prelate, R. A. Chestnut ; master of work, Marvin Moore ; keeper of rec-

ords and seal, R. Kellerstraus ; master of finance, B. C. Leech; master of exchequer, Y. N. Adams ; inner guard, F. M. Moore ; outer guard, L. R. Stillman. Calexico was the last to institute a lodge, and this was accomplished mainly through the efforts of the other lodges in the Valley. The lodge was instituted on March 13, 1914, with 83 charter members. The lodge has prospered ever since the institution and today has a membership of about 150. The Calexico Lodge bears the distinction of being the only lodge in the State of California located on the Mexican border. Officers : Chancellor commander, D. L. Ault ; vice-chancellor, E. L. Parker ; prelate, W. B. Park, Jr.; master of work, A. E. Liscahk; keeper of records and seal, H. W. Going; master of finance, R. G. Goree; master of exchequer, Max Harris ; inner guard, H. J. Edwards ; outer guard, James Price. The honor roll of Pythians of the Valley lodges in the U. S. service

FRATERNAL contains 31 names, and nearly every branch of the service is represented. EL OASIS TEMPLE NO. I73 DRAMATIC ORDER KNIGHTS KHORASSAN On April 11, 1914, El Oasis Temple No. 173, D. O. K. K., was instituted with a charter membership of 150. The affairs of the Temple have prospered until today the roster contains nearly 300 names. The ceremonials of the Temple are held annually and are attended by members from all over Southern California, for they are the creators of clean enjoyment for all Pythian Knights. Royal vizier, Lou Philley; grand emir, Geo. Dixon; sheik, E. J. Clark ; secretary, R. Kellerstraus ; treasurer, A. C Nieman ; satrap, C. B. Farris ; sahib, T. A. Tunstall ; mahedi, G. H. Mathews. EL CENTRO TEMPLE NO. 77, PYTHIAN SISTERS The youngest organization in the Imperial Valley Pythian family is El Centro Temple No. 77, Pythian Sisters, which was instituted February 28, 1 9 1 6, by Past Grand Chief Mary Livingston. The institution was brought about by Mrs. Lulu Thompson, then a member of Moonstone Temple No. 101. The charter membership was about 40, and today the membership has increased to over 80. The sisters are very much interested in Red Cross work and have charge of the local Red Cross headquarters two days of each week. Most excellent chief, Mrs. Zella North ; excellent senior, Mrs. Sophia Kellerstraus ; excellent junior, Mrs. Marvin Moore ; manager, Mrs. Y. N. Adams; mistress of records and correspondence, Mrs. Cathalene Moffat; mistress of finance, Mrs. Frank M. Moore; protector of the temple, Mrs. F. G. Wier; guard of the temple, Mrs. G. W. Hortson. EL CENTRO LODGE, 1 325, B. P. O. E.

El Centro Lodge, 1325, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, was organized in January, 1916, the institution being done by the San Diego lodge. J. Stanley Brown was the first Exalted Ruler. The charter roll consisted of 35 men, all former Elks. Phil D. Swing was elected Exalted Ruler in March of the same year and during the next twelve months the baby lodge reached a membership of 75, more than 100 per cent increase. Vern R. Bishop was the next Exalted Ruler, and the



lodge now numbers 120 members. Otis B. Tout will be in the Exalted Ruler's chair for the next year. During its existence the El Centro lodge has participated in many patriotic and charitable events and is rapidly becoming a forceful factor and an aid to the government in the present war. A five-year program is being mapped out. Club rooms will be leased and furnished this summer and a home will be built after the

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CHAPTER XVII ARCHITECTURE BY SAMUEL BLAIR ZIMMER No one expects Class A buildings in a new community, feature ever highly developed in such a locality. We things relatively, and it is great progress that has the beginning is at hand for "cities beautiful" that ized in the time to come. nor is the art must consider been made here, and may easily be real-

From the formal opening of the Valley in 1900 until 1907 the development was from tent houses up to characteristic cheap frontier structures. Building materials were very high priced, owing to high freight rates, and very little money was available for buildings on account of the extreme necessity for improving the land. During the year 1907 quite an activity in building began and rapid colonization made it desirable to provide suitable schools and public buildings for a people intent on permanent residence. The cost of building material made it necessary to use local products as much as possible, and this necessarily limited the art impulse. But in a short time there was an improvement in this respect, and in 1908 the Valley launched out in a manner that produced as good a class of buildings as could be expected in a new country, building many creditable school buildings in country districts and grammar school buildings in the towns. In 1909 the Imperial Union High School district erected at Imperial a good high school building which in design and arrangement ranks with the best in the state for its size. In 1910 the Holtville Union High School district followed with a similar well-constructed high school building. In 191 1 El Centro Union High School district built a high school unit which has been added to up to date at a total cost of about a quarter of a million dollars.



Brawley and Calexico Union districts have also built fine high school buildings, bringing the total investments in high school buildings in the valley to about $700,000, all being strictly modern structures. The grammar school buildings in all of the Valley cities are of the best designs and well laid out for the work intended, while most of them are built of durable materials. There are three Carnegie public libraries in the Valley, at Imperial, El Centro and Calexico, all of which are well-designed structures, and each city is well provided with church buildings for several denominations. Each town has made ample provision with fine hotels for the accommodation of the stranger. The famous Barbara Worth Hotel in El Centro, begun in 1913, would be a credit to any city. One and two-story store buildings in the retail districts of the Valley cities have arcades over the sidewalks and are wide spreading in design. Some of them have fronts of handsome design, which the merchants so trim as to make effects and displays equal to large city stores. Among the store buildings of importance are the Anderson building in Calexico, which cost $75,000, and the Auditorium building in the same city, which cost $50,000. They are both of reinforced concrete and of good design. The industrial district of El Centro contains several handsome reinforced concrete buildings, notable among them being a model creamery, the largest west of the Missouri river. The residence districts in all of the Valley cities are being built up with handsome bungalows and some good residences costing from $10,000 to $15,000. Most of these are typical of California cities, while others have extensive screened porches and screened sleeping rooms, adapted to a warm climate. Imperial County built a temporary court house at El Centro, the county seat, in the central part of the city, in 1908, where county business still is being transacted, but the county has a five-acre tract on West Main Street, on which now is being constructed a jail building at a cost of $90,000. This is a modern, fire-proof, reinforced concrete building. It will be a unit in the future permanent court house, which is to be a structure of modern design, incorporating all the features necessary to make it one of the best court houses in the state.



In general, the architectural designs are above the standard, as compared with similar localities. The public buildings follow the designs which are common throughout the states in the best localities, while the stores and business buildings are distinct in their arcade effects, which lend themselves to novel designs.

CHAPTER XVIII THE IMPERIAL COUNTY FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS BY MRS. ERNEST POSTON The pioneers of the country leave a lasting imprint upon a locality, for they have laid the foundation stones, and the building that follows must in a measure conform to the foundation. Imperial County was doubly blessed in its pioneer women, for in addition to the courage, endurance and perseverance which are the common characteristics of all peoples who build new empires, these firstcomers possessed culture and vision that gave them sight beyond material necessities. It was owing to their determination that the lives of their families should not be bare of the culture that united effort gives that these women bravely banded themselves together to look after the mental and social welfare of their community. As soon as possible each town had its women's club, alive to the many civic and social needs of the people, and working tirelessly, sometimes against almost overwhelming odds, that the needed reforms should be accomplished. Much of the beauty of the Valley is the direct result of the efforts of the women's clubs in planting trees, grass, shrubbery and flowers. On February 22, 1910, the Imperial Valley Federation of Women s Clubs was organized in El Centro, thereby widening the scope of work. The social feature of this occasion was carried out in a luncheon that was much more elaborate than anything before attempted in this new country, and was indeed an occasion long to be remembered. Mrs. Violette S. Campbell, of the El Centro Women's Ten Thousand Club, was elected the first president. She ably filled the position and was re-elected, having the distinction of being the only woman who has held the office for two years. At the close of Mrs. Campbell's administration the term was limited to one year, the presidency to be given in rotation to each club in the federation. Committees to handle the different phases of club work were added

IMPERIAL COUNTY FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS 247 as the need presented itself. Today there are six chairmen of the following departments: Birds and Wild Life, Civics and Forestry, Club Extension, History and Landmarks, Child Welfare, Home Economics.

The standing committees are: Entertainment, Press and Parliamentarian. The most important event in the life of the federation was the 14th convention of the Southern California District Federation of Women's Clubs, which convened in El Centro on November 9, 191 5. Perhaps no other community in the world could boast of so much accomplished in so short a time as could Imperial Valley, and the visiting club women enjoyed it to the full from the new Barbara Worth Hotel with its pictured story of reclamation, to the wonderful afternoon at Calexico, when the Women's Progress Club entertained the visitors. A feature of this entertainment was exhibits of a variety of things that could be raised here, and a visit to the cotton and oil mills ; nor were the other clubs outdone by Calexico, each club gave that which was uniquely appropriate to the locality. A luncheon at Brawley was furnished by the Northend clubs. Holtville served tea at the Harold Bell Wright home, and Heber served home-grown dates at the Fawcett ranch. The convention brought much to Imperial Valley, and Imperial Valley also gave much to its visitors ; as one delegate expressed it, "I am sure we all had Imperial Valley in our souls, and all we need to do is to develop it." The most notable guest at the convention was Mrs. E. D. Knight, State President of the Federation of Women's Clubs. During the present year the federation has specialized in patriotic work. The president, Mrs. Joseph F. Seymour, Jr., of El Centro, has urged upon the club women the necessity for keeping up all helpful organizations. The federation has purchased thrift stamps with their surplus funds. The following are the names of the federation presidents, their terms and the clubs they represent : Mrs. Violette S. Campbell El Centro 1910-1911 Mrs. Will Best, Brawley 1912 Mrs. J. E. Peck, Calexico 1913 Mrs. J. R. Stevenson, Imperial 1914

24 g HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Mrs. A. M. Williams, Holtville (resigned) Mrs. C. F. Turner, Calexico (unexpired term) 1915 Mrs. W. S. Cummings, Heber 1916 Mrs. J. F. Seymour, Jr., El Centro i9 l 7 Mrs. H. L. Fulton, Brawley (elect) 19 18

From a small beginning the federation has grown until there are eleven clubs in the organization, the Bard Women's Club and the Mothers' Club of El Centro federating this year. The remainder of the chapter is given over to the histories of the clubs which compose the federation. woman's ten thousand club of el centro In the spring of 1908, after many of the women had gone out of the Valley for their vacations, the men who "stayed behind" gathered from day to day (for their luncheon and dinner) at the Palm Roof Garden, and at these gatherings pledged each other to work for a "City Beautiful," with a population of ten thousand. Thus the club got its name. In October of that year, at the instance of the opening of the new Oregon Hotel, a banquet was served, the Men's Club having charge of the program. At this meeting (to quote from an article in the Morning Star of October 23rd) Mrs. A. W. Swanson read a paper on "Woman's Civic Influence," in which she urged the women of El Centro to cooperate with the Men's Club in their efforts for the upbuilding of "Our City Beautiful." Before the close of this auspicious gathering President Allen Kelly of the Ten Thousand Club appointed a committee of five women "to take such steps as were necessary to form a woman's section, auxiliary to the Men's Club." In pursuance of this call, such a meeting was held on October 30th and the following were chosen to serve as officers : President, Mrs. A. W. Swanson; vice-president, Mrs. J. M. Eshleman; recording secretary, Mrs. Genevieve Williams; corresponding secretary, Mrs. C. E. Paris ; treasurer, Mrs. C. F. Hayden. Mesdames C. F. Buttress, J. R. Garre'n, D. V. Noland, and Louis Havermale were elected as directors. This nucleus of a woman's club began its existence with a charter membership of thirty-five. On November 17-18 of that year the Woman's Section co-operated

IMPERIAL COUNTY FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS 249 with the Men's Club in the entertainment and reception given the Southern California Editorial Association, which assembled in convention in El Centro. Committees were appointed on "Parks," the promotion of gardens and tree planting, also on the elimination of dust from our streets, and in December, 1908, the Woman's Section took charge of the domestic booth at the Imperial County Fair. Mrs. A. W. Swanson's term of office extended over a period of three years, laying the foundation for what is destined to be the largest women's organization in the great Imperial Valley. During her presidency the Men's Ten Thousand Club formed themselves into a chamber of commerce, and the Woman's Section became the Woman's Ten Thousand Club of El Centro, federating with the state organization in January, 1909.

In February, 1910, a County Club Day was held in El Centro, to which women from all parts of the Valley were welcomed. At this time was formed the Imperial County Federation of Women's Clubs, the second county in California to so organize, and Mrs. Violette Campbell of El Centro was elected as president. This now thriving club, looking well to the future, invested in a choice piece of property on State Street, laying the foundation for a city park and club house. Mrs. R. B. Vaile was the second president of the Woman's Ten Thousand Club, holding office for two terms, from 191 1 to 1913. The club, during this period, was passing through the kindergarten stage, seeking self-expression, finding, from week to week, new ways to be helpful to the community, and gaining in strength and members. The Philanthropic section, under the leadership of Mrs. Flora McKusick, did splendid work. Also the club, looking toward the moral and social uplift of the community, was sponsor to a course of Lyceum entertainments. Mrs. W. S. Fawcett was elected as the third president of the W. T. T. Club. Her reign of two terms, from 1913 to 1915, was characterized for its brilliant social life, an important factor in a rapidly-growing community. And, it having been determined that the site first purchased for a club home was valuable as a business location, a new club house site on the corner of Seventh and Olive was purchased.



Numerous benefit days were given by the merchants, strengthening the bond between the women's organization and the business interests of the city. Mrs. A. H. Griswold was elected to succeed Mrs. W. S. Fawcett as president, serving the club in that capacity from 1915 to 1917. Her administration was characterized by the establishment of a Lyceum course, which was, after the second year, merged into a week's Chautauqua. Better babies contests, extending over a week of activities, were held each year, and the work of the Social Service committee was enlarged in scope, the young ladies of the city on two occasions giving a most successful charity ball, thereby raising the funds with which the club carried on its humane work. In November of 1915 the Woman's Ten Thousand Club had the great privilege of being hostess for the Imperial County Federation to the Southern District Convention, C. F. W. C. This convention was described by the state president, Mrs. Edward Dexter Knight of San

Francisco, as "unique in its setting, unique in the hospitality which it offered, unique in the pioneer spirit which characterized its deliberations. The women of Imperial Valley met at the cross roads and organized that they might contribute more forcefully and fully to the work of the brave pioneers who had transformed a great desert of interminable sand into a productive and picturesque dwelling place. Their influence is recognized in their wonderful Imperial Valley. It will be felt and appreciated by the federation." Also, on February 22, 1917, the Woman's Ten Thousand Club had the distinctive honor of entertaining the general federation president of women's clubs, Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles, at the largest gathering of club women ever held in the Valley. Mrs. W. S. Fawcett was again elected to the presidency of the club, serving in that position one term, from 1917 to 1918. During her administration the club has gained largely in membership, the gain being more than double that of any other year. Also the club debt has been materially reduced. This is all the more noteworthy as the club has given no "money raising" entertainments during the year. Its membership being intensely patriotic, and wishing in every way possible to stand behind the government, it has given way to the Red Cross and other money-making activities incidental to our country being at war.

IMPERIAL COUNTY FEDERATION" OF WOMEN'S CLUES 2 = I The social service work of the club has been merged into Red Cross work, about three hundred and fifty dollars having been raised through the efforts of the club women for carrying on this splendid work. The present administration will end in May of this year. At the last meeting in March the following were elected to serve as officers of the Woman's Ten Thousand Club for the year 1918-1919: President, Mrs. F. B. Fuller; vice-president, Mrs. M. F. Kepley; recording secretary. Mrs. \Ym. Fleming; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ernest Poston ; treasurer. Mrs. Chas. J. Ritz. Directors : Mrs. J. F. Seymour, Jr.. Mrs. E. E. Clements. Mrs. Robert Campbell, Mrs. Warren Currier. THE BRAWLEY WOMAN'S CLUB This club was organized one afternoon in July. 1904, under the name of the Brawley Woman's Literary Club. The first meeting was held in a little adobe school-house. Later the club branched out into other lines of work and dropped the "literary" from the name. leaving it as it is at present. The club was the first women's club in Imperial Valley, was federated with the district in 1906. and is also federated with the National Federation of Woman's Clubs. At present the club is much interested in Red Cross and war work of all kinds and is strongly agitating a club house. HOLTVILLE WOMEN'S STCDV CLCB was organized October 31, 1908. with Mrs. Lee Sargent as president. The presidents following 1908 are as follows: Mrs. G. M. Vermilya.

1909-1910; 1911-1912; 1914; Mrs. Mrs. O. C.

Mrs. M. A. Kendall. 1910-1911; Mrs. G. M. Vermilya, Mrs. W. B. Richards and Mrs. Vaughn Francis. 1912Karl Fahring. 1914-1916: Mrs. W. L. Huebner. 1915-1916; Harris. 1916-1917: Mrs. R. W. Hoover, 1917-1918.

The activities of the club have been devoted to dries and literature, such as study of American writers, Shakespeare's "Cymbeline" and "Taming of the Shrew." George Eliot's "Adam Bede." Meredith's "Diana of the Crossways," Barry's "Little Minister." and Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter." Money and time have been devoted to civic betterment, and in 1918 a War Savings society has been organized.

252 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY IMPERIAL WOMEN'S CLUB Was organized in February, 1909, with forty members. Mrs. Mott H. Arnold was the first president and Mrs. W. A. Edgar recording secretary. The following have served as president since : Mrs. Edgar Nance, Mrs. S. E. De Rackin, Mrs. Otto Storm and Mrs. J. A. Bishop. When the Imperial Valley Federation was organized in El Centro, February 22, 1910, the Imperial Club was the largest club in the Valley, having a membership of over 70. The first reciprocity day was observed in Imperial, the club having as guests 125 women from the four clubs then just beginning club life Brawley, Calexico, El Centro and Holtville. Among the first efforts of the club was the Ellen Beach Yaw concert, given February, 1910, at which $400 was realized from sale of tickets. The activities of the club were directed along civic lines, and many uplifting and beneficial undertakings were espoused in those early pioneer days. THE IMPERIAL VALLEY COLLEGE WOMEN'S CLUB The Imperial Valley College Women's Club owes its existence to Mrs. E. D. Stuart of Imperial, who, when she first came to the Valley, missed the pleasant associations of the Riverside branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. In October, 1914, Mrs. Stuart invited the women whom she knew to be college graduates to meet at her home, and the organization was formed by the thirteen women who accepted the invitation. It was decided to become affiliated with the national organization as the Imperial Valley Branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. At first the membership of the club was largely composed of teachers, but now less than half the members are teachers ; a few are office workers, the rest are married women, many of whom live on ranches. There are now fifty-one members, representing thirty-three colleges and universities. Membership is of two kinds, regular and associate. The regular members are graduates of the colleges which belong to the Association of Collegiate Alumnae ; the associate members are women who have had at least one year of academic work in an institution which has a four-year course leading to an A. B. degree.



The club meets eight times a year, at least once in each of the six towns from which its members come. The programs, besides being literary and musical, deal with such topics as parent-teachers associations, child welfare, household economics, woman suffrage, vocational guidance, peace and war. Members have been very active in the work of the Red Cross and food conservation organizations in their various towns. The president, Mrs. C. F. Turner, is chairman of the Junior Red Cross committee in Calexico, and is one of the four-minute speakers on food conservation. In 1915 the College Women's Club became affiliated with the Imperial County Federation of Women's Clubs, and the next year it cooperated with other clubs in the national Baby Week movement, preparing an exhibit of models, charts and maps, which was displayed in some of the Valley towns. The club has enjoyed visits from several distinguished people from outside the Valley. Miss Mary Wilson and Miss Ethel Moore came as vice-presidents of the Pacific section of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. Miss Moore brought with her Dr. Aurelia Reinhart, president of Mills College, who gave an inspiring talk on the college woman and the commonwealth. At one meeting Reverend Omsted gave a lecture and showed an exhibit relating to the Indians of Alaska, among whom he had lived and worked. At the fourth meeting held after the entrance of the United States into the war, Prof. Frederick Monsen gave a lecture on Germany, giving personal observations made during a visit there just before the war. Naturally this club is interested in the educational matters of the county. This interest has manifested itself in two very tangible ways, a petition which resulted in the appointment of a college club member to the position of truant officer for the county, and the establishment of an annual scholarship of one hundred dollars to be given to help an Imperial Valley girl through her first year at college. One such scholarship has been awarded already and another will be given this year. The College Women's Club labors under difficulties involved in the fact that the members live in so many different towns, and at such distances from each other, but by many this is felt to be an attraction. The members derive much benefit and pleasure from the opportunity to know women from every part of the county. As the club grows older

254 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY and its policies more settled it will increase in influence in the com-

munity. HEBER PROGRESS CLUB On January 14, 1914, a few ladies of Heber and vicinity met and organized the Heber Progress Club. The constitution of the Federation of Women's Clubs was adopted and Mrs. J. E. Brock was elected president. The first business transacted by the new club following the election of officers, was to instruct the corresponding secretary to apply for membership in the Imperial County Federation of Women's Clubs, thus at once taking a part in the club life in the Valley. The club also belongs to the district and state organizations. During the fall of 1915 this small club had two red letter days. First, on October 16th, the annual conference meeting of the Imperial Valley Federation was held at Heber; in November of the same year the club had the pleasure and honor of entertaining the members of the district convention at luncheon, served in the beautiful rose garden of the Fawcett ranch home near Heber. This was an occasion long to be remembered. In the year 1916 the Heber Progress Club had the honor of furnishing the president and recording secretary for the I. C. F. W. C, Mrs. L. A. Barnum having been elected to the office of president upon her removal from the Valley. Mrs. W. S. Cummings was elected to serve out the term, with Mrs. A. G. Young corresponding secretary. Probably one of the best things done by the club was the exhibit, The Model Dairy, furnished for the "Better Babies" week, and an open meeting for all the mothers of the locality for a better babies program has been made an annual feature of the club program. A bird day program for the last week in March has also been made a permanent feature. During the current year the activities of the club (in common with all similar organizations) have been directed toward war work, and the programs have been upon patriotic subjects, noteworthy among which have been days devoted to an outline of the map of the fighting line, showing the position of the trenches and troops, and a day devoted to a study of our flag, its origin, meaning, and the proper manner and regulations for its display. The Heber Progress Club has responded nobly to all calls upon or-

IMPERIAL COUNTY FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS 255 ganized service for war work, and the Red Cross membership drive, the Liberty Bond sale on woman's day, the Hoover food pledge campaign and the Y. W. C. A. work were all undertaken and accomplished under charge of the club. Altogether it is worthy of record that the banding together of this small number of women under the federation charter has done much both for themselves and the community. CALIPATRIA WOMEN'S CLUB

In February, 191 5, Mrs. C. W. Brown and several other women, believing that the needs of the women of Calipatria for social life and culture could be filled in a measure by organizing a women's club, brought the matter before other women, with the result that a club having thirty-five members was found. It was named the Calipatria Women's Club. Mrs. C. W. Brown was the first president, and besides the social affairs given that year, which were the most elaborate in the history of the club, the club was largely instrumental in passing the $40,000 bond issue for the Calipatria Grammar School, which carried unanimously. In 1916 Mrs. W. J. West was elected president. A series of social dances brought to the club a substantial bank balance, to be turned over next year to be administered by Mrs. Brown, who was again elected president. A Liberty bond was bought, garbage cans paid for by the women's clubs were placed on the main streets. A donation was made to the Y. W. C. A., and every Thursday has been set aside by club members to assist at the Red Cross work-room. The club actively assisted in organizing the Red Cross and have donated largely to its support. The first year it was organized the club joined the County District and State Federation, and has always followed more or less closely the work outlined by the federation for its programs. Calipatria is a new town and has all its civic and social problems to work out, and the Calipatria Women's Club is doing its share. It has not always been able to accomplish all it planned, but its members are unselfish workers, always giving generously service for the betterment of their club, their town and their country.

256 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY THE EL CENTRO MOTHERS' STUDY CLUB Organized as a local unit of the National Congress of Mothers in March, 1917, with a charter membership of thirty-five, the El Centro Mothers' Study Club has for its primary object the study of the greatest of all professions, that of parenthood. The science of child training is making wonderful progress, and the intelligent, progressive mother realizes this and wants to avail herself of the full benefits of all that is being discovered on the subject. The members of this club are all mothers of young children and are earnest and enthusiastic in their systematic study of the child along prescribed lines, using as their course of study text matter prepared by the National Congress of Mothers. The club became affiliated with the Imperial County Federation of Women's Clubs two months after its organization, and being the youngest club in the federation it has hardly had time to finds its bearings in the club world, yet the members feel that under the able leadership of its first president, Mrs. B. C. Leich, and Mrs. Jack Spencer, the present leader, they have all gained mutual help and inspiration.

WOMEN'S IMPROVEMENT CLUB OF CALEXICO The Woman's Improvement Club of Calexico was formed on June 3, 1908, with twelve members. The club was federated in January, 1910, and now has a membership of sixty. The work of the club has always been along civic lines, for the betterment of the town. A reading and rest room has been maintained for a number of years, with park adjoining. A new Carnegie library has just been completed, which was a project fostered by the Woman's Club. In 1916 a park site and civic center was planned and a number of the members were active in seeing these things carried to a successful finish. Some literary work has also been accomplished each year, so that members who are not interested in civic work find scope for work along other lines.

CHAPTER XIX WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION BY MRS. C. ANGIE MILLER When Imperial Valley was still a part of San Diego County, a few white ribboners came to this desert land to make their respective homes. No temperance work having been done here, a National Woman's Christian Temperance Union organizer, Mrs. Bailey of New York, was invited to enter this new field and endeavor to organize ; some preparation was made for her coming, and Brawley was the scene of the first organization, with a membership of thirty-five charter members, January 20, 1906. Imperial was second to respond, having a charter membership of forty-two persons. Calexico was third with forty-three charter members. Mrs. Bailey said that the latter was the largest W. C. T. U. she had ever organized. Being San Diego County, we became locals of San Diego County W. C. T. U. Geographically we were so separated that it was impossible to work to any advantage under their jurisdiction and our environment required special lines of work. In November, 1906, a general institute was held at Imperial. Mrs. Mae Tongier, a national W. C. T. U. lecturer, being the guest of honor, was invited to lecture and organize locals wherever she thought wise throughout the Valley. The institute unanimously requested Mrs. Tongier to present a petition to the State W. C. T. U. executive, asking that we be separated from San Diego County W. C. T. U. and form an independent federation. In due course of time the request was granted. At this time Mrs. Tongier made a tour of the Valley and organized El Centro W. C. T. U., also Silsbee, located about six miles to the northwest of El Centro. Miss G. T. Stickney, president of the State W. C. T. U., made an official visit and organized the forces consisting of five locals into an Imperial Valley W. C. T. U. on April 2, 1907, at Imperial. This was the first organization of federated forces formed in Imperial Valley. Officers elected were: C. Angie Miller, of Brawley, president; Mrs. S.

258 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY T. Bixby, of Imperial, vice-president ; Maybel Edgar, of Imperial, recording secretary ; Florence Buttress, of El Centro, corresponding secretary ; Lizzie Kramar, of Silsbee, treasurer. Miss Margaret Wiley, state organizer, toured the Valley in the interest of medal contest work in 1908, and organized a union at Eastside school house with nine charter members, called the Alamo W. C. T. U. At every annual convention an effort was made to hold a county gold or silver medal contest. These contests are popular in the locals and medals are quite fashionable. In 191 1 a memorial window was constructed in the Christian Church edifice at El Centro, in honor of Mrs. Ida Tout, a pioneer temperance worker of Imperial County, much loved by her associates. Drinking fountains were installed on the streets by the local unions, in all the incorporated cities of the Valley, i. e., El Centro, Imperial, Calexico, Holtville and Brawley. A formal dedication of each of the fountains to the city trustees by the local W. C. T. U. was instituted. The local president presenting the fountain and the mayor receiving it for the city with the appropriate exercises, gave to our cities filtered ice water for the thirsty. Imperial Valley was organized into a county in 1908 and immediately our Valley W. C. T. U. took on the dignified name of Imperial County W. C. T. U. Through continued effort the county was born white and the first legal act of the first supervisors was a strong prohibition ordinance, adding a truly prohibition county to our fair state of California. The pioneer temperance workers labored under difficulties. The County W. C. T. U. sustained a detective fund and purchased an apparatus for ascertaining the per cent of alcohol in liquids. Many gallons of so-called soft drinks were never drank, leaving the dispenser wiser but not richer. On February 5, 1909, Holtville was organized, with twenty-eight charter members, by C. Angie Miller, county president. Mary Stewart, state secretary of the Young People's Branch, organized the Jasper W. C. T. U. at the school house, near Calexico. Verde W. C. T. U. was organized by C. Angie Miller seven miles southeast of Holtville at the Verde school house; Mrs. L. Strain, president. Heber W. C. T. U. was organized with Mrs. M. A. Ritter as first president.



Mary Stewart introduced young people's work and organized sev-

eral classes throughout the county, explaining essay contest work based on scientific temperance instructions, laid down in the state school law of California. Essay contest work is a department to encourage instructions along scientific temperance lines, and several of our young people have received state recognition as the best essayists on the given topic, receiving $10 as state prize in the grades and $20 as state prize in the high school course, in California. The Dry California campaign was special for 1914, and was very strenuously conducted. A County Temperance Day on October 6, 1914, was celebrated at Calipatria by the temperance forces of Imperial Valley, under the auspices of the County W. C. T. U. Free barbecue dinner, submarine band, parade, program and cantata, "The White Republic," were some of the attractions of the day. A thousand people were entertained. Bard W. C. T. U. was organized in October, 1914, by the state vicepresident, Mrs. Hester T. Griffith. Election on November 3, 1914, showed Imperial County to be the banner county of the state of California. One per cent against two and one-half per cent for the prohibition amendment. Every townsite in the county has a strong temperance clause in its deeds, ever forbidding the giving away of liquor on the premises. The W. C. T. U. work is divided into departments numbering as high as fifty. We believe in temperance in our cooking and have a department that handles cooking flavors and toilet articles, far superior in every way to the alcoholic preparations, but without alcohol, called No-Als. Local funds are also raised under this department, by the sale of these articles. The pledge stimulates the members to eliminate the $1,000,000 annually spent in the manufacture of ordinary extracts and toilet articles. In 1915 North End W. C. T. U. and Magnolia W .C. T. U. were organized by Mrs. C. Angie Miller, county organizer. At the annual convention of 191 5 Mrs. Aten presented each of the local unions with a beautiful gavel, made from the natural mesquite wood, grown on her ranch near Calipatria. Mrs. Maggie Newby, county superintendent of mothers' work,

2 6o HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY brought from the state convention banners for Imperial County on several occasions, and organized a Mothers' Club at Brawley that is doing a great work. Parliamentary Usage has been a county movement, a local and county contest being held. Mrs. Feldman of Holtville was a winning contestant for a state prize. Imperial County has brought home the state parliamentary banners several times. Much efficient work has been done

by every local union in the county in this department. The Trysting Hour or noontide prayer is a custom among the white ribboners that is certainly uplifting. This word of prayer at twelve o'clock noon constitutes a prayer circle that extends around the globe. Life membership was presented by the County W. C. T. U. to the following ladies in recognition of efficient service rendered : Mesdames C. Angie Miller, Brawley ; Imogen Aten, El Centro ; E. J. Curtis, Holtville; M. A. Ritter, Heber; Mrs. Kramar, Silsbee; Mae Webb, Calexico ; Amande Mackey, Imperial ; Mae Plush, Brawley ; Mary E. Vencill, El Centro ; May C. Best, Holtville ; Mary E. Royce, El Centro. At the 1915 county convention County President C. Angie Miller withdrew her name from the list of candidates for county president, having served in that capacity for eight consecutive years. Mrs. Imogen Aten served as county vice-president for four years. Mrs. Mae Plush as county corresponding secretary three years; Mrs. S. T. Bixby as county vice-president for two years; Mrs. E. Abbott corresponding secretary for two years ; Mrs. W. Edgar secretary for two years ; Mrs. Carrie Rapp vice president for two years ; Mrs. Lois Hogan secretary for one year; Mrs. M. Carlisle was secretary for one year; Mrs. M. Hoyt secretary one year ; Miss Cote corresponding secretary for three years ; Mrs. Lizzie Kramar served as county treasurer for nine consecutive years; Mrs. Imogen Aten served as county president for one year and six months, Mrs. Amande Mackey completing the year ; Mrs. Wilson county treasurer for two years; Mrs. Grace Ruth, present incumbent ; Mrs. Webb, corresponding secretary, present incumbent ; Miss Florence Yarnell, county president at the present time. Work for soldiers and sailors has occupied the attention of every local in the county since the war was declared. The national organization being recognized throughout the world, assumed her quota of soldiers' and sailors' supplies, and the locals throughout the nation do

WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION 261 their bit making bags and filling them, trench torches and fuel sticks, as well as hospital supplies. The last great move was an ambulance drive, the local furnishing its quota of money to the state of war supplies, and then collectively have raised money to send an ambulance to France, fully equipped and manned. The ambulance is dedicated to our boys of Imperial County, California, by the Imperial County W. C. T. U. of Southern California. Brawley was organized January 20, 1906, with thirty-five charter members, by Mrs. L. E. Bailey, New York City national W. C. T. U. organizer, the first president being C. Angie Miller. The first philanthropic act was to install a watering trough on the street for thirsty horses ; these were not the days of automobiles. On May 12, 1909, the active members of the Brawley W. C. T. U. completed articles of incorporation for the local organization and incorporated under the state laws of California as part of Southern California State W. C. T. U. The same year a business lot on G Street in the heart of the city of Brawley was purchased through the efforts of the W. C. T. U. Dona-

tions and proceeds of a two-day flower fair furnished the finances. These flower fairs became an annual event for several years, sustaining a free reading room which was maintained as long as accommodations could be obtained in the city. As the city improved the W. C. T. U. made improvements on its own property, such as sidewalks and street pavements, preparatory to building. A board of trustees is annually elected and has the property in charge. Department work received considerable attention from the first. Loyal temperance legion and young people's branches were organized. A curfew ordinance was introduced by the W. C. T. U. and went into effect in the year of 1914 in the city of Brawley. Imperial W. C. T. U. was first organized in 1916, disbanding later. It was substantially reorganized in April, 1913, by the state president, Mrs. Blanchard, with thirty-six charter members, Mrs.Amande Mackey being president. The liquor interests were strong, it being the only wet city in the county, but this brave band of twenty-six women worked and created sentiment until they were one hundred and thirty strong, and now rejoice to know that liquor has been voted out of their city. Calexico W. C. T. U. is located on the Mexican border, and has strong, staunch workers who are doing a grand work. This local was

262 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY organized in 1906, and has flourished and won every battle toward keeping Calexico dry. Soldiers' and sailors' work is going forward, they furnishing their own material for hospital supplies. The department is well carried out. The ambulance drive was more than a success. El Centro W. C. T. U. was organized in El Centro in November, 1907, by Mae Tongier, with Mrs. Tuttle as the first president. This local was the first organization of any kind in the place. Alamo W. C. T. U. was organized by Miss Margaret Wiley in 1907, with nine charter members, at the Eastside school house, Mrs. Linnie Strain being the first president. The interest created was due to Mrs. Martha Hoyt's influence. This little band did a grand work carrying on the departments of the county. Medal contests was a special work. Finally the members moved to Holtville and united with the local W. C. T. U. there. Silsbee Union was organized by Mrs. Mae Tongier with a membership of sixteen charter members, and became a part of Imperial County Union when it was organized in 1907. Mrs. Fannie Harding was the first president. Being a country union, the principal work was encouraging sentiment for bone-dry prohibition, and educating young people to take a firm stand for that that is best in life. Two other unions, McCabe and Seeley, were organized, drawing on Silsbee for membership. Then various causes drew away so many members that the interest waned until the ambitious little union lost courage and disbanded in 1916, trusting that the influence of this work may not altogether be lost.

Heber W. C. T. U. was organized December 15, 1913, by Mrs. Mary Coman, editor of the State W. C. T. U. paper, with sixteen members in roll, Mrs. Angeline Courtney being the first president. This small band has been faithful, carrying on the department work suited to their locality, beside meeting all county demands, and doing much effective campaign work for the California drive. Holtville W. C. T. U. was organized in 1909 by C. Angie Miller, county president, Mrs. Martha Hoyt being the first president. The scripture lesson was read from the Bible by an old crusader, Mr. Walter Chaney's mother. The second year the membership was double ; it readily grew until it was at one time the largest in the county. This strong union was a power in Imperial County and always ready to lead ; in essay work this union took the first prize in the county. Later Mary

WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION 263 Thompson received a state prize of twenty dollars for the best essay in the state written by the high school students. Seeley W. C. T. U. was organized March 3, 1914, with ten live, active charter members. Mrs. Minnie Hull was the first president and served four consecutive years. An active Loyal Temperance Legion, an organization for the children, at one time was their ideal. Much live work has been done and now in war times they are doing soldiers' and sailors' work, liberally furnishing their own material. McCabe W. C. T. U. was organized at the McCabe school house by Mrs. Eva C. Wheeler, with Mrs. Thayer as the first president. Calipatria W. C. T. U. was'added to the list in 1918, being organized by Hester Griffith, state vice-president, and Miss Florence Yarnell, county president. During the two years 1915-1917 the special object sought by the county president was better legislation. The legislators were showered with letters, cards and telegrams. Much that was encouraging was gained ; an effort was made to prohibit liquor near irrigation near Mexican soil, as this is a source of existence in Imperial Valley. Thus, while we may be deemed small among the force of righteousness, the moral uplift of Imperial County would certainly have been much less had the W. C. T. U. had no participation in it. An ambulance to our soldier boys even nationally is not regarded as such a small thing, and especially by our boys themselves, when exposed to the terrors of war. Whatever has been sent to the front has been clean and pure. There are no reports of death from the surgeon general caused by anything being sent by the W. C. T. U. Their influence is certainly not without its weight on the rising generation. Many of our children will yet rise and thank their Maker "My mother was a member of the Imperial County W. C. T. U. and gave me my first lessons on sobriety and temperance and saved me from the blighting effects of alcoholic compounds. While her noontide prayer often presented me to the throne of Heavenly Grace." It is thus this moral uplift must go on, and on, until not only our county and state is redeemed from this Dark Damnation Drink, but our nation and the world is free from its blighting influence,

and we all join the angelic song and sing, the kingdom of this world has become the "kingdom of our God and His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever."

CHAPTER XX IMPERIAL BY EDGAR F. HOWE To those who know, the city of Imperial always must remain in mind as a landmark in important history. I see the town in fancy now as it was in 1901, crudely constructed of canvas or rough lumber by amateur workmen, and possessing no touch of art or grace, its three frame buildings, two score of tents and a half dozen ramadas.or walled structures, surmounted by thatch of arrow-weed. Such was the town which first appeared in the heart of the Colorado Desert, when not another habitation existed within sixty miles. Lonesome? Forlorn? Forbidding? Yes, all of these, but if anyone fancies the "natives," as the new-come pioneers called themselves, played soccer ball with chunks of grief, he is mistaken, for never then was there a grievance but became a joke, and the stifled sob developed into laughter. No green thing but the tawny scant vegetation of the desert was to be found for many miles, and only the stub-tail end of the "town ditch," down which twice a week water was turned from the new main canal a dozen miles away, gave sign of connection with the outer world. Roads there were none, and individual wagon tracks, numerous and devious in direction, formed a bewildering puzzle to one who sought them as a guide. Far away in every direction the mystic aridity stretched like one scene from the inferno that Dante had overlooked. Yet there were compensations. The air was free and boundless. The skies revealed a transparency and a depth of glorious blue which seemed to reveal all eternity, and more stars shone upon those brave pioneers than were ever seen before by human eye. The sunrises and sunsets of that dry desert air gave tones of graded coloring that were not all subdued, for from the ashen and chocolate mountains and the yellow haze the color scheme ascended through

IMPERIAL 265 blues and pinks and greens to royal purple, fringed with gold and scarlet. And the mirage was there, was there in all possible sublimity, always lending its charm and mysticism, contorting the mountains into grotesque forms and transforming distant tents into sails of vessels moving placidly over peaceful waters. So regularly did several fea-

tures of the mirage appear from sunrise to sunset that the versed "native" could almost utilize them in lieu of a sun dial. Of these the two most conspicuous forms were known as "The Battle-Ship" and "The Golden Gate." The former was the false refraction of light that at 10 each morning lifted the Black Buttes, in Mexico, above the horizon, presenting a vessel upon the water with turrets and masts, and a preposterously long gun reaching out above the prow. "Golden Gate" was the expanse of mirage that spread its waters between the Cucupa and Santa Catarina mountains, with Signal Mountain rising as Alcatraz Island, and when this scene was caught with tents to give the sail effect the presentment of Golden Gate was complete and realistic. Stretching out from the town in all directions, tents were beginning to appear as "claims" were filed upon, and as desolate looking as the town was in some of its aspects, I know for a fact that its small group of lights twinkling in the clear night air across the barren expanse was to more than one pioneer as a star of hope and of destiny. Reference is made above to the three frame buildings, the only ones within many miles. Of these one was a church, another a store and the third a printing office, the latter now the sole remaining remnant of the earliest days. Life was so primitive that when the first rocking chair appeared in the town it was a matter of remark, and many sought to share its comfort. Who were these pioneers who dared the desert in its crudity? They were, almost without exception, of that race which has staked the American frontier from the days when the first settlers moved out into the Connecticut and Mohawk valleys. These individuals had tarried in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arizona and California. There were not many of the cowboy type, whom Frederick Remington called "Men

266 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY with the bark on." Many more of them were persons of culture despite their love of the boundless out-of-doors. "Is there no place I can sleep tonight?" asked a tenderfoot on learning that the tent-house hotel was filled. "Why, yes," said a "native," "here are five million acres," and to him to sleep in the open was nothing out of the routine of life. But some of the scenes were pathetic, for most of those who came to the land of promise had been accustomed to some of the comforts and conveniences of life, and with the few women who came to help hew a piece of destiny out of the raw material one sometimes caught a glimpse of a tear on a face set with fortitude.

Then there were the covered wagon, the small equipment of farm implements, and usually a larger equipment of children. The tired horses had been driven from Arizona or Oklahoma or Missouri, or from the coast section of California, and the whole aggregation of brute and human and inanimate objects was disconsolate looking enough. Heavy freight teams, many with from a dozen to a score of mules, came dragging into town from the main line of the railroad, thirty-five miles away, after two days on the road, for that was the base of supply for all essentials of life in those days before production. Three times a week the stage crept in, the dusty passengers crawled out, gazed about and said, "Well, is this it?" It required one with poetic inspiration to see the vision of the future and to "give to airy nothings a local habitation and a name," and not all men are poets. But as poetry is not words but vision, more are poets than is generally thought, and they remained, and the next week they too were "natives." And speaking of airy things recalls the wind. Men of scientific mind years before had urged the turning of the Colorado River into the Salton Sink, that the evaporation there might nullify the vacuum condition of the desert, which was credited with causing the north winds of the coast. The irrigation of the Valley has wrought that change. The winds here, as we knew them then, have become a thing of the past. But in those primal days, at least two days in every week, all the demon winds of the earth held their assemblies here, and vied with each other in bringing abject terror to many and dismay to all. Day and night they went howling past with an exhibit of force that it seemed nothing could

IMPERIAL 267 withstand, and the parched, cut-up desert simply lifted in sheets through which sight could not penetrate a dozen feet. With all objects blotted from vision, even the horses one drove, the traveler had no guide but the direction of the wind. And winter passed and summer came, blistering heat bent down remorselessly. There were no electric lights or fans. There was no ice. Nothing that was perishable could be brought in. There was no milk, no eggs, no butter, no fresh fruit or vegetables or meat. You could take your choice between ditch water in which the animalcula were abundant, canned goods that frequently went off like guns in the stores as they exploded with heat, and bacon and flapjacks. The heat of that summer was something to read about rather than experience, and the writer may now as well publicly confess that when the thermometer reached 126 one day and threatened to break the world record of 127, he found the coolest place obtainable for the instrument for the remainder of the day. The evaporation of something like a hundred billion cubic feet of water a year has brought about a reduction in maximum temperature of about fifteen degrees, and a raise of minimum winter temperature of practically as much, besides dispensing with the winds.

By slow stages the country about became inhabited and the town responded. Some person drove a buggy into town and that caused as much comment as the later arrival of the first automobile. Finally a brick-yard appeared, ushering in a new era for the Valley, with more secure construction and more pleasing aspect. Early in the history of the town there came a business block with arcade the second story projecting over the sidewalk and there was set the type of structure which henceforth was to prevail in all the business sections of Valley towns. Here, too, there was first manifest the one great extravagance of the Valley, schools of most superior character compared with other improvements. The grammar school, first to appear, was a neat brick structure, and not long afterwards there was built the first high school building, at a cost of $65,000, the edifice being of a character which would have been creditable in a century-old town of 10,000 persons. The railroad branch coming down from the main line through the Valley, and for a time having a terminus here, brought a great change

268 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY into the lives of the people and marked the end of the real pioneer life of the people, for an ice factory, electric plant and other modern institutions were growing up. Pavements in time hid the dust of the main thoroughfares, and Imperial, changed in outward form and much in the spirit of the people, had become a modern municipality.

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CHAPTER XXI CALEXICO BY F. W. ROACH Long before the present generation was born it was ordained that Calexico should exist, and that Calexico should become the capital of a great inland empire. The plans that fate laid are being fulfilled, and the hopes of those who have watched the city's growth with pride and joy are being fulfilled in a measure beyond their most sanguine expectations. Climate, soil, abundance of life-giving water, sunshine every day in the year, accessibility to markets and geographical location, all combine to encourage and promote the agricultural, horticultural and stockraising industries that are growing steadily year by year, enriching

thousands of enterprising men who have been attracted to the section of country immediately surrounding Calexico, drawn by the exceptional opportunities offered as an inducement to greatest effort. Gradually the desert has been reclaimed; year by year canals and laterals have crept across its face, and carried water to the arid acres that ceased to be arid, and began producing crops of cotton, corn, alfalfa, small grains of all kinds, vegetables, melons and fruit, with an abundance of forage crops for the herds and flocks that have become famous for their size and high grade. The great ranches and plantations that came with the first efforts at settling and reclaiming the land have been divided and sub-divided, each partition bringing more settlers, more workers and more citizens to a happy and prosperous Valley. Settlements grew to towns, and towns to cities, Calexico, the metropolis by right of birth, grew more rapidly than the rest, and now is entering upon a new and its most remarkable period of development. At the beginning of the year 1918 a carefully prepared census showed the population to be a little in excess of 4000. Calexico originated in 1901, when the California Development Company established engineering headquarters near the international boun-



dary line between California and the Mexican state of Baja California, or Lower California. This was on the east bank of New River. The offices of the company consolidated with settlers in forming the little settlement just north of the line in California. In 1903 the townsite was plotted and laid out in lots. The rich, productive soil around the town was the first in the Imperial Valley to be irrigated and improved, and the results proved the belief of the pioneers that only the well directed efforts of man were needed to bring wealth and prosperity. The country immediately tributary includes the productive section on the west known as District No. 6, containing many of the largest and most productive ranches in the Valley ; District No. 7, adjoining the town on the east, and on the south thousands upon thousands of acres of the richest land in Baja California, which are leased from their Mexican owners and devoted largely to the production of cotton and live-stock. Incorporated as a city of the sixth class in April, 1908, Calexico has advanced steadily towards metropolitanism, and today it presents a pleasing and often surprising appearance to those who visit it for the first time. Money raised by the issuance of bonds, beginning with an issue of $20,000 in 1909, has been wisely expended in paving the streets, building wide, substantial concrete walks, providing a water system that is not excelled in the West, and a sewer system adequate for a city of many times its present size. In the heart of the city a tract of land was reserved for a park and civic center. This is being improved and will in time be one of the most beautiful recreation grounds to be found in the State. The Calexico Union High School, a magnificent

building with numerous smaller buildings grouped about it, and the Carnegie Library, are located in this center, and in time it will contain the city hall, fire station and other municipal buildings, and doubtless the federal offices that will be required to take care of the growing business incidental to an important port of entry and border city. For two years the imports through the port of Calexico have exceeded those of Los Angeles, San Diego and Tia Juana combined. Since it was discovered a few years ago that the Imperial Valley was adapted to the growth of cotton, this crop has been the leading one in both that portion of the Valley lying north of the boundary line, and on the Mexican lands leased and cultivated by Americans. The first crop of the Valley was sold to one big cotton mill for $25,000. That was



about seven years ago ; conservative estimates place the value of the 1918 crop of cotton in the Imperial Valley at $13,000,000. The production this year will not be far short of 65,000 bales. The quality of the cotton is unsurpassed, and buyers from all over the world are in competition for the Imperial Valley product. The gins of Calexico and her twin city, Mexicali, and the cotton compress located in the former, provide employment for many skilled laborers. Among some of the other agricultural products are milo maize, broom corn, rye, barley, alfalfa, rice and hemp. Sudan grass is gaining in popularity as a forage crop. The cantaloupe industry is one of greatest importance to Calexico. For about six weeks in the summer the cantaloupe sheds are the busiest section of the city. Last year more than 4000 cars of the finest melons produced in the United States were forwarded to the Eastern and coast markets, the earliest shipments reaching New York, Boston and Washington nearly two weeks in advance of those of any other section of the country. The lettuce grown on the ranches around Calexico, shipped in iced cars by express, is also the first grown out of doors to reach the tables of the Easterners, and is not surpassed in quality and appearance. Calexico's claims to being the metropolis of the wonderful new inland empire are based on the fact that the city is located in the heart of a district that is the greatest in America in the following respects: It has the largest cantaloupe acreage, largest honey production, largest ostrich farm, largest alfalfa acreage, largest irrigated cotton acreage, largest unit irrigation project, largest pumice mine, greatest turkey production, largest farm production per acre, and largest average cotton yield.

CHAPTER XXII BRAWLEY BY B. F. MORRIS The history of Brawley, the most productive area and largest produce shipping point in the State, extends down through a period of eighteen years, in which its transition from a barren desert to a zone of almost marvelous fertility, has been accomplished without hindrance through crop failure, pestilence or other disaster. From well tial most a single brush wickiup in 1901 has grown the prosperous and built city of 5000 inhabitants, enjoying the benefits of every essenmodern public utility, and prosperous beyond the dreams of its hopeful projectors.

Brawley today is the center of the greatest proven producing area in the United States a claim sustained by its annual record of produce shipments, and its accredited rank as the second shipping point in the State of California. The almost marvelous fertility of its soil is equaled by the diversity of crops which mature perfectly and yield abundantly in response to practical farming processes. Nature withholds no good thing from the practical farmer, and two or even three crops will mature within a single unbroken year of 365 days in which the Brawley farmer may continue his farming operations. Fruits, citrus and deciduous, dates, olives, grapes, melons, cotton, corn and all cereals, alfalfa and all vegetables yield in the most lavish abundance, and are first of spring products on the Eastern market. Brawley lettuce, spinach, peas, cantaloupes, watermelons, tomatoes and grapes are first to mature and command highest price in the Eastern markets. The grower in this section takes no hazard on a harvest. Crop failures and parasites that destroy or minimize crop returns are unknown here, and the calendar year is one continuous round of seed time and harvest. In no section of the State does Nature respond more liberally to the touch of toil with a greater assurance of a harvest as a reward of properly directed energy. The abundance of all-the-year-around forage and favorable weather



conditions make this an ideal section for stock growing and dairying, particularly the latter, in which the Brawley district surpasses any other section of the Valley and the State of California. The Valley supplies Los Angeles with 20,000 pounds of butter daily, and if required could grow all of the live-stock necessary to sustain the southern half of the State. The profits of stock growing is enormous and that of dairying

scarcely less. Of the total area of 320,000 acres of irrigated land in the Imperial Valley 100,000 is in alfalfa, 125,000 in milo maize and 50,000 in barley. The cotton acreage will not exceed 90,000. Brawley is the shipping center of a producing area of 160,000 acres of the most productive land in the Imperial Valley, and aside from cotton is the producing center of the Valley. In the volume of its vegetable products Brawley surpasses by far any other section of the Valley. Of the 4400 cars of cantaloupes shipped out last season almost 3000 were from Brawley district, and 2501 from Brawley station direct. The shipments of lettuce from the Valley this season aggregated about 385 cars, of which Brawley shipped 279 cars. Little cause can be found for criticism of a climate that invariably matures a crop, and in some instances two and even three crops, and in a single season without failure. There are but two seasons winter and summer, and not much of either, the two merging closely into each other. The temperature seldom drops below 30 degrees, and while it soars to 112 at times during the summer, this temperature is attended by no humidity and is not hurtful, the heat being equal to about 90 degrees in the east. The rainfall is less than two inches annually and could be spared altogether. The climate is especially beneficial to rheumatic and ashmatic patients, in many cases effecting a radical cure of both within six months. No malarial or other antagonistic element has ever been recorded here. Children are rugged and healthy and the prevailing standard of public health is far above the average. Including a magnificent $70,000 high school building, a grammar school building recently erected at a cost of $35,000, a splendid manual training system, three lesser school buildings and a parochial school, with a large attendance and perfect equipment, no city in any State has better schools nor a more capable educational staff for every branch of modern education, from the kindergarten to the advanced system.

CHAPTER XXIII HOLTVILLE BY JOHN BAKER This picturesque little city built from the cactus and mesquite and desert soil into one of the most beautiful of the lovely towns fringing the Western Valley of the Nile, is one of the most prosperous and attractive of Imperial Valley, and very properly entitled to its cognomen, "The Gem City." Holtville was given its charter in 1903, and since that time the growth has been steady, and the residents who have come to this especially rich and fertile section of the great desert country are now more than reaping the results that always follow the arduous workings and efforts of the pioneer. Only fifteen years old, this beautiful town is forging ahead, and paved, well lighted streets will be the culmination of the Commercial Club's dream and efforts in the very near future. It

is generally conceded that Holtville is the prettiest town of the many that have made the great Imperial Valley famous throughout the United States and the world. This great beauty is due to the many trees that border the streets, giant palms, peppers and cottonwood trees making most grateful shade and relief from the glare of the summer sun. Situated at the eastern boundary of the Valley, with a population now reaching considerably over the fifteen hundred mark, Holtville is now among the foremost dairying sections in the world. Alfalfa ranches are everywhere testifying to the great fertility and productiveness of the hundred thousand acres or more, which are tributary to the town. Not only have cattle and dairying industries formed an important factor in the growth of this particular locality and the calling in of many of the most expert ranchers of the east and middle west, but hog raising, which is one of the most profitable industries in the world today, and at this writing one of the most timely, has reached the pinnacle of its development here. And in this connection it is only fitting that mention should be made of the wonderful work that is being ac-



complished by the pupils of the high school and the grammar schools of Holtville under the careful guidance of their teachers in the building up of Pig Clubs. These clubs have stimulated lavishly the interest in raising of pigs and hogs by the sons and daughters of the ranchers, and some exceptional results have been obtained by these embryo farmers and farm-women. In the cattle raising industry, one of the great commercial features that has placed this city in the front ranks is the production of butter. A large percentage of the most successful farmers of this section can trace their rise to the first string of cows with which they started out in the dairying business. The wonderful creamery which was established in Holtville a few years ago, and which has been added to and improved as conditions warranted, is pointed to with pride by every person showing the prospective resident about the country. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of butter are shipped monthly from this district, and the average daily output of butter alone from the Holtville Co-operative Creamery is over three thousand pounds. Scientific cattle raising, which implies the raising of the best stocks, and the culling of all unprofitable "boarders from among the strings," has resulted in dairying and cattle raising reaching a marvelous point of success here. The agricultural survey is developed to a point quite as successful as are the other branches of the farming industry in the Imperial Valley. Wonderful crops of asparagus, okra, lettuce, spinach, and all sorts of garden truck are grown here, and one of the local men claims to have made a thousand dollars an acre from the growing of cucumbers sent out to meet the demand of an early and epicurean eastern market.

These cucumbers are also sent to the northern part of the state, and tomatoes are another delicacy that delights the palate of the epicurean sent out from this vicinity as early as the first of February. At the present time Holtville is experiencing an unusual boom, owing, probably, to the likelihood of the opening at a near distant date of the wonder lands on the east side mesa, which are regarded as the most favored, naturally, of any lands in the whole Imperial Valley. The opening of this vast and fertile section will mean the ingress of hundreds of wide-awake, progressive ranchers from all parts of the United States, and will result in a phenomenal growth of the city itself, which is the logical shopping district for the entire east side. The growing of

276 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY cotton has been marvelously successful during the past three years. It is now past the experimental stage entirely, and great profits have been attained by those who have taken a chance on this industry. There arc several cotton gins here, and the building of a co-operative gin this year is one of the projects that is already financed by some of the most substantial farmers here. The wonderful fertility of the soil permits of crops more varied than in any other section of the world, and among the other profitable crops grown must be placed the different grains, and corn. Great cjuantities of corn are raised here, and are always sure of a ready market, on account of the hog industry particularly. The day of the large land holder has steadily been on the wane, and today Holtville owes much of the steady growth of its prosperity to the fact that land holders are now possessors usually of less than two hundred acres at the most, which results in better business for the town's tradespeople, and in better results to the rancher who is no longer burdened with more land than he can successfully cultivate. Holtville itself is one of the most progressive cities to be found in an agricultural district anywhere. The churches and the schools are a credit to her enterprise. The schools are looked upon with amazement by the newcomers and visitors, who express surprise that schools are established here that rank favorably with schools anywhere else in the state, under the most capable supervision and instruction, and that they are accredited to all of the universities. Holtville is likely prouder of its school system which is regarded as one of the most perfeect in the southern part of the state than of any other feature of its civic life. Of the churches it may be said that there are six, of as many denominations, all seemingly prosperous and flourishing. There are a number of clubs and fraternal organizations in the city and a woman's club, which is distinguished for its public-spiritedness and its interest in every project of civic betterment. A woman's club house will likely be considered before a great while, and when completed will fill an important need. The City Hall is an institution of which Holtville is inordinately proud. It stands on record as being the only building of its kind erected solely by public subscription in the United States. It is a handsome structure of mission style, and reflects the greatest possible credit on

the liberality of the citizens who made such & building possible. In this



work the woman's club took a prominent part in the securing of funds and much of the credit for the work belongs to their enterprise and perseverance. The latest step along the lines of progress has been the voting of bonds for sewer outputs and paving. The latter means one of the most necessary and important movements that the citizens have ever taken up ; it will result in increased prosperity and immeasurable satisfaction. There are two flourishing banks in Holtville the First National and the Holtville Bank, of which the latter is the newer, and which is gaining steadily in public favor. The shopping district of Holtville, while small, is comprehensive, and the new resident on nearby ranches and farms finds himself unusually favored in the matter of purchasing supplies and equipment of all kinds. Within the last year a decided impetus has been given shopping of all kinds, and among the most important enterprises in the town are its hardware stores where farm equipment and specialties of all kinds may be procured as easily and satisfactorily as in metropolitan cities. The housewife finds all her needs to have been anticipated at the stores which are exceptional and which are constantly improving and going ahead. An artesian water belt running through the eastern part of the Valley makes it possible for farmers to sink wells and find plenty of good water for drinking and household purposes at a depth of only a few hundred feet, which is likely to vary in different localities. This is the only belt of artesian water in the whole Valley, and is an added point in which Nature has smiled upon this particular section of the country. In this connection one thinks of the Natatorium, which is the only thing of the kind in the whole Valley, and the place where hundreds of bathers gather all during the summer from points all over the Valley for cooling dips and frolics in the cooling waters. Last year the Natatorium had the most successful run in its history, and this year will likely double its popularity, as it is to be again under the same management. In many respects Holtville is in a class entirely by itself. It is slightly below sea level, but when sleeping in a second story chamber one rests entirely above sea level. The city is particularly and peculiarly healthful, and but very little illness is ever manifested here. In fact much of its population can be directly traced to the reputation it bears for

278 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY health fulness which is a fine thing for the town, but a poor field for members of the medical fraternity. When the great southern National Highway is completed Holtville will be the first point of entry to the tourists and homeseekers who will be lured hither. Combine this project with the opening of the great east side mesa, and it would appear to the most skeptical that Holtville's future was doubly assured. Its progressiveness has only started. Beautified with thousands and thousands of trees that make for comfort and coolness, with an incomparable reputation for healthfulness, with exceptional school facilities, with crop prospects that cannot be discounted in any corner of the globe, with shipping facilities, and commercial equipments of the best, the "Gem" city bids fair to become in a few short years the most important, as well as the most prosperous of all the towns in the Valley. As is true of every town of the Valley, society has not developed to any appreciable degree of exclusion. As in all new countries, persons are accepted for their character, and not for their other attainments. Ability to pioneer marks the stepping stone of those who occupy prominent places in the happy social atmosphere of a community that is not circumscribed and hedged with social conventions that must of necessity exist in larger and older localities. Summed up, we find that Holtville's claim to popularity and distinction is gained from the enterprise of its farmers and ranchers, from its schools, from the great fertility of the soil of the surrounding thousands and thousands of acres, from which crops may be derived more easily than from any other land in the world. It is derived from a spirit of co-operation among its citizens and townspeople that is not only commendable but tremendously unusual. Its activities are as varied as could be in any community with its creameries, cotton gins, its cattle and hog shipping, and its marvelous crops. Besides the municipal attainments that have been accomplished from time to time, with a reputation for health that is unparalleled, Holtville must, by virtue of its remarkable natural possessions, be destined to become one of the largest and most prosperous cities of the great Imperial Valley. Its citizens alive to the future and the possibilities that future will offer are working in a harmony of purpose and largeness of motive that presages a wonderful prosperity for Holtville in the future as in the past.

CHAPTER XXIV EL CENTRO BY EDGAR F. HOWE One can understand how the few cities of the ancient world attained individualism that marked them for all time, and he can understand how a few modern cities simply by the exhibit of bulk can be conspicuous in world affairs. But can a little city of modern days attain an individualism without eccentricity? There is reason to believe that this is being done by El Centro, and

that almost without conscious endeavor by the populace. It is the capital, political and commercial, of the first country that has developed during the automobile age, and it is not strange that this modern vehicle, which has made the farmer a score of miles away a near neighbor, is working out here something different from that wrought elsewhere during the slow days of the lumber wagon and spring buggy. As this is written there are ten towns in Imperial Valley, and before this book shall have ceased to be a work of reference in libraries the number may be expected to increase a hundred fold. These towns now and the invisible cities of the future like them circle about El Centro, all within an hour's drive by automobile, and we cannot doubt that what has proved universal elsewhere on earth will prove inevitable here, and that as time goes on that which is the metropolis now will become more metropolitan, and this without detracting from the fine attainments of the other towns of the Valley. El Centro was not one of the original towns of the Valley. It sprang up later and avoided some of the mistakes that had been made elsewhere. The towns of the earlier pioneer days had started with the flimsy architecture adapted to the needs of the time, and while they were able to get away from that in time, El Centro from the first had the advantage of being cleanly built to meet the later requirements. W. T. Bill as head of the El Centro Townsite Company filed the plat of the town in 1905. He was closely affiliated with W. F. Holt, who al-

2 8o HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ready was taking his position as the chief promoter of public utility corporations of this section. Through the initiative of the latter, the Holton Interurban Railroad was built from El Centro to Holtville, electric power and ice plants were installed, followed later by a gas plant, these institutions severally serving all or a good portion of the Valley from this town, and still later the interurban road was extended westwardly to become a part of the San Diego and Arizona Railroad. Mr. Holt also became the promoter of the first bank, and he and others began the erection of business buildings of a superior type for a town of tender years. Imperial, in some of its better buildings, had set the pattern of arcades, and this type of structure, so splendidly adapted to a hot climate, became the universal type here and was passed on to the other towns of the Valley. Full blocks of the arcade buildings, so much more sightly than the irregular and ragged looking awnings of other towns, makes a fine impression on the stranger, and gives a ship-shapeness to the general appearance that has set a standard for other affairs of the community. In the course of time there came the period of street paving, during which all the business streets and the main avenues leading to the boundaries of the city were rendered among the finest roadways to be found, and dust and mud ceased to be elements to contend with.

The primitive sewer system of the earliest days gave way in 1916 to an outfall sewer built in co-operation with Imperial, which extends through the latter town and thence to the northwest, where it empties into New River. Only second in importance from the standpoint of sanitation is the filtration plant under construction at this time (spring of 1918), for the purification of water used for all purposes. From the first, El Centro has taken a high position in the institutions that promote civilization. Its schools, churches and press have been of high standard, and they have had difficult work to accomplish because of the complexities of habits and ideals of its extremely cosmopolitan population. Natives of the northern and southern States are pretty evenly balanced, and these may be said to be the basic strata of the population. Overlying these, as next in period of arrival, is an extensive Swiss population, the individuals having been drawn from their native

EL CENTRO 281 land by the great opportunities discovered in the dairy industry. They are a frugal, industrious people and are meeting with a high degree of success. The next class to come in considerable numbers were colored people from the cotton States of the South. Among the colored people are a number of considerable intellectual attainment, and then there are some others. Schools and churches are affording the people of this race an opportunity and encouragement to attain higher development, and in this the general white sentiment is sympathetic and desirous of being helpful. El Centro has not acquired a large Japanese population, many more East Indians, Mohammedans and Hindus being seen on the streets. These people are not residents of the town, however, being wholly rural in their habits. In manufacturing lines there are the power interests, the extensive ice plant, the largest and most modern creamery west of the Missouri River, several gins and a cottonseed oil mill, and a beginning is being made this year on a large project looking to the dehydrating and canning of fruits and vegetables. El Centro is distinctively a commercial and residence town. Its hotel accommodations far outrank the typical small city. The homes of the people are modern bungalows, a few with considerable indication of wealth and refinement. Numerous extensive farmers, having property at distant points in the Valley, have chosen this as their home. The stores of the town carry extensive stocks, and during trading hours the streets are lined with rows of automobiles that at times are so numerous as to render traffic difficult, these machines having brought customers from all parts of the Valley. El Centro is a city with an eye distinctively to the future and with

faith in the future. Its present 7500 population look confidently to a rapid multiplication of their numbers through the expansion of industries and the broadening of genuine opportunities. HOLTON POWER COMPANY In connection with his other interests in the Valley, Mr. W. F. Holt organized the Holton Power Company for the purpose of serving the cities and towns of the Valley with electrical energy and ice. The com-

282 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY pany was incorporated September 16, 1903, under the laws of California, for a period of fifty years. The principal place of business of the company from the date of its incorporation until May, 1916, was at Redlands, California. The original capitalization was $500,000.00 stock in shares of $100.00 each. The capital stock was increased on June 15, 1905, to $1,000,000.00 to provide additional capital for improvements and extensions, and on July 18, 191 1, to care for the further expansion of the business, was again increased to $1,500,000.00. At present there is issued and outstanding a total of $1,250,000.00. The company also has, issued and outstanding, a total of $937,000.00 in bonds. Owing to the wide extent of territory served and the sparse population as compared to older and more thickly settled sections, the company, during the development period of the Valley, has been under the necessity of making very heavy investments of capital, an adequate return on which is assured only after a long period of time, when the Valley becomes more fully developed. The company serves the cities and towns of El Centro, Imperial, Brawley, Calexico, Calipatria and Holtville, as well as contiguous and intermediate territory. The company serves at present approximately 3500 customers ; it maintains a central office at El Centro in charge of a district manager. The Holton Power Company owns and operates two hydro-electric power plants at Holtville, with a capacity of 1500 kilowatts, a steam generating plant at El Centro with a capacity of 250 kilowatts, and a gas electric generating plant (also located at El Centro) with a capacity of 750 kilowatts. The company has a total mileage of transmission and distribution lines in the Imperial Valley of 165 miles. In the early part of 1916, owing to the necessity of providing increased generating capacity for the more adequate service of the public, Mr. Holt disposed of his interests in the company to the same interests controlling The Southern Sierras Power Company and other large hydro generating companies operating in the central part of the State, physical connection with the Southern Sierras system having been established by the construction of a transmission line from San Bernardino to El Centro in 1914. Upon the change in ownership the general offices were removed from Redlands to Riverside.

