Catia V4 Q
Catia V4 Q
Catia V4 Q
1) /CLN- This is the Cat Clean command used to clean the model for any unwanted
geometery and to pack the model to compress the size of the model.
2) COLD START means it will start the CATIA workwindow in the normal way, whereas
WARM START means if your system closed abruptly, without saving, it will start
from that particular file in which you were working, maybe with some loss of data.
Identity-------> Renumber
10) Detail function is used if you have a assembly to create, and there are some
common parts in different locations, then you can create a detail and use it in
the master workspace wherever needed.
12) For creating centerlines of circles in draft, first you can select
POINT+LIMITS and select the circle; you will get the center point. And then select
LINE+HORIZONTAL+Symmetrical; you will get the horizontal line; and then Select
LINE+VERTICAL+Symmetrical, you will get the vertical line.
14) Auxview2+USE in the popup window; select Parameter Tab, and you can do the
parameterization, whatever you want.
15)PARTEDITOR is the history of all the work you have done, and you can use the
parteditor to change and update the solid.
16)For creating SKIN, first you need the faces; once you have faces then you can
select LIMIT2+CREATE+SKIN and select the faces from which you want to create skin.
Everytime you select the face it should be the adjacent face which you have
selected earlier, and they will be merged together. Once all the faces are
selected then press \"YES\" twice; the skin is created. Now you can use this SKIN
to create the solid.
19)SURF1 is used for the planner curves, whereas SURF2 you can use for the
intricate curves where you need the tangency constraints and curvature
2) What is the difference (/what does this command do) LIM2+SURF+EXTRAPOLATE AND
5) What is "LAW"?
Ans: 5) Laws are used to add precise control to surfaces created with Surf2.
Radius, Area, Angle and Parameter values can be specified.
Ans: 6) Creation of faces and volumes. Also used for surface breaks and
concatenates. Other uses as well.
7) What is "spine"?
8) What is "/anadia"?
Ans: 8) Anadia is an analysis tool that allows you to save and update specific
analysis processes. Used mainly for surface analysis.
Ans: 10) Blensurf allows you to create curvature continous (class A) fillets
relatively easily.
Ans: 11) Many Utility functions. Commonly used to import and export CATIA
files. Also used to process IGES and STEP file formats.
13) If given die direction, how will you check minimum draft angle in the SURF
(surface) model?
Ans: 13) One way is to use the Tools pull down menu and select Analyze+Draft
(you must also indicate a direction and which elements to be analyzed). Moldpart
can also do this along with many other cool bells and whistles (it helps you
design the draft surfaces). There are other ways to check drafts as well.
14) What checks do you perform between surfaces with common boundaries?
15) What is the difference between a "*role" file and a "*save" file?
Ans: 15) These are files created by CATIA in order to maintain a temporary
version of the files in use. If CATIA were to crash, a warm start would try to
access these files to re-establish your CATIA session.
16) Can data model history be exported between 2 different CAD systems?
Ans: 16) It depends on which two systems are being used. V4 models, unless you
are sending them to V5, usually have their history stripped from the model.
17) What is the "FTRCLASS" command?
Ans: 17) Used to create solid features that can be stored and accessed from a
library. Used in conjunction with the Param3D function.
Ans: 18) Sorry on this one. I can't remember the designation as I use AL3
(basically, everything).
Ans: 19) Surfaces that when connected have tangent and curvature continuous
properties with their adjoining surfaces. Example: the curvature value along the
boundary of Surface A matches the curvature value of the adjacent boundary of
Surface B. This is the simplest explanation.
20) What is a "Layer"? What is the use of it? And how do you create Layers?
Ans: 20) Think of layers as transparencies on an overhead projector (in the old
days before Powerpoint). Different categories of objects can be assigned to
various layers. Then you create Filters which instruct CATIA to display only those
layers you wish to see at a given point in time.
Four arcs.
CRV or Curves is that curve which is continous in curvature and tangency.
CCV or Composite curve is that curve which is a combination of more than one curve
and is not continous in curvature and tangency.
The hiearchy of making a complex solid design is: Freefirm Surface (Face, Surface,
Closed volume
Face --- *fac, Surface ---- *sur, Volume------ *vol, Skin--- *ski, Draw axis----
*axd, Dittos-----*dit, Curves----*crv.
Volume element is the collection of the surfaces (faces, surfaces, skin) placed
next to each other such that they form a closed space or volume.
A face created from surface may or may not be planar depending upon the shape
of surface.
SURF1 function helps in creating simple individual building surface shapes. i.e
they are of definite shape that can be represented by mathematical equations.
Solid models are created out of simple indivisual building blocks or regular
shaped solids like PRISM, CYLINDER, CUBE, CONE, PYRAMIDS etc.
Smoothness of surface can be checked by TOOL+ANALYSE+CURVATURE.
three colour comes up on the surface GREEN------>smooth surface. BLUE & RED
----->not smooth surface indicating depression at that region
Connect---> It is the surface fillet created between the two surfaces(face, skin,
or surface)
Faces---> They are the planes or surfaces bound by lines and curves
LAW is a defined values along a curve or surface for the surfaces to be formed
under different operations.
3) Angle law - to draw variable angle while sweeping a contour over a spine.
The CONNECT & CORNER under SURF1 functions are used for filleting surfaces.
CONNECT is used for filleting at a command edge of surfaces.
A master Workspace is the space in which the main modelling is done or the
initial workspace when CATIA is started.
Additional workspace can be created by clicking WSP icon in the tool pallete
and giving user defined names. This can also be defined workspace under DETAIL
i) DITTO---> It copies the detail to the master workspace. The changes made on
this solid in DETAIL workspace is reflected on the master workspace i.e those
solids are associated.
ii) COPY---> Here the change made in the DETAIL workspace is not reflected on
the master workspace. i.e they are isolated from each other.
[ The DITTO under detail function, the modification made on DITTO is reflected
in the main model where it is used, but in the case of copy under DETAIL function
only the DITTO is changed for corresponding modification and not the DITTO copied
in the main model.]
v) Snap constraint.
updated |
i) It needs updation.
When AUXVIEW2+DROP [command is given for a view, it loses all its links with the
parent model and in future cases, whenever any modification done on the parent
model cannot be updated on the earlier dropped views)command is used on any view,
it get completly isolated from the solid model in the space mode.
No command works on it except the delete function
Surfaces are closed boundary elements with out any holes in between.
Faces are superform of surfaces which may or maynot have holes inside it.
1)the boundries between surface are not joined, then the surface are not
tangent continous.
Surface degree is the measured along and across the surface element. i.e along 'u'
and 'v' directions.
the surface degree denotes the oscillations and smoothss of the inside surface
A constraint element in CATIA is one in which the parameters of the element cannot
be changed.
Local function window is an window consisting of the follwing sub. functions
Used to:
a. Faces are infinitely thin elements that represent the bounded exterior
b. Skin are infinitely thin elements that are incorporate or group a series
c. Surfaces are infinitely thin elements that are used to define a bounded
Separate: Separates lines , curves & faces from their links with other
11. How you will delete the surface if the face is created by surface?
Detail w/s: We can have any no. of detail w/s, that can be called in
model w/s.
Combine: Unspecific projection of a curve on to plane, surface, face etc,.
non-hidden mode.
Depth: Extending a curve thro' space in linear direction with given length.
31. Give two eg. for feature based primitive & contour based primitives ?
33. what is required for to find massproperties of a surface model? And what
20. Which is the better to split the solid a) surface b) plane c) face?
22. How you will delete the surface if the face is created by surface?