Fire Tank

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Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I

Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations
and Associated Tunnels

Anna Nagar East Design Calculations for

Fire System

I\. _., \
.~ &/ Y
0 Revised as per LDC Comments Yogesh Vikrant Pugha \ 20.07.12

C Definitive Design Submission Vikrant GC Gupta Pugha J 09.04.12

B Revised as per GC Comments Ajay GC Gupta Pugha 09.08.11

A Preliminary Design Submission Ajay GC Gupta Pugha 18.07.11

Issue Description Prepared by Checked by Approved by Date

CHENNAI METRO RAIL PROJECT Issuing Discipline Area Document Revision



Consultant :
r> r>. Parsons Brinckerhoff India Pvt. Ltd .
." Parsons Brinckerhoff Pte. Ltd. Singapore
in Associolion with :
~ Tandon Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
ltin* Frischmann Prabhu (India) Pvt. Ltd.
ICT Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels


Page No.

1. FIRE WATER TANK SIZING CALCULATION ........................................................................... 2

1.1 Fire Water Tank ........................................................................................................................... 2
2. FIRE PUMP SIZING CALCULATIONS ..................................................................................... 3
2.1 Fire Pump Calculations ............................................................................................................... 3
a. Main & Stand-by Fire Pumps....................................................................................................... 3
b. Jockey Pump ............................................................................................................................... 3
3. FIRE PUMP HEAD CALCULATIONS ........................................................................................ 5
3.1 Hydraulic calculations for hydrant system ................................................................................... 5
3.2 Pressure Loss Calculation For Sprinkler System ..................................................................... 10
4.1 Pump Suction and Delivery Header .......................................................................................... 13
4.2 Hydrants Pipe Line Sizing Calculations..................................................................................... 14
6. ANNEXURE - EXCERPTS FROM CODES & STANDARDS (4 PAGES).............................. 24

TTA-472-C2U-1106741-D SAE Design Calculations for Fire System

July 2012 Page i
Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels


1.1 Fire Water Tank

The main fire water flow has been established as 2850 lpm (refer to Fire Pump Discharge
Providing 60 min supply as per NFPA-130, fire water tank capacity = 2850x60 = 171,000 liters.(say)
200,000 lit.

Proposed capacity of fire water tank = 200,000 litters.

The proposed Fire Water Tank shall have effective storage volume of 200,000 litres. The tank shall
be divided in two compartments, for case of periodic cleaning, of 100,000 litres each. The water
stored in these compartments shall be used exclusively for fire fighting or during fire drill.

Overflow arrangement shall be made from fire tanks to Domestic water tank for continuous
replenishment of water.

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Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels


2.1 Fire Pump Calculations

a. Main & Stand-by Fire Pumps

Common fire pumps for both the sprinkler and the hydrant systems shall be provided, mainly Local
Fire Code (NBC Part-IV) and ODS have been followed to arrive at the discharge capacity of the
pumps, however following parameters pertaining to Hydrant and Sprinkler systems of NFPA are
also referred to-

i) Hydrant System

As per NFPA-14, the total fire water supply (flow), for horizontal standpipe system, supplying 3 or
more hydrants on any floor, would be 250 gpm for each of the 3 hydraulically most remote hydrants
ie 3x250 gpm=750 gpm = 2838.75 lpm.----(i)

ii) For Sprinkler System

As per NFPA-13’s Area/Density Chart, for Ordinary 1 hazard the maximum area of Sprinkler
Operation would be 4000 sq.ft. and fire water spray density would be 0.1 gpm/sq.ft i.e. maximum
flow requirement would be 4000x0.1=400 gpm = 1514 lpm---(ii)

iii) From NBC part-iv, para

Fire pumps capacity specified is 1800 lpm ---- (iii)

Selecting highest of the above 3 figures we find that capacity of the Fire Pump should be 2838.75

As the next higher standard (and popular) size of Fire Pumps is 2850 lpm, we select a flow rate of
2850 lpm.

One diesel operated stand-by pump of same capacity shall be installed.

Proposed discharge capacity of Main and Diesel operated stand-by Pumps = 2850 lpm

b. Jockey Pump

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Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels

A jockey pump shall be provided to maintain the required pressure in the fire mains all the time, so
that full water pressure is instantly available in case a Sprinkler bursts or a Hydrant is opened. Thus
normally a jockey Pumps would only take care of minor leakages and its flow rate is between 5% to
10% of main fire pump flow rate.

Since 2850 lpm is the flow rate of fire pump, we select 180 lpm (also a popular size, which is 6.31
% of main pump) as the capacity of the Jockey Pump.

Proposed discharge capacity of Jockey pump = 180 lpm

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Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels


3.1 Hydraulic calculations for hydrant system

Pressure Drop Calculation For Hydrant System

As per Hazen Williams formula

5 1.85
P= 6.05X10 XLXQ
1.85 4.87
C Xd
P =loss of pressure per meter length of pipe (bar)
Q =flow rate through the pipe (in LPM)
d =mean bore of the pipe (in mm)
C =Constant for the type and condition of the pipe
(Table 22,BS 5306-1)
L = equivalent length of pipe and fittings, in M (Refer Table 37 BS

Static Pressure Difference

Pe = 0.098 x h

Pe = Static pressure difference, in bar

h = Vertical distance between the two nodes, in meter

Reference Code : NFPA 14,

946 lpm discharge at farthest hydrant.
Pump Capacity ( Clause 9.3.1,NFPA 14 ) = 2840 lpm
Maximum No of Hydrants = 3 Nos
Maximum Total Flow Required = 3 X 946 lpm = 2840 lpm

2850 lpm Main Electric Pump X 56 M Head
2850 lpm Standby Diesel Driven Pump x 56 m head
180 lpm Jockey Pump X 56 M Head

Required pressure at remote hydrant point =3.5Kg / (as per para,ODS )

Abbreviation Used

F - Eq. Length of fittings

T - Total Eq. Length

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Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels

Case - 1 For Hydrant Located at Concourse Level (Node -T)