EL CENTRO 283 The present officers of the company are as follows : President and general manager, A. B. West ; vice-president, W. F. Holt ; treasurer, A. S. Cooper ; secretary, W. G. Driver. COACHELLA VALLEY ICE AND ELECTRIC COMPANY In 1914, owing to the increased demand for electricity in the Imperial Valley, it became imperative for the Holton Power Company either to increase its generating capacity, by the construction of new generating plants in the Valley, or else connect with other companies who had a surplus of power to sell. The latter plan was decided to be most feasible and accordingly the Coachella Valley Ice and Electric Company was organized for the purpose of constructing and operating a transmission line extending from San Bernardino to El Centro, which served to inter-connect the system of The Southern Sierras Power Company with that of the Holton Power Company. The Coachella Company at present owns and operates about 150 miles of transmission line. The Coachella Valley Company, in addition to supplying current at wholesale to the Holton Power Company, also serves the public in the Coachella Valley, and furnishes electricity for the operation of the silt dredges of the Imperial Irrigation District at Hanlon's Heading, on the Colorado River, about 2400 horse-power being supplied for this purpose at the Heading. The Coachella Valley Ice and Electric Company is incorporated under the laws of California, with an authorized capital stock of $300,000.00, all of which is issued and outstanding. The company is controlled and managed by the same interests that own The Southern Sierras Power Company and Holton Power Company, its headquarters also being located at Riverside. THE IMPERIAL ICE AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Upon the acquirement of the Holton Power Company by the present management, it was deemed advisable to segregate the ice business from the electric operations in the Valley. Previous to that time the ice plants which served a large part (if not all) of the ice consumed in the Valley were owned and operated by the Holton Power Company. In June, 1916, The Imperial Ice & Development Company was incorporated with a capitalization of $1,000,000.00, for the purpose of taking over the ice-

284 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY manufacturing interests of the Holton Power Company and the Coachella Valley Ice and Electric Company, the latter company at that time owning and operating the ice plant located at Coachella. The Imperial Ice and Development Company not only enlarged the ice-manufacturing plant of the Holton Power Company, but the increased demand for ice (particularly for the refrigeration of produce shipments from the Valley) necessitated the construction of additional plants. One plant with a rated output capacity of 30 tons per day and a storage capacity of

5000 tons was constructed at Brawley and completed January, 1917. The plant has an actual manufacturing capacity of about 40 tons per day. The company not only supplies the general public throughout the Valley with ice, but also is under contract to supply the Pacific Fruit Express with a large proportion of the ice required by that company for refrigeration of shipments from the Valley. The main office of The Imperial Ice and Development Company is also located at Riverside and under the same management as the other companies. The company also operates the ice plant located at Coachella, with a daily capacity of 30 tons. THE EL CENTRO FIRE DEPARTMENT BY JOS. F. SEYMOUR, JR. It is the consensus of opinion of the people of El Centro that the El Centro Volunteer Fire Department is a live organization, a credit to the community and to itself. It has a membership limited to twenty-five members. The membership consists in the main part of business and professional men, the majority of whom have been members of this department for more than five years. The department has grown from one wherein the sole equipment was a little, old two-wheel cart to one which is now equipped with a combination automobile hose and chemical wagon and an auto pump and hose truck, together with a hook and ladder truck. The department is housed in spacious quarters and has elegant club rooms, the furnishings of which are among the finest in the entire state, the same being owned by the members of the department. The department has furnished its quota of men to the national army, together with hundreds of dollars in cash to the government patriotic

EL CENTRO 285 associations, among which were liberal cash donations to the Red Cross and $700 for an ambulance. The citizens of El Centro at all times exercise the privilege of calling on the department to aid the community in those things which are for the betterment of all concerned, and the department always responds in a way that guarantees success. One of the most notable efforts of the fire department was when, on the last day of the second Liberty Loan drive, members of the department collected in the neighborhood of $150,000 from the city of El Centro. The department has a business organization in connection with its fire department organization. The fire alarms are sounded by whistle, the town being divided into districts. Officials of the city and people familiar with fire departments and organizations throughout the United States have been very liberal in their favorable comment as to the efficiency and equipment of this department. A spirit of co-operation ex-

ists between this department and departments of other towns in the Valley, all of which departments are volunteer organizations, equipped with modern apparatus, and it can well be said that the entire membership of all the departments represents the best citizenship of the Valley.

CHAPTER XXV SEELEY BY J. B. TOLER When the traveler starts out to visit the great Imperial Valley, entering it from the west, his eyes rest first upon the fertile lands adjacent to Seeley, the western gateway into this wonderland. Seeley is favorably located on the California State Highway, which has been completed from the San Diego County line to the county seat nine miles east, and also on the San Diego and Arizona Railway, which, in March, 1918, lacked only about twelve miles of completion. It is the largest town on the west side, nearest the cooler mountain breezes and also to the San Diego harbor. Seeley is the center of a prosperous agricultural district, with numerous and diversified crops. Livestock, dairying, hog raising and poultry raising are important industries. Cotton is grown quite extensively. The two gins located here have handled about 2500 bales each year for the past two seasons, and a special gin is being erected to handle the Egyptian varieties, of which there will be around 700 acres, principally Pima, planted here in 1918. From a cluster of sand dunes in 1912 Seeley has made a steady growth, and now has a population of about 350 prosperous people, with schools, churches, an active farm center and social organizations. Practically all trades are represented, including a bank, drug store, physician, department store, grocery store, hardware store, hotel, garage, weekly newspaper, meat market, restaurant, billiard parlor, barber shops, blacksmith shops, postoffice, depot and express office. The town has electric service for light and power, telephone service, a city water system and all modern improvements, and a host of loyal citizens who are always ready to welcome new enterprises and good citizens.

CHAPTER XXVI CALIPATRIA AXD XILAXD BY HARRY H. CLARK Before Imperial Valley was ever heard of as a settlement the Southern Pacific Railroad was granted ever)- other section of land Iving between parallel lines for twenty miles on each side of its right of wav, this grant being made by Congress to encourage the building of transcontinental railways in the days when there was no railroad across the continent. This concession included all of the district lying north of the third parallel in Imperial Valley. In order to settle up this country it was necessary to build the main canal, with its hundreds of miles of lat-

erals, and as there was no way by which this could be done except by the sale of water stock, and as the owner of land could not be forced to purchase water stock unless he desired to use the water upon his land, the Southern Pacific not being willing to purchase the stock for these alternate sections, it was too heavy a burden upon the even numbered sections, they constituting only one-half of the acreage. This part of the \ alley consequently lay idle until four years ago. when an association purchased all of the lands of the Southern Pacific in the Valley and immediately advanced S300.000 in cash, which, with the addition of the stock sold for the even numbered sections, permitted them to form mutual Water Company Xo. 3 and build the necessary canals and laterals, which were started four years ago and are now a complete unit. Four years ago there was no land under cultivation in this district Today we have upwards of 70,000 acres under cultivation. The soils and climate of the Xorth End are very similar to those of other parts of the Valley, the Xorth End lands having possibly a little more slope towards the sea. on account of being in what is known as '"the neck of the Valley." Since that time, two thriving towns have been built, Calipatria. with over half a million dollars' worth of buildings, and Xiland. with many good, substantial buildings, and having at the present time under con-

288 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY struction the finest bank building, and seven concrete stores, in the Valley. The Salton Sea, later named Imperial Lake, is in this district, our lands bordering the sea. This somewhat tempers the extreme heat in the summer and also the colder winds of the winter. As an illustration of the wonderful settlement of this North End, we have three large warehouses in Calipatria, the Balfour-Guthrie Company, the Globe Mills and Newmark's. These warehouses could hold but a portion of the barley crop harvested last spring, and the manager of the Globe Mills told me that they were now emptying their large warehouses here for the third time this season. We have every convenience of older communities, such as electric lights, electric power, telephone system, water systems and every kind of mercantile enterprise is represented by from one to three or four modern stores. We have two strong banks and at the present time plans have been approved and material is arriving for the construction of the largest and most complete railroad depot east of Pomona and west of Phoenix. The railroad companies never build anything on sentiment. They would not build this kind of a depot if the business of the country did not justify it. Again, there is a vast acreage of splendid farming land southwest of here which is now tapped by a branch line from Calipatria to Westmoreland, which will be later extended to a connection with the San Diego road. The rights of way have been secured and the work laid out to build another branch east and south some 23 miles, giving to that vast territory an outlet and bringing the business of both sections to Calipatria.

As an indication of how the country has improved and the possibilities of improving this "Valley of the Nile", some of the wonderful crops grown here might be cited. For instance, we have records here of alfalfa yielding twelve tons to the acre. W. A. Kennedy, who took a piece of raw land three years ago, sowed it to alfalfa two years ago, and recently received $5000 in cash for a hundred days' pasturage on 160 acres. There are thousands of acres of alfalfa-land here now rented from $20 to $25 per acre per year, and when we think that only three short years ago this was a desert, the mind can scarcely comprehend the possibilities for the future. Here we are successfully growing cotton, alfalfa, barley, Milo maize,

CALIPATRIA AND NILAND 289 potatoes, onions, cabbage, lettuce, cantaloupes, and all the vegetables grown in a semi-tropical country, and growing them very profitably. Men are even known to raise crops in one season that sold for more money than the land cost them. Calipatria is an unincorporated town, controlled by a business men's association, comprising forty-three active business men as members. We have three churches, a Catholic, a Congregational and a Seventh Day Adventist. We have a $35,000 schoolhouse and the trustees are now securing plans for an addition to it, as we have 193 scholars enrolled and our buildings are not large enough to accommodate them. We are also at the present time putting out petitions for a union high school. The North End comprises a territory about eighteen by twenty miles, of which Calipatria and Niland are the two towns. Niland is located at the junction of the Imperial Valley branch and the main line of the Southern Pacific, and is destined to be a good town in the no distant future ; and Calipatria, situated in the center of this enormous agricultural district, is destined to be one of the largest towns in Imperial County within the next five years. Our water system of the district is probably one of the most perfect in the United States, as for every delivery-ditch, or lateral, there has been built a corresponding drainage ditch, which forever prevents this land from becoming water-logged, or raising the water level to a danger point. If three short years of settlement have brought about all these things mentioned, what can we expect this to be in ten years from now? With more intense cultivation, with the large tracts being cut up into small acreage (140 ten-acre tracts have been sold around Calipatria) it will mean a population in ten years from now greater than the entire Imperial Valley at the present time. Land values have doubled and trebled in three years, some of the lands having sold as high as $300 an acre that three years ago could have been bought for from $75 to $100.

Imperial County is blessed with one particular thing, and that is good health. There is only one practicing physician in the North End of the Valley, and if it were not for the visits of the stork he says that he would have to move out. We have no malaria, typhoid or malignant



fevers, and while we do have the ordinary hot summers of the low elevations, yet having no humidity, it causes no bad effects, but on the contrary makes vegetation grow prolifically. We are feeding upwards of 15,000 head of cattle now in the North End of the Valley, about 12,000 head of sheep, 3000 head of goats and thousands of head of hogs. It is the paradise of the poultry raiser, on account of the dry climate and abundance of green feed the year around. Imperial County is one great big family, all working in harmony for the whole Valley, and is destined to be the greatest agricultural community in the world; and while only an infant, it has already taken the lead in the state as the greatest producer of butter, hogs, cattle, turkeys, alfalfa, cotton and Milo maize, and this all in the short time of seventeen years.

CHAPTER XXVII THE MUD VOLCANOES BY GAREY HAMLIN There is probably nothing quite so actively real to be found in California today as the numerous little mounds on the verge of the Salton Sea, which are in a state of continual eruption. In reality, they are miniature volcanoes, which, like warts on a cucumber, prominently dot the earth's surface at the southern end of the lake. They vary in height, ranging from one to ten feet, and in formation may be likened to Vesuvius itself crater, escaping gases, steam and all. From the lip of the crater a brown sulphurous slime runs down the hot rugged sides, while within there is a steady rumbling, and at minute intervals a discharge of hot mud is shot from twenty-five to seventyfive feet into the air. The roar may be heard many miles. They are on what was a few months ago the bottom of the Salton Sea, and are 270 feet below sea level. It is only with great difficulty that they can be approached, owing to the fact that the land has not yet dried sufficient for traffic. Although the historic mud-pots were perhaps discovered eons ago, it has been but recently that certain intrepid parties have had courage enough to venture to the brink of these fiery kettles of steaming clay

for the purpose of photographing volcanoes, so to speak, in their native haunts. There is probably nothing quite so actively real to be found in California today, or elsewhere in the United States, for that matter. The volcanoes were well known to the early residents of the Valley. With the pouring of the water of the Colorado River into the Salton Sink, these volcanoes were covered with water and finally subsided. During the last year their activity has been resumed and they have proven an extraordinary sight. Incidentally, they are going to saddle these obsteperous volcanoes and make them useful to man. By adopting the plan used at Laradello,



Tuscany, by which live steam from subterranean depths is used to operate turbines and generate electricity, water may yet be conducted to additional hundreds of thousands of acres of land in the Imperial Valley. Experts show that, with the use of cheap and abundant electricity, water may be pumped to new high-line canals, far above the present system. It is entirely possible that, by use of powerful pumps and a comparatively short pipe-line, many square miles of land on both sides of Salton Sea may be irrigated. The feasibility of the plan of using steam compressed below the earth's surface has been demonstrated to be practical. In the Italian plant, operated with steam from a distance of five hundred feet below the surface in the geyser district, power is obtained to generate electricity that moves the wheels of industry over a wide countryside. By sinking a casing in the heart of one of these volcanoes, to a depth of a few hundred feet, it will be entirely possible to uncover sufficient live steam at high pressure to operate a turbine of the same kind used in the big plant in Italy. The possibilities of such a plant are almost limitless and the experiments will be watched with interest. Should they prove successful, it is highly probable that efforts will be undertaken to utilize the vast area of live hot springs and geysers at Volcano Lake, twenty-five miles south of Calexico.


Attention is first directed to Imperial Valley with reference to livestock in early part of the second half of the last century. In the extreme southeast part, or that portion of the Valley extending into Mexico, and to the extreme point of the delta of the Colorado River in Mexico, range grasses and overflow growth have furnished feed for wandering herds of cattle for many years. In the years when unexpected rains had, during the winter season, moistened the desert loam, short-lived grasses sprang up and furnished temporary feed of considerable luxuriance to stockmen and their herds from the Coast Range hills lying between our Valley and the Pacific shores. Aside from this, no hope or anticipation suggested itself to a living soul, with reference to live-stock, except the promise of irrigation from the spectacular but, as yet, useless Colorado River. In 1900 and 1901, when the first water was diverted for agricultural use, the future for live-stock on an entirely different basis was an assured fact. A veritable stockman's paradise, in which the question of feed would never rise as an uncertainty, but to know with the accuracy of a factory manager the output of his plant. Fertile soil, water and sunshine continuous forever, with judgment and attention to recognized scientific principles of agriculture. In the earliest days of agricultural effort our first crop was barley, due to simplicity in planting and propagation and harvest. From the green, rich fields of the growing grain thousands of "feeders" were shipped direct to the packers, after which the grain was harvested. This was the first form of live-stock activity, and eminently successful it is followed to the present day, mostly by large stock owners shipping their immense herds into the Valley in the fall, to be finished by spring or before the summer heat.



Next followed extensive planting of alfalfa. A very natural corollary to this was the importation of dairy herds, either by owners or tenants. If one branch of live-stock activity more than another could be classified as most successful, that distinction should belong to the dairy industry. More than a few farms have been paid for entirely from the dairy proceeds, and in an extraordinarily short time. The by-products and customary side lines hogs and chickens have accomplished almost unbelievable results, and it should freely be urged on the prospective farmer of small means to follow this line if he is in any degree qualified. Sheep deserve prominent mention, and have always been fairly identified among the live-stock statistics of Imperial Valley, although not

until recently, since the prices of wool and mutton have leaped beyond the wildest dreams of the most sanguine, have the sheepmen truly come into their own. Two shearings of wool per annum, and milk lambs in February and March, is all the experienced sheepman need hear in order to believe anything of our Valley. Fowl of every description thrive without restraint ; dampness and chill deadly to chicken turkeys entirely absent, thus removing the greatest element of risk ; Los Angeles market quotations on everything pertaining to poultry; many farmers' wives are yearly clothing themselves and families, to say nothing of the summer vacations and new flivers, on the proceeds from their chickens. No expensive chicken houses or shelters ; a certainty of maximum results on an infinitesimal outlay. Hogs! Nothing promises more. Although contrary to the accepted idea, probably more equipment and care are necessary to successful hog growing than to any other branch of live-stock production. Twelve months outdoors in the sunshine God's greatest prophylactic then with provision for cleanliness and reasonable sanitation the bugbear of the hog game cholera disappears, not to mention the recommendation of the United States Department of Agriculture concerning vaccination with the virus and serum process for cholera immunization. On every acre of land a crop of corn and a crop of barley each year two crops of grain per annum ; six to nine crops of alfalfa. No place on earth but suffers from comparison. Farm labor shortage, and the crops can be harvested by the hogs themselves both grass and grain. Every



antagonistic element practically under control Nature working with man to accomplish an unbelievable production. Stockmen from every part of the United States have invested and settled in Imperial Valley, and, without exception, have done so with the basic idea of permanent insurance. If all else fails, Imperial Valley will save me and mine.

CHAPTER XXIX THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF LOWER CALIFORNIA BY HECTOR GONZALEZ One can say that there have been two northern districts of Lower California the old and the new. I call old the one centering about Ensenada along about 1890, and new the one whose center is Mexicali that is, the present district. The period in which the old district reached

its culmination coincided with the discovery and exploration of placer gold at El Alamo, or Santa Clara ; and as this rich mineral reached the market through Ensenada, this place was the one that realized the greatest benefit from the gold which the earth so abundantly furnished. Then Ensenada enjoyed its most brilliant epoch, and today it is still a beautiful town, surrounded by fine plantations of corn and beans. With the falling off of the exportation of gold came naturally the decadence of Ensenada, and this at the time when Mexicali and its surroundings, or the Mexican portion of Imperial Valley, began to show its first signs of prosperity. The political events of the year 1914, which put Colonel Esteban Cantu at the head of the government, coincided with the downfall of Ensenada and the evident manifestation of the development of the Mexicali region. Perhaps the realization of this fact was what determined Colonel Cantu to establish the capital of the district at Mexicali. This was a wise move, because under his constant and intelligent watchfulness this section has been able to develop itself to as great a degree as might be expected so much so that Mexicali is the storehouse (caja fuerte) of the district ; the open strong-box that contains the means by which other regions, at present less productive or less wealthy, are able to weather their financial crises. A mining country needs less of the initiative of human talent than an agricultural region. Ensenada was the capital of a mining region ; Mexicali is the head of an agricultural community. In the development of



Mexicali more than at Ensenada has intervened the human element with its initiative and its genius. This element has been directed and encouraged by Colonel Cantu, the man to whom this section of Lower California owes most. From the first the Colonel's policy of government has proceeded toward the development of the northern district of Lower California, and, as this district was almost nothing when he began to govern it, he is in reality its principal promoter. This accomplishment may be divided into several parts ; namely, ( 1 ) The development of the different regions of the district, principally of Mexicali; (2) Communication between the various regions; (3) Communication by all of these regions with the continental part of Mexico by an all-Mexican route. As can be seen at first glance, some points in this program are intimately related to others. It would be impossible in a few paragraphs to give a complete resume of the political labors of Colonel Cantu, but in general terms we shall

refer to his many activities. Since, due to the general situation of the republic and to that produced by the diverse mining laws, mining must remain paralyzed, Colonel Cantu has given his attention to agriculture, providing every facility for opening new lands to cultivation. These facilities have served to the extent that cultivated lands that before 1914 were confined to those farms adjacent to the irrigation canals from the Colorado River now extend many miles from these canals. The southern portion of the district at present open to irrigation includes the plain which Sr. Rene Grivel opened to cultivation by building new canals to meet its needs. In addition to giving every aid to the farmers already established. Colonel Cantu took steps to bring in new laborers and colonists to cultivate the virgin soil. He has given preference to Mexican colonists, many thousands of whom have arrived in the Mexican portion of Imperial Valley. The same assistance which has been given to the region about Mexicali has also been afforded Tia Juana, Ensenada and Tecate, but with lesser results than in the first case. Due perhaps to the rosy prospects which the cultivation of cotton offers capital, enterprise and enthusiasm have gathered with more vigor around Mexicali than around any other place. As a result Mexicali has been peopled with more daring and enterprising men than the

298 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY remainder of the district, but nevertheless all of the district has been benefited. The Mexican government has also entered into the agricultural industry in its so-called "cavalry replenishing farms" (haciendas de remonta), of which there are many in the district, principally at Tecate, Ensenada and Tia Juana. These farms are now two years old, and have nearly paid back to the government the cost of their establishment. The farmers are furnished with modern implements of agriculture. The principal object of the government is the establishment of model farms, where market vegetables can be cultivated, and where horses and mules for the army can be raised. These farms promise to be a great success, and in time it is hoped will be copied in all parts of Mexico. The prices of all products are subject to governmental control. To the growth of the cities of the district Colonel Cantu has contributed an infinite amount of work. Among his labors we may mention the following : In Mexicali have been provided a condenser, a large school building costing $80,000, a park, a telegraph office, infantry barracks, cavalry barracks, a municipal hospital, a customhouse, a bridge over New River, street paving, besides numerous works of lesser importance; in Ensenada, troop headquarters, a wharf and asphalt pavements ; in Tia Juana, infantry and cavalry barracks and water works. To facilitate the growth of the different regions of the district, Colonel Cantu has established four municipalities Ensenada, Mexicali, Tecate and Tia Juana. Formerly there was only one that of Ensenada. Colonel Cantu has established his official headquarters at Mexicali, where he spends the greater part of the year, and at intervals makes official visits to the other municipalities.

Communication between the various populated districts is made by means of the "Camino Nacional," which unites Mexicali, Tecate, Tia Juana and Ensenada. Part of this road from Ensenada north, connecting with Tia Juana and Tecate, had already been constructed, but was found in bad condition and at places for long stretches had been abandoned for new routes. From Tecate to Mexicali all of the road is the work of Colonel Cantu's government. It lacks completion only for a distance of about a mile, where it was necessary to tunnel through solid rock, and dynamite for the operation could not be secured from the United States.



Mexicali, Tia Juana, Tecate and Ensenada have been joined by telephone and telegraph lines, which at this date have been in good working order for several months. At the present time there are to be completed telegraphic and telephone connections with the port of San Felipe, all to be in place probably in May of this year (1918)!. The communication from the district to the continental portion of Mexico by an all-Mexican route will be by way of the port of San Felipe, to which place there will be opened soon a railroad or automobile road, as the circumstances of the moment require. As has been already mentioned, the stretch from San Felipe on is about to be bridged by telephone and telegraph lines. Since San Felipe is at the upper head of the Gulf of California, it will be possible to arrange an easy route to the ports of Sonora and Sinaloa and to the center of the republic without need of passing through the United States. These results are in a large way the outcome of the government of Colonel Cantu. They are works of great importance for Lower California, and redound much to the honor of a young man who, without former experience of government, at the most trying times for the Mexican republic, was able to undertake them. LIFE OF COLONEL ESTEBAN CANTU Colonel Cantu was born in Linares, State of Nuevo Leon, on the 27th day of November, 1880, his parents being Don Juan Antones Cantu and Dona Francisca Jimenez de Cantu. He studied first in the government primary schools at Linares and by himself, bookkeeping and other subjects not being given there. He afterwards moved to Morelia, Michoacan, where he entered private classes that prepared students to enter the military college at Chapultepec. He remained in Morelia until December, 1897. In January, 1898, he satisfactorily passed the examination for entrance to the military school whose courses he followed during 1898 and

1899 and 1900, preparing himself in army tactics. At the end of this period he entered the army as lieutenant of the 12th regiment of cavalry at Monterey. He served in this organization during 1901, and at its close was commissioned as instructor of army reserves at Guadalupe and Calvo, Chihuahua, where he remained permanently until the end of 1902. From there he was removed to Huejincar, Jalisco, where the same



duties were assigned him and at the end of 1903 he discontinued definitely field work as instructor of reserves. He was removed to Sonora at the end of 1903, to take part in the campaigns against the Yaquis, and he remained there until the end of 1906. ARRIVAL AT MEXICALI ; DIFFICULTIES After acting in Sonora, Captain Cantu was located at various places in the Republic, serving in different military capacities, and was raised to the rank of major in 191 1, when F. L. de la Barra was president and Francisco I. Madero, principal adviser of the government. At the end of May, 191 1, by order of the secretary of war, he took command of a portion of the 17th regiment of infantry which, at that time, was commanded by Colonel Renaldo Diaz. The commander of the 17th regiment received orders to send two companies to Mexicali to occupy the northern district of Lower California, where it was feared a secession movement would break out. These companies came to Lower California under command of Lieut. Colonel Fidencio Gonzales and Major Cantu, crossing American territory, and they entered Lower California at Mexicali the 26th day of June, 191 1. The same day Lieut. Col. Gonzales left for Tia Juana and left Major Cantu as chief of the garrison of the town in command of 100 men. Thereupon he encountered a difficult situation which required the aid of the elements on which he was counting and which was won only by his resolution and coolness. The principal land companies who had concessions from the central government organized a body of volunteers for the defense of their interests. This body was commanded by Rodolfo F. Gallegas and was composed of 300 effective soldiers, even though it appears to have less than 200. As soon as LieutenantColonel Gonzales left for Tia Juana, Major Cantu took notice that the body of volunteers did not accept willingly the arrival of the troops and he thought that they intended to rise up against him on the night of the 21st, kill him and incite a secession movement as soon as this occurred. Major Cantu called Gallegas and had a conversation with him in which Gallegas assured him that he was a friend of the government and that the people would not be hostile toward Cantu and he placed himself at Cantu's orders. Major Cantu then ordered him to concentrate the volunteers at his



military headquarters which was in front of the Inter-California station at the south side and that there he would see them. At the hour indicated, Major Cantu went to the headquarters, leaving his people prepared in their places under command of Captain Gabriel Rivera. On arriving there he found that the volunteers had not received orders to reassemble. He then ordered them to be called and they commenced to arrive, some armed and others without arms, for they had them hidden in different places in the small town. He spoke to the revolutionists a little while and he saw that there lived in them the spirit of rebellion, showing itself upon seeing themselves reunited; that the majority were not Mexicans but people of the frontier who have no fixed nationality. He ordered them to lay down their arms and commanded his own men to be called, twenty of whom came under command of Captain Rivera himself. When the volunteers realized what was happening the troops were upon them and they did not make a movement. The major placed sentinels, manned a guard, and proceeded immediately to dismiss the volunteers save only a few more than twenty whom he incorporated with his people. THE SPIRIT OF REBELLION CONTINUES Those volunteers whom he incorporated into his troops of the 17th, carried to his ranks the idea of rebellion and began from then on to make in the barracks seditious propaganda. Captain Gabriel Rivera, Manuel Campos and Sergeant Salvador Raminez were under Major Cantu. Then there was an Indian from Ixtlan who served as assistant to him and was called Jacinto Mora Nova. He was aware of the criminal intents of a great part of the troops. Whenever he went to the barracks he was received by hostile looks from the soldiers and the information which the assistant gave him was valuable. The situation was difficult since he was isolated completely from Mexico and without hopes of receiving help from any part, for he was ignorant of the fact that men from the 8th and 25th infantry were coming to his aid. The information which the assistant gave him was that the troops wished to rebel and kill him and that the leaders were in accord with the people of the American side, who were the ones that



instigated them and were trying to incite a movement toward separation. At last one day he said to him that the plot had matured to such a point that during the night there would be an uprising and they would assassinate him. The signal would be given in Calexico by the discharging of a pistol. Finally he told him exactly the names of a sergeant, a corporal and 20 soldiers who were the ones who would strike. This was taking place on the 8th of September, 191 1. Major Cantu took a list of all his men and marked on it the names of the conspirators, sending it to Captain Rivera with orders that he should direct all in formation and under arms to the command of the sergeant. The moment had arrived for great resolution. He decided to play all for all, to lose his life or save the situation. Captain Rivera was astounded with the order which seemed to him unreasonable, but nevertheless he was a man of discipline and did what was told him. Very soon the conspirators arrived at the lodging of the major which was the waiting room of the Inter-California railway, and at that time the only habitable place in Mexicali. He placed them in formation and spoke to them in the plain and eloquent simplicity of a true captain. He confronted them with the treason which they were about to commit against him and their country which had sent them to that desert, isolated from all communication, that they should commit a crime. "Here you have me alone, unarmed," he said to them. "Kill me. Here is your leader, assassinate him." The troops remained stationary. "You wish to betray your country. Very well, kill me and betray it if you are bad Mexicans." Behind Major Cantu was a small, tricolor flag, a sacred symbol which seemed to tremble under emotion upon hearing that vibrating call. The faces began to blanch. Finally one of the conspirators spoke and said that he repented of his intentions. Things now were in his favor, the better thought prevails, the plot was crushed. Colonel Cantu had been awake since 2 o'clock in the morning. The heat of the season, the watchfulness and the difficult situation had tried him. He said to the repentant conspirators : "Now, I'm going to sleep and you are going to watch over me. You

NORTHERN DISTRICT OF LOWER CALIFORNIA 303 are going to care for your chief. If you still care to kill me you can do it while I am sleeping." He manned the guard. He told one of the men that he should fix him a bed and then he retired. Upon waking the troops were watching. The hour indicated by the conspirators who were on foreign soil had passed. These had given the signal agreed upon but all had been useless upon the hearts, which he knew had spoken to them of honor, duty and patriotism. The young commander who had shown that in truth he was such, called the guard and took his leave as usual and sent the soldiers to their barracks. Those who went out enemies returned enthusiastic friends of that real gentleman whose reputation began to grow. It spread from the barracks and flowed in all directions, forming an aura of sympathy and popular appreciation which later must make of him a governor. FORCES ARRIVE FROM MEXICO On the following day, that is, the 19th day of September, 191 1, in which Major Cantu had saved the difficult situation which has just been related and without his foreknowledge or expectation, two hundred and fifty men arrived from Mexico from the 25th regiment of infantry under Colonel Francisco Vasquez. The 25th regiment, which had furnished such good service to Colonel Cantu and which is now the state troops of the northern district, was at the beginning of 191 1 on garrison duty in the territory of Quintaui Roo. When the trouble broke out in Lower California the central government called the regiment to the capital of the republic and after a brief rest sent it to Lower California. It set sail from the port of Manzanilla for Ensenada on December 25th, and made the trip over the mountains to Mexicali. At that time Colonel Vasquez was still commander of the 25th and the captain of the 2nd was the present Lieutenant-Colonel Hipolito Barranco, now commander-in-chief. Almost at the same time that the 25th arrived in Mexicali came forces from the 8th regiment to Algodones, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Juan Vasquez, brother of Colonel Francisco Vasquez. Upon the arrival of the 25th, Colonel Vasquez was chief of the garrison at Mexicali, and as he left in October, Major Cantu again assumed the command. At that time there was organized a troop of cavalry under



command of Major Cantu which, by order of the government, took the name of its leader and has ever since been called "Esteban Cantu." Also

this organization still serves in the northern district of Lower California. At the end of 1912 Major Cantu received permission to make a trip to Monterey to visit his family ; but he did not make it, because he was called to Ensenada by the military commander, General Cordillo Escudero, who advised him to pursue Tirso de la Tora, who was operating very close to Tecate. De la Tora had an encounter with the government troops near the ranch "To Topo," where his followers were scattered, he going into the United States. From the end of 1912 until the middle of 1913 Major Cantu remained in Tecate as chief of the garrison and later was sent to Mexicali. While Lieutenant-Colonel Augustin Laguno was in command. Colonel Juan Lojero followed him in command. COLONEL CANTU MILITARY COMMANDER We now come to the month of August, 1914, the month that will be famous in the history of Mexico because in that month the routine of the old political life of the nation was changed definite, and it will be famous also for Lower California, because at the rebounding here of the sensational happenings of the capital of the republic, the life of the peninsula also suffered a radical change which coincided with the accession of Colonel Cantu to a prominent place in public affairs. Being chief of the plaza of Mexicali, the said Colonel Lojero and Colonel Cantu, his subordinate officer, Lieutenant Jose Cantu, brother of the Colonel, came to Calexico. Lieutenant-Colonel Cantu brought to his brother the news that the revolution had triumphed completely, that Carbajal had gone from Mexico and that the federal regiment was to be disbanded in the city of Puebla, things that so far were not known. At a moment of noble frankness and comradeship, Colonel Cantu repeated to Lojero the conversation he had had with his brother, which was enough to frighten Lojero and without considering that Colonel Cantu was a perfect gentleman, believed him capable of deceiving him. Lojero was so frightened that he suggested to Vasquez the shooting of Colonel Cantu. This shooting did not take place because the persons



charged with fulfilling the order refused, knowing the unimpeachable honor of the colonel. Things were thus when Lieutenant-Colonel Fortunato Tenonio denounced General Francisco Vasquez at Ensenada. The imprisonment of this man and his brother, Juan, and the election of Municipal President David Tarate to be chief administrator by the town of Ensenada also took place.

Lojero passed from fear to terror and fled from Mexicali, leaving the garrison without a commander. There then followed a series of negotiations between some officials of the garrison at Mexicali and Colonel Cantu, who had succeeded in obtaining his retirement from the army, disgusted with the imprudence of Lojero. Colonel Cantu was in Calexico and the officials called him to Mexicali. The Colonel refused to come because he did not wish to be an active factor in the local disturbances, but when his fellow soldiers explained to him the difficult situation of the city and its garrison and explained that he was the only one who, by his prestige with the troops and the people was able to save the day, he resolved to put himself at the front of the troops as he did on the 29th of August, 1914. With the imprisonment of Vasquez and the flight of Lojero the army officer of the highest rank remaining in the district was Colonel Cantu ; the garrison recognized him at once as their commander, the colonel having, by virtue of the facts stated, arrived to be in military command and later the political situation was so established that tranquillity reigned. But the former prestige of the colonel and the excellent way in which he exercised command of the town which gave him fame in the district made him stand out as a brilliant figure, as Zarata never did, so that little by little he came to be in fact governor of the entire region. When the convention of Aguascalientas was organized it was believed there that from it would emanate the government of the unified nation and a representative was sent who was to see things in close quarters, to study the situation nationally from the center of the republic and to cement this district with the nation, for it was never Colonel Cantu's intention to raise a local flag. This representative, instead of carrying out his commission in the manner indicated, conferred with Jose Maria Maytorema, who was

3 o6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY governor of Sonora, and in accord with him and brought with him as civil governor, one Baltazar Aviles. THE ARRIVAL OF AVILES Aviles established himself in Ensenada in September, 1914, while Colonel Cantu remained stationed in Mexicali, as military commander since the convention had not touched upon the matter of this appointment. Aviles began a series of abuses and persecutions which provoked a general discontent among the people and the troops of the garrisen. The people as well as the soldiers and a great part of the officials looked upon Colonel Cantu as the only man capable of saving that disastrous situation. Aviles and Lieutenant-Colonel Arnulfo Cervantes, then commander of the 25th regiment, worked in perfect accord with Aviles. They separated themselves little by little from the colonel, making silent war as

well on those who sympathized with him, parties who were then in Ensenada: Barranco (then major)' captain and later major, and Doctor Hipolito Jauregin had great influence among the soldiers of the 25th. The conspirators plotted to rid themselves of the 25th battalion in order to deprive Colonel Cantu of elements of order to the extent that they resolved to send it to Guaymas. They embarked the troops on board the steamer Herrerias, on November 28, 1914. Commander Miranda was in charge of the ship and Cervantes embarked with the battalion. This was done without the knowledge of Colonel Cantu, who was the military commander. The Herrerias sailed to the south and upon crossing Magdalena Bay met up with an American merchant boat which stopped and signaled the Herrerias, that it should stop also. When the boats were alongside the American commander informed Miranda that the day before the gunboat Guerrero, headed northwest, had sailed from Mazatlan and that there it was said that the gunboat was going to take the Herrerias in tow and imprison all the troops. Cervantes, who was at that time merely a pirate and the victim of the designs of Aviles, said nothing, and Miranda, without consulting anyone, turned the ship about and returned to Ensenada, where it arrived at night on the 30th day of November.




When the Herrerias arrived at Ensenada its passengers learned the news that Miguel Santa Cruz was chief of the town at the head of an armed mob. Aviles, seeing that the situation was beyond his scope, had fled to Tia Juana, getting together all the money he could. LieutenantColonel Cervantes left the ship and got into communication with Aviles. He sent an order to the ship that the battalion should be released and had Major Barranco arrested as well as Captain Escudero and Doctor Jauregin. Aviles also ordered the detention of Cervantes and again tried to escape from Ensenada to Tia Juana, being threatened by Santa Cruz, who asked him for money with which to pay off the troops. Santa Cruz took the prisoners and with them followed the steps of Aviles and pretended that he intended to shoot them in Ensenada, Sauzal, Vallecitos, Cerro Colorado and Tia Juana, in the latter place at the international line in a place where still remains the stables of the Hippodrome and where his jurisdiction ceased because when they arrived at the city of Tia Juana, they found that Colonel Justina Mendiota had not entered into the plans of Aviles and had remained faithful to Colonel Cantu. It seems that Santa Cruz never intended to shoot the prisoners but to hold them as hostages to sever the good will of Colonel Cantu.

In the meantime in Ensenada, there being no leader to put himself at the head of the garrison, Lieutenant-Colonel Arnulfo San Germain, Judge Advocate, took "accidental" command, and at once took the side of Colonel Cantu. Colonel Cantu then left with troops to put down the uprisings of Santa Cruz and Aviles. When he arrived at Tia Juana it was not necessary to fire a single shot because the majority of the revolutionists fled, or abandoned their arms and declared themselves for the party of order. With the flight of Aviles and Santa Cruz terminated the misfortunes and misgovernment of the northern district of Lower California, for Colonel Cantu was invested by the people and soldiers with the office of civil leader and military commander which he held until the time he was made governor. With the foregoing words ends the recital of the culminating deeds of the military career of Colonel Cantu and explains his entrance into

3 o8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY political life. If the deeds of the valiant soldier, worshipper of duty and patriotism are admirable, very admirable are also the deeds less strenuous but equally important of the statesman, organizer, lover of public weal, and enthusiast for throwing himself into every progressive enterprise. The contents of this biography of Colonel Cantu deals with the lesser and earlier activities of this young military and political leader and explains with sufficient details the campaign of the colonel in Lower California and how, at first, he began to have an influence in the life of this region ; how later he came to be the leader of its remarkable economic development. At the same time nothing is said here of the administrative activities of Colonel Cantu, of those to which he fully dedicated himself as soon as peace was established and his government consolidated.


BIOGRAPHICAL CHARLES ROBINSON ROCKWOOD. It has been the portion of this honored and representative citizen of Imperial County, California, to gain more than a usual quota of experience as a pioneer of the West and especially Southern California, and he has marked the passing years with worthy accomplishment. He has had many experiences, which give him a wonderful store of interesting reminiscences. Genial, kindly, generous and broad minded, he is held by the closest of ties to a veritable army of friends, and as the first man and permanent settler

in the beautiful Imperial Valley, as well as one who has contributed in splendid measure to the development and upbuilding of this favored section, he is specially entitled to be called the "Father of Imperial County." Charles Robinson Rockwood was born on a farm near Flint, Michigan, May 14, i860. His parents were of old Puritan stock. His mother was a descendant of John Robinson, who was the organizer of the Mayflower expedition in 1620. As a boy Mr. Robinson became inured to the arduous duties of the farm, and in the meanwhile he attended the primitive schools of his home neighborhood. He thus laid the solid foundation for the broad fund of knowledge which he has gained through self -discipline. Bent upon having a better education, he entered the high school of Flint, Michigan, at the age of fifteen and graduated at the head of his class in 1878. His father being unable to furnish him with sufficient money to continue his education, Mr. Rockwood borrowed funds and entered the University of Michigan in the fall of 1878, and took a course in engineering. He studied too hard and his eyes failed him before he finished. For three months he was obliged to wear a bandage while at study. Finally he was obliged to quit the university and get out into the open. On May 13, 1881, he left home and went to Denver, Colorado. This was the day before his twenty-first birthday. Upon reaching Denver he became identified with the engineering department of the Denver and Rio Grande Railway as assistant engineer. The first engineering work done by Mr. Rockwood was



on the Blue and Grand rivers in Colorado. The following winter he made a survey in Utah, down the Green River, the other great tributary of the Colorado. In 1882 he came to California and entered the services of the Southern Pacific Railway. His first work in their service was in July, 1882, when he went to Yuma and from there up the Colorado to the Needles, and from there on surveyed (under WilliamHood, chief engineer) to Mojave and across the Mojave Desert. Mr. Rockwood remained in the employ of the Southern Pacific until 1889. During 1889-1890 he served as assistant engineer in the U.S. Geological Survey on the first irrigation investigations undertaken by the Government. 1 890- 1 892 he was chief engineer for the Northern Pacific Railroad in a project to irrigate the Yakima Valley, Washington. He left the Yakima Valley in October, 1892, and came to the Colorado Desert for the Arizona and Sonora Land and Irrigation Company to investigate the Sonora project of that concern. He reported unfavorably on that project and turned his attention to the canals in Lower California and California, since known as the Imperial Valley. Rockwood's reports on this project being favorable, the Denver company decided to go ahead with it, and organized the Colorado River Land and Irrigation Company for this purpose. This company failed in the panic of 1893, an d in 1895 Mr. Rockvvood decided to undertake the promotion of the project, organizing for this purpose the California Development Company. He found the work of financing an irrigation project in the

Colorado Desert more difficult than he anticipated, but after numerous failures, succeeded in starting construction in August, 1900. He remained with the work as chief engineer until 1906, when due to the breaking into the Valley of the entire river, the project was thrown under the control of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, and Mr. Rockwood resigned. From 1906 to 1909 he lived in Los Angeles, developing land interests in the Valley and fighting the Southern Pacific Company to get something for himself and associates out of the stock of the California Development Company, which failed, the stockholders never receiving a cent. Mr. Rockwood was identified with the oil and railroad development work in the Santa Maria Valley. As chief engineer, he located and built the Santa Maria Valley Railroad. In November, 1914, he returned to the Imperial Valley as chief engineer and general manager of the Imperial Irrigation District, remaining in





this capacity until January 1, 1917. The work now being projected is practically all in the plans outlined by Mr. Rockwood. He is now engaged for himself in developing a nine-thousand-acre cotton ranch under the canal system in Lower California. Mr. Rockwood was twice married, the first union being to Katherine Davenport of Vacaville, California. To this union one daughter was born, Estelle, born in 1888. The second marriage occurred in 1906 to Mrs. Mildred Cassin, a native of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. In his political views Mr. Rockwood is a Republican, but has never aspired to office. CHARLES L. DAVIS was born in Mayne County, Iowa, April 18, 1870, a son of Thomas Jefferson and Emiline (Shrom) Davis. His father was a school teacher and farmer, and his death occurred November 14, 1884. Mr. Davis' mother died June 3, 1881. Charles L., the subject of this review, received his education in the public schools of Rock Island County, Illinois, and Leavenworth County, Kansas, and San Joaquin Valley, California. At the age of eighteen Mr. Davis came to California and located in Fresno. While a resident of that city, he took two terms in the school of complete steam engineering. He operated a threshing outfit in various places and naturally grew in to the blacksmith trade. He has been in Southern California since 1903, and in 1908 Mr. Davis came to Imperial Valley. He found employment with the Southern Pacific Railroad as watchman, and in the sheriff's office

in El Centro and city marshal's office in Holtville and El Centro. He removed to Calexico in September, 1916, and now is the sole proprietor of the valley blacksmith shop. In connection with his shop Mr. Davis carries a line of agricultural implements. In his political affiliations he votes the Democratic ticket, but has never aspired to office. Fraternally he is a member of Court No. 33, I. O. F., of Los Angeles, California. Mr. Davis was married to Nannie M. Bradley, a native of Indiana, February 14, 1914, and her death occurred June 20, 1916. There was one child born to Mrs. Davis by a former marriage, Marvel, the wife of Victor L. Cook of Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Davis is a member of the Calexico chamber of commerce and takes an active part in matters pertaining to the welfare of Calexico and Imperial County. HENRY A. STAHL. Among the business men of Imperial County, and especially one who has been identified with the upbuilding of a



greater Brawley, is Henry A. Stahl, a member of the firm of Stahl Brothers Company, one of the largest and most metropolitan stores in Southern California. Henry A. Stahl is vice president of the firm and has been actively identified with the mercantile life of the county since 1903. He was born in Winesburg, Ohio, March 21, 1879, a son of Valentine J. and Elizabeth (Frankhauser) Stahl, both residing in Winesburg, Ohio. His father is now in his eighty-first year and his mother is seventy-six. Henry A. acquired his education in the public schools of his native town. At the age of sixteen he started out in life and worked at Akron, Ohio, in the rubber works of that city. In 1901 he came west, teaching school and doing manual labor. With his brothers, Charles, William, Edward, John and Fred, the brothers were engaged in leveling land for the large crops which were to be planted. Stahl Brothers leveled about one thousand acres of land adjacent to Brawley, and they were the first to have an interest in the corn crop, which was planted on the site where Brawley is situated and which was an unbroken desert. In 1906, Stahl Brothers opened a modest dry goods and gents' furnishing store, and by fair business methods the store has grown to be one of the leading establishments of its kind in the county. The subject of this review owns and cultivates one hundred and ten acres which is planted to corn and potatoes. Fraternally he is a member of the K. of P. of Brawley. He was married in Brawley, California, December 20, 1909, to Miss Minnie A. Garber, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Garber. Mrs. Garber's death occurred in February, 1910, and is buried in the Brawley Cemetery. One daughter blessed this union, Ellen Elizabeth, born July 31, 1913. When Mr. Stahl came to what is now the flourishing city of Brawley, there were two adobe houses and a few tent houses. He has thus contributed to the industrial and civic progress of this favored section of the county. HARRY N. DYKE. One of the essentially able and representative

members of the bar of Imperial County is Harry N. Dyke, who is now filling the office of city attorney, with offices in Imperial. The oldest of two children born to Eugene B. and Emily (Gilbert) Dyke, his mother is now residing in San Diego and in her sixty-fifth year, Mr. Dyke's birth occurred in Iowa in 1873. Eugene B. Dyke was a man of high mental attainments and widely known throughout Iowa as a brilliant

BIOGRAPHICAL 315 and successful journalist. For a full quarter of a century he was editor of the Charles City Intelligencer, of which he kept complete files, rendering the paper especially useful for reference when questions of moment arose in regard to public or private affairs. He was an able and fearless writer, and his death, which occurred in 1897, was a distinct loss to the community and to the journalistic world, as well as to his immediate family. Brought up in Iowa, Harry N. Dyke acquired his elementary knowledge in the public schools, after leaving the high school entering the law department of the State University of Iowa, from which he was graduated with the class of 1896. He was admitted to the bar the same year, and began the practice of law in Iowa. After the death of his father he assumed the management of the Charles City Intelligencer, with which he was identified for four years. In 1901, deciding that the extreme West was the proper place for an ambitious young man to begin his career, Mr. Dyke came to California, and in 1902 located in the Imperial Valley, settling here in pioneer days. He took up one hundred and sixty acres of wild desert land, but ere he had made many improvements sold it at an advantage. In 1904, when Imperial became incorporated, Mr. Dyke had the honor of being elected the first city clerk, and held the office continuously until 1910. For three years he served as secretary of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce, and for a brief period was justice of the peace. He is now devoting himself to his profession, and as an attorney has built up a good patronage in Imperial and vicinity. Mr. Dyke married, in 1898, Adele Hammer, and they have one child, a daughter named Dorothy. JAMES W. CASS has gained distinction in the Valley owing to his mechanical skill and ability in handling automobile repair work. He is a native son and his birth occurred in Stockton, March 8, 1886, son of Charles L. and Lenie (Stevens) Cass, deceased. His father died in Stockton, May, 1917, and is buried in Stockton. His mother died February 18, 1907, and was buried in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery in San Francisco, California. James W. acquired his education in the public schools. He started out in life at an early age. He engaged in the express and draying business in Vallejo, and in San Francisco, and followed this vocation for two years. He engaged in the tea and coffee business for a time, and at the age of twenty-one he learned the auto-

3 i6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY mobile trade, which he Imperial Valley out of ing the possibilities, est in the city. Owing has since followed. In 1912, Mr. Cass came to curiosity. He did not intend to remain, but seehe opened his present concern, which is the largto his expert mechanical skill, his business grew

to such an extent he had to eliminate the selling of gasoline and changing tires. Mr. Cass has employed as high as eight first-class mechanics. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge of Imperial. In politics he votes for the man, irrespective of party. He was married in Los Angeles, California, January 29, 1908, to Miss Ethel Bell Chamberlain, daughter of Riley Chamberlain, a prominent actor in the east ; his death occurred in 1916. Mr. and Mrs. Cass have four children: Marjorie E., born February 18, 1912; Jennie C, born November 1, 1914; Halbert S., born March 30, 1916, and Rena, born August 10, 1917. Mr. Cass has a vast amount of energy and enterprise and has a host of friends both in business and socially. ENOS J. NORRISH. The efficient and popular justice of the peace and recorder of the thriving city of Holtville, came to Imperial County in September, 1904. He is one of the representative men and loyal citizens of his locality. Mr. Norrish was born in Ontario, Canada, March 22, 1 861, a son of Joshua and Elizabeth Norrish. His father passed away at the age of seventy-six and his mother resides in Toronto, Canada, and is now in her ninety-second year. The family records on both sides of the house go back to old English ancestry. The subject of this review received his education in the public schools of Canada. He entered the normal school of Canada and graduated at the age of twentythree. He taught school for several years in various places and when he took up his residence in the town of Imperial, he was made principal of the school, serving for four years, this being the first school in Imperial. Mr. Norrish possessed unbounded faith in the agricultural possibilities of Imperial County, and removed to Holtville. Here he purchased a fine ranch and brought it up to a high state of cultivation. He erected substantial buildings and still resides on the ranch. He engaged in alfalfa growing for years when he changed the crop to cotton. Mr. Norrish is at present clerk of the high school board of Holtville, and serves as a member of the county board of education. Fraternally he is a member of the K. of P. of Holtville. He was united in marriage

BIOGRAPHICAL 317 to Miss Grace Beckett of St. Catharines, Ontario, April 19, 1889, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Beckett, both deceased. Mrs. Norrish's father was buried near Effingham, Canada, and her mother was buried at Santa Ana, California. To Mr. and Mrs. Norrish have been born two children: Ernest S., now in the engineering corps with the United States Army at Camp Lewis ; Agnes E. is at present attending high school. In choosing its representatives for various official positions the city of Holtville is fortunate in having a man whose former record has been clearly established. Mr. Norrish has shown himself to be a capable public official. He has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances among Imperial County's best citizenship. OTTO CLOYD BRACKNEY is one of the representative business men of Brawley, and his business methods demonstrate the power of his activity and honesty in the business world. He was born July 18, 1882, at Auglaize County, Ohio, son of Louis M. and Mary A. Brackney. His father and mother were both natives of Ohio, and raised four children, all of whom reside in Ohio except the subject of this review. Otto C. acquired his education in the public schools of his home coun-

ty. His father was a farmer and Otto C. assisted on the home place until he became of age. Leaving home at twenty-one, he went to Cleveland and found employment as fireman on the C. & P. R. R., until he was twenty-three. For two years he ran the electric light plant at Bellefontaine, Ohio, and during 1905-06 he was identified with the F. N. Johnson wholesale grocery company of Bellefontaine. He then ran on the Bellefontaine and Springfield electric line until 1907. In September of that year he landed in Spokane, Washington, where he found employment in the fruit business until 1909. Returning east, he went with the Standard Oil Company, and the following year he returned to Rosalia, Washington, where he took charge of the Niles and Brackney Fruit Packers Association. In January, 1912, Mr. Brackney came to Brawley, where he engaged in the auto truck draying business with Andy Bodine for one year. From 1913-15 he engaged in auto hauling for himself. Disposing of his large auto trucks and business, he returned east for a four months' visit. Returning to Brawley, he was associated with Taylor-Hart Hardware Company for a year, when on December 5, 1916, he engaged in the automobile tire and accessory busi-

318 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ness and took over the Buick agency. On August I, 1917, Mr. F. F. Palmerlee purchased one-half interest in the Buick and G. M. C. Truck agency. On January 1, 1918, the firm took over all the territory in Imperial Valley for the Buick and G. M. C. trucks. Mr. Brackney was united in marriage June 5, 1910, to Emma Mae Glunk, a native of Washington, and daughter of John B. and Emma Mae Glunk; her father was one of the pioneers of Whitman County and has been a resident of that section for thirty-five years. He has large land holdings and is connected with stock raising. To Mr. and Mrs. Brackney have been born one son. Otto Cloyd, Jr., born September 22, 1916. Mrs. Brackney is active in the Presbyterian church and socially is a favorite in Brawley and Imperial County. CHARLES W. ALLISON is prominently identified with the business interests of Imperial. He is a stockholder, assistant manager and treasurer of the Pacific Land and Cattle Company, located at Imperial since 1915. Mr. Allison was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, October 6, 1887, a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Allison, resident of that city. Mr. Allison acquired his schooling in the public schools and in the Wabash College at Crawfordsville, Indiana. He engaged with his father who was identified with the furniture business. Charles W. was traveling salesman and for several years he traveled all over the United States. For two years Mr. Allison was engaged in the real estate business in Calgary, Canada. He returned to Indianapolis and again became associated with his father in the furniture line, remaining until he came west and is now identified with the Pacific Land and Cattle Company. Mr. Allison was united in marriage with Miss Hazel Lathrop, November 26, 1914, daughter of George A. Lathrop, general manager of the Pacific Land and Cattle Company, and also manager of the Consolidated Water Company of Pomona, California. To Mr. and Mrs. Allison have been born two children: David Lathrop, born December 16, 1915, and Janice Aline, born June 30, 1917. HARRY E. GATES has been identified with business interests of

Brawley since February, 1914. He was born in Leadville, Colorado, March 30, 1883, a son of Lester A. and Mary (Newman) Gates. His father was a pioneer of Colorado and now resides in Denver. Mr.



Gates' mother passed away in 1887, and is buried in Leadville, Colorado. Mr. Gates received his education in Denver and Leadville, graduating from high school in 1900. He then attended Sacred Heart College of Denver for one year. He started to learn the plumbing business in Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado, where he was employed for several years. He engaged in business in Galena, Kansas, for a period of three years, when he came to California and located in Brawley. Here he worked at his trade for one year when he engaged in business for himself. His years of experience in the business have made him thoroughly versed in ever}' department of his work and he has made a success in every way. He employs three expert mechanics and keeps in touch with every new invention relative to his business. Fraternally Mr. Gates is a Mason, being a member of the Blue Lodge of Galena, Kansas. He is a member of the B. P. O. E. and is Past Esteemed Leading Knight. He is also a member of the K. of P. and Eagles lodge. Mr. Gates was married at Galena, Kansas, June 16, 1907, to Miss Ollie Nichols, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Nichols, both deceased, and buried in Galena, Kansas. Mr. Gates installed the plumbing in the Brawley high school, also the steam heating plant in the First National Bank and hotel at Calipatria. He also had the contract for the hot water heating in the Brawley grammar school. Mr. Gates is a thorough mechanic, a public-spirited man and has the confidence and esteem of his fellowmen. DONALD DOOL, one of the men of Imperial County, who, by reason of his personal integrity, is recognized as one of the leading men of Calexico. He was born in Aledo, Illinois, April 23, 1892, a son of Edward and Anna (Irwin) Dool. Mr. Dool's father is one of the commanding figures of the business life of Calexico, and he has made steady progress towards prominence, and is today largely connected with the agricultural interests of Imperial County. The subject of this review acquired his education in the public and high schools of Los Angeles, California. He afterwards entered Stanford University, and graduated in civil engineering in 191 5. The parents of Mr. Dool came to California in 1903, and located in Los Angeles. His father came to Imperial County and took up six hundred and forty acres. He afterwards purchased one hundred and sixty acres. All the land is in



cotton. Mr. Dool returned from college and took up engineering for a time and was appointed postmaster at Calexico, January 13, 1917, and took office March 1, 1917. Politically he is affiliated with the Democratic party. WAYNE H. COMPTON is distinguished, not only for his able assistance in the development of agricultural and horticultural resources of Imperial County, but is a representative business man of California. He is a man of great energy and intensity of purpose. Mr. Compton has taken a keen interest in the whole county, and has been honored with the position of secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, which position he has had since May, 1917. He was born in Middleport, New York, December 6, 1887, a son of Squire T. and Mary (McClean) Compton, a representative family of their locality. Wayne H. acquired his education in the Staunton Military Academy, Virginia, the Middleport, New York, high school and the Bryant Stratton Business College in Buffalo, New York. Later he attended the University of Buffalo, where he took a law course. In 1908 he traveled extensively for business and education, largely in the West, and in 191 1 came to Imperial County and associated himself with the Seely Townsite Company, taking charge of the sales department until 1914, when he became connected with the Imperial Valley Chamber of Commerce until 1915. Early in 1915 he took charge of the Imperial Valley's interests at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco. Mr. Compton represented seven counties of Southern California at the San Diego Exposition. At the close of the fair he returned to Imperial Valley and took charge of the bond campaign department of the Irrigation District, which he successfully conducted for the improvement of the great Imperial irrigation system, which amounted to $2,500,000, and at the conclusion of this campaign he was tendered and accepted the position of secretary of the El Centro Chamber of Commerce, which was established originally in 1909. Mr. Compton is a member of the Delta Chi Fraternity of Buffalo, the Masonic Lodge, and a member of the B. P. O. E. Politically he is a Democrat. He was united in marriage to Estelle M. James in San Diego, California, August 18, 1916. The marriage occurred in the famous blue room of the Southern Counties building at the exposition.



FORREST F. PALMERLEE. In recording the names of the prominent business men of Imperial County, mention should be made of For-

rest F. Palmerlee, who well merits the title of self-made man. He was born at Spangle, Washington, November 6, 1885, son of Frank D., and Ida A. Palmerlee. His father was a native of Dodge Center, Minnesota, and his mother was born in Napa County, California. The subject of this review acquired his education in the public schools of Washington and California. Leaving Washington State his parents removed to Santa Rosa, California. Mr. Palmerlee's father is deceased, his death occurred in September, 1915. His mother resides in Long Beach, California. Finishing his public school education, Forrest F. took a business course and later became identified with the San Pedro Lumber Company at Long Beach as stenographer for eleven months. He then became associated with the First National Bank of Long Beach, California, as assistant bookkeeper for six months. He then went with the Citizens Savings Bank of Long Beach as bookkeeper, where he remained for two years. In February, 1907, he removed to Imperial County, and accepted a position with the Calexico State Bank, and afterward was expert accountant for the county for six months. He then went with the Imperial Valley Bank at Brawley, as cashier, and in December, 1909, the First National Bank was organized and Mr. Palmerlee accepted the position as cashier. This position he held until January 1, 1918, when he took an interest with Otto C. Brackney in the Buick and G. M. C. truck agency for Imperial Valley. Mr. Palmerlee was married November 15, 1906, to Miss Marguerite E. Steiner, a native of Texas. To this union has been born one son, Marvin Glenn, born August 8, 1912. Mr. Palmerlee was appointed city commissioner in October, 1916. He served as city treasurer for a period of two years. Mr. Palmerlee is much esteemed by those who know him for the sterling character of manhood and his good business capacity. BERKLEY V. EZELL is one of the progressive business men of Imperial Valley. He is proprietor of the Ezell Sheet Metal Works at 645 Main Street, El Centra. He was born at Mexia, Texas, January 28, 1883, a son of John and Jennie (Berkley) Ezell. His father passed away in 1884, and his mother resides in Berkeley, California. Mr. Ezell acquired a limited education in the public schools at Stevensville,

322 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Texas. At an early age he started to learn his trade. He followed his vocation working in Texas and New Mexico, and in 1903 he removed to Los Angeles, where he worked for the Southern California Supply Company for a period of five years. In 1908, he engaged in business for himself and continued for one year. He then worked for the Col ton Hardware Company, where he remained until he came to El Centro, where he established business March 1, 1913. Here he has met with business success. Mr. Ezell manufactures all kinds of sheet metal work, such as skylights, cornice work, tanks for water systems. He also does heating and ventilating systems. He installed the heating system in the El Centro High School and many other important buildings in the Valley. Mr. Ezell has a ranch and has improved it and will put it in cotton this season. Mr. Ezell was twice married, the first union being to Della Baker, and her death occurred at Colton, California. To this marriage there were two children : Madeline, born January 6, 1906, and Vivian, born June 21, 1909. The second marriage occurred at Colton, California, January 3, 1913, to Florence Forsee, a daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Forsee, who reside in San Diego, California. Two children have been born of the second union: Clyde Berkley, born January 19, 1914, and Herbert W., born June 6, 1916. Mr. Ezell has been gratified with success in the business world and he and his wife have a host of friends in El Centro. J. C. HARCLEROAD, who enjoys recognition as one of the leading and enterprising business men of El Centro, has won merited success. He is engaged in the automobile business and is proprietor of the Buick Garage at Sixth and State streets. He was born in Plattsville, Wisconsin, August 11, 1886, a son of J. M. and Alma (Burris) Harcleroad. The subject of this review acquired his education in the public schools, after which he entered the University of Wisconsin, graduating in the class of 1907, and receiving the degree of B. M. He then became identified with the engineering department of the Buick Automobile Company, which position he held until 1912, when he came to California and was connected with the sales department of the Buick for a period of one year. Mr. Harcleroad came to Imperial County in 1913, locating in El Centro. He purchased the property where he is now located and now has the exclusive agency for the Buick automo-



bile in Imperial County. Fraternally Mr. Harcleroad is a member of the B. P. O. E. He was united in marriage in Lancaster, Wisconsin, to Miss Minnie M. Wright, May 21, 191 1, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wright, who are numbered among the prominent and representative families of Lancaster, Wisconsin. To Mr. and Mrs. Harcleroad have been born two children, Eleanor and John James. The family resides at 642 Hamilton Street, and enjoys the acquaintance of a host of friends. GEORGE W. ALLEN is numbered among the representative business men of El Centro. The opportunities that Imperial County offers to men of enterprise are nowhere better exemplified than in the successful career of George W. Allen. He was born on a farm near Paoli, Orange County, Indiana, a son of John D. and Lucinda (Sutherland) Allen. He received his education in the public schools where he was born. He later attended the normal school at Mitchell, and later at Paoli, Indiana. At the age of twenty-four he taught at the Clemens School in Orange County, Indiana. Later he was made principal of the schools at New Lebanon, Indiana, remaining in that position for two years. He purchased a farm in Sullivan County, Indiana, where he personally cultivated and looked after his place until 1903. He then came to California and located at Riverside, where he engaged in the paint and wall paper business. Later, disposing of his business, he traveled for some time, then removed to Imperial County and rented a ranch of ten acres and by intensified farming of the place, made a clear profit the first year of $800. He then engaged in the building and construction work in which he made a success, after which he again engaged in

ranching for a time, but owing to the poor state of his health he was obliged to go to Hot Springs. Returning to El Centro, Mr. Allen engaged in the real estate and loan business, which has been profitable. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F. of Riverside, California. In politics he is a Democrat. Mr. Allen was twice married, the first union being to Miss Bell Funk, of Sullivan County, Indiana. To this union were born two daughters, Erma, wife of James Garrison of Carlisle, Indiana, and Harriett, a graduate of the University of California, wife of James C. Bradley, of Ceres, California. The second marriage took place in September, 1899, and five children have been born to this union: Arthur L., Goldie R., Helen, Eva and Woodrow Mar-



shall. Mr. Allen's great-grandfather was Ethan Allen, of Revolutionary fame, and on his mother's side was the Warren family of Vermont, also of Revolutionary fame. GEORGE W. ANDERSON. Energy and progressive spirit have brought George W. Anderson to a position of prominence and distinction among the representative men of Imperial County. He is president of the Imperial Valley Hardware Company in El Centro, and has had that office since the amalgamation of the El Centro Hardware & Implement Company and the Anderson & Meyer Company, January i, 1913. Mr. Anderson was born in St. Marys, Kansas, August 26, 1882, a son of George F. and Louise O. (Fletcher) Anderson. His father was identified with the hardware and furniture business at St. Marys, Kansas, for many years. He was one of the pioneers of that locality and was numbered among the substantial and representative men of his day. The father of Mr. Anderson passed away in 1902 and his mother died in 1917. George W., the subject of this review, received his education at the Washburn College at Topeka, and received the degree of B. S. Socially he is a member of the Phi Delta Theta, a college fraternity. In 1904 he came to California and located in San Diego for a few months, then went to Alaska, where he followed mining for a time. This venture proved partially successful, but he did not care to remain in Alaska long, and returned to San Diego, where he engaged with the firm of Samuel Gordon-Ingle company, later known as Hazard-Gould Company. Under Hazard-Gould Company, Mr. Anderson became manager of the wholesale department. Later he and Mr. Howard P. Meyer came to the Imperial Valley and purchased the hardware and grocery store of King L. Kendle of Holtville, forming the Anderson & Meyer Company on June 30, 1908. February, 1909, they purchased the hardware and furniture store of G. W. McCollum at Calexico, where Mr. Anderson remained for three and one-half years. After the consolidation of the Anderson & Meyer Company and the El Centro Hardware Company, Mr. Anderson moved to El Centro and became president and general manager of the Imperial Valley Hardware Company. This firm now operates seven stores in the Valley.

