Aluminum Flares
Aluminum Flares
Aluminum Flares
A formulation has been developed for use in the U.S. Army Trip Flare which
utilizes aluminum as a substitute for magnesium fuel. Previously aluminum was
not considered to be a good fuel for flare applications since mixtures of atomized
aluminum (diameter [greater than or equal to] 15 micron and sodium nitrate are
not readily ignitable, propagate poorly, and burn very erratically and
one of the reasons for the inefficiency of this system is the considerable loss of
fuel as incandescent particles. This Roman Candle effect makes the flare an
incendiary device as well as an illumination source. This incendiary aspect is
very undesirable causing possible harm to users and danger of starting ground
fires. The present study shows how the ignition properties of aluminum sodium
nitrate can be significantly improved and how the production of incandescent
particles can be minimized by using small percentages of various additives, such
as tungsten metal.
Although the present study is directed primarily towards the Trip Flare, it
delves into all aspects of flare technology. For example, investigations were
made of the effects of particle size, fuel-oxidant ratio, binder concentration,
additives, fuel coating, flare case materials, flare case coatings, moisture, and
short and long-term stability.
A formulation has been developed for use in the U.S. Army Trip Flare which
utilizes aluminum instead of magnesium for a fuel. This composition contains
35% six micron atomized aluminum, 53% sodium nitrate, 7% seven micron
tungsten powder and 5% Laminac 4116 polyester resin.
The two basic advantages of the new aluminum system are cost, 38 cents
per pound for aluminum as compared to 85 cents a pound for 20/50 mesh
atomized magnesium, and ready commercial availability.