Pipe Pressure
Starting End Elev Changes Pipe Fitting Eq. Frictional
Flow Size Summary Notes
Node Node ation in Fittings Length Loss
( NB )

1-2-3-A q L 10.00 Pt 0.3628

2 F 30.08 Pe 0.1960 Discharge
to Delivery
0.1668 Header
Pf with
0.196 Q 2850 150 T 40.08 0.00416 Valves.
q L 1.00 Pt 0.3628
A B 1 F 8.38 Pe 0.0980
0.098 Q 2850 150 T 9.38 0.00416 Pf 0.0390
q L 2.30 Pt 0.4998
B C 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 4.30 0.00416 Pf 0.0179
q L 1.30 Pt 0.5177
C D 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 9.91 0.00416 Pf 0.0412
q L 5.50 Pt 0.5590
D E -4 F 2.00 Pe -0.392
-0.392 Q 2850 150 T 7.50 0.00416 Pf 0.0312
q L 30.00 Pt 0.1982
E F 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 32.00 0.00416 Pf 0.1332
q L 10.00 Pt 0.3314
F G 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 18.61 0.00416 Pf 0.0774
q L 45.80 Pt 0.4088
G H 0 F 4.75 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 50.55 0.00416 Pf 0.2104
q L 39.00 Pt 0.6192
H I 0 F 6.10 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 45.10 0.00416 Pf 0.1877

q L 10.30 Pt 0.8069
I J 0 F 1.54 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 11.84 0.00416 Pf 0.0493

q L 14.50 Pt 0.8562
J K 0 F 1.54 Pe 0.0000

0 Q 2850 150 T 16.04 0.00416 Pf 0.0668

q L 1.90 Pt 0.9229
K L 0 0 150 F 2.00 0.00416 Pe 0.0000

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Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels

Changes Pipe Pressure
Starting End Elev Pipe Fitting Eq. Frictional
Flow Size Summary Notes
Node Node ation in Fittings Length Loss
( NB )

Q 2850 T 3.90 Pf 0.0162

q L 5.00 Pt 0.9391
L M 0 F 1.43 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 6.43 0.00416 Pf 0.0268
q L 1.50 Pt 0.9659
M N 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 3.50 0.00416 Pf 0.0146
q L 1.50 Pt 0.9805
N O 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 3.50 0.00416 Pf 0.0146
q L 3.00 Pt 0.9950
O P 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 11.61 0.00416 Pf 0.0483
q L 3.00 Pt 1.0434
P Q 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 11.61 0.00416 Pf 0.0483
q L 16.40 Pt 1.0917
Q R 0 F 1.10 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 946 80 T 17.50 0.01488 Pf 0.2604
q L 7.20 Pt 1.3521
R S 0 F 1.10 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 946 80 T 8.30 0.01488 Pf 0.1235
q L 1.00 Pt 1.4756 Upto
S T -1 angle
F 1.10 Pe -0.098 valve of
-0.098 Q 946 80 T 2.10 0.01488 Pf 0.0312 valve

1.4088 bar
Total Pressure Loss

Pump Head 56 mtr

Total Pressure Loss + Min Pressure (3.5 bar ) = 4.9 bar

Required pressure is 4.91 bar, which is less than the pump head provided. Hence piping and pipe
sizing (selected) are adequate.

Case - 2 For Hydrant Located at Tunnel (Node S’)

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Starting End Elev Changes Pipe Fitting Eq. Frictional Pressure
Flow Size Notes
Node Node ation in Fittings Length Loss Summary
( NB )
1-2-3-A q L 10.00 Pt 0.3628 Pump
Discharge to
2 F 30.08 Pe 0.1960 Delivery
Header with
0.196 Q 2850 150.0 T 40.08 0.00416 Pf 0.1668 Valves.
q L 1.00 Pt 0.3628
A B 1 F 8.38 Pe 0.0980
0.098 Q 2850 150.0 T 9.38 0.00416 Pf 0.0390
q L 2.30 Pt 0.4998
B C 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150.0 T 4.30 0.00416 Pf 0.0179
q L 1.30 Pt 0.5177
C D 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150.0 T 9.91 0.00416 Pf 0.0412
q L 5.50 Pt 0.5590
D E -4 F 2.00 Pe -0.3920
-0.392 Q 2850 150.0 T 7.50 0.00416 Pf 0.0312
q L 30.00 Pt 0.1982
E F 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150.0 T 32.00 0.00416 Pf 0.1332
q L 10.00 Pt 0.3314
F G 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150.0 T 18.61 0.00416 Pf 0.0774
q L 45.80 Pt 0.4088
G H 0 F 4.75 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150.0 T 50.55 0.00416 Pf 0.2104
q L 39.00 Pt 0.6192
H I 0 F 6.10 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150.0 T 45.10 0.00416 Pf 0.1877
q L 10.30 Pt 0.8069
I J 0 F 1.54 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150.0 T 11.84 0.00416 Pf 0.0493
q L 14.50 Pt 0.8562
J K 0 F 1.54 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150.0 T 16.04 0.00416 Pf 0.0668
q L 1.90 Pt 0.9229
K L 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150.0 T 3.90 0.00416 Pf 0.0162
q L 5.00 Pt 0.9391
L M 0 F 1.43 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 6.43 0.00416 Pf 0.0268
q L 5.00 Pt 0.9659
M N 0 F 4.75 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 9.75 0.00416 Pf 0.0406
0 q 150 L 1.50 0.00416 Pt 1.0065

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N O 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
Q 2850 T 3.50 Pf 0.0146
q L 3.00 Pt 1.0210
O P 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 2850 150 T 11.61 0.00416 Pf 0.0483
q L 6.55 Pt 1.0694
P Q' -11.1 F 1.10 Pe -1.093
-1.093 Q 1893 150 T 7.65 0.00195 Pf 0.0000
q L 12.41 Pt -0.0233
Q' R' 0 F 1.10 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 1893 150 T 13.51 0.00195 Pf 0.0264
q L 1.00 Pt 0.0030
R' S' 0 F 1.10 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 1893 150 T 2.10 0.00195 Pf 0.0041