Fraternally Mr. Anderson is affiliated with the Masonic Order. He is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason and a Knight Templar, and



a member of the Shrine. He is also a member of the El Centro Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Anderson was united in marriage in Los Angeles March 15, 191 3, to Miss Edith Mae Cliff, a daughter of John C Cliff, who was largely identified with the livestock business for many years, and now retired. The ancestors of both Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are of colonial stock. In business Mr. Anderson has the confidence and esteem of those with whom he has been associated and of all who are in any way connected with him. ADOLPHUS M. SHENK. The opening of the Imperial Valley brought settlers from every state of the union : north, south and east contributing to the citizenship of the fertile section. Adolphus M. Shenk, one of the men who has participated in the transformation of this region, the development of which seems almost magical, has by his own efforts and abilities overcome the difficulties atendant upon the settlement of a new community, and by his industry, perseverance and capacity for affairs of breadth and importance, has worked his way to a position of prominence and is recognized as one of the important and representative business men of Imperial County. His birth occurred in Omaha, Nebraska, January 12, 1882, a son of John W. and Susan C. (Brooks) Shenk. His father is a native of New York State, while his mother was born in New Jersey. The parents of Adolphus M. were married in Cape May, New Jersey, October 27, 1867, and their golden wedding anniversary was celebrated in Pasadena at the home of his son, Hon. John W. Shenk, Superior Judge of Los Angeles, California. There were in attendance four sons and two daughters. The father of the subject of this review was born in Cobleskill, Schoharie County, New York, January 20, 1842. His wife was Susanna Cane Brooks, and she was born in Tuckahoe, Cape May County, New Jersey, February 25, 1844, an( i married by Rev. William A. Brooks, Mrs. Shenk's father. She was always very active in missionary work and she was state organizer of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Church in Nebraska. Mr. Shenk's father is a graduate of the Garrett Biblical Institute, Northwestern University, 1865, and received the degree of B. D., in 1865. He was sent to South America and from 1866 to 1867 he was junior pastor of the M. E. Church of Buenos Aires. He held many important offices in the church in different

326 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY parts of the country. He was editor of the Omaha Christian Advocate in 1899. He received the degree of doctor of divinity from Nashville,

Tennessee, in 1889. His literary productions include "Higher Criticism and the Christ," published in New York in 1906. Mr. Shenk was spending the winter in Los Angeles of 1899-1900. In April of 1900 he and his wife, accompanied by Sam Ferguson, a real estate man, took the Southern Pacific train for the Imperial Valley. They drove from Flowing Well and crossed the Colorado Desert and camped forty miles from the railroad, where Calexico is located, the next day. Rev. Shenk took up sixteen hundred acres of land, a half section for himself and wife and his three sons, being the first locators of government land in Imperial Valley. Adolphus M. acquired his education in the public and high schools of Omaha, after which he took a business course, graduating from the latter. He took up stenography and followed office work two years. January 12, 1901, he came to Imperial Valley and settled on his land where he became identified with ranching, turning the first water on lands for the purpose of irrigation and growing the first crops. Mr. Shenk served on the school board and as a city trustee. He took an active part in creating the County of Imperial. He is now identified with the business interests of Calexico and maintains an office in the postoffice building and specializes in real estate, farming and loans. Mr. Shenk was united in marriage to Bernice B. Riddle of Santa Rosa, California. To this union have been born two children, Joyce and Janet. Mrs. Shenk takes an active part in the social circles of Calexico, and is a member of Eastern Star and the Improvement Club of Calexico. Mr. Shenk has the distinction of being the second postmaster appointed in Calexico, and served in this capacity for five years. He was manager for two years of a general merchandise store and since his retirement from the store has engaged in the general brokerage business and handles a large percentage of the loans of Imperial Valley. Fraternally Mr. Shenk is affiliated with the Masonic Order, being a member of Blue Lodge and Chapter. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F. Lodge. PRESTON B. FULLER, proprietor of the King Cotton Hotel at Imperial, came to the Valley in 1903, and being possessed of progressive ideas, has managed his hotel in such a way that it has been a success-



ful venture. Mr. Fuller has been proprietor since November 15, 1917. He was born near Topeka, Kansas, January 25, 1865, son of Johnson M. and Mary (Coaley) Fuller. The parents of Mr. Fuller were among the sturdy pioneers who located near Topeka in the early days. Both parents are deceased and are buried in Kansas. The family are of English origin, and came to America at a very early date. Mr. Fuller's father and two brothers, Perry and Daniel, fought in the Civil war for four years. Preston B., the subject of this review, received a limited education. He assisted on the home place and attended the district school of Cherokee County. He remained at home until 1888. He then prospected in Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and California, and practi-

cally followed this life until 1891. He prospected in the desert counties of California from 1903 to 191 1. He then took up one hundred and sixty acres of land at Corizo Creek, and his land is the only holding in the Valley which has a running stream of water. This is on the route of the old Butterfield stage route and part of the old adobe station is still standing. This old station was quite a noted stopping place in the old days. Mr. Fuller is fortunate in having this stream of water, as the place is self-supporting as far as water is concerned. Mr. Fuller is identified with the stock business. Politically he is a Republican. Mr. Fuller's ranch is noted for its hospitality. He never charges the weary traveler who may stop there, and many a man has been spared his life after a long journey over the desert by stopping here. Mr. Fuller is held in high esteem by all who know him. ROGER MERRITT LINEKIN was born at Vineland, New Jersey, March 16, 1880, a son of Orlando and Julia (Merritt) Linekin. His father followed the seas and for many years was a sea captain and followed this vocation practically all his life. He was in the merchant marine service and visited many countries, now residing in New York. The family is of old American descent, but originally came to this country from France. Roger M. acquired his education in the public schools of New Jersey. Early in life he learned the shoe manufacturing business, which he followed for seventeen years. Coming to California, Mr. Linekin found employment with the Sperry Flour Company of Los Angeles, where he remained for nearly four years. In 1914 Mr. Linekin removed to El Centro and purchased the Suitotorium, which

328 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY business he has since conducted with gratifying success. Politically he is a Republican. Fraternally he is a member of the M. W. O. A. Mr. Linekin married at Vineland, New Jersey, April 9, 1903, Miss Gertrude McAlister, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. McAlister, both deceased and buried in Bridgetown, New Jersey. To Mr. and Mrs. Linekin was born one daughter, born at Camden, New Jersey, November 18, 1907. HERMAN J. SCHITTERER, numbered among the enterprising and prosperous business men of Imperial County, is the name that heads this review. He was born in San Diego, California, December 31, 1891, a son of Herman and Elizabeth (Newcomb) Schitterer, who reside in San Diego, his father being one of the representative business men of that city. Herman J. acquired his education in the public schools of San Diego. At an early age he learned the jewelry manufacturing trade, which vocation he has always followed. When Mr. Schitterer came to El Centro it was impossible to secure a location, and when the annex to the Armstead Building was completed he secured a location. After being in El Centro one week he secured a room five feet wide to commence business. With a small capital Mr. Schitterer commenced business and now his business has increased to one of the important industries of El Centro, for he is the only jewelry manufacturer in the Valley. He does a wholesale as well as retail business, and he is favorably known as one who can produce exclusive designs and productions in his chosen field. Fraternally he is a member of Sunset Lodge, I. O. O. F., of San Diego, California.

NOLES JAMES MORIN has been an important factor in the business life of Brawley since 191 1. He was born in Chatham, Ontario, November 15, 1874, son of Lucian and Catherine Morin. His father was a native of Canada and his mother came from Canada. The parents removed to Kansas when Noles was very young. He was reared and attended the public school. He learned the blacksmith trade partially with his father during his boyhood days, and finished his trade in the railroad shops of the Santa Fe and Union Pacific railroads. Mr. Morin started a shop and it has increased in volume of business until he now has one of the largest and best equipped plants in the Im-



perial Valley. He does general blacksmith work and specializes in automobile repairing. He was married in Prescott, Arizona, to Nellie Sanderfur, December 29, 1907, a daughter of Allen and Jane Sanderfur. Mr. Morin has a ten acre orange grove in Monrovia, California, which has been brought up to a high state of cultivation. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge of Brawley and holds membership in the B. P. O. E. of Prescott, Arizona. Mr. Morin's parents are both deceased; his father died in 1909, and his mother passed away in July, 1916; both are buried in Salina, Kansas. Mrs. Morin's mother died in July, 191 7, and her father died in 1908; both are buried in Monrovia, California. JAMES DUVAL PHELAN, Democrat, native of San Francisco, graduated from St. Ignatius University with degree of A. B. ; honorary degree Ph. D. Santa Clara University ; studied law University of California; was vice-president of California World's Columbian Commission, 1893 ; elected three times mayor of San Francisco, 1897-1902 ; after San Francisco disaster was president of relief and Red Cross fund ; served as regent of the University of California; member of library trustees and park commission ; chairman charter association which gave new charter to San Francisco ; president adornment association which procured the Burnham plans for that city ; member of the Society of California Pioneers ; president of the hall association of the Native Sons of the Golden West ; president of the Mutual Savings Bank, and director in the First National Bank and First Federal Trust Co. of San Francisco. He received complimentary vote for United States Senator in the California Legislature in 1900; was commissioned by appointment of State Department to Europe, 191 3, on behalf of the United States Government to support the invitation of the President to foreign countries to participate in the Panama-Pacific Exposition ; in December, 1914, was appointed by State Department, under special authority from the President, to investigate the fitness of the American minister to the Dominican Republic ; was nominated in Democratic primaries August, 1914, as party candidate for the United States Senate by popular election ; elected November of the same year, receiving a plurality of 25,000

votes, carrying 39 counties to his opponents' 19. His term of service will expire March 3, 1921. Address, 2249 R Street, Washington, D. C. ; Phe-



Ian Building, or residence, 2150 Washington Street, San Francisco; country residence. Villa Montalvo, Saratoga, Santa Clara County, Cal. EDWARD E. WILLIAMS is numbered among the substantial business men of Brawley, California, and is engaged in the business of selling new and second-hand furniture. He has since the start been doing a profitable business. Mr. Williams was born in Canada, March 5, 1879, son of Thomas and Maria Williams. He attended the public schools in Canada and after finishing his schooling he followed farming until he was twenty-seven years of age. For six years he followed carpenter work after coming to the coast. In 1915 he returned to Canada owing to his mother's death, and then returned to Ontario, California, where he engaged in the furniture business. Mr. Williams removed his stock from Ontario to Brawley, where he has since remained. Mr. Williams was married December 25, 1902, to Miss Lula M. Gidney, a native of Canada. To this union have been born seven children: Edna L., Clarence Edward, Frank George Earl, Harold Alvin, Rodger Ray, Marvin Lewis and Elva Alice. Fraternally Mr. Williams is a member of the Yeomen Lodge of Brawley. The family are members of the Free Methodist Church. DR. JOSEPH A. MILLER. A man of vigorous mentality and of great versatility of talent, Dr. Joseph A. Miller, of Brawley, California, has now a position of note among the leading members of the medical profession of England, Canada and the United States, his professional knowledge and ability being recognized and appreciated. Dr. Miller was born in Toronto, Canada, September 3, 1829. He acquired his education in Toronto, Canada, attending the Toronto University and Literary College. He studied medicine and practiced in London, Toronto and Hamilton, Canada. He came to the coast in 1853, where he practiced. He spent some years in British Columbia and the Arctic region. Dr. Miller was united in marriage in Paso Robles, California, September 3, 1889, to Charlotte Angieline Wood, daughter of Benjamin and Charlotte Wood. Her father was a native of Illinois, and he came to California overland in 1857. On the trip across the plains the Indians attacked the caravan about 100 miles north of Salt Lake City. In the fight which ensued Mr. Wood and his brothers, James and William,



were wounded. There were eight men and two women in the party. The wife and daughter of James Wood were killed and five head of mules were taken by the Indians. Mrs. Miller's father settled in Contra Costa County from 1857 to 1862. He later removed to Haywards and then went to Monterey, where he remained twenty years. Dr. Miller resided in Monterey, California, from 1889 to 1899, when he removed to Sonoma County, where he practiced his profession for five years. In 1905 he removed to Brawley and practiced with gratifying success until 1910, when he retired owing to his health. Mrs. Miller has been conspicuous in the W. C. T. U. work in the Valley for a number of years and was the founder of the work here. She served as president of that body for eight years. She takes an active part in church work and has been identified with newspaper work for some years in the Valley. Dr. Miller is much esteemed by those who know him for the sterling character of his manhood. Mrs. Miller has always been prominent in religious work and has countless warm friends in the Valley. She taught school in the State for eight years. EARL McREYNOLDS has achieved success in life as a result of his own efforts, and holds the regard of all with whom he has been thrown in contact. He is a native son. His birth occurred in South Pasadena, California, September 11, 1886, son of Aaron and Mae McReynolds. His father was a native of Canada and his mother was born in Nebraska. Mr. McReynolds attended the public and high schools of South Pasadena, after which he attended business college. He worked for the John H. Norton Construction Company, who had the contract for constructing the road-bed for the Salt Lake Railroad from Los Angeles to the Utah line. Mr. McReynolds had a clerical position with this firm for two years. He then for over four years was identified with the Southern Pacific road in the operating department. Resigning his position with the Southern Pacific road, he went with the Tonopah and Goldfield Railroad for one year, in the operating department. He then became identified with the Wells Fargo Express Company, working in California and Nevada up to 1913, when he became associated with the Brawley Hardware Company. This firm was taken over by the Imperial Valley Hardware Company, and Mr. McReynolds still holds his position with this firm. Politically he is a Democrat. He is a member of the



Water and Fire Commission. Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge of Brawley. Mr. McReynolds was united in marriage to Miss Theresa Polsie, of Santa Ana, California, October 31, 1901.

WILLIAM HENRY BEST. A highly esteemed and respected citizen of Brawley, William Henry Best is eminently worthy of special mention in the first history of Imperial County. Few of the pioneers of the county met with such success as fell to the portion of Mr. Best, who is now the owner of the finest property in the county, consisting of 320 acres, which has been brought up to a high state of cultivation. Possessed of progressive ideas, energy and enterprise, he made his ventures a success. William H. Best is the senior member of the firm of Best, DeBlois and Covington, and came to the county in March, 1904. He purchased a half section in No. 4, and a half section in No. 5 ; about three years later he invested in stock of the Imperial Valley Savings Bank, and in 1912 he was appointed vice-president. He has served as president of Water Company No. 4 for the past seven years, and has been identified as chairman of the advisory board of the Imperial County Water Companies for a period of two years, and is still serving as chairman of that board. Mr. Best was born in Port Williams, Nova Scotia, September 28, 1865, son of Newton W. and Anna C. (Holmes) Best. Mr. Best's father resides in Turlock, California, and is 79 years of age. His mother died December 12, 1912, and is buried in Santa Ana. Mr. Best received his education in the California schools, having accompanied his parents to this State via the Panama route. He assisted on the home place at Santa Ana until he was of age. He then went to Beaumont, California, where he purchased land and rented more and engaged in the livestock business. Here he remained until 1894. He then returned to Orange County and rented land. Later he purchased a ranch and remained at Tustin until he removed to Imperial County. In politics Mr. Best is a Republican. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge. He was married at Redlands, California, December 27, 1892, to Miss Anna Covington, daughter of Peter H. and Martha A. Covington. Her father's death occurred in 1917, at the age of seventy-one, and her mother resides at Santa Ana, California. To Mr. and Mrs. Best have been born two children Hallie M., born Jan-



uary 23, 1894, wife of Dr. R. O. Thompson of Imperial, California, and Arthur L., born April 5, 1901, attending the Northwestern Military Academy. Mr. Best has had considerable experience in placing loans in the Valley, and has been actively engaged in the real estate business for the past six years. His motto appears to be "First know the land, then tell the truth." That Mr. Best knows Imperial Valley land is a wellknown fact to all of his business associates. There is probably not another man in the district so well acquainted with soil conditions in the Valley as Mr. Best. At a time when money was scarcer than overcoats in Imperial Valley, Mr. Best made two trips to Washington for the purpose of getting government aid for building a levee in Mexico and succeeded in getting it. C. ORSMOND BULLIS. One of the commanding figures in the

agricultural life of Imperial County is C. Orsmond Bullis, of El Centro. He has made steady progress towards prominence and is today largely connected with the agricultural interests of Imperial County. He is associated with H. H. Timken, the famous roller-bearing man, as secretary-treasurer and manager of the Timken Ranch Company. This million dollar concern owns four thousand acres of highly cultivated land, and has other financial interests in Imperial County. The Timken Ranch Company is numbered among the most prosperous and enterprising concerns in California. The management of its interests here stands high among the far-sighted, energetic men who are rendering such material assistance in developing and advancing the agricultural prosperity of this section of California. Mr. Bullis has been and is today in a large measure instrumental in making that concern what it is, one of the most flourishing and substantial ranch companies in the state. He was born at Sheldon, Iowa, January 10, 1883, a son of Charles Henry and Mary L. (Barrett) Bullis, both deceased. Mr. Bullis' grandmother, on his father's side, was Lydia P. Lapham. The Lapham family has been one of prominence and influence in America since the colonial epoch in our national history. The family genealogy dates back to John Lapham, who was born in 1635 and is of English descent. Among his descendants many notables were in the family, and among the more recent members may be mentioned Susan B. Anthony and Hetty Green. C. Orsmond Bullis acquired his education in the public



and high schools of Sheldon, Iowa, graduating from the latter in 1899. He entered the Ohio Wesleyan University and received the B. A. degree in 1913. After several years of active business life he again entered college in 191 1 and graduated with the class of 1912, Yale College. He took a short farm course in Cornell University. During his early business career he was identified with the International Harvester Company and later with the loan department of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at its Sheldon, Iowa, office. After being associated with this concern for some time he accepted a position as cashier in the freight department of the C, St. P., M. & O. Ry. of the Northwestern Line at Sheldon, Iowa. He was afterwards made assistant agent at Mitchell, South Dakota, and later chief clerk to the general freight agent at Sioux City, Iowa. After three years Mr. Bullis severed his connection with the railroad with which he had filled these positions with marked ability. From 1907 to 191 1 he engaged in the real estate business and at the same time managed his own farm interests at Benson, Minnesota. From the fall of 1912 to 1914 he was identified with the San Diego Securities Company of San Diego, California, after which he became Imperial Valley loan agent for H. H. Timken. When the Timken Ranch Company was organized in 1915 he was made secretary-treasurer and manager. Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge and the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. He has recently been appointed a

member of the farm labor committee of the State Council of Defense. PHILO JONES. The career of Philo Jones of Brawley is one which clearly defines his position as one of the progressive and representative business men of Imperial County. He has paved the way for many important enterprises which meant success for the city of Brawley. Mr. Jones was born on his father's farm near Davis, Macomb County, Michigan, January 22, 1873, son of David T. and Lavina (Sutliff) Jones. His father was a native of Wales, while his mother was born in New York State. In 1883 Mr. Jones' parents removed to Ontario, California, when he was ten years of age. He attended the public schools and later entered the Chafey Preparatory School of Ontario, graduating in 1893. He also attended the University of Southern California. In 1897 ne became receiver for the Union Iron Works of Los Angeles



for one year, and for two years was identified with the Printers' Supply business, having the position as inside manager. Leaving this position he was connected with the Salinas Water, Light & Power Company as superintendent for a period of nearly three years. While attending the University of Southern California, he was editor of the University Courier for three years, and published the first junior annual of that institution. Mr. Jones was identified with other public utility companies. He served as general manager of the Santa Maria Electric Company during construction work, and was associated with the Pacific Electric Company of Los Angeles as beach manager at Playa del Rey for over one year. In June, 1907, Mr. Jones removed to Brawley and took charge of the Brawley Town and Improvement Company. He has been associated with many leading ventures in the Valley since locating in Brawley. He has taken an active part in the early political history of the Valley, and registers as a Republican. In 1913, Mr. Jones engaged in the general brokerage business. He makes a specialty of farm loans and insurance. He was united in marriage to Miss Myrtle Hillen Nance of Santa Maria, California, August 4, 1909. To this union has been born one daughter Margaret Jeanette, born September 29, 191 1. The father of Mrs. "Jones, Thomas Nance, was among the first pioneers, and he put in the first crop in the Santa Maria Valley. His death occurred in 1915, at the age of eighty years. Mrs. Jones' mother resides in Santa Maria. Mr. Jones was appointed justice of the peace in May, 1915; this office he still holds to the satisfaction of all. He was city recorder for several years and resigned in 1917. Fraternally Mr. Jones is affiliated with the Masonic lodge of Brawley, and is Past Master of his lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are prominent in church work and hold membership in the Methodist church. She is also president of the Grammar School Board. WILL S. SWEET is one of the representative business men of Brawley. He was born in Franklin County, Iowa, June 23, 1878, son of Olney

F. and Helen M. Sweet, both natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. Sweet acquired his education in the public and high schools of his native county. He afterwards studied dentistry, attending the Milwaukee Dental College, graduating in 1905. Mr. Sweet came west and practiced his profession in Long Beach, California, for a period of three years. In

336 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 1909 he removed to Brawley and engaged in farming on the west side, and had one hundred acres under cultivation. He did general farming and was identified in the dairy business. In 1916 Mr. Sweet engaged in the bakery business with A. S. Wolfe. He has been identified as a director on No. 8 water board for some years. He now leases his ranch and gives his entire time to promoting the interests of his business. He was married July 10, 1908, to Miss Irene E. Wheelock, a native of Iowa, and daughter of George H. Wheelock. Mrs. Sweet's parents came to Imperial County at an early date and her father, now deceased, was connected with the Southern Pacific Railroad as telegraph operator. To Mr. and Mrs. Sweet have been born one son, George Olney, born March 31, 1912. The father of Mr. Sweet fought in the Civil war, and Mrs. Sweet's father was also a Civil war veteran. The subject of this review served as a volunteer in the Spanish American war for six months, and was attached to the $2d Iowa Infantry, and was mustered out October 25, 1908. Mr. Sweet is held in high regard by his business associates in Brawley. HOWARD SHORES. The changes that have taken place in Imperial County since the arrival of Howard Shores, are many, and they have been brought about by the enterprising methods and energetic activities of just such men as Mr. Shores. He was born in Jonesboro, Craighead County, Arkansas, July 28, 1885, son of Levi and Ola Shores, both natives of Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Shores acquired his education in the public schools of his native State and later attended college in Arkadelphia and the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. Mr. Shores joined the National Guard, serving two years. For a time he was a guard at the St. Louis Exposition, and in January, 1905, the parents removed to California and were identified with the hotel business for a period of ten years. Previous to locating in Brawley, Mr. Shores made several trips to the Valley, and in 1914 he engaged in the gents' furnishing business with his brother, Gus B. Mr. Shores purchased a ranch of forty acres two miles from Brawley, where he made his home until the spring of 1918. Mr. Shores' brother is a well-known business man of Los Angeles. He was identified with and was manager of the rug department of A. J. Sloan, and for some time was associated with the Goodwin and Jenkins Furniture Company. He also had charge of the



rug department for that concern. November 2, 1917, he enlisted in the U. S. Army and at the present writing he is stationed at American Lake, Washington. Both brothers are members of the B. P. O. E. lodge of El Centro. Mr. Shores' mother is deceased and his father resides in Arkansas. The subject of this review, with Purl Willis, organized Battery D, which was largely made up of Imperial County men. Battery D went into the 143rd field artillery and is now stationed at Camp Kearny. Fourteen non-commissioned officers and four commissioned officers were selected from Imperial County to serve in the 143rd field artillery. Mr. Shores, aside from his mercantile business, finds time to look after his ranch, which is now leased. It has been set over to grapefruit, dates and vegetables. Shores Bros, have shown marked business ability and they have the confidence and good-will of their business associates. GEORGE W. DONLEY. Noteworthy among the representative men of Imperial County is George W. Donley, one of the earliest settlers in the Valley, and since 1901 he has been active in the development of this section. He has been identified with the real estate business since 1908. He owns about 800 acres of land and 400 acres being under cultivation and devoted to the raising of cotton, corn, alfalfa, asparagus and grapes and dairy. Mr. Donley is a native of Hannibal, Missouri, and was born March 25, 1857, a son of Noah and Sarah (Hamton) Donley. The Donley family located at Hannibal, Missouri, in 1818, where Noah Donley was engaged in farming. His death occurred in 1876. George W. received his education in the schools of his native town. He was elected to office as clerk and ex-ofhcio recorder of Marion County for two years. He then was in the United States mail service for two years. In 1880 he removed to Colorado and embarked in the mining and real estate business, where he remained until 1886, coming to San Diego and later to Escondido, where in 1887 he married Miss Sarah F. Weatherly, daughter of M. Weatherly. In 1901 he was one of the first to commence operations in the Imperial Valley. He induced others to locate here and was active in disposing of water stock. Mr. Donley has served as a trustee for Imperial for three years. He was instrumental in having sidewalks put in and other improvements. He saw the Valley transformed from a desert to a place of great productiveness. He came to Imperial when there were only a few tent

338 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY houses, and El Centro was not on the map, and through his ability many leading ventures were put through. His real estate operations have always been along strictly legitimate lines, and his business reputation is without blemish. To Mr. and Mrs. Donley have been born : Chester A., who is serving in the United States Army and attached to the coast artillery ; Irene is registry clerk in the Imperial postoffice, and George is cashier at Varney Brothers. In addition to his large ranch holdings, Mr. Donley has much valuable city property. At the time he came to Imperial the freighting was done by teams from Old Beach and only a substitute was used for the first school house. ERNEST C. SCHELLING. Numbered among the prominent and successful business men of Brawley is Ernest C. Schelling, who has been identified with the grocery business with Walter S. Campbell since

1916. Mr. Schelling came to Imperial County in 1909. He was born near Ackley, Hardin County, Iowa, July 12, 1874, a son of Joseph and Mary (Meyers) Schelling. His parents were among the early settlers in Iowa, and his father was one of the pioneer farmers of Hardin County. His death occurred in 1916, and was buried in Rockford, Illinois. Mr. Schelling's mother passed away in 1896, and is buried in Beeman, Iowa. Ernest C. received his education in the public schools of Iowa and Illinois; he left high school at the age of seventeen. He then took up the study of pharmacy, receiving his diploma as a registered pharmacist in the State of Illinois. For six years he was associated with the drug business. He then learned the grocery business and in 1909 he came to California and located in Brawley, where he found employment with Harry Baum. He remained here as manager of the grocery department until he purchased the stock of Mr. Baum, with W. S. Campbell. The store takes rank with the stores in much larger cities, it being the largest in Brawley and is one of the two stores in Imperial Valley that had to get a government license. Mr. Schelling and Mr. Campbell are recognized as leaders of their line, and their personalities enter into every transaction, and the people of Brawley have learned that they can depend on the goods as represented. Fraternally Mr. Schelling is serving as chancellor commander of the Knights of Pythias and is a Blue Lodge Mason. He married at Alden, Iowa, Miss Margaret Holmes, August 13, 1894, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Holmes.

BIOGRAPHICAL 339 To this union have been born one daughter, Eleanor, wife of George Darnell of Brawley. CLARENCE K. CLARKE. Among the men who by reason of their personal integrity and enterprise, have come to be regarded as representative citizens of Imperial Valley is numbered Clarence K. Clarke, chief engineer and general manager for the Imperial Irrigation District, with headquarters in Calexico, California. None are more highly esteemed than the subject of this narrative. Mr. Clarke was born in Lewis County, Washington, December 5, 1859, a son of Fred A. and Eunice A. (Stillman) Clarke. On his mother's side the family dates back to Revolutionary stock and the ancestors on his father's side are of English extraction. Mr. Clarke acquired his education in the public and high schools of Portland, Oregon. Finishing his education he became identified with the Northern Pacific in the civil engineer department, where he remained for some years. He later went with the Oregon Pacific and the Southern Pacific in the various engineering departments. He was division engineer for five years of the Tucson division, and upon leaving that post he became identified with and had charge and direction of the forces in the closure of the Colorado River from December 21, 1906, to February 10, 1907. After the closure of the river Mr. Clarke took an active part in 1907 in restoring the canal system, and from here he was transferred to the Coast Division as division engineer. In 1909 he returned to the Valley and became superintendent of Number One Irrigation District. Resigning this office, he accepted the position as assistant general manager of the C. D. Company, W. H. Holabird, receiver. Mr. Clarke resigned and on April 1, 191 1, was made superintendent and chief engineer for the Palo-Verde Mutual Water Company, from January 1, 1913, to July, 1914. He

served as city manager of Tucson, 1915-1916. He then accepted the position of chief engineer of this district in 1917. Fraternally Mr. Clark is a member of the B. P. O. E. No. 476 of Yuma, Arizona. He is also a member of the Masonic Lodge, holding membership in Corinthian Blue Lodge No. 38, of Puyallup, Washington, Scottish Rite Consistory Number 5 of San Francisco, and Al Malaikah Shrine of Los Angeles. Mr. Clarke was united in marriage July 6, 1901, to Miss Loretta Graydon, a native of Globe, Arizona. One daughter has blessed



this union, Loretta L., born May 26, 1902. Politically Mr. Clarke is registered as a Republican, but can always be depended upon to support the man and not the party, and he has never aspired to office. Mr. Clarke is progressive in citizenship and has gained the confidence, good will and esteem of all who have been in any way associated with him. THOMAS J. McNERNY stands foremost among the men of Imperial County and possesses the universal respect and esteem of his fellowtownsmen. Mr. McNerny was born in Cory, Pennsylvania, June 2, 1879, a son of Thomas and Delia (Garvey) McNerny, residents of Horton, Kansas. His father for many years was identified with railroad contracting, and is now retired. Thomas J. acquired his education in the public and high schools of Horton, Kansas, and later graduated from St. Mary's College in 1894 with the degree of A. B. He was identified with the Rock Island Railroad as accountant at Horton, Kansas, and Colorado Springs until 1904, when he engaged in the drug business at Horton, Kansas. This business he carried on successfully for five years. In 191 1, he became part owner in the Farmers' State Bank at Gage, Oklahoma, remaining in the banking business until 1912, when he came to California and located in Brawley. In October, 1915. Mr. McNerny took the office as secretary of Water Company Number 8, and has held that position up to the present time. Mr. McNerny has a comfortable ranch of forty acres near Brawley, and has a one-half interest in a 320-acre ranch. Fraternally he is a member of the B. P. O. E. He was united in marriage to Miss Lela O'Roke August 30, 1910, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Roke, both residents of Fairview, Kansas. To Mr. and Mrs. McNerny have been born one son and one daughter, Helen Joy and Robert Thomas. LESLIE REED is a man who has by his own energy and ambition and enterprise, guided by sound and practical judgment, worked his way upward to a place among the representative attorneys of Southern California. He was born in Kansas City, Missouri, February 1, 1889, a son of Winfield Scott and Edith (Bourdon) Reed. Leslie Reed acquired his education in the public and high schools, graduating from the Kansas City High School in 1906. He afterwards attended the Kansas University, graduating from that college in 1910, and received the



liberal arts degree. He attended the Kansas City Law School, graduating in 1912. He commenced to practice his profession in Kansas City and remained there until 1913, when he removed to Calexico, California. He at once began the practice of law with gratifying success. Fraternally he is affiliated with the I. O. O. F. of Kansas City. Mr. Reed is held in high esteem by his associates by reason of his enterprise and sterling personal worth. JOHN W. GOZA. Prominently connected with the business interests of El Centro is John W. Goza. The opportunities that are offered in Imperial County to men of enterprise are nowhere better exemplified than in the successful career of Mr. Goza. He was born in Jackson, Missouri, February 3, 1876, a son of Wiley and Caroline (Roberts) Goza. The subject of this review acquired his education in the public and high schools of his native town. He graduated from high school in 1897. He then went to St. Louis, Missouri, and entered the business college of Bryant & Stratton. Here he remained one year. His first business venture was with the Hamlinton Brown Shoe Company, where he remained for one year as stenographer. He then took the position with the Brown Shoe Company as bill clerk, and here he remained for over five years. Having acquired the knowledge of the shoe business, he took charge of a shoe store at 822 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri. He was tendered a position on the road traveling for the National Cash Register Company of Dayton, Ohio, and later he traveled for the American Multigraph Company, being transferred to Dallas, Texas. He remained in the capacity of traveling salesman until November 1, 1908, when he was promoted to manager of the Kansas City, Missouri, branch, where he resigned and became identified with the Multi-Color Press Company of San Francisco. Here he remained for a brief period. The first of the following year he became associated with the Comptograph Adding Machine Company, remaining for eleven months. In 191 1 Mr. Goza engaged with the Underwood Typewriter Company as salesman and remained with this concern until May, 1912, and later he became associated with the Royal Typewriter Company until he came to El Centro, California, and opened a store for his company, dealing in new and rebuilt typewriters. March 1, 1917, he purchased the stationery store which he operates in conjunction with his other business.



Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge and the K. of P. of El Centro. Mr. Goza was married in St. Louis, Missouri, March 29, 1909, to Miss Charlotte Sauerbrunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sauerbrunn. Her father is a prominent contractor of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Goza have one daughter, Jane E., and the family resides at 653 Heil Street, where they enjoy in a full measure the acquaintance of a large circle of friends. WILLIAM J. PHILLIPS. One of the most able, progressive and enterprising business men of Imperial County is William J. Phillips, who has been successfully identified with business interests of Calexico since August 1, 1916. Mr. Phillips was born in St. Joseph, Missouri, October 28, 1876. He acquired his education in the public and high schools of Omaha, Nebraska. His parents removed to Los Angeles, California, where William J. became identified with the drug business until 1902, when he went to Douglas, Arizona, and followed the same vocation for one year. He then went to Cananea, Mexico, where he took charge of three stores. Here he remained for a period of five years. He removed then to Guaymas, Mexico, and was identified with the wholesale and retail drug business for seven years. For two years while a resident of Guaymas he acted as consular agent, and, owing to the revolution, he came to Calexico, which was August 1, 1916. Mr. Phillips took an interest in the Aiken Drug Store and acted as secretary and general manager. On November 15, 1917, he purchased more stock in the company and is now the president of the corporation and holds a prominent place among the representative business men of his city. Fraternally Mr. Phillips is affiliated with the Masonic Lodge of Calexico. He was united in marriage August 17, 1900, to Miss Magna Johnson, a native of Denmark. Their two children are: Martha, born January 4, 1902, and John, born August 17, 1903. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have the esteem and confidence of all who know them. ROY R. STILGENBAUR. One of the essentially representative members of the banking interests of Brawley is Roy R. Stilgenbaur, assistant cashier of the Imperial Valley Bank since 1913. He came to Imperial County in 1909, and is a native of Baltic, Ohio, where he was born March 7, 1890, a son of Otto W. and Mary (Bader) Stilgenbaur,



who have been residents of Canton, Ohio, for over twenty years. The subject of this sketch was educated in the public and high schools of Canton, graduating from the latter in 1907. He then attended the Western Reserve University of Cleveland, Ohio, for several years. Coming to Brawley while it was in a primitive state, without sidewalks and ditch water running in the streets. Where the plaza is situated, he became associated with Stahl Brothers, where he remained for two years. He then formed a partnership with J. C. Gresser and purchased

the grocery department of Stahl Brothers. Mr. Stilgenbaur disposed of his interest in the store to take up his present position with the bank as assistant cashier, where he achieved success from the start. He was united in marriage to Miss Grace Clinton in Los Angeles, California, July 4, 191 5, and their one daughter, Phyllis, was born September 27, 1916. Mr. Stilgenbaur is now serving as secretary of the Brawley Merchants' Association. He is a Royal Prince of El Oasis Temple No. 173, Dramatic Order Knights of Khorasson at El Centro, California, and served as the first presiding officer of that temple, and has the distinction of having been, in 191 1, the youngest chancellor commander of the order of Knights of Pythias in the United States. Mr. Stilgenbaur has always given his influence in support of any measures that have tended to forward the welfare of Brawley and Imperial County. WALTER A. COVINGTON is one of the enterprising and enthusiastic real estate men of Imperial County, and is a member of the firm of Best, DeBlois and Covington of Brawley since its organization. Mr. Covington is a native son and his birth occurred in Redlands, California, May 6, 1877. He is the son of Peter H. and Martha Covington. His father died at the age of seventy-one and was buried in Santa Ana, California. Walter A. acquired his education in the public and high schools of Redlands. He left school at the age of twenty and took a business course. He assisted his father for two years in the furniture business and then engaged in the bicycle and sporting goods business, which he carried on for a period of four years. For the next eight years he was identified with the Union Electrical Company of Trenton, New Jersey, and traveled throughout the central states. Returning to Santa Ana, he managed his father's ranch for about two years. In Imperial Valley, Mr. Covington then entered into a partnership with his



brother-in-law, W. H. Best, and engaged in the real estate and loan business, until the present firm was organized. Mr. Covington is interested with his brothers in seven hundred acres of land in Imperial County, which is under cultivation and managed by himself. Mr. Covington serves as police commissioner and is a city trustee. His political allegiance is with the Democratic party. He was united in marriage at Bakersfield, California, with Miss Clara Bell Richardson, November 13, 1912, a daughter of George and Miley (Hunt) Richardson, a prominent man and pioneer of Kern County. To Mr. and Mrs. Covington has been born one son, Robert Wayne, born September 1, 1913. It was while tilling the soil here that Mr. Covington became impressed with the land, and he at once invested in agricultural land. From his long experience in agriculture in the county, Mr. Covington is in a position to talk with authority on soil and crop conditions and he is not the man to lead a stranger astray. ANDREW C. BASKIN. Prominent among the business men of Cal-

exico is Andrew C. Baskin, who is an enterprising and representative citizen of that locality. At present he is the manager of the Calexico store of the Delta Implement Company, which was established in 1910. Mr. Baskin was born in Highland County, Ohio, October 18, 1866. He acquired his education in the public schools and attended college for two years. His parents removed to Missouri and Andrew C. became identified with the McCormick Harvester Company as traveling salesman throughout the western states. He later purchased a ranch in eastern Kansas and operated it for four years. Disposing of his ranch holdings, he became connected with Edgar Brothers for one year. When the present store was started Mr. Baskin took charge, which he has conducted to the satisfaction of his company. Four years ago he was made a member of the city council. Fraternally he holds membership in the Masonic Order of Eastern Star. Mr. Baskin was married in Ottawa, Kansas, to Mary Ankenny, a native of that state, and to this union have been born : Louise, attending school ; Florence, a teacher in the Calexico schools ; Eunice, a trained nurse, residing in Los Angeles. The Delta Implement Company also maintains a store in El Centro, and both stores carry a complete stock of high-class farm machinery, wagons and harness.

xi^^f X?

BIOGRAPHICAL 345 FRANK H. STANLEY has given effective service as secretary and treasurer of the Brawley National Farm Loan Association since its organization in April, 1917. Mr. Stanley was the first to arrive in the community of what is now Brawley. He was born at Cardington, Ohio, September 14, 1868, and is a son of James M. and Ellen M. (Tucker) Stanley. The great-grandfather of Mrs. Stanley was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Stanley served in the Spanish American war and his ancestors fought in all the wars, including the revolutionary war. His parents were pioneers in Kansas and followed agricultural pursuits. Receiving a common school education, Mr. Stanley started out in life at the age of twenty-one, and came to California and located in Bakersfield, where he took charge of his uncle's ranch. His uncle, F. H. Colton, was chief engineer of the Kern County Land Company and his death occurred three years after. Mr. Stanley had been there. Mr. Stanley was promoted and acted as one of the superintendent of the Kern County Land Company, and held this position for a period of ten years. Coming to Imperial Valley, Mr. Stanley was in charge of the construction work of the north end of the Valley. He continued in this work for four years. He then handled the real estate interests for the Imperial Land Company, in conjunction with his own realty interests, which he has since carried on. Mr. Stanley was also identified with the automobile business and has had large farming interests. He organized the first cantaloupe organization of Imperial Valley, and he served as the first postmaster of Brawley. In politics Mr. Stan-

ley is a Republican. Fraternally he is a charter member of the I. O. O. F. Mr. Stanley has been active in locating the sites for the erection of the various churches in Brawley. Mr. Stanley has the honor of being wedded to the first single lady who came to Brawley, Miss Flo Stowe, which took place December 3, 1903, a former resident of Los Angeles and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stowe, residents of Washington. Mr. Stowe was one of the fourteen who came from Yakima Valley, Washington, to Brawley to purchase land. To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley have been born two daughters Alice E., born December 26, 1904, and Wilma H., born October 10, 1907. Mr. Stanley erected the Stanley Building, one of the first office buildings in Brawley. He also purchased the Brawley News after it had just started, and later disposed of the paper to its present owner, Mr. Witter.

346 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY PHILIP EDWARD CARR. The name which heads this review is one of the well known men of Imperial County. He is an enterprising, progressive and public-spirited man and a prominent factor in the development of business lines in Calexico. Mr. Carr was born in Liberty, Montgomery County, Kansas, December g, 1872, a son of Abner and Sarah (Teter) Carr, both deceased. There were five children born in the family, only two of whom are now living, the subject of this sketch, and brother, Albert S., of Calexico. Philip E. attended the public schools and the Central Normal College at Great Bend, Kansas, receiving the degree of B. S., graduating with the class of 1896. Mr. Carr taught school for a period of six years in the public schools of Kansas and United States Indian schools of South Dakota, New Mexico and the Fort Yuma Indian School. When Imperial County was created Mr. Carr came to this county and took up one hundred and sixty acres of land, which was in 1900. He continued in the Indian school at Yuma until 1903, when he resigned his position and moved upon his land, and has since been identified with this county. He remained on his land for a period of eleven years and in 1914 he disposed of his ranch holdings and removed to Calexico, where in 1916 he became identified with O. C. Hathaway in the garage and machine business. The firm erected a modern building, 100 feet square, and have the agency for the Studebaker automobile. The firm does a general repair business and maintains a machine and blacksmith shop, employing only expert mechanics. Mr. Carr was united in marriage to Alice Bragg, a native of Kansas, March 9, 1897. To this union have been born six children, all of whom were born in Imperial County. William Lawrence, born July 11, 1900; Edward Everett, born April II, 1902; Mary Olive, born September 14, 1903; Sarah Lois, born August 19, 1905 ; Donald Howard, born March 14, 1908, and James Clifford, May 31, 1912. The family are members of the Methodist Church of Calexico. In 1915 Mr. Carr erected the Majestic Theater at a cost of $26,000, one of the finest theaters in Southern California. He was appointed supervisor for the First District Imperial County by ex-Governor Hiram Johnson to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John A. Boyce. At the general election Mr. Carr was elected to the same office for a period of two years, and has since been chosen chairman of the board. He has been a member of the board of trustees of the City of Calexico



for the four-year term. Mrs. Carr is active in church affairs and is a member of the Ladies' Aid Society and a member of the W. C. T. V. of Imperial County. Mr. Carr is an honorable and upright citizen and does much to benefit the community in which he lives. GEORGE ANDERSON. No firm has done more to promote the interests of Imperial County than that of McCollough and Anderson of Calexico, the members of which are well known citizens of that community from the early days. They are doing an extensive business in the blacksmith and automobile line. They also do all kinds of farm and machinery repairing and make a specialty of new work. Mr. Anderson was born in Sweden in 1884, May 20th. He was educated in his native land and came to America in 1901, locating in Chicago, Illinois, where he worked at his trade. In 1903 he came west and located in Calexico, where he followed his vocation for some years. In 1914, he became connected with Harvey McCollough in business. He has' thirty acres near Calexico and one hundred and sixty acres east of Calexico, which he disposed of. When the first canals were put through the Valley Mr. Anderson was identified with Mr. Rockwood and assisted in surveying. He was for three years connected with this work. Previous to taking an interest with his present partner, Mr. Anderson conducted a blacksmith shop and did general repairing and did much work for the water company and all over the Valley. The firm are increasing their scope of operations as rapidly as possible. CEYETANO BELENDEZ. Prominently identified with the active and enterprising business men of Calexico, is Ceyetano Belendez. He is a man of ability and is numbered among the substantial men of Imperial County. He is successfully engaged in the Mexican brokerage and transfer business, with offices in Calexico. Mr. Belendez acquired his education in Mexico. His birth occurred at Laredo, August 14, 1886. In 1915 he came to Imperial County, engaging in his present business, which has grown to be one of the leading and representative firms of Calexico which make a specialty of custom house business. The business was incorporated under the laws of California in 1917, and Mr. Belendez is president of the corporation. He was united in marriage to Ernestine Campbell, a native of Mexico, January 4, 1908. To

348 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY this union were born five children: Ygnacio, born February 7, 1909; Lidia, born August 3, 1910; Ceyetano, born July 4, 1912; Estella, born March 31, 1914, and Virginia, born February 21, 1917. Mr. Belendez's father was a prominent merchant at Laredo for many years. The family come from representative stock and date back many years. Mr. Belendez's mother passed away in March, 1900.

DAVID ROY KINCAID has been actively and successfully identified with the business interests of Calexico since 1915. He was born in Illinois, November 6, 1881, and acquired his education in the public and high schools of National City, where his parents removed in 1887. Mr. Kincaid came to the Imperial Valley in 1903, and followed engineering from 1903 to 1914. In 1915 he established the Calexico Lumber Company with Harry Schneider. Energy and well-directed ambition, guided by sound and practical business judgment, have constituted the foundation upon which this firm has built its success. Politically, Mr. Kincaid is a Republican. He was united in marriage to Miss Delia Barnes of Los Angeles, California, October 26, 1912. Two children have been born : Joseph R., born July 17, 1913, and Barbara Lucile, born September 1, 1917. Mr. Kincaid is a supporter of public movements for the betterment of Calexico and Imperial County generally. MARCUS W. BATES is a man of genial personality and keen business ability. He is numbered among the representative and enterprising business men of Imperial County. His birth occurred in Moline, Michigan, April 18, 1878, a son of Ward B. and Emma Bates. Marcus W. acquired his education in the public schools of his native town. He was actively engaged in the cantaloupe business in Indiana, Alabama and Texas, for a period of ten years. Mr. Bates came to California and to the Imperial Valley in 1907. He followed the cantaloupe business for one year when he became identified with Edgar Brothers for a time. He then followed ranching for eighteen months, when he again became connected with Edgar Brothers. He was manager of the Seeley store for about three years, and in March, 191 5, took the management of the Calexico store. Air. Bates was united in marriage to Miss Helen Mach of San Diego, California, February 19, 1915. Mr. Bates is well and favorably known in the business life of Calexico and Imperial



Count)', and has gained the good will and esteem of all who have in any way been associated with him, both in a business and social way. HARRY E. DALY, proprietor of the Brawley Bottling Works, which was established November i, 1916, was born in Troy, New York, October 10, 1878, a son of Judson and Mary Daly. His parents removed to the State of Georgia, where Harry E. acquired his education. After finishing his schooling. Mr. Daly became connected with the brewery bottling business for a number of years. To improve his knowledge in this particular line he entered Hanky's brewery school and laboratory institute. He then took a position with the Milwaukee Waukesha Brewing Company, where he remained for a number of years. Then he became associated with the Independent Brewing Association. In November, 1916, he established business in Brawley and during the season of 1917 he put out 18,000 cases of soft drink beverages, shipped largely through-

out the Valley. Fraternally Mr. Daly is a member of the Eagles lodge of Aberdeen, Washington, where he was identified with the same business. When Mr. Daly was connected with the Milwaukee Waukesha Company he cut the cost in 2000-barrel lots from seventy-two cents per barrel to forty-three cents. For fifteen years he was secretary of the United Brewers' Union of America. Mr. Daly was married to Miss Pearl M. Sawyer, a native of Montana, in 1901. Their one son, Harry A., was born May 3, 1914. Mr. Daly is a public-spirited man and a loyal booster for Imperial Valley. BURRE H. LIEN. The selection of any individual to fill an important position is naturally an evidence of that person's ability and efficiency. Mr. Lien has been appointed, and is now filling the important office as receiver of the United States Land Office at El Centro. His birth occurred at Spirit Lake, Iowa, December 21, 1859, a son of Hans J. and Gertrude Lien. His parents removed to Iowa in 1853 and were among the pioneer farmers of that state. Mr. Lien's parents were natives of Norway. He acquired his education in the public schools and later attended the normal school of Mankato, Minnesota. At the age of twenty Mr. Lien removed to South Dakota and followed farming. He served as deputy county recorder from 1883 to 1886. He served as probate judge and from 1886 to 1891 he was county recorder of Brook-

3SO HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ings County. Removing to Sioux Falls, he engaged in the real estate business. Mr. Lien was elected mayor of Sioux Falls and served for a period of two years and during his office he was president of the State Board of Charities and Corrections of South Dakota from 1898 to 1900 He was a nominee in 1900 for the office of governor of his state. During his residence in South Dakota Mr. Lien was actively identified in making public improvements. He donated what is known as Lien Park, which is a very valuable amusement park in Sioux Falls. He followed the real estate husiness previous to coming to Imperial County and in 191 1 engaged in that vocation in El Centro, continuing up to the time he was appointed receiver of the land office here. In politics Mr Lien is a Democrat. Fraternally he is a thirty-second degree Mason, being a member of the Scottish Rite and a Shriner. While a resident of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, he went both ways in Masonry. He is a charter member of the Commandery of El Centro. Mr. Lien was married at Brookings, South Dakota, May 15, 1881, to Miss Anne Udseth, a daughter of Louis and Olena Udseth, pioneers of South Dakota, both deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Lien have been born five children : George O., born August 9, 1884, a civil engineer with the Southern Pacific Railroad and Imperial Irrigation District; Florence, wife of Frank A. Fostick, born September 25, 1887, residing in South Dakota; Agnes wife of Calvin Mousseau, born February 20, 1889, a resident of Minneapolis, Minnesota; Harold V., born February 28, 1891, a member of Company H, 364th Infantry; Eva M., born September 26, 1897, a student in the State Normal in Los Angeles. Mr. Lien's father fought all through the Civil War. DAVID W. SNEATH was born in Longmont, Colorado, December 13, 1887, son of Henry and Mary (Jones)l Sneath. His father was identified with the D. & R. G. Railroad for many years. David acquired

his education in the public schools. He followed ranching for a time. He spent eighteen months in Laramie, Wyoming, and in April, 1913, he associated himself with the Holton Power Company. He was advanced by his company and is now the manager of the ice plant at. Calexico. This position he has held for four years to the satisfaction of his company. Fraternally Mr. Sneath is affiliated with the I. O. O. F., the K. of P. and the Moose lodge of Calexico. He was united in mar-



riage November 6, 1913, to Miss Bernice Beard, a native of Illinois, and daughter of E. C. and Captolia Beard. Socially Mr. and Mrs. Sneath are active in club and social affairs in Calexico, and his wife is a member of the Rebekah lodge. Mr. Sneath has a small ranch of six acres which he has brought up to a high state of cultivation and makes a specialty of truck gardening and fruit growing. MRS. ELIZABETH STEPHENS. The Imperial Valley's history has been developed by men and women who first settled it ; more pages are constantly being added by the same pioneers and by others who have come later. It is to the agriculturists of this community that the growth and development of this section is due. Prominent among the residents of Seeley is Mrs. Elizabeth Stephens, who owns three hundred and twenty acres of land. Her husband, Isaac W. Stephens, died July 11, 1906, and was buried in the family cemetery at Newport, Arkansas. Mr. Stephens was an enterprising and prosperous rancher of Arkansas and he gained a well established place in popular confidence and esteem. He was reared in the South and was afforded a good education and attended the Arkansas College. He was a prominent planter and stockman, and came from one of the first families in the South. He was a loyal husband and father and did all in his power for his family whom he cherished. Mr. Stephens was united in marriage March 30, 1889, and to this union were born seven children: Mary Harriet, residing in Seeley ; Isaac W., in the United States service ; Oram Datus, Gladys, Donald H., Louise, wife of William Hoyt Colgate of San Diego, California, now serving in the United States Army, and Elberta L. CHARLES W. BROWN. While not one of the first settlers of Imperial County, Charles W. Brown of Calipatria has the honor of being appointed the first postmaster of that place and has held the office continuously since the town was started, April 1, 1914. Mr. Brown came to the county in 1909, and has witnessed many striking and phenomenally rapid changes. He is now the owner of a 160-acre homestead, which has been brought up to a high state of cultivation, and Mr. Brown is considered one of the reliable ranchers of his community. He was the first man to plant a vineyard in his locality. Charles W. Brown was

S2 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY born in Lamar, Missouri, October 22, 1872, a son of Charles H. and Emma (Wills) Brown. His parents are both deceased and buried in the family plot at Lamar, Missouri. The family are of old English origin and the first of the Brown family to come to America was Brigham Brown, who came in the Mayflower. Mr. Brown's father was a banker of Lamar, Missouri, and was a pioneer of that locality, but his grandfather and great-grandfather were prominent Baptist clergymen. The subject of this sketch acquired his education in the William Jewel College of Liberty, Missouri, and the New York Military Academy, which he left at the age of twenty years. Returning to his native town, Charles W. became identified with banking in his father's bank. He later started the First National Bank at Tulsa, Oklahoma, which was the second bank started in the Indian Territory, and Mr. Brown was named by the Indians "Taneha," which means a "good fellow." Remaining in Tulsa for sixteen years, Mr. Brown came direct to Imperial County and took the position as assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Imperial. He also served as police judge for a period of one year. Leaving Imperial, Mr. Brown was the first man in Cahpatna. Fraternally Mr. Brown is a member of the B. P. O. E. No. 946 of Tulsa Oklahoma. He married at Rialto, California, August 18, 1914, Babe'tte Gagel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gagel. Mrs. Brown's mother is deceased and is buried at Rialto, California, and her father is an orange grower of that place. Mr. Brown's grandfather, Abel Brown, was killed as the result of a riot when he was preaching the doctrines of abolition. The subject of this review served as captain of Company C, Second Missouri Regiment, during the Spanish-American war. WILLIAM A. McCUNE. In reviewing the careers of those men prominently concerned in the industrial and agricultural life of Imperial County, specific mention must be made of William A. McCune, whose excellent ranching property of one hundred and forty-five acres adjoins the city of Seeley. He has erected permanent buildings and is raising alfalfa quite extensively, and improving all the time. Mr. McCune is also proprietor of the Seeley Garage and occupies a prominent place among the business men of the town. He was born at Goldendale, Washington, October 31, 1886, a son of James A. and Etta (Ribbs)



McCune, a pioneer sheepman of the coast and now makes his home at Delesa, California. Mr. McCune received his education in the public and high schools. For four years he followed civil engineering in Oregon and Idaho. Removing to San Diego, he took a course in electrical and mechanical engineering. Coming to Seeley, he purchased a ranch and in 1917 became proprietor of the Seeley Garage. Fraternally Mr.

McCune is a member of the K. of P. of El Centro. He married at National City, California, October 7, 1912, Miss Alice E. Atwater, daughter of Horace Atwater. In his political affiliations he votes for the man always, irrespective of party. WALTER SCOTT CAMPBELL is prominently and actively associated with the business interests of Brawley, California, and is a partner in one of the finest and most profitable grocery stores in Southern California, since its organization in 1916. He was born in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, May 1, 1869, a son of Lindsay H. and Jennett M. (Thompson )l Campbell, both deceased. Mr. Campbell's father is buried at Tower City, Pennsylvania, while his mother was buried at Ratoon, New Mexico. The family came from Scotland to America previous to the Revolutionary war. Mr. Campbell received a limited education. Early in life he worked in the mines of Pennsylvania. At the age of eighteen he started to learn the grocery business. This vocation he followed all his life, clerking in various stores throughout the country. Coming to Brawley he followed the grocery business, and in 1916 he formed a co-partnership with Mr. E. C. Schelling. Progressive and far-sighted, Mr. Campbell was one of those who saw the future of Brawley, and he purchased six acres of land which is in the city limits. Politically he is a Democrat, but has never aspired for office. Fraternally he is affiliated with the K. of P. of Brawley. Mr. Campbell was married at Gallup, New Mexico, April 14, 1896, to Miss Lennie Bolton, and to this union have been born two children : George L., born January 25, 1897, assistant timekeeper at the Old Dominion Copper Company at Globe, Arizona, and Naomi Madeline, born October 22, 1899. Mr. Campbell is in every sense of the word a selfmade man. Starting out in life as a poor boy without financial assistance, or the aid of influential friends, he has, by his own efforts, risen to be one of the representative business men of Imperial County.

354 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY AUSTIN J. DURAND. A prominent representative of the mercantile business of Seeley is Austin J. Durand, who has been proprietor of the Seeley Cash Store since February, 1916. Mr. Durand was born at Turner, Illinois, now Chicago, July 4, 1876, a son of David J. and Martha S. (Gorton) Durand, both deceased and buried in Portland, Oregon. The subject of this review acquired his education in the schools of Portland, where he graduated in 1894. He engaged in the dry goods business for a time and then embarked in the hardware business until he came to Imperial County in 1915. The following year he engaged in the general merchandise business and is meeeting with every success. Politically Mr. Durand is affiliated with the Republican party, but he has never aspired to public office. He has been a prominent factor in the development of the thriving town of Seeley. Fraternally Mr. Durand is a Royal Arch Mason and holds membership in El Centro Lodge. He was married in Portland, Oregon, June 30, 1909, to Miss Mary Ethel Fraser. He has a wide acquaintance and is a man of excellent business capacities, and is held in high respect as a man and citizen. SALVADOR CREEL. While he did not come to the Imperial Valley among the pioneers, Salvador Creel has so conducted his affairs that

he holds a prominent position among his fellow citizens, and has developed his property near Calipatria to a greater extent than many who preceded him to this section. At present he is a director of the North End Water Company, and a delegate of the North End in the committee now working with the Irrigation District to insure the Valley of an ample and constant water supply. He is general manager of the Calipatria Land and Cattle Company, and has under cultivation six hundred and forty acres of highly cultivated land. Mr. Creel is a native of Mexico, and was born in Chihuahua August 30, 1890, a son of H. Enrique, former ambassador to the United States, and Angela (Terrazas) Creel. The subject of this review was reared and received his preliminary education in Mexico, after which he entered Agricultural College at Ames, Iowa, taking the agricultural and mechanical arts course. Leaving college in 1910, he returned to Mexico and took the management of eight thousand acres of wheat and corn land and at the same time Mr. Creel was identified with the banking house of Creel



Brothers in the City of Mexico, up to 1913. He then made a visit to California and later visited El Paso, Texas, for one year. In 191 5, returning to California, he became identified with Imperial County. Mr. Creel's parents made their home in Los Angeles and are of old Mexican origin. Mr. Creel has manifested a commendable interest in all matters pertaining to the county's welfare and gives his support to all hiovements which he believes will be of a beneficial nature. THOMAS ALLEN HOWARD has been prominently identified with the business interests of Seeley since October, 1914. Mr. Howard was born in Nashville, Tennessee, February 27, 1872, son of James and Uzebie (McDonald) Howard. His father was a prominent farmer of his locality and was largely identified with the mule brokerage business of that state. The family dates back to Revolutionary stock and were prominent in various ways in the South. Thomas A. received his education in the public schools of McKinney, Texas, where his parents removed when Thomas was young. At an early age he assisted his father on the home ranch for a few years. He eventually came west and located in San Diego, California. He followed various vocations while there and in 1899 Mr. Howard went in the mountains, raising cattle in partnership with Adolph Levi until 1904. Mr. Howard then became identified with his brother, J. A. Howard, in the same business. This co-partnership continued until 1910, Mr. Howard remaining in the mountains all the time. October 1, 1914, he engaged in the meat business in Seeley, with William Kuntler. The firm own their own modern building and the latest and most improved machinery was installed. Mr. Howard with his brother owns a small ranch near Seeley. Politi-

cally Mr. Howard is a Democrat, but has never aspired for office. He was married in Phoenix, Arizona, December 17, 1914, to Miss Rhoda Pittman of Danville, Kentucky. To Mr. and Mrs. Howard was born one daughter, Katherine, born December 4, 191 5. BARON B. MASTICK is one of the representative men of Imperial County. Previous to coming to this community he was connected with the stock business in Iowa, and had much to do with the advancement of the section of Iowa in which he resided. His birth occurred in East Claridon, Ohio, August 22, 1844, a son of Nathaniel and Louisa

356 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY (Bradley) 1 Mastick. The family came from Vermont and Connecticut and are descendents from General Bradley of Revolutionary fame. Mr. Mastick's brother, Erman E.. fought in the Civil war and was captain of Company K, Second Iowa Infantry. Baron B., the subject of this review, received his education in his native state, attending the public schools. He later entered Hiram College. Finishing his education, he clerked for a period of three years. Later he removed to Harlan, Iowa, where he engaged in the stock business. He served as county recorder for four years. Disposing of his realty holdings in Iowa, he went to Nebraska, where he bought and shipped livestock and grain for fifteen years. Mr. Mastick spent three winters in Imperial County before he located in Seeley permanently, which was in 1912. He owns, with his son, Fred E., one hundred and fourteen acres, and has improved his land and raises cotton, corn, alfalfa and hogs. Politically Mr. Mastick is a Progressive-Republican. He was married at Painsville, Ohio, April 24, 1867, to Miss Jennie E. Sisson, a daughter of Augustus L. and Elizabeth (Warner) Sisson. Mr. and Mrs. Mastick celebrated their golden wedding in 1917. Their two sons are Fred E., born December 21, 1879, in the hardware business at Seeley; and Claire S., born in 1883, in the United States Army, at present stationed in the transportation department at Fort Kearny, California. Mr. Mastick has been identified with the business interests of Seeley since 1914, and has been engaged in the insurance line since that time. CARL PETREE has been identified with the Union Oil Company of California as managing agent for Brawley since June 1, 1917. He came to Imperial County October 19, 191 1, and was born in Greenfield, Iowa, February 10, 1894. He is the son of Joseph and Fredericka (Augustin) Petree. His father was a pioneer farmer in Iowa and now resides in Oklahoma. The subject of this sketch acquired his education in the public schools of Oklahoma. At the age of seventeen he left the State Normal School of Edmond, Oklahoma. Mr. Petree came to California and located in Brawley. Here he found employment at various vocations until he became associated with the Union Oil Company. His first position was wagon salesman, and, owing to his business ability, he was promoted to his present position, which he has filled to the entire satisfaction of his company. Mr. Petree was married in Los An-



geles, California, August i6, 1916, to Miss Helen C. Sullivan. Mr. Petree's family are of old American origin and his grandfather, on his mother's side, fought in the Civil war. Mr. Petree is also interested in farming in Imperial County. THOMAS P. DALY. In the rapidly developing section of Lower California "Progress" seems to be the watchword, and no one seems better suited to bear the standard than Thomas P. Daly. He has contributed much to that part of California. In addition to his position of responsibility, the interests which he represents have honored him with positions of trust, specially showing their belief in his personal integrity in making him president and general manager of the Imperial Development Company S. A., which comprise the Cudahy holdings, comprising sixteen thousand acres of land in Lower California. Mr. Daly is a native of Chicago, Illinois; his birth occurred August 19, 1888, son of Patrick and Rosalie M. (Molitor) Daly. His father was born in Connecticut, and his mother is a native of Luxemburg. Thomas P. Daly acquired his education in the public and high schools of Chicago, Illinois, after which he took a business course. After the completion of his business course, he accepted a position in accounting and construction work for various firms in Chicago. Coming to Imperial Valley in 191 1, he started development work and farming for the Cudahy interests. Owing to revolutionary disturbances, the early development work in the property was retarded and delayed. Active development was resumed in 1913, and has been continued to date. During the 1918 season close to 7000 acres are under intensive cultivation, over 5000 acres of which are planted to Durango long staple cotton. This special type of Durango cotton was started in 1914, and since that year Mr. Daly has been selecting and improving the seed stock and now it commands fancy premiums. In addition to the cotton a highly developed hog department is operated, raising many hundred of Duroc Jersey hogs every year. A poultry and dairy department is also in active operation. The ranch also raises all the feed required for the 325 horses and mules used on the ranch. The subject of this review has been identified with the Cudahy interests nearly eight years and was united in marriage November, 1913, to Miss Rith Carroll of Chicago, Illinois, a daughter of George and Bridget Carroll, both residents of Calexico.

