Web Application Framework - Bootstrap
Web Application Framework - Bootstrap
Web Application Framework - Bootstrap
In todays world web applications are the preferred choice of development as more and more platforms are abiding to web standards. In such a competitive and dynamic compositions it becomes essential to work with frameworks and tools that can help scale your web applications to multiple web platforms including desktop, laptop and ultra-books to smart phones and tablet devices.
Twitters Bootstrap is one such web application framework that helps you build web applications which are inherently responsive to various resolutions, display aspect ratios and can be used from your choice of device including mobile devices.
Definition of web application framework
A web application framework (WAF) is a software framework that is designed to support the development of dynamic websites, web applications, web services and web resources.
Earlier web application developers thought process for developing web application UIs
Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter soon realized that this is not a good idea for future web platforms and especially for twitter. In August 2011 they published their own made first web application framework under the banner of Twitter Bootstrap which was most popular GitHub development project by February 2012. Twitter bootstrap laid the foundation for thought process of responsive user interfaces for web based applications. Twitter released bootstrap 2 by end of January 2012 which was another massive hit and people started using Twitter Bootstrap framework actively in their applications. http://builtwithbootstrap.com/ provides some quick live site references those are built using Twitter Bootstrap Framework
Why Bootstrap?
Provides a clean and uniform solution for building an interface for developers
Bootstrap makes use of compact and clean CSS that provides a very clean and uniform solution building approach. This CSS can be customized as per ones needs, however using the default version also provides enough features for rapidly building a good looking, crisp and clean web-site or web-application.
Bootstrap Constructs
A temporary structure on the outside of a building, made of wooden planks and metal poles, used by workers while building, repairing, etc Twitter Bootstrap scaffolding consists of fixed\fluid GRID system and LAYOUT making it possible to adhere to responsive design standards. Twitter Bootstraps scaffolding also consists of LESS making it easier to customize the complete structure without even digging deep.
Base CSS
Twitter Bootstraps Base CSS covers design constructs such as Typography, Code, Tables, Forms, Buttons, Images, Icons. Bootstrap 2 onwards supports GLYPHICONS. GLYPHICONS is a library of precisely prepared monochromatic icons and symbols, created with an emphasis on simplicity and easy orientation.
Twitter Bootstrap comes with pre-defined set of commonly used components including Dropdowns, Button groups, Button dropdowns, Navigational tabs, pills, and lists, Navbar, Breadcrumbs, Pagination, Labels & Badges, Page headers and hero unit, Thumbnails, Alerts, Progress bars. There are external third parties who have also contributed to the component developments to enhance existing set of components and also add new components. An extensive list exists here http://bootstraphero.com/
JQuery Plugins
jQuery is a multi-browser (cf. cross-browser) JavaScript library designed to simplify the clientside scripting of HTML.[2] It was released in January 2006 at BarCamp NYC by John Resig JQuery spices up the overall user experience by adding dynamism to components and HTML DOM elements like Transitions, Modals, Dropdowns, ScrollSpy, Togglable tabs, Tooltips, Popovers, Alert messages, Buttons, Collapse, Carousel, Typeahead, Affix. JQuery also exposes various events which can be used by developers to add custom handlers for achieving a specific task.
Bootstrap Benefits?
Courtesy: Zing Design
You can just pop magical classes onto any HTML element and make it do fancy stuff!
Now I know what youre thinking Hey isnt that going to make my HTML horribly unsemantic?!. Well maybe it doesnt follow best practices, but it is easy and fast. If time is of the essence, or the site is a one-off promo or landing page, Bootstrappin is a no-brainer. If you are worried about non-semantic markup but are still eager to use Bootstrap for a big project, you may find you have to dig into the Bootstrap source code.
Sample Screenshot
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