Total Pressure Loss up to Monitored valve ( for Tunnel ) mounted at undercroft level =.0071 bar

Straight Pipe length running in tunnel ( towards Shenoy Nager) = 954 mtr

Pipe Length up to the cross passage located nearest of center of tunnel=477 mtr

Equivalent length of fittings of pipe running in the Tunnel

Fittings (Nos) Eq. length
Elbow 90 deg 4.00 8.0
100 dia Tee 5.00 30.5
150 dia Tee 1.00 8.6
Total 47.1

Total pipe length = 477+47.1=524.1 mtr

As per Hazen Williams formula for 1893 lpm flow in the 150 dia pipe shall be 2.21mtr per 100 mtr

Total friction loss for 150 mm dia of 524.1 mtr length =11 mtr

Pressure loss from monitored valve mounted at undercroft level to remote double headed hydrant=1.1 bar

So total pressure loss 1.107 bar

Total Pressure required = Total Pressure Loss + Min Pressure (3.5 bar) required at remote hydrant point =
4.6071 bar
Pump Head provided =56 mtr

As Pressure of 4.61 bar is met, hence piping and pipe sizing is adequate.

Pressure loss considered at locations :

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Case-1 at node T final pressure achieved 4.1912 bar

Case-2 at node S’ final pressure achieved 4.4925 bar

3.2 Pressure Loss Calculation For Sprinkler System

Pressure Drop Calculation

As per Hazen Williams formula
P= 6.05 X 10 5 XLX Q 1.85
1.85 4.87
C Xd
P =loss of pressure per meter length of pipe (bar)
Q =flow rate through the pipe (in LPM)
d =mean bore of the pipe (in mm)
C =Constant for the type and condition of the pipe ( Table 22)
L = equivalent length of pipe and fittings, in M (Refer Table 37 BS 5306-2)

Static Pressure Difference

Pe = 0.098 x h

Pe = Static pressure difference, in bar

h = Vertical distance between the two nodes, in meter

Design data Description Parameter
i Occupancy classification : Ordinary GR1
ii Coverage per sprinkler m (max.) : 12
iii No. of sprinklers : 4
iv K factor : 80
v Flow rate of each sprinkler : 100 lpm
vi Maximum nos of sprinkler : 4 Nos
in area of operation

vii Total water required : 400 Lpm

NOTE: For Node Location Please Refer Dwg No. TTA/472/SAE/1262012

Static loss
Starting End Elev of Changes Pipe Fitting Eq. Frictional Pressure Summary
Node Node ation in Elevation. Flow Size Length Loss/ Mtr Notes

0 q 200 25 L 2.20 0.24222 Pt 1.400

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Y" X" 0 F 3.08 Pe 0.0000

e level
( Room
Q 200 T 5.28 Pf 1.278915 O-12).
q 200 L 1.50 Pt 2.678915
X" W" 0 F 3.08 Pe 0.000000

0 Q 400 40 T 4.58 0.01864 Pf 0.085371

q L 2.70 Pt 2.764286
W" V" 0 F 2.44 Pe 0.000000
0 Q 400 40 T 5.14 0.04275 Pf 0.219735
q L 3.50 Pt 2.984021
V" U" 0 F 2.44 Pe 0.000000
0 Q 400 50 T 5.94 0.00023 Pf 0.001390
q L 2.30 Pt 2.985411
U" T" 0 F 1.54 Pe 0.000000
0 Q 400 65 T 3.84 0.00023 Pf 0.000899
q L 1.30 Pt 2.986310
T" S" 0 F 2.91 Pe 0.000000
0 Q 400 150 T 4.21 0.00023 Pf 0.000985
q L 12.0 Pt 2.987295
S" R" 0 F 3.81 Pe 0.000000
0 Q 400 150 T 15.81 0.00023 Pf 0.003700
q L 3.70 Pt 2.990994
R" Q 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.000000
0 Q 400 150 T 5.70 0.00023 Pf 0.001334
q L 3.00 Pt 2.9923
Q P 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 11.61 0.00014 Pf 0.0016
q L 3.00 Pt 2.9940
P O 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 11.61 0.00014 Pf 0.0016
q L 1.50 Pt 2.9956
O N 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 3.50 0.00014 Pf 0.0005
q L 1.50 Pt 2.9961
N M 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 3.50 0.00014 Pf 0.0005
q L 5.00 Pt 2.9966
M L 0 F 1.43 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 6.43 0.00014 Pf 0.0009
q L 1.90 Pt 2.9975
L K 0 0 150 F 2.00 0.00014 Pe 0.0000

Q 400 T 3.90 Pf 0.0006

0 q 150 L 14.50 0.00014 Pt 2.9981

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K J 0 F 1.54 Pe 0.0000
Q 400 T 16.04 Pf 0.0023
q L 10.30 Pt 3.0003
J I 0 F 1.54 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 11.84 0.00014 Pf 0.0017
q L 39.00 Pt 3.0020
I H 0 F 6.10 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 45.10 0.00014 Pf 0.0064
q L 45.80 Pt 3.0084
H G 0 F 4.75 Pe 0.0000

0 Q 400 150 T 50.55 0.00014 Pf 0.0072

q L 10.00 Pt 3.0156
G F 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 18.61 0.00014 Pf 0.0026
q L 30.00 Pt 3.0182
F E 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 32.00 0.00014 Pf 0.0045
q L 5.50 Pt 3.0228
E D -4 F 2.00 Pe -0.3920
-0.39 Q 400 150 T 7.50 0.00014 Pf 0.0011
q L 1.30 Pt 2.6318
D C 0 F 8.61 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 9.91 0.00014 Pf 0.0014
q L 2.30 Pt 2.6332
C B 0 F 2.00 Pe 0.0000
0 Q 400 150 T 4.30 0.00014 Pf 0.0006
q L 1.00 Pt 2.6332
B A 1 F 8.38 Pe 0.0980
0.098 Q 400 150 T 9.38 0.00014 Pf 0.0013
A-1-2-3 q L 10.0 Pt 2.7326 Pump
Discharge to
2 F 30.08 Pe 0.1960 Delivery
Header with
0.196 Q 400 150 T 40.08 0.00014 Pf 0.0057 Valves.