358 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Her father has been prominently identified as a builder contractor in the east. To Mr. and Mrs. Daly have been born two children : Virginia Rose, born December 16, 1914, and Thomas P. Jr., born July 8, 1917. Noteworthy among the positions Mr. Daly holds is president of the Lower California Agricultural Association, comprising most of the American growers in Lower California. He is president of the Imperial Delta Cotton Association, which is a co-operative marketing association. Fraternally Mr. Daly is a member of the Knights of Columbus of Chicago, Illinois. He is a type of the sterling, broad-minded and far-

seeing men who have made the gratifying history of Lower California. His ability and business acumen have given him a high place in the regard of his fellow men. WILLIAM C. EATON. The selection of any individual to fill an important position is naturally an evidence of that person's ability and efficiency. The standard of excellence among railroad men all over the country is being constantly raised and the Southern Pacific Railroad is fortunate in having for its passenger and freight agent William C. Eaton, who has held this important position at Brawley, California, since 1905. Mr. Eaton was born in Cleveland, New York, May 26, 1877, a son of William H. and Arvilla (Rice) Eaton. The family were among the first to settle in Massachusetts, and Mr. Eaton's ancestors took part in the Revolutionary war. His father died September 10, 1910, at the age of fifty-eight years and is buried in Galesburg, Michigan. Mr. Eaton's mother is still living and resides in Galesburg,. Mr. Eaton acquired his education in the public and high schools of Galesburg, Michigan, graduating from the latter in 1895. He studied telegraphy and accepted a position in the Michigan Central Railroad, holding this position until 1900. At the outbreak of the Spanish-American war he volunteered as telegraph operator during the period of the war in the signal corps. Coming to California, he became identified with the Southern Pacific Railroad as operator ; this position he held until he was promoted to his present position as passenger and freight agent at Brawley, California. Mr. Eaton is identified with ranching and owns eighty acres, on which is grown grain. Mr. Eaton gives his personal supervision to his ranch, which brings good financial results. Mr. Eaton serves as president of the Board of Trustees of the Brawley



high school. Fraternally he is a Mason, holding membership in the Blue Lodge of Brawley. He was married at Fennville, Michigan, June 1 8, 1902, to Miss Allie Goodrich, a daughter of George F. and Annah (Whitbeck) Goodrich. Her father's death occurred in December, 1911, at the age of fifty-seven years, and her mother resides at Fennville, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton have two children : Venola M., born September 8, 1904, and Georgiana, born August 13, 1911. DENVER D. PELLET. No better example of what may be accomplished by the man of energy and enterprise may be found in Imperial County than the career of Denver D. Pellet of Brawley, who is now serving as assistant postmaster. Since 191 2, given the gift to recognize and appreciate the opportunities that have presented themselves, he has also possessed the courage to grasp them and the ability to carry his ventures through to a successful conclusion. Mr. Pellet and his sister Nellie came to Imperial Valley in November, 1902, and were among the first settlers here in this section. Mr. Pellet was born in Kilburn City, Wisconsin, February 13, 1875, a son of Edward E. and Aura

(Sweet) Pellet, both deceased and buried in Monrovia, California. The family are of French origin and the great-grandfather, Ezra Pellet, settled in the Prairie du Chien country in Wisconsin. Mr. Pellet received his education in Jetmore, Kansas, and left school at the age of seventeen. He learned the printer's trade and followed this vocation in many cities before coming to Imperial County. On his arrival here he edited the Imperial Press ; this position he held for several months. He removed to Brawley when the town was laid out and purchased some lots. In conjunction with farming Mr. Pellet engaged in newspaper work until 1909, when he again removed to Imperial and took the editorial management of The Press. He moved the plant to El Centro, which is now the Imperial Valley Press. In September, following the county seat election, Mr. Pellet engaged in the job business for eighteen months. He then returned to Brawley to look after his ranch interests, remaining on the ranch until he took his present position as assistant postmaster. Mr. Pellet assisted in organizing the board of trustees of El Centro with J. Stanley Brown. His sister has been postmaster of Brawley since 1907. After completing her studies in Harlan, Iowa, she taught school for several years in Iowa, and for two years served as

360 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY official stenographer in the Circuit Court of the Seventh District in Kansas. Politically Mr. Pellet is a Democrat. He was united in marriage at Imperial, California, with Ella May Mead, April 12, 1903, daughter of Edwin and Belle Mead, pioneers of Imperial Valley. Mr. Pellet's daughters: Margaret Eloise, was born at El Centro, California, February 16, 1907, and Elizabeth May, was born at Ontario, California, March 21, 191 1. HERMAN ANTHOLZ As an extensive cotton broker of Imperial Valley, Herman Antholz is actively and prominently associated with one of the most profitable industries of California, and may well be classed as one who is contributing his full share towards the advancement of the state's best interests. Mr. Antholz is recognized as one of the most substantial and influential business men of Calexico. He is a native of Bremen, Germany, and was born October 1, 1884, son of August and Lina Antholz. The subject of this review acquired his education in the schools of Germany and France. Completing his studies in the latter country he returned to his native city and there became identified with the cotton business where he remained eight years. Returning to France, he was engaged in the same business for three years. He made various trips to England and in 1909, he came to America and located in Decatur, Alabama, where he was also interested in the cotton business. Mr. Antholz spent five summers in New York City, and in 1914, he came to California and located in Calexico, where he maintains spacious offices and deals in cotton. He ships extensively all over the United States and to the Orient. On an average he handles twelve thousand bales annually. Mr. Antholz was united in marriage to Miss Maud Hackey Haskell, a native of Los Angeles, California, March 3, 1917. Her ancestors are from colonial stock and among the prominent families of New England. To Mr. and Mrs. Antholz has been born one daughter, Jane, born November 10, 1917. Mr. Antholz has carried on successful agricultural operations in Lower California, but has disposed of his holdings and confines his efforts to his lifelong

business. While a student in France, he played three quarters on a college team which on several occasions played England. He is a progressive citizen in every sense of the word and gives his support to movements that will better conditions in Imperial County.

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ALLEN R. FERGUSON. Allen Robert Ferguson is a splendid example of the men of courage and enterprising spirit. In 1907 the present site of Seeley was not even under cultivation, and in 1912 it had risen to the rank of a third-class postoffice. This remarkable growth was largely due to the foresight of Mr. Ferguson, who saw the necessity of a town somewhere near the present site of Seeley. He divided his holdings into town lots and laid off streets and sold most of the lots in the townsite. Mr. Ferguson's birth occurred in Wayne County, West Virginia, December 14, 1867, a son of Jefferson and Cornelia (Smith) Ferguson. His father was a native of West Virginia, and his mother was born in Virginia. In the parents' family were ten children. He was reared and acquired his education in his native state. At the age of twenty-two he came to California and engaged in the horticultural business in San Diego, where he remained for a period of fifteen years. In 1907 Mr. Ferguson came to Imperial County and took up one hundred and sixty acres of land and put on the townsite of Seeley. In 191 1 the Seeley postoffice was established, through Mr. Ferguson's efforts, and in one year it was rated as a third-class office. Mr. Ferguson served as the first postmaster. The town was laid out on a generous plan, all streets being eighty feet wide. Mr. Ferguson was united in marriage to Miss Olive Peters, daughter of John N. and Nancy R. (Harris) Peters, her father being a native of Kentucky, and the mother of Virginia. Mrs. Ferguson was born in Wayne County, West Virginia, and was a teacher in the public schools previous to her marriage. To Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson have been born five children, four of whom are deceased. Their daughter, Olivia Roberta, was born July 21, 1913. Fraternally Mr. Ferguson is identified with the Masonic Lodge of El Centro, and is a Knight Templar. He is also a member of the Shrine of San Diego. Mr. Ferguson has attained success, and through his efforts and by the co-operation of his wife he has attained a place among the representative men of Imperial County. He stands today an excellent example of what may be termed a self-made man. Mr. Ferguson has financial interests and maintains a fine summer home in Bur-

bank, California. CHRIS H. MEIER. Ambition, energy and progressive spirit have brought Chris H. Meier to be regarded as a representative business

362 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY man of Imperial County. He needs no introduction to the people of the Valley, as he has become favorably known as the proprietor of the King Cotton Bakery and Restaurant of Calexico. He is probably the first baker to come to the county. He took up his residence in 1906 and located in Calexico. He was born at sea, his father being a sailor for many years. Mr. Meier enlisted as a private in Company K, Twentyfirst Regular Infantry, on the 4th of August, 1884. He saw service for five years and received an honorable discharge on the 3rd day of August, 1889. He fought in the Indian wars in Colorado, and during one battle, which took place thirty miles from Fort Lewis, he was cut across the throat and injured in the leg. While in the service he attended school and by the aid of friends in New York, he learned the bakery trade in Williamsburg, New York. He followed this vocation all over the country and while in Denver he enlisted. Mr. Meier operated three shops in Los Angeles previous to coming to Imperial County. He erected the building in Calexico where he has a most modern bakery and restaurant. SEBE T. ROBINSON is one of the men who are making their influence felt in Imperial County. Through perseverance and industry he has accomplished results. Mr. Robinson has served as postmaster at Seeley since February 25, 1915. He was born in Greenville, Tennessee, June 11, 1879, a son of Allen G. and Nannie (McKnabb) Robinson. His father followed agriculture, and died in 1901, at the old homestead in Tennessee. His mother is still living and resides in Greenville, Tenessee, on the same farm. The ancestors of Mr. Robinson came to this country previous to the Revolutionary war. The subject of this biographical sketch received his education in Greenville, Tennessee, and later was a student at Tusculum College, in Tenessee, where he received the degree of A. B. in 1900. He then taught school for one year. Coming to California, he located in Los Angeles and engaged in the fruit business for about four years. For three years he became identified with mining; he prospected and was in charge of a mine employing a number of men. Coming to Imperial County to look over the situation, he determined to cast his lot with this county, and the following winter he brought cattle in and by hard and faithful labor was successful in his undertaking. Following the cattle business for about

BIOGRAPHICAL 363 two and one-half years, he then engaged in general contracting work under the firm name of the Seeley Transfer Company, of which he is part owner. Mr. Robinson owns two hundred acres of the most valuable land in his section. He devoted his land largely to the growing of cotton. Mr. Robinson manifests a warm interest in every public improvement or effort towards the welfare of the people of his section,

and he commands the good will of all who know him. Politically Mr. Robinson is a Democrat and is now serving as justice of the peace. Fraternally he is a member of the K. of P. of El Centro. He was married at Ramona. California, December 25, 1913, to Louise Murillo, and their one son, Allen Temple, was born August 29, 1916. WILLIAM K. WALKER. Prominent among the business men of Calexico is William K. Walker, who is a type of the modern and up-todate successful men of affairs. He was born in Edison Park, Illinois, now a suburb of Chicago, June 16, 1893, son of Joseph W. and Florence A. Walker. His father is a musician of note and has been identified with various musical organizations throughout the country. He served as president of the Musicians' Union in various cities, and is now a resident of Oakland, California. Mr. Walker's mother has occupied a prominent place among the portrait artists in the east, having been identified with various firms in Chicago. William K. attended the public and high schools of Denver, where his parents lived previous to coming to the coast. Finishing his education, he took up photography and worked for the De Lux Studio in Denver. Mr. Walker spent the summer of 1910 in Imperial Valley and then returned to Denver. In 1 914 he returned to the Valley and engaged in business in El Centro. July 1, 1917, he purchased the Sunset Studio in Calexico and makes a specialty of portrait work and enlarging. He also has every facility for doing commercial work. He was married to Miss Merle M. Knights, June 16, 1915. The grandfather and grandmother on Mr. Walker's father's side were natives of Leeds, England. Mr. Walker has taken a prominent place among the business citizens of Calexico. JAMES A. SHEFFIELD. One of the leading representatives of business interests of Brawley is James A. Sheffield, manager of the Imperial Valley Hardware Company of Brawley, California, since July,

364 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 1913. This institution is one of the largest, best-conducted and most successful business houses in Imperial County. Mr. Sheffield was born at Salome Spring, Benton County, Arkansas, March 2, 1870, son of George W. and Frances (Walker) 1 Sheffield, both deceased and buried near Silome Spring, Arkansas. Mr. Sheffield's family comes from old Scotch ancestry and came to America before the Revolutionary war. Mr. Sheffield's father fought in the Civil war on the side of the Confederacy. James A. acquired his education in the schools of Arkansas and assisted on the home farm. Early in life he came west and located at Jerome, Arizona, where he found employment in a general merchandise store. Here he remained for some years, previous to coming to Imperial Valley. In politics he is a Democrat, but has never aspired to office. Fraternally Mr. Sheffield is affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of the World. He was united in marriage in Jerome, Arizona, August, 1899, to Miss Verone M. Harris. To this union have been born three children : Cora A., George H., and Charles N. Mr. Sheffield has the confidence and high regard of all those who know him and his standing in the community is such as to justify his representation in the first history of Imperial County. HENRY DIEFFENBACHER. In reviewing the careers of the men

prominently concerned in the business life of Imperial County, mention should be made of Henry Dieffenbacher, who came to the Valley in November, 1914, and has been identified with the meat business in Calipatria since October 13, 1917. He was born in Eppingen, Baden, Germany, September 17, 1863, and received his education in his native land. In 1880, he came to America and has been a citizen of the United States since 1892. He has followed the butcher business in various parts of the country for many years. In 1882 he came to California, and in 1888 he engaged first in business for himself in Benicia, after working at his trade in that city for nearly three years. He engaged in business at Aroyo Grande, California, where he remained four years. Mr. Dieffenbacher then removed to Arizona and remained one year. Coming to Imperial County, he took over ten acres of land and erected a slaughter house on the place at Calipatria. Here he remained for a time and then engaged in business in Mexicali for eighteen months. Returning to Calipatria he opened his present store and has met with gratifying success.


BIOGRAPHICAL 365 ALBERT RICHARD HEMS. Conspicuous among the young, capable and ambitious business men of Imperial County is numbered Albert Richard Hems. He was born in England, December 7, 1882, son of Henry and Sarah (Glover) Hems. He acquired his education in his native land and at an early age he came to America and settled in Troy, N. Y., where he found employment in the Burden Iron Works. Here he remained five years. He then visited his sister in Newport, Ky., and later went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and worked in Elmwood, a suburb of Cincinnati, for one year. He then went to Indianapolis, where he worked in a machine shop for one year. Later he removed to Toledo, Ohio, and late in 1907 he went to Salem, Oregon, and remained about two years, going to San Francisco and then to Phoenix, Arizona. In 1910 he worked for George Stevens in San Bernardino, remaining for two years at the undertaking business. Mr. Hems then went to New York City and studied embalming, graduating in 1914 from the Renouard Embalming School, and after completing his course he returned to the Coast and located in Long Beach, California, where he became identified with J. J. Mottell, who is engaged in the undertaking business. Here Mr. Hems remained two years. He then worked for W. H. Sutch and Bresee Bros., in Los Angeles. He then came to Calexico, engaging in the undertaking business and has one of the best equipped parlors and chapels in the county. He also has a modern automobile hearse. Fraternally, Mr. Hems is a member of the Moose Lodge. He was married January 16, 1917, to Miss Lena Rawlings, a daughter of Frank and Elizabeth Rawlings. Her parents are both deceased and were among the old residents of England. To Mr. and Mrs. Hems was born one son, Allen Richard, born November 9, 1917. While a resident of Salem, Oregon, Mr. Hems was a member of Company M, Oregon National Guard. The family is active in the Methodist Church of Calexico. Mr. Hems' parents are both deceased and were of English descent. Mrs. Hems has six brothers in the present war, four

in France and two in Egypt. Mr. and Mrs. Hems have won an extensive circle of warm friends in Calexico and Imperial County. HARRY A. STAUB, is an excellent example of the progressive business men who are making Imperial County, and he is recognized as one of the men of this community who are conversant with the most ap-

366 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY proved business methods. Mr. Staub has been manager of Varney Brothers store at Brawley since April, 1914. He was born in Greenville, Illinois, May 26, 1883, and is a son of H. H. and Jennie C. (Colcord) Staub. His father died in June, 1910, and is buried in Greenville, Illinois. Mr. Staub's mother makes her home in Brawley with her son, Harry A. Mr. Staub received his education in the public schools of his native town, after which he took a business course. Leaving school he became identified with W. W. Hussong, where he learned the grocery business, remaining six years. Mr. Staub came west with his employers and located in the Valley. Mr. Staub engaging with Stahl Brothers for some years, and also worked for Varney Brothers. Mr. Staub then engaged in the grocery business for himself for two years, after which he sold out to Varney Brothers, and Mr. Staub took the management which position he still holds and is a stockholder in that concern. Mr. Staub owned a ranch near Brawley, which he sold in February, 191 8. In politics, Mr. Staub is a Progressive-Republican. Fraternally he is a Mason, being a member of Greenville Lodge F. & A. M. Mr. Staub was married August 12, 1910, to Miss Jessie Lee, a daughter of Lewis and Minnie B. Lee. Her father is deceased and her mother resides in Los Angeles. To Mr. and Mrs. Staub have been born one daughter, Rowena Lucille, born February 28, 1913. Mr. Staub takes an active interest in anything for the betterment and advancement of Brawley and Imperial County. EDWIN J. ALLEN is one of the representative business men of Brawley and is identified with the Globe Grain and Milling Company, as assistant manager. This position he has held since 1916. Mr. Allen is a native son, his birth occurring in San Francisco, June 27, 1892, son of William J. and Louey (Hill) Allen. He attended the public schools of San Francisco, and then took a position as clerk for a period of one year, when he then became associated as bookkeeper with the firm of Harron Rickard and McCone, a wholesale and retail machinery firm, remaining with this house until 1913, when he came to Imperial County and became associated with the present concern of which he is now assistant manager. Fraternally, Mr. Allen is affiliated with the Masonic Lodge of El Centro. He was united in marriage in San Francisco to Miss Kay Browning, September 12, 1914, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

BIOGRAPHICAL 367 T. C. Browning, residents of Colton, California. To this union has

been born one son, John Louis Allen, born September 24, 1915. WILLIAM C. ALLEN. The history of Imperial County would be incomplete and unsatisfactory were there failure to make prominent reference to William C. Allen, who has been manager of the Globe Mills, which control eight warehouses, seventeen cotton gins, and one oil mill since 191 1. Mr. Allen is a man of genial personality and keen business ability, and is numbered among the representative, far-sighted and enterprising business men of Southern California. He is a native San Franciscan, his birth occurring in San Francisco June 17, 1886, a son of William J. and Louey (Hill) Allen. William C. Allen acquired his education in the public schools of San Francisco, California. At an early age he started out in life to make his own livelihood and entered the office of Rosenblatt and Company as office boy for a period of four years. He then became a clerk in the Goethe Bank, where he remained until 1908, when he removed to Los Angeles and became identified with Nordlinger & Son as office manager until he came to El Centro. He served with his present company as bookkeeper for only one week; when he was made manager. Fraternally Mr. Allen is a member of the Masonic order, and belongs to the Shrine, and is also a Native Son. DON W. WELLS. Among the men whose enterprise and ability have been active factors in promoting the remarkable growth and prosperity of El Centro and Imperial County in general, is numbered Don W. Wells. He is a native of Worthington, Minnesota, November 13, 1884, a son of John E. and Susan B. (Langdon) Wells. The subject of this sketch acquired his early education in the public schools of Los Angeles, California. At an early age he started to learn mechanical engineering. In 1904 Mr. Wells entered the office of Norman F. Marsh, architect of Los Angeles, California, and has followed his profession continually up to the present time. He has been identified with many of the leading building projects of the valley. Fraternally, he is a Mason and belongs to the Chapter. Mr. Wells was united in marriage in Portland, Oregon, to Miss Anna Nylen, December 23, 1907. To this union have been born a son and daughter, John Emmett and Anna Luella. Mr. Wells' ancestors came from Holland and settled in this country in

368 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 1635 and were among the time-honored and representative families who first settled in the Mohawk Valley, New York. Mr. Wells is eligible to join the Sons of the American Revolution. He concentrates his attention upon his chosen profession, of which he is today a leader in this field. His name adds to the list of those whose names have been farreaching and beneficial in effect that they have influenced many phases of community development. CHARLES N. STAHL. The history of Charles N. Stahl and that of his brothers and two sisters is thoroughly interwoven with the pioneer day history of the great Imperial Valley. Mr. Stahl was born at Winesburg, Ohio, December 11, 1872. His father, Valentine Stahl, was born in the same village and his grandfather, John Stahl, was one of the earliest settlers in Ohio, coming to that state when cities like Cleveland and Columbus were mere hamlets. His mother, Elizabeth Stahl, was born in Switzerland of Swiss and French ancestry. She came to Amer-

ica when she was eight years old and with her husband is still living on the old Stahl homestead. Mr. Stahl received his education in the public schools and also has been a student at the Washington State Agricultural College. He spent ten years of his life in the school room as teacher, teaching in the states of Ohio, Nebraska and Washington. In 1903 Mr. Stahl and several of his brothers came to the Imperial Valley. Of course the entire valley was then an almost absolute desert. The hummocks and creosote bush were thick where Brawley now stands ; a few adobe huts were under construction and a lateral ditch had been constructed as far as Brawley. There was lots of elbow room and optimism permeating everybody, even the Mexican adobe maker seeking shelter from the burning sun behind a stack of adobe bricks, talked of cities and farms. The Stahl Brothers came to Imperial Valley to pioneer and farm. They soon took up some land and leased a great deal more and for several years engaged extensively in farming. When the Colorado River in 1906 went on a rampage, and many of the settlers were in despair, some driving their stock across the mountains to San Diego and coast points, W. F. Holt was giving the people an object lesson in optimism by erecting the present Imperial Valley bank building. It was then that Mr. Stahl and some of his brothers decided to invest their surplus in a mercantile venture. They leased a store room


BIOGRAPHICAL 369 from Mr. Holt and started in the business. The store was a success from the start and soon outgrew its store room capacity. After several years at the old location the store was moved to its present location and has grown to be one of the largest and most up-to-date clothing and dry goods stores in the county. Besides being interested in the mercantile business, Mr. Stahl owns three 80-acre ranches close to Brawley, and with his brothers owns three of the best business blocks in Brawley. Mr. Stahl helped to establish the cantaloupe and vegetable industry at Brawley. He was for several years vice-president of the Imperial Valley Bank. He has always been a Brawley booster and in various ways has helped to make Brawley a better and bigger city. Mr. Stahl was married to Miss Lucy Henderson on December 27, 1913. They have two children : Mary Elizabeth and Charles, Jr. ADOLPH KESSLING. After a long and varied career, during which he has traveled extensively and devoted his energies to numerous lines of endeavor, Adolph Kessling is now one of the leading business men of Calexico, where his progressive and enterprising methods have won success. Mr. Kessling is a native of Germany and was born January 4, 1856. He acquired his education in the schools of his native land and at the age of twenty he went to Russia, where he spent five years. In December, 1881, he came to America. Early in life he learned the meat business and after his arrival in this country he worked in the coal mines for a time. He then followed mining and prospected in

Nevada, California, Arizona and Mexico. In Kansas City he worked in the packing houses and also found employment on the railroads. In Southeastern Missouri he worked at his trade for two years and in Texas he engaged in business for himself. Mr. Kessling was married in Kansas City, Missouri, and removed to Texas the following year. He married Paulina Hausler in December, 1886. Seven children were born of this union, two of whom are dead. The living are Hulda, wife of Charles Freer, residing in Texas ; Adolph, Albert, William and Edwin. The latter is attending school in Brenham, Texas. In March, 1905, Mr. Kessling came to Imperial Valley. He worked for a time and also did much prospecting in this locality and crossed the Colorado Desert from many points. In 1910 he engaged in the meat business in a small way. The business has grown and Mr. Kessling was obliged to change

370 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY his location three times. He now has one of the most modern markets in the Valley and does a wholesale as well as retail business. Mr. Kessling has forty acres of highly cultivated land in the Valley. Fraternally he is a member of the K. of P. of Calexico. WILLIAM F. KEELINE is numbered among the progressive and successful business men of El Centro, California. He has been the proprietor of the Keeline Tent & Manufacturing Company, 443 Main Street, since March, 1916. Mr. Keeline was born in Neleigh, Nebraska, July 31, 1885, a son of Wm. C. and Augusta A. (Gardner) Keeline. He received his education in the public schools at Council Bluffs, Iowa, and at an early age he went to Idaho Springs, Colorado, where he assisted his brother at mining for two years. While in the mining camp he was injured by blasting and left. He then went to Omaha where he became identified with his brother-in-law, who was proprietor of the Omaha Tent and Awning Company (now deceased)'. Mr. Keeline remained in Omaha until he was twenty years of age. He was traveling on the road for some years, and in 1907 he came to Los Angeles from Sacramento, California, where he managed a branch of the Tent & Awning Company for two years. For eighteen months he was engaged as traveling salesman for another concern and then came to El Centro, where he organized the Valley Tent & Awning Company, and held the office of secretary and treasurer, until such time as he disposed of his interests and established the present business. Mr. Keeline was married in Los Angeles, California, April 15, 1907, to Miss Grace ^Williams, a native of Nebraska. Fraternally Mr. Keeline is a member of the K. of P. To Mr. and Mrs. Keeline have been born three children, William C, Albert M., and George A. In all business relations Mr. Keeline has the confidence and regard of all who know him. FRANK J. PEACOCK. One of the most able, progressive and enterprising business men of Imperial County is Frank J. Peacock, proprietor of the Arrowhead Creamery, which was originally established in 1905. He has been actively and successfully identified with the business interests of the county for many years, and is recognized today as the pioneer creamery man of the San Joaquin Valley, and one of the foremost creamery men of southern California. Mr. Peacock erected the



first creamery in the San Joaquin Valley in 1895. He also put up the first creamery in Kings County. He markets his own products and does a wholesale business at 808 E. Fifth Street, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino, California. Mr. Peacock was born in Napa County, March 20, 1872, a son of Joseph and Hannah Peacock. He received his education in the public schools and one of the business colleges of California. At the age of twenty-one he was elected to the office of County Tax Collector of Kings County, which office he held for eight years, during which time he became interested in the creamery business, and erected the creamery in Kings County in 1895. In 1905 Mr. Peacock organized the first National Bank of Lemoore, Kings County, California, and served as president of that institution until 1908, when he removed to San Bernardino and established the creamery in that city, and also in El Centro, California. Fraternally, he is a member of the B. P. O. E. Mr. Peacock has large ranch holdings and is an extensive grower of cotton, alfalfa and corn. In his political views he is a Republican but can always be counted upon to cast his vote for the man, irrespective of party. He was married in San Bernardino, February 4th, 1909, to Miss Alberta Cannon, of Ohio. Mr. Peacock stands today a forceful factor in the improvement of business conditions of El Centro and southern California. The Arrowhead creameries manufacture casein, which is utilized for various manufacturing purposes. Mr. Peacock makes his home at 1001 D Street, San Bernardino, California. HORACE E. ALLATT. After a long and varied career, during which he traveled extensively and devoted his energies to numerous dines of endeavor, Horace E. Allatt is now one of the leading ranchmen of Imperial County, and has held the office as secretary of the North End Water Company since August, 1917. Mr. Allatt was born in Boulogne, France, July g, 1846, a son of Horace and Louise (Grattan) Allatt. His parents came to America in 1850, and in 1854 settled in Norfolk, Virginia, where his father was identified with the tobacco interest of that city. Horace E. acquired his education in Norfolk, Virginia, and left school at an early age during the Civil War. Leaving Virginia at the age of twenty-one, he traveled extensively and followed different vocations. Coming to Imperial County in May, 1902, he served as postmaster in the town of Imperial for nine years. In 191 3 he left



Imperial and engaged in the mercantile business in Calipatria and later went on his ranch of 160 acres, nine miles west of the town. He was made secretary of the North End Water Company in August, 1917, which position he is now holding. Politically, Mr. Allatt is a Republican. Fraternally, he is a Knight Templar and holds membership in the lodge at Riverside, California. Mr. Allatt was married in Chalmers, Indiana, to Miss M. Elizabeth Dobbins, and of this union have been born four children, Walter B., H. Edmund, Lelia, wife of Ben Pittman of Alameda County, and Helen A., wife of Ralph S. Benton of San Diego. Mr. Allatt is numbered among the progressive and enterprising men of Imperial County, and his energies have won him success in his ventures and have established him in the confidence of his fellow citizens. OMAR E. McLANE is actively identified with business interests in El Centro, California. He is a man of excellent ability, sound judgment and good business principles. Mr. McLane is a native of Sommerset, Wabash County, Indiana. His birth occurred February 19, 1884, a son of Grant and Mary (Draper) McLane, now residing in Los Angeles County, where they have spent many years. Omar E. acquired his education in the public schools at Downey, California. At the age of fifteen he entered the Woodbury business college. Completing this course he started to learn the butcher business and eventually engaged in business in Downey, California. Here he remained until he removed to El Centro, where he erected a brick building 25 x 142, which is one of the most complete in equipment in Southern California. His cold storage and ice manufacturing machine are the most modern. Mr. McLane is the owner of a fine fruit ranch in California, which is very productive. Fraternally, he is a member of the M. W. O. W. He was married to Miss Anna Cote, at Whittier, California, in April, 1904. To this union have been born two children, Walter E. and Alda. The ancestors of Mr. McLane are of Scotch-Holland descent, and were among the first to come to America before the Revolutionary War. Mr. McLane and family enjoy the acquaintance of a host of friends in the Valley, and his business has been located at 433 Broadway since 1914, and since his residence here Mr. McLane has had a place among the substantial citizens of his community.

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BIOGRAPHICAL 373 GEORGE J. SHANK. The progressive citizen of today is the most influential factor in the development of the county in the future. The foregoing might be termed philosophy, and perhaps it is, but when applied locally it takes on all the attributes which are characteristic of George J. Shank, the subject of this review. George J. is the owner of 358 acres of valuable land in Water Company No. 5, near Brawley. He came to Imperial County April 4, 1904, and was born at Salina County, Kansas, July 30, 1877, the son of Bernard H. and Katherine ( Wicland) Shank. The family has been in this country about fifty years. Mr. Shank received his early education in his native state, leaving the pub-

lic institutions of learning at the age of 23, when he attended Normal school. However, during his earlier years, George J. always looked out for himself as a ranch hand, and with the knowledge gained in his home state, he was doubly assured of success when he came to the Imperial Valley, where he worked as a laborer upon his arrival and for a year thereafter. The rapid development of the country impressed Mr. Shank greatly at the time, and, showing keen business foresight, he bought 200 acres of land from his brother, which prior to his purchase, had been filed up while it was rough desert country. At present Mr. Shank has brought his holding to a high state of development, and it can be truthfully said that he has one of the most valuable holdings in Imperial County. He has placed out 2000 trees, has built a wire fence entirely around his ranch, and in addition has erected a commodious and modern dwelling thereon. It was in October, 1917, that Mr. Shank bought his additional 160 acres, making in all 358 acres. This had already been improved. George J. for a time followed the advanced theory in hog raising, but for the last three years has been raising grain on a large, remunerative scale. He is a stockholder in the Imperial Valley Bank at Brawley, and also a stockholder of the Orleans Mining and Milling Company of Nevada. He is president of the Gold Basin Mining Company of California. Politically Mr. Shank always votes for the man most deserving on the ballot. He was married near Silsbee, California, December 25, 1906, to Miss Cora Pyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pyle. The father of Mrs. Shank died in 1905 and is buried in the Imperial cemetery. His wife resides at El Centra. Mr. and Mrs. Shank have two children : Clifford, born on the home place, and Clayton, born at San Diego. It is also interesting to note that at the time Mr.



Shank arrived in the Valley he had but one object in view, and that was to obtain work at the place where he had been told while at Los Angeles two ranch hands were needed. He and his brother, Theodore B., secured the positions then open to them, and in this way fortune smiled a beaming ray which culminated, as the reader can readily perceive, in the unqualified success of all of Mr. Shank's undertakings. SAMUEL BLAIR ZIMMER was born in Bloomington, Illinois, October 30, 1869, son of Levi and Elizabeth (Blair) Zimmer, among the early pioneers in Bloomington. His father was one of the substantial, esteemed and respected citizens of his locality. Samuel B., the subject of this review, was educated in the public and high schools of Omaha, Nebraska, graduating from the latter in 1889. He removed to California, where he studied architecture, and located in San Diego, where he engaged in the same pursuit. Here he remained for a period of six years. He then went to El Paso, Texas, where he remained until 1901, when he removed to San Francisco, and enjoyed recognition in the metropolis as one of the leading and enterprising men in his chosen field. In the fall of 1907, owing to ill health, he came to Imperial

County, where he has since remained. He planned and erected the El Centro high school, one of the monuments to Imperial County, and which cost $150,000. He also built the Imperial high school, the first high school in the Valley, and the El Centro jail. He has gained for himself a position of prominence in the architectural and building line, and his influence is always given in support of whatever he feels will promote the best interests of the community. Fraternally, Mr. Zimmer is a Mason and is a member of the Blue Lodge of El Centro. He was united in marriage in San Diego, California, July 8, 1896, to Mrs. Gertrude E. Tichenor. To this union has been born one daughter, Gertrude, born April 21, 1908. Mr. Zimmer comes from a family who came to this country previous to the Revolutionary War and many of his ancestors fought and gave their blood in defense of their chosen land. JOHN E. DAVIS. Thoroughly identified with the business growth and prosperity of El Centro is John E. Davis, who takes an abiding interest in all that concerns the welfare and progress of the town. Mr. Davis has been actively engaged in the drug business since 1908, having the distinction of being longer identified with the drug business in



the Valley than any other store. He has by hard work and good judgment made a financial success and has one of the most modern pharmacies in southern California. Mr. Davis was born in Salem, New Jersey, June 21, 1877, a son of Daniel T. and Ruth A. (Ayres) Davis. The subject of this review acquired his education in the public school of his native town. At an early age he -went to work at the drug business, where he continued for a period of ten years and later studied and acquired his degree in chemistry and pharmacy in 1896, returning to the drug store where he served his apprenticeship. Mr. Davis took charge of the business and in 1899 he purchased the business from his former employer. Here he remained until 1902, when he disposed of the store and came to Los Angeles, California, owing to his health. After remaining here for a time Mr. Davis decided to return to the east, and after remaining there for a time he decided to cast his lot with the Golden State, where he could enjoy better health. In 1905 he settled on a ranch southeast of Holtville, where he remained until 1908, and finally regained his health. He came to El Centro and purchased the present drug store, where he has achieved success, and it has been gained by honorable and upright business dealings and, methods. Mr. Davis established the only drug store in Holtville, which he disposed of in 1912 to his brother, owing to his other interests which required his attention. He also has the distinction of erecting the first brick building in Seeley, where he established another drug store. The opportunities that Imperial County and California offer to men of enterprise and sterling worth are nowhere better exemplified than in the successful career of John E. Davis. Fraternally, he is a member of the K. of P., and is a charter member. He also holds membership in the B. P. O.

E. and is a charter member, and at present is one of the trustees of that order. He is a director of the El Centro National Bank and is a director of the El Centro Chamber of Commerce, having served as a director three terms. On December 14, 1898, Mr. Davis was united in marriage to Miss Henrietta B. Guest, a daughter of Charles B. and Louise B. Guest, of Salem, New Jersey. Mrs. Davis' father was one of the prominent business men of his town, being identified with the hardware and plumbing business in Salem for forty years. Four children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Davis: Kennett, born in 1899, in the U. S. Navy Yeomen School; Miriam G, attending high school,

376 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY was born in 1901 ; Henry and Helen are twins and were born in 1910, and were the first twins born in the city of El Centro. VERN M. BISHOP is numbered among the representative men of El Centro. Among his fraternal brothers he is known as one of the most reliable and worthy representatives in his chosen lodge. Mr. Bishop has been honored by the members of the B. P. O. E. and now holds the highest office that lodge can bestow on any of its members, that of "Exalted Ruler." This office he has held since 1917. He was born at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, June 19, 1875, a son of Ira D. and Albina (Marshall) Bishop. Mr. Bishop received his education in the public and high schools of Aurora, Nebraska. Later he attended the Bradley Polytechnic School at Peoria, Illinois, and in 1890 he took the horological and optical course, graduating from this college. He was identified with his profession in various places before coming to El Centro, California. In 191 3 he engaged in business here with E. B. Smith, where he has met with marked success. Mr. Bishop was united in marriage in Santa Ana, California, September 26, 1906, to Miss Nan Cutler. One daughter, Virginia, was born to them on September 22, 1912. Mr. Bishop's ancestors are of German extraction, but came to this country previous to the Revolutionary War, and settled first in Rhode Island. HENRY L. LOUD. This history presents the record of no other citizen more thoroughly infused with the spirit of public progress than the subject of this review. Henry L. Loud has been identified with real estate interests of Imperial County, and has maintained offices in which he does a general real estate, insurance and investment business at 136 N. Fifth Street. He was born in Pomona, California, April 11, 1892, a son of Charles L. and Margaret (Eccles) Loud, both residing in Pomona. Henry L. acquired his education in the public and high schools of Pomona, after which he entered Stanford University, where he graduated with the class of 1913, receiving the degree of A. B. He immediately, after finishing his education, embarked in the real estate business without previous experience. Mr. Loud was encouraged when he engaged in this business and it shows what may be accomplished when determination and energy lead the way. He has large realty holdings of his own, and he leases 1200 acres across the line in Mexico. He


raises cotton, corn and alfalfa and now is numbered among the substantial farmers in this locality. Politically, he is a Republican. He was married in Los Angeles June 28, 1916, to Miss Marguerite Knox, a daughter of Mrs. Regina Knox, of Los Angeles. To Mr. and Mrs. Loud has been born one daughter, Margaret. They have a wide circle of friends and are held in high esteem by all who know them socially and in a business way. JOSEPH F. SEYMOUR, JR., one of the prominent and influential attorneys of Imperial County, is a native-born citizen and a son of one of the representative families of Oakland, California. He has been actively identified with Imperial County for some years and is one of the real progressive lawyers of the city of El Centro. He was born in Oakland, California, September 7, 1881, a son of J. F. and Susan A. (Reynolds) Seymour. Joseph F. acquired his education in the public schools of Benicia and high schools of Oakland and graduated from the University of Southern California, June 16th, 1904, receiving the degree of LL. B. Mr. Seymour started to practice his profession in Los Angeles, and then removed to El Centro. He is a member of the County Bar Association, chairman of the City Improvement Committee of the El Centro Chamber of Commerce, being listed as number one among the members; a member of the El Centro Fire Department. Fraternally Mr. Seymour is a member of the Knights of Columbus and the F. O. E., and serves as president of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Imperial County. Politically he is a Republican, having taken active leadership in the "dry"' movement. Mr. Seymour's principal work is trial work. Mr. Seymour was united in marriage in Los Angeles, California, October 15th, 1905, to Miss Lynlie Eldridge, daughter of Edward (deceased) and Ora Eldridge. Mrs. Seymour's mother makes her home in El Centro. To Mr. and Mrs. Seymour have been born two children, Katherine L., aged eleven, and Eldridge, aged eight. Mr. Seymour's ancestors are numbered among the pioneers of Vermont. ARGYLE McLACHLAN. The man bearing the name which heads this review is one of the well known men of Imperial Valley. He is an enterprising, progressive and public spirited man and a prominent factor in the development of the county. He was born in Groton, New

378 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY York, July 12, 1882, a son of Duncan and Hannah E. (Hill) McLachlan. He acquired his education in the public and high school at Dryden. N. Y. He then entered the University of Syracuse, N. Y., in 1900 and graduated from that institution with the class of 1904, receiving the degree of A. B. He then entered the government employ in the agricultural department and became proficient in the department of cotton breeding, remaining with the government for a period of ten years. In 191 5 he resigned from his government position, came to Imperial County and was elected president of the cotton growers' association, which office he now holds to the entire satisfaction of his associates. Mr. McLachlan was united in marriage at Victoria, Texas, December 20, 1910, to Miss Pauline V. Clark, a daughter of Robert and Pauline (Shirkey) Clark. The father of Mrs. McLachlan was an extensive cattle dealer and was agent for the Morgan line, extensive shippers in the south. To Mr. and Mrs. McLachlan has been born one son, Argyle

Jr., born September 9, 1915. Mr. McLachlan is popular in both business and social circles, and he and his wife enjoy a large circle of friends in Imperial County. Mr. McLachlan's grandfather came from Argyleshire, Scotland, to America, in 1854, and is buried in the Groton cemetery, N. Y. JOHN EDWARD O'NEILL. Prominent among the business men of Calipatria is John Edward O'Neill, general manager of the firm of Coats and Williamson, Inc., who are farming under contract with Balfour Guthrie Company, the lessees of ten thousand acres of agricultural land in the vicinity of Calipatria. Mr. O'Neill is a type of the modern, thorough-going and up-to-date successful men of affairs. He is a man of splendid executive ability, far-sightedness and practicability. He is able not only to do ample justice to the business of the firm of Coats and Williamson, Inc., but finds time to take an active part in a 320-acre ranch with Thomas P. Daly near Calipatria, besides being a shareholder with his brother-in-law, M. O. Emert of Calexico, in two theaters in that city. Mr. O'Neill was born in Ottawa, Canada, October 7, 1893, a son of Andrew and Katherine O'Neill who now reside in Calipatria. He acquired his education in the public schools and Ottawa College. At the age of sixteen Mr. O'Neill became stenographer for the Canadian Oak Leather Company. At the age of eighteen he

BIOGRAPHICAL 379 traveled through Canada for his firm and the following year he was promoted and took the management of the Ottawa branch, which position he held until he came to California and to the Imperial Valley. His first venture in the Valley was to become identified with the Pacific Cotton Company of Calexico, as stenographer. In six months he resigned his position and became associated with his present firm as bookkeeper. Owing to his executive ability he forged ahead until he became manager of his company. Mr. O'Neill's ancestors were of Irish descent and date back a century ago in Canada. He was united in marriage in Los Angeles, California, January 10, 1918, to Miss Hughina Burnet, a native of Van Kleek Hill, Ontario. Mr. O'Neill is part owner of the McCollough Building in Calipatria. His rise has been remarkable. Such is the case, however, and it is due to the energies of men of perseverance and progressive ideas that Calipatria and the surrounding territory is at present in such a prosperous condition. JAMES E. HODGE began his independent career at an early age and his record since that time furnishes many splendid examples of the value of energy and perseverance in the attainment of success. Mr. Hodge was born in Mount Sterling, Kentucky, October 19, 1850, a son of William and Nancy (Hazzard) Hodge, both of whom are deceased and buried at Columbia, Missouri. He attended the country schools, receiving a limited education, and owing to the fact that his brothers enlisted in the war on the side of the Confederacy, James E. was obliged to assist on the home place and provide for his parents. Here he remained until he reached the age of thirty-two, and two years after his marriage. He then engaged in farming with his brother-in-law, W. W. McKim. They purchased the farm of Mrs. Hodge's father which they operated until 1885, when Mr. Hodge disposed of his holdings. He then engaged in the mercantile business in Stephens, Missouri, where

he remained until 1898. He then removed to Fulton, Mo., where he remained in business until 1903. Mr. Hodge then went to St. Louis, Mo., where he carried on a teaming and contracting business, remaining in St. Louis until he came to California and located in Imperial County, which was in 1906. Mr. Hodge was impressed with the possibilities of this Valley and purchased 360 acres, where he farmed with success. He still owns 160 acres six miles east of Imperial, which he

380 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY has rented. December 13, 1880, Mr. Hodge was united in marriage to Miss Jennie McKim at Calloway County, Mo., a daughter of Joseph M. and Mary ( Ayres) McKim, both deceased and buried in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Calloway County, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge have three sons and one daughter, Lona, wife of F. P. Wade, residing in Centralia, Mo. ; William M., identified with Varney Brothers at El Centro, Cal. ; Walter F., associated with his father in business; Edward McKim, a resident of St. Louis, Mo. The family is of Scotch origin, but has been in America for several centuries. Three brothers of Mr. Hodge fought in the Civil War, his brother John was killed in action and Samuel died in a war prison in St. Louis after the surrender of Vicksburg. Eli, another brother, who was in Shelby's brigade, is still a resident of Columbia, Mo. The family is one of the representative and highly esteemed families of Imperial County. WILLIAM FLEMING. One of the successful and representative business men of El Centro has been a resident of the county since 191 1. He has been manager of the Auto Tire Company, Inc., located at 481 Main Street, since April, 1917. He was born at Hopkinsville, Kentucky, April 30th, 1876, a son of R. D. and Anna Virginia (Watson) 1 Fleming. Mr. Fleming's father died in 1899 and is buried in the cemetery at Warrenton, North Carolina, and his mother is at present a resident of Palmer's Springs, Virginia. Mr. Fleming acquired his education in the public and high school of Warrenton, North Carolina, the Wake Forest College of North Carolina, and the University of Virginia, where he received the degree of A. B. in 1898. Completing his education he became connected with a wholesale grocery company of Richmond, Virginia, until 1905. Mr. Fleming then went on his farm in North Carolina until 1908. Returning to Richmond, he then became connected with the firm of C. R. Carey & Company, wholesale grocers, where he was previously connected. He later removed to Clovis, New Mexico, where he became identified with the Santa Fe railroad, as accountant. He remained in the employ of the Santa Fe until he came to El Centro, which was in 191 1. He became connected with Edgar Brothers and had charge of the office and clerical force until he became associated with the Auto Tire Company, Inc., as manager. Fraternally, Mr. Fleming is affiliated with the Masonic lodge, being a member of the


BIOGRAPHICAL 381 Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery and Shrine. Politically he is a Democrat. Mr. Fleming was married in Humboldt, Tennessee, December 18, 1901, to Miss Margaret Scott, a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Scott, both deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Fleming has been born one daughter, Margaret. Mr. Fleming's ancestors were of Scotch -Irish descent. PERRY N. SIMS, M. D. Conspicuous among the enterprising and popular citizens of Imperial County, is Dr. Perry N. Sims, a wellknown physician of Calexico, who, during the comparatively short time in which he has been here engaged in the practice of his profession, has met with noteworthy success. Dr. Sims was born in Columbus, Indiana, August 21, 1884, son of John and Mary (Ross) Sims, the parents of two children, the subject of this review, and a brother, Walter, identified with the American Wire and Steel Company. Dr. Sims acquired his education in the public and high schools of his native city, after which he attended the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, graduating with the class of 1910. He served as interne in St. Elizabeth Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. He went to Mexico and practiced two years in Chihuahua, and was resident physician of the Sierra Mining Company. Owing to the revolution, he left Mexico and located in Calexico in 1915, where he has met with gratifying success and has since practiced his profession. In September, 1917, Dr. Sims was appointed City Physician Health Officer, and is a member of the Board of Health. Fraternally he is affiliated with the K. of P., and is Past Chancellor of his lodge, and the I. O. O. F. of Calexico. He was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Beatty, May 18, 1912, a native of Canada. To this union have been born John Ross, born April 15, 191 3; and Margaret Mary, born July 24, 1916. Dr. Sims' success has been attained through the medium of his own efforts and he is today a worthy representative of his profession. The esteem in which he is held by his associates testifies to his absolute integrity. ALMON A. HALL. Prominent among the wide-awake and progressive business men of Calipatria, is Almon A. Hall, proprietor of the Calipatria Drug Company. Mr. Hall came to the county in April, 1914. He was born in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada, February 17, 1884, a son

382 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY of Asa and Matilda (Irwin) Hall. Mr. Hall's father is now serving as deputy city auditor of Los Angeles, and his mother passed away in Los Angeles and is buried in the Hollywood cemetery. The ancestors of Mr. Hall are of old Scotch origin, and his forefathers were among the first to settle in Canada. Almon A. acquired his education in the Azusa, California, public schools, graduating from the high school of that place in 1903. For three years he took charge of his father's orange grove. From 1906 to 1914 Mr. Hall was secretary to Percy H. Clark of Los Angeles. In 1914 he came to Imperial County and served as secretary to the manager of the Imperial Farm Land Association. He is a man of culture and talent, whose mind has been broadened by coming in contact with men of affairs. Mr. Hall has made most judicious investments in the valley and in addition to being proprietor of the Cali-

patria Drug Company, he farms eighty acres of valuable land on which he grows cotton and corn. Fraternally, he is a member of the Masonic lodge, holding membership in Arlington Lodge of Los Angeles. He is a member of the Scottish Rite of Imperial Valley. Both in his business and agricultural pursuits, Mr. Hall is carrying on his labors after the most approved modern methods, and is meeting with well deserved

RUFUS E. JAUMAN needs no introduction to the people of Imperial County. He has become widely and favorably known as a man whose integrity and excellent business ability constitute him a factor in community advancement and progress. He is a native of Delphos, Ohio, and was born April 12, 1870, and is a son of Antone and Crencentia (Graf) Jauman. His father died November, 1913, at the age of 85 years, and is buried in the cemetery at Delphos, Ohio. Mr. Jauman's mother, who is in her eighty-seventh year, still resides in Delphos. The subject of this review acquired a limited education in the country school. He assisted his father on the farm and attended school during the winter months. After he reached his thirteenth birthday he did not attend school any longer, but assisted on the home place until he became of age. He then took up the tailoring business and followed this vocation three years. Owing to his eyesight he gave up the tailoring business and engaged as clerk in the furniture business, remaining two years. He then worked for the Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City rail-

BIOGRAPHICAL 383 road, as firemen, for eight years. He was promoted to locomotive engineer and after four years' service he was in a wreck which disabled him for three years. Mr. Jauman then came to Los Angeles, where he engaged in the real estate business. He became acquainted with Ira L. Wilson, who told him of the wonderful possibilities in this county, and he decided to remove here and engaged with Mr. Wilson in the real estate line for two years. Mr. Jauman buys and sells all classes of real estate, specializing in ranches. When he came here there were no railroads and El Centro had not been thought of at that time. In event he missed the stage at Flowing Wells it would be necessary to walk to Imperial. When El Centro was started Mr. Jauman was the first real estate man to handle the townsite. He has the distinction of being the first city treasurer, and for five years he served on the school board. Fraternally, Mr. Jauman is a member of the B. P. O. E. of Yuma, Arizona. He assisted in organizing the K. O. T. M. of Delphos, Ohio. He was married in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 26, 1897, to Miss Marie Goetz, a daughter of Joseph and Rosa Goetz, residents of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Jauman was twice married. His first wife died December 23, 1900, and is buried in Rosedale cemetery, Cincinnati. To this union was born one son, Karl, born August 9, 1900. The second marriage was to Miss Mary S. Pritchard, August 12, 1914, a daughter of Mary S. Pritchard of Denver, Colorado, both deceased. Mr. Jauman owns considerable valuable property in El Centro and has a fine residence on West El Centro Street. Mr. Jauman makes a specialty of improved lands and has had his real estate office at 472 Main Street since 1907. WALTER L. HODGES. Prominent among the leading business men

of Imperial County may be mentioned Walter L. Hodges, president of the Hodges Cattle and Loan Company, which was organized November 1, 191 5. He was born in Richmond, Vermont, July 18, 1865, a son of Norman and Caroline (Smith) Hodges. His grandfather was a pioneer of Vermont. Walter L. acquired his education in Stowe, Vermont, leaving school at an early age. He went to St. Paul, Minnesota, where he found employment in a hardware store. Later he clerked in a carpet store; later he became identified with F. M. Lytzen, a wholesale cigar firm, as bookkeeper, and later was employed as traveling salesman for a period of five years. Later he traveled for Conway and Knickerbocker

384 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY of Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. Hodges' father engaged in the lumber business at Alta, Iowa, and Walter L. took charge of his father's business for about four years. Owing to his mother's health he accompanied her to California, remaining with her until her death. Mr. Hodges became interested in a small way in the rock and gravel business, and owing to his management the business grew until it is now the leading concern on the coast of its kind. During 1916 the Pacific Rock & Gravel Company, of which Mr. Hodges is president, shipped 26,000 cars. The company owns two hundred acres and leases fourteen hundred acres of rock and gravel of superior quality. He served as president and is now vice-president of the National Bank of Monrovia, and the Granite Savings Bank. Mr. Hodges owned seven hundred and sixty acres of land in the Valley. He disposed of four hundred acres ; the balance of his land is under cultivation and receives his personal attention. Fraternally, he is a member of the Masonic Lodge of Alta, Iowa; the B. P. O. E. of Los Angeles, and the K. of P. of Alhambra, California. Mr. Hodges was married in Los Angeles, California, May 22, 1902, to Miss Agnes Alexander, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Alexander. Her father is deceased and buried in the Evergreen Cemetery, Los Angeles. Mrs. Hodges' mother resides in Los Angeles, and is eighty-eight years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges have one daughter, Marion Ynez, born November 1, 1904, a student at Pomona Convent. Mr. Hodges' parents are both buried in the Evergreen Cemetery, Los Angeles, California. His father died November 22, 1909, and his mother passed away in 1906. WALTER C. THOMAS. In reviewing the lives of men of Imperial County, due mention should be made of the name of Walter C. Thomas. He has been an important factor in the upbuilding of a business that has meant much to the people of El Centro and adjoining localities. Mr. Thomas comes from a Colonial and honored family. His early ancestors came to America on the Mayflower, and fought in the Revolutionary War. His grandfather also fought in the Mexican and Civil Wars. On his wife's side of the house also were those staunch Americans with a history. Walter C. Thomas was born in Meridian, Texas, June 20, 1887, a son of Micajah and Lucina (Blythe) Thomas. Mr. Thomas received his education in the public schools of California,

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BIOGRAPHICAL 385 and at the age of sixteen he started out in life and followed various vocations. He engaged in the transfer business for three years. Coming to Imperial County he went into the bottling business, with office and factory at 126 South Third Street, El Centre He has been here since October, 1908. He was married to Miss Lyle French, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George French, January 19, 1909. Mrs. Thomas' father is engaged in grading and railroad construction work. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have been born three children : Walter C. Jr., Marian L. and George D. Mr. Thomas is a progressive and enterprising business man and gives his support to any movement for the betterment of conditions in El Centro and Imperial County. LESLIE OAKLEY BANNISTER. Prominent among the representative ranchers of Imperial County is Leslie Oakley Bannister, whose name heads this sketch. Mr. Bannister came to Imperial County in September, 1905, and was born at Brant ford, Ontario, Canada, December 14, 1873, the son of Ely and Mary Bannister. Both have since passed away and are buried at Ontario, Canada. Mr. Bannister is the owner of a sixty-acre ranch in Water Company No. 8, in the Westmoreland district, and is held in high esteem owing to the broad and conservative methods which he is constantly employing on his ranch property. The family is of old English origin. Mr. Bannister received his education at Brantford, Ontario, during an early age, and left school at fourteen, following which he assisted his father on the home farm until he reached the age of 17 years. He then went to Chicago, working for the Pullman Company in their shops during 1892 and 1893, this being during the World's Fair period. At that time California was the magnet which drew Mr. Bannister westward, and after severing his connections with the Pullman Company he left immediately for California. Upon his arrival here he engaged in team work in the orange orchards and nurseries for eighteen months. He also followed this vocation at Pomona for a short time. After being in the San Jacinto Valley for about eight years, where he worked on ranches in general, in addition to having charge of the water system for the Hemet Land & Water Company for about six years, Mr. Bannister made up his mind to try the Imperial Valley. He arrived in this county in 1905. His first employment was as foreman on the Chaplin ranch and later with the National

386 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Lumber Company. Shortly afterwards he put in a crop of cantaloupes with a partner, and following this pursuit, which was unsuccessful, he secured a position as forest ranger for the United States Government, having had previous experience prior to his arrival in California. Having taken the civil service examination in California, Mr. Bannister followed his ranger job for three years and eight months. Later in his career Mr. Bannister went to Westmoreland, where he laid out the

townsite which is now such a credit to the community. He planted 6000 trees, made the survey of the streets, and looked after the work for the townsite people for about two years, when he bought his present property, which under his able supervision has been brought up to a high state of cultivation. Mr. Bannister has been very successful in raising milo maize, and on the home ranch has constructed a pretentious residence which is one of the show places of the county. Mr. Bannister is a Republican and has also acted in the capacity of school trustee in his district. He was married at San Jacinto, California, December 12, 1898, to Miss Mary Worden, daughter of Henry and Lauretia Worden. The father of Mrs. Bannister has passed away and is buried in the San Jacinto cemetery. The widow resides at Hemet. To Mr. and Mrs. Bannister have been born four children : Gladys, born near Hemet, California ; Helen, born in the same house at Hemet ; Esther, born at San Jacinto, and George, born in the Imperial Valley. Owing to the fact that he is the owner of one of the model ranches in the Imperial Valley, Mr. Bannister is entitled to a great deal of credit for his progressive methods adopted in following his chosen line. BENJAMIN F. PADDACK has the distinction of being chosen secretary and treasurer of the Bachelors' Club of Calipatria, and has served as such since January, 1917. During his office he has fostered enterprises and measures which were projected for the general good of the town. Mr. Paddack's family has been worthily and prominently linked with the annals of American history from the start of Cincinnati, Ohio. His grandfather and grandmother sailed down the Ohio river in a flat boat and took up their abode on the banks of the Ohio where Cincinnati is now located. Scarcely two hundred people were there at that time. Paddack Road was named after his grandfather, and the ground where the county infirmary now stands was sold by the grandfather in the

BIOGRAPHICAL 387 early days, and McMillan Avenue, in Cincinnati, was named after Mr. Paddack's grandfather. Benjamin F., the subject of this review, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, September 3, 1865, a son of Benjamin F. and Mary (McMillan) Paddack. He received his education in the public and high schools of that city. At the age of seventeen he entered the employ of James L. Haven, as office boy ; at various times he was promoted until he was made superintendent. Remaining with this firm for fifteen years he resigned and became associated as superintendent of the McKinnon Sheet and Metal Works of St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada. Later he returned to Cincinnati and was engaged as manufacturer's agent for several years when he came to California. In 1912 Mr. Paddack engaged with the Bellridge Oil Company of Kern County, California, where he remained until he came to Calipatria, and became identified as office man with Coats' and Williamson, Inc., who are developing 10,000 acres of land in the vicinity of Calipatria. Mr. Paddack was united in marriage with Miss Coralyn Bayless, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel O. Bayless. Mrs. Paddack's father, at one time, was general counsel for the Big Four railroad. His death occurred in Cincinnati and he is buried in the Spring Grave cemetery of that city. Mrs. Paddack's mother resides in Los Angeles, California. Mr. and Mrs. Paddack have one son, Bayless, born February 22, 1903. Mr. Paddack takes an active interest in all matters pertaining to the develop-

ment of better conditions of Calipatria and is popular among his fellow townsmen. WILLIAM JOHN MEAGHER. The progress made in mercantile lines in El Centro has been brought about by the efforts of men of progressive ideas. W. J. Meagher and Philip Tull, proprietors of the Valley Tent and Awning Company, have devoted their best efforts to make this concern one of the leading houses in Imperial County. Mr. Meagher was born in Grand Rapids, Wisconsin, May 5, 1883, a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Meagher. His father is deceased and his mother resides in Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Meagher acquired his education in the public schools and his college education in Madison, Wisconsin. He spent many years in his native state. The firm was incorporated October 14, 1914. Mr. Hall, previous to its incorporation, was the originator of the business. It is now conducted on broad business lines and does a whole-

388 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY sale as well as retail business in Imperial Valley, and elsewhere. The firm makes a specialty of manufacturing tents, awnings, cotton sacks and corn bags. They also do expert upholstering and make new automobile tops. This firm was far-seeing in its plans as it saw the future possibilities of Imperial Valley and adjacent territory. The result is they have built up a large business and have been rewarded with success from the start. Mr. Meagher was married in Los Angeles August 7, 1917, to Miss Lottie M. Barrow. Mr. and Mrs. Meagher have a host of friends in El Centro. He is president and manager and Mr. Tull is secretary and treasurer of the Valley Tent and Awning Company. They are both esteemed by their business associates. CARY K. COOPER. Among the men who, by reason of their business ability and enterprise, have come to be regarded as representative citizens and leading business men of Imperial Valley is numbered Cary K. Cooper, assistant secretary and manager of the Pioneer Title Insurance Company, with offices at 559 Main Street, El Centro, since its organization in March, 1916. Mr. Cooper was born at Table Rock, Nebraska, September 28, 1878, a son of O. A. and Ella (Merrifield) Cooper. His mother passed away in Nebraska in 1905. His father still resides there and is numbered among the highly respected citizens of that locality. Cary K., the subject of this review, received his education in the grammar and high schools of his county. He attended the University of Nebraska and took a business course. He became identified with the electric light company of Humboldt, Nebraska, and held the office of manager. Later he installed several electric light and telephone companies in Nebraska and served as postmaster for a period of six years at Humboldt. In 1912 Mr. Cooper removed to the coast and located in Los Angeles. Here he became identified with the Pacific States Electric Company. He traveled extensively for his concern and later removed to Imperial Valley. Politically Mr. Cooper is affiliated with the Republican party and socially he holds membership in the Alpha Theta Xi, a college fraternity. He was united in marriage June 28, 1899, to Miss Mae Fellers, a daughter of A. H. and Mary Jane Fellers, both residents of Humboldt, Nebraska. Mr. Cooper richly deserves whatever success has come to him, for he now holds a prominent position in the business world.

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BIOGRAPHICAL 389 IRA L. WILSON has been actively and successfully identified with the business interests of Imperial County along realty lines since 1903, and he is today one of the leaders in his chosen field. Mr. Wilson is a native of Franklin County, New York, and was born February 13, 1872, a son of E. N. and Alice (Hoxey) Wilson, who now reside in Los Angeles. Ira L. Wilson, the subject of this sketch, acquired his education in the public schools of his native county and state. Finishing his education at a comparatively early date, he decided to cast his lot with the Golden West, and came to Redlands, California. Here he engaged in contracting and building and has the distinction of being the youngest contractor that ever engaged in business in that city. Before he had reached the age of twenty-one he had the contract for and erected the First Congregational Church of that city, besides many other extensive contracts, all of which were proof of his mechanical skill. Mr. Wilson continued in the contracting business until 1900, when he started the Whiting Supply Company at Imperial and Holtville, which was reorganized and called the National Lumber Company. He engaged in that business until 1907. In that year he organized the "C Wilson About It ( ?)" Land Company at Imperial, later removing to El Centro and carrying on business in San Diego also. In connection with his business interests along realty lines, loans and investments, he maintains an office at 472 Main Street, El Centro. Mr. Wilson devotes time to his own ranch holdings. On July 28, 1893, Mr. Wilson was united in marriage to Miss Nora Crum, daughter of C. C. Crum of Redlands, California. The father of Mrs. Wilson resides in Redlands and is numbered among the substantial residents of that community. The mother of Mrs. Wilson passed away in 1905. The family is of old American origin, and Mr. Wilson's grandfather and his two brothers were veterans of the Civil war and were killed in action. Mrs. Wilson's father was also in action in the Civil war. The subject of this review was one of the pioneers on this desert and has the distinction of occupying the fourth tent house in this locality, and operated the first automobile in Imperial Valley. He erected the Alamo Hotel at Holtville, which was the first building erected, and which marked the town site of Holtville. HUGH P. WILKINSON. Imperial County, the youngest county in the state, is one of the most progressive and prosperous, and justly



claims a high order of citizenship. The county is, and has been favored with men who have given substantial aid in the promotion of the best interests of this favored section of the state. In this connection the subject of this review demands recognition as he has been actively engaged in the county since 1909. He is a public-spirited citizen and his business methods demonstrate the power of activity and honesty in the business world. Mr. Wilkinson has been proprietor of the Wilkinson general store of Niland since August 1, 1914. He was born in Crookston, Minnesota, September 27, 1886, a son of Samuel A. and Violet H. (Barteau) Wilkinson. His father was a pioneer merchant of Crookston and died in 1894, and is buried in Madison, Wisconsin. Mr. Wilkinson's mother resides in San Diego and the family dates back to early English origin. Hugh P. acquired his education in the public and high schools of Lake Charles, Louisiana, and the Louisiana State University. He took up civil engineering and leaving the university in 1904, he followed this vocation, being engaged in canal and land surveying in Beaumont, Texas. Remaining in Texas for several seasons he went to St. Louis, Missouri, where he was engaged in civil engineering work for six months, when he came to California. Mr. Wilkinson worked in the Santa Fe Railroad office at San Diego, where he took up telegraphy. He served in that capacity and as station agent throughout the Valley for the Southern Pacific until he resigned to engage in the general mercantile business at Niland. Here he has given substantial aid in the promotion of the best interests of this favored section of Imperial Valley. Politically, Mr. Wilkinson is a Democrat and is serving as school trustee. He was united in marriage at Beaumont, California, August 23, 1910, with Miss Ada L. Johnson, daughter of John and Martha L. (Sumner) Johnson. Her father settled in California in 1854, with his parents, and followed mining. He died in 1916, at the age of 77 years, and is buried in Beaumont, California. Mrs. Wilkinson's mother makes her home in Niland. Mrs. Wilkinson is now serving as postmaster of Niland and is held in the highest regard in the community. Mr. Wilkinson maintains a forty-acre ranch near Niland which he secured in 1914. HARRY H. CLARK. In this age of colossal enterprise is demanded constructive power, and this demand has been such as to develop and mature many veritable captains of industry. Such title is eminently



worthy of ascription to Harry H. Clark, who has been an influential factor in connection with the greatest of enterprises, especially in the development of mining properties, in which connection he has gained a national reputation. He is now general manager of the Imperial Valley Farm Land Association, and makes his home at Calipatria, California. Mr. Clark came to Imperial County in October, 1913. He was born at Fort Wayne, Indiana, May 22, 1858, a son of Allen and Martha (Massen)! Clark. The family is of old English origin. His great grandfather

died at the age of 108 years. His birth occurred in the United States and he was buried at Bluffton, Indiana. In every sense of the word, Mr. Clark is a self-made man. He had no educational advantages. This handicap he effectually overcome in later years; for he profited much from self-discipline and through the lessons he gained in the school of political experience. At the age of fifteen he left his native state and for some time previous to this, he worked as a bootblack and sold papers in Indianapolis. Going to Texas, he worked as a cowboy for four years. Leaving Texas, he went to Kansas, where he found work on the farms for two years. In 1879 Mr. Clark came to California and found employment in the vineyards. He soon became general manager for the Egger's Wine and Raisin Vineyards and later became general manager of the Kimball Prune Orchard at Hanford, then the largest French prune orchard in the world. The two latter positions he held for five years. The following five years Mr. Clark was western manager for the P. P. Mast interests which included mines, orchards and vineyards. Going to Arizona, he became manager of one of the largest mining interests in the state for eighteen months. Mr. Clark then looked after his own mining interests in California, which he carried on successfully. Disposing of his interests he went to Alaska and there was interested in the 'mines for some years, and in 1902 he returned to the states. Mr. Clark, on his return from Alaska, went to Tonopah, Nevada, and was offered a salary of $6,000.00 per year to manage one of the big mines, but preferred to direct his own operations. He was one of the organizers of Goldfield, and soon had holdings in the leading camps in Nevada. Mr. Clark was the owner of the town of Bullfrog, Nevada, and controlled the mines. It was his ceaseless efforts and untiring energy that made Bullfrog. He was one of the pioneers and when others turned back, he pushed on with every confidence. But for



Mr. Clark the town of Bullfrog would have been miles west of its present location ; but for him there would have been no such marvelous water supply. He was instrumental in building the railroad through that mineralized section. He built his own telephone line from Bullfrog to Goldfield, a distance of sixty-seven miles. Mr. Clark was the prime mover in what was reputed to be the most gigantic power scheme ever launched up to that period. He organized a five million dollar company for the purpose of supplying Los Angeles, San Francisco and other cities in California and Nevada with power. He and his associates acquired practically all the water rights on King River and had a total of 400,000 horsepower. Mr. Clark was the chief promoter of this immense project. He spent one year in the leading mining camps of South America. Mr. Clark still has large mining interests in Mono, California, and Nevada. He was requested to make a report on 47,000 acres of land in Calipatria, on which California capitalists held an option, and on his report the company purchased this large tract, and Mr. Clark became general manager. He has one of the show places of the north end com-

prising 160 acres. Politically, he is a Republican. Fraternally, he is a member of the Masonic lodge of Brawley and is a life member of the Elks lodge of Reno, Nevada. He also holds membership in the Foresters of America. Mr. Clark was married in Fresno County, California, in 1882, to Miss Mary N. Reed, daughter of Hon. Judge Reed, deceased, of Mariposa County, formerly superior judge of that district. Mrs. Clark's mother still resides in Mariposa County and is in her ninety-first year. To Mr. and Mrs. Clark have been born one daughter, Alice, wife of Luther G. Brown, a prominent attorney of Los Angeles. Mrs. Brown is past secretary of the Friday Morning Club of that city. FRED C. PALMER, proprietor of Fritz Cafe and Bakery at Calipatria, California, is one of the pioneers of that place. He originally started business in a tent and achieved success along his chosen field. Mr. Palmer came to Imperial County in 1905. He was born in Elmira, New York, October 25, 1864, a son of Martin and Mary (Copley) Palmer. The family are of old English and Irish origin and the family on his father's side came to America in the very early days. His parents are buried at Elmira, New York. Mr. Palmer received his education in the public schools of his native town; at the age of eighteen he started out



in life to make his own livelihood. His father for twenty-five years held the position as manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company at Elmira, New York, and Fred C, the subject of this review, was associated with him for a period of four years. Mr. Palmer came west and located in Denver, Colorado, for a time and then removed to Riverside, California, where he became identified with James H. Fountain, a groceryman and rancher. Mr. Palmer was connected with the grocery department for a period of nine years. He then worked for several fruit companies in various parts of the western slope in various capacities until he came to Imperial County. He had contracts in the Valley during the cantaloupe season, and, seeing the possibilities when Calipatria was opened, Mr. Palmer engaged in his present business, in which line he has achieved success. He is well known and has many friends in his community. Politically Mr. Palmer is a Democrat, but has never aspired to office. JOHN E. ROSSON. An enterprising and prosperous representative of business interests in Calexico is John E. Rosson, and is an active factor in the commercial circles of Imperial Valley. Mr. Rosson was born in Green County, Missouri, February 17, 1845, a son f A. P. and Nancy (Overton) Rosson, both deceased. The subject of this sketch had little chance for education. He assisted on the home place. After leaving home he farmed in Mississippi, Arkansas, Idaho and Texas. This vocation he followed up to ten years ago. In October, 191 1, he came to California and to Imperial County. He started the present business soda works and has since been identified with the business. Mr.

