Arthur R. Bauman has written several books pertaining to the American History Genre. Which are designed to investigate the actual historical moments of the times. Captain John Smit...view moreArthur R. Bauman has written several books pertaining to the American History Genre. Which are designed to investigate the actual historical moments of the times. Captain John Smiths travels described the actual accounts based upon his view of what really happened in the latter days of the sixteenth century into the early seventeenth century of Europe. These accounts taken from his diaries, explains how people really thought, and with the full details of each event. I included the ancient history that brought all of these event together. Showing, why this happened. This also shows the reader of how an individual who was not of nobility, had a normal reaction, and described it in full detail. I also wanted to show the reader the Historical Background into each Country that he got involved with especially in Transylvania. North America became another episode that showed his tenacity, to go through the severest, brutal, and Abusive situations, no one ever could imagine. Captain John Smith has become an American Icon Based upon the American folklore. Especially the Powhatan, Pocahontas story in the Jamestown saga.view less