Water Requirement 400 Lpm Total Pressure Loss for 2.94239 bar
sprinklers located in O-12
room at concourse

Total Pressure loss = 2.93 bar.

Total Water Requirement 400 lpm

As the tapping is taken from hydrant riser ( 56 mtr. Pump Head ) , so Pressure of 2.93 bar is met,
hence piping and pipe sizing is adequate.

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4.1 Pump Suction and Delivery Header

Suction and Delivery headers and risers shall be sized as per NFPA-20 guidelines. It will also be ensured
that the water velocity does not exceed 2.0 m/s on suction side and 5.0 m/s on any point on delivery side.

Suction Header

Rated flow = 2850 lpm = 0.0475 cum/sec

Using continuity equation-

Q = π/4 x d2 x v

Where Q = flow in cum/sec

d = pipe dia in m
v = velocity of water in m/s

By calculations for a flow of 2850 lpm,

Velocity in 150 mm dia header = 2.68 m/s

Velocity in 200 mm dia header = 1.51 m/s

Since, in case of 150 mm dia the velocity is out of permitted range. Hence we select the suction header dia
of 200 mm.

Size of pump suction header = 200 mm

Delivery Header and Risers

Velocity in 150 mm dia pipe is 2.68 m/s (as arrived at above) which is within acceptable range of flow for
risers and the minimum delivery dia recommended by NFPA-20 for the pump of 750 gpm (2838.75 lpm)
discharge capacity.

Size of pump delivery header = 150 mm

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4.2 Hydrants Pipe Line Sizing Calculations

As per NFPA -20/ NFPA -14 the minimum size for hydrants line after a pump with an output of 750 gpm
(2838.75 lpm) is 6” (150 mm).

Also in the pipe line feeding the hydrant in the tunnel, for a flow of 1880 lpm, frictional head drop would be
(by Hazen Williams’s formula).

With 100 mm class ‘C’ pipe line = 15.486 m/100 m

With 150 mm class ‘C’ pipe line = 2.156 m/100 m

Thus we find that if we select 100 mm size for the Hydrants line in the Tunnel the frictional head loss for an
equivalent length of about 490m would be excessive (76m) requiring unnecessarily Fire Pumps of very high

With 150 mm pipe line the frictional head loss would only be about 10.5m ( see also para 2.2.1 criteria 1)

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CALCULATION Design Basis Formula Explanatory Notes

A Design Basis
NFPA - 2001
i Design Code -
central fixed
ii Type of system - piped system.
iii Standby system NA
iv Design Concentration C design - 8 %
v Safety Factor over
extinguishing concentration - 20 % NFPA-2001 Cl no
vi Temperature Consideration.
a Design temperature tdesign - 21 °C As per ODS
vii Atmospheric Correction Factor: - 1 bar
viii Discharge time - 10 Sec NFPA 2001,, 2008 edition.
XI Cylinder staorage temperature - 0-55 C NFPA 2001 CL

X Specific Vapour S= K1+K2*(tdesign) = 0.1374 M3/KG NFPA-2001 TABLE A.5.5.1( J)


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i Station Control Room (A-01 )


Description Legend Formula Ceiling Void Room Void Floor Void

Area: A LXW 51.77 m2 51.77 m2 51.77 m2
Height: H 2.4 m 2.5 m 0.5 m
3 3 3
Volume: V V=LXW XH 124.25 m 129.43 m 25.89 m
Non-permeable: V non 0.00 m3 0.00 m3 0.00 m

Total Volume: V total Vtotal = V- Vnon 124.25 m3 129.43 m3 25.89 m


Design agent W=Vtotal / S X

requirement W CV (Cadj/(100-Cadj)) 78.63 kg 81.91 kg 16.38 kg
Adjusted Agent
Required: W adj Roundup (Vtotal) 79.00 kg 82.00 kg 17.00 kg
Number of Nozzles: N 3 No 3 No 1 No
o o o
Type of Nozzle 180 360 180
Size of Nozzle 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm
kg/ kg/ kg/
Design flow rate DFrate 3.86 sec 3.86 sec 3.86 sec
System Discharge T=Wadj /(N X
time T DFrate) 6.45 Sec 6.72 Sec 4.03 Sec

System Acceptance

FM-200 system must discharge the agent in a manner that will achieve 95% of the design concentration
with in ten second in accordance with NFPA 2001, Section 3-, 2008 edition.

Cylinder Details
Cylinder Name: Cylinder, Upright
Total Clean Agent Required Wt (W CV + W RV + W FV) 176.92 Kgs

Adjusted Number of cylinders 2 Nos of 100 Kg

Number of Reserve Cylinders: 0 Nos

Pipe Take Off Direction: Up

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Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels

ii. Communication Equipment Room ( C03 & C04 )

Description Legend Formula Ceiling Void Room Void Floor Void

Area: A LXW 45.59 m2 45.59 m2 45.59 m2
Height: H 1.4 m 3.5 m 0.5 m
3 3 3
Volume: V V=LXW XH 63.83 m 160.65 m 22.95 m
Non-permeable: V non 0.00 m3 0.00 m3 0.00 m

Total Volume: V total Vtotal = V- Vnon 63.83 m3 160.65 m3 22.95 m


Design agent W=Vtotal / S X

requirement W CV (Cadj/(100-Cadj)) 40.39 kg 101.67 kg 14.52 kg
Adjusted Agent
Required: W adj Roundup (Vtotal) 41 kg 102 kg 15.00 kg
Number of Nozzles: N 2 No 2 No 1 No
o o o
Type of Nozzle 180 360 180
Size of Nozzle 25 mm 32 mm 25 mm
kg/ kg/ kg/s
Design flow rate DFrate 3.86 sec 5.9 sec 3.86 ec
System Discharge T=Wadj/(N X
time T DFrate) 4.97 Sec 8.19 Sec 3.57 Sec

System Acceptance

FM-200 system must discharge the agent in a manner that will achieve 95% of the design concentration
with in ten second in accordance with NFPA 2001, Section 3-, 2008 edition.