Rosson was twice married; to the first union there were born three children, and to the second were born two children. His son, John, is a farmer near Calexico; James W. resides in Calexico, and Lizzie, wife of D. A. Waters, lives in Northern California. Mr. Rosson is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges of Texas. Mr. Rosson has many friends and acquaintances in Imperial Valley. CHARLES M. BERRY, numbered among the representative men of Imperial County, now serves as secretary of the Laguna Water Company with offices in El Centre He was born in Nelsonville, Ohio, September 23, i860, a son of Thomas and Hanna (Charleton) Berry. His



father was for many years superintendent of the coal mines in Nelsonville. His death occurred June 4, 1899, and Mr. Berry's mother passed away January 19, 1903. Charles M. Berry acquired his education in the public and high schools of Nelsonville. He afterwards took a business course in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. At the age of nineteen he took a position at Nelsonville as bookkeeper. He was promoted and transferred to New Straitsville, Ohio, and served as secretary of the C. H. C. and I. Co. Removing to Denver, Colorado, he was associated with his father in the coal mining business, remaining in Denver for twenty years. He engaged in mining in California for three years. In 1913 Mr. Berry removed to Imperial County and took the office as assistant assessor and tax collector for the Imperial Irrigation District, remaining in that position until he was made secretary of the Imperial Irrigation District. Politically Mr. Berry is a Republican. Fraternally he is a Mason and holds the office of high priest of El Centro Chapter No. 109. Mr. Berry married at Chanute, Kansas, May 6, 1885, to Miss Grace M. McCune, a daughter of Jacob and Catherine McCune. Her father's death occurred in 1887. Mr. and Mrs. Berry have three daughters and one son: Bessie M., wife of Frank H. Mclver of El Centro; Grace I., born March 15, 1889; Hazel M., wife of Clark Booher of El Centro; Frederick M., born January 27, 1894, now serving in the United States Army. Mr. Berry's ancestors came from Yorkshire, England. FRANCIS B. FULLER. Among the strong financial institutions of Imperial Valley is the El Centro National Bank, and among the bankers of prominence in that city is Francis B. Fuller, who has been president of that institution since its organization March 9, 1909. He has done much toward securing for his institution the foremost position in banking circles that it now occupies. His banking experiences extend over many years. Francis B. Fuller was born in the Sugar Valley, Georgia, January 29, 1862, a son of Samuel O. and Elizabeth (Bates) Fuller. He acquired his education after he passed his twenty-fourth year. Previous to this he had followed agricultural pursuits and rented farms both in Georgia and Texas. From the age of twenty-four to twenty-six he acquired a common school education. He entered the mercantile

business and worked one year ; then he rode the range for a period of fifteen years, receiving $25.00 per month. In 1898 he was elected Dis-

BIOGRAPHICAL 395 trict Clerk by the people of Herford, Texas, which position he held for four years. He then became interested in the Herford National Bank, which he helped to organize. Later he retired from the Herford Bank and organized the Western National Bank of Herford, Texas. He held the position as cashier for a period of four years. Mr. Fuller then came to California and located in El Centro, where he engaged in the real estate business until he organized the El Centro National Bank, which was the first national bank organized in El Centro. Mr. Fuller is careful, painstaking and systematic, and as a result he is a student of human nature and conditions ; seldom has he made an error in extending credit or making investments. The institution of which he is president has greatly prospered through his efforts. He is readily conceded to be among the able and well-informed men in banking circles in Southern California. Mr. Fuller has large realty holdings in El Centro, as well as farm properties. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic and K. of P. lodges. He holds the office of president of the Chamber of Commerce. He was twice married, the first union being at Herford, Texas, to Miss Salome Moore. Her death occurred in 1910. To the first union were born two children, Jean Luvois and Frances Salome. The second marriage occurred May 15, 191 5, to Mrs. Rosa Negus. The greatgrandparents of Mr. Fuller had fifteen children, fourteen of whom lived to be men and women, and the first natural death that occurred in that family occurred in 1914. Mr. Fuller's father was killed in action during the Civil war. Mr. Fuller erected the first residence in El Centro on the present site of the Barbara Worth Hotel. HARRY ROBERT BEALE. The growth of Calipatria in the short space of four years from a barren stretch of desert, uncultivated and undeveloped in any way, to a community with modern buildings and a commercial center of the North End, has been almost phenomenal. It has been brought about by men of progressive spirit. One who has played an important part in the development of the town is Harry Robert Beale, proprietor of the Calipatria Ice and Cold Storage. Mr. Beale came to this section before the town was laid out. He is truly a pioneer in this section, for he came when there was only a pencil sketch of what is now Calipatria. He was born in Brighton, Sussex, England, January 13, 1877, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beale, who were old time resi-

396 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY dents of that far-away land. The subject of this review received a limited education in London, England. At the age of fourteen he followed the seas for some years, coming to Chicago, Illinois, during the World's Fair in 1893. In the fall of that year he drifted west and followed ranching and mining and was also identified with other pursuits. Hearing of the wonderful Imperial Valley and the possibilities in this section, he volunteered to take a chance and came to Calipatria. He saw the chance to engage in this business and has achieved success through

his own ability and well directed endeavors. Mr. Beale is now starting a commodious plant for general and cold storage and will have an ice cream plant in connection. Mr. Beale was married in Pomona, California, August 4, 1900, to Miss Lillie May Mortensen, daughter of Henry and Annie Mortensen of Ogden, Utah. To Mr. and Mrs. Beale have been born five children: Calipatria, who has the distinction of being the first child born in the town bearing that name ; Etta Christina, Harry M. Jr., Charles A. and William Howard. Mr. Beale is essentially one of the representative men of Imperial County and he has the confidence and esteem of all his fellowmen. WILLIAM H. LAVAYEA. This history presents the record of no other citizen more thoroughly infused with the spirit of public progress than the subject of this review, and Imperial Valley numbers him among its valued citizens. Mr. Lavayea was born in Missouri, August 11, 1880, and is a son of William H. and Anna C. (Fable) Lavayea. William H. acquired his education in the public schools in California, where his parents removed when he was but seven years of age. After completing his high school education he entered Stanford University, where he remained until 1906. He then became identified with agricultural pursuits and took an interest in and is a director in the People's Abstract Company, 616 Main Street, El Centro, California, March 15, 1913. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Masonic Lodge. Politically he is a Republican. Mr. Lavayea was married at Pasadena, California, September 9, 1909, to Miss Gladys Grow. One daughter has been born to this union, Eva Rea. The family of Mr. Lavayea originally came to this country from France. His grandfather, Mador Lavayea, was in charge under General Grant of the government yards in St. Louis and assisted in the construction of the war vessels that took part in the




Civil war. Mr. Lavayea has a fine residence in El Centro, and both he and his wife take an active part in the social life of that city. HARVEY McCOLLOUGH. In recording the names of Imperial County men, special mention should be made of Harvey McCollough, who is a pioneer of this community. He merits the title of self-made man, since he has depended on his own resources from his youth up. Mr. McCollough was born in Fayette County, Alabama, September 3, 1862, son of Jasper and Elizabeth McCollough, who were both natives of that state. In the parents' family there were four children. Harvey acquired a limited education in the public schools. His father was a farmer and blacksmith and Harvey learned the trade of blacksmith

while living at home, and he also took an active part in farm work. At the age of seventeen he started out in life. For seventeen years he was connected with the Southern Pacific Railroad in the track department. In 1906 Mr. McCollough came to Imperial Valley. He was in Calexico before the town started and was employed by the water company for seven years. In 1913 he engaged in the blacksmith business, in a small way, and under his management it grew until he now has one of the largest and best equipped shops in the Valley. In 191 4 George Anderson became identified with Mr. McCollough. The firm does all kinds of automobile, machinery, wagon and buggy work. Mr. McCollough has a ten-acre ranch one mile from Calexico, which has been brought up to a high state of cultivation. Here he makes his home. Politically he is a Democrat. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F. He was married to Delia McClendon, a native of Mississippi, and to this union have been born six children: Henry, Myrtle, William, Minnie, John and Grace. Personally, Mr. McCollough owns three valuable lots and the firm owns two lots on Imperial Avenue, where the shop is located. CHARLES B. FOLSOM is one of the progressive and successful business men of El Centro, California, and has made many friends in a business and social way who esteem him for his business ability and personal characteristics. He is a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and was born March 7, 1868, a son of N. R. and M. O. Folsom. He received his education in Nebraska, where his parents removed, and they were numbered among the pioneers of their locality, settling in Tekamah,

3 g8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Burt County, Nebraska, where Mr. Folsom's father and grandfather founded the town and county in 1854. At the age of seventeen Mr. Folsom started to learn the plumbing business. He resided in Omaha, Nebraska, for a period of twenty years where he successfully carried on a business. He made several trips to California and settled in Santa Monica. He came to El Centra in 1909. At that period the sanitary conditions were very crude and it was largely through his efforts and his broader knowledge along lies of sanitation that he did much to improve the health of his chosen community and especially in El Centro, where he brought health conditions up to a high state of development. In 1910 he installed the cast iron water mains in the City of El Centro. He did the plumbing in all the schools in El Centro, the California Central Creameries, which is the most modern in Southern California, as well as many of the business blocks and handsome residences in this city. He has always taken an active part in the civic development of El Centro. He has held membership in the Chamber of Commerce since its organization. He is at present chief of the El Centro Fire Department. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Masonic Lodge, holding membership in the Blue Lodge and Chapter, and is also a Knight Templar and Shriner. The ancestors of Mr. Folsom are among those who came to this country in the Mayflower and settled in the New England states and their offspring settled in New York state. WILLIAM KELLY. One of the representative business men of El Centro and one who is known as honorable and has the confidence and esteem of his fellowmen, is William Kelly, engaged in the seed and nursery business at 630 Main Street, El Centro, since 1903. He can be

termed a pioneer in Imperial County. His birth occurred at Kingston, Canada, August 17, 1846, a son of William and Sarah (Smith) Kelly. His father passed away in Kingston, Canada, some years ago, and his body lies in the pretty cemetery in Kingston, while his wife was buried near Friendship, Wisconsin. Mr. Kelly acquired a limited education in New York state and at the age of sixteen he sailed before the mast on the Great Lakes. He rose to second mate in eighteen months, and in the following year he enlisted in the United States Army and for eighteen months he fought in the Civil war. Receiving an honorable discharge, he took up salesmanship and traveled, and since 1874 he has

BIOGRAPHICAL 399 continuously been identified with the nursery business, characterized by the same energetic vigor and business foresight that distinguished his forefathers. William Kelly came into Imperial Valley on horseback when only a few settlers were located here. Under adverse conditions he started the nursery business, and he has the honor of being the oldest nurseryman in Imperial County. Owing to his long activity in and knowledge of this business, he has succeeded while others failed. Fraternally Mr. Kelly is a Mason, being a member of F. & A. M. in El Centro. He married Miss Ada M. English March 31, 1880, a daughter of Commodore A. and Elizabeth English. Both of her parents are buried in Santa Cruz. To this union has been born one son, now deceased. Their adopted daughter, Elizabeth, is now teaching at Orange, California. The family resides at 651 Park Avenue. CHARLES DOWNING. While not a resident of Imperial County for as long a period as some, Charles Downing has met with a large measure of success since coming to this locality. He is now at the head of the Calexico store of the H. P. Fites Company, of which he is the manager. This concern has grown to be one of the city's leading enterprises. In the Fites store may be found a well chosen stock of farm machinery of the latest and most highly improved type. The store also carries a complete line of harness and has the agency for the J. I. Case tractors and threshers. Everything that goes to make up a firstclass establishment can be found here. Mr. Downing was born in Johnson County, Missouri, February 17, 1884. He acquired his education in the public schools. Finishing his education he engaged in farming for himself in Missouri and Oklahoma. In 1913 Mr. Downing came to California and located in El Centro, where he worked for the Delta Implement Company for a period of four years. He then became connected with his present concern, of which he is local manager in Calexico. Fraternally Air. Downing is a member of the Modern Woodmen. ROLAND D. KINNEY is an enterprising and enthusiastic business man of Calexico. Roland D. Kinney is intimately associated with the automobile business in Imperial County. He traveled extensively and has devoted his energies to this line of endeavor. He is a native of Austin, Texas; his birth occurred July 27, 1890, a son of Daniel and Beu-



lah H. Kinney. He acquired his education in the public and high schools, after which he studied the automobile business and became proficient at that trade. He worked in Dallas, Texas, and later engaged in business in that city. In 1914 he left Dallas and came to California, locating in Long Beach, where he had the management of the Mission Garage for a period of three years. Coming to Calexico he became identified with the motor service garage with Samuel Dick, now in the United States Army, and C. J. Medberry, Jr., of Los Angeles, California. Mr. Medberry is president and Mr. Kinney is secretary and manager of the corporation. Fraternally Mr. Kinney is a member of the B. P. O. E. of Long Beach, California. He was united in marriage in Colorado Springs to Miss Adeline Price, a native of Colorado, January 25, 1910, a daughter of Thomas A. and Mary Price. Her mother is deceased and her father is a resident of Wyoming. Mr. Kinney is a thorough business man and a public-spirited citizen, and is held in the highest esteem by his associates. FRANK H. McIVER is an active representative of business interests in Imperial County. He is successfully filling the office of secretary of the Imperial Irrigation District, with offices at Fifth and State Streets, El Centro, California, since 1916. He is a man of enterprise and ability and is an active factor in the promotion of activities of his chosen county. Mr. Mclver was born in Denver, Colorado, September 3, 1885, a son of Roderick and Sarah Mclver. His father passed away in Denver in 191 3 and his mother resides in Denver, and during the winter makes her home in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, California. Frank H., the subject of this review, acquired his education in the public and high schools of Denver, graduating from the latter in 1903. He then learned the plumbing business and was identified with his father in business until the death of his father. Mr. Mclver disposed of the business and came to El Centro, California, in 1913. For a brief period he was identified with the People's Abstract Company as clerk. He then accepted the position of assistant secretary of the Imperial Irrigation Company, which was organized under the laws of California in 191 1. In politics Mr. Mclver is a Republican. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge. He was married in Denver, Colorado, May 26, 1909, to Miss Bessie B. Berry, a daughter of Charles and Grace M.

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Berry. Mrs. Mclver's father was formerly secretary of the Imperial Irrigation District. To Mr. and Mrs. Mclver have been born two sons, Frank Berry and Charles Frederick. The parents of Mr. Mclver were natives of Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Mclver have a large circle of friends and are well and favorably known in Imperial County. NEWTON OLIVER EMERT, who enjoys recognition as one of the leading, enterprising business and theatrical men in Southern California, has won merited success. He has been identified with the show business for many years. Mr. Emert was born in Pike County, Illinois, December 3, 1878, a son of F. P. and Catherine Emert. He was educated in the public schools of his native county. After acquiring his education he became interested in theatrical work and operated moving picture shows in Pocatello, Mt. Pelia and Crawford. He traveled on the road for a period of three years and came to Imperial County in 1913. His big venture when he came to Calexico was to construct the most novel roof garden in the State, on top of the Harris building, which burned after it was completed but six weeks. On the opening night there were fifteen hundred people in attendance. The roof garden had many innovations for the accommodation of the lovers of the silent drama and dancing. Everything was at their command for a good time, especially during the heated term. The ladies could come here at their will in the afternoon and sew and chat and pass their opinions upon the wonderfully pleasant entertainments during the evenings. After the fire Mr. Emert erected the Emert Theatre, and after Mr. Carr had completed the Majestic Theatre, Mr. Emert and Mr. O'Neil leased this handsome show house, which is equal in comparison with the show places of the large cities. Fraternally, Mr. Emert is a member of the Modern Woodmen. He was twice married, the first union was to Miss Iva Lezeart, and her death occurred July 9, 1909. The second marriage was to Mary O'Neil, a daughter of Andrew and Catherine O'Neil, residents of Ontario, Canada. The father of Mr. Emert was born in Illinois, December 1, 1843. He followed contracting for many years in the East, and then came west, locating in San Diego, California, where he remained for two years. He then removed to Los Angeles, where he did contracting and erected over three hundred homes. He is now retired and living in Los Angeles. Mr. Emert, Sr., married twice, his first wife,



Artessie Green, died many years ago. The second marriage was to Catherine Elizabeth Parker, and nine children have been born, five of whom are living. Mr. Emert's grandfather was a veteran of the war of 1812 and the family dates back to Revolutionary stock. Mr. Emert's father had two brothers in the Civil war, one wounded while in action and died from the effects of injuries received, and the other brother returned. Mr. Emert is foremost in promoting the interests of the com-

munity ; has the best shows that can be procured, and has the high esteem of all who know him. JOHN S. LAREW. John S. Larew, who has been actively engaged in practice as attorney at El Centro, California, since 1909, is an able and representative member of his profession. Mr. Larew was born near Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, West Virginia, December 15, 1862, a son of John M. and Sarah S. (Peters) Larew. He acquired his education in the public schools. At the age of seventeen Mr. Larew began to teach and continued in this vocation in the public schools of Monroe County, West Virginia, until he was twenty-one years old. He then went to Kansas, where he taught for one year. In 1885 he removed to California and taught school until 1893. He then entered the office of his brother, W. H. Larew, in Madera, an attorney of that city, and studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1895. In 1898 he went to Washington, D. C, and was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States. Returning to California, Mr. Larew engaged in the practice of law in Mariposa County from 1896 to 1909, and from November, 1909, he has been identified with Imperial County, with offices in El Centro. During his residence in Mariposa County Mr. Larew served as a member of the County Board of Education. He also served for six years preceding his leaving Mariposa County as inspector of the Masonic district embracing Mariposa County, and for five years he was master of Mariposa Lodge No. 24, F. & A. M. In his religious views he is a member of the Presbyterian Church and has been an elder of his church for the past eight years. He was married in Riverside, California, September 14, 1916, to Lizzie Wright Daniel, of Louisville, Kentucky, a daughter of C. V. and Ella Daniel. Her father served as a Union soldier and Mr. Larew's father fought on the side of the Confederacy. His grandfather, Col. Peters, fought in the War

BIOGRAPHICAL 403 of 1812. Mr. and Mrs. Larew reside at 641 State Street, El Centro. Mr. Larew has done much in the promotion of many worthy causes that will be of material benefit to the community. JAMES WILLIAM BRAGG. One of the strong, forceful and resourceful men, active and energetic among the pioneers of Imperial County, is James William Bragg of Calexico. He is an active factor in business circles and is regarded as one of the enterprising and progressive men of the community in many ways. Mr. Bragg is a native of Missouri and was born March 4, i860, a son of Samuel Henry and Sarah (Moore-Smith) Bragg, who were the parents of eleven children, seven of whom are still living. Mr. Bragg's father came to Imperial Valley owing to his health, and his death occurred in April, 191 1, and his wife passed away in April, 1917. The parents and two sisters of Mr. Bragg are buried in the cemetery of El Centro. James William Bragg received a limited education in the country school. He assisted on the home place and attended school during the winter months. When he became of age he bought eighty acres near Wichita, Kansas. Here he remained until he removed to Calexico, California. Mr. Bragg came to

the Valley to seek better climatic conditions for his wife. Mr. Bragg worked at ranching for one year and then purchased forty acres ; he remained on the ranch until 1913. He then resided. in Holtville for two years and has made his home in Calexico since. He married Laura Victoria Tear, a native of Illinois, March 29, 1885, and to this union have been born five children : Lorena, wife of W. F. Hannaford ; her birth occurred in Kansas, September 29, 1889, and her one son, William Fiske Hannaford, Jr., was born March 17, 1916; Floyd Lawson, born March 14, 1892, married Muriel J. Hevener, March 12, 1913, and their one son, James Floyd, was born February 25, 1914. Hazel Marguerite, born in Kansas, November 4, 1894, now in training for a nurse in California Hospital, Los Angeles, California ; Alice, born February 28, 1898, now in the music department of Varney Brothers' store ; John, born August 4, 1905, at home. Mr. Bragg is an active worker in the ranks of the Prohibition party and the family are members of the Methodist Church. Fraternally Mr. Bragg is a member of the Modern Woodmen. Mr. and Mrs. Bragg have a wide circle of friends in Imperial County.



J. W. PERRINS has, by his own energy and enterprise, worked his way upward and is one of Imperial County's representative business men. He is manager of Brydon Brothers Harness & Saddlery Company, Inc., of El Centro, California. He was born at Berkeley, California, November 25, 1888, a son of J. E. Perrins, one of the substantial men of the Bay section. Mr. Perrins received his education in the public schools of Los Angeles and later attended business college. After his schooling he served his apprenticeship at the leather business. He worked in Los Angeles for a time and was connected with his father and then engaged in business for himself, remaining in Los Angeles from 1893 to 1915. In 1912 he engaged with Brydon Brothers of Los Angeles as bookkeeper and filled other positions with this firm. He was given the management of the El Centro branch and has filled this position to the entire satisfaction of his firm. In his political views he is a Democrat. Mr. Perrins was married in Los Angeles, June 9, 1908, to Miss Josie Tull, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tull, residents of Hollywood. One daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Perrins, Rosemary. Mr. Perrins' ancestors were originally from England. WILLIAM J. PURCELL of El Centro has been actively engaged in the real estate and livestock business since 1909. Ceaseless industry, supplemented by sound judgment, has rendered possible the success gained by Mr. Purcell. Ten years have elapsed since he came to Imperial County, and Mr. Purcell may be termed a pioneer. He was identified with the Southern Pacific and was transferred to Imperial in 1907, where he used a box car for an office, passenger station and baggage room. He worked under these conditions for two years, and, seeing the possibilities in this section, he resigned and took a position with

the California Cream and Butter Company. By close application to business he eventually became identified with the livestock business for himself, and later the real estate line was engaged in. Unaided, and through his energy, he has risen to be one of Imperial County's leading business men. Mr. Purcell was born at Kilburn, Wisconsin, August 29, 1881, a son of John J. and Mary (Tanguey) Purcell, both still residing in Kilburn, Wisconsin. The subject of our review received his education in the public and high schools of his native town, graduating from the high school at the age of eighteen. He took up telegraphy and

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was identified with various railroads in that capacity until he came to Imperial Valley. Politically Mr. Purcell is a Republican. His parents originally came from Ireland, but were of old American descent. Mr. Purcell resides at the Oregon Hotel. He is a genial and companionable man and his success has been well deserved. CHARLES H. RUTH, who enjoys recognition as one of the leading and enterprising business men of Imperial County, has won merited success as the inventor of the Ruth dredger. Ambition, energy and progressive spirit have brought Charles H. Ruth to a position of prominence and distinction. He was born in Osborne, Kansas, November 24, 1871, a son of Richard and Sarah Ruth. His father was a tailor by trade and was numbered among the substantial citizens of his locality. Both parents of Mr. Ruth are deceased and buried in Osborne, Kansas. Charles H. acquired his schooling in Kansas. He followed farming for a time and later took up the blacksmith trade. At the age of twenty-two he engaged in business in Downs, Kansas, for a period of seven years. In 1903 he came to Brawley, where he followed farming for one year and then for about a year he followed teaming. Mr. Ruth then engaged in the blacksmith business. He invented the celebrated Ruth dredger for cleaning and building new ditches. This device was conceived and developed and patented by Mr. Ruth. In the face of existing conditions and in competition with all other methods and machines in use, the Ruth dredger made its advent in Imperial County, and in the center of the greatest continuously irrigated area in the United States. This machine combines economy, efficiency and durability of construction not equaled by any other make of dredger. Eighteen of the Ruth dredgers are operating in the Imperial Valley alone. Mr. Ruth has received testimonials from the most practical and eminent irrigation men as well as prominent engineers in various parts of the country. The first Ruth dredger, put out in 1908, is in good condition today, and has been in use almost constantly, and much of the time it has operated night and day.

Mr. Ruth was united in marriage to Grace D. Robb, a native of Kansas, May 22, 1901. To this union have been born four children, three of whom are living Harold M., Charles E., Ellen M. and Florence, who died in infancy. Mrs. Ruth is a daughter of Rev. E. P. Robb, a resident of Bethel, California.

4 o6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY JAMES A. ROBISON. One of the prominent business men of Southern California is a man to whom success has come as a result of unfaltering determination, untiring industry, energy and enterprise, for he has worked his way upward to the success which he now enjoys. Mr. Robison has been manager of the California Central Creameries since 191 5. He is a native of Barrackville, West Virginia. His birth occurred March 3, 1875, a son of James Z. and Martha E. (Floyd)l Robison. He acquired his education in the public schools of Fairmont, West Virginia, and later took a four-year agricultural course and graduated from that department in Wisconsin. He became an instructor in that course in the University of Wisconsin. He was the organizer for the Creamery Package Manufacturing Company, and did much to place various creameries on a paying basis until 1904. In 1905 he removed to Phoenix, Arizona, where he was identified with the Maricopa Creamery as manager for a period of two years. He then took the management of the De Laval Dairy Supply Company in Los Angeles until 1909, when he came to the Imperial Valley and erected and operated the creamery at Brawley. The creamery was operated under the name of the Imperial Valley Creamery Company. Mr. Robison also erected a creamery at El Centro, and one at Holtville, and in the fall of 191 5 he disposed of his holdings. The various plants were merged under the name of the California Central Creameries. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias. He was united in marriage to Miss Florence Stewart of Phoenix, Arizona, February 27, 1907, and one son, Raymond, has been born to them. It can be said of James A. Robison that he has been an active factor in the commercial circles of Imperial County and he is regarded as one of the enterprising and progressive men of the community. He endured many hardships and the establishments that he has erected are among the best in California. Mr. and Mrs. Robison have a host of friends in the Imperial Valley. FRED C. MORSE (deceased) was numbered among the staunch and enterprising business men of Imperial County, and he was highly esteemed among his fellowmen. Mr. Morse was progressive and capable and his death was mourned by a wide circle of friends. Mr. Morse was born in Red Bluff, California, April 18, 1891. He acquired his education in the public schools of Los Angeles. Finishing his education, he



entered the employ of the Hoffman Hardware Company of that city, where he remained for a period of six years. He concentrated upon his business affairs, and won the confidence of all who came in contact with him. He also was identified with the Pacific Hardware Company for three years. Mr. Morse engaged in the auto service supply business in El Centro and later transferred his interests to the present location, 741 Main Street. He was united in marriage to Miss Madeline Ward, September 14, 191 1. To this union has been born one son, Fred C. Morse, Jr., born November 6, 1912. The management of the business is under the personal supervision of Ellis F. Ward, brother of Mrs. Morse. Ellis F. was born in Los Angeles January 19, 1901. He is a son of Ellis F. and Marie (Romero) Ward. He attended the public schools of San Diego. Finishing his high school education, he became associated with Mr. Morse, and after his death, which occurred April 6, 1917, took the management of his business affairs. Mrs. Morse takes an active interest in the social affairs of El Centro and is a member of the Federated Woman's Clubs. WILLIAM W. MASTEN No section of the country can boast of a more sturdy and courageous band of pioneers than Imperial County, but not all of the early settlers of this section had the courage of their convictions to such an extent as had William W. Masten. The enterprise to which a community owes its importance in an industrial and commercial way are those which build up and develop its resources. In this connection mention should be made of Mr. Masten. He is one of the county's leading business men, and he came to the county December 25, 1900. He was born April 10, 1853, in Pennsylvania, a son of John W. and Mary Elizabeth Masten; both parents were natives of Dutchess County, New York. The genealogy of the family dates back before the Revolutionary war. William W. received his education in Iowa, where his parents moved when he was young. His father was a pioneer in Iowa and took up a homestead and became one of the first business men in his locality. William W. assisted on the home place until he was twenty-six years of age. He studied nights after a hard day's work and was self-educated. Leaving home he bought land from the railroad company and farmed for three years. He then went to northwest Nebraska, where he took up prairie land and improved his

4 o8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY holdings. Here he remained for four years. Going to Kansas he rented on a large scale where he remained until he came to California and settled in San Diego, which was in 1890. Here he remained for a time and then went to Corona, Riverside County, where he followed farming and contracting for ten years. He then, on December 25, 1900, landed in Imperial County and became engaged by the California Development Company and was located at Cameron Lake. In six weeks Mr. Masten was made superintendent of the company's team work. He remained in this capacity ninety days. He was then given charge of the entire contract work, working as many as 250 head of horses on the ditch system. He followed this for a period of four years. He then developed his own section of land, fencing and cross-fencing and raising crops. He had as high as 150 head of cattle and operated at that time the largest dairy in the county. In 1908 Mr. Masten disposed of

his ranch holdings in conjunction with other work and engaged in the hotel business. Mr. Masten has the distinction of erecting the first house, hotel, meat market, bakery, and started the first transfer business in El Centro. Having also erected the first livery stable, he had the control of the livery business in the county. Mr. Masten is a Prohibitionist. He was twice married, the first union being to Miss Emma P. Purdy in 1878, and her death occurred in 1883; to this union were born John Wesley, born in 1880, now farm adviser and professor of agriculture, located at Reedley, California, and Charles Franklin, born in 1881, a graduate of the architectural school of the University of California, and now serving as first lieutenant in the Engineering Corps at Camp Kearney. He was inspector of the Wheeler Memorial Building of the University of California at Berkeley. OTTO E. OHMSTEDE. Among the men of Imperial County who have done much towards the development of El Centro, is Otto E. Ohmstede, manager and director of the Imperial Valley Baking Company. Since July 6, 1914, he has been actively identified with its organization. He was born at Guide Rock, Nebraska, October 9, 1889, a son of John and Lucia (Suess) Ohmstede, who reside in Guide Rock. Mr. Ohmstede acquired his education in the public schools and Grand Island, Nebraska, Baptist College, leaving school at the age of nineteen. He assisted his father on the home farm until he came to California.


BIOGRAPHICAL 409 He remained with an uncle until he came to Imperial Valley and organized his present business, which is the largest concern of its kind in Imperial Valley. Their products are shipped to various points in California and Arizona. Fraternally Mr. Ohmstede is a loyal knight of the B. P. O. E. of El Centro. He was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Church, September 22, 1914, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Church of Redlands, California. Mr. Ohmstede's father was a pioneer in Nebraska and his mother was in that state when the Indians were numer-

JOHN B. TOLER. In business circles of Seeley no name is known better than that of John B. Toler, one of the men whose standing has grown with the town and who has now a large measure of success. Mr. Toler is a native of Carbondale, Illinois, and was born June 13, 1874, a son of John W. and Harriett E. (Spiller) Toler. His mother passed away in December, 1889, and is buried in the Oakland Cemetery of Carbondale. His father is still living and resides in Carbondale. He is one of the pioneers of his state. John B., the subject of this review, secured a good educational training in the public and normal school. Early in life he entered the drug business with Francis A. Pricket, president of the State Board of Pharmacy. Here Mr. Toler became proficient in his chosen field. Mr. Toler came to Seeley and engaged in

business and has been proprietor of the Seeley Drug Store since December 15, 1913, meeting with every success. Mr. Toler's success in the business world has come as a direct result of his own ability and industry and he is known as one of Seeley's most substantial citizens. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F. He is also a member of the Auto Club of Southern California. He was united in marriage in Carbondale, Illinois, December 29, 1892, to Miss Pearl I. Holt, daughter of Harry and Jane Holt, both deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Toler have been born two children : Awanda, wife of Orman J. Lewis of Carbondale, Illinois ; and Francis B., a cotton buyer. Mr. Toler has the respect and esteem of his business associates and both he and his wife have a large circle of friends. CLARENCE JOHN PARK. Prominent among the representative men of Brawley may be mentioned Clarence John Park, who came to



Imperial County in 1907. He is enterprising and progressive, and is essentially a self-made man. Mr. Park was born March 24, 1877, a son of Hiland H. and Lydia (Putnam) Park. His parents settled in Wisconsin in 1852, coming from Vermont, where his ancestors settled previous to the Revolutionary war. Mr. Park is eligible to join the Sons of the American Revolution, on both sides of the family. Mr. Park's parents are both deceased and are buried in Dodge Corners, Wisconsin. The subject of this review attended the schools of Springfield, Missouri, where he entered Drury College. At the age of twenty he went to Colorado, where he worked at surveying. Later he went to Montana and assisted in the survey of the Burlington Missouri Railroad. He worked in the surveying department on various railroads in Missouri, Arkansas, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona. In 1905 he removed to Los Angeles, where he followed his profession until he came to Imperial County as United States deputy surveyor for the re-survey of the county, in the summer of 1907. Mr. Park then opened an office which he has maintained, except in 1912, when he was appointed superintendent of Water Company No. 5 of Holtville. Mr. Park settled on a homestead eleven miles east of Brawley. Here he has erected substantial buildings and is putting his land under cultivation. Fraternally Mr. Park is affiliated with the Masonic Lodge. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, a member of the Consistory of Los Angeles, and holds membership in the Al Mel Aika Temple of Los Angeles. He served as the first master of Brawley Lodge. From 1910 to 1913 he was inspector of the Blue Lodges of Imperial County. He is past patron of the Alamo Chapter of the Eastern Star of Brawley. Mr. Park was married in Petersburg, Tennessee, October 17, 1912, to Miss Bertice Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hart of Petersburg, Tenessee. To Mr. and Mrs. Park have been born one son, Jean H., born July 7, 1913.

DAN VOORHEES NOLAND. Energy, ability and well directed ambition, guided and controlled by sound judgment, have constituted the foundation upon which Dan Voorhees Noland has built his success, and is numbered among the leading representatives of his profession. Mr. Noland is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana, his birth occurring January 20, 1875, a son of Henry D. and Lucy (Sebrell)' No-



land. His father passed away and was buried in Riverside, California, and his mother makes her home in El Centra. Mr. Noland acquired his education in the public and high schools of Riverside, California, after which he entered Franklin College in Indiana. He also attended Stanford University, entering the law department. Later he read law with W. H. Chamberlain of San Francisco, and was admitted to the bar in 1903. Returning to Riverside, Mr. Noland began the practice of law and remained in that city for one year. He then went to Las Vegas, Nevada, where he practiced his profession for three years. He came to El Centro when it had a population of eight hundred people. Here he has met with every success. He may be termed a self-made man. He is broad and liberal-minded, absolutely fair, and impartial in his judicial actions. Fraternally Mr. Noland is a member of the K. of P. and is a Royal Arch Mason. In his political allegiance he votes for the best man, irrespective of party. Mr. Noland was married June 15, 1904, at Riverside, California, to Miss Ella D. Arbuckle, a daughter of James and Annabelle Arbuckle of Pictou, Nova Scotia. Both of Mrs. Noland's parents are buried at Pictou, Nova Scotia. To Mr. and Mrs. Noland have been born three daughters: Muriel S., Margaret R., and Dana Annabel, all attending school. The ancestors of Mr. Noland are of Irish descent. His grandfather was born in Kentucky and his father was a native of Indiana. Mr. Noland was a volunteer and saw service in the Spanish-American war. Whether in business or social relations, he holds the good will and confidence of all who are associated with him. CYRUS CHALMERS MARSHALL. On the roster of county officials of Imperial County appears the name of Cyrus Chalmers Marshall, who, following a period of efficient and capable service as city marshal of Brawley, was appointed by the city commissioners in March, 191 5, to this important position. Mr. Marshall was born in Cairo, Southeastern Iowa, April 15, 1861, a son of William H. and Rachel Marshall. His father was a native of Ohio, while his mother was born in Iowa, both parents deceased. Cyrus C. acquired his education in the public schools of Iowa. He learned the butcher trade with his father, who had followed this vocation for many years. Early in life Mr. Marshall went to western Kansas, where he drove stages in



Comanche County for three years. He afterwards engaged in the livery business in Kansas and Oklahoma for many years. For eight years Mr. Marshall was identified with the sheriff's office in Pawnee County, Oklahoma. While serving in this capacity he took part in one of the most notable bank robberies that ever occurred in the state. It was the bank robber's last "job." When Chal Marshall, as he was called in Oklahoma, left his home in Jennings to serve some official papers, he had no idea what the day had in store for him in the way of a battle with "Tom" Jordan, the Cherokee outlaw and bank robber. Mr. Marshall had been an officer in the west for over twenty-five years and he saw much service in the "wild and woolly" days in Kansas. When Mr. Marshall reached the railroad station he was handed a message stating a telephone message was awaiting him at Mannford. Mr. Marshall caught the train and was soon in the town. He was soon talking to a farmer over the telephone who said he would come to town and give him important news. When the farmer arrived in town he confided to Mr. Marshall that between two and three o'clock that afternoon "Tom" Jordan and his partner, "Tom" Phemis, would ride into the town of Keystone and rob the Keystone State Bank. Phemis did not take part in the robbery, but at the given time Jordan arrived on the scene. Mr. Marshall had gone in the bank by the rear door and took a position back of the stove. He was determined to take his prisoner alive, and get the outlaw's story, which would put irons on a score of men. Jordan appeared at the cashier's window and demanded the cashier to turn over what he had. "Hand over what you've got," and "throw up your hands," shouted Marshall. Jordan began shooting, but before he could raise his pistol for a second shot Mr. Marshall demanded he throw up his hands and fired to hit Jordan in the right shoulder to "break down" his pistol arm. The bullet hit the mark, but the sting of the bullet did not stop Jordan and he fired four more shots at Mr. Marshall, the second bullet ranging fourteen and the fifth bullet thirtyeight inches to the right of Mr. Marshall's head. Jordan rushed to the street and was killed by shots fired by a dozen men. Mr. Marshall received $300 from the bankers' association for his bravery and gallant work. The banker presented Mr. Marshall with a costly new service Colt revolver with mother of pearl handle and a bull's head handsomely engraved on the handle. Mr. Marshall came to California and



engaged in the dairy business at Redondo Beach for one year and then

engaged in the hotel business in Anaheim for about a year. Coming to Brawley in March, 191 5, he was made city marshal, which office he has held since. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge of Oklahoma, he being a Knight Templar. His lodge presented him with a handsome Masonic ring when he left Pawnee County. He is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. Mr. Marshall was married May 16, 1887, to Lizzie G. Crissman, a native of Illinois. Their three children are : William F., now in the United States Infantry, located in the Canal Zone ; Cora Armina, a school teacher, and Elizabeth Lucile, at home. Mrs. Marshall and oldest daughter are members of the Eastern Star. GROVER C. KEMP, present chief of the police department of Calexico, is a highly trained, well-informed officer who is eminently fitted for the important position which he holds. Mr. Kemp was born in Harrison County, Missouri, September 2, 1885. A son of William R. and Clara M. Kemp, who are both natives of Missouri. Grover C. acquired his education in the public and high schools of Missouri. The family removed to South Texas, where the father was identified in the cattle business. Mr. Kemp assisted his father for a time when he went to Oklahoma, then Indian Territory. For some years he was in the cattle business and he then decided to cast his lot with the Golden State. He came one year previous to his family. His parents came to Calexico four years ago, and engaged in the hotel business. Mr. Kemp's mother passed away in February, 1915, and his father now resides in Oklahoma. On his arrival in Calexico, Mr. Kemp engaged on the railroad. However, after a time he went back to Oklahoma where he remained a few months. On his return to Calexico, he became identified with the police department. Resigning after a time he went back to railroad work, and after the change in city affairs he returned and worked nights on the police department for one year. In April, 1916, Mr. Kemp was made chief of the department, which office he now holds to the entire satisfaction of the community. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Masonic Lodge. He was united in marriage July 14, 1902, to Maudie E. Love, a native of Kansas. To this union have been born five children : Homer Allen, Lloyd Ernest, Ruby Irene, Harry and Edith. Mrs.

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Kemp's father is one of the leading ranchers and stockmen in Oklahoma and recognized as a representative man of his locality. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp have a wide circle of friends and give their support to movements which have for their purpose the advancement of Calexico and Imperial County. JANUS R. FORD is numbered among the esteemed citizens of Imperial County. He has held the position of secretary and manager of the Imperial County Title Company since October, 1915. Mr. Ford was born near Clinton, Missouri, March 21, 1887, a son of William B. and

Virginia C. (Slack) Ford. He received his education in the public schools and Missouri University. In June, 191 1, he left college and traveled extensively throughout the western states. He came to California January 1, 1912, and located in Los Angeles, and became identified with the Title Insurance & Trust Company of that city for a period of two years. During that time he attended night school, where he studied law and was admitted to the Bar in January, 1914. He served as attorney for the Imperial Title Guaranty and Bonded Abstract Company previous to the time it was made the Imperial County Title Company, which was in October, 191 5. Fraternally Mr. Ford is a member of the Masonic Lodge and holds the office of Junior Deacon of El Centra Lodge, No. 384. He was married in San Diego, California, March 11, 1916, to Miss Ella Yetive Golberg, daughter of Arne S. and Marie Golberg, one of the representative families of that city. The father of Mr. Ford was a veteran of the Civil War, being attached to the Seventh Missouri Cavalry, and fought on the Union side. Mr. Ford's mother's people came from Kentucky, and her brother, William J. Slack, was a general in the Confederate Army and was killed in action at the battle of Pea Ridge. Janus R. Ford, the subject of this review, is a man of unusual professional ability, and has a wide circle of friends. WILLIAM H. PRUITT is a man of enterprise and discrimination, and in the course of a long and varied business career he has been identified with a number of important interests. Mr. Pruitt is a native of Butler County, Kansas ; his birth occurred April 29, 1874, son of T. R. and Lydia (Huff) Pruitt. His father was of French ancestry, now deceased, and his mother was of German birth and still living. Wil-



liam H. was educated in the public schools of Kansas. Finishing his schooling, he enlisted in the Ninth United States Infantry and saw active service in China and the Philippines. He received an honorable discharge in 1903. For five years he ranched in Oklahoma and later moved to Prescott, Arizona. Here he clerked for a time and moved to San Diego, where he operated a transfer business. He disposed of the transfer business and engaged in the retail grocery business for two years. In 1914 Mr. Pruitt purchased the laundry business in Calexico of Judge McCollum and operated the first steam laundry in Calexico. Previous to taking over the Calexico laundry, Mr. Pruitt operated the Valley Laundry at El Centro for two years. The earthquake demolished the laundry buildings in both places, and Mr. Pruitt erected his present commodious building and installed up-to-date and the most modern machinery in 1914. Mr. Pruitt also purchased the Valley Steam Laundry in El Centro of the late J. P. Hiel in 1912 and now operates both plants. He was married March 8, 1904, to Tilla Midkiff of Kansas, a daughter of Aaron and Mahila Midkiff. To Mr. and Mrs. Pruitt have been born one son, Paul, born December 21, 1914. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F., the K. of P. and B. P. O. E. Mr. Pruitt

has eighty acres east of El Centro and eighty acres west of El Centro, which he has in corn and alfalfa. Mr. Pruitt gives his ready support to movements which have for their purpose the advancement of Imperial County. VIRGINIA TENNY SMITH, M. D. A notable figure among the residents of the Imperial Valley is Dr. Virginia Tenny Smith, who came to Calipatria in 1914 from Los Angeles. The new county was unusually fortunate in securing a physician so experienced and skilled in her profession and a woman of such broad culture and personal charm. Virginia Tenny Smith was born March 20, i860, in old Vermont, of American parentage, but of Huguenot descent. After attending the convent at Burlington, Vermont, she entered the medical school of Boston University, from which she received the degree of doctor of medicine in 1888. After a year's time spent as resident physician in the Dio Lewis Sanitarium, she located in Detroit, Mich., and devoted her time to private practice. But in 1907 the lure of the West became too strong to be resisted and she came to Los Angeles, California, where

4I 6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY she remained until her removal to the Imperial Valley. Dr. Smith is an ex-member of the Boston Medical Association, the American Institute of Homeopathy, the Michigan State Medical Society, the American Medical Association, and the Medical Association of Southern California. Dr. Smith was the first person to purchase land from the syndicate at Calipatria, in 1914. There were other settlers in that section, but the doctor purchased the first forty-acre tract. Her beautiful ranch is equipped with every improvement known to modern ranching, and includes a number of labor-saving devices. She had a beautiful residence which was destroyed by fire in October, 1917. Her home was filled with priceless oriental rugs and furniture from all over the world and was destroyed in the fire. Dr. Smith's ranch is the show place of the north end. She has been a conscientious and hard worker, and she is today a worthy representative of true Western womanhood. OTIS BURGESS TOUT, editor, and, with Mrs. Tout, proprietor of the El Centro Progress, came to Imperial Valley in 1907 from Portland, Oregon, where he was engaged in newspaper reporting. Born in Indiana, May II, 1880, he followed his father, who was a minister in the Christian church, through the states of Missouri, Florida, Kansas and the then territory of Oklahoma. The family came to California in 1892, went to Oregon in 1899, and to Washington the next year. In Eugene, Oregon, in 1900-1901, Otis attended the State University. His first newspaper work was on the Ashland, Oregon, Valley Record. His next was on the Eugene Morning Register and then on the Eugene Daily Guard. Acting as correspondent for the Portland Telegram, he was offered a city position by that paper, which he accepted. Illness caused him to change his occupation to writing life insurance, and in 1905 he won a trip to Los Angeles. Bad health followed him until he visited his parents, who were then in Imperial, where J. F. Tout, his father, was pastor of the Christian church, the second minister to locate in Imperial Valley, then almost a virgin desert. The desert seemed to be just the place, for his health improved at once. Mr. Tout accepted a position as foreman in the office of the Imperial Valley Press in

January, 1907, and in April was offered the management of the Calexico Chronicle, owned by W. F. Holt. In the county seat fight that followed, Calexico was credited with casting the winning votes for El

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BIOGRAPHICAL 417 Centro, and Mr. Holt, who was backing El Centro, was so gratified that he presented the Chronicle and the equipment to Mr. Tout. In June, 1909, Mr. Tout was married to Mrs. Estelle May Downing, of El Centro. She being a practical printer, they formed a co-partnership in the publishing business that has endured ever since. They sold the Calexico Chronicle in 1912 and purchased a defunct printing plant in El Centro, where they started the El Centro Progress as a weekly. In the fall of that year it was changed to a morning daily and since that time has been conducted on a broad plan which has commanded extensive patronage and financial success. Mr. and Mrs. Tout own one of the many handsome homes in El Centro, located at Fifth and Holt. Both have been in the Valley long enough to be called pioneers, and have played a foremost part in its development. Mr. Tout was this year elected Exalted Ruler of the El Centro Lodge of Elks, No. 1325. FRANK WITHROW. One of the model ranches of Imperial County, located in Water Company No. 8, at Brawley, and containing 560 acres of very valuable land, is owned by Frank Withrow, the subject of this review. Mr. Withrow came to Imperial County, January, 1906, and is rightly classed among the pioneers. He is a conscientious and broad - minded citizen, influential in all his dealings with his fellow men and commands the respect of all who know him. Mr. Withrow was born at London, Ohio, December 15, 1868, the son of John S. and Ellen (Foster) Withrow. His mother died when he was in infancy and is buried at London, Ohio. The father of Mr. Withrow resides at Pomona, California. The family is of old English origin and came to this country long before the Revolution. The father of Mr. Withrow is a Civil war veteran, having fought valiantly through that tempestuous period. Mr. Withrow received his education in Allen County, Kansas, and left the country school at the age of 18 years. He attended school during the winter months and during the summer assisted on his father's ranch, remaining at home until he reached the age of 21 years. In 1890 Mr. Withrow came to El Paso, Texas, and engaged as air-brake inspector with the Southern Pacific Railroad. He followed this vocation for ten years. From El Paso Mr. Withrow went to Bakersfield, California, in 1900, and while in this city engaged as a tool dresser in the oil fields, where he remained for four years. Then he embarked

4 i8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY upon a new venture and followed rice growing in south Texas for two seasons with success. Later he came to the Imperial Valley and rented

about 640 acres of land for the purpose of raising barley and hogs. This proved to be a great success and he filed on 320 acres in Calipatria, which is now used for truck growing and which has been brought up to a high state of cultivation. Mr. Withrow is making his home on the 320 acres, having previously sold 80 acres of the Calipatria land. On his home ranch Mr. Withrow devotes his time and energies to the raising of barley and alfalfa, and has made extensive improvements about the place which are attractive in the extreme. His land is all irrigated according to the most modern methods. Incidentally, Mr. Withrow is a director of the Brawley creamery and cold storage company. When he votes he affixes his mark after the best and most deserving man on the ballot. He is a member of the Blue Lodge of Masons of Brawley. Mr. Withrow was married at Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 20, 1913, to Mrs. Blanche E. Wilbur of Los Angeles. FRANK ALLEN. Imperial County has been the magnet which has drawn to these fertile borders men with broad and conservative views on ranching and agriculture in general. One of those who early took advantage of the glowing opportunities which this county afforded so generously was Frank Allen, owner of an 80-acre ranch in No. 8 water district. Mr. Allen, the subject of this review, came to Imperial county October 31, 1904, and was born in Saginaw County, Michigan, May 23, 1869, the son of Augustus A. and Pearlette Allen, who came from New York State to Michigan in the early days, where they pioneered and later resided at Saginaw. Both passed away and are buried at Goodrich, Michigan. The family was of old Yankee stock, coming to the country long before the Revolution. The famous General Ethan Allen, is one of the ancestors of Mr. Allen. Mr. Allen's father, incidentally, fought during the Civil war. Frank Allen received his early education at Saginaw, Michigan, leaving high school at the age of 17 years. He then worked about the saw-mills and along the boom and river in Saginaw valley until he reached the age of 22 years, when he married. Later he opened a harness shop, carrying on the business for four years. Following this venture, Mr. Allen purchased an old homestead



of his grandparents and cultivated and farmed the land until he came to Imperial County. Upon his arrival here he bought the present property, which was a desert claim of forty acres. In 1914 he added another forty acres to his holdings, also a desert holding, which he brought to a high state of cultivation. The subject of this review was superintendent of Water Company No. 8 for one year. Mr. Allen's agricultural undertakings include the harvesting of grapes, barley and corn, and in general he is meeting with a great deal of success in this line of endeavor. Politically it might be stated that Mr. Allen has very pronounced views on this subject and can always be found voting conscientiously for the man best suited for the position. Fraternally Mr. Allen is affiliated with

the Maccabees. He was married at Saginaw, Michigan, on February 19, 1 891, to Miss Emma Peeim of Saginaw. Two children are the result of this union: Pearl, wife of Earl Robinson, a rancher near Rockwood, California, Mrs. Robinson being a graduate of the Brawley high school, and Stella, wife of L. W. Ballard, of Brawley. Mrs. Ballard is also a graduate of the Brawley high school and has two children, Lewis and Albert Verne. WILLIAM M. PICKENS, now filling the office of captain of police and deputy sheriff of Calexico, is recognized as one of the efficient and untiring officers of Imperial County. Under him the department of police has developed and increased in efficiency, and lawlessness has been kept down at the lowest level. Mr. Pickens, aside from his official duties, rents a fifteen-acre ranch in Water Company No. 6. The subject of this sketch came to Imperial County in 1915. He was born in Harden County, Tennessee, January 5, 1880, a son of Walter G. and Fariba Pickens. His father is still a resident of that place. William M. acquired his education in the schools of his native state. Leaving high school at the age of eighteen, he went to Texas and followed the range for two years. Coming to California he settled in Fresno and served as deputy sheriff and was later appointed to the police force of that city. Later he was appointed as state police for the Southern Pacific Railroad under Governor Gilette. This office he held for two years. He was transferred to Arizona in the railroad service and held that commission under Sheriff Wheeler. Politically Mr. Pickens is a Democrat. He was united in wedlock at Savannah, Tennessee, to Miss Ada Hudiburg, a daughter of



Joseph G. Savannah, children: 14, 1902, cial, Mr. credit to

and Euphena C. (Gillispie), both deceased and buried near Tennessee. To Mr. and Mrs. Pickens have been born three William Elwood, born October 10, 1899; Flora E., born April and Harvey Adolphus, born December 15, 1909. As an offiPickens has reflected honor upon the city of Calexico and is a the department of which he belongs.

JOSIAH W. EDWARDS. Over in Water District No. 8, in Brawley territory, the critical observer will find forty acres of highly cultivated land, the property of Josiah W. Edwards, a man who has achieved considerable and whose success has been marked since his arrival in Imperial County in 1908. Mr. Edwards is very appropriately classed among the pioneers of this county. He was born in Oregon City, Missouri, June 13, 1854, the son of Josiah D. and Parmelia (Westfall) Edwards, both having passed away and being buried in Portland, Oregon. The family is of Welsh and English origin and dates back many years, the members of which came to this country long before the Revolutionary war. During that tempestuous period a number of Mr. Edward's grand-uncles fought in that war, achieving fame owing to their valor during stormy conflicts. At least fifteen cousins of Mr. Ed-

wards' fought during the Civil war. Mr. Edwards received his early education partly in Oregon and Washington, leaving school at the age of 19 years. Owing to his ambitious nature, the subject of this review immediately after leaving school, followed farming, and later was affiliated with the logging industry of the great Northwest until he came to Imperial County. Upon his arrival here he settled on his present property and has gained wide distinction in the dairy business and also as a raiser of poultry, which is always in the thoroughbred class. Politically Mr. Edwards is a staunch Democrat. He was married in Olympia, Washington, December 14, 1886, to Miss Mary Helen McAllister, daughter of William and Agnes McAllister. The parents of Mrs. Edwards have passed away and are buried in Centralia, Washington. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwards : John Archer, born at Thurston County, Washington, a cement worker ; Mary Grace, wife of C. C. Foulk of Calipatria ; William Ernest, a soldier in the national army at Camp Kearny, California ; Millie Agnes, a student at the University of California.

BIOGRAPHICAL 421 JOHN ALFRED WIEST. An industrious and well-to-do agriculturist, John Alfred Wiest, is the owner of a finely improved and valuable ranch at Wiest, California, in Water Company No. 5. His ranch in regard to appointment compares favorably with any in his locality. In all he has 160 acres. Mr. Wiest came to Imperial County November 6, 1903, and was born in Arcadia, Kansas, January 6, 1882, the son of Phillip A. and Elmina E. (Johns) Wiest. The father of Mr. Wiest died in 1906 and is buried in Arcadia, Kansas. Mr. Wiest's mother resides in this county. The family is of old Pennsylvania origin, members of which came to this country long before the Revolutionary war from France and Wales. Owing to wounds received during the Civil war, Mr. Wiest's father succumbed in 1906, as above mentioned. The effect of imprisonment and the hardships at Libby prison, where he spent nine months in 1863, had much to do with breaking down the health of Mr. Wiest's father. George Wiest, uncle of the subject of this review, was a captain in the nth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and Mr. Wiest's father was in the 51st Pennsylvania Volunteers. Mr. Wiest received his education in Arcadia, Kansas, where his parents were listed among the pioneers from 1878 until 1902, when they moved to California. John A. left school at the age of 18 years and went to Spokane, Washington, for the purpose of locating on a homestead. After that, however, he had attended school at Fullerton, California. Later he took up electrical engineering at Pasadena for twelve months, coming to the Valley on November 6, 1903. He located at Wiest, filing on 160 acres of desert land, being the first permanent settler. Mr. Wiest returned to Kansas some time afterward, where he remained for sixteen months. Then, on November 3, 1905, he again set foot on California soil and immediately began cultivating his property in this county, which, at present, has been brought to a high state of cultivation. During the year 1910 Mr. Wiest filed on an additional 160 acres of land, and Mrs. Wiest also filed on 320 acres. That same year he also purchased another 160 acres, making in all a total of 800 acres of finely situated and valuable land. It was in 1912 that Mr. Wiest sold 640 acres of land for $19,000, which had been improved prior to the selling. Politically Mr. Wiest L a Republican, and is also one of the first trustees in the school district at

Wiest. He is a raiser of thoroughbred hogs in his district. Fraternally Mr. Wiest is a member of the I. O. O. F. of Brawley. In the beginning



of things the town of Wiest, wherein Mr. Wiest resides, was called after the Wiest family, and was formally named by Congressman Smith of the 8ist District. John Alfred Wiest was the first pioneer within many miles when he first came to the county of Imperial. John A. was married at Wiest, August 21, 1909, to Miss Winifred Netta Robertson, daughter of James W. and Margaret Anna Robertson, of Honolulu, having been born and raised in that city. The father and mother of Mrs. Wiest were pioneers of that island country. Her father died February 4, 1900, and is buried in Honolulu. Her mother died in 1894 and is buried at Stockton, California. Mr. and Mrs. Wiest have three children : Bya Joy, born in Los Angeles ; John Adam, born in Wiest, California; and Clinton Edward, born at Wiest, California. Mr. Wiest has found dairying and hog raising very remunerative, milking as many as no cows at one time, but has discontinued the business in order to devote his time to other pursuits. In the good-road movement in this county he has been an active factor. For six years he has been roadmaster, and was a delegate to the Southern California road convention at Los Angeles in 191 1. Politics also have taken up much of Mr. Wiest's time. His fine home was destroyed by fire, but since that disastrous conflagration he has constructed a new, modern and more pretentious dwelling. Originally Mr. Wiest was a grading contractor and leveled more than 15,000 acres of land in Imperial County, all of which is now producing heavily each year. He has experimented with dates, asparagus and other fruits in the county successfully. Mr. Wiest went through many hardships to achieve the results which are so apparent today. He has labored hard during his time in the Valley, and it has been primarily through thrift and well-concerted energy that he has acquired his place of prominence among his fellow men. JOSEPH M. SCHEIBR has achieved success in life as a result of his own efforts. He has been upright in his business dealings and has now the respect and confidence of his neighbors and associates in his community. Mr. Scheibr was born in Switzerland in 1897. He acquired a limited education in his native land. He is a son of Jacob and Anna Scheibr. Joseph M. came to America in 1903 and located in Minnesota. Here he found employment for some months and later, in 1904, he removed to Los Angeles, where he remained for two years and worked at



the dairy business. In 1906 he came to Imperial Valley and worked out for fifteen months at dairying. He then bought thirty cows and rented land for four years at Imperial. He then came to the El Centro district, where he remained three years on one place. March, 1913, he moved his dairy string to his present place and purchased eighty acres with his brother, Ambrose, who was born December 28, 18S1. Scheibr Brothers now have a string of fifty cows. The subject of this sketch was the first Swiss to locate in Imperial Valley, his brother coming to the county two years later. Joseph M. was the first Swiss to purchase cows and engage in the dairy business in Imperial County. The brothers are progressive and up-to-date ranchers and have a well appointed place. ARTHUR G. GOFF is the owner of a ranch of eighty acres in Water Company No. 1, Calexico. He has achieved success along agricultural lines as a result of his own efforts and each year finds him making substantial improvements to his place. Mr. Goff is entitled to prominent mention in this history among the pioneers of Imperial Valley. He came to this county in 1902, and was born in Bedford County, Virginia, June 30, 1877, a son of James L. and Mary A. (Austin) Goff. His father was a native of Virginia and the Goff family is of Scotch origin and came to America and were among the founders of Virginia. The parents of Mr. Goff are both dead. His father is buried in Botetourt County, Virginia, and his mother's body has been interred near Bedford, Virginia. Arthur G. received his education in the public schools of his native state. He assisted on the home place until he was eighteen years of age. He then worked in the woollen mills for eight years. Coming to Imperial County, he found employment at ranching and with the water companies. In 191 1 Mr. Goff became assistant superintendent of Water Company No. 1. This position he filled until June, 1916. Mr. Goff filed on his first ranch in Water Company No. 6, in 1903. This he sold in 1907 and purchased another ranch in Water Company No. 1. He disposed of this place in 191 1. He then purchased his present place of eighty acres which he is improving to make it one of the best ranches in the county. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge and the I. O. O. F. Mr. Goff married in Calexico in February 13, 1907, Miss Myrtle Bradbury, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bradbury. Her father passed away and is buried at Phoenix, Arizona, while Mrs.



Goff's mother resides in El Centro. To Mr. and Mrs. Goflf have been born one son, Albert, born in San Bernardino, December 31, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Goff have the good-will and esteem of all who know them. ARCHIE B. FINLEY. Well entitled to recognition in this publica-

tion is one of the pioneers and representative citizens of Imperial County, namely, Archie B. Finley, owner of forty acres of land in Water Company No. 8, at Brawley, California. Mr. Finley has been long identified with the agricultural and real estate interests of the community, and he has been an influential factor in furthering the upbuilding of the county in many ways. Archie B., the subject of this review, came to Imperial County in 1903, and was born in Oakland, California, August 4, 1895, the son of John W. and Hattie (Hinckley) Finley. The parents of Mr. Finley came to this part of the country from Kansas and started pioneering in the most practical way. There was nothing but sand hills to greet them upon arrival, but through perseverance they have become prominent among the ranch people of the Valley. The ranch controlled by Archie B. was originally the property of his parents. Archie B. received his education in Brawley and left the high school in that city at the age of 18 years. At the time of his entrance into high school life at Brawley the county school was known as the Spruce School. After leaving school he assisted his parents on the ranch until he purchased the property. At that time he launched forth into the dairy business and was also very successful in the raising of alfalfa for stock feeding. He keeps on an average of about thirty head of cattle and other livestock. He has erected a fine residence on the place and has carried improvements on an extensive scale, all of which add greatly to the appearance of the place in general. Trees have been planted, and with the addition of shrubbery the Finley homestead is one of the best country homes in the district. Politically Mr. Finley can always be depended upon to vote for the man who deserves the highest consideration. He was married at Brawley, California, May 31, 1916, to Miss Essie Minshew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Minshew. Her mother died when Mrs. Finley was very young and is buried in Belcherville, Texas. Her father resides in Brawley, California, where he has resided since 1913. Mr. Finley has a son, Clayton Earl, born May 8, 1917, on the ranch. The progress of Mr. Finley has



been marked by impregnable integrity, conscientious effort and broad, conservative business methods throughout. FREDERICK B. WARE. One of Imperial County's most progressive and influential ranchers is Frederick B. Ware, the subject of this review. Frederick B. is the owner of 227 acres of valubale land in Water Company No. 5, near Brawley. For years he has been a prominent factor in the development of the Valley, and is rightly esteemed and highly regarded by all who know him. Mr. Ware came to this county during November, 1907, and was born at Johnsville, Plumas County, California, October 25, 1883, the son of Silas and Fannie (Dolley) Ware. Mr. Ware's father came to California in the early days and worked in the gold mines in a period which was known mostly for its romantic abandon. Later he became one of the state's pioneer

ranchers, settling in Sierra County. At present the parents of Mr. Ware are residents of Pacific City, Washington. The lineage of the family traces back many years, members of which came to this country long before the Revolutionary war, settling in Iowa, where Mr. Ware's grandfather fought the redskins. The early education of Mr. Ware was obtained in the public school of Sierra County, an institution which he left at the age of 17 years. Later Frederick B. followed teaming and farming in the home town until he came to Imperial County for the purpose of helping his brother-in-law, John Blinman, to develop a ranch. It was while engaged in this pursuit that Mr. Ware bought his present property, which in the beginning was rough desert country. At the present time Mr. Ware has a finely appointed ranch which is a credit to the Valley. It has reached a high and remunerative state of productiveness. Mr. Ware follows general farming and is very successful in the raising of grain and cattle. He keeps as high as forty-five head of livestock, which includes twelve horses. He has planted 3000 eucalyptus trees, constructed a modern residence, and has made numerous improvements, all of which command attention. Politically Mr. Ware is a Republican, and has been trustee of the Mulberry school since it was organized. Fraternally he is a member of the Native Sons of the Golden West. He was married at Sierraville, California, January 1, 1907, to Miss Louise Blinman, daughter of Fred and Maria Blinman, both pioneer ranchers and merchants of California, residing at

426 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Sierraville, California. To this union four children have been born: Alice, born at Sierraville, California; Orland, born in Imperial County; Lyle, born in Sierraville, and Olga, born in Imperial County, on the home place. Everything Mr. Ware has gained in this county has been wrought and achieved through his individual efforts. No outside assistance, financial or otherwise, came forward to start Mr. Ware down life's pathway, hence the assertion that the result of Mr. Ware's efforts in the Valley represent in all a personal monument of endeavor. GEORGE W. NICHOLS. Well entitled to recognition in this publication as one of the pioneers and representative citizens of Imperial County is the name which heads this review. Mr. Nichols has been long identified with the agricultural and real estate interests of this community, and he has been an influential factor in furthering the upbuilding of the county in many ways. He was born in Unity County, New Hampshire, March 16, 1856, a son of John and Mary Nichols. His father was a native of Nova Scotia and his mother was of good Old England stock ; both are deceased and buried in the cemetery at Unity, New Hampshire. George W. acquired his education in the public schools and the Randolph State Normal, where he remained two years and later spent one year at the Black River Academy at Ludlow, Vermont. Mr. Nichols' mother died when he was about nine years of age. His grandfather, who was a sea captain, reached the age of 104 years, and his grandmother lived to be 102 years. Early in life George W. worked on farms for his food and clothing for seven years. He then went to Boston, Massachusetts, where he learned the plumbing trade and followed it up to 1876. Going to Hillsboro Bridge, New Hampshire, he was foreman for a large concern for three years and later he went to Great Falls, Montana, to engage in the plumbing business. He worked in Chi-

cago and went from St. Paul to Yellowstone Park to take charge of the plumbing and steamfitting in the Grand Fountain Hotel. Coming to the Pacific Coast, he visited Tacoma, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco, and later settled in San Diego, where he engaged in the hardware and plumbing business, where he remained for seven years. In September, 1900, he came to Imperial County, where he took up eighty acres, which is one of the fine places of his section. He was associated with the real estate business for ten years, and hauled people from San



Diego to Imperial County to locate them on land here. He was one of the original members of the cantaloupe company of Imperial County and the El Centro Seed Oil Mill. He assisted in organizing the El Centro Creamery Company, which was later sold. He assisted in getting the right of way for the San Diego and Arizona Railroad Company from Seeley to Dixieland. He was active in starting the first schools and constructing the roads. He served as president of the beekeepers' association and was a director for three years. He had the second herd of cows in the Valley, which was in January, 1904. He put out the first shade trees in the Valley. He hauled lumber from San Diego down Devil's Canon for his house which was one of the first. He shipped the second load of hogs from the Valley. Mr. Nichols was married January 1, 1894, to Kitty H. Keith, a native of Arkansas City, Arkansas, and she was the first girl born in that town. Her father was the first druggist and first mayor of the town. To Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have been born eight children : Dorothy Keith, Milton Silsby, George Welcome, Aylmer Keith, Paul Fletcher, Pearl Elizabeth, Edward Keith, Katherine and Dorothy, wife of Ira De Owen, an employee in the emigration service, and they have two children, Harold Keith and Donald Cook. Mrs. Nichols' ancestor, Rev. James Keith, came to America and settled in Massachusetts in 1629. Over fifty Keith families lived in a radius of half a mile in Massachusetts. Mr. Nichols planted six date palms in front of his house in 1903, and in 1917 the trees produced 150 pounds to the tree. He also owns a 240-acre ranch at Dixieland, and he promoted the Mt. Signal Water Company and is serving as president at the present time. ISAAC WESLEY FERRIS. Because he is one of the broad, conservative ranchers of the Valley, prominent mention in the pages of the first history of Imperial County should be made of the name of Isaac Wesley Ferris, a factor of importance in the ranch life of the northend and particularly in Water Company No. 8, at Brawley, where Mr. Ferris is well and favorably known. Mr. Ferris has a ranch of 160 acres, where he lives, and 320 acres in partnership with T. J. McNerney. Isaac W., the subject of this review, came to Imperial Valley in 1902, and was born in Dundas County, Ontario, Canada, March 26, 1870, the son of David and Anne (Bates) Ferris. The parents of Mr.