Cylinder Details
Cylinder Name: Cylinder, Upright
Total Clean Agent Required Wt = (W CV + W RV + W FV) 156.95 Kgs

Adjusted Number of cylinders 2 Nos of 100 Kg

Number of Reserve Cylinders: 0 Nos

Pipe Take Off Direction: Up

TTA-472-C2U-1106741-D SAE Design Calculations for Fire System

July 2012 Page
Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels

iii Communication Equipment Room (C 06)

Description Legend Formula Ceiling Void Room Void Floor Void

Area: A LXW 38.55 m2 38.5 m2 38.5 m2
Height: H 1.4 m 3.5 m 0.5 m
3 3 3
Volume: V V=LXW XH 53.90 m 134.75 m 19.25 m

Non-permeable: V non 0.00 m3 0.00 m3 0.00 m


Total Volume: V total Vtotal = V- Vnon 53.90 m3 134.75 m3 19.25 m


Design agent W=Vtotal / S X

requirement W CV (Cadj/(100-Cadj)) 34.11 kg 85.28 kg 12.18 kg
Adjusted Agent
Required: W adj Roundup (Vtotal) 35.00 kg 86.00 kg 13.00 kg
Number of Nozzles: N 1 No 2 No 1 No
o o o
Type of Nozzle 180 360 180
Size of Nozzle 25 mm 32 mm 25 mm
kg/ kg/ kg/
Design flow rate DFrate 3.86 sec 5.90 sec 3.86 sec
System Discharge T=Wadj/(N X
time T DFrate) 8.40 Sec 6.87 Sec 4.00 Sec

System Acceptance

FM-200 system must discharge the agent in a manner that will achieve 95% of the design
concentration with in ten second in accordance with NFPA 2001, Section 3-, 2008 edition.

Cylinder Details
Cylinder Name: Cylinder, Upright
Total Clean Agent Required Wt =(W CV + W RV + W FV) 134 Kgs

Adjusted Number of cylinders 1No of 100 Kg & 1 No of 40 Kg

Number of Reserve Cylinders: 0 Nos

Pipe Take Off Direction: Up

TTA-472-C2U-1106741-D SAE Design Calculations for Fire System

July 2012 Page
Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels

iv Communication Maintenance Room (C 07 )

Description Legend Formula Void Room Void Floor Void
Area: A LXW 16.12 m2 16.12 m2 16.12 m
Height: H 1.4 m 2.5 m 0.2 m
3 3 3
Volume: V V=LXW XH 22.57 m 56.42 m 3.22 m
Non-permeable: V non 0.00 m3 0.00 m3 0.00 m

Total Volume: V total Vtotal = V- Vnon 22.57 m3 56.42 m

3.22 m

Design agent W=Vtotal / S X

requirement W CV (Cadj/(100-Cadj)) 14.28 kg 35.71 kg 2.04 kg
Adjusted Agent
Required: W adj Roundup (Vtotal) 15.00 kg 36.00 kg 3.00 kg
Number of
Nozzles: N 1 No 1 No 1 No
o o o
Type of Nozzle 180 360 180
Size of Nozzle 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm
kg/ kg/s kg/s
Design flow rate DFrate 3.86 sec 3.86 ec 3.86 ec
System Discharge T=Wadj/(N X
time T DFrate) 3.52 Sec 8.79 Sec 0.50 Sec

System Acceptance

FM-200 system must discharge the agent in a manner that will achieve 95% of the design concentration
with in ten second in accordance with NFPA 2001, Section 3-, 2008 edition.

Cylinder Details
Cylinder Name: Cylinder, Upright
Total Clean Agent Required Wt =(W CV + W RV + W FV) 52.03 Kg

Adjusted Number of cylinders 1 No of 40 Kg &1 No of 20 Kg

Number of Reserve Cylinders: 0 Nos

Pipe Take Off Direction: Up

TTA-472-C2U-1106741-D SAE Design Calculations for Fire System

July 2012 Page
Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels

v Signaling Equipment Room (C-01 )

Description Legend Formula Ceiling Void Room Void Floor Void

Area: A LXW 37.41 m2 37.41 m2 37.41 m2
Height: H 1.4 m 3.5 m 0.2 m
3 3 3
Volume: V V=LXW XH 52.37 m 130.94 m 7.48 m
permeable: V non 0.00 m3 0.00 m3 0.00 m

Total Volume: V total Vtotal = V- Vnon 52.37 m3 130.94 m

7.48 m

Design agent W=Vtotal / S X

requirement W CV (Cadj/(100-Cadj)) 33.15 kg 82.87 kg 4.74 kg
Adjusted Agent
Required: W adj Roundup (Vtotal) 34 kg 83 kg 5.0 kg
Number of
Nozzles: N 1 No 2 No 1 No
o o o
Type of Nozzle 180 360 180
Size of Nozzle 25 mm 32 mm 25 mm
Design flow kg/ kg/ kg/
rate DFrate 3.86 sec 5.90 sec 3.86 sec
System T=Wadj/(N X
Discharge time T DFrate) 8.16 Sec 6.67 Sec 1.17 Sec

System Acceptance

FM-200 system must discharge the agent in a manner that will achieve 95% of the design concentr
with in ten second in accordance with NFPA 2001, Section 3-, 2008 edition.

Cylinder Details
Cylinder Name: Cylinder, Upright
Total Clean Agent Required Wt =(W CV + W RV + W FV) 120.75 Kg

Adjusted Number of cylinders 1 No of 100 Kg &1 No of 40 Kg

Number of Reserve Cylinders: 0 Nos

Pipe Take Off Direction: Up

TTA-472-C2U-1106741-D SAE Design Calculations for Fire System

July 2012 Page
Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels

vi 33KV Switch Gear Room (P-01 )

Description Legend Formula Ceiling Void Room Void Floor Void

Area: A LXW m2 99.04 m2 m2
Height: H m 5.3 m m
3 3 3
Volume: V V=LXW XH m 524.91 m m
Non-permeable: V non m3 524.91 m3 m

Total Volume: V total Vtotal = V- Vnon m3 332.20 m3 m


Design agent W=Vtotal / S X

requirement W CV (Cadj/(100-Cadj)) kg 332.20 kg kg
Adjusted Agent NA NA
Required: W adj Roundup (Vtotal) kg 333.0 kg kg
Number of Nozzles: N No 6 No No
o o o
Type of Nozzle 360
Size of Nozzle mm 32 mm mm
kg/ kg/ kg/s
Design flow rate DFrate sec 5.9 sec ec
System Discharge T=Wadj/(N X
time T DFrate) Sec 8.92 Sec Sec

System Acceptance

FM-200 system must discharge the agent in a manner that will achieve 95% of the design
concentration with in ten second in accordance with NFPA 2001, Section 3-, 2008 edition.

Cylinder Details
Cylinder Name: Cylinder, Upright
Total Clean Agent Required Wt =(W CV + W RV + W FV) 332.2 Kg

Adjusted Number of cylinders 2 Nos of 100 Kgs & 1No of 40 Kg

Number of Reserve Cylinders: 0 Nos

Pipe Take Off Direction: Up

TTA-472-C2U-1106741-D SAE Design Calculations for Fire System

July 2012 Page
Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels

vii LV Switch Gear Room (P 02 )

Description Legend Formula Ceiling Void Room Void Floor Void

Area: A LXW m2 297 m2 m2
Height: H m 3.5 m m
3 3 3
Volume: V V=LXW XH m 1039.5 m m
Non-permeable: V non m3 0.00 m3 m

Total Volume: V total Vtotal = V- Vnon m3 1039.5 m3 m


Design agent W=Vtotal / S X

requirement W CV (Cadj/(100-Cadj)) kg 657.87 kg kg
Adjusted Agent
Required: W adj Roundup (Vtotal) NA kg 658.0 kg NA kg
8 Nos of 32
mm & 2 nos
40 mm.
Number of Nozzles: N No No
o o o
Type of Nozzle 360
Size of Nozzle mm 25 mm mm
kg/ kg/ kg/s
Design flow rate DFrate sec 3.86 sec ec
System Discharge T=Wadj/(N X
time T DFrate) Sec 6.72 Sec Sec

System Acceptance

FM-200 system must discharge the agent in a manner that will achieve 95% of the design
concentration with in ten second in accordance with NFPA 2001, Section 3-, 2008 edition.

Cylinder Details
Cylinder Name: Cylinder, Upright
Total Clean Agent Required Wt = (W CV + W RV + W FV) 657.8 Kg

Adjusted Number of cylinders 7 Nos of 100 Kgs

Number of Reserve Cylinders: 0 Nos

Pipe Take Off Direction: Up

TTA-472-C2U-1106741-D SAE Design Calculations for Fire System

July 2012 Page
Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels

viii Battery Room (Concourse level)

Description Legend Formula Ceiling Void Room Void Floor Void

Area: A LXW 15.12 m2 15.12 m2 15.12 m2
Height: H 1.4 m 3.5 m 0.5 m
3 3 3
Volume: V V=LXW XH 21.17 m 52.92 m 7.56 m
permeable: V non 0.00 m3 0.00 m3 0.00 m

Total Volume: V total Vtotal = V- Vnon 21.17 m3 52.92 m3 7.56 m


Design agent W=Vtotal / S X

requirement W CV (Cadj/(100-Cadj)) 13.14 kg 33.49 kg 4.78 kg
Adjusted Agent
Required: W adj Roundup (Vtotal) 14 kg 32 kg 5.0 kg
Number of
Nozzles: N 1 No 1 No 1 No
o o o
Type of Nozzle 180 360 180
Size of Nozzle 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm
Design flow kg/ kg/ kg/
rate DFrate 3.86 sec 3.86 sec 3.86 sec
System T=Wadj/(N X
Discharge time T DFrate) 3.30 Sec 8.24 Sec 1.18 Sec

System Acceptance

FM-200 system must discharge the agent in a manner that will achieve 95% of the design
concentration with in ten second in accordance with NFPA 2001, Section 3-, 2008 edition.

Cylinder Details
Cylinder Name: Cylinder, Upright
Total Clean Agent Required Wt (W CV + W RV + W FV) 51.41 Kg

Adjusted Number of cylinders 1 No. of 40 Kg &1 of 20 Kg

Number of Reserve Cylinders: 0 Nos

Pipe Take Off Direction: Up

TTA-472-C2U-1106741-D SAE Design Calculations for Fire System

July 2012 Page
Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I - Contract UAA05
Design and Construction of Underground Stations and Associated Tunnels