4^8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Ferris raised a family of twelve children, of which three have died. Mr. Ferris is the youngest of the family of twelve. Euphemia is buried at Vankleek Hill, Canada, Joseph is buried in the Glendale cemetery at Los Angeles, and the body of David has been interred at Walla Walla, Washington. Then there is Margaret, wife of J. J. Hogaboam, residing at Lapwai, Idaho; John Ferris, located at Walla Walla, Washington; Mary Jane Boutwell. of Melrose. Massachusetts ; Belle, wife of John Whealdon. of Seattle. Washington ; Emma, wife of William G. Shellabear, minister to Singapore, India ; Robert, of Walla Walla, Washington; James A., a resident of Lewiston, Idaho; and Alice, wife of W. J. Suffel, of Seattle, Washington. Mr. Ferris received his education at Winchester, Canada, and left school at the age of 20 years. Immediately thereafter he departed for Oakdale, Washington, where he engaged as an employee in the flour mills, which vocation he followed steadily for nine years. From that point he journeyed to North Yakima, Washington, where he engaged in the same business for three years. Later he arrived in Los Angeles, where he was successful in the carpenter trade, and, following the terrific earthquake at San Francisco, he immediately found employment in the bay city in helping to build the torn and shattered portions of what were once stately and dignified buildings. He remained in San Francisco for three years during this period in his life. Mr. Ferris then went to Utah in 191 1 and worked in the oil fields, where he branched out in a new line and staged for one and a half years. Later he returned to Imperial County and joined the firm of C. A. Canfield & Delano as manager on a ranch comprising 320 acres, which position he held for three years. Upon his arrival in the Valley in 1902, Mr. Ferris had the distinction of cutting the first wheat hay grown where the town of Brawley now thrives progressively. In 1914 Mr. Ferris purchased a relinquishment of the present property upon which he is now making his home. The land is all under cultivation and yearly attains a remunerative state of productiveness. Many improvements have been made about the place. Politically Mr. Ferris is a staunch Republican. He was married at Los Angeles, California, February 7 23, 1918, to Miss Lida Bracewell of San Bernardino. Mr. Ferris is a director of Water Company No. 8, which position he has occupied for the last three years. All in all, Mr. Ferris represents all the worthy attributes which go with the self-made man.



RICHARD C. STARNER, one of the representative ranchers of Imperial County is in every respect a self-made man. He has achieved success in life as a result of his own efforts and has been earnest and upright, and has gained the esteem of all who know him. Mr. Starner was born in Carroll County, Maryland, June 22, 1876, a son of Calvin and

Annie Starner. His parents were both natives of Maryland. Farming was his father's vocation and his life was spent in hard, faithful labor. He was one of the substantial citizens of his locality. Richard C. acquired his education in the public schools, after which he assisted on the home place for one year. He then worked out until he reached the age of twenty-five, when he went to Colorado and remained one year, and then spent a year in Portland, Oregon, where he worked in the freight house for twelve months. Previous to coming to California he had managed to save $250. He heard of the great possibilities of the Imperial Valley and in 1904 cast his lot with the pioneers in this locality. He took up his present place of 240 acres of land, and the re-survey in 1906 took off twenty-five and a fraction acres. Mr. Starner now owns 225Y9 acres, which is considered one of the best appointed ranches in Imperial County. It is devoted exclusively to grain, and Mr. Starner has made a phenomenal success of the chicken business. He has 600 brown leghorns and ships large quantities outside of the Valley as well as supplying the local market. He set out all of the trees and beautiful shrubbery around his house, which is a modern, well-built bungalow, and has every convenience that can be found in the cities. He erected a 3000-gallon water tank, which gives him ample water for domestic purposes. Mr. Starner's mother is deceased and his father resides in Maryland, half a mile from the old homestead. He resided on his original farm for forty years. Mr. Starner was united in marriage with Miss Mary Ida Williams, a native of Maryland, October 22, 1913. Mr. and Mrs. Starner are active workers in the Methodist church of Holtville. Two brothers of Mr. Starner reside in the Valley. William C. Starner, his nephew, came to the county in December, 1908, and also pioneered with Mr. Starner, helping to level the entire ranch of Mr. Starner. He came here at the age of 17 years and is now a ranch owner of Imperial County. Edward O., another brother, came to the Valley in September, 1917, and Harry K. located in the Valley in October,



1912. Mr. and Mrs. Starrier have a host of friends and acquaintances in Holtville and vicinity. ELMER D. PIDGE, after a long and varied career, during which time he has made a success of all his efforts in the way of agricultural development, is now classed among the enterprising and progressive ranchers of Imperial County. He is the owner of forty acres of highly cultivated land in Water Company No. 8, at Brawley, and is held in high esteem. He came to this county in March, 1908, and was born in Syracuse, New York, May 5, 1888, the son of Lee and Cora (Barber) Pidge; both parents have passed away and are buried in New Hope, New York. Mr. Pidge, the subject of this review, received his education near Syracuse and left the public schools at the age of thirteen years. He then assisted his grandparents, Addison and Juliette Barber, about the home place until he started out for himself at the age of 18

years. Later he worked in various places on farms until he came to Brawley, California, where he worked industriously as a ranch hand for two years, prior to the time he rented land for the purpose of raising grain and other agricultural commodities. During 1912 Mr. Pidge purchased his present property, which, at the time, was only partly improved. At present the property is very productive, having been brought to this state of cultivation through the efforts of Mr. Pidge. Trees have been planted by Elmer D. and the home place in general has an appearance of attractiveness which is appealing. Mr. Pidge is now devoting his activities to the dairy business and is meeting with success. In hog and poultry raising Mr. Pidge is classed among those who yearly achieve results in this particular line of endeavor. He keeps 16 cows, all milking, and has about sixty thoroughbred hogs. Politically Mr. Pidge votes for the man most deserving. Fraternally he is a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge No. 408 of Brawley. He was married in Brawley, January 20, 1917, to Miss May Snyder, of Azusa, California. Mr. Pidge is, in every sense of the word, a self-made man. He started out in life without financial assistance from anyone and throughout his years he has achieved an enviable position among his fellow men. VESS GOODRICH WAY. The growth of Imperial County in the short space of a few years from a barren stretch of desert, undevel-



oped in any way, to a land of prosperous farms, has been brought about by men of progressive spirit. One who has been active in the agricultural life is Vess Goodrich Way, owner of 160 acres in Water Company No. 8, near Westmoreland. Mr. Way came to Imperial County December 12, 1907, and was born at Chillicothe, Missouri, March 16, 1887, the son of Sylvester and Ella (Piersol) Way. Mr. Way's mother died August 25, 1905, and is buried in Pasadena, California. His father resides at the old home place in Missouri. The family is of old Scotch-Irish origin. The parents of Mr. Way settled in Livingston County, Missouri, many years ago. Mr. Way, the subject of this review, received his education in Chillicothe, Missouri, leaving school at the age of 16 years. In 1904 he came to Pasadena, California, where he worked in the Pasadena foundry for eighteen months. He then took up civil engineering and later obtained a position as instrument man with the Huntington Land Company and held this job until July, 1907, when he came to the Imperial Valley, where he worked on ranches for seven months. He then rented eighty acres of land for three years and 160 acres for four years, raising grain and hogs until he purchased the present property from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. At present Mr. Way has brought his property to a high state of cultivation and has made many extensive improvements about the place in general. He follows the new method of raising grain and livestock and is meeting with meritorious success. Politically Mr. Way is a Republican. He is a member of the Odd Fellows and is past noble grand of No.

408, Brawley. He was married at Berkeley, California, August 20, 191 1, to Miss Eula Pirtle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pirtle ; both reside at Bard, California. To this union have been born two children : Margaret Ellen, born February 19, 1913, at Brawley, California, and Robert Vess, born October 8, 1914, at the same birthplace. Mr. Way, throughout his broad, conservative methods, has achieved noteworthy success in all his undertakings in the Valley and is held in high esteem by all who know him. EGBERT M. SAWYER. Perseverance and industry have done much for Egbert M. Sawyer, the subject of this review. Also, it might be stated, that it is primarily through his individual efforts that Mr. Sawyer has been classed among the wide-awake and enterprising ranchers

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of Imperial County. The owner of eighty acres of highly-cultivated land at Brawley, in Water Company No. 8, Mr. Sawyer, since his arrival in the county, February i, 1910, has been foremost among those intent on formulating and developing broad, conservative ideas pertaining to agricultural pursuits. Egbert M. was born at Rolling Prairie, Wisconsin, December 24, 1870, the son of Francis L. and Lydia (Miller) Sawyer. Both have since passed away. The father is buried in Ontario, California, while the body of Mr. Sawyer's mother rests in the Burnett cemetery, Burnett, Wisconsin. The family is of English origin and, tracing the lineage thereof, one finds that it dates back many years. It is interesting to note that Benjamin C. Sawyer came to this country in the historic Mayflower, and Charles Miller fought valiantly during the Civil War. With characteristic ambition, Mr. Sawyer received his early education in the public and high schools of Horicon, Wisconsin, leaving the latter institution at the age of 21 years. He then went to Chicago as collector for the Remington Typewriter Company, with which concern he remained two years. Owing to ill health, he returned to his home, where he remained until 1894, when he came to California and settled at North Ontario, engaging in electrical and engineering pursuits. In 1906 he established himself in the meat market business, where he made rapid progress, which brought success and which also enabled him to later purchase his present property in this county, which at the time of changing hands, was a relinquishment, being rough desert country. Mr. Sawyer stuck steadily at the task of leveling the same, and owing to this method of procedure, coupled with his practical knowledge of agriculture, Egbert M. has made his holding one of the prized items of interest in the county. More than 1200 trees have been systematically laid out, a modern home of pretentious design has been constructed, and, all in all, Mr. Sawyer is to be congratulated upon the modern appearance of his place in general. The ranch has been stocked with registered Holstein and grade Holstein cattle. In addition Mr. Sawyer is raising about sixty hogs and more than eighty head of cattle. Politically Mr. Sawyer is a Democrat, and

although he has never aspired for public office, he can be depended upon to vote for the right man if the occasion requires. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., Euclid 68 of Upland, and the F. O. E., No. 1082. Mr. Sawyer was married at Upland, California, June 28, 1901, to Miss Ada L. Larrabee, daughter of Nathan Russell and Ellen C. (Moon)l

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Larrabee. Both the father and mother of Mrs. Sawyer have passed away. Mr. Larrabee died February 22, 1917, and is buried in Kenosha County, Wisconsin. The mother died January 22, 1918, the body having

been interred in the Rosedale cemetery at Los Angeles. WILLIAM E. VAN HORN. Prominent mention should be made in these pages of William E. Van Horn, proprietor of the Ford Repair Shop, No. 563 Broadway, El Centro, California. Mr. Van Horn, through his progressive methods has built up a large and remunerative business, and is highly esteemed by all who know him. He came to Imperial Valley December 17, 1900, and was born at Ashland, Oregon, March 29, 1886, a son of Loreteus M. and Elizabeth (Firestone) Van Horn. The family is of old Holland Dutch origin, coming to this country when New York State was being settled mostly by Holland emigrants. Members of this family fought valiantly during the war for independence and also during the strife of '61. Mr. Van Horn's mother died in 1894 and is buried in Ashland, Oregon. Mr. Van Horn's father is one of the oldest pioneers in point of residence in the Imperial Valley. He did the first construction work on the canal system of the county, and at present is an active factor in the development of the county. He put in his first work on the canals December 19, 1900. When Mr. Van Horn's father came to the Valley there were but three water holes. One of these was at Cameron Lake, three miles from Calexico, another at Blue Lake, and the Pot Hole, six miles out of Imperial. Mr. Van Horn received his education in the public schools of Imperial County and left the institution at the age of 18 years. He then learned the electrical trade, which he followed for seven years, and after devoting his energies to gasoline engines, automobiles, tractors and other mechanical affairs, he branched out and still follows this interesting and remunerative vocation. Whenever Mr. Van Horn votes he always attaches his mark next the name of the man the most deserving on the ticket. He was married at Olympia, Washington, September 24, 1910, to Miss Selma Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson, both residents at this time of Olympia. To this union three children have been born: Clyde E., born at Bishop, California; Gladys, born at Brawley, California, and Charles L., born at El Centro, July 14, 1916. Mr. Van Horn represents the self-made man in every respect. He started



out in life on his own resources and the business he has built up, and which is now such a gratifying monument to his individual efforts, merely bears out the impression that Mr. Van Horn has worked hard for success and that his achievement has been a noteworthy one. He is now having built more specious premises at Eighth and Main streets, El Cenfrro, which will be ready to occupy in July, 1918. HENRY HARTWELL HOWELL, SR. The History of Imperial County would not be complete without the name of Henry Hartwell Howell, Sr., a successful rancher owning eighty acres of land in Water Company No. 8, at Brawley. Dr. Howell can rightly be classed among the enterprising and progressive citizens of Imperial Valley. He came to

Imperial County in September, 1908, and was born in Pope County, Arkansas, July 20, 1846, the son of James A. and Sarah E. Howell. Both passed away and are buried near Modesto, California. The family is of old Scotch-English origin. With his parents, Henry H. migrated from Arkansas at the age of seven years. California was the magnet which drew their footsteps westward. The subject of this sketch received his education near Stockton, California, in the public schools and the S. M. institution, also known as the Pacific Methodist College, at Vacaville, California. In 1879 he graduated from the medical branch of the University of California with a degree of M.D. Following this he devoted his time largely to the study of medicine and practiced his profession for ten years at Bishop, California. Teaching school was also one of Dr. Howell's professions at this time. Since giving up the practice of medicine Dr. Howell has turned to practical farming and has been thus engaged ever since. When he first came to the Valley he rented land until he purchased his present property, which was in 1914. He has improved his ranch and has one of the most valuable holdings in the county. In addition to this he owns eighteen acres near Fullerton, California. Politically he is a Prohibitionist. He was married at San Francisco, December 31, 1875, to Miss S. G. Summers, a daughter of Dr. G. M. and Amanda Summers, both of whom are buried at Fresno, California. To this union six children have been born : Mabel C, wife of W. T. Morris of Kern County ; Thurman B., a rancher of Orange County, California; Ethel G, wife of George M. Warren, lieutenant in the home guards at Portland, Oregon ; Frank T., employed in the ship-



yards at San Pedro ; Jessie L., wife of Arthur D. Evers, interested in the ship chandlery business; and Henry H. Howell, Jr., located at the submarine base at San Pedro, California. Dr. Howell is a member of the State and American Medical Society. It has been primarily through the individual efforts of Dr. Howell that he has achieved the success which is rightly his due. He is conscientious, an enterprising and influential citizen and is always foremost among those who are constantly boosting for better conditions in the county at large. AUGUST MAYER. Ambition is what makes this wide old world such a habitable place to live in. Ambition is what gave to August Mayer, the subject of this review, a desire to achieve a worthy object, which culminated in the forty-acre ranch which Mayer now owns in Water Company No. 8, in the Westmoreland district. In the year 1909, on the 25th day of December, to be exact, August Mayer came to Imperial County, and he has never regretted the impulse which started him in the direction of the highly productive fields of this county, as success, with all its smiling attributes, has come to the man whose history is chronicled in this sketch. August Mayer was born in Germany, November 26, 1882, and came to this country in the year 1907, having received his early education in his native land, leaving school

at the age of 14 years. With stalwart perseverance and a determination to make good despite overwhelming odds, Mr. Mayer cast a stern eye about him for some logical undertaking which he might pursue advantageously and which in the end would make him a livelihood worthy of his station in life. Being of strong physique, Mr. Mayer followed work on the ranches for two years in various parts, and upon his arrival in Imperial County rented his present holding and later bought from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. Mr. Mayer has constructed a comfortable dwelling of pretentious design on his property, where he lives with his family. At present Mr. Mayer is engaged in general farming, and each year harvests his crops with the knowledge that the financial returns far exceed his expectations. He has had splendid success in the way of raising alfalfa and livestock of a high grade. Mr. Mayer was married at El Centro, California, May 25, 1914, to Miss Marie Hora of Bohemia. They have one son, Eugene George, born in the north end, May 29, 1916. A glance over the ranch of Mr. Mayer

436 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY convinces one that it has been primarily through hard and conscientious work that he has made the marked progress which is noted there. WALTER P. CASEY. Prominent among the wide-awake and progressive business men of Brawley is Walter P. Casey. He has contributed materially to the welfare of the city, and is holding a place of prominence in business, social and fraternal life. The ancestors of Mr. Casey, on both sides of the family, are of colonial stock, coming from Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont. Walter P. Casey, the subject of this review, was born in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, April 23, 1885, son of Albert W. and Nettie G. (Pevear) Casey. He received his education largely in the public schools of Utah. Mr. Casey's father, owing to ill health, traveled extensively and now makes his home in Glendora, California, where he has a well improved orange and lemon grove. Finishing his education, Walter P. worked for the Pacific Electric road for three years in Los Angeles. He spent one summer ten miles from Death Valley, and returned to Los Angeles and entered the employ of Warren & Bailey Manufacturing Company. He then became connected with the San Dimas Lemon Association with the view of learning the citrus business. In February, 1913, he removed to Imperial County, locating in Brawley. Here he was associated with Peter B. Hovley in the real estate and ranch business. Mr. Hovley had large ranch holdings and Mr. Casey assisted in handling these. In May, 1916, Mr. Casey purchased the insurance part of the business and also engaged in the grain business, and buys independently of the large dealers. He erected a warehouse and put in a spur track and now ships barley, wheat and maize to leading points in the United States. The ancestors of his mother were among the large morocco leather manufacturers in Lynn and Boston, Massachusetts, and his ancestry traces back to the whalers of New Bedford, Massachusetts, and the Pilgrim Fathers. Mr. Casey is serving as president of the chamber of commerce, and secretary of the Brawley Hotel corporation. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge of Brawley. He was married April 29, 1913, to Miss Irene La Fetra, a native daughter and the first white girl born in Long Beach, California. Mrs. Casey's father is deceased, and her mother resides in Glendora. Mr. Casey represents the largest and

most prominent insurance companies in the United States and England.

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RAYMOND H. HENDERSON. In the career of Raymond H. Henderson, one of the leading citizens, we find an excellent example of the self-made man, who started out in life without funds and by his own efforts he has gained the esteem of all those who know him, as he has attained the full measure of success. Mr. Henderson was born in Postville, Iowa, May 28, 1877, a son of E. T. and A. E. Henderson. His parents were natives of Wisconsin and Iowa and were the parents of six children. Raymond H. received his education in the public and high school. He afterwards took a business course in San Diego, where his parents moved twenty-five years ago. After completing his education he took up bookkeeping for a time and went to Tennessee, where he remained for a time. Returning to Los Angeles, he spent one year in that city, when he removed to Imperial Valley in 1901. Mr. Henderson is truly a pioneer of this section. When he came here it was a vast desert, and he has seen it pass from the desert stage to a place of great productiveness and wealth. He filed on 160 acres which he improved and lost it by contest. He afterwards purchased eighty acres following the overflow, which is all highly improved land and set out largely in asparagus. Mr. Henderson was married in August, 191 3, to Miss Georgia Dunagan, a native of Arizona and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Dunagan, who have a well improved dairy ranch near Imperial and are among the well to do and honored people of that section. To Mr. and Mrs. Henderson have been born two children: Raymond, Jr., aged three, and Evelyn, aged six months. Mr. Henderson's parents are still living. On his father's side the family dates back to Scotch origin, while on his mother's side the family is of old English ancestry. Mr. Henderson is of a progressive spirit, as each year finds him making permanent improvements on his ranch. SYLVANUS G. HASKELL. Noteworthy among the active, prosperous ranchers of Imperial County is Sylvanus G. Haskell, who owns and occupies an eighty-acre place. It is well appointed and well managed, and he is numbered among the prosperous men of his locality. Mr. Haskell was born in Belfast, Maine, October n, 1861, son of John Green and Mary Haskell, who were the parents of five children, three sons and two daughters. Mr. Haskell received a limited education in the public school. At the age of twelve he worked out and remained

438 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY with his employer for four years. He then spent two years in Kennebec County. In 1881 Mr. Haskell came to California and located in Riverside. Here he worked at ranching for one year. Sylvanus and his two brothers then went to Cucumonga, California, and bought sixty acres and later took on forty acres more. This was all orange land and the brothers set out twenty acres to oranges. In the fall of 1897 they went to Westminster, Orange County, and rented land. Then after spending three years in Whittier, California, Mr. Haskell came to Imperial County, where he now farms eighty acres. He intends to engage in alfalfa and hogs and will operate a small dairy. Politically Mr. Haskell is a Republican but has never aspired to office. He married Georgiana Eady, a native of Whittier, California, June, 1901. There has been born seven children : Ralph True, attending high school ; Lloyd Elsburg, Glenn Douglas, Le Roy, Paul Valentine, Vivian and Sylvanus, Jr. Mrs. Haskell comes from old English stock and her ancestors came to this country at a very early date. Mr. Haskell comes from Scotch ancestors and his grandparents were early settlers in Maine. Mr. Haskell will shortly move his present house back and erect a new residence, and will put in five acres to grapefruit. HENRY E. CLAY, the subject of this review, is one of the practical ranchers of Imperial County. He owns 160 acres of land at Brawley, in Water Company No. 8, and has the distinction of having brought his property up to a highly productive state, and is a firm believer in the conservation of natural resources. Mr. Clay came to Imperial County in 1904, when this part of the country was a rolling desert waste. He was born at Prescott, Arizona, July 10, 1885, the son of James W. and Sarah F. (Graham) Clay. The father of Mr. Clay died in 1909 and is buried in Mendocino County, California. Incidentally, Mr. Clay's mother resides in Modesto, California. Mr. Clay received his early education at Escondido, California, and left the high school during his junior year, which was in 1900. After leaving school, Mr. Clay tried his hand at the grocery business, and while he achieved success in this venture, he eventually turned to farming, being employed first as a farm hand, until he rented the present property from his father. Later he purchased the holding from the family estate and immediately stocked the plantation with livestock. Here Henry E. was successful.



He finally laid out the property, planting 2000 trees and constructing a substantial dwelling, which, together with numerous other outbuildings, has greatly added to the general and modern appearance of the place in general. Henry E. was married in Brawley, the event in fact being the first since the organization of the town. This nuptial affair occurred June 11, 1908. The bride was Miss Lena Neil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Neil, pioneers of Mendocino County, where also resided the

father of Mr. Clay. It has been primarily through the conscientious efforts of Mr. Clay that he has succeeded in the ranch world as he has. He has received little assistance during his endeavors and is thereby entitled to all the emoluments of the season for his sterling achievements. WILLIS F. BEAL. Prominent among the leading citizens of Imperial County is Willis F. Beal, a man of sterling integrity and worth, who is widely known as a successful business man and rancher. Mr. Beal's birth occurred at Jacksonville, California, July 31, 1879. He is a son of J. M. and Rhoda (Packwood) Beal, both deceased and buried in Watsonville, California. He acquired his education in the public schools of Santa Cruz, leaving school at the age of eighteen. Mr. Beal enlisted and served as a volunteer in the Spanish American war. After the war he returned to the coast and spent four years in San Francisco. He came to Brawley in 1903, when it was in a primitive state. There were only a few tents and one shack in the town when Mr. Beal came here. He was employed that summer with the Southern Pacific and assisted in putting down the rails along the line into the Valley. Mr. Beal then took up one hundred and sixty acres in Water Company No. 8, which he improved, making a success of his venture. He still owns the original homestead and has added to his holdings until he now has, all told, one thousand acres in Imperial County. He leases part of his land and gives his personal attention to the cultivation of the balance. Mr. Beal, with his brother, Robert B., engaged in the grain business and erected a fine warehouse, and while identified with this business he became interested in the Brawley Creamery and Cold Storage Company, and served as president of that concern since 1913. Mr. Beal served as city trustee for a period of six years, and has been further honored by being a member of the board of supervisors, which office he has held



for the past six years. He was united in marriage in Brawley, California, January 8, 1910, to Miss Grace L. Blackwell, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Blackwell of Seattle, Washington. To this union have been born two sons: Willis L., Jr., born July 11, 191 1, and James Monroe, born January 15, 1913. Mr. Beal recognized the opportunities offered to business men in Imperial Valley from the start. He has increased his scope of operations and has met with exceptional success in every line, and takes rank with the leading men of the Valley. WILLIAM H. BREON. One of the model ranches in Imperial County is owned by William H. Breon. Mr. Breon's forty acres are situated near Westmoreland, in Water Company No. 8, and are highly productive. Mr. Breon, the subject of this review, came to Imperial County in 1910. He was born in Center County, Pennsylvania, May 3, 1866, the son of Jacob and Mary (Barrel) Breon, both of whom are now dead and buried in the Oak Ridge cemetery, at Altoona, Pennsylvania. The

family is of old French origin and came to this country long before the Revolution. William H. received his education in the public schools of his native state and left school at the age of 14 years for the purpose of making his way in the world. Farming for a few years thereafter, William H. met with success in his endeavors, but later took up the carpenter trade, which he followed actively for thirty-six years. Mr. Breon took up this calling at the age of 17 years. Arriving in Los Angeles, Mr. Breon eventually turned his eyes in the direction of Imperial County, and upon arriving in this locality rented land until he was able to purchase his present property, which was in November, 1916. Unqualified success came to Mr. Breon during his early ventures in the county in the way of raising alfalfa and corn and stock for his own use. Politically Mr. Breon is a Republican; fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias. William H. was married at Altoona, Pennsylvania, July 28, 1885, to Miss Sadie Strought, daughter of Harry and Maggie Strought, both having since passed away. Their bodies rest in Altoona. To this union two children have been born: Chester J., a soldier in the national army at Camp Kearny, California, and Bessie P., wife of Wilbur Randall, son of Professor Randall of the El Centro High School. Mr. Breon's son-in-law is a prominent young attorney of Imperial County. Throughout his residence in Imperial




County Mr. Breon has demonstrated his individual worth in many progressive ways. He is foremost among those who are constantly boosting for the higher development of agriculture in general, and what he has already attained in this pursuit has placed him in an enviable position with his fellow men. HERNANDO J. MESSINGER. After a long and varied career, during which he has traveled extensively and devoted his energies to numerous lines of endeavor, Hernando J. Messinger is now one of the leading business men of Imperial County. He is now vice-president of the Davenport-Messinger-Kavanaugh Company of Holtville. The firm's progressive and enterprising methods have won for them success. Mr. Messinger came to Imperial County in 1902. He was born at Easton, Pennsylvania, May 3, i860, a son of D. K. and Malinda M. Messinger. His father is deceased and his mother resides in Philadelphia. Mr. Messinger acquired his education in the public schools. At the age of sixteen he worked for A. R. Dunn, a wholesale tobacco firm of Easton, Pennsylvania, and traveled on the road for a period of nine years. At the age of twenty-six he entered the Government Indian Service in New Mexico, remaining in this capacity for four years. He then en-

gaged in the mercantile line and traveled among the various Indian reservations for six years, with headquarters at Navajo Springs. From that period to 1902 Mr. Messinger went into the Apache country and was identified in business. He had many horses and cattle and when the Phoenix and Eastern Railway was put through he assisted in the construction work. December 20, 1902, he came to Imperial Valley, which was just being started. Here he engaged in the business of leveling land. He still carries on this business and is the only one in the county who has been identified in this enterprise for so long a period. Mr. Messinger started the first livery business and the first laundry in Holtville. He also started the first store that Edgar and Varney Bros, occupied. Mr. Messinger is one of those who have thoroughly demonstrated the possibilities of successful ranching on two farms of 480 acres. Politically Mr. Messinger is a Democrat and has served as city trustee as well as being councilman for four years. He was married in Phoenix, Arizona, February 22, 1902, to Miss Ernestine W. Warnake. To this union has been born one son, Marcus A., born September 19, 1905, and who has



the distinction of being the first boy born in Holtville. Mr. Messinger is a self-made man of whom the West is so proud. He started out in life without friends, influence and capital, and through his own efforts he has placed himself among the substantial men of Imperial County. CHARLES M. TYNER, proprietor of the Alamo Garage at Holtville, California, has been a resident of Imperial County since 1905, and Holtville proper since 1916. Wherever progress and industry are mentioned as broad factors in the development of Imperial County the name of Mr. Tyner can always be found prominently displayed. Mr. Tyner was born in Benton County, Arkansas, January 28, 1877, the son of William C. and Lucy (Sanders) Tyner. At the present time Mr. Tyner's father is residing in Los Angeles. His mother passed away in 1913, the body having been interred in the cemetery at Artesia, California. The family is of English origin, members of which came to this country prior to the Revolution. Charles M., the subject of this sketch, received his early education at Mountain City, Kansas, and left school at the age of 17 years. Shortly thereafter he assisted his father on the farms, working in Kansas, Oregon and California, until he reached the age of 22 years. He then started as a fireman with the Southern Pacific where he remained for two years, and then obtained a position as engineer with the Holton Interurban Railway, for which concern he worked seven years. Previously to this Mr. Tyner had been employed by the Holton Interurban as a fireman, acting in this capacity for two years. Leaving the Holton people, Mr. Tyner purchased his present lucrative business and which is now rated as one of the largest of its kind in the county. He employs three mechanics steadily and is thus proving to the satisfaction of every one that his business is without a doubt one of the most successful. Politically Mr. Tyner is a Democrat,

although he has never aspired for public office. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F. Lodge of Holtville. Mr. Tyner was married at Yuma, Arizona, December 28, 1902, to Miss Charlotte M. Taggart of San Antonio, Texas. They have one son, Charles Victor, born at Yuma, February 23, 1904. PEAR Z. LUND has been successfully identified with the agricultural interests of Imperial County since April, 1914. Mr. Lund has a model



ranch of seventy acres and rents additional land. He is a native of Guttenburg, Sweden, and his birth occurred on April 6, 1874, son of Nills Pedro and Anna Lund. Both parents are deceased. His father was a government surveyor in his native land and was highly esteemed in his locality. Mr. Lund received his education in his native land and came to America in May, 1892. Intent upon having a better education, when he came to this country he attended night school while he worked on a railroad at Rockford, Illinois. He worked in the coal mines of Iowa and later worked at the carpenter trade. He contracted in Des Moines and then went to Fort Whipple, where he had charge of the roof -slating contract at the army post for one year. Coming to Los Angeles, he was a carpenter foreman for about four years. Removing to San Diego, for seven years he erected several houses and acted as foreman for contracting companies. Without knowing anything about ranching, he traded his San Diego place for his present farm. His first year at ranching was practically -a failure, but after learning the system in vogue in Imperial County, he has made a success. Mr. Lund has followed rotation farming and this year he will have fifty acres in corn, and by using the silo system he expects to feed two head of stock to the acre. Last season he purchased his first silo and each year he expects to add another. He now has 85 head of stock and will continue to increase his herd until he has 100 head. Mr. Lund has been a citizen of this country since 1897 and in his political affiliations he votes for the man irrespective of party. Fraternally he is a member of the American Yeomen and the Swedish order of Vaso of San Diego. He was married in Des Moines, Iowa, May 14, 1898, to Miss Minnie Swanson, daughter of S. J. Swanson. Her father still resides in his native land and her mother is deceased. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Lund : Anna, born in Des Moines, Iowa, a student in the El Centro high school ; Halga, born in Los Angeles, and Alice, born in San Diego. GEORGE E. WIEST is one of the commanding figures in the agricultural life of Imperial County. He was one of the first settlers in the town of Wiest, named after members of the Wiest family. Mr. Wiest is the owner of 172 acres of highly-cultivated land in Water Company No. 5, all located at Wiest, California. George E. came to Imperial



County October 5, 1906, and was born in Arcadia, Kansas, January 6, 1885, the son of Phillip A. and Elmina E. (Johns)l Weist. Mr. Wiest's father died in 1906 and is buried in Arcadia, Kansas. The mother of Mr. Wiest resides with him on the home place in this county. Before his death, the father of Mr. Wiest filed on 80 acres of land in Imperial County. The family comes of old Eastern stock and for generations have been active factors in the development of the country. The town of Wiest was called after the family, they having been the first settlers in this part of the Valley. Among the pioneers on the Wiest side who took up land here were John A., Daniel W., Edward L. and George Ellis Wiest. Mr. Wiest received his education in the public and high schools in Kansas, and left the institution at the age of 17 years. He then came directly to Pasadena and Monrovia, where he was an inspector for the Pacific Electric Railroad for four years. Later he filed on his present property, which was wild, desert country. Mr. Wiest has brought his holding up to a high state of productiveness and follows the general method of farming. In raising grain, cotton, alfalfa, etc., he has been very successful. He also is cultivating a mixed orchard of twenty acres and has planted about 1500 fruit trees and 2000 of the eucalyptus variety. Beautiful shrubbery runs around the yards and the buildings in general, together with a finely appointed residence, and modern in every detail. George E. organized the R. F. D., Route No. A., running out of Brawley, and is also one of the four members who organized the Valley Telephone Company. Altogether, Mr. Wiest is cultivating 414 acres in Imperial County, in addition to 100 acres in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Politically he is a Republican, and for some time has been a trustee of the Mulberry school. It is interesting to note that in the early days and prior to Mr. Wiest's success in life, he labored hard to achieve the success which is his allotment today. Mr. Wiest at one point in his career walked from Brawley to Wiest owing to the fact that he did not have sufficient cash in his pockets to enable him to ride as other knights of the period, in a buggy or an automobile. Mr. Wiest represents the self-made man, with all its exacting details and emoluments attached. HERSCHEL GLOVER, proprietor of the Alamorio blacksmith shop, near Brawley, came to Imperial County, August 7, 191 1, and was born



in Independence, Missouri, September 5, 1864, the son of James and Jeanette (Brite) Glover. Mr. Glover is one of the progressive and influential citizens of Imperial County. He is interested in all big, broad and worthy issues of the day and is a factor in county development. The Glover family is of old Kentucky stock, members of whom were among the pioneers of Missouri and Kentucky. Captain Brite, one of Mr. Glover's ancestors, did valiant service during the Revolutionary war. Mr. Glover's father fought under General Price during the strife of '61 as an officer. He died in 1871 from the effects of gunshot wounds received during intense fighting and was buried at Mokane, Missouri. Mr. Glover's mother passed away in 1870. Her body rests beside that of her husband in Missouri. Thomas, a brother of Mr. Glover, was killed during the historic battle of Gettysburg. Mr. Glover was in the service during the Spanish-American war. Mr. Glover received his education at Chillicothe, Missouri, having been raised from boyhood by a family going under the name of M. C. Rupert, people who were well known and highly respected in the community wherein they resided for so many years. He left school at the age of 18 years. Starting out in life, Mr. Glover followed the trade of a machinist for three years, during which time he was actively connected with the Missouri Pacific Railroad, with headquarters at St. Louis. Later he returned to Chillicothe, where he established himself as a machinist and blacksmith, carrying on the business successfully until he came to the coast, where he worked in the machine shops at Randsburg, California. Coming to Imperial Valley, Mr. Glover established his present remunerative business, which is one of the most commodious concerns of its kind in the county. Mr. Glover is popular in his community and is held in high esteem. As a result his business is thriving nicely and will continue to do so indefinitely as Mr. Glover is a man of his word, ambitious, an upright citizen, and in every quarter is referred to as a most dependable and worthy factor in the development of Imperial County. He is active in silver, copper, lead and other mining interests. When he votes he always attaches his mark to the ballot opposite the man most deserving, and is not swayed by party politics. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F., having been affiliated with the order for twenty-seven years. Mr. Glover was married at Bloomfield, Missouri, April 3, 1880, to Miss Mildred Bagby, who died in 1898, and is buried

446 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY in Cedar City, Missouri. To this union three children were born : Nettie, wife of H. Black, Callowey, Missouri; Geneva, wife of Leonard Rumsey, Brawley, California; Ambrose, who died in infancy and is buried in Cedar City, Missouri. The second marriage of Mr. Glover occurred at Tibet, Missouri, on January 24, 1901, to Miss Sarah Day, daughter of Samuel H. and Maggie (Fitzgerald) Day, old settlers in Missouri. Mrs. Glover has a brother residing in Jefferson City, Missouri. Her father died June 26, 1910. As the result of this latter union Mr. and Mrs. Glover have six children : Berneta, born in Dixie, Missouri ; Thurman, born at Toledo, Missouri ; Edgar, born at Yucatan, Missouri ; Samuel, born at McCredie, Missouri, and Ethel, born at Alamorio, and Roy, born at the same place. All in all, Mr. Glover has achieved considerable during his time in Imperial County.

WILLIAM L. GOLDMAN is actively identified with the business interests of Calexico, and is associated with W. F. Keeline in the manufacture of awnings, tents and auto tops. Mr. Goldman is a progressive and up-to-date business man, and is constantly adding to his establishment the latest methods and machinery, with the view of giving the people of Calexico and vicinity the best possible work that can be secured. Mr. Goldman was born at Stephen Point, Wisconsin, June 25, 1888, a son of John and Mary Goldman, both natives of Poland. His parents came to America forty-five years ago. His father is still a resident of Portland, Oregon, and his mother passed away in 1899. Mr. Goldman's father has been identified with the Southern Pacific Railroad for more than 30 years. William L. acquired his education in the public schools of Portland, Oregon. In 1908 he went to Los Angeles where he learned the butcher business. He worked at his trade for some time and later engaged in business in Los Angeles. October 27, 1917, Mr. Goldman came to Imperial County and became associated with Mr. Keeline and has had the management of the Calexico office since that time. On December 25, 1908, Mr. Goldman was united in marriage to Pearl J. Pawling, a daughter of P. L. Pawling. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F. In politics he is a Republican, but always votes for the best man irrespective of party. The subject of this review served in the Spanish-American war and was a member of Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment, and was stationed in Vancouver, Washing-

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ton. He received his discharge owing to disability. Mr. Goldman has achieved success in his chosen field and has the confidence and goodwill of his fellow business men in Calexico. EDWIN A. MERRIAM, one of the successful and prominent ranchers of Imperial County whose interests have extended to many fields of endeavor, is a native of Washington, D. C. He was born August 31, 1864, a son of Major G. F. and Nina (Scott) Merriam. His father was a graduate of the U. S. naval academy at Annapolis, Maryland, and was a member of the Fifth New York Heavy Artillery. He volunteered and fought in the Civil war and was wounded and lost his hearing owing to heavy artillery fire. His death occurred in 1914, at the age of seventy-nine years, the result of a street-car accident. His remains, with those of his wife lie in Arlington National Cemetery at Arlington, Virginia. The family is of old English and Dutch origin and the first of the family came to America in 1612. The great-grandfather of Mr. Merriam fought in the war of 1812, and Nathaniel Merriam fought in the Revolutionary war, and took part in the Boston tea party.

Mr. Merriam's uncle, James S., served as ambassador to France for many years. Edwin A. acquired his education in the public schools of California. He attended the University of California and at the age of twenty established a packing house at Escondido. This he operated for six years in conjunction with a large vineyard. In 1899 he went to Mexico, where he was largely identified with gold and silver mining. Owing to the revolution he left that country in 1913. He is now one of the leading agriculturists in the Valley, operating 8700 acres, which is largely devoted to cotton. Mr. Merriam also has five different mining properties which are very valuable. Politically he is a Republican, but has never aspired for public office. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F. and Knights of Pythias of Escondido. He was married June 15, 1916, to Mrs. Janette Hart of San Diego, California, a pioneer of Imperial County since 1908, and has a son by a former marriage, Jerome S., born at Escondido, California, September 12, 1897. Mr. Merriam understands ranching in principle and detail, and his long experience and practical methods have brought him a gratifying degree of success. He is now one of the leaders in his chosen field of endeavor in Imperial County.

448 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY HARRISON PAYTON HOPGOOD, who has a fine ranch of thirty acres on R. F. D. No. 2, El Centro, is considered one of the able agriculturists in his locality. Mr. Hopgood came to Imperial County in October, 1912, and was born in Union County, Kentucky, January 30, 1867, a son of Daniel and Kate (Victor) Hopgood. The family is of Irish origin and the first of the Hopgoods came to America previous to the Revolutionary war. Mr. Hopgood's father has reached the ripe old age of eighty-eight years, and resides in Union County, Kentucky, and his mother passed away in 1885, and is buried in Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky. Harrison P. received his education in the public schools of his native county. He resided on the home place until he became twenty-two years of age. He then married and kept on farming until he came to this county. Upon locating in Imperial County, he went on a forty-acre ranch and followed a dairying business. Selling out he bought forty acres on Dogwood Canal, where he engaged in the dairy business until he came to his present ranch, which was not entirely improved. Mr. Hopgood built fences, erected a substantial house and improved his place generally, and erected a silo. He now has a string of fourteen milch cows in addition to young stock. Mr. Hopgood owns a fine ranch of thirty acres on Dogwood Canal which his son manages. Politically he is a Democrat. He was married at Henshaw, Kentucky, March 21, 1889, to Miss Sallie Henshaw, a daughter of William B. and Kate (Young) Henshaw. Her father died in 1897 an( i is buried at Morganfield, Kentucky. To Mr. and Mrs. Hopgood have been born five children: Mamie Kate, wife of Glen Smith, residing in Stockton; Curtis, engaged with Water Company No. 1 ; Harry, residing at home ; George, in the aviation corps at San Diego, and William T., at home. In matters of citizenship his influence and support are given on the side of advancement and progress. ARTHUR E. LONG The growth of Imperial County in the short space of a few years from a barren stretch of desert, undeveloped in any way, to a community of prosperous farms and commercial cen-

ters, has been brought about by men of progressive spirit. One who has been active in the agricultural life is Arthur E. Long. He is a native son and was born September 30, 1875, in Susanville, Lassen County, and is a son of Thomas N. and Mary Long. His father was a native of Ala-



bama and his mother was born in Oregon. In the parents' family there were thirteen children, seven of whom are living. Arthur E. acquired his education in the public schools, after which he became identified with ranching and stock raising in various places on the coast. He came to Imperial County in 1907, and was associated with his brother, G. A., who was in the packing-house business in Imperial. Both Arthur E. and his brother, G. A., are extensively interested in large ranch holdings, and in 1917 raised 3760 hogs and have much land in alfalfa and corn. Mr. Long has erected substantial buildings and has every modern convenience such as corrals, scales, and his place is fenced with hog wire, which extends all around the ranch. The ranch is located half way between El Centro and Imperial, and he makes a specialty of hogs and cattle. His home place consists of five acres, one mile and a quarter west of El Centro. Here he has erected a most modern bungalow and has every modern convenience. Mr. Long has a six-acre feed place and in 1917 he fed 1000 head of steers, and in 1916 he fed 1500 steers before shipping. In politics he is independent and always supports the best man. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge and the Knights of Pythias. He was united in marriage November 27, 1907, with Viola B. Mitchell, a native of Big Meadows, Plumas County, California. To this union have been born two daughters : Zelma and Melba. Mrs. Long is a member of Rebekah Lodge and the Ten Thousand Club and takes an active part in the social events of Imperial County. She is also chairman of the Welfare League. Mr. Long's father came to California when he was eighteen years of age. He owned and operated the stage lines from Marysville to Idaho. He passed away in his eighty-fourth year and was buried in the family cemetery at Susanville. He was of Scotch ancestry, while Mr. Long's mother was born in the New England states. She died at the age of sixty. Mrs. Long's parents are both deceased. Mr. Long is essentially one of the representative men of Imperial County, and has the confidence and esteem of all who know him. DAVID C. CLARAHAN. In recording the names of the pioneers of Imperial County the first history of the county would not be complete were there failure to mention David C. Clarahan, whose name heads this sketch. Mr. Clarahan first came to Imperial County in 1903. He was



born in Columbus, Ohio, October 4, 1850, a son of John and Catharine Clarahan. Both have passed away and are buried at Baden, Iowa, where they removed in 1854, and were among the pioneers of that locality. The family is of Irish origin. David C. received a limited education in Keokuk County, Iowa, leaving school at the age of twelve years. He was compelled to assist at home owing to 'the Civil war. Here he remained until he was nineteen years of age. In 1874 Mr. Clarahan traveled through various states, and while in Colorado he did freighting in the mountains. This vocation he followed until 1882. From Colorado he went through New Mexico to Arizona, and freighted with ox teams up to 1900. While at Phoenix Mr. Clarahan did freighting, farming, railroad work, threshing, baling hay and other vocations on contract. He also farmed for himself near Phoenix, coming to the coast in 1900, and did teaming and other work at Redlands and Huntington Beach. In 1902 he came to Imperial as a ranch hand, and in 1903 he removed to Holtville and rented land. In 1907 he took up 166 acres under the Southside Water Company. Each year he has added to the improvements on his land, and today has one of the model ranches in his locality. Mr. Clarahan is the owner of a threshing outfit, which he utilizes on his own place as well as threshing on other ranches. In politics he is a Democrat. Mr. Clarahan was married at Phoenix, Arizona, in 1895, to Miss Pearl E. Holmes, and her death occurred December 14, 1909. Mrs. Clarahan had one daughter by a former marriage, now Mrs. A. C. Wilson, residing on the home place. HOWARD T. JONES. In reviewing the lives of men of Imperial County whose record will go down to posterity in the first history of Imperial County, special mention should be made of Howard T. Jones. He has achieved success in life as a result of his own efforts, and he is today one of the representative business men of his chosen county. Mr. Jones came to Imperial County in June, 1907. He was born April 23, 1882, a son of Charles E. and Margaret (Welsh) Jones, both residents of Cincinnati, Ohio. Howard T. received his education in the public and high schools of his native county, graduating from the latter in 1900. He later attended the University of Cincinnati for three years. In 1903 he engaged with the Wagner Electric Company of St. Louis, Missouri, and was made local representative in Cincinnati,



Ohio. He filled that position to the satisfaction of his company and when the exposition opened at St. Louis, Mr. Jones became identified with the concession department until the end of the fair. Returning to

Cincinnati, he became designer for the D. T. Williams Valve Company for two years. In January, 1907, he came west and located in Los Angeles. He then became engaged with the F. O. Engstrom Construction Company until he came to Holtville, which was in June, 1907. He worked for the Imperial Creamery for a time and later worked for L. F. Shaw for a very brief period. He then walked from the ranch to Holtville and took a position with C. H. Eckert, and while in his employ Mr. Jones filed on 160 acres of land, which he sold for $500 six weeks after filing. He then bought an 80-acre relinquishment two miles northeast of Holtville, in which he planted 20 acres of cantaloupes and 20 acres of grapes. That season Mr. Jones lost $500 on his cantaloupes. By hard, faithful labor he leveled the balance of his land, which has since been brought up to a high state of cultivation. Mr. Jones has fifty acres of grapes and has fifty acres in watermelons. In 1910 he was elected city clerk and later engaged in the real estate and insurance business, which vocation he followed for four years. Mr. Jones with Mr. F. S. Shumate purchased the grocery business of Carl Morford, and after six months Mr. Jones purchased his partner's interest and now has one of the finest stores in Imperial County. Mr. Jones is city chairman of the war savings stamp committee. He is a member of the Sigma Alpha Epislon, a college fraternity. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge and served as master for one year. Mr. Jones was married in Los Angeles, April 8, 1916, to Laura Howard, a sister of Mrs. Porter and Albert Ferguson of Holtville. JACOB ALSON HOLMES is a man much esteemed by all who know him for his integrity and upright business principles. Mr. Holmes is now filling the position as manager for Varney Bros. & Company at Holtville, being made manager January 1, 1918. He came to Imperial County in September, 191 1, and was born in Zavala County, Texas, September 20, 1893, a son of Ned W. and Dora A. (Blakenay) Holmes, residents of Imperial Valley. The Holmes family is of old English ancestry and settled in America many generations ago. Jacob A., the subject of this review, received his education in the public schools and

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high school of Batesville, Texas. At the age of seventeen Mr. Holmes accepted a position with Varney Bros. & Company at Brawley. Here he remained for a period of six years when he was appointed to his present position. In politics he is a Democrat. Fraternally Mr. Holmes is a member of the I. O. O. F., and is past chancellor of the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Holmes was united in marriage in Brawley, March 8, 1916, with Miss Blanche Lee Purdy, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Purdy of Calipatria, California. To this union have been born one daughter, Mary Jane, born in El Centro, California, November 26, 1917. Mr. Holmes is a man of sterling character and good business ca-

pacity. Both Mr. and Mrs. Holmes take an active part in the social life of Holtville. ARTHUR D. STUMP enjoys recognition as one of the leading and enterprising business men of Calexico. He has won merited success as manager for the Pacific Land and Cattle Company and has been identified with that concern since June, 1916. In every sense of the word he is a self-made man. Through his energy and business foresight the concern with which he is associated has prospered. Mr. Stump is a native of Kansas, his birth occurring September 19, 1873, son f Thomas and Emma Stump. His father was a native of Ohio, while his mother was born in Indiana. His mother passed away when Arthur D. was a mere boy of five years. His father makes his home in Kansas City with his daughters. Arthur D. acquired his education in the public schools of Kansas and Iowa. Leaving school he found employment on farms and in the coal mines at Richmond, Missouri, for a period of five years. He enlisted in G troop, Seventh Cavalry, during the Spanish-American war and saw service in Cuba. He received his discharge on April 22, 1899. Returning to Kansas, he entered the retail meat business in Topeka for a period of seven years. Coming to Los Angeles, he worked at his trade for twelve years. Coming to Calexico, he took the management of the Calexico meat market and the city market, both owned by the Pacific Land and Cattle Company. Mr. Stump was united in marriage with Carrie L. Reynolds of Fall River, Massachusetts, and they have two children: Shirley Fay and Arthur Delbert. Fraternally Mr. Stump is a member of the B. P. O. E. of Topeka, Kansas. He is also a member of the Spanish-American War Veterans. His grandfather



fought all through the Civil war and was wounded while in action. He drew a pension for service rendered his country. While a resident of Calexico Mr. Stump has made a success of his company's business and through his management the company has greatly prospered. CHARLES FREDERICK JOHNSON. In reviewing the careers of the pioneers of Imperial Valley, prominent mention should be made of the subject of this review. He is in every respect a self-made man. He started out in life on his own resources and through his energy and business foresight he has accumulated a handsome competency and has achieved success in life as a result of his own efforts. Mr. Johnson has overcome many obstacles in life, as he was left fatherless when he was young. He was born in Sweden, July 15, 1858, and in 1882 he came to America. His father died when he was five years of age. His mother passed away the following year. Mr. Johnson located in Princeton, where he found employment at farming for some months. He then worked for the C. B. & 0. railroad when that company was constructing a double track between Chicago and Council Bluffs, and again took up farming, which he continued in Illinois until he was twenty-three. He

worked for others until he was married. He then rented land and in 1893 ne removed to Wichita, Kansas, and purchased eighty acres of land seven miles from that city. Here he remained for seven years. In 1907 he purchased fifty acres and paid cash. Mr. Johnson improved that place and disposed of his holdings and came to Imperial County and bought his present place of one hundred acres, which have been brought up to a high state of cultivation. Corn and alfalfa have been planted successfully each year. Mr. Johnson disposed of twenty acres in the fall of 1917 to his son-in-law, T. I. Young. Mr. Johnson acquired only a limited education, but has gained a wider scope of knowledge in the school of experience. His buildings are of the most modern type. All of his stock are of superior grade. While a resident of Illinois, Mr. Johnson was married in 1887 to Miss Sarah E. Wickblad, who is a native of that far-off land of Sweden. Her birth occurred in 1866. She came to America in 1881, and was a daughter of John and Sarah Wickblad. To Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have been born nine children : William L., born in 1888, has served in the U. S. army for five years ; Mamie D., born in 1890, now the wife of G. P. Pruitt; Lillie E., born in 1891,



wife of Thomas I. Young, residing opposite Mr. Johnson; Fritz H., born in 1894, now serving in the U. S. army and at present located at Camp Lewis ; Laura M., born in 1899 ; Veva H., born in 1901 ; Sumner C, born in 1904; Roy C, born in 1906; and Hattie C, born in 1908. The last four children are residing at home. Mr. Johnson has never aspired to public office, but takes an interest in matters that will better the conditions in his locality. The Johnson family are well known in Calexico and vicinity and are esteemed by all. GEORGE RICHARD BUCKEL maintains the reputation as one of the able and successful ranchers of Imperial County. He is progressive in citizenship and has gained the confidence and the good-will of all who have in any way been been associated with him. Mr. Buckel was born in St. Louis, Missouri, November 10, 1890. He came to Imperial County in June, 191 5, and his brother, Leonard J., came to this county in August, 1913. The subject of this biography acquired his education in the public schools of St. Louis. At an early age he assisted his father. At the age of nineteen he started out in life for himself and traveled extensively. He assisted on a threshing machine in Canada for some time. Returning to St. Louis, he engaged in contracting and teaming and followed this vocation until he came to Imperial Valley, when he engaged in raising farm products. Politically Mr. Buckel is a Republican. He was married in St. Louis, Missouri, June 5, 1915, to Miss Edna Huth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Huth, both residents of St. Louis. To Mr. and Mrs. Buckel have been born one daughter, Adele. Mr. Buckel has a string of seventy-five milch cows, as well as a hundred head of young stock. He is a self-made man. He started out in life without financial aid or money and has worked his way up and accumulated

a handsome competency. Mr. George Richard Buckel and his two brothers, Leonard J. and Dewey W., are partners and have succeeded in the same influential manner. Both were born in St. Louis, Missouri, where they received their education. WALTER M. PAIN. From comparative obscurity Walter M. Pain has advanced steadily in agricultural connections until he became one of the representative ranchers of Imperial County. He is esteemed and popular in his neighborhood for his manly qualities and close conform-



ity to the principles of right and honor. Mr. Pain was born at Bangor, Maine, July 23, 1867, a son of Castenos and Theresa (McKeen) 1 Pain. His father died in 1912 at the age of eighty-three years and is buried in San Diego, California. Mr. Pain's mother is a resident of Imperial County. The family is of old English origin and dates back to the Mayflower. Walter M. received his education mostly in the schools of experience. At the age of fourteen he began to make his own livelihood, working on farms and following other pursuits. Mr. Pain first came to Imperial Valley in 1887, when the Valley was a vast desert. He camped with his cattle at Blue Lake, where he secured ninety acres of land which he leveled and improved. He erected substantial buildings and now has one of the fine ranches in this county. In politics Mr. Pain is a Republican, but has never aspired to office. He was married in Escondido, California, September 15, 1902, to Miss Catherine McVey, a daughter of John and Catherine McVey. Her father was a veteran of the Civil war and is now deceased and buried in the soldiers' cemetery at Sawtelle, California. To Mr. and Mrs. Pain have been born three children : Frank, born at Julian, San Diego County, California ; Theresa and William, born in Escondido. Mr. Pain has one of the best appointed ranches in the Valley and makes a specialty of alfalfa and barley. He keeps one hundred head of stock. Mr. and Mrs. Pain have a host of friends and acquaintances in the county. JAMES LAUGHRIN. Through his own efforts, James Laughrin attained a place among the successful ranchers of Imperial County and stands today an excellent example of the self-made man of whom the Imperial Valley is so proud. Mr. Laughrin has a well-appointed place of 148 acres in Water Company No. 8, near Brawley. He came to the Valley in November, 191 1. He was born in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, March 27, 1866, a son of Owen and Sarah (Forbes) Laughrin. His father was among the pioneers of Illinois and died in 1906 and is buried in Beaver County, Oklahoma. His mother resides in Beaver City, Oklahoma. The family is of Irish origin and came to America before the Revolutionary war. Mr. Laughrin received his education in Carroll County and assisted on his father's farm in Oklahoma. Starting out in life, Mr. Laughrin engaged in ranching in Oklahoma. Here he remained until he came to Imperial County. He purchased forty acres which he

45 6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY improved and finally sold. He then purchased 67 acres and filed on other land and now has a model place of 148 acres. Mr. Laughrin was married near Beaver City, Oklahoma, August 10, 1892, to Miss Mary Etta Black, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Black, a pioneer farmer and merchant of Tologa, Oklahoma. To this union have been born ten children : Thomas Owen, a rancher in Imperial County ; Robert James, in Battery D., U.S.A.; Eunice Berry, attending business college in San Diego ; Esther Belle, attending school at Brawley ; Edward, Richard, Lindell, Evelyn, Gertrude and Mary Fay. Mr. Laughrin has the most unique and scenic ranch in the Valley. The fact that most of his land is in the river bottom caused by the overflow of the Colorado is something out of the ordinary. His residence, barns and other buildings are located about sixty feet above his ranch. It is a picturesque sight to stand on the bank and gaze upon the fertile section below, which is in alfalfa and other crops. CHARLES F. BOARTS. One of the pioneers of Imperial County and a man who is justly entitled to special mention in these pages is Charles F. Boarts, the subject of this review, and the owner of two ranches in Water Company No. 8, at Brawley, comprising eighty acres each. Through his energy, put forth and coupled with his practical knowledge of agriculture in general, Charles F. has made a name for himself in the north end of the county which is worthy of chronicle. Mr. Boarts came to Imperial County in March, 1908, when the (then) vast desert tract was in an embryo stage and during which period attained considerable notoriety as "The Hollow in God's Hand." Charles F. was born in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, February 13, 1871, the son of Fred and Sarah J. (Marsh) Boarts. The mother of Mr. Boarts resides at Kittanning, Pennsylvania, the father being buried in the Brick Church cemetery, Armstrong County. The family is of Holland origin and came to this country prior to the Revolution. Mr. Boarts received his education in the public schools of his native state and left the institution of learning at the age of 16 years. He then started to learn the flour milling business and after a few years retired owing to ill health. Later he learned the carpenter trade, and as a journeyman and contractor being engaged in this pursuit for sixteen years in various cities of the Union. Upon his arrival in Imperial



County he purchased his present holdings. He is now residing on the property, originally a relinquishment, which was rough and very uneven ground in the beginning, and which has now been brought up to a high state of cultivation. In the dairy business and the raising of hogs,

Mr. Boarts has made a success of both enterprises. He is keeping about ioo head of cattle and is milking 50 cows at the present time. In addition Mr. Boarts has on the place as high as 150 head of hogs. The subject of this review is a director of Water Company No. 8, a director of the Brawley Chamber of Commerce and a director of the Imperial County Farm Bureau, which he helped to organize, and is also chairman of the Westmoreland Farm Center. Mr. Boarts is a director of the Brawley Creamery & Cold Storage Company, and lends his services ably to various other interests which demand his attention. Although he does not boast of his political affiliations, Mr. Boarts can always be depended upon to jot his mark in the square for the most deserving man on the ballot. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F. of Brawley Encampment. He was married in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, December 10, 1902, to Miss Mamie B. Klingensmith, daughter of Joseph and Lucy Klingensmith. The father of Mrs. Boarts died in 1913, and is buried in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. A mother of Mrs. Boarts resides at Leechburg, Pennsylvania, on the home property near that place. At one time Mr. Boarts was clerk of the Westmoreland School Board, and plans were drawn under his direction for the erection of one of the finest school buildings and surroundings in the county. The plan incorporates numerous facilities and equipment, which is of the most modern design, all of which is a source of civic pride to the community. JOHN R. TILLY is a man of progressive ideas and one of the substantial and representative men of Imperial County, and has served as secretary of Water Company No. 12 since August, 1917. Mr. Tilly came to the Valley in 1914, and purchased three hundred and twenty acres of land located ten miles northwest of Imperial, in Water Company No. 12, and the success he has attained has been gratifying. He is engaged in raising cotton, alfalfa and corn, and improvements of a high order have been made on every hand. Mr. Tilly was born in Harrison County, Missouri, March 4, 1888, son of Oliver and Bertha

458 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY (Brown) Tilly. His parents are among the early settlers of Harrison County, and are still living. Mr. Tilly acquired his education in the public schools, graduating from the Bethany high in his county. He became associated with the Harrison County Bank, as bookkeeper and assistant cashier, remaining here for five years. He came west and established a retail hardware store in San Diego, which he operated for eighteen months and then traded his stock of merchandise for his ranch holdings in this county. Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge. Politically he votes the Republican ticket. Mr. Tilly married in Bethany, Missouri, October 9, 1912, to Miss Ree Neff, a daughter of Daniel Neff, who is retired and lives in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Tilly have one son, Norman G., born August 21, I9I3JOHN TRENT ANDERSON is prominently identified with the agricultural interests of Imperial County and is recognized by those who know him for the sterling character of his manhood and good business capacity. Mr. Anderson owns a fine ranch of 320 acres near Calexico. He came to this county November 27, 1914. His birth occurred near

La Grange, Tennessee, April 27, 1855, a son of Judge James A. and Louisa C. (Trent) Anderson. The father of Mr. Anderson was one of the prominent and able attorneys in Tennessee, and served as circuit judge in Memphis, Tennessee, for years. The family date back to old English origin and the city of Trent was named after this historic family. Mr. Anderson's father served as captain during the Civil war and fought on the side of the Confederacy. The subject of this review received his education at Oxford University; after completing the same he engaged in ranching and stock business for six years. He then engaged in the real estate, ranching and cattle business in Texas, Oklahoma and California, and has followed this vocation up to the present time. Politically Mr. Anderson is a Democrat, but has never aspired to political office. He was married in Callahan County, Texas, June 22, 1879, to Miss Fannie H. Anderson, daughter of Robert M. Anderson, former lieutenant-governor of California, and Lucie (Wyatt) Anderson. The Wyatt family is one of the old distinguished families which settled in America in the early period. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are : James A., born in Callahan County, Texas, and at pres-

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ent a rancher in Mexico ; Sallie D., wife of Ralph E. Sweeringen, an architect, resident of Calexico, California ; Robert O., born in Taylor County, Texas, a rancher residing at Murphy, Texas ; Jack T., a rancher of Imperial County; Louise Catherine, wife of H. S. Abbott, a rancher residing in Mexico; Isabell, a graduate of the U. M. A., Columbia, Missouri, residing at home. John and Mattie died in infancy and are buried near San Gabriel, California. Mr. Anderson's attention is concentrated upon his ranch affairs, in which he is meeting with gratifying and well-deserved success. JAMES MILLIGAN. Noteworthy among the active, prosperous and progressive ranchers of Imperial County is James Milligan, who owns a well-appointed place of two hundred and forty acres in Water Company No. 6. In recording the names of the pioneers, prominent mention should be made of the subject of this review. Mr. Milligan came to the Valley in 1907, and was born in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, March 31, 1857, a son of Samuel and Hannah (McCarroll)l Milligan. Both parents are deceased. His father died in 1875 an d is buried in Salem, Iowa. Mr. Milligan's mother passed away when he was very young. After serving in the Civil war, Mr. Milligan's father moved to Iowa from Pennsylvania, where he was one of the pioneers of Green County. The family is of old Irish origin and Mr. Milligan's grand-

parents came to America previous to the Revolutionary war. The subject of this review received his education by his own efforts in the school of experience. He assisted his father on the home place until he became of age. Going to Texas, he became identified with the cattle business. Later he followed the stock business in Wyoming and Kansas and went to Montana, where he ranched and had stock, remaining there until he came to Imperial Valley. On his arrival here Mr. Milligan purchased a squatter's claim of eighty acres, which he leveled and improved and brought to a high state of cultivation. Later he acquired more land and now has 240 acres. He is a large cotton grower and most of the time works over twenty head of stock. Mr. Milligan erected one of the finest homes in the county, and planted many trees and shrubbery. He has labored earnestly and wisely in his efforts to improve his property and has been exceedingly fortunate in his work. In politics Mr. Milligan is independent. He married at Livingston, Mon-