TTA-472-C2U-1106741-D SAE Design Calculations for Fire System

July 2012 Page 24
DESIGN 14-17

connection and 65 psi (4.5 bar) at the outlet of the hydrauli-* Hydraulic Calculation Requirements.
cally most remote Ill.! in. (40 mm) hose station. Hydraulic calculations and pipe sizes for each stand-* Manual standpipe systems shall be designed to pro- pipe shall be based on providing 250 gpm (946 L/min) at the
vide 100 psi (6.9 bar) at the topmost outlet with the calcula- two hydraulically most remote hose connections on the stand-
tions terminating at the fire department connection. pipe and at the topmost outlet of each of the other standpipes at
•7.9* Standpipe System Zones.
the minimum residual pressure required by Section 7.8 . * Where a standpipe system has risers that termi-
7.9.1 Except as permitted by 7.2.4, each standpipe system
nate at different floor levels, separate hydraulic calculations
zone shall be provided with a separate pump. shall be performed for the standpipes that exist on each level. The use of pumps arranged in series to meet the re- In each case. flow shall be added only for standpipes that exist
quirements of7.9.1 shall be permitted. on the floor level of the calculations. Pumps that are arranged in series shall be permitted Where a horizontal standpipe on a Class 1and Class
to be. but are not required to be, located on the same level, III system supplies three or more hose connections on any floor.
hydraulic calculations and pipe sizes for each standpipe shall be
7.9.2 Each zone above the low zone shall have two or more based on providing ~50 gpm (9,16 L/min) at the three hydrauli-
s('parate and direct supply pipes sized to automatically and cally most remote hose connections on the standpipe and at the
independently supply the flow and pressul'e requirements of topmost outlet of each of the other standpipes at the minimum
Sections 7.8 and 7.10. residual pressure required by Section 7.8. Standpipes from the lower zone shall be permitted to* Common supply piping shall be calculated and
be used to serve as automatic and independent supplies to sized to provide the required flow rate for all standpipes con-
upper zones. nected to such supply piping, with the total not to exceed the
maximum flow demand in
7.9.3* For SYSTemw s ith two or more zones in which any por-
tion of the higher zones cannot he supplied by means of fire Flows from additional standpipes as required by
department pumpers through a fire department connection, shall not be required to be balanced to the higher
an auxiliary means of supply in the form of high-level water pressure at the point of connection.
storage with additional pumping equipment or other means Combined Systems.
acceptable to the AH.I shall be provided. For a building protected throughout by an approved
7.10 Flow Rates.
automatic sprinkler system, the system demand established by
7.10.1 Class I and Class III Systems. Section 7.7 and 7.10.1 also shall be permitted to serve the sprin-
kler ~}'Stel11." Flow Rate. Where the sprinkler system water supply require- For Class I and Class III systems, the minimum ment. including the hose stream allowance as determined in
flow rate for the hydraulically most remote standpipe shall accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation oj Sprin-
be 500 gpm (1893 L/min), through two 2'h in. (65 mm) hler Systems, exceeds the system demand established by Section
outlets at one location. and the calculation procedure shall 7.7 and 7.10.1, the larger of the two values shall be provided.
be in accordance with, A sepamtc sprinkler demand shall not he re-* Where a horizontal standpipe on a Class I or Class III quired.
system supplies three or more hose con nections 011any floor, the
minimum flow rate lor the hydraulically most demanding hori- For a combined system in a building equipped with
zontal standpipe shall be 750 gpm (2840 L/min), and the calcu- partial automatic sprinkler protection. the flow rate required by
lation procedure shall be in accordance with 7.10.1 shall be increased by an amount equal to the hydraulically
calculated sprinkler demand or 150 6'"Plll(568 L/min) for light The minimum flow rate for additional standpipes hazard occupancies, or by 500 gplll (1893 L/min) tor ordinary
shall be 250 gpm (946 L/min) per standpipe for buildings hazard occupancies, whichever is less.
with floor areas that do not exceed 80,000 fi:.2 (7432 m2) per
floor. For buildings that exceed 80,000 ft~ (7432 m~) per flOOI', 7.10.2 Class II Systems.
the minimum flow rate for the additional standpipes shall be Minimum Flow Rate.
500 gpm (1893 L/min) for the second standpipe and 250 gpm
(946 L/min) lor the third standpipe if the additional flow is For Class II systems, the minimum flow rate for the
required for an unsprinklered building. hydraulically most remote hose connection shall be 100 gpm
(379 L/min). Flow rates for combined systems shall be in accor-
dance with Additional now shall not be required where more
• than one hose connection is provided . The maximum flow rate shall be 1000 gplll (3785 LI
min) for buildings that are sprinklered throughout, in accor- Hydraulic Calculation Requirements.
dance with NFP.:\13. Standard Jor the Installation of Sprinkler S.vstI'PIlS. Hydraulic calculations and pipe sizes for each
and 1250 gpm (4731 L/min) for buildings That are not sprin- standpipe shall be based on providing 100 gpm (379 L/min)
klered throughout, in accordance with NFPA 13. at the hydraulically most remote hose connection on the

2010 Edition !JiJ


Density (mmfmin)
20 41 61 81 102 122 143 163
5000 t t t I I I 465
1 l\. I l\. I
c I
I ! I
"< ~I
_U , I
4000 , i I I I I 11'\.'~1l
I ~'~
372 ,Q'"
~., I
rH+ I
1 I
I .;>~
I+~ '\. a;
\ '''\~~ .,,,,,
, .;>"" ,
Q; I
-+~~-t-- i I i !
" O'Q'
.;> "'\
1>- Q;


f~t 0-. \ I I i\',~/

I O~.I

-I-- '"


:x 3000 279 :x
'§' i 9,1 I I I I '\J "'0 i
I ~\~ a.

''0" 2500 -
~ I>J.
iI i II
I ''0"
K: ltV
I\! I

'~" 2000
P.=i±~ ,
\ I ,
I I I \ 186
-c I I I I
1500 I I, , 139
0,05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0,25 0.30 vi ally supervised and such supervision is monitored at an
Density (gpmfft2) c approved, constantly attended location.
FIGURE Density/Area Curves. s) Restrictions. When either the dcnsity/area
a method or room design method is used, the following shall
n apply:
Table Hose Stream Allowance and Water Supply d (1)*For areas of sprinkler operation less than 1500 ft2 (139 nr')
Duration Requirements for Hydraulically Calculated Systems s used for li&ht and ordinary hazard occupancies. the density
u for 1500 ft~ (139 m") shall be used.
Total p (2) For areas of sprinkler operation less than 2500 ft2 (232 m2)
Combined er for extra hazard occupancies, the density fur 2500 ft2
Inside and vi (232 1112) shall be used.
Inside Hose Outside Hose s (3)*Unless the requirements of 11, are met for
Duration o buildings having unsprinklered combustible concealed
Occupancy gpm L/min gpm L/min (minutes) r spaces, as described in and 8.15.6. the minimum
y area of sprinkler operation for that portion of the build-
Light 0.50.01' 0,189. 100 379 30 d ing shall be 3000 ft" (279 m''). The design area 01'3000 ft2
hazard 100 or 379 e (279 m2) shall be applied only to the sprinkler system or
vi portions of the sprinkler system that are adjacent to the
Ordinary 0.50,01' 0.189. 250 946 GO-90 c
hazar~i 100 01'379 qualifying combustible concealed space.
Extra 0.50.01' 0,189. 50U 1893 90-120 s)
hazard 100 or 379 ar
~ 2010 Edition
ct The lower duration values in Table shall ri
be permitted where the sprinkler system waterflow alarm de- c
0.35 0 minimum area of sprinkler operation 01'3000 ft2 (2791112):
(a) Noncombustible and limited-combustible concealed
spaces with minimal combustible loading having no
access. The space shall be considered a concealed
space even with small openings such as those used as
return air for a plenum.
(b) Noncombustible and limited-combustible concealed
spaces with limited access and not permitting occu-
pancy or storage of combustibles. The space shall be
considered a concealed space even with small open-
ings such as those used as return air for a plenum.
h (c) Combustible concealed spaces filled entirely with
e noncombustible insulation.
(d)*Light or ordinary hazard occupancies where non-
f combustible or limited-combustible ceilings are di-
o rectly attached to the bottom of solid wood joists or
l solid limited-combustible construction or noncom-
l bustible construction so ,IS to create enclosed joist
o spaces 160 ft3 ('1.5 1113) or less in volume, including
w space below insulation that is laid directly on top or
i within the ceiling Joists in an otherwise sprinklered
n concealed space.
g (e) Concealed spaces where rigid materials are used and
the exposed surfaces have a flame spread index of25
u or less and the materials have been demonstrated to
n not propagate lire more than 10.5 ft (3.2 111) when
s tested in accordance with ASTM E 84, Standard Test
p Method of Surface Bunting Characteristics of B uilding Ma-
r terials, or ANSI/UL 723, Standard [or Test for Surface
i Buming Chnracteristicsof Building Materials. extended
n for an additional 20 minutes in the form in which
k they are installed in the space.
(0 Concealed spaces in which the exposed materials are
r constructed entirely offire-retardant treated wood as
e defined by NFPA 703, Standard for Fir-e Rnaniant-
d Treated lIood and Fire-Retardant Cotllirrgs for B lIi/ding
c (g) Concealed spaces over isolated small rooms not ex-
o ceeding 55 ft~ (5.1 m") in area.





a The containers connected to a manifold shall be as follows:
(1) For halocarbon clean agents in a multiple container system, all containers supplying the
same manifold outlet for distribution of the same agent shall be interchangeable and of
one select size and charge.
(2)* Inert gas agents shall be permitted to utilize multiple storage container sizes connected
to a common manifold. Storage temperatures shall not exceed or be less than the manufacturer's listed limits.
External heating or cooling shall be used to keep the temperature of the storage container within
desired ranges.

4.2 Distribution.
4.2.1* Pipe. * Pipe shall be noncombustible material having physical and chemical characteristics
such that its integrity under stress can be predicted with reliability. Special corrosion-resistant
materials or coatings shall be required in severely corrosive atmospheres. The thickness of the
piping shall be calculated in accordance with the ASME B31.1, Power Piping Code, 1998
edition, including B31.1a 1999 Addenda and 2000 Addenda. The internal pressure used
for this calculation shall not be less than the greater of either of the following values:
(1) The normal charging pressure in the agent container at 70°F (21"C).
(2) Eighty percent of the maximum pressure in the agent container at a maximum storage
temperature of not less than l30°F (55°q, using the equipment manufacturer's
maximum allowable fill density, if applicable.
In no case shall the value used for the minimum pipe design pressure be less than that specified
in Table (a) and Table (b) for the conditions shown. For inert gas clean agents,
Table shall be used. The pressure-reducing device shall be readily identifiable. For
halocarbon clean agents, Table shall be used. If different fill densities, pressurization
levels, or higher storage temperatures, other than those shown in Table or Table, are approved for a given system, the minimum design pressure for the piping shall
be adjusted to the maximum pressure in the agent container at maximum temperature, using the
basic design criteria specified in and

Table Minimum Design Working Pressure for Inert Gas Clean
Agent System Piping
Minimum Design Pressure
Agent Container Agent Container at 70aF (21"C) of Piping
Pressure at 70°F Pressure at 130°F Upstream of Pressure
(21°C) (S5°C) Reducer
A ent psig kPa psig kPa si kPa

Copyright NFPA
5.7 Distribution System.
5.7.1 Rate of Application. The minimum design rate of application shall be based on the quantity of agent
required for the desired concentration and the time allotted to achieve the desired concentration.* Discharge Time. * For halocarbon agents, the discharge time required to achieve 95 percent of the
minimum design concentration for flame extinguishment based on a 20 percent safety factor
shall not exceed 10 seconds, or as otherwise required by the authority having jurisdiction.* For inert gas agents, the discharge time required to achieve 95 percent of the
minimum design concentration for flame extinguishment based on a 20 percent safety factor
shall not exceed 60 seconds, or as otherwise required by the authority having jurisdiction.* The discharge time period is defined as the time required to discharge from the
nozzles 95 percent of the agent mass, at 70°F (21°C), necessary to achieve the minimum design
concentration based on 20 percent safety factor for flame extinguishment. Flow calculations performed in accordance with Section 5.2, or in accordance with
the listed pre-engineered systems instruction manuals, shall be used to demonstrate compliance
with For explosion prevention systems, the discharge time for agents shall ensure that the
minimum inerting design cdncentration is achieved before concentration of flammable vapors
reach the flammable range.

5.7.2* Extended Discharge. When an extended discharge is necessary to maintain the design
concentration for the specified period of time, additional agent quantities can be applied at a
reduced rate. The initial discharge shall be completed within the limits specified in The
performance of the extended discharge system shall be confirmed by test.

5.8 Nozzle Choice and Location.

5.8.1 Nozzles shall be of the type listed for the intended purpose and shall be placed within the
protected enclosure in compliance with listed limitations with regard to spacing, floor coverage,
and alignment.

5.8.2 The type of nozzles selected, their number, and their placement shall be such that the
design concentration will be established in all parts of the hazard enclosure and such that the
discharge will not unduly splash flammable liquids or create dust clouds that could extend the
fire, create an explosion, or otherwise adversely affect the contents or integrity of the enclosure.

Copyright NFP A

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