460 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY tana, June 6, 1889, Miss Ella Cady, a daughter of Charles F. and Orrie Cady. The parents of Mrs. Milligan are both deceased and are buried in Livingston, Montana, having been pioneers of that state. Seven children have been born to this union : Samuel C, residing near Calipatria ; Frank Leslie, in the engineering corps of the U. S. army; Howard W., residing in Stockton ; James, at home ; Mildred, attending the El Centro high school ; Orril, in grammar school, and Alberta, in school. Mr. Milligan is most esteemed by those who know him for the sterling character of his manhood. AYLMER J. HAMMERS. Imperial Valley is prolific of successful and enterprising ranchmen, but all have not attained the prominence that has come to the Hammers family, whose fine farms have been brought up to a high state of cultivation. Aylmer J. Hammers was born in Woodford County, Illinois, November 25, 1867, a son of J. A. and Sarah Luella Hammers. Mr. Hammers' father is buried in Los Angeles. His mother makes her home in Los Angeles with her daughter, Ula May Rottman. The Hammers family is one of the pioneer families to come to the county in 1900. J. A. Hammers, the father, was a cattleman from Harper County, Kansas, where he leased a tract of land eight miles by ten square, all fenced. He owned and pastured as many as 4000 cattle at one time. He owned 2000 acres of land at Anthony, Kansas, where he farmed and handled stock. Coming to Imperial County, he belonged to the Cameron Lake Cattle Company, which filed on 10,000 acres of desert land. In 1903 the company was dissolved and the family took two sections of land as their portion. The land up to three years ago was devoted to barley and stock, but the last three years has been devoted to corn and cotton. During the Colorado flood, Hammers Brothers suffered very little, as they threw up dykes to keep the water back. The father was in Los Angeles during the flood, and at one time the water came very near the house. Aylmer Hammers acquired his education in Kansas. He was united in marriage to Miss Blanche Murray, a native of Kansas. Two children have been born to this union : Sarah Elizabeth and Jessie Murray. The ancestors on the Hammers side of the house are from old Pennsylvania Dutch stock, and on Mrs. Hammers' father's side date back to Scotch-Irish. James A. Hammers died in Los Angeles, September 9, 1912. He was extensively engaged

BIOGRAPHICAL 4 6i in the real estate business for some years. W. B., brother of Aylmer J., is a partner in the ranch, and with his wife, Josephine Lowrie, resides on the same ranch. Bertice P., who died in South America in 1904, was also a partner in the ranch. He is buried in the Rosedale cemetery. Mrs. Ula May Rottman has one child, Ruth Louise, two years of age. NICHOLAS SCHANIEL. One of the model ranches of Imperial County which shows by its appearance that an experienced and skillful agriculturist is carrying on the operations is that belonging to Nicholas Schaniel. He is one of the pioneers of this county, and he has displayed characteristics of energy and perseverance in overcoming many obstacles. He has been a resident of the county since 1901, and was born in Illinois, February 3, 1865, a son of Peter and Anna (Willcome) 1 Schaniel. His father and mother were natives of Germany, both coming to America early in life. They were married in the United States. There were nine children born in the parents' family. Nicholas acquired his education in the country schools. Leaving school he learned the carpenter's trade. In 1888 he came to California and located in San Diego. Here he became associated with his brother, who was a contractor. The brothers formed a partnership and carried on contracting and building for twenty-five years. In 1901 Mr. Schaniel took up three hundred and twenty acres in Imperial County, which he improved. The Colorado flood of 1905 totally destroyed the place. His loss was estimated at eleven thousand dollars and four years' work. He abandoned the claim and traded San Diego property for his present eighty acres, which has been brought up to a high grade of cultivation. After the flood of 1905 Mr. Schaniel planted cotton exclusively. During the flood Mr. Schaniel walked the levees night and day and worked with a wheelbarrow repairing the banks. During this period as many as ten men would stop overnight with him, and Mr. Schaniel would take them across the river and they would walk to Calexico for supplies. Mr. Schaniel built the only ferryboat in his section, and it was large enough to take five head of horses across. The first crop put in by Mr. Schaniel was irrigated with water from New River. His brother, Peter, has a finely improved ranch near Brawley. Fraternally Mr. Schaniel is a member of the Woodmen of the World, and is a member of the Catholic church of El Centro. He leveled his eighty, planted all the trees and

462 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY erected substantial buildings. Mr. Schaniel has unbounded faith in the Valley and is numbered among the substantial and respected citizens of his locality. GEORGE L. PULLIAM, one of the representative ranchers of Imperial County, is the owner of 160 acres in Water Company No. 6. Coming to the Valley in 1907, he has labored earnestly and wisely in

his work, his ranch being now in a high state of cultivation, yielding large annual harvests of alfalfa. Mr. Pulliam has achieved success as the result of his own efforts. He attended the public schools and graduated from the San Antonio, Texas, high school in 1901. He then became identified with the Southern Pacific Railway at El Paso for a period of three years in the office. He mined and later was in the stock business and did ranching in Mexico. Here he remained until he came to Imperial and filed on 160 acres of desert land. Personally Mr. Pulliam leveled the land and made all the improvements, and practically planted all to alfalfa, and he now occupies a well-equipped ranch. He possessed the vigor, manly courage and spirit of determination that wins success in Imperial County. He erected a fine home, set out trees and shrubbery and now has a model place. Mr. Pulliam is business manager of Water Company No. 6, and served as director for about four years. His political allegiance is with the Democratic party. Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias of Calexico. He married in San Diego, December 24, 1914, Miss Mae Darrough, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Darrough, residents of Calexico. THOMAS I. YOUNG. An enterprising and enthusiastic young ranchman of Imperial County, Thomas I. Young is intimately associated with the promotion of the agricultural interests near Calexico, being industriously and successfully engaged in alfalfa growing. He has a well-improved place, on which he has erected a fine bungalow, with every modern convenience which may be found in the cities. Thomas I. Young was born in Chicago, October 23, 1888, a son of Daniel W. and Sarah A. Young, both deceased. Mr. Young received his education in the public schools of Chicago and in Wisconsin. His parents removed to Wisconsin when he was young and his father followed farming. Later he removed to Chicago, where he became identified with the



contracting business. The subject of this review worked at ranching in Wisconsin, and in October, 1909, he came to California and Imperial County, where he readily found employment at ranching. Finally he purchased twenty acres all in alfalfa, and now carries on general ranching. Mr. Young was united in marriage with Miss Lillie Johnson, August 1, 1910. To this union have been born four children: Lawrence H., Lillie May, Ruth and Thomas I., Jr. Mr. Young is a man of integrity and has up-to-date methods in ranching and has made many friends and acquaintances in his locality. JAMES HOLLIDAY HAWKINS. Energy and well-directed ambition, guided and controlled by good judgment, have constituted the foundation upon which John H. Hawkins has built his success. He is a native of Van Alstyne, Texas, and his birth occurred November 22, 1887, a son of Jesse and Laura Hawkins. His father was a native of Mississippi and his death occurred twenty years ago. Mr. Hawkins'

mother passed away in 191 5. John H., the subject of this review, attended the public schools of Texas. His father was a rancher and dealt in cattle quite extensively. At the age of sixteen Mr. Hawkins started out in life and readily found employment on the ranches of Texas, New Mexico and Colorado. In 1905 he came to California and followed various vocations, and in 1915 he purchased an eighty-acre farm, which he has mostly in alfalfa. Mr. Hawkins was united in marriage with Katherine Harvey, a native of Oregon. By a former marriage Mrs. Hawkins has two children: Roy, aged twenty, and Hazel, aged fifteen. Fraternally Mr. Hawkins is a member of the I. O. O. F. of Imperial and formerly held membership in the Woodmen of the World. Mr. Hawkins has achieved success in life as a result of his own efforts, as he started out in life without influential friends or financial aid. GEORGE CLINTON HEIL. In recording the names of the representative ranchers of Imperial County, prominent mention should be made of the man whose name heads this review. He is a native son and was born in Santa Ana, California. His father, Joseph P., was a native of New York, and his mother was a native of Kansas. In his father's family there were eight children. In 1888 Mr. Heil's parents came from Topeka, Kansas, to -California, where they remained one year. Return-

464 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ing to Kansas, the family remained there until 1902, when they sold out and returned to the Golden State and located at Santa Ana. Here they remained until 1907, and in 1908 came to Imperial County and located in El Centro. Mr. Heil's father purchased the Valley Steam Laundry and operated it successfully for about four years. His death occurred in El Centro in 1916 and the remains were placed in the cemetery at Santa Ana. Mr. Heil's mother still resides in El Centro. George Clinton, the subject of this sketch, was born October 27, 1888. He acquired his education in the public schools of Santa Ana and El Centro, California. He graduated from the El Centro high school with the class of 1910, and for a period of seven months attended Stanford University at Palo Alto, California. Completing his studies, he returned to El Centro and was identified with his father for a time. Mr. Heil's mother has a ranch of 120 acres, which has been brought up to a high state of cultivation. George C. has the management of eighty acres, while his brother has charge of forty acres. George C. was united in marriage with Miss Irma McClure, a native of Illinois, November 1, 1910. To this union have been born Lewis Clinton and Irma Katheryne. Mr. and Mrs. Heil have a host of friends in El Centro and surrounding country and they have the esteem of all who know them. WILBER CLARK, with his father, John Clark, formerly superior judge of Tulare County, and sister, Margaret S. Clark, now Mrs. W. H. Dickinson, of Yuma, came to the Valley in the fall of 1901, driving down from Los Angeles. Water not being available on their land, they engaged in business in Imperial. Miss Clark took over the post-office from W. F. Holt, who had just been appointed postmaster; she also had charge of the Valley telephone system, and established a thriving stationery and news business, selling same to H. E. Allat. Wilber Clark started the first hardware business in the Valley at Imperial, selling out there to A. L. Hill. He then moved to Calexico and again established

the first hardware business at that place, and after disposing of this store, he and his wife, Elizabeth F., settled on the now greatly improved Wilfrieda Ranch. Mr. Clark is a book-worm and possesses a library of several thousand volumes, containing some rare "Americana" and first editions, as well as books relating to the Southwest. Also considerable experimenting has been done in the way of horticulture some fifty

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BIOGRAPHICAL 4 6 5 varieties of grapes have been tried out and a profitable express business has been worked up on the same. Of great interest to Mr. Clark is the six-acre date orchard; many of the trees are in full bearing, producing fine-tasting dates. THOMAS PHILLIPS. The gentleman whose name heads this biography was one of the first settlers in Imperial Valley, and since 1900 his activities have been directed towards the development and prosperity of the fertile section included in this county. He is among the first pioneers of the Valley, and the first standard history of Imperial County would be incomplete were there failure to make special mention of Thomas Phillips, one of the founders of this section, who now owns an eighty-acre ranch in Water Company No. 1. Mr. Phillips was born at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri, September 17, 1863, a son of William D. and Hulda A. (Pearson) Phillips. His mother died in 1915 at the age of sixty-eight years, and is buried in Unionville. His father is in his seventy-sixth year and resides at Unionville, Missouri. Mr. Phillips acquired a limited education in the country school while assisting on the home place until he was eighteen years old. Starting out in life, he found employment at farming, and in 1884 he came to California, where he remained until 1886. Returning to his former home he remained for two years. Returning to California, he settled in San Diego. Here he took up a homestead. He proved up on his place, remaining on the ranch until he was married. He then engaged extensively in the bee business until he removed to Imperial County. He brought his bees to Imperial County in a wagon through Devil's Canon, and was probably the first man to engage in this business in the Valley. He remained in the vicinity of Calexico for two years, when he purchased his present place, which was a vast desert at that time. Mr. Phillips does general farming and is still largely interested in the bee business. Politically he is a Republican, and has served as constable of Silsbee Township for several years. He is president of the Imperial Valley Bee Keepers' Association. Mr. Phillips married Miss May Williams at Potrero, California, July 18, 1894, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams. Her father passed away in 1893. Her mother resides at Kingman, Arizona, and is eighty-five years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have seven children: Loris May, wife of Edward Bridgers, in the gov-


ernment service at San Diego ; Frank A. and Lee E., both in the government service ; Ella, Perry E., Delta, and Elsa, all residing at home. Mr. Phillips has made extensive improvements on his ranch, and has one of the well appointed places in the county. STEWART D. SWINK. Among the successful ranchers of Imperial County special mention should be made of the subject of this review, who is the owner of a well-appointed ranch of 115 acres in Water Company No. 6, Calexico. Mr. Swink came to Imperial Valley in 1909. He was born May 25, 1889, in Rock Bridge County, Virginia, a son of Daniel and Virginia C. (Houston) Swink. His father died in 1917 at the age of sixty-seven and his mother is at present living in Virginia. Mr. Swink received his education in his native state. At the age of nineteen he left school, but assisted on the home place until he was 21 years of age. Coming to Imperial Valley, he worked at ranching. Later he rented land for two years, when he filed on his present place, which was barren, desert waste. Mr. Swink has leveled and fenced his property, has erected a modern residence, and has otherwise improved the place by setting out numerous trees and shrubbery. In politics Mr. Swink is a Democrat. Fraternally he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Swink was married in San Diego, California, November 26, 1912, to Miss Mae E. Foster, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Foster. Mrs. Swink's father is one of the representative ranchers and stockmen of San Diego County. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Swink, Edna and Edith, both born in San Diego County. WILLIAM HENRY CHOWNING. Prominent among the leading ranchers of Imperial County is the name that heads this review. He is a native of Texas and his birth occurred July 3, 1847. Mr. Chowning recognized the opportunities in Imperial Valley and came here during the pioneer days in 1904. He was reared in Texas and left that state in 1870 and came to California and settled in San Diego County. Here he engaged in the stock business and turned off on an average of about four hundred head of cattle for a period of about forty years. He had nearly fifteen hundred acres. Mr. Chowning crossed the plains from Denton County, Texas, to Prescott, Arizona, with ox teams, and spent

BIOGRAPHICAL 467 twelve months making the trip. He remained for a few months in Prescott and then walked from that city to San Diego, California. Mr. Chowning took up one hundred and sixty acres in the mountain section of San Diego County, and purchased one hundred and eighteen acres in Imperial Valley, which has been brought up to a high state of cultivation. This he rents and makes his home on his twenty-acre place, which is a small, model ranch in every sense of the word. Mr. Chowning married in San Diego, California, April 17, 1879. His three daughters : Ada, Alice and Cora, are all married. Mr. Chowning is independent in politics and can always be counted upon to cast his vote for the right man, irrespective of party. His parents were natives of Illinois and went to Texas during the pioneer days, when they had to protect themselves from the outlaw Indians during that period. When Mr. Chowning first came to Imperial Valley, John Caperon operated the

stage line from Tucson to San Diego twice each week. Mr. Chowning is a self-made man and started out in life without influential friends. He has increased his scope of operations along agricultural lines and has met with exceptional success, and he now takes rank with the representative men of the county. Much credit is due Mr. Chowning for the success he has made in life, as it was through his own efforts and unaided by friends or finances. AUGUST V. WULFF. Prominent in the agricultural activities of Imperial County, August V. Wulff has achieved success as a result of his own efforts, and he has been earnest and upright and has the esteem of all who know him. Mr. Wulff is a native of Sweden and was born May 6, 1861, a son of Adam and Jennie Wulff. Both parents are deceased, having passed away in Sweden when August V. was but a small boy. At the age of eleven August V. came to the new world with his aunt, Dorothy Wulff, and remained at her home in Missouri, where he assisted in farming. He received a limited education in the country school in his locality and at the age of sixteen Mr. Wulff went to Texas alone. Here he found work on the cow ranches and at farming. Later he took up forty acres of school land. He improved his holdings for a period of four years when he sold out in 1897 and came directly to the Imperial Valley. In 1906 he took up eighty acres and his wife filed on one hundred and sixty acres near Signal Mountain. Mr. Wulff held his

4 68 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY eighty for five years, when he disposed of the land and now devotes his entire attention to farming the 160 acres. This place iias been brought up to a high state of cultivation. A substantial residence and other buildings have been erected. Mr. Wulff has his place largely in cotton, but has a portion planted to alfalfa. He can boast of six head of the finest work horses to be found in Southern California. He was married June 4, 1908, to Theresa Schaniel, a member of one of the respected and pioneer families in the Valley. Politically Mr. Wulff is independent and in his political views he always supports the man and not the party. The family are members of the Catholic church of El Centro and take an active part in church work. Mr. Wulff has spent his life in hard, faithful labor and he is now beginning to reap the reward of his continual efforts. He started at the foot of the ladder and by his own efforts he has, through energy and business foresight, accumulated a handsome competency. HERMAN C. SWINK. In recording the names of the pioneers of Imperial Valley prominent mention should be given to the name that heads this review. Herman C. Swink is progressive of spirit and each year has found him adding to and improving his ranch, until now he has one of the best appointed places in the county. He was born at Lexington, Virginia, September 3, 1883, a son of Daniel and Virginia Swink, both natives of Virginia. Herman C. was one of eight children and acquired his education in the public schools of his native state and the Polytechnic Institute. After finishing his education, in March, 1904, he came to California and located in Los Angeles. He found employment at ranching for a time, and the spring and summer of 1904 he spent at Point Conception, California, on a ranch. In October of that year Mr. Swink came to Imperial County and at once rented 160 acres

of land which he operated up to 1907. He then took up 160 acres, which he leveled and fenced and put under cultivation, and raises large crops of alfalfa. November 30, 1906, Mr. Swink was united in marriage with Miss Bessie E. Iiams, a native of Missouri. Her parents are also pioneers in Imperial Valley, coming here in 1904, and at present are located near Calexico. To Mr. and Mrs. Swink have been born five children : Carl, Helen, Clyde, Howard and Richard. Mr. Swink has no acres of highly-cultivated land. Owing to the flood of 1905-06, a portion of

BIOGRAPHICAL 469 his land was washed away, and twenty acres is separated from his main ranch, which is in the northwest corner of his holdings. Mr. Swink's life has been spent in hard, faithful labor, and he is now enjoying the reward of well-ordered living. The family have many friends and acquaintances in the community in which they live. Mr. Swink is surely a self-made man. JAMES C. STUART. The name of James C. Stuart has come to be regarded as synonymous with the business activity in El Centro, California, a man who by his own initiative, hard work and good judgment has made a success in the Valley. Mr. Stuart was born in Kentucky, January 2, 1877, a son of William and Mary Stuart, both deceased. James C. acquired his education in the public schools of his native state. Starting out in life, he worked in the mines in east Kentucky and Tennessee. He was identified with the commissary department of the mines for a period of twelve years. In October, 1905, Mr. Stuart came to California and located in Imperial County. On arriving in the section of El Centro he rented 160 acres of land which is now in the city limits. He later purchased three acres of sub-division number one and traded later for eighty-five acres in number six. Mr. Stuart also owns ten acres three miles north of El Centro. He engaged in the grocery business in El Centro under the name of Ross & Stuart for six years. Previous to this he was identified with the general store of R. L. Rumsey for five years. He is now managing the store and post-office at Mt. Signal. Mr. Stuart was married June 22, 1898, to Ethel Cooper, a native of Kentucky and daughter of A. B. and Alice Cooper. To this union have been born three children : Maurice, Lucille and Keith. Mrs. Stuart's mother makes her home with her daughter, and her father is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart have a host of friends in El Centro and vicinity and are held in esteem by all who know them. WINFIELD A. THAYER. Nothing is more certain than that thrift, industry and perseverance will eventually accomplish results. This is proved by the career of Winfield A. Thayer, one of the successful ranchers of Imperial County. He was born in Highland County, Ohio, December 6, i860, son of Joseph and Demarus Thayer, who were the parents of four children. Winfield A. received his education in the



public schools of Taylor County, Iowa, where his parents moved when he was young. His father was a rancher and Winfield assisted on the home place until he was twenty-three years of age. He then went to Arizona, where he remained until 1902. In 1904 Mr. Thayer purchased forty acres. He has added to his holdings until he now has one hundred and sixty acres. He carries on general farming and has some stock. He was married in December, 1902, to Candice Rice, a native of Missouri. Their three children are Myrtle Ellen, Joseph Howard, and Frank. Politically Mr. Thayer is a Republican and has served on the local school board, and is a stockholder in the Heber Creamery. The parents of Mr. Thayer are both dead and are buried in Montgomery County, Iowa. His father served on the Union side during the Civil war. Mrs. Thayer's mother resides in Imperial County. Mrs. Thayer takes an active part in the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and Mr. Thayer attends the Christian Church. The parents of Mr. Thayer were early settlers in Massachusetts. WESTON RANDALL VAN DERPOEL. Among the resolute and determined men who have aided materially in building up Imperial County and reducing its wild condition to a place of fruitfulness, is Weston R. Van Derpoel, who is numbered among the representative ranchers of his locality. He was born in New Baltimore, near Albany, New York, December II, 1870, son of Andrew J. and Elizabeth (Randall) Van Derpoel. His mother's ancestors came from Nova Scotia and on his father side the family history dates back to Holland ancestry. Mr. Van Derpoel acquired his schooling in Catskill and Albany, N. Y. Finishing his education, he went to New York City, where he was employed as bookkeeper and collector for a period of five years. In 1898 he came to California and located in Riverside, where he followed horticultural work until 1900, when he came to Imperial County and took up 160 acres of land, and by his industry and perseverance he has brought his place up to a high state of cultivation. Mr. Van Derpoel was married in San Diego to Miss Mary Speck, a native of California. To this union have been born four children : Everett C, Martha, Margaret N., and Andrew J. The parents of Mr. Van Derpoel are both deceased. Mr. Van Derpoel has his land in a fine state of cultivation, devoting it largely to corn.




GEORGE E. KRUEGER. Prominently identified with the business interests of Brawley is George E. Krueger. He is a native son and was born in San Francisco May 20, 1880, son of George F. and Fredericka Krueger. His father is a native of Germany and came to America at the age of sixteen, and located in San Francisco where he married. In the parents' family there were born three children: Charles, living in Seattle; Mrs. Emma F. Berry of Brawley, and the subject of this review. George E. acquired his education in the public schools of San Francisco, after which he attended business college. He engaged in the teaming business in San Francisco when he reached the age of twentyone, and continued until the great fire of 1906. Mr. Krueger lost all he had at that time and removed to Los Angeles, where he worked for one year. In 1908 he came to Brawley and located on a ranch of eighty acres. He later disposed of his ranch and served as city marshal for two years and served an unexpired term of the city council. Mr. Krueger engaged in business with his brother-in-law, Mr. Berry, and on January 1, 191 7, purchased his interest. Mr. Krueger has one of the best appointed billiard parlors in Southern California. Politically he is a Republican. Fraternally he is a member of the B. P. O. E. of El Centro, the K. of P. of Brawley, and is past president of the Brawley Lodge of Eagles. Mr. Krueger was married June 28, 1901, to Miss Daisy Waterman, a native daughter. Her father, George E. Waterman of Farmington, formerly a large stock man. To Mr. and Mrs. Krueger have been born three children : Emma F., attending high school ; Nellie Louise and Dorothy Bernice ; the two latter were born in Imperial County. Mr. Krueger is a stockholder in the American State Bank and the New Hotel of Brawley, and also the Ice Cold Storage Company. He is a progressive man and has a host of friends in Imperial County. CLARENCE P. DENNY has been prominently identified with the agricultural life of Imperial County for some years and has achieved success in his chosen field, the result of his own efforts. Mr. Denny first came to Imperial Valley when it was a vast desert, in 1900, and has seen it grow from a barren waste to a place of productiveness and wealth. He was born in Nebraska, June 17, 1881, a son of G. W. and Lena (Churchill) Denny. His parents were both pioneers of this sec-



tion. Mr. Denny received his education in various schools of California. At the age of 18 he took a business course in Portland, Oregon. Returning to the Valley for a time he assisted his father and then became identified with Stevenson Brothers at Escondido, California, and for nine years had charge of their department store. Going to Portland, Oregon, he engaged in the grocery business for two years. Returning to this county, he took up the duties of ranching on his eighty-acre place for two years. Again going to Escondido, he engaged in grading and

contracting for seven years. He then returned to his ranch and engaged in dairying and stock raising. During the pioneer days in Imperial Valley Mr. Denny did a good deal of canal and railroad work. He also leveled the entire Keystone ranch. He is at present buying and selling cattle. Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias of Escondido. He was married at Escondido, California, July 17, 1907, to Miss Blanche Cassou, daughter of Peter and Mary Cassou, both of whom passed away in 1916, and are buried at Escondido, California. Mrs. Denny's parents were among the pioneers of San Diego County, and Mr. Cassou was engaged in the meat business in Escondido for thirtyfive years and was a prominent cattleman. Mr. and Mrs. Denny have two children, Doris and Delma. Mr. and Mrs. Denny have a host of friends in Imperial County and are esteemed by all who know them. FRANK L. WEED. In recording the names of the pioneers of the Imperial Valley prominent mention should be made of Dana L., Frank L. and Leonard S. Weed, who are extensive land holders on Route No. 1, Water Company No. 6, of Calexico. Weed Brothers have 480 acres, which is highly improved, and they are among the substantial and representative men of the county. They are progressive of spirit. Each year finds them adding improvements to their holdings. They are men of integrity and up-to-date principles. Frank L. Weed came to Imperial Valley July 29, 1901. He was born at Webster Grove, Missouri, June 24, 1877, a son of Nelson B. and Harrietta L. Weed. His father is a pioneer of the Valley and resides with his sons. Mr. Weed's mother passed away at Colton, California, in 191 5, and is buried in Mountain View cemetery, San Bernardino County, California. Dana L. Weed pioneered in Imperial Valley for ten years before marrying Miss Hattie E. Prull of San Diego, California. One year after his marriage both



went to Kirksville, Missouri, and took up the study of osteopathy. Mr. Weed's wife died in 1914, and is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery, San Diego. At the present time Dr. Dana L. Weed is resident superintendent of the Still-Hildreth Sanitarium at Macon, Missouri. Frank L. acquired his education in the public schools of San Diego. At the age of sixteen he took a business course. When he came to Imperial Valley it was a vast desert. Weed Brotherss' ranch is largely in alfalfa and they engage in the dairy business also. They have sixty dairy cows and usually run as high as 150 head of beef stock. Mr. Weed personally planted all the trees and shrubbery around his place. They have every variety of fruit in the orchard, such as peaches, apricots, plums, figs, olives, grapefruit, oranges, lemons and grapes. Throughout their active life Weed Brothers have displayed sound judgment in the management of their ranch affairs, and through their persistence of purpose have gained most gratifying success. Weed Brothers in conjunction with their ranch affairs are half owners in the Weed & Dickerson firm at Calexico, dealers in plumbing, sheet metal, hardware and automobile

supplies. They have large realty holdings in Calexico and also own a modern corner building on Second Street. The subject of this review was united in marriage in San Diego, September 24, 1910, with Miss Mabel Bartholomew, daughter of Mr. A. V. Bartholomew. To Mr. and Mrs. Weed have been born two children, Agnes Elizabeth and Dana Lysander. Both children were born on the home place. Leonard S. Weed was born February 8, 1886, in San Diego. He received his education in the schools of South San Diego and the Heber Institute. He afterwards took a business course at Riverside, California. He married in Ventura County, California, August 10, 1916, Miss Ruth H. Hannaford, a daughter of Rev. William H. and Jean (Good) Hannaford. To this union has been born Erma Jean, born on the ranch, May 16, 1917. Weed Brothers, through their own energy and business foresight, have accumulated a handsome competency. They have always been reliable in all their business connections and they are progressive in all movements that will better conditions generally in their chosen county. GEORGE W. EVANS is one of the representative ranchers of Imperial County. He is connected with the most important business in the community in the advancement and material prosperity of his section.

474 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Mr. Evans owns eighty acres of valuable land on the Star route and came to the Valley in 1912. He was born in Surry County, North Carolina, November 9, 1863, a son of Thomas and Mary ( Sparger )1 Evans. Mr. Evans' father was born and raised in Alabama and his mother was a native of North Carolina. His father died in 1907, and is buried in the Ed Hube Cemetery, Texas. Mr. Evans' mother is now residing in Madill, Oklahoma. George W., the subject of this review, received his education in his native county. Leaving school at the age of twenty, he assisted on the home place until he was twenty-six years of age. He then married and started out in life for himself and farmed in Texas, his parents having moved to Texas in 1885, and remained in that state until 1893. Mr. Evans then moved to Indian Territory, where he did pioneer work until he removed to the Imperial Valley, where he has achieved success with other men of foresight and ability. Mr. Evans raises alfalfa and is interested largely in the stock business. Politically Mr. Evans is a Democrat. He is a trustee of the Silsbee school board. During his residence in Oklahoma he served as deputy sheriff in a most creditable way. He was a charter member of the W. O. W. of Oklahoma. Mr. Evans was twice married. The first union was with Miss Laura J. McClure. To this union have been born six children: Walter, in the aviation corps at Camp Travers; Velleria, wife of George N. Snodgrass, residing in Arizona ; Jo, wife of Cleveland C. Combs, residing in Imperial County; Laud Syble, at home; Thomas Harrison, died in infancy ; Berta, residing at home. Mr. Evans' second marriage occurred May 26, 191 2, at Ravia, Oklahoma. Here he was married to Mrs. Emma J. Randolph, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Newton Morris. To this union have been born two children, Thomas Winston Gilbert and Hazel Rodina. Mr. Evans' whole place is under cultivation and is one of the representative agricultural centers in his locality. ALFRED STEHLI is one of the foremost and in point of residence

one of the early settlers in Imperial County. He is a representative of Switzerland, so many members of which have become useful and substantial citizens of California. Mr. Stehli has a good ranch of fortyseven acres in the Southside Water Company, and came to Imperial in June, 1907. He was born in Canton Zurich, Switzerland, February 6,

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1881, a son of John and Salome Stehli. His father is deceased and buried in his native land, and Mr. Stehli's mother still resides in the old country. Mr. Stehli received his education in his native land and came to America in 1903. He found employment on ranches for a time when he returned to his native place and was married in Emsideln Canton, Switzerland, to Miss Balbena Enz, October 3, 1910. Returning to Imperial County, he rented a ranch and bought cows and engaged in the dairy business for five years, when he purchased his present property. He raises crops for dairy purposes and has thirty milch cows and sixty-five head of other stock. Mr. Stehli has improved his holdings until now he has one of the model places in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Stehli have two children : Emma, born in Imperial County, September 17, 191 1, and Alfred, born in this county, November 18, 1912. Mr. Stehli is a self-made man, as he started out in life on his own resources and through his energy he has made a success financially. WILLIAM LONGSTREET BRITE. In recording the names of the pioneers of Imperial Valley prominent mention should be made of William Longstreet Brite, who is the owner, of a 117-acre ranch in the Southside Water Company, near Holtville. Mr. Brite came to Imperial County in 1906 and by hard work and keen business foresight has made a success. He is a native son and was born in Kern County, California, March 16, 1865, a son of John M. and Amanda E. (Duty) Brite. Both parents are deceased. His father died in 1897 and his mother passed away in December, 1917. Both parents are buried in the family cemetery in Brite's Valley. The parents of Mr. Brite were among the early settlers in California, coming to this state in 1854. They settled in what is now known as Brite's Valley, named after Mr. Brite's father. William L. received his education in the public schools of Kern County. Leaving school, he assisted on the home place until he reached the age of thirty. Mr. Brite has always been identified with farm pursuits, and upon coming to. Imperial County he rented land previous to buying his present property, which was in 1906. Mr. Brite has achieved success in his chosen field. When he bought land in this section the country was a vast desert, and he leveled his land, built fences, set out trees and shrubbery, and erected a substantial dwelling, and has made

his place a model dairy ranch. He has forty-two head of fine dairy

476 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY stock and each year he is adding to improvements and increasing his herd. Mr. Brite was married in April, 1898, to Miss Emma Harris, and to this union has been born one daughter, Gladys Verney, wife of A. L. Nevins, residing in Santa Barbara, California. JOHN ROBINSON HAVENS. In reviewing the careers of the men prominently identified with the phenomenal growth of Imperial County special mention should be made of John Robinson Havens, who came to the Valley October 15, 1901. He has been identified with the agricultural interests of the county continuously since that time. His birth occurred in San Francis County, Missouri, January 15, 1857, a son of Thomas K. and Prudence Jane (Blue) Havens, who were the parents of nine children. Mr. Havens' father left Missouri and went to Louisiana in 1866, and remained in that state until 1869, where he followed farming. He then removed to Mississippi and remained until 1876. John R. received a limited education in the schools of Mississippi. He assisted on the home farm until he reached the age of twenty-one. In 1876 his father went to Illinois, where he died and was buried near Glasgow of that state. The father selected his own burial place, which was located on a high bluff, and the monument can be seen with a glass for a distance of twenty miles. Mr. Havens' mother passed away in February, 1872, and is buried in Beulah, Bolivar County, Mississippi. In the parents' family there were three sons; F. G. and H. A. reside in El Centro. The subject of this review, after he became of age, went to Bolivar, Mississippi, and remained during the yellow fever epidemic, which was in 1878-79. In 1880 he went to Arkansas and remained until the fall of 1884, and in 1885 he removed to Texas. Going back to Arkansas, he was married to Maggie Wright, a native of Mississippi, on Christmas eve, December 24, 1885. With his bride, Mr. Havens went back to Texas, where he remained until 1896. In November, 1896, he came west and located in Riverside, where he worked in orchards and farmed from 1896 to 1901. On October of that year he drove to Imperial Valley and located on his present ranch of eighty acres, which he took up from the government. His farm has been highly improved. Mr. Havens carries on general farming and has been identified with the hog and alfalfa and dairy business to a large extent. Mr. Havens has what may be termed a show place. He set out all the handsome



trees and palms that adorn his place in 1902, and in 1904 he transplanted the palms. Mr. Havens sold the palms to Mr. Holt when the town of Holtville was laid out. Mr. Havens worked on the first ditches in the county. In Mr. Havens' family nine children were born. His son James died at the age of fifteen, and was a twin brother of Felix. Those living are: Verna Lee, Felix, Roy, Clyde and Claude (twins), Fred, Addie, Ruth. Fraternally Mr. Havens is a member of the Woodmen of the World and is a stockholder in Water Company No. 1. OREN A. BLODGETT. In recording the names of the pioneers of the county prominent mention should be made of the name which heads this biographical sketch. Mr. Blodgett came to the Valley in 1906. His birth occurred at Waterbury, Vermont, June 14, 1864, a son of Charles Chester and Wealthy (Straw) Blodgett. The parents of Mr. Blodgett were both born in Vermont and were numbered among the sturdy pioneers and respected families of their section. When Oren A. was but twelve years of age his parents removed to Iowa. His father was a carpenter and was ship carpenter by trade. Oren A. attended the schools of Vermont and later he attended the public school at Marshalltown, Iowa. He worked at farming, and at the age of sixteen he started out in life and did truck farming, gardening and general ranching. At the age of twenty-three he went to Montana, where he readily found employment in the mines of that state. He followed this vocation for ten years. In 1902 Mr. Blodgett came to California and worked for two years in the reclamation and forestry service. In 1906 he removed to Imperial County. After spending six months in the Valley he went to Arizona, where he remained for one year, working in the mines and ranching. In the fall of 1908 Mr. Blodgett returned to Imperial County and rented land near Imperial and El Centro. This he put in cantaloupes and it was a failure. His first venture in renting in the Valley was with Tom King, when they rented the T. D. McCall place and later the George Reed ranch, northeast of El Centro, which was put out to cantaloupes. In May, 1917, Mr. Blodgett purchased the La Port place of eighty acres, which he will bring up to a high state of cultivation. Mr. Blodgett's sister, Julia, is at present making her home with her brother. She has resided in Los Angeles and San Diego since 1886. The La Port ranch is one of the oldest ranches in the county. Mr. Blodgett is a self-

478 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY made man. He started out in life without financial assistance and by his own energy and business foresight he has accumulated a competency. Mr. Blodgett and his sister have the esteem of all who know them. ANDREW C. VAN DERPOEL. One of the finest small ranches in the vicinity of El Centro is the Van Derpoel place in Water Company No. I. His connection with Imperial Valley dates back to 1903. He was born in Green County, New York, March 21, 1878, and received his education in the city of Albany, New York, and later attended business college. At the age of eighteen he left school and assisted his father, who was identified with the ice business on the Hudson River. At the age of twenty Mr. Van Derpoel came to California and located in Riverside. Here he found employment with O. D. Wilhite in the orange groves for one year, and during the next four years he was connected with the dairy business of that city. Coming to Imperial Valley, Mr.

Van Derpoel became identified with his brothers, W. R. and F. H., in the dairy business for five years. Removing to El Centro, he became associated in the grain threshing business, which vocation he still follows in connection with his ranching. In 1916 he purchased his present place of ten acres, and intends to specialize in the growing of olives. Mr. Van Derpoel has a fine residence in El Centro which he erected. In his political affiliations he is a Republican, but can always be counted upon to vote for the best man irrespective of party. He was united in marriage in El Centro, December 31, 1912, with Miss Cora Chowning, daughter of William H. and Mary Elizabeth Chowning, both residing in Silsbee. Mr. Chowning is one of the highly respected and representative men of Imperial County. He came to this section in 1903 when it was a vast desert. Mr. Van Derpoel has been engaged in ranching and is now beginning to reap the reward of industry and well ordered living. He started out in life without funds and influential friends, and by hard work and through his own energy he has made a success. F. W. PETERSON, M. D., the subject of this sketch, is a native of Wisconsin, from which state he came to the Valley in the summer of 1905. He is an alumnus of the University of Wisconsin and for a few years subsequent to his graduation from that institution was active along educational lines. In 1905 he graduated from the Northwestern

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Medical College of Chicago, and some months later came to Calexico and opened up an office there. Two years later he changed his location to El Centro, which was beginning to develop into a town. Here he has been located ever since. In October, 1905, he was appointed district surgeon for the Southern Pacific Railroad, which appointment he has held continuously since. In 1910 he was elected county coroner, succeeding J. M. Mitchel, who was the first incumbent of that office. Four years later he was re-elected to the office. SANFORD E. BEACH is one of the energetic and representative business men of Calexico. He has, by hard work and good judgment, made a success. He is one of the well known progressive and publicspirited citizens of Imperial County. His birth occurred in Canada, August 24, 1855, a son of Solomon and Jennett Beach, both natives of Canada. His father was a farmer and one of the well known men of his community. Mr. Beach's parents are both deceased. Sanford E. received his education in the public schools of Canada. He started out in life at an early age and followed various vocations. He worked at the carpenter trade for some time and then took up farming. He followed

mining and in 1897 he removed to Yuma, Arizona, where he engaged in ranching and was in the stock business. For five years he was identified with the C. D. Company. He then returned to Yuma and ranched for three years, when he disposed of his ranch holdings and in May, 191 5, removed to Calexico. He is now the proprietor of the Calexico Hotel, one of the best hotels and most modern in Imperial County. In politics Mr. Beach is a Republican. He has never aspired to office and can always be counted upon to support the best man. Mr. Beach was married to Willahmana Reider in April, 1912, a native of Germany. Mr. Beach on February 15, 1918, took over the Studebaker agency, with offices in El Centro, under the firm name of the. Imperial Valley Auto Company. HARRY LYON. The growth and development of Imperial County during the past fifteen years have been remarkable, and the visitor can hardly believe that a short time ago such productive farming land was a wide stretch of barren desert. Such is the case, and it is due to the energies of such men as Harry Lyon, owner of the Silsbee mercantile

480 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY store and postmaster, that the Valley is at present in such a prosperous condition. Mr. Lyon came to the Valley in 1904. He was born at Marsovan, Turkey, November 2, 1882, where the famous Anatolian College in Asia Minor is located. Early in life he came to America and located at Fresno, California. Here he farmed for five years and worked in the vineyards. He made a success through his own efforts and is a selfmade man. Coming to Imperial Valley, he was one of the pioneers. Mr. Lyon set out the first vineyard in the Valley at Meloland. Here he remained for five years, ranching at Meloland and Mesquite Lake. He then removed to Kern County, where he engaged in the bakery, confectionery and ice-cream business for five years. Returning to the Valley he farmed for Daly Brothers in Lower California and managed 700 acres of cotton land for two years. Later he engaged in partnership with Sugg Brothers Cotton Company, and later formed a corporation under the name of Sugg, Baker & Lyon, having an option on 640 acres for the growing of cotton, corn and barley. In politics Mr. Lyon is a Republican, but has never aspired to public office. He was married at Hot Springs, Arkansas, September 2, 1908, to Miss Julia Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Thomas. Mrs. Lyon has one son, Barry, by former marriage, now at home and assisting in the store. Mr. Lyon has the distinction of having installed the first telephone, and he had the first bath-tub in his locality. When Mr. Lyon had his large ranch holdings in Lower California Mrs. Lyon was identified in various pursuits. She rode horseback and looked after seventy-five Chinese, thus saving the expense of a foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Lyon have a host of friends and acquaintances in the Valley. JOHN W. KRAMAR. In recording the names of the pioneers of the Imperial Valley prominent place should be given John W. Kramar, who is well and favorably known throughout this section. Mr. Kramar came to the Valley in June, 1905, and his family came in August of that year. He remained on the Nelson place for a time and later bought 160 acres, four miles from Seeley. Mr. Kramar was born in Jones County, Iowa, January 17, 1855, a son of Adam and Elizabeth (Graff) Kramar.

When John W.'s father was only five years of age his parents removed from Ohio to Iowa. His parents lived together for fifty years. Both parents are buried within two miles of where they resided most of their

BIOGRAPHICAL 4 8i lives, in the Central Church cemetery. The subject of this review received his education in the public schools of Iowa, after which he took a three-year scientific course at Cornell College, Iowa. Mr. Kramar was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Winette Burnight, September 22, 1 886, a daughter of Fletcher and Melissa Burnight, both being among the early pioneer families of Iowa. Mrs. Kramar's parents are both deceased. Her father died at the age of eighty-six and her mother passed away in her sixty-third year. Eight children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Kramar: Etta Elizabeth, wife of T. Oden of Imperial County ; David Glenn, assistant manager of an electric power plant on the Sacramento River; Veta, wife of Lee Havens, died October 4, 1914; Adam Ray, in the U. S. service, at present at Camp Lewis; Amy Victoria, wife of Felix Havens; Lowell Graff, attending the University of California at Berkeley ; John Francis, attending high school, and Florence Esther, residing at home. Mr. Kramar served as constable in an efficient manner for a period of four years. The family attend the Seeley Methodist church. Mr. Kramar's great-grandfather, Adam, fought in the Revolutionary war. His grandfather fought in the war of 1 81 2 and had charge of a six-mule team which hauled ammunition and supplies for the U. S. army. Mr. Kramar had an uncle who saw service all through the Civil war, and he has a son in the present war. Mrs. Kramar's oldest brother fought in the Civil war. Her father died in the Valley on March 26, 1906, and is buried in Pasadena, California. DAVID WALTER CLARK has been identified with agricultural pursuits in Imperial County since 191 1. It is readily conceded that the rapid growth of Imperial County and its cities is due to the intelligent efforts of its ranchers. One of the men who stand high in his locality is David Walter Clark, owning forty acres of land on the Star route. He was born at Grand Junction, Colorado, August 6, 1877, a son of David Thomas and Isidora (Haskell) Clark. His father is a resident of Denver and is a prominent sheepman of Colorado. Mr. Clark received his education in the public schools of Grand Junction and is a graduate of the high school of that city. Mr. Clark engaged in stock raising and continued in this business until he removed to Imperial County. On his arrival here he purchased forty acres and engaged in the dairy business. He rents eighty acres which he uses for pasture, and has a string of

482 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY forty-five cows in addition to other stock. Fraternally Mr. Clark is affiliated with the Masonic Lodge of Grand Junction, Colorado, and holds membership in the B. P. O. E. He was united in marriage at Grand Junction, Colorado, December 19, 1901, with Miss Pearl E. Powelson, a daughter of Rev. B. F. and Mersylvia (Austin) Powelson. Mrs. Clark's father was formerly a minister of the First Presbyterian church of Grand Junction, Colorado. His death occurred in 1915. Mr. Powel-

son is buried at Boulder, Colorado. Mrs. Clark's mother is a resident of Boulder, Colorado. To Mr. and Mrs. Clark have been born one daughter, Cornelia. Mr. Clark can always be counted upon in the furtherance of any plan for the advancement of his locality. PHILIP W. BROOKS. In reviewing the careers of those men prominently identified in the agricultural life of the Imperial Valley, and who are honored for their integrity and ability, mention should be made of Philip W. Brooks, whose excellent ranching property is located at Meloland. He was born and reared at Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 15, 1883, son of Eugene D. and Sarah M. Brooks. Mr. Brooks acquired his education in the public and private schools. He attended the Massachusetts State College at Amherst, and graduated from that institution in 1903. Immediately following his graduation from college, Mr. Brooks came to Imperial Valley and located at Meloland, where he became identified with agricultural pursuits. He was appointed receiver of the U. S. Land Office at EI Centro and held this position from September 1, 1916, to February 15, 1917, when he resigned to take the management of the Britten-Cook Land and Live-Stock Company. This corporation has recently purchased several hundred acres of the choicest land in the Valley, located between El Centro and Holtville, and are engaged exclusively in the raising of hogs. Their farms are in separate units of 160 acres each, and improvements of a high order have been made on each ranch. Mr. Brooks has demonstrated that he is possessed of the ability to carry on operations of an extensive nature. The manner in which he is conducting his business of hog raising gives him a prominent place among the men who follow this line of enterprise. Mr. Brooks also has one hundred acres set out to grapes on his home place at Meloland. He is a man of energy, industry and perseverance, and has progressive ideas. He now has a prominent position among the

BIOGRAPHICAL 4 8 3 leading men of the Valley and has met with success. Mr. Brooks was united in marriage with Miss Gladys M. Cuthbertson, a native of Charlestown, Massachusetts, November 8, 191 1. EDWARD H. ROBINSON has been actively engaged in business in Brawley since July, 1915. He is proprietor of the Brawley Welding Works, the only business of its kind in the city. Mr. Robinson came to Imperial County in March, 1914. He was born at Longmont, Colorado, January 27, 1884, a son of James C. and Ida M. (Savage) Robinson, residing in Los Angeles. His father is retired and for many years was identified with building and carpenter work. Mr. Robinson received his education in the public schools of California and Washington. Early in life he was associated with an uncle for two years, and then found employment as fireman on the M. K. & T. railroad for nearly three years. For nine years he was identified with the automobile business in Washington. Coming to Brawley, he engaged with Bryden and Shenk for over a year. Mr. Robinson then established the present concern, which has met with every success. He is now erecting a large and commodious building for his increasing business and about one-third of the building will be taken over by the Overland agency. Fraternally Mr. Robinson is a member of the K. of P., the Woodmen of America, the Yeomen and the Foresters of America. He was married in Bellingham, Washington,

to Miss Agnes C. Fretheim, October 17, 1907, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fretheim. To Mr. and Mrs. Robinson have been born three children Leslie E., born August 30, 1908 ; Elliott F., born September 22, 1910, and Warren M., born February 9, 1916. FRANK CECH. Ranching in Imperial County during the past few years has progressed on a colossal scale. Among those ranchers who have made a success of this enterprise is Frank Cech of Westmoreland. Mr. Cech, located in Water Company No. 8, is the owner of eighty acres of very valuable land. His holdings has been brought up to a high state of cultivation and command the attention of every one owing to the many modern conveniences which are to be found there. Frank, the subject of this review, came to Imperial County, January 15, 191 1. He was born in Moravia, Austria-Hungary, March 4, 1888, and received his education in his native country, leaving school at the age of

484 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY 19 years. While in his native land, and immediately following his time at school, Mr. Cech was engaged with the co-operative creamery for one year, and after severing his connection with that concern Mr. Cech migrated to the United States. Following his arrival in America he worked as a farm hand and also secured employment in a creamery in Iowa for three years before coming to Imperial County. Mr. Cech's first undertaking in this county was a dairy with twenty-three head of cattle, which he conducted successfully until he purchased the present property. Mr. Cech at present operates a dairy with eighty-five head of cattle on the place, which, incidentally, is an enterprise bringing in lucrative returns. Mr. Cech was married at Oxford Junction, Iowa, January 11, 191 1, to Miss Mary Drozd of Moravia, Austria-Hungary. As the result of this union three children have been born in Imperial County Mary A., Frank J. and Agnes B. ROY KELLERSTRAUS. One of the prominent and influential citizens of Imperial County is Roy Kellerstraus, the subject of this sketch. Mr. Kellerstraus is the distributor throughout the Valley for the Sperry Flour Company and has acted in this capacity since 191 5. Mr. Kellerstraus came to Imperial County during May, 1913, and was born at Peoria, Illinois, February 19, 1886, a son of Richard and Susan (Race) Kellerstraus. The father of Mr. Kellerstraus died when the subject of this review was but a boy. The mother is at present residing in Peoria. Mr. Kellerstraus received his education in the public schools of Peoria and graduated from high school in 1904. He then secured employment with Block & Kuhl, department store owners in Peoria, where he remained for three and one-half years. Later Mr. Kellerstraus came to Riverside County, where he took charge of a twenty-acre orange ranch for his stepfather, T. W. Hill, in which capacity he worked for two years. For six months he was connected with a reclamation company in the Mojave Desert. Returning east to Peoria, Mr. Kellerstraus again affiliated his interests with those of his stepfather and acted as a salesman in the wholesale fruit and produce business for two years. From Peoria Mr. Kellerstraus came to Imperial County, and upon his arrival in the Valley engaged with R. R. Snow in the poultry business, acting as buyer. During this period he was secretary of the Imperial Valley Bee Keepers' Association, which position he resigned for the purpose

BIOGRAPHICAL 485 of establishing himself in the business of producing and buying for the honey market. At present Mr. Kellerstraus continues to carry on this undertaking, acting as the largest individual shipper of honey in the Valley. Politically Mr. Kellerstraus votes for the best man. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan, Pythian Sisters and Independent Order of Foresters. He was married at Calexico, February 19, 1914, to Miss Sophie Crawford, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James K. Crawford. Mr. Crawford is a rancher near Calexico. As the result of this union two children have been born : Virginia Lee, died in infancy, and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery; and Mary Ann, born in El Centro. JAMES F. S. HOWLAND, a man, who, by his own initiative, hard work and good judgment, has made a success and is now the proprietor of the general store at Meloland. Mr. Howland came to Imperial County in June, 1914, and was born at Lampton Mills, Canada, September 2, 1880, a son of Fred A. and Jane (Ford) Howland. His father died in 1883, and is buried in western Ontario, and his mother is a resident of Los Angeles, California. The Howland family is of old English origin and descendants of John Howland of Puritan fame. James F. S. Howland acquired his education in the schools of Toronto. At an early age he engaged with the Gutta Percha Rubber Company, where he remained for a period of three years. Coming to Los Angeles, he became identified with Howland & Company, a kodak supply house. Here he remained for seven years. Mr. Howland then took up ranching near Los Angeles, and upon coming to Imperial County he rented land for one year. He then engaged in business at Meloland, which he has carried on up to the present time. Mr. Howland, owing to his energy and business foresight, has achieved success by earnest and upright dealings. He was married in Los Angeles, May 28, 1914, to Miss Myrta E. Turk, daughter of Frank S. and Sarah T. Turk. Her father passed away in June 9, 1913, and her mother is a resident of Los Angeles, California. ALFRED PARK WALTON. After a long and varied career, during which he traveled extensively and devoted his energies to numerous kinds of endeavor, Alfred Park Walton is now a leading rancher of

486 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY Imperial County. He started out in life on his own resources at the age of nine years and is a self-made man. Mr. Walton came to Imperial County in 1912, and is now the owner of seventy-seven and one-half acres of land located within Water Company No. 1. He was born near Quincy, Illinois, June 16, 1861, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton. Both parents died when Alfred P. was a mere boy of nine years. He received his education in the school of experience. After his parents' death, Mr. Walton stayed with his brother until he was fourteen years of age. Owing to bad treatment at his brothers' house he ran away and found employment on a ranch in Coleman County, Texas,

with T. W. Mahoney. Here he remained over four years and received the same pay as an older and more experienced hand. In 1879 MrWalton went on a trail to Dodge City, Kansas. Returning to Dennison, Texas, he worked at dairying for twelve years. In 191 2 he came to Imperial County, and, after the first year, he has been identified with the dairy business. He now has seventy-two head of cows and is in a comfortable position financially, besides having a commodious home. Mr. Walton maintains an excellent reputation among his associates and is held in high esteem. He was married at Sherman, Texas, January 17, 1903, to Mrs. Belle Murphy, a daughter of Frank S. and Molly Murphy. Both parents of Mrs. Walton died when she was an infant. Mr. Walton is an enterprising and enthusiastic rancher and takes an active part in all matters that are for the betterment of conditions generally in his locality. WILLIAM BRANDENBURG is numbered among the substantial and progressive ranchers of Imperial County. He is a native of Switzerland and was born January 19, 1870, and came to America in 1887. He located in New York City and later made his home in New Jersey. He remained in the East about seven years. Removing to Oregon and later to California where he took up ranching near Stockton. Coming to Imperial County, he became identified with the California-Mexico Land & Cattle Company. He leveled land for the company and operated an outfit on both the American and Mexican sides. Mr. Brandenburg bought city property in Calexico which has become valuable. He at one time worked fifteen hundred acres on the Mexican side for the CaliforniaMexico Land & Cattle Company. Mr. Brandenburg was educated in his

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BIOGRAPHICAL 487 native country, and in 1887, on his arrival in New York from Switzerland, he became identified for a time with his uncle, who was engaged in the silk ribbon manufacturing business. Mr. Brandenburg is recognized as one of the pioneers of Imperial Valley. He was married to Miss Anna Anthony, a native of Pennsylvania. Two children have been born to this union Eugenia and William, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brandenburg have gained an extensive circle of friends and acquaintances in Imperial County, and they are highly respected by all in their community. FREDERICK C. HESS. Among the names entitled to prominent mention in the first history of Imperial County is that of Frederick C.

Hess, one of the Valley's progressive ranchers in Water Company No. 8. Mr. Hess, known throughout the Valley for his enterprising attitude in everything pertaining to the development of agriculture, is the owner of 160 acres of highly-cultivated land. He came to the county February 3, 1908, and was born in San Luis Obispo County, November 24, 1873, the son of Henry and Susanna, both residents of Arroyo Grande, California. Frederick C. received his education in the Arroyo Grande public, high and normal schools, leaving the latter institution at the age of 19 years. During his school days he assisted his parents on the home place, and after leaving the institution of learning continued in this capacity until he reached the age of 24 years, when he rented 105 acres from his uncle, Charles Haub, where he raised beans for eleven years. He then, accompanied by his wife, left for Nome, Alaska, where he staged successfully for five months. Following this effort Mr. Hess returned to his former ranch, where he raised more beans and barley, extending his endeavors over a period of two years. Later he farmed his father's ranch for two years and then decided to come to the Imperial Valley. Upon his arrival here he settled on the Oakley ranch, west of Brawley, where he planted and raised several crops of alfalfa. The following year he purchased a relinquishment west of Rockwood, on the river, and improved the same extensively. He was successful in selling out at a fancy price and turned his efforts to city lots in Brawley. In this line Mr. Hess was unusually successful, as he finally traded some of his city property for a forty-acre ranch west of Brawley, and he resided for four years on Imperial Avenue in Brawley. For three years and a half Mr. Hess bought stock for the Cudahy Packing Com-

4 88 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY pany of Los Angeles. He filed on his present property in 1914, which he has improved from rough land to a holding which is now valuable property. Politically Mr. Hess is a Republican. He was married at San Luis Obispo, September 15, 1897, to Miss Tessie Ransom, daughter of Amos and Mary, both deceased. The parents of Mrs. Hess are buried at San Jose, California. To this union have been born three children: Freda, born at Arroyo Grande ; Carl, born March 26, 1904, and Henry, born August 3, 191 1. EDWARD ARTHUR DE BLOIS. In the Brawley district of the beautiful and productive Imperial Valley there has been none more prominently and influentially concerned with civic, industrial and general business development and progress than the name which heads this review. Mr. De Blois has shown distinctive enterprise and progressiveness, has taken the initiative in many important ventures which have conserved the social and material advancement of the community. He has shown unwavering confidence in the magnificent future in store for this locality. Edward Arthur De Blois was born November 22, 1864, at Wethersfield, Connecticut, son of William B. and Martha De Blois. His father was a native of Rhode Island and his mother was born in Connecticut. Mr. De Blois is a descendant of a family whose name has been worthily and prominently linked with the annals of American history from the early Colonial epoch, and representatives of the name on both sides of the house were found numbered as soldiers in the various Colonial wars, including that of the Revolutionary war. Mr. De Blois' mother is of Huguenot descent. On his father's side the family dates

back to William the Conqueror, and Stephen De Blois, the fourth king of England. Among the founders of the De Blois family in America were three brothers who settled on the St. Lawrence River. One of the brothers journeyed to Rhode Island, where he established a fleet of sailing boats which were later destroyed by the French during the war of 1812. Mr. De Blois' father fought all through the Civil war and took part in many important battles. He enlisted first from Rhode Island and was attached to the First Rhode Island Regulars. He later was attached to the 1 2th Connecticut Regulars. He was later assigned and had charge of prison work in Rhode Island and Connecticut. His death occurred in 1913. Mr. De Blois' mother is still living and makes her

BIOGRAPHICAL 489 home with her daughter in Syracuse, New York. Edward Arthur De Blois received his education in the grammar and high schools of his native town. He accepted a position with the Pope Manufacturing Company and was identified with that corporation for seventeen years, traveling extensively establishing agencies. During this time and for several years he was a member of the Columbia racing team and won many valuable prizes and bicycle championships. He severed his connection with this firm and established the firm of Burdick & De Blois Manufacturing Company in Hartford, Connecticut. Mr. De Blois was identified with this organization for three years, manufacturing cash registers. He controlled one half of the stock, serving as treasurer and general manager. Disposing of his interests, Mr. De Blois came to California and spent the winter of 1903-04. The following March he came to Imperial Valley and purchased 320 acres of ranch property, which he disposed of before improvements were made. He also invested extensively in city property. Mr. De Blois bought an interest in the Imperial Light, Water and Power Company, and served as secretary of that organization, making his home in Imperial. In 1905 he disposed of his interest in the Imperial light, Water and Power Company, and removed to Brawley, where he became a member of the Brawley Land Co. He is now a member of the firm of Best, De Blois & Covington, extensively identified with the real estate interests of Brawley and vicinity. He was united in marriage August 20, 1908, with Dr. Edna Myrtle Wellcome, a native of Minnesota and daughter of George T. and Cevilla Wellcome. Her mother is deceased and her father is a resident of Los Angeles. To Mr. and Mrs. De Blois have been born four daughters Cevilla, Edna, Marion and Ethelyn. Fraternally Mr. De Blois is a Knight Templar, a member of the Mystic Shrine, and is a 32nd degree Mason. Mrs. De Blois is a member and past matron of the Eastern Star of Brawley. She served as resident physician of the Pacific Hospital of Los Angeles, California, at the time of her marriage. Mr. De Blois is a thorough business man and public-spirited citizen. He retains the confidence and esteem of his fellow men, and the family have a large circle of friends in Imperial County. FELIX G. HAVENS. Among the men of Imperial County who by reason of their progressive and enterprising ideas and methods have



come to be regarded as representative citizens is numbered Felix G. Havens. He was born in Jefferson County, Mo., April 5, 1862, a son of Thomas and Prudence Havens. Mr. Havens acquired his education in the practical school of experience. At an early age he followed farming in Mississippi and studied during his leisure time. At times he would attend school for a few months. Between the ages of twelve and twenty-four years he worked much of the time in the cotton fields. Later he became identified with the Acma Publishing Company of Chicago and traveled extensively. In January, 1887, Mr. Havens decided to remove to the Golden State, and located in Riverside until the fall of 1888, when he went to Northern California and located in Mendocino County, where he took up timber land. Here he remained until January, 1 89 1. From this time until 1897 he was identified with the horticultural commission and for three years he served as horticultural commissioner in Riverside County, having held the position to the satisfaction of his locality. He was then tendered the position of superintendent of the experimental station for the University of Arizona. Here he remained from May, 1897, to March, 1898. Again he served Riverside County in the same capacity from March, 1898, to 1901. Mr. Havens then removed to Imperial County to look after his own interests near Silsbee and Calexico. He has the distinction of being the first man to plant 265 acres of barley in the county. Having brought his place up to a high state of cultivation, he naturally had what might be called "a show place." In 1902 he brought the first shipment of swine to the Valley. In July, 1903, he was appointed U. S. commissioner, with offices in Imperial, where most of the land filings and proofs were made. Mr. Havens held this office until December, 1904, when the law for resurvey of these lands caused them all to be withdrawn from entry. When the office of commissioner was abolished Mr. Havens purchased the Imperial Valley Press, which he continued to publish until 1905. In March, 1906, the paper was removed to El Centro, where it has since been published. In the spring of 1907 Mr. Havens was delegated to go to Washington, D. C, to represent the people of his locality for the purpose of recovering claims caused by the overflow of the Colorado River, these claims amounting to over $800,000. On his return he became an active supporter in the movement to secure El Centro as the county seat. Mr. Havens served as the first city clerk of El Centro, from



1908 to 1910. He is one of the organizers of the Imperial Laguna Water Company, and served as one of the first directors. He has made a

special study of the land laws applying to the peculiar condition of Imperial Valley, and is one of the best posted men in this respect in the county. For eight years he has served as court commissioner. Mr. Havens has large realty holdings in the county. He has a well improved ranch of 175 acres near Holtville, and has 1280 acres of school land under the Laguna Water Company. His marriage occurred December 25, 1890, to Miss Martha English, and they have one son, Morris. Mr. Havens served as the first justice of the peace, recorder, and secretary of the chamber of commerce. GUY URQUHART. No better example of what may be accomplished by a man of energy and enterprise than the career of Guy Urquhart, dealer in motorcycles, bicycles and sporting goods, 674 Main Street, El Centro. Starting out in life unaided and without finances, he has made a success. He was born August 18, 1894, in Louisville, Kentucky, a son of John and Delia (Schurmer) Urquhart. His father is a resident of San Diego and his mother died in Los Angeles and was buried in Rosedale Cemetery of that city. The subject of this review received a limited education and at the age of fourteen he started out in life and learned his trade in Los Angeles and San Diego, which he has always followed. He started to walk from San Diego to El Centro and had thirty-five cents in his pocket. He demonstrated that neither finances nor influence are necessary to the man with determination to win life's battles. He had his kit of tools and readily found employment. He saved and worked hard and has built up a business that would do credit to a larger city, and today Mr. Urquhart is considered one of the substantial business men of the community. He has the confidence and esteem of his business associates. Mr. Urquhart was united in marriage with Miss Hazel Gribble, a native of Oregon. JOSEPH A. ESTUDILLO The life record of Joseph A. Estudillo is interwoven with the history of Imperial County. His parents indeed are of the true pioneers of Southern California, and his father, Hon. Francisco Estudillo, was one of the first men to locate in Southern California. He served as United States Indian Agent for a period of four years



during Grover Cleveland's administration. Mr. Estudillo's father was the owner of fifty-five hundred acres of land where the town of Hemet is located. At present the family have a ranch of two hundred and fifty acres in Riverside County. Joseph A. was born in San Jacinto, July 12, 1876. He acquired his education in St. Vincent's and Santa Clara colleges. During the early period in Imperial County, C. R. Rockwood and Dr. W. T. Heffernan purchased of Mr. Estudillo's father thirty-eight head of stock to be used in the engineering department in Imperial Valley, and Dr. Heffernan went to San Jacinto and made his selection of horses, and Joseph A., the subject of this review, accompanied him to the Valley, where he has always remained with the exception of five

and a half years, when he traveled extensively. Mr. Estudillo acquired one hundred and sixty acres of land near Imperial, and now has eighty acres under cultivation. He was married November 19, 1916, to Miss Ida Twelves, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Twelves. Mr. Estudillo is a member of the Native Sons, and both he and his wife are active members of the Catholic church of Calexico. Mr. Estudillo started the first drug store in Calexico. He also served as the first postmaster of Calexico for a period of four years under the Cleveland administration. After he disposed of his drug store in 1910 he looked after mining in^ terests for a time. Mr. Estudillo has the good-will and confidence of all who are associated with him. WILLIAM W. APPLE, M. D Among the professional men of Imperial County is Dr. William W. Apple, who has practiced his profession for many years with ever-increasing success. He is one of the men of his chosen county who, by reason of his personal integrity and ability, is recognized as one of the leading men in his locality. Dr. Apple was born in Young's Creek, Indiana, September 4, 1861, a son of W. C. and Elizabeth (Low) Apple. He received his education in the public schools of Young's Creek. At the age of eighteen he began teaching school and taught for seven years. In 1888 he entered the normal school of Mitchell, Indiana, and graduated from that institution in 1889. He was made principal of the Conyersville, Tennessee, graded schools for a period of three years, and during that time he studied medicine and entered the hospital college of medicine at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1889, graduating in 1892 with the degree of M. D. He was the first

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honor man of the class. Dr. Apple started to practice his profession in the latter part of 1892, at St. Francisville, Illinois, remaining there until 1896, when he removed to Carmi, Illinois, and at this place he remained until the fall of 1899. In that year he removed to Los Angeles, California, where he practiced until 1905, then going to Stanislaus County to look after his property interests there. In 1910 he came to El Centro and has since been identified with this city. The doctor has had ranch holdings in Riverside, Stanislaus and Imperial counties. His ranch in Imperial County produced a crop of grape fruit in 1917. He is a member of the State and County Medical Society. Fraternally the doctor is affiliated with the I. O. O. F. and the K. of P. He was united in marriage at Orangeville, Indiana, July 27, 1889, to Miss M. H. Hatfield, a daughter of William and Sarah Hatfield, a prominent family of that locality. To this union have been born a son and daughter, Cheer-

ful H. and William L. The latter is identified with the Holton Power Company. Dr. Apple's ancestors are of German extraction and came to America previous to the Revolutionary war. HENRY J. FULLER, M. D., is one of the representative citizens and honored and progressive professional men of Imperial County. Dr. Fuller was born at Vergenes, Vermont, June 3, 1852, son of Ezra and Caroline Fuller. His father fought in the Civil war and fell in the battle of Petersburg at the age of thirty-five. Dr. Fuller's mother is living at Hill City, Kansas, and has reached the age of ninety-two. The grandparents of Dr. Fuller came from France and settled in Canada, and later settled in New England States. The subject of this review acquired his education at the Louisville Medical College, where he received his degree of M. D. in 1876. He then attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Chicago, taking a postgraduate course. For one year Dr. Fuller took the chair of gynecology at this institution. He located at Millbrook, Kansas, where he practiced his profession for twenty years. He was appointed United States surgeon at this place for a period of ten years. He then served as surgeon for the Kansas division of the United Pacific Railroad, which office he held for five years. He was a member for many years of the Kansas State Board of Health. Owing to his health, Dr. Fuller removed to California and located at Riverside, where he practiced for three years. Locating in Imperial,



Dr. Fuller established the Valley Fruit Company. He started the corner drug store in Imperial, he having studied pharmacy. He was a member of the American Medical Association and various State associations, but owing to his ill health he was obliged to give up practicing his profession. Fraternally he is a member of the K. of P. lodge. Dr. Fuller married in Illinois, March 14, 1875, Miss Ella M. Hushaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hushaw, both deceased. Five children blessed this union. Kate died in 1906 and is buried in Richland, Oregon ; Roy, a practicing physician, resides in Los Angeles; Frank, a druggist, in Los Angeles ; Harry, a first lieutenant in the U. S. Army ; Ruth, wife of Harry Sheldon of Imperial. The great uncle of Dr. Fuller had the appointment as minister of the interior of France. JASPER L. TRAVERS is a man of progressive and enterprising ideas and methods, and is one of Imperial County's leading and influential citizens because of the prominence he has attained in promoting the permanent interests of the community along all lines. Mr. Travers is associated with industrial, commercial and financial enterprises, and he can indeed be numbered among the builders and promoters of Imperial County's growth and greatness. His efforts have found tangible result in the development of El Centre He seems to possess almost an intuitive perception in recognizing opportunities that many others pass heedlessly by, and by utilizing such opportunities he has advanced to a

prominent position among the leaders of Imperial County. The subject of this review is a native of Massachusetts. His birth occurred February 15, 1872, a son of Robert and Ann Travers. His father was formerly a sea captain and followed the seas for many years, and visited many countries. He gave up this vocation in 1890, when he removed to California and became identified with orange growing. His death occurred in Redlands, April 22, 1910. Jasper L. Travers removed to Redlands in 1898, and in 1905 he came to El Centro, where he played an important part in the early history of the town. He has the distinction of erecting the first structures on the townsite. Mr. Travers is one of the foremost and in point of residence the oldest contractor in El Centro. He erected many permanent buildings in this city which have added to the beautification of the town. Among the structures erected by him may be mentioned the Oregon Hotel, a three-story brick building ; the El Centro



Hotel, a two-story brick building with annex ; the El Centro National Bank building, the Peterson block, the Bill block, the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, and many handsome schools, ice plant, the power station, the laundry, creamery and oil plant, and many other substantial buildings and residences, all proof of his mechanical skill. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic lodge and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and has held the office of Noble Grand of the latter order in Redlands. He is one of the men who assisted in creating the I. O. O. F. lodge of El Centro. He is also a member of the Eagles lodge and Woodmen of the World, and has filled all the chairs in the two latter orders. Politically Mr. Travers gives his support to the Republican party, but can always be counted upon to cast his vote for the man, irrespective of party. In April, 1912, he was elected a member of the grammar school educational board of El Centro, and for the past six years he has been honored as president of that body, and he served as city councilman for some time. He is vice-president of the El Centro Chamber of Commerce and is a director of the Security Commercial and Savings Bank of El Centro. Mr. Travers was united in marriage January 31, 1893, with Miss Emma J. Snow, of Nova Scotia. To this union have been born one daughter, Ruth, born in Redlands, California, July 4, 1902. Mr. Travers is the only contractor that maintains an office the year around and is located at 508 Main Street, El Centro. ALEXANDER L. RICHMOND. Ceaseless industry, supplemented by sound judgment, has rendered possible the success gained by Alexander L. Richmond, president of the Barbara Worth Hotel Company, of El Centro, California, since 1915. He is a man of progressive and enterprising ideas and methods, and is a descendant of one of the best known and highly respected colonial families in America. His ancestors are of English origin and came to America in 1594. The family records date back to 1040 A. D. The first of the American family, John Richmond, settled in Tonkin, Rhode Island, and the family became

famous and were distinguished paper manufacturers for many years. Alexander L. Richmond was born in Lima, Ohio, March 1, 1866, a son of D. C. and Laura (Drucker) Richmond. He attended the public and high schools of Lima, Ohio, after which he entered the Notre Dame University at South Bend, Indiana. At the age of twenty he became

496 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY identified with railroad construction and the operating departments of various railroad systems throughout the East. He attained prominence and distinguished himself by filling the office of auditor of the Detroit & Lima Northern and the Detroit, Toledo and Milwaukee railways. Through the various stages of progression he advanced to a builder of railroads. The name of Alexander L. Richmond was regarded as synonymous with railroad development in the East. He built the Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Railway, the Pittsburgh and Butler Railroad, the Franklin & Clearfield Railroad, the Coal and Coke Railroad in West Virginia, the Newburg branch of the Erie Railroad, the Shenandoah Valley Railroad in Virginia. He built a section of the Erie Canal and the Oil Belt Railroad in Illinois. After an eventful period of many years of close application and identification with the railroad business throughout the Eastern States, Mr. Richmond came to Imperial County, California, where he is the president of the Barbara Worth Hotel, one of the most imposing and modern hotels in California. Fraternally Mr. Richmond is a member of the Masonic fraternity, holding membership in the Blue Lodge at Pittsburg. He was united in marriage May 5, 1894, to Miss Clara B. Worrell, of Staunton, Virginia, a daughter of George Worrell, who was one of the highly esteemed citizens of his locality. Richmond, Wisconsin, was named after this historic family. Mr. Richmond was at one time owner of the Hotel Lincoln, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and was connected with the banking and industrial interests of that city for a number of years. He has served as president of the El Centro Chamber of Commerce and had the good-will and confidence of all who were associated with him while he held that office. Mr. Richmond is a member and one of the vice-presidents of the League of the Southwest. Its purpose is to bring the great Southwest into closer alliance, social and commercial, and to link communities in a spirit of brotherhood, the promotion of the civic, commercial and social interests of the territory embraced within the organization. Ambition, energy and a progressive spirit, have brought A. L. Richmond to a position of prominence and distinction among the builders of railroads of the East ; and, in Imperial County, California, he is considered a man of forceful personality and effective ability. His attention, however, is now concentrated upon his business affairs, in which he has met with well-deserved success.



WALTER E. PACKARD. A history of Imperial Valley would not be complete without a mention of Walter E. Packard, who is one of the most highly esteemed and deservedly respected citizens of the Valley. He has been closely associated with the agricultural development since 1909 as the local representative of the College of Agriculture of the University of California. His work at the Imperial Valley Experiment Farm, of which he was superintendent, has had an important influence in moulding the farming practice of the Valley. Mr. Packard has taken an active interest in irrigation affairs, having represented Imperial Valley in conferences in Washington on two different occasions. As president of the Farm Bureau he took a leading part in promoting agricultural co-operation. Mr. Packard was born in Oak Park, Illinois, February 22, 1884, a son of Samuel Ware and Clara A. (Fish) Packard. His father was a native of Massachusetts and his mother was a native of New York. In the parents' family there were five children. Walter E., after attending the Oak Park Public and high school, graduated from the Iowa State College and later took the degree of master of science from the University of California. He spent some time in Idaho in developing a claim and later took a position as special investigator for the office of Irrigation Investigations of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. In 1909 Mr. Packard took the position as special representative of the College of Agriculture in Imperial Valley, and as a result of his work several bulletins have been published by the University of California. In July, 1917, Mr. Packard accepted the position as Assistant State Leader of Farm Advisers in California. Mr. Packard was united in marriage December 20, 1909, to Miss Emma Leonard, of Waukee, Iowa. Two children have been born, Clara Eleanor, born November 2, 1910, and Emma Louise, born April 15, 1914. Mrs. Packard graduated from the Iowa State College in 1907 as a classmate of Mr. Packard and, before her marriage, spent some time in South Carolina in social work among the mill workers. While in the Valley Mrs. Packard took an active interest in child study work as chairman of the Home Economics section of the Woman's Ten Thousand Club. BENJAMIN SHANK. One of Imperial County's progressive and influential ranchers is Benjamin Shank, the subject of this review. Incidentally Mr. Shank is the owner of 160 acres of highly cultivated land

49 8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY in Water Company No. 5, near Brawley. Success has come to Mr. Shank, and it is primarily through his individual efforts, coupled with broad business foresight, that he has achieved the enviable position which is his today. Mr. Shank came to Imperial County in the fall of 1905, and can, as the result, be well and truly classed among the pioneers of the Valley which was once a vast desert, with the water holes few and far between. He was born in Saline County, Kansas, January 9, 1885, the son of Bernard H. and Katherine (Wieland) Shank. Benjamin received his education in Saline County's public schools and left the institutions of learning at the age of 17 years. Being practical, Mr. Shank engaged as a ranch hand until he came to this county, where he engaged for a while with Thomas O'Brien. Later he filed on eighty acres and some time thereafter purchased the balance of his land, all of which at the time was rough, barren, desert land. This he leveled

and rounded out in such shape that shortly he was able to raise crops most successfully, and now his holding is producing a yearly harvest which is highly remunerative. Mr. Shank has planted 600 trees and all the buildings since erected about the place are modern in every detail. In the raising of cattle and particularly hogs Mr. Shank has been most successful. He also sells grain extensively. Mr. Shank is a stockholder of the Imperial Valley Bank, and when he votes on political questions can always be depended upon to affix his mark next to the name of the man most deserving. He was married at Brawley, California, October 25, 1910, to Miss Emma Schoneman. Their three children are Evelyn, born in El Centra ; Ella, born on the ranch, and Burton, born on the home place. Mr. Shank, undoubtedly, comes under the head of selfmade men. He is industrious at all times, and devotes his energies in the direction of pursuits which are far-reaching in their effectiveness. All he has gained today in the way of worldly goods represents an achievement which resulted from his own individual efforts. LOYAL A. STRIEBY. Prominent among the wide-awake and progressive ranchers of Imperial County is Loyal A. Strieby. He has done much in advancing the material prosperity of this county and has the good-will and esteem of all who know him. Mr. Strieby came to the Valley in 1908. He was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, July 9, 1866, a son of Samuel and Eliza (Johnston) Strieby. His grandfather fought



in the war of 1812. Mr. Strieby's parents are both deceased and buried in Ontario, California. Loyal A. acquired his education in the public schools of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, after which he attended the Greensboro Academy. He came to Imperial Valley in 1908. Upon his arrival here he purchased his present ranch of 160 acres, which is now in a high state of cultivation. Mr. Strieby is largely identified with the stock business and owns about 200 head of fine stock. His place is well adapted for stock and general ranching and under Mr. Strieby's management the ranch has been made to prosper materially. He was married at Cucamonga, California, April 4, 1904, to Miss Grace Fifield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Fifield, who reside at Cucamonga, California. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Strieby: Margaret and Samuel were born in Cucamonga, and William and Florence were born on the ranch. Mr. Strieby is in every respect a self-made man. He started out in life without influential friends or funds and through his own energy and business foresight he has made a handsome competency. ROBERT GRAHAM ELMORE. Prominent mention should be made in the pages of this, the first standard history of Imperial County, of Robert Graham Elmore, one of the Valley's most practical ranchers and the owner of 160 acres of highly cultivated land in Water Company No. 5, near Brawley. Mr. Elmore is a pioneer of the Valley, hav-

ing arrived in this fertile zone during February, 1908. He was born in Pettis County, Missouri, August 28, 1889, the son of John E. and Carrie May (Jenkins) Elmore. Mr. Elmore's father came to the Valley in March, 1908, and owns, with his wife, 640 acres of land which is prized property of the county. Originally this holding was rough, desert country, but through the efforts put forth, coupled with a thorough knowledge of agriculture, it is now noted for its productiveness. Mr. Elmore received his education in the public school of Corona, California, and for six months he attended the Los Angeles High School. He left the high school and for over three years attended Polytechnic. Robert G. has always lived on a ranch and has always found it expedient to assist his parents on the home place whenever possible. Even during his school days Mr. Elmore devoted his activities to orchard work and later to general farming, raising barley, wheat and corn most



successfully. He has stock of his own and yearly finds an opportunity to sell considerable pasturage. Politically Mr. Elmore always votes for the best man and does not allow party politics to sway his superior judgment in this matter. He is a worthy member of the Christian Church. Mr. Elmore was married at Banning, California, August 16, 191 3, to Miss Lela Belle Eli, daughter of William E. and Flora Belle (Hastein) Eli, prominent residents of Imperial County. To this union two children have been born: Robert G., Jr., born July 14, 1914, in Brawley, and Beauford William, born on the ranch, February 10, 1916. The Elmore family is of English origin and the Jenkins of Scotch origin. The family is ably represented as far back as five generations, both sides taking active part in the Civil war. About the Elmore ranch there is an appearance of attractiveness which is appealing. The numerous trees and the buildings in general add greatly to the effectiveness of the scene, and Mr. Elmore is to be congratulated owing to his keen foresight in achieving the noteworthy results which are so evident everywhere. JAMES WILLIAM COLSON. In the lexicon of human endeavor the world waits for no man, and he who achieves today a laudable ambition is placed very naturally in the column which represents the survival of the fittest. In passing it might be stated with utmost sincerity that James William Colson, owner of a 280-acre ranch in Water Company No. 5, near Holtville, is entitled to prominent mention in these pages, as he is one of the progressive and influential citizens of the Valley. James W. came to Imperial County in February, 1908, and was born at Gays, Illinois, September 10, 1874, the son of Joseph and Mary I. (Curry) Colson. The father of Mr. Colson died from the effects of valiant service during the Civil war. His death occurred in 1886 and he is buried at Ashgrove, Illinois. The mother of Mr. Colson at this time resides at Riverside, California. Mr. Colson received his early education in his home town, leaving school at the age of 11 years. During

later years he assisted on the home place and while still young matured a crop of corn which easily proved his knowledge of ranching at that stage. Coming to California in 1902, he settled temporarily at Redlands where he engaged in the orange growing business until he came to El Centro. Upon his arrival in the Valley, Mr. Colson proceeded to branch



out in the real estate and insurance business. This pursuit he followed for eight years. During February, 1916, James W. purchased the present property. He also rented 320 acres of land, and thus having 600 acres at his disposal planted the foregoing acreage in cotton. Politically Mr. Colson votes for the best man on the ticket despite party affiliations. Fraternally he is a member of Tee Court of Honor, Springfield, Illinois. He was married in Los Angeles, November 12, 1913, to Miss Hallie Bailey of Indiana. ROY EUGENE GONDER. Individually and collectively, Roy Eugene Gonder is listed among the progressive ranchers of Imperial County. He is the owner of 320 acres of highly cultivated land in Water Company No. 5, near Brawley, is ranching on a large, remunerative scale, and is held high in the esteem of all who know him. Mr. Gonder came to Imperial County April 19, 1902, and was born at Duncan Falls, Ohio, November 18, 1876, the son of George W. and Mary E. (Smith) Gonder. The family is of old American stock. The family tree of Mr. Gonder's mother dates back to the English, but there are generations of both sides represented in this country. The parents of Mr. Gonder have passed away; the father died in 1917 and the mother during February, 1888. Both are buried at Duncan Falls, Ohio. As a boy Mr. Gonder received his early education near Duncan Falls, but continued his progress in the way of learning until he reached the age of 20 years, having attended various institutions in the meanwhile. For five years Mr. Gonder was a school teacher. Prior to that time, however, he assisted his parents during vacation periods on the home place. It was at this point in his life that Mr. Gonder turned his eyes in the direction of Imperial County. Upon his arrival here he filed on his present property, leveled the same, and has one of the most valuable holdings in the county at this time. The year Mr. Gonder arrived in the Valley there was nothing much for the human eye to gaze upon. Vast stretches of desert could be seen everywhere, with not even so much as a soulinspiring oasis to lift the imagination to the heights of joy. He was a pioneer in every sense of the word. As a practical rancher, Mr. Gonder specializes in the growing of grain. He has been very successful in this pursuit. His yearly returns are large and remunerative. More than 1000 trees have been planted by Mr. Gonder, and the general appearance of



attractiveness noted about the Gonder ranch is due entirely to the foresight and energy of the owner thereof. Whenever election rolls around Mr. Gonder can always be found attaching his mark on the Republican side of the column. He is also a member of the Royal Arch, F. & A. M. Mr. Gonder was married at Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, September 20, 1916, to Miss Maud Liggitt, daughter of Walker and Mary (McCord) Liggitt. The parents are both deceased and are buried at Chandlersville, Ohio. John A. McCord, grandfather of Mrs. Gonder, came from historic Crookstown, Ireland. The Liggitt family also comes of English and Irish origin. Four brothers of the mother of Mrs. Gonder did valiant service and fought unstintingly for the cause during the Civil war. Their names on the escutcheon of fame are: John A. McCord, Dr. George McCord, Samuel and William. Mr. Gonder in the early days was affiliated with the old California Development Company, having acted as foreman for the corporation during that period which witnessed the beginning of the Imperial Valley. All his achievements during the years he has been a resident of the county are primarily due to his broad, conservative methods in attaching himself to conditions in general. BEN DYER IRVINE. One of the fine ranches of Imperial County is owned by Ben Dyer Irvine, a property holding which comprises 353 acres in Water Company No. 5, near Brawley. Practical knowledge of agriculture has been the magnet which has caused Mr. Irvine to bend his efforts toward his chosen field of industry, and he has undoubtedly achieved vast results. He came to Imperial County August 22, 1907, and was born in Marshall, Missouri, January 17, 1875, the son of Henry B. and Martha Elizabeth (Lewis) Irvine. The grandparents on both sides of the family came from Virginia during 1836 and located in Missouri, where they were among the pioneers. The country thereabouts at that time represented a vast prairie. The Lewis family are of old Virginia stock, members of which fought the Indians during many tempestuous days, while there is a sprinkling of the Scotch-Irish on both sides. History will show that the members of the family, in tracing the lineage thereof, came to this country long before the Revolutionary war. Mr. Irvine received his education in his native state at the grammar school, leaving the institution at the age of 16 years. He then as-



sisted his parents until he reached the age of 20 years. Later he established himself in the wallpaper and paint business in Kansas City and

Marshall, Missouri, where he carried on his vocation for ten years. Coming to Pasadena, California, in 1907, he tried for a location and settled first of all in this county, near Holtville, where he was engaged as overseer for Dr. C. S. Lombard of Redlands, California, on a ranch comprising 320 acres. He also handled a hog ranch for five months for the same party. Later he filed on his present property, which was rough, barren, desert country. Mr. Irvine has labored hard and industriously and has brought his property up to a high state of productiveness. He received his title to the land in 1916. He is now cultivating 350 acres and follows principally grain growing and stock raising. He owns more than 210 head of hogs and also some thoroughbred hogs at the present time. Mr. Irvine organized the M. E. Church at Alamorio, and also helped to build the Magnolia School and Brawley High School. Great credit is due Mrs. Irvine, who insisted in sharing all privations with her husband during his fight here on the desert. She was with him during the hot summer months and never murmured for a moment about overwhelming odds, but with that steadfastness which is one of her most charming characteristics remained as a true and loyal wife should at the side of her husband, all of which adds very splendidly to her many personal and wifely accomplishments. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine were married at Blackwater, Missouri, June 11, 1895. The maiden name of Mrs. Irvine was Katherine Turley, she being the daughter of Christopher and Susan Elsie Turley, pioneers of Missouri, who came to this state from Missouri. Mr. Turley resides at Pasadena. The mother died when Mrs. Irvine was an infant and is buried at Arrow Rock, Missouri. The parents of Mr. Irvine reside at Hutchinson, Kansas, with his brothers George M. and Robert C. both of whom are traveling salesmen. As can be readily seen in the foregoing, Mr. Irvine represents most practically all the worthy attributes which go with the self-made man. ROLAND REED. Of the younger generation of business men in Imperial County none have met with a larger measure of success than that which has attended the efforts of Roland Reed, general manager of the Reed-Williams corporation, which owns several ranches in Im-



perial Valley, comprising several hundred acres. The corporation of which Mr. Reed is general manager, is largely interested in the hog business, and the business they have built up is enormous. The company has entered the date-growing business on a very large scale, and they have made a success of the grapefruit business. Thoroughly alert and up to the minute in modern ideas, operating his ventures in a strictly legitimate manner and in a way that will benefit the community, Mr. Reed's work places him among the representative men of the county. Mr. Reed came to Imperial County in October, 1911. He was born in Ida Grove, Iowa, June 18, 1887, a son of James W. and Ella (Wilkinson) Reed. Both parents now reside in Los Angeles. His father

is the president of the corporation. In Mr. Reed's parents' family there are six children: R. C, with the Reed-Williams company; Ruth R., wife of Harry Van Patten of Chicago; Mary R., wife of Noah Williams, vice-president of the company, and Russell and Renfield, residing at home. The subject of this review acquired his education in the schools of Iowa and the University of Wisconsin. Upon leaving the university he assisted in his father's bank. Later he assisted on his father's cattle ranch in Canada. Here he remained for several years before coming to Imperial County to remain permanently. Fraternally Mr. Reed is a Royal Arch Mason of Ida Grove, Iowa. He is also a member of the Delta-Tau Delta of the University of Wisconsin. Mr. Reed was united in marriage in Kansas City, Missouri, April 12, 191 3, with Miss Grace Hutchinson, daughter of A.M. and Emma (Johnson) Hutchinson. Her father is deceased and is buried in the family cemetery at Libertyville, Illinois. Mrs. Reed's mother resides in Imperial County. Mrs. Reed was born in Kingsley, Iowa, and is a graduate of the Ida Grove High School. She remained with her parents until her marriage to Mr. Reed. Both Mr. and Mrs. Reed have a host of friends in Imperial County. GEORGE CLIFFORD RICHARDS. One of the commanding figures in the agricultural life of Imperial County is George Clifford Richards. Coming to Imperial County in December, 1907, when the country was a vast desert, he has seen a wonderful transformation since it has been made a place of great productiveness and wealth. Mr. Richards is the owner of one hundred acres of choice land in the



Southside Water Company No. 1, El Centro. He was born in Adams County, Illinois, May 31, 1864, a son of John W. and Margaret (Potter) Richards. His parents were among the early settlers in Illinois, having located in that state in 1836. The Richards family is of old English descent and came to America before the Revolutionary war. They settled first in Loudon County, Virginia, and later moved to Illinois. Both parents are buried in Burton, Adams County, Illinois. The subject of this review received his education in Adams County, and left high school at the age of 18, and owing to his father's ill health he was obliged to take charge of the home place. He remained at home ten years after his father's death. Going to northwestern Nebraska for a time, Mr. Richards returned home, where he spent seven years. He then removed to Trinidad, Colorado, where he engaged in the feed business for four years. Disposing of his interests in Colorado, Mr. Richards with his family went to Redondo Beach, and spent one year there. He then brought horses to Imperial Valley for another party and after being in the Valley for a year he purchased two hundred and forty acres, which he has improved and which has been brought up to a high state of cultivation. Mr. Richards erected substantial buildings and set out all the trees and shrubbery around his place. He is a large

grower of grain and cotton and deals extensively in stock. Politically Mr. Richards is a Democrat. Fraternally he is a member of the I. O. O. F. He was married at his wife's home place in Adams County, Illinois, January 4, 1893, t0 Miss Emma Cate, daughter of Walter Cate. Both Mrs. Richard's parents are deceased and buried in Columbus, Adams County, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Richards had three children: Mildred died in infancy; Lawrence, born in Illinois, is now aged twenty-three and is now at home, and Edith, born in Illinois, attending high school at Holtville. FOSTER McCONNELL. One of the commanding figures in the agricultural life of Imperial County is Foster McConnell. He is a figure of importance in the life of the Valley and understands every phase of ranch development. A man of progressive spirit and good business foresight, Mr. McConnell is a native son and was born at Corona, California, March 21, 1893, a son of H. F. and Lora McConnell. His father passed away May 3, 1912, and is buried at Corona, California.

506 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY His mother resides in the home place. The ancestors of Mr. McConnell originally came from Ireland, but owing to political troubles they moved to Scotland. Foster, the subject of this review, received his education in the public schools of Corona. At the age of fifteen years he began ranching on the present place, which then consisted of 252 acres and only ninety acres was leveled. Mr. McConnell is imbued with a progressive spirit and he at once started to level the balance of his land. Other tracts were bought at various times until he now owns 535 acres. Each year he has added improvements. In 1917 Mr. McConnell took a commercial course. He has ninety milch cows and 350 head of other stock. He also set out all of the trees in his splendid orchard and has thus added greatly to the attractiveness of his place in general. Mr. McConnell is largely interested in hogs and poultry. Foster and his brother, Leslie, are partners in their ranch affairs and their efforts have brought about great changes on their ranch. Leslie was born in Redlands, California, October 4, 1889, and received his education in Santa Ana, California, and later took a business course. Leaving school at the age of sixteen, he went with his parents to Corona, where his father owned a ranch, and remained there until the family removed to Imperial County. Leslie was united in marriage February 4, 1917, with Miss Caroline Heil, a daughter of Joseph and Mary Heil. Her father is deceased and is buried in Santa Ana. The mother resides in El Centre McConnell Brothers' ranch has been brought up to a high state of cultivation and is one of the model places of Imperial County. Their father's death was deeply mourned by all who knew him. He led an honorable and useful life, and his career bore the closest investigation and scrutiny. His life record gained for him the unqualified respect and esteem of the people in every locality where he lived. His life was ambitious and was founded on honorable and progressive ideas. His wife and family may find justifiable pride in the fact that he not only achieved success in a material way, but his deeds and actions as a model father and loving husband will be perpetuated in the history of Imperial County, which is a monument to his career. LINZA B. ROGERS. Careful readers of this, the first standard his-

tory of Imperial County, will find many names of prominent and influential ranchers mentioned therein. Hence the declaration that the name

BIOGRAPHICAL 507 of Linza B. Rogers, the subject of this review, should be prominently displayed within these pages, as Mr. Rogers is one of the Valley's most progressive and wide-awake citizens. He owns 320 acres of land in Water Company No. 5, at Brawley, which is noted for its remunerative productiveness. Mr. Rogers was born in Orange County, October 27, 1875, being a native son, and came to Imperial County in the year 1906, which makes him a pioneer of the Valley. Linza A. is the son of Ben and Orpha Rogers. His father died when Mr. Rogers was yet in infancy. After a long and useful life his mother passed away May 30, 1915, and is buried at Long Beach, California. The body of Mr. Roger's father has been interred at Santa Ana, California. Linza B. received his education at Long Beach, and left school at the age of thirteen years. With characteristic foresight, Mr. Rogers has, to use an apt expression, "been paddling his own canoe," ever since a boy, and what has come to him during all those years of endeavor in the way of hard-earned success is due to his own practical knowledge of the world and conditions in general. For ten years Mr. Rogers worked for wages. Later he started to raise sugar beets in Los Angeles County, which venture lasted for about ten years. After trying the grain-growing business for a season, Mr. Rogers came to Imperial County, having filed on his present property in the year 1903. At the time his holding was rough, desert country, which Mr. Rogers leveled and made farmworthy. There was not a ditch within one-half mile at the time and many overwhelming obstacles were naturally encountered. However, Mr. Rogers valiantly stuck to his task and today has a finely-appointed ranch in a high state of cultivation. He makes a specialty of raising grain, has had good success with hogs and cattle, and at one time totaled 1800 brooders on his place. Every tree on the place has been planted by Mr. Rogers, and he has solved the water question by piping artesian water for a distance of one mile. He has a fine residence on the home place, as pretentious as it is modern, while all the outbuildings lend an attractive appearance to the ranch in general. Politically Mr. Rogers has never aspired for office, but he always votes for the right man at the right time and does not let party politics sway him when a deserving man is seeking office. He was married at Long Beach, California, November 27, 1902, to Miss Dora Belle Brady, daughter of John and Mary Brady. Mrs. Rogers' father is buried in the Long Beach cemetery. Mrs. Brady resides at Long Beach.

5 o8 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY As the result of their happy union two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Rogers: Dorothea Leona, born at Long Beach, and Lillian Rose, born on the home place in this county. EDGAR D. GRIFFIN is the owner of a valuable ranch in Water Company No. 5, comprising 160 acres of highly cultivated land. The ranch in general presents a tidy appearance, as all the appointments demonstrate the modern methods employed by Mr. Griffin as a practical ranch-

er. In the Holtville section there are many farms of good proportions, but it can be stated very candidly that Mr. Griffin is listed very prominently among the foremost agriculturists of the community wherein he resides. He came to Imperial County during October, 191 3, and was born in Madison County, Iowa, November 17, 1864, the son of Cyrus and Eliza (Wilson) Griffin. The family arrived in Iowa in 1856, being among the pioneer ranchers of Madison County. Both parents of Mr. Griffin have passed away. The bodies have been interred in the North Branch Cemetery, Madison County, Iowa. The early beginning of the family is traced to Welsh ancestry, members of which came to this country originally in the year 1760. Mr. Griffin received his education in his native state, leaving school at the age of 17 years. After assisting his parents on the home place for some years after leaving school, Edgar D. started out in life for himself at the age of 21. He journeyed to Colorado, where he found employment on the ranches, where he remained from the year 1902 until he came to Imperial County. Upon his arrival here, Mr. Griffin started working by the day and later rented land until he was able to purchase his present property. This event in his life occurred January 1, 1918. In addition to his present holding, Mr. Griffin has filed for a homestead near Dixieland. He follows the dairy business rather extensively and is also meeting with considerable success in the way of growing grain. He keeps ninety head of cattle on his place. Politically Mr. Griffin always votes for the man most deserving on the ticket. He was married in Madison County, Iowa, February 3, 1887, to Miss Mary Stanton, daughter of David and Hannah Stanton, both pioneers of Madison County. The parents of Mrs. Griffin settled in that county in 1854. Both have since passed away and are buried in the Bear Creek Cemetery, Madison County, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin have four children : Clarence H., born in Madison County, Iowa ; Hobart S.. born



in Iowa ; Milton B., born in Iowa and a student at the high school, and Maurice, born in Colorado Springs, Colorado. As a citizen and influential factor in the community, Mr. Griffin represents all the qualities which are typical of the self-made man. He is broad in his views, conservative in his method of outlining agricultural questions of note, and a man well liked by every one throughout the county. THOMAS W. G. LYONS, owner of 320 acres of land in Water Company No. 5, near Brawley, is a self-made man. He is one of the most progressive and influential factors in the agricultural life of Imperial County. Mr. Lyons is very actively listed among the pioneers of this section, coming to the Valley in the year 1905. He was born in Monterey County, California, April 23, 1874, the son of Stephen and Mary (Driscol) Lyons, both being pioneers of Imperial County who came here in 1904, and are now residing in Brawley. The family is of old English and Irish origin and in tracing the lineage thereof many interesting items are brought to light. Mr. Lyons received his education in

the public schools in various parts of California, leaving the public institutions at the age of nineteen years. During his school days Mr. Lyons assisted very materially on the home place and later continued in this capacity until he reached the age of 27 years. He then branched out and began farming for himself in Monterey County and San Benito County for three years. Leaving San Benito County he went to San Francisco, where he organized several mining corporations, one of them being the Lyons Gypsum Company. Mr. Lyons remained in active charge of this corporation until he came to Imperial County and acquired his present property by filing thereon during the year 1907. When he came to the Valley in 1905 Mr. Lyons, in conjunction with his father and brothers, operated a combined harvester, whereby they harvested a field of barley on what is now the city of El Centro, including numerous other places about the county. He followed this pursuit for some time and also found time to take care of his mining interests in various parts of the state. Mr. Lyons and his family contributed largely toward the development of Imperial County. In passing it might be stated that Mr. Lyons organized the Mexican Farm Lands & Cattle Company in Mexico. When the subject of this review came to the Valley a vast desert stretched as far as the eye could see in every direction. On his place there is a natu-

5 io HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY ral well which shoots water about sixty feet above the surface of the ground. Mr. Lyons is doing general farming and is meeting with unqualified success in the raising of barley, corn, cotton and alfalfa for the market. He leveled all his ground and made all commanding improvements about the place. He has a finely situated home, which is one of the features on his property. He continues to hold his mining property and mills, warehouses and spur track at King City, Monterey County, California. Politically he is a Republican and has never aspired for office. He is a member of the Native Sons of the Golden West and of the Knights of Columbus. Mr. Lyons was married at Royal Oak, Michigan, June 12, 1907, to Miss Margaret C. Murray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Murray, of Royal Oak, where the family settled in the early days. Mr. Murray has passed away and is buried in the Royal Oak cemetery. Mrs. Murray is at present residing at Oakland, California. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons have two sons : Edward W., who was born in Monterey County, California, February 28, 1909, and Robert S., also born in Monterey County, March 12, 191 1. The parents of Mr. Lyons raised six sons and five daughters : Ella, who is buried in San Francisco ; Molly, residing in Monterey, California, the wife of Lewis Rudolph ; Catherine, wife of Oscar J. Burns, Los Angeles; Rose, a Sister of Charity at El Paso, Texas; Stephen P., Edward J., John P., Leo J., and Frank I., and Irene, a Sister of St. Joseph's, Tucson, Arizona, whose parochial name is Sister Rose Mary. BENJAMIN A. SCHONEMAN is one of the progressive ranchers of Imperial County, and has attained success in his chosen vocation. His activities have brought about a wonderful change in his place, and he is now renting 100 acres of choice land in Water Company No. 5. Mr. Schoneman came to Imperial in the fall of 1908. He was born in Capac, Michigan, March 10, 1886, a son of Gotfried and Minnie Schoneman. The family are of German origin and came to America over sixty years ago. Both parents are deceased and are buried in Michigan. The father

of Mr. Schoneman was among the sturdy pioneers of his locality. Benjamin A. acquired his education in the public schools where he was born. He assisted his father on the home place until he was twenty-one. He then worked at farming for seven years and has made a success in growing barley and corn. He also is largely interested in the hog busi-



ness. Politically Mr. Schoneman is independent and always votes for the man irrespective of his party. Mr. Schoneman has a large circle of friends and acquaintances in his locality. Mr. Schoneman married March 27, 1918, Miss Violet Barwise, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Barwise, residing at Ontario, California. SAMUEL H. ATKINS. Practical ranching has developed Imperial County from a bleak, barren desert to the thriving and blossoming oasis of productiveness which is so noteworthy today. Since the beginning of the county many hands have tilled the soil successfully. One of the moving factors in the development of the Valley has been Samuel H. Atkins, the subject of this review. Colossal agricultural enterprise is what appeals mostly to Mr. Atkins. He is the owner of eighty acres of rich, loamy soil in Water Company No. 5, near Brawley, and his returns yearly are large and remunerative. He came to Imperial County in December, 1909, and was born near Springfield, Tennessee, September 27, 1873, tne son 0I J- S. and Loretta (Crutcher) Atkins. The family is of old English origin, members of which came to this country many years prior to the Revolutionary war. Mr. Atkins' father was a non-commissioned officer during the Civil war and fought valiantly during that conflict. His death occurred July 2, 1917. The mother of Mr. Atkins passed away in March, 1892. Both are buried in the Evergreen Cemetery, Fulton, Kentucky. Mr. Atkins received his education at the Fulton Normal School and Bordwell College, Kentucky. He left the college at the age of 21 years with a certificate entitling him to teach in public institutions. He followed this vocation for one year, after which he came to Imperial County. From here Mr. Atkins went to Los Angeles, where he was employed for a time with the J. H. Waddingham Company, starting as a laborer and finally working his way up until he was named foreman. Samuel H. remained with this concern for seven years. Upon his return to this county Mr. Atkins leased a farm in Water Company No. I, three miles south of El Centro, where he lived in a tent house. He was successful in cultivating eighty acres of cotton the first year, during the water shortage. However, he struggled along and made some money. Going over to Water Company No. 6, Mr. Atkins raised cotton for three years and all his efforts were highly successful. Later he tried out his hand in Water Company No. 5, cultivating cot-


ton on 150 acres of land, but owing to the cheap prices paid during that year (1914), he did not come out swimmingly. At present Mr. Atkins is raising cotton on a large scale and in a most successful manner. For his own use he keeps a large herd of stock and is otherwise adding to his holdings in general. Politically Mr. Atkins is a Democrat, but whenever he votes can be depended upon to ballot for the best man despite party choice. Fraternally he is a member of the K. O. T. M. of Los Angeles, also the Royal Highlanders of that city. He was married in Kentucky to Miss Emma Price, who died in 1899, and is buried near Bordwell, Kentucky. To this union two children were born. Hazel died in infancy and is buried in Bordwell, while Mary is the wife of G. A. Young, a gasoline engineer, residing in Imperial County, California. Mr. Atkins' second marriage occurred in Los Angeles on October 8, 1907, to Miss Edith Sharrett, daughter of D. F. and Mary Sharrett of Huntington Beach, California, both of whom reside at that place. JAMES P. CASEY. Prominent mention should be made of the name of James P. Casey in recording the names of the pioneers in the first history of Imperial County. His activities along agricultural lines have assisted materially in making Imperial County what it is today, the garden spot of California. James P. Casey has 160 acres of choice land in Water Company No. 5, near Brawley. He came to the Valley in November, 1906. He was born in Webster County, Iowa, April II, 1866, a son of James and Mary (Quinlan) Casey. The Casey family is of old Irish origin, members of which were among the respected pioneers and farmers of Iowa, coming to that state originally in 1856. Both parents of Mr. Casey are deceased. His father died in 1878 and his mother passed away in 1905. Both parents are buried in Fort Dodge, Iowa. The subject of this sketch received a limited education. He remained at home and assisted on the farm until he was twenty-one years of age. For a time he worked on the railroads and then returned to the home place, where he worked until he was married. Mr. Casey then purchased a farm and there he remained until he came to Imperial County and bought his present place of 160 acres. Mr. Casey has achieved success in the Valley, the result of his own efforts, and now has one of the best appointed ranches in the county. He did the leveling on his land and erected substantial buildings and planted all the shrubbery and



trees on his place. Mr. Casey was married to Miss Margaret Ward, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Reynolds) Ward, April 27, 1892.

Mrs. Casey's death occurred March 6, 1910, and is buried at Pomona, California. Her parents were pioneers of Iowa. Her father died November 21, 1917, and is buried at Fort Dodge, Iowa. Her mother is at present a resident of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Casey have four children : John Ward, born in Iowa; George V., Charles and Thomas were all born at Fort Dodge. James P. Casey has achieved success in life as a result of his own efforts. He has not had financial assistance offered him from influential friends. He is a self-made man. JOHN EHRLICH is a man of broad, conservative views. He is one of the influential citizens of the county and is the owner of the Magnolia store, at Magnolia, near Brawley, California. Mr. Ehrlich came to Imperial County, April 4, 1914, and was born in Transylvania, February 7, 1885. He received his early education in his native country, coming to the United States in the year 1909. Upon his arrival here, Mr. Ehrlich took pains to complete his education through his individual efforts and without the assistance, either financial or otherwise, of anyone. Later he started to farm at Corona, California, until he left for Pasadena, where he did landscape gardening successfully. Still later he followed teaming for two and one-half years, following which venture he came to Brawley, having been engaged prior thereto by Dr. William Brill of Los Angeles as a ranch hand. Having keen business foresight, Mr. Ehrlich engaged with the South Mercantile Company of Alamorio for about two years and later went in with R. W. Maddox at the Magnolia store. In this pursuit Mr. Ehrlich was doubly successful. Business continued good and Mr. Ehrlich purchased Mr. Maddox's share on December 20, 1917, and is now the sole proprietor. In conjunction with his business undertaking, the subject of this review is farming 140 acres of land which is highly cultivated property. Mr. Ehrlich received his citizenship papers May 26, 1917, and is registered as a staunch Republican. Fraternally he is a Joeman. Mr. Ehrlich was married in Los Angeles, September 6, 1916, to Miss Mary Drolleff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Drolleff of Transylvania. The father of Mrs. Ehrlich is buried in his native country. The mother resides at that place. To this union has been born one child Dorothea Elizabeth born December 29, 1917, at



Brawley, California. Mr. Ehrlich is in every sense of the word a selfmade man, as it has been primarily through his energy and progressive foresight that he has achieved success. EUGENE S. LACK. Prominent among the wide-awake and progressive business men of Brawley is E. S. Lack, whose mind has been broadened by extensive travel. Of the younger generation of business men of Brawley, none have met with a larger measure of success than that which has attended the efforts of Mr. Lack. He was born December 9, 1873, son of Charles A. and Janie E. Lack. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, and his mother was born in Kentucky. Mr. Lack's

parents removed to Denver, Colorado, when he was young. He acquired his education in the public and high schools, after which he accepted a position on the road and followed this vocation for fifteen years. In 1906 he came to California and engaged in the automobile business in Los Angeles until 191 5, when he removed to Imperial County and located in Brawley. He at once engaged in the same business and now has one of the best equipped and most modern places in the Valley. Thoroughly alert and progressive in modern business methods places him among Brawley's representative men. Mr. Lack was united in marriage with Miss Mary E. Dougherty, a native of California, in 1908. EPHRAIM G. ANGELL is a respected and esteemed rancher and in every way a self-made man. In reviewing the lives of the men of Imperial County special mention should be made of Ephraim G. Angell, who is considered one of the progressive agriculturists of his locality. He was born in DuPage County, Illinois, July 23, 1862, a son of Henry H. and Pauline Phoebe (Breck) Angell. Mr. Angell's father was a native of Columbia County, New York, and his death occurred twenty years ago. His mother died when Ephraim was but two years of age. When he was six years old his father disposed of his farm and moved to Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago, where he engaged in the wood and coal business for ten years. The subject of this review attended the public schools of Chicago and later removed to South Dakota and purchased 480 acres of land near Chamberlain, Brule County. He also took up government land. Here he remained until 1890, when he removed to Colorado and worked at mining for one year. He then ranched in Delta,



Colorado, for ten years, and in 1900 Mr. Angell came to California and located in Los Angeles. Here he followed various vocations. He took up dairying and finally engaged in the contracting business. He purchased thirteen acres of land ten miles south of Los Angeles. He then for one year engaged in the hotel business. He operated a confectionery and icecream business for one year previous to coming to Imperial County. Mr. Angell was married April 6, 1884, to Alice E. Sherrill, a daughter of Samuel N., a rancher of Chamberlain, South Dakota. To Mr. and Mrs. Angell have been born five children. One died in infancy and their son, Ephraim, Jr., was killed as the result of a football game at the Imperial High School, his death occurring November 21, 1916. La Verne in is school; Elsie E. is teaching school, Jennie is the wife of Harry Dodson, who has become manager of Mr. Angell's ranch. Mr. Angell will move on his 160-acre ranch one mile west of Seeley. His son who was killed as the result of a football game was held in the highest esteem by his fellow students. He was president of his class and vicepresident of the student body, and also president of the county school Y. M. C. A. boys and captain of the football team. NAPOLEON B. HASTAIN. The opportunities held forth to ambi-

tious men in Imperial County cannot be surpassed in any section of the country. There must be tireless energy and progressive and enterprising spirit. These are the secrets that have made N. B. Hastain one of the representative men of the county. Mr. Hastain has 100 acres in Water Company No. 5, and he first came to the Valley in 1905. He was born in Henry County, Missouri, May 1, 1866, a son of John G. and Martha J. (Austin)l Hastain. The Hastain family came from Tennessee on the mother's side and located in Missouri in 1800. Mr. Hastain's father died in 1906 at the age of seventy-six, and is buried near Cripple Creek, Colorado. Mr. Hastain's mother makes her home with him on the ranch. In the parents' family there were eight children : James W., residing on the ranch; Napoleon B., the subject of this review; Christopher C, died in 1912 and is buried near San Diego; Flora B., wife of W. E. Eli ; Stella C, residing in San Diego ; Harvey A., residing in Brawley ; Mary E. ; Fanny D., died in 1906 and is buried in Oklahoma ; Evelina W. and Ira, both died in infancy. Napoleon B. received his education in Missouri and at the same time assisted on his father's farm

5 i6 HISTORY OF IMPERIAL COUNTY until he was twenty years of age. He then started out in life for himself and went to Oregon, where he rode the range and became interested in cattle for himself. Later he engaged in the livery business and subsequently went to Cripple Creek, Colorado, where he followed mining and prospecting for about four years. Coming to Imperial Valley, he worked for Mr. Peck in Water Company No. 7 for six months. Mr. Hastain then followed mining in Nevada for one year when he again went to Colorado for a time and followed mining. Upon his return to Imperial County he purchased his present ranch of 100 acres, which he has brought up to a high state of cultivation, raising corn, barley and alfalfa. Mr. Hastain has as high as twenty-five head of horses and other live-stock. He erected a modern residence and numerous outbuildings and set out all the trees around his ranch. Mr. Hastain at present is not affiliated with any fraternal orders, but has taken an active part in the ranks of the I. O. O. F. James Austin, uncle of Mr. Hastain, fought in the Civil war. The family have a host of friends and are esteemed by all who know them.



Agriculture, 184. Alfalfa, 69, 188, 288. American State Bank of Brawley, 299. Anderson, G. W., 109, no.

Andrade, Gen. G., 4, 99, 100, 109, 112, 113Architecture, 243. Artesian wells, 43, 65, 2~n. Baker, J. M., article by, 274. Banks: American State (Brawley), 229; El Centro National, 231; Farmers and Merchants (Imperial), 227; First National (Brawley), 228; First National (Calexico), 230; First National (Calipatria), 232; First National (El Centro), 231; First National (Heber), 232; First National (Holtville), 229; Holtville, 230; Imperial Valley (Brawley), 228; International (Calexico), 230; Security Savings (El Centro), 232. Beach, Thos., 120. Beatty, J. C, 97-103. Beatty, J. H., 99, 102, 107. Beeman, Mrs. T. B., articles by, 177, 179. Bill, W. T., 279. Bitler, D. C, 236. Blaisdell, W. H., 4, 108, 109, 123. Blake, Dr. F. P., 210. Blake, W. P., 12, 83, 93Bliss, A. L., 57. Blodgett, J. H., 54. Bold, Dr. F. J., 214. Bowker, Walter, 65. B. P. O. E. (El Centro), 241. Brawley, 21, 43, 44, 127, 272. Brawley Woman's Club, 251. Breckenridge, D. W., 49.

Brickmaking, 58. Britten-Cook Co., 51. Brooks, Dr., 215. Brooks, P. W., 51 ; article by, 293. Brown, Mrs. J. S., 177. Bumgarner, Dr. G. M, 214.

Caillard, A., 62. Calexico, 21, 43, 126, 269. California : acquired by United States, 91 ; admitted to Union, 2 ; discovery of, 1; early maps of, 86; origin of name, 1 ; Spanish expeditions to, 1. California Development Co., 4, 6, 37, 38, 39, 96, 97, 107, 112, 113, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 129, 130, 131, 135, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155Calipatria, 22, 287. Calipatria Woman's Club, 255. Camels, experiments with, 93. Cantaloupes, 10, 17, 72, 194, 273. Cantu, Gov. Esteban, 296, 297, 299. Cardiff, J. M., 56. Carnegie Library (Calexico), 183; (El Centro), 182; (Imperial), 177, 178, 179Carr, J. E., 34, 96, 159. Chaffey, George, 4, 117, 118, 121, 124, 128, 129, 155. Chambers of Commerce, 233. Churches: All Saints' (Brawley), 169 rectors and officers of, 169, 170 ; First Baptist (Brawley), 173 pastors of, 173-175; First M. E. (Calexico), 168 pastors of, 168, 169; Free Methodist (Brawley), 175 pastors of, 175;

M. E. (Imperial), 167 pastors of, 168; Sacred Heart (Brawley), 175 priests of, 175, 176; St. Mark's (Holtville), 172 rectors of, 172; St. Matthias' (Imperial), 172 rectors of, 172, 173; St. Paul's (El Centro), 170 rectors and officers of, 170-172. Clark, H. H, article by, 287. Climate, 22, 23, 184, 185, 217. Coachella Valley Ice and Electric Co., 283. Coe, D. H., 49. Colorado Dessert, 11; discovery of 86; formation of, 82 ; origin of name, 84 ; surveys of, 98, 120, 133.



Colorado River, I, 2, 4, 13, 28, 29, 30, 82 ; ascended by Spaniards, 85 ; break of 1905, 136; ferries across, 92; water analyzed, 14. Commissions: Horticultural, 42; International, 41. Compton, Wayne, article by, 233. Conser, W. D., 63. Cook, Dr. A. P., 214. Cooley, L. E., 159. Cory, H. T., 141, 146. Cotton, 67, 68, 190. Cottonseed oil, 68. Dairying, 72-74. Delta Investment Co., 123, 124, 125.

Dixieland. 22. Diaz, discovers Colorado River, 86. Dorcas Society (Calexico), 77. Dutcher, Lee, 55. Dutcher, S. B., in. Early settlers, 4, 24, 95. Edgar, Mrs. W. A., article by, 177. Edinger, F. S., 142, 143, 144. Edinger Dam, the, 144. Editorial Association, California, visits Imperial Valley, 34, 96. El Centro, 20, 127 : chamber of commerce, 236; fire department, 284. El Centro Mothers' Study Club, 256. El Centro National Bank, 231. Emory expedition, the, 91. Erickson, E. H., 63. Eshleman, J. M., 62. Farm adviser. See Farm Bureau. Farm Bureau, Imperial County, 198; activities of, 202; officers of, 198,206, 207 ; organization of, 206. Farm centers. See Farm Bureau. Farm Loan Association, 204. Farmers and Merchants Bank of Imperial, 227. Farmers' Institute, 96. Federation of Women's Clubs, 246. Ferguson, S. W., 4, 97, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 116, 121, 122. First National Bank of Brawley, 229. First National Bank of Calexico, 230.

First National Bank of Calipatria, 232. First National Bank of El Centro, 231. First National Bank of Heber, 232. First National Bank of Holtville, 229. First National Bank of Imperial, 227.

Flowing wells, 24. Forbes, H. W., 109, no. Fort Yuma Indian School, 163. Fraternal orders : B. P. O. E. (El Centro), 241 ; Knights of Khorassan.,241 ; Knights of Pythias, 239; Masonic, 238; Pythian Sisters, 241. Free Lance, the Daily, 220. Fremont expedition, the, 90. Fremont, John C, 90, 98. Fruit culture, 71, 192. Fruit pests, 194, 195. Fuller, F B., 61, 237. Fuller, R. M., 64. Gardner, Chas., 220. Gonzalez, Hector, article by, 296. Good roads, 65, 66. Greenleaf, Dr., 215. Griffith, Dr. T. R., 210. Hamlin, Garey, article by, 291. Hanson, Joseph, 65. Hardy expedition, the, 89. Harris, I. J., 55. Hartshorn, W. H., 48. Hatch, Jessie H., article by, 177. Havens, F. G., 220.

Hay, Rev. J. C, 20. Heber, 21, 43. Heber, A. H., 4, 36, 106, 107, 108, 113, 114, 122, 123, 131, 134, 135. Heber Collegiate Institute, 44, 48. Heber Progress Club, 254. Heffernan, Dr. W. T., 4, 20, 95, 104, 105, 123. Heiney, Francis, 64. Herrin, W. F., 151, 152. Hind, Thos., 147. Hind Dam, the, 147. Holland, J. H., 48. Holmes, Garnett, 132. Holt, L. M., 4, 219. Holt, Le Roy, 20, 24. Holt, Mrs. Le Roy, 32. Holt, W. F., 20, 24, 45, 95, 127, 220, 226, 279, 280. Holton Inter-Urban Railway, 224, 226. Holton Power Co., 22, 47, 281, 283, 284. Holtville, 22, 43, 44, 127, 274. Holtville Bank, the, 230. Holtville Women's Study Club, 251. Horticultural commission, 42. Horticultural commissioner, functions of, 196.



Horticulture, 192. Hospitals, 215; Jordan, 216; Sisters of Mercy, 216. Howe, A. W., 220. Howe, C. F., 220. Howe, E. F., 21, 219, 220, 221 ; articles by, 154, 264, 279. Huddleston, Jose, quoted, 24. Hudson, M. F, 20, 95.

Indians, 25, 26, 27, 44, 45, 212; attack Spaniards, 88; conflicts with, 92; schools for, 163; Yuma Reservation, 44. 45. 164Ingram, R. H, 135. International Bank of Calexico, 230. International commission, 41. Imperial (city), 20, 44, 264. Imperial canal system, 6, 7. Imperial County Farm Bureau, 198 officers of, 198. Imperial Ice and Development Co., 283. Imperial Irrigation District, established under state laws, 8. Imperial Land Co., 5, 6, 95, 96, 118, 121, 122, 123, 125. Imperial Valley : description of, 2 ; named, 119; population of, 9; products of, 9, 16, 17, 70, 71, 72, 184; surveys of, 98, 120, 133. Imperial Valley Bank of Brawley, 228. Imperial Valley College Women's Club, 252. Imperial Women's Club, 252. Irrigation, 3, 6, 98, 187; in ancient times, 10 ; rates for, 8 ; statistics of, 9. Jacobson, Nels, 64. James, Wharton, 84. Jordan Hospital, 216. Journalism, 219. Kearny expedition, the, II, 90, 154. Knights of Khorassan, 241. Knights of Pythias, 241. Krutschnitt, J. K, 134. Laguna Dam, the, 31, 44, 130. Larsen, John, 65. Libraries, 177; Calexico, 182; County

Library (El Centro), 179 branches, 179, 180, 182 trustees of, 182; Imperial, 177. Lindsey, Wm., 49. Live-stock, 293.

Long, G. A., 52. Lower California, 296. Lyons, Steve, 50. McCombs, Dr. Virgil, 215. McDonald, B. F., 50. McPherrin, Roy, 48. Mail service, early, 93. Manahan, W. L., 64. Mansfield, W. J., 52. Masonic order, 238. Mead, Edwin, 64. Meadows, Mobley, 19. Medhurst, A. D., 222. Medical history, 209. Medical society, 216 members of, 216, 217. Messinger, H. J., 52. Mexico, conflicts with, 90. Miller, Mrs. C. A., article by, 257. Miller, Dr. J. A., 213. Moore, W. S., 55. Mormon battalion, the, 91. Morris, B. F, article by, 272. Nelson, A. M., 235. New Liverpool Salt Co., 94, 149. Newspapers, 219. Nichols, George, 48. Niland, 289.

Oakley, H. C, 125. Oakley, J. W., 125. O'Neil, Thomas, 53. Packard, W. E., article by, 184. Parent Teachers' Association (Calexico), 78. Park commission (Calexico), 77. Parkyns, G. A., 135. Patten, Dr. E. E., 215. Paulin, E. C, 6, 125. Pellett, D. D., 220. Peterson, Dr. F. W., article by, 209. Peterson, H. H, 58. Perrin, Bert, 222. Perry, C. N., 119. Poston, Mrs. Ernest, article by, 246. Potts, J. M., 54. Poultry industry, the, 74, 75Press, the Imperial Valley, 20, 24, 33, 46, 9S, 220. Prim, J. M., 57Progress, the El Centro, 222. Pythian Sisters, 241.



Railroads, 224. See Southern Pacific. Rainfall, records of, 185. Randall, W.T., quoted, 162. Randolph, Epes, 135. Raymond, W. C, 49.

Reclamation, 61, 67, 104, 129-131. Reid, H. C, 20, 33, 46, 95, 220. Reservoirs, proposed, 79. Richmond, A. L., 236. Roach, F. W., article by, 269. Rockwood, C. R., 4, 37; article by, 97; letter written by, 151. Rockwood Gate, the, 145, 147. Roosevelt, Theodore, 38, 39, 40. Salton Basin, 3. San Diego and Arizona Railway, 224, 225. San Diego County, division of, 2, 18, 94- . Security Savings Bank of El Centro, 232. Seeley, 286. Seymour, J. R., Jr., article by, 284. Schools, 34, 78, 96, 159. School districts, 160, 161. School teachers, 161. See Schools. Shenk, J. W., 159. Shibley, A. P., article by, 159. Silsbee, 22, 126. Sisters of Mercy Hospital, 216. Sociedad de Terrenos y Irrigacion de la Baja California, 112. Soil survey, 132. Southern Pacific Co., 9, 15, 94, 134, 148, 149, "SO, 151, 152, iS3. 157, 224. Spanish expeditions, 85. Srack, L. E., 50. Stage routes, 93. Standard, the Imperial, 220. State highway, the, 67. Stevens, Dr. D. A., 216. Stroven, Henry, 65. Sturgis, J. R., 57. Surveys, 98, 120, 133. Swine Breeders' Association, 58. Swing, P. D., 177.

Transportation, 224. Travers, J. L., 59. Trumbull. See Warner.

Toler, J. B., article by, 286. Tompkins, S. C, 56. Tout, O. B., 222. Tout, Mrs. O. B., 178, 222. Valley Year Book (1902), quoted, 24. Van den Heuvel, Harry, 53. Van Horn, F. E., 50. Varney, George, 60. Volcanoes, mud, 291. Waite, F. W., article by, 192. Walton, C. H., 63. Warner, Juan Jose (Jonathan Trumbull)^. Water companies, 7, 121. Watermelon festival, 96. Webster, F. S., 19. Williams, Dave, 51. Williamson expedition, the, 12, 83, 93. Wilsie, W. E., 47. Whiting, D. G., 64. Wofford, Bessie H., article by, 182. Women of the county, 31, 76. Women's clubs: Brawley Women's Club, 251; Calipatria Women's Club, 255 ; El Centro Mothers' Study Club, 256; Federation, 246 ; Heber Progress Club, 254; Holtville Women's Study Club, 251; Imperial Valley College Women's Club, 252; Imperial Women's Club, 252; Improvement (Calexico), 256; Progress, 247; Ten Thousand Club (El Centro), 246, 248; W. C. T. U., 257 branches, 258-263. Worthington, H. S., 13. Wozencraft, Dr. Oliver M., 3, 4, 12, 94, 98, 155Young, W. A., 49. Yuma Indian School, 45, 163.

Yuma Reservation, 44, 45, 164. Zanjero, the, 221. Zimmer, S. B., article by, 243.


PAGE Bannister, Leslie 385 Beach, Sanford E 479 Blue Lake 13 Bothwell's Camp 25 Boundary Line 269 Brackney, Otto C. . , 317 Brooks, Philip W 293 Brite, William L 475 Bullis, C. Orsmond 333 California Development Co 43 Campbell, Walter S 353 Cantu, Colonel Esteban 209 Clark, Harry H 287 Daly, Harry E 349 Daly, Thomas P 357 Davis, Charles L 313 Donley, George W 337 Emert, Newton 401 Farr, Hon. F. C Frontispiece Ferguson, Allen R 361 First School, 1900-1901 159

Fuller, Henry J., M. D 493 Gonder, Roy E 501 Goza, John W 341 Hems, Albert R 365 Henderson, Raymond H 437 Hess, Frederick C 487 Howe, Edgar F 219 Imperial in 1901 265 Johnson, Charles F 453 Kemp, Grover C 4 J 3 Kessling, Adolph 369

PAGE King Cotton, The first bale 67 Krueger, George E 471 McCollough, Harvey 397 Main Irrigating Canal 131 Merriam, Edwin A 447 Messinger, Hernando J 441 Milligan, James 459 Palmerlee, Forrest F 321 Peterson, F. W., M. D 209 Phelan, Hon. James D 329 Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas . . . 465 Pioneer Home 77 Robinson, Edward H 483 Rockwood, Charles Robinson 97 Rosson, John E 393 Ruth, Charles H 405

Seymour, Joseph F., Jr 377 Shank, Mr. and Mrs. George 373 Shenk, Adolphus M 325 Sims, Perry N., M. D 381 Sorghum, Fields 185 Stanley, Frank H 345 Starner, Richard C 429 Toler, John B 409 Urquhart, Guy 49 1 Van Horn, William E 433 Voting Place on the Desert 35 Ware, Frederick B 425 Wiest, John Alfred 4 21 Wilson, Ira L 389 Withrow, Frank 417 Zimmer, Samuel Blair 243


PAGE Allatt, Horace E 371 Allen, Edwin J 366 Allen, Frank 418 Allen, George W 323 Allen, William C 367 Allison, Charles W 318 Anderson, George 347 Anderson, George W 324 Anderson, John Trent 458

Angell, Ephraim G 514 Antholz, Herman 360 Apple, William W., M. D 492 Atkins, Samuel H 511 Bannister, Leslie Oakley 385 Baskin, Andrew C 344 Bates, Marcus W 348 Beach, Sanford E 479 Beal, Willis F 439 Beale, Harry Robert 395 Belendez, Ceyetano 347 Berry, Charles M 393 Best, William Henry 332 Bishop, Vern M 376 Blodgett, Oren A 477 Boarts, Charles F 456 Brackney, Otto Cloyd 317 Bragg, James William 403 Brandenburg, William 486 Breon, William H 440 Brite, William Longstreet 475 Brooks, Philip W 482 Brown, Charles W 351 ' Buckel, George Richard 454 BuIIis, C. Orsmond 333 Campbell, Walter Scott 353 Cantu, Colonel Esteban 209 Carr, Philip Edward 346

Casey, James P 512 Casey, Walter P 436 Cass, James W 315 Cech, Frank 483 Chowning, William Henry 466 Clarahan, David C 449 Clark, David Walter 481

PACE Clark, Harry H 390 Clark, Wilber 464 Clarke, Clarence K. 339 Clay, Henry E 438 Colson, James William 500 Compton. Wayne H 320 Cooper, Cary K 388 Covington, Walter A 343 Creel, Salvador 354 Daly, Harry E 349 Daly, Thomas P 357 Davis, Charles L 313 Davis, John E 374 De Blois, Edward Arthur 488 Denny, Clarence P 471 Dieffenbacher, Henry 364 Donley, George W 337 Dool, Donald 319 Downing, Charles 399 Durand, Austin J 354

Dj'ke, Harry N 314 Eaton, William C 358 Edwards, Josiah W 420 Ehrlich, John 513 Elmore, Robert Graham 499 Emert, Newton Oliver 401 Estudillo, Joseph A 491 Evans, George W 473 Ezell, Berkley V 321 Farr, Hon. F. C iv Ferguson, Allen R 361 Ferris, Isaac Wesley 427 Finley, Archie B 424 Fleming, William 380 Folsom, Charles B 397 Ford, Janus R 414 Fuller, Francis B 394 Fuller, Henry J., M. D 493 Fuller, Preston B 326 Gates, Harry E 318 Glover, Herschel 444 Goff, Arthur G 423




Goldman, William L 446 Gonder, Roy Eugene 501 Goza, John W 341 Griffin, Edgar D 508 Hall, Almon A 381 Hammers, Aylmer J 460 Harcleroad, J. C 322 Haskell, Sylvanus G 437 Hastain, Napoleon B 515 Havens, Felix G 489 Havens, John Robinson 476 Hawkins, James Holliday 463 Heil, George Clinton 463 Hems, Albert Richard 365 Henderson, Raymond H 437 Hess, Frederick C 487 Hodge, James E 379 Hodges, Walter L 383 Holmes, Jacob Alson 451 Hopgood, Harrison Payton 448 Howard, Thomas Allen 355 Howell, Henry Hartwell, Sr 434 Howland, James F. S 485 Irvine, Ben Dyer 502 Jauman, Rufus E 382 Johnson, Charles Frederick 453 Jones, Howard T 450 Jones, Philo 334 Kellerstraus, Roy 484

Keeline, William F 370 Kelly, William 398 Kemp, Grover C 413 Kessling, Adolph 369 Kincaid, David Roy 348 Kinney, Roland D 309 Kramar, John W 480 Krueger, George E 471 Lack, Eugene S 514 Larew, John S 402 Laughrin, James 455 Lavayea, William H 396 Lien, Burre H 349 Linekin, Roger Merritt 327 Long, Arthur E 448 Loud, Henry L 376 Lund, Pear Z 442 Lyon, Harry 479 Lyons, Thomas W. G 509

PAGE McCollough, Harvey 397 McConnell, Foster 505 McCune, William A 352 Mclver, Frank H 400 McLachlan, Argyle 377 McLane, Omar E 372 McNerny, Thomas J 340

McReynolds, Earl 331 Marshall, Cyrus Chalmers 411 Masten, William W 407 Mastick, Baron B 355 Mayer, August 435 Meagher, William John 387 Meier, Chris H 361 Merriam, Edwin A 447 Messinger, Hernando J 441 Miller, Joseph A., M. D 330 Milligan, James 459 Morin, Noles James 328 Morse, Fred C 406 Nichols, George W 426 Noland, Dan Voorhees 410 Norrish, Enos J 316 Ohmstede, Otto E 408 O'Neill, John Edward 378 Packard, Walter E 497 Paddack, Benjamin F 386 Pain, Walter M 454 Palmer, Fred C 392 Palmerlee, Forrest F 321 Park, Clarence John 409 Peacock, Frank J 370 Perrins, J. W 404 Pellet, Denver D 359 Peterson, F. W., M. D 478 Petree, Carl 356

Phelan, James Duval 329 Phillips, Thomas 465 Phillips, William J 342 Pickens, William M 419 Pidge, Elmer D 430 Pruitt, William H 414 Pulliam, George L 462 Purcell, William J 404 Reed, Leslie 340 Reed, Roland 503 Richards, George Clifford 54 Richmond, Alexander L 495 Robinson, Edward H 483



PAGE Robinson, Sebe T 362 Robison, James A 406 Rockwood, Charles Robinson 311 Rogers, Linza B 506 Rosson, John E 393 Ruth, Charles H 405 Sawyer, Egbert M 431 Schaniel, Nicholas 461 Scheibr, Joseph M 422

Schelling, Ernest C 338 Schitterer, Herman J 328 Schoneman, Benjamin A 510 Seymour, Joseph F., Jr 377 Shank, Benjamin 497 Shank, George J 373 Sheffield, James A 363 Shenk, Adolphus M 325 Shores, Howard 336 Sims, Perry N., M. D 381 Smith, Virginia Tenny, M. D 415 Sneath, David W 350 Stahl, Charles N 368 Stahl, Henry A 313 Stanley, Frank H 345 Starner, Richard C 429 Staub, Harry A 365 Stehli, Alfred 474 Stephens, Mrs. Elizabeth 351 Stilgenbaur, Roy R 342 Strieby, Loyal A 498 Stuart, James C 469 Stump, Arthur D 452 Sweet, Will S 335

PAGE Swink, Herman C 468 Swink, Stewart D 466 Thayer, Winfield A 469

Thomas, Walter C 384 Tilly, John R 457 Toler, John B 409 Tout, Otis Burgess 416 Travers, Jasper L 494 Tyner, Charles M 442 Urquhart, Guy 491 Van Derpoel, Andrew C 478 Van Derpoel, Weston Randall 470 Van Horn, William E 433 Walker, William K 363 Walton, Alfred Park 485 Ware, Frederick B 425 Way, Vess Goodrich 430 Weed, Frank L 472 Wells, Don W 367 Wiest, George E 443 Wiest, John Alfred 421 Wilkinson, Hugh P 389 Williams, Edward E 330 Wilson, Ira L 389 Withrow, Frank 417 Wulff, August V 467 Young, Thomas 1 462 Zimmer, Samuel Blair 374

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